Transits vs Dasha, How transits and dasha impacts our day to day life ?
Many people are confused about using Dasha and transits simultaneously in their chart but there is a major difference in both the system in its application. Though in traditional Parashari system Dasha has given an edge over transits system. In, Traditional system, transits are used by two reference points one by Lagna and second by Moon in addition use of Ashatak Varga points on the Lagna.
Both the references give good results but reference mapping is the lordship of the House and results depending on the functional role of the planet in the natal chart.
But in this system, I have found the timing event is not so accurate with the use of Nakashtra Dashas.
In my humble experience and opinion, Dasha only shows about the result of your total accumulated karma including both prarabdha and the sanchit karma’s which we have done in many of the past journeys.
As it is based on the placement of the planets that typically shows what sort of karma we have done in the past and we have to experience in this journey in the form of Paap and Punya’s.
Same way, when Dasha period triggers we experience the results of pasts deeds either in good or in a bad way, our mind only responds to that environment.
As the Dasha period starts from the Moon nakshatra so here role of the mind is very much important in understanding the Dasha periods results , reaction and response to the native life issues whether it is the period of Maha Dasha or antardasha.
Because the Dasha period Starts from the moon nakshatra so it has a major impact on our mind which is a storehouse of our previous karmas.
But when it will activate any major events in our life only decided by the transits, as Transits do the job of delivery boy whose duty is to send you the parcel of results at a given time period.
So results of the events totally dependent on the transit triggering point in the natal chart that mapped over your natal placements of the planets and experiencing good and bad karma seen by the Dasha period as it is based on the planetary placements which shows our karma fruitification.
In transits system, slow-moving planets give long-lasting and consistent results for years that may feel like it is difficult to experience the results for any native.
Same is the case with the fast-moving planets like mercury, moon, and Venus which only resonates with ideas, intelligence, and communication as they move very fast in the space plane and its telegraphy energy also travel’s very fast in ether element so it is very difficult for a common man to differentiate it from others transits.
The whole natal chart is the blueprint of your prarabdha karma and transit is the delivery boy of all the events. When any event will trigger in your life only Transit will decide what is going to happen in your life and in which area it will impact.
Another interesting point in the transit system is that it resonates with your ‘kiryamani’ and ‘agami karma’, that decides what you have to do, what you are thinking and what you are acting in what conditions and further shows that what and how you have to feel the experience in your daily life.
So transit gives the unique power to humans how to think, analyze, and react on any daily life situation, it is totally dependant on the native choice. Transits are not predestined like Dasha systems, they give you choices to react on the environment created by the Dasha systems (Nakashtra Dashas).
Nakshatra (Combining many sun’s become a group of nakshatras) is the energy and source of all the light given to the planets. Planets behave according to the nakshatra source and light energy.
Vimshotri and other nakshatras dashas only show about your mind setup and how you going to react to an environment created by the dasha pattern . I.e when you are visiting a new place either you are reacting to a new place in a friendly way or in a reactive way.
Action and reaction what Dasha period shows because they work on the moon movement over the specific nakshatra. So, you need to feel the difference be experiencing it.
#Dasha #VS #transits
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