Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact

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Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 Astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact


ॐ श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः

Written and Researched by : Ramadas Rao


With the Blessings of my Kula Guru,Kula Devatha and my Naadi Guru Shri R.G.Rao,I am going to analyse the present pandemic disease Covid-19 through Naadi Astrology principles.

I. Introduction

Nadi Astrology has been a source of fascination and intrigue for centuries, offering profound insights into the mysteries of life and destiny. As we navigate through the unprecedented challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic, the wisdom of Nadi Astrology provides a unique lens through which to understand the inter between cosmic forces and global health crises.

By this time many experienced Astrologers have analysed about this deadly disease and gave their expert predictions.Even an young boy of 16 also has predicted almost 7 months before about this disease but it got published very recently.Even the famous Nostradamus has written about this disease in 1551 through his prophesis.Anyhow this is only an analysis of this disease as when it started and which planetary combinations have taken part in the formation of this deadly virus and when it may end etc.

A. The Impact of Covid-19 on Global Health

The Covid-19 pandemic has upended lives and societies worldwide, leading to unprecedented disruptions in healthcare systems, economies, and everyday routines. The rapid spread of the virus has highlighted the interconnected nature of our world and the importance of collective well-being in the face of a common threat.

B. Exploring the Interconnection between Planetary Movements and Pandemics

Nadi Astrology sheds light on the intricate relationship between planetary movements and earthly events, suggesting that cosmic energies influence human affairs in profound ways. By examining the planetary configurations at the time of major events such as pandemics, astrologers can glean valuable insights into the underlying causes and potential remedies for such crises. In 2020, a rare alignment of planets, including the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn, marked a significant period of transition and transformation. According to Nadi Astrology, these planetary movements have profound effects on health and well-being, indicating a time of upheaval and restructuring in global healthcare systems.

To start with we must know some basic Karakatwas of planets. Here the most important planet in consideration is Shani whom we consider him for day to day life activities or the Karma of everybody. Ketu is a planet of breaking anything related to Karma.Ketu is also responsible for the formation of deadly viruses when he gets certain planetary configuration.Rahu is the planet of communication or spreading the virus. As he is in Mithuna Rashi, it indicates nose and throat parts of human beings. Dhanu Rashi is the Moola Trikona Rashi of Guru,the Jiva Karaka. To start with in 2019 ,Shani was retrograde from 30/4/2019 to 18/9/2019.At this time,Shani Retrograde was in Dhanu Rashi and Ketu also was in Dhanu Rashi and both were in Dhanu Rashi ruled by Guru,the Jiva Karaka while Guru was in Keeta Rashi of Vrishcika.Shani eventhough retrograde till 18/9/2019,he lost Graha Yuddha with Ketu on 24/6/2019 and it was decided by Ketu to stop day to day activities ruled by Shani .


Shani Ketu Graha Yuddha 1 2 Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact


But the time has to come to take over by Ketu. For 2 days from 16/9/2019 to 18/9/2019,Shani was in Retro-Stambhana.When Shani became direct on 18/9/2019,again he was in Stambhana mode.


Shani Stambhana 1 Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact


So totally Shani was helpless and Ketu ,the significator of virus started acting. Now the sign lord of these 2 planets is Guru and was placed in Vrishcika Rashi which is a Keeta Rashi lorded by Kuja. Now if we look at the sign lord of Guru,Kuja is with Surya in Simha Rashi on 16th of September which gives a suspicion that some country leader may be involved in this deadly virus production.But Surya was in end of Simha Rashi and next day,he was about to move to Kanya Rashi lorded by Budha.So this leader wants to involve in a business through which he can control the world. Now on the same day, if we look to Chandra’s position it was in Meena Rashi/Pisces sign ruled by Guru.Thus Ketu links with Chandra indicating the virus testing was started as Guru,the Jiva Karaka was in trine to Chandra and also he is the sign lord of Ketu+Shani.Also Budha,the planet of multiplicity was exalted but the time has to come to spread this deadly virus.Please note that all planets are held between Ketu and Rahu forming a perfect Kalamrita Yoga.


1st case of Corona Virus 1 Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact


As per live science website,the 1st case of known Coronavirus was traced back on 17/11/2019.

On this day, Chandra was in Mithuna Rashi along with Rahu and are in trines to Budha (V) + Kuja placed in Tula Rashi, and in Dhanu Rashi, we have Guru +Shani + Ketu. This is the perfect combination of planets for virus transmission. Guru has just entered Dhanu Rashi indicating Jiva Karaka. Day to day life Karaka Shani has already crossed Ketu in Dhanu Rashi which indicates Shani has taken the malefic energy of Ketu. Ketu was heading towards Guru, the Jiva Karaka. But it was kept secret as Shukra was in Keeta Rashi of Vrishcika ruled by Kuja.


Solar Eclipse on 26th Dec.2019 1 Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact


On 26/12/2019, there was Annular Solar Eclipse and it occurred On Dhanu Rashi, Moola Nakshatra where along with Surya and Chandra, Ketu , Budha, and Guru were also in Moola Nakshatra indicating a dreaded danger to the universe due to Virus outbreak.

The above is Ketu Grasta Surya Grahan. In Dhanu Rashi there is a cluster of planets ie., Surya +Chandra+Budha+Guru+Shani+Ketu. Surya and Chandra indicate eyes and they are afflicted by Ketu as he is coming near to both of them. This means the universe has been made blind by Ketu, the Karaka for Virus. Shani has already crossed Ketu and has started to enter in day to day lives of human beings. Guru, the Jiva, or Prana is running in his own Moola Trikona Sthana to protect himself as Ketu is coming in the opposite direction ( behind ) to swallow him. But during this running of Guru called Ati Chara, he became afraid or Bheeta and gets in the hand of Ketu. This happens between 3/1/2020 and 6/1/2020. So Guru takes the energy of Ketu further till the end of his Rashi and enters his sign of debilitation, Makara Rashi. On the day of Solar eclipse, Budha, the planet of multiplication has just entered Dhanu Rashi, so the disease started slowly increasing. On 3/1/2020, Budha got completely afflicted by Ketu as he lost the war with Ketu. As he moves very fast ( inferior planet ), there was an increase in the number of patients. Rahu is a planet of spreading as he is also the sign lord of Mithuna Rashi whose sign lord Budha gets his aspect /link. Now Mithuna Rashi indicates right hand but as Rahu was transiting in that sign, the left-handed work has started by some country. So the increase in the number of Virus patients started more and more when Budha came to Dhanu Rashi and gets afflicted by Ketu and Rahu. By January 13, Budha had won the war with Shani, the planet of day to day life. So from this day, there started a huge number of Virus affected patients all over the world.

But the number was not that much. This was because Kuja, the planet of energy was in Vrishcik Rashi only. He entered Dhanu Rashi on the 8th of February,2020, slowly the number of Virus affected patients started increasing. Between 23 and 24th of February, Kuja lost a war with Ketu, so the energy of the human beings affected by Virus has reduced and so Virus took over the charge.


Now Budha,the planet of multiplication has moved to Makara and then to Kumbha Rashi on 31/1/2020 and suddenly the number of patients started increasing as Rahu was in trine to Budha.From 17/2/2020,he became retrograde.This means he started looking at Makara Rashi where Shani is placed,thus interfering more with day to day life of the human beings.Budha became direct on 10/3/2020 and suddenly there was rise in the number of patients and death also.Now he will be entering Meena Rashi,his sign of debilitation on 7/4/2020.He will be leaving this Rashi on 25/4/2020.But he will have a link with Ketu as both Rashis are owned by Guru who is also debilitated.So till he reaches 15 degrees in Meena Rashi,there will be a lot of casualties related to Corona Virus ie., till 16th of April.After this date,some medications will start working.Till 14th of April,Surya will be in Meena Rashi which has a link with Ketu,so Surya also will be afflicted.As a result,cat,tiger etc.may be attacked with Corona virus.This may continue after Surya enters Mesha Rashi on 14/4/2020 when both Rahu and Surya aspect each other.Also some powerful country king/president/prime minister will be attacked with Corona Virus and the result may be fatal.


From 28/3/2020,Shukra will enter its own Rashi of Vrishabha which will be in trine to Guru +Shani in Makara Rashi.So new types of medicines will be invented along with gain in energy.But he will be retrograde from 13/5/2020 to 25/6/2020.At this time,both Surya and Budha also will be in Vrishabha Rashi and this Shukra is the lord of Lagna of Indian Independence.So Ayurveda type of medicine will be invented and tested for human beings during this time as Budha is the Karaka for green leaves and medicinal leaves.

On 11/5/2020,Shani becomes retrograde in Makara Rashi followed by Guru also will become retrograde from 14/5/2020.But both will be in Stambhana state from 4+4 days before and after the date of retrogression has started.Let us look at the chart on 17/5/2020.


ShaniGuruShukra retro chart 1 Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact

Here I would like to explain the main purpose of Shani + Guru +Shukra retrogression.Shukra being in his swakshetra getting retrograde means he gains more strength to stop the fatality of the problems caused by the spread of Corona Virus.Supporting to human day to day life Karaka Shani who also becomes retrograde,so he also becomes more stronger to solve the problems of mankind.Now let me explain about retrograde Guru who is in Makara Rashi where he is debilitated.He is getting retrograde means he starts looking at the back door of his own powerful house,Dhanus Rashi where he saw the problem maker,destiny breaker Ketu has started leaving Dhanus Rashi.As retro Guru gets the support of retro Shani + retro Shukra +Budha +Surya,he will start his journey to his powerful Rashi of Dhanus through back door of his Rashi and starts chasing Ketu.He will be entering to Dhanus Rashi on 29/6/2020 and becomes more powerful.This is how Jiva Karaka Guru gets strengthened and with the support of the planets above,will be able to get rid of Ketu’s mischievous deeds.


Now to end this article,I would like to explain one more chart as below :

In this chart,all planets are in the same Rashis as in previous chart except Budha has moved to his own Rashi of Mithuna and crossed the longitude of Rahu,so has won the war with Rahu and thus Lord Vishnu,the personification of Budha with his Chakra destroys both Rahu,the Virus spreading planet and Ketu,the Karaka for Virus creator.On 21/5/2020,Rahu will be leaving Aridra Nakshatra and will enter Mrigashira-4th Pada.Thus his spreading power will slowly reduce.Budha,then enters its own Rashi of Mithuna on 24/5/2020 and slowly prepares war with Rahu.Also retro Guru will be chasing Ketu from Makara Rashi.

End of Corona Virus chart 1 Unveiling the Mysteries of Covid-19 astrology prediction through Nadi Astrology in 2020 : Jupiter and Saturn conjunction impact


On 29/5/2020,Budha will win the war with Rahu and becomes more stronger to remove the evil effects of both Rahu. Once the virus spreading planet Rahu has lost its powers,it can not spread virus to anywhere in the Universe.There is one more thing to be written here.On 18/6/2020,Budha who will be in Mithuna Rashi will become retrograde in Punarvasu Nakshatra 1st Pada.This clearly indicates Lord Vishnu ( Deity of Budha ) will be chasing Rahu from behind.This retrogression of Budha will end on 12/7/2020 and he will be at 11 Degrees 21 minutes of Mithuna Rashi and Rahu will be at 3 Degrees 51 minutes of Mithuna Rashi.Here when Budha becomes retrograde he becomes more stronger to chace Rahu, thus nullifying the malefic effects of Rahu.

Lastly on 29/6/2020, Guru in retrograde motion enters its own Moola Trikona Rashi of Dhanus and will chase Ketu who will be at 4 Degrees 33 Minutes. This will continue till September 13th when Guru becomes direct. On this date, Ketu will be at 0 Degree 32 Minutes.

So this clearly indicates even though Budha crosses Rahu’s longitude on 29/5/2020, Guru retrograde when enters back Dhanus Rashi will become immensely strong to chase Ketu and his malefic effects on earth.

The above analysis is through the Blessings of my Guru, Ishta Devatha, Kula Devatha and Naadi Guru Shri R.G.Rao whose Atma has helped me to write this article.

ना अहं कर्ता । सर्वस्य हरि कर्ता ॥

( I am not the doer and HE, Lord Vishnu is the doer )

By Ramadas Rao

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Determining US Stock Market and Economic Recession Cycles Using Annual Lunar Calendar Chart Method

ivb8gldo image 625x300 14 July 22 1 Determining US Stock Market and Economic Recession Cycles Using Annual Lunar Calendar Chart Method

Determining US Stock Market and US Economy Recession Cycles Using Annual Lunar Calendar Chart Method

Article Researched, Written, and Shared by Rao Nemani

Compiled by Rocky Jamwal


Introduction to US Stock Market and Recession Cycle 

As per the us stock market analysis and National Bureau of Economic Research, a recession is defined as “A significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales”. Americans have experienced these recession cycles in the past many years in USA, but most importantly, the business and working class people are effected by the Corporations spend  and downsizing of workforce / resources during the recession time. So, in this paper, I would like to share a method to determine USA Recession Cycles using Annual Lunar Calendar Chart casted by taking the Capital city of the USA, Washington, DC. 

The US stock market is a cornerstone of the global financial system, providing a platform for trading securities and acting as a barometer of overall economic health. Its roots date back to the late 18th century, when the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) was founded in 1792. Today, the NYSE is one of the world’s largest stock exchanges, along with other major US exchanges such as NASDAQ. These exchanges facilitate stock buying and selling, acting as intermediaries between buyers and sellers.

Stock indices such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) and the S&P 500 are essential features of the US stock market. The DJIA, composed of 30 significant companies, provides a snapshot of the market’s performance, while the S&P 500 includes 500 leading companies and offers a broader market perspective. These indices help investors gauge market trends and make informed investment decisions.

Economic indicators, fiscal policies, and geopolitical events influence the US stock market, which plays a critical role in the global economy. It serves as a platform for companies to raise capital by issuing shares to the public. Companies can use this capital for expansion, research, development, and other business activities that contribute to economic growth. In addition, global investors look to the US stock market for robust investment opportunities.

Basic terminologies such as’stocks,’ ‘bonds,’ and’market ‘capitalisation’ are fundamental to understanding the US stock market. Stocks represent ownership shares in a company, granting investors equity in the company’s earnings and assets. Bonds, on the other hand, are debt instruments through which investors lend money to corporations or governments in exchange for regular interest payments. Other investment vehicles include mutual funds, ETFs, and derivatives, each offering different risk-return profiles.

Understanding the dynamics of the US stock market is crucial for investors, whether they are novices or experienced traders. This section aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to its history, significance, and operations, laying the foundation for deeper exploration into its various facets.

Factors influencing the US Stock Market

Numerous factors influence the performance of the US stock market, each contributing in different ways to market trends and fluctuations. Economic indicators are one of the most important influences. Key metrics, such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth, provide insight into the overall health and expansion of the economy. A robust GDP generally correlates with a bullish stock market, while stagnation or contraction can lead to bearish trends.

Interest rates, determined by the Federal Reserve, also play a critical role. When interest rates are low, borrowing becomes cheaper, potentially spurring economic activity and driving stock prices higher. Conversely, rising interest rates can increase borrowing costs, possibly cooling economic growth and leading to a decline in stock prices.

Inflation is another crucial factor. Moderate inflation is often indicative of a growing economy, but rampant inflation can erode purchasing power, leading to higher costs for companies and consumers alike, negatively impacting corporate profits and stock valuations. Employment figures similarly offer a gauge of economic strength. High employment typically supports consumer spending, which is vital for economic and stock market growth.

Corporate earnings reports are pivotal as they reflect the financial health of companies. Positive earnings often boost investor confidence and stock prices, while disappointing results can lead to market downturns. Geopolitical events, including trade wars, elections, and international conflicts, can introduce uncertainty, impacting investor sentiment and market stability.

Government policies, such as tax reforms and spending initiatives, also exert influence on the stock market. Pro-business policies may spur investment, whereas regulatory uncertainty can hinder market performance. Technological advancements drive innovation and productivity, often leading to sector-specific surges in stock prices.

Finally, we cannot undervalue the importance of investor sentiment and market psychology. Collective behavior often drives market trends, with optimism or fear leading to market rises or falls. Understanding these multifaceted influences provides a comprehensive view of what drives the US stock market, equipping investors with the knowledge to navigate its complexities.

Introduction to Lunar Calendar Chart Method

The Lunar Calendar Chart Method, though often underestimated, has a rich historical significance in various aspects of life, including financial market analysis. This method, based on lunar cycle observation, has long been used by cultures to predict natural and human activities. Historically, cultures have used lunar cycles to determine optimal planting seasons, navigate tides, and even anticipate market trends.

The moon’s phases, particularly the new moon and full moon phases, are central to the lunar calendar chart method. Researchers have observed that these lunar phases carry potential influences on human psychology and behavior, which could subsequently affect market activities. For instance, periods around the new moon are often thought to be conducive to new beginnings and optimism, potentially leading to increased buying behaviors. Conversely, full moon periods might trigger caution or pessimism, resulting in more conservative financial decisions or market sell-offs.

The idea that lunar cycles have an impact on human behavior has some roots in empirical research. Scholars in various fields, including psychology and astronomy, have explored the moon’s gravitational pull and its correlation with psychological states. These subtle shifts in human sentiment can sometimes manifest themselves in collective behaviours that drive market movements. Financial market analysts utilizing the Lunar Calendar Chart Method aim to map these cyclical patterns in hopes of gaining a predictive edge.

While this approach may seem esoteric, its application in financial market analysis is part of a broader tradition of examining cyclical phenomena to forecast economic activity. By integrating data on lunar phases with traditional stock market analysis, this method seeks to provide a more nuanced understanding of market behaviors. In doing so, it offers an intriguing perspective on the interconnectedness of natural cycles and economic trends.

The correlation between lunar phases and US Stock market trends

Over the years, various empirical studies and anecdotal evidence have pointed to a potential correlation between lunar phases and stock market trends. Several researchers have explored how lunar cycles, particularly new moons and full moons, can influence market behavior. Historical data suggests that these celestial events can indeed have a subtle yet detectable impact on stock prices, sometimes contributing to market gains or declines.

A number of scholarly studies have quantified the relationship between lunar phases and stock market performance. One such study found that stock returns tend to be abnormally high around new moons and relatively low around full moons. This phenomenon has been attributed to psychological factors, such as investor sentiment and market psychology, which are thought to be influenced by lunar phases. Although the exact mechanisms remain elusive, the statistical evidence is strong enough to warrant further investigation.

Traders and economists often use a variety of statistical methods and indicators to identify patterns linked with lunar phases. Techniques such as time-series analysis and Fourier transforms have been useful in isolating cyclical patterns in market data. Additionally, some financial models incorporate lunar cycle indicators as part of a broader strategy, leveraging the timing of new and full moons to optimise buy and sell decisions.

Despite the skepticism of the mainstream financial community, we cannot entirely dismiss the wealth of anecdotal evidence. Historical market records from different time periods and geographical regions show recurrent patterns that align with the lunar calendar. This convergence of folklore and statistical rigour offers a rich field for further academic inquiry and practical application.

In essence, although there is not universal acceptance of the correlation between lunar phases and market trends, the data sufficiently supports the notion to warrant consideration. It will be fascinating to see how traders and economists integrate lunar cycles into more comprehensive market analysis frameworks as they continue to study this intriguing relationship.

Case Studies: Past US Economic Recession Cycles and Lunar Calendar

Examining past US recessions through the lens of the lunar calendar yields fascinating insights into the potential predictive capabilities of this alternative method. Historical analysis reveals several instances where the alignment of economic recessions with lunar cycles is noteworthy. These case studies provide a comprehensive understanding of the application of the lunar calendar method to predict market downturns and recoveries, despite a range of successes and challenges.

A prominent case study is the 2008 financial crisis. In the years leading up to this significant economic downturn, researchers observed that certain lunar phases—notably the new moon—coincided with increased market volatility. Analysts in certain circles anticipated heightened risks around these periods. While this did not provide absolute foresight into the crisis, it underscored moments of caution preceding the downturn. Additionally, the re-emergence of market stability post-crisis corresponded with lunar phases, reinforcing a degree of predictive value.

Similarly, during the early 2000s dot-com bubble, the lunar calendar suggested cautionary signals. Researchers pointed to specific lunar phases where irrational exuberance was most prominent. The alignment highlighted an overvaluation in tech stocks and foreshadowed a correction, which later manifested as a major market collapse. Although the timing was not precise, the correlation between lunar phases and economic sentiment during this period provided a compelling case for consideration.

On the flip side, one must acknowledge the limitations inherent to this method. The 1987 Black Monday crash serves as an illustrative example where the lunar calendar offered limited predictive utility. Despite significant lunar phases, the abrupt market downturn was unforeseen within this framework, emphasizing the inherent unpredictability and multifaceted nature of economic phenomena.

Ultimately, these case studies highlight both the potential foresight and notable constraints of utilising the lunar calendar to predict economic recessions. While the lunar calendar can occasionally signal periods of caution or optimism, we should employ it as a supplementary tool rather than a standalone predictive measure.

Practical application and future implications on Recession Cycle & US Stock Market Analysis

Integrating the lunar calendar method into trading or economic forecasting strategies can provide a unique perspective for investors and analysts. One of the fundamental steps in this process is acquiring the right tools and resources. Contemporary software platforms and mobile applications offer lunar cycle tracking with precision. Examples include the Moon Phase Calendar and My Moon Phase, which provide detailed lunar phase information that can be paired with market data.

For practical application, it is advisable to create a historical correlation between lunar phases and market performance. This involves back-testing data to identify patterns and constructing models that illustrate potential market reactions during specific lunar phases. Investors should not rely solely on lunar phases, but rather use them as a supplementary tool. Integrating this method with other technical and fundamental analyses—such as moving averages, volume analysis, and economic indicators—enhances decision-making robustness.

Incorporating lunar cycles should involve a disciplined approach, considering both bullish and bearish phases and combining them with broader market trends. For example, traders might observe market positions during a full moon and confirm their insights through traditional methods like the Relative Strength Index (RSI) or candlestick patterns. This holistic strategy aids in minimising risks and identifying market opportunities with greater accuracy.

Future implications of the lunar calendar method in financial markets could be significant, especially with ongoing technological advancements. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are innovating market prediction models, and the lunar method can be a novel input in these systems. AI can identify more intricate patterns and generate higher accuracy predictions, thus potentially revolutionising the utility of lunar cycles in trading strategies.

Moreover, changing market dynamics in the context of globalisation and algorithmic trading accentuate the need for diverse analytical approaches. The lunar calendar method could evolve to accommodate this environment’s complexity, offering an additional layer of analysis to the increasingly sophisticated tools used by market participants. As market dynamics continue to evolve, the lunar calendar method’s role may grow, fostering new approaches in financial analysis and trading practices.

Decoding US Stock Market, recession and Economic Crunch Astrologically

I have used the following pointers and illustrated the principles with USA Recession Cycles Since 1960 Charts to demonstrate its application.


1) Rasi (D-1) Lagna Lord, 2nd Lord and their placement in Dushtana (6th, 8th or 12th) houses.

2) Hora (D-2) Lagna Lord, 2nd Lord and their placement in Dushtana (6th, 8th or 12th) houses.

3) Rahu and Ketu’s involvement and influence with the above 2 principles.

Note: I have used Pushya-Paksha Ayanamsa with Bhava/Chalit Charts in this analysis.

USA Recession-01: Apr 1960 to Feb 1961

* Lunar New Year: July 5, 1959, 22:01:05 (4 Hours West of GMT), Washington, DC (77 W 02′ 12″, 38 N 53′ 42″)

01 1 Determining US Stock Market and Economic Recession Cycles Using Annual Lunar Calendar Chart Method 01 2 Determining US Stock Market and Economic Recession Cycles Using Annual Lunar Calendar Chart Method

In Rasi Chart, the Lagna and 2nd Lord Saturn is placed in 12th house and being aspected by 8th lord Sun. Rahu and Ketu are aspecting Lagna Lord Saturn by Rasi Drishti.

In Hora Chart (D-2), 2nd lord Mars is placed in 12th house with 10th lord Moon and 11th Lord Sun. Mercury the 12th lord is placed in Lagna. Rahu and Ketu are aspecting the D-2 Lagna by Rasi Drishti. The Recession began during the Mars (2nd Lord in D-2) Vimsottari Dasa in April 1960.


USA Recession-02: Dec 1969 to Nov 1970

* Lunar New Year: July 14, 1969, 10:12:03 (4 Hours West of GMT), Washington, DC (77 W 02′ 12″, 38 N 53′ 42″)

02 1 Determining US Stock Market and Economic Recession Cycles Using Annual Lunar Calendar Chart Method  02 2 Determining US Stock Market and Economic Recession Cycles Using Annual Lunar Calendar Chart Method

In Rasi Chart, the Lagna is being afflicted by Rahu and Ketu. Lagna Lord Sun is with 2nd Lord Mercury and 12th lord Moon. Saturn is the 6th Lord and aspecting Lagna lord and 2nd Lord Mercury by 3rd aspect from Aries.

In Hora Chart (D-2), 2nd co-lord Rahu is with Ketu and being aspected by 8th lord Sun. The Recession began during the Ketu (with 2nd Lord Rahu in D-2) Vimsottari Dasa in November/December 1969.


USA Recession-03: Nov 1973 to Mar 1975

* Lunar New Year: July 30, 1973, 07:39:17 (4 Hours West of GMT), Washington, DC (77 W 02′ 12″, 38 N 53′ 42″)

03 1 Determining US Stock Market and Economic Recession Cycles Using Annual Lunar Calendar Chart Method  03 2 Determining US Stock Market and Economic Recession Cycles Using Annual Lunar Calendar Chart Method

In Rasi Chart, the Lagna lord Moon, 2nd Lord Sun, 8th Lord Saturn are placed in 12th house along with Ketu and all these are being aspected by Rahu.

In Hora Chart (D-2) 2nd lord Jupiter is placed in 12th house. 12th Lord Venus and 8th lord Mercury are placed in Lagna. The Recession began during the Jupiter (2nd Lord in D-2) Vimsottari Dasa in July 1973.


USA Recession-04: Jan 1980 to July 1980

* Lunar New Year: June 24, 1979, 07:58:31 (4 Hours West of GMT), Washington, DC (77 W 02′ 12″, 38 N 53′ 42″)

04 1 Determining US Stock Market and Economic Recession Cycles Using Annual Lunar Calendar Chart Method    04 2 Determining US Stock Market and Economic Recession Cycles Using Annual Lunar Calendar Chart Method

In Rasi Chart, the Lagna Lord Moon and 2nd Lord Sun are placed in 12th house. 12th Lord Mercury and 6th Lord Jupiter are placed in Lagna. Ketu is aspecting Lagna by Rasi Drishti.

In Hora Chart (D-2), 2nd lord Jupiter is placed in 12th house. 8th Lord Mercury is placed in Lagna. Rahu and Ketu are aspecting Lagna by Rasi Drishti.


USA Recession-05: July 1981 to Nov 1982

* Lunar New Year: July 1, 1981, 15:03:41 (4 Hours West of GMT), Washington, DC (77 W 02′ 12″, 38 N 53′ 42″)

05 1 Determining US Stock Market and Economic Recession Cycles Using Annual Lunar Calendar Chart Method   05 2 Determining US Stock Market and Economic Recession Cycles Using Annual Lunar Calendar Chart Method

In Rasi Chart, the Lagna Lord Venus is placed in 10th house with Rahu. 2nd Lord Mars is placed with 12th Lord Mercury in 9th house.

In Hora Chart (D-2), 2nd lord Venus is placed in 8th house with Rahu and Ketu. The recession began in Rahu Vimsottari Dasa in July 1981.


USA Recession-06: July 1990 to Mar 1991

* Lunar New Year: June 22, 1990, 14:55:10 (4 Hours West of GMT), Washington, DC (77 W 02′ 12″, 38 N 53′ 42″)

06 1 Determining US Stock Market and Economic Recession Cycles Using Annual Lunar Calendar Chart Method  06 2 Determining US Stock Market and Economic Recession Cycles Using Annual Lunar Calendar Chart Method

In Rasi Chart, the Lagna Lord Mercury is with 12th Lord Sun. 2nd Lord Venus is placed in 8th house. Rahu is aspecting the Lagna Lord Mercury by Rasi Drishti.

In Hora Chart (D-2), 2nd lord Jupiter is placed in 8th house. The recession began in Rahu Vimsottari Dasa in June 1990.


USA Recession-07: Mar 2001 to Nov 2001

* Lunar New Year: July 1, 2000, 15:20:28 (4 Hrs west of GMT), Washington, DC (77 W 02′ 12″, 38 N 53′ 42″)

07 1 Determining US Stock Market and Economic Recession Cycles Using Annual Lunar Calendar Chart Method  07 2 Determining US Stock Market and Economic Recession Cycles Using Annual Lunar Calendar Chart Method

In Rasi Chart, the Lagna Lord Venus is with 12th lord Mercury. 2nd Lord Mars is placed with 12th Lord Mercury, 8th Lord Venus in 9th house.

In Hora Chart (D-2), 2nd lord Venus (Debilitated) is placed in 6th house. Rahu and Ketu are aspecting Lagna by Rasi Drishti. The recession began in Venus Vimsottari Dasa in Mar 2001.


USA Recession-08: Dec 2007 to June 2009

* Lunar New Year: July 14, 2007, 08:04:24 (4 Hours West of GMT), Washington, DC (77 W 02′ 12″, 38 N 53′ 42″)

08 1 Determining US Stock Market and Economic Recession Cycles Using Annual Lunar Calendar Chart Method  08 2 Determining US Stock Market and Economic Recession Cycles Using Annual Lunar Calendar Chart Method

In Rasi Chart, the Lagna Lord Moon is in 12th with 12th lord Mercury. 2nd Lord Sun is also placed in 12th house with 12th Lord Mercury.

In Hora Chart (D-2), 2nd lord Mars is placed in 8th house. Rahu and Ketu are aspecting 2nd Lord Mars by Rasi Drishti. The recession began in Ketu Vimsottari Dasa in December 2007.


We saw how effectively we could use the Annual Lunar Calendar Chart prepared for a given Year for a Country with the principles laid out in the beginning of this article in determining the recession cycles. I sincerely hope my fellow Astrologers will continue to work with these principles, expand these principles and then to help People and Business Organization to prepare for the upcoming recession cycle(s).



1) Article “Re-defining the Lunar New Year Chart” by Sri. P.V.R. Narasimha Rao, December 3, 2014 (version 1) :


2) USA National Bureau of Economic Research: http://www.nber.org/cycles.html

3) USA Recession Cycle Periods from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_recessions_in_the_United_States



pin Determining US Stock Market and Economic Recession Cycles Using Annual Lunar Calendar Chart Method

Views: 45

Vivah Prashna to know nature, timing of marriage and widowhood.

UDAY and ARUDA For Vivah Prashna


19th March 2017

12:14:53, JAIPUR. 26.55 LAT, 75.49 LONG

Uday lord is debilitated in tenth house with Venus. The lord of seventh house of marriage aspects the naisargik karka of Marriage “Venus”. Though Far way the lord of the Uday is Astangata or combust in Prasna.

It is uttarbhadra nakshatra in Vrishchika Navmansha. Shani is placed in seventh house and shani is malefic. Lord of the seventh house is placed in fourth in retrogression. Both Saturn and Jupiter are slow moving planets.

Jupiter is Badhakesh over here.

  • Lord of Aruda Joined to Venus is indication of success in marriage.
  • There is no malefic in the eighth house.
  • Moon and Mars are away from seventh house, which is good.
  • Mars is in sixth house from Moon. Husband quits the world in 9th year without any issue.
  • Moon and Mars are in Even and Odd signs. Therefore, the timing of marriage indicates delay.
  • The ascendant or Aruda is Odd sign but Neither Mars nor Moon aspect the ascendant, so marriage will be delayed.
  • 1,5,7,8,9 are mostly empty except seventh which has Saturn and Ketu in ninth. Both indicate minor troubles after marriage.
  • Mars is placed in Neech Navmansha, even Moon is debilitated in D-1 chart. This is not good sign for marital life.
  • Moon is debilitated in sixth and there is a malefic in seventh house from ascendant indicating widowhood of woman in 8th year of marriage

Seventh house lord and seventh house has dual signs. Dual signs rule the world of intelligence and wisdom. Saturn is placed in seventh house indicating that the person will be mature and tall in appearance. He will be qualified for finances or accounts related work. He might have whitish complexion.

He may also deal as consultant or trader.

As Venus is exalted in tenth house in dual sign and moon and Mars are in Movable and stable signs, the character of the to be spouse will not be very chaste. He might have indulged in inappropriate behaviors before marriage.


Since Moon is placed in Gemini in Dwadashansha (D-12) and seventh house lord is placed in Leo in D-9, Marriage will not take place till Jupiter enters Sagittarius.


Ketu is placed in ninth house, Navmansha lagna is weak and Aruda lord is debilitated with Moon in main chart, Which is not good for remedies. Though Aruda lord is aspected by Jupiter, Jupiter is Badhakesh over here.

Jupiter’s placement in fourth house also indicates that the native will suffer because of dosha from Kula devta. Jupiter indicates Peetambar deities Like Sri Krishna or Vishnu Avatars. It also indicates Guru. A reptile has created Ashudhi of image and the deity needs a cleaning Pooja.


Vedic Jyotish chart

The ascendant chart is having dual sign. The same is the case in Prashna chart. The lord of the seventh house is exalted with Moon but is aspected by the sixth house lord.

It is placed in 4th Pushyami in 4th Navmansha, which is enemy sign. It is having a direct aspect from debilitated sixth house lord (D-1) in D-9 chart.

Mars is placed in dual sign with Ketu having Venus in rear. Mars is placed in dual sign in D-9. A sure sign of two marriages.

The Prashna chart has similar configurations where Saturn and Jupiter are involved with seventh house. Marriage might get delayed as such.

Mars is placed in Pisces in D-9 and Saturn is placed in debilitation in next sign. Hence, the longevity of to be spouse is question in main chart as well.


For remedies to work the native needs to perform Saptashuddhi poojas for Kula devta. On further enquiry the native told me that her Kuladevta is Sri Krishna only and there is an image of the deity in her paternal village.

She was told to perform Saptashuddhi of the idol in her village.

Thereafter a “Ghat Vivah” needs to be performed by the native.

For longevity of the spouse a “Mahamrityoonjay Homam” should be performed for the spouse after marriage.

This article was originally written in https://www.planet9.co

pin Vivah Prashna to know nature, timing of marriage and widowhood.

Views: 142

Unfolding the lives by art of Prashna

Unfolding lives,The art of Prashna
 Badhakesh: Guru, Hora Lord: Buddha, uday: Karkat, Arootha: Gemini
The art of prashna is based on twin fold path of mathematical ability and a quick and subtle decipher of the situation in hand. The better we are in this art, the better is our analysis.
It off course requires a lot of experience and learning as well without which it does not work well.
The ancient chakra over here, carries rashi in innermost circle, the next carries nakshtras and padas and the final chakra is navmansha chakra. The small ganesha idol in Karkat rashi represents Uday, the brown kowri  represents the arootha sign. The planets are represented by gemstones. (The dark reddish one in karkat is Rahu and the next which is in duo tones is Gulikan). This ancient chakra is very useful as it gives a full picture in single glance.
In this case arootha and uday are 2/12 in position which indicates deva kopa. Remedies in this matter requires regular medicine. It is like chronical disease which requires a treatment like chemotherapy. A disprin will not bring any relief to the native in question. The prashna lord is in eleventh house. This indicates that the question is related to gains, property etc. The lord of badha aspects Buddha so there is a badha. Guru indicates divine curse, agyana (dosha of fifth house), curse of brahmins etc. So Jupiter is the badha. Mars the lord of the sixth house aspects Mercury in eleventh indicating that the person also suffers from debts and court cases.
There is Venus in the lagna, which is the depositor of badha lord. This carries an aspect from eighth house lord. Relationship with wife will be strained because of her nature and impassive approach to conjugal happiness (because of Saturn).
The story;
The man in question was a contractor for digging and blasting. He was suffering from debts and court cases. When I enquired about Guru (Jupiter), there were two incidents that indicated troubles. Guru the elder brother died in an accident. (He was fit and fine).
A person who was his partner has one of his relative working as Godman. The same person was cheating and did many wrong things to this native. The godmen was like a Guru to the person in question. When he informed his so called Guru about the modus operandi of his relative, the Guru got angry. Though he did not showed his anger, but he must have known about the cheating been done by his own relative.
This Godman is a tantric (Mars+ Ketu) and according to the questioner he must have done something against him.
He did not have any cordial relations with his wife as well.
He was worried about money and problems.
All these things were already present in prashna and can be seen.
He was told to visit Guru- Dwara or places where Guru resides.
He was also told to take his wife to a certain temple because she was suffering from some negative influence.
A donation of food to poor people on every Amavasya was also required.
These remedies have to be done regularly. An advice to keep his thinking straight was also shared.
pin Unfolding the lives by art of Prashna

Views: 14

Prashna of Sexual orientation,Distressed parents and Stree Shrapa

11 2 1024x520 1 Prashna of Sexual orientation,Distressed parents and Stree Shrapa
Aruddha: Aquarius
HL: Buddha
BL: Venus
Navmansha Uday is chandra rashi of native, so Prashna is correct.
Arudha is Chatra, Nothing is hidden. The questioner is going to reveal everything.
Prashna : The question was asked for a young female and question was asked by Parents.
A sheershodayi rashi is rising in Arudha and its lord is placed in upchaya. Saturn is placed in Dhanu so question concerns a jeeva and we are already aware of that. As Saturn is lord so there is a question related to career.
HL lord is Mercury in retrograde position just four degrees away from Venus. The sign is Scorpio. It is a hidden sign in a drishya Bhaga. Therefore, something hidden from others is visible to others. So what is it? I was wondering when I saw the Prashna.
Mercury the mind is perturbed because of a female or in short, the female in question has a problem with her sexual orientation. Venus is afflicted with Gulikan indicating that the female (the other one) is afflicted by some invisible power and she had a considerable influence on the female in question.
Therefore, the parents of this questioner were troubled by the sexual orientation of their daughter. This was confirmed as I asked them these questions. Please note that it is more on a mental level and causing troubles to everyone in family.
This is confirmed as Venus the trouble giver is sitting in rear position to Mercury.
Mercury also indicates that the question is also related to education.
Moon is placed in Tula with Mars in rear. This indicates mother asking the question troubled by hard headed (Mars) behavior of daughter who has committed some sin in past (Rahu). This atleast was a sin in her mother’s eyes.
I checked original horoscope but I cannot find any yogas related to this kind of behavior. Specially like Saturn Venus positions and Mars Venus positions in d-9 and D-3 chart. Still I was sure about my deductions.
So I started the conversation with the parents by telling them that you are here for three questions that concern your daughter.
  1. Career.
  2. Her sexual orientation and relations with other female.
  3. Education or higher education.
All three questions were 100% correct and I was stunned by accuracy of Jyotisa Vidhya.
This Prashna indicates that there is a Stree Shrapa or curse to the family causing all these troubles to this native. The ninth house is afflicted in her natal chart indicating that the curse has originated from father’s side or ancestors giving rise to such thinking pattern.
Her original chart confirmed that she is hot headed and does not listen easily. She has a Mars Venus aspect her Navmansha chart (natal) where Mars (The male quality) is predominant over female quality. Venus is debilitated in her natal chart. Unfortunately, I cannot share her birth details or natal chart.
Venus in natal chart is afflicted by Mandi as in Prashna chart. Remedies were suggested for removing the stree Shrapa.
pin Prashna of Sexual orientation,Distressed parents and Stree Shrapa

Views: 62

Transits vs Dasha, How transits and dasha impacts our day to day life ?

transit vs dasha Transits vs Dasha, How transits and dasha impacts our day to day life ?

Many people are confused about using Dasha and transits simultaneously in their chart but there is a major difference in both the system in its application. Though in traditional Parashari system Dasha has given an edge over transits system. In, Traditional system, transits are used by two reference points one by Lagna and second by Moon in addition use of Ashatak Varga points on the Lagna.

Both the references give good results but reference mapping is the lordship of the House and results depending on the functional role of the planet in the natal chart.

But in this system, I have found the timing event is not so accurate with the use of Nakashtra Dashas.

In my humble experience and opinion, Dasha only shows about the result of your total accumulated karma including both prarabdha and the sanchit karma’s which we have done in many of the past journeys.

As it is based on the placement of the planets that typically shows what sort of karma we have done in the past and we have to experience in this journey in the form of Paap and Punya’s.

Same way, when Dasha period triggers we experience the results of pasts deeds either in good or in a bad way, our mind only responds to that environment.

As the Dasha period starts from the Moon nakshatra so here role of the mind is very much important in understanding the Dasha periods results , reaction and response to the native life issues whether it is the period of Maha Dasha or antardasha.

Because the Dasha period Starts from the moon nakshatra so it has a major  impact on our mind which is a storehouse of our previous karmas.

But when it will activate any major events in our life only decided by the transits, as Transits do the job of delivery boy whose duty is to send you the parcel of results at a given time period.

So results of the events totally dependent on the transit triggering point in the natal chart that mapped over your natal placements of the planets and experiencing good and bad karma seen by the Dasha period as it is based on the planetary placements which shows our karma fruitification.

In transits system, slow-moving planets give long-lasting and consistent results for years that may feel like it is difficult to experience the results for any native.

Same is the case with the fast-moving planets like mercury, moon, and Venus which only resonates with ideas, intelligence, and communication as they move very fast in the space plane and its telegraphy energy also travel’s very fast in ether element so it is very difficult for a common man to differentiate it from others transits.

The whole natal chart is the blueprint of your prarabdha karma and transit is the delivery boy of all the events. When any event will trigger in your life only Transit will decide what is going to happen in your life and in which area it will impact.

Another interesting point in the transit system is that it resonates with your ‘kiryamani’ and ‘agami karma’, that decides what you have to do, what you are thinking and what you are acting in what conditions and further shows that what and how you have to feel the experience in your daily life.

So transit gives the unique power to humans how to think, analyze, and react on any daily life situation, it is totally dependant on the native choice. Transits are not predestined like Dasha systems, they give you choices to react on the environment created by the Dasha systems (Nakashtra Dashas).

Nakshatra (Combining many sun’s become a group of nakshatras)  is the energy and source of all the light given to the planets. Planets behave according to the nakshatra source and light energy.

Vimshotri and other nakshatras dashas only show about your mind setup and how you going to react to an environment created by the dasha pattern . I.e when you are visiting a new place either you are reacting to a new place in a friendly way or in a reactive way.

Action and reaction what Dasha period shows because they work on the moon movement over the specific nakshatra. So, you need to feel the difference be experiencing it.

#Dasha #VS #transits

pin Transits vs Dasha, How transits and dasha impacts our day to day life ?

Views: 156