Who will lead J&K in coming election – A astrological Analysis as per Mundane Astrology ?

Who will lead J&K in coming election – A astrological Analysis as per Mundane science ?

JammuandKashmir Who will lead J&K in coming election - A astrological Analysis as per Mundane Astrology ?

When Mars Will be in Capricorn Sign after 27th of November 2014 (Geographical Sign of J&k is Capricorn , sign ruled by great struggle and hardship ) , Jammu and Kashmir Political system will undergo a major change with alliances of two different parties and zones which was never happened ever or till now with High military action almost in whole region.

Battle ground war zone will warm up with the ingress of mars in J&K Lagana , Anti nationals activities will increase till 5th of Jan 2015.

Major Alliances will break and Split up and reformation will be there in underground zones secretly.

In Lagana of J&K Mars will be there at that time being Aspected by Rahu from 9th House , Military actions in state will increase to counter attack all conspiratorial activities in State ( there will be huge increase in Secret political activities or traps and rise in terrorist activities and we will see secret political conspiracies after 27th November 2014 in order track down the rising leader in J&K ).

Lagana lord Saturn will be in 11th house from Lagana in Scorpio aspecting Lagana too ( peace and alliances will take place but after a havoc or complete change and there will be much Changes in Ministers and splitting of parties will be seen with those people who are never wanted to be in ally with any Political party, but there will be a great change after a major split up in order to bring gain and change for State of J&K ).

Retrograde Jupiter will be sitting in 7th house in Opposition house for creating a smooth alliance with the ruling and leading party for the sake of bringing change in region.There will be strong Opposition by 4 planets in 12th house by Mercury , Venus , Moon and Sun in a tough environment but wont be much effective to slow down underground work – In a simple Line a strict , Disciplined , Bold and Courageous will Leader rise from Strong and Determined Political party & will take oath of Chief Minister – ship of Jammu and Kashmir after 23rd December 2014 with mutual alliance and agreement.

Whole process of elections will be in Tough Military scenario or Army protocols.

Boarder areas will be in high alert zone with high fy military actions after 27th November 2014 till 5th of Jan 2015.

Two Parties will rule J&K Political System with mutual understanding and agreement.There wont be any Clear Majority for any Party in J&k , it would be much like hung assembly like situation but one has to take step forward to make an alliance for J&K .One will be belong from bold , courageous and military based region and other will be belong from Strong religious belief.

pin Who will lead J&K in coming election - A astrological Analysis as per Mundane Astrology ?

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Winter Season of 2014 Will be Strange after 17th October 2014

  Winter Season of 2014 Will behave Strange after 17th October 2014

10361327 10203146477011753 5370746089992443555 n Winter Season of 2014 Will be Strange after 17th October 2014

North & Central North region of India will expect Sudden climatic change in condition’s after 17th October when Sun will ingress into Libra Sign.There will be a strange behavior in weather conditions for this winter season and you can expect sudden changes in weather ,there will sometime cool breeze in air and Sometime there will be sudden hotness or dryness in atmosphere you will experience after 17th October.

Winter will come early this season of 2014 due to conjunctions of Many Planets in Southern most regions of India , Transit of Jupiter in Northern Hemisphere Region in watery sign will give direct impact to northern region of India ( Capricorn Sign), Transit of Saturn in Scorpio sign the Western Zone of India will effect Mostly northern zone of India after 4th of November and after 12th of November cluster of Sun and Venus around Saturn in Scorpio sign will give sudden degradation in temperature and we can observe entry of hard frosty and snowy winter season after 18th of November 2014, in this winter season Jupiter will be in trine to Saturn and will aspect Saturn and cluster of planets too who will be in Scorpio Sign in month of November .

Another reason of sudden climatic change in this winter season will be because of Full moon Blood lunar eclipse occurred on 8th of October 2014 in Indian ocean and 2nd one was Partial solar eclipse

148687 10152664529961869 2873138963437455982 n Winter Season of 2014 Will be Strange after 17th October 2014

which  was occurred   on 23rd of November 2014 in North america , Canada and  suddenly after we observed massive amount of Black Spot near Indian Ocean and Australia which resulted huge amount of magnetic flare rise from Sun and still we are observing it.

10389252 10152894854316869 4946385551365125941 n Winter Season of 2014 Will be Strange after 17th October 2014

Both the cosmological factor’s influenced our weather conditions much gave uncertainty in atmosphere .

1604960 10152894854266869 2321513148509757803 n Winter Season of 2014 Will be Strange after 17th October 2014

Lunar eclipse  (effected Coastal regions , north east regions , western north regions ) on 8th of October created low pressure zone in Southern zone of India results Cyclonic effects In central Constellation zone of Taurus ( Bihar , Madhyapardesh , West UP , Punjab etc) , and in Southern and Northern Constellation zone of Virgo and Pisces ( Hyderabad , Orissa , Calcutta , tibbat , nepal , North east zone and western North zone cities etc).Entry of Mars in Capricorn Sign in month of December will give intense weather conditions in northern Hemisphere.

10438133 10203146402409888 8995653473374822485 n Winter Season of 2014 Will be Strange after 17th October 2014

Usually winter normally happens after 21-22 December when sun ingresses in Capricorn sign and at the time path of the Sun in the sky is farthest south in the Northern Hemisphere (December 21 or 22) and farthest north in the Southern Hemisphere (June 20 or 21).

10659198 10203146402369887 219279579778147142 n Winter Season of 2014 Will be Strange after 17th October 2014

At the winter solstice, the Sun travels the shortest path through the sky, and that day therefore has the least daylight. When the winter solstice happens in the Northern Hemisphere, the North Pole is tilted about 23.4° (23°27´) away from the Sun. Because the Sun’s rays are shifted southward from the Equator by the same amount, the vertical noon rays are directly overhead at the Tropic of Capricorn (23°27´ S). Six months later, the South Pole is inclined about 23.4° away from the Sun.

On this day of the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, the Sun’s vertical overhead rays progress to their northernmost position, the Tropic of Cancer (23°27´ N).

According to the astronomical definition of the seasons, the winter solstice also marks the beginning of the season of winter, which lasts until the vernal equinox (March 20 or 21 in the Northern Hemisphere, or September 22 or 23 in the Southern Hemisphere). After the solstice, the days get longer, and the day has thus been celebrated in many cultures as a time of rebirth.

pin Winter Season of 2014 Will be Strange after 17th October 2014

Views: 8

Saturn Transit in Scorpio: Return of Saturn in Scorpio in November 2014, Complete understanding on transit of saturn in different nakashtras in scorpio with mundane analysis

Return of Saturn in Scorpio on 2nd November 2014

Scorpio – Sign of Transformation and Regeneration

maxresdefault Saturn Transit in Scorpio: Return of Saturn in Scorpio in November 2014, Complete understanding on transit of saturn in different nakashtras in scorpio with mundane analysis

In 2nd November Saturn will ingress in Scorpio approximately about after 2.00 AM start moving toward its next sign exactly in Nakashtra of Jupiter ( Visakha- Star of Purpose).

With this transit Sadhe-sati will start for Sagittarius sign , Dhahia & Ashtam Saturn will be start for Aries and Leo signs. Libra Sign will be facing last phase of sadhe-sati and Scorpio will be facing 2nd phase of Sadhe-sati.1st Phase of Sadhe-sati is about managing your close relationships , 2nd phase of Sadhe-sati is about managing yourself , your thoughts transformations and mental courage and strength and last phase of Sadhe-sati is about your personal , family responsibilities and values and managing your wealth and assets.

No need to worry Vedic Astrology is purely a divine science having deep Cosmological mathematics behind transits of planets in different signs.

In Simple language Saturn transit is about fixing those areas of life which are you lacking and which you have to fix it till transit period of 2.5 , it is simply What god Wanted you should focus on some certain areas of life and balance those areas during that transit or what you can deserve because of your past actions or what you can get during that transit – they are simply indicator of fruits , Deeds and karma.

Some Myths and hypocrisy of Transits and correct System of transits

Checking Transits results always be a difficult task for any of an amateur and beginner astrologer reason is very simple there is very less knowledge distributed in online portals and most of the people who are running online portals simply predict results from moon signs that is very wrong practice for transit system.

Reason is simple there are millions of people and millions of people who having same moon signs so results can’t be same for each and everyone for same 12 moon signs.

In Every horoscope moon is having lordship of 12 signs and 12 houses and having 12 house properties associated with each lagna , question is how could moon will show same results for every human being during transit.

In My opinion Moon cant be the reference point for transits but it could be reference point for Dashas lord who is having current transits in lagna and divisional charts.

During a child birth planets aligns with specific degrees and nakashtras that’s holds the qualities of that birth but it cant be same for whole birth , it keep on changing like water finds its way during its flow. Same applicable for planets in Vedic astrology, birth planets keep changing after birth and they return back few years back in transits.

More the planet huge in size and mass , more the planet is closer to earth more having effect on earth and living being.

That’s why planets which are closer to us are having smaller rotation period around earth and having more physiological effects on us and we count them as Fast moving planets. Sun , Moon , Mars, Mercury and Venus are Fast moving planets and they impact us much more in our daily life events but only for few days , weeks and months not for whole year.

Development need some time that’s why we count Slow moving planet as Development initiated planets whose only motive is to enhancing our strengths , will and Stability. etc.

In my Opinion Slow moving planets have much stronger impact on us during the transits in different signs and nakashtras and we should have to carefully verify their results on the bases of Lagna as reference point not Moon.

Moon role is when we are dealing with their dasha period , So , Saturn , Rahu and Jupiter can’t Give same results to everyone from Moon signs.Clarifying this Parashara given a clue to Properly check the transit system from Ashtaka-varga .

Here Indian Astronomical & Sidereal system plays major role to understand the ashtaka-varga concepts scientifically as its typically depend on the progressions’of the planets as a reference point and during their progressions planets emits certain beneficial Influencing beams to certain houses means those houses which sun basically influence like Sun has Beneficial argalas on those houses. Such beneficial Beams of Influence contributed by different planets act as a catalytic agent augmenting the good effects of Radical as transit.

So ,Before drawing the opinion about important event of transit, cross check rules of transit before making any assumptions for Saturn transits.

What is Saturn about – A complete Story ?

In Sanskrit Saturn is called Shani or Shana-ish-chara (the slow mover), because it takes about two and a half years to coverup a zodiacal sign or so to pass through each constellation of the sidereal zodiac.

In the Linga Purana it is said that Saturn was born from the solar deity Rudra. The Markandeya Purana states that Saturn is the son of the Sun god by his wife Chaya (shadow.Saturn is cold and dry because of its  internal core structure made of , tamasik (lethargic) and an elderly planet. His sight is bad, and he is said to be “malefic amongst the malefic).

Saturn destroys the house is aspects (except if positioned in the seventh house, where it receives directional strength) and any houses it aspects or any planet it conjoins or aspects.When well placed it gives its natives integrity, wisdom, spirituality, fame, patience, ability to lead, authority, long life, organizational abilities, sincerity, honesty, love of justice and awareness of right and wrong.

When ill-posited it brings miseries,sorrow, delay, obstruction, disappointment, disputes, dejection, difficulties. Saturnine natives are defensive, nervous and secretive.Saturn rules the direction west,Saturday is its day, black is its color and is the gemstone of Saturn. Saturn rules number 8(Year 2015) in Indian numerology.

According to legends, Saturn was born to Sun and Chaya, also known as Swarna. During the time of Saturn’s birth, Sun fell severely ill due to Saturn’s inauspicious aspect when he opened his eyes. Hence, there have always been disputes between the father and son (Sun-Saturn Aspect).

According to Hindu Puranas (scriptures), Shani is considered to be a son of Surya (Sun) and Chhaya (shadow). His brother is Yamaraj and sister is Yamuna. His color is considered to be same as an Indraneel Mani, also known as Neelam (Blue Sapphire).

According to Brahma Purana, Saturn was totally devoted to Lord Krishna and was mesmerized by him. Seeing this inclination, Sun married Saturn to Chitra rath’s daughter. Saturn’s wife was extremely strong, powerful and modest.The wife of Saturn is Param Tejasvi and one day she went to him to request a son. But Shani Dev was busy meditating and praying to Lord Krishna.

After waiting a long time, his wife got agitated and cursed Shani that wherever, and whoever he sees will get destroyed.Hence, she cursed Saturn saying that anyone seen by him would be totally destroyed because of these facts we called Saturn as Impotent and can destroy anyone by its aspect.

Saturn tried to convince her and she eventually accepted her mistake. But, she could not take back the curse. So, Saturn started looking downwards as he didn’t want anyone to get hurt.This causes Shani to keep his head down all the time.

This is the mythology behind the harmful drishti (aspect) of Shani.

According to Vedic Astrology, Saturn is beneficial in the house it occupies, but harmful to the houses which it aspects. Shani aspects 3rd, 7th and 10th house and covers 270 degree of orbital distance  angle and you can imagine how power magnetic influence of Saturn would be from the one it occupies.

Shani hates actions such as fraud, deceit, telling lies, consuming alcohol, gambling, staying unclean, animal cruelty, and disrespect of God, parents or elders.

If Shani occupies a favorable position in a birth chart then that person progresses in several aspects of life. That person is hardworking, fair in dealings and justice-loving. His/her social standing is also very good and that person does not suffer from any major ailments. On the other hand, if Shani is not positioned well in a chart, then damage to the house, fires, debt, disputes and loss of wealth and property will occur.

Early defects in teeth and eyes are also the effects of bad Shani positioning.The movements of Saturn, also known as the “Great Malefic,” used to be observed with fear and came with warnings passed from the astrologer to client about pending shortages, bad luck, great loss or punishing circumstances.

Saturn’s gift is the pressure that keeps us focused on our own path. It’s seriousness, like the sign it rules, Capricorn, comes from knowing that some goals require us to plod through dread to generate more inner discipline. Jupiter balances this out faith, optimism and trust that all the hard work will pay off.

Saturn doesn’t promise success, but by laying out the steps, and sticking to the path despite the distractions and doubts, you start to gain Saturn-approved mastery regardless of the outcome. It is the path to unshakable self-esteem.

Saturn’s influence may seem heavy and limiting, but that is the nature of the physical realm. When you toss up your hands and claim to be overwhelmed, inert, depressed, someone else has to be the authority in your life. This authority can be given to a boss, father, spouse, teacher, friend, or even a punishing voice inside your head. Once you’ve been humbled-humiliated enough, you might decide to pull yourself up and be your own boss.

The sign and house position of your Saturn shows where these life dramas will likely take place.Whatever are the apprehensions attached with this planet, Saturn is not the planet to be feared of. After all, a success gained after winning over obstacles is the truly satisfying one, accompanied by a deeper, and eternal knowledge about life. And that is the invaluable reward Shani imparts in our destinies.

Prajapati and Yam are believed to be Saturn’s Adhidevta and Pratyadhidevta respectively.

Saturn belongs to Lord Krishna’s caste, rides a vulture and a chariot made of iron.Saturn is also known by many different names like Asit, Aarki, Chhayatmaj, Mand, Shanaishchar, Suryaputra, Ravij, Pangu and Saur, Bhaskari.

According to Vedic astrology, Saturn is the Karak planet for the 6th, 8th and 10th house , Along with this, it is the Karak planet for detachment.

Saturn is also the Karak planet for coal, iron, brinjals, black or blue clothes, Udat dal, black grapes and jamun.

It is considered to be a Karak planet for almost all blue coloured things.Saturn is often associated with ligaments and stomach. Being a Karak planet for detachment, Saturn should be strong in the Kundali in order to achieve success.Saturn can also be associated with sculpting, service, farmer, labor class etc.Saturn is connected with the age and longevity of an individual. He gives long life if placed favorably in horoscope.

In spite of his bad name, Saturn is actually considered as a teacher. He behaves like a teacher, who punishes the students when they err and rewards them for their good deeds.Saturn is also the planet of justice, behaves like judge and gives justice depending upon the deeds of a person. The person who commits sin and bad karma’s are rewarded results accordingly.

Saturn rules over bones. All the large bones in the body of legs are governed by Saturn. Saturn, as per his nature, gives long-term diseases. Such diseases are long termed and hardly curable. So a person has to bear with the long illness.A person under influence of Saturn has to work hard in life. Saturn represents labor class who work die hard to earn a little livelihood. Land and all the products beneath earth are governed by Saturn. As such, all the mining items are ruled by him. Iron is his metal and his color is black/ blue. Zodiac sings which Saturn governs are Capricorn and Aquarius. He is exalted in Libra and debilitated in Aries. His mool-trikona sign is Aquarius.

Saturn believes in discipline and strictness and never likes chaos and disobeys. In Hindu Astrology, Saturn has great significance. People are afraid of this planet due to his strictness and discipline. The slow transit of this planet offers two important common periods namely Sadhe-Sati and Dhaiya. Every person undergoes the period of Sadhe-Sati and Dhaiya many a times in his life. Sadhe-Sati is a period when Saturn transits the twelfth and second house of the natal Moon. Similarly, if Saturn is placed fourth and eight from the natal moon, period of Dhaiya takes place. Period of Sadhe-Sati is seven and a half year and period of Dhaiya is two and a half year.

These two periods are considered very difficult time in a native’s life. He has to face many hardship and problems in life and gets no respite from any circle. Astrologically, speaking, this is the time when a person experiences enlightenment while going through the hard time.

By suffering hardship, a person is balancing his sins. Here, we can understand the difference in the nature of Mars and Saturn. Hardship faced by a person under the influence of Mars can make him a dacoit or thief. But, this is not the case with Saturn. In such circumstances, the Saturn will turn a person towards spirituality and forces him to think what is the cause of his misery i.e. bad deeds are responsible of his present situation. Slowly he becomes pious.

what is Scorpio sign means ? 

Basic Qualities of Scorpio
Triplicity – Water
Heat – Cold
Moisture – Wet
Temperament – Phlegmatic
Constellation – Fertile, Mute
Quadruplicate – Fixed
Gender Feminine
Degrees 210 – 240
Season – Fall
Other -Long ascension, Obeying, Hears Virgo, Sees Pisces


There are three symbols for Scorpio – The Scorpion, the eagle and the Dove. In working with the symbolism, it is important to remember this – as all scorpions are not the same.


Widening Experience to see alternatives. Emotions and feelings help you find significance.Drawing strength to expand our consciousness through feelings. This is achieved through understanding and experiencing the Power and strength of a collective – learning through study of achievements of others and experiencing new or alternative ways of life.
Huge possibilities, mystery, profundity and Renaissance. Take that which feels stressful and emotionally complicated, and transform it using your mind, concentration and self-discipline to find strength and personal growth.

General Meaning

instinctive, ductile, mistrustfully, aggressive, extremely, fighting, seductive, speculative, magic, destructive, secretive, powerful, domineering, resistant, intuitive, asserted, charismatic, magnetic, strong-willed, perspicacious, passionate, creative, independent, vigorous, generous, loyal, hard-working, persevering, untameable, possessive, cunning, ambitious, sexual, proud, intense, competitive but also aggressive, destructive, stubborn, anxious, tyrannical, perverse, sadistic, violent, self-centered, complex, jealous
When the leaves fall to the ground, revealing the trees. Exposed emotions must be avoided, or deep passions. Action or passion valued about beauty for the sake of beauty. Water acting powerfully.

Some of Important Aspects of Scorpion Sign:

• Regeneration
• Greed: Desire for energy from others without giving back
• Lust: Self gratification; comes from a sense of defeat. Criminals are thwarted men of action
• Regeneration comes from exchange of energy with others.
• Scorpio is more of a Phoenix than a scorpion.
• Scorpio is a cosmic gate.
• Magical qualities or the vampire, secrets
• Detective, can sense the root of problems or issues or won’t stop until they are discovered.
• Penetrating beneath the surface
• Impulsiveness, temptation
• To feel together. “I probe”, “I desire”
• Previous image was of an Eagle.
• Magnetic, determined, secretive, shrewd, dignified, self-confident, masterful, sensitive, tenacious and critical
• Negative – a tendency to be cruel, selfish , violent, indulgent and domineering, a destroyer or to attract others who do these things.
• A wish to change, break taboos, refuse to compromise.
• A detective or fanatic, cynical and stubborn.
• Emotional strengths can be compelling to others so can rise to power. Can also use these powers to be an energy vampire to such others dry of emotional energy acting in jealous, vindictive, sadistic ways.

Body Parts – the sexual organs and the anus
Colors – black or dark red
Stones – malachite
Day – Tuesday
Professions – gynecologist, psychiatrist, detective, the military, army, stockbroker, asset management
Countries – Morocco, Norway, Algeria, Syria, Korea, Uruguay, Transvaal
Cities – Washington, New Orleans, Valencia, Liverpool, Milwaukee, Fes, Halifax, Hull, Cincinnati
Animals – insects and other invertebrates
Food – red meat, garlic, onions, leeks, spices
Herbs and Spices – aloes, witch hazels, nepeta, mustard, capers, peppers
Flowers and plants – geraniums, rhododendrons, thistles, mint, honeysuckle
Trees – blackthorns, bushes
Metals – steel and iron
Salts – calcium and sodium sulphate

Conclusion of Saturn in Scorpio Sign:

Saturn will Be more Serious and more determined during this transit and will work like “Scorpion movement – Slowy and Stingy nature – Can say silent but dangerous ” – is about Slow and Steady nature but in a Secretive way and can make  a surprise move with full of confident and active energy in near future  being in fixed sign- Slow and Steady will be the key for everyone to get success during this transit.

Saturn in Scorpio will become more impatient  than more contend like in earlier sign Libra – sign of relaxation and peace within self and around environment, but they will be so much determine to do anything or to bring any change in society secretly.

During Saturn in Scorpio , people who are having Saturn in Scorpio in D1 , D10 or having Saturn dasha running will be become more workaholic  in their hidden tasks or internally to overcome weaknesses.

They will  demand a lot from themselves and from those around them. Sometime they can be so intense that it can be overwhelming to those who are not as directed as they are, having Full of willpower and energy, they  will be so determined to meet their goals it is hard for them to remain calm.
Scorpions  are not the type to stop and smell the roses. Instead of going gung  for their goals, however, they are usually more subtle and calculating.
Saturn in Scorpio is a secretive work indications. When hurt, they can be unforgiving. They don’t like to be treated unfairly. They may be cunning, resentful, jealous, or possessive but still will  be much confident. They will act like shrewd and determined  bird and will like to come out on top of any type of deal.

Scorpio Saturn fears emotional rejection and being inadequate. This fear may cause them to overcompensate in other areas. This fear may also be self-fulfilling. They are afraid of being taken advantage of. By examining their true motives, they may be able to overcome these fears and break the cycle through healing during this whole  phase.

Scorpio Saturn keeps their motivations hidden deeply. They may be from psychological, emotional or psychic causes. By revealing their motivations, they may master their issues.

People will  often seek power through covert means. They may dabble in the occult during this phase. They will work very diligently to achieve self-control. Passionate and intense, Saturn in Scorpio can also find themselves deep in denial. Struggling through their issues will help them deal with their emotional nature.

Scorpio Saturn is resourceful, but they can be vindictive or withdrawn. They do well if they learn to be responsible enough to handle other people’s possessions. They must learn to be calm, efficient and thorough. Emotional restraint will do them well.

Physically, Scorpio Saturn may be beset with issues in the reproductive system or the organs of elimination. Bowel obstructions may be a problem. Often associated with negative energy, Saturn in Scorpio must battle to overcome it if they wish to succeed.

In Scorpio, Lord Saturn says “no” to the mysterious, invasive, penetrating, sometimes sneaky, unexpected, disastrous, implosive, catastrophic, emergent, surgical, trans-formative characteristics of Scorpions.

Although Saturn cannot prevent the existence of Vrischika’s hidden agitations, its sexual mysteries, or its ability to discover hidden assets, Saturn can prevent these behaviors from moving forward.

The people around Him will be are controlling, subtly manipulative, unpredictable, harboring hidden forces which threaten to attack Saturn at any time during this transit. Saturn’s job will be  to say “no” to sudden changes, particularly identity changes; He resists surgeons and psychiatrists; He resists anyone trying to invade His secret inner world; He freezes their predatory actions in real time; He stalls and prevaricates to distract and discourage the predators. Saturn tries to prevent drilling, mining, incursion, discovery, revelation of secrets.

Saturn  in Scorpio is typically rather hard to interpret because their defensive stone wall (Saturn) protecting their inner reinvigorating life-force writhing fuel core (the inner snake, Vrischika) is so cold and so thick and so determined to ward off intruders.

More than anything, Saturn-Scorpio dislikes sudden upheavals and forced changes of identity; yet this is precisely the karmic situation which must be apprehended and regulated.During this transit Saturn has to learn to order this hostile environment through regulation of behavior not cessation of behavior. He must to apply His resistance judiciously so that life itself does not come to a halt via His inability to respond and adapt in a disastrous upheaval.

The particular karma of Saturn-Scorpios often poisoning, albeit typically not physical poison but rather the psychological poison of fear of annihilation by shadowy, controlling predators and resentment of a lifetime under attack by an unending series of emergencies.

Saturn periods tends to generate various emergency scenarios, including unexpected deaths or difficult births, urgent need to defend hidden assets or keep the cover on occult knowledge, or profound but slow invalidation of an outdated identity which forces a painful emergence of a new social role.

 Saturn 1st Phase ( 0′ 00” to 3′ 20”  till 30th November 2014)

During Saturn first phase , will be transiting over  Scorpio  in Visakha Nakashtra  till 30th November – Nakashtra of purpose-  Vishaka is one the twenty seven nakshatras according to Hindu astrological beliefs. Agni and Indra are the ruling elements of Vishaka Nakshatra and it spans across the constellation Libra in the night sky.

The natives of this nakshatra are very sharp and keen to learn new things, due to this positive trait they like to be more inclined towards modern practices and do not like orthodox procedures and beliefs. They are full of energy and enthusiasm and quite single minded. Their resolution to something that they decided to do is another of their positive traits, and they will work exceptionally hard and go to any lengths for their accomplishments so till November 30th people will be more on learning new things and trying to find-out hidden secrets of cosmology.

This period  when Saturn will be upto 3′ 20 Degree in Visakha nakashtra be Good for Space research , Astrologers and Spritual people and good for Ar , Ge,  Le , Aq , CP , Sg , Pi lagana who are running Jupiter Mahadasha , Antardasha and Pratyantar dasha or those who Moon are in Visakasha nakashtras- good For wealth , Name,  Fame  , research and Spritual Purpose.

Saturn 2nd Phase ( 3′ 20” to 16′ 44”  till 29th December 2015)

After 30th November to 2014 – 3 ‘ 20″  to December 29th 2015- upto 16 ‘ 44” Degree  , Saturn  will be in Anuradha Nakashtra – Nakashtra of Success – Extending in the realm of Scorpio – Mars, governed by the planetary lordship of Saturn, Anuradha Nakshatra dictates the cosmic firmament with balance, honor and harmony. Striking a harmonious nexus with ‘Vishakha Nakshatra’; Anuradha Nakshatra derives its divine strength from Mitra- its ruling deity, god of Friendship and partnership who promotes cooperation among humanity.

During this Saturn-Anuradha Phase primary target will be to maintain dharma or rightoeus activities in social mass , society  and will in promotion of peace and Saturn will spread lesson of fame and recognition can be attainted through frienfly cooperation with other people and will be good for Aq , Cp , Ta , Ge , Le , Sc  Lagana who are havingbenefic Saturn MD , AD and PD periods having Good shadbala and Sav points in thier laganas or in thier Divisional charts.

Social Leaders , Social Mass medias , NGO’s  Spritual Societies will get Rise and will do thier work for sake of Society.

Saturn 3rd Phase ( 3′ 20” to 16′ 44”  29th December 2015 to 17th Janurary 2017 )

After 29th ,  December  2015 – 16 ‘ 44’  to 17th Janurary 2017- upto 29 ‘ 56” Degree  , Saturn  will be in Jyestha(Mercury) Nakashtra – Nakashtra of Brilliance-  Existent in the zodiac of Scorpio, Jyeshtha Nakshatra epitomizes the quintessence divinity of Indra-its governing deity.

Implying the meaning of ‘the eldest one’; Jyeshtha Nakshatra reflecting the planetary force of Mars and Mercury happens to be the eighteenth Nakshatra in the celestial horizon.Mental Brilliance analytical ability are experienced here – which means Saturn will focus learned members of Members to achieve elevated position in life and accomplish things skillfully.

Creative Genius are true picture of jyestha .Primary Motivation of Jyestha is Artha and Material Prosperity.Ge, Vi ,Cp , Aq ,Ta ,Sg ,Pi people will rise in this phase those are having Beneficial Mercury placed in D1 and Divisional Charts  having Good Shadbala and SAV points in thier lagnas.

In Mundane Astrology-World and India

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The sign of Scorpio has been associated with birth, sex ,  Sexual abuse in marriage or in partnerships , Sexual diseases , Secret Societies , Spy agents , Underground organizations i,e RAW , CIA or Interpol etc ,research organizations , Micro-biology organizations ,  Gynecological problems , and death in nations and world.

Saturn Rules Agriculture , Land , Real estate , oil , coal and petroleum , underground mines and minerals , old people , diseases of old age  ,arthritis , backache etc. Rebellion , Common people , Democracy and all forms of democratic institutions , municipals elections , Farmers , Famines , Drought and earthquakes  in nations,During this transit Saturn will be  in aster-ism of Ju , sa and Mercury so all those things which are ruled by Ju , Sa and Me will enhance or get fixed soon.

In My opinion , Whole world Will be more focused around above mentioned activities during this whole phase of 2.5 years.

In Nations Hidden conspiracies will prevail around every environment , hidden jealousy will increase and everyone will try to overcome each other in inner competitions with each other. Competitor nations will try to let down each other in their foreign policies and foreign trades.

Its an Indication of wars , battles , open warfare between countries  , increase in  enemies , dacoits will increase  , robbers , foreign secret agents will work against each others , international affairs will be more highlighted , international disputes  with other countries will be get pick like fire  , death of Secret enemies cam be seen , so i can  say it will give more like Hidden and Cold war between nations.

Impact of Saturn in India

In Indian This transit will in 7th house of Foreign affairs – although Saturn will be in Digbali Place but in Area of mars always be an Indication of war , fights and conflicts with each others.

India has to deal with patiently with foreign and international  policies in order to avoid disputes.there can be increase in Issues between Western countries  and also with Pakistan in internationals environment.

Scorpio rules Coastal areas and South- western Directions  of India such as In india Gujraat  , Khach and Bhuj area , Goa , Mumbai , Maharashtra , Western Pakistan etc , More issue will be seen over here , political disputes will be more in these areas .

there will be increase in Hidden diseases , frequent earthquakes will be seen more  in coastal areas of india , North America , Canada , Israel , Norway , Bavaria , Algeria , North Syria , Sweden , Brazil m Morocco, Washington , Dover , Liverpool  , Baltimore , cincinnati , Halifox etc.

In USA Scorpio will be in 4th house – US Will be more busy in their Internal Issues , there will be lack of peace in nation , weather conditions will be sudden and strange, can be seen increase in Volcanic eruptions and mining disasters, Fall of Govt can be seen, there will be increase in Democratic movement in US.

Will extended to see larger survival and mortality issues which affect society. An example of this is the awareness of safe sex, sexual abuse and the aids pandemic which came into focus during the 1980’s as Saturn were traveling through Scorpio.

When Scorpio is triggered, crime and abuse will be key areas of exposure. Interestingly, Amnesty International, which campaigns against torture, was founded in 1961 when Saturn  was traveling through Scorpio.

Scorpio also rules other people’s money so industries such as banking, stock markets, insurance, accounting and financial services will become spotlighted and made accountable whilst this sign is visited.

Scorpio is also about seeing things through a magnifying glass. Therefore much of which has been buried will come into the light. This can range from the developments of crime detectors, weaponry, probing technologies and CCTV.

Planets traveling through this sign will also highlight changes and developments within the gynecological and obstetrics industry. Note that the first commercial hand held ultrasound scanner was launched in 1963 when Neptune was transiting this sign.

How To check Transit results from Parashara Most accurate

          and Logical System – The Ashtakavarga System

Now what is Ashtavarga System ?

Now coming to Main point how to Check transits via Parashra Ashatakavarga System.The Ashtakavarga system is a method of calculating the Strength of the planets in a Hora lagna, a transit chart and also for the Strength of the planets in Vimsotri dasha too. Therefore, it can be used in any chart including all the divisional charts. It is not restricted to Lagna chart. This system also gives the facility to check each planet results for all the twelve houses.Logic and Science behind Ashtakvarga ?

As per Shiri late B.V Raman research Ashtakvarga is the result of the Progression of the Seven Actual Planets (including two luminaries )in the Universe from their respective radical Places and from the lagna and the collective results which is arise from the influence the planets is called Ashtakavarga.

We can Say for Sun Is Actually Exalted in Aries and as per Kalachakra Chart Sun Starts its rotation from the lagna(east) to west(7th house) and while its progression from east to west it emits certain beneficial Influencing beams to certain houses means those houses which sun basically influence like Sun has Beneficial argalas on those houses. Such beneficial Beams of Influence contributed by different planets  act as a catalytic agent augmenting the good effects of Radical as transit influences.

For eg when we are dealing with Sun Ashtakavarga , We actually mean the collective factor due to the projection of positive beams with reference to sun itself and other six planets including lagna.

Parashara Actually made this system into Some numerical Values and arranges in some  way for interpretation and timing of events which is one of marvelous piece of work Parashara Rishi.

Ashtakvarga System should be used for accurate predictions with transiting planets and while predicting Vimsotri dasha   lords results.

Ashtakavarga also takes into cognizance the actions and interactions of the transiting planets with regard to their radical situations and by a certain manipulations of the beneficial and malefic influences given rise to by such movements and measures numerically as some units which we can use to time important events in the native life or in world in Mundane astrology too.

Usage of  Ashtakavarga System for Transits

All seven planets contribute their strength in terms of numerical value from 0 to 8 points. Rahu and Ketu is excluded from the list but you can check from their lords Houses (Aquarius ruled by Saturn and Also ruled by Saturn too so for Rahu check Saturn Strength or points in Individual lagan’s and same apply for Ketu – Lord of Ketu is Scorpio and Mars but i used to avoid it mostly as Rahu- Ketu Positions in universe is still a Mystery) as they don’t have any physical body and they have no physical influence on the other planets so we should avoid Rahu and Ketu in Ashtkavarga System.

In Ashtkavarga System Strength of the planets depends on its relative position or the radical position  with other planets. We can’t do judgment of the strength of the planets mere by its sign or placement in a particular house without considering the planets strength with respect to other planets.

There is no other system presents which can give exact view and strengths of all the planets.During my Research in Transits Systems with Ashtakavarga System I have found we can use the Ashtakavarga system  in the following areas of life:

1) General strengths of the planets and the houses in D1 chart for different areas of life represented by the houses for e.g More than 30 Points in SAV in 10th house in D1 for Mars Gives Success in Army and some Dynamic Jobs.
2) Parashra Exclusively Said an Honest Astrologer Should Use Ashtkavarga System for Identifying the Age or Longevity of the Native.
2) We Can use Ashtkavarga for Specific life Events based on Divisonal charts ( i.e D7 , D9 and D10 charts ) with respect to transits for analyzing specific events.
2) For Events timing in all major issues in Native Life.
3) For Predicting Vimsotri Dasha results.
4) For Professional and Social Success of the native VIA SAV
5) For Casting Horary Charts results.
6) Majorly use in Transit results (Commonly used for Transit results in individual horoscopy) with respect to Vimsotri Dashas.
7) For Predicting World Level Issues like earthquakes , Drought, Rains etc in Mundane Astrology

In the Ashta-ka-varga system ( Means dividing each of the 12 rasis into eight sub divisions) the charts are cast using the Individual natal chart or the Transit chart on Natal Chart and it is majorly Divided into three parts:

1) Bhina- Ashtkavarga Charts or Individual  Ashtkavarga Charts.
2) Sarva- Ashtkavarga Chart or total Ashtkavarga Charts.
3) Prashthara or Spread Out Ashtkavarga Charts.


The individual Ashtakavarga chart is known as the Bhina-ashtakavarga. Bhina-ashtakavarga charts prepared for the lagna and the 7 planets – total 8 charts are made. The Bhina-ashtakavarga charts of planets are very useful to study the transiting effects of planets. The total of beneficial and malefic points in a house, for a planet is eight.

Ashtakavarga beneficial placement of planets are:

• Sun beneficial places are 1st , 2nd , 4th , 7th , 8th , 9th , 10th , 11th from himself producing 48 Points.
• Mars beneficial places are 1st , 3rd ,5th ,6th ,7th, 10th ,11th from  himself producing 39 points.
• Mercury beneficial places are 1st , 2nd , 4th , 6th , 8th , 10th , 11th , 12th from himself producing 54 points.
• Moon beneficial places are 1st , 3rd , 6th , 7th , 10th , 11th from himself producing 49 points.
• Jupiter  beneficial places are  1st , 2nd , 3rd ,4th , 7th , 8th , 10th , 11th  from himself producing 56 Highest points.
• Venus beneficial places are 1st , 2nd , 3rd ,4th ,5th , 8th , 9th,  10th , 11th  from himself producing  52 points..
• Saturn beneficial places are  3rd ,5th ,6th ,11th from  himself producing 39 points.

The total Individual Contribution of beneficial points by any planet in any horoscope will be same and it will be equal to 337 for any horoscope and this is constant value.( SAV total 337 = 48+56 +39+39+52+54+49)If the beneficial points are known, then automatically we know the malefic points. Eight minus the beneficial points gives the malefic points ( if Guru Contributes 6 Beneficial points in Libra 9th house than Malefic would be (8-6= 2).

We have total seven planets and 1 Ascendant lagna that are 8 main reference points where we constitutes the 8 Bindus for reference check in Vimsotri and transiting planets so we called 8 Ashtavargka Lagnas charts , and there are twelve houses and 12 Signs in them, hence the total points should be 12 X 8 = 96, for each planet.

These 96 points may be beneficial or malefic. Jupiter contributes a huge 56 beneficial points out of 96 points reason it has much beneficial influence on other planets in 12 houses in a transit due to which it got more beneficial points, which means that 96 – 56 = 40 , Jupiter has 40 malefic points out of 96 Points and 56 Beneficial points.

This is the reason Jupiter is called the great beneficial because it got highest Beneficial Points in transits with respect to the radical positions from other planets. Similarly, Sun Contributes 48 Beneficial points, Mercury contributes 54 points, Venus contributes 52 points , Moon Contributes  49 Beneficial points. Mars and Saturn however, give only 39 beneficial points each, which means 96-39 = 57 malefic points.

That’s why Transiting effect of Saturn and Mars is Most imp in National Horoscopy  because of the  maximum malefic points they got in Ashtkavarga System and we have to see their placements in disastrous area to see their impact so we considered them as naturally malefic planets although Sun is not fully Malefic Planets as it has Got good number of Beneficial points in Ashtkavarga System so we can called it as mild Malefic planet.

This is the reason that Mars , Saturn and Sun are mostly Considered in Mundane astrology for their malefic influence of in Nation , World and individual Horoscopy Since the malefic points outnumber the benefic points they are called malefic planets and Sun as Mild Malefic. From the above, it can be observed that each and every planet gives both malefic and benefic results.

Following are the BAV Points or Bindus based on 12 Rasi’s in 12 houses with respect to the angular influence from other planets:

1) 0 Points gives Very bad result its like a dead planet.
2) 1 point better than nil results but still it is considered as very bad.
3) 3 point are also considered as malefic result and bad for transit.
4) 4 Points are neutral results for transits.
5) 5 Points are very good results in transits.
6) 6 Points are excellent for transits.
7) 7 points are Rare but it is like raaj yoga.
8) 8 Rare to see but if one get this results native usually get sudden rise and Sudden name and fame in this transits

How to Check  Saturn Transit ?

Checking a transit result from Ashtvarga System is a tricky part but if it get its very easy for you to predict the results based on transits of planets in Individual horoscopy.

The first basic rule is Never judge the results of the transits of Major planets like Saturn , Jupiter , Rahu and Ketu from Moon Signs always see the transits planets results from Individual lagna kundli based on Major points:

1) Birth sign : Check the  birth Sign having link with Saturn in kundli or not or Birth Sign is in the Nakashtra of Saturn or not  ,  If the natal Moon is placed in Capricorn or Aquarius, Saturn becomes the Moon’s Dispositor. Moon is actual indicator of your inner thoughts and your area of comfortable etc. So for Capricorn and Saturn Moon Sign or those having any link with Saturn in their Lagna chart, they must have to be discipline in thoughts processing level and  should have to cultivate or adopt disciplinarian ways of Saturn for those who are ignoring the way of discipline  and it will not be affected so much when Saturn actually transits over that signs and combinations.

2) Birth Nakashtra  :  check whether  moon is in Saturn Constellation  or not  if the natal Moon is placed in any of the 3 nakshatras owned by Saturn, i.e Pushya, Anuradha or uttaraBhadrapada, then following the principle given above, sadhesati or dhaiyya will not be very stressful for such a native.

3) Sign of Saturn transit:  check Sign of Saturn , When Saturn transit over its own sign, or those of its natural friends i.e, mercury and Venus it’s normally gives the better results as compared to its transit over the sign of its natural enemies i.e. the sun, the moon or mars.

4) Functional Lordship of planet:  Check the  functional lordship of Saturn or relation with functional beneficial lords during this saturn. lords of trines (trikonas) in a horoscope are always beneficial (i.e, lords of the 1st, 5th, and 9th house). If either the moon or Saturn are the lord of the trinal may not give bad result.in case of fiery signs i.e. Aries, leo, and Sagittarius, neither Saturn nor the moon are lord of trines. Transit of Saturn is bad for natives with these moon signs .In all the other signs, one of the 2 planets i.e ,Saturn or the Moon is a functional beneficial and the results are better.

5) Strength in shadbala and bhavabala:  Check Strength of Saturn for individual Lagna in Strengths tools, i,e 8 types of strengths  – Shadbala ,  Bhavbala , chesta bala , Kala bala , dig-bala , drig bala and Naisargik bala ,  ishta and kashtha bala etc . if saturn and the moon have obtained the required strength in shadbala and their required ratio of the ratio that the strength is more than 1.0 then the transit effects of Saturn are better as compared to those where one or both of them are weak. The lower the ratio, the worse are the results .Similarly, in Bhavabala, if the house over which Saturn is transiting has more than 7.5 rupas in bhavabala. and in ranking is placed among the first six bhava then the evil effects of Saturn transit are lessened to a large extent and vice-verse.

6) Strength from AL :  Check strength of Saturn transit from Arudha lagna to see what it will  bring to you  in society i.e Saturn in 11th from AL – . Wealth , Financial Gain in this transit , 3rd from Al – Courage and Strength in this transits. This way you can better understand Saturn transit for Scorpio, what actually it indicate your directions in society.

7) Strength from Divisional charts : check Saturn transit from Different divisional charts i.e D9(Marriage and Dharma) , D4(Home , assets and Peace) , D7(Children) , D24 (education) , D10 ( work and career) from AL , A10 , UL , A7 , Sun , Moon and Lagna in Divisional chart lagans.

8)  Check the transits results from Natal Chart :  for the results as Natal lagna gives the actual results, not the moon lagna. Moon lagna should be check after the natal lagna as moon is about to perceive from the mind or from the state of mind. Means what we are feeling after we get the results means positive or negative feeling we are getting form the results as described in below mentioned cases :

for eg for Taurus lagna Guru is 8th and 11th lord which means in current Transit(20th june 2014) Guru going to be transit in Taurus 3rd house in cancer sign and will aspects the 7th , 9th and 11th house as Guru Mool trikona sign is in 8th house.

So, Guru will give its beneficial results to the native with respect to new initiatives in the business in new partnerships with loans or might start his marriage life with the partner .As it is in the 3rd house so it indicates good initiatives in the field of business , courage , communication and initiativeness etc.

It can give huge loan to the native in business matters as guru is 8th to the 8th house means new step with respect to the Loans and partnership in business/Marriage .As it is in 3rd house so native can start his business with their siblings or cousins with the loans they get from their initiatives .

Quite possibly with maternal cousins. Also aspecting the 7th house – the house of marriage and partnership , native might get married and also get success in the Marriage/business  partnership too and it will also give good interest into deep sciences in occult i.e study of the 8th house matters like the secret sciences like astrology , tantra mantra and all deep mystical knowledge’s of yoga , sidhis or mantra etc too.

Person might involve into deep research in all philosophical and advance knowledge in religion or might start his higher studies like MBA in financial studies as per the beneficial aspect of the guru on 9th house and aspecting 11th house too which means native will get good gain in all his perspective or every effort he put to achieve .

Now the picture of moon Sign came for eg If the Native Moon Sign is in Taurus than Guru will be in 3rd from it so it’s simply mean native will get huge mental courage and wisdom knowledge (as guru is in 3rd house in a sign of Cancer – So its all about mental courage and mental peace ) w.r.t to the 8th house and 11th house so native might able to handle all his tasks with its deep wisdom and mental balance got from the guru and will put his more metal initiative into getting every of all his works either marriage , business dealings , higher studies or deep studies also.

Take another example , for Capricorn and Aquarius lagna Saturn is lagnesh so we can Say Saturn is benefice for  Both the lagnas, For Capricorn Saturn will be in 11th house  which means Monetary gain , increase name and fame with respect 11th matters, sign Lord mars will indicate what native has to do in order to get gain. For eg. one Saturn has 5 Points(BAV) in 11th house- it means native will Get good gain and beneficial results. More than 28 Points(SAV)  of indicates native will get Clear Boom in that area. If moon is in Taurus which Means 5th house for Capricorn- Native will expect or feel comfortable gain regarding 7th house  matters, may be child will born , couple may get Wealth gain etc.

9) Vimsotri Dasa Lords : Transits are More effectively seen in any Horoscope so always check whether your Guru , Saturn , Ketu and Rahu Vimsotri Mahadashas , Antardashas and Pratyantar Dasha is running or not if any of them is Currently running than Major planets will give its most of the results in their transits.

I can say they can give results 99% majorly more fast and More Accurate and with maximum results . For e.g for Taurus lagna Guru act as Functionally Malefic as it is the lord 8th house and also lord of the 11th too so When it is transits to Taurus lagna Native may fall sick and have Some health issues too and we can see this result when a native Guru Mahadasha , Antardasha or Pratyantar dasha will be running else results will be less to see but Final verdict will be predicted on ashta-varga system.

10) Finally time the results of the transits Based on the Individual Bhina Ashta varga and Sarvashtakavarga chart for Major transit Planets for eg – for Taurus lagna Guru Mahadasha , Saturn AD is running and Guru is transiting In 3rd house in cancer , Saturn is transiting in 7th house and in BAV Chart of Guru has having 4 Beneficial points out of 8 ( 4 Negative point too ) , saturn has 5 Benefic points ( Indicates very good State of Saturn) which means native will get the transit result of the Guru in 70-50 %  manner or you can say 50% negative 50 % positive for Guru and 70 % Beneficial results for Saturn.

As 4 points gives neutral results not much bad or not much less and when there is Guru MD dasha and Sat AD  too than we can assume both the results at maximum level and we Can expect Something around result of 7th house – Marriage , Business and Partnership etc , Native may marry during this time period. we can  confirm this in SAV Chart too ,  Guru has having 27 Beneficial Points in 3rd house out of 56 which means 2 negative points are more so this transit of Guru will give its 50-50 results wrt to Marriage , Business dealings , higher studies , Deep occult studies and Saturn 31 Points which means – Professional Brilliance, Spiritual gain  and Ring for marriage and gain in partnership too.

I Hope now you will able to cast your transits results with more accurate and scientifically way for any major transits of any planets.


On 2nd of November Saturn is going to enter Scorpio a Slow moving planet whose only motive is Make a balance or to fix things cosmologically , in mundane or in Individual Horoscopy.

Saturn Aspects are Killer aspects for Enemic signs but good for beneficial or friends signs.Place where Saturn transits indicates what you have to fix or what you have to rectify regarding that house or that sign or that traits natives possess.

for E.g for Aries Native native has to face some sort of transformation w.r.t to income , career prospects , it will be positive transformation but it will goes form negative to positive side, so  this way you can check for any lagna transit for Saturn.

Current Saturn transit Will be good for Taurus , Gemini , Leo , Virgo , Capricorn , Aquarius , Pisces lagna- Taursian can  experience good Professional rise and ring for marriage , Gemini can hear news for some sudden moment or travel w.r.t to work and career purpose ,  Leo will get time to fix their home matters and relationship with their partners.

Virgo will get courage to cross the barrier of restrictions and and gain in professional front,  Capricorn will hear good news in Wealth , gain or increase in bank balance or news for change in job area , Aquarius will get new prospect to change their work profile , they will get new opportunities to change their work front or think around what they really wanted to in career.

Aries , Cancer and Libra has to work more on their issues of transformations and Regeneration energies to fix their Children’s , studies , affairs matters and Family issues , values and wealth matters.For Scorpion and Sagittarius People they need to fix their ideology and they need some time to fix what is going around their environment, what is running in their mind or thoughts or in their brain, so everything related to Brain and thoughts. they need to fix their Persona and Spiritual belief , family issues.

For India Saturn will be in Scorpio Sign  which is again a sign opp of Taurus and Sign placed in Western direction and coastal regions of India, we need to take more proactive actions against earthquakes, cyclonic issues in  coastal areas of India and to those countries which are lying near Taurus and Scorpio.

We need to work with patience and smooth dealing with foreign affairs as we can see there will be a downfall in external affairs with other countries or there may be Loss in foreign trade or fall in foreign policies , Hidden conspiracy will increase against Nation of India we can see a condition or situation like war by western countries lying to our western zone, so India need to be self aware and Self protective against any secret activities by our Opp Parties , agencies, rivalries  or Opp Countries .


For  natal Horoscope , Best Remedy is to Recite and Propitiate Lord Saturn by ” Neela Shani Stotra ” Created by King Dashratha or Read Whole Story of King Vikrama aditya , Read About lord Saturn in Padma Puran and Read Shani Shaman Book and understand its course for different zodiacs and do remedies as mentioned in ” Shani Shaman ” , Be calm and down to earth and do your responsibilities of Real world seriously , make your self more serious towards your moral duties, respect women, Saturn is more serious in Scorpio Sign so do everything more seriously with more serious approach in life.

With Thanks and Regards,
Rocky Jamwal

Download Research Papers : http://www.vedicsiddhanta.in/p/research-papers.html

Download Research paper in PDF :


Ashtakavarga System – Dr B.V Raman
Double transit theory for transit –  Shiri K.N Rao
Wikipedia ,  Shani Shaman , Nakashtra – By Dennis Harness

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pin Saturn Transit in Scorpio: Return of Saturn in Scorpio in November 2014, Complete understanding on transit of saturn in different nakashtras in scorpio with mundane analysis

Views: 22

Effect of Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on 8th October , 2014 in India

Effect of Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on 8th October , 2014  in India (An Astronomical & Astrological Analysis)

proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F1.bp.blogspot.com%2F Effect of Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on 8th October , 2014 in India
 India Map based on Surya Sidhantic Mode

Many people were asking me what would be over all effect for 8th October full moon lunar eclipse on both individual as well as on Mundane side on countries ( i,e India or others countries, Indonesia, Australia , Pacific sea,  USA etc which are effecting by it)

I am taking an example for Indian Map as i am well aware about the mapping and coordinates in India  Physical maps as per Koorma Chakra. In India Map, you can easily see, in most of southern region area sun will be there tomorrow with North Node Rahu and Com-busted venus, in Virgo rashi ,Chitra nakashtra is there, mostly influence is going to effect by this Lunar eclipse on 8th of October 2014 and its direct aspect area of Pisces (Revti nakashtra area) Visakhapatnam  Andhra-pardesh, Cuttuck, Oddisa, Kolkota and north east areas etc.

So, i am presenting pictorial explanation how it gone effect our self specially for people of India.

The 2014 eclipses are happening in pairs – on the new Moon and the full Moon in April and October.

The October 8, 2014 total lunar eclipse is the first of the pair. This total eclipse is visible in Asia, Australia, the Pacific, North America, and South America. In Vedic astrology or Jyotish, the lunar eclipse is happening in Pisces.

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Pic Courtesy- Nasa & Space.com

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Pic Courtesy – Nasa & Space.com

The full Moon and south node Ketu will be in Pisces in the nakshatra or constellation of Revati.

The Sun will be with a debilitated and com-bust Venus, and north node Rahu in Virgo. The deity of Revati is Pushan, the nurturer. He is responsible for safe travels across large bodies of water.

People with a Pisces rising or with Moon or a node in Uttara Bhadrapada or Revati nakshtaras may most feel the impact of the October 8, 2014 lunar eclipse.

According to NASA, for San Francisco, CA, the October 8, 2014 lunar eclipse will take place from 12:16 AM to 5:34 AM local Pacific time. Typically,Vedic astrology advises that eclipses are time for inwardly directly activity and not for gazing at the Sun or Moon. It is also best if you stay inside and keep your blinds closed and not expose yourself or any food to the Moon’s rays. New undertakings should not happen typically three days before or after an eclipse or when the Moon is in Revati for 6 months.

In India it will effect Kerala and southern region most lying to chitra nakashtra (near Virgo Sign – Ruling Kerala , Hyderabad and Andhra-pardesh areas mostly) Oddisa , Cuttuck , kolkatta , viskhapatnam , andra pardesh and and in South node(Ketu) area it is effecting nepal, Tibbat ,Varanasi , Culcutta , north east areas and Northern region of New Delhi and Jammu and Kashmir which are close to Revti nakashtra and Pisces sign as per the Koorma Chakra presented by Varahmihira in Brihat Samhita.

proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F1.bp.blogspot.com%2F VCPWORX7yr0%2FVDVy6Nw8K4I%2FAAAAAAAAALc%2FzW07Uq7corA%2Fs1600%2FKurmachakra Effect of Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on 8th October , 2014 in India

In Mapping of India Map  with ” Koorma Chakra “,  based on Ancient technique as suggested by Varahmihira in Brihat Samhita, it is easily seen in map what are the areas of effects by ongoing Eclipse on 8th of October 2014.

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” In India it will effect Kerala and southern region most lying to chitra nakashtra (near Virgo Sign – Ruling Kerala, Hyderabad and Andhra-pardesh areas mostly) Oddisa , Cuttuck , kolkatta , viskhapatnam , andra pardesh and and in South node(Ketu) area it is effecting nepal, Tibbat ,Varanasi , Culcutta , north east areas and Northern region of New Delhi and Jammu and Kashmir which are close to Revti nakashtra and Pisces sign as per the Koorma Chakra presented by Varahmihira in Brihat Samhita , as i have marked in above mentioned India’s Map “

During this eclipse Body parts which are effecting are feets , lower limbs and hip area as per the kaal purusha sign assignment on body parts.

Take an example of Pisces lagna where Eclipse influence will be mostly seen and Effect on Birth chart will be clearly seen in 5th, 1st , 12th and 7th houses & lords which are involved in it, which means ; might be a case of Bad Repo for Pisces lagna , sudden fear , hasty decisions , lots of tensions and frustrations , will be in trauma or shock like situation , mind will be in confused state what to do next , Martial issues will be there being involvement of 8th Lord Venus with 12th lord Rahu and 6th lord Sun – Might be case of Separation with loved ones in 7th house i.e an extramarital issues can be seen (being 12th lord in 7th house – North node Rahu ) who are gone running Moon Ad , Sun Ad or Rahu AD or the nakashtra dashas which are ruling by lunar eclipse will mostly felt.

proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F3.bp.blogspot.com%2F Effect of Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on 8th October , 2014 in India

This way you can analyze your own lagna chart for tomorrow Eclipse but effects will be mostly seen for those who are running above Mentioned Nakashtra dashas or the Dashas of Moon , Sun and Rahu or the lagna. and Rahu or the lagna.

pin Effect of Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on 8th October , 2014 in India

Views: 7

Flood Fury & Catestrophic Event of Heavy Rain in Jammu and Kashmir 2014

 Flood Fury and Heavy Rain  in Jammu and Kashmir 2014 

Compiled & Research Done by Rocky Jamwal

Environmentalists say last year’s devastating flash floods in
Uttarakhand, in which at least 5,000 were killed, and the unprecedented
deluge in Jammu and Kashmir this year, both have the same cause –
urbanization, reduced forest cover and erratic monsoon.

Housedestructedinflood Flood Fury & Catestrophic Event of Heavy Rain in Jammu and Kashmir 2014

meteorological department says it had issued warnings about very heavy
rainfall in Jammu and Kashmir practically every day since September 2.
But while a few families did move to higher regions, the state
government seems to have failed to anticipate the extent of the crisis
and effectively convince those who stayed back. Now point is very simple
within short span of meteorological department predictions within a
days of 2 , nobody can safe guard their family and move into safer
places. The situations in Uttarakhand and Jammu and Kashmir are
uncannily similar, experts say. In both cases the trigger was incessant
rain, set off by the merging of the western disturbance and the monsoon.

Bridgebroken Flood Fury & Catestrophic Event of Heavy Rain in Jammu and Kashmir 2014

The mega floods responsible for wreaking misery, havoc and devastation
across Whole Jammu and Srinagar and most parts of south-west Kashmir is a
calamity that was waiting to happen and it has same Pattern which we
had seen last year.

Rainbridge Flood Fury & Catestrophic Event of Heavy Rain in Jammu and Kashmir 2014

Even i am living in Jammu and Kashmir from
last 30 years, haven’t seen such type of heavy rain and massive level of
most of rivers in valley and in our city too, even my grand-grand
ancestors had never seen such a devastating conditions after 1984, when
flood water entered in most part of the city lie in the western regions
of Jammu near river.

templedrownedinFlood Flood Fury & Catestrophic Event of Heavy Rain in Jammu and Kashmir 2014

If we see deeply it has some Astrological
and Astronomical pattern which are mentioned in our ancient treaties.
Last year we faced such kind of national disaster in uttrakhand after
June 15 , 2013 to June 17 , 2013
, due to conjugation of 4-5 planets in
one of most destructive nakashtra – ardra nakashtra ruled by Lord

Ardara nakashtra falls in India’s North-east region as per
the Koorma chakra methodology presented by Varahmihira in Brihat
Samhita and extracted from rig –Veda where it was already mentioned
kritika nakshtra risen from eastern directions from central India(Varanasi).

Lets have a look at Koorma chakra in India Chart with Uttrakhand chart and we can clearly see Bharani , Ashwani , Revti and ardara Nakashtras are Influencing  the North-east region.

Kurmachakra23 Flood Fury & Catestrophic Event of Heavy Rain in Jammu and Kashmir 2014

uttarakhand map political Flood Fury & Catestrophic Event of Heavy Rain in Jammu and Kashmir 2014

These are the cities i.e Bihar, Jharkhand, uttrakhand, Mizoram, eastern
MP , Bhutan, Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur,
Sikkim which are fall in Taurus- Gemini Signs and mainly in Kritika ,
Rohini , Ashwani & Ardara nakashtras.

Punuravasu and Pushya
is closer to Indian central east-West region favoring Gujraat ,
Rajasthan , Mumbai etc.

At the time of Uttrakhand Catastrophic sun
ingresses into Ardara nakashtra and when Moon closely conjugated with
Mercury we saw India most disastrous event ever in history on 15th of
june 2013.

koormachakra Flood Fury & Catestrophic Event of Heavy Rain in Jammu and Kashmir 2014

This year J & k was point of catastrophe and it
has a deep astrological reason even after meteorological department
failed prediction on dry Monsoon in most of the north region this year,
We faced Such type of havoc.

Now point is why recent catastrophe
happened during monsoon back movement exactly in month of the
September when usually monsoon move their path to western directions
mainly to Bihar and other north- eastern regions and usually in a
mid-way of dropping out from the northern region when Sun enters into
Virgo Sign.

Why we faced Flood fury in Jammu and Kashmir even
meteorological department clearly predicted there will be less than
average rain in most of the regions in India and North India specially ?
, Reason is here , at the time of heavy rain , when flood were
destroying most of regions of jammu & Kashmir , 4 major planets
were in ” Jala Rasi “ ( watery Signs) and giving a clue of Something
natural catastrophe related to water i.e rains , floods etc going to
take place from India’s Geographical Ruling Sign – Virgo and also the
Sign of Western Kashmir ( India Geographical Ruling Sign is Virgo as
Suggested by Sh. B.V Raman but Varahmihir was in favor of Capricorn to
be Ruling Sign of India as per , Brihat Samhita and Taurus should be
India Political Lagna after Independence, 15 August , 1947 , 12:00 Hr)

Virgo also ruled Western and Southern region of Kashmir, Pok ,
Baluchistan, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Afghanistan and Some part of Jammu
i.e Rajouri , poonch etc. Whenever anything Happen to Virgo Sign
Kashmir has to face controversies , in 2008 Virgo Sign having
conjugation of Mars and Saturn, India faced Amaranth Conflict most
heated issue which was continued for 3 month in both the states and
effected normalcy of people.

This year Rahu was conjoined with Mercury, we faced sudden changes in weather conditions of Jammu and Kashmir.

Mercury rules Climate, weathers, rains and floods etc and Rahu rules sudden calamities or sudden changes in weather.

This time There were More added flavours who was promoting the event to
be more devastating, Jupiter ( Lord of Droughty atmosphere and
famine) was in Cancer sign ( Waters Sign- Indicates there will be Much
humidity , high atmospheric pressure in areas which are closer to
rivers , canals , rivers etc ) in Pushya nakashtra ( Lord Saturn – rules
dryness and Natural disaster) in 11th house from the Lagna aspecting
Scorpio Sign , Pisces Sign indicating high impact of Jupiter on Watery
Mars was in last quarter degree of Libra and further
Moved to Scorpio( again watery Sign) Sign of Destruction and sudden
transformation , exactly at 0 degree in Vishakha Nakashtra ( Lord
Jupiter) in 2nd house of National wealth from Virgo; Marak for any
national wealth Mars and Saturn Combinly doing this job for Kashmir
and India.

Ketu was in Pisces with Uranus in 7th house in
Revti Nakashtra ( Lord Mercury who is in lagna with 6th lord Rahu ,
indicating Something sudden , major calamity going to be happen which
can give massive loss to nation , trade , life and business etc ) ,
lord of 6th house(Debt , loss , Diseases or sudden miseries etc) in 7th
( house of Business and trade ) indicating something major going to be
transform in the living condition of people who are majorly dependent
on business or trade.
Uranus is 6th lord in 7th house clearly
telling there will be major destruction going to happen for whole
nation, as it is a planet of sudden transformation.

Neptune was in
Aquarius, 12th house of Destruction from its own sign ( Pisces – 7th
house) in Satabisha Nakashtra whose lord Rahu is in lagna with Lagnesh
Mercury also lord of 10th house too , lord of 7th in 6th house 12th
from its own sign , again indicating something destructive or loss to
the nation.

Pluto was in 4th house in Sagittarius sign in (Poorva
ashda ) nakashtra , lord of 9th house (Scorpio- hidden , buried under
the ground , destruction , nature fury etc ) in 4th house again
indicating properties going to be destruct.

Everything indicating
Strong Gravitational pull at given angular point ( In Virgo Sign)
When Mercury conjugated Rahu in Virgo Sign and movement of the Moon at
Scorpio Sign on Sep 1 2014 increased the atmospheric pressure in Jammu
and Kashmir which worked as a catalyst in current weather conditions.

On September 2 , 2014 , 1:23 Am at night when Moon Was in the asterism
of Saturn ( Anuradha Nakashtra) Heavy Rain started in both the States
charts (Leo Mainly seen for Jammu and Virgo Mainly Seen for Kashmir)
for continues 3 days , planets were as follows from India as well as
kashmir Ruling Sign:

2September2014 Flood Fury & Catestrophic Event of Heavy Rain in Jammu and Kashmir 2014

Lagna Lord( mercury – Lord of Wind , Rains ,
floods and Weather Conditions ) in Lagna in Utra- Phalugni nakashtra (
Lord Sun placed in 12th house from the lagna ) afflicted with 6th Lord
Rahu , 2nd House heavily Damaged by Saturn and Mars, 12th House Having
Strong & High order of Heat effect from two hot bodies ( Sun and
Venus – enough to create high atmospheric pressure and also Indication
of Increase in Heavy Rains as refer in Brihat Samhita & B.V Raman
Research papers ).
Both Jupiter and Moon were in Jala rasi (
Cancer – 100 % Rain , Scorpio – 100 % Rains or Neera Nadi ( Composite
of 100 % rains).

Ketu closely conjugated with Uranus in Revti
nakashtra whose lord Mercury also in Lagna with Rahu again indicating
there will be many frequent changes in weather within short span of
time. Everything telling me State gone suffer & face fury of
Heavy Rains, floods situation , rise in water level of all major rivers
and all those areas which are closed to rivers gone face a situation of
un-expectations and sudden floods , as after all conjugations are
telling me there will be a high atmospheric pressure by Mars + Saturn ,
Sun + Venus , Mercury + Rahu and Moon and Jupiter on Jala Nadis.

Unexpected Rain in J&k Exactly Started after 29th of August 2014
at 15:15 , in Jammu when Moon conjugated with Virgo Sign in Nakashtra
of Chitra with North Node Rahu which is a ruling sign of India and Westen
Kashmir and some part of western Jammu also ( Western Sign of Jk is
Virgo – which Is Kashmir , Rajouri , Punch , west & South west Jammu
) with Rahu and Mercury.

august292014 Flood Fury & Catestrophic Event of Heavy Rain in Jammu and Kashmir 2014

We can easily predict With Nodel
Affliction there will be Sudden climatic change in weather. With these
Combination gentle and soothing Rain Started in Both the states but it
was Unusual not in a fixed pattern; Sometime high , some time slow and
for sometime places seen massive rains and some are purely dry, but it
was not like whole day and night rain till Septemer 2 , after When Moon
moved to Jala Nadi ( in Scoprio) , Venus joined With Sun and rain
suddenly increased for continues 3 days till Moon was in Scorpio for 2.5
days after than Destructive part played by Mars.

Destruction in
Jammu and Kashmi
r exactly happend after 5th of September 2014 @ 01:50 Am
when Mars transited to Scorpio Sign at night which gave massive rain
and flood to both the states and whole Jammu and Kashmir state drowned
in Flood, Many bridges destoryed , water level of Jhelum river rise
above upto to 80 which is above than normal 35, broke the damn and moved
to Southern and western Kashmir. All buildings Drowned with level of 15
to 20 feet water in kashmir. In Jammu Tawi River water Level rise above
to red mark Destoyed 2 main Brigdes , All major way of city got choked
for full 2 days by the destrcutive Flood, Heavy Rain and Flood almost
destroyed all the Southern and western region of Jammu. Poonch Bridge
was already destroyed at fortnight , akhnoor water level rise above to
Danger Level with Chenab River , two busses drowned by it.

September52014 Flood Fury & Catestrophic Event of Heavy Rain in Jammu and Kashmir 2014
5th September 2014 , exactly at 1:50:00 Am , when mars entered in Scorpio Sign

Can see in Mars Parvesh Rasi in Scorpio Sign , Mars was in 6th house
of destruction from lagna , Rahu and Mercury was in 4th house of
properties , Sun and Venus were in 3rd house of communications also in
sign of Jammu and Saturn was in 5th house In libra Marak to Virgo Sign
,everything thing indicating destructoins and Damage as what 2nd and
12th to Virgo Sign signify , it was purely a conditon of Destruction and
natural calamity for whole nation.

So , this was mine
observation as per the present condition which I have seen and observed
for those catastrophic days with the failed predictions of
meteorological department for monsoon of India 2014.

I have
predicted the above condition’s by our old classical sages techniques
which i am going to explain you further, how I approached to these

Unexpected Monsoon rain in Jammu and Kashmir
answer lie in one of ancient technique used by our sages which is called
” Ardra Pravesha Chakra “ for year 2014 which is acclaimed to be one
of oldest and ancient technique used in ancients period for forecasting
rains , floods, tsunamis , cyclones, droughty atmosphere, for seeing
crops wellbeing and earth quakes factors etc.

Usually Monsoon
rains start in North India when Sun enters in “Ardra Nakshatra” in
Gemini sign. Horoscope cast for that time gives us information about the
rains that take place in that year. Delhi is taken as point of
reference; some astrologers opine that Varanasi should be considered.
Monsoon continues till Sun enters Swati at the Starting of November
month around about 1st week of November after Sun enter in western
hemisphere and we can observe sudden cold waves in north region of

Sun in Western hemisphere usually gives rain in western
& Southern regions of India , Cold wave & winter solstices in
northern Region of India.

Role of Rashis in Aradara Parvesh Chakra :

There are twelve rashis which have been divided in to following categories on the basis of water content they have:

1. Fiery:  Aries 25%, Leo 0% and Sagittarius 50%
2. Earthy:  Taurus 50%, Virgo 0%, and Capricorn 100%
3. Airy:  Gemini 0%, Libra 25%, Aquarius 50%
4. Cancer :  100%, Scorpio 25%, Pisces 100%

Moon, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter gives plenty of rain while, malefic planets Sun, Mars and Saturn are dry, preventing rain.

Directions and Places in the Horoscope

Lagna is always considered as East of india; 10th house as South of
india ; 7th West of india and 4th North of India and states which are
belong to these directions are as follows:

1. East: Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Mizoram, eastern MP
2. North East: 2ndand 3rd houses: Bhutan, Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Sikkim
3. North: 4th house: Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, HP, UP, Nepal, Parts of J & K, Tibet, Uttaranchal
4. North West: 5th and 6th houses: Baluchistan, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Afghanistan, western region of Jammu & Kashmir.
5. West: 7th house: Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, western part of MP, Sindh, West Punjab, Multan, Daman and Diu
6. South West: 8th and 9th houses: Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra, West coast and Goa
7. South: 10th house: TN< parts of AP, Pondicherry
8. South East: 11th and 12th houses: Orissa, parts of West Bengal, parts of Andhra, East Coast, Andaman and Nicobar

1) Role of Sun and Mars: If together, they become intensely dry. Also if
Sun is behind Mars, there will be no rains for whole monsoon season.

2) Sun and Saturn: Together in one rashi: in summer, they will give intense heat; in winter, they will acute and severe cold

3) Saturn is karaka for wind and dryness, in Jala Nadi gives Strong
windstorm of water and storms will caused massive cyclones etc.

If in airy nadi, it drives away all clouds.

In Agni nadi, there will be intense heats waves , Dusty and heavy storms.

Date of rains we can expect:

1. When Sun enters to Mrigashira nakashtra around about Mid of May or
end of May , southwest monsoon will strikes the coastal region of
Kerala and andhara pardesh.

2. When Sun’s enter in to Kanya, beginning of Monsoon withdrawal from North which is mainly due to western disturbance.

3. When Sun’s enter into Hastha nakashtra in Virgo Sign , there will
backward rains in Bihar regin which we called “ hathiya rain “.

4. When Sun when Sun enters into Chitra , there will be Some occasional
rains or it may mean withdrawal of South-West monsoon from India.

Now look at the “Ardra Parvesh” chart for India 2014 which I have
casted on @ 22 June 2014 , 10:08:00 Am , New Delhi or you can take
Varanasi as suggested by Varahmihra when Sun enters into Ardara

ArdaraParveshchakra Flood Fury & Catestrophic Event of Heavy Rain in Jammu and Kashmir 2014
Ardara Parvesh chakra on 22 June 2014 , 10:08:00 Am , New Delhi or Varanasi
june22Ardaraparveshchakra Flood Fury & Catestrophic Event of Heavy Rain in Jammu and Kashmir 2014

Leo lagna is Rising which is having fiery
Sign having 0 % reason, clearly indicating whole Nation will face
Drought this year for sure ( take Lagna as Nation @India) as Fiery signs
usually gives 0 or 25 % throughout the Monsoon seasons and there is no
aspect from Jala Planets i.e Venus and Moon.

7th house having no
benefices aspect from any planet but presence of Airy Rasi indicates
there will be 50 % rain with solid windy storms in western states of
India and Same is with Southern region of india having earth sign –
Taurus sign , there will be 50 % rains and will be heavy rains as what
Jala Planet Venus signifies for southern States but there will be plenty
of Dusty storms , unexpected floods and rains in north eastern and
south-west regions of india as what Ardara parvesh chart telling me.

Now coming to main Point, northern region Having Scorpio Sign( 100 %
Rain) again a Jala rasi aspected by jala graha Venus , Moon and Huge
planet Jupiter indicating there will be heavy rain but at later stage
of Monsoon, as in yearly chart it has been seen Mars is much away from
the Sun indicating there will be average rain for whole nation till Sun
having greater distance from Mars , at later Stage when Mars will move
to North region around about September of Ardara Parvesh Charka ,
Mercury will move to Virgo sign of Kashmir , Venus and Sun will move to
Leo sign of Jammu in August 2014, it will be much closer to Mars and
also to region of Jammu also , indicating July 22 to August 22 we will
expect Normal Monsoon but after we will experience something sudden
& unexpected event as what I have already predicted about Monsoon
for india in my earlier article on Monsoon 2014 ; “Meteorological
Astrology and Astronomical Observation for Coming Monsoons for North
India Region “.

Now for checking at how much level rain we can
expect for our nations or our areas we need to make Sapta Nadi Chakra
for India which is as mention below (as suggested by Maharishi
Varahmihira and K.N Rao ) based on 28 Nakashtras scheme and all are
spread in 7 Nadis.
It is very evident that Sun controls all the seasons
and weather uncertainties, role of Moon , Venus and Mercury is very
effective in sudden calamities as all three planets are much closer to
Sun as well as to earth also, so their role in maintain earth atmosphere
is much :

saptanadichakra Flood Fury & Catestrophic Event of Heavy Rain in Jammu and Kashmir 2014

1. Soumya Nadiis also known as Madhya Nadi ( after
Sankranti Season), ruled by Jupiter which indicates maintaining &
balance in season to give Soothing monsoon.

2. Prachand, Pawan and Dahan: also known as Yamya Nadis or Dakshina Nadis ( Sankranti Season) means extreme heat of the summer.

3. Neera, Jal and Amrit: also known as Uttara Nadis ( Rainy Season)
neera ruled by watery planet venus indicates first showers of Monsoon ,
Jala ruled by Mercury , also means water and indicates plenty of rain in
monsoon and Amrita ruled by Moon a Watery planet signifies rain in
abundance and also torrential down pour too. they are also sajala rasis.

4. Amrit is also known as Sheetal ( Winter Season) which also indicates plenty of rain or winter season too

Some Important Principles:

1. When many planets are in a single rashi, esp in one nakshatra with
Mars and Sun joini them and Mars is with Rahu, there can be terrible
downpour, even if it is not rainy season.

2. If Moon joins Venus or
in Trikona, weather fluctuation takes place; in rainy season, good
rains, unless preventing factors are present

3. Transit of Mars from
one rashi to another, perceptible change in weather within 2 days; if
in rainy season, good rainfall. Mars is the most powerful planet causing

4. if a major planet changes rashi, noticeable change in weather.

5. When planets retrograde or become direct, change in temperature,
humidity. Mercury important planet to notice. Venus alone, either retro
or direct, cannot influence weather.

6. If strong Moon is aspected by the dispositor, rains

7. More benefics in Dakshina Nadi: rains; more malefics in UttaraNadi: no rains.

8. Cloud formation when Mercury and Venus, Mercury and Jupiter and
Venus-Jupiter are together. In favorable rashi and favorable aspects,
rains occur.

9. Venus behind slow moving planet causes wind. Many planets in Pawannadi: destructive nadi.

Factors preventing Rains

1. Sun in between Venus and Mercury, dry spell for a few days; a break in rains

2. Jupiter-Mars within 30 degrees, prevents rain

Now let us prepare Saptanadi chakra for Year 2014 on the basis of Ardara Parvesh Chakra.

 Sapta Nadi Chart for 2014

After Making Worksheet of Ardara Parvesh Chakra we need to cast its
Sapta nadi Chakra to see how much rain we can expect.

For whole process
we need to assign all the planets in 28 nakashtras which are casted in
Ardara parvesh chakra to prepare Sapta Nadis chart for 2014. Now Divide
Kendra bhavas into 4 parts as suggested above, there is a clear
indication in above mentioned chart north region will get enough rain
during this monsoon season, North having Scorpio sign ( jala Rasi )
aspected by Venus who is in Prachand Nadi indicating a catalyst who can
bring sudden rain storms in addition with Saturn also in Parachand
Nadi. Both Moon and Ketu are in Pawan Nadi indicating Moon will be the
main key in telling sudden change of weather conditions. Mercury , Rahu
and Uranus will be responsible for creating hot atmosphere for whole

Important point is Sun , Mars and Pluto are in Soumya
Nadi indicating whenever Jupiter , Sun and Mars will change their
location we can expect sudden rain in those areas as what we have seen,
when sun moved into Leo , and Jupiter moved in Cancer and Mars into
Scorpio Sign we saw terrible rainstorm and flood fury in J&K. So it
is quite evident Major planets were in Neera and Soumya nadi gave rain
above than average in J& K and when other Supportive planets moved
into Prachand Nadi we saw Nature fury in the form of heavy rain , Flood
and natural Calamity.

The World chart prepared by Mr Vinay Jhaa ( As per Surya-sidhantika Mode) also revealed same about the Monsoon condition for India 2014.

rain Flood Fury & Catestrophic Event of Heavy Rain in Jammu and Kashmir 2014

Official documents are saying this was never happened till after a long
64 years and the main reason for all of sudden was due to transit of
most important planets in watery Sign ( Cancer , Pisces and Scorpio)
happened in Sign of India & Kashmir western region ( i.e Mercury in
Virgo Sign ; Particularly Western J&K – mostly Kashmir region) with
Rahu- Node , With Jupiter- Ketu transformative trinal Energy –
Saturn 4/10 relation + Movement of Mars in watery Sign gives Massive
destruction and huge loss of property , trade and business etc ( lord
mercury) .
So this way can see any events which are happening in any country.

References :

Vinay Jhaa
Weathers and Earthquakes by Dr B.V Raman
Time Tested Techniques on Mundane Astrology by K.N Rao
Planets influence on Human affairs by Dr B.V Raman
Brihat Samhita by Varahmihira
Surya Sidhanta by Varahmihira

 News Reference on Report on J&K Catastrophe 2014  : http://www.indiatvnews.com/news/india/jk-floods-straight-from-the-tawi-bridge-jammu-41457.html.

pin Flood Fury & Catestrophic Event of Heavy Rain in Jammu and Kashmir 2014

Views: 9

A Research Insight: Prediction of Unfortunate event of New Delhi on 30th May 2014 of Stormy and Dusty windstorm Catastrophe Came True

A Research Insight: Prediction of Unfortunate event of New Delhi on 30th May 2014 of Stormy and Dusty windstorm Catastrophe Came True While Discussing The Mundane Astrological Concepts with Student on 29th May 2014:

proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F3.bp.blogspot.com%2F A Research Insight: Prediction of Unfortunate event of New Delhi on 30th May 2014 of Stormy and Dusty windstorm Catastrophe Came True

proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F1.bp.blogspot.com%2F 6Ws pp8gN 0%2FU43pohbCHfI%2FAAAAAAAAACY%2F 1CmH4bLZFM%2Fs1600%2F10363985 743683422351261 4686764955413920764 n A Research Insight: Prediction of Unfortunate event of New Delhi on 30th May 2014 of Stormy and Dusty windstorm Catastrophe Came True

It was a Stormy Night in My city on 29th of May 2014 2 @10 Pm when I was Discussing the Mundane Astrological and astronomical techniques for how to check Winds and Storms via astrologically and astronomically way and also predicting the nation’s catastrophe events like Rains, Earthquakes, Wars, Floods and Cyclones to One of my Student who is living in New Delhi.

proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F2.bp.blogspot.com%2F A Research Insight: Prediction of Unfortunate event of New Delhi on 30th May 2014 of Stormy and Dusty windstorm Catastrophe Came True

It was a quite interesting discussion on prediction of Natural disasters via Indian Astrological and Astronomical Techniques which were given in Brihat Samhita of Varahmhir. I was teaching her how we can Predict Natural Disaster on our cities, Indian States and Countries and even on world level too.

I suddenly asked Her Some Questions on Astronomy while I was also checking the same on my software:->

Me: did you felt so much heat after 28th may ?

Student: She Said Yes It was much heat In the city it was around about 44 Deg.

( I said ) Me: you know why?

Me : I said Let me Explain : Heat Wave Usually happen in the Atmosphere when Sun and moon usually both are conjugated on those signs which are closer to the line of equators and on the Day of Day 28th May 2014 both Sun and Moon were in Taurus Sign and in future they will be Gemini and cancer signs and all those signs are very closer to the equator and so we will sure gone feel Much heat waves in the Northern regions of India for eg Jammu , New Delhi , Punjab , UP , Mp and Some of those cities which are closer to Line of Cancer like Rajasthan , Gujarat , Mizoram etc.

When sun transits to these signs after 19th June 2014 we will experience much heat in northern and Tropical states of India.

Astronomical Reason Is Sun usually evaporates the water and creates humidity in the atmosphere and when it goes close to the moon on those 2.5 days we can experience much humidties and heat in our atmosphere and this actually happened when moon goes closer to Sun on 28th of May 2014 there was much heat in all the northern regions of India as well as much moisture and humidity too.

I further said it will be over when you wake up in the morning of 30th may and you will experience much cooler atmosphere as on 30th of May 2014 morning as Moon will be more closer to Mercury in the same nakashtra of Mrigshira which is the nakshtra of Ketu and it can bring Sudden change in the Wind in city.

As Mercury is the planet who controls Winds and Dusty storms and when moon goes closer to Mercury we can experience much wind in the atmosphere

Student: She Said Amazing! Indian astronomy is so amazing even we can predict weather too.

I further Said in added to the upper explanation was there any Strong Wind in your city or Strong Storm in your city currently going on ?

Student Said: She said nothing! There is nothing like that there is only Heat of 44 Degree.

Me: I said there will be a Strong Windy and Dusty Storm may Hit New Delhi on 30th of May 2014 till 7 Pm.

Student: She further said! How it could be Possible.

Me : I explained it further and said ! It usually happen when moon moves closer to the Mercury in daily transit you can experience Windy atmosphere in those 2.5 days and you will see much Wind when tomorrow it will approach to mercury and Moon has the capability to gives cool breeze in the air when it combines with mercury as Mercury is the lord of the winds so you can experience cool wind at night on 30th May 2014 after 7 Pm and will feel a change in atmosphere from the morning but my Point of Stress was something else Mercury will move to Ardra Nakashtra on 6 deg 40 ‘ exactly @ 17:00 Hr (5 Pm) @ New Delhi. what Will happen at that time !.

But there was one thing which was keep running in my mind and it was giving me the Deep stress inside as Both Moon and Mercury Will be in Ketu and Rahu nakashtra respectively which can bring sudden damages to the city .

As Moon Will be much closer to Mercury on 30th of may 2014 but both Moon and mercury will be in Mrigshira and Ardra nakshatra respectively and both are the nakshatra of Sudden climatic changes and can give Sudden climatic catastrophe if further Rahu and Saturn aspect it or join it in a transit so I was quiet worried deeper inside as New Delhi may face Sudden Strong Dusty Wind storm which can damage the City to much extent.

Astrological and Astronomical reason Behind Catastrophe Event on 30th May 2014:

My Point of Tension was the Gemini sign which is to be considered as the most Destructive sign for any catastrophic events and history has seen this many time in the country and in Indian we have seen last year 2013 when We have transit of 5 major planets were transiting on Gemini sign on 16th June 2013 & we Experienced the nation most Disastrous event in the Nation of India – “ The Kedarnath Catastrophe “ and with the same thing it was Disturbing me much.

As when Moon will move into Gemini Sign on 30th may 2014 , Moon will be in Same nakashtra of which Mercury is lording too “The Mrigshira nakshtra ” whose lord Ketu is already present in Aries Sign in 12th house from the Taurus lagna of India & Having both Venus and Ketu present in it , both the planets in Ashwani nakashtra whose lord is Ketu nakshtra already there in 12th house So i can say Situation would be Very Dangerous for the nation Because Ketu is considered as the Most Randomly,Unpredictable and Disastrous planet in Mundane Astrology which can bring Disaster and Havoc to any nation.

Most Important thing will be at that time was Both Ketu and Venus will in 12th from Taurus lagna “ The India Chart “ and 12th Simply means Sudden Damages & Destruction to the properties , Sudden Changes in the climate and it could be Sudden Thunderstorm and Lightning with heavy rains too and it lead to Heavy loss to the city as Both the planets were getting aspect from Rahu , sat and Mars too.So we can Assume Situation will be Different after the thunderstorm and Sudden Climatic Change in New Delhi.

As Ketu is the only planet who has the capability to Bring any Sudden Disastrous challenge in any nation like nuclear explosion, unexpected Wars, Sudden Tsunamis and High cyclones and High atmospheric pressure and if it is any case conjoined or being aspect by Saturn , Mars and Rahu , than it can bring major damages and Loss to any nation .

In “ India Independent chart “ we have this Proof as Rahu was also Transiting on Libra sign also aspect the Gemini Sign Where Moon, Mercury and Jupiter are already present and we can Expect there will be a disaster going to be happen soon on 30th of may 2014 on Most hi-Tech City of the nation ( Gemini Sign- Indicates Hi-Tech Nations , States or Countries and Sign belong to North of India where New Delhi , Jammu , Punjab Like cities falls ).

When Moon will be in Ketu nakashatra and when mercury will be transiting in
“6 degree 40′ ” – “ The degree of “ Most Dreadful Ardra Nakshtra of Rahu “ I was assuming Delhi May hit Strong Dust Storm on “17: 00 “ Hr @20th May 2014 at 6 Degree 40′ when Mercury will be exactly in Rahu ( Ardra nakashtra) exactly at 17:00 Hr and Delhi may face Strong and Heavy wind Storm which never going to be happened in the New Delhi ever. As at that time both Rahu and Ketu will have that capability to Damage the city badly and hit with big Dusty wind Storms.

As on the Current Transit on 30th of May 2014 When Mercury will move to 6 Deg 40’ Rahu can give much disaster to the city of Delhi reason being it will aspect Both Gemini and Aries from Virgo sign where Mars is there and Saturn also going to aspect on Aries too where Venus and Ketu will be there which will be the 12th from Lagna ( the house of damage and Destruction ) and nakashatra lord of Moon will be there too so we can Expect Strong Windy wave and Dusty-storm ( Because of Mercury on most dreadful nakashatra of Ardra ) and Rahu also getting Aspect on Gemini Sign at same time as well as Aries sign too so we can expect That storm has capability to damage much and it can affect all the electricity and all the communication as well as all Airo control System functionality of the city too as Rahu is Lording both the electricity and Air Space system too in Mundane astrology.

This Movement of Mercury in ardra nakshtra will affect all the communication system in the city as Mercury will be in in Rahu nakshtra and Rahu also aspect Mercury too so we can Assume there will me much disturbance in communication system and this will be a sudden surprise to New delhi as moon is in the Ketu nakashtra ( planet of bringing Sudden and unexpected things ) and later we will experience thunderstorm too as Mars also aspect Aries sign too by direct aspect and Gemini by Rasi aspect.

So ,that was the Question of my worry which bring the Destruction Of New Delhi and it came Suddenly during the Mundane Discussion lesson with one of Student.

Now i am assuming Indian astronomical System can gives faster prediction than the Indian meteorological system.

News Reference for Same : http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/massive-storm-rain-hits-delhi-ncr/1/364513.html

pin A Research Insight: Prediction of Unfortunate event of New Delhi on 30th May 2014 of Stormy and Dusty windstorm Catastrophe Came True

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Astronomical reason behind why there will be increase in heat waves scenario in the Northern Region of India after 16th june 2014

Meteorological Astrology and Astronomical Observation for Coming Monsoons (2014) for North India Region

Mundane Astrology Observation

When can we Expect Rains in Northern Hemisphere of India ?

(Research Done on @29th May 2014)

(Revised Edition)
india lsta 20140602 09 Astronomical reason behind why there will be increase in heat waves scenario in the Northern Region of India after 16th june 2014

 Image Courtesy – http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov, Temperature anomaly given by NASA for 2014 for Asian Heatwave Precedes Monsoon  

Viewers Can check  what NASA Predicted for 2014 Monsoon : http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php?id=83897

Based on our recent Astro Meteorological study for 2014  weather uncertainties, we have observed the sun is going very close to the equator line, from India point of view and it is the main reason why these days we are feeling so much heat waves in Northern Region of India. Astronomical reasoning lies in the sun current transit near equator line where you can see close constellations of Taurus , Gemini and Cancer are already present ruling most of central, north  and some portions of Eastern regions. It is noteworthy to see that more the sun moves closer  to sign of Cancer from Taurus to -> Gemini to (after 19th July 2014) more  northern and eastern region will experience wetness and increase in heat waves with added humidity level.This most imp point Dr B.V Raman had clearly explained why Cancer sign rules most of rain in northern hemisphere of India when sun transits to cancer sign in pushya nakshtra.

Currentposition Astronomical reason behind why there will be increase in heat waves scenario in the Northern Region of India after 16th june 2014

After 19th july we can experience pretty much growth in humid level in  atmosphere and there will slight increase  in temperature as well could be around 40-45 Deg but humidity will be much concern and it will be more effective after 19th July.Reason being The Sun will be in Cancer Sign(Near Line of cancer) with transiting Jupiter, two most huge, massive and hot celestial bodies in a watery sign.Change in weather scenario will be sure to come.So, It could be a relieving point for the people of tropical and coastal areas where level of humidity is more in atmosphere.More chances of heavy downpour is possible  around cancer sign ruling states.

Tropic Cancer Capricorn e1394189195765 Astronomical reason behind why there will be increase in heat waves scenario in the Northern Region of India after 16th june 2014

After June 16th 2014 we will experience cool blow of wind and dryness in atmosphere and there can be chances of sudden rise in the temperature too probably around about 45 Deg but with few rain drops too as Sun is going to conjugate with Jupiter and Mercury which  will give some relief in weather conditions but in later stage.

Mercury usually gives windy atmosphere with Sun  but with Jupiter it is a sort of 50-50, so both dryness and good weather condition could be expected. Jupiter mostly try to lesser down the windy atmosphere and when sun moves away from mercury thunder Showering can be expected.

Blue Line is the ” The Equator Line “where we can see all three signs are transiting very closer to the Sun. This is the reason for heat waves in coming months.

From 28th May to 30th May 2014 we can feel this effect  in greater amount as moon will be very closer to the Sun and this would be a turning point for Sudden  change & greater  level of increase in humidity in the northern regions of (New Delhi , Jammu , Punjab , Up , MP and Haryana). Later when moon goes further we will experience lesser number of humidity in atmosphere and it would a matter of relief in north india.

Currently  much of heats waves are flowing in Northern region, reason is, Solar Activities beneath the Sun in northern region of India .

Currently Sun is very close to Rohini Nakashtra in Taurus Sign and Lord of Rohini Nakashtra is in Leo with out any contact of Mercury. We can expect heat waves awaiting for India’s northern sphere as sun is now in 2nd Quarter of Taurus closely touching around ” 72 Degree Longitudinal ” from Earth Prime Meridian distance. All the cities are lies in between 72 Deg Longitude are getting effected much by this Solar Activity.

The Main Reasons of we are not Getting any Rain and Heat waves are much is only One as we are not seeing any contact of Closeness of moon with Mercury with respect to earth Gravitational pull which can change the earth weather condition.

More the Planets are in contact with Moon and Mercury more we can expect Cooler Climate in northern Region till we see any activity in Taurus and Gemini sign else we cant expect Rain in northern Region of india,

But we can Expect there will be Lots of changes in weather condition sooner after Jupiter will Move Into Tropic of Cancer on 19th June 2014 and Same time Saturn also going to aspect Jupiter too so we can expect there will be much Relaxing weather conditions after 19th June 2014 as Saturn also help to Settle down the Earth heating atmosphere by making point of contact with Jupiter else Jupiter alone cant bring any change in earth but with Saturn and Mercury Contact it can make it much cooler soon .

As Jupiter has Bigger mass than earth and having much effects on earth atmosphere due to strong magnetic pull it can give to earth and Sun and hence can influence the solar activity more in Sun.

So, Combo of Jupiter-Sat will sure gone cool down the earth atmosphere Sooner after 19th june 2014.

Exact Point of Rain will be after 26th June 2014 exactly after @ 3:00 Pm When Moon will going to enter Gemini Sign with Mercury in Same Nakashtra (Mrig-Shara – whose Nakashtra is Lord Ketu which has capability to Bring sudden changes in weather conditions ) in a very closer degree.

So , we can Expect there will be Sudden Rain Conditions changes in weather in Northern Region of India Soon after 26th June 2014 and we can expect there will be good Rain too in northern Hemisphere .

States which are going to effects from these transits are , New Delhi , Punjab , Jammu and Kashmir , Himachal Pardesh , Rajasthan , haryana and Gujraat.

True Monsoon Season will Soon going to hit in between 22 july to 22 August in most of the North India region Including UP , Punjab Western region of Jammu , Delhi ,Haryana , Mid of India including Gujraat , Bihar and Bhopal when Exactly Sun move into Cancer Sign with Jupiter ( Two Hot Bodies will eat all the water in rivers ) after 16th July 2014 and than there will be lots of Evaporation in Coastal areas and it will produce lots of Condensation work for Idle & empty Clouds and it will effect most of the North-East India Regions and people will feel its result soon in the form of Heavy Rainfalls , High Humidity and Lots of Sweat around the environment & People AC’s start gone work now after this Joke apart.

onset monsoon Astronomical reason behind why there will be increase in heat waves scenario in the Northern Region of India after 16th june 2014

Nature will show its true color of humidity around about More than 95% and after tomorrow movement and finally we can observe the effect of Monsoons Soon after 16th july 2014 when Moon , Mercury , Jupiter and Sun going to Conjugate closely.

Mars and Saturn Quadrangle Position also going to add Some mirch masaals too in this may be you can experience Some Sudden floods, Sudden Dust storms , thunderstorms or Windfall and can lead into some destruction too in Northern & Eastern regions of India may be in uttrakhand , UP , Bihar , Assam , Bhopal etc and all those states which are much closer to the Center of India and as their signs and degrees are much closer to the center of india ( Cancer line – Where Current transit is effecting much ) & as per the ” Koorma Chakara ” drawn for india you can easily trace locations for these regions and because of their Degree effects will be much more on these areas by both Sun and Jupiter.

Gujraat and all the neighboring countries i.e Pakistan , Iraq , Afghanistan etc which are also very Close to the Gujarat have to Suffer much too by this conjugation and can experience sudden dry atmosphere , sudden Droughtness and heaty environment also.

But Soon this Drought Atmosphere going to wash away in most of States of India for @1 month because of this conjugation effect and there will be more than average rain from earlier months although it would be lesser than previous years but still Rain will be much better not as per our expectations but still it will be better than earlier months.

People will purely enjoy Monsoon’s Season around about ” 22 July 2014 to 22 August 2014 “ Usually Monsoon reach in north India region about 15th June but this year it is delay of 1 month.

pin Astronomical reason behind why there will be increase in heat waves scenario in the Northern Region of India after 16th june 2014

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Year 2014 (Ketu) – The Year of Foundation for Revolution and Bringing Change in India.

2014(Ketu) -The Year of Foundation for Revolution

proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F4.bp.blogspot.com%2F hqGU jGwQ4I%2FU43j4YtRpWI%2FAAAAAAAAABg%2FGc K UfFiDM%2Fs1600%2FIndia 2014 Year 2014 (Ketu) - The Year of Foundation for Revolution and Bringing Change in India.

2014 Will be a Year of Revolution , Social Revolution and India will see New changes in Era of Indian Political and Social System.Power of Honesty , Unity & Common Man will Rule the Year of 2014.

Mid-Half of June 2014 Will Bring Sudden Changes in Whole Political , Religious and Social System and establish the Power of Common Man.

Common Social Mass(Saturn) will win Sinners will get Punishment.

Just Wait n Watch

4 Major Changes would have been seen in year 2014 –

1)Guru Will be Move in its Most Exalted State(Cancer Sign) after 13 year & Will Form Miraculous Spiritualistic ,Religious and Righteous Duties to Establish Great Social Structure in India.
2)Saturn Will be in its Most Exalted & Powerful State(20 -23 Degree -Libra Without Rahu – Will Rule & Run the Whole system Honestly)
3)Rahu Will be in its Mool Trikona Sign(Virgo) and Defend the Honest System as a Defender.
4)Number 7(Ketu) Will Rule the Year- Truthfulness Will Prevail & Miracles Happening would seen in whole year.


pin Year 2014 (Ketu) - The Year of Foundation for Revolution and Bringing Change in India.

Views: 3

Will Narendra Modi Be Next Prime Minister of India ? – Research Insight on Narendra Modi for Next PM 2014

Will Narendra Modi Be Next Prime Minister of India ?

My Analysis & Research Insight on Narendra Modi for Next PM 2014 
Date of Birth : 17 september 1950 
Time of Birth : 11 Am 
Place of birth Mehsana , Gujraat

proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F1.bp.blogspot.com%2F LF3kJ6qaoXw%2FU43iG0dI5gI%2FAAAAAAAAABU%2FHe4kv FYsvs%2Fs1600%2F1424387 649781115074826 2041979083 n Will Narendra Modi Be Next Prime Minister of India ? - Research Insight on Narendra Modi for Next PM 2014

Narendra Modi is born with Scorpio lagna and 9th lord Moon is also in Lagna with Mars.Lagna Degree is about 5 Degree quite indicating Young, talented, youthful and dynamic personality. In Lagan, Mars (Lagna Lord) and Moon (9th Lord) Forming  Ruchuka-Mahaprush yoga clearly indicates naturally born leader who is daring, bold with enterprising quality and willing to cross any hurdles, can overcome any battle with his strong will and intellectual power. All these qualities Making him Naturally born leader and giving him conquering capabilities those similar to look alike Sikander (Alexandra the Great).

Ruchaka yoga is considered as an one of the five Royal Yogas in  Vedic Astrology and falls in category of  the Panch MahaPurusha Yogas.

With this Ruchka mahaprusha yoga, Neech-bhagna Yoga also forming in lagana too giving extra Strength back to Moon as well but placement of weak mars in D9 chart, some how nullifying the excellent result of Mars.

Usually with these types of combination  native may have to face Great fall after great rise or in those vice-versa conditions.Currently Modi ji is having moon Mahadasha, Nakshtra lord is Saturn Placed in  the 10th house with Venus forming a Vosi Yoga creating naturally acquired Name & fame in its social or work life without any more efforts, natives usually born in this yoga act like a natural Human resource manager or apt in social management , a great social personality, a reformer and most important making him great level of charitable human being.

Saturn is also (AK) Atmakarka too which also means a person born with natural quality for helping down trodden people and great rise after lots of struggle in life.

Aatmakarka in 10th house in D1 Making him Natural Karam Yogi Born for Fulfilling its duty toward Social reform and raising the bar of mankind. , that’s why modi ji always ready to help those people who are in great trouble to raise their bar and very popular in weak society masses and also giving qualities of natural Management and expert dealing in social masses.
Currently Modi ji is Facing Sade-sati from his Moon sign and lagna too and Rahu also joined with Saturn In his 12th house from Lagna as well as from Moon , only hurdle in achieving success in ministry as it indicates person has to work hard to earn name in the society and have to face false and dirty political traps. The Trap Combination of Rahu with Sat in its 12th from Moon and Lagna chart giving him lots of physical distress as well as Acute mental troubles due to enemic acts by opponents.Reason being Rahu and Sat both are Karka for 4th house wrt to Modi ji Lagna kundli and Moon Kundli , natural karka for Peace , home and Mind and thoughts so this combination clearly imbalanced all the qualities of 4th house.

Here Saturn is teaching him the lesson of social relationships, how to balance social relationships and telling him who is with him and who is not with him so that in near future he is able to handle himself in all odd conditions. This is the only hurdle what my analysis telling me and modi ji have to face all this Due to oppositions dirty traps ,conflicts and Blame games etc etc all due to Rahu & Shani Kroor Yukti in 12th from his Moon sign and which keep disturbing him from few years( Started from 2011 nov -Saturn & after dec 2012 -Rahu).Reason Being is Rahu is an expert in diabolic qualities , manipulative game plannings & being cheat nature and here Rahu is completely Merge up with Saturn and keep disturbing him for doing his free work but Soon condition gone change after July 13 2014 when Rahu will move into the Next powerful sign of Virgo in Lagna as well as in moon kundli.

That time Rahu will be in his Friend house sign and will give him huge amount of gain and power through the Social environment which he will make to get work done.11th house is the natural house of Social network and making alliances with your Social circle you have in your environment so you will see after july 2013 a great friendly alliance going to be happen.
From Modi ji Moon sign and lagna chart Rahu will be in 11th house after 13th july 2013 and which clearly shows huge gain over enemies and Getting in power and Forming new alliances with many friends.

Reason being Rahu Antar dasha is going on and Rahu is Modi AMK (Amtya karka) forming a Raja Sambhanha yoga which simply means a Famous Minister known for his good deeds and intellectual knowledge’s. From 26th April 2013 and Modi having highest order of Fame yoga (Rahu in 5th house in Satvic sign of pisces – giving him Good level of Intuitive power, Sharp Mind and well versed in speculative works and a imaginative planning ) in Lagna kundli but due to Rahu basic nature of False image deployment , Modi ji also facing lots of social conflicts, blames and opponents Issues regarding conspiracies and traps implemented by opponents and in his own BJP camps( Rahu is in 9th from Al – Modi own member Betray him and leave his Companies ) but everything gone useless due to Modi other beneficial yoga’s in kundli.

Moreover Rahu is also Amatya-karka and in 5th house of Natural sign of name and fame and Social and political house ( A minister or an Imp person in a Kingdom) for Modi ji and placed in trikona which clearly indicates A famous Minister and will shine as a great personality as a politician. Rahu is Seen for Success in Political careers and Providing Name and fame to the native and in 5th it Gives Huge and massive Fame & Rahu is very powerful For modi ji reason being Rahu is an Amatya karka and in trine too, lord of kendra and also in trikona house which making him very much skilled ,technically very sharp minded and creative too and will give him huge and massive fame in all sort of creative work for growth and development, these types of combinations are seen in very technocrat people who are very well versed in IT Technologies.

As Same things is seen from 9th from Al ( Outer perceptions of what other people think on our self) Making him Very much skilled and knowledgeable and Same is seen from 9th from Karkamsa where Rahu and Venus Present making Modi ji naturally creative(With Planet of creativity- Venus) ,Very much skilled in Political and Technical stuffs.
I can say a natural Skilled and creative person born with Great Social and Political knowledge. If we See his D9 chart ,10th house from Karkamsa (saturn) Moon is there which clearly indicates A man with natural leadership quality born to help Society and raise the level of Society, making him a natural Social leader who can Move large number of mass by his social nature and oratory abilities.
That’s why after Starting of Rahu antardasha from april 2013 Modi Ji natrual name and Fame increased suddenly but due to rahu diabolical nature Modi ji also have to face lots of false accusation from oppositions too.

Same for mars is also there who is 10th lord from Arudha lagna (AL) and present in 5th from it with Arudha lagna lord which clearly telling me A Bold & courageous man born with self-dependent qualities who can shake anyone with his strong dedication, courage , will power & with strong mind power ,that’s why Modi ji is very much Strong In his view point and its not easy for anyone to break his Strong will power to force him to step back once he decides.

Jupiter is 6th from AL making him a satvic nature person believes in helping and guiding people.
After 12 april 2014 he will be in very Comfortable position wrt to Political position. As per My calculations when Jupiter will Move from from Gemini sign to Cancer Sign on 19th june 2014 Modi ji will be in full administrative and ministerial power as Jupiter will be in its most

exalted Position and for Modi ji Guru will be in 9th house from Lagna as well as from Moon sign and also aspects Mars and moon too who is also 9th lord as well as AL lord , and Mahadasha lord too – or you can say lord of luck and Main advisory(Mantri) to the kingdom(India) or an important person in Kingdom to the King ( which we called as Prime minister in Poltical terms in Current time in politics ) in Lagna kundli. This Combination clearly depicting high order of Ministerial power and modi ji can be in charge of handling big Ventures in Central Ministry or in the ” KINGDOM of INDIA “For Fulfilling this job Modi ji has to face lots of False accusation from opponents till 15th july 2014 but once Rahu move from libra to Virgo MOdi ji will again get boost in his name, fame, power and strength and will start his work with full force.

Current Planetary Placements of Jupiter making Modi expert in his oratory skills by aspecting 2nd house from 8th house from Scorpio moon sign and Rahu in libra giving Him lots of mental troubles from others( Hidden conspiracies from others seen from 12th house )in his mind to break his will power and mental strength which they are not able to succeed as Jupiter also aspecting Same by Gemini sign so modi ji facing it all and same time defeating all hurdles given by opponents with his strong will power and expert planning and Strategy.

After October 2014 Guru Dasha will come and modi ji will do lots of Social work in society in his ministry as Jupiter will transit in D10 lagna chart too in Mars in cancer sign and will be 9th from AL ,which clearly means performing lots of social and religious work in the society.

Hope you pepole like my Write up on Modi ji
Rest Only God knows what will May bring to the Future of India but i believe Modi ji will be in Full Power after june 2014.

|| Om Bhagwate Vasudevaya Namah: ||

With Thanks and Regards,
Facebook Profile :https://www.facebook.com/Rockey.Jamwal
Facebook Page : www.facebook.com/Krishnadhaam
Website :http://www.krishnadhaam.webs.com/

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