Vastu Project: Commercial : Hindu Vastu Shastra for Home, by using 3D Architecture

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4 Vastu Project: Commercial : Hindu Vastu Shastra for Home, by using 3D Architecture
7 Vastu Project: Commercial : Hindu Vastu Shastra for Home, by using 3D Architecture

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Site evaluation was done on  XXXX. There is a correction of xxx Manaangula according to Lat long of Jaipur. So xxx  is the correction done to Brahma Sutra leading us to true Shuudha Prache.
We are using Isha Prichyya for the current evaluation as it is a commercial plot.
1.     The plot is wider from front. This is a problem according to Vastu. This will be xxx during construction.
2.     Plot is having a road running at xxx to xx direction. The person is having xx in ascendant and as such the xxx direction will prove beneficial for the native.
3.     There is a xxx vedha from the front. We are avoiding any possible xx in front of the xxx vedha. The wall should be given appropriate xxx to avoid problems. We can also xxx in front of the wall.
4.     There is an increase in space section of xxx.  This cannot be compensated but is still beneficial for the native.
5.     According to Vastu the period after two years from hence that is year xxx will prove harmful for elders in the family especially females. This is a result of acquisition and cannot be compensated.
6.     We have arranged a new xxx besides the two xxx already present. This will be constructed after leaving 16 feet from the xxxx. It is ruled by a xx which leads to xxx profits.
7.     The door used for xx  should remain closed normally. It may lead to xxx troubles for the inhabitants if it used frequently.
8.      The area was xxx. It carried variations because there are xxx lines in front. xxx variations were observed near the front wall. Please note that we do not recommend xxx fields.
9.      Research xxxx.
Ayaadi Calculations.
Factors under consideration. The peripheral measure is not possible as one arm is longer and the plot is not a perfect square. We are going to use the exact measure and then we will try to rectify the plot accordingly. Nakshatra –xx- 2
1.     Nakshatra: Peripheral Measurement. = xx
2.     Aaya: =x
3.     Vyaya: = x
4.     As expenditure is lesser than income when size is reduced we will consider the size factor and will advise a change in the size of the plot. We recommend a size reduction to rectangle from front.
5.     Yoni: =xst yoni which is xx. xst yoni is good.
6.     Vara:  = x. This is xx and is good again.
7.     Amsa: = xx which is King.
The overall Ayadi is extremely good. This tells us that the front xxx wall should be reduced which we have already done in the construction plan.
1.     We have made a plan which is according to vastu principles.
2.     We should build a xx along the main gate. xxx should be installed in parallel way inside this
3.      As you can make out xx is like a small xx that will be running across the length of the xxx. Inside the xx, two xxx are installed parallel to each other. A xxx is used to protect and it was a tradition in ancient India.  xx Pooja is a routine which is followed at every festival like Deewali to ensure its power. xxx insulates the house from bad xx. xx Poojan is also followed and is done by the bride when she enters the groom’s house for the first time. This insures prosperity of the owner and also prevents negative entities from entering the house.
4.     The xx should be constructed in the proposed area after taking dimensions.
5.     The marmas are sensitive points that should not be used for construction. The obstructions of these points leads to Marma vedha. We have avoided the same in plan.
6.     The xx zone in left for xxx of the company.
7.     The xxx and xx zones can be shifted.  Dine-in area and pantry cannot be disturbed.
8.     Guard room and Packaging zones are mentioned but can be interchanged.
More data cannot be shared to maintain privacy.
By Alok Jagawat      
pin Vastu Project: Commercial : Hindu Vastu Shastra for Home, by using 3D Architecture

Views: 16

The Greatness of Saturn- Part 1 : Magnificent Aspects of the Saturn Influencing human being Astronomically and philosophically explained

GreatnessofSaturnAspects The Greatness of Saturn- Part 1 : Magnificent Aspects of the Saturn Influencing human being Astronomically and philosophically explained

| Om Guruve Namah |
Magnificent Aspects Astronomically, Astrologically and Philosophically Explained- Part 1 (Mathematical Aspect)

General Introduction:

” Om Nilanjana samabhasam, Ravi putram yamagrajam Cahaya martanda samhubhutam,  Tama namami Shanescharam”

I bow down to great Shanaishchara, one who is slow in motion ( Shaniah = slow, charah =move) (Saturn), the elder brother of Yama (the God of Death), and who is born from (who is the son of ) Martanda (the Sun) and Chhaya and who is the son of Ravi (the Sun). His complexion is blackish, like that of black eye ointment (used as an eyeliner, made out of black soot mixed with clarified butter)

In Sanskrit Saturn is called Shani or Shana-ish-chara (The slow mover – The Manda Gati  ), Shane -Shane (one who walks slowly)”.Astronomically, only Saturn has the capability to stay for a much longer period in any zodiac sign because of his slow movement in the celestial sphere. It takes him 2.5 Years, about two and a half years to cover up one zodiacal sign or so to pass through each constellation of the sidereal zodiac which covers the cycle of 30 years for completing its phase in all the zodiac signs. Only Saturn in the solar system has that much stronger and longer Ring structure with multi-layers gaseous components in it, as what ancient and modern astronomers believe, that has the ability to control motions of the rest of planetary forces after the 2nd largest planet Jupiter in the solar system, via the magnetic shield it has.

Analysis of Saturn Ring Structure Philosophically Explained
( Author View )
Saturn diagram.svg The Greatness of Saturn- Part 1 : Magnificent Aspects of the Saturn Influencing human being Astronomically and philosophically explained
Logically Saturn planetary structure has 3 outer Rings of unequal width and they revolve it in the same direction. They all revolve from left to right in the same direction as the planet revolves on its axis. Comparatively Earth and Saturn movements are very similar to each other.  The thickness of Saturn’s rings is a hundred miles and most people believe that all these rings are made of gaseous material but the latest discoveries show that rings consist of a cloud of tiny satellites revolving around the planets, that shows the force of planetary rings it has, that it can break any barrier it came across. As per the latest discoveries Neither they are made of Gas nor liquids nor solid, they are innumerable little satellites that form the ring structure of Saturn.

SaturnRings The Greatness of Saturn- Part 1 : Magnificent Aspects of the Saturn Influencing human being Astronomically and philosophically explained

The very true purpose of Ring structure on Saturn apart from the rest of planetary structure is to provide a sharp piece of knowledge on judgment, self-restrictions, Self-realisation, with deep observation power to keep on monitoring the rest of the motions of planets with sharp karmic eyes or we can say in the philosophical language it is a gifted understanding for deep analytical assessment, with a keen observation power to observe every minute to smallest karma from any deep angles via close and minute associations.

It is made for providing a balance in the motion and that balance can help in achieving any life targets and goals with perfect patience and stability after undergoing life hard lessons slowly in the journey of life, the Famous saying is without balance and focused targets or goal no one can achieve the level of perfection. Only with perfect balance, one can achieve anything with life’s gradual experiences.
The Ring structure of Saturn helps in closely monitoring the motions of others, Here motions of others imply their karmic mistakes in the journey of life and that can only be possible after observing the mistakes in their karmas via patience, observation, and deep assessment.

If you have the charismatic ring of the Saturn in your chart, it is none another a power of balance, gifted as in the form of placement of Exalted Saturn, eventually, you can conquer any fight or battle with deep wisdom, with the power of balanced life approach and perfect balanced motion. More the motion is slow with consistent speed more you can monitor your life mistakes and more you can put restrictions on yourself for better achievements in goal. The Greatest power will be you can help others via your deep wisdom attained via balanced and perfect motion by guiding them, by realizing their root mistake, by pinpointing their weaknesses.

Power of Ring in Saturn is for judgment, wisdom, deep observation power, wide Vision, the gift of monitoring karma’s, judgment of being right and wrong.

In General, in life, if we have the balance we can take better steps and decisions, clarity of thoughts will be more with clear and precise vision, One can take all pro and cons into consideration before any decisions or judgment For e.g when the ring is attached to a coin and if we try to rotate or revolve that coin with the ring attached to it, we can see that in starting the weight of the ring will try to imbalance or slow down the motion but once it achieves its perfect momentum, balance and consistent speed, slowly but gradually it will pick up the speed in perfect and consistent spin motion, in that slow and balanced motion planet will have maximum ChestaBala and speed will keep on increasing and later we can also observe that the motion will be in perfects shape and in a balanced state and when it gets to stop, the coin will be having perfect landing without any mistake. The same goes for the Saturn Ring and motion, with the power of this any native can achieve their maximum life goals but with perfection and true balance via the help of motion of Saturn that no can achieve

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*Note: Chesta Bala is a motional strength analyzed based on the relative motion of the planets especially in the case of those planets having relatively slow speed those can get maximum Chesta Bala value. Planets that are fast relatively having a low chestabala value. The reason being Slow moving planets can able to focus their energy more on any aspect because they can stay in one place for a maximum time. Therefore it is possible that a relatively fast-moving Saturn can get a low Chesta Bala value in Directional motion rather than in Retrogression motion, while relatively fast-moving Mercury can get a high Chesta Bala during retrogression motion.

Spiritually and philosophically the ring structure of the Saturn also shows about Extra two Aspects (The 3rd and 10th Aspect- Drishti) and controlling nature given to the Lord Saturn for extraordinary duties assigned to him for mankind well being or can be defined as a sharp eye given for deeply monitoring karmic actions of the humans. Its main purpose lies in extra features that are given to the Lord of karma for understanding Restrictions and duties on karmic actions based on the karma of any being. It speaks about the managed and fixed boundaries required for any disciplinary actions.

It speaks about fixed Dedication needed for fulfilling the tasks. Also, shows constant futuristic focus and decisions for those actions and working on it constantly with fixed ideas. These rings structures also show Limitations one can come across in fructifying the actions and how one can manage and work under those fixed boundaries and limitations. It also speaks about fixed boundaries one must have to work in for yielding out better results in the future without crossing it or misusing the power given by the Almighty for accomplishing any tasks. It shows majorly about the strength one has realized with great difficulties in the past’s life and most importantly it talks about a control structure on karmas of Devas, Rakshas, and Manshuyas. Even it also indicates enforced boundaries given for Honest and Balanced judgment to the Lord of the Karama for all the being for their karmic actions by the Godhead of the highest order.

The motion of Saturn as per ancient texts and Astronomy:
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According to Khandakhadyaka and Surya Siddhanta of Varahamihira, Saturn completes 146,564 revolutions on its own axis every 4,320,000 earth years, an Epicycle of Apsis as 60 degrees, and had an apogee (aphelia) of 240 degrees in 499 CE; while another manuscript of Surya Siddhanta revises the revolutions to 146,568, the apogee to 236 degrees and 37 seconds and the Epicycle to about 49 degrees.                                         (Source: Wikipedia)
Surya Siddhanta 10,765 days, 18 hours, 33 minutes, 13.6 seconds
Siddhanta Shiromani

10,765 days, 19 hours, 33 minutes, 56.5 seconds

Astronomically, Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second-largest in the Solar System, after Jupiter. It is a gas (Vayu Tatva – Sharpe Intelligence) giant with an average radius (Wisdom) about nine times that of Earth. Although it has only one-eighth the average density of Earth, with its larger volume Saturn is just over 95 times (Power of control) more massive. It has a deep impact on the air system of the body and a sharp influence on all sorts of Mundane activities and desires. that’s why it affects more on the root chakra of the body.

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Scientifically Saturn has a magnetic field (Power of Attraction and controlling any Jeeva for enforcing duties and responsibilities in terms of karma theory ) about 578 times more powerful than the Earth’s, that shows the power, and force of attraction (Gravity) which is impossible to count, further shows the impact and controlling nature it possesses toward Rest of planetary structure from Mercury to Jupiter. This shows any Moving and rotating body circulation motion has a deep role in impacting any nearby celestial body within its range.

The thing is how huge celestial bodies floating in the solar system effects so badly that we cannot think more than from it. Well, the answer lies in understanding the solar magnetic forces or currents they produce and how they influence, which keep on affecting any particle in contact with these huge celestial bodies.

According to the “Swami Abhedananda”  as explained in Heliocentric science, the Effects of the planets upon earth are the results of the certain vibrations, frequencies, and circulatory motions of their bodies. These vibrations usually travel in outer space from all the direction and strike the sun like a telegraphic signal those keep coming to the receiver end (Here sun is acting as the source of accepting and reflecting back those waves and signals) and in the same way sun strike back or reflect those telegraphic waves in all the direction to the sender ends. Here both the Sun and the rest of the planets are acting as a communication channel, whereas the rest of the planets act like Transponder and the sun is acting like the receiver who keeps on responding to those signals from outer space. These vibrations always coming from the other planetary ends in a regular manner in the medium of “Ether” and keep beating on the atmosphere of the sun. when they Strike the surface of the sun they cannot penetrate through the sun, in return, they reflected back and goes in every direction and strike all other planets including earth too.

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These waves or vibrations are like magnetic current traveling everywhere on the solar surface and it has the influence of each and every planet and they keep on sending this current to the sun, and the sun keeps on sending back these influences to other planets in all the directions and these currents keep on traveling from one planet to the other planet affecting weather surface, Mental and physical conditions of the human beings living on those planets. Larger the planet is located much powerful would be the magnetic current it has to send back to the sun and after coming back from the sun it gets magnetized by the solar atmosphere with much-telling influences on the human mind, weather, atmosphere and physical conditions of the human being.
These solar magnetic currents or waves of energy produce force and vitality and they are reflected upon the earth from every direction. Every planetary current has a much-telling influence on the human mind and body. Then Sun sends it back to the medium of ether in the same way to the earth via its radiation, It has everything including light, sound, a different wavelength of color, heat, Pran Shakti, Vitality, power, force, and other telling influences those are gathered from the rest of the planets in certain wavelengths and they get mixed up with heat and light of the sun.
Our ancient seers and astronomers studied these patterns very well and then they understood that’s why human beings are more or less affected by the influence of each planet’s motion.
Because of the quick motion of the Mercury around the sun, it produces a much-telling influence on the human mind and brain functionality as its waves get much magnetized by the sun and in result vibration of the mercury produces quickness, Activity, changeableness, Hilarity, wittiness and brilliant intelligence. and it has also been observed that these vibrations also produce different forms too, its vibrations are very quick and shorter in nature, that’s why they go quick and back in a much shorter period. The result will be it has a much shorter influence on the human mind and body during its transitory and retrogression motion. Same way Venus has a bit slower vibrations and it’s in a pleasant form.

It produces a soothing and harmonious influence on the human mind as well as on the weather too, and whenever Venus vibrations strike anyone it produces harmonic vibrations around the heart chakra that helps in a healthy relationship with any other being. Jupiter Has much longer, powerful but slower vibrations due to its slow motion and much broader surface and it produces vast and huge waves around earth helps in harmonic growth around the human mind and body and when it strikes the sun it gets harmonized by the sun and same it is reflected back to the surface of the earth it has a much-telling influence on the mind and it affects more on the Spiritual ground affecting human mind in a most positive way because it has a much smoother and harmonic relationship with the medium of the waves (The Ether – Akash Tattva).

As it is very huge in size and largest among all it has tremendous power of influence on the human mind, body, and the surface of the earth weather condition. It has the quality of absorbing everything and when it strikes the human mind it gives healthy and powerful vitality force to the human body and absorbs every negativity around it.
Now coming to Saturn, has very long, heaviest, and much slower vibrations than any of the planets in the solar system, and its waves and vibrations are very powerful and strong and it produces disintegrating influence on the human mind and body. Each of these different vibrations coming from different planets having different wavelengths produces different effects in the human system and characteristics of the human too. Saturn being much slower in motion for a longer period, its magnetic current has much influence on the inner side of the body and has more influence on the bone and flesh of the human being and its vibrations produce more a restriction on a person or its activity and have more of all kind of disintegrating effects on the human body with diseases connected with it.
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Saturn has an average distance from the Sun around 885,904,700 miles (1,426,725,400 km) which is 9.53707 times that of Earth. Saturn Solar Waves take much time to reach the earth’s surface that’s the only reason it has an effect for a much longer period and same it has the Dasha period for a much longer period of 19 years that has been calculated based on the distance from earth and the sun and its average staying period in the one zodiac sign that is around 2.5 years for 1 sign and it covers 30 years of distance to make 1 cycle and approximately a human being can experience 3 cycles (90 years ) in one life period of time.

Its Perihelion (closest approach to Sun) distance is : 838,519,000 miles (1,349,467,000 km) which is 9.177 times that of Earth and its Aphelion (farthest distance from sun): 934,530,000 miles (1,503,983,000 km) which is 9.886 times that of earth. So long-distance, slow motion, huge mass & strong attraction power toward the earth makes Saturn the strongest planet in the solar system the resultant. Spiritually and in Scriptural point of view Saturn has given the wide reason why Shani dev is considered as greatest & most strongest planet. 

Because of this only reason, it has the highest impact on the human mind, body & soul with the help of its slow-motion (Mand Gati)  and its role as Karma Karka Graha in Nav Graha Cabinet.

Astronomically it has the power to attain maximum Chesta Bala in either direct or in a retrogression motion where one can realize his karmic debts and actions in a much relatable way with current life events those are strongly related with our past action and hence, one can better anticipate in his life for improvement on his karma.

In the next part, we will try to understand Saturn’s strong gravitational force with the help of ancient quotes and facts. So stay connected for the 2nd part as well and keep reading our articles and blogs.

Rocky Jamwal

Source: The Heliocentric Science by Swami Abhedananda continue The Greatness of Saturn- Part 1 : Magnificent Aspects of the Saturn Influencing human being Astronomically and philosophically explained

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Mahishasura Mardini Stotram, Benefits, Meaning, for killing arrogance: An Astrological compendium to understand goddess durga and nine planets

Understanding Mahishasura Mardini Stotram, Benefits, Meaning, for killing arrogance: An Astrological compendium to understand goddess Durga and nine planets

durgasaffron Mahishasura Mardini Stotram, Benefits, Meaning, for killing arrogance: An Astrological compendium to understand goddess durga and nine planets


Goddess Durga and Devi Mahatmyam

Mahishasura Mardini stotram is based on Devi mahatmyam in which Devi takes the forms of Durga in Chandika Form to slay Mahishasura. This stotra is said to have been composed or been dedicated to Ramakrishna Kavi as well as Sri Adi Shankaracharya both. Detailed Story of Mahisasura is available in Durga Saptashati in chapter 2,3 and 4 and also can be found in Devi Mahatamaya or Devi Bhagwati puraan. Mahisahasura Mardini is the stotra of Maa Duraga Narrated in Chandi path in Durga Sapatashati. This stotra is named Mhishasura Mardini as Maa Durga has defeated demon Mahisasura while taking chandi form. Maa Durga is the primitive source of all power as she is Shakti avtaar; she is residing with much qualities and powers and known by various names. Story begins when Mahishasura the king of Asura got boon from Lord Bramha and defeated all Devas and driven them out of Heaven.

Mahishasura Mardini Stotra Reciting Benefits:


1507030742049 mahisasura mardini 73755.1507178120 Mahishasura Mardini Stotram, Benefits, Meaning, for killing arrogance: An Astrological compendium to understand goddess durga and nine planets

-Maa Durga is an Adi Shakti who conquers all the fears inside any soul, who kills anger, grudge , rage and ego to driven away all the negativity reside in mind, body and soul. To get Blessings of Maa Durga one need to surrender toward her totally, then she will able to purify the devotee in her own way. To gain the powers of Maa Durga to win in any battle or conquer any fear or challenge , reciting Mahishasura Mardini regularly with much devotion is a blessing. Devi Maa will help you to win the Battle and gives victory in all your Work. Reciting Mahishasura Mardini will overwhelm all sorrows from your Life. You will be blessed by Powers of Maa Durga as she defeat demon Mahisasura. You can read Mahishasura Mardini also at your home.This stotram has vital role with Navaratri festival when devotees worship Maa durga in 9 forms  of Durga , as it contains the key message of Sri Chandi Path.

Sri Chandi Saptasati path  tell us the  story of how Divine Mother ( Maa Durga or Mahamaya)  took physical form in chandi avtaar in order to destroy the demon Mahishasura, who was terrorising the Devas and all the humans. According to traditional Story, the battle of Maa chandi with Mahishasura happened during the nine days of Navaratri and finally ended with Mother’s victory on the 10th Day called as Vijayadasami, the day following Navaratri.
Thus, when we perform devotion throughout the Navaratri festival, Mother comes and battles all the forces of negativity in our own hearts and minds  to purify our mind, body and soul. On the auspicious day of Vijayadasami, She is completely victorious as we are freed from millions of sins and forms of negativity those are hidden in our mind. chanting Sri Mahishasura Mardini Stotram throughout Navaratri, helps to invoking the divine Mother to come and destroy all of our negativity within us.This sacred and beautiful stotram has the power to destroy all the  negativity residing within us.

Mahishasura Mardini Stotram or Mahishasur Maridhini Sloka is a very powerful and popular stotra of Goddess Durga in the praise of divine mother written by Guru Adi Sankaracharya after Saundarya lahiri ( Praising the beauty of Maa Parvathi). Devotees Should chant this for victory over calamities and mitigation of their negative karma.

The essence of Mahishasura Mardini Stotram

durga mahishasura mardini by jegatharsan dbqnpmi Mahishasura Mardini Stotram, Benefits, Meaning, for killing arrogance: An Astrological compendium to understand goddess durga and nine planets


Astrologically Bull symbolises the Mahisasura which signifies over ambition, Aggression, over confidence, Power, Unpredictable nature, Perseverance and male Fertility. it is a symbol of fertility through sacrifice.Bull being a Taurus sign seen for the arrogance (bully nature), direction-less ambitions, fighting nature, hunger for power, pride and excessive sexual desires those are uncontrollable for any being if it is being afflicted by the Nodes and Rajasic Planets.  Symbolically bull is masculine in nature so there is an implication of the bull signifies strength,valor , over aggression and male fertilisation, the more you preserve the fertility more you have strength, valor and courage to fight and more you can balance your mundane desires those are moving aimlessly or direction less in nature. The more you loose Veera (the Male fertility) , more you loose control over you anger, balance and the more you feel weak internally and physically.  Historically it is a symbol of fighting ability and male fertility that gives valor and magnanimity.In Spiritual Reality, over sexual desires leads to higher passion, Aggression, and loose control of temper for every men, ultimately it  will leads to many weaknesses which generates fear of losing power inside any soul which is symbolically represented by the Mahishasura, is a  Bull (Taurus) that shows to get anything in any cost and The goddess Chandika (Rising Moon in Shuakal Pakasha ) represents the trans-formative and filtering power and with the help of divine mother force any men can conquer  their asuric tendencies as seen in the form Mahishasura in them. In Vedic Trends Chanda or chandals represents those who are mean , having higher passion, anger prone, or cruelty in their nature. Logically they shows animalistic and impurity in soul.

When such qualities are in excessive quantities it is called as called chandalas or those who lives in Tamas Guna means considered as impure, devoid of pure energy required to reach higher chakras.  Mahaishasura as The buffalo represents brutality and vile human nature.Two horns signifies the evil hidden in creation. This is the reason why the battle between Maa Chandika and Mahisha asura is symbolism  of the battle between good and evil.Even it also shows the transformative process human beings can purify their animalistic sexual nature present in mind and body and only divine mother has that capability to turn a animal into human. One, who aspire to purify their minds and bodies should unconditionally surrender  to Divine Mother durga, surrendering unconditionally to her would take up the responsibility of your life and transform you miraculously.Thus, Reciting Mahisasura Mardini and reading about the story of Mahisasura represents the deeper and a higher spiritual lessons for those are  seeking liberation.

Those who are facing trouble in controlling higher desires and passions because of the animalistic nature (tamas) in mind and body and always feel restless, lack of peace and instability in their spiritual practice, they should pray to the Mother Goddess  Durga to transform them into a positive person with the preponderance of sattva Guna. The Divine Mother will help you to control your animalistic passions and become a divine and pious person even She will helps you in destroying your evil karma to move further in the path of higher liberation or mukti from all mundane desires.

Maa Durga and story of Mahishasura

5f Mahishasura Mardini Stotram, Benefits, Meaning, for killing arrogance: An Astrological compendium to understand goddess durga and nine planets
Story of Battle between Maa Durga and Mahisahsura  lying from the Deva and Asura Sangram when Devas were defeated by the Asuras and they were controlling by the Demons. Thousands of years ago, there was a Demon called Mahishasura. He was part demon and part buffalo born from the union of the Asura Rambha and Beautiful female Buffalo Mahisi actually the princess Shyamala cursed to be a buffalo.

Later Mahishasura meditated for thousands of years so he could please Lord Brahma and in return be blessed with immortality and power. After much penance,  Lord Brahma came to him and said, “I am very pleased with your devotion. Ask me any boon that you desire.”

The arrogant Mahishasura said, “Lord, I don’t want any man or God to be able to kill me and only i can be killed  by a women.”

Armed with this boon, Mahishasura considered himself immortal, as no man or God could lay hands on him. He went berserk. In his rage and pride, he practically destroyed the Earth. The lands were soon covered in his darkness and his massacres were widespread. Not only that, he chased away the Gods out of heaven.

Scared, the Gods went running to Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and narrated their misfortune.They pleaded for protection and said that if something was not done soon, the heavens and the earth and all the beings there, would be destroyed.The lords Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva were hopping mad. They conferred for a moment. And then they held each other and started to radiate a blinding light. A light never seen before. A light so bright, that even the sun paled in comparison. Seeing this, the other Gods also joined in and the light shone even brighter. Out of this beautiful light, was born the ten armed Goddess Durga, the embodiment of Adi Shakti.

Being a woman, there was nothing stopping Goddess Durga from killing Mahishasura, as his boon only protected him from men and Gods. Such was the cunning and smartness of Lord Brahma.

One by one the gods approached her and gifted her a dazzling array of weapons.

The mighty Sudarshan chakra was given to her by Lord Vishnu.

Lord Shiva gave her a dangerous Trishul.

She got a Quiver full of arrows from Lord Varuna, the God of the Sea.

Lord Yama, the God of Death, gave her a powerful Sceptre.

Lord Indra, a Thunderbolt, to rattle the earth.

Lord Vishwakarma, the Architect of the Gods, a menacing axe.

Kaal, or Time, gave her a sharp sword.

She got a kamandal, or pitcher, from Lord Brahma.

Agni gifted a flaming dart.

Airavata, Indra’s white elephant, gave Goddess Durga a bell.

Its noise helped her confuse the demons.

The mighty Himalayas gave Goddess Durga a lion to ride upon.

Armed with ten weapons gifted to her by the gods, one for each arm, she looked ready to show Mahishasura who the boss was and went into battle with him.

Maa Durga battled Mahishasura for ten whole days.

On the tenth day, she managed to chop off his head with her sword.

This shows the essence of why Navaratri festival is to be celebrated for 9 days and then in 10th days victory is to be celebrated after defeating and slaying the demon.


Astrological Importance of Devotion of Maa Durga

Navagrahas The Nine Planets in Hinduism Vedic Astrology Mahishasura Mardini Stotram, Benefits, Meaning, for killing arrogance: An Astrological compendium to understand goddess durga and nine planets


In astrological importance Worshipping of the Maa Durga and Maha Kali has dependent on the phases of Moon ( 4th house – House of aspiration for Bhakti Marg and Moksh) and Moon being Karka of Mother represented by the Divine Mother and Goddess Devi Bhagwati (Durga).  Strength of the moon in Natal chart in between the two phases shows which which Form of the divine mother helping us in conquering our desires, and we should seek divine blessings to kill our Demon in resides in our mind, body and soul.When Moon is stronger in Shukla pakasha  is well placed in chart it shows the blessings of  Mother Durga and when Moon is weak or debilitated in Krishna Paksha it shows the form of Bhadra kali or blessings of Maa Kali to conquer the negative traits those are controlled by mind.

One can worship Goddess Durga/Kali based on the position of the moon in natal, Karkamsa and D20 chart after analysing the paksha bala and influencing of various planets on Moon  :
Below are following information on Form of Divine mother based on Moon signs placements in different signs, as seen in any chart:

1) When Moon is in Aries it  Shows Mother Chamunda (those who kills Chand and Mund, highly aggressive in nature shows nature of Mars with it is with moon).

2) When Moon is in Taurus it shows the motherly figure form of Durga so it should give worshipping of  Maa durga, as rahu Mool trikona sign is taurus.
3) When Moon is in Gemini it also shows Durga when divine Mother helps her devotee to get their budhi in right path as its exaltation sign is Rahu exaltation where one need to seek right devotion rather than moving toward unrighteous path.
4)  When moon is in Cancer it shows Goddess Kali, the natural House of Kali when mother sits in the natural sign of Moksha and bhakti and aspires devotee toward true devotion to sacrifice all the comforts and seek dark deity in motherly form for mukti and bhakti.

5) Moon in Leo shows the form of Kali who is in fierce form ready to burn the Kundalini of devotee in right path for perfect Sadhana.6) When Moon is in Virgo it shows the  Durga who is intelligent enough to guide the devotee budhi in right dharmic and Karmic path.7) When Moon is in  Libra it shows the form of Kali who is encouraging the devotee the follow the path of right dharma when it is a matter of Karmic relations.

8) When moon is in Scorpio it shows the form of  Kali as moon start getting weaker in this sign where Dark energies rises too in this sign, so to get protection from those energies worshipping kali is always best suggested in Asthami tithi in Krishna pakasha. Astrologically its Ketu own sign too.

9) When Moon is in Sagittarius it also shows the form of  Kali where devotees are in deep sadhana for awakening their kundalini Shakti for getting higher spiritual and dharmic wisdom. Astrologically Ketu gets exaltated here.

10) When Moon is in Capricorn it shows the form of  Kali where she sits in Shamshaan where devotes aspires for getting the siddh sadhana or blessings in their path. Devotees here are very good in sadhana too. Here goddess kali guides devotees toward right path for moksha.

11) When Moon is in Aquarius it shows the form of Durga the own mooltrikona sign of  Rahu where Mother durga kills the internal Kama,  hidden desires those are hurdles in the path of true wisdom and true spirituality. Here devotees need to surrender their desires in order to get blessings from Maa durga.

12) when Moon is in Pisces it shows the form  Kali, the Mool-trikona sign  of Ketu where divine mother aspires devotees toward moving in the path of Moksha and for understanding true sadhna and diving deep in bhakti and spirituality.

For understanding the true nature of  Divine mother as Natural Ishata from Natal chart one need to check the relation of Moon with other planets in D1, D9 ( trines from Karkamsa) and D20 chart ( Moon and trines/lord from D20 lagana). Most important relation or influence with the 5th house/Lord is most important in understanding which Deity is influencing us in our bhakti marg it could be of Shiva, Gauri or Vishnu but when that planet is influenced by the Moon it changes its form in Devi form (Either Durga/Kali, depending on Pakasha bala of moon). For e.g If  Moon is placed in the 5th house influenced by mars  then it shows the form of  Chamunda. When Moon is influenced  with the Saturn then it shows the form of  Kali. When Moon is with Ketu house in 5th house or it is being influenced by the Ketu or  it is placed in sign of Mars it also shows Kali. When Moon is placed with Rahu either in 5th or trines to lagana it shows the form of  Durga. Even Rahu alone in 5th house shows the form of Durga as Natural deity in chart. The Same principal we can See from trine from Karka amsa too, When Moon, Saturn, Mars or Rahu falls in trine from Karkamasa it also shows the form of devi depending on the which sign they are placed. Usually Watery signs shows the Devi form and Fiery  and Dual Signs shows Vishnu form as Natural Deity but  before approaching to natural deity one must need to thoroughly analyse the D20 chart. Even Placement of Venus with Rahu or Moon also shows form of Maha-maya as in  Maha-laxmi form or can say one of Shakti peeth of Devi. When  Moon is  influenced by Mercury it shows the form of  Tripura Sundari  or form of Lalita Devi.


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Even we can further Divides Goddess Durga 9 forms in different planets as worshipped during Navratri.

1) Sun Shows worshiping of  Shailputri
2) Moon Shows gauri
3) Mars shows form of  Skanda Mata
4) Mercury shows form of  Katyayani Mata
5) Jupiter shows form of  Brahmacharini
6) Venus shows form of  Kushmandi
7) Saturn shows fierce form of  Kalaratri
8) Rahu shows  Chandraganta

9) Ketu shows Siddhidatri
Now, coming to main essence of Reciting Mahishsura Mardini Stotra helps one to get victory over all difficulties in life. So, here is the stotra for same as translated by S.N Sastri composed by Adi Shankaracharya.
Mahishasura Mardini Stotram

durga by vikastri d3h3euc Mahishasura Mardini Stotram, Benefits, Meaning, for killing arrogance: An Astrological compendium to understand goddess durga and nine planets



(English translation by S.N.Sastri)
अयि गिरिनन्दिनि नन्दितमेदिनि विश्वविनोदिनि नन्दिनुते
गिरिवरविन्ध्यशिरोऽधिनिवासिनि विष्णुविलासिनि जिष्णुनुते ।


भगवति हे शितिकण्ठकुटुम्बिनि भूरिकुटुम्बिनि भूरिकृते


जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ १ ॥


1. O Daughter of the Mountain, who delight the earth, who make the whole universe enjoy, who are praised by Nandikesvara, who dwell on the summit of the king of mountains, the Vindhyas, who took the form of the consort of Vishnu (as Lakshmi), who are praised by Indra, O consort of Siva (the blue-necked), who have innumerable families, who are the Creatrix of the whole universe, who slew the demon Mahisha, who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.

सुरवरवर्षिणि दुर्धरधर्षिणि दुर्मुखमर्षिणि हर्षरते
त्रिभुवनपोषिणि शङ्करतोषिणि किल्बिषमोषिणि घोषरते


दनुजनिरोषिणि दितिसुतरोषिणि दुर्मदशोषिणि सिन्धुसुते


जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ २ ॥

2. O Daughter of the Mountain, who delight Indra, who crushed the demon Durdhara, who subdued Durmukha, who are immersed in bliss, who nourish all the three worlds, who make Sankara happy, who remove all sins, who delight in celebration, who are angry with Asuras, who destroy evil pride, who destroyed the demon Durdama, who was born as the daughter of the ocean (as Lakshmi), who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.


अयि जगदम्ब मदम्ब कदम्ब वनप्रियवासिनि हासरते
शिखरि शिरोमणि तुङ्गहिमलय शृङ्गनिजालय मध्यगते ।

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मधुमधुरे मधुकैटभगञ्जिनि कैटभभञ्जिनि रासरते


जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ ३ ॥

3. O Mother of the universe, who enjoy dwelling in Kadambavana, who is anointed with perfume, who sport a gentle smile, who dwell in Your abode on the peak of the lofty Himalaya mountain, the crest-jewel among mountains, who enjoy the sweetness of honey, who slew Madhu and Kaitabha, who destroy all sins, who delight in the Raasa dance, who crushed Mahishasura, who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.

अयि शतखण्ड विखण्डितरुण्ड वितुण्डितशुण्द गजाधिपते
रिपुगजगण्ड विदारणचण्ड पराक्रमशुण्ड मृगाधिपते ।


निजभुजदण्ड निपातितखण्ड विपातितमुण्ड भटाधिपते


जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ ४ ॥


4. You who eliminated Dhoomralochana and hundreds pf Dhoomras by a mere ‘humkaara’, who slew in battle numerous Raktabijas who rose up from the blood of Raktabija who was weakened in the fight, and, wonder of wonders, who slew in a mighty battle Sumbha, Nisumbha, and the arrogant leaders of the ghosts, who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.

अयि रणदुर्मद शत्रुवधोदित दुर्धरनिर्जर शक्तिभृते
चतुरविचार धुरीणमहाशिव दूतकृत प्रमथाधिपते ।


दुरितदुरीह दुराशयदुर्मति दानवदुत कृतान्तमते


जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ ५ ॥


5. You who cut down with the weapon known as ‘Satakhanda’ the heads and trunks of mighty elephants, whose mount is the powerful lion which killed the elephants of the enemy with severe blows on their necks, who killed the ferocious generals of the army of Bhandasura with blows by
your hand, You who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the  Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.

अयि शरणागत वैरिवधुवर वीरवराभय दायकरे
त्रिभुवनमस्तक शुलविरोधि शिरोऽधिकृतामल शुलकरे ।


दुमिदुमितामर धुन्दुभिनादमहोमुखरीकृत दिङ्मकरे


जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ ६ ॥


6. You whose clinging bangles shine by contact with your body in the festival of the battle with bows, whose enemies are killed by blows on the back of their necks with the weapon known as ‘Sringa’ which is resplendent like gold and yellow in colour, and adorns your hip, You whohave charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
अयि निजहुङ्कृति मात्रनिराकृत धूम्रविलोचन धूम्रशते
समरविशोषित शोणितबीज समुद्भवशोणित बीजलते ।


शिवशिवशुम्भ निशुम्भमहाहव तर्पितभूत पिशाचरते


जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ ७ ॥


7. O You whose might remains unbearable even after the burden has been removed by the slaying of arrogant enemies in battle, who made Siva Your messenger—Siva who is foremost in the art of discriminating between right and wrong, who slew the demon messenger who was sinful, cruel, and evil-minded, You who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
धनुरनुषङ्ग रणक्षणसङ्ग परिस्फुरदङ्ग नटत्कटके
कनकपिशङ्ग पृषत्कनिषङ्ग रसद्भटशृङ्ग हताबटुके ।


कृतचतुरङ्ग बलक्षितिरङ्ग घटद्बहुरङ्ग रटद्बटुके


जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ ८ ॥


8. You whose hands gave protection and boons to the brave husbands of the women in the enemy’s camp who surrendered themselves to You, who wield in Your hand for the slaying of enemies the sanctified trident which removes the sorrows of all the three worlds, who make the quarters resound with the divine musical instrument known as ‘Dundubhi’, You who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
सुरललना ततथेयि तथेयि कृताभिनयोदर नृत्यरते
कृत कुकुथः कुकुथो गडदादिकताल कुतूहल गानरते ।


धुधुकुट धुक्कुट धिंधिमित ध्वनि धीर मृदंग निनादरते


जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ ९ ॥


9. You whose praises are sung by people ever eager to praise You with charming words like ‘victory to You’, who captivate even Siva, the Lord of all beings with the clinging sound of Your anklets, who are fond of dancing with Siva in the sport in which He dances as Ardhanareeswara, You who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
जय जय जप्य जयेजयशब्द परस्तुति तत्परविश्वनुते
झणझणझिञ्झिमि झिङ्कृत नूपुरशिञ्जितमोहित भूतपते ।


नटित नटार्ध नटी नट नायक नाटितनाट्य सुगानरते


जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ १० ॥


10. You who are supremely lustrous and decorated by the flowers in the form of the charming minds of the good, who shine like the moon for the lotuses in a lotus-pond, the movement of whose charming eyes gives the impression of hovering bees, You who have charming locks of hair, O
Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
अयि सुमनःसुमनःसुमनः सुमनःसुमनोहरकान्तियुते
श्रितरजनी रजनीरजनी रजनीरजनी करवक्त्रवृते ।


सुनयनविभ्रमर भ्रमरभ्रमर भ्रमरभ्रमराधिपते


जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ ११ ॥


11. You who are fond of the sport in the form of a mighty battle against groups of mighty warriors, who are surrounded by hunters who build their huts with creepers and forest tribes known as Mallikas, Jhillikas and Bhillikas, whose body is soft like the beautiful tender red leaf, You
who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
सहितमहाहव मल्लमतल्लिक मल्लितरल्लक मल्लरते
विरचितवल्लिक पल्लिकमल्लिक झिल्लिकभिल्लिक वर्गवृते ।


शितकृतफुल्ल समुल्लसितारुण तल्लजपल्लव सल्ललिते


जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ १२ ॥

12. You whose gait is like that of a well-nourished lordly elephant in rut along whose cheeks there is an abundant flow of ichor, You who took the form of Goddess Lakshmi, the daughter of the ocean of milk which is the place of origin of the moon which is the eternal ornament of the three worlds, who captivate even Manmatha who captivates the minds of beautiful women full of desire, You who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.

अविरलगण्ड गलन्मदमेदुर मत्तमतङ्गजराजपते
त्रिभुवनभूषण भूतकलानिधि रूपपयोनिधि राजसुते ।


अयि सुदतीजन लालसमानस मोहन मन्मथराजसुते


जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ १३ ॥


13. O You whose forehead is incomparable and is lustrous like a tender beautiful lotus petal, who are the repository of all kinds of dances and are like the gently cooing swan, in whose hair there is an array of bees, whose hair is adorned with a garland of beautiful flowers, You who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
कमलदलामल कोमलकान्ति कलाकलितामल भाललते
सकलविलास कलानिलयक्रम केलिचलत्कल हंसकुले ।


अलिकुलसङ्कुल कुवलयमण्डल मौलिमिलद्बकुलालिकुले


जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ १४ ॥


14. You who put to shame even the koel with the sweet tunes spreading out from Your flute, who move about among the creepers in the Kailasa mountain, who enjoy the dances of Your divine damsels and various other sports, You who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
करमुरलीरव वीजितकूजित लज्जितकोकिल मञ्जुमते
मिलितपुलिन्द मनोहरगुञ्जित रञ्जितशैल निकुञ्जगते ।


निजगणभूत महाशबरीगण सद्गुणसम्भृत केलितले


जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ १५ ॥


15. You set at nought even the splendour of the moon with the charm of your reddish body, black locks of hair and the yellow robe worn around the waist, whose toe-nails shine with the resplendence of the gems in the crowns of the gods and asuras who prostrate before You, whose high breasts quiver as if by the force of the torrents of water flowing down from the summits of the Meru mountain which was conquered by Lord Siva, You who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
कटितटपीत दुकूलविचित्र मयुखतिरस्कृत चन्द्ररुचे
प्रणतसुरासुर मौलिमणिस्फुर दंशुलसन्नख चन्द्ररुचे


जितकनकाचल मौलिमदोर्जित निर्भरकुञ्जर कुम्भकुचे


जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ १६ ॥


16. You who by Your splendour defeat even the sun with thousands of rays, You who are prostrated to by the sun god with his thousands of rays, You who were praised by the son of Tarakasura after that asura was killed by Your son Lord Subrahmanya in the battle between the gods and Tarakasura when the gods were defeated, You who were pleased with the chanting of mantras by the royal sage Suratha and the Vaisya named Samadhi who was himself like samadhi and who prayed for nirvikalpa samadhi, You who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
विजितसहस्रकरैक सहस्रकरैक सहस्रकरैकनुते
कृतसुरतारक सङ्गरतारक सङ्गरतारक सूनुसुते ।


सुरथसमाधि समानसमाधि समाधिसमाधि सुजातरते ।


जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ १७ ॥


17. Whoever constantly worships Your lotus feet, You who are the abode of compassion and who are auspiciousness itself, he will certainly be endowed with all prosperity. O Goddess Parvati, I who always meditate on Your lotus feet looking upon them as my ultimate refuge will certainly get it. O Goddess Lakshmi, who bestow everything on devotees, You who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
पदकमलं करुणानिलये वरिवस्यति योऽनुदिनं सुशिवे
अयि कमले कमलानिलये कमलानिलयः स कथं न भवेत् ।


तव पदमेव परम्पदमित्यनुशीलयतो मम किं न शिवे


जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ १८ ॥


18. Whoever sprinkles the sacred precincts of Your abode with water from a golden pot will attain the position of Indra by Your grace. O consort of Lord Siva, I take refuge at Your holy feet. Deign to bless me with all prosperity, You who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
कनकलसत्कलसिन्धुजलैरनुषिञ्चति तेगुणरङ्गभुवम्
भजति स किं न शचीकुचकुम्भतटीपरिरम्भसुखानुभवम् ।


तव चरणं शरणं करवाणि नतामरवाणि निवासि शिवम्


जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ १९ ॥


19. Whoever repeatedly meditates on Your divine face adorned by the crescent moon, will he ever be rejected by beautiful women like those in Indra’s abode? O most valued treasure of Siva, why do You not fulfill my wishes, You who have charming locks of hair, O Daughter of the Mountain, hail unto You, hail unto You.
तव विमलेन्दुकुलं वदनेन्दुमलं सकलं ननु कूलयते
किमु पुरुहूतपुरीन्दु मुखी सुमुखीभिरसौ विमुखीक्रियते ।


मम तु मतं शिवनामधने भवती कृपया किमुत क्रियते


जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ २० ॥


20. O Goddess Uma, deign to bestow on me also Your compassion, You who are always inclined to shower compassion on the weak, O Goddess Rama, may You be hailed as the Mother of the universe. You are my mother also. I too am Your son. You may reject my prayer if it is not proper. Deign to remove my sorrow.
अयि मयि दीन दयालुतया कृपयैव त्वया भवितव्यमुमे
अयि जगतो जननी कृपयासि यथासि तथानुमितासिरते ।


यदुचितमत्र भवत्युररीकुरुतादुरुतापमपाकुरुते


जय जय हे महिषासुरमर्दिनि रम्यकपर्दिनि शैलसुते ॥ २१ ॥

21. (Salutations to the Divine Mother) You Must Bestow Your Grace on Me, O Mother Uma, Who is Compassionate to the Miserable. O Mother of the Universe; Just as Your Grace is Showered (on the Devotees), In the Same Manner are Your Arrows Scattered (on the Enemies). Please do Whatever is Appropriate at this time, O Worshipful Mother, to Remove My Sorrows and Afflictions which has become Difficult for me to bear. Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.

Here is the English  Pronunciation for same :

Ayi Giri-Nandini Nandita-Medini Vishva-Vinodini Nandi-Nute
Giri-Vara-Vindhya-Shiro-[A]dhi-Nivaasini Vissnnu-Vilaasini Jissnnu-Nute |
Bhagavati He Shiti-Kannttha-Kuttumbini Bhuri-Kuttumbini Bhuri-Krte
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 1 ||

Suravara-Varssinni Durdhara-Dharssinni Durmukha-Marssinni Harssa-Rate
Tribhuvana-Possinni Shangkara-Tossinni Kilbissa-Mossinni Ghossa-Rate
Danuja-Nirossinni Diti-Suta-Rossinni Durmada-Shossinni Sindhu-Sute
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 2 ||

Ayi Jagad[t]-Amba Mad-Amba Kadamba Vana-Priyavaasini Haasa-Rate
Shikhari Shiro-Manni Tungga-Himalaya Shrngga-Nija-[Aa]laya Madhya-Gate |
Madhu-Madhure Madhu-Kaittabha-Gan.jini Kaittabha-Bhan.jini Raasa-Rate
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 3 ||

Ayi Shata-Khanndda Vikhannddita-Runndda Vitunnddita-Shunnda Gaja-[A]dhipate
Ripu-Gaja-Ganndda Vidaaranna-Canndda Paraakrama-Shunndda Mrga-[A]dhipate |
Nija-Bhuja-Danndda Nipaatita-Khanndda Vipaatita-Munndda Bhatta-[A]dhipate
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 4 ||

Ayi Ranna-Durmada Shatru-Vadho[a-U]dita Durdhara-Nirjara Shakti-Bhrte
Catura-Vicaara Dhuriinna-Mahaashiva Duuta-Krta Pramatha-[A]dhipate |
Durita-Duriiha Duraashaya-Durmati Daanava-Duta Krtaanta-Mate
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 5 ||

Ayi Sharannaagata Vairi-Vadhuvara Viiravara-[A]bhaya Daaya-Kare
Tribhuvana-Mastaka Shula-Virodhi Shiro-[A]dhikrta-[A]mala Shula-Kare |
Dumi-Dumi-Taamara Dhundubhi-Naadam-Aho-Mukhariikrta Dingma-Kare
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 6 ||

Ayi Nija-Hungkrti Maatra-Niraakrta Dhumravilocana Dhumra-Shate
Samara-Vishossita Shonnita-Biija Samudbhava-Shonnita Biija-Late |
Shiva-Shiva-Shumbha Nishumbha-Mahaahava Tarpita-Bhuta Pishaaca-Rate
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 7 ||

Dhanur-Anussangga Ranna-Kssanna-Sangga Parisphurad-Angga Nattat-Kattake
Kanaka-Pishangga Prssatka-Nissangga Rasad-Bhatta-Shrngga Hataa-Battuke |
Krta-Caturangga Bala-Kssiti-Rangga Ghattad-Bahu-Rangga Rattad-Battuke
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 8 ||

Sura-Lalanaa Tatatheyi Tatheyi Krta-Abhinayo-[U]dara Nrtya-Rate
Krta Kukuthah Kukutho Gaddadaadika-Taala Kutuuhala Gaana-Rate |
Dhudhukutta Dhukkutta Dhimdhimita Dhvani Dhiira Mrdamga Ninaada-Rate
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 9 ||

Jaya Jaya Japya Jaye-Jaya-Shabda Para-Stuti Tat-Para-Vishva-Nute
Jhanna-Jhanna-Jhin.jhimi Jhingkrta Nuupura-Shin.jita-Mohita Bhuuta-Pate |
Nattita Nattaardha Nattii Natta Naayaka Naattita-Naattya Su-Gaana-Rate
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 10 ||

Ayi Sumanah-Sumanah-Sumanah Sumanah-Sumanohara-Kaanti-Yute
Shrita-Rajanii Rajanii-Rajanii Rajanii-Rajanii Kara-Vaktra-Vrte |
Sunayana-Vi-Bhramara Bhramara-Bhramara Bhramara-Bhramara-[A]dhipate
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 11 ||

Sahita-Mahaahava Mallama-Tallika Malli-Tarallaka Malla-Rate
Viracita-Vallika Pallika-Mallika Jhillika-Bhillika Varga-Vrte |
Shita-Krta-Phulla Samullasita-[A]runna Tallaja-Pallava Sal-Lalite
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 12 ||

Avirala-Ganndda Galan-Mada-Medura Matta-Matanggaja-Raaja-Pate
Tri-Bhuvana-Bhuussanna Bhuuta-Kalaanidhi Ruupa-Payo-Nidhi Raaja-Sute |
Ayi Sudatii-Jana Laalasa-Maanasa Mohana Manmatha-Raaja-Sute
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 13 ||

Kamala-Dala-[A]mala Komala-Kaanti Kalaa-Kalita-[A]mala Bhaalalate
Sakala-Vilaasa Kalaa-Nilaya-Krama Keli-Calat-Kala Hamsa-Kule |
Alikula-Sangkula Kuvalaya-Mannddala Mouli-Milad-Bakula-Ali-Kule
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 14 ||

Kara-Muralii-Rava Viijita-Kuujita Lajjita-Kokila Man.ju-Mate
Milita-Pulinda Manohara-Gun.jita Ran.jita-Shaila Nikun.ja-Gate |
Nija-Ganna-Bhuuta Mahaa-Shabarii-Ganna Sad-Gunna-Sambhrta Keli-Tale
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 15 ||

Kattitatta-Piita Dukuula-Vicitra Mayukha-Tiraskrta Candra-Ruce
Prannata-Suraasura Mouli-Manni-Sphura d-Amshula-Sannakha Candra-Ruce
Jita-Kanaka-[A]cala Mouli-Mado[a-Uu]rjita Nirbhara-Kun.jara Kumbha-Kuce
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 16 ||

Vijita-Sahasra-Karaika Sahasra-Karaika Sahasra-Karaika-Nute
Krta-Sura-Taaraka Sanggara-Taaraka Sanggara-Taaraka Suunu-Sute |
Suratha-Samaadhi Samaana-Samaadhi Samaadhi-Samaadhi Sujaata-Rate |
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 17 ||

Pada-Kamalam Karunnaa-Nilaye Varivasyati Yo-[A]nudinam Su-Shive
Ayi Kamale Kamalaa-Nilaye Kamalaa-Nilayah Sa Katham Na Bhavet |
Tava Padam-Eva Param-Padam-Ity-Anushiilayato Mama Kim Na Shive
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 18 ||

Kanaka-Lasat-Kala-Sindhu-Jalair-Anussin.cati Te-Gunna-Rangga-Bhuvam
Bhajati Sa Kim Na Shacii-Kuca-Kumbha-Tattii-Parirambha-Sukha-[A]nubhavam |
Tava Carannam Sharannam Kara-Vaanni Nata-Amara-Vaanni Nivaasi Shivam
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 19 ||

Tava Vimale[a-I]ndu-Kulam Vadane[a-I]ndu-Malam Sakalam Nanu Kuula-Yate
Kimu Puruhuuta-Purii-Indu Mukhii Sumukhiibhir-Asou Vimukhii-Kriyate |
Mama Tu Matam Shiva-Naama-Dhane Bhavatii Krpayaa Kimuta Kriyate
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 20 ||

Ayi Mayi Diina Dayaalu-Tayaa Krpaya-Iva Tvayaa Bhavitavyam-Ume
Ayi Jagato Jananii Krpayaasi Yathaasi Tathanu-mita-Asira-Te |
Yad-Ucitam-Atra Bhavatyurarii-Kurutaa-Duru-Taapam-Apaakurute
Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute || 21 ||

Here is the YouTube link for same: 



With thanks and Regards,
Rakesh Singh Jamwal
Source and Reference:
Translation by S.N Shashtri


pin Mahishasura Mardini Stotram, Benefits, Meaning, for killing arrogance: An Astrological compendium to understand goddess durga and nine planets

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