An Astrological case study: Blessing to Science, Man of Cosmos The Albert Einstein Life biography

An Astrological case study: Blessing to Science, Man of Cosmos The Albert Einstein Life biography


Brain Behind Unfolding Secrets of Cosmos

“It is not enough that you should understand about applied science in order that your work may increase man’s blessings. Concern for the man himself and his fate must always form the chief interest of all technical endeavours; concern for the great unsolved problems of the organisation of labour and the distribution of goods in order that the creations of our mind shall be a blessing and not a curse to mankind. Never forget this in the midst of your diagrams and equations.”

Above mentioned Quotes Said by One of Famous Personality in the history of Science, None another “Albert Einstein ”

About Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was born at Ulm, in Württemberg, Germany, on March 14, 1879. Six weeks later the family moved to Munich, where he, later on, began his schooling at the Luitpold Gymnasium. Later, they moved to Italy and Albert continued his education at Aarau, Switzerland and in 1896 he entered the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich to be trained as a teacher in physics and mathematics.

Early Childhood and Family Life:

albert einstein 2 728 An Astrological case study: Blessing to Science, Man of Cosmos The Albert Einstein Life biography

As per the Date of based on Albert Einstein  life history he started his educations

“In 1901, the year he gained his diploma, he acquired Swiss citizenship and, as he was unable to find a teaching post, he accepted a position as technical assistant in the Swiss Patent Office. In 1905 he obtained his doctor’s degree. Einstein always appeared to have a clear view of the problems of physics and the determination to solve them. He had a strategy of his own and was able to visualize the main stages on the way to his goal. He regarded his major achievements as mere stepping-stones for the next advance. At the start of his scientific work, Einstein realized the inadequacies of Newtonian mechanics and his special theory of relativity stemmed from an attempt to reconcile the laws of mechanics with the laws of the electromagnetic field. He dealt with classical problems of statistical mechanics and problems in which they were merged with quantum theory: this led to an explanation of the Brownian movement of molecules. He investigated the thermal properties of light with a low radiation density and his observations laid the foundation of the photon theory of light. Most Important Factor is what made Einstein so much specialized in presenting his theories of cosmos and idea of his creations and how he got so many brilliant ideas for his vivid imaginations wrt to Cosmology. This is truly a most astonished and achievable point for me to understand his scientific life path.”

Even with so much brilliant intellect, there were so much up’s and down in his whole Career life -beginning from his childhood days to earlier career life – Einstein struggled a lot to get recognise his theories.

It took me so much time to understand the brilliance intellectual of Einstein.

There are two most important points one should keep in mind while analyzing any chart for career selection that what I had observed and felt during the course of my research. It’s not necessary for what subject we study in higher education we can get a job regarding the same profile. In my 90% of astrological experience what I have found people have studied something else and they are mostly doing the job in different profile and in the different industrial sector.

Point to ponder on it, why it is happening mostly ?

Do you know why ?

Answer is very simple –

It’s not necessary what we study based on 4th (Schooling), 9th (Bachelor or Higher Study) and 5th (technical and Creative studies) gives us the job and earning from same. All three houses have no connection with the wealth houses or upchaya houses (Growth Giving houses). for earning from the Educational sector, One should have strong connection ofupchaya (2nd, 6th, 10th and 11th) houses lords with all three education houses. Wealth belongs to 2nd and 11th Houses; their placement, Lord and Strength of Dhana Karka planets plays a major role in deciding prospects of Finance via Education sector planets. In General Jupiter and Karma, Karka Saturn has a major role in deciding our profession and career stream, that we can check in both D1, D9 and D10 Chart. Unless and until there will be a connection of 9th, 5th, 10th house or lord connectivity with 2nd and 11th lord we cannot earn from Same. Now coming to Main Post;

This Article Belongs to One of most Ingenious Scientist of the 20th Century ” ‪#‎Albert‬ Einstein.


Exceptionally Human in nature, an Ingenious Scientist who was able to decode God Cosmos Structure by his theoretical calculations and forumlated an eqation of E=MC2 for understanding Mass and Energy as one form via his Special Relative theory and further worked on visualiszing concept of theory of everything; The General Theory of Relativity. Both the Theores are considered as benchmark in decoding Higher Cosmos for understanding Structure of time and Space.

About Albert Einstein

As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality they are not certain and as far as they are certain they do not refer to reality. Albert Einstein An Astrological case study: Blessing to Science, Man of Cosmos The Albert Einstein Life biography

Albert Einstein was a German-Swiss-American scientist, a physicist who developed the theory of relativity in 1905, and the general theory in 1916 after a Much struggle and controversies were able to Prove it after the long gap of 7 years, laying the groundwork for 20th-century physicists and providing the essential structure for the cosmos.

Having IQ level of 160 at the age of 14 Taught himself integral and calculus and analytic Geometry from books, Because of Surya- Budh Yoga, Einstein revolutionized the basic Structure of Physics with Impossible and unimaginable ideas in the Era of Atomic age around the 19th century.

Now what are the rules to understand how planetary combinations have a major role on deciding profession in science stream:
Here is the basic understanding of planetary nature, Cracking Down Career Field in Science, being physicist’s,  Astronomer, Astrophysics or Being a Scientist? 


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Karka of Science – Sun- Denotes Knowledge of Cosmos, Creation and Deep Knowledge.
Saturn + Jupiter + Sun Mainly seen for this career, though Karka of Physics are: Sun + Mercury if they are falls in trine to Moon.

Karka of Scientists are:

1) Ketu: – A Genius Scientist, Expert in Philosophy of High Machines, Higher Mathematics, and Art of Statistical analysis, an expert in higher Calculations and mathematics.

2) Rahu: Working with Highly Technical Machines which are highly intelligent in core structure having Huge size and big in mass i.e. Atomic and Nuclear Bombs, knowledge of Gases and Representer of true Researcher and working with Secret Societies and working Underground.

3) Mercury: Art Of Analysis, Thinking in a Unique way, Knowledge of Electronics, Communication, IT Technology & Media, Journalism, Writing, Accounting and Sharp Intelligence and logical Calculations if aspect by Rahu or by Mars and or in Rahu Nakashtra it makes a brilliant Scientist.

4) Sun: Karka of the source of Knowledge, Knowledge of Cosmos & Creation, knowledge of Godly things i.e. Geeta, Vedanta, Bhagwat Puraan etc., it indicates the clue for Source of Knowledge – where knowledge originates, Lord of Strings Based Musical instruments i.e. Guitar, violin, taan Pura etc.

5) Saturn : Knowledge of traditional Studies which have deep roots from old Traditions i.e ancient scriptures, Astrology, Vedic Astronomy, Shashtras etc and when it Combine with Jupiter or Sign of Jupiter or Vice versa (Jupiter with Saturn or in Sign of Saturn) it gives Brahma Yoga or finest knowledge of Creation and passing down to others in a traditional way or working in traditional knowledge’s i.e. Study of the Cosmos, Universe, space, time-based on Vedic Cosmology etc.

6) Jupiter: Karka of Dhi and Philosophy and power of discretion through knowledge, Knowledge of God or God Blessing and knowledge of Vedas, Shasta’s, most highest knowledge, karaka of Apara Vidya, – the knowledge which never Destroyed in the Cosmic cycle of birth and death which we called Supreme or Divine knowledge – Real Karka of Scientist and Being philosopher and Preaching Higher Cause.

7) Venus: Karka of Para Vidya and Knowledge of Shastra’s and making harmonic relation with nature and the finest author who can write with beauty and complete harmony.

When we combine all, the Finest Scientist like Albert Einstein will be born who can Present Science into new Shape and New Ideas.

Now the point is how to analyze career in ” Scientific field “, it is not an easy job to crack down career in the scientific field and having brilliant thinking like Albert Einstein, only he has that unique ability and imaginative thinking out of frame from usual physicists ideology.

He was the blessed scientist able to decode the hidden meaning of God and his nature, so giving him name “Messenger of the God ” (Jupiter in 9th house) won’t be a big thing for his notifying career in science and physics, to understand and present God Cosmos and Creation in a Unique Style to mankind.

He was the only Scientist expert in theoretical physics in 19th century, believed in Approaching and Solving Cosmological Mysteries by his ingenious mathematical abilities in paper.

Now the question is What are the ways to Analyses Career?

Coming to Post how we can analyze career and professional achievements.


what emc2 means An Astrological case study: Blessing to Science, Man of Cosmos The Albert Einstein Life biography

Available detail of Albert Einstein is:

Date of Birth: 14 March 1879,
Time of Birth: Available time- 11:30 Am (Standard Time), (Fixed time, which I corrected, based on his life events was: 11:36:29 Am) Place of Birth: Ulm, Germany,
Long and Lat: 48n24, 10e00, Timezone: LMT m10e00 (is local mean time).

Albert%2BEinstien An Astrological case study: Blessing to Science, Man of Cosmos The Albert Einstein Life biography


Navamsa An Astrological case study: Blessing to Science, Man of Cosmos The Albert Einstein Life biography

Initial Factors before analysis :

While doing initial Calculation in birth chart analysis of Albert Einstein with available birth time  @11:30 am, I was not so sure about Einstein would have such an Ingenious Career in the scientific field if we take Aquarius as D9 Lagna with Venus and Mars in Lagna. With Current Lagana it be would be an impossible deal to say that he would be having an un-matchable imagination with style of visualising things in a lucid way none other can imagine.

The presence of Venus and Mars in D9 lagan only can give Passionate nature in Music, Romanticism in an unconventional style and usually gives Natural artistic skills and talents with handsome and attractive appearance those are linked with Both Mars and Venus. Though he has a very youthful appearance that matches more with Gemini traits of 4th pada or might be having an influence of Mercury over D9 Lagana.

But if we slightly move birth time to few minutes forward, to Pisces Lagna, it can give me a clue of having an Expansive and imaginative nature with an unusual out of Box Style thinking of Albert Einstein. Rahu in D9 Lagna in Pisces clearly matches over the choice of career and traits of scientific bent of mind, looking everything in different way and style, having natural tendency for observing everything in micro point of view and adept in rejecting causal way of philosophical systems and Laws of nature, that what science has propagated at that time. Only strong Rahu over Lagana has that ability and power to accept unconventional ideas those are beyond imagination for any set of mind.

Usually, Expansive and imaginative nature ruled by Guru and out of Box thinking ruled By Rahu, but If we combine both we can get a person who can think and imagine in an unusual way, or who can dig deep with an unconventional and different set of rules till that he never gets his answer.

So, I was quite assured about Rahu in Pisces Lagna in D9 would definitely give an expansive and highly visualized thinking for the scientific career.

If we take Gemini Lagan with 4th pada, we would be having an ambitious Rahu ruling the Ascendant nakshatra and Mercury will be ruling the lagna Rashi and with Guru ruling over d9, it will definitely form a hyper-expansive pair.

Being born in Gemini 4th Padas of Ardara, It will give an extravagant, expediently generous, but not normally reckless, Huge adventure, large-scale speculation, enormous having “animal fantasy” potential for gaining tremendous knowledge if Guru is well disposed in the Horoscope.

After Approaching to final conclusion, changed the birth time to 11:36:29 AM, where the birth time would be in 4th pada of Pisces Navamasa lagan, Rahu placed in Pisces sign ( the Sign of Deep Mystery, deep imagination, Study of Deep Space and Cosmos). At the Sametime D9 lagnesh lord  is also well placed in the 9th house – Signifies house of Higher Knowledge, philosophy and Deep secrets. The Sign of Scorpio – signifies mystery, transformations, Secret knowledge and Doing Mystical research in Something extraordinary in a Scientific way also aspecting the lagna (where Rahu is placed in Pisces), Sun (also placed in 5th house) from 9th house, clearly indicating a scientist was Born with extra-ordinary knowledge,thoughts and skills and would be having an expert  understanding on Vedanta and Bhagavad  gita philosophy.Further shows that Einstein would be having an utter faith on his Teachers and Guides.

That gives final surety that D9 Lagan should be Pisces rather than Aquarius.

Now, Coming to D1 Being born in Gemini Lagan in Ardra Nakshatra in the 4th Padas of Jupiter, making Albert Einstein an extremely Ingenious, Brilliant in calculus, sharp intellect, well versed in Vedas or Sciences of gods and interested in Astronomy, Cosmos and knowledge of Creation, highly Imaginative, visually ingenious being born in sign of Pisces amsa in d9.

Being born in Gemini ascendant einstein possessing an extreme human nature and having Witty and generous disposing nature, Possess a high degree of self-esteem and brimming confidence, Capable of rising in life by dint of merit alone. Exceptional oratorical and writing capacity well versed in Literature and journalism all things which involved visually or imaginative writing or theoretic writing.

That further can be verified from the placement of the lagnesh mercury being placed in “Poorna chandra” Amsa in d60. Poorna chandra signifies ” Full Moon ” and one would be deeply related to “Pustaka – working with books”.  Nature of Works would be involving those related to printing, publication, distribution, training of Books, writing Journals, or might be work in an Publicity or Advt or Librarians etc.that further shows the life direction or where one applies his intelligence or where actually life direction lies in.

Einstein was exceptionally versed in acts of differentiation and always be misunderstood as being born as an independent & indifferent thinker in Science being born in Ardra Nakshatra. But if we see another side of the frame, it indicates an extraordinary brilliance of intellect and hall of fame, exceptional in the study of literature and science & a keen intent observer of human nature and observing behaviour and act of nature, but negatively it makes always restless.

Now coming to the main theme, how we can analyze career, well for analyzing career in right approach astrologically, there are certain rules that one should have to remember before predicting career stream:

*Rule* 1 :  While analysing Career from Natal chart is ; Most important and firstmost parameter is check the Lagan Sign, its Degree, Nakashtra lord and its placement in both D1 and D9 chart. The Padas lord, Sign being rise in D9 and its placement in D9 shows the actual trait one get naturally or it can indicate natural abilites and skills one have. Ascendant Nakashtra lord Placement in D1 and D9 shows where one applies his intelligence and how that lord influences his thought process for whole life. Most Important factor from above all is see where the Lagan and Nakashtra lord is Placed in D1 and D9. that precisely indicates see what native wanted to do in his life- the ultimate goal of life, it simply indicates about the application of  an Intelligence and where one can learn and utilise his knowledge for what purpose.

Analysis Begins:

Albert Einstein was born in Gemini Lagan in 16 Degree 40 ‘ – The mid Degree ( in 2nd Drekkena) – indicative of Young, Dynamic and revolutionary thinker and must be successful in youth age after 25th to 32 (the Natural Age of Mercury and Youth).

Lagan Nakshatra Lord (Ardara) is in 8th house in Uttrashada nakshatra (Nakshatra lord in 10th house in Pisces Sign – A urge to do something for the society ,to Expose Deep Secrets of cosmos, a help and Knowledgeable Nakashtra in the field of Deep Space and Cosmos ( Pisces)) with exalted 11th lord Mars clearly indicate wanted to do something in the field of research was his ultimate destiny or you can say having gift of aggression , obsession and passion for research, also indicates earning via research and Doing Something out of box in the field of research and finding truth Under the Shell via unique Calculative and Logical style.

Mars and Rahu in 8th house indicates Something explosive in nature, because of this combination Einstein did a major mistake   (Rahu – in the field of research) in his life by presenting his idea to the United States for the research of Atomic Bomb, he got clue his research may lead to something Destructive for mankind in later stage.

“On the eve of World War II in 1939-1940 During Mars ending and Starting Rahu MD period, he endorsed a letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt alerting him to the potential development of extremely powerful bombs of a new type” and recommending that the U.S. begin similar research. This eventually led to what would become the Manhattan Project. Einstein supported defending the Allied forces, but largely denounced the idea of using the newly discovered nuclear fission as a weapon. Later, with the British philosopher Bertrand Russell, Einstein signed the Russell–Einstein Manifesto, which highlighted the danger of nuclear weapons because of his atomic theory”.

How to analyse Career: Key house for Career and Goals Accomplishments in life is the 10th house which indicates your work front, your Working environment, your role in Society and all the aspects of Work ruled by 10th house.

**Note** 2:-> Second rule to check Career of the person is to check which planet is stronger in :

1) 10th from Sun

2) 10th from Moon

3) 10th from the lagan.

4) 10th from D9 lagan in D9 – ( for advance Analysis)

5) 10th from Karkamasa in D9 – ( For Advance Analysis)

6) 10th from A10 Arudha in D10- ( for Advanced Analysis)

7) 10th from Arudha Lagna (AL) in D1 and D10 – ( for Advanced Analysis)

8) 10th from Amatya Karka in D9 – (for Advanced Analysis)

1) 10th from Lagan: Indicates what you wanted to do in life in reality, indicates what type of your current karma is you are doing in society or you wanted to do, what actually you are made of or what sort of things making you are interested in doing for the well-being of Society.

2) 10th from Moon: Indicates what are those things which you actually like to do comfortably or those things which you feel comfortable to do or it simply indicates work which sustains you or the mode of income or earning.

3) 10th from Sun: Indicates those works which bring Status and position to the native, it simply indicates Work which brings Authority and power to you.

4) 10th from Arudha lagan: What actually you are doing in society or it is the actual work you are doing in society or the work people getting perception from you. It is the actually Bread and Butter you get from Social society.

**Note** 3 :->Those planets who are stronger from 10th will indicate choice of work you will do in Society.

In Albert Einstein D1 chart 10th from Moon is Empty and having Leo sign, lord of Leo Sun is in Pisces with 5th & 12th lord Venus, 1st & 4th lord Mercury, 8th & 9th lord Saturn, 5th from Moon sign (Scorpio) and Ketu 9th from Moon Indicates an Intuitive person who can see and imagine things in reality with his power of Imagination and visualizing it. A real intellectual and Creative Mind, Having real Imagination, which can imagine with his outstanding visual power, A powerhouse of creativity who can deeply imagine and understand creator equation on Cosmos and knowledge of Cosmos.

All the planetary positions from Moon Made Albert Einstein a real Imaginary and much skilled in visualizing things.

He simply wanted to know the creation of cosmos and understand god equation while making the universe.

Here 10th from Moon is Leo Sign; no planet is there, so we can’t decide 10th from Moon for the native career.

Although 10th from Moon has Jupiter and Mars aspect – Making passionate and very logical in higher learning.

10th from Sun having Sagittarius sign ( sign of Knowledge, the lord is in 9th house 4th from Moon and 12th from Sun – indicates Higher Knowledge and doing research in cosmos will bring his name and fame in worldwide.

Now Last and most important point is cluster of 4 planets are in 10th from Lagan , Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Venus in Pisces Sign clearly indicating doing something deep, mystical and completely dominating the interest of Albert Einstein, telling me something he will do something for the Society and whole public or mass will know him by his work and he will be well known to the whole world. He will do deep for the sake of Society and will be an icon for many people for his accomplishment in higher causes, Pisces is the 12th sign of Kaalpurush – the Sign of cosmos and Deep World in modern terminology we called It Space, cosmos and universe.

Now the question is what would be career type of Albert Einstein?

**Note** 4:-> Whenever you want to see what would be career interest type , we have to see the strength of 10th house and 10th lord placement in D1, D9 and D10 and its nakshatra, nakshatra lord and its pada.

10th lord Jupiter is in 9th house ( House of Higher Knowledge, wisdom, God Messenger, God blessing, Knowledge of Ancient scriptures etc. ) in Aquarius sign ( Mystical Sign of traditional knowledge i.e. Cosmos , astronomy , Stars , space and and knowledge of Creation) , Kendra lord in trikona House – ( raj yoga means work which can give native Name, fame via Higher learning ).

10th lord Jupiter is in 9th house aspecting 1st & 5th house in D1 indicates owner of Supreme knowledge which we called Dhi Shakti – a form of Higher learning – in house of Higher philosophy , Wisdom , something connected with God and creation of God which is clearly indicative of Doing something for Higher cause or Finding truth of creation , a real knowledge of Real medium – Space and time bondage and will be self-learned (aspecting 1st house) will teach whole world via his own findings and give godly knowledge to his future Followers( 5th house).

Same can be confirmed in D9 and D10 Chart, Jupiter is lagan lord of D9 in 9th house in Scorpio sign aspecting lagan having Rahu (Indication of being in Science for out of box thinking – A restless mind) in it , aspecting 5th house having Sun in it , will be a Blessed Researcher who will extract & crack down and write down all his findings of cosmos and secret world and will present to whole world.

In D10 chart Jupiter is with Saturn in Pisces Sign in 5th forming Brahma Yoga ( higher knowledge of creation) house aspecting lagan (where sun is in it in A10 Arudha) , aspecting Venus from 5th house and 7th from AL – Will be known for His Brahma Gyan theories – Theory of Relativity – E= MC2 god equation of cosmos.

10th lord Jupiter is in Aq which is a Mystic sign of traditional knowledge lorded by Saturn and Rahu, Rahu in 8th and Saturn in 10th also indicating Albert wanted to do something in the field of Science for the sake of society for presenting a truth of cosmos for the future wellbeing of mankind.

10th lord is in Dhansitha, Nakashtra lord in 8th house with Rahu – Dhansitha is a Nakashtra of Harmony, a close connection with nature and music, Albert wanted to do research of natural laws and understanding it deeply for the prospects of nature passionately , but he did a mistake (Rahu in 8th house with Mars – Nakashtra lord of 10th lord), by suggesting research for Atomic Bomb based on his Atomic theory which he had a deep guilt in his heart & always realized till his death.

Dhanistha indicates divine power from the” eight Vasus “; its presiding deities happens to be the twenty third birth star, to sparkle in the cosmic firmament. Guided by the planetary force of Mars, Dhanishta Nakshatra stands for symphony, prosperity and adaptability from nature, the eight Vasus are the solar gods of energy and light Because of the influence of ruling Nakashtra of 10th lord Einstein was always having a deep fantasy for Light and its origination.

Native of Dhanishtra nakshatras are usually fond of Music , Symphony and Healing, reciters of rhythmical incantations and also indicates Scientist who likes to do things In fine tuning with nature and god in a perfect harmony with nature which gave him deep interest in forming its Relational theory of Light, energy and Mass is same but form of one another.

There is an Exchange yoga of 10th and 9th lord – Indicates Dharma – Karma adhipati yoga, Dharma hi Karma and Karma hi Dharma – A Sign of Saint and Satvic Soul.

10th Lord Nakashtra Lord Is in 8th house with Rahu clearly indicates native inventions or researches may lead to something destructive for Social mass by mistake(Rahu in Capricorn in 8th house).

Rahu and Mars always indicate something explosive or something is hidden behind the truth which is under cosmos or nature i.e. deep anger is burning under a body and brain.

**Note** 5 :-> Beside 10th lord and Strength of 10th house , Lagan lord placement and its nakshatra is most important and need to check in D1, D9 & D10 chart for tracking career interest and in any house indicates where you are applying the knowledge for creation purpose or destruction purpose or it simply indicates application of your intelligence.

Here lagan lord is in 10th house in D1 and 8th house (Mercury + Saturn) in D9 with 9th lord Saturn and in 4th house in Aq Sign in D10 with Moon again confirming me a Brilliant Analyzer, Deep thinker and Keen observer and the finest researcher.

Although Lagan lord is in debilitation in D1, having neech bhanga too , but being placed in 10 Degree it is away from its deepest debilitation degree of 20 deg , Mercury is in Utrabhadra nakashtra lord of Saturn, making Mercury much stronger, closely conjugated within the orbital distance of 2 degree with 9th and 8th lord Saturn who also happens to be Nakashtra lord of Uttrabhadra indicates Albert was a lover of traditional knowledge in science i.e. he was a deep follower of Isaac Newton, Max Plank, Michael Faraday etc. and he always wanted to do work of old Knowledge’s and giving understanding the concept and giving it in new shape.

Because of this he was always in Contradiction and always faced controversies whenever he presented journals of a new model of old traditional physics laws.

Beside this combination making him very much logical, and deft at skills of calculations strong determination, wisdom and experience.

He was always Penchant for calculation and acquiring wisdom by way of experience which was the essential aspects of his personality. Another interesting aspect of Albert was its changeability.

Owing to this changeability according to the varying needs of circumstances, it was difficult to attribute typical traits to his personality.

He was very attractive features and complexion; excel in attracting attention by virtue of his grace and mannerisms.

He was very much religious and drawn to a high ethical standard and always recluse within the folds of spirituality.

Saturn completely dominated the Mercury in Albert Einstein Chart Which is giving me a clear indication of having the natural bent of mind for doing calculations, logic and much skilled in Scientific hypothesis which is the clear indication of a finest of finest Scientists.

Combination of Saturn and Mercury always indicate the finest scientist who always keeps them-self busy in doing calculations and deep observing nature and Science.

Beside 8th and 9th lord conjugation with Lagnesh Mercury, Sun and Venus is also there in 10th house but not having Close conjugation with Lagnesh Mercury and Saturn, which is good if we look at deeply, all the planets are free from combustion of Sun and 7th from Al – He will be known a public Icon known for his Tremendous knowledge in abstract sciences.

**Conclusion **:-> It is Quiet clear he was a genius Scientist and a blessing to Science and mankind for his theories and Researches.
Financial and Professional Achievements :

Sun Being 3rd lord in 10th house with 5th lord Venus, and lagan lord Mercury and 9th lord Saturn also indicates Albert Einstein was very much Skilled in Music, mainly in those instruments which are having the link with strings.

Albert Einstein was a great Violinist and better than average musicians he was the lover of Symphony and Soothing music and he usually plays the Violins with Club Musicians and most of the time when he always stuck in Some puzzles or mysteries.

Because of the 3rd lord in 10th house, 6th from 3rd house, Albert Einstein had to travel Many Countries for getting Job and career prosperity, have to face many short breaks in career to achieve Professional achievements 8th lord in 10th house clearly indicating it.

Because of the 10th lord is 12th from its own place, 3rd lord in 10th He has to live for small jobs with much smaller earnings in govt offices.

He was a patent officer when he started his career and got rejected in many Institutes, universities and colleges and many Scientific Intuitions when he was trying to apply for Job of Professor or teacher.

Even he has to leave his homeland for completing his technical studies to gain More knowledge (5th and 4th lord in 10th house) to get more technical Jobs.

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This was quiet Clear why he has to do many small jobs or live for small perks via his jobs , 2nd lord Moon is in 6th house – 3rd (Less Paid – Hard efforts ; Need to put many efforts in order to get satisfied jobs ) from AL in debilitation ( in Jyestha Nakashtra , Nakashtra Lord is also in Debilitated in 10th house too, he has to do job of Clerks , patent officer and those jobs which are connected with writings – Mercury (1st lord) + Sun(3rd Lord) which are less in perks ) clearly telling me Albert Einstein has to put many Efforts in order to get success and have to stay live with jobs like Clerks and Patent Officers.

His most of His income and Success he got from Fighting’s with competent members in sciences, by defeating rivalries or by proving it right.

Moon in 6th house in debilitation clearly indicating He has to earn by winning over legal Battles and also indicates Albert Einstein had no solid financial support from family and have to fight hard to earn and live , always have to compete with rivalries in order to gain wealth and money and also in personal life wise too.

Native will usually get earning via 8th house matters – if 11th lord is in 8th house with Rahu who is also 9th house – Wealth by research, a hard Earned money.

Mars – Rahu indicating a research gain via same which will give some hypotheses for something explosive which may give the foundation for Explosive matters.

**Note** 6 :-> Its the 2nd lord and 11th lord which decides your source of earning and how much wealth you can earn and what you have to do to get money or type of work you have to do , not what you have studied from 1st , 4th , 5th and 9th house/lord , unless and until both are Connected.

Major Event: Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921-22

Nobel Prize Albert An Astrological case study: Blessing to Science, Man of Cosmos The Albert Einstein Life biography

In 1922 He got Sum of Rs 20,000 Dollar during Moon Mahadasha (2nd Lord In 6th House – Defeating Enemies and Competing all his close physicists , after Proving it true , Moon in Jyestha Nakashtra, Nakashtra Lord Mercury 7th from Al in 10th house – An Indicator of Fame , Name and Recognizance ) after Winning Nobel Price for for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect ( Effect of Dhanishtha Nakshatra) ” in Quantum physics in 1921 , even he got Rejected many time in Nobel pric e.During 1921-22 Saturn, Rahu and Jupiter all there were closely conjugated in the Virgo sign and are falling to his 4th house, 7th house from the 10th house that clearly shows about some extraordinary major breakthrough in his research career, a world wide recognition or getting name and fame via his researches. 

albert einstein research based presentation 37 638 An Astrological case study: Blessing to Science, Man of Cosmos The Albert Einstein Life biography

On November 9, 1922, he was named the winner of the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics ” for his services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect.Albert Einstein received his Nobel Prize one year later, in 1922. During the selection process in 1921, the Nobel Committee for Physics decided that none of the year’s nominations met the criteria as outlined in the will of Alfred Nobel. According to the Nobel Foundation’s statutes, the Nobel Prize can in such a case be reserved until the following year, and this statute was then applied. Albert Einstein, therefore, received his Nobel Prize for 1921 one year later, in 1922.

His name has been synonymous with genius, and the scientific definitions of the modern age–ranging from the Bomb to space travel, electronics and quantum physics – all bear the stamp of his conceptualizations.

Using his theory of quanta (Rahu), Einstein explained the photoelectric effect (Mars in 8th house – 10th Lord Nakashtra Lord in exalted State ). He showed that when quanta of light energy strikes atoms in the metal, the quanta force the atoms to release electrons.

Einstein’s work helped justify quantum theory. The photoelectric cell resulted from Einstein’s work. This device made possible sound motion pictures, television and many other inventions.

Einstein received the 1921-22 Nobel Prize in physics for his paper on quanta.

The work of Planck and Einstein quickly established the Quantum Theory, not only in light but also in many forms of energy. Quantum physics was born.

Event 2:

In 1916 during the Beginning of Sun Mahadasha ( Indicator of Creation) and Sun antardasha He proposes general theory of relativity – still central to our understanding of the universe. Einstein changed the political balance of power in the twentieth century, through his scientific foundation in the development of atomic energy. Einstein’s theory is embodied in his famous equation E=mc². Although light photons don’t have mass, they have energy, and Einstein’s theory says that even pure energy has to behave in some ways like mass. Therefore light could be bend by the gravitation force of the sun.

Light from the background stars closely bypassing the sun on the way to the earth are being bend by the sun. The result is that the stars are seen in slightly different positions in the sky when the sun is in front of them, compared to their positions when the sun is elsewhere.

Even after Presenting General Theory in 1916 , ground work Of Theory was still missing and scientific community was not able to accept theory completely . for Proving his General theory of Relativity , Einstein has to wait for 4 Solar Eclipses from 1916 to 1919 and has to wait for The final eclipse of May 29, 1919 which confirmed Einstein’s theory that the light could be bend by the gravitational force of the sun.

An English expedition in the area of the eclipse have actually measured the deflection of starlight from the sun. The data of the expedition was presented to a special joint meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society and the Royal Society of London on November 6, 1919 , at the time it was Saturn Antardasha( Process of Working on Old trends and Traditions and giving it to new shape) was running.

The eminent Professor J.J. Thomson, discoverer of the electron and Chair of the meeting, was convinced: “This is the most important result obtained in connection with the theory of gravitation since Newton’s day.”

After long battle of 7 years via his Solar Eclipse formula He got Noble Price in 1921 and presented in 1922 during Moon Mahadasha not for his work for brilliant work on General Theory of Relativity but for the photoelectric effect which he formulated quiet earlier in research paper during 1905 in Venus Mahadasha( lord of 5th house in 10th house).

He even Donated his sum of Price to His Separated Wife as what he promised to his wife for children well being.

Einstein formulated most of His research work of Cosmos and Creation in Sun Mahadasha from 1916 to 1921.

He Presented his most of Theoretical Researches in Venus Mahadasha – dasha of 5th and 12th lord in 10th house and in AD period Rahu (9th lord in 8th – Deep Research from 1903 to 1906) , Jupiter (10th lord in 9th – Higher Knowledge and Search of Cosmos – 1906 to 1908 ), Saturn(9th lord in 10th – Revolutionizing the searches, old bottle – new Shape in 1908 to 1912) ,Mercury(1st and 4th lord in 10th – Applying , presenting , writing journals and testing process – 1912 to 1914 ) and Ketu( 6th lord in 2nd house – fighting for honor and brilliance – 1914 to 1916) .

But he got Recognition in 1922 during End of Sun Mahadasha and Venus AD and in Moon MD Starting Phase after winning many legal battles of proving his Scientific theories , 6th lord in 8th house with Rahu – always in controversies , Debilitated Moon in 6th house.

In 1905 During Venus Mahadasha ( lord of 5th and 12th house in 10th house) and Antardasha of Jupiter/Rahu( Lagna Nakashtra lord /9th lord Rahu in 8th , 9th and 10th lord Jupiter in 9th house ) Einstein contributed three papers to Annalen der Physik (Annals of Physics) based on Space and time formula , Each of them became the basis of a new branch of physics.

Einstein treated matter and energy as exchangeable. Albert Einstein became famous for the theory of relativity, which laid the basis for the release of atomic energy.

In 1905 During Mid of Venus Mahadasha , Albert Einstein formulates Special Theory of Relativity.He established law of mass- energy equivalence and in 1907 in Jupiter Antardasha, he came up with the immortal e=mc2, better known as the Special Theory of Relativity, encapsulating energy and matter as aspects of a single phenomenon.

In 1908 during Saturn Antardasha , while still at the patent office, he began work on his major achievement, the general theory of relativity, which he officially proposed in 1916 in Sun Mahadasha.

The theories were the greatest challenge to Newtonian mechanics that the modern world had ever known was a fact for Cosmos and Universe creation.

Einstein calculates how the movement of molecules in a liquid can cause the Brownian motion.

Using Max Planck’s quantum Theory he formulated the photon theory of light and explains the photoelectric effect in 1905 During Venus Mahadasha and Rahu Antardasha.

In 1916 proposes general theory of relativity-still central to our understanding of the universe. Einstein changed the political balance of power in the twentieth century, through his scientific foundation in the development of atomic energy.

Over the next decade During Moon Mahadasha Period , Einstein took visiting professorships in England and America and gave many speeches.

But his Life Become Miserable after the dasha commenced of Mars (lord of 11th and 6th lord in 8th house with Rahu , owner of two Malefic Houses with Malefic Rahu ) after 1932 , He refused to live in Hitler’s Reich, He was expelled from the Academy of Science in Germany , his citizen ship was Revoked and in 1932-33 he moved permanently to U.S.A to Princeton’s Institute for Advanced Study, where he sponsored a steady stream of refugees from Nazism. He became a U.S. citizen in 1936.

During Rahu Mahadasha Einstein went on thinking , speculating all theory in one form and looked for common solution based on all his theories , unity in all nature, Rahu Even gave him Success but in 8th house it was Destructive idea , which was the result of Manhattan project based on Atomic Theory of Einstein , but later he realized He did a major mistake in his life by formulating this theory and suggesting US to Make Atomic Bomb against Nazis.

Conclusion: So this is all about the Scientific breakthrough about his research in theoretical physics and we tried to understand his major scientific changes in his profession.
Source and Reference :
pin An Astrological case study: Blessing to Science, Man of Cosmos The Albert Einstein Life biography

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Career in astrology: how to find career in vedic astrology, Identify Career, Profession type and Financial Success in Work by decoding Dashamsha (D10) Chart

Case Study Subject

Career in astrology: how to find career in vedic astrology, Identify Career, Profession type and Financial Success in Work by decoding Dashamsha (D10) Chart

career astrology Career in astrology: how to find career in vedic astrology, Identify Career, Profession type and Financial Success in Work by decoding Dashamsha (D10) Chart


Chart Details (Tithi and Nakashtra Explanation)

1 1 Career in astrology: how to find career in vedic astrology, Identify Career, Profession type and Financial Success in Work by decoding Dashamsha (D10) Chart

Note: This was an advance case study of one of the clients I did in a few years back, I am just sharing here for the technical understanding of chart how we can properly use of Divisional Charts while doing case studies. I thank Mr. XXX sir for allowing me to share the article in social media. I hope you will enjoy reading this.

Thorough Holistic analysis
General Nakashtra analysis

3 1 Career in astrology: how to find career in vedic astrology, Identify Career, Profession type and Financial Success in Work by decoding Dashamsha (D10) Chart

Based on Above Birth details Native is born under slight time difference of 3 min earlier 04 Seconds in Poorva Phalguni Nakshatra in 3rd Pada. On User request, we have omitted the time of birth for privacy matters.Being Birth in Poorva-Phalguna Nakashtra symbolically indicates the symbol of the front legs of a couch or Bed.

Here the Symbol indicates a place of comfort after fulfilling worldly duties as what it signifies in the previous nakshatra where one feel lots of hardships and efforts in accomplishing work. That’s the only reason why this nakshatra has a deep relation with life and soul Comfort and native usually born under this nakshatra seek a place for rest, relaxation, and Amusement after fulfilling worldly duties to think more about others part of life if we think from the spiritual point of view.

Thus this nakshatra deals with the renewal of energy we experience in our relaxing times, because of only this reason why people born under this Lagana nakshatra are very much creative in nature and the lord of the Nakashtra Itself rules the creative energy too, for Something to create or something to regenerate it into new form and this impact native will always definitely feel in  his whole life journey being born in rulership of Creative Nakashtra Lordship.

This clearly suggesting native should always involve himself in those applications or having creative intelligence in it or always seek knowledge of creativity with the idea of something designing in nature.What Nakashtra influence us in Lagana we must adhere it according to its characteristics.

My Suggestion was native must always involve himself in works those are ruled by the Venus or having a Venusian taste (Like beautification, Designing work, Musical instruments etc. all these are ruled by Venus with the need of government people or those are in authority to make it reachable globally).

As Venus is present in Lagana itself (making native creative and involving in Self Doing works) with Mercury (giving Analyzing Qualities) and Saturn (Work done by itself like a self-service,- Service industry works) – being lord of 3rd (Lord of creative Business Ventures or those need initiatives) and fall in 11th (Gain) from own Sign – Simply every work influenced by Venusian taste will always act as beneficial to him in every business venture or efforts.

Venus Mahadasha and AD period under Mercury or Jupiter would be much Beneficial in business growth.

As native is born under the Lagana degree of 20’ Le 47, falls under the 3rd Pada (Kama Pada – Desires) of Libra in D9 chart ruled by the Lordship of Venus – “This shows that Planet of Creation -Venusian energy would be the main active energy behind native life journey’s and goals connected with it, as a life mission to make something, to create something or to build something in a beautiful manner.”

This Pada can bring out the Indulging energy as well as a Creative Venusian aspect in life in much deeper level.This makes native love to travel, to counsel others and appreciate every beautiful aspect of people around the environment.

Again suggesting me native should take a beneficial edge of Venus for enhancing professional personality for any work or business ventures. Even same can be verified from being birth in 5 degrees ahead of middle of the Lagana again shows a Birth of a mature soul who is born to Realise its action in its relaxing period of life after being in an isolated time or in place – Here Deep isolation is adding an edge in his creativity & Making a deep creative thinker or person who can take much time to see its impact connected with the results.

Moreover Lagnesh Nakashtra (Venus) lord also present in the Lagana with Mercury and Saturn-  “indicating a person born for a life journey to accomplish Creative pursuits those are involved with the Analytical energy of Mercury with sense of keen observation, those who can Manage its resources well in a long race – Simply  native would have much Managerial energy for accomplishing long term projects.”

If we same check in D9 chart, The Nakashtra lord as well as D9 Lagnesh Venus is in Sign of Sagittarius – ” Sign which gives deep Independence, Divine thinking, Deep religiously attitude to solve any problems & Philosophical view point in life for understanding complex problems– being aspected by its own Dispositer lord Jupiter (3rd LordSkills learned in journey of life), Saturn (5th Lord – Inherited traits) and Mercury (12th lord – Analytic and researcher) – This makes Native should have to be involve in those pursuits which carries Deep Creative thinking, calculative tasks, Mathematical and Analytic approach in solving complex problems and issues those require lots of patience and need to manage many complex resources’s at same time.

As this Yoga is formed in 3rd and 9th house Axis – Life goal should be involve in doing independent works which requires lots of own efforts, creativity, Deep wisdom and sense of Religious bent of mind for understanding complex problems and also Making him a Boss of his own work where one doesn’t need to depend on others, where one need to establish a channel of communication with clients to finish its beautification of works, Simply communication is essential part in native work area.

Another thing is, as it is having aspect of three planets it makes native having strong desire to see the complex problems deeply with the grace of Saturn and Mercury influence because of Laganesh Nakashtra (creative intelligence) and Its lord involvement in D1 and D9 usually have major role play in Understanding life goals and soul purpose of actions in society.

As native is born in Poorva Phalguni Nakshatra in 3rd Pada ruled by Venus itself and being fall in its own Sign of Navamasa too – Venus is Simply ruling his intelligence to give a new perception or idea of thought in his life, for how he reacts to things in life, how he approaches his problems in life and Simply how he would like to apply his  intelligence to solve those issues and its placement in Lagana and D9 simply shows how he can achieve  fruits and do accomplishment in life connected with the life problems and goals in life.

It simply indicates what he need to do In order to get the work done which soul actually feels relaxed in doing it and how comfortable it will feel in achieving its fruits. It is those works which one can easily do in society and can be recognized with a little bit of efforts and contributions.


Observation based on Panch-Anga

Moving Further based on Panch Tattvas, Native is born in the Hora of Jupiter in Morning time and Hord lord is in  placed in the 11th house, 7th from own sign aspecting it again via 7th aspect (indicating Gain from House of friends, from your social circle) with the 12th lord Moon (12th from own sign, clearly indicates native need to travels a lot in order to create Social links in society) in 11th house (House of Social Circle) in Gemini Sign (Sign of communication and Hands based works which requires lots of Skills and assessments and for that one need to communicate with public authorities).

This clearly shows any work which involves public speaking, or public communication or Consultation or motivation sort of work will definitely gonna give  massive or huge gain from social or public sector. Both the combinations clearly indicating an involvement in profession where one need to work with public authorities and social masses- Simply native need to start working on those projects where there will be an involvement of public dealings,  having linked with social communities, or organization those do consultancy works or native need to establish an organization regarding same profile- in order to get huge gains from his Social networks.

He should need to organize Public Conferences, Public camps or any sort of platform where one can deliver his viewpoint openly and able to make a huge or massive social network. So any software or project which has a deep correlation with the public platform or social delivery which involves or requires deep encouragement or spiritual motivational speech work, sure gone give massive name and fame.

Reason being Jupiter is 5th house (shows Creativity and followers) and  8th lord too (House of Research and Deep problem solving abilities and Knowledge of Jyotish and occult) placed in the 11th house, clearly indicating one need to do those works which  need revelation of Deep and Divine wisdoms those are very creative in nature, requires many social links or social communication with  friends, where one need to do lots of research work, deep assessment to accomplish tasks which can give great, Name, Fame and Success in society.

Hora is basically an Hour based System shows what sort of work one should do which can give opportunities or source of resources for earning. Based on rising hora one can able to know the planet responsible for Prosperity and growth connected with the work and wealth – Majorly Birth in Particular Hora decides how lucky you are born for Earning Name, Fame, wealth & Financial Prosperities via resources linked with the hora lord.*Important Point:

Here native is born in Jupiter Hora, also lord of 5th house Shows source of earning, income and prosperity would be related to the matters of 5th house i.e inborn talents, skills, creativity linked with the hands (3rd) and communications via bussiness, 5th lord jupiter being placed in the 11th house in sign of gemini (Shows via communications, skills and hands) aspecting the 5th house too. Moreover, Dispositer lord of 5th lord jupiter is placed in lagna in sign of leo (again shows, sign linked with the creativity and designing) with the 3rd lord (Bussines, initiatives and skills) venus and 7th lord Saturn (Service giving bussines) – ” Cearly indicating source of earning and income would be via bussiness based on hands based skills which involves lots of communication skills “.  Overall suggests  – Work of Spirituality, Creativity, Designing, Management, skills, Software’s connected with Jyothish, Vedas, and ancient Scriptures with close associates or those friends who are in this field will helps a lot to native to grow much in professional sphere.

Later based on observation, I had Simply suggested native to involve himself on those projects where he needs to communicate with social communities via his software projects or make those software applications where he needs to connect with the people for reviews and work should have a close link with jupiterian traits. More he works in this area, more he can do well in his work and he should proceed in this life path to a get greater rise in his financial prosperities, as what Jupiter as Hora (Wealth) Lord Signifies.

Moreover native Yoga (Opportunity giver) Lord Is again Venus placed in the 1st house (Being lord of 3rd house (indicates Communication with close associates) and also lord of 10th house (indicates Work connected with Creativity and designing) – again gives me clue why native need to do those works which require deep creativity, as Yoga lord is well placed in the lagana ( 1st house is mainly linked with the Name and Fame in Society) with Mercury and Saturn.

My Suggestion was native should involve himself in Software designing of subjects those are mainly linked With Spirituality, Scriptures, Jyotish and Vedas.

As both the Yoga (Venus) as well as Hora (Jupiter) Lords are well placed having 3/11 relation to each other in Natal chart (shows Gains and Ventures via Jupiter and Venus). Dashas of Venus and Jupiter will bring greater rise and prosperity.

Most important factor is, native is born in “Vamsa –Kshaya Amsa” in D60 chart, which shows knowledge connected with the higher subjects i.e Vedas or Vedanga, Upanishads, and also shows involvement in above subject lines or having knowledge in professorship or native should do the work of Linguistics, connect with Vedic People, Astrologers, and Grammarians.

Even 10th Lord of the D1, Venus is also in the Amsa of “Ati Sheetla” in D60 chart further shows people who perform yaganias or those people connected with priests ship or any religious activities or people belong from those traditions (also those Signifies Karka of Jupiter).So, Jupiterian traits are very positive in the native chart for higher works in society.
If we see thoroughly in D1 chart, 9th Lord Mars is the key Player in native chart for getting Luck and Divine blessing from Almighty – who is supposed to be placed in the 2nd house in the nakshatra lord of Sun – also Placed in the 12th house- this Clearly indicating me that native need to travel a lot or he should need to change his area of living frequently  or he should do lots of travelling or he should do travel in other than his birthplace.This will definitely bring luck and rise in his career.
In this case, Luck will rise in Abroad or in foreign countries or when he will work with people those are not belong from his own communities or his own place – There will be a Travelling regarding his Work or profession which could become a reason to Change his Birthplace or Settling in abroad. 

D1 Analysis (Rasi Chart)
3 1 Career in astrology: how to find career in vedic astrology, Identify Career, Profession type and Financial Success in Work by decoding Dashamsha (D10) Chart

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Based on D1 Chart native is born in Leo Lagana (Sign of creativity, working with senior authorities and Govt people or) In the Hora of Jupiter (Hora Lord is in 11th house too – clearly indicates Earning via 11th house matters), with 20th degree (In Between Middle degree – Makes native very much Mature, Sensible and deep thinker as well as having an Entrepreneur decision making ability but somehow being born into Leo Sign it also makes one Arrogant and proudly too).

Moreover, 10th Lord Venus (Ruling Career Profile) is in 1st house of Name, Fame and Creative sign, being placed in 4th from own sign (10th house in Fixed Sign of Leo) native might have faced initial Hardship & Struggle in the career during early childhood age up to Bachelor degree period.Native Might had faced problem in career selection during his studying period and further didn’t able to get the desired job in own birth country and because of this only reason native might had decided to leave his homeland in search of better work and career prospects in abroad.

Placement of 10th lord in first house also indicates native might do most of his work by own, independently or by sitting home or in an environment having homely work feel or culture where one need to arrange work or office setup at home or where one need to do those work which requires much learning or where one seeks peace, comforts in work profile, Simply a peaceful work profile.

As 10th lord (Venus) is in 1st house native can only succeed by self or own efforts or can say success without any body help or success by  own ventures, or via an entrepreneurship – indicating Success in business ventures as 10th lord is placed in 1st house,  conjoined with 7th lord (Saturn-Karka of Self serviced based Business – where on need to do own work without any employer or any colleagues, where one is own Boss and own Employee) and 2nd lord (Mercury – Karka of IT, Computer, Analysis, Telecommunication and Business management).

So, any business ventures where one need to lead any Project by own efforts will definitely suit native work profile and taste of work.

As Venus (10th lord is in Uttraphalguni Nakashtra in 1st Pada ( Artha Pada ) – ruling Wealth and Money matters, ruled by Sun placed in 12th house – native will definitely get Monterey success with clients those are involved in Authority, Govt projects or will be living in abroad or native might get help from those are living in abroad to attain success in business ventures.


If not, native should involve himself with people those having a link with Govt people or working with govt authorities, or those are having links with govt authorities – It will definitely give huge success in business projects and for that, native might need to conduct long travels to make his ventures successful.

My suggestion was native should go for projects those are belong from other than is his own lands – I.e Countries like Russia, China, Japan, Korea, India, North Canada, Australia etc. mainly those are fall in either Northern or eastern directions from his place of living.

In Native case, the 10th lord is well placed from the Sun too, falling in 2nd from the Sun suggesting, Creative works will be best suited for career and financial growth.In his case 10th lord from the Sun (Seen for work  which gives Name and Status in Society) is  in Sign of Aries (Sign of Higher engineering and ruled by logical part), lord mars is placed in 2nd house with the 7th lord Rahu–” This is quiet an indicative of Manufacturing and production of Any Techno oriented projects, Requires higher Mechanical modular structures, I.e Computer Chip coding oriented sort of work, very much technical and highly robotic in nature or sort of or we can say which requires very much higher level of engineering in Communication technologiesto build those gadgets having Aeronautical/mechanicalbackground in nature and this sort of project work definitely add an added or an impressive edge in native work efforts if we compare from other projects.” 

Reason Being mars is sitting in the 2nd house with Rahu (Indicative of Highly Technical chip oriented Gadgets) in the sign of Virgo (Signifies Analytical projects and assessment and technical Sign of Higher engineering) with HL (Hord Lord (Mercury – signifies sources of income via IT related work deeply linked with bussiness or self-efforts )– hora lord is placed in 1st house with Saturn and Venus – all the planets are placed in 4th (Kendra- shows Desire or resources) from the Jupiter (Shows Luck and fruits ) and Moon (Conscious mind, Sukh, or comfortably one can do) where Arudha Lagana (AL) is also there and moreover it is also  placed in 9th from the Karkamsa (usually for Natural talent or inborn skills) too in D9 chart too– Clearly indicating Work of Higher level engineering which requires lots of Brain investment in Production or manufacturing of Robotics Gadgets.

Although it is placed in Kendra from Jupiter and Arudha Lagana – This will definitely add an extra edge in his work profile but after sacrificing lots of money and losing lots of peace of mind and patience. Malefic in kendras are good for material benefits but negative for peace of mind.

So before implementing this project , Native should need to think twice or many times to make it executed but usual work of Venus will still give much monetary gain during its Dasha and Antardasha period.
If we look from the Moon (Usually Seen for Available resources, indicator of those works where one can feel comfortable and gives freedom of mind or opportunity to earn more), 10th from the Moon is Sign of Jupiter (Pisces – Indicates Highly Spiritual and Imaginative tasks) – Ketu is placed there, (Signifies working with Spritual Products or tasks where deep imagination and calculations involves or working with Techno Gadgets those requires high level of mathematics and logical approach in it), and Dipositer lord Jupiter is placed in 11th house (Signifies House of social circle – Consultancy with Social Network) with Moon and AL itself, clearly shows –Work of Jupiterian traits will definitely give much more opportunities to earn money via involvement with social circle tools or applications.
As Ketu is in placed in 10th from the Moon – Products those are linked with Jyotish, Spirituality, Motivations, encouragement and ancient scriptures of Vedas or traditional work will definitely add an edge in his business prospects and can better help in the growth of his business.
Most important factor is all the planets are placed in Lagana are falling in 3rd from (Upchaya- which requires efforts) the Moon Sign too – clearly indicating all the dashas of Saturn, Mercury and Venus will  definitely involve native in those creative works where he needs to think from Managerial point of view and need to adopt creative thinking which requires project management skills in order to finish projects those are purely linked with Skills or hands based jobs like coding, designing, planning, and layout or an encoding of works.
Comparatively Dashas of Saturn will be much struggling wrt to Venus and Mercury as seen from the Moon Lagana.As 3rd from the Moon Lagana always indicates one need to put extra efforts, initiatives or one own skill and it also indicates Jobs or tasks those are based on Creatively in nature or hands based jobs and malefic placement from the Moon Lagna in upachaya sthan always makes one more hardworking in nature and one need to put much efforts to finish tough jobs or tasks or to accomplish Projects.It always requires extra efforts to accomplish any goals or tasks.

In native case, one of an Important thing is Moon Disposition Lord Mercury is also in good strength and well placed in 3rd house from the Moon in 1st house with Saturn and Venus, Creative writing projects or Documenting’s of data sort of work will be much fruitful – i.e coding, designing or layout of projects always be beneficial to him.

In D1 chart Karka of Service and Karma Saturn is having 3/11 relationship with the Jupiter (Planet of Luck, fortunes, fruits and Divine grace and opportunity) and also placed in 3rd house to it  – Though it is not badly placed from the Jupiter but this placement usually suggests, more he will put efforts more he can get results or more he can gain via efforts or via creative or skilled based initiatives.Here native needs much efforts in order to finish any work or to get ideally good growth in his career and work front.

3/11 is a relationship of gain after putting many efforts and usually one get good results after involving in as many as new initiatives or new beginnings or ventures. More he thinks from the creativity point of view via new initiatives and ventures more the gain he can attain via divine grace.
D9 Analysis (Navamsa Chart ) for Career
4 2 Career in astrology: how to find career in vedic astrology, Identify Career, Profession type and Financial Success in Work by decoding Dashamsha (D10) Chart

If we see Natural factor of Career from D9 Chart (Navamsa  is actually representative of Dharamsa, or it indicates those Work or karma which actually soul seeks or would like to do in Society or wanted to do in society), placement of 10th lord of d1 and d9 matters most for identification of career type along with dasha lord signs.

In D9 chart 10th lord of D1, Venus is placed in  sign of Sagittarius in 3rd house (Shows self-efforts, bussiness Intitiatives, Hand based skills and communication oriented work) having aspects from Saturn (hardworking nature, shows Service oriented work), Mercury (shows intereset in creativity and Skilled oriented work) and Jupiter (Having Deep intereset in Knolwedge and wisdom, involves in Guidance and counsiling) – ” Clearly Indicates any sort of Skilled based Deep creative tasks or bussinness intitaives, having deep link with Spiritualty and guidance and Managerial work will definitely suit as per his choice of work native wanted to do in society and this will definatly help in getting gain in career growth.”

Being Birth in Libra Lagna in D9, Lagnesh in 3rd house in sign of Sagittarius, 10th lord Moon in Lagna making native very much skilled, Self dependent and creative and having an edge over business dealings or joint ventures, Venus being placed in Sagittarius sign making native much optimistic in nature and adding generosity, playfulness spontaneity and love for adventure in his life initiatives.

Part of native soul always likes to spread goodwill, tolerance, and acceptance for different kinds of people he may meet in society while dealing with people.For native, Traveling or at least moving around quite a bit in order to make connections is much important for making social connections.

That’s the only reason I had advised  native to keep on involving himself in consuling with people, more he can able to bring people together in an atmosphere of openness, friendship, and possibly more he will learn in his work ventures.He should not be irresponsible towards others or of promising anything being good at the moment which he cannot fulfill or will not follow through it.

In native case Venus is also AMK  (Amtya Karka– signifies Social Work, Bosses in Office, Career, Action) placed in 3rd house from the D9 Lagana having Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter placed in 7th house from it –Though 7th always either act as Maraka (if it is Malefic, blocks or obstructs and if it is beneficial it will act as opportunity giver) or the doorway for the future action, In  native case Mercury and Jupiter are acting as beneficial for bringing new opportunities in career growth but Saturn somehow may give trouble in achieving goals on time. This might be the reason why native was not getting good opportunities for career growth during Saturn Mahadasha period, although in Libra Navamsa Saturn is a Yogakarka planet and it is also placed in the friendly sign of Gemini in 9th house but still being placed in 7th from it acting as a blockage for new opportunities in career.
From AMK Venus,  Mercury and Moon are best placed in D9 chart, lord of 10th from AMK placed in 7th to itself, whereas Moon is 10th lord in D9 placed in Lagana falling in 11th from the AMK – Suggesting me Dashas of Mercury and Moon always be beneficial to for native career growth.
Period of Mercury from 2018 onward under Saturn Mahadasha would be much beneficial regarding work and career front and it will bring many new ventures or opportunities, Mercury will act as a doorway during 2018 onward being the disposition lord of Saturn(also MD lord).
If We Look out Karkaamsa (KAK) Position in D9 – “Representing the Soul desiring work” – 10th from KAK having Sign of Jupiter (Pisces) having Graha aspect of Saturn from 10th Sign and lord Jupiter is itself placed with Saturn and Mercury aspecting AMK Venus (having close link of AMK and KAK, Soul and work are deeply linked) – “clearly indicates Native soul desire is to work on subjects those are very knowledgeable in nature, having traditional knowledge taste with essence of divine grace of Jupiter, creative in nature, which involves lots of mangement skills, observations, analysis and mathematical and logical assessment” – So my suggestion was native should work on creative ideas of making Jyotish softwares, or working on Ancient scripture’s or Vedas or presenet those ideas in Creative form or make some sort of Scriptural softwares.
As AMK and KAK are both in Mutually involves to each other in 3rd and 9th axis, native Soul and Spirits are purely aligned with Creative works or task those having taste of deep Jupiter oriented works and it usually works of own or self-independent work, primarily native is born for doing business.

Venus Usually Signifies – “Designing and Managerial oriented tasks and Jupiter Signifies – Divine, Spiritual and vast traditionally linked Subjects i.e Scriptures or Shastras etc, Mercury Signifies– Analytic and mathematically oriented tasks and Saturn shows –traditional knowledge of old and bringing it into new shape and form.

My Suggestion was native must involve himself in something creative ventures in future to yield better results.

D10 Analysis ( Dashamsna Chart ) for career

5 1 Career in astrology: how to find career in vedic astrology, Identify Career, Profession type and Financial Success in Work by decoding Dashamsha (D10) Chart


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Dasamsa chart is the main key to understanding micro activities in societies. In Native D10 chart, Aquarius ascendant or Kumbha Lagna is rising and Lagnesh is placed in the 9th house with 5th lord Mercury in sign of libra (Showing Natural Interest in doing business and consultancy related work having link with assessment, management, Logical and mathematical related work), As it is placed in 9th house – Self work is best suggested.Usually, these type of placements always shows own independent work is best preferable in the future life.

Another thing is Being Born in Aquarius Lagana it is making native very natural from both inside and outside,  exactly what he is from the core, purely original, deep thinker and analytical and research oriented mind; shows there is no difference in between his facade and inner composition.

Being birth in Airy sign shows native must work on subjects those are related to Sharp intelligence, analytical management, logical patterns, deep observations, which involves need for resource management and gathering knowledge on subjects those are scientific in nature and part of always inspires to think more – In General, ” IT, Project Managment, Managerial tasks and Resource Management are best suggested for native”.

In his case Lagnesh (Saturn) is placed in the 9th house in D10 in exalted state, also happen to be lord of the 7th house (Independent Business or Self administration) of D1, also placed in another Airy sign with mercury – ” clearly telling me anything related to mutual Knowledge sharing and logically oriented work will definitely be gone make him successful in his ventures those are built on mutual resource sharing or combined efforts or tasks those are based mutual partnerships or common ground.”

If Native work on many resources with large-scale or masses across the globe he will definitely be going to be successful.

Only efforts required from the native side is need of increasing his social resources and connections and area of the working circle. Travelling as much as he can do and more he can make as much as social links more he will get the social name and fame in society.

Another Important point is Lagnesh Is falling in 9th (Trine) from Moon Lagana in D10 too – Dasha periods of Mercury and Saturn would be beneficial in his own ventures whereas Mercury would be most beneficial then Saturn.Though Saturn is also falling in trine to Moon too, Being a natural malefic and slow-moving planet result would be delayed during its dasha period.In Native case, Saturn won’t be too bad for own ventures but it might slow down the pace of monetary gains, being Karka of delays and Slow pace movement in transits.

Another important point is Saturn having 6/8 relation (signifies Delays and hurdles in opportunities and growth) with the Jupiter (who is also lord of the 2nd and 11th house – Signifies wealth matters + Planet of opportunities) in D10 chart, getting aspect from another lord of Aquarius – The North Node Rahu from the 5th house – Usually these type of scenarios always troubles in getting long projects or contracts, Native won’t get enough opportunties in getting long lasting beneficiary contracts In the Dasha period of Saturn, may be he might get low paid projects, Short term projects or contracts or people whom he is having contractual deals might brake their promises for long term goals and this can trouble  his bussiness ventures in long range benefits during dasha period of Saturn.

Moreover, Saturn is afflicted in 9th house by the Presence of Gulika being placed in the rear to Saturn in the sign of Libra, so unknown troubles and obstacles will be there in creating hurdles and obstacles in business growth. This might give him unwanted delays in his projects or unknown hurdles from unknown people during the dasha period of Saturn, as Saturn is placed with Gulika in Bhadhaksthana too, so cause would be unknown hurdles from unknown people (Mostly belong from other than his communities) and delays will be obvious, as the Helping Hand Mercury is placed in 24 degrees ahead of the Saturn in 9th house – So native have to wait till Mercury Dasha reach its maturity period.

Usually, I have seen Saturn in Bhagayasthaan always gives slow pace success or success in last period of the dasha.

So native need not lose his patience,  it might bring him slow results but success should be there as Saturn is exalted in 9th house, only thing is dispositer lord Venus is placed in 8th from the own sign too and having exalted Rahu too in 9th to 9th house.

Moreover, 10th lord Mars is placed In the 8th house from the 10th house with North node – delays, hurdles, and late success is for sure even if he try his best efforts. Fruits will be there but after major delays, after attaining maturity age in 9th house.

Right now Both the transits (Rahu and Jupiter in the year 2015) are placed in 7th house in d10 falling in 11th from Arudha Lagana – native might encounter deals but it might get delays till the conjunction is severely afflicted in the house of business.

Another important point is 6th lord (Karka of Service) Moon is bit under state of  an afflictions from Rahu and Mars in D10 in the sign of Gemini and Moon and Saturn are falling in 5/9 relationship too with mars and Rahu–” unwanted delays in projects or short contracts might break his rhythm in financial stability during dasha periods of Mars, Rahu, Moon and Saturn Pratyantar under Saturn MD period”.

Usually Rahu in 5th house in D10 gives Short contracts those are not beneficial in long terms gains and in native case it is with Mars and Moon too, so it might frustrate or imbalance or bring some sort of emotional turbulence wrt to career stability, as 6th lord Moon is with Mars in Gemini in Ardara nakshatra, Nakashtra lord is again placed in same house, 9th from Al too.

Interesting point to notice is that both Mars, Rahu and Moon all are placed in 9th from AL(Arudha lagana) – this combination might not able to get him full support from his higher bosses, senior authorties or people those are in position or having authority to give him projects or contracts for his future ventures –as 9th to 9th house is 5th house, seen for super bosses or higher or the persons who are in authorties, where 10th lord Mars is also placed with Rahu – ” Obstructions in future projects will be there.

Due to the placement of two malefic in 9th from AL – usually indicates Inability or non-responsive behavior from the Higher bosses or from the people who are in senior positions or in authorities in companies, might be because of negative impression or lethargic display of already running projects in past years.

My suggestion was to try to fix or complete those projects on time and do not stretch any projects too long for the much longer duration or periods.

Try to make projects of short length or hire short projects and try to make harmonic relationship with People those are in authorities or positions, As Sun is also lord of 7th house in D10 and lagnesh in d1 chart placed in 10th house from AL and in 6th house – Native need to make Harmonic relationship with people those are in authorities and need to improve his negative behaviors or attitudes toward them for better professional relationship between them or those whom he is going to make partnership or contractual deals.

So, native should have a harmonic relationship with them in order to get beneficial results from senior authorities.

From financial and materialistic point of view, Aquarius ascendant people generally observed to be satisfactory; and unless, there are significant weakness on the part of Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury, the financial aspects remain safe and secured.

In  Native D10 chart 10th lord of D1 Venus is placed in Taurus, in 4th house in D10, considered to be a very good placement, because of this native always prefer an overall sense of comfort and happiness in his career or business or want to work from his home or might having work environment like a home.

This might be the reason why he always prefer those works which can give him first peace and overall comfortable environment or be working in his home like environment but important point to notice is that it is placed in 8th from the AL and 12th from the Moon in D10, too much lethargic nature can give him loss of business  – So native Should not ignore helping hands from females members in his business ventures.Whenever there is an opportunity to take help from members of opposite sex try to mature, it will always add fruits to his business.

For Aquarius ascendant, The planets Mercury, Venus and Saturn are most auspicious and the good placement of any one of these can generate strong positive results during their Mahadasa, so native always need to work according to these karkas.

Venus becomes the Yogakaraka planet for Aquarius Ascendant people. And, it is not only capable of generating auspicious Yogas but cancelling/diluting the other inauspicious planetary influences on the horoscope. Moon, Mars and Jupiter are inauspicious planets; and, capable of damaging the positive attributes of the planets/houses under influence.

However, Jupiter, if strongly placed, is capable of giving positive results in terms of finance; while for other aspects, the role of Jupiter is not much auspicious for Aquarius Ascendant people.

Similarly, Mars (if strong and well placed) can give some positive results related to professional prospects; while for other aspects (specifically marriage and health); the role of Mars is not very supportive. The union or mutual relationship between Mars and Jupiter usually results in selfish, arrogant and a bit negative shaded personality.

As in the native case, lord of the seventh house of Lagna Chart, the Sun becomes the Marak planet; and capable of causing physical or mental sufferings, specifically when it is having relationships with Moon, Mars and/or Jupiter. The union of Mercury with Saturn generates a strong and powerful combination (Yoga), specifically when both these planets are well placed and safe from combustion.

Conclusion: From the above Divisional charts including D9 and D10 chart assessment we can clearly say native will be successful in business ventures in  IT & Project management related business but it might take time to get success or to fully flourish the IT business, soon after Mercury Dasha period under Saturn Maha-dasha period.This way we can understand that how important are the role of Divisional charts, whereas to pinpoint the micro work-related events analysis of D1 and D10 (Dasamsa) chart is most important for the understanding of hidden secrets of work and career front. In Next section, we will discuss Native Financial stability, career achievements, Name, Fame, life goals, various past events and other growth factors Via different Dashas, transits and Jyotish tools.

continue Career in astrology: how to find career in vedic astrology, Identify Career, Profession type and Financial Success in Work by decoding Dashamsha (D10) Chart



pin Career in astrology: how to find career in vedic astrology, Identify Career, Profession type and Financial Success in Work by decoding Dashamsha (D10) Chart

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Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart

111 Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart

Career Analysis: Natal and Dashamsa chart (D10)
BasicInfo Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart

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D1 Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart

This was a case study of one of the client I did in a few years back, I am just sharing here for the technical understanding of chart how we can use Different Charts while doing case studies. I thank Mr XXX sir for allowing me to share the article in social media. I hope you will enjoy reading this.

Based on the above Natal chart details, native is born under the Scorpio Lagana making her very much logical, courageous, deep-rooted and having a desire for engineering and mathematical jobs. 

Lagana lord Mars is retro being placed in 7th house (House of partnership and work based on Independent Management or entrepreneurship) of administration in a sign of Venus (Taurus – Sign of Wealth and money matters, finance) aspected by North Rahu (Communication) from the 3rd house in D1 chart. Generally, From the Lagna, we see how and where native used to apply his intelligence in which area or his natural inclination can be well studied from the Placement of the Lagna in D1, D9, and D10 chart.

In Current case, it is clearly indicating choice of Working would be in IT, Software, Computer sector, dealing with foreign clients having some marketing, management, and planning involved in technical products.In Her case, Day to day task would involve lots of Communication with foreign clients where she has to manage and to do administration tasks to finish those goals and role of working environment would be of the independent sort of. 
This is clearly indicating a job of an Independent Technical manager as Mars is Retrograde in motion and placed in 7th house (7th house always shows work of an administration)  aspecting both Lagna, 10th house and Saturn which is placed in 2nd house having lordship of 3rd house and at the same time it is getting 5th aspect from the Rahu placed in 3rd house, this clearly shows some sort of technical bent of mind where she need to travel or manage (Link of 6th Lord Mars with the 3rd house – travelling, Marketing, and sales of technical equipment or products is vital here)  on account of same. it’s her deep desire to working in these types of environments where she need to manage others independently, desiring for leading work profile, and to get comfortable position seeking high paid jobs profile & to do bossy types of jobs having nature of technicality and management in nature both at the same time

Mars is lord of 10th from the Moon and it is placed in 4th from it and aspecting the 10th sign from the Moon, further justifies that the native has a deep interest in administration, technical pursuits and having a strong desire for independent sort of work. 
If we check Same Mars in Navamsa chart it is weakly placed in D9 chart in Cancer sign in 10th house indicating jobs where one has to deal with software-based products or in industry of same or those IT based Management Industries as it is getting aspect from both Venus (Lord of 7th and 12th lord, Karka of Private and cooperate sector Marketing based job Profiles) and Sun (Lord of 10th, Karka of Administrative based tasks) from 4th house. 
Here Both Sun and Venus providing strength to Mars. Dispositer lord Moon is again strongly placed in sign of Sagittarius with Jupiter in the 3rd house. Again confirming work industry where one has to consult others or advise others.
The aspect of Sun and Venus providing extra strength for mars in D9 and this is the only reason why native is mostly involved in the Private sector work profiles rather than desires for having Public sector jobs and mostly she will have to do managerial and administrative jobs in earlier job profiles.

In D1 chart Mars is placed in 3rd from the AL and Both Saturn and Rahu are placed in 10th and 11th from the Al respectively and influencing Mars from Rahu 5th aspect – This clearly indicates that she will have to work hard like a bull and she will need to put lots of continues efforts in increasing her Image in society in career and working environment where she will go.

Though malefic placed in upchaya houses from Al always considered as good for monetary gains but same time it also indicates one need to do lots of hard work in attaining those monetary gains as well increasing working image in social society and in career too.

As Saturn is placed in 10th from AL and getting aspect from Mars too – This makes her image as very rough and tough type, very hard working, rigid in work envrionment, Hard and very determined, proactive, Bold and industrious type, sometimes it makes her very bossy and arrogant too in his work environment, which can impact her image in society further.

General Rule is, Malefic planets placed in 10th from AL makes one struggle a lot in establishing goodwill in society and one has to put lots of extra efforts. Malefic usually gives harsh path those are not easy to follow or move in whereas beneficial planets in 10th from the Al makes very shiny and good nature with easy going path, which follows the good name and fame in society.

In her society, native will be known for her very industrious nature in the working environment and this also indicates that she will always involve in industries profiles where she has to deal with managed services or sort of service industries job types or those are very technical in nature where one need to follow routines based jobs daily. This makes one very rigid and sometimes harsh too. 

It makes involves her in a regular job patterns, doing the same thing, again and again, to monitor or finish those tasks, where one need to deals with clients other than own countries or places i.e foreign clients or clients belong from different culture or creeds etc.

Here, 10th lord (Sun) is placed in 12th house (Working with other countries) with 11th lord (Mercury) and 7th lord Venus this clearly indicates she will get good prosperity in her career and working profile other than his own birthplace, mostly in states or countries those are falling in western direction from India or from own birthplace.

She will get lots of success in foreign places and chances are also that she will be moving with her partner after marriage regarding her work and profession and she might need to travel a long journey for accomplishing this. After her Married life, she will travel a lot for work purpose.

D10 Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart

If we check D10 chart same, this is is also clearly seen too, Saturn is placed in the 10th house in Sign of Leo and 10th lord Sun is placed in 3rd house with 12th and 7th lord Venus too – Making her very much industrious, adventurer, traveler, courageous and hardworking type and she needs to travel a lot for work purpose for marketing or sales related work. 

Clearly indicating a job of either marketing, management or planning where one needs to communicate and travel a lot for same. Both Venus and Sun are placed in 3rd house, 6th from AL makes her working in a corporate job profile or dealing with public life.
Ashatakvarga Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart

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This also confirms from Ashtakavarga charts of D1 too where 4th and 10th house having maximum points. 4th & 10th house having 33 and 39 points respectively this makes native will have to deal publically a lot for work purpose and have to consult people with lots of involvement and  also requires traveling a lot.
Dasha Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart

If we check in D10 chart Ketu is placed in Upchaya Sthan having aspect of Both Saturn and Jupiter,  falling in10th house from the AL in a sign of Taurus which usually gives working in a big corporate industries. Dasha of Ketu will be beneficial for her being lord of D10 lagna. 
As Jupiter is placed in 2nd from the AL and falling in 11th from D10 chart, Jupiter Dasha  will act as sustainer, will be providing necessary food and resources in society. Jupiter will simply sustain her mundane needs and good image in her work environment. In Jupiter Dasha she will keep  on getting good Job profiles and good hikes.
Dashamore Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart
If we see deeply, Jupiter Dasha started in the year 2006 and exactly it is the dasha period of fruits of the Past birth karma. In all the Charts from D1, D9, D10, and D60 Jupiter having Much Strength because of that she will get good life until this dasha period is active.
In D1 it is placed in 9th house (Usually gives highly administrative jobs or jobs of consultants). In D9 it is exalted placed in own sign with Moon-forming Gaja Kesri Yoga. In D10 it is placed in 11th house in Upchaya Sthan and also 2nd from AL too. 
In D60 again it is exalted placed in the sign of cancer with Moon and Venus. From all D charts it is clearly seen She will get the huge name, fame and success in Jupiter MD period from the year 2006 to The year 2022 all because of her past birth good Sanchit karmas. 
Though she might get some bad results in some of the AD dasha periods in Jupiter MD too. PD period in Saturn, Rahu, and Venus AD period won’t be much productive in Jupiter MD period for her.
Dashamore1 Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart
Though she needs to take much care in Saturn MD period starting from the year 2022 to the year 2038, reason being firstly Saturn is Atma karaka placed in 2nd house in D1 chart getting aspect from Mars (6th lord), Rahu is placed in 2nd house from the Saturn too and most important it is placed in 10th from AL – She might can take some wrong decision wrt to  her career or she might get suffering on account of his past birth Prarabha karma (Linking of 6th and 4th lord) in Saturn MD period. 
Secondly, Saturn is placed in the 2nd house in the D9 chart (Acting as Karakamsa – Soul filter ) getting aspect from Rahu placed in 5th from Own, debilitated Mars is placed in 9th from the Karakamsa, only good part is Dispositor lord of 9th lord from Karakamsa  moon is placed in 2nd from the Karakamsa with Jupiter in the sign of Sagittarius – that clearly shows she will never face any sort of financial crunch even after marriage –  Possibility would be that She might do some mistakes which is not considered as good w.r.t Soul uplifting. 
Most important Part is,  in D10 chart it is placed in 10th house from the AL, that itself clearly indicating struggle wrt to the establishment in the career in society.More she work hard, more she can achieve that would be the best mantra for her in Saturn Dasha period. Finally, in d60 it is debilitated getting aspect from retrograde Mars too – She might need to learn some lessons and need to correct it same in Saturn MD period on account of past Praradbha karmas. 
From all these things, it is quite clear that She might face some struggle in Saturn MD period as a reason for Soul upliftment but still these results are only be expected not in whole MD period but restricted to only some of AD periods going to start in Saturn MD period. Though transits of Major slow moving planets have much to say on Saturn MD results. 

CharaDasha1 Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart
CharaDasha2 Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart
Strength Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart

If we see her Chara Dasha, Based on the Current Chara Dasha period she is having good dasha period of Virgo and Dasha lord Mercury is placed in  the 2nd from Dasha Lord with Sun and Venus till 2021. Dasha period of Leo starting in the year 2021 will say much on her Career life as Dasha lord Sun is Debilitated and weakly placed in 12th house in d1 and 3rd from Dasha Sign Leo. That period will be much struggling one and she might need efforts in that. 
Strengthfactor Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart
In Strength wise Jupiter has maximum Shadbala Strength around (518.25) with 8.64 Rupas, With maximum ishta Phala of 41.46. 
From all this, it is clearly seen that Jupiter MD will be very fruitful for overall growth and grooming of career and material life. 
In Dasha Varga Scheme (Strength in Main 10 D charts) she has good strength for Jupiter, Moon, and Mercury too.

Married Life and Timing of Marriage Events

Based on her chart Her 7th lord Venus is placed in the 12th house with 11th lord Mercury and 10th lord Sun, it is clearly an indication of Marriage by her own choice and she will leave her homeland for some work purpose, or she will be working to another land and she might meet her spouse there. 
Chances are very high that She will move outside with her life partner after getting married probably be in abroad or in those places fall in the western direction from her Birthplace. As Libra is an Airy sign she will need to travel a long-distance journey to meet her choice of husband or partner. Another important point is 7th from Venus is a sign of Aries and lord Mars is placed in 7th house (House of the partnership) of Taurus (clearly indicating the sign of love cum arrange marriage).
The only Problem is she will meet her choice of ideal partner late in life as 7th lord from Venus is retrograde in motion which usually brings trouble or delays in bringing right partner in time, would never give as much early marriage life.

Although she is having a high desire to meet her spouse, possiblly being the 7th lord from Venus, mars is placed in 7th house and she is having strong desire to appear her partner sooner in life. 
Simply she might be waiting eagerly for her ideal life partner. But due to its retrograde motion, she is getting delays in meeting him. 
This is the only reason why Matches are not coming according to her wish. 

Chances are high that She will meet her choice of spouse In Middle of her age in between 27th -28th after August Year 2016 up to the period of 2017-2018, when Jupiter will travel around libra and Scorpio.

Her UL is in 9th house with Jupiter and Ketu, indicating guy he will meet will be having spiritual nature as well religious bent of mind. Probably he will meet this guy either in her working environment or her father will help in bringing in front of her. 

Overall Father will be the root person to bringing that person in Daughter life for the final knot.
The important point here is Al and A7 is placed in 5th house, lord of Al and A7 is placed in UL in 9th house, this clearly indicates it would be a love cum arrange marriage. 

She could get Married after AD of Sun (after 30th August 2016) in Jupiter MD reason being Sun is with 7th and 12th lord Venus in 12th house in D1 chart and in D9 chart, 7th lord of D9 Mars is getting aspect from Both Venus (7th & 12th Lord) and the AD Lord Sun too.
This clearly indicates that Sun, Venus, and Mars have potential to give marriages in their AD periods. Moon AD period also have stronger chances to get Marry reason being dispositer Lord 7th lord of D9 is Moon placed in Sign of Sagittarius with Jupiter too. Moon is UL lord in D1 as well as Dispositer lord of Mars too in D9.
In General, her married Period could start after 30th of August 2016 to between 18th October 2018 where Sun AD (From 30th of August 2016 to 16th July 2017) could  be a peak period for marriage and Mars and Moon will be stronger Dasha period for getting marriage. 

So overall from age of 26th to 28 she will get married. 
Transit of Jupiter in The year 2016,2017 and 2018 in Virgo-Libra-Scorpio sign will bring her married life.Where Libra and Scorpio has much potential for getting married

UL lord is placed in the 4th house in Sign of Saturn indicating the family of spouse would be known to native family and will be a well-settled family.

Native needs to take special care of Relationship with her Mother in law as Moon is falling in 8th from the UL in D1 chart that usually gives clue mother in law might not be favor of native or she might not have smooth relationship with the mother in law.

AL/A7 and UL are falling in 5/9 Relationship to each other clearly indicating that In-laws family will be financially well settled as well as also having a Spiritually tendency too in nature.

A7 lord Jupiter and UL lord Moon both are closely conjugated in D9 chart in Sign of Sagittarius indicating it would bring Spiritual as well as Material growth for both the families as well couples too. 
|Om Tat Sat |
|| Om Namo BhagwateVasudevaya ||

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Power of Transits in Vimsotri Dasha : How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords

QeCG1B Power of Transits in Vimsotri Dasha : How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords

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How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords

Dr. K. Guru Rajesh

This was an article published in the JANUARY 2015 issue of the ‘Modern Astrology’. I thank Mrs. Gayatridevi Vasudev, the editor, for allowing me to share the article in social media. I hope you will enjoy reading this……..

Complete System of Prediction 

Vedic astrology is replete with many kinds of tools and techniques which aid in predicting events in the life of a native and pin-point the time of their fructification. Even a single Sloka or a small set of 3 or 4 Slokas may contain in them the germ of a complete system of prediction. While studying Phaladeepikacertain Slokas of Chapter 20 that deal with the transit effects of Vimshottari Dasa and Bhukti lords attracted my attention.

Phaladeepika Slokas, Chapter 20

sloka1 Power of Transits in Vimsotri Dasha : How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords

Whichever Bhava from the natal Ascendant the Dasa lord moves through in his transit identical with his own, exaltation or friendly sign, the concerned Bhava will be strengthened, provided the Dasa lord is strong in the natal chart.

sloka2 Power of Transits in Vimsotri Dasha : How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords
When the Dasa lord is weak in the natal chart and he transits a sign identical with his debilitation or inimical sign or when he gets eclipsed by the Sun, the effects of that house from the natal Ascendant will get spoiled.

sloka3 Power of Transits in Vimsotri Dasha : How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords
When the Dasa lord during his transit moves in his debilitation or inimical sign or gets eclipsed by the Sun, the Dasa will yield unfavorable results. Contrary to this, if the Dasa lord moves in his exaltation, own or friendly signs or becomes retrograde during his transit the Dasa will produce benefic results.
sloka4 Power of Transits in Vimsotri Dasha : How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords
During a particular Dasa, the results of the houses reckoned from the natal Moon-sign will come to pass whenever the Dasa lord transits through them.

These Slokas suggest that when a certain Vimshottari Dasa and Bhukti is running in the life of a native, then the transits of the Dasa and Bhukti lords can be utilized to confirm the event promised by them in the natal chart and also to zero-in on the time of fructification of the event. Similarly, the transits of planets on the natal positions of the Dasa and Bhukti lords also have say on the manifestation of results. As with all methods of Vedic astrology, the dicta laid down by the Rishis should be taken as a broad guideline and more precise rules with empirical analysis need to be identified. With these pointers I have analysed a number of horoscopes of people who have experienced a variety of events, both good and bad, and found that the method works amazingly.

First of all the events promised by the planets in the natal chart should be analysed minutely in order to successfully apply this method. The good or bad results which the Dasa and Bhukti lords portend from their natal positions, lordships and association should be judged properly. While doing this, both the Ascendant and the natal Moon-sign should be considered. Similarly, the lord of the Nakshatra in which a planet is placed as per Vimshottari Dasa system should also be studied as it plays a prominent role in shaping the results. Various benefic and malefic combinations enumerated in the classical texts should be applied carefully before drawing a conclusion regarding the potential events that can manifest in the life of the native during a given Dasa and Bhukti period. After that, the following rules regarding the transit of Dasa and Bhukti lords and also other planets should be applied to pin-point the event. This method is particularly helpful when at least one among the Dasa or Bhukti lords is a slow moving planet. Nevertheless, it works well for fast moving planets also.

General Principles

(a) Observe the houses transited and aspected by the Dasa and Bhukti lords both from the natal Ascendant and the natal Moon-sign. The events connected with these houses will manifest during the Dasa-Bhukti period.

(b) Observe the natal planets on whom the Dasa and Bhukti lords move or cast their aspect in transit vis-a-vis their lordships and natural Karakattwas. The events connected with these planets will manifest during the Dasa-Bhukti period.

(c) Transit Dasa or Bhukti lord moving over or aspecting a particular combination in the natal chart may manifest the results of that combination.

(d) When the Dasa or Bhukti lord moves on or aspects a house of which it has natural Karakattwa the results of that house will manifest significantly.

(e) When the Dasa and Bhukti lords move over or aspect their natal positions then the period will give the results promised by them in the natal chart.

(f) When either the Dasa or Bhukti lord is a natural benefic and indicates a happy event in transit while at the same time the other lord is a natural malefic and indicates unfavourable result in transit, then the native will experience both results during that period. For example, events like marriage followed by immediate separation, or birth and death of a child etc.

Favourable Results

Opposition and Conjunction

1) Dasa or Bhukti lord transiting the 9th house from the natal Ascendant or the Moon-sign may give happy occasions like marriage, child birth etc.

2) The Dasa and Bhukti lords coming into opposition in transit will give benefic results promised by their position in the natal chart.

3) When Dasa and Bhukti lords come together in transit in a beneficial house either from the natal Ascendant or from the natal Moon, then the native will experience the favorable results of these houses.

Transit Jupiter

4) When transit Jupiter moves on natal Dasa or Bhukti lord, the native may experience happy events. Also, Dasa or Bhukti lord transiting on natal Jupiter may indicate happy events.

5) Transit Jupiter on or aspecting both Dasa or Bhukti lords will give happy events. 6) When Jupiter is either the Dasa or Bhukti lord and transits over the other planet while the said planet aspects or moves over natal Jupiter, the native will experience happy events.

7) The Dasa or Bhukti lord in transit moving over or receiving the aspect of natal Jupiter and Venus will give benefic results pertaining to the houses owned by him in the natal chart and also the houses influenced by him in transit.

8) When the Dasa or Bhukti lord transits natal Jupiter while transit Jupiter moves over the natal position of the Dasa or Bhukti lord, the native will experience benefic results.

9) When a Dasa or Bhukti lord is a natural malefic and transits over a beneficial house from the natal Ascendant or natal Moon while simultaneously either Jupiter or Venus is transiting over the natal position of the said planet, then the native will experience happy events.

10) When both Dasa and Bhukti lords join together in transit in the natal Ascendant or natal Moon-sign while transit Jupiter aspects their natal positions, then the native will experience happy events.
11) Transit Jupiter moving over the natal position of the Dasa or Bhukti lord or aspecting them in transit bestows favourable results on the native.

I have tested these rules successfully on more than 60 horoscopes and would like to demonstrate its applicability through an example horoscope.

Male: Born May 9, 1979 at 21 h. 30m. IST at 16 N 17, 80 E 26.
chart Power of Transits in Vimsotri Dasha : How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords

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Event I: Sister’s Birth: Mars Dasa-Ketu Bhukti >> A younger sister was born on 15thNovember 1982.

11 Power of Transits in Vimsotri Dasha : How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords
Vimshottari: Mars is the Karaka for siblings and is also the 3rd lord from the Moon-sign. Mars occupies the Nakshatra of Ketu who is in the 3rd from the Ascendant. The Bhukti lord Ketu is in the 3rd from the Ascendant aspected by 3rd lord Saturn. Transits: Both Dasa lord Mars and Bhukti lord Ketu were moving together in Sagittarius, the natal Ascendant. Transit Jupiter was in Libra aspecting natal Mars and Ketu, the Dasa and Bhukti lords.

Event II: Award of Gold Medals: 
Rahu Dasa-Moon Bhukti >> The native was awarded three gold medals for outstanding performance in the Under Graduate Course and received the medals on 25th November 2001 in the University Convocation through the Governor of the state. 

Vimshottari:   Dasa lord Rahu is in the 9th with the 2nd and 3rd lord Saturn. Rahu occupies the Nakshatra of Venus, the 6th and 11th lord, who is exalted in the 4thhouse. Rahu should give the results of his dispositor Sun who is exalted in the 5thhouse joined by 10th lord Mercury and 5th lord Mars. Thus Rahu is well fortified to bestow Yoga on the native. The Bhukti lord Moon is the 8th lord (the blemish of 8thhouse lordship will not affect the Sun and Moon) placed in the 10th aspected by exalted Venus. Moon occupies the Nakshatra of the 5th lord Mars who is in the 5thwith the 9th lord Sun and 10th lord Mercury. Thus, the Moon is also qualified to bestow recognition to the native and thrust him centre stage in the academicia.

Transits:  The Dasa lord Rahu was transiting Gemini, his exaltation sign, in the 10thfrom natal Moon. Transit Jupiter also joined transit Rahu in Gemini. The Bhukti lord Moon was transiting Pisces over natal exalted Venus aspecting the natal 10thhouse where natal Moon is placed.

Event III:  Top Rank in PG studies and qualifying CSIR-JRF-NET exam: 

Jupiter Dasa- Jupiter Bhukti >> The native obtained the top rank in his batch in Post Graduate Studies and received a prize and certificate of appreciation on March 14th 2003 in the University Convocation through the Governor. He also got qualified in the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research – Junior Research Fellow cumNational Eligibility Test and joined the fellowship in April 2004. For the first time in his life the native got a regular income in the form of a stipend.
Vimshottari: The Dasa and Bhukti lord Jupiter is the Ascendant and 4th lord exalted in the 8th aspecting the 2nd and 4th houses. The 5th lord Mars aspects Jupiter from the 5th. From the Moon-sign Jupiter is the 4th lord placed in the 11th house.

Transits:  The Dasa and Bhukti lord Jupiter was moving through his natal position in his exaltation sign Cancer.

Event IV:  Joining as Executive in a prestigious PSU: 

Jupiter Dasa-Saturn Bhukti >> The native joined as an executive in a prestigious Public Sector Company in March, 2006.

Vimshottari:  The Dasa lord Jupiter is exalted and aspects the 2nd house and is in the 11th from the Moon-sign. Further, Jupiter occupies the Nakshatra of the 2nd lord Saturn who is in the 9th house. The Bhukti lord Saturn is the 2nd lord placed in the 9th in the Nakshatra of the 6th and 11th lord Venus who is exalted in the 4th and aspects the 10th.

Transits: The Dasa lord Jupiter was transiting Libra, the 11th house from the natal Ascendant and the 2nd house from the natal Moon, aspecting the 10th lord Mercury and 10th house from the natal Moon sign. Bhukti lord Saturn was moving in Cancer over natal Jupiter in the 11th from natal Moon-sign and aspecting the 10th house and 10th lord from the natal Ascendant. Transit Venus was aspecting transit Saturn from Capricorn.

Event V:  Sister’s Marriage: Jupiter Dasa-Saturn Bhukti >> 

The native’s sister got married on January 25th 2007. 

Vimshottari:  The Dasa lord Jupiter is the 2nd and 11th lord from the 3rd and occupies his exaltation sign. Jupiter is in the Nakshatra of the 3rd lord Saturn who is in the 7th from the 3rd house. From the Moon-sign, Jupiter happens to be the 2ndand 5th lord from the 3rd and occupies the 9th from the 3rd house in exaltation. The Bhukti lord Saturn is the 3rd lord from Ascendant and occupies the 7th from the 3rd. Saturn further occupies the Nakshatra of exalted Venus who is the 7th lord from the 3rd house from the Moon sign.

Transits: The Dasa lord Jupiter was transiting Scorpio, the 3rd house from natal Moon, casting his aspect on the 7th house therefrom. The Bhukti lord Saturn was transiting Cancer over natal Jupiter, the Dasa lord. Also, transit Jupiter was aspecting transit Saturn.

Event VI: Native’s Marriage: Jupiter Dasa-Mercury Bhukti >> The native got married on May 15th 2009.

Vimshottari: The Dasa lord Jupiter is the 7th lord from the Moon-sign and aspects the 7th from the Moon where Venus is placed in exaltation. The Bhukti lord Mercury is the 7th lord from the Ascendant.

Transits: Dasa lord Jupiter was transiting Aquarius aspecting Gemini, the 7thhouse from natal Ascendant. The Bhukti lord Mercury was transiting in Taurus, the 9th from the natal Moon-sign.

Event VII:  Awarded PhD degree: Jupiter Dasa-Ketu Bhukti >> The native was awarded Doctorate degree on June 9th 2010. 

Vimshottari: The Dasa lord Jupiter is endowed with the capacity to confer distinction in studies. The Bhukti lord Ketu is in the 3rd house and can confer Yoga as per the dictum Truteeye Ketu samsthanam yogadam Bhavathi dhruvam. Further, Ketu occupies the Nakshatra of Ascendant and 4th lord Jupiter who is in exaltation.

The Dasa lord Jupiter was transiting Pisces, the 4th house from the natal Ascendant, aspecting the natal 10th house. The Bhukti lord Ketu was moving in Gemini, the 10th house from natal Moon.

Event VIII:  Acquires car: Jupiter Dasa-Ketu Bhukti >> 

The native purchased his first car on September 24th 2010.

Vimshottari:  The Dasa lord Jupiter is the 4th lord from both the Ascendant and the Moon sign and occupies his exaltation sign aspecting the 4th house from the Ascendant. The Bhukti lord Ketu is in the 3rd house albeit in the Nakshatra of the 4th lord Jupiter. Further Ketu should give the results of Saturn who is placed in the 9th house.

Transits: Dasa lord Jupiter was transiting Pisces, the 4th house from the natal Ascendant. The Bhukti lord Ketu was transiting Gemini and aspecting Sagittarius, the 4th house from the natal Moon.

Event IX: Birth of Daughter: Jupiter Dasa-Ketu Bhukti >> The native was blessed with a daughter on November 3rd 20 10.

Vimshottari:  The Dasa lord Jupiter is the natural Karaka for progeny and occupies his exaltation sign aspecting the 2nd house from the Ascendant which happens to be the 5th from the Moon-sign. Further, Jupiter is in the Nakshatra of Saturn, the 5th lord from the Moon sign, and receives the aspect of Mars, the 5th lord from the Ascendant. The Bhukti lord Ketu should give the results of Saturn and Mars (Kujavad ketu). Mars is the 5th lord from the Ascendant and Saturn is the 5th lord from the Moon. Further, Ketu occupies the Nakshatra of Karaka Jupiter.

Transits:  The Dasa lord Jupiter was transiting Aquarius where natal Ketu, the Bhukti lord, is placed. Further, transit Jupiter aspects natal Saturn, the 5th lord from the natal Moon-sign. Transit Ketu was moving in Gemini aspected by transit Jupiter from Aquarius.

Event X:  Promotion in Job: 

Jupiter Dasa-Venus Bhukti >> The native got a promotion in his job with effect from January 1st 2011.

The Dasa lord Jupiter is exalted and aspects the 2nd house and is placed in the 11th house, an Upachaya, from the Moon-sign. Further, Jupiter occupies the Nakshatra of 2nd and 3rd lord Saturn (lord of an Upachaya) the 6thand 11th lord (lord of Upachayas) from the Ascendant placed in the 4th in exaltation aspecting the 10th house. Venus is the 2nd and 9th lord from Moon sign. Venus occupies the asterism of Mercury, the 10th lord from both ascendant and Moon sign.
Transits: Dasa lord Jupiter was transiting Pisces aspecting the 10th house from natal ascendant and also natal Jupiter placed in Cancer. Bhukti lord Venus was transiting Scorpio receiving the aspect of both natal and transit Jupiter. Further, transit Jupiter was moving on natal Venus in Pisces.

Event-XI:  Constructed house: 

Jupiter dasa-Venus bhukti >> The native constructed a house and performed Gruhapravesham on 9th May 2011.

Vimshottari:  Dasa lord Jupiter is the 4th lord from both ascendant and Moon and occupies his exaltation sign aspecting 4th house from ascendant. Bhukti lord Venus is the 11th lord exalted in the 4th house and receives the aspect of 4th lord Jupiter. Further, from Moon sign Venus is the 2nd and 9th lord. 

Transit: Dasa lord Jupiter just entered Aries aspecting Sagittarius, the natal ascendant and the 4th house from natal Moon sign. Bhukti lord Venus was transiting her natal position in Pisces, the 4th house from natal ascendant.

Event-XII:  Second child:  

Jupiter dasa-Moon bhukti >> 
The native’s wife delivered a baby girl on October 1st 2014.
Vimshottari: Dasa lord Jupiter is capable of bestowing progeny as explained earlier. Bhukti lord Moon is placed in the 10th house aspected by exalted Venus. Moon occupies the asterism of Mars, the 5th lord from ascendant.

Transit:  Dasa lord Jupiter is transiting Cancer over his natal position aspecting Capricorn, the 5th house from natal Moon sign. Bhukti lord was transiting Sagittarius, the native’s Ascendant sign.

Event-XIII: Promotion to the native: 

Jupiter dasa-Mars Bhukti >> The native got a second promotion with effect from January 1st 2016.

Vimshottari: The dasa lord Jupiter is capable of giving progress in career as explained above. The Bhukti lord Mars is the 5th lord from the ascendant joining the 9th lord Sun and 10th lord Mercury in the 5th house, a powerful Kenrakonadhipa Yoga. Mars is the 3rd lord (Upachaya lord) from Moon-Sign and occupies the Nakshatra of Ketu who is placed in the 3rd from the ascendant and 6th from the Moon sign (both Upachayas). 

Transit: Dasa lord Jupiter is transiting Leo, the 9th house from the ascendant aspecting Aries where the Bhukti lord Mars is placed forming the yoga with 9thand 10th lords. Bhukti lord Mars is transiting Libra, the 11th house from the ascendant (an Upachaya), also aspecting Aries.

Unfavourable Results

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The first part of this paper has dealt with the connection between the Dasa-Bhukti lords and transiting planets covering favourable results. There are other principles which can also be applied in deciphering unfavourable results to the Dasa-Bhukti lords against the transits of planets.

Mutual Relationships

1) The Dasa and Bhukti lords portending evil results in the natal chart and joining together or coming in mutual opposition in transit in malefic houses from the natal Moon or the natal Ascendant will bring about evil results.

2) When the Dasa and Bhukti of malefic planets are running and one of them transits over the other, then the bad effect suggested in the natal chart will manifest itself.

3) When both the Dasa and Bhukti lords are natural malefics and form a formidable combination in the natal chart and one of them moves on or aspects that natal combination in transit while the other moves on or aspects the natal Ascendant, Moon-sign or the 10th house from them, the native will experience very bad results and commit grave mistakes due to poor judgment.

4) The Dasa or Bhukti lord transiting his debilitation sign and suffering combustion at the same time will give very bad results.

5) If the Dasa or Bhukti lord occupies his debilitation sign in a bad house in the natal chart and transits the same sign then that period will be unfavourable.

6) When a Dasa or Bhukti lord moves over a planet debilitated in the natal chart and also joins the same planet in transit, then the period will give bad results.

7) When either the Dasa or Bhukti lords is debilitated and posited in a bad house in the natal chart and the Dasa and Bhukti lords in transit move through or aspect that house, then the native will experience bad results as indicated by that house.

8) The Dasa and Bhukti lords both moving over or aspecting natal debilitated planets will bring bad results like loss of position etc.

Inimical Signs and Planets

9) When a Dasa or Bhukti lord in transit moves in an inimical sign joined by planets inimical to him, then that period will give bad results.

10) When Jupiter is either the Dasa and Bhukti lord and joins his enemies Venus or Mercury or both in transit in an inimical or debilitation sign, then the native will experience bad results.

11) The Dasa or Bhukti lord though moving in exaltation, friendly or own sign will give unfavourable results when combust at the same time.

Malefic Planets and Positions

12) Transit of malefic planets over Dasa or Bhukti lord who is disposed badly in the natal chart will give bad results.

13) Though a planet transits his exaltation, own or friendly sign that will not preclude him from giving unfavourable results if that sign happens to be the 6th, 8th or 12th house from the natal Ascendant or natal Moon.

14) When a Dasa or Bhukti lord transits his natal position joined by transiting malefic planets, the native will experience bad results.

15) When a Dasa or Bhukti lord moves in his debilitation sign or a malefic house from the natal Ascendant or natal Moon and is simultaneously influenced by transit Saturn and Mars either by conjunction or aspect then the period indicates unfortunate events.

16) When the Dasa or Bhukti lord moves over a natal planet that owns bad houses and joins the same planet in transit also, then the native will experience bad results of the house pertaining to that natal planet.

17) When the Dasa or Bhukti lord activates a formidable natal combination in transit and simultaneously suffers combustion or affliction by transiting malefic planets, the native experiences very bad results indicated by the natal combination.
18) When Saturn is one among the Dasa and Bhukti lords and generates sadesathein
transit (moves in the 12th, 1st or 2nd from natal Moon) while the other lord simultaneously indicates bad results in transit, the native will face difficult circumstances.


19) The Dasa or Bhukti lord joining transit Rahu or Ketu will be bad. This will be more pronounced when the planet moves through his inimical or debilitation sign.

20) Rahu transiting on natal position of Dasa or Bhukti lord will be bad.

21) When transit Rahu moves over a planet whose Dasa or Bhukti is current and that planet simultaneously transits his debilitation or inimical sign or suffers combustion, bad results follow.
22) When both the Dasa and Bhukti lords move over a bad natal combination joined with transit Rahu then that period will prove to be unfavourable.

23) When Rahu or Ketu is the Dasa or Bhukti lord, the transit or aspect of the Node over natal Ascendant or natal Moon may give bad results.

24) If the Dasa or Bhukti lord transits natal Rahu while transit Rahu simultaneously transits over the natal position of the said planet, then the native will experience bad results.

The same case discussed in Part I of this paper is examined in the light of these principles for unfavourable results.

Male: Born May 9, 1979 at 21h. 30m. 1ST at 16 N 17, 80 E 26.

chart 1 Power of Transits in Vimsotri Dasha : How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords

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Event XIV:  Father’s Heart Attack and Bypass Surgery: 

Rahu Dasa-Mars Bhukti >>  The native’s father suffered a heart attack on October 2nd 2002 and had to undergo bypass surgery on November 11th 2002. The 9th house lodges Saturn in an inimical sign with Rahu while the 9th lord and Karaka Sun is exalted in the 5th with Mars and Mercury. The 9th is hemmed between benefics exalted Jupiter and Full Moon. Thus, though the 9th house is considerably afflicted, the 9th lord and Karaka Sun is fortified and the 9th house is protected by the benefic Argala.

Vimshottari: Both the Dasa and Bhukti lords are natural malefics. The Dasa lord Rahu is in the 9th with Saturn. Rahu occupies the Nakshatra of Venus who is in the 4th (8th from the 9th). The Bhukti lord Mars joins the 9th lord Sun in the 5th house along with Mercury. Mercury is a Maraka from the 9th house. Mars occupies the Nakshatra of Ketu who is in the 3rd house, the 7th from the 9th. Mars Bhukti is the last in Rahu Dasa coming under Dasa-chidram which usually gives bad results.
Transits: Dasa lord Rahu was transiting Taurus, the 9th house from the natal Moon. Bhukti lord Mars was transiting natal Saturn and Rahu in Leo, the 9th house from the natal Ascendant.

Event XV:
  Father’s Hip Fracture and Operation: Jupiter Dasa-Ketu Bhukti >> On October 24th 2010, the native’s father fell down and had a hip fracture which was operated upon on November 2nd 2010 and a joint replacement done.

Vimshottari: Dasa lord Jupiter is in the 8th house, the 12th from the 9th and happens to be the 8th lord from the 9th house. Jupiter occupies the Nakshatra of Saturn who is in the 9th along with Rahu. The Bhukti lord Ketu is in the 3rd and should give the results of Saturn who occupies the 9th house with Rahu. Both Dasa and Bhukti lords are in Shastashtaka or mutually unfavorable positions.
Transits: The Dasa lord Jupiter was transiting Pisces, the 8th house from the natal 9th house. The Bhukti lord Ketu was transiting Gemini, his debilitation sign, aspecting the natal Ascendant.

Event XVI:  Heart Problem to Mother: Jupiter Dasa-Venus Bhukti >> The native’s mother had to be hospitalized on September 28th 2011 as she was complaining of shortness of breath. It was diagnosed as heart failure because of reduced EF%.

The Dasa lord Jupiter is the 4th lord from both the Ascendant and the Moon-sign. Though in his exaltation sign, Jupiter is in the 8th house from the Ascendant in the Nakshatra of Saturn who is placed in the 6th from the 4th in Leo which rules the heart. The Bhukti lord Venus is the 6th and 11th lord from Ascendant and occupies the 4th house aspected by 8th lord and Karaka Moon. From the 4th house Venus is the 3rd and 8th lord.

Transits: The Dasa lord Jupiter was in Aries, the 8th house from the natal Moon-sign aspecting Libra, the 8th from the 4th house from the natal Ascendant. The Bhukti lord Venus was transiting his debilitation sign Virgo where the natal Moon, the Karaka, is placed. Transit Venus was with transit Saturn, the Sun, Moon and Mercury aspecting Pisces, the 4th house from the natal Ascendant.

Event XVII: Father’s Death: Jupiter Dasa-Moon Bhukti >> The native’s father died on August 24th 2015.

Vimshottari:  As explained earlier Jupiter is capable of causing harm to the native’s father. The Bhukti lord Moon is the 8th lord, 12th lord from the 9th house, and placed in the 2nd to 9th house, a Marakasthana. Further, the Moon occupies the Nakshatra of Mars who joins Pitrukaraka and 9th lord Sun and 10th lord Mercury, a Marakasthana lord from the 9th house.

Dasa lord Jupiter was transiting Leo, the 9th house from the ascendant where Saturn and Rahu are placed in the natal chart. Further, Jupiter was combust by his close proximity to transit Sun, the 9th lord and natural Karaka for father. Bhukti lord Moon was debilitated in Scorpio aspecting Taurus, the 9th house from the natal Moon-sign.

This case illustrates the principles given in Phaladeepika very well.

With Thanks and Regards,
Dr. K Guru Rajesh 

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Career Astrology: Finding true life goals and career path in society from 10th from Sun, Moon and Lagana.

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Om Gurave Namaha

Finding true life goals never be an easy task for any being to identify it from any chart, as God has sent us in the earth with multiple roles and responsibilities to fulfill those unfinished and pending karmic duties those are carrying with us from many eras and births. A body with soul is a complete package born with eternal motives and goals to lift and heal many of unguided and pathless souls in right path. But first thing is one should need to understand those Karmic desires, realize and then finally moving on that path. Some are Karmic Goals, many of those are belong to Mundane desires and a major portion of those goals lies in understanding its duties toward Society and uplifting inner Soul for a better harmonic path. It is impossible for me to explain this huge and vast topic in few words. What I am here trying to explain is about Goals toward Society, and Karmas in society. But before that, we need to understand first how life is divided into 4 Major portions of life. Almighty has given us 4 major goals in different stages of life and when it is required we need to work on it for the betterment of society and our inner soul path too.

Every each of the stage has some priorities and responsibilities that we have to complete in any case. These 4 major goals are Following our Dharma (Truth and Responsibilities of Human being), Understanding Artha (Understanding Material and basic necessities), Kama ( Understanding Root cause of Desires) and Finally moving toward the ultimate path Moksha (The path of Jeevan Mukti from the cycle of birth). Sticking to basic principles for finding true goals in a society based on Brihat Jataka, here is a simple technique to look for a true goal in your society that shows the true desire, path and how to move on that path. I have used same principal in deciphering and Identification of career in Albert Einstein case study. Readers can read my case study on Albert Einstein that I will post in the separate link.

So here, is the principal- How to find your true goal in society.

For finding the true goal in society one must understand which part of society dominates your goal in society. it can be your material goal, it can be your body or physical goal or it can be the task given by the God to you.So the key to search from all is here.

1) 10th from Lagana (Your Body)

Check placement of any planet in10th from the Lagana first, that decides what you are actually doing in society as per the need of the body and intelligence. This planet simply shows what you actually wanted to do in society to fulfill your physical or mundane desires but if it could be your actual goal in society, there will be no guarantee to vouch for it . It could be for power, it could be for the spiritual task, it could be for upliftment of society. it could be anything. That purely dependent on your physical desires and needs based on the planet placed in 10th from Lagana, that only shows in which environment you work for or for what purpose you are doing task in society. every planet has some gunas attached with it, what you do is totally dependent on that planet guna attached with it( i.e Rajsik, tamsik or Satvik, decide by the jaati of that planet). So, that is the task of you to decipher it deeply from your chart, In which guna you are working for. It is actually signify the “Kiryaman karma” – The future karma. ” But if you are totally dependent or dominant on your 6 weaknesses you could choose this path as final goal. choice is your after-all. My role is to give you clue or hint how to see the actual goal of life in more generalize or lay man way.

2) 10th from Moon (Your Mind, Sub-conscious)

Now check 10th from Moon, that decides what is your actual need, unfinished desire to satisfy your mind and hidden agendas in desires and motives resides in subconscious side of brain. this planet simply shows what is actually the requirement to fulfil environmental needs arisen by physical challenges, and it is totally dependent on physical needs of the body. Your mind goes in that direction where your body need. for this way most of people goes in this direction either to succeed in society or to sustain themselves in society. For accomplishing this task you need to follow this planet deeper characteristics. it can give you worldly satisfaction, material sustenance but no guarantee it should justify your actual goal in society. it is purely a personal goal of your in society. it is your personal level goal to satisfy your inner material desires, or sustain yourself in society or to survive in environmental conditions you might experience in your day to day life. How long it will goes that purely dependent on , how many Dashas are beneficially placed from moon, If in any life path dasha is not supportive from moon or moon itself got afflicted by nodes or other malefic you might fall in pit. Reason being it only shows your actual material needs to survive in society.So there is no guarantee you can face those situations well those are not in your hand. Moon actually shows life force, means what is essentially a requirement for life.So, path is totally dependent on your thoughts and mind make-up.

3) 10th from Sun (Your Soul, Super conscious) 

Finally check 10th from Sun for evaluating true goal in life , for checking what is the actual goal, god assigned to you to raise the level of mankind for some higher purpose. Only you need to see who is dominating in the 10th from Sun. that planet will decide the global task god wanted you should do. Actually it is the purpose of life, god wanted you to accomplish in society for higher reasons.It is the task assigned for global cause. this planet shows what is the goal your soul always like to fulfil or seek within self. it is the actual goal of Soul to accomplish or finish the pending karma of past. It is the goal which can give you assured massive name and fame in society but only when you do it with full spiritual force. More than material goal it is actual your karmic and spiritual goal given by the god. choice is your what you actually wanted to do in society.Many of people never goes to this level or never think like this. most of the people only restrict up-to the material goals of life, to satisfy either their bodily needs or hidden mind desires. This is Super conscious goal of life and can give a complete harmonical relationship between mind, body and soul.

Key: Now key to find what actually is your global goal, see who is dominating the 10th from all three. the one who dominate from Lagana, Sun and Moon will take over your life and will move you in that path. But Here comes the U turn, those who have wisdom and higher life philosophy they always go with the 10th from Sun, it is actually the soul goal given by the sustainer itself – the Narayana- The sun god having responsibility to sustain your all three needs.

Now, request doesn’t ask me to analyze your chart. My job is to enlighten and giving clue and light to understand the need of society not to fulfill the individual needs of everyone. Rest of the job is for learned readers to testify in your charts.

Case Study based on above-mentioned rule already done in Albert Einstein case: Readers can check this below-mentioned case study to understand more.

Case 1: Albert Einstein Career rise and fall

Albert Einstein Quotes justknow Career Astrology: Finding true life goals and career path in society from 10th from Sun, Moon and Lagana.

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10th from Moon:

10320270 10203167874346673 3605869928712068397 n Career Astrology: Finding true life goals and career path in society from 10th from Sun, Moon and Lagana.

In Albert Einstein D1 chart 10th from Moon is Empty and having Leo sign, Lord of Leo Sun is in Pisces in 10th house from Lagana with 5th & 12th lord Venus, 1st & 4th lord Mercury, 8th & 9th Lord Saturn, 5th and 9th from Moon sign (Scorpio) and Ketu – Indicates an Intuitive person who can see and imagine things in reality with his power of Imagination and visualize it. A real intellectual and Creative Mind, Having real Imagination, which can imagine with his outstanding visual power, A powerhouse of creativity who can deeply imagine and understand creator equation on Cosmos and knowledge of Cosmos.Those no planet is dominating in 10th from Moon but 10th lord from Moon is placed in 5th from Moon, so it is impacting his visualization and creative skills and power.

All the planetary positions from Moon Made Albert Einstein a real Imaginary and much skilled in visualizing things.He simply wanted to know the creation of cosmos and understand God equation while making the universe.

Here 10th from Moon is Leo Sign; no planet is there, so we can’t decide 10th from Moon for a native career.

Although 10th from Moon has Jupiter and Mars aspect – Making passionate and very logical in higher learning.

10th From Sun:

10th from Sun having Sagittarius sign (sign of Knowledge,) the Lord is in 9th house from Lagana, 4th from Moon and 12th from Sun – indicates Higher Knowledge and doing research in cosmos will bring him name and fame in worldwide.

10th from Lagana:

Now Last and most important point is cluster of 4 planets are in 10th from Lagan , Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Venus in Pisces Sign clearly indicating doing something deep, mystical and completely dominating the interest of Albert Einstein, telling me something he will do something for the Society and whole public or mass will know him by his work and he will be well known to the whole world. He will do deep for the sake of Society and will be an icon for many people for his accomplishment in higher causes, Pisces is the 12th sign of Kaalpurush – the Sign of cosmos and Deep World in the modern terminology we called It Space, cosmos and universe.

Observation: From above all, it is quite clear to understand that 10th from Lagana and Moon is dominating Albert Einstein career, where 10th from Lagana is Better in understanding and shape of career for whole life path and true goals in society.

Now a further question arises is what would be exactly career type of Albert Einstein?

**Note** 4:-> Whenever you want to see what would be career interest type, we have to see the strength of 10th house and 10th Lord placement in D1, D9 and D10 and its nakshatra, nakshatra lord, and its pada.

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10th lord Jupiter is in 9th house (House of Higher Knowledge, wisdom, God Messenger, God blessing, Knowledge of Ancient scriptures etc.) in Aquarius sign (Mystical Sign of traditional knowledge i.e. Cosmos , Astronomy , Stars , space and and knowledge of Creation) , Kendra lord in tri Kona House – (Raja Yoga means work which can give native Name, fame via Higher learning ).

10th lord Jupiter is in 9th house expecting 1st & 5th house in D1 indicates owner of Supreme knowledge which we called Dhi Shakti – a form of Higher learning – in house of Higher Philosophy , Wisdom , something connected with God and creation of God which is clearly indicative of Doing something for Higher cause or Finding truth of creation , a real knowledge of Real medium – Space and time bondage and will be self-learned (aspecting 1st house) will teach whole world via his own findings and give godly knowledge to his future Followers (5th house).

Same can be confirmed in D9 and D10 Chart, Jupiter is lagan Lord of D9 in 9th house in Scorpio sign aspecting lagan having Rahu (Indication of being in Science for out of box thinking – A restless mind) in it , aspecting 5th house having Sun in it , will be a Blessed Researcher who will extract & crack down and write down all his findings of cosmos and secret world and will present to whole world.

In D10 chart Jupiter is with Saturn in Pisces Sign in 5th forming Brahma Yoga (higher knowledge of creation) house aspecting lagan (where the sun is in it in A10 Arudha) , aspecting Venus from 5th house and 7th from AL, Will be known for His Brahma Gyan theories – Theory of Relativity – E= MC2 God equation of cosmos.

10th lord Jupiter is in Aq which is a Mystic sign of traditional knowledge lorded by Saturn and Rahu, Rahu in 8th and Saturn in 10th also indicating Albert wanted to do something in the field of Science for the sake of society for presenting a truth of cosmos for the future wellbeing of mankind.

10th lord is in Dhansitha , Nakashtra lord in 8th house with Rahu – Dhansitha is a Nakashtra of Harmony, a close connection with nature and music, Albert wanted to do research on natural laws and understanding it deeply for the prospects of nature passionately , but he did a mistake (Rahu in 8th house with Mars – Nakshatra lord of 10th Lord), by suggesting research for Atomic Bomb based on his Atomic theory which he had a deep guilt in his heart & always realized till his death.

Dhanistha indicates divine power from the” eight Vasus “; its presiding deities happens to be the twenty-third birth star, to sparkle in the cosmic firmament. Guided by the planetary force of Mars, Dhanishta Nakshatra stands for Symphony, prosperity, and adaptability from nature, the eight Vasus are the solar gods of energy and light Because of the influence of ruling Nakashtra of 10th Lord Einstein was always having a deep fantasy for Light and its origination.

Native of Dhanishtra nakshatras are usually fond of Music, Symphony and Healing, reciters of rhythmical incantations and also indicates Scientist who likes to do things In fine tuning with nature and God in a perfect harmony with nature which gave him deep interest in forming its Relational Theory of Light, energy, and Mass is same but form of one another.

There is an Exchange yoga of 10th and 9th Lord – Indicates Dharma – Karma adhipati yoga, Dharma hi Karma, and Karma hi Dharma – A Sign of Saint and Satvic Soul.

10th Lord Nakshatra Lord Is in 8th house with Rahu clearly indicates native inventions or researchers may lead to something destructive for Social mass by mistake(Rahu in Capricorn in 8th house).

Rahu and Mars always indicate something explosive or something is hidden behind the truth which is under cosmos or nature i.e. a deep anger is burning inside a body and brain.

**Note** 5 :-> Beside 10th Lord and Strength of 10th house , Lagan lord placement and its nakshatra is most important and need to check in D1, D9 & D10 chart for tracking career interest and in any house indicates where you are applying the knowledge for creation purpose or destruction purpose or it simply indicates application of your intelligence.

Here lagan Lord is in 10th house in D1 and 8th house (Mercury + Saturn) in D9 with 9th lord Saturn and in 4th house in Aq Sign in D10 with Moon again confirming me a Brilliant Analyzer, Deep thinker and Keen observer and the finest researcher.

Although Lagan Lord is in debilitation in D1, having neech bhanga too , but being placed in 10 Degree it is away from its deepest debilitation degree of 20 deg , Mercury is in Uttara-Bhadra nakshatra lord of Saturn, making Mercury much stronger, closely conjugated within the orbital distance of 2 degree with 9th and 8th lord Saturn who also happens to be Nakshatra lord of Uttrabhadra indicates Albert was a lover of traditional knowledge in science i.e. he was a deep follower of Isaac Newton, Max Plank, Michael Faraday etc. and he always wanted to do work of old Knowledge’s and giving understanding the concept and giving it in new shape.

Because of this he was always in Contradiction and always faced controversies whenever he presented journals of a new model of old traditional physics laws.

Beside this combination making him very much logical, and deft at skills of calculations strong determination, wisdom, and experience.
He was always Penchant for calculation and acquiring wisdom by way of experience which was his essential aspects of his personality. Another interesting aspect of Albert was its changeability.

Owing to this changeability according to the varying needs of circumstances, it was difficult to attribute typical traits to his personality.

He was very attractive features and complexion; excel in attracting attention by virtue of his grace and mannerisms.

He was very much religious and drawn to high ethical standard and always recluse within the folds of spirituality.

Saturn completely dominated the Mercury in Albert Einstein Chart Which is giving me a clear indication of having the natural bent of mind for doing calculations, logic and much skilled in the Scientific hypothesis which is clear indication of a finest of finest Scientists.

The combination of Saturn and Mercury always indicate the finest scientist who always keeps them-self busy in doing calculations and deep observing Nature and Science.

Beside 8th and 9th Lord conjugation with Lagnesh Mercury, Sun and Venus is also there in 10th house but not having Close conjugation with Lagnesh Mercury and Saturn, which is good if we look at deeply, all the planets are free from combustion of Sun and 7th from Al – He will be known a public Icon known for his Tremendous knowledge in abstract sciences.


It is Quiet clear he was a genius Scientist and a blessing to Science and mankind for his theories and Researches.

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pin Career Astrology: Finding true life goals and career path in society from 10th from Sun, Moon and Lagana.

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Career and Karama Astrology: The Beauty of Karama and actions – The 10th house : Mostly misinterpreted as the house of career rather it is more about Karma in society..

14095735 1237419586310973 658417072835466463 n Career and Karama Astrology: The Beauty of Karama and actions - The 10th house : Mostly misinterpreted as the house of career rather it is more about Karma in society..

The Beauty of Karama – The 10th house – Mostly misinterpreted as the house of career.

10th house is the the place which decides what Karma you would like to do or add in society or what actually you want to contribute in society or how society will see you as in action or make an impression based on your impact of your Karmic actions you had given in society or still how it is influencing society.10th house is Nothing about your career, its about your Higher goals, actions, causes and karamas that reflects in society.It is a combination of every karamas both good and bad including Personal or public and mostly it changes its shape depending on the influence of other planets on 10th house via Graha or Rasi Aspect and most important depends on the dispositer lord in D1 and mainly seen via as strength of 10th House/Lord in different Divisional charts. It is more about your environment and actions you are doing in society. Career is only the 1% of his totality , from rest of karmas are those we do in society.  

Here, Beneficial placement shows more about Good karmas those can be highly appreciated by the society for its well being and growth , it could be including of any karama where people get inspired from you i.e via your Social causes those for uplifting of social masses or society, doing work for N.G.O’s or social organizations,  or might be participating in Spiritual  mass movements etc .

Malefic in this house shows more about karama those are influenced by personal benefits and motives, those are highly materially in nature i.e Name, Fame, Proud, satisfying personal Ego’s, material gains, karama for Uplifting only personal bank-balance not for the benefits of society, mankind and any social causes. Its actually shows the combined Karama one like to do or add in society including social, Personal, global or Karma in work place too. Malefic in Kendras mostly Sustains materially much rather than social growth.

It shows the interests, passion, Liking and hard core passion which one wants to show or add in public i.e For influencing political career, N.G.O , C.E.O or might be for becoming spiritual guru etc , it shows what is the actual interest governing you toward particular karma i.e Software industry, Hardware industry, Marketing, doctor, Spiritual purists etc

Its not your work place actually, its not the people whom you interact in , its the environment or society you like to work in or work for higher cause or work for those societies. its never shows one is having doctor profession, or be an astrologer or an engineer. it only shows your interest in that karama or Karma you would like to add or contribute in society which impacts your status. Its your liking toward that karma in society. Planet in 10th house only Shows which karama influenced your work or type of interest, or Profile you influenced by or Karama you would like to add in society.Motive could be either personal or private that precisely depending on the nature of the planet  that is place in 10th house- is it Satvik or Rajsik.  Rajas Guna is more about doing karamas those for Material reasons and Satva  gunas are more about spreading Knowledge and doing social welfare of the  uplifting society, usually for global cause.

For e.g, if One has Mars in 10th house – one must be very dynamic in society, aggressive, passionate and will always like to do work those are influenced by the martian energies , influenced by War, fighting or courage or those are highly action in nature or highly motivated for the protection of society etc .

Still there are micro analysis required to know each and every aspect of karama in society, i,e strength of  the 10th lord in d1, D9, D10 and D60 and checking deity nature for the 10th lord  in divisional charts for analyzing exact karama in society for same. Basic Nature of 10th lord and its associated Nakashtra one of most important aspects in understanding one’s skills and abilities in society.Same way Aspect of Planets on 10th house in D1 and D10 shows how your karamas are modifying because of the gunas of the planets. for Strength we need to see placement of 10th lord from both Sun(Atma) and Moon(Mana) in d1 and d10 chart. For getting better understanding on society perception about you we need to see placement of 10th lord from AL( Arudha Laagana – Its the lagana of people about you, what people are perceiving about you in society). Karam Arudha are another aspects where one can know more about his working environment and can see variation in his work profile during transits and dasha periods.
In D1 chart, 10th lord and its associated Nakashtras shows what is the actual work profile you would like to work for or having deep interest in it and also shows the actual working area skill sets, abilities, qualities, and your field of working profile.i.e if  we analyze the combination of 10th  lord with different planets in associated nakashtras in modern terms we will have different approach and conclusion. for e,g if  10th lord Mars is with Saturn in any house – there would be higher possibilities that native would be in engineering profile and its nakashtra will show what exactly you do in your profile. Lets say If 10th lord is Moon in Punurvasu Nakashtra – that it might shows native would be working with software products or writing in software codes or might be a publisher, spiritual teacher, involving himself in mystic work,  or might be having philosophical thoughts, or might be an  innovator,etc with added influence of Mercury, Jupiter also required on 10th and 10th lord and D10 chart too to see the deeper picture of nature of work.

10th from 10th is the place where one deals with colleges, people publically, Associate partners, businesses partners or the Place where one interact Mutually for the global causes, or for personal benefits, that’s why we deal 7th house for Mutual working, Administration tasks, Managements skills, HR etc.

Maya of the 10th house ( A10 Arudha- Karma pada, Karmarudha, Swarga pada, Swargarudha, Rajya pada) is the place where you actually work, its shows your working company or where you interact with people in work place and it is the actual work place people actually perceives you about in which company you are working for.Any Dasha lord falling in trine from a10 gives you chances or growth for promotion in company. Beneficial in 2nd and 11th from A10 gives you financial gain in company or simply hike in salary. Same-way if Beneficial planets are transiting in trine or upchaya from A10 arudha it gives gain and promotion too. Malefic in 8th and 12th from A10 gives Downfall for company or company may fall or failure of work in those dasha periods. These rules applicable for both D1 and D10 Chart.

10th from AL shows what is the karma you are doing in Society which people perceives about you or make an impression about you i.e Moon in 10th from Al – Native Might be in Social work, doing something wrt to Society or cause for them, Software industry with other combination required too, Nurse or might be Doctor too. Same-way Jupiter and Ketu in 10th from Al – One might be in spiritual pursuit or might be an astrologer or Working in a Spiritual organisation.

10th from Moon shows – your environment, your actual work interest you would to like do in society for earning bread and butter.It is the actual karama mind feel satisfied. it actually shows you how much financial status would be influenced by the karma you are doing in society, if beneficial dashas lords are falling in trine from Moon, result would be good and fruitful.

10th from Sun shows – What is the Work which can give you name and fame in society.

pin Career and Karama Astrology: The Beauty of Karama and actions - The 10th house : Mostly misinterpreted as the house of career rather it is more about Karma in society..

Views: 39

Career in Astrology: how to indentify your career in vedic astrology, Profession type, work profile and choice of ideal Profession

Case Study: How to find or determine Career in Astrology, Profession type, work profile and choice of ideal Profession by use of Varnada Lagna Technique.
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Career Identification or choice of Profession in society by Varnada Lagana (VL)


Varnada Lagna (VL) is an Another important tool to identify true nature of Career or Karama in society by  Determining the in-between sign of the Lagna and Hora Lagna. The question is what actually is VL or Varṇa-da Lagna?. Varna-Da Lagana simply responsible for sustaining the Lagna or Native as by its actions in the society based on the past actions or Karma one got in current birth as an individual Varna. It simply gives food or provides Necessary Karama to the Lagna to sustain it.AL shows what actually you are doing in society but VL shows how you are sustaining the Image in society by doing certain karmas in society. What karma we do simply proceed our life in that direction in society.

Varna Means – Caste or class we get in this birth by our past actions based on we do occupation  i.e if we are indulging in Brahmin Karma in past even we are Belong from Kshatriya in past we preciously belongs to Brahmin via Karma our actions in past i.e We might be Reading Shashtras, Vedas, Mantras or might be doing traditional works and result of this  we will get the birth in Brahmin Class in next birth.

The ‘da’ in ‘Varnada’ means “To Give, Like Da-Da-ti in Sanskrit is Dadaati is to give ” – Here Da is three objectives given by the Lord bramaha to each different classes in Deva, Mansuhya, and Rakashas. Here three Gana’s are Inherent nature of human being, Godly, humanly or Devilish means what is required in society for the creation and need for creating the harmonic balance in Samaj- Society.

Deva – (Dama- Means one has to control senses or conquering) – Devas Inherent nature is Enjoyment -Living in Sukha – So One should observe self-control, try to keep avoid over indulgence and pleasurable life, unlike the devas who always enjoy promiscuously.

Manusya- (Dana- Means one has to give without any desire) –  Manshuya Bhava of Humanity, Helping each other, giving others to those are in need – giving others – One should give, sacrifice for the social cause, not unlike those manusya who always lives in greed and seek for motives.

Rakshasa – (Daya- Karuna, Being Human, Forgiveness, means having let it go nature) –  Try to forgive others –  One should be merciful, Soft, Polite, forgiver unlike the raksasa who are always ruthless.

The Varnada Lagna is simply a clue to or a presentation of the class in society, through humans fulfill’s, or neglect, these objectives or goals gave by the Lord Brahma as a prime objective or role in society to have a smooth work of creation for Mansuhya Yoni. Simply VL shows what we should do in society in order to sustain our karma  given based on the past duties.


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Varna-Da preciously depends on the karma we did in the previous life those decides our birth varna and those karma we are performing in this current life can redefine our varna for next birth. Both the two Lagans (D1 and VL) work in pairs whereas the Lagna in actual reality act and reacts for the body need and requirement and the Varṇada sustains those acts of the Lagna as Karama in society. Varṇada Lagna doesn’t show any abilities or one skill  or sources of income, instead, it shows what you are meant for doing and what you mean to do to sustain yourself in the society.

According to Classical approach as mentioned in Bhagwad Geeta, There are four main Varṇas systems which are meant to uphold dharma and Karama. Therefore it is for sure from Dharma that one finds a purpose of life and performs that karma in Society.

In Simpler language, Varna means caste, a division of system based on one’s class of Karama. 

There are 4 main basic caste systems –

Brahmin (Priest)Scholarly and Knowledgeably Work – to Guide and Show path of light those are living in darkness.

Kshatriya (warrior) – Work of Courage i.e Army and Engineering – Protect others, work for society and fight for those who are need of Society.

Vaishya (Traders) – Business Class i.e Work of Import and export – Feed others, keep flowing the system of trade in order to maintain a balance.

Shudras (servants) – Service Industry or Day to day tasks – Serve others and nourish others in ground reality – Seva Bhav.

These varnas are important or vital clues to give a hint of one’s profession in current birth based on our past actions.

Each sign and planets have its own varna (caste).Whereas the placement of varnada lagna (VL) in Natal chart and the planet which it is conjoined tells us about the possible Karama may do or job one is likely to do in society for e.g.

Varnada lagna in fiery signs conjoined with fiery Mars/Sun/Ketu – Shows fiery jobs like engineering where one has to working with tools and higher level of technologies i.e working with Mathematical and Advanced Computing system as shown by Ketu.

Government, Army, Police Signified By Sun, whereas Working with Mechanical tools  like Screws, nuts, bolts  etc that’s too involves work of soldering, Mechanical or electrical sort work etc where one has to Serve & protect the society or serve the society via own abilities or skills, work for society for the necessitates and requirements all works are signified by Mars.

In Earlier times Mars Signifies by – Swords and Armours, Sun Signifies – Kingdom and Ketu – signifies Work of Seers.

In Actual Reality, Warriors do work for the society for uplifting the moral of the common man and to protect others those who are in need. In Other sense, they simply Protect and Serve Society via Political knowledge and bravery.

That’s why these days, all those public sectors jobs where bravery required is ruled by Kshatriya planets like Mars and Sun.

The purpose is to provide balance in law and order and to maintain equal balance and harmony in all the varnas in society for a smooth system.

In Modern days Scenarios Situation has been a bit changed, Mars taking place Jobs of Army, Mechanical Engineering, Working with Higher computing modular machines whereas in earlier days mars only rules War and Warriors. In Current time Sun Signifying govt Sector and Jobs involved in Administration sector like I.A.S, K.A.S, I.P.S etc. So this way one can easily identify nature of work via Karmas associated with the planets.

This is to be studied in conjunction with other indications of the chart. for e.g If Varnada(VL) is placed in watery signs (Brahmin) conjoined with Venus ( Brahmin Planet Signifies Material Knowledge)  then one can be involves in working in Mantra Shashtra, Astrology, Healing sciences or therapist, Counselling work, working in jeweler shop if there is link of Mercury involved to or in  film sector, Media sector or it can be in Movies or similar Venusian field means those works where one need to show path of light or cure or heal both physically, entertain other, as well as physiologically or emotionally.Entertaining is also another sort of healing therapy one when used to cheer up other via witty dialogues and character presentation.

Varnada lagna (VL) in watery signs conjoined Saturn can also shows one might be involved in doing daily day to day jobs where one has to follow same routines and same type of job every day. Due to conjunction with Watery Signs jobs those are linked with Food, Hotel or Restaurant industry like waiter or cook in hotels and restaurants can also be predicted.

Placement of VL in Kendras, trikona or Trik Bhavas plays important role in understanding how much level of work we can contribute to society with the support of society. VL placed in a Kendra to the Lagna shows a person who has the full support from his own society and family members in initiating his career. Kendras Bhavas are Vishnu Sthan – Signifies Sustaining power in society. Whenever VL is placed in 1,4,7 and 10th house one can easily get supports from his own society and his own family members to establish the career with good prosperity.This is considered as an one of Best placement for seeing good level of Material growth in Society.   If Varnada Lagana is occupied and owned by naturally beneficial planets then the native is strongly supported by the community and such family members indicated by that planets i.e Moon – Mother,Venus – Wife and Mars – Brothers, Mercury – Friend circle etc.

If malefic planets conjoin or lord the Varnada, then many strife, challenges and battles are indicated in sustain one work in Society. It may also indicated one has to fight for it against the society to sustain one Karamas. Varnada Lagna placed in trines to the Lagna shows a Skilled and Learned person with good level of adaptability and understanding to any community, and upholding the laws of that community for sustaining Karma.It usually indicated flexible kind of Personality who can easily work with any community to gain prosperity.

The Lord of  the Varnada, if it is a natural beneficial and so well placed in Natal Chart shows that the native can easily adapts into his career and is a strong supporter for his professional colleagues, but if that same planet is afflicted he is tormented by his colleagues and life in the office can be very difficult to sustain i.e VL is placed in 6th, 8th or 12th houses.

Placement of Varnada Lagna in a dusthana (sixth, eighth or twelfth house) from Lagna makes the native either shy away from the community or it can be indicated enjoying a life in seclusion, avoiding regular social functions and the community gatherings or it usually indicates one who always stand against the social society for opposing its view point or native might fight those view points in the society in an isolated way. Usually these kind of people are either work like a Filter in society or they act against societies.The reasons for the distancing are known from the nature of the lord of the dusthana. Varnada Lagna in the twelfth house makes the native highly antisocial but if beneficial planet is conjoined in VL or if VL lord is well placed with beneficial planet than results can be opposite. This placement can, if other factors are present,  can show demoniacal attitude towards his own community, which would enable him to do unlawful acts, such as crime etc or he act like a warrior to serve it or protect it.

The nature of the Lord of the Varnada shows the source of the Rajayoga. If afflicted then the native abdicates the throne. Varnada in 3rd house makes a native free of enemies and his relationship with the community constantly improving making the native happy and content. The native has parakrama (enterprise and daring) if associated with malefic planets. Similarly, if the Varnada is in the eleventh house, the community will be source of achieving the desires of the individual.

Benefic in Upchaya houses(2nd, 6th, 10th and 11th) from VL Shows what karma Sustains the Varnada in doing his natural work in society.

For e.g if Mercury is in 2nd form VL – One Will rise in Publishing business or any business where knowledge, logic and intelligence required and native will get help from social links to sustain his profession in society.

Rashi and Planets of Nature shows what type of work one do in society i.e all Watery trines Shows Brahmin work, All fiery trines shows engineering or courage’s work . all Earthy signs shows Business related work and all Airy signs shows day to day tasks or service oriented work .

Case Study:


12814753 10206213511565700 1531267939385086984 n Career in Astrology: how to indentify your career in vedic astrology, Profession type, work profile and choice of ideal Profession

In above mentioned case VL is  in Taurus Sign (Vaisya Varna – Business class) placed in 10th( Feeding to society) house from Lagana( Leo Lagana) which means there will be  full fledge support in society and family in whatever business or career one initiate. Natural Tendency or inherited work given based on past birth Karma would be working in some business linked with Venus.

In above mentioned Case Venus is Placed in 1st house(leo Lagana) with Mercury ( indicates Work those are connected with Engineering, telecommunication, IT, Mathematics and Computer oriented or business of those) and Saturn (Shudra Class – Works those are connected with Service industry or Managing other people or resources where day to day work involves in serving other).

So, choice of work is bit modified because of conjunction of Mercury and Saturn in Fiery Sign, reason being all are placed in Fiery  Sign – this clearly indicates Work based on Engineering and technologies.

As No planet is conjugated in VL in 10th house – VL Lord Leading choice of work in Society.

Lord of VL is Venus but fall in Brahmin Class but as it is placed in 1st House (Creative and Designing related work Will bring name and Fame in Society) in Leo Sign (Fiery – Engineering and Technologies Field will rule choice of work in society).

As Venus is placed in Uttraphalguni Nakashtra  (Venus Nakashtra also bit modifying it and Emphasis is given on work those of  healing others or Earning money via that learning Where public contact is required. This success is attributable to the inherent quality of behavioral techniques. Clearly indicating earning as commission out of the public dealings.  Based on Nakashtra and Venus Nature native is best suited in doing profession those linked with teacher, writer or research fellow in some sort of the scientific field, Work those are linked with mathematics, engineering, astronomy and astrology and even can also be successful in advertising business of those types.)

This has been clearly indicated in Varna-Da Lagana, as Ketu (Mathematical and computational work) is placed in 11th (Gain Via Same) from VL in 8th house (Work of Occult, Astrology, Astronomy and Mathematics related with it).

Now from above all it is clearly indicated Native is doing work of engineering related work where one need to manage, design and Work related technology- that’s pretty much true Native has own business related with software technologies and involves in Project management work where native need to to deal public-ally with clients as there is no planet placed in VL – Native is doing work of based on his learning in current.Planet in VL shows what is your natural work or profession one should do based on his past karmic actions. Lord of VL shows understanding and learning after getting concious as after one progress n this birth.

As Native has Ketu in 11th from VL – if Native try to work on Occult subjects I,e software related occult he will be more successful in society.


Source, Reference and links
A course on Jaimini Maharsi’s Updesha Sutras by Sanjay Rath
Varnada Lagana by Visti Larsen

pin Career in Astrology: how to indentify your career in vedic astrology, Profession type, work profile and choice of ideal Profession

Views: 271

How To Judge A House(Bhav) In Vedic Astrology

bhavas How To Judge A House(Bhav) In Vedic Astrology

This is the most important and basic question in Vedic astrology and if you know answer to this question then you can successfully analyze a chart. Well this is not an easy thing and so many more concepts have to be taken in account too but here I will tell about the basic and most important principle on how to judge a house and find results and if you use this you can easily do reading of a chart.
Whenever any question comes to you and just see three things the house from which the question is related, the position of the house its lord and its Significator.
Step 1  – find the house from which the question is connected like 1st house for self related questions 2nd house for questions related to family and money, 3rd house for question related to younger siblings, hard-work, 4th house for problem related to mother, house, land, conveniences. 5th house for things related to education, progeny and so on, in this you can also see a thing can be seen by so many houses like for education 2nd house will show your primary education till up to school level,  4th house will show you mental education 5th house will show the field that you will choose as your main education also this will show about which thing you have an inner talent to do and then 9th house will show higher education also it will show the subject in which you can get masters degree or in which you will possess good level of knowledge. So for the first and basic thing is to find the houses connected to the question.
Step 1.1 – also see the house from that house, every question have a basic house and few sub houses related to that for example 5th house is basic house for education and 4th 2nd and 9th are sub houses for education, now also see the house from that concerned house for e.g. – 5th house from 5th house i.e. 9th house will also be showing education now 5th house is basic house 9th house is secondary house and 2nd and 4th are supporting houses for education
Step 1.2 – imagine the house from which question is concerned as first house and then analyze all other things respectively, for e.g. 10th house is for profession, 2nd from 10th 11th house will show your reward that you will get from 10th house profession and that is gain (the reward for working someone is gaining something) 3rd from 10th 12th house will show hard-ship in profession, like 12th house if for sleep and if you are working too hard and trying to get successful then its obvious that your nights will be disturbed one, 4th from 10th 1st house will show comfort from 10th house that is what is the comfort or working is the comfort for yourself why you work that is for your own self and that is 1st house you work to make yourself comfortable, 5th from 10th is family and 5th house is for good deeds saved from past lives and that is the case if you father is a big businessman and if he gives his company to you then obviously it will be a good deed saved from your past live that will make you do less hardship in matters related to 10th house, this rule can be expended too, 3rd house is 6th from 10th house 6th is work 10th is profession and work of profession is hard-work and that is what is denoted by 3rd house.
Step 1.3 – see the condition of that house in all 10 divisional charts they are D-1, D-2, D-3, D-7, D-9, D-10, D-12, D-16, D-30, and D-60. In Vedic astrology planets also aspect using house aspect (bhav drishti) in divisional too. See which type of signs are in the concerned house in all these 10 divisional charts, weather they have good signs bad signs, signs of neutral friends or enemy’s. Also see the divisional chart related to that query. Like D-1 for everything, D2 For money, D-3 for siblings, D-7 for children, D-9 for spouse and luck (this is very important division equivalent to D-1-main chart), D-10 for profession/job/career, D-12 for Parents, D-16 for spirituality, D-30 for all evils, And D-60 for everything especially things related to past karma (this division is even more important than D-1 and D-9 Sage Parashara Gives this one the utmost importance). In the divisional see the position of ascendant lord of that division lord of the house concerned in the Natal chart and also the house related to that specific area. Like in D-10 see the position of Ascendant lord of D-10 see the position of the planet who is 10th lord in D-1 chart and also see the Houses 1st 6th 7th and 10th in D-10 as 10th shows the self 6th shows your job, 10th profession and 7th business. Also see the planets placed in 1st 6th 7th and 10th house and planets aspecting therein in that particular divisional chart.
Step – 1.4 – see the planets placed in all those houses connected to the question in D-1 and also in that specific divisional chart and also in the main house (related to the question) in all those 10 divisional charts. And also consider aspects of planets same as their situation therein, in rashi chart use Rashi aspect, in Bhav Chalit and all those 9 divisional charts use planetary (house aspect). In placement of planets you have to see the 5 considerations of the planet if the planet is 1st exalted, 2nd mool-trikona, 3rd in own house 4th in bosom friends house and 5th having dig bala then the planet will shower good effects related to the house he owns and related to the house he is placed in.  If the planet is in 1st enemy sign, 2nd completely deprived of dig bala, 3rd being placed with or aspected by malefic 4th is combust 5th is debilitated then it will show bad effects of the house where he is placed and bad effects of the house he owns in this remember the planet who is combust will only destroy the house he is placed in and his signification but he will not destroy the house he aspects or owns. One more thing about being exalted is if planets are exalted in D-1 but debilitated in D-9 then he will do badly but if planet is debilitated in D-1 and exalted in D-9 then he will show good effects. Also if a planet is in the same sign as in D-1 and D-9 then he will show good effects. If a planet is both exalted in D-1 and D-9 then he will be extremely good but if a planet is debilitated in D-1 and D-9 then he will show 50% good effects and 50% bad effects. This is same with planetary aspect. Planets situated in 5 favorable houses will throw good effect and planet in 5 bad conditions will throw bad aspect. Also see the house ownership of planet for example if 8th lord 6th lord or 12th lord is situated in 1st house then it will destroy the house and if the are aspecting 1st house then also they will destroy the house, if in this situated you see any house except 1st house then one more question will rise, planet owning bad house from the ascendant and from that concerned house both will destroy the house but will destroy the house more severely. Let we take example of 10th house, 3rd lord is 6th from 10th and 3rd from ascendant so he will destroy 10th house, 6th house is 9th from 10th so he will not destroy 10th house, 8th house is 11th from 10th house so he will also not destroy the 10th house as much as 3rd lord will destroy he will destroy but he will partially destroy the house not completely. 12th lord is 3rd from 10th so he will also destroy the 10th house very badly. But 5th lord is 8th from 10th and 9th lord is 12th from 10th will they destroy the 10th house no. why? “Jatak Parijat” sates that ownership from ascendant is more important as compared to ownership from that concerned house expanding this rule to the rule enunciated in “Bhavartha Ratnakar”   I can say that ownership of houses from the ascendant is more important as compared to ownership of houses from that respective house but placement of planet is more important from the concerned house as compared to ascendant. But the main thing in astrology is synchronization. So that for the sake of learning you should always see both the aspects and come to a conclusion like for e.g. 9th lord is luck and if luck is supporting then the person will not do hard work so 9th lord will give the effect of 10th house but the desire of 10th house that is obtained from working on the thing will be missing. Like in the same way 5th house is stock market and children and it’s obvious that when you children will come to work then you don’t have to work that much then it will be death of your work (8th from 10th) and you will be enjoying your old age.
Step 1.5 – now see the placement aspect and conjunction over the planets over the houses related to the question, good planets aspect and aspect of those planets who owns good houses prove beneficial but those planets that are malefic in nature and those who owns bad houses for that particular ascendant will destroy the house by their aspect and conjunction over the house and houses related to the question. Lord of 1at 5th and 9th house is always good if natural benefic be lords of 4th 7th and 10th and placed in 4th 7th   or 10th house then they will be malefic otherwise neutral, if malefic be lords of these houses then they will loose their malefic and nature and they will become benefic planets, lords of 3rd 6th 8th 11th houses are malefic, 3rd house is worst malefic 6th is more malefic as compared to 3rd 11th is even more malefic and 8th is the most malefic houses in all over the chart, 2nd and 12th lord are neutral and the planets owning these signs will effect according to the houses in which their 2nd sign is placed and if lord of 2nd or 12th be sun or moon then their placement will decide their effect as malefic or benefic. As moon is being a separate ascendant due to this reason moon don’t get bad effect of being in a bad house unless he is highly afflicted.  This is same with the sun but as being a cruel planet he can do evil at more times as compared to moon. 1st lord will never become bad if he owns 8th house too then still he will not be bad, planets will effect as per where their mool-trikona rashi is placed in, for Gemini ascendant Saturn is a benefic planet because his mool-trikona sign falls in 9th house but for Virgo Saturn will be a malefic due to the reason because his main rashi (Mool-Trikona) Sign falls in 6th house. But if Saturn is posited in 5th house then he will do good, so basically this tells us that if the planet is placed in either signs then he will do the effect of his main sign but if the planet is posited in his sign then he will do the effect of the sign in which he is placed in.
Step 1.6 – also see the yoga’s happening in the house like if Saturn is posited in ascendant in Libra, Aquarius or Capricorn then he will make “Maha Purush Yoga” in then he will confer the good effects of the hw is placed in and of the houses he owns. There are too many yoga’s in Vedic astrology and it is very difficult to remember all of them so the basic rule is the favorable placement of a planet. If a planet is favorably placed then he will do well.
House lord
Step 2 – is to see the position of the house lord, if the planet is favorably disposed in main chart or in divisional then he will do good and if he is badly disposed in main chart or in divisional then he will do evil results, also you have to see aspect and conjunction over the house lord and also you have to see the position of the depositor of the house lord. The same rules that are applied in assessing the houses have also to be applied in assessing the effect of the house lord and its depositor along with this also see the Yogas happening with the planet and see his power and strength. See six fold strength of the planet and especially see his Dig Bala. If a planet is in Dig Bala then he will do well and if he is deprived of Dig Bala then he will do bad, see the aspect over house lord and conjunction of other planets with that house lord and they will show you the complete situation of house lord. Most of the rules are enunciated in the last part use the same rules to assess the power in a short see these things to see weather a planet is powerful or weak,
  1. See the sign in which he is placed in (own sign, main sign , exaltation sign, friendly sign will do good and debilitated sign, enemy sign will do bad)
  2. The house in which he is placed in (in good houses he will do good effect in bad houses he will do bad effects see the placement in house from ascendant from the house in question and also from the moon)
  3. The planets from whom he is getting aspect (aspects of benefic planets and the planets owning good houses will do bad and aspect of malefic planets or aspect of the planets who owns bad houses will do bad)
  4. The planet with whom he is conjunct ( conjunction with benefic planets or the planets owning good houses will be favorable and if either be the case then it will prove bad for the planet in question)
  5. The position of the planet in D-1, D-9 and in other divisional (position in D-1, D-9 And D-60 is most important to consider but position in other divisional will also make a great impact over the planet and also see the conjunction and aspect over the planets in divisional too)
  6. The lunar asterism in which the planet is placed in (see the nature of the lunar asterism and nature of its lord and then decide the effects of the planets)
  7. The position of the planet who becomes his lunar asterism lord and his ownership of houses and aspect and conjunction of planet over that
  8. The position of the depositor
  9. Check strength of the planet and yoga’s he is being involved in (assess strength using six fold strength)
  10. The Avastha’s of the planet
Significator is also a planet so assess the power of the significator as same as planet, if the significator is strong then the house will flourish and if significator be weak the effect will be diminishing. House shows the possibility, house lord shows the achievement and significator shows the happiness from that thing. There are basic significator like sun for 1st house Jupiter for 2nd mars for 3rd mercury and moon for 4th Jupiter for 5th Saturn and mars for 6th Venus for 7th  Saturn for 8th Jupiter and sun for 9th Saturn mercury sun for 10th and so on now there are some houses which have more than one significator like 4th house 6th house and 10th house they show more than one thing and thus their significance can be   divided too like mercury will shows mental intelligence and moon will show emotional stability for 4th house, mars will show victory over enemy and Saturn will show job with respect to 6th house and mercury will show professional qualification, sun will show status in profession and Saturn will show work in profession in relation to 10th house also more significations can be added like for example if you are to assess about maternal uncle from 6th house then take 6th house its lord and mercury as significator because mars and Saturn don’t have to don anything with maternal uncle. If house lord and significator all are destroyed the complete results are destroyed if only significator and house is destroyed then 75% destroyed and if house and house lord is destroyed then 50% is destroyed and if house lord and significator is destroyed then 75% is destroyed. One special rule related to significator are if the house significator is in the house the he will destroy the house this is a loose rule that need some understanding. There are total 9 planets and there are 2 complete benefic planet 2 conditional benefic and 5 malefic planets if we add gulika too then it will become 6 malefic. And also only one benefic has special aspect and here all 4 malefic have special aspects. So thinking logically no house in any horoscope can be free of malefic influence and it is truth in real life too no thing is like this of which a person gets complete comfort. And that’s why if the significator is in the house and if malefic effect is there then the house will get 75% destroyed and this will be the case why they consider significator in the house as malefic.  Just imagine Jupiter is in 5th house in his mail sign being in Mool-Trikona having good aspect then why he will do evil for the 5th house…
Vedic astrology is a vast ocean and the deeper you go into it the rarest gems you will find lying there, this is your dedication and practice that will make you and good astrologer over time. Here I have given few basic principles of Vedic astrology, hope the readers will enjoy reading this and learners will get to learn more from this, this was a small effort from my side If I have made any mistake then I am sure those who are big hearted will forgive me.
Om Namah Shivaye
Another Astrology Student
Shubham Alock.

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pin How To Judge A House(Bhav) In Vedic Astrology

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Will Narendra Modi Be Next Prime Minister of India ? – Research Insight on Narendra Modi for Next PM 2014

Will Narendra Modi Be Next Prime Minister of India ?

My Analysis & Research Insight on Narendra Modi for Next PM 2014 
Date of Birth : 17 september 1950 
Time of Birth : 11 Am 
Place of birth Mehsana , Gujraat

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Narendra Modi is born with Scorpio lagna and 9th lord Moon is also in Lagna with Mars.Lagna Degree is about 5 Degree quite indicating Young, talented, youthful and dynamic personality. In Lagan, Mars (Lagna Lord) and Moon (9th Lord) Forming  Ruchuka-Mahaprush yoga clearly indicates naturally born leader who is daring, bold with enterprising quality and willing to cross any hurdles, can overcome any battle with his strong will and intellectual power. All these qualities Making him Naturally born leader and giving him conquering capabilities those similar to look alike Sikander (Alexandra the Great).

Ruchaka yoga is considered as an one of the five Royal Yogas in  Vedic Astrology and falls in category of  the Panch MahaPurusha Yogas.

With this Ruchka mahaprusha yoga, Neech-bhagna Yoga also forming in lagana too giving extra Strength back to Moon as well but placement of weak mars in D9 chart, some how nullifying the excellent result of Mars.

Usually with these types of combination  native may have to face Great fall after great rise or in those vice-versa conditions.Currently Modi ji is having moon Mahadasha, Nakshtra lord is Saturn Placed in  the 10th house with Venus forming a Vosi Yoga creating naturally acquired Name & fame in its social or work life without any more efforts, natives usually born in this yoga act like a natural Human resource manager or apt in social management , a great social personality, a reformer and most important making him great level of charitable human being.

Saturn is also (AK) Atmakarka too which also means a person born with natural quality for helping down trodden people and great rise after lots of struggle in life.

Aatmakarka in 10th house in D1 Making him Natural Karam Yogi Born for Fulfilling its duty toward Social reform and raising the bar of mankind. , that’s why modi ji always ready to help those people who are in great trouble to raise their bar and very popular in weak society masses and also giving qualities of natural Management and expert dealing in social masses.
Currently Modi ji is Facing Sade-sati from his Moon sign and lagna too and Rahu also joined with Saturn In his 12th house from Lagna as well as from Moon , only hurdle in achieving success in ministry as it indicates person has to work hard to earn name in the society and have to face false and dirty political traps. The Trap Combination of Rahu with Sat in its 12th from Moon and Lagna chart giving him lots of physical distress as well as Acute mental troubles due to enemic acts by opponents.Reason being Rahu and Sat both are Karka for 4th house wrt to Modi ji Lagna kundli and Moon Kundli , natural karka for Peace , home and Mind and thoughts so this combination clearly imbalanced all the qualities of 4th house.

Here Saturn is teaching him the lesson of social relationships, how to balance social relationships and telling him who is with him and who is not with him so that in near future he is able to handle himself in all odd conditions. This is the only hurdle what my analysis telling me and modi ji have to face all this Due to oppositions dirty traps ,conflicts and Blame games etc etc all due to Rahu & Shani Kroor Yukti in 12th from his Moon sign and which keep disturbing him from few years( Started from 2011 nov -Saturn & after dec 2012 -Rahu).Reason Being is Rahu is an expert in diabolic qualities , manipulative game plannings & being cheat nature and here Rahu is completely Merge up with Saturn and keep disturbing him for doing his free work but Soon condition gone change after July 13 2014 when Rahu will move into the Next powerful sign of Virgo in Lagna as well as in moon kundli.

That time Rahu will be in his Friend house sign and will give him huge amount of gain and power through the Social environment which he will make to get work done.11th house is the natural house of Social network and making alliances with your Social circle you have in your environment so you will see after july 2013 a great friendly alliance going to be happen.
From Modi ji Moon sign and lagna chart Rahu will be in 11th house after 13th july 2013 and which clearly shows huge gain over enemies and Getting in power and Forming new alliances with many friends.

Reason being Rahu Antar dasha is going on and Rahu is Modi AMK (Amtya karka) forming a Raja Sambhanha yoga which simply means a Famous Minister known for his good deeds and intellectual knowledge’s. From 26th April 2013 and Modi having highest order of Fame yoga (Rahu in 5th house in Satvic sign of pisces – giving him Good level of Intuitive power, Sharp Mind and well versed in speculative works and a imaginative planning ) in Lagna kundli but due to Rahu basic nature of False image deployment , Modi ji also facing lots of social conflicts, blames and opponents Issues regarding conspiracies and traps implemented by opponents and in his own BJP camps( Rahu is in 9th from Al – Modi own member Betray him and leave his Companies ) but everything gone useless due to Modi other beneficial yoga’s in kundli.

Moreover Rahu is also Amatya-karka and in 5th house of Natural sign of name and fame and Social and political house ( A minister or an Imp person in a Kingdom) for Modi ji and placed in trikona which clearly indicates A famous Minister and will shine as a great personality as a politician. Rahu is Seen for Success in Political careers and Providing Name and fame to the native and in 5th it Gives Huge and massive Fame & Rahu is very powerful For modi ji reason being Rahu is an Amatya karka and in trine too, lord of kendra and also in trikona house which making him very much skilled ,technically very sharp minded and creative too and will give him huge and massive fame in all sort of creative work for growth and development, these types of combinations are seen in very technocrat people who are very well versed in IT Technologies.

As Same things is seen from 9th from Al ( Outer perceptions of what other people think on our self) Making him Very much skilled and knowledgeable and Same is seen from 9th from Karkamsa where Rahu and Venus Present making Modi ji naturally creative(With Planet of creativity- Venus) ,Very much skilled in Political and Technical stuffs.
I can say a natural Skilled and creative person born with Great Social and Political knowledge. If we See his D9 chart ,10th house from Karkamsa (saturn) Moon is there which clearly indicates A man with natural leadership quality born to help Society and raise the level of Society, making him a natural Social leader who can Move large number of mass by his social nature and oratory abilities.
That’s why after Starting of Rahu antardasha from april 2013 Modi Ji natrual name and Fame increased suddenly but due to rahu diabolical nature Modi ji also have to face lots of false accusation from oppositions too.

Same for mars is also there who is 10th lord from Arudha lagna (AL) and present in 5th from it with Arudha lagna lord which clearly telling me A Bold & courageous man born with self-dependent qualities who can shake anyone with his strong dedication, courage , will power & with strong mind power ,that’s why Modi ji is very much Strong In his view point and its not easy for anyone to break his Strong will power to force him to step back once he decides.

Jupiter is 6th from AL making him a satvic nature person believes in helping and guiding people.
After 12 april 2014 he will be in very Comfortable position wrt to Political position. As per My calculations when Jupiter will Move from from Gemini sign to Cancer Sign on 19th june 2014 Modi ji will be in full administrative and ministerial power as Jupiter will be in its most

exalted Position and for Modi ji Guru will be in 9th house from Lagna as well as from Moon sign and also aspects Mars and moon too who is also 9th lord as well as AL lord , and Mahadasha lord too – or you can say lord of luck and Main advisory(Mantri) to the kingdom(India) or an important person in Kingdom to the King ( which we called as Prime minister in Poltical terms in Current time in politics ) in Lagna kundli. This Combination clearly depicting high order of Ministerial power and modi ji can be in charge of handling big Ventures in Central Ministry or in the ” KINGDOM of INDIA “For Fulfilling this job Modi ji has to face lots of False accusation from opponents till 15th july 2014 but once Rahu move from libra to Virgo MOdi ji will again get boost in his name, fame, power and strength and will start his work with full force.

Current Planetary Placements of Jupiter making Modi expert in his oratory skills by aspecting 2nd house from 8th house from Scorpio moon sign and Rahu in libra giving Him lots of mental troubles from others( Hidden conspiracies from others seen from 12th house )in his mind to break his will power and mental strength which they are not able to succeed as Jupiter also aspecting Same by Gemini sign so modi ji facing it all and same time defeating all hurdles given by opponents with his strong will power and expert planning and Strategy.

After October 2014 Guru Dasha will come and modi ji will do lots of Social work in society in his ministry as Jupiter will transit in D10 lagna chart too in Mars in cancer sign and will be 9th from AL ,which clearly means performing lots of social and religious work in the society.

Hope you pepole like my Write up on Modi ji
Rest Only God knows what will May bring to the Future of India but i believe Modi ji will be in Full Power after june 2014.

|| Om Bhagwate Vasudevaya Namah: ||

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