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Finding true life goals never be an easy task for any being to identify it from any chart, as God has sent us in the earth with multiple roles and responsibilities to fulfill those unfinished and pending karmic duties those are carrying with us from many eras and births. A body with soul is a complete package born with eternal motives and goals to lift and heal many of unguided and pathless souls in right path. But first thing is one should need to understand those Karmic desires, realize and then finally moving on that path. Some are Karmic Goals, many of those are belong to Mundane desires and a major portion of those goals lies in understanding its duties toward Society and uplifting inner Soul for a better harmonic path. It is impossible for me to explain this huge and vast topic in few words. What I am here trying to explain is about Goals toward Society, and Karmas in society. But before that, we need to understand first how life is divided into 4 Major portions of life. Almighty has given us 4 major goals in different stages of life and when it is required we need to work on it for the betterment of society and our inner soul path too.
Every each of the stage has some priorities and responsibilities that we have to complete in any case. These 4 major goals are Following our Dharma (Truth and Responsibilities of Human being), Understanding Artha (Understanding Material and basic necessities), Kama ( Understanding Root cause of Desires) and Finally moving toward the ultimate path Moksha (The path of Jeevan Mukti from the cycle of birth). Sticking to basic principles for finding true goals in a society based on Brihat Jataka, here is a simple technique to look for a true goal in your society that shows the true desire, path and how to move on that path. I have used same principal in deciphering and Identification of career in Albert Einstein case study. Readers can read my case study on Albert Einstein that I will post in the separate link.
So here, is the principal- How to find your true goal in society.
For finding the true goal in society one must understand which part of society dominates your goal in society. it can be your material goal, it can be your body or physical goal or it can be the task given by the God to you.So the key to search from all is here.
1) 10th from Lagana (Your Body)
2) 10th from Moon (Your Mind, Sub-conscious)
3) 10th from Sun (Your Soul, Super conscious)
Key: Now key to find what actually is your global goal, see who is dominating the 10th from all three. the one who dominate from Lagana, Sun and Moon will take over your life and will move you in that path. But Here comes the U turn, those who have wisdom and higher life philosophy they always go with the 10th from Sun, it is actually the soul goal given by the sustainer itself – the Narayana- The sun god having responsibility to sustain your all three needs.
Now, request doesn’t ask me to analyze your chart. My job is to enlighten and giving clue and light to understand the need of society not to fulfill the individual needs of everyone. Rest of the job is for learned readers to testify in your charts.
Case Study based on above-mentioned rule already done in Albert Einstein case: Readers can check this below-mentioned case study to understand more.
Case 1: Albert Einstein Career rise and fall
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10th from Moon:

In Albert Einstein D1 chart 10th from Moon is Empty and having Leo sign, Lord of Leo Sun is in Pisces in 10th house from Lagana with 5th & 12th lord Venus, 1st & 4th lord Mercury, 8th & 9th Lord Saturn, 5th and 9th from Moon sign (Scorpio) and Ketu – Indicates an Intuitive person who can see and imagine things in reality with his power of Imagination and visualize it. A real intellectual and Creative Mind, Having real Imagination, which can imagine with his outstanding visual power, A powerhouse of creativity who can deeply imagine and understand creator equation on Cosmos and knowledge of Cosmos.Those no planet is dominating in 10th from Moon but 10th lord from Moon is placed in 5th from Moon, so it is impacting his visualization and creative skills and power.
All the planetary positions from Moon Made Albert Einstein a real Imaginary and much skilled in visualizing things.He simply wanted to know the creation of cosmos and understand God equation while making the universe.
Here 10th from Moon is Leo Sign; no planet is there, so we can’t decide 10th from Moon for a native career.
Although 10th from Moon has Jupiter and Mars aspect – Making passionate and very logical in higher learning.
10th From Sun:
10th from Sun having Sagittarius sign (sign of Knowledge,) the Lord is in 9th house from Lagana, 4th from Moon and 12th from Sun – indicates Higher Knowledge and doing research in cosmos will bring him name and fame in worldwide.
10th from Lagana:
Now Last and most important point is cluster of 4 planets are in 10th from Lagan , Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Venus in Pisces Sign clearly indicating doing something deep, mystical and completely dominating the interest of Albert Einstein, telling me something he will do something for the Society and whole public or mass will know him by his work and he will be well known to the whole world. He will do deep for the sake of Society and will be an icon for many people for his accomplishment in higher causes, Pisces is the 12th sign of Kaalpurush – the Sign of cosmos and Deep World in the modern terminology we called It Space, cosmos and universe.
Observation: From above all, it is quite clear to understand that 10th from Lagana and Moon is dominating Albert Einstein career, where 10th from Lagana is Better in understanding and shape of career for whole life path and true goals in society.
Now a further question arises is what would be exactly career type of Albert Einstein?
**Note** 4:-> Whenever you want to see what would be career interest type, we have to see the strength of 10th house and 10th Lord placement in D1, D9 and D10 and its nakshatra, nakshatra lord, and its pada.
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10th lord Jupiter is in 9th house (House of Higher Knowledge, wisdom, God Messenger, God blessing, Knowledge of Ancient scriptures etc.) in Aquarius sign (Mystical Sign of traditional knowledge i.e. Cosmos , Astronomy , Stars , space and and knowledge of Creation) , Kendra lord in tri Kona House – (Raja Yoga means work which can give native Name, fame via Higher learning ).
10th lord Jupiter is in 9th house expecting 1st & 5th house in D1 indicates owner of Supreme knowledge which we called Dhi Shakti – a form of Higher learning – in house of Higher Philosophy , Wisdom , something connected with God and creation of God which is clearly indicative of Doing something for Higher cause or Finding truth of creation , a real knowledge of Real medium – Space and time bondage and will be self-learned (aspecting 1st house) will teach whole world via his own findings and give godly knowledge to his future Followers (5th house).
Same can be confirmed in D9 and D10 Chart, Jupiter is lagan Lord of D9 in 9th house in Scorpio sign aspecting lagan having Rahu (Indication of being in Science for out of box thinking – A restless mind) in it , aspecting 5th house having Sun in it , will be a Blessed Researcher who will extract & crack down and write down all his findings of cosmos and secret world and will present to whole world.
In D10 chart Jupiter is with Saturn in Pisces Sign in 5th forming Brahma Yoga (higher knowledge of creation) house aspecting lagan (where the sun is in it in A10 Arudha) , aspecting Venus from 5th house and 7th from AL, Will be known for His Brahma Gyan theories – Theory of Relativity – E= MC2 God equation of cosmos.
10th lord Jupiter is in Aq which is a Mystic sign of traditional knowledge lorded by Saturn and Rahu, Rahu in 8th and Saturn in 10th also indicating Albert wanted to do something in the field of Science for the sake of society for presenting a truth of cosmos for the future wellbeing of mankind.
10th lord is in Dhansitha , Nakashtra lord in 8th house with Rahu – Dhansitha is a Nakashtra of Harmony, a close connection with nature and music, Albert wanted to do research on natural laws and understanding it deeply for the prospects of nature passionately , but he did a mistake (Rahu in 8th house with Mars – Nakshatra lord of 10th Lord), by suggesting research for Atomic Bomb based on his Atomic theory which he had a deep guilt in his heart & always realized till his death.
Dhanistha indicates divine power from the” eight Vasus “; its presiding deities happens to be the twenty-third birth star, to sparkle in the cosmic firmament. Guided by the planetary force of Mars, Dhanishta Nakshatra stands for Symphony, prosperity, and adaptability from nature, the eight Vasus are the solar gods of energy and light Because of the influence of ruling Nakashtra of 10th Lord Einstein was always having a deep fantasy for Light and its origination.
Native of Dhanishtra nakshatras are usually fond of Music, Symphony and Healing, reciters of rhythmical incantations and also indicates Scientist who likes to do things In fine tuning with nature and God in a perfect harmony with nature which gave him deep interest in forming its Relational Theory of Light, energy, and Mass is same but form of one another.
There is an Exchange yoga of 10th and 9th Lord – Indicates Dharma – Karma adhipati yoga, Dharma hi Karma, and Karma hi Dharma – A Sign of Saint and Satvic Soul.
10th Lord Nakshatra Lord Is in 8th house with Rahu clearly indicates native inventions or researchers may lead to something destructive for Social mass by mistake(Rahu in Capricorn in 8th house).
Rahu and Mars always indicate something explosive or something is hidden behind the truth which is under cosmos or nature i.e. a deep anger is burning inside a body and brain.
**Note** 5 :-> Beside 10th Lord and Strength of 10th house , Lagan lord placement and its nakshatra is most important and need to check in D1, D9 & D10 chart for tracking career interest and in any house indicates where you are applying the knowledge for creation purpose or destruction purpose or it simply indicates application of your intelligence.
Here lagan Lord is in 10th house in D1 and 8th house (Mercury + Saturn) in D9 with 9th lord Saturn and in 4th house in Aq Sign in D10 with Moon again confirming me a Brilliant Analyzer, Deep thinker and Keen observer and the finest researcher.
Although Lagan Lord is in debilitation in D1, having neech bhanga too , but being placed in 10 Degree it is away from its deepest debilitation degree of 20 deg , Mercury is in Uttara-Bhadra nakshatra lord of Saturn, making Mercury much stronger, closely conjugated within the orbital distance of 2 degree with 9th and 8th lord Saturn who also happens to be Nakshatra lord of Uttrabhadra indicates Albert was a lover of traditional knowledge in science i.e. he was a deep follower of Isaac Newton, Max Plank, Michael Faraday etc. and he always wanted to do work of old Knowledge’s and giving understanding the concept and giving it in new shape.
Because of this he was always in Contradiction and always faced controversies whenever he presented journals of a new model of old traditional physics laws.
He was always Penchant for calculation and acquiring wisdom by way of experience which was his essential aspects of his personality. Another interesting aspect of Albert was its changeability.
Owing to this changeability according to the varying needs of circumstances, it was difficult to attribute typical traits to his personality.
He was very attractive features and complexion; excel in attracting attention by virtue of his grace and mannerisms.
He was very much religious and drawn to high ethical standard and always recluse within the folds of spirituality.
Saturn completely dominated the Mercury in Albert Einstein Chart Which is giving me a clear indication of having the natural bent of mind for doing calculations, logic and much skilled in the Scientific hypothesis which is clear indication of a finest of finest Scientists.
Beside 8th and 9th Lord conjugation with Lagnesh Mercury, Sun and Venus is also there in 10th house but not having Close conjugation with Lagnesh Mercury and Saturn, which is good if we look at deeply, all the planets are free from combustion of Sun and 7th from Al – He will be known a public Icon known for his Tremendous knowledge in abstract sciences.
It is Quiet clear he was a genius Scientist and a blessing to Science and mankind for his theories and Researches.
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