Recite daily Shiri Dattatreya stotram in Sanskrit to destroy any Diseases, sins and enemies

Recite daily Shiri Dattatreya stotram in Sanskrit to destroy any Diseases, sins and enemies

This Stotra is taken from Narad Purana and is written by Shri Narad Rishi. Shri Datta is trimurthi of Tri devas i.e. (first) Brahma then (middle) Vishnu and then at the end Shankara. Narad says Datta is a destroyer of all diseases, sins, all our enemies. This stotra is to be recited with devotion, concentration and faith. The results will be good for life and one will become prosperous, happy, Sinless, healthy and our life become peaceful.

The story of Guru Dattatreya

GURU DATTATREYA is the son of ATRI rishi & mother anusaya. ATRI rishi was born of Lord BRAHMA. He practised severe penance and attained Brahma Jnana. He married anusaya, the daughter of Karjam Prajapati. anusaya as the name indicates, was devoid of the taint of envy. She was a PATIVRATA, an embodiment of chastity who worshipped and considered her husband as GOD.

Her fame and glory spread far and wide, all over the three worlds. Knowing her greatness Indra and other deities feared that they may lose their supremacy and that she may snatch their celestial treasures from their hand. They approached the 3 GOD’s Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh, described the greatness of Anusaya to them and entreated them to arrest the ever increasing powers and glory of Anusaya by somehow causing a blemish on her chastity.

They demanded that food be served to them immediately as they could not wait till the return of ATRI rishi.

Anusaya invited them to the dining centre and after offering the proper seats was about to serve food. At that critical juncture, the guests made an unusual request. They said, “Oh! Pious one, we desire that you should disrobe yourself and serve food without wearing any garment. Then only will we eat the food served to us . Please tell us if this is not possible, we will go elsewhere”. Anusaya thought for a while, “ If I refuse to comply with the condition laid down by these guests they may go away without eating food. Atithis(unexpected guests) cannot be turned away, they are an aspect of GOD. My mind is pure. The spiritual strength of my husband will surely save me”. She declared her willingness to serve food as desired by them and went into the kitchen.

She meditated and prayed at the holy feet of her husband. With a motherly feeling towards the guests she went naked into the dining place to start serving the food but, Lo! and behold! By that time the 3 guests were transformed into infants. She fondled the infants and at the sight of these hungry infants lactation welled up from her bosom. She happily breast fed them. When Atri rishi returned home , to his amazement, he found Anusaya fondling 3 new born babies. Anusaya rose and offered the 3 babies at the feet of her husband.

Atri rishi went into a trance and recognized the trio as Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. He reverentially greeted them with folded hands. After witnessing the devotion and purity of couple the 3 infants assumed their real forms and requested the couple to ask for a boon. Atri rishi directed Anusaya to seek a boon from the trinity. Anusaya replied that he might ask them to actually become their children. The trinity granted the boon and left for their celestial abodes in their subtle form and joined their consorts.

Vishnu took the form of Sri Datta, Brahma took the form of Chandra and Mahesh took the form of Durvasa. After some time Chandra and Durvasa sought the permission of Anusaya to leave. Durvasa expressed his desire to go on a pilgrimage and do penance. Chandra put forth his request, “ I will reside in the region of the moon. Therefore you can see me daily. Don’t grieve at our departure. Sri Datta combines in himself the divine qualities of 3 of us.

He will always be with you. Sri Datta is Lord Vishnu himself. Vishnu pervades the whole universe, so you will never experience separation from him. He will live according to your heart’s desire. so permit me to leave”. Taking the permission of their mother Chandra reached the region of the moon and Durvasa left on a long pilgrimage. Sri Datta remained in the hermitage of Anusaya.

The 3 GOD’s agreed to do it. They transformed themselves into mendicants and approached the hermitage of ATRI rishi. They begged for alms. At that time, ATRI rishi had gone to the river to offer his daily ablutions. Anusaya welcomed them with respect and offered them seats. She washed their feet and worshipped them. The guests became impatient and feigned great hunger.

( Story Souce : Internet)

Recite this stotra daily  for getting relief from diseases,  past life sins, Pitru dosha and diseases.This is a miraculous stotra for curing difficult diseases and illness. Those having weak and afflicted Jupiter can also recite this stotra daily on every Thursday after lighting deepam in front of Guru Dattreya Idol or picture and before that one can also recite Naap Jaap of a Guru Datta ” Shri Gurudev Datta”.

Lord Dattatreya Story Significance 16 Avatars of Lord Datattreya Recite daily Shiri Dattatreya stotram in Sanskrit to destroy any Diseases, sins and enemies


श्री दत्तात्रेयस्तोत्रम्

जटाधरं पाण्डुरंगं शूलहस्तं दयानिधिम्।

सर्वरोगहरं देवं दत्तात्रेयमहं भजे ॥१॥

जगदुत्पत्तिकर्त्रे च स्थितिसंहारहेतवे।

भवपाशविमुक्ताय दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥२॥

जराजन्मविनाशाय देहशुद्धिकराय च।

दिगंबर दयामूर्ते दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥३॥

कर्पूरकान्तिदेहाय ब्रह्ममूर्तिधराय च।

वेदशास्स्त्रपरिज्ञाय दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥४॥


पञ्चभूतैकदीप्ताय दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥५॥

यज्ञभोक्त्रे च यज्ञेय यज्ञरूपधराय च।

यज्ञप्रियाय सिद्धाय दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥६॥

आदौ ब्रह्मा मध्ये विष्णुरन्ते देवः सदाशिवः।

मूर्तित्रयस्वरूपाय दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥७॥

भोगालयाय भोगाय योगयोग्याय धारिणे।

जितेन्द्रिय जितज्ञाय दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥८॥

दिगंबराय दिव्याय दिव्यरूपधराय च।

सदोदितपरब्रह्म दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥९॥

जंबूद्वीप महाक्षेत्र मातापुरनिवासिने।

भजमान सतां देव दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥१०॥

भिक्षाटनं गृहे ग्रामे पात्रं हेममयं करे।

नानास्वादमयी भिक्षा दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥११॥

ब्रह्मज्ञानमयी मुद्रा वस्त्रे चाकाशभूतले।

प्रज्ञानघनबोधाय दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥१२॥

अवधूत सदानन्द परब्रह्मस्वरूपिणे ।

विदेह देहरूपाय दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥१३॥

सत्यरूप! सदाचार! सत्यधर्मपरायण!

सत्याश्रय परोक्षाय दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥१४॥

शूलहस्त! गदापाणे! वनमाला सुकन्धर!।

यज्ञसूत्रधर ब्रह्मन् दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥१५॥

क्षराक्षरस्वरूपाय परात्परतराय च।

दत्तमुक्तिपरस्तोत्र! दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥१६॥

दत्तविद्याड्यलक्ष्मीश दत्तस्वात्मस्वरूपिणे।

गुणनिर्गुणरूपाय दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥१७॥

शत्रुनाशकरं स्तोत्रं ज्ञानविज्ञानदायकम्।

आश्च सर्वपापं शमं याति दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥१८॥

इदं स्तोत्रं महद्दिव्यं दत्तप्रत्यक्षकारकम्।

दत्तात्रेयप्रसादाच्च नारदेन प्रकीर्तितम् ॥१९॥

इति श्रीनारदपुराणे नारदविरचितं

श्रीदत्तात्रेय स्तोत्रं संपुर्णमं।।

।। श्रीगुरुदेव दत्त ।।

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Dattatreya stotram With English translation to cure any Diseases

Narad Krit Shiri Dattatreya stotram from Padma Puran with English translation

Dattatreya stotram With English translation to cure any Diseases

Dattatreya Stotra is dedicated to Hindu God Datta, a joint incarnation of Hindu deities Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Devotees worship Dathathreya as a god in the form of a combination of the great trinity consisting of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. He took this form due to Anasuya, the wife of sage Athri.
One story tells that Narada poisoned the minds of Saraswathi, Lakshmi and Parvathy and told them that Anasuya is much greater than them. Incensed by this they sent their lords to Anasuya, who went and requested her to give them alms without wearing any clothes, She made them into babies and combined them into one. This God was Dathathreya.
Another story tells of the trinity being forced to approach Anasuya to save the world from the curse of Nalayani. She did this but asked them to become her babies. These babies were Dathathreya (Vishnu), Durvasa (Shiva) and Chandra(Brahma). Once in a hurry when all these babies were crying together, she took them together and they became one.
There is a small sect of Hindus called Datha panthis in Karnalaka and Maharashtra who worship only Lord Dathathreya. He is picturised as doing meditation along with four Vedas in the form dogs following him.Praying to Dattatreya by chanting this stotra will help to destroy all the enemies, get rid of your sins and will be blessed with great knowledge.

Below is the English lyrics of Dattatreya Stotram translated by Sri PR Ramachander.

श्रीदत्तात्रेयस्तोत्रम् ( नारदपुराण

In Sanskrit 


जटाधरं पांडुरांगं शूलहस्तं कृपानिधिम् ।

सर्वरोगहरं देवं दत्तात्रेयमहं भजे ॥ १॥


English Pronunciation  

Jatadharam, pandurangam soolahastham, krupa nidhim, Sarva Roga haram devam Dathathreyam aham Bhaje.


English Translation  

I praise that Dathathreya carrying a matted tuft, white coloured, Treasure of mercy and the God who cures all diseases.

In Sanskrit 


अस्य श्रीदत्तात्रेयस्तोत्रमंत्रस्य भगवान् नारदऋषिः ।

अनुष्टुप् छन्दः ।

श्रीदत्तपरमात्मा देवता ।

श्रीदत्तप्रीत्यर्थे जपे विनियोगः

Asya Dathathreya stotra manthrasya Bhagawan Narada Rishi,


Anushtup Chanda,  

Sri Datha Paramathma Devatha,

Sri datha preethyarthe Jape viniyoga.


English Translation 

The Sage connected with the prayer of Dathathreya is God like Narada, The Meter is Anushtup, the God addressed is the divine God Dathathreya, And this chanting is being done for pleasing God Dathathreya.

Shaloka 1

जगदुत्पत्तिकर्त्रे च स्थितिसंहार हेतवे ।

भवपाशविमुक्ताय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ १॥  


Jagat uthpathi Karthre cha sthithi samhara hethave,

Bhava pasa vimukthaya, Dathathreya Namothuthe.


English Translation 

Salutations to Dathathreya, who creates the world,

And causes for its protection and destruction, who frees us from the bond of Karma.


Shaloka 2

जराजन्मविनाशाय देहशुद्धिकराय च ।

दिगम्बरदयामूर्ते दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ २॥

Jara Janma vinasaya, deha shudhi karaya cha,

Digambara dhaya moorthe, Dathathreya Namothuthe.


English Translation 

Salutations to Dathathreya, who destroys old age and births,  

Who cleans our body and is the form of mercy, who wears directions as the dress.

Shaloka 3 

कर्पूरकान्तिदेहाय ब्रह्ममूर्तिधराय च ।

वेदशास्त्रपरिज्ञाय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ ३॥

Karpoora kanthi dehaya, Brahma moorthi daraya cha,

Veda sastra parignaya, Dathathreya Namothuthe.

English Translation 

Salutations to Dathathreya, who has a body like shining camphor, Who carries the form of Brahma, who is an expert in Vedas and Sasthras.

Shaloka 4

र्हस्वदीर्घकृशस्थूल-नामगोत्र-विवर्जित ।

पंचभूतैकदीप्ताय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ ४॥

Hruswa, deergha krusa sthoola nama gothra vivarjitha,

Pancha bhoothaika deepthaya, Dathathreya Namothuthe.


English Translation 

Salutations to Dathathreya, who is free from short and long,  

Small and huge, names, clans and shines due to the five elements.

Shaloka 5 

यज्ञभोक्ते च यज्ञाय यज्ञरूपधराय च ।

यज्ञप्रियाय सिद्धाय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ ५॥

Yajna bhokthe cha yajnaya yajna roopa dharaya cha, Yajnapriyaaya sidhaaya, Dathathreya Namothuthe.

 English Translation 

Salutations to Dathathreya, who feeds on the Yajna, who is Yajna, Who takes the form of Yajna, who likes Yajna and who is a great sage.


Shaloka 6

आदौ ब्रह्मा मध्य विष्णुरंते देवः सदाशिवः ।

मूर्तित्रयस्वरूपाय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ ६॥

Aadhou Brahma, Madhya Vishnu ranthe Deva Sadashiva,

Moorthi thraya swaroopaya, Dathathreya Namothuthe.


English Translation 

Salutations to Dathathreya, who in the beginning is Brahma,  

In the middle is Vishnu and in the end is Sadashiva and has the form of the divine trinity.


Shaloka 7

भोगालयाय भोगाय योगयोग्याय धारिणे ।

जितेन्द्रियजितज्ञाय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ ७॥

Bhogalayaya, bhogaya yoga yogyaya dharine,

Jithendrya jithajnaya, Dathathreya Namothuthe.

English Translation 

Salutations to Dathathreya who is the temple of pleasure, who is pleasure who is an expert in Yoga, who has won over his senses as well as knowledge.

Shaloka 8

दिगम्बराय दिव्याय दिव्यरूपध्राय च ।

सदोदितपरब्रह्म दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ ८॥

 Digambaraya, divyaya, divya roopa pradhaya cha,

Sadodhitha para brahma, Dathathreya Namothuthe.


 English Translation  

Salutations to Dathathreya, who wears directions as cloth,

Who is divine, who can give a divine form and who is ever rising divine Brahmam.

Shaloka 9 

जम्बुद्वीपमहाक्षेत्रमातापुरनिवासिने ।

जयमानसतां देव दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ ९॥


JambudweepaMaha kshethre mathapura nivasine,   

Jaya manasatham deva, Dathathreya Namothuthe.


English Translation 

Salutations to Dathathreya, who lives in Mathapura,  

Which is in Jambu Dweepa, Victory to the God of the minds.


Shaloka 10

भिक्षाटनं गृहे ग्रामे पात्रं हेममयं करे ।

नानास्वादमयी भिक्षा दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ १०॥

Bhikshatanam gruhe grame pathram hema mayam kare,

Nanaswada mayi bhiksha, Dathathreya Namothuthe.


English Translation 

Salutations to Dathathreya, who took alms in homes of villages,  

In golden pot and got several tasteful alms.

Shaloka 11 

ब्रह्मज्ञानमयी मुद्रा वस्त्रे चाकाशभूतले ।

प्रज्ञानघनबोधाय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ ११॥


Brahma jnana mayi mudraa vasthre chaaakasa bhoothale,  

Prajnana gana bodhaya, Dathathreya Namothuthe.

 English Translation  

Salutations to Dathathreya, who shows the seal of knowledge of Brahmam, Whose clothes are the sky and earth and who teaches nothing but pure knowledge

Shaloka 12


अवधूतसदानन्दपरब्रह्मस्वरूपिणे ।

विदेहदेहरूपाय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ १२॥


Avadhootha sadananda, para brahma swaroopine,   

Videha deha roopaya, Dathathreya Namothuthe.


English Translation 


Salutations to Dathathreya, who is a mendicant, who has form,  

of divine Brahmam and has the body form of the body less

Shaloka 13


सत्यंरूपसदाचारसत्यधर्मपरायण ।

सत्याश्रयपरोक्षाय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ १३॥


Sathya roopa sadachara, sathya dharma paarayana,  

Sathyasraya parokshaaya, Dathathreya Namothuthe.


 English Translation 

 Salutations to Dathathreya, who has the form of truth, follow good behaviour, Who is the strong follower of Dharma of truth and depends on truth as a matter of fact.


 Shaloka 14

शूलहस्तगदापाणे वनमालासुकन्धर ।

यज्ञसूत्रधरब्रह्मन् दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ १४॥


Soola hastha Gada pane, vana mala sugandhara,   

Yagna suthra dhara Brahman, Dathathreya Namothuthe.


 English Translation  

Salutations to Dathathreya, who holds the spear and mace in his hand, Who smells of forest garland and is the Brahman who organizes Yajna.

Shaloka 15


क्षराक्षरस्वरूपाय परात्परतराय च ।

दत्तमुक्तिपरस्तोत्र दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ १५॥


Ksharakshara swaroopaya parathpara tharaya cha,   

DAtha mukthipara stotra, Dathathreya Namothuthe.


English Translation 

Salutations to Dathathreya, who has a form that is not stable as well as one which is stable, Who is greatly divine among divines and I pray Datha for salvation.


Shaloka 16

दत्त विद्याढ्यलक्ष्मीश दत्त स्वात्मस्वरूपिणे ।

गुणनिर्गुणरूपाय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ १६॥

Dath vidhyadya Lakshmeesa Datha Swathma swaroopine,

Guna, nirguna roopaya, Dathathreya Namothuthe.


English Translation 

Salutations to Dathathreya, who gives knowledge, who is the consort of Lakshmi, Who is the form of his own soul, has the form with properties and without properties.


Phala Sruthi 

(Effect of Chanting)

Shaloka 17 

शत्रुनाशकरं स्तोत्रं ज्ञानविज्ञानदायकम् ।

सर्वपापं शमं याति दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ १७॥


Sathru nasa karam Stotram, Jnana Vijnana Dhayakam,   

Sarva paapam samam, Yathi, Dathathreya Namothuthe.


English Translation 


Salutations to Dathathreya, this prayer destroys enemies,

Grants wisdom of religion and science and also removes all the sins.


Shaloka 18

इदं स्तोत्रं महद्दिव्यं दत्तप्रत्यक्षकारकम् ।

दत्तात्रेयप्रसादाच्च नारदेन प्रकीर्तितम् ॥ १८॥ ॥


Idham Stotram Maha Divyam, Datha prathyaksha Karakam,   

Dathathreya prasadascha, Naradena prakeerthitham.


English Translation 


This very divine prayer brings Dathathreya before you,  

And also gets you the grace of Dathathreya and is composed by sage Narada.


इति श्रीनारदपुराणे नारदविरचितं दत्तात्रेयस्तोत्रं सुसम्पूर्णम् ॥

English Translation 


Ithi Narada Purane Narada Virachitham Dathathreya Stotram Sampoornam.

Thus ends the prayer addressed to Dathathreya written by Narada from Narada Puranam.

Dattaterya Stotram Video link below for Better understanding




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