बहुमन्जिली इमारतें ऐक धोखा । बहुमन्जिली इमारतों में नहीं हो सकता वास्तु का प्रयोग

3DArt 23 बहुमन्जिली इमारतें ऐक धोखा । बहुमन्जिली इमारतों में नहीं हो सकता वास्तु का प्रयोग

क्यों न करें बहुमन्जिली इमारतों में निवेश

By Alok Jagawat
(सम्भल कर करें निवेश । बहुमन्जिली इमारतों में नहीं हो सकता वास्तु का प्रयोग )
हमारे देश में आजकल बहुमन्जिली इमारतों का चलन है । इन इमारतों में निवेश से पहले कुछ बातें जान लेना आवश्यक है । बहुमन्जिली इमारतों का गणित कुछ इस प्रकार है । (I know this because I have been dealing with builders, architects and interior designers from past many years, these are facts)
शहर के बाहरी हिस्सों में बनीं इमारतें
१. Average cost of land in outer areas.
Rs 100 Rs/sq ft to Rs 1200 /sq ft (Depending on the fact that the land acquired is a farm land. Most of the deals are shady. Sometimes land is disputed or captured as well. Land is also bought from ST/SC community at very cheap prices. There is a law which prevents it, but there is a loop hole in this law as well.
(Tradecraft includes forming a partnership firm)
2. Average cost of building is 250 Rs/sq ft to Rs 1200/sq ft. Builders do not use very good material in building. This is a very common practice. You can expect extreme changes in walls, bathrooms and fixtures from six months to one-year time. Biggest problems include falling POP roofs, water seams and clogging and paint loss.
Secondly, small time builders use pre-tailored plans in each plot which are re-used in every third project. So actually in reality it does not cost much. Big builders have hired architects and structural engineers.
So on an average a 900 sq ft flat will cost.
Cost of land: 500000.
Cost of bribery to State development authorities: 10,000 to 1,00000.
Cost of flat: 815000 becomes 870,000, If it is the ground floor. Building cost increases with height but again it is not that much.
Average selling price is near 150000 to 20,0000. This is from a single customer. On an average a five story building fetches 10 to 30 lakhs based on several variations.
Topping this, is the State development authorities, land Mafia and scores of other corrupt departments that only increase the cost of these flats.
Most of the builders are corrupt and prone to wrong doings and shady work. There are scores of pending cases against the builders which includes Unitech, Parshvanath and very big names in other cities. According to consumer disputes redressal commission, there has been a continuous increase in cases against builders from past many years. This is the proof of the debauchery and telltale claims of builders.
बहुमन्जिली इमारतों में नहीं हो सकता वास्तु का प्रयोग
वास्तु के मानद ग्रन्थों में बहुमन्जिली इमारतों का भी उल्लेख मिलता है । द्वीशाल व अन्य भवन का  उल्लेख तो कई ग्रन्थो में है परन्तु बहुमन्जिली इमारतों का उल्लेख कम ग्रन्थों है । पुरानी इमारतों में भी अधिक से अधिक दो या तीन ही मन्जिलें मिलती हैं, ज्यादा ऊचीं  इमारतों को बनाने के वास्तु ग्रन्थों में विशेष नियम  हैं ।
दो या तीन मन्जिलों वाली इमारतों में भी वास्तु के कडे नियम हैं और उन्हे कोई भी बिल्डर प्रयोग में नहीं लाता है । ज्यादातर बिल्डरों के दावे, की उन्की इमारतें वास्तु नियमों पर आधारित हैं, सत्य से परे हैं ।
अथ भूलम्बाह

गृहं व्यासेष्टहस्तान्तमेकभूमं प्रकारयेत ।

ततो दशदशर्ध्यन्तं क्रमवृध्द्या तलं न्यसेत । १४ ॥वास्तुमण्ङनम्

The height of one floor should be equal to the eighth part of the perimeter. This accounts to very good height while most the floors in flats do not carry a height above 10 to 11 ft.

The sequence includes increasing the height of the later floors with 10 hastha parts each.
Further slokas indicates that two storied structure should be built for common man, three and four for Vaishyas and six for Kshatriyas and Brahmins.
I have studied the ancient structures in Old city of Jaipur which was built by the great Sthapathi Vidhyadhar. All structures which carry two or three floors have brahmasthana and proper entrance doors to the center of the structure.
Some vastu granthas consider tall structures to be very problematic and recommend it for kings only.
Mayamattam and Varahmihira have different opinion on same subject. Mayamattam calculates height of the building in comparison to foundation stone or last brick of the wall. Varah recommends height to be equivalent to the breadth of the sala.
The last dictum is being followed in old city of Jaipur.
बहुमन्जिली इमारतों में एक और समस्या है । इस तरह की इमारतें कबूतरों, मधुमक्खीयों आदी के रहने का स्थान बन जाती हैं। ये दोनो जीव अशुभ माने जाते हैं तथा सूनेपन का कारण बनते हैं ।
So in totality the investments in such building is not very useful until and unless somebody does not have enough money to buy a plot. Builders take advantage of this problem and sell their products through dubious lucrative offers.
pin बहुमन्जिली इमारतें ऐक धोखा । बहुमन्जिली इमारतों में नहीं हो सकता वास्तु का प्रयोग

Views: 3

Vastu Project: Commercial : Hindu Vastu Shastra for Home, by using 3D Architecture

CameraZOOM 20150325122649368 Vastu Project: Commercial : Hindu Vastu Shastra for Home, by using 3D Architecture

4 Vastu Project: Commercial : Hindu Vastu Shastra for Home, by using 3D Architecture
7 Vastu Project: Commercial : Hindu Vastu Shastra for Home, by using 3D Architecture

Data hidden for privacy 
Site evaluation was done on  XXXX. There is a correction of xxx Manaangula according to Lat long of Jaipur. So xxx  is the correction done to Brahma Sutra leading us to true Shuudha Prache.
We are using Isha Prichyya for the current evaluation as it is a commercial plot.
1.     The plot is wider from front. This is a problem according to Vastu. This will be xxx during construction.
2.     Plot is having a road running at xxx to xx direction. The person is having xx in ascendant and as such the xxx direction will prove beneficial for the native.
3.     There is a xxx vedha from the front. We are avoiding any possible xx in front of the xxx vedha. The wall should be given appropriate xxx to avoid problems. We can also xxx in front of the wall.
4.     There is an increase in space section of xxx.  This cannot be compensated but is still beneficial for the native.
5.     According to Vastu the period after two years from hence that is year xxx will prove harmful for elders in the family especially females. This is a result of acquisition and cannot be compensated.
6.     We have arranged a new xxx besides the two xxx already present. This will be constructed after leaving 16 feet from the xxxx. It is ruled by a xx which leads to xxx profits.
7.     The door used for xx  should remain closed normally. It may lead to xxx troubles for the inhabitants if it used frequently.
8.      The area was xxx. It carried variations because there are xxx lines in front. xxx variations were observed near the front wall. Please note that we do not recommend xxx fields.
9.      Research xxxx.
Ayaadi Calculations.
Factors under consideration. The peripheral measure is not possible as one arm is longer and the plot is not a perfect square. We are going to use the exact measure and then we will try to rectify the plot accordingly.
Mr.xxx= Nakshatra –xx- 2
1.     Nakshatra: Peripheral Measurement. = xx
2.     Aaya: =x
3.     Vyaya: = x
4.     As expenditure is lesser than income when size is reduced we will consider the size factor and will advise a change in the size of the plot. We recommend a size reduction to rectangle from front.
5.     Yoni: =xst yoni which is xx. xst yoni is good.
6.     Vara:  = x. This is xx and is good again.
7.     Amsa: = xx which is King.
The overall Ayadi is extremely good. This tells us that the front xxx wall should be reduced which we have already done in the construction plan.
1.     We have made a plan which is according to vastu principles.
2.     We should build a xx along the main gate. xxx should be installed in parallel way inside this
3.      As you can make out xx is like a small xx that will be running across the length of the xxx. Inside the xx, two xxx are installed parallel to each other. A xxx is used to protect and it was a tradition in ancient India.  xx Pooja is a routine which is followed at every festival like Deewali to ensure its power. xxx insulates the house from bad xx. xx Poojan is also followed and is done by the bride when she enters the groom’s house for the first time. This insures prosperity of the owner and also prevents negative entities from entering the house.
4.     The xx should be constructed in the proposed area after taking dimensions.
5.     The marmas are sensitive points that should not be used for construction. The obstructions of these points leads to Marma vedha. We have avoided the same in plan.
6.     The xx zone in left for xxx of the company.
7.     The xxx and xx zones can be shifted.  Dine-in area and pantry cannot be disturbed.
8.     Guard room and Packaging zones are mentioned but can be interchanged.
More data cannot be shared to maintain privacy.
By Alok Jagawat      
pin Vastu Project: Commercial : Hindu Vastu Shastra for Home, by using 3D Architecture

Views: 16

Vastu Shastra Project of residential Vastu for home compounds based on 3d architecture

2 Vastu Shastra Project of residential Vastu for home compounds based on 3d architecture
Vastu Shastra Project of residential Vastu for home compounds based on 3d architecture

This is Vastu Shastra report for XXXX  based on 3d architecture in which we invoke our ishta devtas and Sthan devtas and ask them about the property or Gruha in question. This is a very sophisticated divine process and it tells us about hidden things which cannot be seen otherwise. Please note that this process does not cater to what you think or believe, it actually caters to what is going to happen devoid of any submissive thoughts towards your wishes or aspirations.The Report is hidden and incomplete. This is done in order to maintain privacy.

Sri guruve naham!, Sri pitambaraye namah!, Sri Kasyapaye Namah!
Viashak Krishna Saptami, Baam Swara, Shukravar.
15 Vastu Shastra Project of residential Vastu for home compounds based on 3d architecture
xxxx is the lord of the question. It is sitting in xxxx direction at 13.57 degree. It is retrograde. It is in its own sign. The house is dominated by this. The direction is xxx having deviation. xxx is having malefic xxx in front but being retro it is unaffected directly.
The plot is devoid of any negative influence at present. The owners will rise in future and will buy other properties after coming to this house. There will be occasional tussles in the house but it will never result in problems.
The future indicates some kind of surgery for the inhabitants of the house but that cannot be controlled.
The work related to this house will not start early. It will be delayed till August or September of this year. Other indications are fine and will be fruitful for the inhabitants of this house in future.
Please read the full report with utmost care. I will always help you if you fail to understand any part.
Please note that maps used in the report carry actual ratios on paper but the 3d design is just for illustration. You can change the size of rooms and dimensions of open space but you cannot change the locations and angles of Kitchen etc.


·         The plot is facing xxx with a slight deviation. This is called xxxx
·         The Plot has a road on the xxxx side and there is an open ground in front.
·         The number of the residence is xxx which is xxx is related to xxxx and gives fame to the concerned person .
·         The plot was having wild vegetation which is a common problem in arid regions.
·         There was a pit in the xxx direction.
1.    The main xxx on the xxx should not be used in real. Please leave xxx on both sides from xxx and then construct a door extending on both sides. The max width should not be more then xxx Make sure you do not change this thing.
2.    I have designed large size rooms for the base floor. You can change the size and construct additional rooms on that side. Do not change the locations of xxxx kitchen and xxx
3.    The opening on the back side of the house needs to be covered from top. Do not left it open from top. Just cover it with some translucent sheet so that light can enter the house.
4.    The shilanayas poojan will start from xxxx.
5.    The design of the plot is according to xxx. The open side cannot be changed in this map.
6.     It is better to leave the open side open as it is will prove very beneficial in this case.
7.    The ground floor is designed in different way. There is no basement and yet it appears below the ground level. There is ample light in the area.
8.    I never recommend a xxx in the house as it is never beneficial. Yet you can make any xxx room between xxxx to xxxx. I have included a room in the corner. The person sitting inside this room should face east while praying.
9.    xxx or xxx can be used for making lift. A lift outside is more suitable near the open are is more suitable.
10.           Do not change the directions of pillow in any of the room.
11.           The upper floors are left empty without room divisions. The vastu is applied on base and not on upper floors, so you can divide and construct rooms according to your requirements. Just keep the toilets in xxx and to some in xxx.
12.           The rest of the design follows Vastu norms to full.
13.           This house is energy efficient and will remain cooler in summer. Though same does not apply very well on upper floors but will work efficiently on first two floors.
14.           The house is provided xxxx in order to keep the design element in elevation. It is also better in energy management. You can also construct fourth floor in this house if you require it.


pin Vastu Shastra Project of residential Vastu for home compounds based on 3d architecture

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