The Cosmic Clock – How planets and Remedies work

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The Cosmic Clock – How planets and Remedies work

How Planets Work?

two clocks and tunnel in fibers ring time travel concept background loop The Cosmic Clock - How planets and Remedies work

Many people used to ask me how planets having huge mass and distance of millions of light years from earth impacting our life infinitely that one cannot have any choice to change his life actions or course of the journey in any way. It’s a point to think and one needs a deep understanding of Spiritual sciences for the answers to all these questions? i.e How physical bodies have a deep impact on our Karma, on our life actions and decision making ?, Does it means that planets are controlling our karma, our power of thinking or have telling influence on our brain signals that we cannot think other than what it has been decided by the invisible power already !.

Does every planet generate such powerful electromagnetic or electrical impulses that they have an ability to control our mind,  or can fix our destiny points and that there are no such other choices we have left it for changing our destiny, or it has been already decided by the almighty even before our so many journies of soul or these karmic actions points or destinies of soul  already been fixed by some invisible system even before we have taken birth on this mortal earth.

Now the question remains same, can we change our course of action or it is been fixed by some boundaries or by an invisible system?

Seeking this answer I have been researching a lot in my library of spiritual books and many a time I had tried it a lot to seek answers from ancient scriptures. Mostly I failed in my attempts and this question still remained a mystery. What I have learnt from my past learning journey is that for looking exact answer. The irony is there is no clarity

Sometimes I keep on thinking how planetary rotations happening in the celestial sphere impact our lifetime. there is an infinite number of questions daily every person try to find their answers via astrologically.  so much worse and everyone is feeling its effects individually. Why planets are behaving differently in everyone lives.

Questions seem very interesting because none of any explanation is mention in any of Astrological and Astronomical treaties, how planets are working in everyone human life individually.

mercury retrograde The Cosmic Clock - How planets and Remedies work

Well if you want to understand you need to understand How Birth and Death cycle is rotating in everyone’s life, scientifically it is not an easy task to provide any logic behind its processing. Spiritually you can explain – Your Karma CyclePlanets are bound to work relatively according to your Rebirth, Karmas and Soul action and choice cycles.

Scientifically time is working parallelly according to our current karmas, Our Current choices and those actions generate Time ripples like as of gravitational ripples created by huge mass moving body in space as we have studied in physics, same as in case of spiritual science when we make any choice or do a certain amount of some particular karmas, time used to move accordingly in that direction. It normally seems as time is uni-directional or in a one-directional scheme but actually it is working in the multidimensional framework based on our actions and choices.

More Louder the actions we perform in the mortal world, much wider will be the consequences of our karmas impact or fruits that we can See or analyze from the Navamsa Chart that an exclusively shows us fruits of all our sanchit karmas and more the soul will bound in Space-time and rebirth Cycle.

Its work like a simple phenomenon as in science, Heavier you throw a stone in silent water, much wider or deeper it will create or make ripples in silent water flow. Same as we can understand this principle in our life too, karma works like in the same process earlier we had discussed, when we throw a stone in a silent water much wider consequences and ripples it will generate and come back with same intensity, same way  karmic impacts or fruits of consequences  of actions of humans always come back with much power and heavy consequences of actions can be experienced in the near future of life as a result of our past actions, so we should always watch our current choices that can decide our future life shape and orientation.

Similarly, the planetary motion of planets in space plane is like the carbon copy of those Consequences or actions formed in water when we throw a heavy stone in deep silent water or they used to depict how time moves or flow in straight like flowing water that can never move back. It will always go in one direction but has choices to choose multiple paths in a different stream of flow same as like action of the water flow or the karmas of humans

In a more scientific way, Time is directly proportional to your actions and karma in society and Planets shows those time consequences which are made by past actions and reason for occurring in future life. (T = P= (K + A = C ) i.e where T = time, P = Planets, A =Action , C = Future and K = Karma.

Planets work on the basis of our Prana (Life) Energies.

Planets are rotating around the sun in a fixed orbital distance in every hour, minutes and Second in a constant speed; there is no variation in its speed same exactly as your wristwatch keep moving in Hours and Minutes as per earth Rotation around Sun in 360 degrees in 365 days.

Same as Planets are part of “ The Cosmic Clock “ located in our solar systems like a monitoring and administrative authority made by one who made us to monitor our cycle of Karma, rebirth and Soul Journey in every seconds and millisecond.

Planets are simply signification of Kaal Chakara system – The wheel of time. We are living in 3d Dimensional world and the Wheel of time represents the 4th Dimensional world – The Time – Kaal – The Eternal Changes Controlled by two Particles – The Shiva and Shakti – Two bodies who controls time and life cycle.

Time is relatively equal to the Planets Speed and Motion and directly proportional to the Human beings Life, Breadth, Hours, seconds and Minutes cycle. The Soul is bound to Live in a Body as per contractual documents to perform the cycle of Karma to finish pending karma based on previous births, one has to either suffer or celebrate the Karmas cycle based on The Sanchit and The Prarabhda Karma one had done in its previous births.

Sun Moon and are Two Supporting Pins moving parallel in a Cosmic clock in a geocentrically motion around the Earth. Shorter Pin Holds Fast-moving events ruled by Moon (Thoughts) and the Longer events are ruled by Sun (Aatma) and the 12 signs are the path of Both Sun and Moon where they rotate every day and night to indicate what and when an event has to trigger and how it will influences Mana, Jeeva and Aatma.

Rest of the planets are moving relative to Both the Sun and moon in the same clock and anti-clockwise direction to signify when an event has to trigger in everyone life, that’s why for any event we need to see each and every planet aspects and placements because all are working relative to each other.

Planetary alignments in a cosmic clock trigger the events and when both Sun and Moon pointing toward that particular individual sign. Time is moving in one direction and same as planets are moving too in one direction that’s why Time is relatively equal to planets Speeds, Motion and Distance.

That what Einstein was trying to explain in its equation of E= MC2, the Subtle Logic behind Cosmos creation of Ataman, Matter and Time.

Bramha, Vishnu and Mahesh are the three Tri Gunas present in each planet, soul and Body and in Nakashtras signifying Nature of planets and Aatmic Qualities.

Now you are able to understand how planets are working in our Physical and Spiritual plane, the next question is how Remedies are working??

How Remedies Works?

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Well, Remedies work based on karma i.e The sanchit and Pradbha Karma one has done. One who is having Strong Navamsa, 9th house/Lord in D1 and D9 remedies always work for them with efforts. That indicates about Credited Karma or accumulated karma, the portion of your good Karma in total. Without putting efforts or some actions in the form karma none of the remedies will work. Only Good karma in future can mitigate the impact or consequences of the past deeds to some extent. Karma generates ripples of karmic action in the time cycle of birth and death, more the past deed is heavy more it can be felt in many births of the soul that we can figure out of the Retrograde nature of the planets present in the one chart that shows the Pending karma soul is carrying from many of the past journies. If Burden of the soul is heavy it is impossible to clear the debt of past karmic actions in current birth. To get some relaxations from these karmic actions either one need to put Intense Tapasya or One need total surrender toward the ishta devta. Another way is one can take shelter of the Siddha Yogi or a Divine guru to get a way out of these heavy karmic deeds that one has done in the past journies.If we want to understand Remedies, in general, we need to first understand  consequences of the karmas.

Remedies are simply like applying for Discounts from your credited Karma, If you have Zero balance in your Sanchit Karma, won’t expect Your Application of Remedies will be approved for further processing.

If the Prarabhda is 90% and Good part of the Sanchit is 10 % – You have to face past deeds results of karma in your life as part of previous birth Bad Karma. Both the Karmas are inversely proportional to Each other and Remaining Percentage signifies, How much intense karma you have to suffer in this birth or it has to carry forward in next birth.

So before Applying for a concession from almighty Love – first look out your Praradbha Karma – your placement of the 6th house and its lord in D1,D9 and D60 shows your Deeds of the past life. In this life, 6th house shows debts, Sufferings, Diseases, enemies, weakness out of the past actions. What sort of one has done karma in the past same one has to face the one of 6 Shadripus. I.e Venus shows Extreme lust and lack of happiness from spouse and Financial stress in this life. If Sun is 6th lord one will face a lack of respect in public life and his ego always tries to dominate the native. Same way the effects of other planets can be decoded. To understand the Consequences or intensity of the 6th lord in current life one has to check 6th house or its lord strength.  If it is placed in Sthira Rashi’s, or afflicted in both D9 and D60 chart Impact of karmas will be intense in the current life, and whenever there will be transit of Saturn or nodes transiting around this sign (6th lord sign) one can experiences  Results of the past deeds during that tenure good or bad depending on the Strength of the 6th , and sometime the result will be hard to avoid and suffering will be intense. One has to face it or experience the consequences as it shows your Prarabdha karma. If the 6th lord is in Dual Sign, One can put efforts to mitigate it to some extent. If it is in Chara Rashi one can neutralize the impact of Karmas to much extent and burn it in current birth and native efforts will get its results and Impact of Dashas periods will be softer on the native. Moon Placement, Sign and the Planetary Dashas Shows Sum total of your  Sanchit karma. Dasha Period in Vedic astrology is Sum total of your Sanchit Karma and Transits are the Carrier agent and Delivery Boy of that Karma, When will the Parcel (Fruits) of Karma deliver to you, totally depends on the Transits. That time your Old karma’s (Both good and bad) of past should get triggered or get align with your Dasha Period. Delivery boy (Transits) can deliver either good fruits or bad totally depends on your total karma (Dasha and Planetary Placements).

Remedies means – Almighty is giving you a concession, Relaxation in your total karmic account for some period of time.

If you won’t do remedies in the form of Vedic Prayers, Mantras, Homam, Daanm Punyas with the selfless approach it cannot give you 100% results. For remedies to work and its effectiveness or sincerity depends on one 5th house and its lordship in D1, D9 and D60 chart.5th bhava shows how much sincere or dedicated you are in your devotion towards your ishta Devi/Devta.It’s Your bhakti and shows your total surrendered approach towards your Ishta. Beneficial planet shows strong faith on your Ishta whereas Malefic shows One has to put more efforts, need strict dedication and discipline to get devoted toward your ishta. Placement of nodes in the 5th house shows your Inconsistency or fluctuating devotion toward multiple deities and one may not be regular in his devotion or daily prayers. The strength of the 5th lord Deities and its form depends on the placement of the 5th lord in Lagna, D9 and D60 amsa’s i.e Mercury shows Durga and Vishnu both, whereas Shukar shows worshipping of Laxmi or Devi who controls the Family households i.e Kula Devi. Same way Saturn shows the form of Narayana and worshipping of Kali as well. Only Ishta has the power to mitigate your any karmas of the past if your dedication and devotion are much stronger and consistent. If 5th House lord is well placed in Lagna and Varga charts it will act as an added advantage in worshipping and bhakti toward your Diety. Influence of the Moon on  5th house is considered as the grace of God or good for Ishta Bhakti. If there is no selfless devotion or inner feelings available in daily prayers – nothing will work. Astrologically, If there is no benefice influence on the 9th house or 9th house lord is not well placed in D1, D9 and D60 1000 tries in the form of remedies to please your Ishta Dev can go in vain.

As per Karma Principal, you have given this birth to cleanse your past deeds, improve the current life for the better next life. By the Grace of almighty, you have given concession from your total Sanchit karma to improve your future life that is seen from the 5th house and its lord. More you follow it more you can better move on the right path. If Total Karmic account is zero, Debit is more than Credit may not work.

Without the Permission of Trinities – Planet won’t change its Default path and duties even if you are Billionaire or Millionaire or even if you perform 1000’s of Hawan’s or Yagyas – Nothing will work.

Almighty need your Love and Devotion, not your Money.


Rakesh Jamwal

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Remedy for childless couples or those having difficulty in conceiving

0 lP Remedy for childless couples or those having difficulty in conceiving

Article written by Jatinder Sandhu

Remedy For childless couples

बाल गोपाल श्रीकृष्ण के बाल रूप को कहा जाता है। कृष्ण जी अपने बाल रूप में बेहद नटखट थे। हिन्दू धर्म के अनुसार कृष्ण जी के बाल गोपाल स्वरूप को सर्वाधिक पूजनीय माना जाता है। भगवान श्री कृष्ण के बाल स्वरूप की पूजा करना निसंतान दंपत्तियों के लिए बेहद शुभ माना जाता है। संतान बाल गोपाल मंत्र एक ऐसा ही मंत्र है जो निसंतान दंपत्तियों के लिए आशीर्वाद समान माना जाता है।

संतान गोपाल मंत्र का प्रयोग (Santan Gopal Mantra for Child) 
Krishna Remedy for childless couples or those having difficulty in conceiving

 ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं ग्लौं देवकीसुत गोविन्द वासुदेव जगत्पते
देहि मे तनयं कृष्ण त्वामहं शरणं गतः ।

shrim hrim klim glaum devakisuta govinda vasudeva jagatpate
dehi me tanayam krishana tvamaham saranam gatah.

मान्यता है कि इस मंत्र का प्रतिदिन 108 जाप करने से जातक को संतान प्राप्ति अवश्य होती है। साथ ही ज्योतिषी सलाह देते हैं कि मंत्र जाप के साथ-साथ अपने शयन कक्ष में श्रीकृष्ण की बाल रूप की प्रतिमा रखना चाहिए। इस प्रतिमा की श्रद्धाभाव से पूजा करते हुए उन्हें लड्डू, माखन मिसरी का भोग लगाना चाहिए।

 संतान प्राप्ति के लिए कृष्ण जी के एक अन्य मंत्र ।

 सर्वधर्मान् परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज।अहं त्वा सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुच।।

Sarvadharman parityajya mamekam Saranam vraja.
Aham tva sarvapapebhyo moksayisyami ma sucha.

Fast for childless couples and the way to do it

Shiv Chaturdashi Ka Mahatva Remedy for childless couples or those having difficulty in conceiving

शिव चतुर्दशी व्रत विधि (Shiv chaturdashi vrat vidhi in Hindi)

on the designated day go the Shiva temple without eating and drinking anything, offer coconut wrapped in mouli or roli, two whole suparis, two male gender fruits like banana or mango, do abhisheka and offer all these to shiv linga. Donate one lota vessel and white cloth to young pujari ( priest) not to an old one ( this is to be done first time only ) all the other procedure to be repeated each time. Then come home and drink cold and sweetened milk, have some fruits if required or if the medical condition is such that its required.

( fast to be done by the couple)

हिन्दू धर्म के अनुसार प्रत्येक माह की चतुर्दशी तिथि को भगवान शिव को समर्पित शिव चतुर्दशी का व्रत किया जाता है।

 भविष्यपुराण के अनुसार प्रत्येक महीने के कृष्ण पक्ष की चतुर्थी को “शिव चतुर्दशी” कहते हैं। इस दिन पूरे विधि-विधान से शिव जी की पूजा की जाती है। इस व्रत को करने से व्यक्ति काम, क्रोध, लोभ, मोह आदि के बंधन से मुक्त हो जाता है।

शिव चतुर्दशी व्रत विधि (Shiv chaturdashi vrat vidhi in Hindi)

भविष्यपुराण के अनुसार शिव चतुर्दशी व्रत में भगवान शिव के साथ माता पार्वती, गणेश जी, कार्तिकेय जी और शिवगणों की पूजा की जाती है। शिव चतुर्दशी का व्रत करने वाले जातक को त्रयोदशी के दिन मात्र एक समय भोजन करना चाहिए।

इसके उपरांत चतुर्दशी के दिन व्रत का संकल्प लेकर शिव जी की धूप, दीप पुष्प आदि से पूजा करनी चाहिए। शिवजी की पूजा में भांग, धतूरा और बेलपत्र का विशेष महत्व होता है।

 चतुर्दशी के दिन रात्रि के समय शिव मंत्रों का जाप करना चाहिए। 

Remedy for childless couples or those having difficulty in conceiving

शिवजी के कुछ विशेष मंत्र निम्न हैं:
“ऊँ नम: शिवाय” व ” शिवाय नम:”

रात को सोते समय इस मंत्र का जाप करना चाहिए:

शिव चतुर्दशी व्रत का फल (Benefits of Shiv chaturdashi vrat in Hindi)

शिव चतुर्दशी का व्रत जो भी व्यक्ति पूरे श्रद्धाभाव से करता है उसके माता- पिता के सारे पाप नष्ट हो जाते हैं।

इसके अलावा उसके स्वयं के सारे कष्ट दूर हो जाते है तथा वह जीवन के सम्पूर्ण सुखों का भोग करता है। इस व्रत की महिमा से व्यक्ति दीर्घायु, ऐश्वर्य, आरोग्य, संतान एवं विद्या आदि प्राप्त कर अंत में शिवलोक जाता है।

पौराणिक मान्यता के अनुसार चतुर्थी के दिन भोलेनाथ की शादी मां पार्वती से हुई थी, इस दिन भगवान शिव के भक्तों द्वारा उनकी बारात निकाली जाती हैं। उपवास के दौरान भक्तों को गेहूं दाल और चावल से दूर रहना चाहिए।

इस दिन कई भक्त बिना आहार ग्रहण किए व्रत करते हैं लेकिन जो लोग निराहार नहीं कर सकते हैं वो फल, चाय, कॉफी का सेवन कर सकते हैं।

Jatinder Sandhu
Medical Astrologer
pin Remedy for childless couples or those having difficulty in conceiving

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