The Divine Codes Volume 5 | Issue by Team Divine Codes

” The Divine Codes ” – volume 5

44693952 2134351789951077 8871738425766576128 n The Divine Codes Volume 5 | Issue by Team Divine Codes

Dear Readers,

We are glad to inform you that the 5th Volume of our magazine has just been released on the auspicious day of Aswin Shukla Poornima.
Articles at Glympse for volume 5th | October 2018 | The Divine Codes
• Unxplored wonders near Vaishno devi- The Editor
• Spiritual power yoga — Shri Adarsh Narayandas (Spiritual yoga guru)
• A nadi research. Predicting the year of Brahmopadesham. –Shri Ramdas Rao
• Understanding allergies, The Ayurvedic way. Dr V.D Singh M.D (Ayurveda)
• || चन्द्रमा मनसो जातः || Shri Tejas Pandya, M. A. (Vedang Jyotish)
• Cancer- A vedic jyotish analysis- Shri Jatinder Sandhu
• Transformative astrology: An Introduction- Dr. Ajay Shahi
• The workflow in Vastu analysis – The Editor
• Kundali Power Rising and its benefits- Shri. Adarsha Narayandas.
• Ritucharya: an overview of seasonal regimen in ayurveda for healthy living- Dr V.D Singh M.D (Ayurveda)
• Stories for champs/dedication to the duty- Dada J. P. Vaswani
• Karkamsha – Shri Vinay Jha
• Astro-meteorology: The process of vayu-dharana or garabhdharana- Shri Rakesh Jamwal
• The rashi, bhava & graha guna. A snapshot method to understand a chart. : With examples- The Editor
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The Divine Codes 4th Digital Edition on Divine and Transcendental subjects ; Vastu, Meditation, Mundane astrology, Vedic Jyotish

Dear Readers,

We are Extremely Glad to inform that we have released 4th issue of the Research Journal based e-Magazine – The Divine Codes.
” The Divine Codes ” – 4th Digital Edition on transcendental Subjects.

24993357 1788507928108933 2336061060866385269 n The Divine Codes 4th Digital Edition on Divine and Transcendental subjects ; Vastu, Meditation, Mundane astrology, Vedic Jyotish

Readers are requested to have a glance at our 4th Volume

Check out first look of Articles Published so far


THE DIVINE CODES- ISSUE 4- Free Magazine with scholarly articles on Vedic Jyotish, Nadi Jyotish, Sariraka Sastram (Palmistry), Sthapathya (Oriental Architecture), Art related topics (Includes photos, paintings, art installations), Yoga, Ayurveda and Spirituality. ( Released Today)

download button The Divine Codes 4th Digital Edition on Divine and Transcendental subjects ; Vastu, Meditation, Mundane astrology, Vedic Jyotish

Articles at Glympse for volume 4th | December 2017 | The Divine Codes

• The secret Vault of Lord Padmanabhswami- By Editor
• Naadi rules & Parivrajaka yoga- By Dr.K.Guru Rajesh
• Appendicitis in the light of astrology- Sri Jatinder Sandhu
• The modern genetics in relation to sapthamsa & Dwadasamsa in Hindu astrology- Sri Jayadev Challa
• Colors Health and Chakra Balancing- Editor
• Combinations of Murderers in Vedic Astrology-Sri Jatinder Sandhu
• As Above so Below- By Sri Jayadev Challa
• Naagdosha- The curse and the Remedies- Editor
• Your questions our answers- Free Jyotish consultation
• New Book Release- Sarfarosh-Dr.K.Guru Rajesh

* Note : This magazine is free for everybody and can also be read in following formats.
The issue is available on the following pages. You can download the same from the available links. 



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Team Divine Codes
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Views: 64

How to see Compatibility factor in Vastu Shashtra – Concept of Varna Vichaar.

TreyRatcliff Portfolio029 How to see Compatibility factor in Vastu Shashtra - Concept of Varna Vichaar.
Photo courtesy: Trey Ratcliff
How to see Compatibility factor in Vastu Shashtra – Concept of Varna Vichaar.

विप्रक्षत्रियविट्शूद्रा मीनाद्या राशयः क्रमात स्वामिनोऽधिकवर्णा हि गृहं सौख्यकरं नहि ॥५५॥

मीनादि राशियों में गृह का राशी वर्ण गृह–स्वामी के राशी वर्ण से उत्तम

होने पर गृह सुखकारी नहीं होता ।


Compatibility in Vastu. Varna Vichaar.

This is a very interesting sloka. To make it work, we need to find out the Rashi or zodiac sign of the dwelling.

The Rashi of dwelling is dependent on Nakshatra or constellation of the dwelling. First Multiply the perimeter of the plot with number 8. Then it should be divided by twenty-seven. The remainder counted from Aswini gives the constellation.

Atha Rasyanaynam

The nakshatra found from above should be multiplied by 60 and the result should be divided by 35. The remainder is the zodiac sign or Rashi of the Gruha or dwelling.

Rashis are divided into varnas.

4,8,12 are Brahmin Rashis.

1,5,9 are Kshatriya Rashis.

6,10,2 are Vaisya Rashis.

3,11,7 are Kshudra Rashis.

So according to sloka a person should not procure a house with higher varna. So if a person belongs to Khsudra varna, then he should not acquire a Brahmin dwelling. This is the same in case of marriage where a person from a varna should not get married to person of higher varna. (varna means class of men or class of humans doing a particular)

Note: Building perimeter should be converted to aangula.

24 aangula=33 inch=1.375 inch which is equal to one angula.

Alok Jagawat

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Views: 6

Vastu Project: Commercial : Hindu Vastu Shastra for Home, by using 3D Architecture

CameraZOOM 20150325122649368 Vastu Project: Commercial : Hindu Vastu Shastra for Home, by using 3D Architecture

4 Vastu Project: Commercial : Hindu Vastu Shastra for Home, by using 3D Architecture
7 Vastu Project: Commercial : Hindu Vastu Shastra for Home, by using 3D Architecture

Data hidden for privacy 
Site evaluation was done on  XXXX. There is a correction of xxx Manaangula according to Lat long of Jaipur. So xxx  is the correction done to Brahma Sutra leading us to true Shuudha Prache.
We are using Isha Prichyya for the current evaluation as it is a commercial plot.
1.     The plot is wider from front. This is a problem according to Vastu. This will be xxx during construction.
2.     Plot is having a road running at xxx to xx direction. The person is having xx in ascendant and as such the xxx direction will prove beneficial for the native.
3.     There is a xxx vedha from the front. We are avoiding any possible xx in front of the xxx vedha. The wall should be given appropriate xxx to avoid problems. We can also xxx in front of the wall.
4.     There is an increase in space section of xxx.  This cannot be compensated but is still beneficial for the native.
5.     According to Vastu the period after two years from hence that is year xxx will prove harmful for elders in the family especially females. This is a result of acquisition and cannot be compensated.
6.     We have arranged a new xxx besides the two xxx already present. This will be constructed after leaving 16 feet from the xxxx. It is ruled by a xx which leads to xxx profits.
7.     The door used for xx  should remain closed normally. It may lead to xxx troubles for the inhabitants if it used frequently.
8.      The area was xxx. It carried variations because there are xxx lines in front. xxx variations were observed near the front wall. Please note that we do not recommend xxx fields.
9.      Research xxxx.
Ayaadi Calculations.
Factors under consideration. The peripheral measure is not possible as one arm is longer and the plot is not a perfect square. We are going to use the exact measure and then we will try to rectify the plot accordingly. Nakshatra –xx- 2
1.     Nakshatra: Peripheral Measurement. = xx
2.     Aaya: =x
3.     Vyaya: = x
4.     As expenditure is lesser than income when size is reduced we will consider the size factor and will advise a change in the size of the plot. We recommend a size reduction to rectangle from front.
5.     Yoni: =xst yoni which is xx. xst yoni is good.
6.     Vara:  = x. This is xx and is good again.
7.     Amsa: = xx which is King.
The overall Ayadi is extremely good. This tells us that the front xxx wall should be reduced which we have already done in the construction plan.
1.     We have made a plan which is according to vastu principles.
2.     We should build a xx along the main gate. xxx should be installed in parallel way inside this
3.      As you can make out xx is like a small xx that will be running across the length of the xxx. Inside the xx, two xxx are installed parallel to each other. A xxx is used to protect and it was a tradition in ancient India.  xx Pooja is a routine which is followed at every festival like Deewali to ensure its power. xxx insulates the house from bad xx. xx Poojan is also followed and is done by the bride when she enters the groom’s house for the first time. This insures prosperity of the owner and also prevents negative entities from entering the house.
4.     The xx should be constructed in the proposed area after taking dimensions.
5.     The marmas are sensitive points that should not be used for construction. The obstructions of these points leads to Marma vedha. We have avoided the same in plan.
6.     The xx zone in left for xxx of the company.
7.     The xxx and xx zones can be shifted.  Dine-in area and pantry cannot be disturbed.
8.     Guard room and Packaging zones are mentioned but can be interchanged.
More data cannot be shared to maintain privacy.
By Alok Jagawat      
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Views: 16

Vastu Shastra Project of residential Vastu for home compounds based on 3d architecture

2 Vastu Shastra Project of residential Vastu for home compounds based on 3d architecture
Vastu Shastra Project of residential Vastu for home compounds based on 3d architecture

This is Vastu Shastra report for XXXX  based on 3d architecture in which we invoke our ishta devtas and Sthan devtas and ask them about the property or Gruha in question. This is a very sophisticated divine process and it tells us about hidden things which cannot be seen otherwise. Please note that this process does not cater to what you think or believe, it actually caters to what is going to happen devoid of any submissive thoughts towards your wishes or aspirations.The Report is hidden and incomplete. This is done in order to maintain privacy.

Sri guruve naham!, Sri pitambaraye namah!, Sri Kasyapaye Namah!
Viashak Krishna Saptami, Baam Swara, Shukravar.
15 Vastu Shastra Project of residential Vastu for home compounds based on 3d architecture
xxxx is the lord of the question. It is sitting in xxxx direction at 13.57 degree. It is retrograde. It is in its own sign. The house is dominated by this. The direction is xxx having deviation. xxx is having malefic xxx in front but being retro it is unaffected directly.
The plot is devoid of any negative influence at present. The owners will rise in future and will buy other properties after coming to this house. There will be occasional tussles in the house but it will never result in problems.
The future indicates some kind of surgery for the inhabitants of the house but that cannot be controlled.
The work related to this house will not start early. It will be delayed till August or September of this year. Other indications are fine and will be fruitful for the inhabitants of this house in future.
Please read the full report with utmost care. I will always help you if you fail to understand any part.
Please note that maps used in the report carry actual ratios on paper but the 3d design is just for illustration. You can change the size of rooms and dimensions of open space but you cannot change the locations and angles of Kitchen etc.


·         The plot is facing xxx with a slight deviation. This is called xxxx
·         The Plot has a road on the xxxx side and there is an open ground in front.
·         The number of the residence is xxx which is xxx is related to xxxx and gives fame to the concerned person .
·         The plot was having wild vegetation which is a common problem in arid regions.
·         There was a pit in the xxx direction.
1.    The main xxx on the xxx should not be used in real. Please leave xxx on both sides from xxx and then construct a door extending on both sides. The max width should not be more then xxx Make sure you do not change this thing.
2.    I have designed large size rooms for the base floor. You can change the size and construct additional rooms on that side. Do not change the locations of xxxx kitchen and xxx
3.    The opening on the back side of the house needs to be covered from top. Do not left it open from top. Just cover it with some translucent sheet so that light can enter the house.
4.    The shilanayas poojan will start from xxxx.
5.    The design of the plot is according to xxx. The open side cannot be changed in this map.
6.     It is better to leave the open side open as it is will prove very beneficial in this case.
7.    The ground floor is designed in different way. There is no basement and yet it appears below the ground level. There is ample light in the area.
8.    I never recommend a xxx in the house as it is never beneficial. Yet you can make any xxx room between xxxx to xxxx. I have included a room in the corner. The person sitting inside this room should face east while praying.
9.    xxx or xxx can be used for making lift. A lift outside is more suitable near the open are is more suitable.
10.           Do not change the directions of pillow in any of the room.
11.           The upper floors are left empty without room divisions. The vastu is applied on base and not on upper floors, so you can divide and construct rooms according to your requirements. Just keep the toilets in xxx and to some in xxx.
12.           The rest of the design follows Vastu norms to full.
13.           This house is energy efficient and will remain cooler in summer. Though same does not apply very well on upper floors but will work efficiently on first two floors.
14.           The house is provided xxxx in order to keep the design element in elevation. It is also better in energy management. You can also construct fourth floor in this house if you require it.


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Views: 8

Names, signs and their significance in vastu : Kaankini Chakram

Vibrational Synchronisation between Panch Tatwas (Five elements), Name sounds (namaswaras) and structural locations (Sthapatya sthana)

kankini charka
kankini chakra for vastu

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Sthapathya implies that there should be a vibrational sync between places of residence and subtle elements. Time and space which carries this three dimensional world is based on this exact matrix. The sync in these elements can increase peace and prosperity while an improper alignment can cause disturbances. Oriental architecture defines the use of Kankini Chakra for finding out the place or direction which will be suitable for the person. We are going to explain the method of using this chakra for vastu. 

Varga/disha/yoni (element/ direction/yoni) chakra. Varga Chakra/ Disha Yoni Chakra: Varga Chakra is dependent on the sounds of the alphabets of your names. Yoni chakra has association with Vargas. The yonis are eight in number and have sync with Starting alphabets of names. According to “Vastu shastra” ‘Yonihi dhamnam Pranaha” It is a point of concern that why yoni is used in vastu. Yoni means genitals of a female. 

The birth of an infant takes place through this organ so yoni represents the organ of creative forces. In vastu the yoni represents types of creative forces ruling the eighth directions. These constructive energies are linked to starting alphabets of your name. Look at chart 1

varga and yoni chakra

Example1: “A” varga has five sounds and Garuda Yoni. It rules direction East. So a name starting with “A” like “Alok” or “Andy” falls in Garuda Yoni and east direction. According to Sthpatya the fifth varga from your own varga is not good for an individual.

rashi varga disha gyan chakra

For example the fifth varga from the Garuda Yoni falls in Sarpa Yoni. It is  a well-known fact that snake (SARPA) and falcon(Garuda) are enemies. Sarpa yoni is “TA” varga. “Andy” has Garuda varga (First in the table) and the direction west falls in Sarpa yoni which is fifth from this name. So Andy should not live in Western direction of the town. Example 2: Name: Karen. 

Karen falls in “KA” varga (Second in table). This is “Vidal Yoni”. The fifth is “Mooshak Yoni”. Mooshak is North-west and so Karen should not stay in North-west direction of the town. I believe that cosmic creative energies have sync with Names and alphabets. Living in directions that do not sync properly with your names may curb your creative energies so a Yoni chakra is used in vastu to find out suitable directions for an individual. These akaradi vargas (chart 1) are strong in certain directions (disha). Main entrance in those directions or living in those directions is good for people having names starting from those alphabets. For example “A” varga falls in east direction so main-gates in this direction is good for people having names in  “A” varga. 

Second Chakra used is Rashi Chakra (Zodiac Signs):

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nishidh rashi chakra
nishidh rashi chakra

The chart above is called “Nishidha Rashi Chakra”. Example1: Suppose I have sign Cancer. Caner falls below South-west, so the direction South-west is not good for me. I should not live in the south-west direction of the town. The chart below represents signs and names associated with them.

namakshar chakra

Living at places of signs which belong to 2,5,9,10 and 11th from your zodiac sign is considered Profitable. 1st and 7th signs from your zodiac signs brings enmity. The 3rd and 6th sign from your own sign brings loses. 4th and 8th sign brings diseases. 

So how can be find this out. Example1: Name: Mr.Robert Miller. Look in the chart above the starting letter “R” falls in “Thula” or “Libra” sign. He wants to live in Helsinki.  Helsinki starts from letter “H” which falls in sign Cancer. As cancer falls in tenth from Libra it will be profitable for Mr.Miller to live in Helsinki. 

2,5,9,10,11- Profitable 1,7- Enmity. 3,6-Loss 4,8,12-Diseases You have to find out the zodiac sign of both the city and the sign associated with your name. Then count the signs and find out the results. It is very interesting that these zodiac signs are not the signs from horoscope. They are derived by name which means we are looking at sounds and vibrations and their sync with other sound vibrations of places or cities. Kankini Charka: I have consolidated the chakra in following chart:

kankini chakra

Example: Name: Richard. Place: Canada. Look at chart 1. Richard falls in “Ya” varga. Canada falls in “k” varga. Look at the row number two of this chart. Against the grama nama varga you will see the “K” Varga. Look at the second line which is “Grahesh ka naam”. The Name Richard falls in “ya” varga which falls in second row eighth column. As the results is “Good” so Richard can live in Canda.

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Summary: The base behind these chakras is the sound energy or “Tala”. There is a word in Hindi language which is called “Betala” or someone out of sync. These chakra denotes several creative energies that require a certain coordination to work in a proper manner. The sound energy inside different expressions have an invisible synchronization with other sounds. Eternal music of life or “Suras” is dependent on this sync. The divine music of creativity requires every chord to produce a proper note. “Sura” or sync is required in music and “Asura” is bad music. Improper “Kankini, yoni or rashi chakra” can disturb these chords and can disturb the music of life in whole. 

By Alok Jagawat

pin Names, signs and their significance in vastu : Kaankini Chakram

Views: 1388

Vastu defects – Prashna,Omens, fire sacrifice



कण्ङूयते यदङ्गं गृहभर्तुयत्र वाऽमराहुत्याम् ।
अशुभं भवेन्निमितं विकृतेवार्ग्नेः सशल्यं तत् ॥

Vastu related Prashna and results obtained from Lakshan

If at the time of query, the questioner scratches a particular part of the body, then the corresponding part of the vastu purusha will have some affliction or it would have been hurt. There would be defects in the corresponding section of vastupurusha.

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If at the time of offering oblations to forty-five deities at the sacrifice, a visible bad omen is observed in a particular direction (Like sneezing, black crow, spitting, cry of a baby etc), or unnatural behavior of the fire (like spark or crackles in a particular direction), then those particular limbs of the vastu-purusha are afflicted with the shalyas. (Like bones, nails, hairs etc).

With Thanks and Regards
Alok Jagawat

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Views: 5

How to Find out Salyas or Buried Skeletons in Vastu


salyas in vastu, salyaprakarana



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What are Salyas: The word Salya comes from Sanskrit language and it means anything tormenting or causing pain. It also means bones.

Reasons behind effects of Salyas: Why, which is something that is buried underground is going to create a problem for the person who is going to live on that land.

Anything, which decomposes, below the ground causes the release of several poisonous gases and an active growth of parasites on its carcass. This in-turn causes problems for the inhabitants of the place in the form of diseases, mental afflictions etc.
However, apart from the above scientific dictum, there is a spiritual reason for the same as well. The dead or decomposed remains are not considered good because it is against the basic tenets of spiritual order. Anything filthy, dirty, or bad is avoided in spiritual matters. If we want to invite positivity in the abode, then the first thing is to remove all the negative elements from the land or site. This is the reason why removal of salyas is very important. It is like cleaning your house.

Moreover, nobody likes a dead body buried underground at the very place where they are living.



I have emphasized in many of my articles, that the knowledge of vastu is incomplete and unfruitful if one is not aware of the astrological calculations. Salyas require a complete knowledge of astrology and especially the esoteric and highly spiritual system of Prasna. (I am not referring to Tajik, which is not Vedic). Whenever, we say Prashna it means the highly spiritual Kerala Prashna system and not the other methods.

While Vastu in itself is a highly scientific branch, it is baseless to think that it is not related to Jyotisa. Contrary to the popular theory, one cannot learn actual vastu if he/she misses the learning of jyotisa.

Ayaprakaran, salyaprakarana, vargavarna, Ksetravarana, Gramarvaran, dikprakaran etc are difficult to comprehend without an active and advanced knowledge of jyotisa. The astayonis are related to astavargas which are a part of advance jyotisa. It will be very foolish to assume that vastu has nothing to do with Jyotisa.
Therefore, any person who claims to be a vastushastri and is devoid of an advance knowledge of jyotisa is actually befooling people.
Considering salya, one needs a knowledge of Salya mantra sastra for observing the problems at a site or he/she should be an expert of prashnam.

Based on Dootlakshanam, Omens and prashnam a skilled Prashna shastri can easily decipher the Salyas at a place.

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Rules are taken from Karikas, Vasista Samhita, Vastu Raj Vallabha, Jyotisamhitarnava, Vishwakarma Prakash and Prasnamarg.

1. Sthira rashi in Uday indicates chance of finding bones at a site.

2. Char and Dual signs indicates doubts in finding bones at a site.

3. Chaturuthshuddi is important in Prasna chart for the examination of Salyas.

4. Malefics in Quadrants indicate presence of Gods, yakshas (Demi-Gods), Nagas and Pisacas (Ghosts) at a site. Depending on the type of Gruhas and nakshatra involved.

5. In Navgruha chakra, three things are been asked from the querist. On the basis of these three answers Salyas are determined for a place.

6. Vastu Raj vallabha gives us Grahvaran chakra. Based on this we can determine the Salyas. For example “A” varga and query word in relation indicate a human dead body below the ground.

7. Vasista Samhita and Vishwakarma Prakash uses Anga sprarsh for determining several kind of Salyas.

8. Karikas use incidents for determining Salyas. For example, if the owner of a house is suffering from a chronic disorder then Salyas are present in a certain direction in the house.

9. There is a nakshtrakoshatak chakra for finding out Salyas.

10. Jyotisahimtarnava mentions the use of asta akshar chakra for Salyas.

Salyodhara or removal of Salyas:

While determining the Salyas is a tedious task in itself and requires a thorough knowledge of Prasna the salyodhara requires a proper method for removal of Salyas.

Shodouphar poojan, navgruha invocation and Bali karma (Vaisnav Bali) is done for the removal of evil effects of Salyas.

Written by
Alok Jagawat

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Views: 16

Face off Divine Codes 4th Volume : Some Highlights from the fourth issue of divine codes magazine

21272817 894731300677909 2711515173644137570 o Face off Divine Codes 4th Volume : Some Highlights from the fourth issue of divine codes magazine

Coming Soon! The Divine codes 4th Edition. 


1-The secret vault of Lord Sri Padmanabhaswamy
Devaprashnam (When God’s speak), treasure & Chaitanya of God. The secret vault.
2-Where Nagas bless you.Kaalsarpa
(The curse and the Remedy)
3-Appendicitis in the light of astrology
4-The genetics of sapthamsa in astrology
5-Colors and Health
6-Astrology of murderers
7-U.S.A Eclipse and the Aftermaths
8- Your Problems and Solutions- Letter to the Editor
9. Book Review.

11088543 511937155623994 5588987580313700072 n28129 Face off Divine Codes 4th Volume : Some Highlights from the fourth issue of divine codes magazine

“THE DIVINE CODES” journal is published by us for establishing scientific truth on the origination of different sacred subjects i.e Mundane world Events, Vedic Astrology, Earth Sacred Geometries, Vastu, Pyramid Science, Paranormal, Vedic Jyotish – Jamini , Spirituality, Yoga, Ayurveda, travelogue and Transcendental Meditation sciences.

The primordial being has encrypted many matters of life and Jyotish is a light that enlightens the path to unknown. The Divine Codes Journal is a free periodical with no time limits attached.

It is completely free and downloadable from the following links. The articles in the magazine are well researched and carry a well-balanced scientific approach.

Members can contribute their articles and research for the same. It will be published regularly and it will remain free forever. Each article from its contributing members will also carry a photo and bio of the respective author.

The authors will also get exposure through three websites, social media, and publishing archives.We welcome you to a voyage for love and peace.

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An Invitation to writers and authors for the Divine Codes 4th Edition

11088543 511937155623994 5588987580313700072 n An Invitation to writers and authors for the Divine Codes 4th Edition

Subjects: Spirituality, Jyotisa, nadi jyotisa, gems, travel related to temples or spiritual places, interesting interviews, Vastu, divine subjects, mundane astrology, palmistry, yoga, Ayurveda, naturopathy.

The fourth issue of our digital magazine “The Divine codes” is going to be published very soon. The forthcoming issues (Not this issue) will carry a paid subscription (Nominal amount) and the amount will be used to pay the writers.

Advertisements will be published as well. The current advertising rates are very less. You can email for advertisements. The account statements of the non-profitable organization will remain a public record and will be published on open forums. Complete transparency will be maintained in all payments received and given.

Writers who can write on above-mentioned subjects can send their articles to There are certain amendments that will be seen in the coming issue:

1. The writers will have to complete their articles in three-four pages. This does not include photos.

2. The articles can be in Hindi as well as English.

3. Articles should carry a photograph and short bio of the writer. This will be published along with the article. 

4. Try to write short articles in a summarized form. 

5. The magazine will include articles on travels related to temples, mathas or spiritual places. This will include colored photographs and the spiritual aspects of the temple, the background history, and the traveling methods.

6. The magazine will include a question-answer session where anybody can ask questions and the panel of writers will answer the same. The question can be related to jyotisha, health, Vastu etc. Questions can be emailed to and answers will be published in coming issue. Please send an email with subject “question”.
7. The previous issues of the magazine are free and can be downloaded from following locations.
Authors Can also send their article on below-mentioned link:
pin An Invitation to writers and authors for the Divine Codes 4th Edition

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