Chandrashekhar Sharma
Diversity of Experiences
I began studying Jyotish (Vedic astrology) when I was about 8 years of age. My father who was a medical practitioner by profession had learnt Jyotish from his mother. My grandmother, who herself, was a renowned astrologer of her days and had learnt from her own ancestors, had taught many pupils the divine science in Indore, the city where my grandfather lived. Learned astrologers of Nagpur, where my father shifted about 4 years after my birth, used to come to my father for astrological discussions, and listening to my father explain the intricacies of the principles of Vedic astrology, my interest in this divine science was kindled.
Expertise & Skills
I am a firm believer that Jyotish, being a Vedanga (limb of Vedas), is to be used for helping those in distress, I therefore follow the family tradition of not charging for astrological readings.
Career Management
Over a period of time many of my students and associates started noticing that I preferred to use the least number of parameters and could still arrive at a fair number of correct predictions. Many of them began asking me to write a book on Vedic astrology, elaborating upon the logic I use to come to the conclusion as to a future event.
My book “Vedic Astrology Demystified” was published in 2007. Since the publication of my book my students have urged me to set up this Internet site in order to carry on my teachings and provide an easy mechanism for ongoing interaction, hence the purpose of “jyotishteachings”.
In the course of my studies in astrology I have had the occasion of meeting both older generation astrologers and those of the modern times. I have also had the opportunity to deliver lectures both in India and overseas and met many young students and knowledgeable astrologers in person and learnt of their views.
I am enriched in astrological knowledge by this interaction. When I began my studies in Vedic astrology, I used to think I knew everything in astrology and it is only with deeper studies that I have realized the vast knowledge in this divine science that is yet untapped and needs to be understood in its proper perspective; my hope is that “jyotishteachings” can assist us all in our learning process of this divine science.
I currently live in Nagpur, located in the center of India with my wife, son, daughter-in-law and two grandsons.
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