The Greatness of Saturn- Part 1 : Magnificent Aspects of the Saturn Influencing human being Astronomically and philosophically explained
| Om Guruve Namah |
Magnificent Aspects Astronomically, Astrologically and Philosophically Explained- Part 1 (Mathematical Aspect)
General Introduction:
” Om Nilanjana samabhasam, Ravi putram yamagrajam Cahaya martanda samhubhutam, Tama namami Shanescharam”
I bow down to great Shanaishchara, one who is slow in motion ( Shaniah = slow, charah =move) (Saturn), the elder brother of Yama (the God of Death), and who is born from (who is the son of ) Martanda (the Sun) and Chhaya and who is the son of Ravi (the Sun). His complexion is blackish, like that of black eye ointment (used as an eyeliner, made out of black soot mixed with clarified butter)
In Sanskrit Saturn is called Shani or Shana-ish-chara (“The slow mover – The Manda Gati “ ), Shane -Shane (one who walks slowly)”.Astronomically, only Saturn has the capability to stay for a much longer period in any zodiac sign because of his slow movement in the celestial sphere. It takes him 2.5 Years, about two and a half years to cover up one zodiacal sign or so to pass through each constellation of the sidereal zodiac which covers the cycle of 30 years for completing its phase in all the zodiac signs. Only Saturn in the solar system has that much stronger and longer Ring structure with multi-layers gaseous components in it, as what ancient and modern astronomers believe, that has the ability to control motions of the rest of planetary forces after the 2nd largest planet Jupiter in the solar system, via the magnetic shield it has.
Analysis of Saturn Ring Structure Philosophically Explained
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The very true purpose of Ring structure on Saturn apart from the rest of planetary structure is to provide a sharp piece of knowledge on judgment, self-restrictions, Self-realisation, with deep observation power to keep on monitoring the rest of the motions of planets with sharp karmic eyes or we can say in the philosophical language it is a gifted understanding for deep analytical assessment, with a keen observation power to observe every minute to smallest karma from any deep angles via close and minute associations.
If you have the charismatic ring of the Saturn in your chart, it is none another a power of balance, gifted as in the form of placement of Exalted Saturn, eventually, you can conquer any fight or battle with deep wisdom, with the power of balanced life approach and perfect balanced motion. More the motion is slow with consistent speed more you can monitor your life mistakes and more you can put restrictions on yourself for better achievements in goal. The Greatest power will be you can help others via your deep wisdom attained via balanced and perfect motion by guiding them, by realizing their root mistake, by pinpointing their weaknesses.
Power of Ring in Saturn is for judgment, wisdom, deep observation power, wide Vision, the gift of monitoring karma’s, judgment of being right and wrong.
In General, in life, if we have the balance we can take better steps and decisions, clarity of thoughts will be more with clear and precise vision, One can take all pro and cons into consideration before any decisions or judgment For e.g when the ring is attached to a coin and if we try to rotate or revolve that coin with the ring attached to it, we can see that in starting the weight of the ring will try to imbalance or slow down the motion but once it achieves its perfect momentum, balance and consistent speed, slowly but gradually it will pick up the speed in perfect and consistent spin motion, in that slow and balanced motion planet will have maximum ChestaBala and speed will keep on increasing and later we can also observe that the motion will be in perfects shape and in a balanced state and when it gets to stop, the coin will be having perfect landing without any mistake. The same goes for the Saturn Ring and motion, with the power of this any native can achieve their maximum life goals but with perfection and true balance via the help of motion of Saturn that no can achieve
*Note: Chesta Bala is a motional strength analyzed based on the relative motion of the planets especially in the case of those planets having relatively slow speed those can get maximum Chesta Bala value. Planets that are fast relatively having a low chestabala value. The reason being Slow moving planets can able to focus their energy more on any aspect because they can stay in one place for a maximum time. Therefore it is possible that a relatively fast-moving Saturn can get a low Chesta Bala value in Directional motion rather than in Retrogression motion, while relatively fast-moving Mercury can get a high Chesta Bala during retrogression motion.
Spiritually and philosophically the ring structure of the Saturn also shows about Extra two Aspects (The 3rd and 10th Aspect- Drishti) and controlling nature given to the Lord Saturn for extraordinary duties assigned to him for mankind well being or can be defined as a sharp eye given for deeply monitoring karmic actions of the humans. Its main purpose lies in extra features that are given to the Lord of karma for understanding Restrictions and duties on karmic actions based on the karma of any being. It speaks about the managed and fixed boundaries required for any disciplinary actions.
It speaks about fixed Dedication needed for fulfilling the tasks. Also, shows constant futuristic focus and decisions for those actions and working on it constantly with fixed ideas. These rings structures also show Limitations one can come across in fructifying the actions and how one can manage and work under those fixed boundaries and limitations. It also speaks about fixed boundaries one must have to work in for yielding out better results in the future without crossing it or misusing the power given by the Almighty for accomplishing any tasks. It shows majorly about the strength one has realized with great difficulties in the past’s life and most importantly it talks about a control structure on karmas of Devas, Rakshas, and Manshuyas. Even it also indicates enforced boundaries given for Honest and Balanced judgment to the Lord of the Karama for all the being for their karmic actions by the Godhead of the highest order.
The motion of Saturn as per ancient texts and Astronomy:
Surya Siddhanta | 10,765 days, 18 hours, 33 minutes, 13.6 seconds |
Siddhanta Shiromani |
10,765 days, 19 hours, 33 minutes, 56.5 seconds |
Astronomically, Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second-largest in the Solar System, after Jupiter. It is a gas (Vayu Tatva – Sharpe Intelligence) giant with an average radius (Wisdom) about nine times that of Earth. Although it has only one-eighth the average density of Earth, with its larger volume Saturn is just over 95 times (Power of control) more massive. It has a deep impact on the air system of the body and a sharp influence on all sorts of Mundane activities and desires. that’s why it affects more on the root chakra of the body.
The thing is how huge celestial bodies floating in the solar system effects so badly that we cannot think more than from it. Well, the answer lies in understanding the solar magnetic forces or currents they produce and how they influence, which keep on affecting any particle in contact with these huge celestial bodies.
It produces a soothing and harmonious influence on the human mind as well as on the weather too, and whenever Venus vibrations strike anyone it produces harmonic vibrations around the heart chakra that helps in a healthy relationship with any other being. Jupiter Has much longer, powerful but slower vibrations due to its slow motion and much broader surface and it produces vast and huge waves around earth helps in harmonic growth around the human mind and body and when it strikes the sun it gets harmonized by the sun and same it is reflected back to the surface of the earth it has a much-telling influence on the mind and it affects more on the Spiritual ground affecting human mind in a most positive way because it has a much smoother and harmonic relationship with the medium of the waves (The Ether – Akash Tattva).
Saturn has an average distance from the Sun around 885,904,700 miles (1,426,725,400 km) which is 9.53707 times that of Earth. Saturn Solar Waves take much time to reach the earth’s surface that’s the only reason it has an effect for a much longer period and same it has the Dasha period for a much longer period of 19 years that has been calculated based on the distance from earth and the sun and its average staying period in the one zodiac sign that is around 2.5 years for 1 sign and it covers 30 years of distance to make 1 cycle and approximately a human being can experience 3 cycles (90 years ) in one life period of time.
Its Perihelion (closest approach to Sun) distance is : 838,519,000 miles (1,349,467,000 km) which is 9.177 times that of Earth and its Aphelion (farthest distance from sun): 934,530,000 miles (1,503,983,000 km) which is 9.886 times that of earth. So long-distance, slow motion, huge mass & strong attraction power toward the earth makes Saturn the strongest planet in the solar system the resultant. Spiritually and in Scriptural point of view Saturn has given the wide reason why Shani dev is considered as greatest & most strongest planet.
Because of this only reason, it has the highest impact on the human mind, body & soul with the help of its slow-motion (Mand Gati) and its role as Karma Karka Graha in Nav Graha Cabinet.
Astronomically it has the power to attain maximum Chesta Bala in either direct or in a retrogression motion where one can realize his karmic debts and actions in a much relatable way with current life events those are strongly related with our past action and hence, one can better anticipate in his life for improvement on his karma.
In the next part, we will try to understand Saturn’s strong gravitational force with the help of ancient quotes and facts. So stay connected for the 2nd part as well and keep reading our articles and blogs.
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