A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

timing of marriage in astrology 1 A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology


Written & Researched by By H.Ramadas Rao
ॐ श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः

After prostrating to my Nadi Guru Shri R.G.Rao, Acharya Madhva, my Kula Devatha and my Ishta Devatha,I am going to delineate a new method of predicting marriage as per Nadi Astrology.

We all know that marriages are made in heaven but some marriages are auspicious or happy marriages and some have difficult marriage life. Traditional Astrology uses Lagna based predictions. Here normally we consider 7th house from Lagna, its lord,2nd house and its lord and 11th house and its lord are considered along with Karaka of marriage, Shukra/Venus. But in Nadi Astrology, Guru/Jupiter is the karaka of Jeeva and indicates male natives. In female natives, Shukra/Venus is Stree/female Karaka but Jeeva Karaka remains the same ie., Guru/Jupiter. Already there is double transit theory of Guru/Jupiter and Shani/Saturn is famous and we can agree with this Sutra as an almost accurate method to predict a marriage.

Now let us know one thing is that Astrology is basically Indian whether it is traditional or Nadi Astrology. So now let us see the term Marriage.

Inter caste love marriage problem solutions by astrology A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

What is Marriage? It is a Karmic bond between a male and a female as agreed by the parents and relatives of both parties. Then the marriage engagement will be performed where the exact date of marriage will be fixed by the family priest/Astrologer.

Now next is on the marriage day, the bridegroom will tie what is called as Mangala Sutra to Bride. Now, what is this Mangala Sutra? As per our Shastras, Mangala Sutra is a Holi thread immersed in turmeric powder solution which is tied with a piece of turmeric.So this will be tied by the bridegroom to the bride’s neck. In modern days the Mangala Sutra is made up of small black beats with golden Tali ( 2 in numbers ).

Anyhow, let us come to the point that what is Mangala Sutra. It has a holy thread and a turmeric piece.The Karaka for Holy thread is Ketu and the Karaka for turmeric is Guru/Jupiter. This is because marriage is a spiritual event where Vedic Mantras are chanted followed by Havan. In the marriage after tieing the Mangala Sutra, both the bride and bridegroom have to walk 7 steps as advised by the priest which is called as Saptapadi. Now, who is the Karaka for this event? Again, Ketu. So the marriage will take place when transit Guru, Shani and Ketu transiting or aspecting natal Guru/Shukra and in a female chart, Kuja/Mars as he is Pati Karaka. So it is very clear that marriage event will not happen without the Blessings of Ketu. Sometimes transit Ketu will be in a Rashi whose Lord is connected to Karaka of Patni or Karaka of Pati ie., Shukra or Kuja. Sometimes on the marriage engagement day, the above said planets confirm the marriage.

wedding A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

To confirm this, let me try to explain through some real example charts below :

1) Male Chart :

J A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

This is the chart of a male who got engaged on 1/1/2006.

For the marriage to take place as per Nadi Astrology, transit Shani must be linked to Patni Karaka Shukra 1st, then transit Guru must be on natal Shukra or its trines. Finally transit Ketu must have a link to natal Shukra. This male native’s marriage engagement took place on 1/1/2006 at 16-30 Hrs.

Now let us see the planetary transits on this day.

Transit chart on 1/1/2006 at 16-30 Hrs.: Chart-2

Engagement 1 A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

Here transit Shani was in Karka Rashi but retrograde, so it must be considered from Mithuna Rashi also. So this Shani from Mithuna Rashi is in trine to natal Shukra in Tula Rashi. Next transit Guru was in Tula Rashi transiting over natal Shukra. Finally, transit Ketu was in Kanya Rashi which is in Kendra to Retrograde Shani whom we are considering from Mithuna Rashi. When this is the case, both Shani and Ketu are to be considered as in conjunction as per Nandi Nadi principles. Thus all the requirements for marriage were set.

Chart-3 Female Wife of the above male chart:

Now let us look at the female chart whom she got married to the male chart 1) :

A A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

In a female chart, for the purposes of marriage, we have to consider Kuja or Mangal. So in this chart, Kuja is placed in Dhanu Rashi. Her Jiva Karaka Guru is in Vrischika Rashi. In her chart, Shani, the Karma Karaka is exalted in Tula Rashi. Marriage is also a past life Karma. Transit Guru was transiting over Tula Rashi, hence over-exalted Shani. This transit Guru was also aspecting her natal Chandra indicating after the marriage she will move to a different place. Now transit Shani as it was retrograde in Karka Rashi will be considered from Mithuna Rashi also. So this retrograde Shani from Mithuna Rashi was directly aspecting Pati Karaka Kuja in Dhanu Rashi. Transit Guru in Tula Rashi was in 11th from Pati Karaka Kuja. Finally transit Ketu was in Kanya Rashi which was in Kendra to both transit retrograde Shani and Pati Karaka Kuja in Dhanu Rashi. So all the planetary arrangements were perfect for marriage.

The planetary configurations on the marriage engagement day were indicating the marriage will take place soon. So the marriage took place on 10/5/2006.

Here is the transit chart on 10/5/2006.: Chart-4 ( Marriage Chart-1 )

Marriage chart1 A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

In the marriage chart, transit Shani was in Kendra to Patni Karaka Shukra of the male chart, Guru was retrograde and was transiting over natal Shukra and transit Ketu was in Kanya Rashi whose sign dispositor Budha is with Patni Karaka Shukra in the male chart, thus satisfying all the conditions for the marriage.

When we consider female chart 2), transit Shani was in Karka Rashi whose powerful Kendra is in Mesha Rashi and the female chart’s Pati Karaka Kuja has a trinal aspect on Mesha Rashi. transit Guru ( retrograde ) was in 11th to Pati Karaka Kuja and transit Ketu was in Kendra to Kuja, thus satisfying all the conditions of marriage.

Let me take another 2 charts.

Chart-5 ) Male :

SS Male A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

In this male chart, Jiva Karaka Guru is exalted in Karka Rashi and Patni Karaka Shukra is exalted in Meena Rashi with Budha and Kuja. This trinal linking of Shukra with Guru indicates the marriage is promised.

Now let us look at the chart of his wife :

Chart-6 )

YS Female A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

In this chart,Jiva Karaka Guru is in Kumbha Rashi and 11th from him is Pati Karaka Kuja in Dhanu Rashi ruled by Guru.So the marriage is promised to this female native.

Now let us see the planetary arrangements on the day of marriage.

Chart-7, Marriage Chart-2 :

Marriage Chart 2 A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

Now considering the above transit chart in the case of male chart 5), transit Shani was retrograde in Kanya Rashi aspecting his natal Patni Karaka Shukra in Meena Rashi. Transit Guru was in Kumbha Rashi whose sign Lord Shani is in Simha Rashi ( Retrograde ). So considering this from previous house Karka Rashi,it is in trine to natal Patni Karaka Shukra.Finally, transit Ketu was in Mithuna Rashi which was in Kendra to natal Patni Karaka Shukra, thus satisfying all the conditions for the marriage.

Now let us consider the same transit chart for the female chart 6). Here transit Shani ( Retrograde ) in Kanya Rashi is in Kendra to Pati Karaka Kuja who is in Dhanu Rashi. Transit Guru in Kumbha was in 3rd from Pati Karaka Kuja in Dhanu Rashi whose Lord Guru is also in Kumbha Rashi. This means Pati Karaka Kuja’s sign Lord Guru is in Kumbha Rashi in her natal Chart and transit Guru was transiting over this Guru.Finally, transit Ketu which was in Mithuna Rashi was aspecting directly Pati Karaka Kuja in her natal chart, thus confirming all the conditions for the marriage.

Thus we can analyse or predict the marriage of a male native through the Patni Karaka Shukra and in female chart through Pati Karaka Kuja and the transits of Shani, Guru and Ketu linking to the said planets or their sign dispositors.

ना अहं कर्ता । सर्वस्य हरि कर्ता ॥

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Who is going to win in 2019 General Elections on 23rd May 2019

rahul gandhi modi 750 Who is going to win in 2019 General Elections on 23rd May 2019

श्री गणेशाय नम:

ॐ गुरुभ्यो नम:

Written and Analysed by Utap Pathak

2019 General Elections: Jyotish Assessment

Secondary assessment based on Election Schedule

Note: This is the final analysis based on the Election schedule announced by ECI. The main article can be seen here in this link > https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CpNkXJPUghY3d3LcZ57fRA__8d4HOP1C/view


1] This short article is the final assessment based on the announced dates. Most importantly the start date i.e. 11th April 2019 and the result date i.e. 23rd May 2019.

Let’s observe the Grahas in the above chart (date 23.5.2019) w.r.t Bharat’s Vrishabh Lagna and below pointers reproduced from the Main article.

23rd May 2019 Elections Results Who is going to win in 2019 General Elections on 23rd May 2019

1) If Guru (8th lord of Modern Bharat’s chart – MB) in Transit aspects 10th Bhava and 10th Lord(s) in transit, the Government changes. I.e. the ruling Government falls.

2) If the above condition is happening AND Shani and Rahu (10th lords) in transit are strong & positively placed, then it indicates powerful (full majority) government coming at the Center.

3) If Transit Guru does not aspect 10th Bhava and he is not exalted, the incumbent Government retains the power. Here again, how strong this government possibly could be well indicated by situation of Rahu and Shani (as indicated in point no.2 above).

4) Weak Shani and Rahu in transit shows weak government at Center. It also shows sinister, corrupt, incapable, appeasing & highly communal government. Detrimental to the interest of Bharat and her people.

5) Strong Lagna Lord venus in transit (in Lagna, 4th, 9th or 10th or 11th) along with strong Rahu and Shani are likely to provide strong and stable government.

* Guru on 23.5.2019 chart neither aspects 10th Bhava nor aspects Shani & Rahu (10th Lords). Guru is also not in exaltation Rashi. Thus, it does not fulfil the conditions for the “Fall of the ruling Government” as mentioned in the point no.1 above.

* Rahu as the 10th lord is exalted in the 2nd Bhava generating the powerful Simhasan Yog. The other 10th co-lord Shani (Retrograde) is placed in the 8th Bhava in very close conjunction of Ketu. Shani aspects 10th Bhava with his 3rd aspect. Exalted Rahu also aspect 10th Bhava with his 9th drashti. Thus both the 10th lords (Rahu and Shani) aspect their own Bhava as well as mutually aspect between the two. Shani being retrograde can also provide result of being in 7th Bhava where he gets directional strength. Ketu and Mars are Marakas. However, Mars and Ketu provides a lot of fire power to Rahu and Shani. Shani provides results of being in 8th as well as 7th (partially due to Retrograde motion).

Thus, all of this assessment shows that Shani and Rahu are strong in Transit w.r.t Bharat’s chart.

*Venus is placed in 12th Bhava. I would have ideally wished Venus to be in 9th, 10th or 11th Bhava. In 11th Bhava, it would be exalted. However, Shukra remains in Kumbha (10th Bhava) and exalted in Meena (11th Bhava) during most part of Elections, but during result day, it has already moved to the 12th Bhava. For all the other Grahas, LL in transit placed in the 12th Bhava would have been bad and losses, however, Venus is the ONLY Graha which gets very strong in 12th Bhava. He enjoys 12th Bhava. Thus LL Venus in transit placed in 12th Bhava on the day of result is strong.

Mercury (5th lord0 and Sun (4th Lord) placed in Lagna in Transit, generates powerful Rajayoga.

*Moon is going to be Vargottam (in same Rashi in Main chart and Navamansh chart) throughout the day on 23rd May 2019. From 5:15 am to 11:42 am in Dhanu Vargottam and then until 18:15 in Makar Vargottama!. Moon is the 10th lord of NaMo’s chart and his vargottama strength on that day shows fortified 10th lord in transit.

Assessment of all the transit Grahas mentioned above paints a picture which says that the result will come strongly in the favor of Ruling Government!

2] I wish to point out a unique observation on Narendra Modi (NaMo)’s chart w.r.t. Guru and Rahu’s transit cycle.
When NaMo took the oath as CM of Gujarat for the 1st time on 7th October 2001, Guru and Rahu were jointly passing through Mithun Rashi which is the 9th (Bhagya) Bhava of NaMo’s Tula Lagna chart.

I am providing 7.10.2001 chart below (taking Tula Lagna)

2001 chart Who is going to win in 2019 General Elections on 23rd May 2019

As said earlier, Guru and Rahu were passing through Mithun Rashi when NaMo took oath as Gujarat’s CM for the 1st time.
Guru completes one cycle in 12 years and Rahu completes one cycle in 18 years.

When Guru competed for one cycle and came back to Mithun (in 2014), NaMo became PM for the 1st time. Now in 2019, when General Election results are going to be declared, Rahu is completing his cycle and coming back to Mithun Rashi. These three events are amazingly co-related.

What Results now Rahu should give to NaMo when he is completing one round since 2001 and coming back to Mithun?

1st let’s check the above chart of 7.10.2001 (in relation to NaMo’s Tula Lagna). Rahu is the 5th co-lord and close friend of LL Venus. Rahu gets exalted in Mithun Rashi. Thus Rahu, as the 5th co-lord exalted in 9th Bhava generates powerful Rajayoga and triggers the “Bhagyodaya”!

Now, check the 1st chart given (of 23.5.2019) w.r.t. Tula Lagna (of NaMo). Rahu’s Rajayoga mentioned above is again repeating. Not only that, but Rahu is also in Mutual aspect with another PYK Shani. Shani in the 3rd Bhava with Ketu is extremely powerfully placed (Natural Paap Grahas in Upachaya gives great results).

Mars & Rahu’s angarak yog happening in Mithun on the result day has a special significance. There is a dictum in classics. Rahu in Kendra with Trikona Lord or Rahu in Trikona with Kendra lord generates a powerful Rajayoga.

Here, Rahu is placed in Trikona (9th Bhava) with Mars who is a Kendra Lord (7th Bhava). Thus Rahu+Mars combination in Mithun is generating powerful Rajyoga in Transit w.r.t. Tula Lagna of NaMo.

Venus on that day is in Mesha and directly aspects own Bhava from 7th and this fortifies Lagna Bhava.

RAHU, MARS, SHANI AND KETU all powerful Natural malefics are directly influencing 3rd Bhava of NaMo’s chart which is providing him with unprecedented energy, bold actions and parakram (valor). NaMo is going to be in extraordinary action even by his own standards in these 2 months.

3] A small observation: In 2014, when Elections started (on 7th April 2014), Moon was in Mithun Rashi along with Guru. This time around on 11th April 2019, Moon is again in Mithun along with exalted Rahu.

Not to forget that Moon is the 10th Lord in NaMo’s chart and also the current Dasha lord. Thus, the 10th Lord of Karma is placed in Bhagya bhava at the start of the Elections indicates Auspicious results!

On the result day, Moon comes to Makar Rashi around 11:40 am. Moon will aspect own 10th Bhava for NaMO.
W.r.t. Bharat’s Vrishabh Lagn chart, Moon in Makara will be the 9th Bhava.

4] W.r.t. BJP’s chart, result day transit is as under:

9th co-lord Rahu will be exalted in Lagna with 6th/11th Lord Mars. Another co-lord of 9th i.e. Shani
Would be placed in 7th in Digbala and aspect Lagna. Shani will be with 6th lord Ketu. 10th lord Guru will be in 6th and aspect 10th bhava. LL Mercury will be 12th with Sun. Yogakaraka Venus will be in 11th bhava. Moon will be in 7th until 11:40 am and then move to 8th Bhava.

Thus, from Mithun Lagna chart of BJP, Transit shows mixed indications.

*Shani-Ketu degree-wise close conjunction in Scorpio (7th Bhava of modern Bharat’s chart) happened during 1984 Elections. Absolute sympathy wave due to the assassination of Indira Gandhi got 414 seats to Congress (I) which is still a record.
*Shani-Ketu conjunction (degree wise quite apart) happened again in Meena Rashi (11th Bhava) during 1996 Elections. No party could get a majority. Atal Bihari Vajpayee became PM of a weak government which fell in mere 13 days and political instability set in.

*We have to now see what Shani-Ketu degree-wise close conjunction, happening in Dhanu, has in store for our beloved Bharat Mata and to all of us! To me, looking in isolation, retrograde nature of Shani would provide effects as if Shani is in Scorpio. This coupled with the comprehensive assessment made in these two elaborated articles, I am confident of the windfall for one party which is headed by the current Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Conclusion: Judging all the four – 1], 2], 3] & 4] – points given in this article, I have come to the conclusion that the results on 23rd May 2019 are going to be strongly in favor of NaMo. I have to say that in this elections, NaMo’s chart is going to be much heavier in its influence than the BJP’s chart.

This assessment is not in isolation to the conclusion drawn in the main article, on the other hand, it derives its main direction from there. (link is given at the start of this article). Important point to note is that even the independent assessment in this article quite nicely corroborates with the conclusion arrived in the Main article.

NaMo is quite likely going to surpass the success of May 2014 and even cross 300 Mark comfortably on his own. Let’s see, if He can surpass Indira Gandhi’s electoral success of Jan 1980. Narendra Damodardas Modi is the chosen instrument of Jagadamba. His 2nd term as PM will completely realize this statement. May he completely realize his burning desire to take our great Bharat Varsh to the glory before he winds his mortal coil.


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