Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi


Decoding Past Life Reincarnation and Astrology Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

Article Written and Researched By

Sumanta Ghosal

Life Reincarnation is mainly a vedic philosophical concept that an aspect of living being starts a new life in a different physical body after each bio-logical death. It is a central point of vedic literature. Then other Indian religions such as Buddhism, Jainism and Shikh follows this concept.

But today I am going tfo discuss regarding Reincarnation and Astrology. We all know the twin beliefs of Karma and Reincarnation are among Hinduism many jewels of knowledge. Karma literally means “deed or act”, but more broadly it describes the pinciple of cause and effect. Simply stated Karma is a law of action and reaction which governs conscioussness. In metaphysics, Karma is the law that states that every mental, emotional and physical act, no matter how insignificant, is projected out into yhe physic mind substance and eventually returns to the individual with equal impact.

In ‘Bhagvad Gita’ Lord Shree Krishna says to Arjuna –

“वासाांसस जीर्ाासि यथा सवहाय
िवासि गह्णृ ासि िरोऽपरासर् ।
िथा शरीरासर् सवहाय जीर्ाा
न्यन्यासि सांयासि िवासि देही ॥” – Chapter 2, verse 22

It means during our day to day liles we change our old and dirty cloths and take a new/clean cloths whenever we need. Similarly, the Souls or Aatman costs off its worn out physical body at regular intervals of time. Soul is immortal but the physical body is mortal.

This sloka or verse refers to the doctrine of Reincarnation in Vedic philosophy. Death is described here as the simple process of a worn out garmentsfor a new one. Death is nothing but a chage attire in an uninterrupted continuity of immortality. In ‘Bhagvad Gita’, chapter number 2, verse number 23 Lord Krishna states to Arjuna-

“ििै ां सिन्दसन्ि शस्त्रासर् ििै ां दहसि पावकः ।
ि चिै ां क्लेदयन््यापो ि शोषयसि मारुिः ॥”

Lord Krishna states Aatman can not be harmed by weapons- and since it is formless and shapeless – it can not be cut into pieces by any instruments. In the same way, fire can not burn it or destroy it. Water can not wet it because water can act only elements which have physical description or dimensions. For the same reason, wind can not dry it or exert any force on it. Thus the Aatman is beyond the influence of all three primary forces which can affect entities having physical form and description.


Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

But today I am going to discuss regarding the relation between Astrology and Reincarnation. We all know Astrology is nothing but a celestial map of our previous births deeds. Our previous deeds or Karma decides our fate in this existance. By grace and blessings of my Ishtadev Lord Shiva, I am able to collect some birth datas of those people who can remember their previous births. I have collected those datas from various books and internet. I am thankful to them.Astrologically speaking a person’s natal chart does contain indicators for knowing the past and future births.

In a classic astrology book named Phaladeepika, we come to know how to predict past and future births. The author of this book is Manteswara, in the 14th chapter there comes information on astrological pointers to know previous and future births. According to Phaladeepika, the 9th house holds the key.

If 9th lord in natal chart is exalted, the previous birth was in a high society of good people. If 9th lord in natal chart is in debility or in enemy’s sign, the previous birth was in a different country. If 9th lord is in his own house or in a freind’s house, the previous birth was in the same country where the person belongs (Manteswara states Bharat Varsha/India).

In such cases, if 9th lord happens to be Jupiter, the person was born in Aryavarta (Himalayas Vindhyas area).

If 9th lord happens to be Venus or Moon, the person was born near sacred rivers such as Ganga,
Narmada, Kavery etc.

If 9th lord happens to be Mercury, the person was born near places of God like Lord Vishnu or Lord

If 9th lord happens to be Saturn, the person was born in meleccha desha- outside of India or where
Vedic culture is not prevailed.

If 9th lord happens to be Sun, the person was born in a place of forests or mountains.

If 9th lord happens to be Mars, the person was born in places where living was difficult.

To detect future birth we judge 5th lord carefully. To detect future birth same rules are applicable as
mentioned above. But here 5th lord should be judged instead of 9th lord.

Now we have to judge what kind of birth we spent during last birth and what kind of birth we will spend in future birth- whether as plant life or animal life.

According to Vedic philosophy the souls are born in four forms- as Devas, Human, Animals and Plant life.

Manteshwaraclearly states in his book Phaladeepika regarding this :

If the 9th lord is placed in Bhustadhaya rashi which is fixed sign also, the previous birth was that of same Vegetarian.

If the 9th lord is placed in Seershadhaya rashi which is movable sign also, the previous birth was that of same living being, either animal or man.

If the 9th lord is placed in exaltation sign or own house or friend’s house of the lagna lord, the previous
birth was that of a human being.

If the 9th lord is placed in neutral sign of the lagna lord, the previous birth was that of an animal.
If the 9th lord is placed in enemy sign of the lagna lord, the previous birth was that of a bird.

To detect future birth judge 5th lord in the same way as mentioned above.

These are the rules given by the famous astrologer Manteswara in his monumental book named –

We get some more clues regarding past and future births from “Brihat Jataka”- by Varahamihira.

According to Varahamihira, Jupiter,Moon and Venus, Sun and Mars, Saturn and Mercury bring people from Devloka, Pitriloka, Tiryagloka and Narakloka. respectively.

We have to judge first who is powerful among Sun and Moon is rashi chart. We have to choose the powerful one and see its position in Drekkana chart. The lord of that house signifies the key of previous birth.

In such a lord in D3 is Jupiter, it signifies that the person was in Devaloka before his birth on earth.

If such a lord is Moon or Venus then that person was in Pitriloka before his birth on earth.

If such a lord in D3 is Sun or Mars then that person was in Tiryaloka before his birth on earth.

If such a lord in D3 is Mercury or Saturn then that person was in Narakloka before his birth on earth.

To detect future birth take 8th lord and see the D3 chart where 8th lord occupies. The lord of the 3rd
house of 8th lord signifies future birth of native.

If such lord is exalted or in benefic position, then we come to this conclusion that person has enjoyed high status in that loka. If it is opposite then reversed result is indicated.

Now I am going to discuss on some case histories regarding this. I have collected these case histories from some books and internet. At the end of my article I will mention regarding this.

1. Shanti Devi and Ms Lugdi devi –

shantidevi Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

In Delhi, a little girl was born named Shanti. She was born on 11th december, 1926 at 13:48 pm. She gave an elaborate description about her past life. Common public were astonished having heard her statements. In her previous birth she was known as Ms Lugdi, died on 4th october 1925 during delivery of her third child. All of her statements were verified carefully by respected and educated persons including Mahatma Gandhi. Shanti Devi never married due to fear of pregnancy.

A) Chart of Lugdi Devi –

D.O.B- 18.01.1902, T.O.B- 10 AM, P.O.B- Mathura (U.P)

1 Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

She died in Moon dasha-Rahu antardasha.This is Lugdi Devi’s chart who died at the time of delivery. She was born as Shanti Devi in her future birth.

Now Let’s examine her chart. Her 5th lord as well as 8th lord is Mercury. We all know 5th lord is indicator of future birth. 5th house lord Mercury occupies in 12th house in Capricorn. Capricorn is Saturn’s house. Saturn here lagna lord also. 5th lord Mercury is occupied in 12th house which is friend’s house of Mercury.

It denotes that native’s future birth will be as human. As we know Manteshwara states in his book ‘Phaladeepika’ – that if 9th or 5th lord isin own house or in a friend’s house then previous and future birth forms as human being and in same country.

Here Lugdi’s 5th lord Mercuryis in 12th house that means Saturn’s house which isher lagnesh also. Saturn’s friend is Mercury. So Lugdi Devi’s future birth would be as human being in same country that is India. Lugdi Devi reincarnated as Shanti Devi in her future birth. Lugdi Devi’s 5th lord Mercury occupies in venus navamsha. Venus occupies in lagna, Venus indicates sacred river such as Ganga, Yamuna, Kaveri etc. Lugdi Devi born as Shanti Devi in her future birth in Delhi where sacred Yamuna river exists.

Now I am going to discuss on Shanti Devi’s birth chart who was Lugdi Devi in previous birth. Born in Rahu mahadasha and Mercury antardasha.

2 Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

Shanti Devi known as Lugdi Devi in her previous birth. Shanti Devi’s 9th lord is Mars, occupied in own house, aries. As per Manteshwara’s ‘Phaladeepika’- If 9th lord is in own house or in friend’s house, previous birth was as human being in same country. We know Lugdi Devi is born as Shanti Devi in Mathura. Mars is in Moon navamsa. Moon denotes sacred river such as Ganga, Yamuna etc. Mathura is near to sacred river Yamuna.

Notes: –

i) We observe that Lugdi’s ascendant was kumbha where Shanti Devi’s (incarnation of Lugdi Devi) ascendant is Meen, 2nd house of Kumbha. It means where Lugdi ended her life journey from there Shanti Devi started her journey again in a different physical body.

ii) Lugdi died in Moon dasha and Rahu antardasha. Shanti devi was born in Rahu mahadasha and Mercury antardasha.

2. Another case study of reincarnation is Rampratap Singh. Rampratap Singh was born in 10th january at 10:30 am in Delhi. He could remember his previous birth. According to him, he was born in same family where he is born in this birth. He died by an accident took place on 6th february 1983. In his previous birth he was born 30th december 1958 at 8:55 pm, Delhi. Now I am going to analyse his previous birth chart and his this existance birth chart.

Previous birth of Rampratap Singh

D.O.B- 30.12.1958, T.O.B- 08:55 PM, P.O.B- Delhi

3 Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

This is the birth chart of Rampratap Singh’s previous existence. Let us analyse this. 5th lord denotes future birth. Here 5th lord occupies in 10th house in Aries sign which is Mars own sign. According to Manteshwara, If 5th lord is in own house or in a friend’s house, future birth will be as human being in same country. In his next birth the native born in same country and same city.

Now we will discuss his present birth chart. In his previous birth he died on 6th february 1983. And the
native born as Rampratap Singh on -10th january 1984 at 10:30 am in Delhi.

4 Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

He was born in Saturn dasha aand mars antardasha.

His 9th lord Venus and 10th lord Mars interchanges house. So no malefic results will be occured. Venus is in star of Mercury. Mercury is friend of Saturn and Venus. So it indicates Rampratap Singh’s previous birth was as human being in a same country, same city. As his Lagna is in even sign and as his ascendant is in moon’s hora, Rampratap Singh is born in same family where he was born in his previous birth.

Case Study number- 3

Another rebirth case study I am going to mention here. The name of this person is Pooran Singh. He was born on 9th december 1968 at 4:10 am, Kapurthala.This person can remember his previous birth.

According to him he was born on 19th november 1929 at 6:26 pm at Moga and died on 19th may 1966 by an accident.

Pooran Singh’s previous birth chart-

5 Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

He died in 19th may 1966 in Saturn dasha and Mercury antardasha.

From 5th lord we judge future birth. 5th lord Mercury is in 6th house Libra which is Venus sign. Venus is lagnesh and 6th lord also. Mercury and Venus are mutual friends of each other. In famous astrological book ‘Phaladeepika’, Manteshwara states that if 5th lord is occupied in own house or friend house then native’s future birth will be as human being and he will born in same country and same region. Hence all the combinations are fulfilled. After death the native is born as Pooran Singh at Kapurthala. Kapurthala and Moga’s distance is not so far. Both places are under Punjab state. Now i am going to analyse his present birth chart.

Pooran Singh

D.O.B- 09.12.1968, T.O.B- 4:10 AM, P.O.B- Kapurthala

6 Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

Born in Saturn dasha and Mercury antardasha.From 9th house we denotes previous birth. 9th lord is Mercury occupies in 2nd house Scorpio with Sun and Mercury both are in Jyestha star which is Mercury Star. Mars is in Virgo which is Mercury’s house.So Mercury and Mars both interchanges each others house. Mercury’s signification is prime here. As a result we come to this conclusion that native was born in human being in his previous birth in same

Note:- In his previous birth he died in Saturn dasha and mercury antardasha. In his present birth he was born in same dasha and antardasha. Soul has just changed new mortal body. Soul’s evaluation is continuously going on.In his previous birth chart ascendant was Taurus that is Venus sign. In this present birth he is born under Libra ascendant which is Venus sign too.

In Shashta Kanda of Mahabharat, Lord Shiva explains to Goddess Parvati: –

“Tasmajjatismara loke jayante Badhshanyukta
Tesha Vivardhatam sangya swapanvat sa pranashyati
Parlokashya chesitatve moodhanam karanam tuidam “

It means when a person who dies suddenly somewhere and is born again suddenly, his old habits and samskaars may remain for some time. But as they grow up, their old memories disappear like dreams.In this way birth and death cycle is going on. It will never be ended until soul get salvation or moksha.

Thats why Adi Shankaracharya states-

“Punaropi Jananam Punaropi maranam, punoropi janani jathare shyanam
Tha samsare khalu dustare – kripayapare pahi murae.”

It means we take birth again and again and die again anad again, sleep again and again in the womb of
mother. The world is so difficult place to stay. Oh God! rescue me from all this anad give me salvation.

Sources : –

i) 765 notable horoscope by Raj Kumar,

ii) Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand,

iii) Discovering your past lives by Gloria Chadwick,

iv) Karma and rebirth in Hindu Astrology – K.N Rao,

v) Parlok and Punarjanm ank by Kalyan,

vi) Internet and Youtube.

These are the sources from where I have collected information’s to write this article.



Sumanta Ghosal

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Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

left hand Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview


   By H.Ramadas Rao

ॐ श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः

With the Blessings of Acharya Madhva,my Kula Devatha ,Ishta Devatha and my Naadi Guru Shri R.G.Rao,I would like to present a new topic on Left Handers based on Naadi Astrology.

Natural zodiac 3rd house,Mithuna Rashi and its Lord Budha indicate our shoulders,arms ie.,hands.Budha also is significator or Karaka for our central nervous system in the brain.Actually all our actions are through the signals from our brain only.Human brain is a more powerful part of the body even more than that of a computer.This is God’s creation.In this brain also,all the 7 planets are allotted some particular part/parts as shown in the following ancient diagram of human brain :

brain Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

The planets are indicated in the form of some symbols whose meanings are given below.( Earth can be omitted as we stand on earth ) :

pic1 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

The symbols given above are Surya,Budha,Shukra ( Earth ),Chandra,Kuja ,Guru and Shani.Thus any planet afflicted in the brain part will give wrong signals to the particular part of the body and so we suffer from various diseases,accidents etc.Thus we can see the middle portion of the forehead,upper portion and the side part is controlled by Budha/Mercury who is the controller of our central nervous system in the brain.We can also see through the following picture how our body parts are connected through the brain :

The above picture is only a part showing how our head,face,eyes,hand and its related parts,leg and its related parts function through our brain.This is a very big study related to medical science.

Now we know that the left part of human brain controls right side of the body and vice versa.For most of the human beings left side of the brain works faster than that of right side and so all our right side organs work prominently.

Now coming to the occult or secret science,human body has seven Chakras which modern science has not established.Starting from the base of the spine,it starts with Mooladhara Chakra,Swadhistana Chakra,Manipoora Chakra,Anahata Chakra,Vishuddha Chakra,Ajna Chakra and Sahsrara Chakra.Here I am not going to give all the details about these Chakras but a small and important information is that Sahasrara Chakra is controlled by Rahu.It is situated in the top,middle portion of our head inside the brain.Now who is Rahu ? It is an imaginary planet which revolves in Apasavya mode around Surya.So if this Rahu is either connected in a birth chart to 3rd house of natural zodiac or its lord Budha/Mercury,then the person will become a left hander.Even when Rahu is placed in a Rashi and Budha crosses it and stays in the next Rashi of Rahu’s placement in a chart,such person will be a left hander which means the native will work mostly through his/her left hand like writing,cooking,cleaning utensils in the kitchen etc.but eating through right hand.

Now let me try to explain how Rahu will influence  Mithuna Rashi and its Lord Budha.For a person to be left handed,Rahu has to be either in Mithuna Rashi,Karka Rashi,Simha Rashi,Tula Rashi or Dhanu Rashi.2nd point is that if Rahu is not in any of the above Rashis,then Budha must be  with or in 3rd,5th,7th or 9th from Rahu .Now let me try to analyse this theory with various examples ..

Male Chart-1 :

male1 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this male chart,Rahu is placed in Tula Rashi and Budha is also with Rahu in Tula Rashi.Also Rahu is in trine to Mithuna Rashi.So this person is purely left hander.

Male Chart-2 :

Male2 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this chart ,Rahu is placed in Dhanu Rashi aspecting directly Mithuna Rashi in 7th house.Budha,the Lord of Mithuna Rashi is placed in Meena Rashi and both Dhanu and Meena Rashis are lorded by Guru.So there is a link between Rahu and Budha,so this male person is also a left hander.This is the chart of Sachin Tendulkar, a famous cricket player who played through his left hand only.But Budha is out of Rahu’s cusp,so this native can write through his right hand also.

Male Chart-3 :

Male3 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

This is another Male chart which belongs to movie star Amitabh Bacchan.Here Rahu is placed in Simha Rashi in Eastern directional sign and aspecting Mithuna Rashi which is a Western directional sign.Here the Lord of Mithuna Rashi,Budha is exalted in Kanya Rashi but retrograde,so he will be connected to Rahu also.As Budha is exalted and retrograde,this gentleman eventhough a left hander,he used to write through his  right hand also.

Male chart -4:

Male4 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this male chart,Rahu is placed in Meena Rashi and Budha retrograde is placed in Vrischika Rashi which is in trine from Rahu.So eventhough this gentleman is a left hander,he used to write through his right hand also.

Male Chart-5 :

male5 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this male chart,Rahu is placed in Kumbha Rashi which is in trine to Mithuna Rashi.Budha,the Lord of Mithuna Rashi is placed in Dhanu Rashi aspects its own Rashi but Budha is retrograde.So the native is a left hander and eventhough Budha is retrograde,there is Rahu in Kumbha Rashi who directly aspects Makara Rashi and directionally opposite to Dhanu Rashi also.So the native was forced to write through right hand but he could not succeed.

Male Chart-6 :

Male6 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this male chart,Rahu is placed in Vrishabh Rashi but Budha is placed in his exaltation sign of Kanya Rashi.So this native is left handed.

Male Chart-7 :

male7 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this chart,Rahu is placed in Dhanu Rashi aspecting directly Mithuna Rashi.Budha,the Lord of Mithun Rashi is in trine to Rahu.But Budha is not in his own Rashi of Mithun or in his exaltation sign but is in the Rahu-Ketu axis.So this native is a strong left hander.

Male Chart-8 :

Male8 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this male chart,Rahu is placed in Mesha Rashi and is not connected to Mithuna Rashi at all but Budha,the Lord of Mithuna Rashi is placed in Meena Rashi and is retrograde also.But the difference of longitude between Rahu and Budha is less than 30 Degrees.So this male is completely left hander.

Male Chart-9 :

Male9 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

This is the chart of Barack Obama.In this chart,Rahu is placed in Simha Rashi which is 11th from Mithuna Rashi.Budha,the lord of Mithuna Rashi is placed in Karka Rashi.Rahu is aspecting this Rashi and Budha and the longitudes between both the planets is less than 30 Degrees.So this native is a pure left hander.

Female Chart-1:

1 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this female chart,Rahu is placed in Tula Rashi which is in trine to Mithun Rashi.Budha,the Lord of Mithun Rashi is placed in Dhanu Rashi directly aspects Mithun Rashi and is in 11th from Rahu.So this female native is a left hander.But Budha is not in the cusp of Rahu,so she can write from right hand also along with other jobs.

Female Chart-2 :

2 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

This chart belongs to daughter of above female chart-1.In this chart,Rahu is placed in Mesh Rashi and will move towards Meen Rashi and Mithun Rashi is 11th from Rahu.So the effect of Rahu on this Rashi is very less due to Rahu moving in anti cloakwise direction.Budha,the Lord of Mithun Rashi is in Vrishabh Rashi which is about to move to Mithuna Rashi and is out from Rahu-Ketu axis.So when she was very young she started drawing from her left hand and because of mother’s force,she slowly started to use right hand for all her activities.

Female Chart-3 :

3 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this chart,Rahu is directly sitting in Mithun Rashi and Budha is placed out of Rahu-Ketu axis in Vrischik Rashi.So eventhough she is a left hander,she uses right hand also equally..

Female Chart-4:

4 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this female chart,Rahu is in Simha Rashi and is moving towards Mithun Rashi and he aspects directionally Mithun Rashi.Budha,the Lord of Mithun Rashi is in Vrishabh Rashi but at 0 Degrees.So Budha’s effect on its own Rashi is very less.So this female is completely left hander and takes food only from right hand.

Female Chart-5 :

5 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this chart,Rahu is placed in Tula Rashi and is in trine to Mithun Rashi.Budha is placed in Vrischik Rashi and is out of Rahu-Ketu axis.So eventhough she is a left hander,she also uses right hand for all day to day activities.

Female Chart -6:

6 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

This is slightly different female chart.Here Rahu is placed in Mesh Rashi which is

11th from Mithun Rashi.Budha is within Rahu-Ketu axis and is placed in Vrischik Rashi.Both Rahu and Budha are placed in Rashis lorded by Kuja.So both planets are linked with each other.Hence this female native is a left hander..

Female Chart-7 :

7 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this female chart,Rahu is placed in Mithun Rashi,so she is a left hander.But Budha is out of Rahu-Ketu axis and is in Vrischik Rashi.So she uses right hand for eating food.In a way,we can say that she uses both hands for her day to day work eventhough a left hander.

Female Chart-8 :

5 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this female chart,Rahu is placed in Vrischik Rashi and has no connections with Mithun Rashi but Budha,its lord is placed in Tula Rashi and is retrograde.The difference in the longitudes between Rahu and Budha is less than 30 Degrees.So this female child is a left hander in day to day activities but writing and eating food from right hand.This she uses both hands.

So from above different example charts,we can make it clear that Rahu’s effect on Mithun Rashi and or Budha is more important in deciding a native left hander or using both hands.The reason for this is mainly due to Budha is the Karaka for our central nervous system in the brain,and Rahu,the planet of Apasavya movement and the Karaka for Sahasrara Chakra is controlling Mithun Rashi and or Budha,the Karaka for hands.


ना अहं कर्ता । सर्वस्य हरि कर्ता ॥

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