The Nautapa : decoding scientific reasons of extreme heatwaves of india in 2022

Nautapa The Nautapa : decoding scientific reasons of extreme heatwaves of india in 2022
Mundane Astrology : Decoding Scientific reasons for 9 Days of extreme Heatwave in Nautapa in the upcoming summer during the Pre-monsoon season 


What is Nautapa ( 9 days of Extreme Heatwaves )?


Nautapa means 9 days of scorching heat generated due to the solar movement over Rohini Nakshatra,. As per the Koorma chakra, Rohini Nakshatra rules the center of the earth, and also rules the center point of India falls in central India. The beginning of Nautapa starts in the Rohini region and lasts for 9 days due to the Solar & Lunar Movement around these 9 days during the Lunar month of Jyestha ( as per the Georgian calendar it is ending in May and beginning of June ).  Nau-Tapa usually starts From May 25 to June 2 every year approximately, and the effect of Nautapa can be seen majorly across the globe. Its Most Severe impact is over South Western monsoon conditions.
Reasons for intense warm weather during Nautapa
Due to the scorching heat of the Sun, and as per Siddhantic belief, the direct rays of the sun fall on the earth whenever the sun transits over the Taurus sign and especially around Kritika and Rohini nakshatra, and the atmosphere becomes hot, which creates a situation of storms and windstorms, as a result, the outbreak of heat in most parts of the country increases, dust storms and severe heat disrupts the life.  This year, with the entry of the Sun in Rohini Nakshatra, the 9 days of the Scorching heat usually start in the Jyestha Month of May & June from the 25th of May 2022. During this lunar month, the sun will stay in Rohini Nakshatra till 15th June 2022 & journey of the Sun in Rohini nakshatra usually gives an intense weather scenario because of its direct connection with the earth’s atmosphere as per the majority of views observed in Sahimta Shashtra.
During Sun entry in Rohini Nakshatra Sun will be very closer to earth and its Rays will have a direct impact on the majority of places across the globe specially from Central India to Northern India, especially on one side of place will have More Impact on earth due to maximum planetary alignment have a stronger impact on one side of earth sphere during this movement & Sun will be transiting very closely to earth in the northern hemisphere, whereas first 9 days of Sun traveling toward Rohini Nakashtra gives intense heat & warm weather that helps in the strong conception of clouds for upcoming Monsoon for 2-3 Months ( From June to November – will have an effect on both Southwest & southeast monsoon ).
This time Sun will enter Rohini Nakshatra on the 25th of May 2022 in the afternoon time and its effect will remain till June 3 (9 days). These nine nights/days are called the 9 hottest days of the year when the Sun is closest to the Earth, which usually causes severe heat and warm weather almost in all the states of India or other countries as well.


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Vedic Reason for Nau-tapa in Jyestha Month
When Sun Entered the Constellation of the Moon ( Rohini), Moon usually travels to 9 Nakashtras and starts grabbing the heat, which is why it is called Nau-Tapa which usually brings inconsistent warm weather and heat in the Atmosphere. It has been said that the whenever Moon during these transits causes rain it will give the signal for the upcoming days that the monsoon will bring low rainfall, which is called the Rohini Throat.
The reason being, As per the early Ancient observations the four days commencing from the eighth day in the light half of the month of Jyeshta (i.e 4 days after the mid of the month of May and June – from 15th May to 15th June), which falls in half of  May ( Jyestha ) and June ( Ashada)  month are Known as Vayu Dharan months –  The days when the movements of the wind are seen and observed in the Jyeshta month freely from North-west to East direction with full of the rich amount of moisture in it ( In Scientific terms the process of condensation is high during these days near coastal regions).
Those 4 days when the wind is heavy moving near around moon movement in Swati to Visakha nakshatra are vital clues for judging the nature of the health of the Pregnancy of the rain clouds for upcoming monsoon seasons. Here observation of wind direction and its richness with Apah ( Water) movement in these particular 4 days is most important. If there is no wind in those 4 days we can expect the coming months will be much dry in nature and humidity will be higher. If there are enough winds in those 4 days, should be gentle, and agreeable and if the Sky Should be covered by fine, bright clouds then there will be the possibility of good rainfall in the Monsoon else monsoon will be a bit delayed and the level of humidity will be more. 
From 15th June onward if you observe any possibility of raindrops or moisture contents in the air then there should be enough rainfall in continues 4 days when the Moon will Pass through Swati to Jyestha Nakshatra (Libra Sign to the First Half of Vishkha). If there is rainfall during Swati to Viskhka Nakshatra for full 4 days, we can say with surety that the monsoon is near to Shower full of insistent rainfall in Shravana to Karttika Month (August to November, else there will be the possibility of a drought-like situation in the rainy season )
These 9 days of Nautapa are like 9 days of pregnancy of clouds where the more the heat generates due to the Sun and Moon movement over Rohini Nakshatra and more it can carry rain causing clouds for the coming monsoon seasons. These 9 days are actually called Pregnancy clouds of the monsoon and mother earth bears it for the goodwill of mankind. Because of the extreme heat of the Sun in the Jala Tattva of Rohini Nakashtras ( Rohini is actually a star name  Aldebaran, the eye of the Bull,  Aldebaran is about 44 times the Sun’s diameter ), it increases or fastens the cycle of the Condensation process from the coastal regions, that’s the reason it is called the Monsoon Garabhdharan period. This year the process of Nau-Tapa starts when Sun will enter Rohini Nakshatra on the 25th of May from 10 degrees 00 ‘ 40′ and it will remain till the 3rd of June 2022.
During this period, The sun which is actually considered to be a symbol of glory and furious heat enters the moon’s constellation Rohini and takes its constellation fully under its influence and the earth’s elements of Fire & water will go in a process to create Regeneration process for crops, plants, forests, animals & river to balance the nature and the level of heat usually increases at a greater level. Due to the heat rise during this period storms usually start coming on the earth which we will see in the coming Ashad Month ( from 15th of June 2022 onward till 13th July ) & later in Shravan month when Sun will oppose the Saturn from 14th July to 12th August chances are higher than we can see the maximum impact of SolarWinds and rainstorms in the earth along with windstorm in coastal regions of India, as Saturn will impact Both Rahu & Mars by 90 degree that can give much damage in Southwestern & Eastern regions via cyclone, floods or via damage in the seashore.


Solarwinds vedicsiddhanta The Nautapa : decoding scientific reasons of extreme heatwaves of india in 2022
Understanding the Scientific Reason


Scientifically, the unknown reason behind this scorching heat is could be due to the inner solar activities happening in the sun which usually start when the sun gets influenced by Mercury, Jupiter & Saturn which triggers Solar activities in the sun’s inner region and black spots usually appears on sun surface that helps in the change in weather scenario of earth. Scientists are never able to understand The Sun’s influence on the earth’s weather conditions but researchers are slowly figuring out how the solar wind can indirectly affect clouds over the poles, its effects on the Earth’s weather and climate are still a mystery for most of the researchers.
FSVfykGagAAYdO0 The Nautapa : decoding scientific reasons of extreme heatwaves of india in 2022
According to JoAnna Wendel, research has found that the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) can cause certain effects in the Earth’s ionosphere but its impact on changes in climate remains still a mystery. According to Lam, et al., there are strong correlations found between the changes in the IMF and atmospheric pressure anomalies for the Earth’s polar troposphere which can result in a change in the atmospheric pressure to cause changes in cloud physics. Thus it can be said that it has a wider effect on weather and climate.
The Nautapa : decoding scientific reasons of extreme heatwaves of india in 2022
Understanding Medini Jyotish Reason
It has been seen that whenever Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn closely or loosely conjugate, influence, or Aspects sun in any sign, a high amount of solar activities in the surface area of the sun usually increases for the whole month. Such solar activities have also been noticed during Lunar and Solar eclipses too but depend on eclipse type, Half or full or partial, etc. During these combustion or conjugation periods,” Black Dark shafts” in Solar discs have usually been observed with different shapes and sizes in addition to the increasing amount of temperature and heat also being noticed in the earth’s atmosphere too. This has been noticed on the 17th of August 2015 when the sun ingresses on Leo, Sun was closely Conjugated with Jupiter in the Leo sign, in a close combustion state with an orbital distance of 9 degrees opp to earth – ” Tamasa karakas or Sunspot ” appeared in the Sun.
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The same is the case when In august 2015 Scientists observed two sun spots with rod and key-like shapes. During these sunspot phases, a major break in power (Electricity) and satellite Communication channels is usually observed. In the “August-September” 2015 month sun-spot impact has been seen more in the Northern Hemisphere Regions, which were closer to the line of Cancer. The rise of temperature in atmospheres has also been noticed after these dark shafts. It has been further noticed during these dark shafts rain clouds are usually unable to shower rain and the weather behaves strangely and also raises the possibility of earthquakes in those areas wherever these sunspots appear geographically. (Source   : Brihat Samhita, Adityachar) .
” Tamasakilakas ” or Dark Shafts in the Solar disc region is ancient wisdom on Sunspots research as described by Acharya Varahamihira in Brihat Samhita around 500 AD when there was no science and any scientists available to analyze the impact of Sunspots. This shows Ancient astronomers were already known to most of the Facts in nature “
– Source – Brihat Samhita of Acharya Varahmihira, by Ramakrishna Bhat , Adityachara, Chapter 3,Verse 9,10,11,12 &13


FSViEqVaMAAqTig The Nautapa : decoding scientific reasons of extreme heatwaves of india in 2022
Heatwave scenario of India for the Pre-Monsoon season of 2022
Now coming back to Nau-Tapa Process, there will be sudden shift weather scenario from 22nd May 2022 onward When Sun will join Saturn, later on will be in conjunction in Dhanistha nakahstra, further conjoin with Jupiter, Mars & venhs on 23rd May 2022 and we may see dynamic change in weather from 24th of May when Venus will Join Rahu in Aries sign and Moon will starts its journey of grabbing water from environment 25th of May 2022, from rohini Nakashtra and move toward Ardara Nakashtra whereas Moon will Join Ju, Mars & venus in uttrabhadra nakshtra , Ruled by Soumya Nadi ( Rain Causing Nakshtra), to ashwini to Krittika Nakashtra that will increase heat from and higher level of humidity from 27th of May to 3rd June and this scrotching heat will slow down from 10th of June when Moon will Joins Ketu in Visaksha nakshtra that will give first rainfall shower from 10th june to 13th June onward to Majority of South western states of india i.e Maharashtra, Banglore, Western ghat, Goa, kerela, AP, Gujarat and few northern states, with this condition of weather will improve and will be smoother but Major problem of extreme temperature, Dry and warm weather will still remain persistently until Saturn and Jupiter turns to direct motion. People of Madhya-Pradesh will experience relaxed weather when Sun will transits in Gemini Sign in Ardara Nakashtra from 22nd June onward.
Conclusion :
When Sun will reach Mrigshira nakshatra in Agni Nadi from the 8th of June 2022 onward, the condensation process will increase in the Coastal and other regions of southern India which will increase the chances of rainfall but with heat and moisture in the atmosphere will still remain. The same will apply to North India, though the Weather will be a bit relaxed from the Scorching heat the presence of moisture content will increase from the 10th of June 2022 onward. As a Vedic Remedial measure, Keep on distributing Sweet & lime water to people during these 9 days that will please the almighty and nature eventually nature will bless them with good rainfall & crops for the well-being of people. I hope this would be helped you to understand how mother nature has a deep influence on our weather in mundane astrology., Stay connected and keep on reading my articles on Medini and  Astro Metrology.
Rocky Jamwal
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The Divine Codes Volume 5 | Issue by Team Divine Codes

” The Divine Codes ” – volume 5

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Dear Readers,

We are glad to inform you that the 5th Volume of our magazine has just been released on the auspicious day of Aswin Shukla Poornima.
Articles at Glympse for volume 5th | October 2018 | The Divine Codes
• Unxplored wonders near Vaishno devi- The Editor
• Spiritual power yoga — Shri Adarsh Narayandas (Spiritual yoga guru)
• A nadi research. Predicting the year of Brahmopadesham. –Shri Ramdas Rao
• Understanding allergies, The Ayurvedic way. Dr V.D Singh M.D (Ayurveda)
• || चन्द्रमा मनसो जातः || Shri Tejas Pandya, M. A. (Vedang Jyotish)
• Cancer- A vedic jyotish analysis- Shri Jatinder Sandhu
• Transformative astrology: An Introduction- Dr. Ajay Shahi
• The workflow in Vastu analysis – The Editor
• Kundali Power Rising and its benefits- Shri. Adarsha Narayandas.
• Ritucharya: an overview of seasonal regimen in ayurveda for healthy living- Dr V.D Singh M.D (Ayurveda)
• Stories for champs/dedication to the duty- Dada J. P. Vaswani
• Karkamsha – Shri Vinay Jha
• Astro-meteorology: The process of vayu-dharana or garabhdharana- Shri Rakesh Jamwal
• The rashi, bhava & graha guna. A snapshot method to understand a chart. : With examples- The Editor
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The Divine Codes 4th Digital Edition on Divine and Transcendental subjects ; Vastu, Meditation, Mundane astrology, Vedic Jyotish

Dear Readers,

We are Extremely Glad to inform that we have released 4th issue of the Research Journal based e-Magazine – The Divine Codes.
” The Divine Codes ” – 4th Digital Edition on transcendental Subjects.

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Readers are requested to have a glance at our 4th Volume

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THE DIVINE CODES- ISSUE 4- Free Magazine with scholarly articles on Vedic Jyotish, Nadi Jyotish, Sariraka Sastram (Palmistry), Sthapathya (Oriental Architecture), Art related topics (Includes photos, paintings, art installations), Yoga, Ayurveda and Spirituality. ( Released Today)

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Articles at Glympse for volume 4th | December 2017 | The Divine Codes

• The secret Vault of Lord Padmanabhswami- By Editor
• Naadi rules & Parivrajaka yoga- By Dr.K.Guru Rajesh
• Appendicitis in the light of astrology- Sri Jatinder Sandhu
• The modern genetics in relation to sapthamsa & Dwadasamsa in Hindu astrology- Sri Jayadev Challa
• Colors Health and Chakra Balancing- Editor
• Combinations of Murderers in Vedic Astrology-Sri Jatinder Sandhu
• As Above so Below- By Sri Jayadev Challa
• Naagdosha- The curse and the Remedies- Editor
• Your questions our answers- Free Jyotish consultation
• New Book Release- Sarfarosh-Dr.K.Guru Rajesh

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Kaalchakra the wheel of time – How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions

The Wheel of Time changes and how Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions

(Revised Edition)

Subject Analysis

Formation of Grand Watery Trine and Panic of swine flu starts In North of India with conjunction/Course of Venus & Mars over Pisces (in Uttrabhadra Nakashtra) after Feb 15th, 2015.

Sungod Kaalchakra the wheel of time - How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions
(Chariot of the sun God, Image Source – Molee Art )

After seeing the great dedication of the Demon Maya toward the Sun god, The Immortal God of Light and Energy himself said, I will present you this deep and immemorial knowledge on speed and motions of planetary structure closely based on Space-Time system.


Sun Kaalchakra the wheel of time - How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions
Verse9 SS Kaalchakra the wheel of time - How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions
(Reference – Surya Siddhaant, Intro chapter, Verse 6)

Neither anyone has any potential or tolerance to accept my violent and aggressive bright lights nor have I much time to deliver it but your deep devotion and dedication earned this and part of my brightness will sure present this deep immortal knowledge on Time to you. Henceforth, the person immerged from the Sun god said, oh! Maya, Lord of the Demon, Listen carefully with great dedication, and This Deep knowledge of time is same as preached to Seers by the sun god itself since the beginning of creations and from many eras’. This Deep secret on time is still same as mentioned in Veda’s and Scriptures only the difference is of speed and motion of the time with the changes in era and revolution of time.

Further explaining, the person said; listen carefully on secrets of time, what is time and how we can understand the true definition of the time in both the terms:


SS10 Kaalchakra the wheel of time - How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions
(Reference – Surya Siddhaant, Intro chapter, Verse 10)

Meaning and Explanation – As preached by the Sun god himself, the person said; Time is based on two schemes, one is used for creation and destruction of planetary structures for human beings and it is endless, eternal and cyclic in nature and another part of time is purely mathematical also cyclic in nature and preciously exist in both material and non material form.

Here the Sun-God revealing secrets and understanding on time and how it is connected with never ending tcycle of cosmos. First one is purely based on space-time formulation on cyclic nature of time that the process of Creation and destruction of planetary structures always moves in a continuous, it is endless and connected with never ending life cycle in cosmos. In Modern saying, life started after 13.7 billion years ago after a huge explosion, we called it big-bang and further planetary structures in our universe formed and thus we are able to understand how time and evolution process started in earth.

Hindu cosmology of Bhagwad Puraan and Visnu Puraan says bit differently, In the Beginning of the creation the universe was full of water. In that water first was emerged a huge egg which was round like a water. The egg keep on growing and it had the Supreme Lord present in it and thus this egg is called Brahamand. Inside the brahmand there were mountains, Lands, the oceans, the Seas, the Gods, and the demons in the seed form and covered it with water and rest of elements all over.

Thus it is said that the actual cause of this creation is Narayana – Nara means Waters “Ayana” Means – a place of rest and it is who himself materialise it, sustains it and dissolves it and manage the whole manifestation in three forms simply to keep forwarding the cyclic process of death and birth in material structure of this universe. It is said that time was never started and never ended only it was keep moving in cyclic from the beginning to complete 1 Mahayuga and when all the 4 epoch’s completed 1000 such cycles. The 1000 such Mahayugas called as 1 Kalpa which constitutes 1day of the lord Brahmha. Thus it is quite clear 1 such kalapa or day of Bramha is equal to 4,320,000,000 mortal human years and the whole 4 yugas composed of 12,000 Divine years which is equal to 4, 320,000 mortal Years of humans. This shows Process of creation and Destruction is a continuous process and it will keep moving in micro units of Kalapa from the beginning of this structure. Thus it is said that it is eternal, endless and cyclic in nature based on the system of Karma, rebirth, time and space formulation regarding mortal human’s years. The Creation and destruction process in cosmos is only part of divine plan for understanding Karma and rebirth process in Yugas and Kalpa System.

Sun Kaalchakra the wheel of time - How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions

(The Wheel of the Sun, Temple of Konark, Image – wiki)

Second most important factor in calculation of time is its mathematical relation with movement of the sun and the moon around the earth as presume from the earth point of view. Thus the Sun is acting as a central controlling system where rest of the planets are keep moving around the sun and the earth in a fixed orbital distances. The whole planetary movement of the planets around the sun including other luminary also acting as part of calculation of the Hindu time system.

In Natal Astrological system, Time is bit more based on micro calculations and it is preciously mathematical and calculated based on shorter divisions of time units and Maximum calculated up to1 hour or 1 hora which is particularly used in electional astrology for timing appropriate time for an event. In Earlier systems, based on Surya-Siddhanta-1 hora is calculated based on 2 ghatikas and is constituent of 30 kala and 1 complete muhurata is composed of 48 minute. In Hindu siddhaant systems, calculation of time is very complex and based on millisecond’s factors i.e shortest unit of time is 1 pran composed of 4 seconds approximately and total 21,600 Pran constituent a 1 Day (86,400 Seconds), whereas, 1 Truti is equal to 29.6296 microseconds and 1 Paramanu is equal to 60,750 th of a second, this shows how time is preciously calculated based on the micro movements of the Sun and the moon around the earth as seen from the day and night point of view. Rest of the planets also act as supporting factor in calculating time in a natal chart for such micro calculations for using in division of charts.

In Hindu Predictive system based on mathematical part of time, Order of results and timing of an event depends on Sequences and formation of Sub dashas periods, in a particular Dasha systems keeping transits of major planets as a Deciding factor. Transits of major slow moving planets plays an elementary and deciding role in predicting how life of native gone changes in a year. Transits of planetary movements over different nakashtras in different-different degrees plays a major role in prioritizing events.

The Order of protocols in timing systems follows in any chart is purely based on kaal-chakara concept i.e circular in manner as like time system in clocks. Dividing 360 degree movement of the sun into 12 equal parts, we have 30 degree left in each house and each 30 degrees holds 2.5 portions of nakashtras part in it and are most important and valuable in Vedic astrological system to understand time correlation with planetary system in our universe.

Same is the process for rest of the rotating planets around the sun and the Moon moves around earth. Earth moves around the sun, Mars moves around the earth and the sun, same way rest of planets follows a same systematic approach, orbiting around the sun in a fixed distance and speed in our universe which constitutes a complete system for calculating time factors in any natal or mundane chart. Reason being based on our scriptures all these Material planets are residing entities of our Devtas and their role is to monitoring all the activities of humans including 5 major elements those also follows certain devatas.

This show how deep is Hindu cosmological system in understanding its roots and how well defined is our universe and how complex is for us for understanding its relation with actual timing and events happening in our earth with rest of planets.

In our Timing system, The Protocol heads are 27/28Nakashtra’s and their lords are playing leading role in triggering events with rest of planets which are acting as catalytic agents. Nakashtras are considered as micro level unit in our Vedic system.

In My observations, what I believe Nakashtra’s governs maximum power in timing of an event in both Natal and Mundane world. Each Nakashtra has its own nature, properties, ruler-ship and placement in nakashtra Loka based on scared ancient histories.

For more understanding on how nakashtra’s work individually we need to see their roots and historical description mentioned in our Puraan’s and Veda’s. By Default, all Nakashtras are feminine in nature which means, there is a residing power of Adi-Shakti in each nakashtra, “The Mother Nature or Prakarti or The Goddess energy “in creations/destructions of all the universe physical and non-physical matters and events. Our Universe is acting as womb where everything is summarized in it; spiritually Maya is holding every physical entity in a fixed order i.e. star, planets, and galaxies etc., Ultimate creator of this whole universe is Maa Adi-Shakti (Goddess Durga or Women energy, every men is the micro unit of The Shakti). Basically feminism is present in every matter either it’s a case of men, animals or plants or any herbs present in nature or in mother earth.

This is the reason why Goddess Maa Shakti has special place in brahamand and acting as main executive role play in earth and everyone should worship Maa Shakti (Energy in physics), the higher energy form, as mother of all in whole universe in order to understand creation and destruction process in cosmos. All 3 Superior entities are bound to follow order of Maa Shakti for running this Universe in a peaceful manner.

In Twin particle science whole universe is a reflection of the Shiva- Shakti energy. In quantum physics they are signified as two particles present in every being and were present before cosmos creation too. Even both the higher energies are self-responsible for creation and destruction in this universe and both constitutes root of “ Kaal- Chakra “System. All the12 planets are key player in this kaal chakara system. Every movement of the planets, the stars and the signs are playing an integral part in Space and time formulation. That signifies how important they are for understanding timing of an event in an individual life.

For better understanding on how Kaal Chakara system works we need to study some of verse mentioned in Srimad Bhagwad Puraan in canto 5, chapter number 22, The Creative Impetus where Sukadeva goswami explaining Priyavrata, Rishabha, and Bharata regarding the movements of the planets with rest of Structure of the Universe.

“Sa hovaca”

“ yatha kulala-cakreṇa bhramata saha bhramatam tad-asrayaṇam pipilikadinam gatir anyaiva pradesantareṣv apy upalabhyamanatvad evam nakṣatra-rasibhir upalakṣitena kala-cakreṇa dhruvam merum ca pradakṣiṇena paridhavata saha paridhavamananam tad-asrayaṇam suryadinam grahaṇam gatir anyaiva nakṣatrantare rasy-antare copalabhyamanatvat.”


(Reference – Srimad Bhagwad Puraan, Canto 5, chapter 22, Sanskrit verse – 2)

ExplanationIn Chapter 22, The Movement of the Planets and their Considered Effects, King Parikṣit inquired from sukadeva Gosvami that, the sun-god travels around the Dhruvaloka keeping Dhruvaloka and the Mount Sumeru on his right side. How At the same time, the sun faces the signs of the zodiac could able to keep Sumeru and Dhruvaloka on his left side. How we can understand this phenomena:

After listening this, Sri Sukadeva Gosvami clearly answered: When we see a potter’s wheel is moving in a fixed motion in an one direction and the small ants which are also located on that big wheel also moves with it. We can easily find that their motion is bit different from motion of the wheel because they move with the speed and direction of Wheel shows they are also relative to speed of wheel. If wheel appear slow they also appear to be slow, same is the case when it is fast they appear as fast. This unique phenomenon makes them sometimes appear on one part of the wheel and sometimes on another. Same way the signs and constellations also appears on their right side with the Sumeru and Dhruvaloka with relative motion of wheel of time. In this process the ant like sun and other planets also move with them but with different speed and motion covering shorter distance of wheel of time but seen as relative to wheel of time. However, the sun and other planets are seen in different signs and constellations at different times. This confirms that motion of the sun and other planetary structure is bit different from that of the zodiac and the wheel of time itself.

Further explaining, Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said in verse 3, 4 & 5of Srimad Bhagwad Puraan that original cause of whole cosmos and its planetary structure is the supreme lord Narayana. Lord himself descended in the form of the Sun in this cosmic structure situated in outer space between the upper and lower portions of the universe to benefit all beings living on earth; either animals, birds, humans or Planets all are dependent on the sun god for evolution process. Lord him-self divided into twelve parts like 12 spokes (12 Zodiac signs) of wheel of time transiting twelve months on the wheel of time. With every passing month the sun god himself moves through 12 different signs and known to have 12 different names according to those signs. Sum total of those 12 months is called a sam-vatsara or a solar year of 365 days. In the main course the sun god initiated 6 (2 month of each) seasonal forms from spring to winter and further promotes different seasonal qualities depending on solar movements in different zodiac signs in with due seasonal changes i.e. heat, cold, rain etc. to balance nature and all those living on earth. Thus the sun equally rotates with the moon in a month give rise to two equal fortnights of 15 days each; waxing and other of waning moon nights. That same 15 days period of dark nights in earth mainly known as Krishna paksha is one day and the same bright day’s period Shukala paksha of 15 days are considered as night for the planet Pitṛloka. Astrologically the month composed of two and one quarter constellations. When the sun passes a season of two months seasonal changes are occurred resulting many environmental changes.

This further clarifies how important is role of the SUN in wheel of time in understanding mundane activities triggering in nature due to changes in planetary motions and structures. As, the Sun is one who himself controls all the physical manifestation required in cosmos balance.

Same way moon controls all the life forces and act as nourisher in earth following a similar relative motion to the sun and helps in understanding such micro units of time. Moon situated 100,000 yojanas (astronomically around 385.000 km) above the earth moving faster than the sun covers approximately a month of distance. Divided by schema of two fifteen day periods (Paksha) covering its individual distance of two and a quarter day. The changing phases of the moon constituent two zones; Waxing and waning moon. Waxing phase is part of the moon that is of the demigods (Full Moon) and waning phase of the moon is of the forefathers (Dark Moon). The thirty Muhurata (a full day) per nakshatra with its waxing and waning constitutes the division of the days (15 days of the demi-gods) and the night (15 days of the forefathers; the pitru paksha) of the sum total of all living entities. This is the reason why it is considered as an essence of life. Thus moon with this all its sixteen aspects concerning with senses, their objects and the mind is described as the Supreme deity of the moon. The source of all food represents all the delight in life. Thus the moon is considered as refreshing, the life breath of all the gods, ancestors, human beings and all other living entities like the mammals, the birds, the reptiles and the plants. This shows why the Moon is considered as an important part of Panchanang system in Hindu Time system

Tata upariṣṭad usana dvilakṣa yojanata upalabhyate purataḥ pascat sahaiva varkasya saighrya-mandya samyabhir gatibhir arkavac carati lokanam nityadanukula eva prayeṇa varṣayams careṇanumiyate sa vṛṣṭi viṣṭambha grahopasamanaḥ.


(Reference – Srimad Bhagwad Puraan, Canto 5, chapter 22, Sanskrit verse – 12)

Same way other planetary systems does have an important role play in understanding wheel of time w.r.t to the speed and motion of the sun and the moon. It is been said in Srimad Bhagwad Puraan that , of all the planets the one considered as always exerts a favourable influence in the form of rainfall to those living on earth, by its movements neutralizes the influence of planets that obstruct rainfall. None other it is the planet Venus situated at a distance of 200,000 yojanas about the star centre or the sun (astronomically at a distance of 107 million km) Vedic name “Usana”. It is the planet thus seen and observed as going in front, behind and rotating along with the sun as fast, slow or with a moderate speed. In mundane Astrology Venus is considered as an important planet in predicting heavy downpour with the changing climates. Of all the planets it is seen as constantly good and always gives favourable conditions in causing rainfall and nullifying influence of the planets those cause an obstacle to the rainfall.

Ata urdhvam aṅgarako ’pi yojana lakṣa dvitaya upalabhyamanas tribhis tribhiḥ pakṣair ekaikaso rasin dvadasanubhuṅkte yadi na vakreṇabhivartate prayeṇasubha graho gha samsaḥ.


(Reference – Srimad Bhagwad Puraan, Canto 5, chapter 22, Sanskrit verse-14)

Based on Srimad Bhagwad puraan there is a planet Situated 1,600,000 miles above Mercury and 8,800,000 miles above earth named as the planet Mars. It has been said that if it does not travel in a retrograde motion in sky, it can cross through each sign of the zodiac in three fortnights. It has been observed as malefic in creating unfavourable conditions in respect to rainfall and other influences.

In Modern terminology revolution of planets, Time & Space are relative to each other as what theoretical physicists found during their life time researches and Hinduisms says every action in time and space are directly proportional to the karma and rebirth system for initiating process of creation and destruction in cosmos.


SunChariot VishnuKaalchakara Kaalchakra the wheel of time - How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions

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(Above Image of Vishnu Kalachakra- Eight spokes of the Kalachakra wheel Mark the Directions in time and each one is governed by a specific Aspect of Shakti. Source – Free bsd

All the planets are submerged in part of kaal, means time and all are moving around The Sun – The creator himself; who is responsible for creation of the Brahmand, that’s why we called him king of Solar system. Spiritually signified by the Narayana and the energy present in the Sun is of Maa Adi Shakti, is closely holding and binding all the reaction within sun. This shows how Prakarti or Maya is harmonically attached with every activities or manifestations in brahamand.

In Mundane Astrology, Time is connected with transiting planets over different nakashtras and degrees. The day an event triggered and Life progression in earth is preciously based on movement of the moon in those stars. As moon progresses life grows in earth and follows the system of night and day with the sun. Same way in the natal chart vimsotri dashas signifies how important events are connected with the nakashtras and our mind and the body setup. This shows how our state of mind changes significantly in those 29 days in a month when moon changes significantly in transiting over different-different nakashtras with slow and fast moving planets. This also shows how an important event has deep impact on our psychological and biological system. Clearly justifies everything is relative in cosmos.

Likewise the Sun is responsible for creation, same as the moon is responsible for the life and growth process and shows how we are connected with the day and night system. This shows everything is relative to each other; both time and Space are in relation with Kaal Chakara system. Same way every planetary movements has its unique role in displaying meaningful and eventful results in human life. We have seen how wheel of time is exclusively linked with creation since the beginning of cosmic era and how different planetary alignments with sun and moon invoke dynamic results in different signs and lunar mansions.


Formation of Grand Watery Trine and Panic of swine flu starts In North of India with conjunction/Course of Venus & Mars.

It has been seen and observed during course of Venus over Uttrabhadra nakashtra in Pisces sign around 15th of February 2015 Jupiter, Mars, Saturn and Nodes (Rahu-ketu) were also transiting over watery signs and helped in formation of triangle of “Grand Watery trine” (1, 5 & 9th) in Cn, Sc and Pi signs. As soon as Venus & Mars closely conjugated over Pisces sign in “Uttrabhadra Nakashtra” (Star resemble like Ardra and having symbol like Serpent) during their course around February month people of north, Central and west of India were greatly affected by panic and fear of swine flu.

Now let’s see how we can analyse with the help of below mentioned Sanskrit verse as explained by Varahmihira in Brihat Samhita.


BrihatSamhita2021 Kaalchakra the wheel of time - How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions
(Reference: – Verse 20 & 21, Shukarchar, Brihat Samhita of Varahmihira by Panditabhushana V Subrahmanya Sastri & M Ramkrishn Bhat)

Explanation and Meaning:

Based on verse 20 &21, 6th Mandala nakashtras (Dhanistha, Satabhisha, Purva Bhadrapada, Uttra Bhadrapda, Revti and Ashvani) are fall in auspicious category and it is usually considered as good for wealth through cattle, abundance of wealth and huge crops growth but it has been seen whenever transiting Venus over this nakashtras zone is afflicted by an another malefic Planets (i.e. Mars, Saturn, mild malefic planet(Sun) or deeply conjugated with nodal Axis) people of *Sulikas,*Gandhara and *Avanti will be greatly suffers from diseases, fear and panic and those were living near Videha will be killed and those are living in*caves, *Yavanas,*Sakas and Slaves will get prosperity.

* Sulikas – Places near South east of India, currently part of Orissa

*Gandhara – People who are living in hilly areas of Kabul up to Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Takshasila-a place in western Pakistan near western Punjab; up to mountain ranges of north India, and mostly indicates places which are lying close to west and east of Indus

* Avanti – West and Central India region

*Videha – Mostly comprised of northern part of India up to eastern region of Nepal

*Caves – Early humans low in technology, people living in mountains and hills.

*Yavanas–Modern Greece

*Sakas – People who are living near South-west of India as mentioned in Agni puran.

Observation and Analysis:
Venus Course over Uttrabhadra and formation of Grand Watery Trine

With this grand watery trine formation we also had observed sudden and dramatic climatic changes over northern, central and Western India, majorly around those are living near hilly, tropical & coastal areas. As a result of dramatic climatic changes gradual rise in tropical diseases also been observed. Tropical diseases spread mainly due to atmospheric infections, insect’s bites or micro-organism contact. Most of the diseases occurred due to rise in foreign Infectious agents in such environmental changes stayed long might be as influence of low temperature and presence of watery content in atmosphere due to heavy rain and cold and rest are due to communicative contact of micro -organisms which are mainly influenced by presence of dry cold in atmosphere. All this triggered due to increased biological changes in weather resulting instability in climatic condition such as sudden cold and rise in temperature at same time. With these climatic changes cyclonic activities near oceans also increased over tropical and coastal areas and in few places earth-quakes shivering also been noticed which are ruled under these grand watery trine.

Earlier in the era of Johannes Kepler it has been observed by the notable mathematician and astrologer that whenever such triangle formations seen in “Great Fiery Trines” (i.e Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) Sign it usually invokes war like situation between neighbouring countries, busting of celestial blasts like Supernova explosion also been noticed by astronomers, and it has also been an acting agent for triggering heated issues over political crisis between different countries wherever these fiery trines influences much and also increases fear of bilious diseases which are ruled by fiery elements.

If such fiery formations have close influence of nodal axis with malefic planets those are greater in Mass and Size, it usually bring catastrophic events even planet like Jupiter is always not beneficial whenever it is transiting very closer to earth orbit and it usually brings famine or Drought in fiery signs.

If the Trine is formed over watery signs, natural tendencies of water based diseases usually get invoke and influenced much by transiting planets. If the Planets and signs involved are beneficial in nature, transit usually bring positive results and promotes peace, growth & humanity prevail over masses. If Malefic planets are involved in such kind of formations over these signs with Nodal influences we have seen rise in catastrophes of waters occur in tropical and coastal regions and to those places closer to small lakes, rivers and oceans & usually bring cyclonic activities .With increase of diseases greatly influenced by water content also noticed during this period. If such formations are deeply conjugated with nodes it can also give infectious diseases preciously based on cells multiplication. During this course of transits mass level of disturbances in oceans also been noticed whenever such transiting planets conjoined with massive size planets and can results Earthquakes and tsunamis like activities over oceans.

It has been observed whenever such formations are triggered over these Signs or Stars, people ruling under these signs or areas prosperous or they usually face greater level of Sufferings and Panic even if they are having good dashas in their horoscopes. These transiting effects are Sudden in nature and frequently seen and usually bring havoc like situation in mind & body setup for those living over these places for some period of time till close conjugation actively participate.

Based on world Koorma Chakara Jupiter was transiting over cancer Sign in ashlesha nakashtra effecting both the areas falling under same axis. Ashlesha nakashtra rules those states falling in south east directions of India and Capricorn mostly rules north of Indian and some part of Punjab region and in world it falls in north of America. In world map countries falling under cancer signs are Holland, Scotland, New Zealand, Paraguay, North and west Africa, Mauritius and those are falling under direct influence of Jupiter in Capricorn signs are Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Greece, Mexico, Part of Iran, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.
Saturn was ruling those countries and states falling under direct influence of Scorpio-Taurus axis in “Anuradha Nakashtra”.It includes south-west region of India i.e. Goa, Karnataka, West Maharashtra, Pune, Northern Gujarat, Indus Valley, Sindhu, Pallava, Kambhoja -currently south of Kashmir till kafirstan, Jheluma and all those placed near Indus river.

Countries those are effected by Saturn direct influence are Norway, Bavaria, Algeria, North Syria, Sweden , Brazil, Fex (Morocco), Washington, Dover, Liverpool, Baltimore, Cincinnati and Halifox & those are falling under Taurus axis influence are Ireland, Parts of Switzerland, Holland, Iran, South of Russia, Cyprus, Part of Poland, Part of Greece, Georgia.

For better understanding how above mentioned states and countries got influenced by grand watery trine we need to analyse below mentioned Verse with respect to situation we had observed soon after Venus and mars transit over uttra-bhadra nakashtra.


BS34 Kaalchakra the wheel of time - How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions


(Reference: – Verse 34, Shukarchar, Brihat Samhita of Varahmihira by Panditabhushana V Subrahmanya Sastri & M Ramkrishn Bhat)


When Venus moves over satabhisa nakashtra people involves in liquor suffers and those who are in this profession also get affected by this transit and when Venus transits over Poorvabhadra Nakashtra people of Kuru and the Panchala Suffers but it will gives abundance of rain during this period of time.

*Kuru: It includes Delhi, Harayana, uttrakhand, uttarpradesh ruling Ganges-Yamuna doab and eastern Punjab (Haryana).

*Panchala: Panchala Deshas lays down from Madhyadesa (Olden Aryavarta) to those are close to the north and west of Delhi from the foot of Himalaya to the river Chambal located in the Ganges –Yamuna Doab from uttrakhanad to west Uttrapradesh diving ganga into Uttra and Dakshina Panchala.

Analysis & Explanation:

It has been seen during the onset of Venus in Pisces sign over Satabisha, Poorvabhadra and Revati nakashtra people living over north of India observed full of incessant winter rainfalls though it was not a usual time for the downpour during this season. During this course of Venus from February to March 2015 People living over foots of snow bound areas in north of Himalaya including Delhi, Punjab, Haryana and other such places observed *vibrant weather changes within a month with un-seasonal rainfall and delayed first breeze of snow. Due to this unusual weather changes people living over these places observed drastic increase in throat diseases as soon as Venus transits over uttrabhadra with mars and nodes.

Earlier both Mars and Venus were transiting in poorvabhadra but no such issues observed. As soon as both transited over uttrabhadra in between 17th to 19th of Feb 2015 in a deep conjugation panic of swine flu and fear with other such throat diseases started in almost most of northern India, Gujarat, New Delhi, Maharashtra and UP. Death toll via swine flu and other such throat diseases suddenly got increases and even in some cases possible reason of cold also found. This show whenever Venus closely involves with malefic planetary conjunctions (i.e. mars and nodes) panic and fear will increases in those places.

*Vibrant weather – For more info readers can go through following links; Spring Rain, Unseasonal-rain-affects & Accu weather.

Soon after Both Mars and Venus moves over Pisces grand watery trine effects start giving its results those are falling in it. Its effects also seen around central Asia, Africa, USA – Mexico, north-west Pakistan. Whenever such type of formation triggers Planets and Signs those are either ruled by it or those are in opposite signs are greatly affected by this.

Here are the Places in India deeply impacted by this Watery trine Formation: Cancer – South-Eastern states of India close to coastal areas, Scorpio – Maharashtra, Goa, part of Gujarat and those are close to South-western states of India and Pisces – Hilly regions of Himalayas i.e. Part of north of India, Jammu & Kashmir, Part of Pakistan, central Asia lying close to upper Himalayan ranges. This has been true to some extent based on past events as panic of throat diseases was first seen around in central Asia regions ruled by Pisces sign with nodes. It has been observed whenever such planetary combinations influenced by nodes, It usually triggers diseases those deeply effects our protective cell micro structure and Immune system.

This clearly shows why India is being affected by this trine as Pisces and Virgo axis already been afflicted by Nodes (Virgo rules southern India and also considered as sign of India).Till this watery trine is active panic will be there in India via watery diseases i.e. Cold, Cough, throat Diseases, flu, pneumonia. These diseases usually leads to throat infection, chest infection in Respiratory system or in lungs and can give deadly lungs infections (due to presence of Nodal influence in watery trine) which are spread via from small insects, small animals, micro-organisms (Karka Ketu) having no cure if it is untraceable, like a deadly cancer (Ruled by Rahu) – whose only motive is damage and multiply infected cell structure.

Observation: Based on above mentioned quotes conditions are clearly satisfying why after 17th of Feb (when mars transited over Uttrabhadra in close conjugation with Venus influenced by Rahu – Ketu Axis) swine flu got sudden growth. Death toll and number of cases infected by swine flu in north of India got major rise and badly effected people of those were living in Gujarat, New Delhi, UP, J&K and Maharashtra, all are under ruling signs of Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio.

BS42 Kaalchakra the wheel of time - How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions
(Reference: – Shukarchar, Brihat Samhita of Varahmihira by Panditabhushana V Subrahmanya Sastri & M Ramkrishn Bhat, Verse 42)

Meaning and explanation:

It has been observed by our ancient learned scholars that whenever Jupiter is ahead of Venus white objects, abodes of Brahmans, cattle and Gods will ruin and people those are in eastern region will be afflicted with Throat Diseases but the autumnal crops will be flourish. Cloud will pour down Plenty of Hail stones.


This has been quiet true; during course of Jupiter over watery trine it was transiting advance signs than Venus over western sky region in cancer 5th from it. Saturn was transiting 9th to Venus in Scorpio in Anuradha. Nodes were influencing Virgo- Pisces, both Mars and Venus were in deep conjunction in uttrabhadra with orbital distance of 8 degree till 2nd March 2015. Retrograde Jupiter was in trine (5th sign away from Venus Sign) to Venus in Ashlesha Nakashtra. All the conditions were quiet satisfying why that till this formation was active people living over central Asia including India majorly suffered via throat diseases with panic and fear of swine flu and Most of Northern and eastern region of India badly suffered by drastic hail stones in month of march. Apart from massive hail stones in north-eastern region people living over these Signs suffered via infectious Watery diseases controlling chest and lungs areas and also seen rise in pneumonia cases.

(Reference: March 2015 North India unseasonal rain, Farmers in peril as rain and hailstorms batter crops in the North-West)


BS35 Kaalchakra the wheel of time - How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions

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(Reference: – Shukarchar, Brihat Samhita of Varahmihira by Panditabhushana V Subrahmanya Sastri & M Ramkrishn Bhat, Verse 35) 


It has been said whenever Venus will occupy the Star of Uttrabadrapada, Venus will destroy ” Roots and Fruits” and in the star of revati it will effects travellers and Marching troops (Army).

Note: During Venus course over uttrabhadra heavy rain triggered in most of the northern regions of India. For some part this has been considered well for crops but in rest of India heavy downpour during uttrabhada destroyed mostly fruits and newly born Crops.

Further it has been noticed, North India was fully under bad weather conditions and affected by acute cold and was continues till March month .This has been never seen in Northern region of India since many years; people severely suffered via sudden rain and hailstones, Kashmir got delayed Snowfall in month of February even the winter started in December month, Because of this delayed weather pattern Newly born crops damaged by unseasoned rain, hailstones and Snowfall. Older crops flourished well due to delayed rain and snowfall.

Conclusion: Due to delayed rain and Snowfall patterns in Northern Hilly regions of India, Throat and Watery based infectious diseases got sudden boost in February month due to temperature variation. In Jammu temperature was moving around 8 degree in Night and up to 15 to 21 degree at Day time with much presence of Moisture in environment, and in Kashmir it was around 6-7 degree in day time because of close conjunction of Venus and Mars over Uttrabhadra in Pisces Sign. Due to all this climatic factors, frequent disturbance in weather condition seen and result was heavy rainfall considered as one of main cause for swine flu seen in Most of north India, Gujarat and Maharashtra, where Moisture and Cold Condition in atmosphere was still within 32 degree.

Explanation of Sage Parashara on Venus Course:

” According to Sage Parashra Venus Being glossy and full of rays produces rain while tenanting purva and Uttraphalguni, Swati, Vishakha, the Bhadrapadas, Ardra, Bharni and Pushya. In Case he moves to north, in the middle or to the south of Rohini Nakashtra, Chitra, Vishakha and Anuradha, he will cause Health issues and Happiness Both, Crops and rainfall to the best advantage. Moderate Benefit and Minimum Advantage Respectively of the people. If he moves to the north or in the middle of Magha and Krittika, he will prove beneficial to Mankind. Similarly his movement in the middle of Asadhas, Punarvasu and Rohini will bring about encirclement of cities by enemies.”


( Brihat Samhita of Varahmihira, Chapter 9 by Ramakrishna Bhat)

Further it has been said for Venus “when it rises or Sets on the 8th, 14th or 15th Lunar Day of the dark fortnight, the earth would look like as Though it were a vast sheet of water i.e. it will be completely submerged in floods” but till now in life experience it has never been seen, what is written in future only wheel of time knows.

(Verse 39, Shukar Chara, Brihat Samhita by Ramakrishna Bhat)
BS23 Kaalchakra the wheel of time - How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions
(Verse 23 , shukar Char, Brihat Samhita by Ramakrishna Bhat)


UranuswithVenusandMars Kaalchakra the wheel of time - How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions
Close conjunction of venus and mars clearly seen over west direction with Uranus after sun set in North and east of india.

It has been said when Venus will be Visibly seen before the Sun Sets (Now Venus is in Pisces sign in western direction and easily seen via naked eyes before sun set and after sun set too), he will create Panic; If he will be seen throughout the day, famine and diseases will break out; and if it is seen during midday along with the moon, there will be discord between the king , His Army and masses.

Observation : Above mentioned conditions are also satisfying too, during this course Venus was easily seen over western direction via naked eyes before and after the sun sets conjugated with Mars.


BS24 Kaalchakra the wheel of time - How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions

(Verse 24, shukar Char, Brihat Samhita by Ramakrishna Bhat)

Meaning: If Venus pass Cutting the Star Krittika , the entire earth will be Submerged by rivers carrying waters that overflow the banks and conceal all elevations and depressions on the earth. This Situation of Venus course never been observed might be we may see during full and half annihilation process.

This has been observed till Grand Watery (Cn- PI – Sc ) Trine was active – People living over North, Central and Western region suffered via Panic and fear of throat diseases and increase in watery & tropical Diseases and issues related to water and oceans seen much being influenced by these signs, and stars. Later when Mars and Venus Move ahead from this Watery Trine situation got under control . After March 2nd (when Venus move over to Revti Star – people of effected stars got prosperity) and when mars moved on to Revti Nakashtra on 5th of March 2015, with 6 degree of orbital distance from Venus, People started overcoming from panic and fear. After 20 to 23rd of March situation was totally different and in month of April 2015, Scenario was totally changed but mankind was affected by catastrophic earthquake effecting North-eastern Himalayan ranges.

With thanks and Regards,

Rakesh Jamwal

Source, References and Link

· [1].Time Tested Techniques on Mundane Astrology by K.N Rao, A.Radhika & M.S. Mehta, chapter 7, Koorma chakara

· [2].Planets influence on Human affairs by Dr B.V Raman

· [3].Brihat Samhita of Varahmihira by Translated by M.Ramakrishna Bhat, Shukarchar, chapter 9

· [4].Varahmihira Brihat Samhita with an English translation and notes by Panditabhushana V.Subrahmanya Sastri and Vidwan M. Ramakrishna Bhat, 1946

· [4].Srimad Bhagwad Puraan, Canto 5, Chapter 22, The Creative Impetus

· [5].Surya Siddhanta translated by Kedar Nath Sharma, chapter 1, Verse 5 to verse 15

· [6].Bhagavata Online resource –

· [7].Chariot of the sun God, Image Source – Moole Art, Link –

· [8].The Wheel of the Sun, Temple of Konark, Image – wiki

· [9]. Vishnu Kalachakra, link –

· [10]. Vibrant weather, link –, Early Spring Rains bring Climate Disaster for farmers in India, Link –, Unseasonal rain affects northern India and Pakistan, Link –

· [11].March 2015 North India unseasonal rain, Link, Farmers in peril as rain and hailstorms batter crops in the North-West, Link –

· [12]. 2015 Indian swine flu outbreak, Link-, Swine flu death toll nears 600 in India, Link-, Indian health officials urge calm as swine flu outbreak spreads, Link –,Swine flu outbreak: 774 deaths, 13,000 cases set alarm bells ringing, Link –, Over 140 test positive for swine flu in Jammu and Kashmir, Link –

· [13]. Moon, Venus and Mars trio in Feb 2015, link –

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Reasons for Increase in Natural Catastrophes or sudden climatic changes based on school of Vedanta – How Prakarti or Nature is changing and working silently in Mundane World to establish balance in Tri Gunas

Reasons for Increase in Natural Catastrophes or sudden climatic changes based on school of Vedanta - How Prakarti or Nature is changing and working silently in Mundane World to establish balance in Tri Gunas

Unseen world is composed of 90 % Prakarti 3 forms of energies; Satva energy (Energy in Rest, Praana Energy or Sookshma Energy, cause for promoting Satva guna in nature, energy of beginning) , Rajas (Energy in Motion – Kinetic Energy, cause for material manifestation) and Tamas (Energy in Mass or inertia, cause for Matter, Material creation and destruction ) and Seen world is made up of 10% Mass or Matter and it is made out of Maya (Dark Matter in Science and Divine energy in Upnishads responsible for creation and manifestation of cosmos). What we are seeing is only 10% rest of 90 % is Hidden and cant be seen via naked eyes and neither science will able to prove it.

Reasons for Increase in Natural Catastrophes or sudden climatic changes based on school of Vedanta - How Prakarti or Nature is changing and working silently in Mundane World to establish balance in Tri Gunas
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Sookashma(Sub Atomic level) is what we cant experience by physical knowledge or physical body it need Sookshma Vision and higher soul level Energy to understand it.In modern Science language 90% of world is in living in Sub-Sub atomic level(in Quantum World) and it is beyond for current Humans beings DNA level to understand it fully in simpler form. The DNA level of Seers and people who were living in Doophar, treta and Sat yuga were composed of Highly Precious and Extreme helix Structure.They were highly intelligent being and biological structures are beyond our imagination, living in multidimensional yuga with abilities to use sookshama energies at maximum either for traveling or for any material manifestation.

prakriti2 Reasons for Increase in Natural Catastrophes or sudden climatic changes based on school of Vedanta - How Prakarti or Nature is changing and working silently in Mundane World to establish balance in Tri Gunas
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In Spiritual terms we called it they were living in Sookshma energies form or in Quantum world structure or having solid understanding of Praana Energy form (Purest energy form) or absolute form (The god Component), to convert it into any mass or matter or to flexible their body according to environment. Means they have the vision or composed of highly superior subconscious to understand it or see it without physical eyes. They were having solid understanding of Prakarti Gunas, How Prakriti itself created all the matter or how it his holding individually and who is behind it- The Supreme reality. Without Prakarti tri Gunas Nothing could be manifest in any form.Stars, Planets, Space, Nature, Rivers, animals and Humans etc all are Manifested form of Prakarti, means made out of another form – ” The Maya – indicative of Physical existence of all ” , when Prakarti originated out of Purusha at the beginning. Whole universe is made out of vibration of  two Energies – The Shiva(+) &  The Shakti (-), the true absolute form of creative energies responsible for vibration and dynamism in  the universe.What we are seeing via naked eyes or what we are sensing or observing is manifested form of  ” The Maya – Sub part of Tamas energy in Mass”. In scientific terms we can translate as Matter made out of huge explosion in the beginning after darkness which means before nothing there was everything present too. In Language of spirituality it is Maya – Present in physical form and what is hidden is Sookshma (The Absolute energy or Brahman Tatva or simply the Vibrating energies in science, always there but not in visible form) that is what these days sciences is referring as how everything came into existence and how everything is bound in this universe out of unseen energies – That what is  the ultimate theory of everything – The String theory.

c81e728d9d4c2f636f067f89cc14862c 1416481657 Reasons for Increase in Natural Catastrophes or sudden climatic changes based on school of Vedanta - How Prakarti or Nature is changing and working silently in Mundane World to establish balance in Tri Gunas
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Satyug was composed of 100% Satvic Energy and Satvic knowledge when people were almost in zero point gravity or you can say were mostly in Saadhna or in transcendental form, because of this they were living up-to lakhs of years or can survive even without any food or any physical requirements, all because of purest form of energy channelization. Treta Yuga was composed of 100% Rajasic Energy where people were mostly in Pleasure, enjoyment and in good living where most of their energies are spent in creation, building physical forms means energies were in kinetic form in creating something, without vibrating energies nothing could be create in any Physical form(Mass), that’s the reason Knowledge was in Rajasic form.

Doophar Yuga was Composed of 50% Rajas and Satva Both and at the end of Doophar Tamas Gun was superimposed it when We met Mahabharta around 3000 BC which was the beginning of the Kaliyuga period when people were mostly near destruction or misusing the knowledge, Rajas ultimately at end gives zero satisfaction because it bound soul in cycles in death and Birth. Kaliyuga was Composed of equal amount of Satva, Rajas and Tamas Guna that’s why Kaliyuga is most longest yuga from all and we have seen many frequent changes within short span of periods, In Kaliyuga people will Suppress Rajas and Satva energy and promote Tamas guna means everything who is in Mass form or physical form will be act as proof of living or proof for science, all material knowledge will in in boom, Jyotish will be one of important knowledge in realizing Spirituality in kaliyug but nature will be very vibrant in Kaliyuga because of increasing Tamas Energy.

The guna we promote Prakarti will behave according to it and will take its shape in Kaliyuga. Prakarti works according to Newton 3rd Law; equal and opp reaction formula, what you do same will get in that form but result will be depend on action chosen.If there is Adharma or Mass killing involve in action chosen or idea behind it, prakarti will be in fierce form and will be responsive with same amount of tamas energy; whose only initiation is to destruct , e,g Mass death in Uttrakhand – Adharma, Increases in tamas and Rajas energy around temples and Sexual activities around temple was the reason and there are many more hidden reason only who suffered there can better tell, Mass death in Nepal earthquake – animal slaughterings was the main reason behind equilibrium imbalance in Nepal, scientifically there was major shift in Himalaya’s Tectonic plates, ultimately is the seed of Lord Shiva and there might be other reasons too but uniqueness is more the Tamas energy Humans send or radiate from any place, nature will show its fury in its form and In Kashmir from 1990 – Humans slaughtering via Terrorist activities was actual initiation of Tamas energy, animals killings in mass and adhamara in the land of Seers was the main reason why Kashmir is again and again facing natural catastrophes and there will be many more to experience in future.If slightly try to analyze most of the areas drown via floods were the Lands of Lord Shiva (3rd energy(Tamas) for destruction’s). This is the reason why in Kaliyug, Knowledge ultimate motive is to make either Rajas based Equipments or to make those equipments whose ultimate destiny will lead to destruction’s or either it took shape into destruction’s knowingly or unknowingly.

Manhattan Project suggested by Albert Einstein to work on Nuclear bomb against Germany was an example to learn from it how nature acted and reacted on idea itself for mankind destruction.Nuclear explosion on Japan was an example how knowledge took its form in Tamas form ultimately we have seen many changes after that, mass killings and massive changes in environment. This is the reason why these days we are seeing increase in numbers and volumes of mass deaths via Natural catastrophes like Earthquakes, Rains, Floods etc because Prkarti Acting and Reacting based on Humans Gunas. More the Tamas guna promote in humans more natural catastrophes will come soon, Prakarti is Relatively working on humans actions and reactions theories, in Modern science it is called Time Ripples – What you choose , time will shift in that direction that’s why time is working based on multidimensional world and Future world is completely based on Current Karmas, actions and consequences, Bad karmas will create bad consequences and ultimately lead to destruction’s in future, simply Mankind will decay in its process.

Humans actions are leading consequences and creating polar shifts in earth field and till 2030 earth with new cycle of sun of 11 years earth will be in new dimension and in new polar shift with slighter drift in equators points – either there will be too much heat or there will be too much cold.Results are known to everyone and are visible to understand it. Now you can estimate why in this monsoon season why we have seen increase in number of Cloud bursting in India and seen Destructive shape of rainfall in almost every part of India. If we Suppress Rajas and Satva , Tamas will increase and Same tamas will lead to natural catastrophes and sameway tamas knowledge will increase too which ultimately take mankind into darkness at the end that’s why Murphy Law Suggests, everything decays in its process in nature with increase in time. So watch your actions and Karmas as time is proceeding, Prakarti exactly behave accordingly as replica to your Actions.What you send you will get same with at same amount , that what is law of energy.

With thanks and Regards,
Rakesh Jamwal

Official Facebook Page and Group 

References,Sources and Links :

[1]. The Vibrating Univserse by N.C Panda
Author Link :
[2]. Vedic Physics by Keshav Dev Verma  
Author Link :

pin Reasons for Increase in Natural Catastrophes or sudden climatic changes based on school of Vedanta - How Prakarti or Nature is changing and working silently in Mundane World to establish balance in Tri Gunas

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Vedicsiddhanta Research Journal Series : Download and read in-depth Analysis on principals of wheel of time based on Mundane and Vedic cosmological principals

Wheeloftime Vedicsiddhanta Research Journal Series : Download and read in-depth Analysis on principals of wheel of time based on Mundane and Vedic cosmological principals

After seeing great dedication of the Demon Maya
toward the Sun god, The Immortal god of Light and Energy himself said, I will
present you this deep and immemorial
knowledge on speed and motions of planetary structure closely based on
Space-Time system.
Neither anyone has any potential or tolerance to
accept my violent and aggressive bright lights nor have I much time to deliver
it but your deep devotion and dedication earned this and part of my brightness
will sure present this deep immortal knowledge on Time to you. Henceforth, the
person immerged from the Sun god said, oh! Maya, Lord of the Demon, Listen
carefully with great dedication, and This Deep knowledge on time is same as
preached to Seers by the sun god itself since the beginning of creations and
from many eras’. This Deep secret on time is still same as mentioned in Veda’s
and Scriptures only the difference is of speed and motion of the time with the
changes in era and revolution of time.
Further explaining, the person said; listen
carefully on secrets of time, what is time and how we can understand true
definition of the time in both the terms:
– Surya Siddhaant, Intro chapter, Verse 10)

and Explanation –
 As preached by the Sun god
himself, the person said; Time is based on two schemes, one is used for
creation and destruction of planetary structures for
human beings and it is endless, eternal and cyclic in nature and
other part of time is purely mathematical also cyclic in nature
and preciously exist in both material and non material

Here the Sun-God revealing secrets and understanding
on time and how it is connected with never ending cycle of cosmos. First one is
purely based on space-time formulation on cyclic nature of time that the
process of Creation and destruction of planetary structures always moves in a
continuous, it is endless and connected with never ending life cycle in cosmos.
In Modern saying, life started after 13.7 billion years ago after a huge
explosion, we called it big-bang and further planetary structures in our universe
formed and thus we are able to understand how time and evolution process
started in earth. 
For More @ Click blow mentioned download link:

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Rare astronomical Alignments during two eclipses , Possibilities of earthquake triggers & cyclonic activities

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Revised and Updated on ( 17-01-2016)
eclipsemain2 Rare astronomical Alignments during two eclipses , Possibilities of earthquake triggers & cyclonic activities
(Solar Eclipse on 8th of March 2016 in Uttraphalguni Nakashtra)

Earth is bound to suffer since many ages via many catastrophes caused by the collision of either Wind, Air, fire, space or via Earth in the form of Cyclones, earthquakes or floods.We must accept that there are some unique phenomena causing such catastrophes in the earth and It is not common to say that Astronomical phenomenon has no such role in triggering sudden unusual events in earth via the collision of 5 elements. We are facing such phenomenon from many ages but still, the mystery is unknown, During pre-historic Age (Treta Yuga), it has been said by the Sage Vasistha that earthquakes are being caused by the collision of the atmospheric wind with another and falling to the earth with a booming sound.According to the sage Garga, it is due to some unseen power or simply can be said in spiritually as the Good and bad karmas of human beings resulting such massive catastrophes likeEarthquakes, cyclones, and floods in earth.

(Reference ; – Brihat Samhita by Ramkrishna bhatt)

Well we have root reason based on spiritual prospects mentioned in our ancient Scriptures.

Shaloka3 7 Rare astronomical Alignments during two eclipses , Possibilities of earthquake triggers & cyclonic activities
(Reference : –  Verse 3 to 7, Brihat Samhita of Varahmihira by Ramkrishna Bhatt)

“During the earlier days of the earth it is being shaken severely by the winger mountains which flew up and came down heavily, spoke bashfully to the creator (Brahma) in the assembly of the gods- ” My Lord, the name you have given me. Namely Acala ( Immovable), is falsified by the flying mountains , and i am unable to put up with this suffering.”. 

Hearing this words of Mother Earth who  was choked with tears and whose lower lips quivered slightly, and observing her down  cast face with tears flowing from her eyes, the creator thus :

Indra (Lord of Thunder – Indra) , Remove this humiliation of mother earth; throw your thunder-bolt and chop off the wings of the mountains.” At this, Indra said. ‘ so be it’, and Consoled her with the words ” Do not fear’ but wind, Fire, Myself and Varun will shake you in the Four parts of the day and Night put together respectively in order to Reveal the good and bad actions to the world.”

Above story has came down from the RigVedic time to the period of the Kavyas. In the Indrasukta (Rigved II 2.2) Indra is creadited to have fixed firmly the earth that was often quaking. Kalidasa too alludes in this KumaraSambhava I-20 to this story. “

This clearly sates that Ancient histories too has connection with the modern astronomical phenomenons for causing such catastrophes in earth in order to restore peace and harmony by clearing out the sins of bad ones.

But from all only the Sage Parshara able to explain Scientifically why such activities caused in earth. According to Sage parashara Earthquakes are caused by eclipses of the lumanries, unnatural phenomena occuridng in the planets and special movements of the  heavenly bodies. 

( Reference – Brihat Samhita by Ramakrishna Bhatt)

Based on above mentioned Sutras of our seers, below are my observation and analysis based on some of important natural astronomical phenomenons and assessments based on planetary, nature and Stars movements.

 Those are well analysed by our seers and written in Sanskrit Scriptures in many of our Magnum Opus shashtras preciously based on ” Impact and analysis on nature”.

Seers had done well researched work on these subjects and can be found in Book of Nature, we called them ” Samhitas” as written around millions and thousands of year ago since Treta Yuga (first compendium on study of Nature done by one of Saptarishi – Sage Vasistha).

path720 Rare astronomical Alignments during two eclipses , Possibilities of earthquake triggers & cyclonic activities

Now coming to main post, we might expect Gradual Global changes in meteorological events during end of February (approximately after 27th of Feb 2016) and Beginning of March 2016 (exactly near 7th-8th of March Around Full solar eclipse).

Reason being during this tenure once again we are expecting two Eclipses within period of 15 days.First solar eclipse will going to fall in when Moon will enter in “Satabhisha Nakashtra” around 10:30 Am (Indian time) on 8th of March 2016. During this alignment Moon will deeply conjugate with Mercury in Satabisha Nakashtra, Venus (will be in 0 Degree), Sun will conjugate with South Node(Ketu) in Poorvabhdara and North node(Rahu) will be in Uttraphalguni Nakashtra with Jupiter in leo.

Current Solar eclipse is falling in Varun (Satabhisha) and Wind circle (Uttraphalguni Nakashtra) axis zone, so we can expect mixed results around these period of time mainly deals with Airy and Watery Activities.

These are Symptoms we can experience before any activity around these 15 days:

” A Strong wind can blow throwing the dust of the earth breaking down trees and Sun will not shine brightly, We can expect huge gathering of dense,dark bluish clouds week before any seismic or cyclic activity and we can see pouring of Slender lines of water resembling Sharp sprouts. It can trigger to places those are majorly dependent on the seas and rivers (Regions of bay of Bengal, Indian ocean, Pacific ocean) and day before or after it can lead excessive rainfall too.”

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As it is falling in Both “Varuna and Wind circle “ Two months after the earthquake or cyclonic activity will be crucial for same repetition or any such events within this alignment.

Solar eclipse is falling in Wind and Varun (Air + Water –  usually creates Vacuum of Bubbles like situation ) –  Based on these below are possible chances :

8thofMarch2016 Rare astronomical Alignments during two eclipses , Possibilities of earthquake triggers & cyclonic activities

1) Cyclones Activities near Bey of Bengal ( Mainly triggering near South Eastern zone of India close upto Madhaypardesh, orissa, Hyderabad etc. & Regions those of Indonesia, Australia, South china Sea, Philippines and Malaysia, ) 

2) Other possibility would be an Earthquake like situation Near Northern & Eastern Himalayas Ranges  ruled by Aquarius sign (Covering part of Western Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan,  Uzbekistan, some Places of Afghanistan close to Tajikastan,  Higher Regions In Jammu & Kashmir close to North of Himalayan ranges, Shimla, New Delhi, West delhi, West UP, Bihar Close to central Himalayan Region and  moderate to Average tremor or shake could be feel around West of India ruled by Sign of scorpio)

3) As 4 planets are conjugating in Aquarius Sign in Satabisha Nakashtra ( Ruled by North Node- Rahu), Airy planets Mercury also conjugate with Moon During Eclipse in Airy Sign – So possible chances will be heavy cyclonic winds which can take form of storm near coastal areas.Coastal areas need  to take care from 7th of March to Next Lunar Eclipse around 22nd of March.

4) Interesting point to notice during month of March all 9 planets will be in Square relation to each other in 4,7 and 10 Relation to each other. This clearly indicates serious alignment which can lead something unusual and sudden mundane events related to effecting Land, Air and Water.

After 27th of Feb 2016 Jupiter will be in out of reach from North node grip and will be in next pada of Poorvaphalguni Nakastra and Rahu will be independent authority in Perfect Square alignment relation with Saturn in Sign of Leo in Uttraphalguni nakashtra with having 10th aspect from Saturn too, causing complete malefic aspect to sign of leo.

Later this Leo-Aquarius axis will be under close influence of two Eclipses within period of 15 days from 8th of march onward where Rahu will be independently operating with Saturn (Usually Indicates Mass Disaster like situations or sort of close seismic activity could trigger) Ruling South and East Asian countries i.e Australia, Indian Ocean, China, Japan, Area of Bey of Bengal, Sumatra Island, Indonesia, West of Africa, Some portion of Italy, Chile, Majorly in Western states in United States of America those are close to Pacific sea.

Solar Eclipse Rare astronomical Alignments during two eclipses , Possibilities of earthquake triggers & cyclonic activities
(How Solar Eclipses having impact on earth – A perfect alignment )

Moreover during this phase Saturn will be going to be closely Conjugate with Mars around end of Feb 2016 too in Scorpio sign ruled by Deep Mysteries and hidden places beneath water and oceans preciously indicates places those are deeply close to beneath massive sizes rivers or oceans i.e Beneath volcanoes, Lands near oceans etc.

During this Period Mars will aspect sign of Aquarius too having conjugation of 4 planets already, clearly telling me this time Aquarius will be next epic center for Seismic activities, so chances are high for Earthquake Near Places ruled by Aquarius sign i.e  Places those are close to Northern Hindkush Himalayas Ranges  (Covering Western Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan,
 Kyrgyzstan,  Uzbekistan, Places of Afghanistan close to Tajikastan, Jammu & Kashmir, Shimla, New Delhi , West Delhi,UP, Bihar and tremor or shake could be feel around West of India.

As Sign of Scorpio also involved in this Square relation states those are in United stated might also get Seismic activity around 6+ or 7+ Magnitude  too which can also result Warning of Tsunami like situation or Heavy cyclonic activity near places of Mexico, Brazil Costa rica, Ecuador those are close to Pacific ocean etc.

In Short India might experience One Major Earthquake of above than 6+ or 7+ Magnitude which could lash whole Himalayas Ranges in North or east of India and tremor could feel around West of India.

Following Dates would be most important, around March ” 7th-8th”, “15-16th” to 21st 2016.

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Pre activity could be sense from 7th-8th of March onward to between 8th of April. 

So, Stay alert !

Stay connected @ , will post more articles on Mundane events soon.

With Thanks and Regards,

Rakesh Jamwal

Source and Link:

Brihat Samhita of Varahmihira by M Ramakrishna Bhatt,
Brihad Vasistha Samhita

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The Divine Codes Volume 2 : Download ” The Divine Codes ” – 2nd Digital Edition on Divine subjects Transcendental – Vastu, Meditation, Mundane astrology, world peace group, and Vedic Jyotish

Dear Readers,
We are delighted to inform you that we have just released the second issue of the Research Journal based e-Magazine

” The Divine Codes ” – 2nd Digital Edition on transcendental Subjects

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This organization was shaped, with plain but sincere desire for everyone to live in wholeness, purity and highest level of consciousness. Our sole idea is wholesome and purest conscious living for everybody. GCTR is a body; which comprises of people who are researching in the field of divine and art forms. This includes Astrology, Palmistry, Spirituality, Travelogues, Yoga, Ayurveda, Vedic Numerology, Sthapatya, and other Art forms etc.

It is private body, but memberships are open. Anybody who has niche in such areas is most welcome in our family. There is no entry fee for the same. The only requirement is that you should have a sound knowledge of the subject.

“ THE DIVINE CODES ” magazine is a publication of our body and our members can contribute their articles and research for the same. It will be published regularly and it will remain free forever. Each article from its contributing members will also carry a photo and bio of the respective author.

The authors will also get exposure through three websites, social media, and publishing archives.We welcome you to a voyage for love and peace.

11088543 511937155623994 5588987580313700072 n28129 The Divine Codes Volume 2 : Download " The Divine Codes " - 2nd Digital Edition on Divine subjects Transcendental - Vastu, Meditation, Mundane astrology, world peace group, and Vedic Jyotish
Check out first look of Articles Published so far

    This issue carries following articles:

    1) Dasham bhava, karmas and the boomeranging | Page 1| by Alok Jagawat

    2) saturn & rahu’s unique combination – impact on native’s health | Page 8 | bySastry Karra

    3) — எழுத்தாளர்:கின்னரன் –| Page 11 | by Mr.Karthik Ramamoorthy 
    (Article in Tamil )

    4) kaalchakra ; effects of planetary transits on lunar mansions | Page 31 | byRocky Suryavansi

    5) The biggest obstacle to world peace | Page 48 | By Jeremy Old

    6) The math of lines: jeeva rekha, the journey of a soul | Page 54 | By Alok Jagawat

    7) love marriage: an astrological upshot | Page 58 | By Søulful Subhra

    8) Navamansha strength of grahas valid? check out punya chakra! | Page 66 | By Mr.Utpal Pathak
    9) Planetary combinations for a successful astrologer | Page 69 | By Søulful Subhra

    10) Yanavichara: types of vehicles in vastu | Page 79 | By Alok Jagawat

    11) Robin williams, tony scott. suicides: an astrological case study | Page 82 | By Alok Jagawat

    12) Astro meteorology research study on monsoon 2015 | Page 86 | By Rocky Suryavansi

    13) The man who saw tomorrow | Page 104 | By Rocky Suryavansi

    * Note :This magazine is free for everybody and can also be read in following formats.

    The issue is available at the following pages. You can download the same from the available links.
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    With thanks and Regards,

    Team Divine Codes 

    Alok Jagawat & Rakesh Jamwal
    Editor/Contributing Editor & Concept 

    Official Divine Codes Facebook Page: Divine Codes 

    Official Research Group: GCTR

    Facebook official Group and official Page

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    Views: 164

    Saturn Return in Jyestha Nakashtra (29th December 2015 to 17th January 2017) – New level of Law and order system in global political & Intellectual’s and Boom in Science and Occultism.

    Antres Saturn Return in Jyestha Nakashtra (29th December 2015 to 17th January 2017) - New level of Law and order system in global political & Intellectual's and Boom in Science and Occultism.

    Transit of Saturn in Jyestha – Impact & analysis of Mundane Events

    World and India

    Revised Edition

    Subject Analysis: Saturn Return in Jyestha Nakashtra & New Order of world Intellectual’s and Boom in Science and Occultism.

    The sign of Scorpio has been associated with birth, sex , Sexual abuse in marriage or in partnerships , Sexual diseases , Secret Societies , Spy agents , Underground organizations i,e RAW , CIA or Interpol etc ,research organizations , Micro-biology organizations , Gynaecological problems , and death in nations and world.

    Saturn Rules Agriculture , Land , Real estate , oil , coal and petroleum , underground mines and minerals , old people , diseases of old age ,arthritis , backache etc. Rebellion , Common people , Democracy and all forms of democratic institutions , municipals elections , Farmers , Famines , Drought and earthquakes in nations.

    During this transit Saturn will be in aster-ism of Ju , Sa and Mer , all those things which are ruled by Ju , Sa and Me will enhance or get fixed soon.

    During Saturn first phase, Saturn will be transiting over Scorpio in Visakha Nakashtra till 30th November – which is a Nakashtra of Global purpose – Cause for Humanity and Social growth.Till November 30th people will be more focused in learning new things and trying to find-out hidden secrets of cosmology, space and Science.

    When Saturn will be up-to 3′ 20 Degree in Visakha nakashtra  it  will give boost to those professions are directly linked with Space research, Religious communities,  Astrologers, Scientists , Researchers, Religious organizations,  Activities relating to house or land will increase, Ornamental industries will get boom, Architecture (sculpture, construction) and creative people get professional specializations, Spiritual people will get boost, people who are in Teaching profession or teacher get good benefits, public speaking work will enhance, scientific writing work will get boost, literature work will enhance, Researchers and scientists will do extra-ordinary work in research, Politicians, lawyers, Military leaders, dictators or ambassadors for humanitarian causes will do good in their profession unless and until wont effected by any nodal afflictions..

    After 30th November to 2014 – 3 ‘ 20″ to December 29th 2015- up-to 16 ‘ 44” Degree, Saturn will be in Anuradha Nakashtra – The Nakashtra of Success governed by the planetary lordship of Saturn. Nakshatra indicates balance, honour and harmony. Nakshatra derives its divine strength from its ruling deity Mitra- God of Friendship and partnership who promotes cooperation among humanity.In Modern contexts diplomatic relationships will improve across the globe mainly in every ground ranging from politics to any cultural activities.Usually it has been seen during anuradha phase diplomatic relations are only concerned with  outer prospects but hidden motives will be still in doubt for most of the countries across the globe.

    During this Saturn-Anuradha Phase primary target will be to maintain dharma or righteous activities in social mass, society and will be in promotion of peace.Here  Saturn will try to spread lesson of fame and recognition but with peace and will try to convenience that success can be attained through friendly cooperation with other people over any relation.

    There will be huge social pressure for social societies and Political leaders and governance responsibilities will increase in 2015 specially for those countries where Saturn will transit in their Natal 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house.There will be heavy social duties in post-war or post-explosion environments, Social Leaders will do their work in harmonic manner , Social Mass media’s will get boost to highlight important areas and aspects of society, NGOs’s work either will increase or will get Detroit, Spiritual societies will get rise and will do their work for sake of Society. It has been seen for most of Anuradha nakashtra natives are mostly seen working with military-industrial environment those are directly or indirectly link with terrorism or such hidden societies mainly working for some sort of cleansing work.Either working for some cause or for some universal force due to influence of its ruling deity – The mitra, one of the twelve adityas. Due to strong connection of this star with its symbol ” Lotus ” it is strongly a star of establishing strong bond with mud purity at same time to establish a deep lesson how to maintain friendship even if we live in mud. That’s why it is a star of learning and growing friendship at the same time with peace with universal duty to remove dirt from mud too. That’s why it is associated with the star of Goddess saraswati and there is a close connection with the star of Aquarius too.

    Saturn Anuradha transits favours successful military missions being Mars ruling sign of Scorpio and it mostly indicates diplomatic relations after war like situation or some sort of  peace-treaties during the war like operations.During this tenure every nation will try to protect down its securities boundaries by involving in securities  treaties across the globe or there will be increase in social laws and policies regarding weaponry systems, explosives, machinery of war due to fear of hidden and mean diplomatic relations with neighbouring nations.Its like same situation how Lotus manages its surroundings and relation with mud and maintaining its purity too.This would be high time to maintain harmonic relations with neighbouring countries unless and until Scorpio sign is being afflicted by Nodes or Mars.

    Social work will increase  and there will be much boost in consulting or doctrinal work i.e. consulting psychologist or gynaecologists in order to sort out hidden issues or negotiate micro problems arising in marriages or relationships being sign of break and fall in 2nd to house of relationship.

    Here ruler-ship of Mars will try enforces need  for having security with mass weaponries or covering up military machines but lord Saturn will imposes its being in lawful rules to main peace and harmony. Though it will encourage “Cold War” type situations between many of ongoing conflicting countries in which there has been some sort of peace treaties are signed up.Western Countries need to have special attention regarding this transit

    In Star reality Anuradha’s ruling countries or natives are peace keepers in society with harmony but also in the process of achievements.During this tenure every nation will try to maintain its peace keeping policies with their rivalries but time to time they may take some military actions too whenever situation ruined due to nodal factors.

    Jyestha Saturn Return in Jyestha Nakashtra (29th December 2015 to 17th January 2017) - New level of Law and order system in global political & Intellectual's and Boom in Science and Occultism.

    Saturn 3rd Phase (16′ 45” 29th December to 17th January 2017)

    After 29th, December 2015 – (16 ‘ 44’ to 17th Janurary 2017- up-to 29 ‘ 56” Degree ), Saturn will be in Antares (Biggest and Brightest) Star, Nakashtra of Brilliance in the zodiac of Scorpio and considered as star of Senior most, well experienced and authoritarian position being resembles by its ruling deity – Indra.  In order to maintain world force  around the globe to emphasize better law and order. In Vedic Language It is known as Jyestha Nakashtra ruled by the planet ” Mercury and Mars “ The Heart of ScorpioSecret of Scorpion Deep Intellectual’s one of massive and brightest star with a radius that is approximately 883 times that of the Sun, so you can imagine how powerful is about Jyestha Nakashtra regarding its authoritarian qualities to protect from seen and unseen problems.

    During this phase science, occultism and new generation of advance DNA level structure will evolve. New inventions, new researches and most brilliant people will rise as brightest star.This will be beginning of new advance age of Science and Technology. Divine people will establish age of purest form of knowledge Science, Technology and Telecommunication Sector will get sudden Boost. Space technology, Astrology, occultism and Spiritual Energies will rise up and will be in peak in order to maintain law and order of authoritarian quality.

    One of peculiar trait about this nakashtra is emerging as in proudly and tricky manner being ruled by its deity- Indra this makes Jyestha  very similar to Visakha nakashtra in character trait. Affliction of Jyestha can give mis-use of power, authority and unnecessary grudge either in natal chart or in mundane charts of countries too.This is the only reason why most of the mob leaders, corrupt politicians and bureaucrats are ruled by afflicted Jyestha Nature. If it is without any affliction native Jyestha people do much for the society and well being for the country.

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    Another negative traits mostly seen in Jyestha is regarding extra show-off and exaggerating everything from troubles to their charitable work.This makes them very revengeful too and easily fall prey to jealousy and competition. In India western states are ruling under this nakashtra i.e Maharashtra, Gujarat, west pun-jab and in world it rules western Pakistan, Baluchistan, part of west U.S, Africa and Arabs etc.

    Due to this only reason most of the competitive spirit in their diplomatic and political relation  are much seen over western countries with full of challenging spirit, and greed in their most of actions in society. One of Good point seen mostly in jyestha nakashtra and western countries is their protective nature toward weak countries, weak and underprivileged people which makes them much more responsible and active participators in world politics and issues.

    Under this transit all Vigilance and bureaucratic department will get sudden sense of responsibility due to Saturn inherent nature of filtering where it is placed. This is what Saturn about Karmic filtering; All Government officials, Administrative, People who are in communication and News media sector, Anchors, Actors, orators, occultisms, Mafia, Politicians, bureaucrats, Military people, Athletes will be under sharp scanner of Saturn from January 2016 onward. There will be sense of restriction during this period and new law and orders will be imposed on these sectors for betterment of society.

    This will be the right time when astrology will be established as new Scientific Study on Planetary impacts on globe.Though we will see increase in occult practises during this course of period i.e. Tantra, Mantra, Black magic and all such practises govern by Jyestha. 

    Positively creative genius are true picture of jyestha. Primary motivation of Jyestha is Artha and Material Prosperity. Issues with jealously and betrayal can be experienced within nations and people who are in intellectual fields but mostly it indicates creative brilliant people who are born here to do something extraordinary like ” Albert Einstein ” did.

    During Jyestha course of Saturn every nation will be in race of incurring of power to get rise materially and in research field too – global economy will be in good shape and there will be a race of conquering and win and gain situation, courage in battle and there will be facing one’s foes directly, performing actions for subduing one’s competitors, apologies in nations can be seen, metallurgy industry will get boom, architecture work will increase, oil and petroleum industrious will get boost.

    Scientist will do those researches which will mark as brilliant or some sort of benchmark in society will come up and there may be governing work in the field of medicinal to track down diseases which were spread-ed in past.

    Many Mundane changes will be experience in whole world during this phase and many new order and system will go under transformation soon after Nodal transit in leo with Jupiter. After February 2016 Nodes will be under direct scan of Saturn. There will be much increase  in Anti National activities and there will be rise in Seismic activities too in those countries falling under ruling stars of Poorvaphalguni, Magha and Uttraphalguni mainly includes south-eastern states and countries.

    But still there will be divine protection around Light beings who are working for global causes.

    SC, Ge, Vi ,Cp , Aq ,Ta ,Sg ,Pi people will rise in this phase those are having Beneficial Mercury placed in D1 and Divisional Charts having Good Shadbala and SAV points in their lagnas.

    In My opinion, Whole world will be more focused around above mentioned activities during this whole phase of Jyestha Nakashtra.

    In Nations hidden conspiracies will prevail around every environment, hidden jealousy will increase and everyone will try to overcome each other in inner competitions with each other. Competitor nations will try to let down each other in their foreign policies and foreign trades and will try to use their power for showing their extra strength that what is about nature of this Nakashtra ruled by its Deity but in a boastful and protective manner.

    Scorpio is a sign of wars, battles, open warfare between countries, indicative of increase in enemies. This also shows increase in dacoits, robberies, hidden conspirational work of foreign secret agents trying to let each other down. It also indicates international affairs will be more highlighted , international disputes with other countries will be get pick like fire, death of Secret enemies can be seen all over nations.
    Story of whole is i can say that it will give more like hidden and Cold war between competitive nations.

    African and north American contents need to work on their countries internal issues, Drought or Famine can be seen there over some of areas falling under this nakashtra.

    Mundane Events & Impact in India

    proxy? Saturn Return in Jyestha Nakashtra (29th December 2015 to 17th January 2017) - New level of Law and order system in global political & Intellectual's and Boom in Science and Occultism.

    In Indian This transit will in 7th house of Foreign affairs – although Saturn will be in digbali Place but in area of mars  and Mercury always be an Indication of verbal conflicts, competitive relations with foreign trades. Opposition of views and conflicts with each others.

    India has to deal patiently with foreign and international policies in order to avoid disputes.There can be an increase in Issues between Indian & Western countries policies and also with Pakistan over disputes in internationals environment.

    In India Scorpio rules Western Coastal areas of India, South- western Directions of India such as Gujraat , Khach and Bhuj area, Goa, Mumbai, Maharashtra, Western Pakistan etc.

    More issue will be seen over here, political disputes will be more in these areas.

    Earth quakes and Coastal problems can be seen in these areas.

    Impact in world & Mundane Events
    proxy? Saturn Return in Jyestha Nakashtra (29th December 2015 to 17th January 2017) - New level of Law and order system in global political & Intellectual's and Boom in Science and Occultism.

    There will be increase in Hidden diseases, frequent earthquakes will be seen more in coastal areas of India, North America, Canada, Israel, Norway  Bavaria, Algeria, North Syria, Sweden, Brazil, Morocco, Washington, Dover, Liverpool, Baltimore, cincinnati, Halifox etc.

    African Continents need to take care specially, Diseases can take into next turning point, EBOLA Virus can spread with gradual growth, as its cause is still unknown  and its a hidden disease primarily a cell based disease ; this will be a major concern for most of the countries. Chances are much to spread in Africam- American continents.

    In USA Scorpio is falling in 4th house of their political chart – US Will be more busy in their Internal Issues, there will be lack of peace in nation, weather conditions will be sudden and strange, can be seen increase in Volcanic eruptions and mining disasters, Fall of Govt. can be seen and there will be increase in Democratic movement in US.

    Will extended to see larger survival and mortality issues which affect society. An example of this is the awareness of safe sex, sexual abuse and the aids pandemic which came into focus during the 1980’s as Saturn were traveling through Scorpio.

    When Scorpio is triggered, crime and abuse will be key areas of exposure. Interestingly, Amnesty International, which campaigns against torture, was founded in 1961 when Saturn was traveling through Scorpio.

    Scorpio also rules other people’s money so industries such as banking, stock markets, insurance, accounting and financial services will become spotlighted and made accountable whilst this sign is visited.

    Scorpio is also about seeing things through a magnifying glass. Therefore much of which has been buried will come into the light. This can range from the developments of crime detectors, weaponry, probing technologies and CCTV.

    Planets traveling through this sign will also highlight changes and developments within the gynecological and obstetrics industry. Note that the first commercial hand held ultrasound scanner was launched in 1963 when Neptune was transiting this sign.

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    With thanks and Regards,

    Rakesh Jamwal

    Reference, Source and Links :

    The 27 Celestial portals by Prash Trivedi

    Wikipedia and other web resources

    pin Saturn Return in Jyestha Nakashtra (29th December 2015 to 17th January 2017) - New level of Law and order system in global political & Intellectual's and Boom in Science and Occultism.

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