The Nautapa : decoding scientific reasons of extreme heatwaves of india in 2022

Nautapa The Nautapa : decoding scientific reasons of extreme heatwaves of india in 2022
Mundane Astrology : Decoding Scientific reasons for 9 Days of extreme Heatwave in Nautapa in the upcoming summer during the Pre-monsoon season 


What is Nautapa ( 9 days of Extreme Heatwaves )?


Nautapa means 9 days of scorching heat generated due to the solar movement over Rohini Nakshatra,. As per the Koorma chakra, Rohini Nakshatra rules the center of the earth, and also rules the center point of India falls in central India. The beginning of Nautapa starts in the Rohini region and lasts for 9 days due to the Solar & Lunar Movement around these 9 days during the Lunar month of Jyestha ( as per the Georgian calendar it is ending in May and beginning of June ).  Nau-Tapa usually starts From May 25 to June 2 every year approximately, and the effect of Nautapa can be seen majorly across the globe. Its Most Severe impact is over South Western monsoon conditions.
Reasons for intense warm weather during Nautapa
Due to the scorching heat of the Sun, and as per Siddhantic belief, the direct rays of the sun fall on the earth whenever the sun transits over the Taurus sign and especially around Kritika and Rohini nakshatra, and the atmosphere becomes hot, which creates a situation of storms and windstorms, as a result, the outbreak of heat in most parts of the country increases, dust storms and severe heat disrupts the life.  This year, with the entry of the Sun in Rohini Nakshatra, the 9 days of the Scorching heat usually start in the Jyestha Month of May & June from the 25th of May 2022. During this lunar month, the sun will stay in Rohini Nakshatra till 15th June 2022 & journey of the Sun in Rohini nakshatra usually gives an intense weather scenario because of its direct connection with the earth’s atmosphere as per the majority of views observed in Sahimta Shashtra.
During Sun entry in Rohini Nakshatra Sun will be very closer to earth and its Rays will have a direct impact on the majority of places across the globe specially from Central India to Northern India, especially on one side of place will have More Impact on earth due to maximum planetary alignment have a stronger impact on one side of earth sphere during this movement & Sun will be transiting very closely to earth in the northern hemisphere, whereas first 9 days of Sun traveling toward Rohini Nakashtra gives intense heat & warm weather that helps in the strong conception of clouds for upcoming Monsoon for 2-3 Months ( From June to November – will have an effect on both Southwest & southeast monsoon ).
This time Sun will enter Rohini Nakshatra on the 25th of May 2022 in the afternoon time and its effect will remain till June 3 (9 days). These nine nights/days are called the 9 hottest days of the year when the Sun is closest to the Earth, which usually causes severe heat and warm weather almost in all the states of India or other countries as well.


ahmx alromeadheen taurus con zod 02 by ahmx alromeadheen The Nautapa : decoding scientific reasons of extreme heatwaves of india in 2022
Vedic Reason for Nau-tapa in Jyestha Month
When Sun Entered the Constellation of the Moon ( Rohini), Moon usually travels to 9 Nakashtras and starts grabbing the heat, which is why it is called Nau-Tapa which usually brings inconsistent warm weather and heat in the Atmosphere. It has been said that the whenever Moon during these transits causes rain it will give the signal for the upcoming days that the monsoon will bring low rainfall, which is called the Rohini Throat.
The reason being, As per the early Ancient observations the four days commencing from the eighth day in the light half of the month of Jyeshta (i.e 4 days after the mid of the month of May and June – from 15th May to 15th June), which falls in half of  May ( Jyestha ) and June ( Ashada)  month are Known as Vayu Dharan months –  The days when the movements of the wind are seen and observed in the Jyeshta month freely from North-west to East direction with full of the rich amount of moisture in it ( In Scientific terms the process of condensation is high during these days near coastal regions).
Those 4 days when the wind is heavy moving near around moon movement in Swati to Visakha nakshatra are vital clues for judging the nature of the health of the Pregnancy of the rain clouds for upcoming monsoon seasons. Here observation of wind direction and its richness with Apah ( Water) movement in these particular 4 days is most important. If there is no wind in those 4 days we can expect the coming months will be much dry in nature and humidity will be higher. If there are enough winds in those 4 days, should be gentle, and agreeable and if the Sky Should be covered by fine, bright clouds then there will be the possibility of good rainfall in the Monsoon else monsoon will be a bit delayed and the level of humidity will be more. 
From 15th June onward if you observe any possibility of raindrops or moisture contents in the air then there should be enough rainfall in continues 4 days when the Moon will Pass through Swati to Jyestha Nakshatra (Libra Sign to the First Half of Vishkha). If there is rainfall during Swati to Viskhka Nakshatra for full 4 days, we can say with surety that the monsoon is near to Shower full of insistent rainfall in Shravana to Karttika Month (August to November, else there will be the possibility of a drought-like situation in the rainy season )
These 9 days of Nautapa are like 9 days of pregnancy of clouds where the more the heat generates due to the Sun and Moon movement over Rohini Nakshatra and more it can carry rain causing clouds for the coming monsoon seasons. These 9 days are actually called Pregnancy clouds of the monsoon and mother earth bears it for the goodwill of mankind. Because of the extreme heat of the Sun in the Jala Tattva of Rohini Nakashtras ( Rohini is actually a star name  Aldebaran, the eye of the Bull,  Aldebaran is about 44 times the Sun’s diameter ), it increases or fastens the cycle of the Condensation process from the coastal regions, that’s the reason it is called the Monsoon Garabhdharan period. This year the process of Nau-Tapa starts when Sun will enter Rohini Nakshatra on the 25th of May from 10 degrees 00 ‘ 40′ and it will remain till the 3rd of June 2022.
During this period, The sun which is actually considered to be a symbol of glory and furious heat enters the moon’s constellation Rohini and takes its constellation fully under its influence and the earth’s elements of Fire & water will go in a process to create Regeneration process for crops, plants, forests, animals & river to balance the nature and the level of heat usually increases at a greater level. Due to the heat rise during this period storms usually start coming on the earth which we will see in the coming Ashad Month ( from 15th of June 2022 onward till 13th July ) & later in Shravan month when Sun will oppose the Saturn from 14th July to 12th August chances are higher than we can see the maximum impact of SolarWinds and rainstorms in the earth along with windstorm in coastal regions of India, as Saturn will impact Both Rahu & Mars by 90 degree that can give much damage in Southwestern & Eastern regions via cyclone, floods or via damage in the seashore.


Solarwinds vedicsiddhanta The Nautapa : decoding scientific reasons of extreme heatwaves of india in 2022
Understanding the Scientific Reason


Scientifically, the unknown reason behind this scorching heat is could be due to the inner solar activities happening in the sun which usually start when the sun gets influenced by Mercury, Jupiter & Saturn which triggers Solar activities in the sun’s inner region and black spots usually appears on sun surface that helps in the change in weather scenario of earth. Scientists are never able to understand The Sun’s influence on the earth’s weather conditions but researchers are slowly figuring out how the solar wind can indirectly affect clouds over the poles, its effects on the Earth’s weather and climate are still a mystery for most of the researchers.
FSVfykGagAAYdO0 The Nautapa : decoding scientific reasons of extreme heatwaves of india in 2022
According to JoAnna Wendel, research has found that the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) can cause certain effects in the Earth’s ionosphere but its impact on changes in climate remains still a mystery. According to Lam, et al., there are strong correlations found between the changes in the IMF and atmospheric pressure anomalies for the Earth’s polar troposphere which can result in a change in the atmospheric pressure to cause changes in cloud physics. Thus it can be said that it has a wider effect on weather and climate.
The Nautapa : decoding scientific reasons of extreme heatwaves of india in 2022
Understanding Medini Jyotish Reason
It has been seen that whenever Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn closely or loosely conjugate, influence, or Aspects sun in any sign, a high amount of solar activities in the surface area of the sun usually increases for the whole month. Such solar activities have also been noticed during Lunar and Solar eclipses too but depend on eclipse type, Half or full or partial, etc. During these combustion or conjugation periods,” Black Dark shafts” in Solar discs have usually been observed with different shapes and sizes in addition to the increasing amount of temperature and heat also being noticed in the earth’s atmosphere too. This has been noticed on the 17th of August 2015 when the sun ingresses on Leo, Sun was closely Conjugated with Jupiter in the Leo sign, in a close combustion state with an orbital distance of 9 degrees opp to earth – ” Tamasa karakas or Sunspot ” appeared in the Sun.
FSVg7WTaIAAi 4 The Nautapa : decoding scientific reasons of extreme heatwaves of india in 2022
The same is the case when In august 2015 Scientists observed two sun spots with rod and key-like shapes. During these sunspot phases, a major break in power (Electricity) and satellite Communication channels is usually observed. In the “August-September” 2015 month sun-spot impact has been seen more in the Northern Hemisphere Regions, which were closer to the line of Cancer. The rise of temperature in atmospheres has also been noticed after these dark shafts. It has been further noticed during these dark shafts rain clouds are usually unable to shower rain and the weather behaves strangely and also raises the possibility of earthquakes in those areas wherever these sunspots appear geographically. (Source   : Brihat Samhita, Adityachar) .
” Tamasakilakas ” or Dark Shafts in the Solar disc region is ancient wisdom on Sunspots research as described by Acharya Varahamihira in Brihat Samhita around 500 AD when there was no science and any scientists available to analyze the impact of Sunspots. This shows Ancient astronomers were already known to most of the Facts in nature “
– Source – Brihat Samhita of Acharya Varahmihira, by Ramakrishna Bhat , Adityachara, Chapter 3,Verse 9,10,11,12 &13


FSViEqVaMAAqTig The Nautapa : decoding scientific reasons of extreme heatwaves of india in 2022
Heatwave scenario of India for the Pre-Monsoon season of 2022
Now coming back to Nau-Tapa Process, there will be sudden shift weather scenario from 22nd May 2022 onward When Sun will join Saturn, later on will be in conjunction in Dhanistha nakahstra, further conjoin with Jupiter, Mars & venhs on 23rd May 2022 and we may see dynamic change in weather from 24th of May when Venus will Join Rahu in Aries sign and Moon will starts its journey of grabbing water from environment 25th of May 2022, from rohini Nakashtra and move toward Ardara Nakashtra whereas Moon will Join Ju, Mars & venus in uttrabhadra nakshtra , Ruled by Soumya Nadi ( Rain Causing Nakshtra), to ashwini to Krittika Nakashtra that will increase heat from and higher level of humidity from 27th of May to 3rd June and this scrotching heat will slow down from 10th of June when Moon will Joins Ketu in Visaksha nakshtra that will give first rainfall shower from 10th june to 13th June onward to Majority of South western states of india i.e Maharashtra, Banglore, Western ghat, Goa, kerela, AP, Gujarat and few northern states, with this condition of weather will improve and will be smoother but Major problem of extreme temperature, Dry and warm weather will still remain persistently until Saturn and Jupiter turns to direct motion. People of Madhya-Pradesh will experience relaxed weather when Sun will transits in Gemini Sign in Ardara Nakashtra from 22nd June onward.
Conclusion :
When Sun will reach Mrigshira nakshatra in Agni Nadi from the 8th of June 2022 onward, the condensation process will increase in the Coastal and other regions of southern India which will increase the chances of rainfall but with heat and moisture in the atmosphere will still remain. The same will apply to North India, though the Weather will be a bit relaxed from the Scorching heat the presence of moisture content will increase from the 10th of June 2022 onward. As a Vedic Remedial measure, Keep on distributing Sweet & lime water to people during these 9 days that will please the almighty and nature eventually nature will bless them with good rainfall & crops for the well-being of people. I hope this would be helped you to understand how mother nature has a deep influence on our weather in mundane astrology., Stay connected and keep on reading my articles on Medini and  Astro Metrology.
Rocky Jamwal
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Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018

1920x1080 px building clouds field Horizon landscape Lightning nature 572917 Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018



Subject: Astrology weather prediction 2018 and understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018


india temples Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018

Weather and Meteorology of ancient India

As per the early Ancient observations, the four days commencing from the “eighth day in the light half ( Krishna Paksha) of the month of jyestha (i.e 4 days after the mid of the month of the may and June – from 15th may to 15th June, it can be varied) fall in may and June month are Known as, “Vayu Dharan Days (Pregnancy days of Clouds) “

These are the most important days when the movements of the wind seen and observed in the jyestha month freely from ” North-west to East direction  carrying full of rich amount of moisture in it”.

In Science of Astro-meteorology, These 4 days when the wind is heavy,  Pressure is quiet low  in the environment it carries lots of  moisture in it. Around these period, Moon movement would be seen from ” Swati to visakha nakashtra” before Poornimagives a vital clue for judging the nature of health of the Pregnancy of the rain-clouds for upcoming monsoon seasons.

Here observation of the wind direction and its richness or quantity with Apah (moisture),  and movement in these particular 4 days are most important.If there is no wind in these 4 days, we can expect coming months will be much dry in nature as well as humidity will be more.

If there are enough winds in those 4 days, should be like gentle, agreeable and if the Sky Should be covered by fine, bright clouds than there will be the possibility of good rainfall in Monsoon else monsoon will be a bit delayed and level of humidity will be more.

If there is rainfall during” Swati to Vishaka Nakshatra for full 4 days ” then we can say with surety that the monsoon is near to Shower full of insistent rainfall in Shravana to Karttika Month (August to November) else there will be the possibility of drought like situation in the rainy season.
rhwallalphacoderscom lightning Lighting Storm Ocean storm over the ocean full hd wallpaper and background rhwallalphacoderscom forces of nature waves clouds rhrenaturescom forces Lighting Storm Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018
In Ancient Weather science, This gives an easiest way to time entry of monsoon via own sense of judgement and to get clear understanding on clue for rainfall during Sharavana and Karttika month. The only thing required is you need to keep  on observing the movement in the sky, the direction, and pregnancy of winds and clouds.

Astrology Meteorological year 2018 : Vayu-Dharan 2018 Process


VayuDharan%2B2018 Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018
This year Vayu Dharan process started from ” 15th of May 2018 ” onward when moon was entered in Jyestha Amavasya and sun in Taurus Sign, and those 8 light half days started from “15th of May to 22nd of May 2018″. In Those 8 days Venus was in front of Moon, Mercury is behind the sun and moon, Mars and Ketu was in trine to Sun and Moon, blocking the good Vayu Dharan process. This shows that during this Vayu Dharan process there will be intense heat and warm weather will start from 22nd of May onward when those 8 light days will end.
Vayu%2BDharan%2B2018 Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018
After those 8 light half days, 4  Major Vayu Dahran Days  started around “26th of  May to 29th of  May 2018 “ when moon was transiting from “Swati to visakha Nakshatra around poorniamsya (Full moon day)” , carrying huge Amount of moisture from the north west  coastal regions to rest of india closely in contact with Jupiter,  Mercury opposite to Moon/Jupiter and Venus was in trine to the Moon , shows that the this year Monsoon  for india will be much better then earlier years. This year South of india, North west states including maharashtra,  Karnataka, Kerala and costals regions of north west  of indian states will receive plenty of rainfall. Only Gujarat, Many of states of north of india will receive normal rainfall due to presence of two warm planets in Amrita Nadi ruling north indian states.
During those 4 days of Vayu-Dharan Process, Temperature was around 46 degree to 47 Degree, that shows Planetary alignment those were featuring around 26th to 29th of june triggers toward high temperature and maximum moisture process.
TemperatureVarations Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018
Graph Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018

From 29th of May onward, we have seen gradual decrease in temperature almost in most of the states of india.

As per Skymet Weather, both maximum and minimum temperatures seen over Delhi and adjoining regions of Noida, Faridabad, Gurugram, and Ghaziabad. In fact maximum temperatures has touched around 47°C in these 4 days.Hot weather conditions are observed due to the dry and hot northwesterly winds which are blowing over Delhi and NCR.Due to Close movements over scorpio, soothing dust storm was likely to appeared over Delhi and others north of indian states by the end of the month when Moon will further conjugated over Sagittarius and Capricorn.


Symptoms need to observe on Meteorological events from 26th of May to 3rd of june 2018


Did anyone observed good winds, cool breeze or Rainfall during this period ?  If they had missed that opportunity, here is an another opportunity to closely observe the weather in up coming days.

If Anyone hasn’t yet started observing the sky or weather scenario from 15th of May 2018 to 29th of June 2018  for vayu Dharan process, Start observing the weather when Sun will move Mrigshara nakashtra around coastal areas of india. 

Here are another time for amateurs Rainman observers or an upcoming opportunity to analyze current monsoon weather scenario for your state or place. Via this tips you can understand how monsoon will take shape in coming days.
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Below are the points required for Mundane analysis of rainfall, please note it down and carefully follows those. here are the tips shows what you have to do now:
1) See the direction of the wind first, it should be from North- east/ west to south, See the speed, See the depth, See the content of moisture in it, Show how warm or cold it is, See the level of storm factor in it.If it is stormy in nature Chances of pregnancy will be wash away by the fierce wind.If the wind is full of cold and smooth in movement, rainfall will fall soon.The direction of winds shows how it will cover the moisture in the atmosphere, usually if air is smooth moisture will always be in intact with the wind.
2) See the cloud movement from Northwest to South in the sky, Observe its motion – Moving or it is still or stays for a much longer period or not, See the color of the clouds.See how close clouds are moving toward the surface.More they are closer to the surface, better chances are for cold weather and cool breeze.During the day of rainfall, there will be slight warmness in the environment.
3) Note down the atmospheric pressure,  if it is too much humidity in the atmosphere with Warm weather or if it is the hot windy environment,  Rain will be delayed.If it is a cool breeze in air rain will follow can observe the content of water in Atmosphere. If it is high-pressure weather will be good but it will delay rainfall on coming days. If it is Low pressure after some period of rainfall will be there soon when the moon will transit to Jala Nadis with nodes or Jala Grahas around Mercury or Venus in Jala signs ( Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces)
3) If there are blackish or bluish clouds sky and are very close to the surface or place where they appear,  rainfall will come soon within 5 to 7 days soon after Surya enters in Ardara Nakashtra.Currently, Sun will be with Mercury so chances of rainfall will be more especially in Eastern and Northern India.
4) Watch carefully the wind intensity, Speed, Motion, denseness,  if it is stormy, dry and warm in nature rain will be delayed.Hot winds have the capacity to clear the low pressure in air.
5) If during Sankranti some rainfall has come, or you observed water content in the air, or Cold factor in wind its an indication rainfall will be good in upcoming monsoon season soon after Ardara parvesh of the sun.

6) Observe the birds, animals and aquatic animals movement in the sky and land both, if u see lots of birds moving in the sky, especially those came around Swati nakshatra, then chances of rain will be high in your environment and rainfall will be good.Birds Sounding in environment indicates that weather will be good.Their movement and nature show the intuition they got from nature.\


Rakesh Jamwal

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Views: 7

Understanding Scientific reasons of 9 Days of extreme Heat (Nau-Tapa) in summer

343 header Understanding Scientific reasons of 9 Days of extreme Heat (Nau-Tapa) in summer

Understanding Scientific reasons for 9 Days of extreme Heat and coming weather scenario


9 Days (Nautapa) of extreme Heat and coming weather scenario



The 9 days of Extreme and furious heat that started on 25th of may 2018 ended on 3rd of june 2018 which will end the terror of extremely volatile heat, whereas Mars and ketu conjunction in amrita Nadi ( Ruled by moon – this season drying up all the moisture content present in the atmosphere, in Amrita Nadi) that ended on 9th of june 2018 which has slow down the process of scorching heat in most of the other Indian regions from 9th onward in year 2018, It has helped alot in weather condition , but level of moist in atmosphere kept on increasing with increase in warm weather, as sun has joined with Mars  in (Agni Nadi).

What is Nautapa ( Or 9 days of Extreme Heat)

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With the entry of the Sun in Rohini Nakshatra, the 9 days of the Scorching heat usually starts.

This time Sun entered in Rohini Nakshatra on 25th of May 2018, at 7.53 pm, which will remain till June 3.

These Nine nights are called 9 days of the year when the Sun is most closest near the Earth, which usually causes severe heat and warm weather almost in all the states of india or other countries as well. When Sun Entered in the Constellation of the Moon ( Rohini) , Moon usually travels to 9 Nakashtras and start grabbing the heat, which is why it is called Nau-Tapa which usually bring inconsistent warm weather and heat in weather.

It has been said that the whenever Moon during these transits causes rain it will give the signal for the upcoming days that the monsoon will bring low rainfall, which is called the Rohini Throat.
These 9 days are like 9 days of pregnancy of clouds where, more the heat generated due to Sun and Moon movement more it can carry rain causing clouds for coming monsoon seasons.These 9 days are actually called as Pregnancy clouds of the monsoon and mother earth bears it for the goodwill of the mankind.

Because of the Extreme heat of the Sun in the Jala Tattva of Rohini Nakashtras, it increases or fasten the cycle of Condensation process from the coastals regions, that’s the reason it is called Monsoon Garabhdharan period.This year the process of Nau-Tapa started when Sun entered on Rohini Nakashtra on 25th of May from 10 degree 23 ‘ 40′ and it will remain till 8th of june 2018 , 23 degree , 40’ min.During this period, The sun which is actually considered as to be a symbol of glory and furious heat enters the moon’s constellation Rohini and takes its constellation fully under its influence.

Due to this, the level of heat usually increased at great level. Due to the heat rise during this period storms start coming on the earth which we will see in coming Ashad Month, and this year we have longer version of Ashad Month and that time Sun will oppose the Saturn and chances are higher that we can See solar,winds and rain storms in earth.

Understanding Scientific reasons of 9 Days of extreme Heat (Nau-Tapa) in summer
Credit: Walt Feimer (HTSI)/NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab

Understanding the Scientific Reason

342 header Understanding Scientific reasons of 9 Days of extreme Heat (Nau-Tapa) in summer


Scientifically unknown reason behind this scorching heat is could be due to the inner solar activities happening in the sun which was started On 3rd of May 2018 in the sun inner surface, and one of  Coronal hole has been found toward Earth facing ( toward Northern Hemisphere) and  has sent high speed solar wind stream towards earth, which as triggered a Small sunspot region 2712, produced a couple of minor solar flares. A C3.3 solar flare peaking at 17:14 UTC strongest event has been recorded so for by the Scientists.

Although, Sunspot region 2712 remains in fairly small region but fairly enoughed that scientist able to notify it in solar region. Though its tough to say its direct influence on earth region.Till now scientists are never able to understand The Sun’s influence on the Earth’s climatic changes and it is still complicated, but researchers are slowly figuring out how the solar wind can indirectly affect clouds over the poles.its effects on the Earth’s weather and climate are still a mystery for most of the researchers.

According to JoAnna Wendel, research has been found that the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) can causes certain effects in the Earth’s ionosphere but its impact on changes in climate remains still a mystery.According to Lam, et al., there is strong correlations found between the changes in the IMF and atmospheric pressure anomalies for the Earth’s polar troposphere which can results change in the atmospheric pressure to cause changes in cloud physics and thus it can be said that it have a wider effect on weather and climate.

The authors saw effects in the lower troposphere, which were driven by electric potential difference between the ionosphere and the Earth’s surface, days sooner than in the mid-to-upper troposphere. The findings support the idea that the Mansurov effect is linked with changes to cloud microphysics, which can then in turn have an effect on meteorology.

(Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1002/2014GL061421, 2014)


Understanding Medini jyotish Reason


It has been seen that whenever Jupiter and Saturn are closely or loosely conjugate, influences, Aspects sun around 10 to 20 degrees in any sign, high amount of solar activities in surface area of the sun usually increases for the whole month.Such solar activities also been noticed during Lunar and Solar eclipses too but depends on eclipse type, Half or full or partial etc.

During these combustion or conjugation periods ” Black Dark shaft ” in Solar disc usually been observed with different different shapes and sizes in addition increasing amount of temperature and heat also been noticed in earth atmosphere too.

This has been notices in 17th of August 2015 when sun ingresses on Leo, Sun was closely Conjugated with the Jupiter in the Leo sign, in a close combustion state with the orbital distance of 9 degree opp to earth – ” Tamasa kilakas or Sunspot ” appeared in the Sun.

Same is the case, when In august 2015 Scientist has observed two sun spots with rod and key like shape.

During these sunspot phases major break in power (Electricity) and satellite Communication channels usually observes.

In “August-September” 2015 month sun-spot impact has been seen more in toward the Northern Hemisphere Regions, those were closer to the line of Cancer.

The rise of temperature in atmospheres also been noticed after these dark shafts. It has been further noticed during these dark shafts raining clouds usually unable to shower rain and weather behaves strange and also raises possibilities of earthquakes in those areas where-ever these sunspots appears geographically.

(Brihat Samhita, Adityachar) .
sunspot group august 26 2015 Understanding Scientific reasons of 9 Days of extreme Heat (Nau-Tapa) in summer

” Tamasakilakas ” or Dark Shafts in the Solar disc region is an ancient wisdom on Sunspots research as described by Acharya Varahamihira in Brihat Samhita around 500 AD when there was no science and any scientists available to analyse an impact of Sunspots. This shows Ancient astronomers were already known to the most of the Facts in nature “

– Source – Brihat Samhita of Acharya Varahmihira, by Ramakrishna Bhat , Adityachara, Chapter 3,Verse 9,10,11,12 &13


Scenario of heat of 2018


With this Nau-Tapa Process, People of Jaipur has taken little bit of relaxed weather from 1st of june 2018 to 3rd of june onward, after morning when Moon crossed the moola and reached to Poorvashda nakashtra with saturn in Soumya nadi,  condition of weather has improved,  smooth but Major problem of extreme temperature, Dry and warm weather has still remain persistently until Saturn and Jupiter turns to direct motion. People of Madhya-pradesh will experience relaxed weather when Sun will transit in Gemini Sign in ardara Nakashtra.

Problem with summer season of year 2018, is placement of mars with Ketu, also ahead than sun having capability to suck all clouds which are meant for heavy rain, especially in Amrita nadi which is meant for good rainfall for 2-3 days if beneficial planets are transiting over Amrita nadi, but here, it usually giving warm weather with no rain, all clouds are acting like barren due to this, this is actually happening from last 10-15 days.

When Sun will reach to Mrig-shara nakashtra in agni nadi, Level of moisture will increase in Coastal and other regions of southern india which will increase the chances of rainfall but with heat and moisture in atmosphere will still remain.

Same it will apply for North of india, though Weather will be bit relaxed from Scorching heat but presence of moisture content will increase from 10th of june 2018 onward.

Keep Praying with this mantra for avoiding any such unnatural weather uncertainties.

कृष्ण कृष्ण महाभाग त्व्न्नाथं गोकुलम प्रभो |
त्रातु मर्हसी देवाण कुपिताद भक्वत्सल ||

Till then Stay connected.

Source and References,  
– Source – Brihat Samhita of Acharya Varahmihira, by Ramakrishna Bhat , Adityachara, Chapter 3,Verse 9,10,11,12 &13   
(Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1002/2014GL061421, 2014)

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Understanding Heat Wave of 2018 in India and climate change according to Science of Mundane Astrology

RS01PHATHUheatwaves Understanding Heat Wave of 2018 in India and climate change according to Science of Mundane Astrology

Check out Heat Wave alert for upcoming months according to Science of Medini Jyotish


Summer 2018 in astrology

Heat Wave Scenario from 25th of May to 10th of June 2018


On 25th of May, 1:48:25 pm, around afternoon Sun, has transited to Rohini Nakashtra who is falling in the zone of his own Nakashtra, in Pawan Nadi, falling in the trine (5th) from two Warm Planet Mars and Ketu, Having 6/8 Relationship with Both Retrograde Saturn and Jupiter- that Shows weather challenges due to Closeness of three Major planets toward Earth ( Sun, Sat and Jup). Currently Mars is behind 109 degrees from Sun, Usually, It has been seen that whenever Mars has much distance with the sun on his back it usually gives too much heat and Dry weather, and further shows there will be the possibility of no rains till Sun conjoined with Mercury and Venus in coming days either in Jala, Neera or Amrita Nadi.

As Mars is 109 degree behind the Sun Form 25th of Mays 2018 to June 8th, 2018 11:44:14 Am, There will be sudden outbreak of Intense heat waves and weather will remain as Dry, Warm and few of states will have to face terror of Heat waves those states or places are under the direct influence of Sun, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter falling in the Direction of Central and central-East of India Espeically with the first name letter of “O”, “VA (Varanasi, Most of the places of Tamilnaidu, Maharashtra, Kerala, Andhra pradesh)”, “Ve”, “Vo” need to take special care for heat waves wind Scenario. Though Speed of wind will be medium and in controlled but in the daytime, Intensity of heat in Wind will be warm and quite dry, it will try to Suck water from the body with rapid rate, so try to hydrate your body as much as possible as sun will be very close to Earth around central India and its impact will be all over India and cities or places those around Central and Centre-east India they need special care.

The possibility will be there that, in Evening wind will be soothing and bit enjoyable in few places as well.


Capture15 Understanding Heat Wave of 2018 in India and climate change according to Science of Mundane Astrology
Image and Data Source: Skymet on 27th of May 2018


Places those are falling with the name Bhe, Bho/u (Bhopal, Bhuj, Bhongir-Telangana, Bhowali -Uttarakhand, Bhusawar- Rajasthan), Ja ( Jammu, Jaipur, Jabalpur, Jalandhar, Jaggaiahpet- Andhra Pradesh, Jagraon Punjab, Jagtial Telangana, Jalandhar Cantt, Punjab,Jammalamadugu- Andhra Pradesh, Jamui-Bihar, Jangaon-Telangana, Jaspur-Uttarakhand, Jatani- Odisha, Jhabrera, Uttarakhand, Jhargram-West Bengal, Jharsuguda-Odisha) and Je Need Speical attention for Sudden changes in weather.

Currently, they are under control of Mars and Ketu. Other than this those Places falling under North-West of India and Pakistan also need special attention for heat waves. Here weather will be very dry, Warm and intense at a time but it can be inconsistent as well. Chances of sudden rainfall and Sudden heat wave will be there.

So be alert from 25th of May to 8th of June 2018. Problem with Current Planetary alignment would be weather will be volatile and inconsistent as well, Direction of wind will change when Mercury will join Sun in Taurus in Krittika from 27th of May 2018, So it will be Very furious as well as Speedy in the daytime but in Evening it could be soothing as well.


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From 27th of May 2018 to 4th of June 2018, There will be chances of sudden change in weather around places falling under, ” Ta, Te, To,Na, Ne, Nu, Ya Ye, U, Yo, BHA, BHu, Fa, Dha, Ja, Je, Khu, Kho, Ga, Ge”.


Keep watching the speed of the wind from 27th of May to 4th of June. As Moon will be under the grip of Prachand, Pawan and Dahan, as they are known as Yamya Nadis or Dakshina Nadis

(after Sankranti Season) means the extreme heat of the summer can be possible, But the Good thing is only Mercury and Sun are currently moving around Prachand and Pawan Nadi and moon will keep moving around this so Moon will keep on bringing sudden changes in weather with soothing wind as well chances of rainfall in above-mentioned name letters – So trouble will be in the form of Winds either it will carry too much warm wind and there will be heat in
environment or it will vary in speed.


From 10th June onward there will be a sudden change in weather situation for Places those are close to rivers, Oceans, close to Line of cancer and north of India will see some relaxed weather but due to Mars and Ketu conjunction falling opp to Venus and Rahu- chances are high that Clouds could get suckup by intense heat and dry weather.


The most important part in this year weather is that this year there will be 2 Jyestha Month of both Shukla and Krishna paksha which is also not considered as good for Weather uncertainties and one should keep the focus on Pooja, Devotions and Spiritual practices only.

It is called as first and second Jyeshtha. First Jyeshtha commences from Krishna Paksha, followed by Shukla Paksha of 1st Jyeshtha, then Krishna Paksha of 2nd Jyeshtha and finally Shukla Paksha of 2nd Jyeshtha. The Krishna Paksha of 1st Jyeshtha and Shukla Paksha of 2nd Jyeshtha will be pure Jyeshtha month.

No auspicious ceremonies except meditation or spiritual activity should be performed during this Adhik Masa. i.e should perform ritualistic worship of Shri Purshottam Krishna and chant His Name daily.

One should try to remain in constant communion with God till 13th of July 2018, Unless Ashad Month will come Weather will remain twisty, windy and Stormy Same has been Cross verified in Chaitra Shukla Paksha Pratipad Hindu Year chart and Surya Sankranti of Mesh, where the 8th house was under control of Saturn.

In Chaitra Shukla Paksha Chart, the 4th house was under the control of Both Mars and Saturn that shows Weather uncertainties, chances of earthquakes, Warm weather and damage to crops by Heat and uncertain rainfall can be possible.

States those are Falling under Northwest, West, South West Need special attention this year for extreme temperature and heat waves after Entry of Sun in Ardara Nakashtra.

Heat Wave alert for upcoming months according to Science of Mundane Astrology (Medini Jyotish)

Rocky Jamwal

pin Understanding Heat Wave of 2018 in India and climate change according to Science of Mundane Astrology

Views: 13

Ingress of Retrograde Mercury, Sun-Saturn Conjunction and Entry of Cold Blizzard in winter of 2017-2018

Brooklyn blizzard 1888 Ingress of Retrograde Mercury, Sun-Saturn Conjunction and Entry of Cold Blizzard in winter of 2017-2018
By Rakesh Jamwal
Re-edited on 13-December 2017


Research has shown that the Slow moving planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune have a telling influence on the winter season across the globe.Whenever the planet Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus is approaches near to Perihelion symptoms of drought-like conditions has been observed and when Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus is transiting closer to aphelion there will be more like a dampness and cold weather around the globe especially in those areas close to Northern hemisphere touching to Capricorn-Cancer Sign axis.


Late Dr. B.V Raman has observed many of such above-mentioned conditions in his lifetime research work, in His opinion, Strong (Usually Slow moving planets) positions or aspects of planets leave strong impressions on the weather during this Perihelion distance progressively all over the world.


It has been observed that Sudden and Frequent weather changes have been associated with the ingress of Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus over Jala and Vayu Nadi with nodes near Supermoon, or Full Moon.
For analyzing Winter Season Ingress of Sun in Scorpio Sign, Jupiter conjunction with Nodes, Saturn, Mercury or Moon have vital role play in triggering seasonal changes those are unpredictable or very erratic in nature.
Lets study past cases on erratic winter season those are falling under the worst winter season in century.
Winters of  2009-2010 (Analysis of UK, USA and Europe)
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Pic Credit:


News : Britain braced for long, snowy winter as strongest El Nino since 1950 expected.The strongest El Nino for 65 years could bring a winter like the 2009/2010 Big Freeze.


This has been Seen and observed in Winters of year 2009-2010 around the globe When Jupiter was Just separated from the north nodes Near Capricorn Sign when it was closer to the earth.

In winters of 2009 in December month (16th December 2009), Rahu was Just Separated from the Capricorn Sign around (28’27 Degree) was transiting back to the Sagittarius Sign, loosely conjugated with the Sun (1’6), Mercury(21’12) and Moon (5’42) and Jupiter ( 29’30) was transiting in Capricorn sign, It was the Day after Amavasya (New Moon day (Shukala Pratipad) after the day of Dark Moon), and Saturn was closely linked with Venus. Sun, Mercury and Moon all were linked with Nodes. This has been clear case of chilling winter Seasonal change around the globe which has triggered the drastic winter season for year 2009-2010.

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United Kingdom, Most of Europe and India has Measured one of the coldest year in century, almost record breaking Winter in last 40 years has been experienced.


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Map of Europe showing the difference of temperature between December 11–18, 2009 and the 2000–2008 average, Source: NASA –


As Reported by Nasa Earth observatory, The winter of 2009–2010 in Europe was unusually cold. Globally, unusual weather patterns brought cold, moist air from the north. Weather systems were undergoing cyclogenesis from North American storms moving across the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and saw many parts of Europe experiencing heavy snowfall and record-low temperatures. This led to a number of deaths, widespread transport disruption, power failures and postponed sporting events.

Following is the Data Taken from Wikipedia For winters of 2009-2010

The winter of 2009-2010 was defined by snowstorms of historic proportions and record-breaking cold.

Millions of Americans from coast to coast faced unusual cold, damaging flooding and mudslides, or blizzards of mammoth scale from December 2009 through February 2010. These conditions required massive cleanup and repair efforts, cost millions of dollars and disrupted daily life at a seemingly routine pace for many people this winter.



The winter of 2009–10 in the United Kingdom (also called The Big Freeze by British media) was a meteorological event that started on 16 December 2009, as part of the severe winter weather in Europe. January 2010 was provisionally the coldest January since 1987 across the country.A persistent pattern of cold northerly and easterly winds brought cold, moist air to the United Kingdom with many snow showers, fronts and polar lows bringing snowy weather with it.


The first snowfall began on 17 December 2009, before a respite over the Christmas period.The most severe snowy weather began on 5 January in North West England and west Scotland with temperatures hitting a low of −17.6 °C (0.3 °F) in Greater Manchester, England.The snow spread to Southern England on 6 January and by 7 January the United Kingdom was blanketed in snow,which was captured by NASA’s Terra satelliteThe thaw came a week later, as temperatures started to increase.


The winter weather brought widespread transport disruption, school closures, power failures, the postponement of sporting events and 25 deaths. A low of −22.3 °C (−8.1 °F) was recorded in Altnaharra, Scotland on 8 January 2010. Overall it was the coldest winter since 1978–79, with a mean temperature of 1.5 °C (34.7 °F).

(Source : Wikipedia) 
Comparison Ingress of Retrograde Mercury, Sun-Saturn Conjunction and Entry of Cold Blizzard in winter of 2017-2018
1962 1946 Ingress of Retrograde Mercury, Sun-Saturn Conjunction and Entry of Cold Blizzard in winter of 2017-2018


1982 1978 Ingress of Retrograde Mercury, Sun-Saturn Conjunction and Entry of Cold Blizzard in winter of 2017-2018
COMPARISON OF 2009/10 WITH PREVIOUS COLD WINTERS. Source : Exceptional weather events

Indian cold wave (2012)

Indian%2BCold%2BWave Ingress of Retrograde Mercury, Sun-Saturn Conjunction and Entry of Cold Blizzard in winter of 2017-2018

In Above chart, near Surya Sankranti of  Indian Winter in year 2012, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter were Closely Linked under the grip of North and South Nodes in the Sign of Scorpio and Taurus where Jupiter was in retrograde motion and Rahu and Ketu has just transited in Taurus and Scorpio sign. Saturn having link with Mars and Sun during that time too.It was the day before Full Dark moon.So, it was confirmed that the year 2012 will be a Cold year for India and rest of world.

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Men warm themselves by a fire at a railway yard on a cold winter morning in Chandigarh.


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A Kashmiri fisherman navigates his way through a partially frozen Anchar Lake, on the outskirts of Srinagar, India.A severe cold wave has gripped Kashmir valley, with the region’s main Dal Lake and other water bodies seen partially frozen. (AP Photo/Mukhtar Khan)

winter main Ingress of Retrograde Mercury, Sun-Saturn Conjunction and Entry of Cold Blizzard in winter of 2017-2018

Indian cold wave during the winter months of 2012 killed at least 92 people across northern and eastern India.The drop in temperature had a devastating effect on the hundreds of thousands of homeless people in India.


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Most of the dead were homeless and elderly people, living in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Other northern and eastern states such as Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, New Delhi, Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Tripura were also affected by this cold snap. New Delhi was also gripped by cold weather, with the temperature dipping to 7oC on the Christmas Day and 1oC after New Year.

(Source: Wikipedia)


NWS Ingress of Retrograde Mercury, Sun-Saturn Conjunction and Entry of Cold Blizzard in winter of 2017-2018
South Asia: Extreme minimum temperature , computer generated conours, based on preliminary data, Source: NOAA / National Weather Service – National Centers for Environmental Prediction – Climate Prediction Center – > Monitoring & Data > Global Climate Data > Global Regional Climate Maps

Normally it has been  seen whenever Saturn forms relation with Venus, Mercury, Moon and Sun it usually trigger chilling weather conditions with heavy blow of wind around November/December months for predicting winter season.In India Heavy Winter season knocks the door when Sun ingresses over Capricorn Sign after 22nd December 2017 and during this time When Moon, Venus passes over Saturn or closely conjugated with Saturn or Jupiter or there will be a full lunar eclipse passes or Full super-moon trigger with Mercury or Saturn, it usually triggers a very Cold, frosty and snowy winter season will follow across the globe in the northern hemisphere especially in those countries those are very close to the northern hemisphere.

As per Vedic mundane astronomical mapping sign system, Capricorn and most of the Nakshatras falling in Capricorn rules the Northern hemisphere countries i.e Almost all major portion of North of India, Pakistan, Northern China, Germany, England, North America, Canada, Russia and all of the countries close to Europe have a deep impact during the winter solstice.

Whenever Slow moving planets transits to close to Scorpio-Sagittarius-Capricorn signs, winter seasons in the northern hemisphere has experienced a sudden and an erratic weather condition. 

Astronomically, Winter season usually begins with the Winter Solstice (around 21 December) mark as the shortest day of the year and has been notices 24 hours of darkness above the arctic circle.It has been observed less than 12 hours of daylight everywhere in the Northern hemisphere.Sun angle is mostly around 90° at Tropic of Capricorn and this winter solstice ends on the Vernal equinox (around 20 March)

dec sols Ingress of Retrograde Mercury, Sun-Saturn Conjunction and Entry of Cold Blizzard in winter of 2017-2018
sunmap Ingress of Retrograde Mercury, Sun-Saturn Conjunction and Entry of Cold Blizzard in winter of 2017-2018
During the winter season in Northern, Hemisphere earth is a very closest to the Sun. It has been observed on January 3, 2007 (Source, Earth reaches to its closest perihelion state but the question is if we are very closest to the Sun after December shouldn’t we experience summer season in December-January.
Well, it’s not possible due to an Earth elliptical orbit around the sun we experience summer and winter season in the different hemisphere, During winter hemisphere.
The Mark of winter solstice happens every year when the Sun reaches its most southerly declination of -23.5 degrees. In Winter season the North Pole is tilted farthest away from the Sun, delivering the fewest hours of sunlight of the year.In winter The Sun is directly over the Tropic of Capricorn in the Southern Hemisphere and is closer to the horizon than at any other time in the year, meaning there will be shorter days and longer nights.
winterSolistice Ingress of Retrograde Mercury, Sun-Saturn Conjunction and Entry of Cold Blizzard in winter of 2017-2018
Astrologically, Research Has shown that transits of slow-moving planets (Saturn and Jupiter) relations with Nodes, Venus, Mercury, and Sun in Sagittarius, Scorpio, and Capricorn has given more cold and damp season in winters.If there is a conjunction of Venus is with Saturn in the winter season it has given insistent rainfall which can trigger long-lasting cold waves in winter.
forest frozen photography white cold bulgaria trees nature snow winter fog mist wallpaper mac Ingress of Retrograde Mercury, Sun-Saturn Conjunction and Entry of Cold Blizzard in winter of 2017-2018


winter Scenario of 2017-2018


Currently Northern countries those are close to Northern hemisphere (U.S, Canada, Germany, Russia, North of India, Pakistan, North China, England those are close to Capricorn Sign) will “experience Sudden and Erratic winter condition” after 10th-11th of December 2017 with the ingress of Retrograde Mercury over Jyestha Nakshatra in Scorpio Sign (Jala Rashi) around Gandanta Degree (29’40) in Vayu Nadi and having closely conjugation with an orbital distance of 4 to 6 degree with Sun (25’00) and Venus (18’00) Weather will take Sudden U-turn in Most of the Northern and Western States of India including rest of worlds lying closer to Northern Hemisphere.


farmers almanac predicts bitter cold temperatures heavy snowfall winter 2017 Ingress of Retrograde Mercury, Sun-Saturn Conjunction and Entry of Cold Blizzard in winter of 2017-2018

It has been seen that whenever there will be a junction of the Beneficial planet in Jala or Vayu Nadi or in Jala or Vayu sign in the same sign or same nakshatra near Surya Sankaranti, (Transiting State of Sun to next Nakashtra/Sign around 0-1 Degree), or  Full moon or Full dark moon, winter seasons usually gives a huge amount of Snowfall, rainfall, with a Heavy blow of cold blizzard air and temperature, can go down drastically at night time.

More the Retrograde mercury will move closer to the Sun and Venus after 12th of December 2017 to 15th of December, Intensity of cold blizzard with rainfall can increase.

Day of 15th and 16th of December can be marked as one of coldest day in December month before the beginning of winter solstice of 2017.


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The close association of Retrograde/Combusted Mercury with Sun and Venus has always given sudden seasonal changes in Jala or Vayu Nadi.

After 15th of December 2017 mercury will separate from Venus at 23’00 degree will give both sunshine and soothing weather condition and with little chances of showers and there could be possibility of cold blizzard or onset of cold wave in some of the north and western regions of India as Mercury will be moving closer toward Jupiter in reverse order in jyestha Nakashtra toward western states of India or countries those are close  to west of USA,  Mostly Ruling Most of the western regions of India (Jaipur, West UP, Merath, West Pakistan,Rajasthan) and world ( US).

Though mercury will be gripped from both the sides by Mars, Saturn and Jupiter till December 2017 month, so chances of long-lasting stagnant weather or cold blizzard will be there during this winter season but it won’t be much consistent.

Though at the same side, Jupiter will be in airy sign that can produce the possibility of a windy and wet season in 2017-2018 till it is in Swati Nakashtra but later after 20th of December  2017 when Jupiter will move to Visakha nakshatra winter condition can change and it will give more damp and cold season with chances of good rainfall or snow or totally dry wind and atmoshpehre.

Though there will be fewer chances of terrific thundering and lightning during this winter season as Mars will be unaspected by Either Venus and Saturn till march 2018.

If we see the Current condition, Mars would be having 3/11 relationship with Saturn till 6th of March 2018 so there won’t be any Disastrous winter thundering or lightening trigger till 6th March but later when mars will Join with Saturn in Sagittarius season, will change and it would trigger sudden, warm and erratic weather condition with more chances of earthquakes around eastern countries and condition of warm weather can experience more after 15th of March 2018.

During this Conjunction air pressure will be high at higher altitudes and temperature at hilly areas will be very low with more chances of Snowfall at higher altitudes but warm weather in plain areas, but there could be the possibility of the cold breeze of air when Moon or mercury will join them.


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If we see the current scenarion, situation will either improve or increase later When Sun will join with Saturn in sagittarius sign over Moola Nakashtra in Agni Nadi ( greater chances are that weather will become cold according to the latitudes of the countries( Cold in higher and warm in lower alitudes) but it could be different in plain areas), ruled by Mars which usually gives sudden temperature variation in the winter season and it can either trigger an totaly warm atmoshpehre, erratic cold and chilling weather in higher alitudes or behaviour will be totally drastic but it has been seen past years, that there could be chances of two different Changes or temperature variations would measure within a day, this effect will be experienced in Most of the northern Regions of India and another part of the world close to higher alitudes i..e Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab. New Delhi. Himachal Pradesh, West Up, Jaipur, Rajasthan, Germany, England, Russia etc. as during this time Venus will be crossing and moving toward from Jupiter to Saturn (* from Libra, Scorpio to Sagittarius). 

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After 20th of December 2017, when Venus will join with Sun over Moola Nakashtra in Agni Nadi there would be either Possibility of Increase of  cold wind, chances of wetness in the atmosphere or with chances of Snowfall, but sunshine at the same time in plain areas or possibility of Shower  would increase in higher altitudes areas of India with snowfall could be felt in US, Canada, Germany, Russia and England, and condition could be measured up to 25th of December 2017 when Venus will be much closer to Saturn around 6 degrees. 

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In this Season winter will be very cold, hard, frosty and snowy as both Venus and Moon will be moving toward Jupiter to Saturn  motion but in 3/11 relation so at the sameside winter would be enjoyoble  and soothing too.

Another Important reason for this year winter season was based on sunspot theory, as after 9th September 2017, a bigger and massive Sunspot has been spotted in the Solar region with the size around 1000 at the solar region of 12673 with  top 10 solar flares from sunspot region 12673 has been measured in 2017.

During  September 2017 Mars and Mercury were closely conjugated around 5 to 8 degrees with Sun in the sign of Leo (Firey Sign) .

When Sun will closely conjoin with Saturn in Sagittarius 16th of December 2017 there could be another possibility that sunspot would appear in the solar region that can trigger cold and damp Winter season with stagnant pressure over longer periods (Possibly for 1 month – up to 16th of January 2018) and winter would be colder than normal for the season. 

After When sun Will join South Node Ketu weather condition would be much colder, sever and possibility of winter Storms could trigger during winter in 2018 up to 16th of February 2018.


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In General, Mild winter would be trigger after 22nd of December 2017 to 22nd of January 2018 for rest of northern Hemisphere countries, and one can experience seasonal changes in winter in Most of the northern and Western areas of India and rest of the world.

Source and Reference,
Weathers and Earthquake by Dr B.V Raman

pin Ingress of Retrograde Mercury, Sun-Saturn Conjunction and Entry of Cold Blizzard in winter of 2017-2018

Views: 13

Astro Climatological study – Impact of Planetary Movements over Changing trend in Climatology in India

Astro Climatological study – Impact of Planetary Movements over Changing trend in Climatology in India
Extreme weather & Climatic changes occurring in India and across the globe
Introduction :

It has been seen Whenever Sun passes over Saturn and Mercury with close conjunction or within close orbital distance of 3.20 to 6.40 it usually create long lasting stagnant Pressure in winters with observation of much colder and denser than normal season. This has been clearly said by Dr B.V Raman in “Astrology in Predicting weather and Earthquakes”. Dr Raman was much favouring in studying deeply all the patterns emerging in the solar regions for most of the climatic changes within a month as they are directly or indirectly linked with weather, astro-meteorological and seismological changes. Dr Raman explained clearly, Slow moving planets like Jupiter and Saturn have telling influence on weather changes for much longer periods and fast moving planet like Mercury and Moon have major influences on at sudden dynamically changes occurring in weather and

sunspot ar12192 jupiter earth Astro Climatological study - Impact of Planetary Movements over Changing trend in Climatology in Indiaenvironment for shorter period of time.With Slow moving planet like Saturn and Jupiter it has been seen either there will be gradual growth in Solar activities within period of increase in orbital distance or degrees in sun or there will be complete instability in weather trends occurring during seasonal changes i.e from Summer to winter or from winter to summer and impact has been seen for much longer period. It usually gives slow paced dramatic climatic changes over longer period of time not easily notable in days and many a time it takes month to feel the damp changes in season. This has been true to the climatic changes occurred after 17th of November 2015, when both the Sun and the Mercury were ruling earlier degrees in sign of Scorpio gives a complete change in the trend of weather in india.

With the closer influence of Sun and Mercury in transiting states over Scorpio,a cold Windy Spells started in south eastern coastal regions of India (i.e Chennai) in year 2015, falling 2nd to Virgo (Where Rahu, Venus and Mars were closely transited in the sign ruling southern part of India) totally sank Chennai city in 24 hours with highest rainfall around 246.5 mm rainfall within 15th to 17th of November 2015 which breaks the record of November 2005.This clearly shows Sun and Mercury movement have telling influence in increasing depth of lower and higher pressure system around coastal areas and bringing change in wind pattern according to seasonal changes. This clearly states Dr B.V Raman Observation on planetary movements and their impact on weather fluctuations mostly falls true in most of the cases.

This i also had explained in my last short article that i posted on 5th of November 2015 where I had clearly mentioned as soon as there will be a close alignment trigger in Uttraphalguni Nakashtra, Places those are close to Bay of Bengal may face cyclic storm and there will be greater chances of increase in number of seismic activities around the globe lying closer to South-Eastern regions and there will be dramatic changes in weather over those are lying closer to Himalayan ranges in north-east of India. This has found been true and Soon after 5th of November  2015, Cyclone-Roanu made landfall in Chennai and maximum number of earthquakes experienced in year 2015 with higher magnitudes (of mostly around 6 to 7.0) and experienced sudden flow of snowfall in higher altitudes of north of India.


Extreme Weather and Climate Change Infographic Astro Climatological study - Impact of Planetary Movements over Changing trend in Climatology in India


If we look out at reason for why Heavy downpour and flood situation came in picture in Chennai. It was quiet clear, North Node (Rahu) and Mars were closely conjugated with the Venus within closer degree and difference of 4:15 to 4:29 in Uttraphalguni, this clearly states very tense situation till mars will be under the grip of North node in a close orbital distance of 1 degree.

Mars Close alignment with North node usually brings thunderstorms, heavy lighting, Damage to ships near oceans and coastal areas. Moreover, during that time Moon was closely moving over Virgo-Libra transitions phase in Swati nakashtra behind the sun (Krishna Paksha phase). If we look out Bhagwad Puraan for reference, Venus is considered as planet of Causing good rainfall but if fall under Malefic planets like nodes, rainfall can take shape of long lasting downpour for much longer period of time. This clearly states malefic planets those are in leading degrees in conjunctions had major role play in triggering mundane events drastically.

If we look out at last solar movement of Sun in sign of Scorpio with Mercury and Saturn, there will be a complete major shift over in winter season with influencing role of Sun over Sign of Scorpio until and unless it leads degree. Although Close conjunction of Sun and Mercury usually brings a blizzard of cold waves in places those are under the sign and nakashtras of transits.

Interesting point to notice that around 27th and 28th of November 2015 sun was in leading role in degrees creating planetary war with the Saturn, that clearly suggests vibrating weather with much variation of temperatures in a day i.e might be three complete changes within a day in weather condition. Days will be controlled and balanced state having not much colder but nights will be total opposite to days. This clearly suggests that there will be dynamic weather changes in November month around the globe in India, Mostly in Northern and western regions of India.

But situation will change after 29th of November 2015 when Saturn and Sun will be aligned in same degrees in sign of Scorpio, suggesting time to open almiras for sweaters and jackets.

Exactly This situation came true when transit of Sun over Scorpio sign triggered with Saturn, strangely as expected after 3rd of December 2015 when sun transited over Jyestha nakashtra huge downfall in temperature been noted by meteorologist in across the North-western region.

Further exactly When Moon joined over this conjunction period after 10th, 11th and 12th of December 2015 massive turnover in temperatures has been noticed over higher altitudes of India with fall in temperature around about 0 degree in Ladakh and higher regions of Kashmir and heavy rainfall in other northern regions of India.

It is hereby to notice that situation wasn’t be much satisfying for further days left in months, Major changes in fall of temperature noticed including cities/states of J&K, Sirsa, Haryana, Sonipat,Rohtak, Ambala, ganaganagar, alwar, bharatpur, Amritsar, Jalandhar, Himachal, Western Delhi region, Jaipur, Ajmer, ahmedabad etc till 16th of December 2015 and further there was much long lasting slow paced blizzard cold wave occured after 17th of December till 26th of December 2015 and again major downfall in temperature noticed in mentioned cities and states around these period.

Later after 27th of December 2015 much colder windy spell spreaded over North of India, from 5th of January onward up to 11th of January 2016 – there was complete changes noticed in trend in winter season in Majorly all Northern regions of India including Northern America too. This clearly shows whole globe might see sudden change in trend in winter around this period of time.

Rest wheel of time revealed much during January, February and March 2016, and  inyear 2017 period around the globe world will see two Major eclipse within 15 day of gap. Impact of this total solar eclipse will give devastating results around 2017, we can only experience and wait – A Major change in global climatic trend with an increasing amount of Seismic activities could be observed by a climatologist in coming years.


Rocky Jamwal

pin Astro Climatological study - Impact of Planetary Movements over Changing trend in Climatology in India

Views: 6