Names, signs and their significance in vastu : Kaankini Chakram

Vibrational Synchronisation between Panch Tatwas (Five elements), Name sounds (namaswaras) and structural locations (Sthapatya sthana)

kankini charka
kankini chakra for vastu

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Sthapathya implies that there should be a vibrational sync between places of residence and subtle elements. Time and space which carries this three dimensional world is based on this exact matrix. The sync in these elements can increase peace and prosperity while an improper alignment can cause disturbances. Oriental architecture defines the use of Kankini Chakra for finding out the place or direction which will be suitable for the person. We are going to explain the method of using this chakra for vastu. 

Varga/disha/yoni (element/ direction/yoni) chakra. Varga Chakra/ Disha Yoni Chakra: Varga Chakra is dependent on the sounds of the alphabets of your names. Yoni chakra has association with Vargas. The yonis are eight in number and have sync with Starting alphabets of names. According to “Vastu shastra” ‘Yonihi dhamnam Pranaha” It is a point of concern that why yoni is used in vastu. Yoni means genitals of a female. 

The birth of an infant takes place through this organ so yoni represents the organ of creative forces. In vastu the yoni represents types of creative forces ruling the eighth directions. These constructive energies are linked to starting alphabets of your name. Look at chart 1

varga and yoni chakra

Example1: “A” varga has five sounds and Garuda Yoni. It rules direction East. So a name starting with “A” like “Alok” or “Andy” falls in Garuda Yoni and east direction. According to Sthpatya the fifth varga from your own varga is not good for an individual.

rashi varga disha gyan chakra

For example the fifth varga from the Garuda Yoni falls in Sarpa Yoni. It is  a well-known fact that snake (SARPA) and falcon(Garuda) are enemies. Sarpa yoni is “TA” varga. “Andy” has Garuda varga (First in the table) and the direction west falls in Sarpa yoni which is fifth from this name. So Andy should not live in Western direction of the town. Example 2: Name: Karen. 

Karen falls in “KA” varga (Second in table). This is “Vidal Yoni”. The fifth is “Mooshak Yoni”. Mooshak is North-west and so Karen should not stay in North-west direction of the town. I believe that cosmic creative energies have sync with Names and alphabets. Living in directions that do not sync properly with your names may curb your creative energies so a Yoni chakra is used in vastu to find out suitable directions for an individual. These akaradi vargas (chart 1) are strong in certain directions (disha). Main entrance in those directions or living in those directions is good for people having names starting from those alphabets. For example “A” varga falls in east direction so main-gates in this direction is good for people having names in  “A” varga. 

Second Chakra used is Rashi Chakra (Zodiac Signs):

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nishidh rashi chakra
nishidh rashi chakra

The chart above is called “Nishidha Rashi Chakra”. Example1: Suppose I have sign Cancer. Caner falls below South-west, so the direction South-west is not good for me. I should not live in the south-west direction of the town. The chart below represents signs and names associated with them.

namakshar chakra

Living at places of signs which belong to 2,5,9,10 and 11th from your zodiac sign is considered Profitable. 1st and 7th signs from your zodiac signs brings enmity. The 3rd and 6th sign from your own sign brings loses. 4th and 8th sign brings diseases. 

So how can be find this out. Example1: Name: Mr.Robert Miller. Look in the chart above the starting letter “R” falls in “Thula” or “Libra” sign. He wants to live in Helsinki.  Helsinki starts from letter “H” which falls in sign Cancer. As cancer falls in tenth from Libra it will be profitable for Mr.Miller to live in Helsinki. 

2,5,9,10,11- Profitable 1,7- Enmity. 3,6-Loss 4,8,12-Diseases You have to find out the zodiac sign of both the city and the sign associated with your name. Then count the signs and find out the results. It is very interesting that these zodiac signs are not the signs from horoscope. They are derived by name which means we are looking at sounds and vibrations and their sync with other sound vibrations of places or cities. Kankini Charka: I have consolidated the chakra in following chart:

kankini chakra

Example: Name: Richard. Place: Canada. Look at chart 1. Richard falls in “Ya” varga. Canada falls in “k” varga. Look at the row number two of this chart. Against the grama nama varga you will see the “K” Varga. Look at the second line which is “Grahesh ka naam”. The Name Richard falls in “ya” varga which falls in second row eighth column. As the results is “Good” so Richard can live in Canda.

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Summary: The base behind these chakras is the sound energy or “Tala”. There is a word in Hindi language which is called “Betala” or someone out of sync. These chakra denotes several creative energies that require a certain coordination to work in a proper manner. The sound energy inside different expressions have an invisible synchronization with other sounds. Eternal music of life or “Suras” is dependent on this sync. The divine music of creativity requires every chord to produce a proper note. “Sura” or sync is required in music and “Asura” is bad music. Improper “Kankini, yoni or rashi chakra” can disturb these chords and can disturb the music of life in whole. 

By Alok Jagawat

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Face off Divine Codes 4th Volume : Some Highlights from the fourth issue of divine codes magazine

21272817 894731300677909 2711515173644137570 o Face off Divine Codes 4th Volume : Some Highlights from the fourth issue of divine codes magazine

Coming Soon! The Divine codes 4th Edition. 


1-The secret vault of Lord Sri Padmanabhaswamy
Devaprashnam (When God’s speak), treasure & Chaitanya of God. The secret vault.
2-Where Nagas bless you.Kaalsarpa
(The curse and the Remedy)
3-Appendicitis in the light of astrology
4-The genetics of sapthamsa in astrology
5-Colors and Health
6-Astrology of murderers
7-U.S.A Eclipse and the Aftermaths
8- Your Problems and Solutions- Letter to the Editor
9. Book Review.

11088543 511937155623994 5588987580313700072 n28129 Face off Divine Codes 4th Volume : Some Highlights from the fourth issue of divine codes magazine

“THE DIVINE CODES” journal is published by us for establishing scientific truth on the origination of different sacred subjects i.e Mundane world Events, Vedic Astrology, Earth Sacred Geometries, Vastu, Pyramid Science, Paranormal, Vedic Jyotish – Jamini , Spirituality, Yoga, Ayurveda, travelogue and Transcendental Meditation sciences.

The primordial being has encrypted many matters of life and Jyotish is a light that enlightens the path to unknown. The Divine Codes Journal is a free periodical with no time limits attached.

It is completely free and downloadable from the following links. The articles in the magazine are well researched and carry a well-balanced scientific approach.

Members can contribute their articles and research for the same. It will be published regularly and it will remain free forever. Each article from its contributing members will also carry a photo and bio of the respective author.

The authors will also get exposure through three websites, social media, and publishing archives.We welcome you to a voyage for love and peace.

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Views: 5

Monsoon Update for North, West and South Eastern States of India for July 2017

Monsoon Update for North, West and South Eastern States of India
19657346 1565570866829175 9176666935069080036 n Monsoon Update for North, West and South Eastern States of India for July 2017

With the ingress of Venus and Mercury over punurvasu (Vayu nadi – 20 dronas ) and krittika (Dahan nadi – 10 Drona) Nakashtra after 30th June and 3rd of July in Cancer and Taurus, massive first fall of monsoon rain will hit whole northern hemisphere.

Western and northern India will get a great sign of relaxation after 4th of July when the moon will conjoin over Visakha (Soumya nadi – 20 drona) nakshatra in Scorpio with Saturn.

Rain will consistently increase from 4th of July to 6th of July in mostly all major parts of India- especially New Delhi, jk, Jaipur, western up, Punjab, West Pakistan etc and Weather will be cool and swift, cold wind will be moving in atmosphere after the mercury influence over northern hemisphere in vayu nadi after 3rd of July.
Though with the ingress of moon with nodes in Leo over Pooralvaphalguni Nakashtra has consistently increased the rain factor from last 2.5 days, in almost every city in northern and southeastern states of India but quantity of rainfall still not as per the desired dronas that what we are expecting in Western and Southern states of India, but soon mercury will totally influence whole northern india with greater dronas of rainfall. 

Till then Happy monsoon to All.

pin Monsoon Update for North, West and South Eastern States of India for July 2017

Views: 4

An Invitation to writers and authors for the Divine Codes 4th Edition

11088543 511937155623994 5588987580313700072 n An Invitation to writers and authors for the Divine Codes 4th Edition

Subjects: Spirituality, Jyotisa, nadi jyotisa, gems, travel related to temples or spiritual places, interesting interviews, Vastu, divine subjects, mundane astrology, palmistry, yoga, Ayurveda, naturopathy.

The fourth issue of our digital magazine “The Divine codes” is going to be published very soon. The forthcoming issues (Not this issue) will carry a paid subscription (Nominal amount) and the amount will be used to pay the writers.

Advertisements will be published as well. The current advertising rates are very less. You can email for advertisements. The account statements of the non-profitable organization will remain a public record and will be published on open forums. Complete transparency will be maintained in all payments received and given.

Writers who can write on above-mentioned subjects can send their articles to There are certain amendments that will be seen in the coming issue:

1. The writers will have to complete their articles in three-four pages. This does not include photos.

2. The articles can be in Hindi as well as English.

3. Articles should carry a photograph and short bio of the writer. This will be published along with the article. 

4. Try to write short articles in a summarized form. 

5. The magazine will include articles on travels related to temples, mathas or spiritual places. This will include colored photographs and the spiritual aspects of the temple, the background history, and the traveling methods.

6. The magazine will include a question-answer session where anybody can ask questions and the panel of writers will answer the same. The question can be related to jyotisha, health, Vastu etc. Questions can be emailed to and answers will be published in coming issue. Please send an email with subject “question”.
7. The previous issues of the magazine are free and can be downloaded from following locations.
Authors Can also send their article on below-mentioned link:
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The Ultimate Protection of Narayana Kavach

NarayannaKavach1 The Ultimate Protection of Narayana Kavach


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Complete Sanskrit and Hindi Translation of Naryana kavach by Geeta Press Embedded 

The Narayana Kavacham is a prayer dedicated to the Lord Maha-Vishnu for any sort of trouble, either it is seen or unseen. One can immensely benefit by chanting this sacred stotra from any sort of danger, by removing obstacles from their lives.

The Narayana Kavacham occurs in chapter eight of the sixth skandha of Bhagavata Purana. It is an Armour of Lord Mahavishnu to protect ourselves from any sort of enemies.

The Story Begins:

Raja Parikshith, the son of Abhimanyu, asks his teacher, Sage Shuka for a means to protect himself from his enemies. Sage Shuka then teaches him the Narayana Kavacham, which was originally taught by Sage Viswaroopa, the son of Thwashtra, to Indra. It is believed that the soul of the man who reads this Kavacha becomes extremely holy and that anyone who reads this would be protected by Lord Vishnu.Once a time demons have gained enormous strength under the protection of their Guru Shukra acharya. The demi-gods became weak as their king lost the courage to win over demons, at the same time Indra humiliated Guru Brihaspathi and lost the Guru protection. Then the demi-Gods approached sage Viswaroopa for protection.He initiated Indra the great Narayana Kavach as mentioned in Srimad Bhagavata Purana 6th Skanda, 8th chapter. After Reciting and installing Kavach in Hridya, Indra regained his lost strength and tamed the demons.

About Narayana Kavach

603e2bef7efd4b53ab76527683d710bc The Ultimate Protection of Narayana Kavach

Narayana Kavach is a very brief Stotra containing only 42 shlokas. It is to be read once in a day. It takes hardly 10 minutes. First, we have to apply the Lord Vishnu on all parts of our body. This process is called Anga-nyas and kara-nyas.

Source of Narayana Kavach

The text of Narayana Kavach is available in Vyas Srimad Bhagwat Purana, 6th Skanda. You can browse This chapter describes how Indra, the King of heaven, was victorious over the soldiers of the demons, and it also describes the shield of the Vishnu mantra.
The Process of Recitation 

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This chapter describes how Indra, the King of heaven, was victorious over the soldiers of the demons, and it also describes the shield of the Viṣṇu mantra.

To take protection from this shield, one must first touch kuśa grass and wash one’s mouth with ācamana-mantras. One should observe silence and then place the eight-syllable Viṣṇu mantra on the parts of his body and place the twelve-syllable mantra on his hands. The eight-syllable mantra is oṁ namonārāyaṇāya. This mantra should be distributed all over the front and back of the body. The twelve-syllable mantra, which begins with the praṇava, oṁkāra, is oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya.

One syllable should be placed on each of the fingers and should be preceded by the praṇava, oṁkāra. Thereafter, one must chant oṁ viṣṇave namaḥ, which is a six-syllable mantra.

One must progressively place the syllables of the mantra on the heart, the head, between the two eyebrows, on the śikhā and between the eyes, and then one should chant maḥ astrāya phaṭ and with this mantra protect himself from all directions. 

Nādevo devamarcayet: one who has not risen to the level of a deva cannot chant this mantra. According to this direction of the śāstra, one must think himself qualitatively nondifferent from the Supreme.

After finishing this dedication, one must offer a prayer to the eight-armed Lord Viṣṇu, who sits on the shoulders of Garuḍadeva. One also has to think of the fish incarnation, Vāmana, Kūrma, Nṛsiṁha, Varāha. Paraśurāma, Rāmacandra (the elder brother of Lakṣmaṇa). Nara-Nārāyaṇa, Dattātreya (an empowered incarnation), Kapila, Sanat-kumāra, Hayagrīva, Nāradadeva (the incarnation of a devotee). Dhanvantari, Ṛṣabhadeva, Yajña, Balarāma, Vyāsadeva, Buddhadeva and Keśava. 

One should also think of Govinda, the master of Vṛndāvana. and one should think of Nārāyaṇa, the master of the spiritual sky. One should think of Madhusūdana, Tridhāmā, Mādhava, Hṛṣīkeśa, Padmanābha, Janārdana, Dāmodara and Viśveśvara, as well as the Supreme Personality of Godhead Kṛṣṇa Himself.

After offering prayers to the Lord’s personal expansions known as the svāṁśa and śaktyāveśa-avatāras, one should pray to the weapons of Lord Nārāyaṇa, such as the Sudarśana, gadā, śaṅkha, khaḍga and bow.

(Source and Reference:

Astrological Significance Of Narayana kavach
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Astrologically those having Mercury  lordship of 5th or placed in Lagna, 9th  or 5th house from Natal chart Should regularly recite Narayana Kavach. Those are facing great difficulties in wealth, Job and career related issues they can also recite kavach to get divine protection from  Narayana, as its the only who he sustains or fulfills our mundane desires by sitting in our Kendra bhavas (1st, 4th, 7th and 10th).Kendra Bhavas are the house of Sustenance where lord Vishnu sits for uplifting, nourishment and fullfilling all kind of worldly needs and also shows our mundane desires one can have in his life that one wants to fulfill with the help of Laxmi who sits in Trikona bhavas. So, one having any sort of financial or job-related issues they should recite Narayana kavach daily once a time.

Same is case with the Dharma devta who also helps in fulfilling our mundane desires sitting in 9th house from the Karkamsa in Navamsa chart.

Those having Mercury alone placed in the 9th from the Karkamsa or having Mercury with Moon placed in it, they should also chant Kavach to get divine protection from Narayana for any sort of Mundane difficulties they are facing.

Even same is the case with the those having mercury placed in 8th or having lordship of 8th house placed in any bhava, they should chant Narayana kavach for any sort of miseries they are facing in life, or facing extreme health issues and having fear of un-sudden death or fear from Black magic or unseen enemies.

Even it is applicable for those having the Close influence of Saturn over Mercury or either they having lordship of 8th or placed in the 8th house.

English Translation with  Purport on Narayana Kavach by Srila Prabhupad 

20 The Ultimate Protection of Narayana Kavach


The Narayana Kavach Begins:

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After explaining this process, Śukadeva Gosvāmī told MahārājaParīkṣit how Viśvarūpa, the brother of Vṛtrāsura, described the glories of the Nārāyaṇa-kavaca to Indra.

yayā gupta sahasrāka
savāhān ripu-sainikān
krīann iva vinirjitya
tri-lokyā bubhuje śriyam
bhagavas tan mamākhyāhi
varma nārāyaātmakam
yathātatāyina śatrūn
yena gupto ’jayan mdhe
King Parīkṣit inquired from Śukadeva Gosvāmī: My lord, kindly explain the Viṣṇu mantra armor that protected King Indra and enabled him to conquer his enemies, along with their carriers, and enjoy the opulence of the three worlds. Please explain to me that Nārāyaṇa armor, by which King Indra achieved success in battle, conquering the enemies who were endeavoring to kill him.
śrī-bādarāyair uvāca
vta purohitas tvāṣṭro
nārāyaākhya varmāha
tad ihaika-manā śṛṇu
Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: King Indra, the leader of the demigods, inquired about the armor known as Nārāyaṇa-kavaca from Viśvarūpa, who was engaged by the demigods as their priest. Please hear Viśvarūpa’s reply with great attention.
śrī-viśvarūpa uvāca
dhautāghri-pāir ācamya
sapavitra uda-mukha
mantrābhyā vāg-yata śuci
nārāyaa-para varma
sannahyed bhaya āgate
pādayor jānunor ūrvor
udare hdy athorasi
mukhe śirasy ānupūrvyād
okārādīni vinyaset
o namo nārāyaāyeti
viparyayam athāpi vā
Viśvarūpa said: If some form of fear arrives, one should first wash his hands and legs clean and then perform ācamana by chanting this mantra: oṁ apavitraḥ pavitro vā sarvāvasthāṁ gato ’pi vā/ yaḥ smaret puṇḍarīkākṣaṁ sa bahyābhyantaraḥ śuciḥ/ śrī-viṣṇu śrī-viṣṇu śrī-viṣṇu. Then one should touch kuśa grass and sit gravely and silently, facing north. When completely purified, one should touch the mantra composed of eight syllables to the eight parts of his body and touch the mantra composed of twelve syllables to his hands. Thus, in the following manner, he should bind himself with the Nārāyaṇa coat of armor. First, while chanting the mantra composed of eight syllables [oṁ namonārāyaṇāya], beginning with the praṇava, the syllable oṁ, one should touch his hands to eight parts of his body, starting with the two feet and progressing systematically to the knees, thighs, abdomen, heart, chest, mouth and head. Then one should chant the mantra in reverse, beginning from the last syllable [ya], while touching the parts of his body in the reverse order. These two processes are known as utpatti-nyāsa and saṁhāra-nyāsa respectively.
kara-nyāsa tata kuryād
Then one should chant the mantra composed of twelve syllables [oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya]. Preceding each syllable by the oṁkāra, one should place the syllables of the mantra on the tips of his fingers, beginning with the index finger of the right hand and concluding with the index finger of the left. The four remaining syllables should be placed on the joints of the thumbs.
TEXTS 8–10
nyased dhdaya okāra
vi-kāram anu mūrdhani
a-kāra tu bhruvor madhye
a-kāra śikhayā nyaset
ve-kāra netrayor yuñjyān
na-kāra sarva-sandhiu
ma-kāram astram uddiśya
mantra-mūrtir bhaved budha
savisarga pha-anta tat
sarva-diku vinirdiśet
o viṣṇave nama iti
One must then chant the mantra of six syllables [oṁviṣṇave namaḥ]. One should place the syllable “oṁ” on his heart, the syllable “vi” on the top of his head, the syllable “ṣa” between his eyebrows, the syllable “ṇa” on his tuft of hair [śikhā], and the syllable “ve” between his eyes. The chanter of the mantra should then place the syllable “na” on all the joints of his body and meditate on the syllable “ma” as being a weapon. He should thus become the perfect personification of the mantra. Thereafter, adding visarga to the final syllable “ma,” he should chant the mantra “maḥ astrāya phaṭ” in all directions, beginning from the east. In this way, all directions will be bound by the protective armor of the mantra.
ātmāna parama dhyāyed
dhyeya a-śaktibhir yutam
ima mantram udāharet
After finishing this chanting, one should think himself qualitatively one with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is full in six opulences and is worthy to be meditated upon. Then one should chant the following protective prayer to Lord Nārāyaṇa, the Nārāyaṇa-kavaca.
o harir vidadhyān mama sarva-rakā
nyastāghri-padma patagendra-pṛṣṭhe
pāśān dadhāno ’ṣṭa-guo ’ṣṭa-bāhu
The Supreme Lord, who sits on the back of the bird Garuḍa, touching him with His lotus feet, holds eight weapons—the conchshell, disc, shield, sword, club, arrows, bow and ropes. May that Supreme Personality of Godhead protect me at all times with His eight arms. He is all-powerful because He fully possesses the eight mystic powers [aṇimā, laghimā, etc.].
Thinking oneself one with the Supreme is called ahaṅgrahopāsanā. Through ahaṅgrahopāsanā one does not become God, but he thinks of himself as qualitatively one with the Supreme. Understanding that as a spirit soul he is equal in quality to the supreme soul the way the water of a river is of the same nature as the water of the sea, one should meditate upon the Supreme Lord, as described in this verse, and seek His protection. The living entities are always subordinate to the Supreme. Consequently their duty is to always seek the mercy of the Lord in order to be protected by Him in all circumstances.
jaleu mā rakatu matsya-mūrtir
yādo-gaebhyo varuasya pāśāt
sthaleu māyāvau-vāmano ’vyāt
trivikrama khe ’vatu viśvarūpa
May the Lord, who assumes the body of a great fish, protect me in the water from the fierce animals that are associates of the demigod Varuṇa. By expanding His illusory energy, the Lord assumed the form of the dwarf Vāmana. May Vāmana protect me on the land. Since the gigantic form of the Lord, Viśvarūpa, conquers the three worlds, may He protect me in the sky.
This mantra seeks the protection of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the water, land and sky in His incarnations as the fish, Vāmanadeva and the Viśvarūpa.
durgev aavy-āji-mukhādiu prabhu
pāyān nsiho ’sura-yūthapāri
vimuñcato yasya mahāṭṭa-hāsa
diśo vinedur nyapataś ca garbhā
May Lord Nṛsiṁhadeva, who appeared as the enemy of Hiraṇyakaśipu, protect me in all directions. His loud laughing vibrated in all directions and caused the pregnant wives of the asuras to have miscarriages. May that Lord be kind enough to protect me in difficult places like the forest and battlefront.
rakatv asau mādhvani yajña-kalpa
sva-daṁṣṭrayonnīta-dharo varāha
rāmo ’dri-kūev atha vipravāse
salakmao ’vyād bharatāgrajo ’smān
The Supreme indestructible Lord is ascertained through the performance of ritualistic sacrifices and is therefore known as Yajñeśvara. In His incarnation as Lord Boar, He raised the planet earth from the water at the bottom of the universe and kept it on His pointed tusks. May that Lord protect me from rogues on the street. May Paraśurāma protect me on the tops of mountains, and may the elder brother of Bharata, Lord Rāmacandra, along with His brother Lakṣmaṇa, protect me in foreign countries.
There are three Rāmas. One Rāma is Paraśurāma (Jāmadāgnya). another Rāma is Lord Rāmacandra, and a third Rāma is Lord Balarāma. In this verse the words rāmo’dri-kūṭeṣv atha indicate Lord Paraśurāma. The brother of Bharata Mahārāja and Lakṣmaṇa is Lord Rāmacandra.
mām ugra-dharmād akhilāt pramādān
nārāyaa pātu naraś ca hāsāt
dattas tv ayogād atha yoga-nātha
pāyād gueśa kapila karma-bandhāt
May Lord Nārāyaṇa protect me from unnecessarily following false religious systems and falling from my duties due to madness. May the Lord in His appearance as Nara protect me from unnecessary pride. May Lord Dattātreya, the master of all mystic power, protect me from falling while performing bhakti-yoga, and may Lord Kapila, the master of all good qualities, protect me from the material bondage of fruitive activities.
sanat-kumāro ’vatu kāmadevād
dhayaśīrā mā pathi deva-helanāt
devari-varya puruārcanāntarāt
kūrmo harir mā nirayād aśeāt
May Sanat-kumāra protect me from lusty desires. As I begin some auspicious activity, may Lord Hayagrīva protect me from being an offender by neglecting to offer respectful obeisances to the Supreme Lord. May DevarṣiNārada protect me from committing offenses in worshiping the Deity, and may Lord Kūrma, the tortoise, protect me from falling to the unlimited hellish planets.
Lusty desires are very strong in everyone, and they are the greatest impediment to the discharge of devotional service. Therefore those who are very much influenced by lusty desires are advised to take shelter of Sanat-kumāra, the great brahmacārī devotee.
Nārada Muni, who is the guide for arcana, is the author of the Nārada-pañcarātra, which prescribes the regulative principles for worshiping the Deity. Everyone engaged in Deity worship, whether at home or in the temple, should always seek the mercy of Devarṣi Nārada in order to avoid the thirty-two offenses while worshiping the Deity. These offenses in Deity worship are mentioned in The Nectar of Devotion.
dhanvantarir bhagavān pātv apathyād
dvandvād bhayād ṛṣabho nirjitātmā
yajñaś ca lokād avatāj janāntād
balo gaāt krodha-vaśād ahīndra
May the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His incarnation as Dhanvantari relieve me from undesirable eatables and protect me from physical illness. May Lord Ṛṣabhadeva, who conquered His inner and outer senses, protect me from fear produced by the duality of heat and cold. May Yajña protect me from defamation and harm from the populace, and may Lord Balarāma as Śeṣa protect me from envious serpents.
To live within this material world, one must face many dangers, as described herein. For example, undesirable food poses a danger to health, and therefore one must give up such food. The Dhanvantari incarnation can protect us in this regard. Since Lord Viṣṇu is the Supersoul of all living entities, if He likes He can save us from adhibhautika disturbances, disturbances from other living entities. Lord Balarāma is the Śeṣa incarnation, and therefore He can save us from angry serpents or envious persons, who are always ready to attack.
dvaipāyano bhagavān aprabodhād
buddhas tu pāaṇḍa-gaa-pramādāt
kalki kale kāla-malāt prapātu
May the Personality of Godhead in His incarnation as Vyāsadeva protect me from all kinds of ignorance resulting from the absence of Vedic knowledge. May Lord Buddhadeva protect me from activities opposed to Vedic principles and from laziness that causes one to madly forget the Vedic principles of knowledge and ritualistic action. May Kalkideva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who appeared as an incarnation to protect religious principles, protect me from the dirt of the age of Kali.
This verse mentions various incarnations of the Supreme Personality of Godhead who appear for various purposes. Śrīla Vyāsadeva, Mahāmuni, compiled the Vedic literature for the benefit of all human society. If one wants to be protected from the reactions of ignorance even in this age of Kali, one may consult the books left by Śrīla Vyāsadeva, Upaniads, Vedānta-sūtra (Brahma-sūtra), Mahābhārata, Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Mahā-Purāṇa (Vyāsadeva’s commentary on the Brahma-sūtra) and the other seventeen Purāṇas. Only by the mercy of Śrīla Vyāsadeva do we have so many volumes of transcendental knowledge to save us from the clutches of ignorance.
As described by Śrīla Jayadeva Gosvāmī in his Daśāvatāra-stotra, Lord Buddha apparently decried the Vedic knowledge:
nindasi yajña-vidher ahaha śruti-jātaṁ
 dhṛta-buddha-śarīra jaya jagad-īśa 
The mission of Lord Buddha was to save people from the abominable activity of animal killing and to save the poor animals from being unnecessarily killed. When pāṣaṇḍīs were cheating by killing animals on the plea of sacrificing them in Vedic yajñas, the Lord said, “If the Vedic injunctions allow animal killing, I do not accept the Vedic principles.” Thus he actually saved people who acted according to Vedic principles. One should therefore surrender to Lord Buddha so that he can help one avoid misusing the injunctions of the Vedas.
The Kalki avatāra is the fierce incarnation who vanquishes the class of the atheists born in this age of Kali. Now, in the beginning of Kali-yuga, many irreligious principles are in effect, and as Kali-yuga advances, many pseudo religious principles will certainly be introduced, and people will forget the real religious principles enunciated by Lord Kṛṣṇa before the beginning of Kali-yuga, namely principles of surrender unto the lotus feet of the Lord. Unfortunately, because of Kali-yuga, foolish people do not surrender to the lotus feet of Kṛṣṇa. Even most people who claim to belong to the Vedic system of religion are actually opposed to the Vedic principles. Every day they manufacture a new type of dharma on the plea that whatever one manufactures is also a path of liberation. Atheistic men generally say, yata mata tata patha.
According to this view, there are hundreds and thousands of different opinions in human society, and each opinion is a valid religious principle. This philosophy of rascals has killed the religious principles mentioned in the Vedas, and such philosophies will become increasingly influential as Kali-yuga progresses. In the last stage of Kali-yuga, Kalkideva, the fierce incarnation of Keśava, will descend to kill all the atheists and will save only the devotees of the Lord.
keśavo gadayā prātar avyād
govinda āsagavam ātta-veu
nārāyaa prāha udātta-śaktir
madhyan-dine viṣṇur arīndra-pāi
May Lord Keśava protect me with His club in the first portion of the day, and may Govinda, who is always engaged in playing His flute, protect me in the second portion of the day. May Lord Nārāyaṇa, who is equipped with all potencies, protect me in the third part of the day, and may Lord Viṣṇu, who carries a disc to kill His enemies, protect me in the fourth part of the day.
According to Vedic astronomical calculations, day and night are each divided into thirty ghaṭikās (twenty-four minutes), instead of twelve hours. Generally, each day and each night is divided into six parts consisting of five ghaṭikās. In each of these six portions of the day and night, the Lord may be addressed for protection according to different names. Lord Keśava, the proprietor of the holy place of Mathurā, is the Lord of the first portion of the day, and Govinda, the Lord of Vṛndāvana. is the master of the second portion.
devo ’parāhe madhu-hogradhanvā
sāya tri-dhāmāvatu mādhavo mām
doe hṛṣīkeśa utārdha-rātre
niśītha eko ’vatu padmanābha
May Lord Madhusūdana, who carries a bow very fearful for the demons, protect me during the fifth part of the day. In the evening, may Lord Mādhava, appearing as Brahmā, Viṣṇu and Maheśvara, protect me, and in the beginning of night may Lord Hṛṣīkeśa protect me. At the dead of night [in the second and third parts of night] may Lord Padmanābha alone protect me.
śrīvatsa-dhāmāpara-rātra īśa
pratyūa īśo ’si-dharo janārdana
dāmodaro ’vyād anusandhya prabhāte
viśveśvaro bhagavān kāla-mūrti
May the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who bears the Śrīvatsa on His chest, protect me after midnight until the sky becomes pinkish. May Lord Janārdana, who carries a sword in His hand, protect me at the end of night [during the last four ghaṭikās of night]. May Lord Dāmodara protect me in the early morning, and may Lord Viśveśvara protect me during the junctions of day and night.
cakra yugāntānala-tigma-nemi
bhramat samantād bhagavat-prayuktam
dandagdhi dandagdhy ari-sainyam āśu
kaka yathā vāta-sakho hutāśa
Set into motion by the Supreme Personality of Godhead and wandering in all the four directions, the disc of the Supreme Lord has sharp edges as destructive as the fire of devastation at the end of the millennium. As a blazing fire burns dry grass to ashes with the assistance of the breeze, may that Sudarśana cakra burn our enemies to ashes.
gade ’śani-sparśana-visphulige
nipiṇḍhi nipiṇḍhy ajita-priyāsi
bhūta-grahāś cūraya cūrayārīn
O club in the hand of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, you produce sparks of fire as powerful as thunderbolts, and you are extremely dear to the Lord. I am also His servant. Therefore kindly help me pound to pieces the evil living beings known as Kuṣmāṇḍas, Vaināyakas, Yakṣas, Rākṣasas, Bhūtas and Grahas. Please pulverize them.
tva yātudhāna-pramatha-preta-māt
darendra vidrāvaya kṛṣṇa-pūrito
bhīma-svano ’rer hdayāni kampayan
O best of conchshells, O Pāñcajanya in the hands of the Lord, you are always filled with the breath of Lord Kṛṣṇa. Therefore you create a fearful sound vibration that causes trembling in the hearts of enemies like the Rākṣasas, pramatha ghosts, Pretas, Mātās, Piśācas and brāhmaṇa ghosts with fearful eyes.
tva tigma-dhārāsi-varāri-sainyam
īśa-prayukto mama chindhi chindhi
cakūṁṣi carmañ chata-candra chādaya
dviām aghonā hara pāpa-cakuām
O king of sharp-edged swords, you are engaged by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Please cut the soldiers of my enemies to pieces. Please cut them to pieces! O shield marked with a hundred brilliant moonlike circles, please cover the eyes of the sinful enemies. Pluck out their sinful eyes.
TEXTS 27–28
yan no bhaya grahebhyo ’bhūt
ketubhyo nbhya eva ca
sarīspebhyo daṁṣṭribhyo
bhūtebhyo ’hobhya eva ca
sarvāy etāni bhagavan-
prayāntu sakaya sadyo
ye na śreya-pratīpakā
May the glorification of the transcendental name, form, qualities and paraphernalia of the Supreme Personality of Godhead protect us from the influence of bad planets, meteors, envious human beings, serpents, scorpions, and animals like tigers and wolves. May it protect us from ghosts and the material elements like earth, water, fire and air, and may it also protect us from lightning and our past sins. We are always afraid of these hindrances to our auspicious life. Therefore, may they all be completely destroyed by the chanting of the HareKṛṣṇa mahā-mantra.

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garuo bhagavān stotra-
stobhaś chandomaya prabhu
rakatv aśea-kcchrebhyo
vivaksena sva-nāmabhi
Lord Garuḍa, the carrier of Lord Viṣṇu, is the most worshipable lord, for he is as powerful as the Supreme Lord Himself. He is the personified Vedas and is worshiped by selected verses. May he protect us from all dangerous conditions, and may Lord Viṣvaksena, the Personality of Godhead, also protect us from all dangers by His holy names.
sarvāpadbhyo harer nāma-
rūpa-yānāyudhāni na
pāntu pārada-bhūaā
May the Supreme Personality of Godhead’s holy names, His transcendental forms, His carriers and all the weapons decorating Him as personal associates protect our intelligence, senses, mind and life air from all dangers.
There are various associates of the transcendental Personality of Godhead, and His weapons and carrier are among them. In the spiritual world, nothing is material. The sword, bow, club, disc and everything decorating the personal body of the Lord are spiritual living force. Therefore the Lord is called advaya jñāna, indicating that there is no difference between Him and His names, forms, qualities, weapons and so on. Anything pertaining to Him is in the same category of spiritual existence. They are all engaged in the service of the Lord in varieties of spiritual forms.
yathā hi bhagavān eva
vastuta sad asac ca yat
satyenānena na sarve
yāntu nāśam upadravā
The subtle and gross cosmic manifestation is material, but nevertheless it is nondifferent from the Supreme Personality of Godhead because He is ultimately the cause of all causes. Cause and effect are factually one because the cause is present in the effect. Therefore the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, can destroy all our dangers by any of His potent parts.

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TEXTS 32–33
vikalpa-rahita svayam
dhatte śaktī sva-māyayā
tenaiva satya-mānena
sarva-jño bhagavān hari
pātu sarvai svarūpair na
sadā sarvatra sarva-ga
The Supreme Personality of Godhead, the living entities, the material energy, the spiritual energy and the entire creation are all individual substances. In the ultimate analysis, however, together they constitute the supreme one, the Personality of Godhead. Therefore those who are advanced in spiritual knowledge see unity in diversity. For such advanced persons, the Lord’s bodily decorations, His name, His fame, His attributes and forms and the weapons in His hand are manifestations of the strength of His potency. According to their elevated spiritual understanding, the omniscient Lord, who manifests various forms, is present everywhere. May He always protect us everywhere from all calamities.
A person highly elevated in spiritual knowledge knows that nothing exists but the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is also confirmed in Bhagavad-gītā (9.4) where Lord Kṛṣṇa says, mayā tatam idaṁ sarvam, indicating that everything we see is an expansion of His energy. This is confirmed in the Viṣṇu Purāṇa (1.22.52):
 vistāriṇī yathā
 brahmaṇaḥ śaktis
 akhilaṁ jagat
As a fire, although existing in one place, can expand its light and heat everywhere, so the omnipotent Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, although situated in His spiritual abode, expands Himself everywhere, in both the material and spiritual worlds, by His various energies. Since both cause and effect are the Supreme Lord, there is no difference between cause and effect. Consequently the ornaments and weapons of the Lord, being expansions of His spiritual energy, are not different from Him. There is no difference between the Lord and His variously presented energies. This is also confirmed in the Padma Purāṇa:
nāma cintāmaṇiḥ kṛṣṇ
 śuddho nitya-mukto
The holy name of the Lord is fully identical with the Lord, not partially. The word pūrṇa means “complete.” The Lord is omnipotent and omniscient, and similarly, His name, form, qualities, paraphernalia and everything pertaining to Him are complete, pure, eternal and free from material contamination. The prayer to the ornaments and carriers of the Lord is not false, for they are as good as the Lord. Since the Lord is all-pervasive, He exists in everything, and everything exists in Him. Therefore even worship of the Lord’s weapons or ornaments has the same potency as worship of the Lord. Māyāvādīs refuse to accept the form of the Lord, or they say that the form of the Lord is māyā, or false, but one should note very carefully that this is not acceptable. Although the Lord’s original form and His impersonal expansion are one, the Lord maintains His form, qualities and abode eternally. Therefore this prayer says, pātu sarvaiḥ svarūpair naḥ sadāsarvatra sama-gaḥ: “May the Lord, who is all-pervasive in His various forms, protect us everywhere.” The Lord is always present everywhere by His name, form, qualities, attributes and paraphernalia, and they all have equal power to protect the devotees. Śrīla Madhvācārya explains this as follows:
eka eva paro viṣṇur
āheti dhvajev ajaḥ
 eva vyavasthitaḥ
 māṁ devaḥ
vidiku dikūrdhvam adha samantād
antar bahir bhagavān nārasiha
prahāpaya loka-bhaya svanena
sva-tejasā grasta-samasta-tejā
Prahlāda Mahārāja loudly chanted the holy name of Lord Nṛsiṁhadeva. May Lord Nṛsiṁhadeva, roaring for His devotee Prahlāda Mahārāja, protect us from all fear of dangers created by stalwart leaders in all directions through poison, weapons, water, fire, air and so on. May the Lord cover their influence by His own transcendental influence. May Nṛsiṁhadeva protect us in all directions and in all corners, above, below, within and without.
maghavann idam ākhyāta
varma nārāyaātmakam
vijeyase ’ñjasā yena
daśito ’sura-yūthapān
Viśvarūpa continued: O Indra, this mystic armor related to Lord Nārāyaṇa has been described by me to you. By putting on this protective covering, you will certainly be able to conquer the leaders of the demons.
etad dhārayamāas tu
ya ya paśyati cakuā
padā vā saspśet sadya
sādhvasāt sa vimucyate
If one employs this armor, whomever he sees with his eyes or touches with his feet is immediately freed from all the above-mentioned dangers.
na kutaścid bhaya tasya
vidyā dhārayato bhavet
vyādhy-ādibhyaś ca karhicit
This prayer, Nārāyaṇa-kavaca, constitutes subtle knowledge transcendentally connected with Nārāyaṇa. One who employs this prayer is never disturbed or put in danger by the government, by plunderers, by evil demons or by any type of disease.




imā vidyā purā kaścit
kauśiko dhārayan dvija
yoga-dhāraayā svāga
jahau sa maru-dhanvani
O King of heaven, a brāhmaṇa named Kauśika formerly used this armor when he purposely gave up his body in the desert by mystic power.




tasyopari vimānena
gandharva-patir ekadā
yayau citraratha strībhir
vto yatra dvija-kaya
Surrounded by many beautiful women, Citraratha, the King of Gandharvaloka, was once passing in his airplane over the brāhmaṇa’s body at the spot where the brāhmaṇa had died.




gaganān nyapatat sadya
savimāno hy avāk-śirā
sa vālikhilya-vacanād
asthīny ādāya vismita
prāsya prācī-sarasvatyā
snātvā dhāma svam anvagāt






Suddenly Citraratha was forced to fall from the sky headfirst with his airplane. Struck with wonder, he was ordered by the great sages named the Vālikhilyas to throw the brāhmaṇa’s bones in the nearby River Sarasvatī. He had to do this and bathe in the river before returning to his own abode.




śrī-śuka uvāca
ya ida śṛṇuyāt kāle
yo dhārayati cādta
ta namasyanti bhūtāni
mucyate sarvato bhayāt
Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: My dear MahārājaParīkṣit, one who employs this armor or hears about it with faith and veneration when afraid because of any conditions in the material world is immediately freed from all dangers and is worshiped by all living entities.




etā vidyām adhigato
viśvarūpāc chatakratu
trailokya-lak bubhuje
vinirjitya mdhe ’surān
King Indra, who performed one hundred sacrifices, received this prayer of protection from Viśvarūpa. After conquering the demons, he enjoyed all the opulences of the three worlds.






This mystical mantric armor given by Viśvarūpa to Indra, the King of heaven, acted powerfully, with the effect that Indra was able to conquer the asuras and enjoy the opulence of the three worlds without impediments. In this regard, Madhvācārya points out:
vidyāḥ karmāṇi ca sadā
 prāptāḥ phala-pradāḥ
 naiva phaladāḥ
One must receive all kinds of mantras from a bona fide spiritual master; otherwise the mantras will not be fruitful. This is also indicated in Bhagavad-gītā (4.34):
tad viddhi praṇipātena
 te jñānaṁ
“Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The self-realized soul can impart knowledge unto you because he has seen the truth.” All mantras should be received through the authorized guru, and the disciple must satisfy the guru in all respects, after surrendering at his lotus feet. In the PadmaPurāṇa it is also said, sampradāya-vihīnā ye mantrās teniṣphalā matāḥ. There are four sampradāyas, or disciplic successions, namely the Brahma-sampradāya, the Rudra-sampradāya, the Śrī sampradāya and the Kumāra-sampradāya. If one wants to advance in spiritual power, one must receive his mantras from one of these bona fide sampradāyas; otherwise he will never successfully advance in spiritual life.
Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the Sixth Canto, Eighth Chapter, of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, entitled “The Nārāyaṇa-kavaca Shield.”
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Hindi Translations with Nayas Process: 
virat rup of lord krishana The Ultimate Protection of Narayana Kavach
ॐ ॐ पादयोः नमः ।
ॐ नं जानुनोः नमः ।
ॐ मोम् ऊर्वोः नमः ।
ॐ नाम् उदरे नमः ।
ॐ रां हृदि नमः ।
ॐ यम् उरसि नमः ।
ॐ णां मुखे नमः ।
ॐ यं शिरसि नमः ।
ॐ ॐ दक्षिणतर्जन्याम् नमः ।
ॐ नं दक्षिणमध्यमायाम् नमः ।
ॐ मों दक्षिणानामिकायाम् नमः ।
ॐ भं दक्षिणकनिष्ठिकायाम् नमः ।
ॐ गं वामकनिष्ठिकायाम् नमः ।
ॐ वं वामानिकायाम् नमः ।
ॐ तें वाममध्यमायाम् नमः ।
ॐ वां वामतर्जन्याम् नमः ।
ॐ सुं दक्षिणाङ्गुष्ठोर्ध्वपर्वणि नमः ।
ॐ दें दक्षिणाङ्गुष्ठाधः पर्वणि नमः ।
ॐ वां वामाङ्गुष्ठोर्ध्वपर्वणि नमः ।
ॐ यं वामाङ्गुष्ठाधः पर्वणि नमः ।
ॐ ॐ हृदये नमः ।
ॐ विं मूर्ध्नै नमः ।
ॐ षं भ्रुर्वोर्मध्ये नमः ।
ॐ णं शिखायाम् नमः ।
ॐ वें नेत्रयोः नमः ।
ॐ नं सर्वसन्धिषु नमः ।
ॐ मः प्राच्याम् अस्त्राय फट् ।
ॐ मः आग्नेय्याम् अस्त्राय फट् ।
ॐ मः दक्षिणस्याम् अस्त्राय फट् ।
ॐ मः नैऋत्ये अस्त्राय फट् ।
ॐ मः प्रतीच्याम् अस्त्राय फट् ।
ॐ मः वायव्ये अस्त्राय फट् ।
ॐ मः उदीच्याम् अस्त्राय फट् ।
ॐ मः ऐशान्याम् अस्त्राय फट् ।
ॐ मः ऊर्ध्वायाम् अस्त्राय फट् ।
ॐ मः अधरायाम् अस्त्राय फट् ।
श्री हरिः
अथ श्रीनारायणकवच
यया गुप्तः सहस्त्राक्षः सवाहान् रिपुसैनिकान्।
क्रीडन्निव विनिर्जित्य त्रिलोक्या बुभुजे श्रियम्॥1॥
भगवंस्तन्ममाख्याहि वर्म नारायणात्मकम्।
यथास्स्ततायिनः शत्रून् येन गुप्तोस्जयन्मृधे॥2॥
॥श्रीशुक उवाच॥
वृतः पुरोहितोस्त्वाष्ट्रो महेन्द्रायानुपृच्छते।
नारायणाख्यं वर्माह तदिहैकमनाः शृणु॥3॥
विश्वरूप उवाचधौताङ्घ्रिपाणिराचम्य सपवित्र उदङ् मुखः।
कृतस्वाङ्गकरन्यासो मन्त्राभ्यां वाग्यतः शुचिः॥4॥
नारायणमयं वर्म संनह्येद् भय आगते।
पादयोर्जानुनोरूर्वोरूदरे हृद्यथोरसि॥5॥
मुखे शिरस्यानुपूर्व्यादोङ्कारादीनि विन्यसेत्।
ॐ नमो नारायणायेति विपर्ययमथापि वा॥6॥
करन्यासं ततः कुर्याद् द्वादशाक्षरविद्यया।
न्यसेद् हृदय ओङ्कारं विकारमनु मूर्धनि।
षकारं तु भ्रुवोर्मध्ये णकारं शिखया दिशेत्॥8॥
वेकारं नेत्रयोर्युञ्ज्यान्नकारं सर्वसन्धिषु।
मकारमस्त्रमुद्दिश्य मन्त्रमूर्तिर्भवेद् बुधः॥9॥
सविसर्गं फडन्तं तत् सर्वदिक्षु विनिर्दिशेत्।
ॐ विष्णवे नम इति ॥10॥
आत्मानं परमं ध्यायेद ध्येयं षट्शक्तिभिर्युतम्।
विद्यातेजस्तपोमूर्तिमिमं मन्त्रमुदाहरेत ॥11॥
ॐ हरिर्विदध्यान्मम सर्वरक्षां न्यस्ताङ्घ्रिपद्मः पतगेन्द्रपृष्ठे।
दरारिचर्मासिगदेषुचापाशान् दधानोस्ष्टगुणोस्ष्टबाहुः ॥12॥
जलेषु मां रक्षतु मत्स्यमूर्तिर्यादोगणेभ्यो वरूणस्य पाशात्।
स्थलेषु मायावटुवामनोस्व्यात् त्रिविक्रमः खे‌உवतु विश्वरूपः ॥13॥
दुर्गेष्वटव्याजिमुखादिषु प्रभुः पायान्नृसिंहो‌உसुरयुथपारिः।
विमुञ्चतो यस्य महाट्टहासं दिशो विनेदुर्न्यपतंश्च गर्भाः ॥14॥
रक्षत्वसौ माध्वनि यज्ञकल्पः स्वदंष्ट्रयोन्नीतधरो वराहः।
रामो‌உद्रिकूटेष्वथ विप्रवासे सलक्ष्मणोस्व्याद् भरताग्रजोस्स्मान् ॥15॥
मामुग्रधर्मादखिलात् प्रमादान्नारायणः पातु नरश्च हासात्।
दत्तस्त्वयोगादथ योगनाथः पायाद् गुणेशः कपिलः कर्मबन्धात् ॥16॥
सनत्कुमारो वतु कामदेवाद्धयशीर्षा मां पथि देवहेलनात्।
देवर्षिवर्यः पुरूषार्चनान्तरात् कूर्मो हरिर्मां निरयादशेषात् ॥17॥
धन्वन्तरिर्भगवान् पात्वपथ्याद् द्वन्द्वाद् भयादृषभो निर्जितात्मा।
यज्ञश्च लोकादवताज्जनान्ताद् बलो गणात् क्रोधवशादहीन्द्रः ॥18॥
द्वैपायनो भगवानप्रबोधाद् बुद्धस्तु पाखण्डगणात् प्रमादात्।
कल्किः कले कालमलात् प्रपातु धर्मावनायोरूकृतावतारः ॥19॥
मां केशवो गदया प्रातरव्याद् गोविन्द आसङ्गवमात्तवेणुः।
नारायण प्राह्ण उदात्तशक्तिर्मध्यन्दिने विष्णुररीन्द्रपाणिः ॥20॥
देवोस्पराह्णे मधुहोग्रधन्वा सायं त्रिधामावतु माधवो माम्।
दोषे हृषीकेश उतार्धरात्रे निशीथ एकोस्वतु पद्मनाभः ॥21॥
श्रीवत्सधामापररात्र ईशः प्रत्यूष ईशो‌உसिधरो जनार्दनः।
दामोदरो‌உव्यादनुसन्ध्यं प्रभाते विश्वेश्वरो भगवान् कालमूर्तिः ॥22॥
चक्रं युगान्तानलतिग्मनेमि भ्रमत् समन्ताद् भगवत्प्रयुक्तम्।
दन्दग्धि दन्दग्ध्यरिसैन्यमासु कक्षं यथा वातसखो हुताशः ॥23॥
गदे‌உशनिस्पर्शनविस्फुलिङ्गे निष्पिण्ढि निष्पिण्ढ्यजितप्रियासि।
कूष्माण्डवैनायकयक्षरक्षोभूतग्रहांश्चूर्णय चूर्णयारीन् ॥24॥
त्वं यातुधानप्रमथप्रेतमातृपिशाचविप्रग्रहघोरदृष्टीन्।
दरेन्द्र विद्रावय कृष्णपूरितो भीमस्वनो‌உरेर्हृदयानि कम्पयन् ॥25॥
त्वं तिग्मधारासिवरारिसैन्यमीशप्रयुक्तो मम छिन्धि छिन्धि।
चर्मञ्छतचन्द्र छादय द्विषामघोनां हर पापचक्षुषाम् ॥26॥
यन्नो भयं ग्रहेभ्यो भूत् केतुभ्यो नृभ्य एव च।
सरीसृपेभ्यो दंष्ट्रिभ्यो भूतेभ्यों‌உहोभ्य एव वा ॥27॥
सर्वाण्येतानि भगन्नामरूपास्त्रकीर्तनात्।
प्रयान्तु सङ्क्षयं सद्यो ये नः श्रेयः प्रतीपकाः ॥28॥
गरूड़ो भगवान् स्तोत्रस्तोभश्छन्दोमयः प्रभुः।
रक्षत्वशेषकृच्छ्रेभ्यो विष्वक्सेनः स्वनामभिः ॥29॥
सर्वापद्भ्यो हरेर्नामरूपयानायुधानि नः।
बुद्धिन्द्रियमनः प्राणान् पान्तु पार्षदभूषणाः ॥30॥
यथा हि भगवानेव वस्तुतः सद्सच्च यत्।
सत्यनानेन नः सर्वे यान्तु नाशमुपाद्रवाः ॥31॥
यथैकात्म्यानुभावानां विकल्परहितः स्वयम्।
भूषणायुद्धलिङ्गाख्या धत्ते शक्तीः स्वमायया ॥32॥
तेनैव सत्यमानेन सर्वज्ञो भगवान् हरिः।
पातु सर्वैः स्वरूपैर्नः सदा सर्वत्र सर्वगः ॥33
विदिक्षु दिक्षूर्ध्वमधः समन्तादन्तर्बहिर्भगवान् नारसिंहः।
प्रहापयंल्लोकभयं स्वनेन ग्रस्तसमस्ततेजाः ॥34॥
मघवन्निदमाख्यातं वर्म नारयणात्मकम्।
विजेष्यस्यञ्जसा येन दंशितो‌உसुरयूथपान् ॥35॥
एतद् धारयमाणस्तु यं यं पश्यति चक्षुषा।
पदा वा संस्पृशेत् सद्यः साध्वसात् स विमुच्यते ॥36॥
न कुतश्चित भयं तस्य विद्यां धारयतो भवेत्।
राजदस्युग्रहादिभ्यो व्याघ्रादिभ्यश्च कर्हिचित् ॥37॥
इमां विद्यां पुरा कश्चित् कौशिको धारयन् द्विजः।
योगधारणया स्वाङ्गं जहौ स मरूधन्वनि ॥38॥
तस्योपरि विमानेन गन्धर्वपतिरेकदा।
ययौ चित्ररथः स्त्रीर्भिवृतो यत्र द्विजक्षयः ॥39॥
गगनान्न्यपतत् सद्यः सविमानो ह्यवाक् शिराः।
स वालखिल्यवचनादस्थीन्यादाय विस्मितः।
प्रास्य प्राचीसरस्वत्यां स्नात्वा धाम स्वमन्वगात् ॥40॥
॥श्रीशुक उवाच॥
य इदं शृणुयात् काले यो धारयति चादृतः।
तं नमस्यन्ति भूतानि मुच्यते सर्वतो भयात् ॥41॥
एतां विद्यामधिगतो विश्वरूपाच्छतक्रतुः।
त्रैलोक्यलक्ष्मीं बुभुजे विनिर्जित्य‌உमृधेसुरान् ॥42॥
॥इति श्रीनारायणकवचं सम्पूर्णम्॥
( श्रीमद्भागवत स्कन्ध 6,अ। 8 )
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Astrological Case Study of Vinod Khanna Struggle, Success, Spirituality and Political triumph

VinodKhanna Astrological Case Study of Vinod Khanna Struggle, Success, Spirituality and Political triumph

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Vinod Khanna was born in Peshawar in 1946 before his family moved to Bombay when India was partitioned. During his studies in boarding school he was badly fell in love with the Mughal-e-Azam, India’s first motion picture. Later after graduating from Sydenham College with a commerce degree, he moved on his movie career.The Dashing Vinod Khanna had starred in more than 146 films in a career spanning over five decades with his thrilling acting and actions. His love for his Guru Osho Made him into a deep meditator and a sadhak to understand the truth of mystery of death.He Started listening to Osho Discourse when he was just 25-26 years old,back in 1974. Osho’s words had introduced him to an eternal truth of death.During the time, four of his relatives death, including his mother and sister, totally shaken his view regarding mystery of death, made him into following the path of  his guru. 

He even shared his view regarding death, to one of an Ashram Sadhak :

” I too will die one day, but I do not know anything about my real self’.”

 (Late Vinod Khanna)
This shows how much he was spiritually inclined toward the truth of life.

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But after he returned to cinema in the late eighties courted success again with his films.According to Astrosage provided birth details, He was born on October 6, 1946; 21:15; +5:30 (71E27/32N02) (Peshawar) but due to some of his events discrepancy, birth-time is bit rectified to 21:38, by using few criterias including different dasa judgement process along with other traits. That we will look shortly and after having some birth correction lagna degree found to be around 22Ta21, that seems to be correct and giving right Navamsa Lagna and other Divisional charts.

Vinod%2BKhanna Astrological Case Study of Vinod Khanna Struggle, Success, Spirituality and Political triumph

Early Life

He Had three sisters and one brother: that is clearly seen in his Ashtak-varga chart where 3rd from Mars is having 2 point and 11th from Mars is having 3 points totalling to 4. We find point giving planets are Mercury (Twice – female) Jupiter (Once – Male) and Mars (Once – must be male but due to exchange between Venus and Mars changed to female)

Just after his birth India was portioned and family moved to Mumbai: we can see 9th house that represents father and must also represent Father’s land (from where father belongs, paternal family) most people take this house for travels but in my humble opinion it must be taken for travels only when it is afflicted indicating that due to some problems person won’t be able to live in father’s land and must move outside. However here we find an exchange between 3rd and 9th house that shows due to 3rd house matters (fight) father changed placed in short distance (under same country) why change because the same 9th house is under 9th aspect of Rahu (foreign element, Shock) 7th aspect of Saturn (weak aspect thus we only take it as malefic influence and not for deciding circumstances causing the event) and Mars (complete 4th aspect shows anger and rage in the city) along with Rahu’s strong 9th aspect shows mass murder and partition.

Father was textile and dyes business man: we come to see D12 where we find Aquarius lagna and 6th lord (10th from 9th) is in 2nd house with Venus that is lord of 9th and 4th house (8th from 9th) 7th house from 9th house having exalted Sun and 6th lord being debilitated in 12th house is a clear indication that father is in business and not in job. Nature of profession can be seen with own Rashi mars with Sun who being significator if Ink shows dye and Venus with 10th lord Moon shows textile.


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Handsome: lagna and Navamsa lagna shows ones personality and ones look. Rahu is the one who is very handsome as far as Kaliyuga is concerned whereas Venus is renowned for his beauty (other than that Moon can give round and lovely face, Mercury jolly and laughing face. Jupiter can give good professional handsome look and Mars makes on look younger than his age) Also nature of signs in Lagna and Navamsa lagna changes one’s face cut. Fiery signs make one of triangle shaped face cut. Earthy sign gives square with prominent jaw line; watery sign gives round face with mostly double chin whereas Airy signs are oval face cut with prominent cheek bone. (One can see Vedic Jyotish has many tools using which rectification becomes much easy) there is earthly sign in lagna and watery sign in navamsa lagna but as Rashi is strong with exalted Rahu (Parasara takes Rahu to be exalted in Taurus) he had Earthly square face cut. Along with this Rahu in both Lagna and Navamsa lagna with aspect of Venus in D1 and with Venus in D9 made him handsome actor and heartbeat of many.


Changed to Delhi Public School, Mathura Road in 1957: Dwisaptati Sama Dasa applies in this chart due to Venus being in 7th house as lord of Lagna. As mostly we don’t know exact dates we can find difficulty in finding antardasa will use three divisions of a dasa to predict events (that is a very well known method but now rarely used and works amazingly – No old astrologer I saw ever missed to apply this)

It was Venus-Sun. 4th is the house of Vidya and Sun being lord of 4th house shows education and due to Aspect of Rahu and Saturn shows instability in same and change in place. Whereas Mahadasa lord Venus is lord of 3rd house (short travel) from 4th house of Vidya. From D1 we get to know some event related to education must happen and when we come to all divisional houses related to 4th house (D4, D16, D24) we find in D24 Sun is aspecting 4th house being debilitated in 7th from 4th house shows change in place but the education wasn’t discontinued A debilitated planet can show discontinuation in education but thanks to exchange between Venus and Sun that makes both come under influence of 4th lord Mars and saves his education with only change in place because Venus is in 8th house from D24 lagna that shows education.

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Graduated with a commerce degree: 9th house in birth chart deals with higher education and we find Moon placed there in an exchange with Saturn. Moon is Brahmin as well as Vaishya (Usually I consider Moon strong in Paksha bala as Brahmin and weak or in Krishna Paksha as Vaishya) but here due to exchange with Saturn (Significator of Dark – Krishna Paksha) it shows commerce education. In D24 9th house is vacant but lorded by Mercury and aspect-ed by Jupiter and the sign being Virgo Mool-Trikona of Mercury shows her degree in commerce.

Bollywood Career

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Debut in 1968:  That will be Saturn Mahadasa and Antardasa can be of Mars or Mercury. Between them from D10 Mercury having his aspect on 10th house looks best to start career. Here we find Saturn Dasa from “1962 to 1971 (Total of 9 years)” which when divided by 3 gives 3 years span, (1962-1965, 1965-1968, 1968-1971).

We find it to be in middle part. Saturn in D1 is lord of 10th house and is in 7th house from Moon (Refer to our article on Chandra Kundali where we said planets in 7th house from Moon shows person’s own quest for prominence in life) and from this we concludes that he started his own career in films rather then joining his family business . Saturn being in a hind rising sign middle part of dasa must give effect of Saturn himself,also it is lord of the 10th house from the lagana (Last effect will be of Sign and aspects on that, 2nd will be of Saturn and 1st will be of Moon lord of the sign) and in Dasamsa it is with 10th lord. 

Being in same sign effects will be of Saturn’s own rashi with his conjunction with 10th lord and he being Dispositor of debilitated Jupiter placed in trine to 10th house in D10 signifies his start of career. From 1968 to 1971 until the end of Saturn dasa he played role of Villains or supporting actors matching nature of Saturn (we see how beautifully a conditional dasa works – if we follow parashara strictly and in case of special conditions use conditional dasa in-spite of Vimshottari Dasa)

1973 to 1982 Successful as lead actor: this was complete Rahu dasa and some part of Sun dasa. If we use dual lordship as suggested by Sage Jaimini for Aquarius we find rahu as 10th lord being in lagna having dignity of exaltation. In Dasamsa Chakra we find him being placed in lagna as lord of 7th house giving success in business (films where you’re independent to work can’t fall under domain of 6th house) but how Rahu gave this much phenomenal success. If we use Jaimini principles we find Rahu is complete Yogda being placed in Lagna, Navamsa Lagna and Drekkana Lagna. (Learned readers will do well to apply Drig Dasa here – that is applicable when a planet is in 9th house from lagna and watch how amazingly both Parashara and Jaimini synchronize. The reason I am ignoring Trikona Dasa is because lord of Arudh Lagna is not in trine to Lagna)

[Quickly we see Drig Dasa ]– Commences from Capricorn and Dasa follows as Capricorn 1946-1953, Scorpio 1946-1961, Leo 1961-1969, Taurus 1969-1977, Aquarius 1977-1985. This was in Taurus where Rahu is exalted itself. Rahu is Yogda, in D9 Taurus is aspected by Rahu and in D3 5th from Taurus (house which shows power) is Rahu. Aquarius we know is lorded by Rahu in jaimini astrology and in D1 and D3 9th from Aquarius is Jupiter and Mercury. Jupiter shows power. 5th from Aquarius in Navamsa is Moon

Highest paid actor between 1974-1982 & 1987-1995: we find this to fall mostly under Rahu and Moon Dasa. Rahu is yogda and powerful to give prominence as well as money (this is what Rajyoga really means) and Moon being in 9th house aspected by 9th lord (Parashara considers 2nd 5th 9th and 11th as money houses) in D1 and being lord of 1st house aspecting 11th house and being aspected by 5th lord while being placed in 5th house in Vedic Hora makes him a Dhanyoga giver in D2.

1982-1986 – Became follower of OSHO and left industry for 5 years: This was Sun dasa and we find Sun as being placed in 5th house of Mantra in D1 (which is 8th from 10th house) but being aspected by both 10th lord in the same dasa he came back to industry. In D10 although being lord of Dasamsa lagna he is Dispositor of Rahu and placed with Digbala in 4th house giving a clear indication to his fall from professional power.

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1987 Back in movies: Sun dasa and Antardasa must be of Saturn for obvious reasons. As we said as the same Sun aspects 10th house in D10 and are aspected by both 10th lords in D1 it was a sure to come back in movies. In Sun dasa of 9 years it was last part of dasa (1983-1983, 1983-1986, 1986-1989) and we find Sun in D10 to be in Head rising sign and last effect must be of Sun himself and he being lord of Dasamsa lagan showed his colors and gave him entry again into film industry. Where he worked till 2015 [last appeared] (as Wikipedia says ) see how a single planet gave effect of both his results. Off course this is the place where antardasa comes into play. We see Moon, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter antardasa was in this time when he was in Rajneeshpuram. Moon is lord of 4th house although exalted in 10th house he is in exchange. Mars is in 8th house. Jupiter is debilitated in Artha Trikona and Mercury is Dispositor of Maandi.

1999 & 2000 Filmfare Award:
Mars dasa as being Yogakaraka from Dasamsa Lagna it was sure to come. But what about Mars being in 8th house that we mentioned earlier. Use three division of dasa and find that in this Dasa from 1998 to 2007 first part is ruled by Jupiter who although being debilitated in 6th house is in trine to 10th house and gets Neech bhanga. See effects of same Jupiter in Sun dasa where he gives Bhoga in 8th house and in Mars dasa where he gives Bhoga in 4th house a Kendra. In 2000 it was Mars-Jupiter itself. And between three parts it was same first part. He also got awards in 2005 and 2007 in last part of Dasa where results of Mars was given who being Raajyogkarak gave all this. See how by only Pisces being a middle rising sign changed all the effects of Mars and Jupiter in 8th and 6th house respectively.

Political Career

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1997 Joined BJP and elected from Punjab in next year’s Poll: 
This was Moon dasa ending and he is exalted in 10th house in D10 and in D1 he is in 9th house aspected by 9th lord. A benefic in 9th is a big blessing as 9th house is referred as auspicious by Varahamihira. And start of Mars dasa who is in Vipreet Raj Yoga in D1 and Yogakaraka in D10. [Use Drig Dasa to find it is Cancer dasa 5th from which in D1 is Venus and Ketu in own house. D9 it is having Venus and Yogda Rahu and 5th there from is Mercury and in D3 5th from cancer is Mars in own rasi]

1999 Elected again: This is again Mars-Mars and Cancer Drig Dasa

2002 Union Minister for culture and Tourism, after 6 months came to Ministry of External Affairs and in 2004 won election again from Punjab: 2002 Venus dasa who is 10th lord in exchange with exalted Moon. 2004 Either Saturn or Rahu dasa whose prominence in professional matters we have seen earlier by one being Yogda and 10th lord exalted in 1st in D1 and another being directly related to 10th house in D1 and D10 both. In three part of dasa 2002 was middle of dasa giving effect of Sign Pisces which deposits Mars (in friendly sign- from Mool Trikona sign of Mars Pisces is friendly) and 2004 Falls under last part of dasa that gives effect of Mars (Yogakaraka) all this happened in Mars Drig Dasa whose lord is another Yogda by aspecting D1 and D9 Lagna.

Lost 2009 General elections: it was Mercury Jupiter or Venus which in any case gives dasa Bhoga in 8th house in D10.

In 2014 again elected from same constituency: now Bhoga either we take it as Mercury-Sun or Mercury-Moon falls in 4th house that is a Kendra in D10.

Personal Life

Met First wife “Geetanjali” in college and married in 1971: 7th lord from Venus in navamsa is Saturn who is placed in 5th house from Lagna with Mercury (Karaka for education) and he is also lord of 7th house from Navamsa lagna shows how they met. Their marriage solemnized in that was Taurus Dasa in Drig Dasa (why I am not using Dwisaptati Sama is we don’t know marriage date and in 1971 July Dasa changes from Saturn to Rahu) we find Venus is in 7th from Taurus in D1 and in D9 Taurus is aspected by DK whereas D3 shows Mars in own rashi in 7th from dasa rasi.

Two children from first marriage: Rahul Khanna (20 June 1972) – Rahu-Rahu-Venus. Rahu aspects 5th house from Lagna and Saptamsa Lagna. Venus by exchange in D1 comes in contact with Mercury and in Saptamsa lord 7th house (main house of marriage from where children’s come in D7) Akshay Khanna (28 March 1975) – Rahu-Mars-Jupiter. Rahu we have already seen. Mars and Jupiter is with 5th lord in Rashi and in Saptamsa Mars and Jupiter both aspects 5th house [it is Taurus Drig Dasa which in D7 is having Venus in it and Moon and exalted Mars in 9th from it – all benefics in Kona giving complete blessings.]

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thequint252F2016 10252F85e1520c 4a43 4461 8465 c8c5415766a7252FVinodKhannaOsho Astrological Case Study of Vinod Khanna Struggle, Success, Spirituality and Political triumph

Separation with wife in 1985 due to following OSHO and living away from family: it must be Sun-Jupiter both of them are in 6th and 12th axis in Navamsa. With Sun being lord of 2nd house (maraka) from Navamsa lagna and Jupiter is 6th lord in 6th house. Jupiter signifies Guru’s.

RIP Vinod Khanna Here Are The Things Actor Will Always Be Remembered For16 Astrological Case Study of Vinod Khanna Struggle, Success, Spirituality and Political triumph

1990 after returning to India married “Kavita” and had a son “Sakshi” and daughter “Shraddha”: Moon dasa started who is in 9th in Rashi chakra showing younger sister of wife and Marriage house as house of Dharma (Dharma Patni) and in Navamsa he is in 2nd house (8th from first house) that indicates 2nd wife. In D7 we find Jupiter in a male sign Sagittarius giving first male child and then Venus in female sign Taurus giving female progeny.

Disease – admitted to hospital on 2 April 2017:
in matters of health and death one must use Vimshottari always and we find this to be Mercury-Jupiter-Jupiter both of them being in 6th from Lagna. After suffering from Severe dehydration (we see strongest there in 6th house is Mars – strongest due to being in exchange) 3rd from Arudh Lagna is Saturn that shows death from disease. Being in watery sign and aspected by Ketu Rahu and Venus (Nodes show disease like Cancer – Bladder Cancer [as Wikipedia states] and bladder is represented by Venus. On 27th April 2017 he left this mortal world in dasa of Mercury-Jupiter-Jupiter. Mercury is Maraka and Jupiter is 8th lord and there is a statement by Parashara that if 6th lord be afflicted person dies in dasa of planets in 6th house. We see Venus being afflicted by Rahu-Ketu axis and exchanged by Mars.

With this end of Era India lost his most handsome and dashing superstar, veteran actor Vinod Khanna after being hospitalised for almost a month. The 70-year-old actor died of bladder cancer. Bollywood was reeling with shock and sadness, and several celebrities remembered the late actor on Twitter and mourned his death.

Article was Originally Posted in @

With thanks and Regards,
Shubam Alock

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Astrological Case study of Oprah Winfrey via Char dasha

oprah 2 Astrological Case study of Oprah Winfrey via Char dasha

In last articles of char dasha, I have used char dasha as taught by K.N.Rao in first article in the series, Char dasha of Irangnati Rangacharya on female horoscope in second article in the series and Char dasha of Irangnati Rangacharya on male horoscope in Third article in this series, now in this fourth article in this series. We will use Char Dasha as it is found in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. Some people says Jaimini was disciple of son of parashara hence their teachings are same but Parashara have wrote in Shloka format that is easy to understand as compared to the sutra style of writing opted by Jaimini. We will not go into the debate of who was ancient and who was not. Rather that that we will apply what we can find in BPHS in chart of Mrs. Oprah Winfrey and will see the results along with Vimshottari dasha. Why I am also using Vimshottari Dasha is because any event have to be seen by at least 2 dasha so that astrologer can be sure of the prediction he is making or going to make and the second things is as Char Dasha is a rashi dasha changes are not that much clearly shown in dasha periods when events happens in interval of small time so for that reason I always recommend use of Vimshottari dasha along with any dasha of your likelihood. After all Vimshottari dasha is the king above all.


Direct or Reverse
– based on the sign in 9th house we have to decide order of dasha weather zodiacal or anti-zodiacal. Is in 9th house be Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius dasha will run in direct order and if remaining signs are in 9th house from ascendant dasha will run in anti-zodiacal direction.

Dasha years – count from dasha sign to sign lord based on oddity of sign (not of 9th house but of sign) so for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius count direct from sign to lord and for remaining sign reverse from sign to lord. Then divide it by one for example if lord be in 9th house then 9 – 1 = 8 years will be dasha years. If lord is debilitated subtract one more year and if exalted add one year, if lord is in the same sign give it 12 years. (in case if Jupiter is debilitated and we are counting dasha years for Sagittarius then he will get 0 years and in second cycle that will start after completing of all signs that can very per chart the dasha of Sagittarius will have full 12 years, for dasha years of other signs subtract the year given to sign in first cycle by 12 and the remaining will be dasha years in second cycle) No dasha can exceed 12 years so Mercury is Virgo for Virgo dasha will be 12 years only.

Exception – sign Aquarius have two Lord Saturn and Rahu and Scorpio Mars and Ketu, for calculation of periods of these signs take both the lords into consideration. Using the rules given below 

1. If one of the lord is in sign take another

2. If both are somewhere else together count till that sign minus one

3. If both are at different places count till the one who is more powerful (use jaimini strength here – Explained in earlier articles in this series)

Keeping the calculations in brief now let we go to chart analysis

Oprah Winfrey | 29th January 1954 | 04:30AM | Kosciusko, Mississippi | 33N03/89W35

OW Astrological Case study of Oprah Winfrey via Char dasha

We are taking vimshottari dasha from moon, because ascendant is weak due to ascendant lord being placed in 6th house and ascendant aspected by Saturn whereas Moon is in Scorpio with sign lord mars and aspected by Jupiter. Hence is quiet much strong also Ascendant have 31 SAV points as compared to the sign moon is placed in that have 35 SAV points, so we will initiate Vimshottari Dasha from moon.

General Chart Reading –
I was about to change her D9 ascendant watching her complexion but due to Desh, Kala, Patra and aspect of Saturn on D1 ascendant haven’t changed that.

Talk Show Host, Actress, Business Executive – lord of 10th house from ascendant is mercury that is in 4th house in D9 with Jupiter in the sign of sun that in D9 is in ascendant with Venus, Mercury in D9 is aspected by Saturn. In D1 10th lord is in 2nd house with Sun (Powerful personality) Venus and Mercury himself Media and Rahu (Modern communication) in her D10 moon is in 9th house thus she is self employed. Her 10th house in D10 is aspected by Mercury the Mimic and 10th lord by Rahu modern communication. He also signifies acting as he acted like god in churning of the ocean scene. D10 ascendant having sun and Venus shows her profession and her status in that and ascendant lord of D10 in 2nd house shows her income and money through profession.

She was featured in list of billionaires in “Forbes” magazine (2003) – In her Kashinath Hora Chart. Her ascendant lord of D2 is in 8th house showing money after hard-work and struggle. But there he is also 11th from 10th house showing hard-work never goes in vein. 2nd house lord of her D1 “Karyesh” Saturn is in 3rd house in her D2 being malefic planet he is good in 3rd house in Taurus sign a friendly sign he is very good therein. That Saturn is also over her AL in D2 showing hard-work and money is related to her Status in society, 2nd lord of her D2 is in 2nd house itself, with 5th lord moon making powerful Dhan yoga, that mars is also 9th lord in D2 showing luck and fortune supporting her monetary side of life. In Her D2 she has Chandra-Mangal Yoga good for monetary benefit. Gaja Kesri yoga good name and fame due to this but in bad axis of 2nd and 8th house shows struggle but as it is in 2nd house its fructification was in earlier part of life. But due to Jupiter that is also D2 lord it was not visible till 2nd part of life. In her D2 she also has so many Raajyogas and other powerful Yogas and Vipreet yoga too showing her rise and fortunes. From her AL in D2 2nd lord is in 10th house with AL lord Venus and 4th lord Sun again showing her financial condition, in her Rashi chart 2nd lord is in 11th house and 11th lord in 2nd house aspected by ascendant lord Jupiter in her 2nd house of D1 chart there is combination between 11th 6th 5th 10th 7th 3rd lord showing her rise in financial condition after marriage, hard-work, with luck and blessings.

Raped at 9 (1963) and 5 subsequent years of sexual abuse (1963-1968)

Vimshottari Dasha – Mercury/Mercury – Mercury is her 7th and 10th lord, 7th house is seen for sexual activities along with 8th 12th and 3rd house. In her D30 mercury is 8th lord and also depositor of Moon that is 8th lord in her D1. Mercury in D30 is aspected by mars and Rahu that is also bad and as 4th house in female chart shows her virginity malefic present there in D30 is indicated at some bad events related to virginity. In her 8th house in D1 Ketu is there aspected by Saturn that is bad.

Char Dasha – Scorpio/Taurus – Scorpio is her 12th house of sex with Mars that is GK bad event (significator of 6th and 8th house) with AmK showing very bad event that was going to happen. Taurus is her 6th house with MK significator of 4th house that can also signify her virginity. That is also afflicted there due to aspect of Saturn, Rahu, Sun and Ketu and also in Dasha sign a malefic mars is present showing bad event.

Subsequent 5 years of sexual abuse (1963-1968)

Char Dasha – the whole event continued till Scorpio dasha about which we have seen clarification in last paragraph. It is also aspected by Sun, Rahu, and Ketu and has Mars in that sign too much malefic influence. Mars in Graha Chakra (GC) signifies 4th house of virginity and Moon 5th house significator in Graha Chakra, (it is evident to note here that due to this abuse she became pregnant at age 14 and the child died after 2 weeks from complications of being born 2 months premature) Mars and Moon in female horoscopy signify her menstruation cycles and pregnancy as well. See Moon is also debilitated here signifying death of the child. If we see her D7 where a female sign is rising so if we take 9th house of first child and see then we will find 9th lord Mercury is in ascendant in Capricorn with Saturn ascendant lord being in Dig bala and ascendant lord he does show children but being with Ketu (in Rahu Ketu Axis he shows death too) and as the Rahu Ketu axis is in 1-7 axis it is significant to note that astrodatabank doesn’t show information about his progeny from marriage. If you search on Google regarding this answer in the very first result will be “her interview with a report in which she said” “If I had kids, my kids would hate me,” the mogul told The Hollywood Reporter. “They would have ended up on the equivalent of the Oprah show talking about me; because something (in my life) would have had to suffer and it would’ve probably been them.” Readers can see how beautifully Vedic astrology shows this with one of the main tools of Vedic astrology known as divisional charts.

In 1968 when her child was born it was Libra MD which is 10th house in her D7 2nd marak from 9th house of first children. In D1 Libra is 11th house 7th from 5th marak. Having Saturn that is DK that shows death and in GC he is significator of 3rd house marak for 2nd house of children i.e. 9th house. The sign Libra is aspected by Jupiter that is significator of children in bad house 6th aspected By Mars debilitated Moon and Rahu. That is also MK that took the bliss of being mother from her. Her 5th lord is also afflicted by being in 12th house from ascendant and 8th house from 5th house. PK Venus in 2nd house is afflicted due to Sun and Rahu and Mercury too that is malefic due to company of Sun and Rahu that Venus is also defeated in planetary war with Sun.

Vimshottari dasha – suffering continued till half of his mercury dasha that we have already seen mercury is also depositor of her A5. Those is also further afflicted there and remember he is Badhak that is there with 6th lord, and Rahu showing too much badha in his period, showing bad events in his period, showing suffering in his period.

In 1968 it can be Sun AD or Moon AD but as we have seen moon already afflicted too much with 5th lord and 5th karak we can safely say it have to be AD of moon only to time the event.

Won 2 beauty titles, when she was in college now see Venus and Sun placed in Taurus in her D9 ascendant.

By Age 19 became a CBS news journalist

Char Dasha –
Virgo/Taurus-Aquarius – we can see Virgo is her 10th house the event is clear. Taurus and Aquarius are two contenders for Antardasha as we don’t know the exact date there is a tussle between them but as Taurus is 6th house having ascendant lord it wins for the position and we can say it should have happened that time only. But as Aquarius is her D10 ascendant it can also be there.

Vimshottari Dasha- Mercury/Rahu – Mercury is her 10th lord in D1 and aspecting 10th house in D10 and Rahu is in 2nd house inD1 with 10th lord also aspecting 10th house in D1 as well as in D10 using his 3rd aspect (I do use 3rd 5th 9th 11th aspect for Rahu and no aspect for Ketu 3rd and 11th from Rahu will be 5th and 9th of Ketu)

She left college
– in Her D24 9th lord of college education is debilitated in 3rd house bad house and 9th house is aspected by Rahu as well as Jupiter that too is debilitated both the significator of education as well as wisdom is debilitated but Jupiter being dikbali and in Kendra is powerful as compared to mercury to show that she has real wisdom and also monetary gains, after leaving college she was earning $15,000 per year.

“People are taking” T.V. Show she did in 1977

Char Dasha – Virgo/Cancer-Aries – Virgo dasha is the same 10th house in D1 chart showing profession/career/work. As Ketu in GC is significator of 2nd and 11th house money houses is in Cancer as compared to Aries that is in 8th from 10th house in D1 Cancer AD looks stronger to provide this career to her. In D10 that cancer is 6th house as compared to Aries that is 3rd house 6th from 10th he looks more favorable to give her a debut show.

Vimshottari dasha – Mercury/Saturn – mercury we have seen is 10th lord in D1 and in D10 is aspecting 10th house in D1 Saturn is depositor of 10th lord mercury and is in 11th house showing gains that she had due to change in career. In D10 Saturn is in 2nd house of wealth, aspecting 11th house of income, and id lord of D10 ascendant and is with Ketu co-lord of 10th house of D10. Readers should remember that as 2nd and 11th houses shows money so they also becomes important for profession along with 6th house of service, 7th house of business, and 10th house of profession. 

Started dating “Stedman Graham” in May 1986

Before that she had unsatisfactory love relationships of short periods. We have already seen conditions of her 5th house and 5th lord along with of Venus that shows love, physical attraction, and desire to marry. But as he was her future husband we have to see 9th house whose lord is in 2nd house 6th from 9th house means improvement needed but he is also in Raajyogas and is powerful due to being winner in planetary war. In D9 we can see he is powerful due to him being in Taurus with Venus. See her 7th house lord is mercury that is in 2nd house 8th from 7th in D1 but the same mercury in D9 is with Jupiter that shows husband in female chart in 4th house showing good relationship. 7th house doesn’t have any aspect of planet in D1 not graha aspect neither rashi aspect. Readers should remember that sages haven’t admired any planet in 7th house and its best to have empty 7th house for good marital life. As we can see A5 and A9 both are in her 7th house showing all her fortune in her 7th house. And A7 in 9th house this exchange between Arudh of 9th and 7th houses shows rise in her luck after marriage. In her D9 Rahu is in MKS in 9th house but 9th lord is in his house in 10th house. 7th house is also aspected by 9th and 10th lord Saturn again showing rise in luck as well as professional advancement after marriage. It is also aspected by Sun the 4th lord showing peace in marital life and Venus ascendant and 6th lord of D9Venus being in his own house is giving effect of ascendant not of 6th house that is he have given he should have ended it in divorce. 7th lord of D9 is in 3rd house being a malefic is good there; he is also in 9th from 7th house good. Is having Neech bhang from 2 methods shows gradual progress after marriage. What about affliction that is also there on 7th house due to that they didn’t have had fortune or fruits of marriage that is progeny. One more important that have to be noticed here is that they got engaged to be married in November 1992 but the ceremony never took place.

Char Dasha – Cancer/Scorpio – cancer is her 8th house of sex (dating!!) with Ketu that shows 11th house of friend circle and dating 7th from 5th in GC and is also co-depositor of moon that is in 12th house love is always mental so is attraction. It is aspected by Mars (DK) Moon (Mind/Romance) Jupiter (significator of husband) but moon is also GK obstacle in marriage in that dasha. Scorpio is the 12th house that we have seen in between the lines so no further clarifications are being given.

Vimshottari dasha – Venus/Venus/Sun – Venus is PK significator of 5th house that shows romance/love and also he is natural significator of these things too. Sun are lord of 5th from 5th in 2nd house and also depositor of A7 showing that husband has come to her life?

She made an international debut on “the Oprah Winfrey show” on 8th September 1986

This was the show that activated Raajyoga for her. We already have see Dhan Yogas in her chart.

Char Dasha – Cancer/Scorpio/Cancer/Aquarius/Capricorn

Cancer as we have seen has Ketu in it that signifies 2nd and 11th house in GC. Cancer is aspected by AmK profession DK money and GK that shows 6th house of profession. It have Shree Lagna in it that is position of Lakshmi in horoscope along with Ghatika Lagna that shows power to the native (the show was on her own name) cancer is also aspected by HL showing wealth and A10 showing her work/profession. Scorpio is where DK is placed in that shows business/self-employment. Scorpio is also aspected by 11th lord Venus and 2nd house of Money. Mars signifies 4th and Moon 5th house in GC making Raajyoga. Aquarius is 3rd house having aspect of 2nd lord Saturn from 11th house of income, aspect of A2, and also aspected by SL and GL. Capricorn is the 2nd house itself of money having 11th lord Venus 9th lord Sun 7th and 10th lord mercury in it showing manifestation of all these things. It is further aspected by A7 and A10 showing self-employed profession or business. And also aspected by AmK Jupiter that shows profession.

Vimshottari Dasha – Venus/Venus/Moon/Sun/Jupiter –
Venus is 11th lord in 2nd house making Dhan yoga. He is also depositor of Lagna lord Jupiter showing fortune. Moon is 4th lord in 12th house afflicted making Vipreet Raajyoga showing her rise after hardship. Also moon is lord of GL over HL making it a Raajyoga showing fructification of Power as well as wealth in his period he is also lord of SL. Sun is 9th lord of luck in 2nd house along with 11th lord and 10th lord 7th lord 6th lord making powerful Raajyoga as well as Dhan Yoga. In the end Jupiter lord of 1st and 4th house comes 1st house is very vital without it being strong a person can’t achieve anything. He is in 6th house aspecting 11th lord 2nd house and 10th house and being aspected by lord of GL, SL, and 5th lord making Raajyoga as well as Dhan yoga. This is a very powerful time as we can see that have activated Raajyoga and Dhan yoga both for her at the same time and as its result she was into Forbes list of billionaires as well as she became a powerful personality. By 1999 this activation brought her fortune of $415 Million.

Engaged to “Graham “on October/November 1992

Char Dasha – Gemini/Virgo – Gemini is her 7th house that shows marriage. Virgo is her 10th house aspected by 7th house as well as UL. The event is very much clear.

Vimshottari Dasha – Venus/Mars-Rahu – Venus in D1 is with her 7th lord and in D9 ascendant he is in his house aspecting 7th house Mars is 7th lord in D9 and in D1 is aspecting 7th house and Rahu in D1 is also with 7th lord mercury and in D9 is in 9th house the main house. Both are equally strong both can give her marriage but why they never married although being engaged.

Her UL is in Pisces 5th there from is Ketu denying children. Lord of UL is in 6th house aspected by Mars and debilitated moon along with Rahu. In D10 he is in 4th house aspected by Saturn, lord of 2nd house from UL is in 12th house in D1 and 3rd house in D9 with Ketu showing de-attachment and with debilitated moon in D1 showing no marriage. Mars that is malefic and debilitated moon that is malefic aspects 2nd from UL. Does this show no marriage (no!!) Jupiter lord of UL in quadrant to D9 ascendant shows marriage/physical relationship but 2nd from UL that shows nourishment to him this much afflicted and his lord also afflicted in D9 shows No and the middle way is the result. Natural relationship between AK Mercury and DK Mars is not that much good (as well as temporal) to give him a desire for marriage that is important when AK and DK is in 3-11 to each other. As per desire is concerned we can also see her Tithi Lord moon in 12th house a bad house where he also makes Balarishta debilitated shows disappointments and in watery sign that shows due to being hurt in the relationship she took the hard decision.

Sued by “Texas cattlemen” trial date 20 January 1998

Char Dasha – Gemini/Leo/Gemini/Leo/Libra – Gemini is 7th house of badha, Leo is 9th house aspected by Badhkesh as well as Sun, Saturn, Rahu showing problems that she faced. Leo also has Pada of A7 badha. (Was it also the reason behind her marital life problem?) Libra is the 11th house where depositor of badhkesh as well as significator of 6th house in Natural zodiac and 3rd house in GC Saturn is placed in.

Vimshottari dasha – Venus/Jupiter/Mars/Mercury/Moon- Venus is 6th lord with badhkesh, Jupiter is in 6th house, Mars is aspecting 6th house Mercury is badhkesh with 6th lord and moon in the end is aspecting 6th house being debilitated himself.

Great fame due to being on “Forbes” list of billionaires on 27 February 2003

Char Dasha – Taurus/Taurus/Gemini/Capricorn/Virgo – Taurus is 6th house where AmK is placed in that in GC signifies 1st and 10th house 1st house is for fame that she got due to money that Jupiter naturally signifies. Gemini is the 7th house of public and his lord is in 2nd house with 11th lord, Capricorn is 2nd house where all Jaimini as well as Parashara raajyogas are forming it is also aspected by HL Virgo is her 10th house and almost all application of Gemini will apply to that keeping in mind that 10th house signifies fame.

Vimshottari dasha – Venus/Mercury/Mars/Jupiter/Rahu
– Venus is lord of AL showing fame, Mercury is lord of 7th house public and 10th house name and fame. Mars is 5th and 12th lord in 12th house showing fame because he is with Moon that shows Fame because he is Karaka of AL. Jupiter is ascendant lord of self aspecting 10th house of fame and also lord of AL as well as 7th and 10th. Rahu is with lord of AL 7th and 10th house aspecting 10th house as well as ascendant lord that show the native self.

Opened school in South Africa on 2 January 2007

Char Dasha – Taurus/Aries/Leo/Cancer/Libra – Taurus is the 6th house where teacher Jupiter is placed in. Aries is 5th house of education, Leo is 9th house of fortune as well as secondary education, and Cancer is 4th house having Ketu that in GC shows 2nd and 11th house and Libra 11th house showing gains as well as having AL improvement in image and status in society.

Vimshottari dasha – Sun/Rahu/Jupiter/Saturn/Mars – Sun being 9th lord shows schools, Rahu co-lord of 3rd house shows schools too as 3rd is Upadesha showing preaching’s will be given to that place. Jupiter signifies teachers in this chart he is also lord of 4th house that shows institutions as well as home, homeland, Saturn is aspecting ascendant the self, 5th house of education, and lord of 3rd house of Upadesha and 2nd house of finance in 2nd house of gains (basically what I am indicating here is expenditure of money in making school for improvement of AL over which Saturn is that shows image and for making money 2nd and 11th combined can show investor) mars as 5th lord aspecting 3rd and 7th house finalizes the event as making of something where Upadesha 3rd house will be given for 7th house public.

In this article we can see justifying events was very easy. (It can also be my inability) to use other systems properly. But readers can see how like butter everything is justified. People say BPHS is not in complete form is adulterated in which I can only say first read and understand all what is available then search for remaining parts we are not even able to understand even 5% of BPHS. Adulteration on that I can only say our mind can be corrupted but the writing of sage can never be as pointed out in last article in the series for answering the quest the best answer is own research. That we all must do. In the next and last article with one another chart I will use all the 3 variation of Char dasha and will try to find out what is working and what is not. But we should once again remember it is their research and for our growth we have to do our.

Vedic astrology is a vast science the deeper you go the more you will be benefitted. Reading and thinking over classics is the key that can give you pearls of this science.

Om Tat Sat
Shubham Alock

pin Astrological Case study of Oprah Winfrey via Char dasha

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Astrological Case Study of John F. Kennedy Political success and death mystery via Chara Dasha

John F Kennedy Astrological Case Study of John F. Kennedy Political success and death mystery via Chara Dasha

In last article on char dasha series we have seen how char dasha of Irangnati Rangacharya Ji work fantastically on horoscopes, now as this have different calculations for male and female charts that have been told in the last article, in this one we will apply char dasha on a male chart and then will see timing of events as well as we will see Raajyogas from jaimini point of view. We will see Argala, we will see use of Arudh, and we will also try to find out results related with Karkamsha, here readers are informed earlier that Navamsha used is Krishna Mishra Navamsha that is also known as Nadi Navamsha, and Drekkana used is Pravrittiya-Traya Drekkana and Somnath Drekkana.

Krishna Mishra Navamsha/Nadi Navamsha – calculation is very simple, for fiery signs calculation will start zodiacally from Aries, for Watery signs anti-zodiacally from Cancer, for Airy signs Zodiacally from Libra and for earthly signs Anti-Zodiacally from Capricorn.

Pravrittiya-Traya Drekkana
– in this method of reckoning there will be 36 drekkana, for Aries it will be Aries, Taurus, Gemini for Taurus it will be Cancer, Leo, Virgo and so on, so in this method all 12 signs will repeat thrice in the counting making 12×3 = 36 Drekkana.

Somnath Drekkana – under this method counting will be zodiacally from Aries for Aries Lagna and Anti-Zodiacally from Pisces for Taurus Lagna. So for Aries ascendant it will be Aries, Taurus, Gemini for Taurus it will be Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and for Gemini it will be cancer, Leo, Virgo and for cancer it will be Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra.

Arudh – here what we will be using is when ascendant lord is in ascendant 10th house will be AL (Arudh Lagna), when ascendant lord is in 4th house then 4th house itself is AL, when ascendant lord is in 7th house then 10th house is the AL and when ascendant lord is in 10th house then 4th house is the AL. and in other houses count the distance from house to house lord and the same distance from the position of house lord will be the place where AL will fall. For example if ascendant lord be in 5th house then 9th house will be AL.

Argala – it is a vast concept but for now we will make it simple and it’s depth we will be exploring while analyzing chart, for now readers should keep in mind that 2nd 4th and 11th houses are Argala houses and 12th 10th and 3rd houses are there opposing houses respectively. This is primary Argala if there be more than 2 malefic in 3rd house then it makes territory Argala who have no opposition/obstruction. If there are benefic planets in 5th or 9th house or exalted malefic is there then it is secondary Argala, who can get obstructed by another sign. However here malefic doesn’t make Argala they just obstruct it. Argala are of so many qualities, there are 7 types of Argala that we will see interpretation, Irangnati Rangacharya Ji suggests us to apply Argala only on Yogda. That as per me is important when we are watching Raajyoga, but when we are watching support of planets then we will use Argala on Kevala, Yogda, Bhava and Karakas too.

Karkamsha – the sign occupied by AK in D9 is known as Karkamsha and the same sign in ascendant is known as Swamsha is what we will use as terminology, the position of AK in D1 we will refer as Karak Lagna.

Jaimini Raajyoga – in Jaimini there are some planets who after being fit on some criteria will become Yogda (yogda means the one who is capable of giving yoga that means results of union) this shows us Yogda can give good results when combined with another factors, be it house or another planet or another point. All the planets that fits the criteria given below are able to give Raajyoga their conjunction with another point, planet make them fructify their results.

1. The depositor of moon is called subhpati (the one who will do auspicious things for the native) if he is connected with moon as well as ascendant then he will be Yogda.

2. If a single planet make relationship ascendant in D1 and D9 or in D1 and D3 or in D9 and D3 he becomes Yogda.

3. If one single planet makes relationship with D1, D9, and D3 ascendant he is also yogda.

4. A planet that makes connection with HL (Hora Lagna) and ascendant is known as Dhan (wealth) yogda.

5. A planet that makes connection with GL (Ghatika Lagna) and ascendant is known as Raja (Power/Kingdom) yogda.

6. A planet that makes connection with all 3 of them that is ascendant HL and GL he becomes Maha (Super) yogda.

7. If that Dhan or Raja Yogda also makes connection with Moon or its depositor he becomes Kevala.

8. If that Maha Yogda also makes connection with moon or becomes its depositor it becomes Kevala Maha Yogda.

As Argala shows support/opposition Argala on these planets will also reveal so many clues about the native, which we will see in the example chart.

As an example chart we will take chart of 35th US president “John F. Kennedy” and will try to explain events of his life with Char Dasha of Irangnati Rangacharya. And Vimshottari Dasha.

John%2BF.%2BKennedy Astrological Case Study of John F. Kennedy Political success and death mystery via Chara Dasha

29th May 1917, 14:51 (Rectified by Sanjay Rath in his book “Vimshottari and Udu dasha) Brookline, MA, USA.

Let we first make Graha Chakra for the native that is under that Mercury signifies 1st and 10th house, Jupiter 2nd and 11th house, Sun 3rd house, Venus 4th house, Ketu 5th house, Saturn 6th and 12th house, Moon 7th house, Rahu 8th house and Mars 9th house.

General Chart Reading –
In his chart no planet is defeated in planetary war no one is in Mrityu Bhag and no one is combust. Mercury is AK and 5th house there from in D9 is vacant, take 5th lord that is with moon in 12th from Mercury aspected by Jupiter that makes yoga for writing a book but doesn’t make someone writer because it is not in 5th house. In D1 5th from Sagittarius (because in D9 AK mercury is in Sagittarius) is mercury with 5th lord Mars and 5th from Karak Lagna that is position of AK in D1 have moon. Thus he was author of a book.

He has Maha Yogda Mercury who is also his ascendant lord that shows power and effect of Raajyoga Is sure to come to the native. Connection between Jupiter and Venus makes Raajyoga that too in house of fortune that is 9th house. His father was a powerful rich entrepreneur who also has helped him a lot. They both are in Parijaatamsha that shows Raajyoga being powerful and able to fructify that Jupiter in 16 Vargas is in Kandukamsha and Venus in Bhedakamsha making it more powerful and strong. He also has Raajyoga from AK that signifies soul and is king of horoscope that shows power of his Raajyoga is sure to come to him. Also in his chart Rahu, Venus, Mercury, Sun becomes yogda, their use and role we will see in later part in dasha.

In his chart co-lord of 6th house that is Rahu is debilitated in 4th house and he is aspecting ascendant and ascendant lord is in 8th house with 8th lord. Moon is in 12th house where he is bad for longevity. In D9 8th and 12th lord is in Lagna, and 6th lord is in 6th house with moon this makes him struggling of disease all his life that he was even not able to be qualified to get an health insurance.

In his D1 chart 9th house have Sun that shows big degree, Jupiter that shows big institute and Venus that is also 9th lord and in His D24 his 9th lord is in his house in 2nd house from ascendant. And in his D24 4th lord is in 4th house being powerful. Jupiter is exalted who shows wisdom of a person that too in 5th house of wisdom. Thus he was a Harvard graduate.

In his D10 6th house has more planet as compared to 7th house showing he was into service (it was public service but still it was service) in His D10 chart 10th house is aspected by Debilitated Saturn, afflicted moon and Rahu shows his change in job 3 times in his life. His 10th lord of D1 chart in 8th house with 8th lord shows he was uncomfortable in his job and has changed it so many times. First he was in desk job then navy then politics; changes in job are more clearly shown in Dasha and Antardasha so we will see them there only. Natal chart will only show one main profession of Native that his charts shows well too like other charts. In his D1 chart 10th house have Ketu and 10th lord is in 8th house with Mars aspected by Saturn, in his KM-D9 10th house have Bhavottam Ketu that is aspected by sun and Saturn. 10th lord once again is in 8th house, 10th from His Saturn in D1 also have mars and mercury. In D9 his 10th house has sun, aspected by Saturn, Rahu, Jupiter, Mars and Moon, and 10th lord is in ascendant with Saturn In D10 It is again aspected by Rahu, Moon and Saturn. That shows Service; work in navy, work in army, Desk job and politics.

On his 21st birthday got trust fund of $1 Million – In his Tithi Pravesh chart of 1938, Day lord sun is in 7th house with 11th lord mercury; his 2nd lord is in 4th house. Hora lord is Mars who is in 8th house aspecting 2nd house and 11th house. With 7th and 12th lord Venus.

Char Dasha –
it was Capricorn dasha of 5th house showing monetary gifts. Lord Saturn is in 11th house in Cancer that in him is a Raajyoga and also these show gains of money, AD sign Leo is 12th house with moon, he is in 8th house speculation from Dasha sign. Lord of Leo sun is in 9th house of Luck.

Vimshottari Dasha –
as there are 3 planets in quadrant to moon as compared to 2 planets in quadrant to ascendant we will start vimshottari dasha from moon, It was Mars MD who is lord of 3rd house and 8th house of speculation in 8th house with HL shows money and ascendant lord that shows person himself. It was Jupiter AD that is lord of 4th house and 7th house of money that is in 9th house of luck, with 2rd lord of money and 9th lord of luck and 12th lord of sudden things in life. Saturn PD, Saturn is in 11th house of gains aspecting 5th house of speculation and ascendant that shows the native. And 8th house that once again shows speculation. Venus SD we already have seen the role of Venus.

Joined US Navy in 1941 – Char Dasha – It was Pisces Dasha of 7th house Pisces symbolizes 2 fishes that lives in water so he got something to do with water Navy! 10th house there from is Rahu in Sagittarius showing Government job with machines, Ships. Dasha sign lord is in 9th house of travels that he has to do due to his profession with Venus who is in his house Venus is Jala tattwa, and with sun showing government job. That is in 3rd house from Dasha sign showing he has to use his courage, valor, hands in the word indicated.

Vimshottari Dasha –
Mars dasha who is 3rd lord showing courage, valor, hard-work, Hands have to be worked out in 8th house of travels away from home with 10th lord Mercury showing profession, as he is in his house his effect is stronger and we can see he was in army signified by Mars. Co-Lord of 3rd house is Ketu that is in 10th house showing hard-work, courage, is needed in his profession also as it is in 10th house it is showing start of his profession.

Awarded Purple Heart in 1945 –
Char Dasha – Leo dasha, Leo is 12th house with moon in it showing fame it also lord GL that shows gain of power, Leo by itself is a sign signifying government and being 5th house of natural zodiac signifies Awards. His lord is in 9th house of luck with 4th and 7th lord Jupiter showing 7th coming in public and 4th heart (the name of award was heart) with Venus who is 2nd lord of money, honor and 9th lord of luck. Leo is aspected by AK and AmK who is in 9th house there from showing some important happening in the life of native that will improve his luck. Scorpio the AD sign is in 3rd house showing the award was given to him for his courage, bravery and work. Mars lord is in 8th house that is in 11th from 10th showing gains from work that in this case was in form of award he is with ascendant lord showing native and 10th lord showing work and another lord of Scorpio is in 10th house showing something related to his work happened, as AL is also in Scorpio it have shown elevation in his status and image in society in form of award.

Vimshottari Dasha – Rahu MD and Rahu AD, Rahu being co-lord of 6th house and upachaya shows growth that he had in his status and name 4th house, 6th house also signifies word and he was getting the award for his work. Rahu is also depositor of A9 luck and A10 work/profession. He is on A6 showing work and growth and A2 showing honor. In D10 the same Rahu is exalted in 6th house of work with Sun government and Mercury Depositor of Rahu in D10 is in D10 ascendant showing honor due to his profession/work.

Spinal Operation on 21st October 1954
– Char Dasha – Aries MD that is 8th house with Mars showing operation that also have Mercury the ascendant lord involving the native, Gemini AD is 10th house with Ketu in it that is same like mars and shows operations, Scorpio PD the sign is in 3rd house showing operations, as it shows hands it can also show others hands working on you. The sign is aspected by Mars (operation) Mercury (Native) Saturn being 6th lord shows disease. Sagittarius SD that is 4th house with Rahu showing disease as he is co-lord of 6th house and A6 also falls in Sagittarius. Libra PAD that is a marak house from ascendant, aspected by moon from 12th house of hospitals and also aspected by 12th lord Sun along with 2nd lord Venus, and 9th lord Venus too that shows with Jupiter that is another marak house lord of 7th house something related to health/death of the native is being done. Jupiter is also depositor of A6.

Vimshottari Dasha – Rahu MD that is co-lord of 6th house of disease and is over A6, Ketu that is co-lord of 3rd house that signifies longevity, and is in 10th house 8th from the sign under consideration. Rahu was also in PD and PAD whose role we have already seen. Venus SD Venus is 2nd lord marak house. Is in 2nd marak house from Ascendant lord and is with 12th lord Sun who will signify those who work in hospital because he is 12th lord of hospitals, he is also with Jupiter who is 7th lord another marak house, and is depositor of A6 and the deadly Rahu too.

Second Surgery in Feb 1955 – Char Dasha – Now change is in PD of Aries that we have already seen is 8th house of surgery and operations with 8th lord mars that also signifies surgical instruments. Along with ascendant lord mercury that shows the native.

Vimshottari dasha – change in Saturn PD happened at the time of this second surgery we can see that Saturn is lord of 6th house where his mool-trikona falls and is in 11th house. Aspecting ascendant the native himself, 5th house that shows health, because the natural significator of health Sun have natural lordship over 5th house and it also aspects 8th house of surgery where ascendant lord the native himself Mercury is placed in along with significator of surgery Mars.

Elected to the 80th Congress on 5th November 1946
– Char dasha – Leo MD was going on who is in 12th house with 11th lord Moon in it showing gains as it is a Royal sign it shows something to work with government, also it have GL that shows power in it. In GC (Graha Chakra) moon signifies 7th house of public and coming to public. Sign is aspected by AK and AmK that is in 9th from the sign showing coming in power and some important event happening. It is also aspected by HL showing gain of money too. Virgo AD sign is ascendant sign too that is aspected by Rahu and Ketu. Rahu shows politicians and politics. Lord of Virgo is AK that shows something important is to happen in life of the native. Leo PD whose effect we have already seen is once again being repeated. Taurus SD was going which is 9th house of luck with Sun and Venus that shows working with government or for government also Venus shows luxuries that are always related to politics. Being 9th house where 9th lord is also placed it shows luck as well as government. Aquarius PAD although the sign is in 6th house but it has A9 and A10 in it showing luck, work and government. The sign is aspected by AK showing something important have to happen AmK that shows profession and important person that he became in country and DK that shows public and public life.

Vimshottari dasha – Rahu MD that shows politicians and that is also in 4th house showing his way to parliament/white house. Jupiter AD that is depositor of Rahu and 4th lord and 7th lord of public and public life in 9th house of luck with 9th lord Venus, 9th house along with 10th also shows government because these 2 houses makes the most important Raajyoga, thus it shows his way to government. Saturn PD Saturn shows working with government that in 11th house also shows gains from the same, he is lord of 5th house that shows government and public life again. Also he is lord of 6th house showing service in this case to people of nation. See co-lord Rahu is in 4th house showing homeland. Mercury SD that is lord of ascendant signifying self and 10th house that shows profession/work/government. In 8th house with 8th lord mars who is also 3rd lord of power and authority. Ketu PAD who is co-lord of 3rd house in 10th house setting the stage.

Reelected on 2 November 1948 – Char Dasha – Leo MD whose impact we have already seen in the last event, AD was Cancer where Saturn is placed, mere placement of Saturn in cancer makes Raajyoga if it is also supported by other factors and lord of cancer moon being on GL makes the way to power, Scorpio PD the sign in itself have AL that shows image in the society, and this being aspected by AK, AmK and GK shows his image as public servant (the country is democratic) and also shows fructification of Raajyogas as AK and AmK both from the same sign aspects Scorpio. Libra SD, sign is aspected by Sun and Jupiter showing government and Venus that shows being 9th and sign lord luck to the native as well as government they are aspecting from 9th house. Gemini PAD the sign is in 10th house having co-lord of AL showing his status and image in society.

Vimshottari dasha – Rahu MD, PD and PAD his role we have already seen. Jupiter AD his role we have already seen. Mars SD Mars is AmK showing important person mars is lord of AL showing his image in 8th house with HL that shows wealth and mercury that shows native self.

I am not explaining things too much due to the fear of article being too large, but readers himself can check position of planets in GC (Graha Chakra and planets who became Yogda and their role in dasha antardasha)

Reelected on 7 November 1950 – Char Dasha – Leo MD, Libra AD, Scorpio PD, Libra SD, Pisces PAD. All things are almost same Pisces is something new, as we can see Pisces is the 7th house of public, Aspected by Rahu from Abhimukh sign showing politics and lords of Pisces is in 9th house of government with Sun the planet indicating government.

Vimshottari Dasha – Rahu MD, Saturn AD, Mars PD, Venus SD, Venus PAD. We have already seen role of these planets in events that made him elected in earlier times.

Reelected on 4 November 1958 –
Char dasha – Aries MD, sign having AK and AmK in it and being aspected by GK who signifies 6th house service of public, have come to play as HL is also there and BB is also there it have shown us that this was his life path, we will see use of BB in his death later as it is the 8th house, right now we can see that BB in 8th house with AK and AmK shows that it was destined for him to be a powerful person (President) the sign is also aspected by AL showing his image in the society, Libra AD, Pisces PD, Scorpio SD, Leo PAD. There effects we have already seen.

Vimshottari dasha
– Rahu MD, Sun AD, Saturn PD, Rahu SD, and Saturn PAD role of all these planets we have seen earlier too.

8 November 1960 elected president & inaugurated on 20 January 1961 – Char Dasha – Aries MD where AK and AmK is placed in along with BB and HL, also Mercury is Maha Yogda in the chart that is in Aries along with lord of Aries. It is aspected by Saturn who is GK and 6th lord signifying service being in a sign of Raajyoga in Cancer it have given him service of public. Sagittarius AD where Rahu is placed in who is co-lord of 6th house and also A6 is placed therein showing public service, Rahu signifies politician and in GC is significator of 8th house that shows political powers (Criminals), Rahu is also Yogda. Virgo PD the sign is in ascendant and thus becomes the most powerful and strong sign in the chart whose lord is AK as well as Maha Yogda and lord of 10th house showing government work and status. It is again in 8th house with 8th lord. Leo SD we have already seen Leo have GL signifying power in it and Moon that is lord of 11th showing fulfillment of desires, Lord is in 9th house of government and luck, with Jupiter government and Venus luxury and being lord of 9th shows luck, Capricorn PAD it is 5th house that also shows government, fame and is aspected by Moon who signifies 7th house of public on GC, Sun who signifies 6th house of service here 5th house shows public in GC, Jupiter which signifies 2nd and 11th house of wealth and fulfillment of desires in GC and Venus who is significator of 4th house in GC showing he did something for his homeland.

At time of inauguration PD was of Gemini that is in 10th house with co-lord of AL Ketu, Rise in power, name and fame in society. Aries SD and Capricorn PAD which we have already seen, the change was in Gemini PD that earlier was Sagittarius PD. This type of change in this small time frame can only happen in Char Dasha of Irangnati Rangacharya Ji. Not in other forms of char dasha because it is based on Padakram order.

Vimshottari Dasha – Rahu MD who is a political planet and in this chart being debilitated in quadrant to Lagna and being a malefic makes Raajyoga, He is also Yogda and being lord of 6th in 4th house shows service of homeland. Mars AD mars is lord of AL and 8th house and is in 8th house with ascendant lord Mercury who is also Maha Yogda and is also over HL aspecting GL being a yogda himself, in GC he signifies 9th house of luck and government. Rahu was also in PD, Mercury being lord of ascendant and 10th house of work, government, and public life and being Maha Yogda from 3 rules. Being situated with lord of AL showing status in elevation shows his role in the event being SD lord, Saturn PAD, he is lord of 6th house service and 5th house name, fame, lineage, government, and is in 11th house showing fulfillment of desires and his presence in cancer makes him eligible to make Raajyoga. He is also over SL Shree Lagna showing Shree – Lakshmi coming to him as power, Rajya Lakshmi.

At the time of inauguration Jupiter PD, Jupiter being lord of 4th house showing homeland and depositor of Rahu that shows politics, is also lord of 7th house showing opposition, public, public life. He is in 9th house of government with 9th lords and sun that shows government. Rahu SD we have already seen the role of Rahu, Sun was in PAD sun being lord of Hora Lagna and is placed in 9th house of government with Jupiter showing power in hands of the native, and with Venus who is 9th lord government as well as second lord showing money and finances as well as Venus is also depositor of A4.

On 15 May 1957 won Pulitzer Prize for his book “Why England Slept” – Char Dasha – It was Aries MD that is in 5th from AK in KM-D9. Having GL showing gain of power due to 5th house activities writing of book, Leo AD that is 9th from AK in KM-D9 being 5th from 5th it shows literary thing as well as winning prize as 9th and 5th both houses signifies honor, Pisces PD that is 4th from AK in KM-D9 and 10th from KM-D9 ascendant with Ketu in it along with AL that shows prize for his work that was related to education/mind/thinking 4th and 10th house. Capricorn SD we know 2nd house also have to be taken for education in this context this will also mean book with Jupiter there in 2nd from AK in KM-D9 shows awards, Honor. Leo PAD Leo is 9th from Karkamsha (Position of AK in KM-D9) showing honor, as well as writing skills 5th from 5th.

Vimshottari Dasha –
Rahu is in 4th house in Sagittarius showing things related to education, writing book, as it is 4th house it shows honors. It was Venus AD that is 2nd lord of education in 9th house of higher education and with Jupiter significator of writer of books and is in 9th house showing luck and getting awards for his work, Saturn PD Saturn is 5th lord aspecting 5th house, Ketu SD Ketu is co-lord of AL showing image of a person that was boosted due to award. Venus PAD whose role we have already seen.

All the houses that Parashara said for formation of Raajyoga also gives name, fame, awards, honor, and shows government, because Raajyoga means a combination that a king can have thus all houses involved in Raajyoga gives one or other qualities of kings.

Married “Jacqueline Bouvier” on 12 September 1953 – Char Dasha – Aries MD where lord of UL is placed in, Taurus AD where DK Jupiter is placed in, Aquarius PD, it is aspected by A7 and its lord is on A7 and co-lord is in 2nd to UL, in D9 it is 9th house showing Dharma Vivah. Libra SD that is aspected by DK and in D9 is 5th house of Purvapunya but the main things is it is trine to D9 ascendant showing his role in fructification of things related to D9. Pisces PAD, it is the 7th house in D1 and in D9 in this sign Ketu is placed in that can give marriage. Jaimini says the sign in which Ketu is placed in is a very benefic and that sign can raise events like marriage, joining a new job, promotion etc.

Vimshottari dasha – Now I am using normal navamsha not Krishna Mishra Navamsha because we are timing marriage using parashara principles. Rahu MD Rahu is co-lord of 7th house in D9 that is in mool-trikona house in 2nd house of family and in D1 is in 2nd from UL. Mercury AD, mercury is in trine to D9 ascendant and in D1 he is with lord of UL in 8th house of sexual life. Jupiter PD Jupiter is DK as well as he is 7th lord in D1 aspecting D1 ascendant and in D9 he is lord of 8th house in 6th house aspecting co-lord of 7th house, Venus SD Venus is significator for marriage thus he played his work in D1 he is lord of 2nd house Family, 9th house legal marriage and is in 9th house with DK and Sun who is lord of 12th house bed pleasures, in D9 he is in ascendant with 7th lord of D9. Mars PAD he is lord of UL in 8th house of sexual life with ascendant lord mercury, who is aspecting 2nd house of family 11th house the last house in 7th trine and UL from Graha aspect. In D9 he is lord of 9th house Dharma Vivah in 4th house aspecting 7th house of D9 and also aspecting 10th house of D9 showing he will be doing karma of D9 and 11th house of D9 again last house in 7th trine.

Daughter “Caroline” born on 27 November 1957
– Char Dasha – Aries MD that have lord of UL in it, UL as it signifies marriage also signifies children for this reason Jaimini in chapter 1 Pada 4 have also used UL to predict for children, it is also aspected by Saturn 5th lord. Virgo AD that is ascendant sign showing the native himself Virgo is aspected by Ketu who in GC signifies 5th house. Sagittarius PD is where Rahu is placed in and this sign once again is aspected by Ketu who signifies 5th house in GC. Cancer SD is the sign where 5th lord Saturn is placed in, Scorpio PAD is the sign where UL itself is aspected by 5th lord Saturn.

Vimshottari dasha – D7 ascendant is Leo thus counting will be zodiacal 5th house is vacant, also isn’t aspected by any planet using Graha aspect or Rashi aspect. His lord Jupiter is in female sign Scorpio in female house 4th showing birth of daughter. Rahu MD that in D7 aspect 7th lord and in D1 aspecting 5th house using his 2nd aspect. Venus AD Venus in D7 aspects 5th lord as well as natural significator of progeny Jupiter and in D1 is with PK; Mercury PD Mercury is in 8th house with lord of UL showing child birth in D7 he is aspecting ascendant as well as ascendant lord using Rashi aspect. Moon SD moon is depositor of 5th lord Saturn and in D7 and in D7 aspects D7 ascendant and 5th lord of D7 by Rashi aspect. Mercury PAD whose role we have already seen.

Son “John” born on 25 November 1960
– Char Dasha – Aries MD in the sign lord of UL Mars is placed in along with ascendant lord Mercury and aspected by Moon that signifies 7th house (second child) in GC. Sagittarius AD, where Rahu is placed in and whose lord is in 9th house with PK, Virgo PD sign which is aspected by 5th house significator in GC i.e. Ketu. Also Sagittarius is aspected by 7th house showing second child. Gemini SD where Ketu is placed in see remarks for Ketu that Jaimini have given that the sign where Ketu sits in dasha of that sign auspicious events will take place. Taurus PAD where 7th lord of second child as well as PK sun is situated.

Vimshottari dasha – Rahu MD Rahu is co-lord of 7th house second child in D7 showing second child birth also he is aspecting ascendant of D7 showing child birth last child was also in Rahu MD. Mars AD who is aspecting Co-lord of 7th house in D7, Rahu PD we have already seen the effect of Rahu. Moon SD moon is significator of 7th house in GC, Moon was also in PAD.

Son “Patrick” on 8 August 1963 – Lived only for 39 Hours – in D7 9th house 3rd progeny have Rahu in it and 9th lord Mars is in 3rd house Karko Bhava Nasay with Mercury that is 2nd Marak lord in D7 and is with Ketu another Node showing bad health of Children also it is because 2nd lord from 9th house Venus is in 9th house afflicted by Rahu.

Char Dasha – Aries MD where lord of UL is placed in, Pisces AD whose lord is in 9th house of 3rd child with BK, Cancer PD that have 5th lord Saturn, Taurus SD that is 9th house 3rd children with 9th lord Venus. Leo PAD where moon is placed in 12th house a bad house for moon that made him Balarishta Moon, being in 2nd marak from 5th house lord and in D7 being in 2nd marak from 5th house and bad 6th house from D7 ascendant Moon is Leo was the harbinger of event.

Vimshottari dasha – Jupiter MD that is in 9th house in D1 and 5th lord in D7, Jupiter AD, Rahu PD and SD, Rahu is in 9th house showing 3rd child in D7 and Venus PAD Venus being lord of 2nd house marak from 9th house 3rd children is in 9th house hemmed by malefic Rahu whom if we take as Saturn have to be debilitated made the bad factor that lead to demise of 3rd progeny after 39 hours.

Shot Dead on 22 November 1963 – 3rd from AL is to be seen for death conditions, 3rd from AL is vacant but it is a Malefic sign (Sign lorded by Malefic Saturn) showing bad death. The 3rd from AL have A8 in it that shows lethal death. It is aspected by Moon, Sun, Venus, Jupiter Venus is 2nd and 9th lord 2nd is a marak house while 9th shows related with past life, bad death are only due to bad karmas of past/present life as Indian philosophy believes in. Jupiter that is lord of 7th house Marak and depositor of Rahu that shows bad deaths, Sun who is 12th lord 3rd marak, and moon who is 11th lord 6th from 6th showing significations of 6th house death due to being hurt (by bullet) 3rd lord from AL is also in 11th house from ascendant confirming the same, 8th house from ascendant is Mars with Mercury, aspected by Rahu from 4th house showing shot by bullet. It is more so because it is happening in Aries fiery male sign, with Mars heat in it triggered by Rahu that shows smoke as well as explosive, Aries is a fiery sign showing fire and mars being significator of 3rd house shows hands of someone else (used to pull trigger) also Mercury is therein showing the intellect of the person was not working or shadowed by Rahu. In traditional D3 again in 8th house there is Mars fire in a fiery sign Sagittarius, along with mercury that being natural lord of 6th house shows hurt, being hurt be someone else we can see that Mercury is natural lord of 3rd and 6th houses and Mars is significator of these houses and they are bitter enemies that being in same house became very inimical towards each other using fivefold relationship of planets. Showing his enemy made this, and this mars and mercury combination as they both are inimical to each other shows use of hands 3rd house and hurt 6th house for bad purpose 8th house as it is evident in both D1 as well as D3. Mars is also Brahma, Rudra and Maheshwar at the same time.

Char Dasha
– Aries MD that is 8th house having Mars that is all 3 (Brahma, Rudra, Maheshwar) Pisces AD that is 7th marak house, Gemini PD where co-lord of 3rd house Ketu is situated in debility that being Moksha karak can also show death as emancipation is only available after death. Aries SD we have already seen its role as MD too, Virgo PAD Virgo is the first house that shows everything out native and his body, his birth his health and also death because it is the native himself. It is worse due to its lord being placed in 8th house with Mars and aspected by Moon that signifies 7th marak house in GC.

Vimshottari dasha – Jupiter MD that is lord of 7th house and depositor of Rahu that have a great say in the mode of death also Rahu is in marak house from AL. showing death of image that is mortal body, he is in 9th house with 12th lord Sun 3rd marak and 2nd lord Venus 1st marak, he is also DK that in jaimini signifies death, and is significator of 11th house in GC that shows bondage of soul and its being free too. AD, PD, SD and PAD were all of Saturn! Saturn is lord of 5th house where A8 death is thus he is depositor of A8. He is 3rd lord from AL showing mode/place of death he is 6th lord, Remember what parashara says that if 6th house or its lord is weak or afflicted it can also cause death, here he is afflicted by aspect of Mars and weak by being in enemy sign. Thus he can cause death. He is over A7 root of 7th house marak house. There is one saying that if under the contenders for marak planets there be Saturn then making everyone obsolete Saturn will be the one planet who will give death to the native as it happened in this case. Role of Saturn is evident and as it was intentional death due to being hurt by someone else role of 6th house is very high and both lord of 6th house have had a great say in his death timing.

Conclusion – I am not going to find his longevity as there is no formula that can be used infallibly for this purpose. However if we see at longevity we will find

Ascendant lord + 8L = long life

Ascendant lord + 8L (Vriddha Karika 8th house) = Long life

Lagna + Hora Lagna = Short life

Saturn + Moon = Medium Life

Here we can see nothing worked infallibly but if we ignore Vriddha Karika 8th house method then we will get Long Life, Short life and middle life and thus by logic we can say middle life that was true in his case but it is advised for students to not to chart in this area of longevity as it can make their life miserable.

In the end –
From this chart some inferences can be made we know life is not always in a motion it is up sometimes, sometimes down. It doesn’t moves in a direct order and for this those Dasha’s which are based on Padakram order works best. It is called Movement of Narayan because it is never direct sometimes it is direct sometimes reverse sometimes jumping to 6/8 sometimes to 5/9. And for this special reason those Falit (predictive dasha that are based on movement of Narayan works best – Char Dasha of Irangnati Rangacharya Ji or Narayan Dasha) but an astrologer should also check his own chart to see which dasha will suit and work best for him. And then use them, we know longevity runs in a normal manner infancy then childhood the adult then young then old life goes in a normal shade thus longevity dasha that runs through houses one by one are more better to show longevity but what about those who dies a sudden death like the native being discussed here, in this manner readers should think and research. Also sometimes life do move in a normal progressive manner like education then profession then marriage then children so in that cased those dasha that runs normally like char dasha of K.N.Rao can work best however it is my own opinion and any opinion should never be accepted without proper research and application, there have been so many astrologers and they have given us so many techniques but not every technique works for everyone why this is so it is not because technique is wrong no! If it is so, then how this worked for that astrologer who invented it. The problem is we never know how someone reads a chart. Which all techniques they use, how their mind works there are so many types of minds rational, logical, intuitive, so in end we all know mind can’t be imitated so for this research our own research in astrology is very important after all a shoe doesn’t fits in everyone’s.

Om Tat Sat
Shubham Alock

pin Astrological Case Study of John F. Kennedy Political success and death mystery via Chara Dasha

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Saturn Return in Jyestha Nakashtra (29th December 2015 to 17th January 2017) – New level of Law and order system in global political & Intellectual’s and Boom in Science and Occultism.

Antres Saturn Return in Jyestha Nakashtra (29th December 2015 to 17th January 2017) - New level of Law and order system in global political & Intellectual's and Boom in Science and Occultism.

Transit of Saturn in Jyestha – Impact & analysis of Mundane Events

World and India

Revised Edition

Subject Analysis: Saturn Return in Jyestha Nakashtra & New Order of world Intellectual’s and Boom in Science and Occultism.

The sign of Scorpio has been associated with birth, sex , Sexual abuse in marriage or in partnerships , Sexual diseases , Secret Societies , Spy agents , Underground organizations i,e RAW , CIA or Interpol etc ,research organizations , Micro-biology organizations , Gynaecological problems , and death in nations and world.

Saturn Rules Agriculture , Land , Real estate , oil , coal and petroleum , underground mines and minerals , old people , diseases of old age ,arthritis , backache etc. Rebellion , Common people , Democracy and all forms of democratic institutions , municipals elections , Farmers , Famines , Drought and earthquakes in nations.

During this transit Saturn will be in aster-ism of Ju , Sa and Mer , all those things which are ruled by Ju , Sa and Me will enhance or get fixed soon.

During Saturn first phase, Saturn will be transiting over Scorpio in Visakha Nakashtra till 30th November – which is a Nakashtra of Global purpose – Cause for Humanity and Social growth.Till November 30th people will be more focused in learning new things and trying to find-out hidden secrets of cosmology, space and Science.

When Saturn will be up-to 3′ 20 Degree in Visakha nakashtra  it  will give boost to those professions are directly linked with Space research, Religious communities,  Astrologers, Scientists , Researchers, Religious organizations,  Activities relating to house or land will increase, Ornamental industries will get boom, Architecture (sculpture, construction) and creative people get professional specializations, Spiritual people will get boost, people who are in Teaching profession or teacher get good benefits, public speaking work will enhance, scientific writing work will get boost, literature work will enhance, Researchers and scientists will do extra-ordinary work in research, Politicians, lawyers, Military leaders, dictators or ambassadors for humanitarian causes will do good in their profession unless and until wont effected by any nodal afflictions..

After 30th November to 2014 – 3 ‘ 20″ to December 29th 2015- up-to 16 ‘ 44” Degree, Saturn will be in Anuradha Nakashtra – The Nakashtra of Success governed by the planetary lordship of Saturn. Nakshatra indicates balance, honour and harmony. Nakshatra derives its divine strength from its ruling deity Mitra- God of Friendship and partnership who promotes cooperation among humanity.In Modern contexts diplomatic relationships will improve across the globe mainly in every ground ranging from politics to any cultural activities.Usually it has been seen during anuradha phase diplomatic relations are only concerned with  outer prospects but hidden motives will be still in doubt for most of the countries across the globe.

During this Saturn-Anuradha Phase primary target will be to maintain dharma or righteous activities in social mass, society and will be in promotion of peace.Here  Saturn will try to spread lesson of fame and recognition but with peace and will try to convenience that success can be attained through friendly cooperation with other people over any relation.

There will be huge social pressure for social societies and Political leaders and governance responsibilities will increase in 2015 specially for those countries where Saturn will transit in their Natal 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house.There will be heavy social duties in post-war or post-explosion environments, Social Leaders will do their work in harmonic manner , Social Mass media’s will get boost to highlight important areas and aspects of society, NGOs’s work either will increase or will get Detroit, Spiritual societies will get rise and will do their work for sake of Society. It has been seen for most of Anuradha nakashtra natives are mostly seen working with military-industrial environment those are directly or indirectly link with terrorism or such hidden societies mainly working for some sort of cleansing work.Either working for some cause or for some universal force due to influence of its ruling deity – The mitra, one of the twelve adityas. Due to strong connection of this star with its symbol ” Lotus ” it is strongly a star of establishing strong bond with mud purity at same time to establish a deep lesson how to maintain friendship even if we live in mud. That’s why it is a star of learning and growing friendship at the same time with peace with universal duty to remove dirt from mud too. That’s why it is associated with the star of Goddess saraswati and there is a close connection with the star of Aquarius too.

Saturn Anuradha transits favours successful military missions being Mars ruling sign of Scorpio and it mostly indicates diplomatic relations after war like situation or some sort of  peace-treaties during the war like operations.During this tenure every nation will try to protect down its securities boundaries by involving in securities  treaties across the globe or there will be increase in social laws and policies regarding weaponry systems, explosives, machinery of war due to fear of hidden and mean diplomatic relations with neighbouring nations.Its like same situation how Lotus manages its surroundings and relation with mud and maintaining its purity too.This would be high time to maintain harmonic relations with neighbouring countries unless and until Scorpio sign is being afflicted by Nodes or Mars.

Social work will increase  and there will be much boost in consulting or doctrinal work i.e. consulting psychologist or gynaecologists in order to sort out hidden issues or negotiate micro problems arising in marriages or relationships being sign of break and fall in 2nd to house of relationship.

Here ruler-ship of Mars will try enforces need  for having security with mass weaponries or covering up military machines but lord Saturn will imposes its being in lawful rules to main peace and harmony. Though it will encourage “Cold War” type situations between many of ongoing conflicting countries in which there has been some sort of peace treaties are signed up.Western Countries need to have special attention regarding this transit

In Star reality Anuradha’s ruling countries or natives are peace keepers in society with harmony but also in the process of achievements.During this tenure every nation will try to maintain its peace keeping policies with their rivalries but time to time they may take some military actions too whenever situation ruined due to nodal factors.

Jyestha Saturn Return in Jyestha Nakashtra (29th December 2015 to 17th January 2017) - New level of Law and order system in global political & Intellectual's and Boom in Science and Occultism.

Saturn 3rd Phase (16′ 45” 29th December to 17th January 2017)

After 29th, December 2015 – (16 ‘ 44’ to 17th Janurary 2017- up-to 29 ‘ 56” Degree ), Saturn will be in Antares (Biggest and Brightest) Star, Nakashtra of Brilliance in the zodiac of Scorpio and considered as star of Senior most, well experienced and authoritarian position being resembles by its ruling deity – Indra.  In order to maintain world force  around the globe to emphasize better law and order. In Vedic Language It is known as Jyestha Nakashtra ruled by the planet ” Mercury and Mars “ The Heart of ScorpioSecret of Scorpion Deep Intellectual’s one of massive and brightest star with a radius that is approximately 883 times that of the Sun, so you can imagine how powerful is about Jyestha Nakashtra regarding its authoritarian qualities to protect from seen and unseen problems.

During this phase science, occultism and new generation of advance DNA level structure will evolve. New inventions, new researches and most brilliant people will rise as brightest star.This will be beginning of new advance age of Science and Technology. Divine people will establish age of purest form of knowledge Science, Technology and Telecommunication Sector will get sudden Boost. Space technology, Astrology, occultism and Spiritual Energies will rise up and will be in peak in order to maintain law and order of authoritarian quality.

One of peculiar trait about this nakashtra is emerging as in proudly and tricky manner being ruled by its deity- Indra this makes Jyestha  very similar to Visakha nakashtra in character trait. Affliction of Jyestha can give mis-use of power, authority and unnecessary grudge either in natal chart or in mundane charts of countries too.This is the only reason why most of the mob leaders, corrupt politicians and bureaucrats are ruled by afflicted Jyestha Nature. If it is without any affliction native Jyestha people do much for the society and well being for the country.

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Another negative traits mostly seen in Jyestha is regarding extra show-off and exaggerating everything from troubles to their charitable work.This makes them very revengeful too and easily fall prey to jealousy and competition. In India western states are ruling under this nakashtra i.e Maharashtra, Gujarat, west pun-jab and in world it rules western Pakistan, Baluchistan, part of west U.S, Africa and Arabs etc.

Due to this only reason most of the competitive spirit in their diplomatic and political relation  are much seen over western countries with full of challenging spirit, and greed in their most of actions in society. One of Good point seen mostly in jyestha nakashtra and western countries is their protective nature toward weak countries, weak and underprivileged people which makes them much more responsible and active participators in world politics and issues.

Under this transit all Vigilance and bureaucratic department will get sudden sense of responsibility due to Saturn inherent nature of filtering where it is placed. This is what Saturn about Karmic filtering; All Government officials, Administrative, People who are in communication and News media sector, Anchors, Actors, orators, occultisms, Mafia, Politicians, bureaucrats, Military people, Athletes will be under sharp scanner of Saturn from January 2016 onward. There will be sense of restriction during this period and new law and orders will be imposed on these sectors for betterment of society.

This will be the right time when astrology will be established as new Scientific Study on Planetary impacts on globe.Though we will see increase in occult practises during this course of period i.e. Tantra, Mantra, Black magic and all such practises govern by Jyestha. 

Positively creative genius are true picture of jyestha. Primary motivation of Jyestha is Artha and Material Prosperity. Issues with jealously and betrayal can be experienced within nations and people who are in intellectual fields but mostly it indicates creative brilliant people who are born here to do something extraordinary like ” Albert Einstein ” did.

During Jyestha course of Saturn every nation will be in race of incurring of power to get rise materially and in research field too – global economy will be in good shape and there will be a race of conquering and win and gain situation, courage in battle and there will be facing one’s foes directly, performing actions for subduing one’s competitors, apologies in nations can be seen, metallurgy industry will get boom, architecture work will increase, oil and petroleum industrious will get boost.

Scientist will do those researches which will mark as brilliant or some sort of benchmark in society will come up and there may be governing work in the field of medicinal to track down diseases which were spread-ed in past.

Many Mundane changes will be experience in whole world during this phase and many new order and system will go under transformation soon after Nodal transit in leo with Jupiter. After February 2016 Nodes will be under direct scan of Saturn. There will be much increase  in Anti National activities and there will be rise in Seismic activities too in those countries falling under ruling stars of Poorvaphalguni, Magha and Uttraphalguni mainly includes south-eastern states and countries.

But still there will be divine protection around Light beings who are working for global causes.

SC, Ge, Vi ,Cp , Aq ,Ta ,Sg ,Pi people will rise in this phase those are having Beneficial Mercury placed in D1 and Divisional Charts having Good Shadbala and SAV points in their lagnas.

In My opinion, Whole world will be more focused around above mentioned activities during this whole phase of Jyestha Nakashtra.

In Nations hidden conspiracies will prevail around every environment, hidden jealousy will increase and everyone will try to overcome each other in inner competitions with each other. Competitor nations will try to let down each other in their foreign policies and foreign trades and will try to use their power for showing their extra strength that what is about nature of this Nakashtra ruled by its Deity but in a boastful and protective manner.

Scorpio is a sign of wars, battles, open warfare between countries, indicative of increase in enemies. This also shows increase in dacoits, robberies, hidden conspirational work of foreign secret agents trying to let each other down. It also indicates international affairs will be more highlighted , international disputes with other countries will be get pick like fire, death of Secret enemies can be seen all over nations.
Story of whole is i can say that it will give more like hidden and Cold war between competitive nations.

African and north American contents need to work on their countries internal issues, Drought or Famine can be seen there over some of areas falling under this nakashtra.

Mundane Events & Impact in India

proxy? Saturn Return in Jyestha Nakashtra (29th December 2015 to 17th January 2017) - New level of Law and order system in global political & Intellectual's and Boom in Science and Occultism.

In Indian This transit will in 7th house of Foreign affairs – although Saturn will be in digbali Place but in area of mars  and Mercury always be an Indication of verbal conflicts, competitive relations with foreign trades. Opposition of views and conflicts with each others.

India has to deal patiently with foreign and international policies in order to avoid disputes.There can be an increase in Issues between Indian & Western countries policies and also with Pakistan over disputes in internationals environment.

In India Scorpio rules Western Coastal areas of India, South- western Directions of India such as Gujraat , Khach and Bhuj area, Goa, Mumbai, Maharashtra, Western Pakistan etc.

More issue will be seen over here, political disputes will be more in these areas.

Earth quakes and Coastal problems can be seen in these areas.

Impact in world & Mundane Events
proxy? Saturn Return in Jyestha Nakashtra (29th December 2015 to 17th January 2017) - New level of Law and order system in global political & Intellectual's and Boom in Science and Occultism.

There will be increase in Hidden diseases, frequent earthquakes will be seen more in coastal areas of India, North America, Canada, Israel, Norway  Bavaria, Algeria, North Syria, Sweden, Brazil, Morocco, Washington, Dover, Liverpool, Baltimore, cincinnati, Halifox etc.

African Continents need to take care specially, Diseases can take into next turning point, EBOLA Virus can spread with gradual growth, as its cause is still unknown  and its a hidden disease primarily a cell based disease ; this will be a major concern for most of the countries. Chances are much to spread in Africam- American continents.

In USA Scorpio is falling in 4th house of their political chart – US Will be more busy in their Internal Issues, there will be lack of peace in nation, weather conditions will be sudden and strange, can be seen increase in Volcanic eruptions and mining disasters, Fall of Govt. can be seen and there will be increase in Democratic movement in US.

Will extended to see larger survival and mortality issues which affect society. An example of this is the awareness of safe sex, sexual abuse and the aids pandemic which came into focus during the 1980’s as Saturn were traveling through Scorpio.

When Scorpio is triggered, crime and abuse will be key areas of exposure. Interestingly, Amnesty International, which campaigns against torture, was founded in 1961 when Saturn was traveling through Scorpio.

Scorpio also rules other people’s money so industries such as banking, stock markets, insurance, accounting and financial services will become spotlighted and made accountable whilst this sign is visited.

Scorpio is also about seeing things through a magnifying glass. Therefore much of which has been buried will come into the light. This can range from the developments of crime detectors, weaponry, probing technologies and CCTV.

Planets traveling through this sign will also highlight changes and developments within the gynecological and obstetrics industry. Note that the first commercial hand held ultrasound scanner was launched in 1963 when Neptune was transiting this sign.

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With thanks and Regards,

Rakesh Jamwal

Reference, Source and Links :

The 27 Celestial portals by Prash Trivedi

Wikipedia and other web resources

pin Saturn Return in Jyestha Nakashtra (29th December 2015 to 17th January 2017) - New level of Law and order system in global political & Intellectual's and Boom in Science and Occultism.

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Year 2014 (Ketu) – The Year of Foundation for Revolution and Bringing Change in India.

2014(Ketu) -The Year of Foundation for Revolution

proxy? hqGU jGwQ4I%2FU43j4YtRpWI%2FAAAAAAAAABg%2FGc K UfFiDM%2Fs1600%2FIndia 2014 Year 2014 (Ketu) - The Year of Foundation for Revolution and Bringing Change in India.

2014 Will be a Year of Revolution , Social Revolution and India will see New changes in Era of Indian Political and Social System.Power of Honesty , Unity & Common Man will Rule the Year of 2014.

Mid-Half of June 2014 Will Bring Sudden Changes in Whole Political , Religious and Social System and establish the Power of Common Man.

Common Social Mass(Saturn) will win Sinners will get Punishment.

Just Wait n Watch

4 Major Changes would have been seen in year 2014 –

1)Guru Will be Move in its Most Exalted State(Cancer Sign) after 13 year & Will Form Miraculous Spiritualistic ,Religious and Righteous Duties to Establish Great Social Structure in India.
2)Saturn Will be in its Most Exalted & Powerful State(20 -23 Degree -Libra Without Rahu – Will Rule & Run the Whole system Honestly)
3)Rahu Will be in its Mool Trikona Sign(Virgo) and Defend the Honest System as a Defender.
4)Number 7(Ketu) Will Rule the Year- Truthfulness Will Prevail & Miracles Happening would seen in whole year.


pin Year 2014 (Ketu) - The Year of Foundation for Revolution and Bringing Change in India.

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