How is our life affected by planetary influences ? Let’s Explore

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People had been researching upon the very fact of life that how the situations in our life our created? How does our life gets affected because of the play of energies as well as under the effect of planetary influences? As one goes through any tough & challenging life situation the most common question always that arises in ones mind is- Why is this happening with me? Why am I victimized?

Now, most of the time, we put that straight on Karma or destiny and no doubt, Karma has its own role as well as destiny too plays its role. To know more about destiny, you may go the my another old blog on “Destiny versus Astrology”-

Let’s not put the blame of our troublesome life situations directly on Karma or destiny but we must understand, how is the energy of though getting converted into the actions, then behaviour, creating situations and thence, bringing results in our day to day life. Our life is a simulation of various milestones which open up in front of us in terms of various life situations. Just like, we begin a journey from one place to another and the milestones are fixed. So, we have to cross all the milestones to reach our destination. Now, you can call these milestones as the situations and the experiences which one has to undergo and one has to face, which is further based on the laws of Karma and ones fate, not destiny, as accumulated karma (sanchit/prarabdha) from past lives.Every individual is one whole microcosmic system in its totality which represents the reflection of macrocosmic system and Astrology deals with the study of every individual horoscope as one system that’s why we study all the Gruhas (Planets) together for it’s results in one’s life. Now, consider every individual as a unique set of combinations of various planetary energies which unite together to form one totally unique life story which is an infinitesimal part of the Kaal-Purusha. Since, every individual life is unique in its every essence so is the planetary combinations for every individual.The whole working mechanism and effect of planetary energies is dependent upon the Prana (Life Force Energy) of the individual. The energies of the Gruhas, they strike in to the pranic energy fields of the individuals through breath, with the mechanism of Ida & Pingla nadi and create a specific vibration which is reflected into the mind of the individual as thought. And, from here begins the seed of creation for life situations.

Moon being the significator of mind; it works as the archery through which the rest of planetary forces strike an arrow during their transit, dasha & bhukti. Now, you can test it by being a witness in any of the life situation that you are facing today. As I mentioned above about the journey & milestones, just consider that you are going through a road to reach your destination; until you stop, stay at a milestone and spend time there, it will certainly get you involved with the various happenings on that particular milestone. What- if you see the milestone (life situation) and continue to move without putting in your time & energy; it will have some impact which shall be experiential in nature but you will save yourself from bigger damage.

In one of the beautiful verse from Bhagwad Gita, Lord conveys: “manah shashthani indryani prakrutisthani karshati”; which states that it is these six- the mind and the five senses which create friction in one’s whole nature. And, that’s what is the whole endeavor of Yoga- “yogah chittvrutti nirodah”; Yoga* works upon removing the delusions of the chitta (consciousness).

*Yoga here refers to any form of yoga; Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, etc.

So, the life situations are just a part of divine play and one must experience & handle any tough situation as an opportunity to see towards the other side of the life and to explore all new horizons of this beautiful universe.

Hope this helps you explore your life situations in the light of this article.

Note: For any questions, you may reply in the comments below or reach me on my email at

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