How to check Marriage Prospects: Tips and Techniques for beginners

MarriageandProspects How to check Marriage Prospects: Tips and Techniques for beginners

(Based on Dr. B.V Raman Sutras)

For Marriage Prospects, Native 7th house and the 7th lord Must be Strong, well placed and free from affliction. Venus is karaka for the wife and Jupiter is karaka for the Husband – they must be free from affliction in both D1 and D9 chart.

Check the Venus Ashtakavarga Chart , it should be free from the Bindus or Marks of Eunuchs, Points around 5 is Blessing and Highly favorable for Marriage prosperity, Below than 5 or average (4), and 3 and 2 points are considered as Bad for marriage Prosperity.

During Transit of Nodes, Mars, Saturn in 7th house from Ashtakavarha of Venus- Issue in Marriage will pick a spark. Same way check the 7th house from Moon for any issue or prosperity in marriage.

Any Favorable transit of Planet Like Jupiter, 7th lord or Lagana transiting in 7th house from Venus and Moon can give clue to get married in their Dasha period.

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If the 7th house from Lagana is either in Mars house or Mars Amsa (Navamsa) and if the planet owning the Amsa of the 7th house be either weak or eclipsed by Nodes, the Spouse(wife or Husband) will be notorious or vicious in youth.But if the same be placed in the Rasi or Amsa of a beneficial planet, Wife or Husband will be very kind and Strong characterized. Beneficial aspect on same also acts as Strong moral values and character.

For Timing of Marriage, Check the 7th lord from Rasi Chart is having any link with the transiting Jupiter and with the Lagna lord transit.

Transit of Jupiter and Saturn Should Form a link with the 7th house of 7th Lord of Rasi chart and in addition – Both the planet Should be well placed or Favorable from both Venus and Moon. Either they are in Trine from Venus or Moon or they are having strong link With the 7th lord from both Venus and Moon.

If lord of the 7th house is associated with Venus, its MD or AD may lead to Marriage.

MD and AD period of the Lord the 2nd bhava Lord Rasi also a major influencing factor for the marriage.

AD Lord Should have a link with Navamsa 7th house or 7th Lord and MD Lord Should have link Navamsa Lagana lord or with Lagnesh.

The Wife or Husband likely to be abandoned by her Husband or Wife if the 7th house from Lagana in case of male or first house in the case of a woman is either in Mars house or Mars amsa.

If in the Male Horoscope the 7th house from Venus has a planet aspect-ed by a Powerful Mars, we can say he will marry a Virgin Widow, in addition, he should also have his 7th house strong and free from affliction.

If in the Male Horoscope, the 5th house from Venus aspect-ed by Mars is strong and free from Affliction, we can say that the widow has given birth to children that are living.

If Venus Happens to be the lord Rasi where in Gulika is posted and occupies strong position as 10 or 4th from it, he will have desire for unnatural desire for Sexual enjoyment i.e – Homosexuality, Lesbian, gay sex etc

Venus and the 7th house Indicates first marriage, and if we are well known that First one is separated – take the Planets in 7th or planets associated with Venus. The Strongest will determine the 2nd wife.

In a female chart Take Saturn in the place of Venus as per prashana Marga. For Remarriage, usually, Happen when there are many planets in the 7th and 11th house – Mercury is Karka for Having a desire for two partners.

When Lagana will be a common sign or when the lord of the 7th and Moon occupy a common sign or Navamsa. when Sun and Mars are occupying the 7th house or both are in Navamsa of the 7th house having amsa of both.

The lords of 7 either from Lagana or Moon and Venus are Favorably and strongly posted, there will be chances of three marriages. If the lord of 7 or Venus is in exaltation and two or More planets occupy 7th house, there will be three or more marriages.

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Members are requested to check above mentioned Sutras In your charts or in the person you know them personally without any assumption

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How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse – Part 2

how to finf spouse first alphabet How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse - Part 2

How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse – Part 2


Keywords : How to Find Spouse First Alphabet :  Understanding spouse in astrology, physical appearance, 7th house, 7th lord and nature of spouse,Marriage and Relationships, spouse appearance in astrology, spouse astrology, Spouse First name, spouse in astrology, type of spouse in astrology, Vedic Astrology, first letter of my life partner astrology.


As a result of reading the prior piece, we are now familiar with all of the characteristics necessary for appreciating the attributes of one’s partner and are able to identify all of the individuals who are or are not suitable candidates for marriage.

Apart from Natal chart 7th house, 7th lord, its nakashtra and lord placement,  analysis of the “Up-Pada Lagna” and D9 is equally important to gain insight into the true character and attributes of the partner. However, Uppada Lagna is considered to be of considerable importance in Jamini astrology to true and soul nature of spouse. It is a concept that aids in determining the appropriate time to get married and offers insights into one’s experiences inside a marriage when it is used with chara dasha. It is necessary to have a more in-depth understanding of the 12th house, and then it is necessary to observe how the UL is the person who represents this. The Upapada, which can also be referred to as the Guana Pada, is that which rides the 12th house; it reveals who represents the image of the 12th house,  your spouse or one who live always either in a sentence or in a house.


Spouse characteristics and understanding capable spouse from Natal Chart 


Philosophy of Hindu Marriage How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse - Part 2


When analysing a natal chart for marriage and relationship analysis The 12th house plays a major role in understanding Up-pada lagna, as the 12th house from the ascendant, is the house where you spend all of your intellectual and emotional energy, as well as what you have given in the past and what you provide physically to others. Its the house where you give or sacrifice everything. The 12th house represents places like prisons, hospitals, monasteries, ashrams, the joys of the bed, sleeping (which can cause loss of consciousness), and the bed in which one sleeps to loose your self conscious. Giving back to the community is an expression of one’s energy, and the 12th house reveals the channels via which one channels that energy. Giving to charitable causes is an example of shubha yoga, which is practised in the 12th rung of the yoga hierarchy. Ashubha yoga refers to the practise of placing one’s vitality in unfavourable circumstances, and malefics in the 12th signify doing so. The maranakaraka sthana in the 12th house is where the Sun is placed since the 12th house is Saturn’s domain and Saturn’s domain is devoid of life and light.

twelfth house is known as the home of sacrifice or giving, and the Arudha of this house reveals to whom you are making sacrifices. Those that benefit the most from your generosity are typically your wife and children. When a person first becomes financially independent and is able to provide, marriage naturally follows. Sometimes this giving will consist of little more than monetary assistance, while other times it will take the form of in-home caregiving. One must understand the significance of the fact that if there is no giving, then there is nothing to keep a connection going. You would not want to marry the partner if they had not done anything for you in the relationship.

The 7th house is the 8th house from the 12th house, and it reveals what is bringing together two people who were previously separate. The 12th house does not represent sexual activity; rather, it represents solitude or celibacy, and the 7th house, which is the 8th house from the 12th, is what brings an end to being alone. The 12th house is associated with sanyas and celibacy; the 8th house from this terminates that, causes a person to be married, and eliminates celibacy; hence, the 7th house must be pure in order to keep sanyas, and the length of sanyas may be seen from the 7th house. As a result, the UL is not utilised in order to view the sexual partner or sexual relations; rather, the A7 is utilised.

The 12th house is the house that comes 8th after the 5th house, and it provides insight into how long your kula, lineage, or family has been around. The UL reveals the members of your kula, family, or lineage who will assist you in ensuring their lifespan. The 7th house is located three houses away from the 5th house, which indicates that it is upachaya from the 5th house and that it will cause your kula to expand. The 12th house is the sixth house from the seventh house, and as it is also upachaya for the seventh house, this indicates that there will be an increase in sexual activity.

It is associated to the pleasures of the bed since this is the area where one can be alone to cultivate the seventh house and allow it to mature into genuine closeness. On the other side, the sixth house is located directly opposite the fifth house, making it a maraka, or “death giver,” to the fifth house. This placement is unfavourable for having children or expanding one’s kula, and it suggests that one should lead a celibate lifestyle. It is essential to keep in mind that the twelfth house plays a significant role in interpersonal connections, but it does not denote sexual urges or needs.


Readers can go through part 1st to understand all the factors responsible for spouse characteristics identification by bellow link  :



What exactly is Up-pada lagna ? How it is related to Spouse characteristics    


Vedic Marriage How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse - Part 2


The term “Up-Pada lagna” is etymologically derived from the Sanskrit words “Upa,” denoting proximity or adjacency, and “Lagna,” which pertains to the ascendant or the initial house within a birth chart. The significance of Upapada Lagna in Jaimini astrology lies in its role as a crucial determinant of marriage and interpersonal connections. The aforementioned statement pertains to the representation of the Arudha Pada associated with the 12th house inside a natal chart. In Vedic astrology, the 12th house holds significance since it represents several aspects such as loss, expenses, foreign territories, and the characteristics of one’s spouse or partner. The Upapada Lagna plays a significant role in comprehending the intricacies and attributes of an individual’s matrimonial or partnership relationships.

The arrangement of celestial bodies and their interactions on the Upapada Lagna and its ruling planet can offer valuable insights into the dynamics of interpersonal connections, the attributes and traits of the marital partner, and the likelihood of entering into matrimonial or collaborative unions throughout one’s lifetime. The analysis of marital compatibility and comprehending relationship dynamics in Vedic astrology is contingent upon the consideration of a crucial aspect.

In order to determine the Upapada Lagna (UL), it is necessary to adhere to the following procedural guidelines:
Ascertain the placement of the lord of the twelfth house inside the natal chart. The planetary ruler of the 12th house in an individual’s natal chart is commonly referred to as the 12th house lord. Please determine the zodiac sign that is occupied by the ruler of the twelfth house. Please record the sign. Determine the equidistant number of signs from the location of the lord of the 12th house. The twelfth astrological sign in the zodiac is Taurus, and it is governed by the planet Venus. If the planet Venus is positioned in the astrological sign of Leo, which is four signs away from Leo, by counting four signs from Leo, we will arrive at the sign of Scorpio. According to astrological principles, Scorpio is considered to be the Upapada Lagna.

It is important to note that the Upapada Lagna holds significant importance in the natal chart and serves as a key element in Vedic astrology, especially employed for comprehending problems related to marriage and interpersonal relationships. This phenomenon has the potential to offer valuable perspectives on an individual’s partner and the intricate workings of a marital relationship. Various facets of marriage and relationships can be subjected to analysis.

The celestial body known as the “Darakaraka” is believed to symbolise the essence of an individual’s romantic partner and provides valuable understanding into their character and associated matters. The seventh house within an individual’s birth chart serves as an indicator of their interpersonal interactions and their manner of relating to the wider public sphere. This dwelling is additionally linked to Venus, the celestial body symbolising affection and romantic relationships. The romantic partner with whom one shares the deepest connection and exhibits the greatest degree of similarity.


12th house and Role in Marriage life


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In order to have a deeper comprehension of the 12th house, it is necessary to direct our attention towards the Upapada Lagna (UL), which serves as its representative. The Upapada represents the symbolic representation of the 12th house, indicating the individuals or entities to whom one tends to offer their resources or support. The twelfth house symbolises the allocation of one’s physical, intellectual, and energetic resources. The term “it” can encompass several locations such as correctional facilities, medical institutions, spiritual retreats, and instances of misfortune, as well as sources of enjoyment, periods of rest, and the sleeping surface utilised.

The presence of benefic planets inside the 12th house is indicative of a propensity to contribute towards positive endeavours, whereas the presence of malefic planets suggests a tendency to contribute towards bad endeavours. When specific dwellings are positioned as the twelfth celestial body from the centre of our solar system, it signifies an inherent deficiency in the capacity to bestow vitality.

The 12th house is commonly linked with experiences of loss and acts of giving, with its Arudha signifying the primary recipients of one’s generosity, typically one’s spouse and offspring. The institution of marriage is typically entered into by those who have reached a certain level of financial independence and are capable of providing for their partner. The act of giving include both providing money assistance and attending to domestic responsibilities. The sustainability of a connection is contingent upon the presence of reciprocity.

The 7th house, positioned as the 8th from the 12th house in astrological charts, symbolises the institution of marriage and serves to alleviate feelings of solitude. The 12th house symbolises a state of celibacy, while the 7th house signifies the transition from celibacy to marriage. The 7th house is also indicative of the period of abstaining from marriage or sexual relations. The Arudha of the 7th house, commonly referred to as A7, is employed in the examination of sexual partners and relationships, as opposed to the Upapada Lagna (UL).

The concept of the UL symbolises the perceived rise or ascent, whereas the UL signifies the perceived concealment or illusion associated with the 12th house. It demonstrates a concrete manifestation of either a bestowal or deprivation. The term “UL” refers to the individuals who will play a significant role in ensuring the long-term survival and prosperity of one’s family.

The 12th house, being the 6th house from the 7th, signifies individuals or factors that contribute to the development of sexual endeavours and foster the establishment of intimate connections. According to astrological beliefs, the individual referred to as the marriage partner is associated with this concept. Additionally, the UL, which stands for the lord of the Upapada Lagna, symbolises the family of the partner.

Marriage is commonly understood as a significant and enduring partnership that is characterised by a high level of commitment and typically extends beyond a duration of one year. The Upapada signifies the concept of marriage in its inherent state, independent of any religious or legal ceremonial definitions. Ancient scriptures make reference to diverse forms of marriage, although it is imperative to refrain from interpreting them literally within contemporary society. The utilisation of the Universal Law (UL) can aid in distinguishing between various prospective marriage partners.

The initial partner is observed from the Ascendant, whereas the subsequent partner is observed from the eighth house relative to the Ascendant (referred to as UL2), and so forth. Identifying a suitable spouse can present difficulties, particularly in contemporary society, characterised by a wide range of relationship dynamics and levels of commitment. The characterization of each spouse can be discerned through the examination of several houses within the navamsa chart.

In instances involving several marriage partners, the UL2 is observed as the sixth element from the initial UL. The 6th house exhibits the presence of supplementary companions alongside the primary significator. The eighth house is indicative of the termination of a preceding relationship. The sixth house symbolises the process of growth and signifies the broadening of generosity in terms of expenditure.

The Darapada, which is also referred to as the A7 pada, is an extremely important tool for gaining insight into the personality of one’s partner along with sexual traits of partner. In order to determine it, one must count the seventh house from the ascendant and then locate the lord of that house in the Navamsa chart. The location of Darapada in the Navamsa chart reveals information about the spouse’s physical appearance, personality traits, and overall compatibility.

Eligibility of the Spouse ( UL) and actual Meaning 


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Whenever you are looking for deep relationship from natal chart, always check the UL (Up-pada) along with 7th house, 7th lord , Venus and Mars placement in  both Natal and Navamsa chart  which will indicate the actual nature of the eligible spouse. This should only be done for serious partnerships. Upapada, also referred to as ‘Arudha’ of the 12th bhava’ of the chart, The 12th Bhava signifies to give, to sacrifice, and to expand. This pada’s purpose is to ascertain how the native truly feels about their spouse on the inside.

The relationship between the lord of Upapada and the lord of Lagna will be the determining factor in determining whether or not the marriage or relationship will mature. If UL is well positioned in Trines or Kendra’s and also falls in trine to the lagna of the spouse, then this is the best match for marriage. If UL is not well placed in Trines or Kendra’s, then this is not the best match for marriage. If, on the other hand, the lord of the Upapada moves to the 12th house, this is interpreted as a sign that the marriage will not progress at all.

This might also be an indication that there are delays, difficulties, or unanticipated troubles developing in married life, which frequently result in the marriage being denied. Any planet that is located in UL reveals information about the soul character of the partner. For example, if the moon is located in UL, the partner is likely to be sensitive, highly kind, fair-skinned, and loving.

In the same manner, if Venus is located in UL, the nature of the partner’s romance, passion, beauty, artistic ability, and sensuality will be characterised by these qualities. If Ketu or Jupiter were situated in UL, the partner’s personality would be spiritual and fair if either planet was present there. Saturn in Ul would in some way bestow upon a married couple an Orthodox spouse who observes long-standing customs and fashions in married life. It is of the utmost importance that the sign or rasi of the Upapada be auspicious with respect to the Lagna of the native without any malefic influence. This is because the Upapada dictates the personality or attitude of the person towards the spouse, who is a lifelong partner.

The native’s moral rectitude and the manner in which they would treat their partner are both directly related to how fortunate it is for the native. If the UL Rasi were to suffer any kind of affliction, the entire picture of the traits of the spouse would shift. This would imply that the factors of compatibility (fidelity, affection, and so on), which constitute the basis for a successful spousal connection, are either doubtful or completely absent depending on the inauspiciousness or ailment of the UL sign.

Compatibility factors provide the basis for a good spousal relationship. If the 2nd Lord from the UL were to suffer an affliction, or if the 2nd Lord from the UL were to suffer an affliction in D9, there would be a disruption in married life because the 2nd Lord either maintains or dissolves the marriage connections. The malefic aspects of a situation illustrate how it can be broken, while the helpful aspects show how it can be sustained. They also demonstrate the necessity of a spouse in a married existence. Therefore, the total assessment of UL is the most crucial factor in comprehending the genuine character of a partner.

It has now been established that the Lord of Gaunapada, also known as the 12th Lord, plays a significant role in defining the nature of one’s spouse, as well as their family, siblings, pre- and post-marital troubles, the attitude of one’s spouse towards the individual, and whether or not a spouse brings joy or sadness into one’s life.

In most cases, an exalted lord of Upapada will bring a spouse from a noble family into the marriage. On the other hand, a debilitated lord of Upapada will bring a spouse from a family that is lower in status than the native’s family. A subsequent post will provide explanations of UL that are more in-depth than this one.


The 7th Lord, 7th House, and the Darapada ( A7)


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An Examination of Sexual Relationships, casual affairs in the Natal Chart

The assessment of the 7th Lord’s placement in the natal chart provides insights about the corporeal dimensions of a relationship and its potential for success. The “A7” is associated with both commercial partnerships and intimate connections. The 7th house within the navamsa divisional chart provides insights into the partner’s aptitudes, capabilities, and overall disposition, hence assuming greater significance compared to the 7th house within the natal chart. Furthermore, it serves as an indicator of the sexual inclinations of the companion.

Whereas, , The term “Upapada” symbolises the individual who is chosen as a spouse or enters into a committed romantic partnership shows possible partner for marriage. The aforementioned statement elucidates the inherent characteristics of the familial background from which an individual originates, the manner in which interpersonal connections will be established, and the potential longevity of those relationships. Additionally, it offers valuable insights regarding the potential number of offspring resulting from said relationship in comparison to previous relationships. The Upapada can be utilised to ascertain the date of marriage and its eventual dissolution. The Upapada’s ruler, also known as the UL lord, serves as an indicator of the familial characteristics of the spouse and frequently mirrors the couple’s social standing.

Always verify the connectedness of the A7 or A7 Lord with the Arudha Lagna or AL Lord and the link with planets in the 7th House or the lord of that house when dealing with short-term relationships such as “boyfriends” or “girlfriends.” In most cases, having the 7th Lord also join A7 or A7 Lord indicates a deep infatuation with the person with whom they are having an affair. Additionally, it indicates a physical intimacy with partners if the 7th Lord also joins A7 or A7 Lord. When A7 is connected with UL it usually gives serious relationship or marriage.

General Reminder: Always consult the D1 Chart (Lagna) 7th House or 7th Lord for issues in the 1st Marriage Partnership, as well as the location and strength of the 7th Lord of the Lagna Chart (D1) in the D9 (Navamasa Chart—Chart of Marriage) for any affliction or not. In addition, consult the D1 Chart (Lagna) 7th House or 7th Lord for issues in the 1st Marriage Partnership.

This produces separations as well as denials and blockages in marriage, and the 6th house and its lord are primarily responsible for this. Additionally, the 6th house and its lord are primarily responsible for comprehending difficulties in getting into relationships,  the 6th house and 6th lord are linked with the 7th lord in D9, they will always work to prevent and postpone marriage, and they have the potential to produce rifts in any existing partnerships. In a typical scenario, the positioning of the 7th Lord strengthens partnerships while the placement of the 6th Lord produces delays.

Note of General Importance: For Precise Information Regarding the Spouse Study of UL (Up-pada Needs to Be Studied in Depth), and for Short-Term Relationships, Living in Study of the (A7-Dara-pada) Need to Be Studied in Depth.

How to Find Spouse Alphabet and Name possibility 


Vedic names How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse - Part 2


Now that the characteristics and qualities of the spouse have been determined, it is time to use the horoscope to try to determine the name characteristics, first letter, or Swara falling in the spouse’s name. This may be done after determining the features and qualities of the spouse. Even though it is a very difficult procedure to go through, it is rather accurate and provides some insight into it as well. Deciphering it is not always difficult, but the majority of the time it requires a great deal of patience to fully grasp the notion.

Checking the Nakshatra of the 7th Lord planet, as well as its Pada and the lord of the Nakshatra Direction in D1, is necessary in order to determine the initial letter of the spouse’s name or name. This will tell you everything there is to know about that Nakashtra, and in addition to that, it will also give you the name of the spouse associated with the first letter.

This nakshatra will tell you everything you need to know about the characteristics of your future partner. After that, you should determine who the lord of the nakshatra is and where in your horoscope the lord of the nakshatra is located. Check also whether Nakshatra Lord Sign Depositor is seated in which sign or house; this will tell you the direction as well.If the lord of the Nakshatra is located in the tenth house, then further information will be provided regarding the hints of the name, the clues of the naming ritual, and the characteristics of the spouse that identify her name.

Conditions to Be Check for Spouse Alphabet and Traits 


Case Study 1 : Male | Single ( Aq ) Lagna :


Aq How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse - Part 2

1) Native 7th Lord Sun in Pisces Sign (Spiritualistic Sign): Native will get a spiritual, emotional, and thought-full spouse, but somehow to mean self-centered and egoistic as well (Sun 8th from its own sign).

2) Native 7th Lord Sun in Aquarius Sign (Water Sign): Native will get a spiritual, emotional, and thought-full spouse.

3) The seventh Lord Nakashtra is Poorva Bhadrapada, and the deity associated with it is Rudra. The fourth Pada (Moksha) Nakashtra is a cruel and mean sign that is controlled by Jupiter. Therefore, the character and attributes of the future husband will be determined only by Poorva-Bhadra. The Nakashtra is a symbol of a man with two faces. It causes burns, punishes by fire, to cause pain, to burn things to ashes, to use words that burn, to conduct that blisters, to use harsh words, to have a wicked disposition, cruelty, greediness, restlessness, a feeling of despair, and unsatisfied ambition, to burn slowly, to have a sudden excess of anger, and other things like that. When viewed from an anthropomorphic perspective, the side of Kalapurush’s body In Moksha Pada, this means that the native may obtain a spouse, which may allow them to develop their spirituality or to be involved in spiritualism; nevertheless, it also suggests that she may be of a lonely temperament.

3) Nakshatra (Indian) Because the Depositor Lord Venus is located in the 12th house, which is the House of Tapa and Moksha or Mediation, the native must be getting a spouse having Venusian qualities, having spirituality in the soul, and she may belong from another land or she may like to tapa as well. Since Jupiter is located in the 9th house, which is the House of Dharma and Luck, the significance of dharma, karma, and Bhagya will all improve. Therefore, the name carries a great deal of significance in relation to the Dharma and having an artistic disposition.

As Guru is in Rahu Nakshatras in the 3rd Pada (Kama, passionate behaviour), the spouse will be very passionate, sensual, and skilled in the art of negotiation; they will be good in all artistic pursuit matters; they must also be good in business dealings; and they will uplift the Dharma and Bhagya. The category of Swati Nakastra is represented by the letters Ro, Ru, Re, Ra, and Taa, and Guru is located in the third pada of the Rahu Nakashtra (Swati) horoscope. Therefore, Natives Must Marry Partners Whose First Names Begin with the Letter “R”.

Lord number 7 The Moon derives from Venus, and the Moon is currently stationed in the 10th house of the Nakashtra of the Lord of Jupiter. Jupiter, meanwhile, is currently located in the sign of Libra in the 9th house, where it is subject to the influence of the Libra sign, which is ruled by both Guru and Rahu in addition to Venus. In Swati nakshtra, the guru is the same as the lord of the moon nakshatra. Since the seventh, Venus also offers a clue to the letter “R” in the name.

4) The constellation of Jupiter known as Swati Lord Rahu is located in the fifth house in Guru Nakshtra (also known as Punurvase Nakshtra and Jupiter Nakshtra), and Lord Mercury, the Depositor, is located in Rahu Nakshtra in Lagna, with an aspect to the seventh house: Therefore, a local will end up with a partner who is exceptionally perceptive and knowledgeable.

Since Guru is located in Rahu Nakshatra and Rahu is located in Guru Nakshatra, around Pada 2, the Swati Nakshtras have been given the letter R as their name. Swati is ruled by a windy deity, therefore names should be inspired by wind. Additionally, since Rahu is in a dual sign, it is possible that two names will be involved.


Case Study 2: Male | Married | Capricon Lagna 


cap How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse - Part 21) The 7th Lord of the Native Zodiac is the Moon, and it is located in the 5th House of the Taurus Sign (Sukh, Pleasure, Wealth, and Family Growth): Natives need to have a loving wife and a caring spouse who are able to bring growth in all material concerns into their lives.

2) Since the native 7th Lord Nakashtra is in Kritika (Lord Sun, Brave and Administrative), in the 3rd Pada (Kama, Desire of all Sukh), she would bring all Sukh to the native family once she is married. The seventh deity resides in the constellation of Kritika Nakashtra, which translates to “women who can burn anything and have all of the qualities of the sun and Agni.” Agni represents Devata. Agni is the god, and the Sun is the planet that he rules over. Agni is known as the “great consumer” and “great purifier,” in addition to being the source of light, heat, and brightness. Agni is the source of both the living fire and the drive. In addition to this, it is the impetus for life. Creation would not take place in the absence of fire. Agni is the driving force behind both the beginning of existence and its continued unfolding. It eats up everything in its path.

Agni refers to both the internal fire that aids in digestion and the external fire that is used for cooking; these are just two distinct manifestations of the same fundamental concept. Agni is the Hindu god of light and brilliance, and firepower is a characteristic shared by all weapons. The Krittika group can also include additional objects that belong to the same category as long as they fall within its scope. Because it destroys all that is evil, dark, and dull in addition to everything that is low, sinful, and inauspicious in the world, fire is seen as a purifier. Only effulgence and light were left after the dross was consumed by the flames.

Fire is what gives the earth its activity and dynamic, and it is what brings the earth back to life after the cold spells that periodically put the earth in a comatose state. The Krittika group’s influence on the cause of the fire may be inferred with relative ease using this evidence. Therefore, she will serve as a beacon of hope for the indigenous people, one that can eradicate any unfavourable aspects of native way of life.

3) The Nakashta The native will meet his wife via work environment or in work environment, and she will bring all forms of social as well as career growth to the native life, including wealth (1st Pada) and Dharama (9th house) to the native as well as add luck and spirt to the native’s life. Because Lord Sun is in the 9th house in Hasta nakashtra, the Nakashtra of Skills and Hands, in Dual Sign (Virgo), and in the 1st Pada.

Pu, Sha, Na, and Thaa are the deities that reign over Hasta Nakashtra.Therefore, the native spouse will be governed by all of these letters and names because the 7th depositor is in the first pada in Hasta. This indicates that the name must have a strong influence of the letter “Na” and must be a combination of two names as what the dual sign signifies because the 7th Lord Nakashtra Lord is in dual sign. The native wife has a prominent role of Sun, Saturn, and Jupiter (mixed influence), and all attributes will be within the grasp of the sun (dharma). Saturn is the seventh planet from Venus, and it is also located in the ninth house, which is the home of Jupiter and the Sun.

Since Hasta, the lord of the Sun nakashtra, is also the lord of the 5th house, and since Moon is also the lord of the 7th house, this indicates that the native wife must be highly emotional, sympathetic, and tender. Because of this, her name must be one that has a Moon Role in real life, and the authentic Native Spouse Name begins with the letter “Na.” Her name is “Navneeta,” and it begins with the letter “Na.” A name formed by combining the following: Nav with “Neeta” equals Nav plus Neeta, which equals “Navneeta,” which implies exceedingly smooth, very soft, and similar to butter in texture.



Rocky Jamwal

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How to Find Spouse First Alphabet : spouse in astrology, physical appearance, direction of spouse, 7th house, 7th lord and nature of spouse – Part 1


how to find spouse first alphabet


Keywords : How to Find Spouse First Alphabet :  Understanding spouse in astrology, physical appearance, 7th house, 7th lord and nature of spouse,Marriage and Relationships, spouse appearance in astrology, spouse astrology, Spouse First name, spouse in astrology, type of spouse in astrology, Vedic Astrology, first letter of my life partner astrology.

Research Case Study: How to Find Spouse First Alphabet, Name Clues, Spouse Nature & Ruling Planets

(Revised and Redited Edition June 2017)

Written by Rocky Jamwal


The process of ascertaining the initial letter of one’s prospective spouse’s name within the realm of astrology might be seen as a captivating pursuit. Various aspects contribute to the investigation of this enigma, encompassing the physical attributes, the orientation of the partner, the 7th house, the 7th lord, and the characteristics of the spouse.

In the realm of physical appearance, astrology posits that specific zodiac signs may exert an influence on the characteristics exhibited by one’s prospective life mate. For instance, in the event that the 7th house or its ruling planet is linked with the zodiac sign Aries, it is plausible that one’s marital partner may possess a robust and physically fit physique. Likewise, in the event that Taurus assumes a dominant position, it is plausible that one’s companion may exhibit a captivating and aesthetically pleasing physical presence.

Astrology can also provide insights into determining the direction of one’s spouse. The 7th house in astrology symbolises the domain of marriage and alliances, and its positioning in an individual’s birth chart can offer valuable insights into the potential origin of their future spouse. For example, in the event that the 7th house is situated in the eastern direction, it signifies the potential that one’s spouse may originate from the eastern region.

Moreover, the seventh Lord holds considerable importance in the prognostication of the initial letter of one’s spouse’s name. Astrologers possess the ability to discern the initial letter of an individual’s prospective partner’s name by examining the location and attributes of the 7th lord inside their birth chart. This information has the potential to facilitate the process of narrowing down the alternatives and establishing a foundational point for initiating your search.

Ultimately, comprehending the inherent characteristics of one’s potential life partner is vital in fostering a joyful and mutually beneficial partnership. Astrology offers important insights into the personality traits and qualities of prospective life partners. Astrologers can ascertain several attributes of one’s spouse, such as affection, compassion, ambition, and intellect, by analysing the planetary influences on the 7th house and its ruling celestial body.

In summary, astrology provides a range of methodologies for determining the initial letter of one’s spouse’s name. Valuable insights into the element of one’s life pertaining to future partners can be obtained by taking into account various factors, including physical appearance, direction, the 7th house, the 7th lord, and the nature of the prospective mate. It is important to acknowledge that astrology can offer assistance; however, the responsibility of cultivating a robust and gratifying connection with one’s spouse ultimately rests with the individual.

Methods for Determining the Initial Letter of Your Spouse’s Name


Nadi astrology introduction How to Find Spouse First Alphabet : spouse in astrology, physical appearance, direction of spouse, 7th house, 7th lord and nature of spouse - Part 1


The ancient Nadi System encompasses numerous intricate methods for determining a spouse’s name or ascertaining the initial letter of their name. These methods are derived from Nadi Kadam, which consists of Sanskrit writings authored by Vedic seers. However, the process of uncovering these names necessitates extensive cognitive processes and a comprehensive understanding of translation techniques.

The leaves serve as documentation not only for Indian citizens, but also for individuals of many nations, religions, and beliefs. Furthermore, it has been indicated that approximately 40% of the global population is prone to obtaining these outcomes. It is possible that the remaining leaves may have incurred damage or been lost with the passage of time. The leaves are not just records for Indian nationals but also for people of other nationalities, religions, and creeds. It is also stated that about 40% of the people in the world are likely to get these results. The other leaves might have been damaged or may have been lost in the course of time.

Traditional Indian astrology is known as nadi astrology, and its roots may be traced back to India. It is predicated on the idea that palm leaves, also known as nadi granthas, contain written accounts of people’s lives from the past, the present, and the future. These ancient manuscripts provide in-depth information on an individual’s life, including the particulars of their birth, the history of their family, the chances for their work, their health concerns, and even the solutions to any troubles that they might have.

When compared to other schools of astrology, the Nadi school of thought takes a very different approach. It focuses on the fingerprint of an individual to determine the palm leaf that corresponds to their destiny rather than relying on the positions of celestial bodies at the time of birth. This allows it to be more accurate than other methods. The technique entails matching the thumb impression with the imprints on the palm leaves, which can be extremely complex and specialised depending on the situation.

After the right leaf has been identified, an experienced Nadi astrologer will decode the text, which is written in an old kind of Tamil script. This demands a significant amount of information as well as expertise in order to interpret the intricate language and symbols that are written on these palm leaves. The astrologer will then give their forecasts and insights about the individual’s life, offering advise and potential solutions to help the individual overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

The accuracy and specificity of Nadi astrology is one of the most amazing qualities of this branch of astrology. Because of their uncanny accuracy, the forecasts that Nadi astrologers provide frequently take people by surprise. It is widely held that the writings on the palm leaves were penned by enlightened sages who have divine knowledge and insight into the destinies of particular persons. Because of this, the information that is included inside them is regarded as being extremely dependable and trustworthy.

An in-depth examination of several facets of a person’s life, such as their schooling, marriage, financial situation, health, and spiritual development, can be obtained through the practise of Nadi astrology. It gives people a road map to follow so they can navigate through the problems of life and make decisions based on accurate information. In addition, Nadi astrology recommends various cures and rituals to ease the effects of bad influences and to amplify the effects of favourable energies.

In recent years, not only in India but also everywhere else in the world, more and more people have been interested in Nadi astrology. People from many walks of life and cultural traditions consult with Nadi astrologers in the hopes of gaining a more in-depth insight of their lives and locating answers to the challenges they face.

In conclusion, Nadi astrology is a distinct and old style of astrology that provides specific and in-depth insights into an individual’s life by using palm leaf records as the primary source of information. Because of its precision and specificity, it has become a popular approach to consulting for advice and locating answers to problems encountered in everyday life.


There are 4 kinds of Nadi:


Jeeva Nadi : operates through the utilisation of the reader’s breath as a source of electricity. When individuals are venerated, they acquire intuitive abilities that enable them to make predictions about future events. Some of the most renowned nadi texts include Kakaibujandar Nadi, Brighu Nadi, and Sukar Nadi etc.

Abhayas Nadi : In the aforementioned procedure, Nadi Jyotishi employs the technique of fingerprinting the right or left thumb impression to ascertain the horoscope of the individual in question. Subsequently, utilising the individual’s birth date and time, they proceed to make predictions regarding the horoscope.

Kirantha Nadi operates on the principles of Hora Shastra time (Hora chakra) and utilises Etchani to make predictions about an individual’s future.

The Karantha Nadi : is derived from the Adharva/Atharva (in Tamil) Veda and is rooted in the practises of mantra and tantra.

Current status of Nadi Astrology and finding Spouse traits 


Nadi Astrology in marriage How to Find Spouse First Alphabet : spouse in astrology, physical appearance, direction of spouse, 7th house, 7th lord and nature of spouse - Part 1


Currently, individuals in India who are engaged in the practise of the Nadi system have access to only the general practises associated with the first and second phases of this system. Despite its location in southern India. Although it is possible to acquire knowledge of a musical note without having prior knowledge of the Kandam system, this approach requires a significant level of expertise and comprehension of the Vedic Nakshatras and their associated musical notes, as well as the location of the chart.

In the analysis of the natal chart, it is imperative to consider the positioning of the 7th Lord, its corresponding disposition lord, Pada (divisional chart), as well as the nakshatra lord, Pada, and the placement of nakshatras. The topic of discussion pertains to the significance of rental signs and nakshatras in an academic context. The comprehensive procedure can provide a general understanding of the complete characteristics of a spouse and offer potential indications for their identity.

The text discusses several microdetails pertaining to the spouse’s name, the significance behind the spouse’s name, the content of the spouse’s letter, and the direction of the spouse’s benevolent horoscope. However, armed with this limited research data, one may potentially identify and analyse their partner’s name as well as the associated attributes of their partner.

The primary characteristic of this approach is its exclusive reliance on a nakshatra-centered naming system, wherein the identification of the spouse’s characteristics and name is derived from the moon nakshatra, the 7th lord nakshatra, and the dominant planet positioned in trines within the Natal chart.

The natal chart, specifically the placement of the planet in the trine aspect, holds significant influence over the Nakshatra and the traits of the native spouse as indicated by the elements of the Nakshatra and the planet. Furthermore, based on my observations throughout the duration of this course, it has been observed that this particular method is highly effective in situations where the natal chart of a child, along with Vedic rituals, entails a comprehensive analysis of the child’s natal chart subsequent to their birth. Additionally, the intonation of Akasharas from various Nakshatras exerts a significant impact on the natal chart, with the most potent planetary influence being observed in the trines.

The significance of a name is derived solely from the celestial impact on Rashi and the Nakshatra. When the seventh Lord, together with its disposition or Nakshatra Lord Planet, is positioned in a dual sign, it typically results in the amalgamation of two names inside a single entity. When a celestial body is positioned within a fixed astrological sign, it typically corresponds to a concise appellation derived from the elemental classification of fire, air, water, or earth. When an individual’s astrological sign is associated with a water element, it is said to provide insight into the significance of their name, which is determined by the planet associated with that particular water sign.

In the context of Sanskrit nomenclature, the designation of an oceanic entity may be attributed to a celestial body situated within the astrological sign of Cancer. Conversely, a celestial body positioned within the astrological sign of Pisces may be denoted as a river. Lastly, a celestial body located within the astrological sign of Scorpio may be designated as a little canal.

The identification of the planet’s tattva can provide a key indication for discerning the genuine significance of its name. In order to comprehend the variables influencing names, it is imperative to first direct attention towards the Sanskrit etymology underlying the name.

This is because the phonetic composition of vowels, or Aksharas, present in Nakshatras aligns with Prakriti, signifying that the significance of a name should reflect the effect of Prakrti on celestial bodies. As an illustration, with closer examination, the name “Alaknanda” can be identified as a river name originating from the region of Jambudweep. The term “Alaknanda” originates from Sanskrit and denotes a juvenile female kid aged between eight and ten years, commonly referred to as “Kanya.” References to this term may be traced back to ancient Hindu scriptures such as the Mahabharata and Vishnu Purana, where it is associated with a river originating from the Himalayas and merging with the sacred Ganga River. This observation suggests that the planets that exert influence on the trines of the natal chart ought to be positioned in the dual sign, particularly when accompanied by the effect of watery planets inside that sign.


In order to accurately forecast the meaning of a name and the Akashras associated with it, it is necessary to consider the various intricacies associated with names from both Vedic and ancient perspectives. The Nadi Scriptures contain Sanskrit names that are associated with meanings pertaining to the characteristics of nature (Prakriti). In the remaining instances, individuals who are unable to ascertain the authentic significance of a name should direct their attention towards the preeminent celestial body exerting influence over their trines. This influential factor is highly likely to impact the connotation and inherent qualities associated with the name.


The likelihood of employing this strategy in contemporary society is approximately 40-50%, owing to the fact that individuals no longer adhere to Vedic procedures as outlined in the Scriptures while naming their offspring. The situation can be characterised by a binary outcome, with equal probabilities of success and failure (50-50) or with a little higher probability of failure (40-60). While this approach may yield positive results in certain instances, it is not universally applicable. Therefore, it is necessary to explore alternative techniques for the remaining scenarios. Prior to delving into the methodology, it is imperative to ascertain the true identity of one’s spouse, determine their categorization, and establish their alignment with the aforementioned condition.

Significant Residences: It is vital to acquaint oneself with the abodes that are associated with the characteristics of one’s marital partner.

Important Houses one should know those are connected with the Nature of Spouse 


15359 hindu marriage the lightsmiths lead image How to Find Spouse First Alphabet : spouse in astrology, physical appearance, direction of spouse, 7th house, 7th lord and nature of spouse - Part 1


Placement of planets in the 7th House:

The 7th House pertains to an individual’s attitude, sexuality, libido, and preferences regarding their relationships or partnerships. The success of a partnership is not solely determined by the tangible benefits it offers, but more by the attitudes and level of commitment exhibited by the individuals involved.  The aforementioned statement merely illustrates one’s professional occupation or the desired characteristics in a partner, rather than providing an accurate depiction of the actual qualities possessed by a spouse. The perception of a marital partner is observed through the astrological placement of the planet situated in the 7th House, commonly referred to as D9.

This planetary configuration provides significant insights on the characteristics and attributes of the spouse. For instance, the placement of Mars in the seventh house of the D9 chart indicates that the spouse would possess a highly energetic and vibrant personality. Additionally, physical attributes such as a round face, stout physique, and a short stature with a reddish complexion may be observed.

However, it is important to note that the overall portrayal of the spouse can be significantly influenced by factors such as the zodiac sign, planetary aspects, and the strength of the seventh lord in the D9 chart. The planetary placements in the 7th house of an individual’s birth chart provide insights on their preferences, inclinations, and desired qualities in matters related to partnerships, personal interests, and potential life partners. The descendant, being the antithesis of the ascendant, mostly pertains to one’s conscious selection of a life partner, encompassing the preferred characteristics and attributes sought in a romantic relationship.

In this context, the concept of “Beneficial” refers to factors that contribute positively to a relationship, while “Malefic” represents elements that have a detrimental effect, obstructing or acting as a hindrance to the partnership. Malefic factors can be seen as the direct antithesis of the native, therefore engaging in oppositional actions, while Beneficial factors provide support either through the spouse or the business partnership.


Planets placed in 7th House


palm leaf 1 How to Find Spouse First Alphabet : spouse in astrology, physical appearance, direction of spouse, 7th house, 7th lord and nature of spouse - Part 1
Ancient Nadi’s Patra


For instance, in the event that the moon is positioned in the 7th house, it signifies a desire for an emotionally responsive and nurturing partner in the context of a marital union. This individual is sought after for their ability to provide a sense of care and tenderness akin to that of a parent, thereby fostering a partnership characterised by emotional support and nourishment. In essence, the individual seeks a spouse who exhibits qualities of empathy and compassion within the realm of matrimony.

Mars: In the context of astrology, Mars is said to obstruct the formation of harmonious partnerships due to its association with individuals who possess assertive and confrontational tendencies. Consequently, these individuals tend to engage in conflicts with those they deal with, finally gravitating towards partners who exhibit boldness and courage, qualities that mirror their own disposition.

In the context of Mercury, the individual is actively searching for a mate who possesses qualities such as intelligence, expertise, youthfulness, knowledge, and effective communication skills. In the context of partnerships, effective communication plays a pivotal role in fostering mutual understanding and strengthening the link between the involved parties. The degree to which a partner is youthful and aesthetically pleasing positively correlates with their ability to attract a spouse.

In the realm of Venus, individuals exhibit an unrestrained libido and sexual energies, which contribute to their tendency to engage in various partnerships while being committed. This phenomenon is particularly observed when Venus in the 7th house is affected by malefic planets or the lunar nodes. Individuals with Venus positioned in the 7th house tend to have a heightened inclination towards aesthetics, desire, physical attractiveness, and to some extent, amorous and harmonious interpersonal connections. In the context of interpersonal relationships, individuals are advised to exercise self-regulation over their sexual impulses to mitigate potential issues both prior to and following engagement. Similarly, it is possible to examine characteristics of celestial bodies beyond Earth.


Placement of 7th Lord

The 7th Lord serves as a significant indicator of the physical attributes of one’s spouse. It encompasses various aspects related to the spouse’s physical well-being, including their overall health, body composition, facial features, outward appearance, and certain minor personality traits. Additionally, the 7th Lord provides insights into the direction of the spouse, the future prospects of the marital union, personal desires and expectations from the spouse, as well as the anticipated outcomes and implications for the future of the marital partnership.

The 7th Lord Nakshatra and its corresponding pada play a crucial role in determining the characteristics of one’s spouse, including their true nature and various intricate aspects associated with them. These indicators provide valuable insights into the attributes exhibited by the spouse.

This text provides insights into the many categories of individuals, both male and female, with whom we engage in social interactions. Additionally, it offers indications on the physical appearance and desirable attributes we seek in a potential life partner. It also touches upon the identity and behavioural characteristics of our chosen spouse, as well as the criteria for eligibility in the context of marriage.



Mars (Boyfriend/Husband and Real Man)


mangal mars indian art How to Find Spouse First Alphabet : spouse in astrology, physical appearance, direction of spouse, 7th house, 7th lord and nature of spouse - Part 1


The topic of discussion pertains to the characteristics and qualities exhibited by individuals of the male gender, specifically in the context of romantic relationships and the broader concept of masculinity. When examining the characteristics of romantic partners, it is customary to consider the North Indian astrology system. However, in the South Indian Nadi system, the planet Mars is specifically associated with the attributes of husbands or the men with whom individuals are interested in or seek to engage.


The rationale behind this is straightforward. Mars symbolises attributes such as power, protection, and sexuality, which are associated with both genders. Throughout the course of evolution, women have demonstrated a greater inclination towards seeking a partner who possesses qualities of strength, capable of safeguarding and providing for them, thereby instilling a sense of security. The differential gene orientation or DNA development in both genders has been a determining factor from the inception of evolutionary processes.


The underlying rationale is that women exhibited physical vulnerability at a certain period of development and consequently developed a heightened inclination towards Mars energy. This energy is perceived as a source of protection and sustenance under challenging circumstances, and is discernible through Mars’ typical attributes, namely bravery, courage, power, fighting spirit, and protective qualities. The individuals displayed a greater inclination towards guys who possessed the ability to engage in combat on their behalf, provide care, offer protection, and ensure sustenance even under adverse circumstances.

However, in contemporary times, circumstances have undergone a complete transformation. In contemporary society, there is a growing trend among women to exhibit a heightened interest in males who possess status-oriented and power-driven qualities. This inclination stems from the recognition that, in today’s context, the ability of men to provide protection and wield influence is closely associated with their social standing and capacity to fulfil various requirements. Who have the capability to furnish all the necessary amenities and conveniences essential for contemporary living in the ordinary realm?

Hence, it is imperative that the individuals seek personal or close interactions with men who are aligned with the sign of Mars and its corresponding house placement. However, individuals who identify as Maritain face a challenge with their energy, characterised by its high density and vigour, as it strives for personal development and empowerment. Individuals primarily engage in conflict for personal reasons such as bolstering their self-esteem, pursuing personal progress, realising individual aspirations, or attaining personal hopes and objectives. This inclination towards self-centered motivations is indicative of notions of masculinity and the planet Mars. Advocate for the principles that define the positive aspects of masculinity.


In more formal terms, Martians exhibit a strong inclination towards prioritising their personal growth and are unwilling to make concessions, even when faced with the need to sacrifice their aspirations for the betterment of a partnership. Consequently, they tend to terminate relationships prematurely and redirect their efforts towards pursuing their own passions and achievements, thereby emphasising their individual objectives.


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In the context of marriage, the establishment of a healthy relationship necessitates the presence of mutual understanding, guiding, and sharing between the two individuals involved. However, individuals adhering to the Maritain philosophy often struggle to achieve this level of communication owing to the presence of ego, arrogance, and inflexible attitudes. In contemporary circumstances, Mars tends to be primarily favoured by women for short-term and casual partnerships, sometimes referred to as “The Boy Friends.” However, in the long term, women desire a state of equilibrium and a harmonious married partnership, qualities that are noticeably absent among the inhabitants of Mars.

In contemporary times, there is an increased inclination among women towards establishing enduring and committed partnerships with men who demonstrate a proactive approach and with whom they envision a lifelong companionship.

Women tend to prefer boyfriends as companions for short-term adventures, but they are less inclined to pursue long-term commitments with them. Similarly, Mars, as a celestial body, does not exhibit a willingness to conform to partnership norms or prioritise mutual development. Rather, Mars emphasises individual growth above collaborative endeavours.

Typically, Maritain energy exhibits a lack of concern for others. However, in actuality, it pertains to the discourse surrounding the sexuality or sexual energy of women that individuals seek in their prospective partners. When a compatible energy level is discovered, a relationship commences or sparks, yet ultimately fails to progress.

In every connection or partnership, the sole requirement for progress is Kutumbh, a concept that encompasses an ongoing process contingent upon the passage of time and the cultivation of mutual understanding between the involved parties. The growth of a relationship between two individuals is indicative of the extent to which they engage in mutual understanding and invest in the exchange of ideas. Individuals may exert effort in order to facilitate optimal functioning within a partnership. The essential essence of Jupiter is in its association with several aspects such as thinking, personal development, familial happiness (Kutumbh sukh), and the expansion of family, children, or financial circumstances.

The Mars Sign Positions and Placements in the Natal Chart serve as significant markers for individuals’ selection of initial male partners, specifically in the context of transient relationships such as boyfriends, attractive male friends, or male colleagues within their professional environment. To gain a more comprehensive comprehension of the specific categories of men that pique their attention, it is advisable to examine the astrological sign and positioning of Mars within both the D1 and D9 charts. The following examples illustrate the concept of Mars sign placement as it pertains to astrology.


Placement of Jupiter in Natal Chart 

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The Natal chart encompasses various astrological factors, including Jupiter, which serves as an indicator of the husband’s energy within a woman’s chart. It also signifies the specific type of husband that the woman finds intriguing and with whom she can experience mutual expansion and growth. This interpretation is commonly observed in the northern region of Indian astrological analysis. However, according to Nadi texts, the role of Mars is emphasised as a representation of the husband in the southern region.


From a logical standpoint, Jupiter is associated with the expansion of various aspects, including knowledge, thoughts, riches, status, and employment opportunities. The inherent characteristic of this phenomenon is to undergo expansion. The aforementioned phenomenon facilitates growth and development across several domains, instills optimism and prospects in diverse areas, fosters intellectual enlightenment and spiritual nourishment, and contributes to the extension of familial bonds and material prosperity. Women often seek to acquire a deeper understanding or wisdom in their lives, with the aim of nurturing their inner emotions, intellect, and reflections.


However, a notable challenge arises when women get drawn to the qualities associated with Mars. Once married, their attraction shifts towards the desires associated with Jupiter, as Jupiter possesses attributes that Mars lacks the ability to fulfil. This phenomenon explains why women may have feelings of romantic attraction towards one individual, yet ultimately choose to enter into a marital union with a different male partner.


In the context of a marital relationship, it is commonly argued that women often require support and a sense of security due to their perceived emotional vulnerability. Individuals require assistance at periods of vulnerability, such as pregnancy, as well as during various aspects of their lives. However, Mars is incapable of fulfilling these needs. Mars exhibits a proclivity for engaging in conflict, embracing individualism, and pursuing recreational activities. This is the reason why they selected Jupiter as their spouse, rather than Mars.


The positioning of signs can provide insights about a woman’s selection of a spouse. Presented below are several examples of signs and their corresponding positions.

Mercury ( Friends, Cousins, Best Buddies and Close friends)


Budha graha How to Find Spouse First Alphabet : spouse in astrology, physical appearance, direction of spouse, 7th house, 7th lord and nature of spouse - Part 1


Mercury presents itself as a potential candidate for the individual in question who garners the interest of women. However, the issue lies in Mercury’s status as a youthful prince, lacking in maturity. Consequently, he often finds himself overlooked by most women when considering potential spouses or romantic partners. This can be attributed to Mercury’s inclination towards intellectual pursuits and effective communication, rather than prioritising responsibility and sexual appeal.


In interpersonal relationships, individuals with a deep bond, referred to as “Mercury,” often exhibit a strong inclination towards developing an attraction to those of the opposite gender, denoted as “Venus.” Conversely, women tend to display a propensity for being drawn to men, symbolised by “Mars.” Meanwhile, Jupiter represents an individual who consistently prioritises their professional obligations, actively engaging in tasks that contribute to the collective advancement of others.


The phrase “Vasudev Kutumbkam” is a Sanskrit concept that is sometimes translated as “the world is one Mercury is a term used to describe those who consistently find themselves overlooked by women in the context of potential romantic partners. However, these individuals often possess strong qualities as friends, forming tight relationships with those who are in their immediate social circle.

Venus: ( Wife/Girl Friend & Spouse )

LordShukraSukraVenusVedicAstrologyHinduHinduism How to Find Spouse First Alphabet : spouse in astrology, physical appearance, direction of spouse, 7th house, 7th lord and nature of spouse - Part 1


In the context of astrology, the celestial body known as Venus is commonly associated with the representation of a female partner, such as a wife or girlfriend, within the astrological chart of a masculine individual. In the context of a woman’s birth chart, it is commonly understood that Jupiter symbolises her spouse, while Mars symbolises her romantic partner. This distinction arises from the recognition that women’s experiences and social roles sometimes diverge from those of males. Women exhibit greater emotional complexity in comparison to men.


Within societal structures, there exists a discernible distinction between the roles assigned to men and women. As a consequence of this feature, it is observed that women may develop affection for men who possess qualities such as charm, masculinity, and physical attractiveness. However, it is important to note that these attributes alone do not suffice to meet the essential needs of life. Consequently, women choose to enter into marital unions with men who are capable of providing the necessary support and security in all aspects of life. However, the perspective differs for men, as they primarily seek affection and companionship from women.


Consequently, males often perceive no distinction between a girlfriend and a wife, considering both roles as equivalent in terms of fulfilling their emotional needs. As a consequence, the celestial body Venus governs both romantic partners and spouses inside the astrological chart or personal life of a male individual. The function of a woman in a man’s life encompasses the fulfilment of his aspirations, provision of support for his personal endeavours, enhancement of his overall well-being, and assistance in meeting his various life obligations. By examining the placement of Venus in the astrological chart of a male individual, it is possible to make predictions regarding the characteristics and qualities of their spouse.


The acquisition of spouses by men is contingent upon the level of Venus’ dignity as indicated in their astrological chart. The following items can be examined below:


1) Venus in Aries: In the event that an individual possesses Venus in Aries, it is plausible that they may exhibit a propensity to draw the attention of a female counterpart who displays pronounced characteristics of self-reliance, assertiveness, fortitude, resolute ambition, physical athleticism, and a proclivity for engaging in competitive pursuits. The aforementioned individual exhibits a propensity for impulsive behaviour within the realm of romantic relationships, possesses a captivating allure, and displays a strong inclination towards individualism. The individual in question exhibits a strong inclination towards embarking on daring and exploratory endeavours, particularly in the realm of travel. Men seek a spouse who provides them with motivation and exhibits dominant characteristics in their lives.


2) Venus in Taurus: In the event that an individual possesses Venus in Taurus, it is plausible that they will exhibit an inclination towards attracting women who possess qualities of sensuality, physical attractiveness, and possess a pleasant vocal timbre. The individual in question exhibits a proclivity for opulence, obstinacy, modesty, pragmatism, and a penchant for indulging in fine cuisine. The individual seeks a female partner who exhibits loyalty within the context of a romantic relationship and provides them with a sense of financial stability. These individuals actively seek out ladies who own significant wealth.


3) Venus Placement in Gemini: In the context of astrology, when an individual possesses Venus in Gemini, it is posited that they may exhibit a propensity to draw the attention of a female counterpart who displays communicative prowess, intellectual acumen, creative inclinations, a penchant for enjoyment, and a preference for being involved in a romantic partnership. The individual in question possesses a proclivity for writing, exhibits amiable conversational skills, exudes charisma, and demonstrates expertise in manual dexterity activities such as stitching, among others. In this context, males are paired with women who exhibit high levels of intelligence and demonstrate a strong commitment to domestic responsibilities.


Conclusion : 


In conclusion, it may be inferred that This study focuses on doing research through a case study to gain a comprehensive understanding of the characteristics associated with the 7th house, the 7th lord, and the planetary influences that contribute to the formation of partnerships.


The primary objectives of this investigation include determining methods for identifying the initial alphabet of a spouse’s name, interpreting clues related to the spouse’s name, analysing the nature of the spouse, and identifying the ruling planets associated with relationships.


In the subsequent section, we shall endeavour to acquire the knowledge of determining the identity of an individual’s marital partner in 2nd part.


Stay connected for 2nd part.



Rocky Jamwal

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How to see Extra-Marital Relationships from Natal and Navamsa chart

marriagebrokenpaper How to see Extra-Marital Relationships from Natal and Navamsa chart

In Todays, so called modern world, as an effect of Kaliyuga love and love marriages are rapidly growing. It is not the effect of kaliyuga the main effect is extra marital relationships. Love marriages (Gandarvh Vivah) was there in ancient times but there were also something called as boundary of marital life and vows. And those who were caught committing adultery were given punishment. Then in later times with change in environment and degradation in morals adultery became common in society but was restricted to trader class only (a good description of this along with an imagined life of sage Vatsyayana – author of KaamSutra can be read in Sudhir Kakkar’s book “The ascetic of desire”). Then as the effect of kaliyuga is growing now it is everywhere right from so called high societies to low societies. Demonic things like alcohol, drugs have their effect on the same and helped in increasing it. And so many other factors are also there which is not a main topic of our discussion but plays an important role in astrological analysis. Rather than explaining them all here we will see them while going with the case studies.

Before going any further let me give an advice to our new or better to say young readers. Never ignore case studies. So many times I have heard people saying this rule doesn’t work for me. If it works for someone else it is bound to work for you too. Thus while going through case studies one can get an idea of authors approach to chart reading and can get the way the rule have to be applied. Nothing is best teacher than illustration. Also while going through example charts one may get some basic things like which house author uses for 2nd marriage etc.


1. Mercury shows intelligence and which it follows is of utmost importance. Weather it follows the Guru (Jupiter) and its righteous way or it follows the adulterer (Moon) one who have 27 wives and also have eloped with Guru’s wife and made her pregnant with Budha (Mercury). And for that we have see Mercury in D9 is in trine to whom Moon or Jupiter

2. Jaimini in his Jaimini Upadesha Sutras say if 2nd house in Navamsha is owned by Venus or Mars or is having them or their aspect is there then a person can be adulterous. Jupiter will only make this more profound only Ketu the Moksha Karaka have the power to kill illusion. Use only Rashi Drishti here.

3. As Navamsha is the chart dealing with Dharma it is better companion to show the same as it will be better indication in showing degradation of one’s dharma. This is because root house of D9 is 9th house which shows ones Dharma, Guru, Higher Learning, Spirituality etc. but when it comes to a boy who is not married and indulges in this only for physical pleasures then it becomes more prominent in D1 chart as it shows physical body. Then there are also Casanova people who do all this love, illusion things for physical pleasure and for them judicious decisions have to be made.

4. Other subtle things like influence of Rahu over Venus, a bad or hampered 9th house is also important in this regard and can never be ignored.

5. Ghatak Chakra also is to be used. It has more usage but I will reveal only the part necessary to it.

Sagittarius, Aquarius
Libra, Capricorn
Virgo, Pisces

In this list what we have to do is to find in which Tithi a person is born into. As Tithi is rules by Jala tattwa that shows our emotions. And without being emotionally attached with someone extra-marital relationships usually doesn’t happen it becomes an important factor. Note down the Tithi a person is born into and then see signs that come under its scope if UL (Marriage) A7 (Physical relationship) A5 (being Arudh of 5th house it can also show love) is there making connections either one or two or all of them are there in those signs. Then it can also indicate extra-marital relationships. Their involvement with other factors like A7 with A10 and UL can show physical relationship in workplace after marriage. In this was this have to be analyzed in this remember Venus shows unmarried female whereas Moon show married female, Jupiter shows married man whereas Mars shows unmarried man.

6. As I have already said Tithi Lord have a profound impact on human relationship lord of Tithi and its placement in sign, house and with other planets can be analyzed in a birth chart to know the approach a person uses in his relationships especially love relationships.

With this much information in hand, let we go to some practical cases to know how it can be used. I will only reveal those things that I know and am sure of and will not make any castles in the air.

Example charts
1. John F. Kennedy – 29th May 1917, 14:51:00, Brookline, MA, USA

Had 1st affair with Marilyn Monroe in 1950’s

Mercury is in 5th house neither in trine to moon nor Jupiter. 2nd and 7th in D9 is neither owned by Mars or Venus nor aspected by them. Rahu is in 2nd but without their support it is not of much harm. His 9th house in D1 is well fortified with its lord and Sun (discipline) and Jupiter (High Morals) Venus is not influenced by Rahu in D9 or D1. In Ghatak rashi’s (Libra and Capricorn in this case) A5, A4, A8 is there but not UL or A7 showing that he may only be involved emotionally. (illusion of love) but due to strong influences of Jupiter on 9th house 9th lord as well as Venus it seems that this information available on Astro Databank is a rumor.

2. Paul Kenneth Bernardo – 27th August 1964, 08:31:00, 79W25/43N40

Mercury is not in trine to Jupiter neither to Moon. 7th house in D9 is rules by Mars and Rahu is there aspected by Jupiter not aspected by Ketu. Rahu and Venus are together in D1 and in opposition in D9. In D1 9th house has Jupiter but 9th lord is with Rahu and mars too much bad influxes for Venus to bear without any help of benefic. Jupiter is in 9th house but he is 7th lord not a good condition for 7th lord to be in 3rd house from its position notice 7th is house of marriage and sex and 3rd of courage and copulation. Ghatak Rashi (Taurus, Virgo, and Pisces) has UL and A5 (now we are clearer on why Jupiter here hasn’t given in high morals in matter of these things. A5 here signifies the thing that he had made illusion that he loves women and then having them caught in his trap he did 3-4 murders and 13+ Rapes. Every chart will not be that much extreme and why this one is analyzed in another article that can be found on my website. Extreme cases are hard to handle and a careful analysis of D30 and D60 needs to be done along with Somnath D3.

3. Marilyn Monroe – 1st June 1926, 09:30AM, Los Angeles, California

Mercury is not in trine to moon neither to Jupiter. 2nd and 7th house in D9 is neither owned nor aspected by Venus/Mars. 9th lord in D1 is in 8th house with Mars bad condition. In D9 Rahu and Venus are together. Ghatak Rashis are (Aries, Scorpio) that has UL, A7, A6, A2 and Venus. This is female chart Venus is not of much importance but Aries is aspected by both Jupiter and Mars. Although she was not in adultery she had so many marriages and several relationships as can be seen by conjunction of UL and A7 with both married and unmarried man Influence of both Mars and Jupiter together on combination of UL and A7. They are also in conjunction too. Here it is not case of adultery but a case of marriage based only on physical relationship and desires and thus makes D9 rules as exceptions.

4. 15 July 1982, 17:35, Karnal

Her Husband said she had extra-marital relationship and he caught her red handed on 26th January 2014.

Mercury is not in trine to Moon/Jupiter. 7th house in D9 is ruled by Mars and 2nd house is aspected by Rahu, Jupiter, Mercury, and Rahu. Ketu have to disqualify the yoga but in this case Ketu being in Virgo and dual influence of Rahu and Jupiter make Ketu weak to ward off the evil influences. But this also shows in one way that this illicit relationship off-course is not going to operate for lifetime. And with time and activation of Ketu it will come to an end and this shows the relationship as a result of dissatisfaction in marital life. However Mercury and Rahu together and Jupiter in 8th in female chart in D9 are not welcome. In D1 9th house have Gulika almost destroyed and its lord is in 7th house that Sun (Sun in 7th is never welcome) with Rahu causing grahan Dosha Venus is also there along with mercury that shows Rahu have affected her Soul (Sun) Intellect (Mercury) as well as sexuality (Venus) in female chart 4th house shows her chastity and 4th lord in 11th house (8th from 4th) is not welcome and also combined aspect of Mars and Saturn over 4th is never welcome. See all the troublesome combination of Sun+Rahu, Rahu+Venus is in Badhak house whose lord is strong being in own house showing badha is not easy to overcome. As 6th lord is also involved she can also face something like Black Magic but this is an area out of preview of this discussion. Ghatak Signs are (Libra, Capricorn) in Libra Jupiter is placed that can show affair with a married man. However as A7, UL is not involved it can’t be said with certainty.

5. 6th October 1981, 22:04:45 (I have rectified the time provided time was 22:13:50) Khetri

In D9 Mercury rule again doesn’t works. 2nd house in Navamsha is rules by Venus and aspected by Rahu, Venus, Jupiter and Ketu and as Ketu is in 6th house in Aquarius he is weak to mitigate the evil and the main problem is mars in 7th house in D9. Ghatak Rashi in this case doesn’t work. But 9th lord Saturn in 5th house with Sun and 9th house aspected by Mars and Rahu and also the same Mars and Rahu combination over UL. Aspect of Rahu over Venus in D1 and both of them in conjunction in D9 further clears the combinations and solve the arena of doubt.

All these charts are a great learning tool to understand the mental condition of someone who goes in these types of relationship. There are numerous reasons sometimes parents forcing for arranged marriage and neglecting their love and sometimes when love happens in someone’s life after marriage. But is it right to go into extra-marital relationships no I can’t answer this any men and women on this earth can. Before closing the article I will give few more points
1. In these charts especially in female charts analysis of D30 to see imbalance in tattwa, Shadripu, and other weaknesses is prominent

2. In female chart 4th house shows her chastity that should be analyzed in-depth before coining anything as extra marital relationship.

3. Some Yoga need to be understood fully like in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra sage says if ascendant lord be in ascendant person will be having more than one wife. Here one should understand sage is saying person will be potent much to satisfy more than one women but this will happen or not is an altogether different case.

4. Most important thing is timing and we have the most fantastic tool Vimshottari Dasha to do that but I am thinking to introduce something new for this purpose thus I have left this aspect in this article

5. Analysis of prashna chart also becomes necessary in those cases where someone else is reporting extra-marital relationship of someone else. We as humans don’t have intellect neither have the permission from god to say illicit or bad to any other creation of him

pin How to see Extra-Marital Relationships from Natal and Navamsa chart

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Astrological case study of Horary Chart of Marriage analysis of one of friend

phobia Astrological case study of Horary Chart of Marriage analysis of one of friend

Just few hours ago I have got a message from my client and friend, (whose name or details I will not disclose) that he is afraid of responsibilities.

Let me reproduce his message here

“I am very reserved. I am not ready on a mental, emotional and physiological level to go out there and burn my tires. I feel v happy living at home and homely environment whereby I can rely upon my parents resources for my day to day state of affairs. Even the thought of bearing responsibilities constantly haunts me. Let me quote an example.

I hate the concept of getting married because it brings with it huge responsibilities

The problem is so grave that the even looking at kids gives me nightmares as they with them bring in huge expenditures and responsibilities.

I know such laid back being useless and dependent attitude would not work for v long and I wish to get out if this but I get very fearful getting out if my shell. Very fearful.”

It was his message that I have got on 26 April 2016, 10.49AM, at my place in New Delhi, India.

In this article we will go through his chart and this prashna chart to analyze the same and will try to find mental as well as physical and spiritual remedies for the same.

Horary Chart Analysis

RR Astrological case study of Horary Chart of Marriage analysis of one of friend

In prashna chart we can see Gemini rising with Mercury in 11th house along with Sun and Venus. Jupiter in 3rd house in Maran Karak Sthan (MKS) with Rahu showing his intelligence is not working and is overshadowed by illusion, wrong prescription. Moon is in 6th house debilitated with retrograde mars and Saturn showing inner turmoil. And afflicted mind with disturbed thinking. There is no planet in Kendra showing no support. None is in trine except Ketu who is in 9th house in philosophical sign Aquarius showing de-attachment. Day lord mars is in 6th house being afflicted by debilitated moon and retrograde Saturn showing his physical and mental prowess being weak and lack of support for the same. Hora lord Saturn in 6th house along with debilitated moon and Mars that is retrograde too so by all means it shows a problematic chart as well as things going bad but as ascendant lord is in 11th house there is still some hope. Navamsha is vargottama showing hope but 9th sign is raising that is aspected by Mars and Mercury in D9 showing the phenomena will be there till. As mars shows one day and mercury two months it will be 2×9 =18 months, 1×9=9 days. So the phenomena will be there till 18 months 9 days. For next 1.5 years the native will be feeling same and after that it will come to an end. As ascendant is only aspected by malefic conditions can be more worst as there is also no supporting factor (no one in trine) but chart is also equally strong showing there are chances for good too. This shows where intervention of an astrologer is of utmost importance. He can make him wither escapist or winner. As in navamsha chart there is Jupiter in 4th and Mercury in 7th house along with moon in 9th house it shows good indications and the person after guidance will come to normal path that will also be good for him.

Natal chart analysis

He also has Gemini ascendant. With mars in ascendant and in navamsha Saturn is in ascendant (prevalent Tamas Guna) now a day’s sattwik is the person who does more and expects less, Rajasik is the person who works and wants the same amount of money or any other thing in return and Tamsik is the person who works less and wants more. Comparing between ascendant and moon we can see his ascendant lord is more powerful as he is in 11th house with one more planet as compared to moon whose lord is alone in ascendant. In quadrant from moon there is none but in quadrant from ascendant there is mars in ascendant and sun in tenth house. Thus we will start vimshottari dasha from his ascendant star not from moon’s star.

In these types of cases we should check where the problem is, because as we all know no one can sit idle for whole of his lifetime every person have to do some work in order to earn their living, and dasha controls mind of a person. His environment. So, as dasha changes environment and thinking also changes with changing dasha. That’s why a good dasha is very important for rise in life.

Checking dasha

He is running under Saturn-Mars-Mars-Mercury-Saturn. PD, SD & PAD usually decides events whereas MD and AD is very vital in mind and environment makeup of an individual. As we can see Saturn is ruling MD who is debilitated in D9 ascendant showing Tamas Guna prevailing. In D9 it is lord of 10th and 11th house whereas in D1 it lords 8th and 9th house so from the point of D9 this dasha will also give him profession, and income (10th and 11th house) thus It shows his mind will either change or not there is no problem in that, but Saturn will make him go for profession and start earning. In D1 that same Saturn is also aspecting 10th house and 2nd house of profession and income respectively. As Saturn in Both D1 and D9 is intimately connected with 7th house or lord it will also give him marriage too. See in D1 Saturn is lord of 9th house of legal marriage in 8th house aspecting 7th lord Jupiter that is in 12th house also from planetary aspect he is aspecting UL, he is also lord of A7, in navamsha Saturn is in ascendant aspecting 7th house and 10th house (work of D9 – marriage) coming to D10 Saturn is ascendant and second house lord in 12th house with 10th lord Venus showing It will be uncomfortable for him but he will get job or start in profession in the same Saturn dasha too. Also in D10 Saturn is lord of D10 and as we have seen in D10 he is also aspecting 10th house from 3rd aspect it shows staring of career in his dasha that will last till 2022 October. coming to AD lord mars in ascendant chart he doesn’t aspect 10th house or 10th lord he is aspecting significator of profession Saturn and is lord of 6th house of job in D10 he is in 8th house with 7th lord moon aspecting 11th house of gains and fulfillment of desire as well as he is aspecting 2nd house of income showing easy money in his period but as he himself is in 8th house it shows discomfort and not so easy path. Mars in D9 is also in 8th house with 7th lord Venus and is in his own house. Showing luck is favoring but still he is afraid of these two areas (8th house shows fear).

 As we have seen Mars is giving him tamas Guna by being placed in ascendant in D1 but also making an exchange between ascendant and 11th lord giving him fulfillment of desire as well as easy money. But when Mars dasha will end in 2017 May. After that Rahu will come. Who in D1 is lord of 9th house depositor of A7 and aspecting 10th house as well as UL. In D9 he is lord of 11th house in 10th house. Aspecting 2nd house of money and 6th house of job in D9. In D10 he being lord of 2nd house is in 9th house of promotion aspecting ascendant of D10. Thus it shows before end of Rahu dasha that will be on March 2020, he will get married as well as he will be having job and working well with some promotions/increment in his job too.

Where the problem is?

top 10 unusual phobias vol 2 ideophobia Astrological case study of Horary Chart of Marriage analysis of one of friend

This chart is interesting why so because it has 2 planets at same degrees moon 5 degree Scorpio and Mercury 5 degree Aries. So here char karakas will change as per different schemes. Do in this chart we will apply 7 char karakas, 8 char karakas, mixed 7/8 char karakas and mixed 7/8 char karakas excluding Rahu and will try to see which AK shows the event more prominently. As we know AK shows soul and as jaimini says “Tanau Tanoh Dandaharah” means 6th and 6th from 6th is where Shiva gives punishment to the native. And as 6th and 8th houses shows weakness of native we will analyze 6, 8, 11 houses from all these AK to see where the problem lies. 

As per mixed 7/8 char karakas and 8 char karakas Rahu is AK whereas using 7/8 char karakas excluding Rahu and in 7 char Karakas system Venus will be AK.

Rahu is in 8th house with Saturn aspected by Mars and Jupiter thus it show better conditions, Saturn being MK here and the same sign aspected by Moon using Rashi drishti who is DK in the case shows his fear related to leaving home MK in 8th house of change, and DK in 6th house of celibacy.

Whereas Venus in 11th house with mercury who is DK as per 7 char Karakas scheme whereas as per mixed 7/8 char karaka scheme he is GK showing there is some weakness in native and his approach. By Rashi aspect the same is also aspected by Moon who is DK in 6th house celibacy his fear from marital ties.

From Rahu 6th house have mars showing some problem with usage of energy, misuse of energy. 8th lord in 3rd there from also show the same as misuse of energy and not putting it in right area. 11th there from is debilitated moon who is also DK showing his fear related to marriage and also the same experience coming to him as punishment of Shiva.

From Venus 6th lord is with Venus showing problem 8th house there from having debilitated moon showing the same fear from being married and wife and marital ties. As he is DK in 8th house of loss as well as transformation and shows the same experience as punishment of Shiva. Both lord of 11th house there from is in 10th house there from showing punishment is sure to come and it can’t be avoided.

Rahu in D9 is in 10th house good condition aspected by Graha aspect of Saturn and rashi aspect of Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Venus he is also over D6 showing manifestation of weakness of native and as it is in 10th house of D10 experience is inevitable.

Venus in D9 is in 8th house with Mars that is also 8th lord being aspected by Saturn, Ketu and Rahu.

Coming to his D60 chart there we can see Aquarius rising with Rahu in it aspected by Saturn. With Mercury and Jupiter and the Amsha falls under Soumya Amsha. The person is really decent and have good ideals and also is a student of commerce (mercury with Jupiter in ascendant) but he have Rahu in the sign aspected by Saturn as it is also sign of Rahu and Saturn tamas guns is prevalent. In D60 moon being lord of 6th house is in 8th house in MKS showing weakness of his mind from last birth and some curses over the native that if he tries can come out from it. Because Jupiter with Mercury is in ascendant showing blessings of Shri Vishnu and Sadashiva. As this D60 have malavya yoga cancelled by the presence of sun that shows if he start worshipping Lakshmi his curses from past life can go away and blessing of Sun, Jupiter and Mercury will also come to the native. D60 having both Lakshmi and Saraswati yoga shows that worshipping these deities will give a lot of relief to the native. His D60 also have so many raajyogas that can only fructify when person works for them. His moon in D10 that is in MKS is also afflicted by 4th aspect of Mars and 10th aspect of Saturn moon in 8th this much afflicted also shows some kind of phobia that he can be suffering from. As there is Saturn in 3rd from his AL in D60 it shows deep ingrained phobia/fear related to Saturn that shows work, profession, responsibilities. And thus we can see from his message that from the same thing he is afraid of (taking responsibility) but as Saturn is in Sagittarius and optimistic sign whose lord is in ascendant exchange between 1st and 11th house again. It shows once he starts doing work and being serious about his life by taking responsibilities in his hand he will gain and earn too much. As blessings of Sadashiva (Jupiter) and Shri Vishnu (Mercury) is over his ascendant that he is ignoring due to Rahu (Tamasic/demonical tendencies).

In the end

No matter how many Raajyogas are in your horoscope if you don’t take your responsibilities or if you don’t work on your own it will never fructify because it’s in your chart not in someone else’s chart. In any chart 3-6-10-11 these 4 houses out of 12 shows freewill meaning 33% freewill we all have. And using that we can decide either to cry on our fate or to struggle and win. There goes a saying “if you don’t go there how you would know what was there” after all in end our own efforts is what counts. When I was starting a new work and was afraid of at that time my maternal uncle said me “doesn’t matter what happens try once. Life is too short to regret in end for not doing something, after all it’s your own choice that in your last breath in this world what you would like to say yourself a coward or a winner. It is always better to try and fail rather than to never try at all. After all if you fail you can say that I’ve tried. And this makes difference between those who make things growing up of poverty and those who despite being born in rich families die in poverty because they spend what was gifted to them by fate and they were unable to make something out of it” as Bill gates say’s it – “if you born poor it’s not your mistake if you die poor it’s all your mistake”. And for this reason I suggest all my readers to never give up because we astrologers know how much a powerful 3rd 6th 10th and 11th house can give someone.

Om Tat Sat
Shubham Alock

pin Astrological case study of Horary Chart of Marriage analysis of one of friend

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Marilyn Monroe Astrological Case study of Marriage and Death mystery

ad65eb10b5bc610e7f6db304cede6106 large Marilyn Monroe Astrological Case study of Marriage and Death mystery

In jaimini astrology Char dasha is very important, the dignity that Vimshottari dasha holds in Parashara School the same dignity is given to char dasha in Jaimini school. But why it is so because in Jaimini and in Parashara in both systems there are some differentiations in dasha, it is the reason why we have so many dasha, they are divided into 2 categories first they are divided into dasha that are used to predict on a chart and then dasha that are used for longevity predictions only. Then under those dasha which can be used for predictions there are dasha that can be applied to each and every chart and there are dasha which can be applied on the case when the chart fulfils some conditions given for applicability for dasha. Why vimshottari and char dasha are main in these schools of thoughts is due to two reasons first they don’t have any rule of applicability and second they can be used for both purposes for prediction as well as for longevity prediction. Jaimini have so many dasha for prediction only, but they all show events from different point of view, rashi dasha shows events from a concrete point of view whereas Nakshatra based dasha shows our mind’s reaction based on that, so both dasha systems have their own perks, and as per my own suggestion in prediction 2 Nakshatra and 2 rashi dasha should be used based on the type of analysis that need to be done.

As we know that Char dasha is much esteemed in Jaimini School, thus it have different methods of calculation, why it is so is because Jaimini sutras are very cryptic in nature. Sage haven’t explained in the Shloka but have written the whole thing in sutra form thus it need to be decoded, and different scholars have decoded it in different ways based on their own understanding of Jaimini principles. As per char dasha is concerned I do know 4 variation of this. Proposed by different scholars and those are

1. Normal char dasha calculation given in “Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra”

2. Calculation given by Mr. K.N.Rao

3. Calculation given by Mr. Irangati Rangacharya

4. Calculation given by Mr. P.S.Shastri

In my last article on char dasha I have used the method proposed by Mr. K.N.Rao and used in a chart of mine friend. In this article I will use the system of char dasha proposed by Mr. Irangati Rangacharya that is given in his book “Jaimini Sutramritam” and “A manual of jaimini astrology”. His calculation is based on Padakram order and Prakriti chakra. So let me explain about these before going further into calculation.

There are 3 types of chakras used in Vedic astrology that is – udaya chakra, Prakriti chakra, vikriti chakra and graha chakra.

1. Udaya chakra – this is mainly used in Parashara School under this we count anticlockwise in north Indian chart and clockwise in south Indian chart. That is the normal counting method that we are aware of that says 2nd house will come after 1st house and before 3rd house and counting is direct. For example if first house is Aries then 2nd will be Taurus 3rd will be Gemini and so on.

2. Prakriti chakra – this says count direct for male sign and indirect for female sign. That says for Aries counting will be Aries-Taurus-Gemini-Cancer-Leo and for Taurus that is a female sign counting will be in reverse that will be Taurus-Aries-Pisces-Aquarius-Capricorn and so on. This is called Prakriti chakra that by translation will mean following nature (here it is nature of sign that is being decided by its being male or female)

3. Vikriti Chakra – vikriti means disturbed, deformed, opposed to nature is vikrit. Thus vikriti. And as the name hints in itself it says go opposite to Prakriti chakra that says for male sign count indirectly and for female sign count directly. That for Aries counting will be Aries-Pisces-Aquarius-Capricorn-Sagittarius and for Taurus it will be Taurus-Gemini-Cancer-Leo-Virgo

4. Graha Chakra – in this chakra houses are reckoned (jaimini says rashi and house is one there is nothing like Bhava Chalit chakra in jaimini astrology) in this chakra significator of Bhava are decided and they are very important in judging dasha. Great scholars of Jaimini astrology never analyses any dasha without making this. In this method of reckoning reckon the significator of Bhava from lord of the Lagna. In regular (Udaya chakra method) so for this 1st house will be signified by Ascendant lord and second house will be by that planet that comes next in counting directly from ascendant lord. For this purpose if in one sign there is more than one planet then the one at the lowest degree will come first. For Rahu and Ketu their degrees can be obtained by subtracting their degrees from 30 as they are always retrograde. This will decide karakas till 9th house then 10th house karaka will be the first karaka that is ascendant lord. 11th house karaka will be the 2nd karaka in order and 12th house karaka will be the 6th karaka in the order. (Illustration will be shown in later part).

Having understood this much, now let we proceed to calculation of Char Dasha. Method as proposed by Rangacharya Ji and I will show its application on chart of Marilyn Monroe. But readers should caution here that in this method calculation is different for male and female natives. So apply this dasha very carefully. Another male chart will be take in some another article on the subject.


Male Horoscope

Starting sign – first dasha will be of the sign falling in ascendant.

Dasha Sequence – this is based on “Padakram order” let me explain what this Padakram order is.

Padakram order – this is one philosophy behind this that is also used in calculation of divisional charts, but that is topic of another day. The philosophy sates that movable signs are lorded by Brahma, fixed signs are lorded by Shiva and dual signs are lorded by Vishnu. Thus the work of Brahma is to create this world thus it is zodiacal, work of Shiva is to give us Punishment and 6th house signifies “Danda” that in Sanskrit means punishment. Work of Vishnu is to give us sustenance, blessings, abundance, protection and he is who gives us blessings and it is shown by trines in any charts. So based on this all movable sign will move in direct order or indirect order based on Prakriti chakra, all fixed signs will jump on 6th sign there from based on Prakriti chakra and dual signs will jump of 5th sign there from based on Prakriti chakra. So for example of movable sign counting of Aries will be Aries-Taurus-Gemini. Counting of next movable sign Cancer that is a female sign will be Cancer-Gemini-Taurus-Aries. In fixed sign Taurus that is also a female sign the counting will be Taurus-Sagittarius (counted 6th house anti-zodiacally as it is a female sign) – Cancer-Aquarius for Leo that is a fixed and male sign count will be 6th in direct motion that will be Leo-Capricorn-Gemini-Scorpio. For Gemini that is a Dual male sign counting will be Gemini-Libra-Aquarius-cancer (as it is a male sign after completing one round in trines it have started moving in trine to next sign) for Virgo that is a female dual sign that will be Virgo-Taurus-Capricorn-Leo (as it is a female sign after completing round in that trine now it will move in trine to last sign from the starting sign) this is Padakram order one should remember this. It is very important in everything in jaimini astrology.

Sanmukha Sign – before going further let me also explain this. Jaimini says any movable sign is aspected directly by 8th sign there from any fixed sign is aspected directly by 6th sign there from and any dual sign is aspected directly by 7th sign there from this is the abhimukh sign. Then later jaimini further adds that 4th and 10th signs from Sanmukha sign also aspects the sign under consideration so that’s how Jaimini aspects are derived. There important is to note that Sanmukha sign is 8th for Movable, 6th from fixed and 7th for dual signs.

Upapada (UL) and Arudh (AL) – this is a well known concept but why I am adding it here is because Rangacharya Ji calculated it in different way. For Arudh they say for male horoscope if ascendant is an odd sign (male sign) the count Arudh of 1st house of not then count Arudh of Sanmukha sign that will be his AL. for female horoscope if rising sign is even (female sign) then count Arudh of that sign if not then count Arudh of its Sanmukha sign that will be her AL. in exception he only says when ascendant lord is in 4th house then 4th house will be the AL and if ascendant lord is In 7th house then 10th house will be the AL. at other places he doesn’t gives exception and he further adds these exceptions have to be fairly adhered in case of dual signs. For calculation of UL he says find stronger between 1st and 7th house using rules of strength in Jaimini rules will be explained under next topic. For male native see 12th house and for female see 2nd house. So first find stronger between 1st and 7th house then for male if it is an odd sign find Arudh of its 12th house if it is even sign then find 12th Arudh of its Sanmukha sign. In the case of female chart find stronger between 1st and 7th house and see if it is even sign then see Arudh of 2nd house if it is an odd sign then find 2nd house Arudh of its Sanmukha sign.

Rules of strength in Jaimini astrology –

1. More number of planets makes one sign stronger that means sign having planet is more powerful than empty sign or sign having more number of planet is more powerful than house having less number of planets

2. The house having planets in dignity is more powerful

3. The sign aspected by Mercury, Jupiter, Sign lord is more powerful

4. Dual signs are powerful than fixed signs and fixed signs are powerful than movable signs

The rules have to be applied in the manner that means apply rule two only when rule one fails to give results.

Dasha Years –

1. Count from sign lord to sign in question based on Prakriti chakra that says if lord is in male sign count zodiacally if in female sign count anti-zodiacally.

2. Take both signs into consideration

3. Don’t subtract one years

4. If lord is in the sign then it will have 12 years

5. Aquarius and Scorpio have one lord only.

Antardasha Years – this have not been given by Irangati Ji but we will take it as MD years divided by 12 because there have to be 12 AD. First AD will of the sign whose MD is running.

Female horoscope

Starting sign – first dasha will be of 4th sign based on Prakriti that for Aries will be Cancer and for Taurus will be Aquarius and so on. Order of the dasha will be “Padakram order”

Dasha years –

1. If the sign in question is male then count zodiacally and if female then count anti-zodiacally. Here, one thing should be remembered in male horoscope we will see oddity of the sign where lord is placed in whereas in female chart we will see oddity of sign whose dasha we are counting for.

2. Take both signs into consideration

3. Subtract one year. Here, we are subtracting one year in female chart whereas in male chart there was no deduction.

4. If the lord is in sign itself then years provided will be 12

5. Scorpio and Aquarius have only one lord.

6. If lord is in 7th sign then take 10 years.

Antardasha Years – this have not been given by Irangati Ji but we will take it as MD years divided by 12 because there have to be 12 AD. First AD will of the sign whose MD is running.

Example chart of “Marilyn Monroe”

MM Marilyn Monroe Astrological Case study of Marriage and Death mystery

Here as an example we are taking chart of the American Actress, Model and Singer “Marilyn Monroe” who was a sex symbol for so many American men. I am taking her chart because it is a female chart whose calculation is not easy and simple as male chart. There are so many riders in calculation. A male chart as an illustration will be taken into another example. Another reason for taking this chart is because her life was very sensational and full of ups and downs. Here I will use 2 dasha 1st char dasha of Irangati Rangacharya Ji and 2nd Vimshottari dasha to explain her life and to show that both systems are complimentary to each other and they can be used at same time for interpretation of a chart but need to not to be mixed up. Keep them separate and then we can use them in combination.

Her Details were – 1 June 1926, 09:30AM (Rectified by me as 09:29:45)
Los Angeles, California (34N03/118W15)

Coming to her D60 which parashara says to read as birth chart we can see ascendant is aspected by moon and ascendant lord by Saturn and Venus. That resembles to the type of her face thus we can infer D60 is correct too. We will be watching its use further too.

Both her mother and grandmother suffered from mental illness. Her 4th house has exalted Saturn who is further aspected by Rahu from 12th house of mental illness. 4th lord Venus is also under aspect of Saturn and 11th aspect of Rahu. Moon in under Paapkartari yoga. Mother’s mother is seen from 4th from 4th that is 7th house which have moon hemmed in between malefic and in her D12 Saturn is in 7th house aspecting 4th house and mars is in ascendant aspecting or we can say having influence on 7th house and Moon the significator is debilitated. Moon is also under 3rd aspect of Saturn and 9th aspect of Rahu. 4th lord mercury is in 8th house of depression. That is also 7th lord. In D1 also 7th lord Saturn is afflicted due to aspect of Rahu. MK sun in D1 is under 4th aspect of Mars and in D12 it is in 10th house although powerful but its depositor Jupiter is with Rahu aspected by Saturn, in D9 too 4th lord MK and Moon is under influence of Saturn.

She lived with foster parents until she was 7. Family is seen from 2nd house that in D1 is afflicted by aspect of Mars and 3rd aspect of Rahu. 2nd lord is also under influence of mars and 2nd Karak is with mars. That too is in 8th house. In D9 again 2nd lord is with mars in 6th house Sun his bitter enemy is also with him.

After her mom was hospitalized, she was placed in an orphanage and a series of foster homes, where she was sexually assaulted several times. We have already seen condition of 2nd house and lord in D1 and D9 now let we come to see her D30 to analyze sexual assault. In D1 we have seen affliction of Venus, And 8th house also of 8th lord coming to 12th house there is Rahu exalted that shows over-ambition, dark sexual fantasies, addiction, alcohol, lust, greed, etc. as 12th lord is in 12th from 12th it have made loss to 12th house significations. In women chart 4th house is seen for virginity and we have seen its condition already before. In D30 ascendant lord is in 10th house although exalted but he is with fiery, angry, dominating mars. And aspected by Rahu who shows her suffering. 6th lord of rashi chart is mars who being with Saturn are being afflicted and also afflicting him, here we see difference between affliction and strength. Amount of affliction on planet will decide its results weather it will be acting benefic or malefic and his strength shows how much power he have to do the task he signifies in the chart. Further mars are also afflicted by aspect of Rahu. This being in 4-10 axis also destroys her 4th house of virginity. See her Venus in D30 who is under influence of Rahu in 2nd house. In 3rd house of her D30 is Sun who is MK and Mercury who is PK. That shows lack of mother’s and children’s love in her life. Sun also shows powerful people, politician and there is rumor about that she had relationship with Kennedy brothers and later on they suddenly left her and also exploited her. Mercury shows friends who being debilitated there in 3rd house of friendship and sexual relationship shows her physical and love relationship with friends led her life to more disasters. In D30 weak and strong both planets are not welcome as they both show suffering. Here in her D30 Sun and Rahu are exalted and Moon and Mercury is Debilitated showing her sufferings due to over indulgence in sex, not following discipline and code of conduct, and also shows her weakness as inability to keep her mind in control and lack of judgment abilities. As Mercury shows Vishnu his debilitation in D30 was something that was indicating her to be spiritual that she never was and thus she suffered a lot. In 3rd house of D30 one debilitated planet also shows bad death that we will be analyzing in end of the article.

She had been raped when she was 11. Reason for the same we have analyzed in the last section coming to timing this happened in the year 1937 when she was 11 years old. Her mercury is also combust and is in Mrityu Bhag that also shows her inabilities to use her mind properly, unable to think and take decision. Lack of blessings of Vishnu and cloud of Maya over intellect. Moon in 1st or 7th house from Lagna Arudh Lagna shows fame that she had. As her moon is in Kendra we will start vimshottari from moon.

It was Rahu-Moon. Rahu is vargottama in D30 he is also exalted in 12th house of sex in D1 afflicting 4th house and 4th lord of virginity and Saturn is in 4th house of virginity in D1 and also afflicting 4th lord Venus. In D30 he is also aspecting 4th house and is with 4th lord. Rahu in D30 is exalted in 6th house of Shadripu that shows six weaknesses of humans. Affliction of 4th house shows her lost of chastity and that too due to 2 exalted and vargottama planets in D30 it gave her grief.

In char Dasha she was under Pisces MD. Dasha sign is aspected By Rahu and Ketu we have seen their role in chart also it is aspected by Maandi that shows poison being given (she was a young girl at that time) also it is aspected by A8 and A10 the sign contains A11. Sign lord is afflicted by one malefic in 12th from the sign and Bhaya sign that falls in 5th house is aspected by GK significator of 6th 8th and 12th house By UL, A7, A6, all these showing relationships and suffering related to relationships. (Count the position of dasha sign from ascendant that houses away from dasha sign will be Bhaya sign and Dasha sign itself is Dwar sign). Also being aspected by Venus and Moon due to their natural nature this event happed in her life.

She left school and married “Jim Dougherty” on 19 June 1942. For education see D24. In D24 4th house is education up to schooling, 9th house up to bachelor’s degree, 2nd house up to master’s degree, and 7th house specialization like doctorate. Now see where the axis is cut by Rahu and Ketu and then if the lord of that house is also weak then education will not go beyond that. Here Rahu and Ketu is in 5th house in between 5th to 9th house and lord of 5th house is in bad 8th house with mars that is also lord of 6th house and ascendant this connection have 8th lord mercury and is aspected by Venus from 2nd house and there is Rahu is in 5th house of love affairs. Shows education stopped due to Venusian activities of live with Mercury that is friend.

Vimshottari dasha – Ra-Ke-Ve-Su-Ve. Rahu is aspecting 7th lord in D1 and 7th house in D9. Rahu is also in UL (as per calculation methods provided by Irangati Rangacharya Ji from new we will call it RUL and normal UL will be called as UL) Ketu in D1 is aspected by 7th lord and in D9 it is in trine to 7th house with Marriage significator Jupiter. We know Venus shows marriage in both male and female chart and in his PAV 7th from Venus is given points by ascendant that shows AD of nodes can give marriage. Venus is in mutual aspect with 7th lord in D1 and in D9 he is in own house being strong in D9 he shows in his dasha he can give effect of D9. In D1 Venus is on UL and A7. Sun in D1 is in trine to 7th house and in D9 he is in RUL.

Char Dasha – Aq-Sc-Ge-Ar-Sc. In D1 DK is in Aquarius, Scorpio is aspected by UL and A7. Also it is 5th house 11th from 7th. Gemini has RUL in itself. Aries have UL in it and is aspected by DK. As Scorpio is also 11th house of D9 that shows fulfillment of desire and it have DK in D9 it have finished marriage.

Divorced “Jim Dougherty” on August 1946 –
in D1 7th house have moon (Adulterous yoga also it shows fame) 7th lord is in 4th house afflicted by Rahu. 7th from Venus is also afflicted due to placement of Saturn and 7th lord from Venus that is Venus is afflicted due to aspect of Saturn and Rahu. As 7th from Venus is aspected by Jupiter her desire for marriage remained, 7th from Moon is aspected by Saturn and 7th lord from moon is hemmed in between malefic. 7th lord in D9 is in 8th house under aspect of Saturn and 7th house is aspected by Rahu. As 7th house in D9 is aspected by Jupiter and Venus it also made yoga for marriage more than once (all adulterous yoga can also signify multiple marriages). DK in D1 is in 8th house with mars and is aspected by Saturn and GK. In D9 he is with Ketu showing de-attachment also by graha aspect he is under aspect of Rahu. UL have GK in it aspected by mars and 2nd from UL is aspected by Saturn also UL is with A6 showing problem 2nd lord from UL in D9 is with Rahu that also shows break in marriage. RUL have Rahu in it aspected by Ketu and 2nd from it has aspect of Mars 2nd lord from it in D9 is in 8th house aspected by Mars showing break in marriage.

Vimshottari dasha – Ra-Su. W doesn’t know dates so are not going much further. Rahu is afflicting 7th lord, 7th from Venus and Venus also Jupiter who is significator for husband in female chart and DK in D9 too he spoils 7th house Jupiter and Venus. Sun is 2nd from UL and 12th from RUL. Showing loss to RUL and is in marak place from UL. He is 8th lord from 7th house and is in 8th from 7th lord in D1 and in D9 he is in 12th from 7th house lord of 8th house in D9. That shows the event very clearly.

Char Dasha – Cp-Vi. Capricorn is in 7th house he is 8th house from RUL in D9 it is also aspected by DK and GK. Virgo is 3rd house aspected by A8 and RUL, it is 6th from UL have maandi in it; it is also 8th from DK.

Great Publicity in May 1949 – she made a Nude calendar this year and have had great publicity. Publicity is seen because her moon that is also her ascendant lord is in 7th from ascendant, and her AL is having Venus that shows Maya connection with glamour, nudity, show business, skin business, and beauty. AL and ascendant lord and Ascendant have quadrant relationship between them showing she was happy with her image. But as they say that Moon in Capricorn gives some blemishes on character it was fame due to nudity, blemish!! Her AK is aspected By AmK and DK and is with GK that shows she was famous due to her profession (AmK) partners (DK) and fights with them (GK) that AL is also with A7 and A6 showing her name was popular in society due to her A7 relationships, A6 struggles and what she faced and UL marriages.

Vimshottari Dasha – It was Rahu-Mars both are 3rd and 11th from AL where malefic are good. Rahu is in 12th house showing there have to be something related to sex symbolism and Mars is in 8th also showing the same thing also he also indicates things which have to be underground, hidden, and he is with Jupiter that being with mars and aspected by Rahu is weak that shows morals and boundaries were broken. But who made boundaries for her exalted Rahu or weak Jupiter.

Char dasha – Capricorn – Gemini. Capricorn is 7th house that shows things related to public life, aspected by PK significator of 5th house that shows photo-shooting, movie, media. It also have Moon, Blemish on character as well as it is 7th from Ascendant and 10th from AL fame was there. Gemini is 12th sign which have exalted Rahu and A8, remember earlier remarks about 8th house that all applies to A8 too, 12th house is house of sex and Gemini shows media, communication, television, and Rahu shows porn, obsession, nudity, outcaste things. Things that are considered taboo in society.

Medical Procedure, Appendix removed, 28 April 1952. Not going into diagnosis why it happened we will see the planetary permutations and combinations. Effect of Rahu over 6th house and 6th lord or 6th lord in D1, D3, D9 and also effect of Mars on 6th house or 6th lord in D1, D3, D9 operation.

Vimshottari Dasha – Ju-Sa-Sa-Ra-Ve. We will use D3 and D9 in compliment to D1 for predicting disease. Because D1 shows physical features, strength, courage, and as we know weakness is due to lack of heath, vitality and vigor it is important to be analyzed. Jupiter in D1 is 6th lord in 8th house afflicted by Rahu and mars. In D3 he is aspecting 6th house and again he is with mars in 12th house that shows hospitals. In D9 he is aspected by 6th lord and is in 11th house that is 6th from 6th. Saturn is aspecting 6th house in D1 and is aspected by 6th lord as well as Rahu from 12th house. In D3 once again Saturn aspects 6th house is again aspected by Rahu. In D9 he is in 6th house. Rahu is in 12th house of hospitals in D1 aspecting influencing 6th house as well as 6th lord, 6th lord also aspects Rahu in D3 Rahu is again in 12th house 6th from 6th lord. In D9 Rahu is in 5th house with 6th lord. In D1 Venus is on A6 Aspected by Rahu and Saturn. Significator of disease, in D3 Venus is in 8th from 6th lord and in trine to 6th house afflicted by Mars and Rahu in D9 Venus is with 6th lord and also afflicted by Rahu. Role of Rahu shows operation here.

Char Dasha – Cp-Aq-Ar-Li-Ge. Capricorn in D1 is 7th sign aspected by Gulika; in D3 it is 11th house that is 6th from 6th. In D9 it is in 1st house aspected by GK significator of diseases and conflict and 6th lord. Aquarius is 8th house in D1 where 6th lord is places and is also aspected by GK. In D3 it is 12th house of hospital aspected by GK. In D9 it is 2nd house aspected by A6. Aries in D1 have A6, GK and is aspected by 6th lord. In D3 it once again has GK in it, in D9 it is 4th house where A8 and A6 is placed in. Libra in D1 has Saturn aspected by 6th lord. In D3 it has malefic mars with A6. In D9 it is 10th house aspected by GK as well as 6th lord. Gemini in D1 have Rahu in it and is in trine to 6th lord opposite to 6th house is aspected by Maandi, in D3 4th house where Saturn is placed in aspected by 6th lord. In D9 it is 6th house itself.

Second marriage with “Joe DiMaggio” on 14 January 1954 – 2nd marriage is seen from 8th from UL and 7th house because it is end of first marriage also if it due to wishes then 11th house have to be involved, if due to duties related to married life like children then 9th house also have to be included. 8th from RUL is more power as compared to RUL because of aspect of mercury. Whereas if we see 8th from UL then we will find using jaimini strength UL is more powerful as compared to 8th from UL but in Ashtakvarga 8th from UL seems to be having more points. There are also so much adulterous Yogas in the chart that also shows second marriage is there. We will analyze them with dasha.

Vimshottari Dasha – Ju-Sa-Ra-Me-Sa Jupiter is in 2nd from 7th house a marak house, aspected by Rahu who is in 12th house of extra marital affair and he himself is in 8th house of hidden sex relationships. In D9 Jupiter is in 11th house that from Rashi and Planetary by both aspect aspects 7th house from D9 that along with involvement of Venus makes it an adulterous Yoga. Saturn is afflicted 7th lord that is in mutual aspect with 11th lord Venus and also Saturn is 11th lord from Venus that shows this marriage was due to wishes, own desires. In D9 Saturn is ascendant lord showing the event of marriage and being 2nd lord 8th from 7th house shows second marriage. Rahu is 2nd lord from 7th house in D1 that is in 12th house of sex and affairs and it also 2nd lord 8th from 7th lord from moon ascendant and from Venus ascendant is 11th lord. In Navamsha he is 2nd lord in 11th house showing love and now loves marriage. Mercury is in 11th house in D1 with 2nd lord 8th from 7th aspected by 5th lord in opposite of 5th house showing second marriage due to love. In D9 it is in 5th house with 5th lord and Rahu illusion of love that was soon to be over. Saturn we have already seen.

Char dasha – Sg-Ar-Pi-Aq-Vi. In D1 it is 7th from RUL and 9th from UL. Being 7th from RUL it better shows second marriage whereas from UL it shows protection to marriage that he hasn’t done. Aries is sign having UL and 11th from RUL aspected by DK. Pisces is 10th from RUL and 12th from UL and is having A11 is also aspected by Rahu. Aquarius is 8th house having DK is in 9th from RUL and 11th from UL. Virgo is 4th from RUL and 6th from UL. Aspected by Rahu. Here till now we can see clearly how clearly Rahu have influenced her life in terms of bad as well as good events. How Rahu have given her multiple marriages that’s why I have wrote RUL is working good in this case but before making anything as a final word we have to test it aggressively to come to an conclusion.

Divorce with “Joe DiMaggio” on 5 October 1954 – first marriage lasted 4 years this was the reason why I have said Fake Illusion of love because this second one was only for 10 months.

Vimshottari dasha – Ju-Me-Me-Ra-Su, Jupiter is involved in adulterous Yogas in D9 in D1 he is aspecting UL. As it was 2nd marriage its break will be from 8th from 2nd that was 8th from 7th, and 8th from 2nd is 9th and Jupiter is in 12th house to 9th house giving loss to significations of 9th house. He is also 9th lord afflicted in 8th house with 10th lord that is marak for 9th house and 5th lord that shows love, romance. Mercury in D9 is with Rahu and Venus that also made him involved in adulterous yoga. In D9 he is in 2nd marak from UL and 12th loss from RUL. Rahu is exalted in RUL in 12th house in D1 showing loss and is also involved in adulterous yoga in D9. Sun in D1 is in the same condition as mercury, moreover in D9 he is in 12th from 7th showing loss to significations of 7th house of D9 and is in 10th from 9th house in D9 that shows karma of end of 2nd marriage was done by him, as by taking 9th house of D9 as Lagna he will have complete Sthan bala.

Char Dasha – Sg-Le-Ta-Ge-Vi, Sagittarius is 12th house from 7th house in D1, 7th from RUL and 9th from UL. Aspected by A8 and A11 showing loss of marriage as well as re-marriage bur to desires. He is also 10th from 9th house that shows he has became the working plane for 9th house. He also has very malefic Ketu placed inside it. Leo is 2nd house which shows end of first marriage and start of second one aspected by GK showing troubles, problems and break, along with that he is also aspected by malefic Saturn. BK moon significator of 3rd house that is 2nd from 2nd. And By AL showing effect of this event on her image. Along with UL, A7 and A6 showing marriage, relationships and problems. Taurus is 2nd sign from UL and 12th from RUL showing marak and loss effects. Aspected by malefic Saturn and Moon that is BK. In the sign the depositor of Gulika and Maandi is also situated afflicting 2nd lord Sun showing break of her 2nd marriage. Gemini is 3rd from UL and the sign where RUL falls with an exalted malefic Rahu who is there with A8 loss and aspected by another Malefic Ketu and Maandi. Virgo is the 3rd house aspected by the same exalted malefic Rahu and Ketu, also aspected by A8 and is 7th marak from 9th loss of 2nd marriage and is 2nd house from 3rd house showing second marriage is also the sign where Maandi is placed in.

Third marriage with “Arthur Miller” on 29 June 1956 – 3rd marriage will be seen from 9th house of UL and 7th house in D1 and in D9. Because it is 8th from 2nd house that is 8th from 7th house or UL that shows after end of first marriage 2nd was done and after end of the second one now the native is pursuing to third marriage. 9th house is vacant whereas 8th from 9th have Saturn thus it is more powerful showing that it will also break.

Vimshottari Dasha – Ju-Me-Sa-Sa-Ju, Jupiter is 9th house lord as well as DK and in D9 it is in 11th house of fulfillment of desires. Mercury is lord of RUL that shows marriage and in D9 it is in mutual aspect with Jupiter. Saturn is in 8th from 9th house we will see its role in breaking marriage too her he is in 5th from RUL and 7th from UL showing marriage in D9 he is aspecting 7th lord and is in another sign of 9th lord in 10th house from 9th house showing he will work for that cause. Jupiter we have seen before.

Char Dasha – Sg-Ta-Pi-Ta-Cn, Sagittarius is 10th house from 9th house shows he is working for 9th house aspected by RUL and exalted Rahu from 12th house of affairs, it have Ketu a dire malefic that also shows marriage. It is also 9th from UL and 7th from RUL showing marriage. Taurus is 11th sign showing desires and their fulfillment and it have PK and MK. It is 4th from 9th house counted from RUL. Aspected by HL showing gain of money, SL once again gain of money GK is there showing rise in power and influence in society. Pisces is the 9th sign itself, aspected by RUL and exalted Rahu and Ketu that shows marriage. Taurus we have already seen coming to cancer it is ascendant sign 2nd from RUL and 4th from UL aspected by DK and GL showing gain of power.

Divorce to “Arthur Miller” on 20 January 1961 – This marriage lasted 4 years 7 months. Before proceeding further let we make “Graha Chakra” for her and let’s try to find out house signification of planets as per this and by that we will be able to get a clear view as to why any planet in Char or Vimshottari dasha have caused the event. Graha chakra is very vital and always has to be kept in mind. As per graha chakra significator of 1st house will moon, 2nd-Jupiter, 3rd Mars, 4th Venus, 5th Mercury, 6th Sun, 7th Rahu, 8th Saturn, 9th Ketu, 10th Moon, 11th Jupiter, 12th Sun. Now just see in retrospect placement of Rahu that is significator of 7th house in RUL that shows her multiple relationships and Marriages. Now see role of 6th 8th and 12th house significator in making breaking marriage and deciding its future, see in retrospect and you will find importance of Graha chakra as well as its usage and how fantastically it works.

Vimshottari Dasha – Ju-Su-Ke-Sa-Me, Jupiter is DK in 12th from 9th house of 2nd marriage, is afflicted by mars and Rahu in D1 and Rahu in D9. In Graha Chakra (GC) he is significator of 11th house that shows fulfillment of desire that can in her case be of 2nd marriage as well as he is lord of 2nd house that is 8th from 7th house, a natural question arises is always 2nd will also be significator of 11th in GC then how we will decide answer is simple that when you have decided to fulfill only your desires, keeping your other half’s wishes aside, relationship is bound to suffer here Jupiter also being GK and afflicted in 8th house and in Polygamy yoga’s in D9 was more and more lethal. Sun is lord of 6th from 9th house that shows problems in matters related to 9th house and in GC that is significator of 6th house 12th loss from 7th house in 11th house fulfillment of desires with mercury that is 12th loss and 3rd 7th marak from 9th house lord in 3rd house from 9th house that shows efforts or lack of it. Ketu in GC signifies 9th house that I for third marriage is in 10th from that that shows karma related to 9th house that I third marriage as well as his break both have to be done by him also he is in 7th from RUL and 9th from UL. In 6th house 12th from 7th and 12th from Lagna lord also is afflicted by Saturn who is also subhpati (depositor of moon) and pakesh (depositor of Ascendant lord). Saturn is significator of 8th house in GC that I 2nd marak from 7th and 12th loss from 9th house and is afflicted by Rahu and is in 7th from Venus ascendant and also in 5th from RUL and 7th from UL that shows 7th marak from UL and 5th future of RUL. Mercury is in 11th house and its role we have seen in part where we were discussing Sun now in GC he is lord of 5th house that is affairs, love relationships, future of native, also he is PK and in GC signifies 5th house his affliction by Mars in D1, Rahu in D9 and again mars in D7. In all 3 charts he is in either way connected with 5th house and in GC is 5th house significator was it the reason of her not getting progeny in her life…?? Was this also a reason for not getting bliss of being someone else progeny or it was affliction of Sun that is MK/Pik in D1, D9, D12 that have deprived her of this.

Char Dasha – Sg-Cn-Pi-Li-Ta, Sagittarius is 10th house from 9th house working for him is 7th from RUL and 9th from UL. Ha also have significator of 9th house in GC is aspected by A8, Maandi, exalted Rahu that is in 12th house of loss. Cancer is ascendant sign aspected by DK, who is also significator of 2nd and 11th house in GC; its lord is also very afflicted. Pisces is 9th house itself aspected by exalted Rahu and Ketu from 12th houses from ascendant and 7th house respectively also It is aspected by Maandi and its lord in 12th from it is also very afflicted. Libra is 5th from RUL and 7th from UL with AK life lesson in it that is also 8th house significator in GC showing her soul lesson as suffering, and other things represented by 8th house is also aspected by AmK that links this to her profession, is also aspected by afflicted DK, and Gulika. Taurus is 11th sign 2nd from UL and 12th from RUL. Having 5th and 6th house significator of GC in it showing romance, hopes, future, desires, film line, fame and break, disappointment, struggle, loss, in that. Aspected by BK and ascendant lord moon and AK and 7th lord Saturn that shows life’s lesson through matters related to 7th house that is sex, obsession, marital life, physical relationship. And 8th lord that is grief, sex, disappointment, loss, underworld, nudity, hidden and taboo things. In GC too Saturn signifies 8th house.

Bought first home in February 1962 – 4th lord is in 10th house and that is Venus aspected by Saturn that is malefic but also his friend, 4th from moon is also Venus and in D4 in 4th house is also Venus aspected by Saturn moon and in D1 aspected by Saturn Rahu that is in 3rd from AL showing death conditions and circumstances. 4th house is also aspected by Jupiter and Rahu that shows her house being lascivious, big, also an old house that she bought haven’t made. And the house in which she was found dead, naked, in her bed, with telephone in her hand. 4th lord of D4 is in 11th house showing her wish of buying a home was fulfilled but with 8th lord it also shows death in the same home. Aspected by Rahu that is 2nd lord in D4 and is in 3rd house from AL in D1. In the same 11th house in D4 is also A8!!

Vimshottari Dasha – Ju-Mo-Me, in D1 Jupiter is aspecting 4th house is in 11th house from 4th lord and is in 8th house with land/home significator mars. In D4 he is once again aspected by home significator mars who is also 4th lord and is aspecting 10th house of D4 showing he have made the work of D4 in his dasha. Moon is in 4th from 4th house and 10th from 4th lord in D1 and in D4 he is aspecting 4th house being in 10th house of D4 he again showed in his dasha he worked for D4. Mercury is in 11th house of fulfillment of desire with 2nd lord of family sun. Aspected by Mars significator if land/home. In D9 he is 10th from 4th lord and significator mars aspected by Jupiter from 2nd house showing involvement of money in it. In GC mercury is significator of 5th house, 1st house shows place where we were born in so 5th house shows where our next generation will born that is our own house. Also it is house of future and Punya.

Char Dasha – Sg-Sc, Sagittarius is 6th house having Ketu in it that signifies 9th house in GC that shows but it is also aspected by exalted Rahu who is in 12th house 3rd from AL showing death conditions, also it is aspected by A8, and MK that is significator of 4th house of home is in 6th of work from the sign, it is 3rd house of work from 4th house and 11th house from significator of land mars and is in trine to 4th lord Venus. Scorpio is 5th house we have already seen role of 5th house in land/home of native, he is further in 7th to MK significator of 4th house and is aspected by Venus lord of 4th house Moon lord of ascendant signifying native himself and A4. Sign contains A2 that shows family or home of native.

Mysterious Death at age 36 on 5 August 1962 – longevity estimation for her will say: – Lagna + Hora Lagna = Long Life, Lagna lord + 8th house lord as per Vriddha Karika Method = Middle life, Saturn + Moon = Long life, Now check Kakshya Vriddhi and Hrasha he have 2 rules applicable for Kakshya Vriddhi that is Natural benefics in 1st or 7th house or in trine to it that is Mercury in 11th house trine to 7th house but with sun spoiled, 2nd rule is exalted is AK that is Saturn is 4th house that haven’t worked as Saturn being in Hora Lagna make one rule of Kakshya Hrasha to work too and that is Saturn in Hora Lagan or his connection with lord of Hora Lagna. So normally she have to have long life that she didn’t have because ascendant is weak due to aspect of Saturn, ascendant lord is weak due to hemmed in between malefic, 8th house is weak due to placement of mars in 8th house that is further aspected by Rahu and 8th lord is also weak due to being aspected by Rahu. 10th house is weak due to aspect of Saturn and dig bala less Venus being posited therein and 10th lord is weak due to being in 8th house and aspected by Rahu who is sure to give death as he is in 3rd from AL.

Conditions around death have to be seen from 8th house, 3rd from AK and 8th house in D3. 3rd from AK is exalted Rahu in 12th house aspected by Ketu and Maandi (who shows poison) Rahu there exalted shows media intervention after death, Rahu is also significator of marak house 7th in GC. With A8 that shows death as well as mystery Rahu himself shows drugs, addiction, alcohol, secrecy, death in bondage, and further aspected by maandi which shows giving poison it makes drug overdose more clear to see. 12th house is also house of addiction, bondage, drugs. 8th from ascendant have Jupiter that is an expending planet and shows bad deeds there he is also 6th lord there shows bad death, death due to being hurt by something. He is there with Mars and in D3 Mars once again is in 8th house showing violence, blood, in D1 as well as in D3 Rahu is aspecting 8th house as well as 8th lord in D3 by 3rd aspect and in D1 by 5th aspect and in both charts aspects 8th house by 9th aspect. That shows death due to drugs that clarifies why she died of drug overdose, next day she was found naked in her bed, with telephone in her hand. Lord of 3rd house and significator of communication is in 2nd house from AL marak house and planet who becomes significator of 3rd house in GC is in 8th house in 11th bondage from AL. see the role of 8th house and lord and significator of 8th house in GC that is Saturn in D1 and D3 and you will find why this was the death conditions, Rahu signifies nudity and 12th house signifies bed pleasures, most probably bed too.

Vimshottari Dasha – Ju-Ma-Ra-Ra-Ra. See the dasha of Rahu being repeated in PD, SD, and PAD and just look back position of her Rahu in D1 and D3. And him being in 12th house from ascendant 3rd from AL. and his connection with bed 12th house taboo, and nudity that Rahu signifies. Jupiter is 9th and 6th lord in 8th house, and parashara says when 6th house or its lord is afflicted then he too can give death see here 6th house in under aspect of Saturn and Ketu is in 6th house lord of 6th house is in 8th house with Mars and aspected by Rahu. In D3 Jupiter is again with Rahu in 12th house that is 3rd marak house. Lord of ascendant in D3 that is afflicted with Rahu in 12th and in D3 he is depositor of Gulika. Mars is lord of 10th and 5th house 10th house is very vital for longevity of a person he is in 2nd marak house from Moon; Jupiter is also in the same condition. His both signs are aspected by marak house lords from ascendant. Scorpio by 2nd lord sun and Aries by 7th lord Saturn who is also marak from Moon ascendant being 2nd lord and sun in lord of 8th house from moon. Mars is Further afflicted in 8th house by aspect of Rahu in D1 as well as in D3. Mars is also marak in D3 being lord of 2nd house. Role of Rahu we have already seen Further he is co-lord of 8th house from ascendant and 2nd house from moon and is in 12th house from ascendant 3rd marak and 6th house from moon remember afflicted 6th house gives death. In D3 Rahu being lord of 12th house 3rd marak is lethal and dangerous because he is in 12th from ascendant in both D1 and D3 showing loss of body.

Char Dasha – Sc-Sc-Cn-Ar-Ta, Scorpio is 8th house from AL, aspected by BK significator of 3rd house from Ascendant that is 8th from 8th signifies longevity, and GK significator of 6th house remember what parashara have said about 6th lord. Venus is also Maheshwar that signifies death in jaimini astrology and is used in longevity dasha. It is also aspected by A7, A6 and UL, 12th house is 3rd marak, 6th house we know and as A7 is found from 7th house we should not forget 7th house is marak too. Cancer is 1st house aspected by Brahma Jupiter that shows birth as well as death and is used in longevity dasha like Sthir Dasha. it is also aspected by 2nd lord sun, and DK Jupiter that shows death because he is 7th significator in scheme of char karak that is a marak house, this sign is also aspected by Scorpio 8th from AL. Aries is where AL is placed in aspected by DK and Brahma Jupiter, and having Maheshwar Venus in it, it is also aspected by Gulika showing bad death. Taurus is 2nd marak from AL and 11th bondage from ascendant that have 2nd lord marak sun in it. Aspected by Rudra another planet used for longevity determination in Jaimini astrology, and 7th lord marak Saturn. Sun is also Prani Rudra. This sign is also aspected by HL, ascendant, moon, Saturn and 8th lord all the factors that are used for determining longevity in Jaimini astrology.

Transit – Her ascendant lord was under 3rd aspect of Rahu and Rahu the most deadly planet that gave him everything from Bhoga to death was in her ascendant. Saturn and Jupiter both were retrograde and applying rule of Bhrigu that says retrograde planet also aspects from the last sign we will see double transit on 7th marak house and ascendant that shows the native, 4th house that signifies her home, 8th house longevity and 8th from 8th that is 3rd and her ascendant lord Moon coming under double transit effect of Saturn and Jupiter and is further afflicted by 3rd aspect of Rahu. Combined influence of mars and Saturn over 6th house. By this analysis things are clearer in front of us.

Unlike other predictive sciences Vedic astrology is a vast ocean in itself. To get pearls we have dive more and more deep. This science was transmitted into oral tradition by our sages then at later times it was written in form of books by Acharyas, there have been and there are so many scholars of Vedic astrology and one such living legend is Mr. Irangati Rangacharya Ji. Whose method of char dasha calculation I have used here, I am highly indebted to him for sharing his knowledge with people like us in form of his books from where I have learnt astrology, and have come to a level where I can say that I have seen the depth of Jaimini school but due to my fear or inability I am not able to go deep inside it. Mr. Rangacharya Ji advises us to use Jaimini Navamsha and Pravritti-Traya and Somnath Drekkana in jaimini astrology that I haven’t used in this article but in my next article on char dasha where I will explain the same method in a male horoscope I will show to usage of Jaimini navamsha and Somnath drekkana, and Raajyoga in jaimini astrology.

I am highly indebted to Mr. Irangati Rangacharya Ji and Sage Jaimini for sharing this wonderful system with us.

“She was a girl who knew how to be happy even when she was sad. And that’s important – you know?” – Marilyn Monroe

Om Tat Sat
Shubham Alock

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How to know a yoga is Benefic or Malefic.


yogas3 How to know a yoga is Benefic or Malefic.

How to know if a yoga is potent enough to take you to heights or just another planetary combination.
There are two types of astrologers now a days one who believe that yoga’s like Raajyoga don’t work and another who believe that they still work but now their meanings have been changes as per the Country, Time, and Person rule of Vedic Astrology. I am under the latter people who believe that Raajyoga do work we only need to judge them right. Our ancient seers were geniuses and there is no doubt in it and they also have seen so many things at that timer that were yet to be discovered and as we know their intelligence in still unbeatable so I can clearly say that where they say it’s a Raajyoga then also they are not making a mistake they are just referring to a yoga which is very much potent to bestow the native, good position, wealth and status as kings had in their times, in astrology we have to dive down into meanings of words and as per watching this we will find that in earlier times who were a king, a king was someone, who have control over a army, have all type of happiness if we see that in today’s concept,  we can say that a person having Raajyoga can be entrepreneur (he will have so many person working under him) he can have lot of money and enjoyments in life so Raajyoga is something that is essential in a chart and as per I have seen at-least one Raajyoga is present in every tom dick and harry chart. As our sages said and I believe that if Raajyoga is this much auspicious and good then sure it have to be result of good deeds done in past lives, so have everyone did good deeds in past lives, yes everyone do something good but is that thing that much good that he can make a potent Raajyoga, we can see Raajyoga in almost every chart but we don’t see Raajyoga working everywhere why.
pt ramyatna ojha How to know a yoga is Benefic or Malefic.

Remember that this method should only be used in Raajyoga not in Dhanyoga because as we know in dhan yoga 11th house become an auspicious house but in Raajyoga assessment 11th is considered a malefic house, but in the same way as modification we can use the same chart, like while judging Dhanyoga we can take 11th house as benefic, and so on we can made improvements in this chart,

While reading “Falit Vikas” By “Pandit Ramyatna Ojha´ I found this method and fell in love with this once again I found this in “Triphala (Jyotish) of “Pandit Gopesh Kumar Ojha” under the book “Sushlokshatak” this method was also used, in astrological treatises there are a lot of Raajyoga mentioned but which one can change the life of the native and which will be normal one (this can also be used with normal good yogas too) so many eminent Sanskrit scholars have given so many methods on how to assess result of any Raajyoga based on principles of parashara (basic astrology) but this method that was given by pandit ramyatna ojha was well supported by pandit vetal shastri too and they two are most eminent scholars of astrology so let me introduce you to the method
These are the points given to houses, remember them for usage,
1st house +1 point, 4th house +2 points, 7th house +3 points, 10th house +4 points, 5th house +2 points and 9th house +4 points,
3rd house -1 point, 6th house -2 point, 11th house -3 point, 8th house -6 point, and 2nd and 12th house -0 points,
These calculation are completely in tune with basic parashari principles as propounded by sage parashara in his BPHS (Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra) and also as elaborated in Uddadayapradeep AKA laghuparashari. Thus clearly states that
  1. Ascendant lord is always auspicious
  2. If the ascendant lord be 8th house lord then also he will be auspicious
2nd AND 12th LORD:
These 2 lords are neither auspicious nor inauspicious, the place where their 2nd rashi is placed will decide whether they will be benefic or malefic, also their results will get modified by those planets with whom they are in conjunction, basically they are neutral, and they both will also be “Marak” there is no doubt in this statement,
Trine lord are always benefic (5th and 9th lord)
But if the trine lords are 8th lord too then they will become flawed having some flaws (some maleficence will be inside the planet)
But if the trine lord is 8th lord too and situated in 5th house then he will not be malefic.
If the trine lord be 12th lord then it will remain benefic
If the trine lord be 2nd lord then he will become “Marak” but still the power to give luck will be in the planet.
If the trine lord also become lord of a quadrant house then he will become most benefic “Raajyogkarak”
If the trine lord also be 6th lord then he will have some part of maleficence inside him but if he be placed in 5th house then he will impart only good effects.
If natural benefic be lords of quadrants then they will not remain benefic and if natural malefic be lords of quadrants then they will not remain malefic (means they will become neutral) and their result have to be decided based on placement of their another sign, 7th lord will always be “Marak” there is no doubt in it, in order Jupiter as 7th lord will be most powerful “Marak” the comes Venus and then mercury then moon, moon will become the least deadly ”Marak” but he will still be “Marak” if any of these benefic planets be 7th lord and they are also placed in 7th house then they will become very deadly and potent ”Marak”
8th lord is the worst malefic in the chart, but if 8th lord is also ascendant lord then he will leave his maleficence to a big extent (but as per my own thinking a little bit maleficence will be there)
If sun and moon becomes the lord of 8th house and they are placed therein then they don’t have the bad effect of being 8th lord but if they be placed somewhere else then the bed effect of being 8th lord will be inside them, the potential to do bad as being 8th lord will be inside them both.
3rd 6th and 11th lord are malefic.
If 3rd 6th and 11th lord are also quadrant lord then if they are malefic then they will be malefic but if they are benefic then they will be benefic.
Id 3rd lord be in 3rd, 6th lord be in 6th and 11th lord be in 11th then they will be benefic now matter they are neutral benefic or malefic.
  1. Imagine horoscope is of cancer ascendant and mercury, mars and Jupiter are conjunct then
Mercury 3rd lord = -1
Mercury 12th lord = -0
Mars 5th lord = +2
Mars 10th lord = +4
Jupiter 6th lord = -2
Jupiter 9th lord = +4
Summing all those up we get +7 as remainder so we can say this yoga results in +7 benefic points thus this yoga is benefic and planets involved in this yoga will give good results of the yoga under their MD-AD-PD combinations.
  1. Imagine a horoscope of cancer ascendant Saturn, Venus, mars and Jupiter and conjunct then
Saturn 7th lord = +3
Saturn 8th lord = -6
Venus 4th lord = +2
Venus 11th lord = -3
Mars 5th lord = +2
Mars 10th lord = +4
Jupiter 6th lord = -2
Jupiter 9th lord = +4
Summing all these up we get +4 benefic points thus we can say that this is a benefic combination.
  1. Imagine a horoscope of Leo Ascendant, Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct then
Jupiter 5th lord +2
Jupiter 8th lord -6
Saturn 6th lord -2
Saturn 7th lord +3
Remaining -3 malefic results thus it is a malefic combination for the native.
  1. Imagine a horoscope of Leo ascendant and Sun, Mars and Venus are in conjunction
Sun 1st lord +1
Mars 4th lord +2
Mars 9th lord +4
Venus 3rd lord -1
Venus 10th lord +4
Summing all these up we get +10 benefic points thus this is a benefic yoga.
  1. Imagine it is Gemini ascendant and Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction
Jupiter 7th lord +3
Jupiter 10th lord +4
Saturn 8th lord -6
Saturn 9th lord +4
Summing all these up we get +5 benefic points thus it is a benefic combination.
This is a method given by “Pandit Ramyatna Ojha” in his book “Falit Vikas” this rule seems so good and it is good to and also it can be used in so many ways, like for example this can give us a clue in how to know if a yoga is malefic or benefic or how to know if a planet is benefic or malefic, like see in Virgo Saturn will be 5th and 6th lord having +2 and -2 there Saturn can be neutral in his result and there his effect have to be decided based on his house placement, rashi placement, D9 placement and nakshatra placement but in Gemini Saturn will be 8th and 9th lord and here he will get -6 and +4 thus he will contain -2 more maleficence inside him and for making him benefic more supporting factors have to be there as compared to Virgo ascendant, but as all major astrologers say (Few of them in which books I have read that they say too much mathematics is bad for predictive ability in astrology, Dr.Suresh Chandra Mishra, Shri J.N.Bhasin, Dr. B.V.Raman, Dr. Gouri Shanker Kapoor says this) so depending too much on this method is also not suggested as we know this table only shows their malefic and benefic nature as per their house lordship but in a yoga their rashi, D9, nakshatra placement and all others things also matter and we also should take them all in consideration and then we have to come to any conclusion after thinking a lot and after assessing a matter from all point of view we have to give our analysis, I have just given this method for learning and experimentation. The person who made this rule “Pandit ramyatna Ojha” was a very learned astrologer, scholar and guru of astrology and as per me his work should not have to be ignored.
I will request all people to experiment and research over this method and then come with conclusion.
Reference, Source and Links: 

  • Shubham Alock
  • 20-09-2015 (Sunday)
  • +91 9971655767
pin How to know a yoga is Benefic or Malefic.

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How To Judge A House(Bhav) In Vedic Astrology

bhavas How To Judge A House(Bhav) In Vedic Astrology

This is the most important and basic question in Vedic astrology and if you know answer to this question then you can successfully analyze a chart. Well this is not an easy thing and so many more concepts have to be taken in account too but here I will tell about the basic and most important principle on how to judge a house and find results and if you use this you can easily do reading of a chart.
Whenever any question comes to you and just see three things the house from which the question is related, the position of the house its lord and its Significator.
Step 1  – find the house from which the question is connected like 1st house for self related questions 2nd house for questions related to family and money, 3rd house for question related to younger siblings, hard-work, 4th house for problem related to mother, house, land, conveniences. 5th house for things related to education, progeny and so on, in this you can also see a thing can be seen by so many houses like for education 2nd house will show your primary education till up to school level,  4th house will show you mental education 5th house will show the field that you will choose as your main education also this will show about which thing you have an inner talent to do and then 9th house will show higher education also it will show the subject in which you can get masters degree or in which you will possess good level of knowledge. So for the first and basic thing is to find the houses connected to the question.
Step 1.1 – also see the house from that house, every question have a basic house and few sub houses related to that for example 5th house is basic house for education and 4th 2nd and 9th are sub houses for education, now also see the house from that concerned house for e.g. – 5th house from 5th house i.e. 9th house will also be showing education now 5th house is basic house 9th house is secondary house and 2nd and 4th are supporting houses for education
Step 1.2 – imagine the house from which question is concerned as first house and then analyze all other things respectively, for e.g. 10th house is for profession, 2nd from 10th 11th house will show your reward that you will get from 10th house profession and that is gain (the reward for working someone is gaining something) 3rd from 10th 12th house will show hard-ship in profession, like 12th house if for sleep and if you are working too hard and trying to get successful then its obvious that your nights will be disturbed one, 4th from 10th 1st house will show comfort from 10th house that is what is the comfort or working is the comfort for yourself why you work that is for your own self and that is 1st house you work to make yourself comfortable, 5th from 10th is family and 5th house is for good deeds saved from past lives and that is the case if you father is a big businessman and if he gives his company to you then obviously it will be a good deed saved from your past live that will make you do less hardship in matters related to 10th house, this rule can be expended too, 3rd house is 6th from 10th house 6th is work 10th is profession and work of profession is hard-work and that is what is denoted by 3rd house.
Step 1.3 – see the condition of that house in all 10 divisional charts they are D-1, D-2, D-3, D-7, D-9, D-10, D-12, D-16, D-30, and D-60. In Vedic astrology planets also aspect using house aspect (bhav drishti) in divisional too. See which type of signs are in the concerned house in all these 10 divisional charts, weather they have good signs bad signs, signs of neutral friends or enemy’s. Also see the divisional chart related to that query. Like D-1 for everything, D2 For money, D-3 for siblings, D-7 for children, D-9 for spouse and luck (this is very important division equivalent to D-1-main chart), D-10 for profession/job/career, D-12 for Parents, D-16 for spirituality, D-30 for all evils, And D-60 for everything especially things related to past karma (this division is even more important than D-1 and D-9 Sage Parashara Gives this one the utmost importance). In the divisional see the position of ascendant lord of that division lord of the house concerned in the Natal chart and also the house related to that specific area. Like in D-10 see the position of Ascendant lord of D-10 see the position of the planet who is 10th lord in D-1 chart and also see the Houses 1st 6th 7th and 10th in D-10 as 10th shows the self 6th shows your job, 10th profession and 7th business. Also see the planets placed in 1st 6th 7th and 10th house and planets aspecting therein in that particular divisional chart.
Step – 1.4 – see the planets placed in all those houses connected to the question in D-1 and also in that specific divisional chart and also in the main house (related to the question) in all those 10 divisional charts. And also consider aspects of planets same as their situation therein, in rashi chart use Rashi aspect, in Bhav Chalit and all those 9 divisional charts use planetary (house aspect). In placement of planets you have to see the 5 considerations of the planet if the planet is 1st exalted, 2nd mool-trikona, 3rd in own house 4th in bosom friends house and 5th having dig bala then the planet will shower good effects related to the house he owns and related to the house he is placed in.  If the planet is in 1st enemy sign, 2nd completely deprived of dig bala, 3rd being placed with or aspected by malefic 4th is combust 5th is debilitated then it will show bad effects of the house where he is placed and bad effects of the house he owns in this remember the planet who is combust will only destroy the house he is placed in and his signification but he will not destroy the house he aspects or owns. One more thing about being exalted is if planets are exalted in D-1 but debilitated in D-9 then he will do badly but if planet is debilitated in D-1 and exalted in D-9 then he will show good effects. Also if a planet is in the same sign as in D-1 and D-9 then he will show good effects. If a planet is both exalted in D-1 and D-9 then he will be extremely good but if a planet is debilitated in D-1 and D-9 then he will show 50% good effects and 50% bad effects. This is same with planetary aspect. Planets situated in 5 favorable houses will throw good effect and planet in 5 bad conditions will throw bad aspect. Also see the house ownership of planet for example if 8th lord 6th lord or 12th lord is situated in 1st house then it will destroy the house and if the are aspecting 1st house then also they will destroy the house, if in this situated you see any house except 1st house then one more question will rise, planet owning bad house from the ascendant and from that concerned house both will destroy the house but will destroy the house more severely. Let we take example of 10th house, 3rd lord is 6th from 10th and 3rd from ascendant so he will destroy 10th house, 6th house is 9th from 10th so he will not destroy 10th house, 8th house is 11th from 10th house so he will also not destroy the 10th house as much as 3rd lord will destroy he will destroy but he will partially destroy the house not completely. 12th lord is 3rd from 10th so he will also destroy the 10th house very badly. But 5th lord is 8th from 10th and 9th lord is 12th from 10th will they destroy the 10th house no. why? “Jatak Parijat” sates that ownership from ascendant is more important as compared to ownership from that concerned house expanding this rule to the rule enunciated in “Bhavartha Ratnakar”   I can say that ownership of houses from the ascendant is more important as compared to ownership of houses from that respective house but placement of planet is more important from the concerned house as compared to ascendant. But the main thing in astrology is synchronization. So that for the sake of learning you should always see both the aspects and come to a conclusion like for e.g. 9th lord is luck and if luck is supporting then the person will not do hard work so 9th lord will give the effect of 10th house but the desire of 10th house that is obtained from working on the thing will be missing. Like in the same way 5th house is stock market and children and it’s obvious that when you children will come to work then you don’t have to work that much then it will be death of your work (8th from 10th) and you will be enjoying your old age.
Step 1.5 – now see the placement aspect and conjunction over the planets over the houses related to the question, good planets aspect and aspect of those planets who owns good houses prove beneficial but those planets that are malefic in nature and those who owns bad houses for that particular ascendant will destroy the house by their aspect and conjunction over the house and houses related to the question. Lord of 1at 5th and 9th house is always good if natural benefic be lords of 4th 7th and 10th and placed in 4th 7th   or 10th house then they will be malefic otherwise neutral, if malefic be lords of these houses then they will loose their malefic and nature and they will become benefic planets, lords of 3rd 6th 8th 11th houses are malefic, 3rd house is worst malefic 6th is more malefic as compared to 3rd 11th is even more malefic and 8th is the most malefic houses in all over the chart, 2nd and 12th lord are neutral and the planets owning these signs will effect according to the houses in which their 2nd sign is placed and if lord of 2nd or 12th be sun or moon then their placement will decide their effect as malefic or benefic. As moon is being a separate ascendant due to this reason moon don’t get bad effect of being in a bad house unless he is highly afflicted.  This is same with the sun but as being a cruel planet he can do evil at more times as compared to moon. 1st lord will never become bad if he owns 8th house too then still he will not be bad, planets will effect as per where their mool-trikona rashi is placed in, for Gemini ascendant Saturn is a benefic planet because his mool-trikona sign falls in 9th house but for Virgo Saturn will be a malefic due to the reason because his main rashi (Mool-Trikona) Sign falls in 6th house. But if Saturn is posited in 5th house then he will do good, so basically this tells us that if the planet is placed in either signs then he will do the effect of his main sign but if the planet is posited in his sign then he will do the effect of the sign in which he is placed in.
Step 1.6 – also see the yoga’s happening in the house like if Saturn is posited in ascendant in Libra, Aquarius or Capricorn then he will make “Maha Purush Yoga” in then he will confer the good effects of the hw is placed in and of the houses he owns. There are too many yoga’s in Vedic astrology and it is very difficult to remember all of them so the basic rule is the favorable placement of a planet. If a planet is favorably placed then he will do well.
House lord
Step 2 – is to see the position of the house lord, if the planet is favorably disposed in main chart or in divisional then he will do good and if he is badly disposed in main chart or in divisional then he will do evil results, also you have to see aspect and conjunction over the house lord and also you have to see the position of the depositor of the house lord. The same rules that are applied in assessing the houses have also to be applied in assessing the effect of the house lord and its depositor along with this also see the Yogas happening with the planet and see his power and strength. See six fold strength of the planet and especially see his Dig Bala. If a planet is in Dig Bala then he will do well and if he is deprived of Dig Bala then he will do bad, see the aspect over house lord and conjunction of other planets with that house lord and they will show you the complete situation of house lord. Most of the rules are enunciated in the last part use the same rules to assess the power in a short see these things to see weather a planet is powerful or weak,
  1. See the sign in which he is placed in (own sign, main sign , exaltation sign, friendly sign will do good and debilitated sign, enemy sign will do bad)
  2. The house in which he is placed in (in good houses he will do good effect in bad houses he will do bad effects see the placement in house from ascendant from the house in question and also from the moon)
  3. The planets from whom he is getting aspect (aspects of benefic planets and the planets owning good houses will do bad and aspect of malefic planets or aspect of the planets who owns bad houses will do bad)
  4. The planet with whom he is conjunct ( conjunction with benefic planets or the planets owning good houses will be favorable and if either be the case then it will prove bad for the planet in question)
  5. The position of the planet in D-1, D-9 and in other divisional (position in D-1, D-9 And D-60 is most important to consider but position in other divisional will also make a great impact over the planet and also see the conjunction and aspect over the planets in divisional too)
  6. The lunar asterism in which the planet is placed in (see the nature of the lunar asterism and nature of its lord and then decide the effects of the planets)
  7. The position of the planet who becomes his lunar asterism lord and his ownership of houses and aspect and conjunction of planet over that
  8. The position of the depositor
  9. Check strength of the planet and yoga’s he is being involved in (assess strength using six fold strength)
  10. The Avastha’s of the planet
Significator is also a planet so assess the power of the significator as same as planet, if the significator is strong then the house will flourish and if significator be weak the effect will be diminishing. House shows the possibility, house lord shows the achievement and significator shows the happiness from that thing. There are basic significator like sun for 1st house Jupiter for 2nd mars for 3rd mercury and moon for 4th Jupiter for 5th Saturn and mars for 6th Venus for 7th  Saturn for 8th Jupiter and sun for 9th Saturn mercury sun for 10th and so on now there are some houses which have more than one significator like 4th house 6th house and 10th house they show more than one thing and thus their significance can be   divided too like mercury will shows mental intelligence and moon will show emotional stability for 4th house, mars will show victory over enemy and Saturn will show job with respect to 6th house and mercury will show professional qualification, sun will show status in profession and Saturn will show work in profession in relation to 10th house also more significations can be added like for example if you are to assess about maternal uncle from 6th house then take 6th house its lord and mercury as significator because mars and Saturn don’t have to don anything with maternal uncle. If house lord and significator all are destroyed the complete results are destroyed if only significator and house is destroyed then 75% destroyed and if house and house lord is destroyed then 50% is destroyed and if house lord and significator is destroyed then 75% is destroyed. One special rule related to significator are if the house significator is in the house the he will destroy the house this is a loose rule that need some understanding. There are total 9 planets and there are 2 complete benefic planet 2 conditional benefic and 5 malefic planets if we add gulika too then it will become 6 malefic. And also only one benefic has special aspect and here all 4 malefic have special aspects. So thinking logically no house in any horoscope can be free of malefic influence and it is truth in real life too no thing is like this of which a person gets complete comfort. And that’s why if the significator is in the house and if malefic effect is there then the house will get 75% destroyed and this will be the case why they consider significator in the house as malefic.  Just imagine Jupiter is in 5th house in his mail sign being in Mool-Trikona having good aspect then why he will do evil for the 5th house…
Vedic astrology is a vast ocean and the deeper you go into it the rarest gems you will find lying there, this is your dedication and practice that will make you and good astrologer over time. Here I have given few basic principles of Vedic astrology, hope the readers will enjoy reading this and learners will get to learn more from this, this was a small effort from my side If I have made any mistake then I am sure those who are big hearted will forgive me.
Om Namah Shivaye
Another Astrology Student
Shubham Alock.

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How Planets & Remedies works – The Truth Decoded” (Excerpts from my Galactic Research)

“Planets & Remedies- The Truth Decoded”  (Excerpts from my Galactic Research)

AllPlanetsastrology How Planets & Remedies works - The Truth Decoded” (Excerpts from my Galactic Research)

Helloooo Folks,

Sooooo, here we are again, on the most discussed topic in Astrology i.e. Remedies whether these work or not?? Many doubts about remedies..Huhhhh…

Let’s take a deep breathe in & breathe out…let me share with you the real truth/ science about remedies.

Every single creation in this universe is energy being (source) & its vibrating on some frequency. Be it trees, animals, machines, our body, our soul, the planets, the light…everything. The divine light is an extreme source of energy from which our soul has descended to this earthly dimension (3rd dimension) for our soul progression & to enhance our vibrational frequency to progress towards higher dimensions of the Universe.

The earthly nature comprises elements viz. fire, air, earth, water and our physical body is the this nature’s gift to our soul energy in order to live in this physical plane. Thence, the soul energy is placed in this vehicle called body. Now, the soul energy which is invisible to the physical vision has to have nourishment and it has to receive information & messages from the higher planes/dimensions & actions/karma has to take place on this planet which will free us from the cycle of life & death.

The planets in the sky are spinning on a fixed rotational motion & Astrological texts give huge information about planets and their signification aspects of our lives. Actually, it might sound strange for a while but understand that planets are spinning information to the mankind in different sectors of life and this information hits our physical body through our breathe every single second. This information reaches our brain as electromagnetic waves and we receive this information into our nerve receptors which is processed into thoughts and thence the consequences.

So, this was about the planetary sector of my article which states the working of planets, now, let’s talk about the remedial measure that are inscribed in astrological texts. As I explained a part of the energy concept in my above description, so similarly remedial measures are basically the energy balancers which are grace given to the mankind, to feel the divine presence and to repent on their negative action which are performed using the free will as per the situation created by the destiny.

Similarly, everything on this 3rd dimensional earthly plane represents energy form and objects & gemstones also represent energy which is similar to the energy level & refractive index of planets respectively, so when any remedy is performed under the guidance of a learned & spiritually enlightened Guru always results in pacifying effect in our life. Same is the case with mantras as remedy. Viz. our voice has a vibrational frequency, same way our thoughts too have a electromagnetic frequency. So, Mantra chanted with correct pronunciation & thoughts enhance the positivity in our aura, thence, balancing the negative energy which is resulting in negative/difficult consequences in our life. He true results of remedies are dependent upon the remedial measure adopted like Mantra chanting or the tatva balancing.

I hope this clears the fact about working of planets & remedies. Any queries related to article, please drop in a text. Have a great positive life.

With Thanks and Regards,
Love & Light, 
Vishal Sood
pin How Planets & Remedies works - The Truth Decoded” (Excerpts from my Galactic Research)

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