Decoding Vedic Astrology Dasha system and how does it impacts our Karma and life-cycle

Dasha Predictions Decoding Vedic Astrology Dasha system and how does it impacts our Karma and life-cycle

Vedic Astrology Dasha Systems


What is Dasha period ?  How does it impact our Karma and life-cycle ?

Dasha is all about your total sanchit karma , the storage point of all the Karma’s that you have gathered from the total birth journeys. It has two major points one should always keep in mind; major portion of dasha period speaks about  your prarabdha karma that is we can only see from the placement of the planets in the natal chart, means your all the bad deeds from the portion of total accumulated karma’s rest of the Karma is your sanchit karma (Left behind) where it shows good part of karma that can be trigger at any moment in native life. Choices always depends on your prayers and good deeds, they are changeable in nature. That’s the reason whenever there is an adverse dasha running in your natal chart it is very hard to avoid the results of the dasha period  as they represents all the misdeeds in the form of prarabdha karma. But if your 9th house or its lord is well placed or there are placement of beneficial planets in the 9th house or lagnesh ( 1st house lord) or 9th lord is forming relationship with each other you can get relaxation in the form of remedies.For remedies to work there should be a good linkage between 9th, lagna and 12th house if 9th is not forming any relationship with the said houses it is very difficult for a native to get expected results for their respective remedies. 9th house is the house of higher god, dharma and prayers, if it is well disposed it is possibly a good reason one can expect the results of remedies soon. Majorly karmic remedies always start working in your life via the 9th house activation with the help of Guru or a good jyotishi guidance. Majorly Dasha period speaks about your temporary Karma’s that one has to face during the time period those are difficult to change and that can trigger at any moment in any fixed duration. But when that results can comes in your life is totally dependent on the transit of the major planets like Saturn, Jupiter and Rahu/ketu over your natal planets. Transits are the delivery boy and dasha period is your parcel of all the Karma’s. When that event has to come only deliver boy can decides it. Transits has major role in transforming your whole life as they indicates about the actions period of the karma or in layman language it shows the timing of the events. Transits are indicative of the new karmas that one can do during the dasha period. It gives you a chance to work on your self, improve your life and do good deeds in the form of kiryamana karma ( The new Karma). Generally we can know the kiryamana karma by the Prashna chart  or by the 6th and 10th lord in natal chart.

In Dasha Systems, Vimshottari Dasha is most famous among all. Vimshottari Dasha that operates in any native life explains about certain life events those are in sync with your age like if Saturn MD or AD dasha operates in the age of 36 native will learn, grows or matures a lot w.r.t to his life lessons, karma, Career and he will meet many people in his life which will totally changes his experiences, wisdom and thinking power. Same way if Mercury dasha operates at the 32 of age of he will experience certain learning experiences wrt to expanding his social circle, meeting and leaving new friends, enhancing new skills, learning new sets of logic’s, improving intelligence etc. Thing is Purpose of every dasha beginning is to teaches you certain life lessons and understanding your life path at those fixed age. Vimsotri dasha is all about understanding and experiencing your Prarabdha and sanchit karmas and when certain transits align or meet with these dasha periods native life get total change in his life and in this new life cycle and life experiences both the Rahu/Ketu plays very a major and important roles in either giving you or taking everything you have in their Dashas and transits over natal chart.

The Biggest truth of planetary motion is  that they have major role in impacting human life cycle and certain karmas. The greatest impact of planetary force on human being is it can effect your state of mind, decision making, circumstances, situations, appearance, aura, and most importantly all the personality traits are dependent on the transits and dashas and it has greater impact on human mind first. Vimshottari dasha is one such tool you can read and analyze it well and in my observation Vimshottari dasha is all about your traits and planetary placements from the moon in natal chart, which can read your mind setup, environment and circumstances. That’s the reason I prefer to see vimsotri dasha first-most for all the human traits those can impact your status of mind, thoughts and decision making.One should always gives much focus on all these parameters while analysing the vimsotri dasha and impact of planetary force on human mind setup but one of major loophole in vimsotri dasha is decision of karma is always pending in your hand in any of the dasha period. your Agami karma always decides your kiryamani karma,so do not ignore the importance and purpose of birth given to you over vimsotri dasha.Your birth is all about your current karma over previous prarabdha.

In This article we will try to learn about all the Major dashas system and we will explain each dashas in their consecutive parts in future articles. So first lets try to understand  different dasha systems we can use in natal chart one by one.Among all Most famous is Vimshottari Dasha respectively and rest of the dasha periods are used according to their requirements and condition’s in natal chart.

1)Vimshottari Dasha:

Most Known Dasha System based on Movement of Moon on the progression of Nakashtras at the time of birth (Tithi – Longitudinal distance of Sun and Moon).Total 9 Nakashtras Forms a complete 120 year of dasha system as equals as life cycle in kaliyug, as suggested by some of sages.It is presumed as total life span of human being in kaliyug would be of around about 100 to 120 years.

Total Nakashtras are 27 ( 9*3 = 27 Nakashtras – forms 3 different Nakashtras based progressive Vimsotri Dasha system). for e.g If one is Born in Jyestha Nakashtra – Dasha of the native will starts from Mercury ( Lord of Jyestha) and it goes further up-to rest of 8 Nakashtras, like Moola ( Ketu Dasha) ,Poorva ashada ( Lord Venus) and finally it will end at Uttrabhadra Nakaashtra (Lord Saturn). Every Preceding Nakashtra has Major role in Forming Mental Setup of Native during the progressions of Vimsotri Dasha lords in VM Dasha system .Starting point of Dasha system is Ashwani (Nakashatra lord is Ketu) and end of Dasha system is Revti Nakashtra.

VMD Dasha System is a Commonly used Dasha system but Less in its accuracy and timing Events, in its application & usage, if one is not aware of Usage of Nakashtras and Degree Concepts with accurate Birth time in VMD system, than its not easy to Use it wisely with perfection, VMD perfection need case studies of lots of people and in depth knowledge of Nakashtras, Degrees, Padas and art of Birth time rectification process. So, what i believe is knowledge of Degrees and Nakashtras is must while timing events in VMD Dasha system.

If during the birth, Moon is Stronger in strength; means birth In Brighter nights (Shukala Pakasha), we considered Moon as Stronger. During Brighter Nights Moon is ahead of Sun and more powerful to receive Sun Beneficial Rays which are directly gone impact people mindset, who will take birth in earth during this period of time.

Most of Beneficial Works are done in Shukala Pakasha tithis. Even in Bhagwada Geeta it is Mentioned as – Birth in Shukala Paksha leads to Heaven and people who gone die at same tithi and same Pakasha never come back to earth in material world.

Those who are Born in Krishana Pakasha they used to come back to material world again and again until and unless karmic balance is equals to zero. So, those people who are born in Brighter Nights (Shukala Pakasha tithi ), can use VMD Dasha system blindly in Natal and Divisional Charts without any 2 views.
For its applicability, Check the Strength of VMD Dasha lords by Making Moon as Reference Point and Extracts the result of VMD Dasha lord by its Nakashtra and its Lord in Natal Chart.
Those who are Born in Darker Nights ( Krishna Pakasha), we considered Moon as weaker being in darker side of Sun, not able to receive full rays of Sun. Those people who are born in Krishna Pakasha Tithi – Either they should use Yogini Dasha System or Ancient Dasha system based on 108 years of cycle (Ashtottari Dasha system) as explained by Lord Shiva for timing events and Dasha results in Kaliyug.
Moon & Nakashtras are the base for Vimshottari Dasha System & it should be given Higher Priority over Planets placement in Natal and Divisional charts while analyzing Results for any Dasha Period ( Either it is MD , Ad or PD or Sookashmaa Dasha). VMD Gives Events based on what Mind Will Show and Experience you a Picture.
In My calculation its Accuracy is 60-70%.

2) Yogini Dasha System:

Best Dasha System Used in Kalyug for timing Events based on 8 Yoginis and Starting from Moon Nakashtara.Goddess Parvati asked Lord Shiva, “There are innumerable dasha systems in astrology, but in the Kaliyuga, which dasha would tell us in a flash the results of a person’s Karma?.”Lord Shiva said, “It is the Yogini dasha.” And thus Lord Shiva revealed this dasha to Goddess Parvati. In the Kaliyuga, after careful examination of this dasha on a chart, the results do not go wrong. By knowing the mere name of the Yogini operating for a person, the things happening in the life of that person during the period of Yogini can be known.

According the Rudrayamal, the Yogini dasha gives excellent results in Kaliyuga:

There are eight types of Yoginis: Mangala, Pingala, Dhanya, Bhramari, Bhadrika, Ulka, Siddha and Sankata. It is believed that the planets Moon, Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Venus and Rahu have evolved respectively from the Yoginis Mangala, Pingala, etc.

The total duration of Yogini Dasha is 36 years. Shorter the Dasha system is More accurate is the result.

It is the Best Dasha System for timing events based on Nakshtras unconditionally. Yogini dasha is a nakshatrika dasha based on the nakshatra of the Moon at the time of birth.Quite Accurate in predicting events approximately about 90 to 95 % what i believe in its usage.

3) Ashtottari Dasha System:

Ashtottari dasa is also another Dasha System based on Nakshtras but it is conditional Dasha System applicable on Some of Conditions and perhaps the most popular dasa system in India after Vimsottari dasa.Based on 108 Cycle of years.It as a conditional dasa applicable only in some charts.

Maharishi Parashar explained as: O Brahmin, the sages have recommended the adoption of Ashtottari, when Rahu not being in Lagn, in any other Kendr, or Trikon to the Lord of the Lagn. From 4 Nakshatras from Ardra commences the Dasha of Surya, from 3 after that begins the Dasha of Candr, 4 after that will bring the Dasha of Mangal, 3 after that the Lord of Dasha will be Budh, 4 therefrom will have Sani, as the Dasha Lord, 3 thereafter the Lord will be Guru, Rahu will be the Lord of the Dasha 4 Nakshatras after that and then Sukr will take over the lordship of the Dasha 3 Nakshatras from the last one mentioned above.

The Lord of the Dasha at birth will be determined by counting in this order up to the Janm Nakshatr. The duration of Ashtottari Dasha for Surya, Candr, Mangal, Budh, Sani, Guru, Rahu and Sukr are 6, 15, 8, 17, 10, 19, 12 and 21 in that order. Thus in this Dasha system only 8 Grahas play the role of Dasha Lords, Ketu having been denied this privilege.

Simply Its Working is based on , If the birth (of the native) is in Krishna paksha (or the dark half of the month) or at night in sukla paksha (the bright half of the month) and that Rahu is in a quadrant (Kendra) or trine (trikona) from the lord of the lagna ( that location is also called the paka lagna).

In this system, the sum of all dasas is 108 years.

Ashtottari means “ashtottara sata”, i.e. one hundred and eight. Because poornaayush (full life) of a man is 108 years suggested by some of sages for kaliyug, some scholars have suggested that ashtottari dasa is best used as an ayur dasa, i.e. a dasa that shows longevity.

There are three different views on the applicability of Ashtottari dasa:

(1) Ashtottari dasa is applicable in all charts.

(1) Ashtottari dasa is applicable if Rahu, who is not in lagna, is in a quadrant or a trine from lagna lord.

(1) Ashtottari dasa is applicable for daytime births in Krishna paksha (darker fortnight) and night time births in Sukla paksha (brighter fortnight).

Some people use Ashtottari dasa as an ayur dasa and see longevity in it. Some other people use Ashtottari dasa as a phalita dasa. Because only chara karakas, i.e. Rahu and the seven planets, have dasas under the Ashtottari dasa scheme, it may also be suggested that it shows events related to sustenance, achievements, raja yogas and moksha (just like chara karakas do). Some people, however, prefer to see all matters in Ashtottari dasa..Accuracy is higly depends on its usage.

4) Kalachakra Dasha system:

Kalachakra Dasa is also Nakashtras Based Dasha like Vimsottari based upon the position of the Moon in Lunar mansion.Kalachakra is based upon Nakshatra Padas (instead of Nakshatras).It is a Rasi Dasa and Rasi Dasa lords are important to Predicting events not the planets.

The Dasa is extremly sensitive for birth time and Ayanamsa changes. So it is applicable only if the native’s birth time is quite accurate. A change of Ayanamsa can result in completely different results.It is Only Applicable in Navamsa.It is Quite accurate in Predicting marriage related events and accuracy is about 90% if birth time is accurate.

5) Narayana Dasha:

One of Best Dasha System in vedic Astrology based on Movement of Rasi’s. Narayana dasa is a very important rasi dasa as It is a phalita dasa that shows all general results based on Material Success, if the Lord Naryana is Promising the material success in our Chart this Dasha will show how we Growing Materially and this Dasha works with Sudasa Dasha(Laxmi Dashsa) and Runs Parallel with Narayana Dasha if Narayana is Promising than Goddess Laxmi will shower Extensively result for Success and growth.

Narayana dasa is computed differently for different divisional charts and we can use Narayana dasa of a divisional chart to predict matters related to that divisional chart.

Narayana dasa is based on the progression of lagna in one’s life. As one dasa ends and another starts, one rasi stops being the progressed lagna and another rasi becomes one’s progressed lagna. Using the progressed lagna as the reference, we find out the events that happen in that dasa. Thus we get twelve charts for each person, with each chart applicable in one dasa.Very accurate in Predicting and timing Events in Horoscope approximately 99%.

6) Chara Dasha:

This is another very Important Dasha system based on Rasi dasha.this Dasha System is made By Jamini based on 7 Chara Karkas and Predictions are Purely timed on 7 charakarkas and their meanings.Very accurate Dasha system.This Dasha System works on the basis of 7 PlanetsSun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus & Saturn and their Proceedings Degrees.

The planet with highest degree in a Natal Horoscope is known as Atmakaraka (AK – enjoys the status of Lagna); the planet with 2nd highest degree is known as Amatyakaraka (Amk – signifies 10th house/professional matter); the planet with 3rd highest degree is known as Bhratrikaraka (BK – signifies coborns/3rd house significations); the planet with 4th highest degree is known as Matrikaraka (MK – signifies/4th house significations); the planet with 5th highest degree is known as Putrakaraka (PK – offspring/5th house significations); the planet with 6th highest degree is known as Gnatikaraka (GK – enemies/obstacles/diseases/6th house significations) and the planet with 7th highest degree is known as Darakaraka (DK – significator of spouse/7th house significations).

7) Sudasa Dasa System:

Sudasa is a rasi dasa. It is also called “Sree Lagna Kendradi Rasi Dasa” or simply “Rasi Dasa”. Its computation is based on kendras etc from Sree Lagna. Sudasa is important for materialistic things like money, power and authority. It can be used to predict financial matters and matters related to status and power. If a political leader occupies a post of power, he must be enjoying a favorable dasa as per Sudasa. If a businessman sees increasing profits, he must be enjoying a favorable dasa as per Sudasa. If someone struggles with tight finances, he must be going through an unfavorable dasa as per Sudasa.If Someone Struggles with the Tight Finances, He Must be Going through an unfavourable dasa as per Sudasa Dasha.

Narayan dasa indicates how the environment is presented to you.Vimshottari or Ashtottari Dasa shows how the native responds to the influences of the environment.the final decision of the native (Vimsottari) will depend on the resources available at hand (Sudasa) so it Shows effort and environment provided by Narayana Dasha..Lakshmi is the giver of all prosperity and it shows when you get opportunity . While Narayana governs the environment and effort, Lakshmi governs the prosperity and well-being. As Rajya Lakshmi, she gives power. As Dhana Lakshmi, she gives money. As Arogya Lakshmi, she gives health. As Vidya Lakshmi, she gives learning. And so on. She is the giver of all prosperity.

Thus we can see when Lakshmi’s blessings come in a particular matter (in terms of prosperity). Remember that Narayana governs effort and Lakshmi governs prosperity! Both together define what happens to a person.This Dasha is quite Accurate wrt to Narayana Dasha and works perfectly with 99%.

8) Drig-Dasha System:

It is also a Rasi Dasa Which Means Visions and works on Aspects of Rasi dashas.It Shows How Spritual Vision Develops in a native Move ones life.It Shows Religious and Spirituals activities and the evolution of ones Soul.

9)Niryaana Shoola Dasha:

Niryaana Means Death and Shoola is a Weapon of Lord Shiva and who is the lord of Distruction and this dasha dasha system is Works as per Mahesh destruction so it is used for timing of death , Pain and Suffering one may face during the Life last Part.

|| Om Bhagwate Vasudevaya Namah: ||

With Thanks and Regards,

Rakesh Jamwal

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Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology 2: Understanding Drishti Bheda: Rashi, Graha and Bhava

marte spatiu atmosfera1 Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology 2: Understanding Drishti Bheda: Rashi, Graha and Bhava

Written by Shubham Alock

Preamble – A few days back Shri Sunny Jain posted a question in a Facebook Group about aspects of the planet. Where he asked to suppose a planet is exalted. His aspect on a 7th house will be an exalted aspect, debilitated aspect or his effect will be according to beneficence or maleficence of planets.

My answer was only planets can become exalted or debilitated not their aspects. which means effects of aspects will be according to maleficence and beneficence of planets. [Will be dealt extensively of course]

There Shri Deepak Panchal Vishwakarma said to differentiate between Rashi Drishti, Graha Drishti, and Bhava Drishti.
Because it is to be taught in my Jyotish Prarambha course. I told that I will write a separate article on this.

This is that article.

Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra: There are many editions of this book, 10 I have in my library. 4 of them are original [written by authors] rest 6 just copied and paste from one book to another resulting in a new book.

4 Basic editions are by Shri Tarkachandra Shastri, Pandit Ganesh Dutt Pathak, Acharya Sitaram Jha and Pandit Devchandra Jha.
Shri Tarkachandra Shastri says he found this manuscript in the library of a king who is said to have most authentic manuscripts. That edition consists of maximum shlokas but chapters are less.

Pandit Ganesh Dutt Pathak gave no reference on how he found the book.

Acharya Sitaram Jha made a contradictory statement when in starting he said he got this manuscript from Pandit Jeevnath Jha and copied the whole manuscript by his hand and published whereas in end he writes he collected this and published after proof-reading and correcting the manuscript.

Pandit Devchandra Jha – mentions that he got this manuscript from various Pandit’s of rural area and collected all of them and after proofreading and correcting them. Published his edition.

Keep in mind this information which will be useful later. Except for Tarkachandra Shastri edition, all editions have  98-99-100 chapters. But the number of shloka’s are maximum in Tarkachandra Shatri edition.

When to refer to Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra: Many people think BPHS [Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra] to be gospel book of astrology authored by sage parashara.

But one must keep in mind that it is in form of conversation between Sage Parashara and Maitreya which means it was not written by Parashara himself. [See Jaimini Sutras is written by Jaimini Itself as it doesn’t contain narrative verses]  It was written by someone else. That too not at that time but at later times. Mostly between 1400-1500’s [I am taking about BPHS available now]

Mihira also mentions BPHS in his Brihat Jataka and mentions that it is large and extensive hence he is producing a condensed version of it. 

Then why he left many things like Graha Avasta [Many kinds are given in BPHS]. When one reads “Jataka Narayaneeyam and Yogavali Khandam” [ A superb book on Traditional Astrology and its secrets] one finds the author has mentioned parashara have dealt mainly with Raajyoga and Bhavaphala and have left Balarishta and Ayuryogas and only dealt with them in a condensed manner. 

But, now available BPHS deals extensively with them. This leads us to conclude that BPHS was never written. But was memorized in traditions [It was done with every Shastra of Hindu’s] someone may have written it before Mihira’s time which Mihira saw. but mainly it was a book which was memorized and not written.

After invasion people saw their knowledge being lost hence some of those traditions complied BPHS in written form. The real number of Shloka, Chapter, Index is not known to us. BPHS available nowadays is a result of greed of translators and their own superimposition of limited understanding of Jyotisha along with their ignorance of traditions and their orthodoxy over words of sages [will be seen in “Graha Drishti]

One will do well to go through article of “Shri Shyamsundara Dasa” “On the authenticity of the (Modern) Brhat Parashata Hora Shastra

My advice is if you are to read BPHS Read all available versions one by one. Don’t take any words as said by sage until you have read all editions and when you have read. try before you accept it as sage’s word. When you find contradiction in opinion between principles of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra and other classics of astrology stick to other classics until you are very sure of BPHS’s principles [After rigorous testing]  

For an example regarding AshtakaVaraga there are two opinions one is of Mihira and other of Parashara. [Will be covered in course] people who have been very successful in using Ashtakavarga have used and tied to Mihira’s method and not of Parashara’s. 

Rashi Drishti

Well exposed without any confusion. The word used is Rashi aspect sign in front of them and two adjacent Rashi. It have to be practised on South Indian Horoscope. Adjacent Rashi means Rashi in 4-10 to Rashi in front. Many scholars have misinterpreted that adjacent “Parshbhave” means the sign juxtapose and shloka means Rashi does not aspect sign juxtapose. But this is incorrect. Why, It will be shown in our Jaimini Article. [Here, it will make the article way too long] One can refer to my article on Sangyan Tattwa for more information.

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Movable sign  aspect the sign in 8th to them and their Parshava sign which is sign in 11th and 5th.

Fixed sign aspect the sign in 6th to them and their Parshava sign which is sign in 3rd and 9th.

Movable sign aspect the sign in 7th to them and their Parshava sign which is 4th and 10th.

In Short. Movable sign aspect all fixed sign except the one in 2nd to him, Fixed sign aspect all movable sign except the one in 12th to him, Dual sign aspects all other dual signs.

Refer the table given below.

Aspect Table

Rashi Frontal Sign Other Signs under Aspect
Aries Scorpio Aquarius and Leo
Taurus Libra Cancer and Capricorn
Gemini Virgo Sagittarius and Pisces
Cancer Aquarius Scorpio and Taurus
Leo Capricorn Libra and Aries
Virgo Gemini Pisces and Sagittarius
Libra Taurus Aquarius and Leo
Scorpio Aries Capricorn and Cancer
Sagittarius Pisces Gemini and Virgo
Capricorn Leo Taurus and Scorpio
Aquairus Cancer Aries and Libra
Pisces Sagittarius Virgo and Gemini

Planet’s placed in the sign also aspect with Rashi Drishti.

Special with Rashi Drishti – Rashi Drishti is always full [Other’s are not – will be seen in next sections] People are confused about aspect of planet’s like Ketu or Upagraha like Mrityu or Aprakash Graha like Dhooma. Any thing in Rashi aspect with Rashi drishti. This is to say if you need to check aspect of Gulika see Rashi drishti of the Rashi where Gulika is placed and you will find aspect of Gulika

When one will read Jaimini one will find that Jaimini gave extreme importance to Rashi Drishti because even Arudha in a Bhava will aspect with Rashi Drishti only. That is to say anything in Rashi will aspect with Rashi Drishti.

It is mentioned that “Brahma” [Creator] told about Rashi Drishti, Which means any affliction arising out of Rashi Drishti shows a basic defect in creation or manifestation. Also how to approach this subject as there can be four differentiations here, aspect by malefic but who is a friend of a lord of the sign, aspect by malefic who is inimical to lord of sign.  the aspect of benefic inimical to Lord of sign, aspect of benefic friendly to lord of sign. All this will be explored in-depth in our course.

Graha Drishti

Here you will see when people superimpose their own understanding in name of editing and proof-reading what happens.

Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra clearly states that every planet have 1/4th aspect on 3-10 Houses from itself [It uses bhava which means house and not Rashi], 2/4th aspect on 5-9 houses from itself. 3/4th on 4-8 houses from itself and 4/4th aspect on 7th house from itself. Saturn, Jupiter and Mars have have special aspect as Saturn aspects 3-10 from itself by full 4/4 aspect, Mars aspect 4-8 from itself by full 4/4 and Jupiter aspects 5-9 fro itself by full 4/4 aspect.  

What the sage have intended to say was all planets except Saturn, Jupiter and Mars have a full aspect on 7th house and they Saturn, Jupiter and Mars have a special aspect on these houses as their full aspect and on 7th house, their aspect is not full, but partial.
But both authors with their claim of correcting the manuscript distorted it. But Pandit Ganesh Dutt Pathak and Pandit Tarkachandra Shastri [They never mentioned correcting the manuscripts gave original table of aspects which is as follows.

Graha Drishti

Planet Trine [5-9] Chaturastra [4-8] Saptama [7] Upachaya [3-10]
Saturn 1/4th 2/4th 3/4th Full
Jupiter Full 1/4th 2/4th 3/4th
Mars 3/4th Full 1/4th 2/4th
Others 2/4th 3/4th Full 1/4th

This, as can be seen above was the real method Sage wanted to propagate which was mutilated in name of correcting manuscripts.
One can also see that secret of Nadi Astrology lies here. Suppose two planets are in trine Sun and Moon then Sun cast 2/4th aspect on Moon and Moon cast 2/4th aspect on Moon – Now is it illogical to say in sense that they are in conjunction [Half+Half=Full] Due to this reason while defining Sambandha between planets Mantreshwara in his Phladeepika added Sambandha between Planets in Mutual Kendra and Kona.

Secrets in usage: We know sam-bandha between planets are made by four methods. By being in each other’s sign, By being in mutual aspect, By being aspected by the depositor, by being in same sign [Together] But in practice, we find mutual aspect does not make a strong connection in many cases, Why? the answer to the same is only Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus have a full aspect on 7th to participate in mutual aspect sam-bandha other planets cast partial aspect on 7th house thus yoga may or may not be applicable.

What do I mean by “may and may not” will be defined here? 

Suppose few variations.

Jupiter and Mars in 1-7 Jupiter aspect Mars by 2/4th aspect and Mars by 1/4th aspect. it makes only 3/4th aspect. Unable to form Sambandha.

Jupiter and Saturn in 1-7. Jupiter aspect Saturn by 2/4th aspect and Saturn by 3/4th aspect making 5/4 which means a Sambandha.
This way one can clearly see the differences into considerations when we follow true spirit of Sage.

Difference between Graha and Bhava Drishti : Graha Drishti is basically for Sambandha between two Graha, Only when it is full it have to be taken into consideration. Bhava Drishti is sambandha between Bhava and Graha and all types of aspect can be considered here. which differentiates them on extent of their influence on Bhava.

Bhava Drishti 

Sitaram Jha and Devchandra Jha edition exposes this in a separate chapter named  “Grah Sphut Drishti Kahtanadhyaya” which can mean that this is only true aspect of planets. Whereas Devdutt Pathak and Tarkachandra Shatri edition exposes this in “Bhav Shad Bal Aadi Varnan Adhyayah” which clearly distinguishes between Graha Drishti and Bhava Drishti. Making clear that Bhava Drishti will take both full and partial aspect into consideration to judge the relationship between Bhava and Graha whereas Graha Drishti is only full between two Graha.

We need to calculate Drishti bala to know about Bhava Shadbala [Will be dealt in separate article] Two methods of calculations are given, I am giving the one given in Tarkachandra Shastri and Devdutt Pathak edition.

Calculations of Bhava Drishti: Aspecting planet is called “Drishta [A]” aspected planet/Bhava is called “Drishya [B]”
Take their longitude “Rashi-Degree-Minute” and A-B = If more than 6 then subtract from 10 Rashi and divide by 2.

If more than 5 then leave Rashi and double Degree and Minute
If more than 4 [But less than 5] then subtract it from 5 and remaining Degree and Minutes will give Drishti/Aspect
If more than 3, Subtract from 4, Divide by 2 and add 30.
If more than 2, Leave Rashi and add 15 in Degrees
If more than 1, leave Rashi and half the degrees. This gives quantum of aspects.

For Saturn, Mars and Jupiter : For Saturn add 45 more in aspect on 3rd and 10th house. For Jupiter add 30 more in aspect on 5th and 9th house. For Mars add 15 more in aspecton 4th and 8th houses.

These calculations can be tiring for beginners hence one is advised to take support of modern day software’s. One such Software is Jagannath Hora which is free to download. [Check settings before usage] In the software open any chart [It is easy to use] Select the option “View” above in File Bar and then choose “Aspect Table with Relationship” Then right click on New Window anywhere over blank space and choose “Full Aspect Value” and then change it to be 100.

Secrets in Usage: Graha Drishti does not take into consideration degrees of planets. In planet in aforesaid Bhava/Rashi [They are same] comes under their aspect irrespective of their degrees. But in Bhava Drshti Degrees of Bhava [Similar to that of Lagna] needs to be taken into consideration. This is the reason why Mantreshwar in his Phala-Deepika have said that planets in any bhava equalling the degrees of Lagna will give the full effect of that bhava and in other places promotionally. This also applies with their aspect. being placed in a bhava is inclusive of aspect on other Bhava.


September 3, 1993; 18:00:00; Moradabad – India

Case 59 Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology 2: Understanding Drishti Bheda: Rashi, Graha and Bhava

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[An operation after her birth just around 12 hours of birth near waist due to some ulcer/eruption and doctors cut the spinal veins which control veins. Now by birth she can’t be moved]

Creation Flaw: See Lagna with malefic and retrograde Saturn but in own sign [Longevity is not hampered] Rashi Drishti Venus, Indrachaap, Upaketu, and Kaal. All three of these Aprakash Graha are troublesome. It gave the problem in upbringing [health issues] abnormality is seen by Aprakash Graha. Venus being benefic and friendly makes sure that her physical growth and longevity doesn’t get hampered.

October 28, 1955; 21:10:00; Seattle-Washington-USA

BG Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology 2: Understanding Drishti Bheda: Rashi, Graha and Bhava

Horoscope of Bill Gates: See mutual aspect between Mercury and Moon 1st 2nd lords and 4th and 2nd lords which give a beautiful combination for making money and property.

If you consider mutual aspect between Mars and Moon it also becomes a combination between 6th and 2nd Lord which indicates debts. He is not in debt, he never was.

See Bhava Drishti for 11th house it is aspected by Sun [Authority leader in Computer operating systems] Mars [Engineering] Mercury [74 – more than 50 – For technology and 
computers/communication/email’s/outlook] Jupiter [Donations and Bill and Melinda Foundation] Venus [Beautiful operating system from DOS to Windows XP] Saturn [Hard work and persistence with struggles to be at top] One can see more the planets aspects 11th house better the financial condition. 

[See house lordship of these planets and match it with his Wikipedia Biography] 11th lord is apecting 11th hosue along with 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, 5th, 9th lords. [What else one wants]

This is an extensive topic, which can’t be taught in a single article. It has to be taught step by step distinguishing between Rashi and bhava, and their manifestation. Along with difference in Rashi and Graha Dasha. This article will provide an introduction to the subject. This article will be dealt extensively in “Jyotish Prarambha”

(C) Shubham Alock for Jyotish Prarambha

pin Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology 2: Understanding Drishti Bheda: Rashi, Graha and Bhava

Views: 268

Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart

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This was an article published in the JAN 2006 issue of the Astrological Magazine. I thank Mrs. Gayatridevi Vasudev, the then editor of Astrological Magazine, for allowing me to share the article in social media. I hope you will enjoy reading this……..
Poets, Musicians and Venus

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 By Dr. K. Guru Rajesh
Karaka for Art
tukaram Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart

sweetness of music is known immediately through hearing whereas that of literature
reveals itself slowly after progressive thinking. This is the opinion expressed
by our ancient Maharishis about the two branches of learning and culture.
Everyone has the right to enjoy the bliss of music and poetry. But only a few
are blessed with the interest and talent in either music or poetry while it is
rare to find one gifted in both. In
this article I endeavour to bring forth the important role played by Venus in
the horoscopes of poets and musicians in molding their personalities.

is above all languages and beyond any recognizable words. Music forms such as alapana, instrumental music etc., are
devoid of words and are considered as pure music which can be enjoyed by
anybody including an infant, a snake or an animal-all who do not know any
language (शिशुर्वेत्ति
पशुर्वेत्ति वेत्ति गानरसं फणी). On the other hand, poetry
requires language and one who does not know the language may not be able to
enjoy it. But for those who know the
language it gives indescribable happiness as they can contemplate it over and
over again. Music when combined with lyrics of poetry becomes an irresistible
medium to convey feelings and sentiments and to motivate the people to a noble
cause. This is evident when one hears the patriotic songs brimming with sentiment,
folklore music overflowing with innocent feelings and the Kritis of
Vaggeyakaras filled with Bhakti Rasa.
to the classical rules of music, composers can be classified into three types.
A person who writes only lyrics (sahitya) for the songs is named as
‘Matu-kara’ while one who only sets to tune sahitya is named as ‘Dhatu-kara’.
A person who can both compose the lyric and set it to tune is called
Vaggeyakara. India is blessed with innumerable Vaggeyakaras besides many Dhatu
and Matu Karas. The trinity of Karnatic
music- Shyama Sastri, Tyagaraja and Muthuswamy Deekshitar, are typical
Vaggeyakaras besides many path setters like Purandaradasa, Annamayya and

person may follow established rules of Sastrakaras and develop a classical style
or one can discard these rules and follow altogether a different path both in
music and poetry. Also there are many shades between musicians and poets and
lyricists. A poet who has fluent language at his command may be gifted with a
melodious voice even though he has no training in music. By recognizing the
sound pictures of different ragas, he can effortlessly sing his lyrics.
Similarly, a bit of poetical rules will be known to the musicians also such as
Prasa,Yathi, Matra etc. The unifying features between music and poetry seem to
be the Laya or meter and the Bhava or Rasa. A comparative study of music and poetry
is beyond the scope of the present article. Readers are urged to keep in mind the
above points to appreciate the different proportions of music and poetry in both
musicians and poets.

the planets, Venus is considered as the aesthetic planet ruling over sublime
feelings and cultured taste. He is called as ‘Kavi’ a celestial poet. It is
obvious to expect the powerful influence of Venus in the horoscopes of poets
and musicians. In the classical text Bhavartha Ratnakara, the following verses
can be noted regarding music and poetry.
शुक्रः चतुर्धगो यस्य गानविद्या विशारदः
द्वितीयगो यदि भृगुः काव्यालंकार शाश्त्रवान्
द्वितीयगो यदि भृगुः कविता धर्ममश्नुते
in the 4th house makes a person an
excellent singer. If he is in the 2nd house he will be a poet adept in kavyas and alankara.
These findings of our great sages hold good for most of the horoscopes in
my experience. Besides Venus, the secondary influence of other planets is
important in predicting the various sub-categories of art a person may follow.
Musicians may be classified into singers, string instrumentalists, wind
instrumentalists and percussionists. Similarly poets can be classical poets
writing according to the rules of Chandas, lyricists writing lyrics of the songs
following only broad principles of Laya and so-called modem poets without- any perceptible rules. Jupiter’s
influence is expected in vocalists while the influence of Mars and Mercury is
needed for instrumentalists. Prominence of Saturn and Mercury makes one a
percussionist. These influences will be
modified according to the nature of sign in which the Ascendant, 10th
house and Venus are posited. In the horoscopes of poets and lyricists an
inevitable influence of Mercury is expected, as he is the Karaka for writing and
publishing. The influence of the Moon cannot be ignored in both musicians and
poets as he is the Karaka for the mind, and a sensitive and responsive mind is needed for these fine
Unconventional Deviations

influence of Rahu and Ketu is necessary for an artiste to deviate from the
classical path and create a revolution. The combinations of Mars-Rahu,
Saturn-Rahu and Mars-Saturn are expected in such horoscopes, Venus, besides
ruling the positive aspect of sensitivity and culture, also rules over the
negative aspect of sensuality. If Venus is afflicted by in the above
combinations, it may result in moral degradation and abuse of artistic talents
manifesting in the form of addiction to alcohol, smoking and extra-marital and
immoral contacts. The association of these traits is a well-known fact among
many artistes. The influence of a powerful Jupiter coupled with unafflicted
Ascendant and 10th lords should negate these malefic influences.

the twelve Rasis, Taurus and Libra ruled by Venus and Gemini and Virgo ruled by
Mercury are the important signs inclined towards music or poetry. Leo, the 5th house of the Zodiac, has a tendency to these fine arts.
Among the 12 houses, some houses have a greater say in these matters. The
Ascendant and 10th house are the deciding factors for the general life of the
native and his activity or Karma in this world. Further the Ascendant, Moon and
the Sun that form the tripod of a horoscope should be considered in all matters
of prognostication.
The 2nd house ruling speech and education is important in the
case of poetry and literature and also in vocal music. The 4th house indicating education and also being a Kendra directly
opposing the 10th house has a great influence in these matters,
especially for music. The fifth house ruling over the mind and creative urge of
the native is also important in these creative arts.

and professional success also span a wide range of spectrum depending on the
strength of Venus and the horoscope in general. If Venus is powerless, a mere interest
or elementary knowledge can be predicted while a powerful Venus makes the
native an expert in the art. Becoming an adept in the art is quite different from professional
success and recognition in society, which depend upon the Raja Yogas and the strength of the 10th
lord. A person may be an excellent musician or poet without much recognition and fame while another with average talent can be well known and
famous. One may take the art as profession or be an amateur. All these different possibilities should
be considered by studying the
horoscope as a whole while analysing the potential for music and poetry in a native.
following combinations are
observed in the horoscopes of poets and musicians in my
humble experience:


94260 Henry Miller Quote We are all part of creation all kings all poets Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart

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1. Combination of Venus and Mercury in the 2nd house aspected by Jupiter.
Exchange of 1st
and 5th lords and presence of Venus, Mercury and Sun in the 2nd house.
3. Influence of Sun over Venus may give a royal and patriotic touch to the native’s creations.
Powerful Venus in the Ascendant
and the 10th aspected or occupied by Jupiter while Mercury is in the 1st
or 2nd house.
5. Combination or mutual aspect of Mercury and Jupiter in Kendras while Venus is powerful in a Kendra or 2nd or 5th

musician band wordpress theme slider 3 Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart
A powerful Venus in the 4th
Venus in the 10th house.
Moon in the 10th aspected by Venus from the 4th.
4. Venus in the Ascendant and the Moon in a
5. Venus in a Kendra and the Moon in the Ascendant.
Mutual exchange between 1st and 5th lords and the
presence of powerful Venus in Kendras.
7. Venusian influence on the Ascendant,
Moon and Sun.
8. Aspect or presence of Jupiter in the 2nd
house in all the above combinations makes one a vocalist.
9. Influence of Mars and Mercury in the
above combinations makes the native a string instrumentalist (Veena, violin,
sitar etc.)
10. Influence of Saturn and Mercury may
create a percussionist (mridangam, tabala, tavil etc.)
11. Presence or aspect of Jupiter on the 2nd
in a windy sign along with the prominent position of Saturn (windy planet) may
bring forth a wind instrumentalist (flute, nadaswaram, shehnai etc.)
us study some horoscopes of poets and musicians to substantiate the influence
of Venus in bestowing artistic talents and success on these natives.


poetry clipart Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart

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Chart 1:
Rabindranath Tagore: Born May 7, 1861 at 2h
. 51m (LMT) at
22 N
. 40, 88 E 30
1 Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart
striking feature in Chart 1 is the powerful exchange of houses between the 1st
and 5th lords Jupiter and Moon, Jupiter being exalted and Moon in a
friendly sign aspected by his sign-dispositor exalted Jupiter. Note the important combination of Venus,
Mercury and Sun in the 2nd house. No description is needed to explain the
literary genius of this great son of India which can be attributed to the above
two planetary associations. These
same combinations are also effective in the musical talents of the native
resulting in the creation of a separate branch of Indian music “Rabindra
Sangeet”. The predominance of Jupiter on the Ascendant and Moon made him
the ‘Gurudev’.
Chart 2:
Swami Vivekananda: Born January 12, 1863 at 6h. 33m (LMT) at 22 N 40, 88 E 30.
2 Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart
Vivekananda (Chart 2) the stormy monk of India, was also a poet with musical
talents. His poetry in Sanskrit, Bangla
and English are
of a high calibre. He had indeed undergone training in classical music in his
early youth. Note the presence of Venus, Sun and Mercury in the 2nd while
the 2nd lord is in the 10th with the Moon. There is an
exchange of houses between the 10th and 2nd lords. Also,
note the mutual aspect of the Ascendant lord Jupiter and the 5th lord
Mars. The 2nd house from the Moon is occupied by Jupiter while the 2nd
lord Venus is in the 5th house. Nothing more is required to explain
the musical, poetic and oratorical gifts the Swami enjoyed.
Chart 3: Sri
Aurobindo Ghose: Born August 15, 1872 at 5h. 17m (LMT) at 22 N 30, 88 E 20.
3 Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart
Leo, the 5th house of the natural Zodiac, rises in the 2nd with Venus, Mercury and the Sun in Chart 3. The Ascendant Cancer lodges exalted Jupiter and debilitated Mars, while the Ascendant lord Moon is in the 6th along with 7th and 8th lord Saturn. The association of Jupiter, Mars and Saturn with the Ascendant and the Moon explains the patriotism and spiritual achievements of the native. The combination which we are interested is the position of Venus, Mercury and Sun in the 2nd resulting in the poetic talents of the native which are coloured by Jupitarian and Saturnine influences.
Chart 4: Sri
Suddhananda Bharti: Born May 12, 1897 at 10h
. 19m (LMT) at
9 N 51, 78 E 37.
4 Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart

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Suddhananda Bharati (Chart 4) was a patriotic poet composing soul stirring
songs in Tamil which invoked patriotic fervour in the Tamil people of those
days. Note the presence of Venus in the 10th aspected by the 9th
lord Jupiter from the 2nd. The Ascendant lord Moon is in the 2nd
house in Leo along with Jupiter aspected by Saturn from the 5th house
while the Ascendant itself is occupied by the 5th lord Mars with
Ketu. The 2nd lord Sun is in Taurus, a Venusian sign along with
Mercury aspected by Saturn. These planetary associations explain the life of
the great Kaviyogi.
Chart 5: A.B.Vajpayee: Born December 25, 1924 at 2h. 45m (1ST) at 24 N 54, 74 E 55.
5 Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart
Libra, a Venusian sign, rises in the Ascendant with 5th lord exalted Saturn aspected by the 2nd and 7th lord Mars in Chart 5. The Ascendant lord Venus is in the 2nd with the 10th lord debilitated Moon. The 2nd from the Moon is occupied by Jupiter, Sun and Mercury. The influence of Venus on the Ascendant as its lord and on the Moon bestowed a
sensitive and responsive mind on the
native while the presence of 5th
lord exalted Saturn in the Ascendant and Venus and Moon in the 2nd house resulted in poetic talents.
Chart 6: Male: Born February 8, 1959 at 7h.30m (1ST) at 14 N 42, 77 E 05.
6 Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart
The native of Chart 6 is a
famous ‘Sahasravadhani’ completing the Herculean task of “Maha Dvi-Sahasravadhanam” successfully. He is bestowed with a musical voice and has received many honours and felicitations
from the Government and different organizations. He is also an ‘Asthana Vidwan’ of a famous mutt. This highly celebrated poet has many Raja Yogas. The Ascendant is occupied by Yogakaraka Venus and Moon
(actually, the Moon is in 12th Bhava) and the Ascendant lord Saturn
is in the 11th aspecting the Ascendant and 5th houses. The 10th house is occupied by
2nd and 11th lord Jupiter aspected by the 10th
and 3rd lord Mars. Considering
the Bhava chart from the Moon, Venus
occupies the 2nd house while the Sun and Mercury are in the
Ascendant (with Moon). The powerful influence of Venus and Jupiter on the
Ascendant and 10th explains the poetic and literary gifts of the
native and his status.


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 Chart 7:
Female: Born July 3, 1928 at 5h. 30m (1ST) at 13 N 5, 80 E 15
7 Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart
7 is from How to Judge a Horoscope-II by Dr. B. V. RAMAN and Gayatri Devi Vasudev. The native was a singer of classical
traditional music with great popularity and charm. The Ascendant Gemini is
occupied by its lord Mercury, 3rd lord Sun and Yogakaraka 5th
and 12th lord Venus aspected by the 2nd lord Moon. The Moon is in turn aspected
by the above three planets and Jupiter. The combination of the 1st and
5th lords in the Ascendant and 7th house can be noted
from the Ascendant
and Moon-sign respectively. Further, from Chandra Lagna, the 10th lord
Mercury, 9th lord Sun and the planet for music, Venus, are combined
in the 7th house, a Kendra.
Chart 8:
Male: Born March 15, 1930 at 18h
.30m (1ST) at 12 N 18, 76 E 37.

8 Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart
         The native (Chart 8) is a veteran Vainika (veena player) and a great Vaggeyakara with equal proficiency in vocal music also. He has retired as a professor from the Music Department of Mysore University and is greatly respected in music circles. Note the position of exalted Venus aspecting the Ascendant and the Moon. Venus is also the 2nd lord. Jupiter is in the 9th house aspecting the Ascendant, Moon and the 5th house. The powerful influence of Venus on all the three components or tripod of the horoscope, namely the Ascendant, Sun and Moon, explains his genius in music. The influence of Mars and Saturn on the Ascendant and 10th lord Mercury may be said to be responsible for his success in veena. Note Venus is not afflicted by Rahu, Ketu or Saturn.
Chart 9:
Male: Born September 21, 1942 at 21h
. 21m (1ST) at
L 6 N 34 80 E 40.

9 Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart
native (Chart 9) has retired as the Dean of the Music Department of a
University in South India. He is a flutist well known for his proficiency in
·the art. Note the presence of Venus in the 4th in Leo aspecting the
10th while the 10th lord Saturn occupies the Ascendant, a
Venusian sign. Jupiter occupies the 2nd house in a windy sign
aspecting 5th lord Mercury and the 10th house. The influence
of Venus made him a musician while that of Saturn and Jupiter made him a
flutist and a teacher of music.
Chart 10:
: Born April 13, 1963 at 20h.50m (1ST)
at 14 N 30, 78 E 50
10 Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart

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        The native (Chart 10) is a lecturer in mridangam in a Government music college in A.P. He is also a performing artiste with good concert experience. Note the presence of Venus in the 4th aspecting the 10th. There is an exchange of houses between Ascendant and 9th lords, Mars and Moon, both being aspected by the 5th lord Jupiter powerfully from the 5th. The 10th lord Sun is in the 6th exalted and with Mercury. The influence of the Moon and Venus on the Ascendant and the 10th made him a musician while those of Mercury and Saturn, Rahu and Ketu on the 10th and Ascendant lord made him a percussionist. The powerful position of Jupiter has given him teaching profession in his field of activity.

Chart 11. Female: Born
January 25, 1976 at 9h. 40m L 16 N 36, 82 E 03.
11 Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart
Chart 11 is of a native, an upcoming classical singer, with good repertoire and recognition. Note the powerful presence of Jupiter in the Ascendant as its lord and the position of
Venus in the 10th. The 5th is occupied by
Saturn and aspected by Ascendant lord Jupiter while the Moon occupies a Venusian sign.
Chart 12: Female:
Born January 22
, 1981 at 10h. 36m (1ST) at 18 N 07, 83 E 25.
12 Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart
native (Chart 12) is a playback singer in the cinema field. She has also undergone some training in classical music but later shifted to light music and film songs. The Ascendant and 10th lord Jupiter is in the 7th, a Kendra, with Saturn. Venus is in the 10th. The Moon is the 5th lord occupying Leo aspected by Mars, the 2nd and 9th lord. From the Moon-sign, the 2nd is occupied by Jupiter and Saturn, while the 5th is occupied by the 10th lord Venus. Note the powerful Guru Chandala Yoga in
the Navamsa which gets augmented as Jupiter is the 1st and 10th
lord resulting in the native deviating from the traditional path.
above illustrated horoscopes point out the importance of Venus in the lives of
poets and musicians and also underline other astrological conditions favorable
for the nurturing of artistic talents in these natives.

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Astrological case study of Horary Chart of Marriage analysis of one of friend

phobia Astrological case study of Horary Chart of Marriage analysis of one of friend

Just few hours ago I have got a message from my client and friend, (whose name or details I will not disclose) that he is afraid of responsibilities.

Let me reproduce his message here

“I am very reserved. I am not ready on a mental, emotional and physiological level to go out there and burn my tires. I feel v happy living at home and homely environment whereby I can rely upon my parents resources for my day to day state of affairs. Even the thought of bearing responsibilities constantly haunts me. Let me quote an example.

I hate the concept of getting married because it brings with it huge responsibilities

The problem is so grave that the even looking at kids gives me nightmares as they with them bring in huge expenditures and responsibilities.

I know such laid back being useless and dependent attitude would not work for v long and I wish to get out if this but I get very fearful getting out if my shell. Very fearful.”

It was his message that I have got on 26 April 2016, 10.49AM, at my place in New Delhi, India.

In this article we will go through his chart and this prashna chart to analyze the same and will try to find mental as well as physical and spiritual remedies for the same.

Horary Chart Analysis

RR Astrological case study of Horary Chart of Marriage analysis of one of friend

In prashna chart we can see Gemini rising with Mercury in 11th house along with Sun and Venus. Jupiter in 3rd house in Maran Karak Sthan (MKS) with Rahu showing his intelligence is not working and is overshadowed by illusion, wrong prescription. Moon is in 6th house debilitated with retrograde mars and Saturn showing inner turmoil. And afflicted mind with disturbed thinking. There is no planet in Kendra showing no support. None is in trine except Ketu who is in 9th house in philosophical sign Aquarius showing de-attachment. Day lord mars is in 6th house being afflicted by debilitated moon and retrograde Saturn showing his physical and mental prowess being weak and lack of support for the same. Hora lord Saturn in 6th house along with debilitated moon and Mars that is retrograde too so by all means it shows a problematic chart as well as things going bad but as ascendant lord is in 11th house there is still some hope. Navamsha is vargottama showing hope but 9th sign is raising that is aspected by Mars and Mercury in D9 showing the phenomena will be there till. As mars shows one day and mercury two months it will be 2×9 =18 months, 1×9=9 days. So the phenomena will be there till 18 months 9 days. For next 1.5 years the native will be feeling same and after that it will come to an end. As ascendant is only aspected by malefic conditions can be more worst as there is also no supporting factor (no one in trine) but chart is also equally strong showing there are chances for good too. This shows where intervention of an astrologer is of utmost importance. He can make him wither escapist or winner. As in navamsha chart there is Jupiter in 4th and Mercury in 7th house along with moon in 9th house it shows good indications and the person after guidance will come to normal path that will also be good for him.

Natal chart analysis

He also has Gemini ascendant. With mars in ascendant and in navamsha Saturn is in ascendant (prevalent Tamas Guna) now a day’s sattwik is the person who does more and expects less, Rajasik is the person who works and wants the same amount of money or any other thing in return and Tamsik is the person who works less and wants more. Comparing between ascendant and moon we can see his ascendant lord is more powerful as he is in 11th house with one more planet as compared to moon whose lord is alone in ascendant. In quadrant from moon there is none but in quadrant from ascendant there is mars in ascendant and sun in tenth house. Thus we will start vimshottari dasha from his ascendant star not from moon’s star.

In these types of cases we should check where the problem is, because as we all know no one can sit idle for whole of his lifetime every person have to do some work in order to earn their living, and dasha controls mind of a person. His environment. So, as dasha changes environment and thinking also changes with changing dasha. That’s why a good dasha is very important for rise in life.

Checking dasha

He is running under Saturn-Mars-Mars-Mercury-Saturn. PD, SD & PAD usually decides events whereas MD and AD is very vital in mind and environment makeup of an individual. As we can see Saturn is ruling MD who is debilitated in D9 ascendant showing Tamas Guna prevailing. In D9 it is lord of 10th and 11th house whereas in D1 it lords 8th and 9th house so from the point of D9 this dasha will also give him profession, and income (10th and 11th house) thus It shows his mind will either change or not there is no problem in that, but Saturn will make him go for profession and start earning. In D1 that same Saturn is also aspecting 10th house and 2nd house of profession and income respectively. As Saturn in Both D1 and D9 is intimately connected with 7th house or lord it will also give him marriage too. See in D1 Saturn is lord of 9th house of legal marriage in 8th house aspecting 7th lord Jupiter that is in 12th house also from planetary aspect he is aspecting UL, he is also lord of A7, in navamsha Saturn is in ascendant aspecting 7th house and 10th house (work of D9 – marriage) coming to D10 Saturn is ascendant and second house lord in 12th house with 10th lord Venus showing It will be uncomfortable for him but he will get job or start in profession in the same Saturn dasha too. Also in D10 Saturn is lord of D10 and as we have seen in D10 he is also aspecting 10th house from 3rd aspect it shows staring of career in his dasha that will last till 2022 October. coming to AD lord mars in ascendant chart he doesn’t aspect 10th house or 10th lord he is aspecting significator of profession Saturn and is lord of 6th house of job in D10 he is in 8th house with 7th lord moon aspecting 11th house of gains and fulfillment of desire as well as he is aspecting 2nd house of income showing easy money in his period but as he himself is in 8th house it shows discomfort and not so easy path. Mars in D9 is also in 8th house with 7th lord Venus and is in his own house. Showing luck is favoring but still he is afraid of these two areas (8th house shows fear).

 As we have seen Mars is giving him tamas Guna by being placed in ascendant in D1 but also making an exchange between ascendant and 11th lord giving him fulfillment of desire as well as easy money. But when Mars dasha will end in 2017 May. After that Rahu will come. Who in D1 is lord of 9th house depositor of A7 and aspecting 10th house as well as UL. In D9 he is lord of 11th house in 10th house. Aspecting 2nd house of money and 6th house of job in D9. In D10 he being lord of 2nd house is in 9th house of promotion aspecting ascendant of D10. Thus it shows before end of Rahu dasha that will be on March 2020, he will get married as well as he will be having job and working well with some promotions/increment in his job too.

Where the problem is?

top 10 unusual phobias vol 2 ideophobia Astrological case study of Horary Chart of Marriage analysis of one of friend

This chart is interesting why so because it has 2 planets at same degrees moon 5 degree Scorpio and Mercury 5 degree Aries. So here char karakas will change as per different schemes. Do in this chart we will apply 7 char karakas, 8 char karakas, mixed 7/8 char karakas and mixed 7/8 char karakas excluding Rahu and will try to see which AK shows the event more prominently. As we know AK shows soul and as jaimini says “Tanau Tanoh Dandaharah” means 6th and 6th from 6th is where Shiva gives punishment to the native. And as 6th and 8th houses shows weakness of native we will analyze 6, 8, 11 houses from all these AK to see where the problem lies. 

As per mixed 7/8 char karakas and 8 char karakas Rahu is AK whereas using 7/8 char karakas excluding Rahu and in 7 char Karakas system Venus will be AK.

Rahu is in 8th house with Saturn aspected by Mars and Jupiter thus it show better conditions, Saturn being MK here and the same sign aspected by Moon using Rashi drishti who is DK in the case shows his fear related to leaving home MK in 8th house of change, and DK in 6th house of celibacy.

Whereas Venus in 11th house with mercury who is DK as per 7 char Karakas scheme whereas as per mixed 7/8 char karaka scheme he is GK showing there is some weakness in native and his approach. By Rashi aspect the same is also aspected by Moon who is DK in 6th house celibacy his fear from marital ties.

From Rahu 6th house have mars showing some problem with usage of energy, misuse of energy. 8th lord in 3rd there from also show the same as misuse of energy and not putting it in right area. 11th there from is debilitated moon who is also DK showing his fear related to marriage and also the same experience coming to him as punishment of Shiva.

From Venus 6th lord is with Venus showing problem 8th house there from having debilitated moon showing the same fear from being married and wife and marital ties. As he is DK in 8th house of loss as well as transformation and shows the same experience as punishment of Shiva. Both lord of 11th house there from is in 10th house there from showing punishment is sure to come and it can’t be avoided.

Rahu in D9 is in 10th house good condition aspected by Graha aspect of Saturn and rashi aspect of Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Venus he is also over D6 showing manifestation of weakness of native and as it is in 10th house of D10 experience is inevitable.

Venus in D9 is in 8th house with Mars that is also 8th lord being aspected by Saturn, Ketu and Rahu.

Coming to his D60 chart there we can see Aquarius rising with Rahu in it aspected by Saturn. With Mercury and Jupiter and the Amsha falls under Soumya Amsha. The person is really decent and have good ideals and also is a student of commerce (mercury with Jupiter in ascendant) but he have Rahu in the sign aspected by Saturn as it is also sign of Rahu and Saturn tamas guns is prevalent. In D60 moon being lord of 6th house is in 8th house in MKS showing weakness of his mind from last birth and some curses over the native that if he tries can come out from it. Because Jupiter with Mercury is in ascendant showing blessings of Shri Vishnu and Sadashiva. As this D60 have malavya yoga cancelled by the presence of sun that shows if he start worshipping Lakshmi his curses from past life can go away and blessing of Sun, Jupiter and Mercury will also come to the native. D60 having both Lakshmi and Saraswati yoga shows that worshipping these deities will give a lot of relief to the native. His D60 also have so many raajyogas that can only fructify when person works for them. His moon in D10 that is in MKS is also afflicted by 4th aspect of Mars and 10th aspect of Saturn moon in 8th this much afflicted also shows some kind of phobia that he can be suffering from. As there is Saturn in 3rd from his AL in D60 it shows deep ingrained phobia/fear related to Saturn that shows work, profession, responsibilities. And thus we can see from his message that from the same thing he is afraid of (taking responsibility) but as Saturn is in Sagittarius and optimistic sign whose lord is in ascendant exchange between 1st and 11th house again. It shows once he starts doing work and being serious about his life by taking responsibilities in his hand he will gain and earn too much. As blessings of Sadashiva (Jupiter) and Shri Vishnu (Mercury) is over his ascendant that he is ignoring due to Rahu (Tamasic/demonical tendencies).

In the end

No matter how many Raajyogas are in your horoscope if you don’t take your responsibilities or if you don’t work on your own it will never fructify because it’s in your chart not in someone else’s chart. In any chart 3-6-10-11 these 4 houses out of 12 shows freewill meaning 33% freewill we all have. And using that we can decide either to cry on our fate or to struggle and win. There goes a saying “if you don’t go there how you would know what was there” after all in end our own efforts is what counts. When I was starting a new work and was afraid of at that time my maternal uncle said me “doesn’t matter what happens try once. Life is too short to regret in end for not doing something, after all it’s your own choice that in your last breath in this world what you would like to say yourself a coward or a winner. It is always better to try and fail rather than to never try at all. After all if you fail you can say that I’ve tried. And this makes difference between those who make things growing up of poverty and those who despite being born in rich families die in poverty because they spend what was gifted to them by fate and they were unable to make something out of it” as Bill gates say’s it – “if you born poor it’s not your mistake if you die poor it’s all your mistake”. And for this reason I suggest all my readers to never give up because we astrologers know how much a powerful 3rd 6th 10th and 11th house can give someone.

Om Tat Sat
Shubham Alock

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Astrological Case Study of John F. Kennedy Political success and death mystery via Chara Dasha

John F Kennedy Astrological Case Study of John F. Kennedy Political success and death mystery via Chara Dasha

In last article on char dasha series we have seen how char dasha of Irangnati Rangacharya Ji work fantastically on horoscopes, now as this have different calculations for male and female charts that have been told in the last article, in this one we will apply char dasha on a male chart and then will see timing of events as well as we will see Raajyogas from jaimini point of view. We will see Argala, we will see use of Arudh, and we will also try to find out results related with Karkamsha, here readers are informed earlier that Navamsha used is Krishna Mishra Navamsha that is also known as Nadi Navamsha, and Drekkana used is Pravrittiya-Traya Drekkana and Somnath Drekkana.

Krishna Mishra Navamsha/Nadi Navamsha – calculation is very simple, for fiery signs calculation will start zodiacally from Aries, for Watery signs anti-zodiacally from Cancer, for Airy signs Zodiacally from Libra and for earthly signs Anti-Zodiacally from Capricorn.

Pravrittiya-Traya Drekkana
– in this method of reckoning there will be 36 drekkana, for Aries it will be Aries, Taurus, Gemini for Taurus it will be Cancer, Leo, Virgo and so on, so in this method all 12 signs will repeat thrice in the counting making 12×3 = 36 Drekkana.

Somnath Drekkana – under this method counting will be zodiacally from Aries for Aries Lagna and Anti-Zodiacally from Pisces for Taurus Lagna. So for Aries ascendant it will be Aries, Taurus, Gemini for Taurus it will be Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and for Gemini it will be cancer, Leo, Virgo and for cancer it will be Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra.

Arudh – here what we will be using is when ascendant lord is in ascendant 10th house will be AL (Arudh Lagna), when ascendant lord is in 4th house then 4th house itself is AL, when ascendant lord is in 7th house then 10th house is the AL and when ascendant lord is in 10th house then 4th house is the AL. and in other houses count the distance from house to house lord and the same distance from the position of house lord will be the place where AL will fall. For example if ascendant lord be in 5th house then 9th house will be AL.

Argala – it is a vast concept but for now we will make it simple and it’s depth we will be exploring while analyzing chart, for now readers should keep in mind that 2nd 4th and 11th houses are Argala houses and 12th 10th and 3rd houses are there opposing houses respectively. This is primary Argala if there be more than 2 malefic in 3rd house then it makes territory Argala who have no opposition/obstruction. If there are benefic planets in 5th or 9th house or exalted malefic is there then it is secondary Argala, who can get obstructed by another sign. However here malefic doesn’t make Argala they just obstruct it. Argala are of so many qualities, there are 7 types of Argala that we will see interpretation, Irangnati Rangacharya Ji suggests us to apply Argala only on Yogda. That as per me is important when we are watching Raajyoga, but when we are watching support of planets then we will use Argala on Kevala, Yogda, Bhava and Karakas too.

Karkamsha – the sign occupied by AK in D9 is known as Karkamsha and the same sign in ascendant is known as Swamsha is what we will use as terminology, the position of AK in D1 we will refer as Karak Lagna.

Jaimini Raajyoga – in Jaimini there are some planets who after being fit on some criteria will become Yogda (yogda means the one who is capable of giving yoga that means results of union) this shows us Yogda can give good results when combined with another factors, be it house or another planet or another point. All the planets that fits the criteria given below are able to give Raajyoga their conjunction with another point, planet make them fructify their results.

1. The depositor of moon is called subhpati (the one who will do auspicious things for the native) if he is connected with moon as well as ascendant then he will be Yogda.

2. If a single planet make relationship ascendant in D1 and D9 or in D1 and D3 or in D9 and D3 he becomes Yogda.

3. If one single planet makes relationship with D1, D9, and D3 ascendant he is also yogda.

4. A planet that makes connection with HL (Hora Lagna) and ascendant is known as Dhan (wealth) yogda.

5. A planet that makes connection with GL (Ghatika Lagna) and ascendant is known as Raja (Power/Kingdom) yogda.

6. A planet that makes connection with all 3 of them that is ascendant HL and GL he becomes Maha (Super) yogda.

7. If that Dhan or Raja Yogda also makes connection with Moon or its depositor he becomes Kevala.

8. If that Maha Yogda also makes connection with moon or becomes its depositor it becomes Kevala Maha Yogda.

As Argala shows support/opposition Argala on these planets will also reveal so many clues about the native, which we will see in the example chart.

As an example chart we will take chart of 35th US president “John F. Kennedy” and will try to explain events of his life with Char Dasha of Irangnati Rangacharya. And Vimshottari Dasha.

John%2BF.%2BKennedy Astrological Case Study of John F. Kennedy Political success and death mystery via Chara Dasha

29th May 1917, 14:51 (Rectified by Sanjay Rath in his book “Vimshottari and Udu dasha) Brookline, MA, USA.

Let we first make Graha Chakra for the native that is under that Mercury signifies 1st and 10th house, Jupiter 2nd and 11th house, Sun 3rd house, Venus 4th house, Ketu 5th house, Saturn 6th and 12th house, Moon 7th house, Rahu 8th house and Mars 9th house.

General Chart Reading –
In his chart no planet is defeated in planetary war no one is in Mrityu Bhag and no one is combust. Mercury is AK and 5th house there from in D9 is vacant, take 5th lord that is with moon in 12th from Mercury aspected by Jupiter that makes yoga for writing a book but doesn’t make someone writer because it is not in 5th house. In D1 5th from Sagittarius (because in D9 AK mercury is in Sagittarius) is mercury with 5th lord Mars and 5th from Karak Lagna that is position of AK in D1 have moon. Thus he was author of a book.

He has Maha Yogda Mercury who is also his ascendant lord that shows power and effect of Raajyoga Is sure to come to the native. Connection between Jupiter and Venus makes Raajyoga that too in house of fortune that is 9th house. His father was a powerful rich entrepreneur who also has helped him a lot. They both are in Parijaatamsha that shows Raajyoga being powerful and able to fructify that Jupiter in 16 Vargas is in Kandukamsha and Venus in Bhedakamsha making it more powerful and strong. He also has Raajyoga from AK that signifies soul and is king of horoscope that shows power of his Raajyoga is sure to come to him. Also in his chart Rahu, Venus, Mercury, Sun becomes yogda, their use and role we will see in later part in dasha.

In his chart co-lord of 6th house that is Rahu is debilitated in 4th house and he is aspecting ascendant and ascendant lord is in 8th house with 8th lord. Moon is in 12th house where he is bad for longevity. In D9 8th and 12th lord is in Lagna, and 6th lord is in 6th house with moon this makes him struggling of disease all his life that he was even not able to be qualified to get an health insurance.

In his D1 chart 9th house have Sun that shows big degree, Jupiter that shows big institute and Venus that is also 9th lord and in His D24 his 9th lord is in his house in 2nd house from ascendant. And in his D24 4th lord is in 4th house being powerful. Jupiter is exalted who shows wisdom of a person that too in 5th house of wisdom. Thus he was a Harvard graduate.

In his D10 6th house has more planet as compared to 7th house showing he was into service (it was public service but still it was service) in His D10 chart 10th house is aspected by Debilitated Saturn, afflicted moon and Rahu shows his change in job 3 times in his life. His 10th lord of D1 chart in 8th house with 8th lord shows he was uncomfortable in his job and has changed it so many times. First he was in desk job then navy then politics; changes in job are more clearly shown in Dasha and Antardasha so we will see them there only. Natal chart will only show one main profession of Native that his charts shows well too like other charts. In his D1 chart 10th house have Ketu and 10th lord is in 8th house with Mars aspected by Saturn, in his KM-D9 10th house have Bhavottam Ketu that is aspected by sun and Saturn. 10th lord once again is in 8th house, 10th from His Saturn in D1 also have mars and mercury. In D9 his 10th house has sun, aspected by Saturn, Rahu, Jupiter, Mars and Moon, and 10th lord is in ascendant with Saturn In D10 It is again aspected by Rahu, Moon and Saturn. That shows Service; work in navy, work in army, Desk job and politics.

On his 21st birthday got trust fund of $1 Million – In his Tithi Pravesh chart of 1938, Day lord sun is in 7th house with 11th lord mercury; his 2nd lord is in 4th house. Hora lord is Mars who is in 8th house aspecting 2nd house and 11th house. With 7th and 12th lord Venus.

Char Dasha –
it was Capricorn dasha of 5th house showing monetary gifts. Lord Saturn is in 11th house in Cancer that in him is a Raajyoga and also these show gains of money, AD sign Leo is 12th house with moon, he is in 8th house speculation from Dasha sign. Lord of Leo sun is in 9th house of Luck.

Vimshottari Dasha –
as there are 3 planets in quadrant to moon as compared to 2 planets in quadrant to ascendant we will start vimshottari dasha from moon, It was Mars MD who is lord of 3rd house and 8th house of speculation in 8th house with HL shows money and ascendant lord that shows person himself. It was Jupiter AD that is lord of 4th house and 7th house of money that is in 9th house of luck, with 2rd lord of money and 9th lord of luck and 12th lord of sudden things in life. Saturn PD, Saturn is in 11th house of gains aspecting 5th house of speculation and ascendant that shows the native. And 8th house that once again shows speculation. Venus SD we already have seen the role of Venus.

Joined US Navy in 1941 – Char Dasha – It was Pisces Dasha of 7th house Pisces symbolizes 2 fishes that lives in water so he got something to do with water Navy! 10th house there from is Rahu in Sagittarius showing Government job with machines, Ships. Dasha sign lord is in 9th house of travels that he has to do due to his profession with Venus who is in his house Venus is Jala tattwa, and with sun showing government job. That is in 3rd house from Dasha sign showing he has to use his courage, valor, hands in the word indicated.

Vimshottari Dasha –
Mars dasha who is 3rd lord showing courage, valor, hard-work, Hands have to be worked out in 8th house of travels away from home with 10th lord Mercury showing profession, as he is in his house his effect is stronger and we can see he was in army signified by Mars. Co-Lord of 3rd house is Ketu that is in 10th house showing hard-work, courage, is needed in his profession also as it is in 10th house it is showing start of his profession.

Awarded Purple Heart in 1945 –
Char Dasha – Leo dasha, Leo is 12th house with moon in it showing fame it also lord GL that shows gain of power, Leo by itself is a sign signifying government and being 5th house of natural zodiac signifies Awards. His lord is in 9th house of luck with 4th and 7th lord Jupiter showing 7th coming in public and 4th heart (the name of award was heart) with Venus who is 2nd lord of money, honor and 9th lord of luck. Leo is aspected by AK and AmK who is in 9th house there from showing some important happening in the life of native that will improve his luck. Scorpio the AD sign is in 3rd house showing the award was given to him for his courage, bravery and work. Mars lord is in 8th house that is in 11th from 10th showing gains from work that in this case was in form of award he is with ascendant lord showing native and 10th lord showing work and another lord of Scorpio is in 10th house showing something related to his work happened, as AL is also in Scorpio it have shown elevation in his status and image in society in form of award.

Vimshottari Dasha – Rahu MD and Rahu AD, Rahu being co-lord of 6th house and upachaya shows growth that he had in his status and name 4th house, 6th house also signifies word and he was getting the award for his work. Rahu is also depositor of A9 luck and A10 work/profession. He is on A6 showing work and growth and A2 showing honor. In D10 the same Rahu is exalted in 6th house of work with Sun government and Mercury Depositor of Rahu in D10 is in D10 ascendant showing honor due to his profession/work.

Spinal Operation on 21st October 1954
– Char Dasha – Aries MD that is 8th house with Mars showing operation that also have Mercury the ascendant lord involving the native, Gemini AD is 10th house with Ketu in it that is same like mars and shows operations, Scorpio PD the sign is in 3rd house showing operations, as it shows hands it can also show others hands working on you. The sign is aspected by Mars (operation) Mercury (Native) Saturn being 6th lord shows disease. Sagittarius SD that is 4th house with Rahu showing disease as he is co-lord of 6th house and A6 also falls in Sagittarius. Libra PAD that is a marak house from ascendant, aspected by moon from 12th house of hospitals and also aspected by 12th lord Sun along with 2nd lord Venus, and 9th lord Venus too that shows with Jupiter that is another marak house lord of 7th house something related to health/death of the native is being done. Jupiter is also depositor of A6.

Vimshottari Dasha – Rahu MD that is co-lord of 6th house of disease and is over A6, Ketu that is co-lord of 3rd house that signifies longevity, and is in 10th house 8th from the sign under consideration. Rahu was also in PD and PAD whose role we have already seen. Venus SD Venus is 2nd lord marak house. Is in 2nd marak house from Ascendant lord and is with 12th lord Sun who will signify those who work in hospital because he is 12th lord of hospitals, he is also with Jupiter who is 7th lord another marak house, and is depositor of A6 and the deadly Rahu too.

Second Surgery in Feb 1955 – Char Dasha – Now change is in PD of Aries that we have already seen is 8th house of surgery and operations with 8th lord mars that also signifies surgical instruments. Along with ascendant lord mercury that shows the native.

Vimshottari dasha – change in Saturn PD happened at the time of this second surgery we can see that Saturn is lord of 6th house where his mool-trikona falls and is in 11th house. Aspecting ascendant the native himself, 5th house that shows health, because the natural significator of health Sun have natural lordship over 5th house and it also aspects 8th house of surgery where ascendant lord the native himself Mercury is placed in along with significator of surgery Mars.

Elected to the 80th Congress on 5th November 1946
– Char dasha – Leo MD was going on who is in 12th house with 11th lord Moon in it showing gains as it is a Royal sign it shows something to work with government, also it have GL that shows power in it. In GC (Graha Chakra) moon signifies 7th house of public and coming to public. Sign is aspected by AK and AmK that is in 9th from the sign showing coming in power and some important event happening. It is also aspected by HL showing gain of money too. Virgo AD sign is ascendant sign too that is aspected by Rahu and Ketu. Rahu shows politicians and politics. Lord of Virgo is AK that shows something important is to happen in life of the native. Leo PD whose effect we have already seen is once again being repeated. Taurus SD was going which is 9th house of luck with Sun and Venus that shows working with government or for government also Venus shows luxuries that are always related to politics. Being 9th house where 9th lord is also placed it shows luck as well as government. Aquarius PAD although the sign is in 6th house but it has A9 and A10 in it showing luck, work and government. The sign is aspected by AK showing something important have to happen AmK that shows profession and important person that he became in country and DK that shows public and public life.

Vimshottari dasha – Rahu MD that shows politicians and that is also in 4th house showing his way to parliament/white house. Jupiter AD that is depositor of Rahu and 4th lord and 7th lord of public and public life in 9th house of luck with 9th lord Venus, 9th house along with 10th also shows government because these 2 houses makes the most important Raajyoga, thus it shows his way to government. Saturn PD Saturn shows working with government that in 11th house also shows gains from the same, he is lord of 5th house that shows government and public life again. Also he is lord of 6th house showing service in this case to people of nation. See co-lord Rahu is in 4th house showing homeland. Mercury SD that is lord of ascendant signifying self and 10th house that shows profession/work/government. In 8th house with 8th lord mars who is also 3rd lord of power and authority. Ketu PAD who is co-lord of 3rd house in 10th house setting the stage.

Reelected on 2 November 1948 – Char Dasha – Leo MD whose impact we have already seen in the last event, AD was Cancer where Saturn is placed, mere placement of Saturn in cancer makes Raajyoga if it is also supported by other factors and lord of cancer moon being on GL makes the way to power, Scorpio PD the sign in itself have AL that shows image in the society, and this being aspected by AK, AmK and GK shows his image as public servant (the country is democratic) and also shows fructification of Raajyogas as AK and AmK both from the same sign aspects Scorpio. Libra SD, sign is aspected by Sun and Jupiter showing government and Venus that shows being 9th and sign lord luck to the native as well as government they are aspecting from 9th house. Gemini PAD the sign is in 10th house having co-lord of AL showing his status and image in society.

Vimshottari dasha – Rahu MD, PD and PAD his role we have already seen. Jupiter AD his role we have already seen. Mars SD Mars is AmK showing important person mars is lord of AL showing his image in 8th house with HL that shows wealth and mercury that shows native self.

I am not explaining things too much due to the fear of article being too large, but readers himself can check position of planets in GC (Graha Chakra and planets who became Yogda and their role in dasha antardasha)

Reelected on 7 November 1950 – Char Dasha – Leo MD, Libra AD, Scorpio PD, Libra SD, Pisces PAD. All things are almost same Pisces is something new, as we can see Pisces is the 7th house of public, Aspected by Rahu from Abhimukh sign showing politics and lords of Pisces is in 9th house of government with Sun the planet indicating government.

Vimshottari Dasha – Rahu MD, Saturn AD, Mars PD, Venus SD, Venus PAD. We have already seen role of these planets in events that made him elected in earlier times.

Reelected on 4 November 1958 –
Char dasha – Aries MD, sign having AK and AmK in it and being aspected by GK who signifies 6th house service of public, have come to play as HL is also there and BB is also there it have shown us that this was his life path, we will see use of BB in his death later as it is the 8th house, right now we can see that BB in 8th house with AK and AmK shows that it was destined for him to be a powerful person (President) the sign is also aspected by AL showing his image in the society, Libra AD, Pisces PD, Scorpio SD, Leo PAD. There effects we have already seen.

Vimshottari dasha
– Rahu MD, Sun AD, Saturn PD, Rahu SD, and Saturn PAD role of all these planets we have seen earlier too.

8 November 1960 elected president & inaugurated on 20 January 1961 – Char Dasha – Aries MD where AK and AmK is placed in along with BB and HL, also Mercury is Maha Yogda in the chart that is in Aries along with lord of Aries. It is aspected by Saturn who is GK and 6th lord signifying service being in a sign of Raajyoga in Cancer it have given him service of public. Sagittarius AD where Rahu is placed in who is co-lord of 6th house and also A6 is placed therein showing public service, Rahu signifies politician and in GC is significator of 8th house that shows political powers (Criminals), Rahu is also Yogda. Virgo PD the sign is in ascendant and thus becomes the most powerful and strong sign in the chart whose lord is AK as well as Maha Yogda and lord of 10th house showing government work and status. It is again in 8th house with 8th lord. Leo SD we have already seen Leo have GL signifying power in it and Moon that is lord of 11th showing fulfillment of desires, Lord is in 9th house of government and luck, with Jupiter government and Venus luxury and being lord of 9th shows luck, Capricorn PAD it is 5th house that also shows government, fame and is aspected by Moon who signifies 7th house of public on GC, Sun who signifies 6th house of service here 5th house shows public in GC, Jupiter which signifies 2nd and 11th house of wealth and fulfillment of desires in GC and Venus who is significator of 4th house in GC showing he did something for his homeland.

At time of inauguration PD was of Gemini that is in 10th house with co-lord of AL Ketu, Rise in power, name and fame in society. Aries SD and Capricorn PAD which we have already seen, the change was in Gemini PD that earlier was Sagittarius PD. This type of change in this small time frame can only happen in Char Dasha of Irangnati Rangacharya Ji. Not in other forms of char dasha because it is based on Padakram order.

Vimshottari Dasha – Rahu MD who is a political planet and in this chart being debilitated in quadrant to Lagna and being a malefic makes Raajyoga, He is also Yogda and being lord of 6th in 4th house shows service of homeland. Mars AD mars is lord of AL and 8th house and is in 8th house with ascendant lord Mercury who is also Maha Yogda and is also over HL aspecting GL being a yogda himself, in GC he signifies 9th house of luck and government. Rahu was also in PD, Mercury being lord of ascendant and 10th house of work, government, and public life and being Maha Yogda from 3 rules. Being situated with lord of AL showing status in elevation shows his role in the event being SD lord, Saturn PAD, he is lord of 6th house service and 5th house name, fame, lineage, government, and is in 11th house showing fulfillment of desires and his presence in cancer makes him eligible to make Raajyoga. He is also over SL Shree Lagna showing Shree – Lakshmi coming to him as power, Rajya Lakshmi.

At the time of inauguration Jupiter PD, Jupiter being lord of 4th house showing homeland and depositor of Rahu that shows politics, is also lord of 7th house showing opposition, public, public life. He is in 9th house of government with 9th lords and sun that shows government. Rahu SD we have already seen the role of Rahu, Sun was in PAD sun being lord of Hora Lagna and is placed in 9th house of government with Jupiter showing power in hands of the native, and with Venus who is 9th lord government as well as second lord showing money and finances as well as Venus is also depositor of A4.

On 15 May 1957 won Pulitzer Prize for his book “Why England Slept” – Char Dasha – It was Aries MD that is in 5th from AK in KM-D9. Having GL showing gain of power due to 5th house activities writing of book, Leo AD that is 9th from AK in KM-D9 being 5th from 5th it shows literary thing as well as winning prize as 9th and 5th both houses signifies honor, Pisces PD that is 4th from AK in KM-D9 and 10th from KM-D9 ascendant with Ketu in it along with AL that shows prize for his work that was related to education/mind/thinking 4th and 10th house. Capricorn SD we know 2nd house also have to be taken for education in this context this will also mean book with Jupiter there in 2nd from AK in KM-D9 shows awards, Honor. Leo PAD Leo is 9th from Karkamsha (Position of AK in KM-D9) showing honor, as well as writing skills 5th from 5th.

Vimshottari Dasha –
Rahu is in 4th house in Sagittarius showing things related to education, writing book, as it is 4th house it shows honors. It was Venus AD that is 2nd lord of education in 9th house of higher education and with Jupiter significator of writer of books and is in 9th house showing luck and getting awards for his work, Saturn PD Saturn is 5th lord aspecting 5th house, Ketu SD Ketu is co-lord of AL showing image of a person that was boosted due to award. Venus PAD whose role we have already seen.

All the houses that Parashara said for formation of Raajyoga also gives name, fame, awards, honor, and shows government, because Raajyoga means a combination that a king can have thus all houses involved in Raajyoga gives one or other qualities of kings.

Married “Jacqueline Bouvier” on 12 September 1953 – Char Dasha – Aries MD where lord of UL is placed in, Taurus AD where DK Jupiter is placed in, Aquarius PD, it is aspected by A7 and its lord is on A7 and co-lord is in 2nd to UL, in D9 it is 9th house showing Dharma Vivah. Libra SD that is aspected by DK and in D9 is 5th house of Purvapunya but the main things is it is trine to D9 ascendant showing his role in fructification of things related to D9. Pisces PAD, it is the 7th house in D1 and in D9 in this sign Ketu is placed in that can give marriage. Jaimini says the sign in which Ketu is placed in is a very benefic and that sign can raise events like marriage, joining a new job, promotion etc.

Vimshottari dasha – Now I am using normal navamsha not Krishna Mishra Navamsha because we are timing marriage using parashara principles. Rahu MD Rahu is co-lord of 7th house in D9 that is in mool-trikona house in 2nd house of family and in D1 is in 2nd from UL. Mercury AD, mercury is in trine to D9 ascendant and in D1 he is with lord of UL in 8th house of sexual life. Jupiter PD Jupiter is DK as well as he is 7th lord in D1 aspecting D1 ascendant and in D9 he is lord of 8th house in 6th house aspecting co-lord of 7th house, Venus SD Venus is significator for marriage thus he played his work in D1 he is lord of 2nd house Family, 9th house legal marriage and is in 9th house with DK and Sun who is lord of 12th house bed pleasures, in D9 he is in ascendant with 7th lord of D9. Mars PAD he is lord of UL in 8th house of sexual life with ascendant lord mercury, who is aspecting 2nd house of family 11th house the last house in 7th trine and UL from Graha aspect. In D9 he is lord of 9th house Dharma Vivah in 4th house aspecting 7th house of D9 and also aspecting 10th house of D9 showing he will be doing karma of D9 and 11th house of D9 again last house in 7th trine.

Daughter “Caroline” born on 27 November 1957
– Char Dasha – Aries MD that have lord of UL in it, UL as it signifies marriage also signifies children for this reason Jaimini in chapter 1 Pada 4 have also used UL to predict for children, it is also aspected by Saturn 5th lord. Virgo AD that is ascendant sign showing the native himself Virgo is aspected by Ketu who in GC signifies 5th house. Sagittarius PD is where Rahu is placed in and this sign once again is aspected by Ketu who signifies 5th house in GC. Cancer SD is the sign where 5th lord Saturn is placed in, Scorpio PAD is the sign where UL itself is aspected by 5th lord Saturn.

Vimshottari dasha – D7 ascendant is Leo thus counting will be zodiacal 5th house is vacant, also isn’t aspected by any planet using Graha aspect or Rashi aspect. His lord Jupiter is in female sign Scorpio in female house 4th showing birth of daughter. Rahu MD that in D7 aspect 7th lord and in D1 aspecting 5th house using his 2nd aspect. Venus AD Venus in D7 aspects 5th lord as well as natural significator of progeny Jupiter and in D1 is with PK; Mercury PD Mercury is in 8th house with lord of UL showing child birth in D7 he is aspecting ascendant as well as ascendant lord using Rashi aspect. Moon SD moon is depositor of 5th lord Saturn and in D7 and in D7 aspects D7 ascendant and 5th lord of D7 by Rashi aspect. Mercury PAD whose role we have already seen.

Son “John” born on 25 November 1960
– Char Dasha – Aries MD in the sign lord of UL Mars is placed in along with ascendant lord Mercury and aspected by Moon that signifies 7th house (second child) in GC. Sagittarius AD, where Rahu is placed in and whose lord is in 9th house with PK, Virgo PD sign which is aspected by 5th house significator in GC i.e. Ketu. Also Sagittarius is aspected by 7th house showing second child. Gemini SD where Ketu is placed in see remarks for Ketu that Jaimini have given that the sign where Ketu sits in dasha of that sign auspicious events will take place. Taurus PAD where 7th lord of second child as well as PK sun is situated.

Vimshottari dasha – Rahu MD Rahu is co-lord of 7th house second child in D7 showing second child birth also he is aspecting ascendant of D7 showing child birth last child was also in Rahu MD. Mars AD who is aspecting Co-lord of 7th house in D7, Rahu PD we have already seen the effect of Rahu. Moon SD moon is significator of 7th house in GC, Moon was also in PAD.

Son “Patrick” on 8 August 1963 – Lived only for 39 Hours – in D7 9th house 3rd progeny have Rahu in it and 9th lord Mars is in 3rd house Karko Bhava Nasay with Mercury that is 2nd Marak lord in D7 and is with Ketu another Node showing bad health of Children also it is because 2nd lord from 9th house Venus is in 9th house afflicted by Rahu.

Char Dasha – Aries MD where lord of UL is placed in, Pisces AD whose lord is in 9th house of 3rd child with BK, Cancer PD that have 5th lord Saturn, Taurus SD that is 9th house 3rd children with 9th lord Venus. Leo PAD where moon is placed in 12th house a bad house for moon that made him Balarishta Moon, being in 2nd marak from 5th house lord and in D7 being in 2nd marak from 5th house and bad 6th house from D7 ascendant Moon is Leo was the harbinger of event.

Vimshottari dasha – Jupiter MD that is in 9th house in D1 and 5th lord in D7, Jupiter AD, Rahu PD and SD, Rahu is in 9th house showing 3rd child in D7 and Venus PAD Venus being lord of 2nd house marak from 9th house 3rd children is in 9th house hemmed by malefic Rahu whom if we take as Saturn have to be debilitated made the bad factor that lead to demise of 3rd progeny after 39 hours.

Shot Dead on 22 November 1963 – 3rd from AL is to be seen for death conditions, 3rd from AL is vacant but it is a Malefic sign (Sign lorded by Malefic Saturn) showing bad death. The 3rd from AL have A8 in it that shows lethal death. It is aspected by Moon, Sun, Venus, Jupiter Venus is 2nd and 9th lord 2nd is a marak house while 9th shows related with past life, bad death are only due to bad karmas of past/present life as Indian philosophy believes in. Jupiter that is lord of 7th house Marak and depositor of Rahu that shows bad deaths, Sun who is 12th lord 3rd marak, and moon who is 11th lord 6th from 6th showing significations of 6th house death due to being hurt (by bullet) 3rd lord from AL is also in 11th house from ascendant confirming the same, 8th house from ascendant is Mars with Mercury, aspected by Rahu from 4th house showing shot by bullet. It is more so because it is happening in Aries fiery male sign, with Mars heat in it triggered by Rahu that shows smoke as well as explosive, Aries is a fiery sign showing fire and mars being significator of 3rd house shows hands of someone else (used to pull trigger) also Mercury is therein showing the intellect of the person was not working or shadowed by Rahu. In traditional D3 again in 8th house there is Mars fire in a fiery sign Sagittarius, along with mercury that being natural lord of 6th house shows hurt, being hurt be someone else we can see that Mercury is natural lord of 3rd and 6th houses and Mars is significator of these houses and they are bitter enemies that being in same house became very inimical towards each other using fivefold relationship of planets. Showing his enemy made this, and this mars and mercury combination as they both are inimical to each other shows use of hands 3rd house and hurt 6th house for bad purpose 8th house as it is evident in both D1 as well as D3. Mars is also Brahma, Rudra and Maheshwar at the same time.

Char Dasha
– Aries MD that is 8th house having Mars that is all 3 (Brahma, Rudra, Maheshwar) Pisces AD that is 7th marak house, Gemini PD where co-lord of 3rd house Ketu is situated in debility that being Moksha karak can also show death as emancipation is only available after death. Aries SD we have already seen its role as MD too, Virgo PAD Virgo is the first house that shows everything out native and his body, his birth his health and also death because it is the native himself. It is worse due to its lord being placed in 8th house with Mars and aspected by Moon that signifies 7th marak house in GC.

Vimshottari dasha – Jupiter MD that is lord of 7th house and depositor of Rahu that have a great say in the mode of death also Rahu is in marak house from AL. showing death of image that is mortal body, he is in 9th house with 12th lord Sun 3rd marak and 2nd lord Venus 1st marak, he is also DK that in jaimini signifies death, and is significator of 11th house in GC that shows bondage of soul and its being free too. AD, PD, SD and PAD were all of Saturn! Saturn is lord of 5th house where A8 death is thus he is depositor of A8. He is 3rd lord from AL showing mode/place of death he is 6th lord, Remember what parashara says that if 6th house or its lord is weak or afflicted it can also cause death, here he is afflicted by aspect of Mars and weak by being in enemy sign. Thus he can cause death. He is over A7 root of 7th house marak house. There is one saying that if under the contenders for marak planets there be Saturn then making everyone obsolete Saturn will be the one planet who will give death to the native as it happened in this case. Role of Saturn is evident and as it was intentional death due to being hurt by someone else role of 6th house is very high and both lord of 6th house have had a great say in his death timing.

Conclusion – I am not going to find his longevity as there is no formula that can be used infallibly for this purpose. However if we see at longevity we will find

Ascendant lord + 8L = long life

Ascendant lord + 8L (Vriddha Karika 8th house) = Long life

Lagna + Hora Lagna = Short life

Saturn + Moon = Medium Life

Here we can see nothing worked infallibly but if we ignore Vriddha Karika 8th house method then we will get Long Life, Short life and middle life and thus by logic we can say middle life that was true in his case but it is advised for students to not to chart in this area of longevity as it can make their life miserable.

In the end –
From this chart some inferences can be made we know life is not always in a motion it is up sometimes, sometimes down. It doesn’t moves in a direct order and for this those Dasha’s which are based on Padakram order works best. It is called Movement of Narayan because it is never direct sometimes it is direct sometimes reverse sometimes jumping to 6/8 sometimes to 5/9. And for this special reason those Falit (predictive dasha that are based on movement of Narayan works best – Char Dasha of Irangnati Rangacharya Ji or Narayan Dasha) but an astrologer should also check his own chart to see which dasha will suit and work best for him. And then use them, we know longevity runs in a normal manner infancy then childhood the adult then young then old life goes in a normal shade thus longevity dasha that runs through houses one by one are more better to show longevity but what about those who dies a sudden death like the native being discussed here, in this manner readers should think and research. Also sometimes life do move in a normal progressive manner like education then profession then marriage then children so in that cased those dasha that runs normally like char dasha of K.N.Rao can work best however it is my own opinion and any opinion should never be accepted without proper research and application, there have been so many astrologers and they have given us so many techniques but not every technique works for everyone why this is so it is not because technique is wrong no! If it is so, then how this worked for that astrologer who invented it. The problem is we never know how someone reads a chart. Which all techniques they use, how their mind works there are so many types of minds rational, logical, intuitive, so in end we all know mind can’t be imitated so for this research our own research in astrology is very important after all a shoe doesn’t fits in everyone’s.

Om Tat Sat
Shubham Alock

pin Astrological Case Study of John F. Kennedy Political success and death mystery via Chara Dasha

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What are true qualities of Astrologer: Thumb Rules for Astrologers, Are you really fall in category of serious and truthful Astrologers or not ?? Moral Ethics of a true astrologer

HYM04SANTHASAYS 1981263g What are true qualities of Astrologer: Thumb Rules for Astrologers, Are you really fall in category of serious and truthful Astrologers or not ?? Moral Ethics of a true astrologer
Image Source – Satheesh
Whether you are doing free consultancy or paid consultancy keep in mind below mentioned tip of the icebergs:

1) Why Indian astrological system is called divine its simply because of its revealing abilities of karmic sufferings known through chart shows Mapping of births and Karama, either you are going through currently or you had been in past.The purpose of Astrology is for understanding Karmas and their root reasons of sufferings. That’s it! Nothing new can work or no one can change it. Karma works based on debits and credits system of every birth.

2) Planets are what ? they are simply Representatives of Kaal Chakra System of the divine plan. they are itself following the protocols of the divine system to keep monitoring Karmas of every one of us. Neither they are allowed to change it or amend it by own rules. they have been allotted roles and responsibilities. they are working relatively according to your karmic Loads and energies you send in-universe plane.Every single Planet simply represents Image of your karma either it was done in past, in present or involves in your future karma. Every moment shown in the celestial sphere is parallelly working based on a divine plane relative to your Karam’s in Mortal world. This is mortal world and everyone here is either to suffer or realize actions of pasts. that’s it. If you had done good karmas you will enjoy your sanchit by taking birth in good families else you have to realize those guilt’s, sins, debts, and prarabhdas by material sufferings.None of such Material remedies will work, Don’t fool innocent people already been in suffering rather try to show them the path of truth and divinity. That’s the only purpose of Jyotish – Correcting current mistakes, Understanding past root sufferings and moving toward eternal truth.

3) When you are trying to look people charts you are simply opening the Karmic loads of others. either it has to be paid by you or paid by the seeker himself. the choice is yours – whether you want to play with those karmas or you himself want to suffer via those. Don’t try to do an intervention in Karmas of others by befooling them via Gems, Rudraksha’s, Lal Kitab totkas and by Highly chargeable amounts in returns of fixing karmas of others.This is a total gibberish act of fooling others. The question is can you really change the system of the divine by fixing karma’s of others ?? are you allotted this role or duty by divinity himself ???. This simply shows you are an intervening system of the divine by befooling them or taking loads of Karmas of others. This isn’t the purpose of Jyotish system – Its Meant for Understanding root reason of Sufferings and realizing same and moving ahead of others toward Divinity and Path of Truth and Bhakti. The soul can only free from its karmic burdens by Almighty only via his own karma that is going to do in current life, the astrologer has no such role in it. It’s the almighty Brahman or Omnipresent God who only can neutralize your Karmic loads of pasts by your own efforts or Bhakti and Tapa.Rest of acts are foolishness.

4) Karma’s are a daily part of the routine and when you open charts of seekers you are actually opening daily karmic burdens of Life of seekers overburdened by the Karmic loads of past, present, and future. It’s better you himself knew how to neutralize those karmic burdens. Be a Pathfinder or Path shower like a teacher or Spiritual guru. The duty of a teacher is to find out mistakes of current doing, Wrong karmas of past, telling them what’s your do’s and don’t do’s that you have to follow and ultimately show them a path toward the path of divinity and truth. Rahu is Maya (Things which are beyond understanding, means those are hidden under spiritual world) and the truth is Jupiter (What is true from eternity and what is being true to your duties) – first understand it. Jyotish is not material knowledge it is based on the Eternal truth of life, understand them these stuffs to seekers. Now truth is what – its purely a divine intervention who is managing the whole Kaal chakaras system. truth is Bhakti, Spirituality and taking Naam and Bhajnam to release your soul and body from Material sufferings. Motive of true jyotish is to showing path of truth and way to release a soul from material sufferings via Meditation, yogas, Spiritual practices, Motivational and inspirational words, realizing guilt’s and mistakes and moving toward Ishata Devta who only can neutralize your material sufferings.

5) Be a teacher rather than a Predictor and Pharmacist. Doctor role is guide and tell you what is truth. Doctor never hides falseness. it helps to deal with truth of diseases and how to overcome them via little change in your life style. So try to change lifestyle of seekers by suggestions and advises like a true mentor. Pharmacist only know how to give medicine for particular diseases but he don’t know why he is giving medicine for such proper diseases. He is beyond in understanding root reasons of sufferings via diseases. So try to become like Real doctor rather than a money minded chemist and pharmacist. Try to invoke Guru(Jupiter) and Intuition(Ketu) Tatva in your trikonas bhavas than you can able to lift burdens of others else you have to suffer on account of seekers karmic loads and burdens. Law of Karmas simply says any one has to pay back either the seeker has to pay own debits and sins of past or the one who is intervening( Astrologer) has to pay back those karmic loads of seekers. the choice is your what you want to become? A Guru or Sufferer. This is the only reason why most of the astrologers are overburdened by the Karmic sufferings of others without any reason.Because of the absence of Guru Tattva in their chart. My Simple suggestion is don’t try to mess with Karma systems of kaal chakaras. those are sufferings simply because of own prarabhda of past not by something done well in past. why you are intervening others Karmas. If you want to help first be a Guru, a true doctor than open loads of others.This applies to people who are freely seeing charts in Facebook and other such social medias.

6) Never suggests useless totaks or remedies which have no connection with spiritual realities. Shortcuts never work one has to work by own.One has to do his karma by own neither the pundit can do your karma neither any astrologer can neutralize your karma by doing remedies which have no divine connection. The whole divine system is working under the protocols of Almighty, a materialistic pundit can never change it via own will and wish. Best suggestion is Simply to ask Seekers to start worshiping, or bhakti of Ishta devtas by reciting mantras of ishta or Bhajnam or naaam or keertan etc, There are many ways which only a learned spiritual Guru can tell you. Rest of the remedies are told by materialistic astrologers are simply to be-fool seekers. Understand first how can simple totkas neutralize karmas ??. One has to pay back own karama no one can do your share. This is a divine system working based on Karmic energies of every birth. Planets are simply part of this Kaal chakara system.

With Thanks and Regards,
Rakesh Jamwal
pin What are true qualities of Astrologer: Thumb Rules for Astrologers, Are you really fall in category of serious and truthful Astrologers or not ?? Moral Ethics of a true astrologer

Views: 21

Yogas in Natal Chart: How we can check results of strength, debilitation, exaltation and fruitfication of Raaj yogas and neech Bhanga yoga in Natal & D9 chart

vimanas11 45 Yogas in Natal Chart: How we can check results of strength, debilitation, exaltation and fruitfication of Raaj yogas and neech Bhanga yoga in Natal & D9 chart


Strength of alone Yog Karka and Raaj yogas planets in d1 chart never justify its results.we have to see many factor i.e strength from Lagana and Moon and rest of Divisional charts but most important is its Yoga bhanga strength factor that only could be seen from D9 chart.

Raaj Yogas fruitfication depends on two conditions – firstly Navamsa Strength of that Yoga-karka planet and the factor of Yoga Bhanga in Both D1 and D9. If someone has exalted Saturn placed in lagana in  D1 chart and same if it is weakly placed and debilitated in D9 it is preciously causing  a Yoga Bhanga for Saturn.According to this rules Saturn would be considered as weak and we can not see its results according to its exalted state and good placement in d1 as the life source it is getting in d9 is not enough to breathe for longer periods and it is not able give its Exalted Results fully.

Firstly, Saturn is placed in 1st house considered as Maran-karka Sthan (Weakly placed 1st House – Lost the Sthan Bala – Unable to fruitfy due to weak by placement), though whole strength will be fully dependent on the Dispositer lord strength (Venus the house owner) in D1 and D9. If Same house owner is weakly placed in trik bhavas or afflicted with nodes we can say owner is itself suffering due to external factors and environmental based conditional  situations- So how could he help Saturn. Its like a situation of how could i help if i am already stuck in prison due to my sins and debits. Nodes afflictions are simply representation of Karmic impressions of past birth connected with current birth sufferings and realizations.

Secondly, here in this condition Saturn is suffering through Yoga Bhanga factor (Cancellation of Yoga) in D9. It simply means may be native get lots of opportunities to grow or rise by his some of Good karmic blessing in current birth. But if environmental factors are not supporting, native can lose everything if he isn’t able to sustain or support those conditions created by external factors or by those people. Those situations are given to him might be act as blessings or a curse totally depend on his past Karamas. Debilitation creates hurdles, obstacles and uneasy environment might be a lesson for native and exaltation are result of easy going situations and fruits as a result of good sanchit karmas as acquired by support of external factors and people. Here any Negligence of native can be major factor for fall in his life.vice a versa situation of exaltation and debilitation creates situational factors for fall.

For e.g if One has an exalted 7th lord in d1 and but at the same time it is debilitated placed in D9 with debilitation of Venus too.If there is malefic influence of Sun, Mars and Rahu on that 7th lord too in d9 than what could be possibility of marriage or relationship longevity strength  ?

Answer is ; Because of Exalted 7th lord and Good Strength in D1 native may have a good and long lasting Loyal relationship of 7 year duration but it can suffer or break at any moment after marriage due to native own mistakes or ego clashes or constant bickering between couples.

Here external Environmental factors are playing major role and they can create whole goody things into a mess and native can face separation but results would be depends on the strength of the 2nd lord from UL (Up-pada Lord).

Lets Take an another example;

Lets says in simpler words an old men can Get kingdom (D1 Exaltation –Blessing from ancestors) as a blessing from his ancestor to run it but due to native old age factor (Debilitation in D9 act as a Weakness or inability factor) he is unable to enjoy the fruits of kingdom fully, still he will be the king of his kingdom and can lose its kingdom at any time. Here external factors are his age and at what time he is getting ruler-ship and percentage of support from his own people.

D9 is like an extra life support or an extra oxygen cylinder to breathe as blessings from past actions by the divine. D9 is your fruits or dharama karmas you had acquired in past. Whenever any planet is weakly placed or Debilitated in D1, & if same planet get strength from other beneficial planets or get Neech-Bhanga yoga in D9 from dispositer lord, planets can live for much more longer periods or can give some positive results even the planet has lost his own strength but help from others can work as wonder.

Its simply because of the extra oxygen support in D9 from other planets to breathe or survive  for more days and time duration.

If Moon is giving extra life support it means mother role will be a major role play here for sustaining the native needs and requirements, if sun, than Father or bosses could be supportive, if mars, than help form brothers act like miracles.

So, you can apply this principal for others factors too for checking influencing factors for other relational karkas.

Same way if any planet is exalted in D1 but debilitated in D9 result can be reverse if the environmental factors won’t support them.

Debilitation simply means one has to put more effort in order to achieve or get success in any venture or have to fight more from the environmental factors.

Exaltation means with little effort one can get everything.

king can Lost his well blessed Kingdom(D1) due to his own Mistake if he do blind trust on his kith and kins. Here Blind trusts in Kith and Kins are Environmental factors and weakness is Blind trust (D9 plays major role in weakness and Strength factor) and either they can support or either they can destroy him.

pin Yogas in Natal Chart: How we can check results of strength, debilitation, exaltation and fruitfication of Raaj yogas and neech Bhanga yoga in Natal & D9 chart

Views: 10

Moral ethics of Astrologer: Who is true Jyotish ? Qualities, Moral ethics and Spiritual nature of astrologer, Long pending query keep enquiring my state of mind and an observation since i have started my journey in Jamini and Rest of other Jyotish systems 15 years back.

1909871 10206271317810820 2637021037182252168 n Moral ethics of Astrologer: Who is true Jyotish ? Qualities, Moral ethics and Spiritual nature of astrologer, Long pending query keep enquiring my state of mind and an observation since i have started my journey in Jamini and Rest of other Jyotish systems 15 years back.
Who is true Jyotish ? Long pending query keep enquiring my state of mind and an observation since i have started my journey in Jamini and Rest of other Jyotish systems 15 years back.

I Personally believe real motive of Jyotish (astrology) is to share divine wisdom, spread a light of guidance and shower a positive ray of spiritual hope when a native is in middle of path, when he don’t know where to go and what to do or what to choose in a state of dilemma of life.Irony of Modern Day Astrological system is now a days it is becoming more of kind a Materialistic science rather than a Science of divine light.The cause of Jyotish is to Show true path of karama one can able to bring in his life. Absolute path of jyotish is truth thats why Its karka is Guru and ketu. Its more of kind a Karmic science rather than a Consulting science and real purpose lies in understanding Karmic sufferings, lessons and true goals of of Soul(atma) that’ why Seers given AK as the highest Spiritually enlightened planet to show the path of truth-fullness via own learning, mistakes and Sufferings. Body is bound with Atma without purity of Atama body always remain in sins, diseases and debits.

Our Ancient Sages made this divine science to help and understand the karma and fruits and hardships connected with the process of life cycle.Simply to see root cause behind every action behind karmic backlogs. It is nothing more than a karmic Science but essence is purely based on divine vibrations to get better understanding on life situations, not purely materially but to have complete understanding on deep reasons behind its spiritual cause. In My opinion a “Jyotish (Astrologer)” must be well enlightened in Spiritual beliefs systems to guide native into true path of Spirituality and harmonize its material understanding so that one can able to provide itself a complete balance in its life.

He should have good understanding on both the life prospects. He should know what is good for the native overall grooming.

Its Ultimately an ability of a divine Astrologer who can really help or inspire you to step ahead in life via his divine blessings given as an Almighty gift to him.Astrologer is not a magician, neither he can change anything via his deep understanding on planetary, neither he can bring any magic in your life, Only thing he could able to do is to guide you in right path of Spirituality with perfect harmony in life with right guidance, precautions and Karama understandings.

Only he can do so is to inspire you or able to set or channelize all your energy in right karmic path to get success in both life( Spiritual as well material ).

Keep Remember its the God who is dispenser of all the fruits to the one who deserves based on his karmas.We are nothing we are just a channel to inspire people.

pin Moral ethics of Astrologer: Who is true Jyotish ? Qualities, Moral ethics and Spiritual nature of astrologer, Long pending query keep enquiring my state of mind and an observation since i have started my journey in Jamini and Rest of other Jyotish systems 15 years back.

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How to know a yoga is Benefic or Malefic.


yogas3 How to know a yoga is Benefic or Malefic.

How to know if a yoga is potent enough to take you to heights or just another planetary combination.
There are two types of astrologers now a days one who believe that yoga’s like Raajyoga don’t work and another who believe that they still work but now their meanings have been changes as per the Country, Time, and Person rule of Vedic Astrology. I am under the latter people who believe that Raajyoga do work we only need to judge them right. Our ancient seers were geniuses and there is no doubt in it and they also have seen so many things at that timer that were yet to be discovered and as we know their intelligence in still unbeatable so I can clearly say that where they say it’s a Raajyoga then also they are not making a mistake they are just referring to a yoga which is very much potent to bestow the native, good position, wealth and status as kings had in their times, in astrology we have to dive down into meanings of words and as per watching this we will find that in earlier times who were a king, a king was someone, who have control over a army, have all type of happiness if we see that in today’s concept,  we can say that a person having Raajyoga can be entrepreneur (he will have so many person working under him) he can have lot of money and enjoyments in life so Raajyoga is something that is essential in a chart and as per I have seen at-least one Raajyoga is present in every tom dick and harry chart. As our sages said and I believe that if Raajyoga is this much auspicious and good then sure it have to be result of good deeds done in past lives, so have everyone did good deeds in past lives, yes everyone do something good but is that thing that much good that he can make a potent Raajyoga, we can see Raajyoga in almost every chart but we don’t see Raajyoga working everywhere why.
pt ramyatna ojha How to know a yoga is Benefic or Malefic.

Remember that this method should only be used in Raajyoga not in Dhanyoga because as we know in dhan yoga 11th house become an auspicious house but in Raajyoga assessment 11th is considered a malefic house, but in the same way as modification we can use the same chart, like while judging Dhanyoga we can take 11th house as benefic, and so on we can made improvements in this chart,

While reading “Falit Vikas” By “Pandit Ramyatna Ojha´ I found this method and fell in love with this once again I found this in “Triphala (Jyotish) of “Pandit Gopesh Kumar Ojha” under the book “Sushlokshatak” this method was also used, in astrological treatises there are a lot of Raajyoga mentioned but which one can change the life of the native and which will be normal one (this can also be used with normal good yogas too) so many eminent Sanskrit scholars have given so many methods on how to assess result of any Raajyoga based on principles of parashara (basic astrology) but this method that was given by pandit ramyatna ojha was well supported by pandit vetal shastri too and they two are most eminent scholars of astrology so let me introduce you to the method
These are the points given to houses, remember them for usage,
1st house +1 point, 4th house +2 points, 7th house +3 points, 10th house +4 points, 5th house +2 points and 9th house +4 points,
3rd house -1 point, 6th house -2 point, 11th house -3 point, 8th house -6 point, and 2nd and 12th house -0 points,
These calculation are completely in tune with basic parashari principles as propounded by sage parashara in his BPHS (Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra) and also as elaborated in Uddadayapradeep AKA laghuparashari. Thus clearly states that
  1. Ascendant lord is always auspicious
  2. If the ascendant lord be 8th house lord then also he will be auspicious
2nd AND 12th LORD:
These 2 lords are neither auspicious nor inauspicious, the place where their 2nd rashi is placed will decide whether they will be benefic or malefic, also their results will get modified by those planets with whom they are in conjunction, basically they are neutral, and they both will also be “Marak” there is no doubt in this statement,
Trine lord are always benefic (5th and 9th lord)
But if the trine lords are 8th lord too then they will become flawed having some flaws (some maleficence will be inside the planet)
But if the trine lord is 8th lord too and situated in 5th house then he will not be malefic.
If the trine lord be 12th lord then it will remain benefic
If the trine lord be 2nd lord then he will become “Marak” but still the power to give luck will be in the planet.
If the trine lord also become lord of a quadrant house then he will become most benefic “Raajyogkarak”
If the trine lord also be 6th lord then he will have some part of maleficence inside him but if he be placed in 5th house then he will impart only good effects.
If natural benefic be lords of quadrants then they will not remain benefic and if natural malefic be lords of quadrants then they will not remain malefic (means they will become neutral) and their result have to be decided based on placement of their another sign, 7th lord will always be “Marak” there is no doubt in it, in order Jupiter as 7th lord will be most powerful “Marak” the comes Venus and then mercury then moon, moon will become the least deadly ”Marak” but he will still be “Marak” if any of these benefic planets be 7th lord and they are also placed in 7th house then they will become very deadly and potent ”Marak”
8th lord is the worst malefic in the chart, but if 8th lord is also ascendant lord then he will leave his maleficence to a big extent (but as per my own thinking a little bit maleficence will be there)
If sun and moon becomes the lord of 8th house and they are placed therein then they don’t have the bad effect of being 8th lord but if they be placed somewhere else then the bed effect of being 8th lord will be inside them, the potential to do bad as being 8th lord will be inside them both.
3rd 6th and 11th lord are malefic.
If 3rd 6th and 11th lord are also quadrant lord then if they are malefic then they will be malefic but if they are benefic then they will be benefic.
Id 3rd lord be in 3rd, 6th lord be in 6th and 11th lord be in 11th then they will be benefic now matter they are neutral benefic or malefic.
  1. Imagine horoscope is of cancer ascendant and mercury, mars and Jupiter are conjunct then
Mercury 3rd lord = -1
Mercury 12th lord = -0
Mars 5th lord = +2
Mars 10th lord = +4
Jupiter 6th lord = -2
Jupiter 9th lord = +4
Summing all those up we get +7 as remainder so we can say this yoga results in +7 benefic points thus this yoga is benefic and planets involved in this yoga will give good results of the yoga under their MD-AD-PD combinations.
  1. Imagine a horoscope of cancer ascendant Saturn, Venus, mars and Jupiter and conjunct then
Saturn 7th lord = +3
Saturn 8th lord = -6
Venus 4th lord = +2
Venus 11th lord = -3
Mars 5th lord = +2
Mars 10th lord = +4
Jupiter 6th lord = -2
Jupiter 9th lord = +4
Summing all these up we get +4 benefic points thus we can say that this is a benefic combination.
  1. Imagine a horoscope of Leo Ascendant, Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct then
Jupiter 5th lord +2
Jupiter 8th lord -6
Saturn 6th lord -2
Saturn 7th lord +3
Remaining -3 malefic results thus it is a malefic combination for the native.
  1. Imagine a horoscope of Leo ascendant and Sun, Mars and Venus are in conjunction
Sun 1st lord +1
Mars 4th lord +2
Mars 9th lord +4
Venus 3rd lord -1
Venus 10th lord +4
Summing all these up we get +10 benefic points thus this is a benefic yoga.
  1. Imagine it is Gemini ascendant and Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction
Jupiter 7th lord +3
Jupiter 10th lord +4
Saturn 8th lord -6
Saturn 9th lord +4
Summing all these up we get +5 benefic points thus it is a benefic combination.
This is a method given by “Pandit Ramyatna Ojha” in his book “Falit Vikas” this rule seems so good and it is good to and also it can be used in so many ways, like for example this can give us a clue in how to know if a yoga is malefic or benefic or how to know if a planet is benefic or malefic, like see in Virgo Saturn will be 5th and 6th lord having +2 and -2 there Saturn can be neutral in his result and there his effect have to be decided based on his house placement, rashi placement, D9 placement and nakshatra placement but in Gemini Saturn will be 8th and 9th lord and here he will get -6 and +4 thus he will contain -2 more maleficence inside him and for making him benefic more supporting factors have to be there as compared to Virgo ascendant, but as all major astrologers say (Few of them in which books I have read that they say too much mathematics is bad for predictive ability in astrology, Dr.Suresh Chandra Mishra, Shri J.N.Bhasin, Dr. B.V.Raman, Dr. Gouri Shanker Kapoor says this) so depending too much on this method is also not suggested as we know this table only shows their malefic and benefic nature as per their house lordship but in a yoga their rashi, D9, nakshatra placement and all others things also matter and we also should take them all in consideration and then we have to come to any conclusion after thinking a lot and after assessing a matter from all point of view we have to give our analysis, I have just given this method for learning and experimentation. The person who made this rule “Pandit ramyatna Ojha” was a very learned astrologer, scholar and guru of astrology and as per me his work should not have to be ignored.
I will request all people to experiment and research over this method and then come with conclusion.
Reference, Source and Links: 

  • Shubham Alock
  • 20-09-2015 (Sunday)
  • +91 9971655767
pin How to know a yoga is Benefic or Malefic.

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How To Judge A House(Bhav) In Vedic Astrology

bhavas How To Judge A House(Bhav) In Vedic Astrology

This is the most important and basic question in Vedic astrology and if you know answer to this question then you can successfully analyze a chart. Well this is not an easy thing and so many more concepts have to be taken in account too but here I will tell about the basic and most important principle on how to judge a house and find results and if you use this you can easily do reading of a chart.
Whenever any question comes to you and just see three things the house from which the question is related, the position of the house its lord and its Significator.
Step 1  – find the house from which the question is connected like 1st house for self related questions 2nd house for questions related to family and money, 3rd house for question related to younger siblings, hard-work, 4th house for problem related to mother, house, land, conveniences. 5th house for things related to education, progeny and so on, in this you can also see a thing can be seen by so many houses like for education 2nd house will show your primary education till up to school level,  4th house will show you mental education 5th house will show the field that you will choose as your main education also this will show about which thing you have an inner talent to do and then 9th house will show higher education also it will show the subject in which you can get masters degree or in which you will possess good level of knowledge. So for the first and basic thing is to find the houses connected to the question.
Step 1.1 – also see the house from that house, every question have a basic house and few sub houses related to that for example 5th house is basic house for education and 4th 2nd and 9th are sub houses for education, now also see the house from that concerned house for e.g. – 5th house from 5th house i.e. 9th house will also be showing education now 5th house is basic house 9th house is secondary house and 2nd and 4th are supporting houses for education
Step 1.2 – imagine the house from which question is concerned as first house and then analyze all other things respectively, for e.g. 10th house is for profession, 2nd from 10th 11th house will show your reward that you will get from 10th house profession and that is gain (the reward for working someone is gaining something) 3rd from 10th 12th house will show hard-ship in profession, like 12th house if for sleep and if you are working too hard and trying to get successful then its obvious that your nights will be disturbed one, 4th from 10th 1st house will show comfort from 10th house that is what is the comfort or working is the comfort for yourself why you work that is for your own self and that is 1st house you work to make yourself comfortable, 5th from 10th is family and 5th house is for good deeds saved from past lives and that is the case if you father is a big businessman and if he gives his company to you then obviously it will be a good deed saved from your past live that will make you do less hardship in matters related to 10th house, this rule can be expended too, 3rd house is 6th from 10th house 6th is work 10th is profession and work of profession is hard-work and that is what is denoted by 3rd house.
Step 1.3 – see the condition of that house in all 10 divisional charts they are D-1, D-2, D-3, D-7, D-9, D-10, D-12, D-16, D-30, and D-60. In Vedic astrology planets also aspect using house aspect (bhav drishti) in divisional too. See which type of signs are in the concerned house in all these 10 divisional charts, weather they have good signs bad signs, signs of neutral friends or enemy’s. Also see the divisional chart related to that query. Like D-1 for everything, D2 For money, D-3 for siblings, D-7 for children, D-9 for spouse and luck (this is very important division equivalent to D-1-main chart), D-10 for profession/job/career, D-12 for Parents, D-16 for spirituality, D-30 for all evils, And D-60 for everything especially things related to past karma (this division is even more important than D-1 and D-9 Sage Parashara Gives this one the utmost importance). In the divisional see the position of ascendant lord of that division lord of the house concerned in the Natal chart and also the house related to that specific area. Like in D-10 see the position of Ascendant lord of D-10 see the position of the planet who is 10th lord in D-1 chart and also see the Houses 1st 6th 7th and 10th in D-10 as 10th shows the self 6th shows your job, 10th profession and 7th business. Also see the planets placed in 1st 6th 7th and 10th house and planets aspecting therein in that particular divisional chart.
Step – 1.4 – see the planets placed in all those houses connected to the question in D-1 and also in that specific divisional chart and also in the main house (related to the question) in all those 10 divisional charts. And also consider aspects of planets same as their situation therein, in rashi chart use Rashi aspect, in Bhav Chalit and all those 9 divisional charts use planetary (house aspect). In placement of planets you have to see the 5 considerations of the planet if the planet is 1st exalted, 2nd mool-trikona, 3rd in own house 4th in bosom friends house and 5th having dig bala then the planet will shower good effects related to the house he owns and related to the house he is placed in.  If the planet is in 1st enemy sign, 2nd completely deprived of dig bala, 3rd being placed with or aspected by malefic 4th is combust 5th is debilitated then it will show bad effects of the house where he is placed and bad effects of the house he owns in this remember the planet who is combust will only destroy the house he is placed in and his signification but he will not destroy the house he aspects or owns. One more thing about being exalted is if planets are exalted in D-1 but debilitated in D-9 then he will do badly but if planet is debilitated in D-1 and exalted in D-9 then he will show good effects. Also if a planet is in the same sign as in D-1 and D-9 then he will show good effects. If a planet is both exalted in D-1 and D-9 then he will be extremely good but if a planet is debilitated in D-1 and D-9 then he will show 50% good effects and 50% bad effects. This is same with planetary aspect. Planets situated in 5 favorable houses will throw good effect and planet in 5 bad conditions will throw bad aspect. Also see the house ownership of planet for example if 8th lord 6th lord or 12th lord is situated in 1st house then it will destroy the house and if the are aspecting 1st house then also they will destroy the house, if in this situated you see any house except 1st house then one more question will rise, planet owning bad house from the ascendant and from that concerned house both will destroy the house but will destroy the house more severely. Let we take example of 10th house, 3rd lord is 6th from 10th and 3rd from ascendant so he will destroy 10th house, 6th house is 9th from 10th so he will not destroy 10th house, 8th house is 11th from 10th house so he will also not destroy the 10th house as much as 3rd lord will destroy he will destroy but he will partially destroy the house not completely. 12th lord is 3rd from 10th so he will also destroy the 10th house very badly. But 5th lord is 8th from 10th and 9th lord is 12th from 10th will they destroy the 10th house no. why? “Jatak Parijat” sates that ownership from ascendant is more important as compared to ownership from that concerned house expanding this rule to the rule enunciated in “Bhavartha Ratnakar”   I can say that ownership of houses from the ascendant is more important as compared to ownership of houses from that respective house but placement of planet is more important from the concerned house as compared to ascendant. But the main thing in astrology is synchronization. So that for the sake of learning you should always see both the aspects and come to a conclusion like for e.g. 9th lord is luck and if luck is supporting then the person will not do hard work so 9th lord will give the effect of 10th house but the desire of 10th house that is obtained from working on the thing will be missing. Like in the same way 5th house is stock market and children and it’s obvious that when you children will come to work then you don’t have to work that much then it will be death of your work (8th from 10th) and you will be enjoying your old age.
Step 1.5 – now see the placement aspect and conjunction over the planets over the houses related to the question, good planets aspect and aspect of those planets who owns good houses prove beneficial but those planets that are malefic in nature and those who owns bad houses for that particular ascendant will destroy the house by their aspect and conjunction over the house and houses related to the question. Lord of 1at 5th and 9th house is always good if natural benefic be lords of 4th 7th and 10th and placed in 4th 7th   or 10th house then they will be malefic otherwise neutral, if malefic be lords of these houses then they will loose their malefic and nature and they will become benefic planets, lords of 3rd 6th 8th 11th houses are malefic, 3rd house is worst malefic 6th is more malefic as compared to 3rd 11th is even more malefic and 8th is the most malefic houses in all over the chart, 2nd and 12th lord are neutral and the planets owning these signs will effect according to the houses in which their 2nd sign is placed and if lord of 2nd or 12th be sun or moon then their placement will decide their effect as malefic or benefic. As moon is being a separate ascendant due to this reason moon don’t get bad effect of being in a bad house unless he is highly afflicted.  This is same with the sun but as being a cruel planet he can do evil at more times as compared to moon. 1st lord will never become bad if he owns 8th house too then still he will not be bad, planets will effect as per where their mool-trikona rashi is placed in, for Gemini ascendant Saturn is a benefic planet because his mool-trikona sign falls in 9th house but for Virgo Saturn will be a malefic due to the reason because his main rashi (Mool-Trikona) Sign falls in 6th house. But if Saturn is posited in 5th house then he will do good, so basically this tells us that if the planet is placed in either signs then he will do the effect of his main sign but if the planet is posited in his sign then he will do the effect of the sign in which he is placed in.
Step 1.6 – also see the yoga’s happening in the house like if Saturn is posited in ascendant in Libra, Aquarius or Capricorn then he will make “Maha Purush Yoga” in then he will confer the good effects of the hw is placed in and of the houses he owns. There are too many yoga’s in Vedic astrology and it is very difficult to remember all of them so the basic rule is the favorable placement of a planet. If a planet is favorably placed then he will do well.
House lord
Step 2 – is to see the position of the house lord, if the planet is favorably disposed in main chart or in divisional then he will do good and if he is badly disposed in main chart or in divisional then he will do evil results, also you have to see aspect and conjunction over the house lord and also you have to see the position of the depositor of the house lord. The same rules that are applied in assessing the houses have also to be applied in assessing the effect of the house lord and its depositor along with this also see the Yogas happening with the planet and see his power and strength. See six fold strength of the planet and especially see his Dig Bala. If a planet is in Dig Bala then he will do well and if he is deprived of Dig Bala then he will do bad, see the aspect over house lord and conjunction of other planets with that house lord and they will show you the complete situation of house lord. Most of the rules are enunciated in the last part use the same rules to assess the power in a short see these things to see weather a planet is powerful or weak,
  1. See the sign in which he is placed in (own sign, main sign , exaltation sign, friendly sign will do good and debilitated sign, enemy sign will do bad)
  2. The house in which he is placed in (in good houses he will do good effect in bad houses he will do bad effects see the placement in house from ascendant from the house in question and also from the moon)
  3. The planets from whom he is getting aspect (aspects of benefic planets and the planets owning good houses will do bad and aspect of malefic planets or aspect of the planets who owns bad houses will do bad)
  4. The planet with whom he is conjunct ( conjunction with benefic planets or the planets owning good houses will be favorable and if either be the case then it will prove bad for the planet in question)
  5. The position of the planet in D-1, D-9 and in other divisional (position in D-1, D-9 And D-60 is most important to consider but position in other divisional will also make a great impact over the planet and also see the conjunction and aspect over the planets in divisional too)
  6. The lunar asterism in which the planet is placed in (see the nature of the lunar asterism and nature of its lord and then decide the effects of the planets)
  7. The position of the planet who becomes his lunar asterism lord and his ownership of houses and aspect and conjunction of planet over that
  8. The position of the depositor
  9. Check strength of the planet and yoga’s he is being involved in (assess strength using six fold strength)
  10. The Avastha’s of the planet
Significator is also a planet so assess the power of the significator as same as planet, if the significator is strong then the house will flourish and if significator be weak the effect will be diminishing. House shows the possibility, house lord shows the achievement and significator shows the happiness from that thing. There are basic significator like sun for 1st house Jupiter for 2nd mars for 3rd mercury and moon for 4th Jupiter for 5th Saturn and mars for 6th Venus for 7th  Saturn for 8th Jupiter and sun for 9th Saturn mercury sun for 10th and so on now there are some houses which have more than one significator like 4th house 6th house and 10th house they show more than one thing and thus their significance can be   divided too like mercury will shows mental intelligence and moon will show emotional stability for 4th house, mars will show victory over enemy and Saturn will show job with respect to 6th house and mercury will show professional qualification, sun will show status in profession and Saturn will show work in profession in relation to 10th house also more significations can be added like for example if you are to assess about maternal uncle from 6th house then take 6th house its lord and mercury as significator because mars and Saturn don’t have to don anything with maternal uncle. If house lord and significator all are destroyed the complete results are destroyed if only significator and house is destroyed then 75% destroyed and if house and house lord is destroyed then 50% is destroyed and if house lord and significator is destroyed then 75% is destroyed. One special rule related to significator are if the house significator is in the house the he will destroy the house this is a loose rule that need some understanding. There are total 9 planets and there are 2 complete benefic planet 2 conditional benefic and 5 malefic planets if we add gulika too then it will become 6 malefic. And also only one benefic has special aspect and here all 4 malefic have special aspects. So thinking logically no house in any horoscope can be free of malefic influence and it is truth in real life too no thing is like this of which a person gets complete comfort. And that’s why if the significator is in the house and if malefic effect is there then the house will get 75% destroyed and this will be the case why they consider significator in the house as malefic.  Just imagine Jupiter is in 5th house in his mail sign being in Mool-Trikona having good aspect then why he will do evil for the 5th house…
Vedic astrology is a vast ocean and the deeper you go into it the rarest gems you will find lying there, this is your dedication and practice that will make you and good astrologer over time. Here I have given few basic principles of Vedic astrology, hope the readers will enjoy reading this and learners will get to learn more from this, this was a small effort from my side If I have made any mistake then I am sure those who are big hearted will forgive me.
Om Namah Shivaye
Another Astrology Student
Shubham Alock.

Source, Reference and Links :
+91 9971655767
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