The Saturn, Mysterious Shani Sadesati and Karmic Remedies : Therapeutic Guide of Saturn – Part 2

SadeSati The Saturn, Mysterious Shani Sadesati and Karmic Remedies : Therapeutic Guide of Saturn – Part 2

The Saturn, Mysterious Shani Sadesati, and Karmic Remedies: A Therapeutic Guide to Saturn, Part 2

Compiled, Researched & Written by Rocky Jamwal | Vedic Siddhanta | Author


The phenomenon known as Shani Sade Sati holds considerable importance within the realm of Vedic astrology, garnering the interest of both astrologers and individuals throughout an extensive period of time. The prevailing belief suggests that it exerts a significant influence on the human existence, affecting diverse domains like professional pursuits, interpersonal connections, and physical well-being. This blog post aims to explore the complexities of Shani Sade Sati, its impacts, and the potential remedial actions that individuals might undertake to navigate through this phase. Shani Sade Sati refers to a significant astrological phenomenon in Hindu astrology that is associated with the planet Saturn.


The term “Shani Sade Sati” pertains to the celestial phenomenon wherein the planet Saturn (referred to as Shani) traverses three consecutive zodiac signs, namely the sign preceding an individual’s moon sign (known as Janma Rashi), the moon sign itself, and the subsequent sign. This transit spans a duration of seven and a half years. This particular transit may present difficulties, as Saturn is commonly linked to the concepts of discipline, duty, and diligent effort.

The Shani SadeSati encompasses three distinct phases:

Initial Stage: During this initial phase, the planet Saturn undergoes a transition through the zodiac sign that precedes the sign occupied by the moon. There is a prevailing belief that this phenomenon has a significant influence on an individual’s psychological and emotional state, frequently resulting in feelings of unease and apprehension.

The second phase is characterised by the transit of Saturn through the sign of the moon. The aforementioned phase is often regarded as having a significant influence on multiple facets of existence, including but not limited to one’s professional trajectory, interpersonal connections, and overall well-being. During this particular period, individuals may encounter many barriers and problems.

The third part of the Saturn transit involves the movement of Saturn to the zodiac sign immediately following the moon sign. It is widely considered that this particular phase is associated with a notable sense of relaxation and steadiness following the various hardships encountered in preceding stages.


The influence that Shani Sade Sati had

It is possible for people to face a variety of difficulties and roadblocks in a variety of facets of their lives during the season of Shani Sade Sati. The consequences of this phase might differ from person to person based on where Saturn is located in the individual’s birth chart and what sign the individual’s moon is in.

The following are some of the more common  effects of Shani Sade Sati:

  • Difficulties relating to finances
  • Concerns over one’s health
  • Issues with interpersonal connections
  • Professional setbacks
  • A state of emotional upheaval

Alternative Treatments and Safety Measures


Saturn Sadesati vedicsiddhanta karma The Saturn, Mysterious Shani Sadesati and Karmic Remedies : Therapeutic Guide of Saturn – Part 2


Even though Shani Sade Sati might bring about difficulties, there are a number of solutions and preventative measures that folks can do to lessen the impact of its adverse consequences.

1. Praise and Recitation of Mantras

It is possible to lessen the effects of Shani Sade Sati by engaging in regular worship of Lord Shani and by reciting mantras that are dedicated to Saturn. There is a widespread consensus that the Shani Gayatri Mantra and the Shani Beej Mantra are particularly useful.

2. Acts of Benevolence and Contributions

The potentially negative impacts of Saturn can be mitigated by participating in charitable activities and making financial contributions to those who are less fortunate. On Saturdays, it is considered fortunate to make donations of black sesame seeds, black clothing, or anything that have been ironed.

3. The Use of Gemstones for Their Healing Properties

When worn, alternate gemstones such amethyst (also known as jamunia) might help mitigate the unfavourable effects of Saturn’s energies. However, before choosing to wear any gemstone, it is essential to discuss your options with an experienced astrologer.

4. Carry out the necessary remedial rites.

Bringing Saturn into harmony through the performance of rituals such as the Shani Puja or the Shani Homa can help mitigate the effects of the Shani Sade Sati. Before engaging in these ceremonies, it is best to obtain the advice of an experienced astrologer or priest in order to avoid any missteps.

5. Practice’s of Yoga and Meditation

Regular practise of meditation and yoga might assist persons in keeping their mental and emotional equilibrium during the trying times of Shani Sade Sati. These practice’s have the potential to alleviate stress as well as improve general well-being.

6. Good Karma and Self acceptance 

One can make amends for their previous misdeeds and transform unfavourable circumstances into advantageous ones if they repeat the actions of those who have done good. Those who give to charitable causes and make peace with their karma are able to release themselves from the burden of dwelling on their past misdeeds. It is important to maintain one’s practise of donating food goods to charitable institutions as well as to those members of society who are disadvantaged , downtrodden or in need.

7.Respecting Parents, Grand Parents and elder people 

During the time that the sade sati phase is active in your life, you should make sure that you always treat your parents, grandparents, and any other people who are your age or older with respect. This includes showing proper etiquette when interacting with anyone who is older than you. If you don’t, you face the risk of incurring the wrath of Shani Devta, which is something you won’t be able to overcome no matter how hard you try. If this happens, you won’t be able to do anything about it.

You are sabotaging Saturn and your professional life if you are not well-grounded in reality, humble, and respectful towards elders and parents. Even if Saturn is perfectly situated in your horoscope but afflicted or unafflicted, your life will be devastated regardless of the state it is in.

When you do not have a healthy respect for your parents, gurus, or other authority persons in your life, this is the situation you will find yourself in.

After getting married, many indigenous people shirk their responsibilities towards their parents, elders, and grandparents. Additionally, some people forsake their parents and begin a new life away from them, while others send their parents to a foreign country or just let them starve to death.

This is the anger of Lord Karma and the curse that your parents have placed upon you. I have seen examples of this behaviour occurring all over the place. Stopping this practise is essential if one wishes to have a happy existence and stay away from unnecessarily drawing the wrath of Shani Devta into their own lives. Keep in mind that Shani has the deepest affection for his mother and is always courteous towards his elders. Keep in mind that Shani is always respectful towards his elders. This is something that you ought to think about and give some thought to.

8. Taking care of Pets and animals.

One has the option of either donating to charitable groups that assist in the care of animals and other living beings or taking personal responsibility for the upkeep of smaller pets, animals, and other living beings that are unable to speak for themselves or produce food for themselves. notably black birds, ravens, black dogs, and other such creatures.

9.Helping Servants, Labors communities and poor childrens.

Always serve servants, labourer communities, and children with dignity and self-respect, and do not treat them badly while you are running shani sade sati; otherwise, one can face the anger of karma upon them.

10.Performing Sevas in Charity, Food organizations, and Langer in temples, Guru Dwara . 

Donate items like as food and clothing, take part in extended acts of service, and engage in other charitable activities in order to maintain their involvement in charitable and seva activities directed towards elderly people.

Author note :

Involving  himself/herself in Punya karmas and charity is widely seen as very effective during Shai Sade sati, and most importantly, accepting the karmas is most useful, and following the ways of self-acceptance, self realization, Guilt and surrendering towards the Ishwar is the best solution to sail through Shai Sade sati in an effective way. If you try to fight with destiny you may not able to understand how sade sati going to transform you in a positive manner rather one will settle down in frustration and  cursing others during the period of Shani sade sati.  

If folks are prepared with the appropriate treatments and safety measures, they will have an easier time navigating through this time period. People are able to alleviate the bad effects of Shani Sade Sati and harness the positive energies connected with it if they worship Lord Shani, engage in charitable acts, that provide protection, execute restorative rituals, and embrace meditative and yoga practice’s.

Unraveling the Mystery of Shani Sadesati: A Comprehensive Astrological Guide

The Saturn, Mysterious Shani Sadesati and Karmic Remedies : Therapeutic Guide of Saturn – Part 2

In the previous part on mystery of Saturn and its relationship with karma  , we tried to understand the complete analysis of Saturn from every aspect; in this part, our focus will be primarily on the Shani Sade sati, how it is going to impact individual lives, and what a person could do to adhere during the Shani Sade sati process of 7.5 years.

Astrological Understanding of Shani Sadesati 


Shani Sadesati The Saturn, Mysterious Shani Sadesati and Karmic Remedies : Therapeutic Guide of Saturn – Part 2


What actually is Shani SadeSati’s detailed understanding from the author’s viewpoint?

True Meaning of Shani Sade Sati

Sade Sati refers to the period of testing and learning that occurs during Saturn’s transit through the zodiac signs of the 12th, 1st, and 2nd houses from the moon’s natal position over the course of 7.5 years. In the meantime, Saturn has an influence on the natal moon’s 4th and 8th houses, which are respectively related to the mind and health. In order to get a grasp on Sadesati, one must first comprehend what the term “Sadesati” refers to and the role that karmas play in our everyday lives. It is essentially a testing and transformation phase of the karmic actions or praradbha from previous births, and its purpose is to sort out our deeds and help us discover the genuine core of what one should do in any incarnation.

The karmic Actions 

Either you have to face the karmic actions of your deeds from this birth or you have to face the karmic actions of your deeds from 100 years ago, which you either committed in conscious or non-conscious mind, but the law of Karama is that one needs to pay back those sins in any event. Whether you did them in conscious or non-conscious mind. Chances of driving them away or moving away from them are solely dependent on the benevolent intention of the supreme being, which may be to lessen it or increase it depending on how completely you devote yourself. Despite the fact that the principles of karma are absolutely unwavering and divine, if you perform your current karma with the utmost devotion and bhakti bhava, you will be rewarded with a higher state of consciousness.

True Essence 

The essence of sade-sati is to become aware of your unfinished and outstanding karmic obligations, which you have either ignored or disregarded in one or more of your previous lifetimes. If the problem was the sins you had committed, then the period of sade-sati would be a tremendously transformational and intense experience for you. If your Saturn is in its retrograde or ak position, the Saturn Sadesati phase will be a soul-transforming experience for you. Although it will bring you many of ups and downs, it will also make you a sincere devotee of the almighty and highly spiritual so that you can complete the responsibilities that have been given to you or those that have been outstanding from the past.

What matters the most ?

If a person is pure and virtuous from the depths of their soul, or if he is performing his current kiryamani or aagmi karma with the utmost and most selfless care, then there should be no need to worry about or fear sade-sati. If Saturn is digbali or exalted (which means that you are blessed by the Narayana), and if it is well situated in the chart or has good shadbala strength, or if it is well placed in the Saptavargi or Dashavargi charts, then sade-sati would be a blessing to that Native. On some level, he would consider himself a disciple of Karma or Shanidev.

One who believes in and practises the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita and the law of karma does not ever have cause for concern as a result of the karmic consequences of his acts; those who do have cause for concern are those who have been tainted by the six vices in any one of their previous births.

First Phase :  ( Saturn is transiting 12th from Moon )

Saturn’s cycle of 7.5 years can be broken down into three distinct phases using astrology. The first phase of the process instructs and enlightens us through the medium of significant life lessons that are imparted to us by the close relationships (wife, children, friends, loved ones, mother, father, guru, etc.) that we have in our homes. During this time, one can gain a lot of knowledge, both positively and badly, but in the end, everything will work out well for you once Saturn has crossed over their natal degree in their transit chart.

For instance, if Saturn is situated at 15 degrees in your natal chart, the first phase of sade-sati would begin to have an effect on you somewhere around the middle of the first phase of 2.5 years. This would be the time period during which you would be able to begin gaining experience from your life and learning new things.

2nd Phase :  ( Saturn is transiting over Moon )

In the second phase of Sade-sati, we learn about the individualities and weaknesses that we bring upon ourselves as a result of our thoughts and aspirations. In this place, Saturn eliminates our feeble thoughts and never-ending desires, and in reality, it is the primary factor responsible for your birth. When you are able to gain wisdom from your experiences in the past, the Moon will reveal the underlying reason or cause for your previous births.

Lessons and sufferings would be either health sufferings, mental weakness, or anxiety, by enforcing severe discipline in our mind and helping us understand that we must let our desires and greed go out and become satvik from ideology, and that we should not strive to stick to them in order to damage others. This would allow us to learn that we must let our desires and greed go out and become satvik from ideology.

In this place, the locals learn that in order to realise how we must surrender our desires, we must first suffer psychologically and physically. It’s possible that those desires or greeds will become the underlying causes of misery for others in a future life. Therefore, you should always keep a close eye on both your actions and your thoughts over what it is that you are doing in your current life.

3rd Phase :  ( Saturn is transiting 2nd from Moon )

The third phase of Saturn’s Sadesati phase of life provides us with some much-needed rest in our lives and teaches us about the significance of our karmic and familial obligations in the material world. Saturn reminds us in this instance that we must not abandon or split our responsibilities towards our families and that we must instead carry them out in a responsible manner without compromising our own ambitions.

Here, the Lord of Karma tells us that we must not be lazy in all of the family tasks and goals that we have; he shows us why Kutuambh and the relationships that live in them are so vital, and that we must fulfil them with responsibilities. I really hope that this sheds some light on what Lord Shanidev was trying to educate us by way of our fundamental reasons for being born.


Introspection on a More General Level and Saturn’s Traits : Understanding 


Sadesati vedicsiddhanta The Saturn, Mysterious Shani Sadesati and Karmic Remedies : Therapeutic Guide of Saturn – Part 2


General Ideology 

When Saturn moves through the twelfth, first, and second houses of a person’s natal moon, an important astrological event known as Saturn Sadesati occurs. It is considered that the native will face both good and bad fortune throughout this seven and a half year transit. Changes in one’s personal and professional lives are possible during Saturn’s Sadesati. To get through this time with your wits about you, it’s important to know the broad characteristics of this transit and how it might affect you specifically.

Saturn Sadesati is a time when one’s patience, tenacity, and endurance are put to the ultimate test. It’s not uncommon for it to cause problems in a person’s professional life, personal relationships, physical health, and financial stability. It’s worth noting, though, that not everyone feels the effects of this time period to the same degree.

Saturn Sadesati’s initial phase begins when the planet moves into the natal moon’s twelfth house. Detachment, introspection, and an increased awareness of the spiritual can characterise this time period. It’s natural for people to reevaluate their life’s trajectory, priorities, and connections during this time.

When Saturn moves into the natal moon’s first house, a new era will begin. During this time, Saturn is in its most restrictive position, ushering in a time of great upheaval and difficulty. A person’s life may be hampered by problems in their professional life, their health, or their personal connections. It’s important to keep your feet on the ground, reach out for help, and keep a positive outlook at this time.

When Saturn moves through the second house from the natal moon, the Sadesati cycle has completed. After enduring difficulties, this period typically ushers in welcome respite and stability. Career advancement, strengthened interpersonal connections, and a sense of personal fulfilment are all possibilities. This final stage is all about putting everything you’ve learnt so far into practise.

Saturn Sadesati’s influence on people can be profound, leading to personal growth and new insights. It’s a time for introspection, learning from one’s mistakes, and developing as a person. The difficulties encountered at this time of change frequently force people to step outside their comfort zones and teach them to rely on their own resources.

Saturn Sadesati might bring professional delays, setbacks, and even career shifts. People should use this time to reevaluate their career aspirations, make any necessary adjustments, and keep going no matter what comes their way. The experiences gained at this time can pave the way to prosperity and security in the future.

Saturn Sadesati can put a strain on relationships by revealing any flaws or incompatibilities. It may lead to fights, breaks, or the recognition of the need for more dedication and mutual understanding. Healthy relationships may require extra effort in the areas of communication, tolerance, and compromise during this time.

Saturn Sadesati can cause difficulties with both mental and bodily health. Self-care, getting medical help when necessary, and living a healthy, well-rounded lifestyle are all important ways for individuals to deal with the stresses of this change. Saturn Sadesati might bring up monetary difficulties or unanticipated costs. Avoid making hasty financial judgements and instead put money aside for the future.

As with every significant astrological transit, the Sadesati of Saturn will have varied affects on different people. In spite of the challenges it may present, adversity can be used to grow immensely as a person and as a spiritual being. It will be easier for people to confront this period with preparation, courage, and optimism if they are familiar with the features of Saturn Sadesati and its probable impacts.

Core Understandingon Sadesati 

Most people are aware of Saturn, a planetary body characterised by its slow movement and icy nature, which evoke an air of imminent devastation. Saturn (Namely Mundane or Medini jyotish) is well known to those who have ever been curious about how the movements of the stars and planets affect human life and mundane affairs. The vast majority of astrological viewpoints see this heavenly body as the most malevolent of all. The acts are frequently accompanied by difficulties, blockages, and time constraints.

When the rare celestial event known as the Saturn transit (or the Shani Sade Sati according to natal astrological phenomena) occurs, it can bring about profound shifts in perspective and insight into one’s own life. According to natal astrology, this occurrence is called the Shani Sade Sati. Depending on where the moon is in the horoscope and its current state, this exceedingly rare astrological event occurs once every thirty years during the course of a person’s lifetime, and lasts for seven and a half years each time but the question is why moon has to see ? Lets understand why moon considering factor in  this.

How come Moon plays role in sadesati ?


Why concentrate on the moon for sadesati ? Because it keeps track of all of one’s karmic deeds from prior lifetimes. It exposes hidden desires, both positive and negative, that are constrained by the chart’s North and South Nodes. Because the person is experiencing difficulties caused by the Nodes, we may experience its most detrimental impacts during the Sade Sati.

People who believe Shani is rumoured to direct its attention towards the moon, which is thought to cause immense mental and emotional suffering for people, but in reality, Saturn has a strong influence over their brains (Moon, Mind & Thoughts, the subconscious part of the brain (Mercury)), which is why they demand self-discipline. People who are convinced that Shani is rumoured to turn its attention to the moon.

Why are people afraid during sadesati?  What exactly is it about “observing the moon” that causes individuals to react with such apprehension?  This moon phase is associated with an increase in both internal and subjective suffering.

Because the moon represents both the intellectual and emotional elements of the human experience, this phase of the moon is associated with increased degrees of both. That is why Saturn’s transit over the moon is more crucial than other planets for sadesati, since the mind surrounds itself with concepts of thoughts and wishes and holds secret desires, hidden intentions and agendas towards self and others. When the mind is corrupt, it is extremely likely that one’s own character will be doubtful in nature, and in reverse, one will engage in wrongdoing, which is the source of sorrow in sadesati.

When those who have encountered the astrological phenomenon known as Sade Sati share their stories, a recurrent theme that emerges is the massive disruption that occurred in their lives. This is a recurring issue that comes up when people who have encountered Sade Sati talk about their particular experiences.

This sentiment is generally summed up by the repeated comment, “My life has been completely upended, stopped, or everything has fallen,” but this is not true; it demonstrates that you have restarted your life with a fresh start after experiencing all of life’s transformations, lessons, and learning.

Saturn is well recognised for moving through all of the houses of the horoscope. Despite this, it is often assumed that the outcomes influenced by Saturn’s influence are generally bad in around 9 of the 12 houses. The type of these impacts, on the other hand, is determined not only by the basic configuration of the horoscope, but also by the planetary periods that are currently active in the solar system.

Because Saturn is regarded as one of the more problematic heavenly bodies, the phenomena known as Sade Sati is commonly associated with the expectation of a period of unhappiness. It also indicates that the disruptions in one’s life caused by this occurrence are often negative. Can we be certain that this is the case? During this time, a large number of politicians, celebrities, and artists climbed to the top of their fields and gained global acclaim.

People who have achieved truly coveted goals, substantial employment transformations, transferring to new regions, or inheritances are more likely to be a part of our social network. We are also likely to meet people who have successfully achieved desired familial or parental connections, made substantial professional transitions, or made significant career transfers. This phenomenon operates as both an intellectual and an experienced trigger, causing profound changes within ourselves. It is critical to acknowledge that some adverse effects will arise in this particular situation. It may be tough to maintain a cheerful attitude when there is only a modest amount of outside assistance.

Because the start of Sadesati coincides with the time of year when elderly family members, such as grandparents or other senior relatives, often die, people frequently dwell on their own mortality during this part of Sadesati. The social sphere in which we operate is marked by a number of constraints and demands, and as a result, consideration of our unique views and aspirations is sometimes overlooked. A range of repercussions may be observed within various cycles that each span two and a half years. People in close touch with the subject, notably parents, will most likely feel the negative impacts in the early stages.

The existence of planetary traits may contribute to financial difficulties, excessive expenditure, and debt accumulation. There is a chance that the existence of a planetary aspect will be harmful to the father’s health and will lower the individual’s wealth. There is always the option to relocate or immigrate to another country. The next phase is distinguished by a preoccupation with lunar-related matters as the most pressing concern. According to reports, moms’ health and happiness are declining at an alarming rate. The rates of mortality among people who are parents are quite high throughout this time period.

Depression, social isolation, and existential perplexity are the three most common sorts of suffering in Manas. Saturn has the potential to influence a person’s physical health via influencing the first house. This is due to the fact that the first house represents the body.

The existence of several ailments, or their severity, leads to a decline in the individual’s overall health. It has been observed that the seventh house has a detrimental impact on family dynamics, which frequently leads in the breakup of marriages in modern civilization. The presence of this aspect in the 10th house implies that one’s work and professional endeavours may be hampered by barriers and challenges. It implies that you are likely to confront difficulties, such as changing careers or being dismissed from your current employment.

Difficulties in interpersonal relationships with relatives, children, and other family members (2nd house from the Moon, with an aspect on the 4th house), health issues (with an aspect on the 8th house), and unexpected shocks and situations of force majeure continue to be a problem during the third cycle. During this cycle, financial losses and obstacles remain a problem.

The third appearance of Sade Sati, and occasionally the fourth, marks the culmination of our time on this mortal coil. Now is the moment to call it quits, take a step back, acknowledge that the end of the life cycle is unavoidable, and commit to making the required preparations ahead of time. Shani’s most crucial function is to point us in the direction of our ultimate objective.

When presented with fortunate circumstances, when they receive assistance from their social network, and when they benefit from their parents’ guidance, it is normal for people to fail to think on the existential purpose of their life. Instead, they bask in the pleasures bestowed upon them by their good karma, fooling themselves into believing that this will continue perpetually. As individuals, we frequently feel a sense of grandiosity in connection to our significance because we believe that we are the architects of our own fates and that we have power over our own destinies.

Saturn generates settings in which people feel separated from others, unable to receive help from other sources, and compelled to assume complete responsibility for their own actions and behaviours. Individuals are prompted to pause and think on their actions as a result of life’s interruptions and a sense of material shortage. As a result, they assess the fundamental impulses that drive their ambitions.

It is vital to acquire virtues like as humility, diligence, discipline, self-control, acceptance of the higher will, devotion to dharma, cessation of attributing blame to others, and acceptance of personal responsibility for one’s circumstances throughout this period of time. It is also critical at this time to nurture attributes such as dharma, or the path of righteousness. It is critical that we recognise and value the circumstances that have been predetermined for us.

It is critical to make a concentrated effort to overcome impulses towards judgement and impatience while also prioritising character development through the cultivation of traits such as modesty, commitment, and sympathy. It is critical to quit thinking of oneself as the most important person in the world and instead devote one’s life to the selfless service of others and a higher power. The more one’s affinity for higher powers and commitment to the spiritual journey, the more at ease one will be in navigating this era. This is due to the fact that both higher powers and the spiritual path provide a sense of purpose and significance. People have the opportunity to improve their resilience and overall health if they correctly interpret Saturn’s teachings.

Understanding the Phase of  Shani Sade-Sati : King Vikram Aditya 


King vikrama aditya Vedic siddhanta The Saturn, Mysterious Shani Sadesati and Karmic Remedies : Therapeutic Guide of Saturn – Part 2

Story Begins 

Legends from the time of King Vikramaditya serve as the basis for this story. Once upon a time, the seven gods who presided over the days of the week met in council. There is also the presence of Rahu and Ketu. Both Rahu and Ketu point to a single question. Which god has the biggest influence among us? was the question posed. There was no agreement on this matter.

As a result, they looked to Devraj Indra for a ruling. Devraj Indra believed that the other gods would be dissatisfied with his judgement if he decided in favour of any one of them. Respectfully, he said to the gods, “Esteemed divinities, I, too, possess qualities akin to your own.” So, I’ve been thinking a lot about how difficult it is to rank people on a scale of greatness. So, how can I go about doing something so discerning? I can’t give an objective evaluation.

Everyone should seriously consider making a trip to Earth. Throughout history, King Vikramaditya has stood out. His outstanding judicial abilities have earned him worldwide acclaim and respect. At the story’s climax, every god and goddess presented themselves to King Vikramaditya.

When all the gods showed up at King Vikramaditya’s court, he showed them the utmost respect and begged them for help in whatever way they could. The people told him about their plight. Vikramaditya found the mission extremely difficult. However, the king took on this challenge with grace because of his strong sense of responsibility.

As a result of his deliberation, seven thrones were set up. Gold, bronze, brass, tin, zinc, mica, and iron were used in the sequential construction of the thrones in question. The attendees were assigned seats according to a numbered system. The gold throne was number one, and the iron throne was in third place. Then, King Vikramaditya humbly prayed to the seven gods, asking that they bless the throne in their own unique ways. The Sun god Surya sat on the golden throne, while the planet Saturn’s respresentative, Shani, chose the iron throne.

When the seven gods took their places, Vikramaditya addressed them: “You are entitled to decide your own placements, and no other influence may impose my judgements onto you. Hearing this, the god Shani (also known as Saturn) got up from his seat and spoke to King Vikramaditya, expressing his displeasure at being placed at the bottom of the godly hierarchy.

You don’t know the half of what I’m capable of. The sun stays in one Zodiac sign (Rashi) for almost a month, and in Mars for about a week and a half. Jupiter, in contrast, can stay in a Zodiac for up to thirteen months, while Mercury and Venus can only stay for a single month. The movements of Rahu and Ketu follow a cyclical pattern every eighteen months.

However, my authority only allows me to rule over a zodiac sign for a period of time between 2.5 and 7.5 years. The term “Sade Sathi” is widely used to describe this era. Because of the Sade Saathi era, even the most powerful gods were afraid. When people were angry with Rama, the result was not his elevation to the throne but rather his expulsion. It is now your turn, so be ready. After he finished expressing these ideas, Shani went back.

During the brief “Sade Sathi” time, Shanidev seized control of Vikramaditya’s Zodiac. The sade sathi period of the monarch then began and lasted for seven and a half years. Shani Dev posed as a horse trader and travelled to the kingdom governed by Vikramaditya, where he offered the monarch and queen a variety of exceptionally beautiful horses.

The Story Begins: The Sadesati and the King Vikramaditya 


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People were also saying nice things about the horses in question. When King Vikramaditya heard about the strange horses, he sent Ashawapal to find the best one possible. When Ashawapal returned with a beautiful horse, the king was so overjoyed that he immediately wanted to ride it. However, at one point during his ride, the horse suddenly and with incredible speed disappeared into thin air. After a short while, the king found himself in the middle of a vast and forested area.

The person clearly appeared exhausted. The huge size of King Vikramaditya’s kingdom presented a number of difficulties. Shanidev, a deity in Hinduism, was blamed for everything that went wrong.

At the Ujjaini palace, Queen Madenlekha voiced her concern for King Vikramaditya. Shani Dev was the religion of choice for Queen Madenlekha. The woman begged Shani Dev to intervene so that her husband wouldn’t be in danger. Shanidev promised to free your husband after hearing your pleadings on behalf of Queen Madenlekha, but only if he could fulfil his karmic duties.

Due to King Vikramaditya’s absence, there were few state ceremonies held in his honour. After a long journey, Vikramaditya reached a nearby city, where he met an accomplished businessman. That other businessman also forgot to introduce Vikramaditya. King seemed like he was trying to beg for money. Compassionately, the shopkeepers drove him back to his house and set up food delivery. On that day, thanks to the beneficence of the deity Shani Dev, business owners received higher profits.

Beginning of Therapeutic Story


Who is Shani the Lord of Karma The Saturn, Mysterious Shani Sadesati and Karmic Remedies : Therapeutic Guide of Saturn – Part 2


But he saw this person (known only as the King) as a stroke of luck. Keeping this in mind, he decided to keep him living in his home and working for him.

The king was going through a Sade Sathi period. The guy moved into the businessman’s home while using a false name. After some time had passed, the entrepreneur’s children were united in marriage. Within the framework of this marriage, it was Vikramaditya who took on the mantle of responsibility. Together, he and the daughter of a mutual business associate went shopping for wedding essentials. Vikramaditya met Shanidev, who was acting undercover during a business deal, but eventually revealed his genuine identity. Vikramaditya was then shown a picture of a duck by Shanidev.

Everything in the marriage seemed to be going smoothly. The bride’s jewellery mysteriously vanished before the wedding. A duck, as illustrated in the accompanying pictorial representation, swallowed the necklace. The business owner’s wife questioned the king about the necklace, but the king was at a loss to explain its significance to her.

The suspect was apprehended by a King Chandrasen loyalist because he or she suspected the monarch of being a thief.

It was widely believed that King Vikramaditya’s greatest threat came from King Chandrasen. King Chandrasen was filled with overwhelming happiness at seeing Vikramaditya. He gave the order for his troops to cut off both of King Vikramaditya’s limbs at the same time. Vikramaditya spoke out in surprise when he heard this order. His hands and feet were nonetheless chopped off by the soldiers.

Beginning of Punishment ;Lessons & Life Learning 

Shani Dev The Saturn, Mysterious Shani Sadesati and Karmic Remedies : Therapeutic Guide of Saturn – Part 2


Both of the king’s limbs had been amputated. He was standing around like a homeless person. After seeing someone working on an oil seed crusher, often known as a “Teli,” the observer felt sympathetic towards the operator. In addition to feeding him, he drove him back to his house. In addition, he treated the king’s wounds, and after a few days, Teli taught him how to use the bullocks and the grinding machine effectively. Vikramaditya is currently at full operational capacity. Time continued to tick along. Sade Sathi’s rule was coming to a close.

The king was preoccupied with his chores on a night when he was alone. A musical composition was being sung by the person. The vocals had a soothing, tuneful sound. The person in question was disturbing the nighttime peace with their vocalisations. A princess in the nearby kingdom heard a beautiful song, and she became deeply enamoured with the singer, named Vikramaditya.

The royal lady called for her butler and introduced the entertainer to him. A short time later, the servant came back and informed the princess that the singer in question was a subordinate of Teli who also happened to have a physical impairment. Princess, after witnessing the aforementioned performance, decided to wed the singer in question so that she wouldn’t have to go through life alone. Princess’s parents were hurt and angry when they found out about this decision. But they were ready to make that call in the end.

The king, who is the princess’s father, addressed the Teli with the goal of proposing a marriage alliance. The king gave Teli orders to help arrange the wedding of the disabled man to the king’s daughter. Although Teli first had reservations about getting married, she eventually changed her mind and showed more enthusiasm for the institution of monarchy.

The marriage between the princess and Vikramaditya, who is handicapped, had been dissolved. However, the princess’s parents voiced their disapproval. King Vikramaditya got a little shut-eye during the nighttime hours of his honeymoon. King Vikramaditya dreamed that the god Shani Dev appeared to him and told him that in the pantheon of gods, he was at the bottom. The aforementioned occurrences occurred as a result of my viewpoint being influenced by your particular experiences.

This person’s poor decision-making has caused them a great deal of emotional suffering. However, the time of Sade Sathi is over. The news brought the king great happiness, and he immediately began praying to Shani dev in the hopes of avoiding future misfortunes of the same nature.

The god agreed to the king’s pleadings and then disappeared.
When King Vikramaditya awoke, he was shocked to find that his hands and feet still looked the same. The princess and her family were overjoyed to be present for this. The monarch (the princess’s father) was overcome with joy and thankfulness upon learning of the presence of a disabled individual who bore the title of monarch Vikramaditya.

This information was quickly transmitted to all areas and those nearby. The commercially active person learned about this as well, and felt regret for their treatment of Vikramaditya as a result. He went up to Vikramaditya and apologised humbly for his behaviour, saying, “I sincerely apologise for my inappropriate conduct towards you.”

In addition, he invited him to join him for supper. King Vikramaditya obligingly agreed to the man’s request, and the next day he attended a dinner party at the mansion of a wealthy businessman. King Vikramaditya made the following declaration while dining at the home of a wealthy businessman: “I shall partake of my evening repast within the very chamber where the aforementioned necklace was misplaced.”

Without asking any questions, the businessman set up the dinner in the allotted space. The Vikramadityas were stunned to discover that the necklace’s source was the identical duck shown in the painting. Everyone present in the house witnessed the imaging phenomenon. The businessman was so overjoyed that he also decided to set up a marriage between his daughter and Vikramaditya.

After being away for a while, King Vikramaditya has returned to his domain. When Vikramaditya returned to his kingdom victorious, Queen Madenlekha was overjoyed. After this, King Vikramaditya ordered his courtiers to employ drums to announce an important announcement during the next court session.

The statement highlighted God Shani’s strength by comparing it to that of other deities. As a result, the courtiers were commanded to show their devotion to Shani dev by fasting every Saturday.

As a result, King Vikramaditya instituted a weekly sacrosanct ceremony on Saturdays throughout his dominion to pay homage to Shani Dev. This ends the story of Vikram Aditya and Shade Dev, which gives us lessons about humility, honesty, and how karma gets fruitful.


(Reference and Source: Greatness of Saturn: A Therapeutic Myth by Robert E. Svoboda)


Read more on Karma and Astrology ;

The Karma Theory in Vedic Astrology, Part 1

The Karma Theory in vedic astrology part 1: Know about Astrology, Past life and karma Connection ?

Vedic and Religious Remedies for Saturn Sade sati and Dasha periods:

Shani Dev The Lord of Saturdays 1 The Saturn, Mysterious Shani Sadesati and Karmic Remedies : Therapeutic Guide of Saturn – Part 2

1.In order to demonstrate devotion to Shani Dev, it is customary to ignite a mustard oil lamp within the temple premises, specifically in front of the Shani Dev Idol, on a weekly basis. This ritual is to be observed on Saturdays, either for a duration of 11 consecutive Saturdays or 7 consecutive Saturdays during the nighttime hours or one should make a practise for whole life.

2.On Saturdays, it is customary to distribute Khichdi, a dish prepared with Kaali Maa Ki Daal and rice, to both the impoverished individuals and the devotees at the Shani Mandir or shrine.

3. Utilize black sesame seeds and black lentils (Vigna mungo) in conjunction with til or mustard oil, afterwards applying the resulting mixture onto the iron or black stone idol of Shanidev situated within the temple. Perform this task on a weekly basis, specifically on 40 consecutive Saturdays or alternatively on 11 consecutive Saturdays or one can follow it for whole life, make sure intension should be with mercy and self resolution .

4.On a designated day, individuals may provide leather chappals, blankets, and umbrellas to underprivileged individuals in need, in the vicinity of the Shani temple.

5.On a designated day of the week, specifically Saturday, individuals are encouraged to provide sustenance to individuals afflicted with leprosy or physical disabilities in close proximity to the Shani Dev Temple.

6. Read the Shani Stuti after lighting a Til oil lamp under a Pipal tree on Saturdays. Below here is the
Shani Stuti.

Konastha pingalobabhruh
Souri, shanaischaro mandah
Pippaladishu sansthitah

7. Start worshipping Lord Shani Dev every Saturday, those who having an afflicted Saturn in their horoscope and they should light a sesame lamp to Shani dev temple on every Saturday and should recite “
Dashrath Krit Neela Shani Stotra ” either for 40 days or for continues 40 Saturdays.
Here is the stotra for same From Skanda Purana, The following is the Dasharatha Shani Stotra from Padma Purana :
Dhyaathwa Saraswatim Devim Gananatham Vinayakam.
Raja Dasharathah sthothram Saureridhamathakaroth.
Namo Neela mayukhaya Neelothpala nibhaya cha,
Namo Nirmaansa dehaaya Deergha shmashru jataaya cha,
Namo Vishaala nethraaya Shushkodhara bhayaanaka
Namah parushagathraya sthularomaaya Vai namah
Namo nithyam Kshudhaarthaaya Nithyathapthaya Vai namah
Namah Kaalaagni rupaaya Krthaanthaka namoshthuthe,
Nameste Kotaraakshaaya Durnireekshyaaya Vai namah Namo
Ghoraaya Raudraaya Bheeshanaaya Karaaline Nameste Sarva bhakshaaya Valeemukha namosthuthe
Surya putra namestesthu bhaskare bhaya dhayaka

Adho-drushte namasthubhyam vapuhshyaama namosthutheNamo Manda-gathe thubhyam nisthrinshaaya namo namah

Thapasa dagdha-dehaya nithyam yogarathaya cha

Namesthe gyaana nethraya kashyapathmaja sunave

Thushto dadasi Vai raajyam rushto harasi Thathkshanaath

Devaasura manushyaashcha pasupakshisareesrpaah

Thvaya vilokithaah saure dainyamaashu Vrjanti cha

Brahmaa shakro yamashchaiva rishayah saptha-tharakaah

Rajya bhrashtaashcha t’e sarve thava drishtyaa vilokithaah

Deshaa nagara graamaa dweepashechai vaadrayasththaa

Raudra Dhrushtyaa t’u ye drushtaah kshayam gacchanti thath kshanaath

Prasaadam Kuru me saure varaartheham thavaashrithah

Saure kshamasvaaparaadham sarvabhutha hithaayacha

8.One effective approach for mitigating the impacts of Sade-sati and other Dasha influences is to engage in the frequent recitation of the Hanuman Chalisa and Bajrang Baan, as a means of appeasing Hanuman ji.

9. It is recommended to engage in the act of offering prayers to Lord Shiva, as Lord Shiva is regarded as the spiritual guide or mentor of Lord Saturn. To attain a good life, one may opt to engage in the practise of Rudra Abhishek with Bel Patra and other Pancha Amritam, or alternatively, recite Rudra Ashtakam on Mondays and Saturdays.

10.It is recommended to provide crows, which are considered the vehicle of Lord Shanidev, with a prepared meal from one’s own morning repast on a daily basis. It is imperative to exhibit kindness and compassion for individuals occupying various positions of lower socioeconomic status, such as maids, servants, vendors, hawkers, labourers, cleaners, and other individuals engaged in low-grade occupations. It is imperative to refrain from attempting to appropriate their financial resources or subjecting them to any form of harassment. Ensure timely payment of their obligations and earn the affection of Saturn.

11.It is imperative to demonstrate unwavering loyalty for one’s parents (including grandparents) and provide them with affectionate care throughout their lives. This practise is akin to the deep affection that Lord Shani-dev holds for his mother, emanating from the depths of his heart. It is imperative to refrain from exhibiting contempt and carelessness towards one’s parents, since such actions may potentially incur the displeasure and consequences associated with the divine entity known as Shani Dev. Despite encountering certain conflicts with his father, Surya Dev, Shani Dev harbours genuine reverence for him deep within his being.

12.One effective remedy for mitigating the effects of Sade Sati is to engage in the daily recitation of the Maha-Mantra dedicated to Lord Saturn.

“Om nilanjana samabhasam | Ravi putram yamagrajam ||

Cahaya martanda samhubhutam | Tama namami Shanescharam||”

13.Individuals experiencing the astrological phenomenon known as Sade Saati are advised to diligently repeat the Shani Mahamantra a total of 23,000 times over a span of either 7 or 12 years. The recitation of the Shani Mahamantra should be completed within a period of 23 days. Therefore, by the regular recitation of the Shani Mahamantra using a ‘mala’ 10 times per day, the completion of the recitation will occur during a span of 23 days.

14. Recite the 108 appellations of Shani Dev, also known as Shani Dev Ashtottara Shatnamavali daily


Both versions aim to be as comprehensive as possible in their treatment of Saturn, Karma, and Sadesati. Since Sadesati is such a massive Saturn transit with so many varying effects, it’s crucial to have a thorough understanding of these phases before making any predictions. assumptions & any guess work. Despite its unpleasantness, adversity provides us with an opportunity to toughen up and become more resilient. In order to meet the challenges of Saturn Sadesati with greater self-awareness, fortitude, and optimism, it is helpful to have a firm grasp on the period’s underlying features and impacts. Keep in touch, keep sharing, never stop teaching and learning, and do your part to support the blogs you read by clicking on the ads that run on them. Do your share thoughts and ideas in comment section to improve future blogs.

Keep Reading, Keep Sharing  and Stay connected !

Jai Shani Dev !

Expressing gratitude and extending salutations,

Rocky Jamwal

Source and Reference :

Read More on Karma; 

Unlocking Mystery of the Past life Astrology Part 1 : Understanding Past life karma via past life regression therapy


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The Saturn, Sadesati and Lord of Karma in Vedic Astrology : Comprehensive Therapeutic Guide of Saturn – Part 1


The Saturn, Sadesati and Lord of Karma in Vedic Astrology


Saturn occupies a significant position in Vedic astrology, being recognized as a highly potent and prominent celestial body. Saturn referred to as ‘Shani’ in the Sanskrit language, this celestial body is commonly linked to the principles of discipline, diligent effort, and the acquisition of karmic wisdom. The celestial trajectory of Saturn within the zodiac is meticulously observed due to its profound influence on all facets of human existence, encompassing domains such as professional pursuits and interpersonal connections. The ‘Sade sati’ period, a widely discussed phenomenon associated with Saturn, is said to be characterized by notable transformations and obstacles.

The mythology of Sade sati is centered on the notion that during the transit of Saturn through the twelfth, first, and second houses of an individual’s moon sign, a significant time of profound change may occur. The duration of this phenomenon is commonly estimated to be approximately seven and a half years, during which it is believed to evaluate an individual’s fortitude, endurance, and adaptability.

The Impact of Saturn and Sadesati on Human Life

During the Sadesati phase, individuals may encounter challenges, interruptions, and hindrances in diverse domains of life. Nevertheless, it is crucial to bear in mind that this particular timeframe has both positive and negative aspects. This experience presents an opportunity for personal development, introspection, and acquisition of significant life knowledge.

From a psychological perspective, Sadesati has the potential to compel individuals to confront their fears, address their deficiencies, and cultivate inner resilience. The process has the potential to facilitate a profound metamorphosis and enable individuals to liberate themselves from constricting beliefs and attitudes. Numerous individuals who have experienced the astrological phenomenon known as Sadesati have attested to the occurrence of heightened levels of maturity, emotional stability, and a reinforced sense of self.

Exploring the Saturn and the Sadesati Expedition

Although the Sadesati era may appear intimidating, it is crucial to approach this phase with a positive outlook and a mindset focused on personal development. Instead of harbouring anxiety towards the various problems that arise, it is more beneficial to perceive them as occasions for personal and spiritual growth. The following are few strategies for effectively navigating the Sadesati period:

  • Engage in the practise of self-care, which involves attending to one’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
  • Participate in endeavours that elicit feelings of happiness and contribute to your state of relaxation.
  • Maintain a sense of practicality and realism. In order to foster a sense of connection with one’s inner self and uphold emotional equilibrium, it is advisable to engage in a regular practise of meditation or mindfulness.
  • Request guidance: Engage in consultation with a proficient astrologer who possesses expertise in interpreting individual birth charts and discerning the prevailing astrological influences.
  • It is vital to adopt a receptive attitude towards change.
  • It is important to have a mindset that is receptive to change and adaptable in nature.
  • It is important to acknowledge that change is an inherent aspect of human existence and has the potential to engender novel prospects and personal development.
  • Evolve self learning, Spiritual evolution and Living life down to earth.

It is important to note that the impact of Saturn and Sadesati should be viewed as a mechanism for fostering individual development, rather than a form of retribution. Through a comprehensive comprehension of the historical narratives and a wholehearted acceptance of the transformative process, individuals can effectively navigate this temporal phase with elegance and ultimately emerge fortified and more resilient than ever before.

So , lets explore the journey of understanding Saturn and effect of sadesati on human life.

What is the definition of Karma’s and Role of Saturn ?


Saturn teaching krishna The Saturn, Sadesati and Lord of Karma in Vedic Astrology : Comprehensive Therapeutic Guide of Saturn - Part 1


In accordance with Hinduism, the concept of divine fairness posits that God grants mankind the capacity to exercise free will in their choices between virtuous and malevolent actions. Consequently, the outcome of an individual’s actions is contingent upon the moral quality of their decision-making. Furthermore, it is believed that the collective choices made by humanity collectively contribute to the shaping of their hidden destinies. In this context, we are discussing the Karmas that pertain to our daily lives.

These Karmas are associated with the 3rd house from the 4th house, the 6th house, and the 6th lord. They arise from our ideas and are manifested through practical actions in the 10th house. Importantly, these Karmas are within the realm of our conscious mind and can be freely undertaken by ourselves.

In the realm of general practise, it is commonly seen that the examination of stored desires can be accomplished by examining the natural Karka sign, Aquarius, as well as the 4th house, which represents the Karka of the mind. By doing so, valuable insights can be gained into the potential outcomes of one’s Karmas, whether they be positive or negative, in subsequent births, based on their past actions.

Karma serves as the catalyst for the whole sequence of cause and effect, commonly referred to as Sansara-Venus (Maya). In order to achieve moksha (salvation), one must first deplete the entirety of their accumulated karmas, known as Pra-rabdha, by fully experiencing their consequences.

The concept of karma might be likened to that of a seed, as it often does not yield instant results upon its initial planting.

The generation of several karmic seeds is facilitated by our own acts, encompassing speech, thoughts, and deeds. Consequently, it is imperative to examine the comprehensive chart in its entirety. The examination of the tenth house from Mercury reveals the influence of our speech and conscious mind on our acts. Specifically, if the tenth house from Mercury is occupied by Mars, it may result in a speaker who is harsh or displays arrogance and rudeness. Thus, our speech is intricately connected to our karmic actions, either directly or indirectly. In the context of astrological beliefs, it is posited that the influence of Jupiter, when positioned as the 10th celestial body from the Moon, may engender individuals who exhibit virtuous qualities, possess healing abilities, demonstrate profound contemplation, exhibit extensive knowledge, or serve as spiritual catalysts. This influence is believed to directly impact the cognitive processes of the individual in question, as well as those in their immediate vicinity.

Saturn, Karma and Bhagwat Geeta 


Saturn Bhagwat geeta vedicsiddhanta The Saturn, Sadesati and Lord of Karma in Vedic Astrology : Comprehensive Therapeutic Guide of Saturn - Part 1


According to the Bhagavad Gita, the road of action, also known as karma, is described as enigmatic, and the Law of Karma is deemed unfathomable. Determining the specific karmic factors that contribute to the development of cancer, as well as discerning whether the consumption of a particular fruit is the consequence of a singular karmic action or a confluence of multiple karmic actions, presents a challenging endeavour. Determining the origin of the fruit that one presently derives pleasure from poses a challenge, ascertaining whether it is a result of the karma accumulated in the present lifetime or a consequence of past-life karmas, namely the Sanchita karma.

Under appropriate conditions, karmas that have reached maturity have the potential to yield outcomes during the same lifetime.

Karma is a philosophical concept that encompasses the principle of cause and effect, wherein actions and reactions are believed to have a direct correlation. It is often associated with notions of cosmic justice and individual accountability. The concept of cause and effect, also known as the law of sowing and reaping, operates in a rational manner whereby the outcomes one experiences are directly proportional and accurately determined, as administered by a higher power in accordance with cosmic rules. Karma can be likened to the laws of gravity in terms of predictability, as it posits that the consequences one experiences are a direct outcome of their actions towards others.

The individual who inflicts harm upon others will inevitably experience harm upon themselves at a later point in time. The Law of Karma include a crucial and inherently uncertain element known as the “delivery” or repercussions, which are under the authority of a higher power.

The concept of karma initiates the propulsion of an individual’s soul on a personal odyssey across the expanse of the universe. The concept of karma culminates when an individual attains mastery in the practise of performing actions without attachment or desire, solely in a selfless manner.

The Bhagwad Geeta elucidates that the attainment of detachment from the fruits of one’s actions, known as Karma-phala, can be achieved via the diligent pursuit of self-improvement along the path to the Divine. This involves the practise of diverse yogic disciplines.


Saturn idol The Saturn, Sadesati and Lord of Karma in Vedic Astrology : Comprehensive Therapeutic Guide of Saturn - Part 1


In the course of our daily existence, Lord Shani Dev vigilantly observes our accumulated and ongoing actions, enabling us to comprehend the true nature of our actions and their significant impact on our life. The cumulative result of an individual’s four karmas determines their birth, as each person is born depending on the totality of their collected karmas. If an individual has accumulated negative prarabdha (karma from former lives), they are always bound to experience its consequences in each subsequent birth, as this outcome is solely determined by the volition of the divine entity.

When the obligation to repay arises, it becomes imperative to acknowledge this responsibility. However, it is possible to rationalise these debts by engaging in virtuous actions throughout our continuous existence. The positive karma of an individual has the potential to counteract and neutralise the negative karma of another individual. The 10th house is considered the primary source of all ongoing karmic activities, and Lord Saturn has significant importance in comprehending many aspects of karma in an individual’s life.


Saturn image The Saturn, Sadesati and Lord of Karma in Vedic Astrology : Comprehensive Therapeutic Guide of Saturn - Part 1


From an astrological standpoint, it is recommended to examine the 10th house relative to Saturn in order to gain insight into the various acts we engage in during our daily routines. These actions encompass a wide range of emotions and inclinations, such as want, aversion, love, hatred, and happiness, occurring on a continuous basis throughout each moment or second. The presence of benefic or malefic influences in the 10th house relative to Saturn is likely to provide either favourable or negative outcomes, depending on the inherent character of the actions or Karama. These consequences may manifest in the present lifetime or perhaps in a subsequent lifetime. The fourth house and moon are influential in generating wishes for karmas, whereas the actual execution of these wants is contingent upon the tenth house.

Prior to delving into the subject matter, it is imperative to have a comprehensive understanding of the entity known as Shani-Dev and the manner in which this entity harmonises and regulates the karmic deeds inside the life of an individual.

Saturn, known as Shani or Shana-ish-chara in Sanskrit, is referred to as the sluggish mover or the Manda Gati. It is also denoted by the term Shane-Shane, which signifies its characteristic of moving at a leisurely pace. From an astronomical perspective, it is noteworthy that among the celestial bodies, Saturn possesses the unique characteristic of exhibiting an extended duration within a given zodiac sign due to its comparatively sluggish motion. This phenomenon is attributed to the fact that Saturn requires around two and a half years to traverse a single zodiacal sign or progress through each constellation within the sidereal zodiac.

According to the Linga Purana, Lord Shani-Dev (Saturn) is said to have originated from Rudra, the solar deity. According to the Markandeya Purana, Saturn is described as the offspring of the sun god and his consort, Chaya, who is symbolically associated with the concept of shadow. The chilly and arid nature of Saturn can be attributed to its deep core structure. The individual possesses an inherent purity and satwik disposition inside, however in the context of Jyotish terminology, their external demeanour is characterised as tamasik, exhibiting forthrightness and a propensity for anger.

The individual’s sluggishness is commonly seen as lethargy, although a closer examination reveals that this perception does not align with the true nature of his condition. The individual’s leisurely pace contributes to a prolonged journey towards the intended goal, which is also notable for its rich historical background. Additionally, the protagonist’s association with Sandhya, his maternal figure, bestows upon him the attributes of wisdom and advanced age. The individual’s visual acuity is regarded as impaired, and he is reputed to possess a malevolent nature, albeit exclusively towards individuals engaged in or associated with negative karmic deeds across multiple lifetimes.

The Significance of the Saturn and Sade sati in Vedic Astrology


Saturn planet The Saturn, Sadesati and Lord of Karma in Vedic Astrology : Comprehensive Therapeutic Guide of Saturn - Part 1


According to popular belief, Saturn is often associated with the potential destruction of the house it influences. However, in reality, Saturn primarily presents challenges in relation to the specific house it affects. The outcome varies depending on factors such as the placement of Saturn in a malefic or enemy sign, with the exception being the seventh house where Saturn can bring positive outcomes due to its directional strength. Conversely, when Saturn is positioned in a friendly or neutral sign, it has the tendency to enhance the qualities of the house it influences. The results also differ based on whether Saturn aspects or conjoins with other signs and houses. When Saturn is well placed, it bestows individuals with qualities such as integrity, wisdom, spirituality, fame, patience, leadership abilities, authority, longevity, organisational skills, sincerity, honesty, a sense of justice, and a keen awareness of moral principles.

When Saturn is positioned unfavourably in relation to a hostile celestial body or within a dwelling where the strength of Ashtakavrga is diminished, it has the potential to manifest various adversities for the individual, including but not limited to, personal distress, sorrow, delays, hindrances, disappointments, conflicts, despondency, and challenges. However, it is important to note that these difficulties may serve as valuable lessons pertaining to the specific house in question, allowing for the filtration of karmic seeds. Individuals influenced by Saturn tend to exhibit defensive tendencies, nervousness, and a proclivity for secrecy, yet they also possess commendable qualities such as honesty, responsibility, and loyalty. In the realm of worldly affairs, Saturn governs the western direction, Saturday is designated as its day, black is its associated colour, and the blue sapphire gemstone is attributed to Saturn. In the realm of Vedic numerology, Saturn holds dominion over the number 8.

In order to have a comprehensive comprehension of the various facets of Saturn, it is imperative to delve into the philosophical underpinnings and contextual backdrop associated with the archetype of a teacher or a stringent mentor.

Read More on Karma, Time and Kaal-chakra  ;

Kaalchakra the wheel of time – How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions

Fundamentals Principals of the Saturn Aspects 

The following discourse elucidates the astrological and philosophical significance of the four esteemed mantras associated with Lord Saturn :


Saturn career The Saturn, Sadesati and Lord of Karma in Vedic Astrology : Comprehensive Therapeutic Guide of Saturn - Part 1


1) The Influence of Saturn in a Specific House ( Saturn Placement Effect ) : In this context, Saturn serves as a guiding force, emphasizing the importance of practicality. It encourages individuals to embrace authenticity, loyalty, and honesty, while also emphasizing the need for self-identification within the natural order. Saturn typically diminishes negative qualities and associated characteristics within the house it occupies (for instance, if located in the 8th house, it may promote spiritual growth and alleviate fears, concerns about mortality, sexuality, and losses related to that particular house). Through this transformative process, Saturn facilitates the cultivation of positivity, infusing enthusiasm and imparting profound realization’s. By rectifying past mistakes and errors through the application of wisdom gained from previous experiences, Saturn acts as a catalyst for personal growth and rejuvenation, ultimately shaping a more favourable future trajectory. In essence, Saturn assumes the role of a trailblazer, purging the house of all negativity.

2) Saturn Direct Aspect (Lifelong Challenges): Be Prepared for Open Challenges: Here Saturn gives an equally challenging environment and opponents who can test your abilities and patience where it directly aspects, and it keeps pointing you to prepare yourself for your whole life for these open challenges. Here, Saturnine energy is directing you. Hey you! You are weak and not prepared for future life actions, and you need to work hard in this area as you lack the required energy for betterment. He is suggesting you never take a back step, never fear; you have to accept it in any case, and you have to face this challenge in your whole life unless you never become balanced and perfect, which you are feeling you can’t face in a long race. Here, Saturn is teaching you to rise as a winner. Never neglect your responsibilities; prioritise them and work hard on them. This is your open challenge area for your whole life and an important part of it. Don’t ignore it; prepare yourself and make it better for your future path.


3) Saturn 3rd House Aspect  ( Test of Courage, willpower and Free will ) :  The third aspect of Saturn presents individuals with challenging tasks and demanding environments that they must confront in various situations. Saturn aims to test one’s courage, willpower, and mental resilience by consistently directing them towards tasks that necessitate boldness. This metaphorical representation prompts individuals to question whether they possess the necessary attributes to fearlessly complete the tasks they perceive as insurmountable. Saturn serves as a teacher, urging individuals to eliminate the notion of “no” from their vocabulary and instead rely on their willpower and courage to overcome any obstacles associated with the specific house and sign. The lesson is to boldly and promptly finish tasks without succumbing to fear or procrastination.


4) Saturn 10th Aspect ( What need to be done, rightful karma and actions in society ) :  Saturn’s 10th Aspect, also known as the Ultimate Goal, pertains to the notion that work is akin to a workshop that presents challenges. It involves recognizing that life is not solely about enjoyment, but rather about striving to achieve higher goals that are bestowed upon individuals by a higher power in each successive birth. This process entails evolving and progressing towards these goals amidst openly challenging circumstances and interactions with negative individuals. These challenges may arise from the environment or society, manifesting in the form of opposition to one’s endeavours. Consequently, Saturn advises individuals to utilise these adversities as opportunities for growth and to intelligently navigate encounters with those who consistently oppose their work. Society, in this context, is viewed as a catalyst for personal development, urging individuals to tap into the gifts bestowed upon them and employ them effectively. By doing so, individuals can elevate themselves with the aid of their unwavering spirit.


The study of Saturn historically as depicted in Vedic/Puranic scriptures


Saturn scriptures The Saturn, Sadesati and Lord of Karma in Vedic Astrology : Comprehensive Therapeutic Guide of Saturn - Part 1


Scriptural Reference from Puranas  

Based on ancient legends and scriptural accounts, Saturn is believed to have been born to Sun and Chaya, also known as Swarna. It is said that during the moment of Saturn’s birth, the Sun experienced a profound illness as a result of the inauspicious aspect of Saturn’s gaze. Consequently, a longstanding conflict has persisted between the father and son, as symbolised by the Sun-Saturn Aspect.

According to several Hindu Puranas, Shani is regarded as the progeny of Surya, the solar deity, and Chhaya, symbolising gloom. Yamaraj is identified as Shani’s sibling, while Yamuna is recognised as his sister. Shani’s hue is associated with Indraneel Mani, sometimes referred to as Neelam, which corresponds to the colour blue sapphire.

Numerous narratives exist pertaining to the origin of Shani Dev. The most widely acknowledged account is found within the ancient text known as the ‘Skanda Purana’. According to one particular rendition, the birth of Shani Dev unfolds as follows: The deity Surya was united in matrimony with Sandhya, the daughter of the divine architect Vishwakarma.

Sandhya’s inability to tolerate the luminosity emitted by the deity Surya led her to believe that through perseverance, she could enhance her own brilliance. Alternatively, she entertained the notion that her penance could diminish the overwhelming radiance of Surya. It is important to note that Sandhya worshipped Surya as her spouse, and it was through divine intervention that they were blessed with three offspring: Vaivastahva Manu, Yama Raj, and Yamuna. Despite her deep affection for her children, Sandhya remained greatly distressed by the intense radiance emanating from Surya. Consequently, she contemplated separating from him and seeking solace in her parents’ abode, where she intended to engage in rigorous penance. Should any opposition arise, Sandhya resolved to relocate to a remote and secluded location to undertake her arduous penitential practises.

Through her act of penance, Sandhya manifested a doppelgänger named Suvarna, who represented her shadow self. Sandhya entrusted her three children to Chaya, instructing her to assume the role of a mother figure and care for them. Sandhya assured Chaya that she could rely on her assistance in times of trouble, emphasising the importance of maintaining the distinction between Chaya and Sandhya, and ensuring that this distinction remained concealed from others.

The individual in question relinquished her duties to Chaya and departed for her parental residence. Upon arrival, she disclosed to her father her inability to endure the brilliance of the deity Surya. Consequently, she had left without informing her spouse. In response, her father reproached her severely, cautioning that her uninvited return would bring a curse upon both her and himself. He instructed her to promptly return to her marital home. Subsequently, Sandhya became apprehensive about the fate of the responsibilities entrusted to Chaya should she comply with her father’s directive. The whereabouts of Chaya also became a concern.

In light of the potential revelation of their clandestine activities, Sandhya sought solace in the densely forested regions of Uttar Kurukshetra.

The protagonist experienced apprehension regarding her personal safety within the jungle due to her youthful appearance and physical attractiveness. Consequently, she assumed the guise of a mare in order to conceal her true identity and initiated a period of penance. In a separate narrative, the divine union between God Surya and Chaya resulted in the birth of three offspring. Surya and Chaya enjoyed a harmonious relationship, characterised by Surya’s unwavering trust. The progeny of Chaya consisted of Manu, God Shani, and Putri Bhadra (Tapti).

According to the second narrative, the manifestation of God Shani occurred as a consequence of the esteemed ‘yagna’ conducted by Maharishi Kashyap. During the gestation period of God Shani within the womb of Chaya, Shiv Bhaktini Chaya exhibited a profound level of devotion towards God Shiva, to the extent that she neglected her own sustenance.

The intensity of her prayers throughout her penance exerted a remarkable affect on the developing child within her womb. The complexion of God Shani turned black as a consequence of Chaya’s rigorous penance, during which she endured exposure to the scorching sun without sustenance or shelter. Upon the birth of God Shani, Surya was taken aback by the presence of his dusky skin. The individual commenced to harbour scepticism against Chaya. Chaya was subjected to derogatory remarks when he asserted that the child in question was not his offspring.

Since his birth, God Shani has inherited the immense powers resulting from his mother’s rigorous penance.

The individual observed his father engaging in verbal abuse towards his mother. He observed his father with a malevolent stare. Consequently, the paternal figure’s physical form exhibited a burned black appearance. The equine companions of the celestial deity Surya came to a halt, bringing his divine chariot to a standstill. The chariot exhibited a lack of mobility. Filled with concern, the deity Surya beseeched the presence of the divine entity Shiva. The deity Shiva provided counsel to the deity Surya, elucidating the events that had transpired. As a result of his actions, the reverence for both the mother and infant has been compromised and subjected to derogation. The deity Surya acknowledged his wrongdoing and expressed remorse. The protagonist experienced a restoration of his former resplendent appearance and the revitalization of his chariot’s equine strength. Subsequently, God Shani has assumed the role of a dutiful offspring to his paternal and maternal figures, while also displaying unwavering devotion as a pupil of God Shiva.

Based on other scriptural and legendary accounts, as documented in the Brahma Purana, it is asserted that Saturn exhibited unwavering devotion towards Lord Krishna and was captivated by his divine presence. In light of this proclivity, the Sun entered into matrimony with the daughter of Chitra Rath, namely Saturn. Saturn’s spouse had remarkable strength, potency, and humility. Param Tejasvi, the consort of Saturn, approached her husband with the intention of beseeching him for the gift of progeny. However, Shani Dev was preoccupied with engaging in meditation and offering prayers to Lord Krishna. Following a prolonged period of waiting, the protagonist’s spouse became increasingly agitated and expressed her discontent by invoking a curse against Shani, beseeching that anyone and everyone encountered by him shall face utter destruction. Consequently, she invoked a curse upon Saturn, proclaiming that any anyone who encountered him would suffer complete annihilation. Due to the aforementioned characteristics, Saturn was deemed weak and its influence was believed to possess the potential to bring about destruction upon individuals.

Saturn made efforts to persuade her, and she ultimately acknowledged her error. However, she was unable to retract the curse. Saturn assumed a downward gaze, motivated by a desire to prevent harm to others. This results in Shani consistently maintaining a lowered head posture.

This narrative elucidates the detrimental influence of the drishti (aspect) of Shani.

( References from Skanda and Padma Purana


Read More on Karma in Vedic Astrology 

The Karma Theory in vedic astrology part 1: Astrology and karma

The Karma Theory in vedic astrology part 1: Know about Astrology, Past life and karma Connection ?


The Significance of Saturn in Vedic Astrology


Saturn much misunderstood The Saturn, Sadesati and Lord of Karma in Vedic Astrology : Comprehensive Therapeutic Guide of Saturn - Part 1


According to the principles of Vedic astrology, Saturn is often regarded as auspicious when positioned within a specific house, while its influence on the houses it aspects is typically perceived as unfavourable. The perceived harm associated with Saturn’s influence stems from its role in imparting spiritual and worldly teachings through these aspected homes, which are essentially regarded as arenas for personal growth and developmental problems in one’s present life. Shani exhibits influence over the 3rd, 7th, and 10th houses, including a span of 270 degrees in orbital distance. One may envision the substantial magnetic impact exerted by Saturn based on its occupied position.

Shani strongly disapproves of behaviours such as fraudulent activities, deceit, dishonesty, alcohol consumption, gambling, neglecting personal hygiene, engaging in animal cruelty, and showing contempt towards God, parents, or elders.

If Shani assumes a favourable placement within an individual’s birth chart, it is likely that said individual will experience progress in various facets of life. This progress may manifest in the form of diligent work ethic, equitable conduct, and a propensity for justice. Additionally, individuals with a favourable Shani placement may enjoy a commendable social standing and a relatively healthy physical condition. Conversely, an unfavourable positioning of Shani within a birth chart may result in adverse consequences such as damage to one’s residence, occurrences of fires, accumulation of debt, disputes, and the loss of financial assets and property.

The adverse positioning of the planet Saturn, commonly referred to as “Shani,” is associated with the occurrence of dental and ocular abnormalities during early development. Historically, the movements of Saturn, often regarded as the “Great Malefic,” were met with trepidation and accompanied by cautionary messages conveyed by astrologers to their clients. These messages forewarned individuals about potential scarcity, misfortune, significant setbacks, or challenging situations.

The gift of Saturn lies in the pressure it exerts, which serves to maintain our focus on our individual journey. Similar to the zodiac sign it governs, Capricorn, Saturn’s gravity stems from the understanding that certain objectives necessitate persevering through apprehension in order to cultivate greater internal discipline. Jupiter, on the other hand, counterbalances this by instilling faith, optimism, and confidence that the diligent efforts invested will ultimately yield fruitful outcomes.

The planet Saturn does not guarantee success, nevertheless, by methodically outlining the necessary steps and persevering along this trajectory despite potential distractions and uncertainties, individuals can gradually attain a level of expertise that aligns with the standards set by Saturn. This process ultimately leads to the development of unwavering self-confidence.

The influence of Saturn is often perceived as weighty and constraining, which aligns with the inherent characteristics of the physical realm. In instances where individuals feel overwhelmed, inert, or despondent, they may relinquish their autonomy and grant authority to another figure. This authority can manifest in various forms, such as a superior at work, a paternal figure, a spouse, an educator, a confidant, or even an internalised critical voice. Following a period of sufficient humility, individuals may ultimately choose to assert their independence and assume the role of self-governance.

The astrological placement of Saturn in one’s natal chart, specifically in terms of its sign and house position, indicates the potential areas in which significant life challenges may manifest. Despite any negative connotations associated with this celestial body, it is important to recognise that Saturn should not be regarded with fear. In fact, the attainment of success following the overcoming of obstacles can be profoundly fulfilling, accompanied by a profound and enduring understanding of life. This invaluable outcome is bestowed upon our individual destinies by the influence of Saturn, also known as Shani.

According to belief, Prajapati and Yam are considered to be the Adhidevta and Pratyadhidevta of Saturn, respectively.

Saturn is associated with Lord Krishna’s lineage and is depicted as riding a vulture and a chariot crafted from iron. Additionally, Saturn is recognised by other appellations, including Asit, Aarki, Chhayatmaj, Mand, Shanaishchar, Suryaputra, Ravij, Pangu, Saur, and Bhaskari.

In Vedic astrology, Saturn is considered the Karak planet for the 6th, 8th, and 10th houses, as well as for the concept of detachment.

Saturn serves as the significator planet for coal, iron, eggplants, garments of black or blue hue, split black lentils, black grapes, and Indian blackberries.

Saturn is widely regarded as a Karak planet for objects exhibiting a blue hue. It is commonly linked to the anatomical structures of ligaments and the stomach. In the context of detachment, Saturn’s potency within the Kundali is crucial for attaining success. Additionally, Saturn can be associated with the domains of sculpting, service, agriculture, and the labouring class. Furthermore, Saturn’s influence extends to the temporal aspects of an individual’s life, particularly their age and longevity. Favourable placement of Saturn within a horoscope is believed to bestow a prolonged lifespan.

Despite its negative reputation, Saturn is widely regarded as a symbol of instruction and guidance. It exhibits characteristics akin to those of an educator, disciplining individuals for their transgressions while rewarding them for their virtuous actions. Furthermore, Saturn is associated with the concept of justice, assuming the role of a judge and dispensing equitable outcomes based on an individual’s conduct. Consequently, individuals who engage in wrongdoing and possess unfavorable karma are duly recompensed.

Saturn governs the skeletal structure of the human body, particularly the larger bones found in the legs. In accordance with its inherent nature, Saturn is associated with the manifestation of chronic ailments that tend to persist over an extended period of time, often proving to be challenging to remedy. Consequently, individuals afflicted by such conditions must endure prolonged periods of illness. Moreover, those influenced by Saturn’s energy are compelled to exert significant effort in their endeavors throughout life. Saturn symbolizes the laboring class, individuals who toil diligently to secure meagre sustenance. Additionally, Saturn exercises dominion over land and subterranean resources, thereby exerting control over mining operations. Iron is the metal associated with Saturn, while its representative colors are black and blue. The zodiac signs governed by Saturn are Capricorn and Aquarius, with its exaltation occurring in Libra and debilitation in Aries. Aquarius serves as Saturn’s moon-trikona sign.

Saturn is characterized by its adherence to discipline and strictness, and it strongly opposes chaos and disobedience. In the realm of Hindu astrology, Saturn holds significant importance. This celestial body instills fear in individuals due to its unwavering commitment to discipline and strictness. The gradual movement of Saturn across the zodiac offers two significant periods known as Sade Sati and Dahiya. These periods occur multiple times throughout an individual’s life. Sade Sati refers to the phase when Saturn transits the twelfth and second houses relative to the natal moon. Similarly, the period of Dahiya occurs when Saturn is positioned between the fourth and eighth houses from the natal moon. The duration of Sade Sati spans seven and a half years, while the period of Dhaiya lasts for two and a half years.

These two periods are widely acknowledged as challenging phases in an individual’s life. During this time, individuals encounter several adversities and difficulties without receiving any relief or support. From an astrological perspective, this period is believed to be conducive to personal growth and enlightenment, despite the hardships experienced.

Conclusion : 

The experience of enduring hardship can be seen as a means of atoning for one’s transgressions. This concept allows for an examination of the contrasting characteristics of Mars and Saturn. Specifically, individuals influenced by Mars may be driven towards criminal behaviour or theft as a result of the difficulties they face. Conversely, Saturn’s influence prompts individuals to embark on a spiritual journey, compelling them to reflect upon the actions that have led to their current state of suffering. Over time, this process leads to a transformation towards righteousness.

Stay connect for next part where we will discuss about remedies of Sadesati, Story behind  lord of karma which have strong therapeutic effect on human being actions and self understand. Keep reading and stay connected.


To be Continued…


Rocky Jamwal | Founder | Author | Vedic siddhanta


Source, Reference and link,

  1. Padma and Linga Puran
  2. Shani Shaman, Internet and Wikipedia
  4. Bhagwat Geeta, Geeta Press, Chapter Karma Yoga

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The Greatness of Saturn- Part 1 : Magnificent Aspects of the Saturn Influencing human being Astronomically and philosophically explained

GreatnessofSaturnAspects The Greatness of Saturn- Part 1 : Magnificent Aspects of the Saturn Influencing human being Astronomically and philosophically explained

| Om Guruve Namah |
Magnificent Aspects Astronomically, Astrologically and Philosophically Explained- Part 1 (Mathematical Aspect)

General Introduction:

” Om Nilanjana samabhasam, Ravi putram yamagrajam Cahaya martanda samhubhutam,  Tama namami Shanescharam”

I bow down to great Shanaishchara, one who is slow in motion ( Shaniah = slow, charah =move) (Saturn), the elder brother of Yama (the God of Death), and who is born from (who is the son of ) Martanda (the Sun) and Chhaya and who is the son of Ravi (the Sun). His complexion is blackish, like that of black eye ointment (used as an eyeliner, made out of black soot mixed with clarified butter)

In Sanskrit Saturn is called Shani or Shana-ish-chara (The slow mover – The Manda Gati  ), Shane -Shane (one who walks slowly)”.Astronomically, only Saturn has the capability to stay for a much longer period in any zodiac sign because of his slow movement in the celestial sphere. It takes him 2.5 Years, about two and a half years to cover up one zodiacal sign or so to pass through each constellation of the sidereal zodiac which covers the cycle of 30 years for completing its phase in all the zodiac signs. Only Saturn in the solar system has that much stronger and longer Ring structure with multi-layers gaseous components in it, as what ancient and modern astronomers believe, that has the ability to control motions of the rest of planetary forces after the 2nd largest planet Jupiter in the solar system, via the magnetic shield it has.

Analysis of Saturn Ring Structure Philosophically Explained
( Author View )
Saturn diagram.svg The Greatness of Saturn- Part 1 : Magnificent Aspects of the Saturn Influencing human being Astronomically and philosophically explained
Logically Saturn planetary structure has 3 outer Rings of unequal width and they revolve it in the same direction. They all revolve from left to right in the same direction as the planet revolves on its axis. Comparatively Earth and Saturn movements are very similar to each other.  The thickness of Saturn’s rings is a hundred miles and most people believe that all these rings are made of gaseous material but the latest discoveries show that rings consist of a cloud of tiny satellites revolving around the planets, that shows the force of planetary rings it has, that it can break any barrier it came across. As per the latest discoveries Neither they are made of Gas nor liquids nor solid, they are innumerable little satellites that form the ring structure of Saturn.

SaturnRings The Greatness of Saturn- Part 1 : Magnificent Aspects of the Saturn Influencing human being Astronomically and philosophically explained

The very true purpose of Ring structure on Saturn apart from the rest of planetary structure is to provide a sharp piece of knowledge on judgment, self-restrictions, Self-realisation, with deep observation power to keep on monitoring the rest of the motions of planets with sharp karmic eyes or we can say in the philosophical language it is a gifted understanding for deep analytical assessment, with a keen observation power to observe every minute to smallest karma from any deep angles via close and minute associations.

It is made for providing a balance in the motion and that balance can help in achieving any life targets and goals with perfect patience and stability after undergoing life hard lessons slowly in the journey of life, the Famous saying is without balance and focused targets or goal no one can achieve the level of perfection. Only with perfect balance, one can achieve anything with life’s gradual experiences.
The Ring structure of Saturn helps in closely monitoring the motions of others, Here motions of others imply their karmic mistakes in the journey of life and that can only be possible after observing the mistakes in their karmas via patience, observation, and deep assessment.

If you have the charismatic ring of the Saturn in your chart, it is none another a power of balance, gifted as in the form of placement of Exalted Saturn, eventually, you can conquer any fight or battle with deep wisdom, with the power of balanced life approach and perfect balanced motion. More the motion is slow with consistent speed more you can monitor your life mistakes and more you can put restrictions on yourself for better achievements in goal. The Greatest power will be you can help others via your deep wisdom attained via balanced and perfect motion by guiding them, by realizing their root mistake, by pinpointing their weaknesses.

Power of Ring in Saturn is for judgment, wisdom, deep observation power, wide Vision, the gift of monitoring karma’s, judgment of being right and wrong.

In General, in life, if we have the balance we can take better steps and decisions, clarity of thoughts will be more with clear and precise vision, One can take all pro and cons into consideration before any decisions or judgment For e.g when the ring is attached to a coin and if we try to rotate or revolve that coin with the ring attached to it, we can see that in starting the weight of the ring will try to imbalance or slow down the motion but once it achieves its perfect momentum, balance and consistent speed, slowly but gradually it will pick up the speed in perfect and consistent spin motion, in that slow and balanced motion planet will have maximum ChestaBala and speed will keep on increasing and later we can also observe that the motion will be in perfects shape and in a balanced state and when it gets to stop, the coin will be having perfect landing without any mistake. The same goes for the Saturn Ring and motion, with the power of this any native can achieve their maximum life goals but with perfection and true balance via the help of motion of Saturn that no can achieve

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*Note: Chesta Bala is a motional strength analyzed based on the relative motion of the planets especially in the case of those planets having relatively slow speed those can get maximum Chesta Bala value. Planets that are fast relatively having a low chestabala value. The reason being Slow moving planets can able to focus their energy more on any aspect because they can stay in one place for a maximum time. Therefore it is possible that a relatively fast-moving Saturn can get a low Chesta Bala value in Directional motion rather than in Retrogression motion, while relatively fast-moving Mercury can get a high Chesta Bala during retrogression motion.

Spiritually and philosophically the ring structure of the Saturn also shows about Extra two Aspects (The 3rd and 10th Aspect- Drishti) and controlling nature given to the Lord Saturn for extraordinary duties assigned to him for mankind well being or can be defined as a sharp eye given for deeply monitoring karmic actions of the humans. Its main purpose lies in extra features that are given to the Lord of karma for understanding Restrictions and duties on karmic actions based on the karma of any being. It speaks about the managed and fixed boundaries required for any disciplinary actions.

It speaks about fixed Dedication needed for fulfilling the tasks. Also, shows constant futuristic focus and decisions for those actions and working on it constantly with fixed ideas. These rings structures also show Limitations one can come across in fructifying the actions and how one can manage and work under those fixed boundaries and limitations. It also speaks about fixed boundaries one must have to work in for yielding out better results in the future without crossing it or misusing the power given by the Almighty for accomplishing any tasks. It shows majorly about the strength one has realized with great difficulties in the past’s life and most importantly it talks about a control structure on karmas of Devas, Rakshas, and Manshuyas. Even it also indicates enforced boundaries given for Honest and Balanced judgment to the Lord of the Karama for all the being for their karmic actions by the Godhead of the highest order.

The motion of Saturn as per ancient texts and Astronomy:
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According to Khandakhadyaka and Surya Siddhanta of Varahamihira, Saturn completes 146,564 revolutions on its own axis every 4,320,000 earth years, an Epicycle of Apsis as 60 degrees, and had an apogee (aphelia) of 240 degrees in 499 CE; while another manuscript of Surya Siddhanta revises the revolutions to 146,568, the apogee to 236 degrees and 37 seconds and the Epicycle to about 49 degrees.                                         (Source: Wikipedia)
Surya Siddhanta 10,765 days, 18 hours, 33 minutes, 13.6 seconds
Siddhanta Shiromani

10,765 days, 19 hours, 33 minutes, 56.5 seconds

Astronomically, Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second-largest in the Solar System, after Jupiter. It is a gas (Vayu Tatva – Sharpe Intelligence) giant with an average radius (Wisdom) about nine times that of Earth. Although it has only one-eighth the average density of Earth, with its larger volume Saturn is just over 95 times (Power of control) more massive. It has a deep impact on the air system of the body and a sharp influence on all sorts of Mundane activities and desires. that’s why it affects more on the root chakra of the body.

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Scientifically Saturn has a magnetic field (Power of Attraction and controlling any Jeeva for enforcing duties and responsibilities in terms of karma theory ) about 578 times more powerful than the Earth’s, that shows the power, and force of attraction (Gravity) which is impossible to count, further shows the impact and controlling nature it possesses toward Rest of planetary structure from Mercury to Jupiter. This shows any Moving and rotating body circulation motion has a deep role in impacting any nearby celestial body within its range.

The thing is how huge celestial bodies floating in the solar system effects so badly that we cannot think more than from it. Well, the answer lies in understanding the solar magnetic forces or currents they produce and how they influence, which keep on affecting any particle in contact with these huge celestial bodies.

According to the “Swami Abhedananda”  as explained in Heliocentric science, the Effects of the planets upon earth are the results of the certain vibrations, frequencies, and circulatory motions of their bodies. These vibrations usually travel in outer space from all the direction and strike the sun like a telegraphic signal those keep coming to the receiver end (Here sun is acting as the source of accepting and reflecting back those waves and signals) and in the same way sun strike back or reflect those telegraphic waves in all the direction to the sender ends. Here both the Sun and the rest of the planets are acting as a communication channel, whereas the rest of the planets act like Transponder and the sun is acting like the receiver who keeps on responding to those signals from outer space. These vibrations always coming from the other planetary ends in a regular manner in the medium of “Ether” and keep beating on the atmosphere of the sun. when they Strike the surface of the sun they cannot penetrate through the sun, in return, they reflected back and goes in every direction and strike all other planets including earth too.

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These waves or vibrations are like magnetic current traveling everywhere on the solar surface and it has the influence of each and every planet and they keep on sending this current to the sun, and the sun keeps on sending back these influences to other planets in all the directions and these currents keep on traveling from one planet to the other planet affecting weather surface, Mental and physical conditions of the human beings living on those planets. Larger the planet is located much powerful would be the magnetic current it has to send back to the sun and after coming back from the sun it gets magnetized by the solar atmosphere with much-telling influences on the human mind, weather, atmosphere and physical conditions of the human being.
These solar magnetic currents or waves of energy produce force and vitality and they are reflected upon the earth from every direction. Every planetary current has a much-telling influence on the human mind and body. Then Sun sends it back to the medium of ether in the same way to the earth via its radiation, It has everything including light, sound, a different wavelength of color, heat, Pran Shakti, Vitality, power, force, and other telling influences those are gathered from the rest of the planets in certain wavelengths and they get mixed up with heat and light of the sun.
Our ancient seers and astronomers studied these patterns very well and then they understood that’s why human beings are more or less affected by the influence of each planet’s motion.
Because of the quick motion of the Mercury around the sun, it produces a much-telling influence on the human mind and brain functionality as its waves get much magnetized by the sun and in result vibration of the mercury produces quickness, Activity, changeableness, Hilarity, wittiness and brilliant intelligence. and it has also been observed that these vibrations also produce different forms too, its vibrations are very quick and shorter in nature, that’s why they go quick and back in a much shorter period. The result will be it has a much shorter influence on the human mind and body during its transitory and retrogression motion. Same way Venus has a bit slower vibrations and it’s in a pleasant form.

It produces a soothing and harmonious influence on the human mind as well as on the weather too, and whenever Venus vibrations strike anyone it produces harmonic vibrations around the heart chakra that helps in a healthy relationship with any other being. Jupiter Has much longer, powerful but slower vibrations due to its slow motion and much broader surface and it produces vast and huge waves around earth helps in harmonic growth around the human mind and body and when it strikes the sun it gets harmonized by the sun and same it is reflected back to the surface of the earth it has a much-telling influence on the mind and it affects more on the Spiritual ground affecting human mind in a most positive way because it has a much smoother and harmonic relationship with the medium of the waves (The Ether – Akash Tattva).

As it is very huge in size and largest among all it has tremendous power of influence on the human mind, body, and the surface of the earth weather condition. It has the quality of absorbing everything and when it strikes the human mind it gives healthy and powerful vitality force to the human body and absorbs every negativity around it.
Now coming to Saturn, has very long, heaviest, and much slower vibrations than any of the planets in the solar system, and its waves and vibrations are very powerful and strong and it produces disintegrating influence on the human mind and body. Each of these different vibrations coming from different planets having different wavelengths produces different effects in the human system and characteristics of the human too. Saturn being much slower in motion for a longer period, its magnetic current has much influence on the inner side of the body and has more influence on the bone and flesh of the human being and its vibrations produce more a restriction on a person or its activity and have more of all kind of disintegrating effects on the human body with diseases connected with it.
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Saturn has an average distance from the Sun around 885,904,700 miles (1,426,725,400 km) which is 9.53707 times that of Earth. Saturn Solar Waves take much time to reach the earth’s surface that’s the only reason it has an effect for a much longer period and same it has the Dasha period for a much longer period of 19 years that has been calculated based on the distance from earth and the sun and its average staying period in the one zodiac sign that is around 2.5 years for 1 sign and it covers 30 years of distance to make 1 cycle and approximately a human being can experience 3 cycles (90 years ) in one life period of time.

Its Perihelion (closest approach to Sun) distance is : 838,519,000 miles (1,349,467,000 km) which is 9.177 times that of Earth and its Aphelion (farthest distance from sun): 934,530,000 miles (1,503,983,000 km) which is 9.886 times that of earth. So long-distance, slow motion, huge mass & strong attraction power toward the earth makes Saturn the strongest planet in the solar system the resultant. Spiritually and in Scriptural point of view Saturn has given the wide reason why Shani dev is considered as greatest & most strongest planet. 

Because of this only reason, it has the highest impact on the human mind, body & soul with the help of its slow-motion (Mand Gati)  and its role as Karma Karka Graha in Nav Graha Cabinet.

Astronomically it has the power to attain maximum Chesta Bala in either direct or in a retrogression motion where one can realize his karmic debts and actions in a much relatable way with current life events those are strongly related with our past action and hence, one can better anticipate in his life for improvement on his karma.

In the next part, we will try to understand Saturn’s strong gravitational force with the help of ancient quotes and facts. So stay connected for the 2nd part as well and keep reading our articles and blogs.

Rocky Jamwal

Source: The Heliocentric Science by Swami Abhedananda continue The Greatness of Saturn- Part 1 : Magnificent Aspects of the Saturn Influencing human being Astronomically and philosophically explained

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Retrogression of Saturn in Scorpio in Jyestha : Impact of Retrograde Saturn on ascendant, its a Time to evaluate your true goals hidden beneath in subconscious side.

o EXOPLANET facebook Retrogression of Saturn in Scorpio in Jyestha : Impact of Retrograde Saturn on ascendant, its a Time to evaluate your true goals hidden beneath in subconscious side.

Retrogression of Saturn in Scorpio in Jyestha – Time to evaluate your true goals hidden beneath in subconscious side.

Saturn is currently in Retrograde in Sign of water (Scorpio) in Jyestha Nakashtra placed in Square to Retrograde Jupiter in Fiery sign. Nakashtra Lord Mercury is in Debilitation state too. Two Retrogression elemental energies Clashing with each other and creating a situation of rebellion in deep inner side – that’s what is called retrogression – A new prospective hidden in your original personality. Later After April 2016 – A True Rebellion Leader will born in you either you will become too rude or too Rigid. those who can handle such immense retrogression energy  will be a born leader in near future.This is the high time to think deeply in deeper emotional side what were you doing wrong from the last couple of months, where were you stuck in middle of way, why you were not real, why you were not able to fix your situation and why you ignoring your real karmic duties. Saturn will force you or give you plenty of time to think more and more to evaluate your real practical personality simply to get evolve in practical world. May be you stuck in challenges or in hidden jealously prevail in working environment by the people try to challenge your credibility but ultimately you have to fight back those situations given by people and get rise ultimately.

Saturn will warn or make you more tough and serious and will make a complete changeover in your viewpoint of life. You will see many new values in you whom you might be ignoring in past months or years.You will see why world is so rude out your boundaries and why you are not enough competent to fight back. This phase of transformation will keep up-to till Sun reach to Highest  Retrogression energy in Taurus sign. After attaining highest chesta bala in Taurus Saturn will totally transform you in real and practical world. After this you will become real you who can survive in any situation. Till Sun reach at Taurus you see many challenges in life from many known and unknown people around you. Kendras are representative of public life, so you will you see many new challenges in society from your very own people whom you were trying to totally dependable on them.  It might  change your ideology regarding your daily routines, might be your ignorance in work, might be negligence toward your real motives and true thoughts.

Saturn is telling you currently try to make yourself independent  in emotional side. Release all your Emotional thoughts which keep burdening you and try to be in an independent state of all duties and think of those karmic duties which you were neglecting from long pending time. this is the time to think from much more deeper prospective level about whats your true goal in your life are, will show you who is real and who is unreal and whom you going to rely. Challenges and challenging people (Mars) will keep try to shatter your dreams and try to make you weaker from inner side in deep emotional nature. Its the time when you only have to think from your own soul level not from any other such Outer prospective thoughts  of people.

Its the time you have to spent your thinking to yourself only leave all people aside. your deeper Level of Sixth sense will develop during this time period and you will able to think more on your real targets of life. you will either try to change your profession or you will take your life too seriously might be you were ignoring from many months. Retrogression of Saturn only meant to make more disciplined ideology in life , be more realistic, thinking on big projects on real ground not in imaginary world. It will make you much stronger internally in emotional side and your deep hidden independent talent will come up after deep challenges you will meet in your Work areas, as Jupiter is also retrograde in fiery sign with Nodes. The Firing and igniting Deeper wisdom of Jupiter will transform your internal side of Saturn very soon after April.

4/10 Relationship is always be a time to work on ground reality rather than totally depending on people and what time is giving you. Trines works like a driver is ruling your life but in Kendras you have to work on your own wisdom, you have to make efforts and you have to work in actual one will move you further. its the only your deeper hidden thoughts will build your inner personality much stronger. This is the time to agitate your thoughts and ideology to bring real you in society.

People (Mars – Fiery Nature – turbulence in emotional values will increase) will challenge you after April 2016 to till August 2016. Situation will calm down when Jupiter will be in 3/11 Relationship with Saturn.

Its a High challenging time for Aquarius, Capricorn, Gemini, Libra, Leo, Scorpio  and Taurus Lagana people.

pin Retrogression of Saturn in Scorpio in Jyestha : Impact of Retrograde Saturn on ascendant, its a Time to evaluate your true goals hidden beneath in subconscious side.

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Saturn Transit in Scorpio: Return of Saturn in Scorpio in November 2014, Complete understanding on transit of saturn in different nakashtras in scorpio with mundane analysis

Return of Saturn in Scorpio on 2nd November 2014

Scorpio – Sign of Transformation and Regeneration

maxresdefault Saturn Transit in Scorpio: Return of Saturn in Scorpio in November 2014, Complete understanding on transit of saturn in different nakashtras in scorpio with mundane analysis

In 2nd November Saturn will ingress in Scorpio approximately about after 2.00 AM start moving toward its next sign exactly in Nakashtra of Jupiter ( Visakha- Star of Purpose).

With this transit Sadhe-sati will start for Sagittarius sign , Dhahia & Ashtam Saturn will be start for Aries and Leo signs. Libra Sign will be facing last phase of sadhe-sati and Scorpio will be facing 2nd phase of Sadhe-sati.1st Phase of Sadhe-sati is about managing your close relationships , 2nd phase of Sadhe-sati is about managing yourself , your thoughts transformations and mental courage and strength and last phase of Sadhe-sati is about your personal , family responsibilities and values and managing your wealth and assets.

No need to worry Vedic Astrology is purely a divine science having deep Cosmological mathematics behind transits of planets in different signs.

In Simple language Saturn transit is about fixing those areas of life which are you lacking and which you have to fix it till transit period of 2.5 , it is simply What god Wanted you should focus on some certain areas of life and balance those areas during that transit or what you can deserve because of your past actions or what you can get during that transit – they are simply indicator of fruits , Deeds and karma.

Some Myths and hypocrisy of Transits and correct System of transits

Checking Transits results always be a difficult task for any of an amateur and beginner astrologer reason is very simple there is very less knowledge distributed in online portals and most of the people who are running online portals simply predict results from moon signs that is very wrong practice for transit system.

Reason is simple there are millions of people and millions of people who having same moon signs so results can’t be same for each and everyone for same 12 moon signs.

In Every horoscope moon is having lordship of 12 signs and 12 houses and having 12 house properties associated with each lagna , question is how could moon will show same results for every human being during transit.

In My opinion Moon cant be the reference point for transits but it could be reference point for Dashas lord who is having current transits in lagna and divisional charts.

During a child birth planets aligns with specific degrees and nakashtras that’s holds the qualities of that birth but it cant be same for whole birth , it keep on changing like water finds its way during its flow. Same applicable for planets in Vedic astrology, birth planets keep changing after birth and they return back few years back in transits.

More the planet huge in size and mass , more the planet is closer to earth more having effect on earth and living being.

That’s why planets which are closer to us are having smaller rotation period around earth and having more physiological effects on us and we count them as Fast moving planets. Sun , Moon , Mars, Mercury and Venus are Fast moving planets and they impact us much more in our daily life events but only for few days , weeks and months not for whole year.

Development need some time that’s why we count Slow moving planet as Development initiated planets whose only motive is to enhancing our strengths , will and Stability. etc.

In my Opinion Slow moving planets have much stronger impact on us during the transits in different signs and nakashtras and we should have to carefully verify their results on the bases of Lagna as reference point not Moon.

Moon role is when we are dealing with their dasha period , So , Saturn , Rahu and Jupiter can’t Give same results to everyone from Moon signs.Clarifying this Parashara given a clue to Properly check the transit system from Ashtaka-varga .

Here Indian Astronomical & Sidereal system plays major role to understand the ashtaka-varga concepts scientifically as its typically depend on the progressions’of the planets as a reference point and during their progressions planets emits certain beneficial Influencing beams to certain houses means those houses which sun basically influence like Sun has Beneficial argalas on those houses. Such beneficial Beams of Influence contributed by different planets act as a catalytic agent augmenting the good effects of Radical as transit.

So ,Before drawing the opinion about important event of transit, cross check rules of transit before making any assumptions for Saturn transits.

What is Saturn about – A complete Story ?

In Sanskrit Saturn is called Shani or Shana-ish-chara (the slow mover), because it takes about two and a half years to coverup a zodiacal sign or so to pass through each constellation of the sidereal zodiac.

In the Linga Purana it is said that Saturn was born from the solar deity Rudra. The Markandeya Purana states that Saturn is the son of the Sun god by his wife Chaya (shadow.Saturn is cold and dry because of its  internal core structure made of , tamasik (lethargic) and an elderly planet. His sight is bad, and he is said to be “malefic amongst the malefic).

Saturn destroys the house is aspects (except if positioned in the seventh house, where it receives directional strength) and any houses it aspects or any planet it conjoins or aspects.When well placed it gives its natives integrity, wisdom, spirituality, fame, patience, ability to lead, authority, long life, organizational abilities, sincerity, honesty, love of justice and awareness of right and wrong.

When ill-posited it brings miseries,sorrow, delay, obstruction, disappointment, disputes, dejection, difficulties. Saturnine natives are defensive, nervous and secretive.Saturn rules the direction west,Saturday is its day, black is its color and is the gemstone of Saturn. Saturn rules number 8(Year 2015) in Indian numerology.

According to legends, Saturn was born to Sun and Chaya, also known as Swarna. During the time of Saturn’s birth, Sun fell severely ill due to Saturn’s inauspicious aspect when he opened his eyes. Hence, there have always been disputes between the father and son (Sun-Saturn Aspect).

According to Hindu Puranas (scriptures), Shani is considered to be a son of Surya (Sun) and Chhaya (shadow). His brother is Yamaraj and sister is Yamuna. His color is considered to be same as an Indraneel Mani, also known as Neelam (Blue Sapphire).

According to Brahma Purana, Saturn was totally devoted to Lord Krishna and was mesmerized by him. Seeing this inclination, Sun married Saturn to Chitra rath’s daughter. Saturn’s wife was extremely strong, powerful and modest.The wife of Saturn is Param Tejasvi and one day she went to him to request a son. But Shani Dev was busy meditating and praying to Lord Krishna.

After waiting a long time, his wife got agitated and cursed Shani that wherever, and whoever he sees will get destroyed.Hence, she cursed Saturn saying that anyone seen by him would be totally destroyed because of these facts we called Saturn as Impotent and can destroy anyone by its aspect.

Saturn tried to convince her and she eventually accepted her mistake. But, she could not take back the curse. So, Saturn started looking downwards as he didn’t want anyone to get hurt.This causes Shani to keep his head down all the time.

This is the mythology behind the harmful drishti (aspect) of Shani.

According to Vedic Astrology, Saturn is beneficial in the house it occupies, but harmful to the houses which it aspects. Shani aspects 3rd, 7th and 10th house and covers 270 degree of orbital distance  angle and you can imagine how power magnetic influence of Saturn would be from the one it occupies.

Shani hates actions such as fraud, deceit, telling lies, consuming alcohol, gambling, staying unclean, animal cruelty, and disrespect of God, parents or elders.

If Shani occupies a favorable position in a birth chart then that person progresses in several aspects of life. That person is hardworking, fair in dealings and justice-loving. His/her social standing is also very good and that person does not suffer from any major ailments. On the other hand, if Shani is not positioned well in a chart, then damage to the house, fires, debt, disputes and loss of wealth and property will occur.

Early defects in teeth and eyes are also the effects of bad Shani positioning.The movements of Saturn, also known as the “Great Malefic,” used to be observed with fear and came with warnings passed from the astrologer to client about pending shortages, bad luck, great loss or punishing circumstances.

Saturn’s gift is the pressure that keeps us focused on our own path. It’s seriousness, like the sign it rules, Capricorn, comes from knowing that some goals require us to plod through dread to generate more inner discipline. Jupiter balances this out faith, optimism and trust that all the hard work will pay off.

Saturn doesn’t promise success, but by laying out the steps, and sticking to the path despite the distractions and doubts, you start to gain Saturn-approved mastery regardless of the outcome. It is the path to unshakable self-esteem.

Saturn’s influence may seem heavy and limiting, but that is the nature of the physical realm. When you toss up your hands and claim to be overwhelmed, inert, depressed, someone else has to be the authority in your life. This authority can be given to a boss, father, spouse, teacher, friend, or even a punishing voice inside your head. Once you’ve been humbled-humiliated enough, you might decide to pull yourself up and be your own boss.

The sign and house position of your Saturn shows where these life dramas will likely take place.Whatever are the apprehensions attached with this planet, Saturn is not the planet to be feared of. After all, a success gained after winning over obstacles is the truly satisfying one, accompanied by a deeper, and eternal knowledge about life. And that is the invaluable reward Shani imparts in our destinies.

Prajapati and Yam are believed to be Saturn’s Adhidevta and Pratyadhidevta respectively.

Saturn belongs to Lord Krishna’s caste, rides a vulture and a chariot made of iron.Saturn is also known by many different names like Asit, Aarki, Chhayatmaj, Mand, Shanaishchar, Suryaputra, Ravij, Pangu and Saur, Bhaskari.

According to Vedic astrology, Saturn is the Karak planet for the 6th, 8th and 10th house , Along with this, it is the Karak planet for detachment.

Saturn is also the Karak planet for coal, iron, brinjals, black or blue clothes, Udat dal, black grapes and jamun.

It is considered to be a Karak planet for almost all blue coloured things.Saturn is often associated with ligaments and stomach. Being a Karak planet for detachment, Saturn should be strong in the Kundali in order to achieve success.Saturn can also be associated with sculpting, service, farmer, labor class etc.Saturn is connected with the age and longevity of an individual. He gives long life if placed favorably in horoscope.

In spite of his bad name, Saturn is actually considered as a teacher. He behaves like a teacher, who punishes the students when they err and rewards them for their good deeds.Saturn is also the planet of justice, behaves like judge and gives justice depending upon the deeds of a person. The person who commits sin and bad karma’s are rewarded results accordingly.

Saturn rules over bones. All the large bones in the body of legs are governed by Saturn. Saturn, as per his nature, gives long-term diseases. Such diseases are long termed and hardly curable. So a person has to bear with the long illness.A person under influence of Saturn has to work hard in life. Saturn represents labor class who work die hard to earn a little livelihood. Land and all the products beneath earth are governed by Saturn. As such, all the mining items are ruled by him. Iron is his metal and his color is black/ blue. Zodiac sings which Saturn governs are Capricorn and Aquarius. He is exalted in Libra and debilitated in Aries. His mool-trikona sign is Aquarius.

Saturn believes in discipline and strictness and never likes chaos and disobeys. In Hindu Astrology, Saturn has great significance. People are afraid of this planet due to his strictness and discipline. The slow transit of this planet offers two important common periods namely Sadhe-Sati and Dhaiya. Every person undergoes the period of Sadhe-Sati and Dhaiya many a times in his life. Sadhe-Sati is a period when Saturn transits the twelfth and second house of the natal Moon. Similarly, if Saturn is placed fourth and eight from the natal moon, period of Dhaiya takes place. Period of Sadhe-Sati is seven and a half year and period of Dhaiya is two and a half year.

These two periods are considered very difficult time in a native’s life. He has to face many hardship and problems in life and gets no respite from any circle. Astrologically, speaking, this is the time when a person experiences enlightenment while going through the hard time.

By suffering hardship, a person is balancing his sins. Here, we can understand the difference in the nature of Mars and Saturn. Hardship faced by a person under the influence of Mars can make him a dacoit or thief. But, this is not the case with Saturn. In such circumstances, the Saturn will turn a person towards spirituality and forces him to think what is the cause of his misery i.e. bad deeds are responsible of his present situation. Slowly he becomes pious.

what is Scorpio sign means ? 

Basic Qualities of Scorpio
Triplicity – Water
Heat – Cold
Moisture – Wet
Temperament – Phlegmatic
Constellation – Fertile, Mute
Quadruplicate – Fixed
Gender Feminine
Degrees 210 – 240
Season – Fall
Other -Long ascension, Obeying, Hears Virgo, Sees Pisces


There are three symbols for Scorpio – The Scorpion, the eagle and the Dove. In working with the symbolism, it is important to remember this – as all scorpions are not the same.


Widening Experience to see alternatives. Emotions and feelings help you find significance.Drawing strength to expand our consciousness through feelings. This is achieved through understanding and experiencing the Power and strength of a collective – learning through study of achievements of others and experiencing new or alternative ways of life.
Huge possibilities, mystery, profundity and Renaissance. Take that which feels stressful and emotionally complicated, and transform it using your mind, concentration and self-discipline to find strength and personal growth.

General Meaning

instinctive, ductile, mistrustfully, aggressive, extremely, fighting, seductive, speculative, magic, destructive, secretive, powerful, domineering, resistant, intuitive, asserted, charismatic, magnetic, strong-willed, perspicacious, passionate, creative, independent, vigorous, generous, loyal, hard-working, persevering, untameable, possessive, cunning, ambitious, sexual, proud, intense, competitive but also aggressive, destructive, stubborn, anxious, tyrannical, perverse, sadistic, violent, self-centered, complex, jealous
When the leaves fall to the ground, revealing the trees. Exposed emotions must be avoided, or deep passions. Action or passion valued about beauty for the sake of beauty. Water acting powerfully.

Some of Important Aspects of Scorpion Sign:

• Regeneration
• Greed: Desire for energy from others without giving back
• Lust: Self gratification; comes from a sense of defeat. Criminals are thwarted men of action
• Regeneration comes from exchange of energy with others.
• Scorpio is more of a Phoenix than a scorpion.
• Scorpio is a cosmic gate.
• Magical qualities or the vampire, secrets
• Detective, can sense the root of problems or issues or won’t stop until they are discovered.
• Penetrating beneath the surface
• Impulsiveness, temptation
• To feel together. “I probe”, “I desire”
• Previous image was of an Eagle.
• Magnetic, determined, secretive, shrewd, dignified, self-confident, masterful, sensitive, tenacious and critical
• Negative – a tendency to be cruel, selfish , violent, indulgent and domineering, a destroyer or to attract others who do these things.
• A wish to change, break taboos, refuse to compromise.
• A detective or fanatic, cynical and stubborn.
• Emotional strengths can be compelling to others so can rise to power. Can also use these powers to be an energy vampire to such others dry of emotional energy acting in jealous, vindictive, sadistic ways.

Body Parts – the sexual organs and the anus
Colors – black or dark red
Stones – malachite
Day – Tuesday
Professions – gynecologist, psychiatrist, detective, the military, army, stockbroker, asset management
Countries – Morocco, Norway, Algeria, Syria, Korea, Uruguay, Transvaal
Cities – Washington, New Orleans, Valencia, Liverpool, Milwaukee, Fes, Halifax, Hull, Cincinnati
Animals – insects and other invertebrates
Food – red meat, garlic, onions, leeks, spices
Herbs and Spices – aloes, witch hazels, nepeta, mustard, capers, peppers
Flowers and plants – geraniums, rhododendrons, thistles, mint, honeysuckle
Trees – blackthorns, bushes
Metals – steel and iron
Salts – calcium and sodium sulphate

Conclusion of Saturn in Scorpio Sign:

Saturn will Be more Serious and more determined during this transit and will work like “Scorpion movement – Slowy and Stingy nature – Can say silent but dangerous ” – is about Slow and Steady nature but in a Secretive way and can make  a surprise move with full of confident and active energy in near future  being in fixed sign- Slow and Steady will be the key for everyone to get success during this transit.

Saturn in Scorpio will become more impatient  than more contend like in earlier sign Libra – sign of relaxation and peace within self and around environment, but they will be so much determine to do anything or to bring any change in society secretly.

During Saturn in Scorpio , people who are having Saturn in Scorpio in D1 , D10 or having Saturn dasha running will be become more workaholic  in their hidden tasks or internally to overcome weaknesses.

They will  demand a lot from themselves and from those around them. Sometime they can be so intense that it can be overwhelming to those who are not as directed as they are, having Full of willpower and energy, they  will be so determined to meet their goals it is hard for them to remain calm.
Scorpions  are not the type to stop and smell the roses. Instead of going gung  for their goals, however, they are usually more subtle and calculating.
Saturn in Scorpio is a secretive work indications. When hurt, they can be unforgiving. They don’t like to be treated unfairly. They may be cunning, resentful, jealous, or possessive but still will  be much confident. They will act like shrewd and determined  bird and will like to come out on top of any type of deal.

Scorpio Saturn fears emotional rejection and being inadequate. This fear may cause them to overcompensate in other areas. This fear may also be self-fulfilling. They are afraid of being taken advantage of. By examining their true motives, they may be able to overcome these fears and break the cycle through healing during this whole  phase.

Scorpio Saturn keeps their motivations hidden deeply. They may be from psychological, emotional or psychic causes. By revealing their motivations, they may master their issues.

People will  often seek power through covert means. They may dabble in the occult during this phase. They will work very diligently to achieve self-control. Passionate and intense, Saturn in Scorpio can also find themselves deep in denial. Struggling through their issues will help them deal with their emotional nature.

Scorpio Saturn is resourceful, but they can be vindictive or withdrawn. They do well if they learn to be responsible enough to handle other people’s possessions. They must learn to be calm, efficient and thorough. Emotional restraint will do them well.

Physically, Scorpio Saturn may be beset with issues in the reproductive system or the organs of elimination. Bowel obstructions may be a problem. Often associated with negative energy, Saturn in Scorpio must battle to overcome it if they wish to succeed.

In Scorpio, Lord Saturn says “no” to the mysterious, invasive, penetrating, sometimes sneaky, unexpected, disastrous, implosive, catastrophic, emergent, surgical, trans-formative characteristics of Scorpions.

Although Saturn cannot prevent the existence of Vrischika’s hidden agitations, its sexual mysteries, or its ability to discover hidden assets, Saturn can prevent these behaviors from moving forward.

The people around Him will be are controlling, subtly manipulative, unpredictable, harboring hidden forces which threaten to attack Saturn at any time during this transit. Saturn’s job will be  to say “no” to sudden changes, particularly identity changes; He resists surgeons and psychiatrists; He resists anyone trying to invade His secret inner world; He freezes their predatory actions in real time; He stalls and prevaricates to distract and discourage the predators. Saturn tries to prevent drilling, mining, incursion, discovery, revelation of secrets.

Saturn  in Scorpio is typically rather hard to interpret because their defensive stone wall (Saturn) protecting their inner reinvigorating life-force writhing fuel core (the inner snake, Vrischika) is so cold and so thick and so determined to ward off intruders.

More than anything, Saturn-Scorpio dislikes sudden upheavals and forced changes of identity; yet this is precisely the karmic situation which must be apprehended and regulated.During this transit Saturn has to learn to order this hostile environment through regulation of behavior not cessation of behavior. He must to apply His resistance judiciously so that life itself does not come to a halt via His inability to respond and adapt in a disastrous upheaval.

The particular karma of Saturn-Scorpios often poisoning, albeit typically not physical poison but rather the psychological poison of fear of annihilation by shadowy, controlling predators and resentment of a lifetime under attack by an unending series of emergencies.

Saturn periods tends to generate various emergency scenarios, including unexpected deaths or difficult births, urgent need to defend hidden assets or keep the cover on occult knowledge, or profound but slow invalidation of an outdated identity which forces a painful emergence of a new social role.

 Saturn 1st Phase ( 0′ 00” to 3′ 20”  till 30th November 2014)

During Saturn first phase , will be transiting over  Scorpio  in Visakha Nakashtra  till 30th November – Nakashtra of purpose-  Vishaka is one the twenty seven nakshatras according to Hindu astrological beliefs. Agni and Indra are the ruling elements of Vishaka Nakshatra and it spans across the constellation Libra in the night sky.

The natives of this nakshatra are very sharp and keen to learn new things, due to this positive trait they like to be more inclined towards modern practices and do not like orthodox procedures and beliefs. They are full of energy and enthusiasm and quite single minded. Their resolution to something that they decided to do is another of their positive traits, and they will work exceptionally hard and go to any lengths for their accomplishments so till November 30th people will be more on learning new things and trying to find-out hidden secrets of cosmology.

This period  when Saturn will be upto 3′ 20 Degree in Visakha nakashtra be Good for Space research , Astrologers and Spritual people and good for Ar , Ge,  Le , Aq , CP , Sg , Pi lagana who are running Jupiter Mahadasha , Antardasha and Pratyantar dasha or those who Moon are in Visakasha nakashtras- good For wealth , Name,  Fame  , research and Spritual Purpose.

Saturn 2nd Phase ( 3′ 20” to 16′ 44”  till 29th December 2015)

After 30th November to 2014 – 3 ‘ 20″  to December 29th 2015- upto 16 ‘ 44” Degree  , Saturn  will be in Anuradha Nakashtra – Nakashtra of Success – Extending in the realm of Scorpio – Mars, governed by the planetary lordship of Saturn, Anuradha Nakshatra dictates the cosmic firmament with balance, honor and harmony. Striking a harmonious nexus with ‘Vishakha Nakshatra’; Anuradha Nakshatra derives its divine strength from Mitra- its ruling deity, god of Friendship and partnership who promotes cooperation among humanity.

During this Saturn-Anuradha Phase primary target will be to maintain dharma or rightoeus activities in social mass , society  and will in promotion of peace and Saturn will spread lesson of fame and recognition can be attainted through frienfly cooperation with other people and will be good for Aq , Cp , Ta , Ge , Le , Sc  Lagana who are havingbenefic Saturn MD , AD and PD periods having Good shadbala and Sav points in thier laganas or in thier Divisional charts.

Social Leaders , Social Mass medias , NGO’s  Spritual Societies will get Rise and will do thier work for sake of Society.

Saturn 3rd Phase ( 3′ 20” to 16′ 44”  29th December 2015 to 17th Janurary 2017 )

After 29th ,  December  2015 – 16 ‘ 44’  to 17th Janurary 2017- upto 29 ‘ 56” Degree  , Saturn  will be in Jyestha(Mercury) Nakashtra – Nakashtra of Brilliance-  Existent in the zodiac of Scorpio, Jyeshtha Nakshatra epitomizes the quintessence divinity of Indra-its governing deity.

Implying the meaning of ‘the eldest one’; Jyeshtha Nakshatra reflecting the planetary force of Mars and Mercury happens to be the eighteenth Nakshatra in the celestial horizon.Mental Brilliance analytical ability are experienced here – which means Saturn will focus learned members of Members to achieve elevated position in life and accomplish things skillfully.

Creative Genius are true picture of jyestha .Primary Motivation of Jyestha is Artha and Material Prosperity.Ge, Vi ,Cp , Aq ,Ta ,Sg ,Pi people will rise in this phase those are having Beneficial Mercury placed in D1 and Divisional Charts  having Good Shadbala and SAV points in thier lagnas.

In Mundane Astrology-World and India

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The sign of Scorpio has been associated with birth, sex ,  Sexual abuse in marriage or in partnerships , Sexual diseases , Secret Societies , Spy agents , Underground organizations i,e RAW , CIA or Interpol etc ,research organizations , Micro-biology organizations ,  Gynecological problems , and death in nations and world.

Saturn Rules Agriculture , Land , Real estate , oil , coal and petroleum , underground mines and minerals , old people , diseases of old age  ,arthritis , backache etc. Rebellion , Common people , Democracy and all forms of democratic institutions , municipals elections , Farmers , Famines , Drought and earthquakes  in nations,During this transit Saturn will be  in aster-ism of Ju , sa and Mercury so all those things which are ruled by Ju , Sa and Me will enhance or get fixed soon.

In My opinion , Whole world Will be more focused around above mentioned activities during this whole phase of 2.5 years.

In Nations Hidden conspiracies will prevail around every environment , hidden jealousy will increase and everyone will try to overcome each other in inner competitions with each other. Competitor nations will try to let down each other in their foreign policies and foreign trades.

Its an Indication of wars , battles , open warfare between countries  , increase in  enemies , dacoits will increase  , robbers , foreign secret agents will work against each others , international affairs will be more highlighted , international disputes  with other countries will be get pick like fire  , death of Secret enemies cam be seen , so i can  say it will give more like Hidden and Cold war between nations.

Impact of Saturn in India

In Indian This transit will in 7th house of Foreign affairs – although Saturn will be in Digbali Place but in Area of mars always be an Indication of war , fights and conflicts with each others.

India has to deal with patiently with foreign and international  policies in order to avoid disputes.there can be increase in Issues between Western countries  and also with Pakistan in internationals environment.

Scorpio rules Coastal areas and South- western Directions  of India such as In india Gujraat  , Khach and Bhuj area , Goa , Mumbai , Maharashtra , Western Pakistan etc , More issue will be seen over here , political disputes will be more in these areas .

there will be increase in Hidden diseases , frequent earthquakes will be seen more  in coastal areas of india , North America , Canada , Israel , Norway , Bavaria , Algeria , North Syria , Sweden , Brazil m Morocco, Washington , Dover , Liverpool  , Baltimore , cincinnati , Halifox etc.

In USA Scorpio will be in 4th house – US Will be more busy in their Internal Issues , there will be lack of peace in nation , weather conditions will be sudden and strange, can be seen increase in Volcanic eruptions and mining disasters, Fall of Govt can be seen, there will be increase in Democratic movement in US.

Will extended to see larger survival and mortality issues which affect society. An example of this is the awareness of safe sex, sexual abuse and the aids pandemic which came into focus during the 1980’s as Saturn were traveling through Scorpio.

When Scorpio is triggered, crime and abuse will be key areas of exposure. Interestingly, Amnesty International, which campaigns against torture, was founded in 1961 when Saturn  was traveling through Scorpio.

Scorpio also rules other people’s money so industries such as banking, stock markets, insurance, accounting and financial services will become spotlighted and made accountable whilst this sign is visited.

Scorpio is also about seeing things through a magnifying glass. Therefore much of which has been buried will come into the light. This can range from the developments of crime detectors, weaponry, probing technologies and CCTV.

Planets traveling through this sign will also highlight changes and developments within the gynecological and obstetrics industry. Note that the first commercial hand held ultrasound scanner was launched in 1963 when Neptune was transiting this sign.

How To check Transit results from Parashara Most accurate

          and Logical System – The Ashtakavarga System

Now what is Ashtavarga System ?

Now coming to Main point how to Check transits via Parashra Ashatakavarga System.The Ashtakavarga system is a method of calculating the Strength of the planets in a Hora lagna, a transit chart and also for the Strength of the planets in Vimsotri dasha too. Therefore, it can be used in any chart including all the divisional charts. It is not restricted to Lagna chart. This system also gives the facility to check each planet results for all the twelve houses.Logic and Science behind Ashtakvarga ?

As per Shiri late B.V Raman research Ashtakvarga is the result of the Progression of the Seven Actual Planets (including two luminaries )in the Universe from their respective radical Places and from the lagna and the collective results which is arise from the influence the planets is called Ashtakavarga.

We can Say for Sun Is Actually Exalted in Aries and as per Kalachakra Chart Sun Starts its rotation from the lagna(east) to west(7th house) and while its progression from east to west it emits certain beneficial Influencing beams to certain houses means those houses which sun basically influence like Sun has Beneficial argalas on those houses. Such beneficial Beams of Influence contributed by different planets  act as a catalytic agent augmenting the good effects of Radical as transit influences.

For eg when we are dealing with Sun Ashtakavarga , We actually mean the collective factor due to the projection of positive beams with reference to sun itself and other six planets including lagna.

Parashara Actually made this system into Some numerical Values and arranges in some  way for interpretation and timing of events which is one of marvelous piece of work Parashara Rishi.

Ashtakvarga System should be used for accurate predictions with transiting planets and while predicting Vimsotri dasha   lords results.

Ashtakavarga also takes into cognizance the actions and interactions of the transiting planets with regard to their radical situations and by a certain manipulations of the beneficial and malefic influences given rise to by such movements and measures numerically as some units which we can use to time important events in the native life or in world in Mundane astrology too.

Usage of  Ashtakavarga System for Transits

All seven planets contribute their strength in terms of numerical value from 0 to 8 points. Rahu and Ketu is excluded from the list but you can check from their lords Houses (Aquarius ruled by Saturn and Also ruled by Saturn too so for Rahu check Saturn Strength or points in Individual lagan’s and same apply for Ketu – Lord of Ketu is Scorpio and Mars but i used to avoid it mostly as Rahu- Ketu Positions in universe is still a Mystery) as they don’t have any physical body and they have no physical influence on the other planets so we should avoid Rahu and Ketu in Ashtkavarga System.

In Ashtkavarga System Strength of the planets depends on its relative position or the radical position  with other planets. We can’t do judgment of the strength of the planets mere by its sign or placement in a particular house without considering the planets strength with respect to other planets.

There is no other system presents which can give exact view and strengths of all the planets.During my Research in Transits Systems with Ashtakavarga System I have found we can use the Ashtakavarga system  in the following areas of life:

1) General strengths of the planets and the houses in D1 chart for different areas of life represented by the houses for e.g More than 30 Points in SAV in 10th house in D1 for Mars Gives Success in Army and some Dynamic Jobs.
2) Parashra Exclusively Said an Honest Astrologer Should Use Ashtkavarga System for Identifying the Age or Longevity of the Native.
2) We Can use Ashtkavarga for Specific life Events based on Divisonal charts ( i.e D7 , D9 and D10 charts ) with respect to transits for analyzing specific events.
2) For Events timing in all major issues in Native Life.
3) For Predicting Vimsotri Dasha results.
4) For Professional and Social Success of the native VIA SAV
5) For Casting Horary Charts results.
6) Majorly use in Transit results (Commonly used for Transit results in individual horoscopy) with respect to Vimsotri Dashas.
7) For Predicting World Level Issues like earthquakes , Drought, Rains etc in Mundane Astrology

In the Ashta-ka-varga system ( Means dividing each of the 12 rasis into eight sub divisions) the charts are cast using the Individual natal chart or the Transit chart on Natal Chart and it is majorly Divided into three parts:

1) Bhina- Ashtkavarga Charts or Individual  Ashtkavarga Charts.
2) Sarva- Ashtkavarga Chart or total Ashtkavarga Charts.
3) Prashthara or Spread Out Ashtkavarga Charts.


The individual Ashtakavarga chart is known as the Bhina-ashtakavarga. Bhina-ashtakavarga charts prepared for the lagna and the 7 planets – total 8 charts are made. The Bhina-ashtakavarga charts of planets are very useful to study the transiting effects of planets. The total of beneficial and malefic points in a house, for a planet is eight.

Ashtakavarga beneficial placement of planets are:

• Sun beneficial places are 1st , 2nd , 4th , 7th , 8th , 9th , 10th , 11th from himself producing 48 Points.
• Mars beneficial places are 1st , 3rd ,5th ,6th ,7th, 10th ,11th from  himself producing 39 points.
• Mercury beneficial places are 1st , 2nd , 4th , 6th , 8th , 10th , 11th , 12th from himself producing 54 points.
• Moon beneficial places are 1st , 3rd , 6th , 7th , 10th , 11th from himself producing 49 points.
• Jupiter  beneficial places are  1st , 2nd , 3rd ,4th , 7th , 8th , 10th , 11th  from himself producing 56 Highest points.
• Venus beneficial places are 1st , 2nd , 3rd ,4th ,5th , 8th , 9th,  10th , 11th  from himself producing  52 points..
• Saturn beneficial places are  3rd ,5th ,6th ,11th from  himself producing 39 points.

The total Individual Contribution of beneficial points by any planet in any horoscope will be same and it will be equal to 337 for any horoscope and this is constant value.( SAV total 337 = 48+56 +39+39+52+54+49)If the beneficial points are known, then automatically we know the malefic points. Eight minus the beneficial points gives the malefic points ( if Guru Contributes 6 Beneficial points in Libra 9th house than Malefic would be (8-6= 2).

We have total seven planets and 1 Ascendant lagna that are 8 main reference points where we constitutes the 8 Bindus for reference check in Vimsotri and transiting planets so we called 8 Ashtavargka Lagnas charts , and there are twelve houses and 12 Signs in them, hence the total points should be 12 X 8 = 96, for each planet.

These 96 points may be beneficial or malefic. Jupiter contributes a huge 56 beneficial points out of 96 points reason it has much beneficial influence on other planets in 12 houses in a transit due to which it got more beneficial points, which means that 96 – 56 = 40 , Jupiter has 40 malefic points out of 96 Points and 56 Beneficial points.

This is the reason Jupiter is called the great beneficial because it got highest Beneficial Points in transits with respect to the radical positions from other planets. Similarly, Sun Contributes 48 Beneficial points, Mercury contributes 54 points, Venus contributes 52 points , Moon Contributes  49 Beneficial points. Mars and Saturn however, give only 39 beneficial points each, which means 96-39 = 57 malefic points.

That’s why Transiting effect of Saturn and Mars is Most imp in National Horoscopy  because of the  maximum malefic points they got in Ashtkavarga System and we have to see their placements in disastrous area to see their impact so we considered them as naturally malefic planets although Sun is not fully Malefic Planets as it has Got good number of Beneficial points in Ashtkavarga System so we can called it as mild Malefic planet.

This is the reason that Mars , Saturn and Sun are mostly Considered in Mundane astrology for their malefic influence of in Nation , World and individual Horoscopy Since the malefic points outnumber the benefic points they are called malefic planets and Sun as Mild Malefic. From the above, it can be observed that each and every planet gives both malefic and benefic results.

Following are the BAV Points or Bindus based on 12 Rasi’s in 12 houses with respect to the angular influence from other planets:

1) 0 Points gives Very bad result its like a dead planet.
2) 1 point better than nil results but still it is considered as very bad.
3) 3 point are also considered as malefic result and bad for transit.
4) 4 Points are neutral results for transits.
5) 5 Points are very good results in transits.
6) 6 Points are excellent for transits.
7) 7 points are Rare but it is like raaj yoga.
8) 8 Rare to see but if one get this results native usually get sudden rise and Sudden name and fame in this transits

How to Check  Saturn Transit ?

Checking a transit result from Ashtvarga System is a tricky part but if it get its very easy for you to predict the results based on transits of planets in Individual horoscopy.

The first basic rule is Never judge the results of the transits of Major planets like Saturn , Jupiter , Rahu and Ketu from Moon Signs always see the transits planets results from Individual lagna kundli based on Major points:

1) Birth sign : Check the  birth Sign having link with Saturn in kundli or not or Birth Sign is in the Nakashtra of Saturn or not  ,  If the natal Moon is placed in Capricorn or Aquarius, Saturn becomes the Moon’s Dispositor. Moon is actual indicator of your inner thoughts and your area of comfortable etc. So for Capricorn and Saturn Moon Sign or those having any link with Saturn in their Lagna chart, they must have to be discipline in thoughts processing level and  should have to cultivate or adopt disciplinarian ways of Saturn for those who are ignoring the way of discipline  and it will not be affected so much when Saturn actually transits over that signs and combinations.

2) Birth Nakashtra  :  check whether  moon is in Saturn Constellation  or not  if the natal Moon is placed in any of the 3 nakshatras owned by Saturn, i.e Pushya, Anuradha or uttaraBhadrapada, then following the principle given above, sadhesati or dhaiyya will not be very stressful for such a native.

3) Sign of Saturn transit:  check Sign of Saturn , When Saturn transit over its own sign, or those of its natural friends i.e, mercury and Venus it’s normally gives the better results as compared to its transit over the sign of its natural enemies i.e. the sun, the moon or mars.

4) Functional Lordship of planet:  Check the  functional lordship of Saturn or relation with functional beneficial lords during this saturn. lords of trines (trikonas) in a horoscope are always beneficial (i.e, lords of the 1st, 5th, and 9th house). If either the moon or Saturn are the lord of the trinal may not give bad case of fiery signs i.e. Aries, leo, and Sagittarius, neither Saturn nor the moon are lord of trines. Transit of Saturn is bad for natives with these moon signs .In all the other signs, one of the 2 planets i.e ,Saturn or the Moon is a functional beneficial and the results are better.

5) Strength in shadbala and bhavabala:  Check Strength of Saturn for individual Lagna in Strengths tools, i,e 8 types of strengths  – Shadbala ,  Bhavbala , chesta bala , Kala bala , dig-bala , drig bala and Naisargik bala ,  ishta and kashtha bala etc . if saturn and the moon have obtained the required strength in shadbala and their required ratio of the ratio that the strength is more than 1.0 then the transit effects of Saturn are better as compared to those where one or both of them are weak. The lower the ratio, the worse are the results .Similarly, in Bhavabala, if the house over which Saturn is transiting has more than 7.5 rupas in bhavabala. and in ranking is placed among the first six bhava then the evil effects of Saturn transit are lessened to a large extent and vice-verse.

6) Strength from AL :  Check strength of Saturn transit from Arudha lagna to see what it will  bring to you  in society i.e Saturn in 11th from AL – . Wealth , Financial Gain in this transit , 3rd from Al – Courage and Strength in this transits. This way you can better understand Saturn transit for Scorpio, what actually it indicate your directions in society.

7) Strength from Divisional charts : check Saturn transit from Different divisional charts i.e D9(Marriage and Dharma) , D4(Home , assets and Peace) , D7(Children) , D24 (education) , D10 ( work and career) from AL , A10 , UL , A7 , Sun , Moon and Lagna in Divisional chart lagans.

8)  Check the transits results from Natal Chart :  for the results as Natal lagna gives the actual results, not the moon lagna. Moon lagna should be check after the natal lagna as moon is about to perceive from the mind or from the state of mind. Means what we are feeling after we get the results means positive or negative feeling we are getting form the results as described in below mentioned cases :

for eg for Taurus lagna Guru is 8th and 11th lord which means in current Transit(20th june 2014) Guru going to be transit in Taurus 3rd house in cancer sign and will aspects the 7th , 9th and 11th house as Guru Mool trikona sign is in 8th house.

So, Guru will give its beneficial results to the native with respect to new initiatives in the business in new partnerships with loans or might start his marriage life with the partner .As it is in the 3rd house so it indicates good initiatives in the field of business , courage , communication and initiativeness etc.

It can give huge loan to the native in business matters as guru is 8th to the 8th house means new step with respect to the Loans and partnership in business/Marriage .As it is in 3rd house so native can start his business with their siblings or cousins with the loans they get from their initiatives .

Quite possibly with maternal cousins. Also aspecting the 7th house – the house of marriage and partnership , native might get married and also get success in the Marriage/business  partnership too and it will also give good interest into deep sciences in occult i.e study of the 8th house matters like the secret sciences like astrology , tantra mantra and all deep mystical knowledge’s of yoga , sidhis or mantra etc too.

Person might involve into deep research in all philosophical and advance knowledge in religion or might start his higher studies like MBA in financial studies as per the beneficial aspect of the guru on 9th house and aspecting 11th house too which means native will get good gain in all his perspective or every effort he put to achieve .

Now the picture of moon Sign came for eg If the Native Moon Sign is in Taurus than Guru will be in 3rd from it so it’s simply mean native will get huge mental courage and wisdom knowledge (as guru is in 3rd house in a sign of Cancer – So its all about mental courage and mental peace ) w.r.t to the 8th house and 11th house so native might able to handle all his tasks with its deep wisdom and mental balance got from the guru and will put his more metal initiative into getting every of all his works either marriage , business dealings , higher studies or deep studies also.

Take another example , for Capricorn and Aquarius lagna Saturn is lagnesh so we can Say Saturn is benefice for  Both the lagnas, For Capricorn Saturn will be in 11th house  which means Monetary gain , increase name and fame with respect 11th matters, sign Lord mars will indicate what native has to do in order to get gain. For eg. one Saturn has 5 Points(BAV) in 11th house- it means native will Get good gain and beneficial results. More than 28 Points(SAV)  of indicates native will get Clear Boom in that area. If moon is in Taurus which Means 5th house for Capricorn- Native will expect or feel comfortable gain regarding 7th house  matters, may be child will born , couple may get Wealth gain etc.

9) Vimsotri Dasa Lords : Transits are More effectively seen in any Horoscope so always check whether your Guru , Saturn , Ketu and Rahu Vimsotri Mahadashas , Antardashas and Pratyantar Dasha is running or not if any of them is Currently running than Major planets will give its most of the results in their transits.

I can say they can give results 99% majorly more fast and More Accurate and with maximum results . For e.g for Taurus lagna Guru act as Functionally Malefic as it is the lord 8th house and also lord of the 11th too so When it is transits to Taurus lagna Native may fall sick and have Some health issues too and we can see this result when a native Guru Mahadasha , Antardasha or Pratyantar dasha will be running else results will be less to see but Final verdict will be predicted on ashta-varga system.

10) Finally time the results of the transits Based on the Individual Bhina Ashta varga and Sarvashtakavarga chart for Major transit Planets for eg – for Taurus lagna Guru Mahadasha , Saturn AD is running and Guru is transiting In 3rd house in cancer , Saturn is transiting in 7th house and in BAV Chart of Guru has having 4 Beneficial points out of 8 ( 4 Negative point too ) , saturn has 5 Benefic points ( Indicates very good State of Saturn) which means native will get the transit result of the Guru in 70-50 %  manner or you can say 50% negative 50 % positive for Guru and 70 % Beneficial results for Saturn.

As 4 points gives neutral results not much bad or not much less and when there is Guru MD dasha and Sat AD  too than we can assume both the results at maximum level and we Can expect Something around result of 7th house – Marriage , Business and Partnership etc , Native may marry during this time period. we can  confirm this in SAV Chart too ,  Guru has having 27 Beneficial Points in 3rd house out of 56 which means 2 negative points are more so this transit of Guru will give its 50-50 results wrt to Marriage , Business dealings , higher studies , Deep occult studies and Saturn 31 Points which means – Professional Brilliance, Spiritual gain  and Ring for marriage and gain in partnership too.

I Hope now you will able to cast your transits results with more accurate and scientifically way for any major transits of any planets.


On 2nd of November Saturn is going to enter Scorpio a Slow moving planet whose only motive is Make a balance or to fix things cosmologically , in mundane or in Individual Horoscopy.

Saturn Aspects are Killer aspects for Enemic signs but good for beneficial or friends signs.Place where Saturn transits indicates what you have to fix or what you have to rectify regarding that house or that sign or that traits natives possess.

for E.g for Aries Native native has to face some sort of transformation w.r.t to income , career prospects , it will be positive transformation but it will goes form negative to positive side, so  this way you can check for any lagna transit for Saturn.

Current Saturn transit Will be good for Taurus , Gemini , Leo , Virgo , Capricorn , Aquarius , Pisces lagna- Taursian can  experience good Professional rise and ring for marriage , Gemini can hear news for some sudden moment or travel w.r.t to work and career purpose ,  Leo will get time to fix their home matters and relationship with their partners.

Virgo will get courage to cross the barrier of restrictions and and gain in professional front,  Capricorn will hear good news in Wealth , gain or increase in bank balance or news for change in job area , Aquarius will get new prospect to change their work profile , they will get new opportunities to change their work front or think around what they really wanted to in career.

Aries , Cancer and Libra has to work more on their issues of transformations and Regeneration energies to fix their Children’s , studies , affairs matters and Family issues , values and wealth matters.For Scorpion and Sagittarius People they need to fix their ideology and they need some time to fix what is going around their environment, what is running in their mind or thoughts or in their brain, so everything related to Brain and thoughts. they need to fix their Persona and Spiritual belief , family issues.

For India Saturn will be in Scorpio Sign  which is again a sign opp of Taurus and Sign placed in Western direction and coastal regions of India, we need to take more proactive actions against earthquakes, cyclonic issues in  coastal areas of India and to those countries which are lying near Taurus and Scorpio.

We need to work with patience and smooth dealing with foreign affairs as we can see there will be a downfall in external affairs with other countries or there may be Loss in foreign trade or fall in foreign policies , Hidden conspiracy will increase against Nation of India we can see a condition or situation like war by western countries lying to our western zone, so India need to be self aware and Self protective against any secret activities by our Opp Parties , agencies, rivalries  or Opp Countries .


For  natal Horoscope , Best Remedy is to Recite and Propitiate Lord Saturn by ” Neela Shani Stotra ” Created by King Dashratha or Read Whole Story of King Vikrama aditya , Read About lord Saturn in Padma Puran and Read Shani Shaman Book and understand its course for different zodiacs and do remedies as mentioned in ” Shani Shaman ” , Be calm and down to earth and do your responsibilities of Real world seriously , make your self more serious towards your moral duties, respect women, Saturn is more serious in Scorpio Sign so do everything more seriously with more serious approach in life.

With Thanks and Regards,
Rocky Jamwal

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Ashtakavarga System – Dr B.V Raman
Double transit theory for transit –  Shiri K.N Rao
Wikipedia ,  Shani Shaman , Nakashtra – By Dennis Harness

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