Trading Alert in Stock Market : Saturn & Mercury Stationary Motion would possibly bring a sudden short-term bearish trend in the Market from 3rd June to 11th June 2022 onward 


Trading Alert in Stock Market

Trading Alert in Stock Market : Saturn & Mercury Movement will bring change in Trends for the coming 10-12 Days


Within the context of the global stock market, the week beginning June 3 and ending June 15 brings with it a great deal of unpredictability, a wide range of possibilities, and a variety of investment openings. Primarily, we notice an effect on the stock markets in the United States and India. There is a good chance that the upcoming planetary movement will bring about some interesting developments in the world of finance. This is due to the fact that two significant celestial shifts are going to take place: first, Saturn will enter into a retrograde stationary state beginning on June 5th, and Mercury will go into a stationary direct state beginning on June 3rd and continuing forward. Mercury’s ongoing stationary direct state and Saturn’s retrograde state will have an effect on a variety of commodities related to crude oil, gas, coal, iron, IT, telecom, technology, and financial institutions; it is possible that either there will be an increase in stock prices or there will be chances of a sudden slash in prices of these commodities being seen in the business world as well. Saturn’s retrograde state will remain in effect until the end of the year.


Trading Alert in stock market

Actual Events of Stock Market 

During this stationary motion of slow-moving Saturn and fast-moving Mercury from June 3rd, 2022 onward, both will form an angle of 89 degrees to each other, which will completely change the ongoing short bullish trend towards downward starting from May 23rd, 2022 onward (as already mentioned in my earlier tweets for the short and temporary bullish trend we will see from May 23rd, 2022 onward after Venus movement over the Aries sign).

There will be a sudden shock, break, and fear factor that will apply to the ongoing trend of the stock market. There is a high chance that we can start observing a new bearish trend from June 3rd, 5th, and 6th, onward up to June 11th, 2022. This is because these changes in the celestial sphere will result in fast and slow-moving planets attaining stationary motion.

As the earlier Venus Movement in the Bullish Sign from May 23rd onwards has given a sudden boost or kick in the market’s upward trend, but more Venus will move towards Uranus in Aries around 22 degrees, and there is also a great chance of a sudden upset or sudden bearish trend in the financial world that may begin from June 11th and 12th, though it will be for a shorter period,

Later on, when Venus reaches the degree occupied by Uranus, which is 22 degrees, its passage towards the North Node Rahu will once again produce an upward trend beginning on the 15th of June, 2022, but this time it is possible that this trend will be a shorter one.

The Russia-Ukraine geopolitical situation has already produced inflation in the market over the course of the past two to three months as a direct result of Uranus’s close movement towards North Node Rahu.

The beginning of a pattern in trade

The upcoming shift in trend (from June 3rd to June 11th and 12th, 2022) will be favourable for the information technology sector, telecom, financial institutions, trading sector, and infrastructure stocks, and it will boost the good cash flow in the market. On the other hand, price increases will be observed in steel, crude oil, gas, leather, metal, and other commodities.

People can start observing or investigating the ongoing trend on the 3rd of June 2022, which I have posted on the Twitter : :


” From Morning 9:15 Onward Buying will be high & Selling/Buying both will be seen high from 12:30 Noon onward Today & Sudden Kick will be observed from 2:15 PM up to 3:30 PM. whereas The period from 2:15 is very crucial for Selling “

After observing the whole day, the Majority of the timings and stock information fall true.

Here are screenshots attached for reference :

Timing 1 Trading Alert in Stock Market : Saturn & Mercury Stationary Motion would possibly bring a sudden short-term bearish trend in the Market from 3rd June to 11th June 2022 onward 

timing2 Trading Alert in Stock Market : Saturn & Mercury Stationary Motion would possibly bring a sudden short-term bearish trend in the Market from 3rd June to 11th June 2022 onward 

So in the end, I can only conclude: Keep on observing the coming 10 days for new trends that can affect the ongoing short bullish trend.


Rocky Jamwal.

pin Trading Alert in Stock Market : Saturn & Mercury Stationary Motion would possibly bring a sudden short-term bearish trend in the Market from 3rd June to 11th June 2022 onward 

Views: 46

Mercury Retrogression and Effect on Stock Market and Commodities trading ( 31st October to 21st November 2019)

Stock market and Mercury retrograde Mercury Retrogression and Effect on Stock Market and Commodities trading ( 31st October to 21st November 2019)Mercury Retrograde Mercury Retrogression and Effect on Stock Market and Commodities trading ( 31st October to 21st November 2019)

Mercury Retrogression and Effect on Stock Market and Commodities trading ( 31st October to 21st November 2019)

Introduction and General Results

Usually Mercury Retrograde happens in a year for 3 or 4 times and this year it is happening 3 times. According to past observations, one might do wrong choices during a retrogression period. Due to retrogression, it slows down the mental processing of every individual’s having weak mercury placed in the chart but if we see the Mundane trends it used to give volatile results in economical and Stock market trading trends. What basically happens in mercury retrogression is mercury reaches very closer to the earth and it generally appears like moving in the backward direction as seen from the earth’s perception and appears to transit in retrograde motion. But as seen in Hypo theoretical results it used to give fast vibrational effects on the mental processing of the people. Planets like Mercury and Moon has stronger impact on our mind during their Retrogression, Waxing and Waning cycles as they affect our neurotransmitters at greater level and one of its major effect is on variation’s in the Hormonal level of the body i.e. effect on Serotonin Mood neurotransmitters   which inversely changes one psychology and mood patterns which directly affects the one decision making and one might do wrong choices in the communication channel affecting ones vocal, Speech, thinking and selection power and result will be wrong selection of electronic devices those are malfunctional in nature and sometimes one takes decisions in hurry. The reason being during retrogression mercury Chesta Bala gets increases at a much faster level and it vibrates or accelerates with greater speed and one wants to do things at a much faster rate or sometimes one wants to utilize his brain functionality at pacer rate so that one can accomplish multitasking.

If we see the generalized traits of Mercury it represents our mental and communicative life processes and has rulership of every sort of communication i.e spoken, written, paper documentation or internet data transmission and everything is controlled by the human brain. As it deals with human intellect and communication matters and it acquires the nature of the planet and quality of planet in conjunction, aspects or having any sort of connection. It is the prime planets seen for cash flow in the market, commerce, and trade. Another Reason is mercury is the closest planet to the sun so it has maximum quality of the sun like brilliant intellect and reasoning power. It has a strong impact on the reasoning, analytical mind, and gathering and sorting of all facts and figures.

Whenever it slows down in transits, it affects the changes in the market prices which cause wild fluctuations in the stock market. Whenever Mercury transits in between the conjunction of 2 signs during retrograde motion, it will be born to give deep dire aspiration for doing your things again and again till you achieve its perfection and many a time it invokes you to  replan your all activities which one started in direct motion in some sort of confusions and doubts. Things could be anything related to either your personal or business relationship matters, planning communications for emails, documentation, calculations, tax filing, booking tickets, payments, etc. One used to get deep effects in all sorts of activities related to communications.

Retrogression makes one very intelligent at one time and also one does sometimes foolish acts. Because of this people often talk so much nonsense and they lose respect. When it is stationary motion in transit chart over natal planets people can have short term memory losses, one loses power to think and act in the right way and often one argues a lot without any logic, facts, and reasoning. Later native repents a lot, sometimes unable to remember answers during examination but recollect them later, and also shouts when cannot debate.
Speech is signified by Mercury in Vedic Astrology.

During Retrogression, one might having extraordinary Intuition and should try to do things with patience, a calm and composed way. One should try to remain flexible, avoid signing contracts, documents, Purchasing electronic devices, etc. One should do review all projects and plans but should proceed till it becomes direct for any final decision making.

Impact of Retrogression (31st October to 21st November 2019) on Stock Market


Mercury has a strong impact on the stock market, whenever it becomes retrograde market becomes either volatile or becomes bearish. A similar effect has been seen when the mercury reaches the state of combustion with the Sun. It became bullish when it is conjugate with Rahu or Rahu is in trine to the mercury. Market becomes bearish when it gets conjugate with Ketu or Ketu is in trine to the Mercury in transit chart. It has been also seen that it become volatile when mercury changes its Navamsa sign or it is with beneficial planets in Navamsa.


Current State

Mercury retrograded on 31st of October around 9:04:35 Sec over Scorpio sign, whereas it was in Stationary direct state from 2 pm Onward on same day till 9:04 pm it was in direct Stationary state. As Mercury gets retrograde on 31st of October over Visakha nakshatra and Nakashtra lord Jupiter was with Mercury, Venus and Moon and it was also in the Amsa of Leo with Mars and Venus, aspected by the amsa lord Sun over the sign of Scorpio in transit chart. It will give strong beneficial results on the stock market for the day trading. As it has been observed that whenever mercury gets retrograde with the conjunction of beneficial planets it has given good results in the stock market and trading sector. As mercury act very volatile during retrogression, sometimes gain and sometimes lost over the period. If we look at the Sensex for 31st October 2019, Sensex ends at 77 pts up at 40,129, Nifty ends at 11,881.

If we look out the Nov 1 trend of Sensex, Market ended at a flat rate and Sensex adds 36 pts, Nifty at 11,900. It was a very marginal change we have seen after the retrogression which clearly shows there will be a slowdown in the market trends as soon after it becomes retrograde.

The Market trend will change when Jupiter moves to Sagittarius sign with Ketu and Saturn and same day Mercury will moves to cancer sign in Navamsa sign that clearly indicating market will getting a drop from 5th of November onward. As Jupiter will be over the fire sign of Dhanu over Moola Nakashtra that has given negative results in the past events. We can see a drop in the prices of Gold when Jupiter will moves to Dhanu sign being aspected by the Rahu and involved with Ketu and Saturn at the same time it will have an aspect of Mars too and the sun will be debilitation which defiantly gives a drop in the prices of gold. Jupiter will be over the Navamsa of Aries so it will give bullish trends in the share market for the following commodities i.e Silver, Textile, Fabrics, Jute, Sugar, and cotton will see a strong rise in the prices as it will be aspected by Venus, Saturn, and Moon. Though aspect of Saturn on Navamsa of Jupiter will slow down the prices of commodities in steel industries.  During this time, Mercury will move to Libra sign with Sun around 9 degrees of orbital distance which will give a strong impact on the share market. From the 8th of November 2019, it will get combusted due to close proximity with Sun till the 17th of November 2019. Which will again give downfall in the market till it is in the combusted state but it will give rise in the pricing of FMCG products. In the later part of November 2019, Mercury will be conjunct with Mars in Libra which will give rise in the production and price of the cotton, Kappas, Sut, Urad, Moong, gives good growth in all food products and also give boost in the pricing of all metals, Jute, Paat, Baardana, Jaggery, Sugar, nuts,  wheat and all eatable products made by grains . As soon as it will move in the sign of Libra it will try to stabilize the prices of gold and silver products but due to weak Sun and Jupiter, it can give normal stabilization of the metal commodities.

When Mercury will be retrograde in Libra it will lead to a lack of judgment, errors and miscalculations and Mars being conjunct with it will promote rebels, perverts as celebrities, and problems in couple relationships.

Currently #Mercury is right now #retrograde in Scorpio sign in #visakha

nakshatra, there will be growth in the production of #jaggery#sugar, and #alsi,  #seasome oil Will see a drop in prices. Later when the mercury will move to #libra sign in direct state there will be rapid growth in the pricing of #gold & #silver that which will happen due to weak Jupiter and sun. Currently, mercury is in watery signs and it has been seen that in Scorpio sign it used to gives a short term of bullish trend during its stays in the first 15 degrees. So till mercury is retrograde in first 3.20″ degree over Visakha nakshatra it will give hike in price over major food commodities but as soon as it moves to Libra sign in retrogression it will give some sort of ambiguity in pricing of metal commodities and also sets bearish trends for short span of time till it is retrograde in libra which will inversely affect the trade, share, and local market because of this businessmen will have some sort of fear for market slowness and it’s bearish trend. when mercury will get direct in libra sign there will be rapid growth in the production and pricing of #grhat, #sugar, #alsi including gold, cotton jute, and sugar and also all sort of herbs will see hike in #market and when mercury moves to Scorpio over Visakha and Anuradha nakshatra within first 15 degrees it will set bearish trend in the pricing of the commodities and it will give high trends for settlement of prices for wheat, rice, barley, pulses, gold, silk, books, stationary, television, theater’s, industrial units, insurance companies, advertisement, chemical, drug manufacturers, agriculture industries, bankers speculators and share Market and later when it moves over Anuradha it will boost the prices of Rice, grams, pulses coarse grains, coconut dates, jaggery , groundnuts,. chemicals, skin and hides, coal, cottonseed, woolen article’s, corporation, labor units, leather goods, and steel industries.



Rakesh Jamwal

pin Mercury Retrogression and Effect on Stock Market and Commodities trading ( 31st October to 21st November 2019)

Views: 76