Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology 2: Understanding Drishti Bheda: Rashi, Graha and Bhava

marte spatiu atmosfera1 Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology 2: Understanding Drishti Bheda: Rashi, Graha and Bhava

Written by Shubham Alock

Preamble – A few days back Shri Sunny Jain posted a question in a Facebook Group about aspects of the planet. Where he asked to suppose a planet is exalted. His aspect on a 7th house will be an exalted aspect, debilitated aspect or his effect will be according to beneficence or maleficence of planets.

My answer was only planets can become exalted or debilitated not their aspects. which means effects of aspects will be according to maleficence and beneficence of planets. [Will be dealt extensively of course]

There Shri Deepak Panchal Vishwakarma said to differentiate between Rashi Drishti, Graha Drishti, and Bhava Drishti.
Because it is to be taught in my Jyotish Prarambha course. I told that I will write a separate article on this.

This is that article.

Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra: There are many editions of this book, 10 I have in my library. 4 of them are original [written by authors] rest 6 just copied and paste from one book to another resulting in a new book.

4 Basic editions are by Shri Tarkachandra Shastri, Pandit Ganesh Dutt Pathak, Acharya Sitaram Jha and Pandit Devchandra Jha.
Shri Tarkachandra Shastri says he found this manuscript in the library of a king who is said to have most authentic manuscripts. That edition consists of maximum shlokas but chapters are less.

Pandit Ganesh Dutt Pathak gave no reference on how he found the book.

Acharya Sitaram Jha made a contradictory statement when in starting he said he got this manuscript from Pandit Jeevnath Jha and copied the whole manuscript by his hand and published whereas in end he writes he collected this and published after proof-reading and correcting the manuscript.

Pandit Devchandra Jha – mentions that he got this manuscript from various Pandit’s of rural area and collected all of them and after proofreading and correcting them. Published his edition.

Keep in mind this information which will be useful later. Except for Tarkachandra Shastri edition, all editions have  98-99-100 chapters. But the number of shloka’s are maximum in Tarkachandra Shatri edition.

When to refer to Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra: Many people think BPHS [Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra] to be gospel book of astrology authored by sage parashara.

But one must keep in mind that it is in form of conversation between Sage Parashara and Maitreya which means it was not written by Parashara himself. [See Jaimini Sutras is written by Jaimini Itself as it doesn’t contain narrative verses]  It was written by someone else. That too not at that time but at later times. Mostly between 1400-1500’s [I am taking about BPHS available now]

Mihira also mentions BPHS in his Brihat Jataka and mentions that it is large and extensive hence he is producing a condensed version of it. 

Then why he left many things like Graha Avasta [Many kinds are given in BPHS]. When one reads “Jataka Narayaneeyam and Yogavali Khandam” [ A superb book on Traditional Astrology and its secrets] one finds the author has mentioned parashara have dealt mainly with Raajyoga and Bhavaphala and have left Balarishta and Ayuryogas and only dealt with them in a condensed manner. 

But, now available BPHS deals extensively with them. This leads us to conclude that BPHS was never written. But was memorized in traditions [It was done with every Shastra of Hindu’s] someone may have written it before Mihira’s time which Mihira saw. but mainly it was a book which was memorized and not written.

After invasion people saw their knowledge being lost hence some of those traditions complied BPHS in written form. The real number of Shloka, Chapter, Index is not known to us. BPHS available nowadays is a result of greed of translators and their own superimposition of limited understanding of Jyotisha along with their ignorance of traditions and their orthodoxy over words of sages [will be seen in “Graha Drishti]

One will do well to go through article of “Shri Shyamsundara Dasa” “On the authenticity of the (Modern) Brhat Parashata Hora Shastra

My advice is if you are to read BPHS Read all available versions one by one. Don’t take any words as said by sage until you have read all editions and when you have read. try before you accept it as sage’s word. When you find contradiction in opinion between principles of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra and other classics of astrology stick to other classics until you are very sure of BPHS’s principles [After rigorous testing]  

For an example regarding AshtakaVaraga there are two opinions one is of Mihira and other of Parashara. [Will be covered in course] people who have been very successful in using Ashtakavarga have used and tied to Mihira’s method and not of Parashara’s. 

Rashi Drishti

Well exposed without any confusion. The word used is Rashi aspect sign in front of them and two adjacent Rashi. It have to be practised on South Indian Horoscope. Adjacent Rashi means Rashi in 4-10 to Rashi in front. Many scholars have misinterpreted that adjacent “Parshbhave” means the sign juxtapose and shloka means Rashi does not aspect sign juxtapose. But this is incorrect. Why, It will be shown in our Jaimini Article. [Here, it will make the article way too long] One can refer to my article on Sangyan Tattwa for more information.

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Movable sign  aspect the sign in 8th to them and their Parshava sign which is sign in 11th and 5th.

Fixed sign aspect the sign in 6th to them and their Parshava sign which is sign in 3rd and 9th.

Movable sign aspect the sign in 7th to them and their Parshava sign which is 4th and 10th.

In Short. Movable sign aspect all fixed sign except the one in 2nd to him, Fixed sign aspect all movable sign except the one in 12th to him, Dual sign aspects all other dual signs.

Refer the table given below.

Aspect Table

Rashi Frontal Sign Other Signs under Aspect
Aries Scorpio Aquarius and Leo
Taurus Libra Cancer and Capricorn
Gemini Virgo Sagittarius and Pisces
Cancer Aquarius Scorpio and Taurus
Leo Capricorn Libra and Aries
Virgo Gemini Pisces and Sagittarius
Libra Taurus Aquarius and Leo
Scorpio Aries Capricorn and Cancer
Sagittarius Pisces Gemini and Virgo
Capricorn Leo Taurus and Scorpio
Aquairus Cancer Aries and Libra
Pisces Sagittarius Virgo and Gemini

Planet’s placed in the sign also aspect with Rashi Drishti.

Special with Rashi Drishti – Rashi Drishti is always full [Other’s are not – will be seen in next sections] People are confused about aspect of planet’s like Ketu or Upagraha like Mrityu or Aprakash Graha like Dhooma. Any thing in Rashi aspect with Rashi drishti. This is to say if you need to check aspect of Gulika see Rashi drishti of the Rashi where Gulika is placed and you will find aspect of Gulika

When one will read Jaimini one will find that Jaimini gave extreme importance to Rashi Drishti because even Arudha in a Bhava will aspect with Rashi Drishti only. That is to say anything in Rashi will aspect with Rashi Drishti.

It is mentioned that “Brahma” [Creator] told about Rashi Drishti, Which means any affliction arising out of Rashi Drishti shows a basic defect in creation or manifestation. Also how to approach this subject as there can be four differentiations here, aspect by malefic but who is a friend of a lord of the sign, aspect by malefic who is inimical to lord of sign.  the aspect of benefic inimical to Lord of sign, aspect of benefic friendly to lord of sign. All this will be explored in-depth in our course.

Graha Drishti

Here you will see when people superimpose their own understanding in name of editing and proof-reading what happens.

Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra clearly states that every planet have 1/4th aspect on 3-10 Houses from itself [It uses bhava which means house and not Rashi], 2/4th aspect on 5-9 houses from itself. 3/4th on 4-8 houses from itself and 4/4th aspect on 7th house from itself. Saturn, Jupiter and Mars have have special aspect as Saturn aspects 3-10 from itself by full 4/4 aspect, Mars aspect 4-8 from itself by full 4/4 and Jupiter aspects 5-9 fro itself by full 4/4 aspect.  

What the sage have intended to say was all planets except Saturn, Jupiter and Mars have a full aspect on 7th house and they Saturn, Jupiter and Mars have a special aspect on these houses as their full aspect and on 7th house, their aspect is not full, but partial.
But both authors with their claim of correcting the manuscript distorted it. But Pandit Ganesh Dutt Pathak and Pandit Tarkachandra Shastri [They never mentioned correcting the manuscripts gave original table of aspects which is as follows.

Graha Drishti

Planet Trine [5-9] Chaturastra [4-8] Saptama [7] Upachaya [3-10]
Saturn 1/4th 2/4th 3/4th Full
Jupiter Full 1/4th 2/4th 3/4th
Mars 3/4th Full 1/4th 2/4th
Others 2/4th 3/4th Full 1/4th

This, as can be seen above was the real method Sage wanted to propagate which was mutilated in name of correcting manuscripts.
One can also see that secret of Nadi Astrology lies here. Suppose two planets are in trine Sun and Moon then Sun cast 2/4th aspect on Moon and Moon cast 2/4th aspect on Moon – Now is it illogical to say in sense that they are in conjunction [Half+Half=Full] Due to this reason while defining Sambandha between planets Mantreshwara in his Phladeepika added Sambandha between Planets in Mutual Kendra and Kona.

Secrets in usage: We know sam-bandha between planets are made by four methods. By being in each other’s sign, By being in mutual aspect, By being aspected by the depositor, by being in same sign [Together] But in practice, we find mutual aspect does not make a strong connection in many cases, Why? the answer to the same is only Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus have a full aspect on 7th to participate in mutual aspect sam-bandha other planets cast partial aspect on 7th house thus yoga may or may not be applicable.

What do I mean by “may and may not” will be defined here? 

Suppose few variations.

Jupiter and Mars in 1-7 Jupiter aspect Mars by 2/4th aspect and Mars by 1/4th aspect. it makes only 3/4th aspect. Unable to form Sambandha.

Jupiter and Saturn in 1-7. Jupiter aspect Saturn by 2/4th aspect and Saturn by 3/4th aspect making 5/4 which means a Sambandha.
This way one can clearly see the differences into considerations when we follow true spirit of Sage.

Difference between Graha and Bhava Drishti : Graha Drishti is basically for Sambandha between two Graha, Only when it is full it have to be taken into consideration. Bhava Drishti is sambandha between Bhava and Graha and all types of aspect can be considered here. which differentiates them on extent of their influence on Bhava.

Bhava Drishti 

Sitaram Jha and Devchandra Jha edition exposes this in a separate chapter named  “Grah Sphut Drishti Kahtanadhyaya” which can mean that this is only true aspect of planets. Whereas Devdutt Pathak and Tarkachandra Shatri edition exposes this in “Bhav Shad Bal Aadi Varnan Adhyayah” which clearly distinguishes between Graha Drishti and Bhava Drishti. Making clear that Bhava Drishti will take both full and partial aspect into consideration to judge the relationship between Bhava and Graha whereas Graha Drishti is only full between two Graha.

We need to calculate Drishti bala to know about Bhava Shadbala [Will be dealt in separate article] Two methods of calculations are given, I am giving the one given in Tarkachandra Shastri and Devdutt Pathak edition.

Calculations of Bhava Drishti: Aspecting planet is called “Drishta [A]” aspected planet/Bhava is called “Drishya [B]”
Take their longitude “Rashi-Degree-Minute” and A-B = If more than 6 then subtract from 10 Rashi and divide by 2.

If more than 5 then leave Rashi and double Degree and Minute
If more than 4 [But less than 5] then subtract it from 5 and remaining Degree and Minutes will give Drishti/Aspect
If more than 3, Subtract from 4, Divide by 2 and add 30.
If more than 2, Leave Rashi and add 15 in Degrees
If more than 1, leave Rashi and half the degrees. This gives quantum of aspects.

For Saturn, Mars and Jupiter : For Saturn add 45 more in aspect on 3rd and 10th house. For Jupiter add 30 more in aspect on 5th and 9th house. For Mars add 15 more in aspecton 4th and 8th houses.

These calculations can be tiring for beginners hence one is advised to take support of modern day software’s. One such Software is Jagannath Hora which is free to download. [Check settings before usage] In the software open any chart [It is easy to use] Select the option “View” above in File Bar and then choose “Aspect Table with Relationship” Then right click on New Window anywhere over blank space and choose “Full Aspect Value” and then change it to be 100.

Secrets in Usage: Graha Drishti does not take into consideration degrees of planets. In planet in aforesaid Bhava/Rashi [They are same] comes under their aspect irrespective of their degrees. But in Bhava Drshti Degrees of Bhava [Similar to that of Lagna] needs to be taken into consideration. This is the reason why Mantreshwar in his Phala-Deepika have said that planets in any bhava equalling the degrees of Lagna will give the full effect of that bhava and in other places promotionally. This also applies with their aspect. being placed in a bhava is inclusive of aspect on other Bhava.


September 3, 1993; 18:00:00; Moradabad – India

Case 59 Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology 2: Understanding Drishti Bheda: Rashi, Graha and Bhava

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[An operation after her birth just around 12 hours of birth near waist due to some ulcer/eruption and doctors cut the spinal veins which control veins. Now by birth she can’t be moved]

Creation Flaw: See Lagna with malefic and retrograde Saturn but in own sign [Longevity is not hampered] Rashi Drishti Venus, Indrachaap, Upaketu, and Kaal. All three of these Aprakash Graha are troublesome. It gave the problem in upbringing [health issues] abnormality is seen by Aprakash Graha. Venus being benefic and friendly makes sure that her physical growth and longevity doesn’t get hampered.

October 28, 1955; 21:10:00; Seattle-Washington-USA

BG Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology 2: Understanding Drishti Bheda: Rashi, Graha and Bhava

Horoscope of Bill Gates: See mutual aspect between Mercury and Moon 1st 2nd lords and 4th and 2nd lords which give a beautiful combination for making money and property.

If you consider mutual aspect between Mars and Moon it also becomes a combination between 6th and 2nd Lord which indicates debts. He is not in debt, he never was.

See Bhava Drishti for 11th house it is aspected by Sun [Authority leader in Computer operating systems] Mars [Engineering] Mercury [74 – more than 50 – For technology and 
computers/communication/email’s/outlook] Jupiter [Donations and Bill and Melinda Foundation] Venus [Beautiful operating system from DOS to Windows XP] Saturn [Hard work and persistence with struggles to be at top] One can see more the planets aspects 11th house better the financial condition. 

[See house lordship of these planets and match it with his Wikipedia Biography] 11th lord is apecting 11th hosue along with 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, 5th, 9th lords. [What else one wants]

This is an extensive topic, which can’t be taught in a single article. It has to be taught step by step distinguishing between Rashi and bhava, and their manifestation. Along with difference in Rashi and Graha Dasha. This article will provide an introduction to the subject. This article will be dealt extensively in “Jyotish Prarambha”

(C) Shubham Alock for Jyotish Prarambha

pin Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology 2: Understanding Drishti Bheda: Rashi, Graha and Bhava

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Understanding Fundamentals of Vedic Jyotish Part 1

fb21104e5fd8f18be5c7767a7ffba422 Understanding Fundamentals of Vedic Jyotish Part 1

Written by Shubham Alock

Pre Script – This article is a part of my Jyotish Prarambha Course.

When we learn basics we learn about Own sign, Mool-Trikona [Favourite sign] and Exaltation sign of planets. They are given in classics and except Rahu and Ketu, there is no confused amongst other planets regarding their own sign, exaltation, and Mool-Trikona. But classics doesn’t give us the reason behind allotment of Signs to planets. This can be only for the reason because sages thought that people already know this [They must have never taught that people outside param para will also read this science that too from books and not from Gurus]

Many people have attempted to find a logic behind this allotment. Nobody’s views can be discarded. Here in this article, I am presenting my own view on allotment of different signs to different planets for different purposes.


In Hindu mythology, Sun and Moon are considered as God’s. In Astrology we take them as Ultimate male [Sun] and Ultimate female [Moon] They rule single sign in Zodiac Sun rules Leo and Moon rule Cancer. According to their Nature of being Watery [Cancer] and Fiery [Leo] As the moon is the cause of sustenance and Karaka of Kendra [Quadrants] she chooses a Kendra sign of water – Cancer. Whereas Sun being Father [Creation chain] and being Karaka of prosperity and expansion he chooses a sign in Kona [All three fire signs are in Kona] But he chooses Leo being closest to Mother [Moon-Cancer]

There is a traditional story which goes as First Mercury comes to Moon and asks for a place to live and Moon gives him Gemini [One sign behind her to live] Whereas Sun gives him Virgo [One sign ahead him] Mercury is fastest between planets [Excluding Sun and Moon] Thus he comes first, Then comes Venus [2nd Fastest planet] she goes to Moon who gives him Taurus [Next sign to Gemini behind Moon] and Sun gives him Libra [Next sign ahead of Virgo] Then comes Mars [3rd Fastest planet – Leaving Sun] which is given Aries by Moon and Scorpio by Sun [Next signs to Taurus and Libra respectively in their direction of forward and backward motion] Then comes Jupiter [4th fastest planet  in Zodiac]Then comes Jupiter [4th fastest planet  in Zodiac] Moon gives him Pisces whereas Sun gives him Sagittarius] Then comes Saturn [Slowest planet] and he is given Aquarius by Moon and Capricorn by Sun.

Regarding Own signs of Rahu and Ketu, I do follow another method, Not mentioned anywhere. It will be taught in the course but being a separate topic is not being disclosed here.
See this Diagram here for better understanding.

Rashi Ownership Understanding Fundamentals of Vedic Jyotish Part 1

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Trine ownership [Mool-Trikona]

Except for Moon, every planet has Mool-Trikona in his own sign.
Moon has Mool-Trikona in another sign Taurus due to Nakshatra Rohini falling in Taurus. In Taurus from 0-3 degree he is exalted and in rest of the sign, he is Mool-Trikona.

The name mool-trikona implies auspiciousness. As any planet in Kona is devoted to do good to native, bring prosperity and expansion to him. Unless they become lord of 6-8-12 and starts harming Kona they bring auspiciousness. In the same manner planets in Mool-Trikona is akin to being in 9th house as per Rashi placement [Being placed in 9th house in reality is a Bhava Placement] Why 9th house because it is termed as Tri-Trikona which means Highest Trikona or Third Trikona [First being Lagna and second being 5th house]  A Planet in Mool-Trikona is hence benefic and provides one with luck and auspiciousness [Mihir writes 9th house as Shubha which means auspicious in itself] 

Mool means root and Trikona means trine which i an Astrological sense means auspicious/good. Hence we must see the trine in which a planet’s Mool-Trikona falls in horoscope of the divine man [Kaal-Purusha] which always have Aries in first house.

Sun have his mool-trikona in Leo from 0 to 20 degrees, It falls in Dharma Trikona which implies Sun’s duty is to hold Dharma and his significations are Dharmic. When he signifies father it is that father who gives us our Dharma [Whose principles we follow] he may or may not be the father who gave birth to native. Rest of Leo 20 to 30 degrees is his own house. Same method have to be followed for each and every planet.

Mars have his mool-trikona in Aries from 0 to 12 degrees. It is in Dharma trikona which again implies that he works for Dharma, When he kills it is to protect someone, when he makes a step it is accordance to good and bad he is taught. All his steps are taken to save something or at-least not to harm. Rest from 12 to 30 degree Aries and 0-30 Degree of Scorpio is his own sign.

Mercury have his mool-trikona in Virgo from 15-20 degree. Rest 20-30 degree of Virgo and 0-30 degree of Gemini is his own sign and 0-15 degree of Virgo is his exaltation. It falling in 6th house of Artha implies his nature is accumulative and he is of storing character. He is karaka of business which signifies his nature well. His activities are for worldly affairs having something in mind, for growth and sustenance. This is also Upachaya [Growing house]
Jupiter have his mool-tikona in 0-10 degree of Sagittarius, 10-30 of Sagittarius and 0-30 of Pisces is his own sign. It being in Dharma trikona gives him a nature of doing righteous things. Not being mean or greedy he works only for sustenance. Whatever is necessary will be done, nothing will be done having enjoyment or fulfilment as a motive.

Venus have his mool-trikona in 0 to 15 degree of Libra. 15-30 degree of Libra and 0-30 degree of Taurus is his own sign. It being in Kaama Trikona it indicates his basic temperament is working for desires and enjoyment.

Saturn have his mool-trikona in 0-20 degree of Aquarius, 20-30 degree of Aquarius and 0-30 degree of Capricorn is his own sign. It is in Kaama Trikona which again implies his nature of work is motivated by desires and enjoyment.

Here one can notice that no planet have his Mool-Trikona in any of signs in Moksha Trikona. Mool-Trikona as said earlier shows basic temperament and constitutes nature of planet. No one have his mool-trikona in Moksha Trikona because if their motive be moksha they can’t qualify to become a Graha [Which means to grasp/hold] one motivated by Moksha will tend to leave each and everything.
Except Moon every planet have his exaltation in his own sign, He preferes the sign according to his nature and temperament. 

Sun owning single sign Leo perefers it is Mool-Trikona as it is according to his nature of the Fiery element. Mars takes Aries due to it being Fiery element whereas Scorpio is a watery sign. Mercury prefers Virgo for it being an earth sign whereas he himself is of Earth element. Jupiter being of ether element is comfortable in each and every element but between his both signs he prefers fiery Sagittarius as it represent’s dharma and watery sign can’t be Mool-Trikona of a Graha [Due to the reason stated above] Venus prefers his sign Libra which is of Vayu Tattwa Venus being of Jala Tattwa must have preferred Taurus of Earth Tattwa [Being friendly] but due to it already being occupied by Moon. See order of planets Moon comes at 2nd place whereas Venus at 6th place he prefers Libra. Saturn prefers Aquarius being identical to his nature of Airy element.

See this diagram for a better understanding of Mool-Trikona sign of planets.

Mool Trikona Understanding Fundamentals of Vedic Jyotish Part 1

Exaltation [Uccha]

To Understand this first understand Tatta [Element] and Dig-Bala [Directional Strength of planets.

Sun and Mars are of fiery element and have digbala in South direction 10th house. Venus and Moon are of earth element and have Digbala in North direction [4th house] Saturn is of Airy element and have digbala in West direction [7th house] Mercury is of Earth element and Jupiter is of ether element and they both have digbala in East direction [1st house/lagna]

See the image given below of Tattwa and Digbala and remember that Tattwa in nature of Sun’s direction from 10th house through day [Anti-clockwise of chart] is friendly, In direction of chart is neutral [Anti-Clockwise to Sun’s direction] and opposite are enemies. The exception is ether element [Jupiter] which pervades in each element.

Dig Bala Panch Tattwa Understanding Fundamentals of Vedic Jyotish Part 1

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What do we mean by direction of Sun here is count like 10-7, 4-1 Houses, Opposite to the sun is 10-1, 4-7 Houses. Because at morning Sun is in Lagna, At noon Sun is in the 10th house at Sunset sun is in 7th house and at midnight Sun is in the 4th house always.

This makes a ring like situation. Let me explain it for better understanding.

Air and Fire are friends. Water and Earth are friends. [In direction of Sun – Starting from the 10th house] In opposite direction they are neutral. Hence, Fire and Earth is Neutral and Air and Water are Neutral. In Opposite direction, they are enemies, Hence. Air is an enemy to Earth and Fire is an enemy to water.

This is the basic behind allotment of exaltation signs of planets. Let we deal with them one by one.

Luminaries: Exalted in same Tattwa. Sun is of Agni tattwa, Other planet in same tattwa is Mars. His signs are Aries and Scorpio. Between them Aries is Male and Fire element hence Sun is exlated in Aries.
Moon is of Jala tattva, Other planet in same tattva is Venus. He owns Taurus and Libra. Taurus is of Earth element [Friendly to water] as well as female sign. Hence, Moon is exalted in Taurus.

Tara Graha: Mars is of Agni tattva and is male [He is complete male as he suffers no restriction of Sattwa being a Tamasic planet] He goes to its friendly Tattwa, Air. There he finds Aquarius [Airy] and Capricorn [Earth element] He prefers Capricorn because it is a female sign [Male planet without Sattwic nature – Want’s to procreate in female sign]

Mercury is of Prithvi tattva, He is neutral [Without gender – Female Eunuch] He goes to  Watery tattva [Friendly] finds no sign suitable as Cancer is much feminine and Libra is masculine, He goes to the fiery element and finds himself incompatible in much fire. He can’t rise up to the level of Ether having his Mool-Trikona in a Upachaya house. being neutral he can be satisfied by his self and thus prefers his sign Virgo being female in nature [He himself is female eunuch] also due to same Tattwa [Both Mercury and Virgo is of Jala Tattwa]

Jupiter is of ether element. He goes to his friendly element and finds Libra and Capricorn there. being of ether element [Don’t want to harm anyone, docile] he prefers the female sign Cancer out there.
Venus is of Jala Tattwa. He goes to his friendly Tattwa [Earth] and finds Gemini there which is incompatible being a male sign [Female planets prefer female sign] Because of a specified gender he doesn’t look to incompatible tattva and goes to all pervading tattva Ether. He finds Sagittarius there which is male and fiery but rejects that and becomes exalted in Pisces which is a female sign as well as Jala Tattwa.

Saturn is neutral [Male Netutral] being without gender he doesn’t follow going to his friendly Tattwa. He goes to neutral tattva [Neutral Gender – chooses either self or neutral Tattwa] and finds only one sign remaining there Libra [Of Venus] and chooses it to be his exaltation. Rest two are already occupied by Jupiter and Venus.

See the image below to understand.
Understanding Fundamentals of Vedic Jyotish Part 1

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Here we see a peculiarity. Luminaries are exalted in their own tattva where male prefers male sign and female prefers female sign.

Star planets consist of two male Jupiter and Mars and one female Venus along with two neutrals Saturn and Mercury.

Both male and female prefer to go to their friendly tattva and both of them prefers female sign. Female planet prefers female sign [Same – Harmony] procreation for a female is more a burden than a boon. It will be dealt separately in Avtar Adhyaya. We will see Venus is a form of Parashurama who never had wife or children.
Eunuch planets are of two types one is completely dual [Mercury – owing both dual signs] and he remains in his own sign of his exaltation. whereas Saturn takes his step to neutral Tattva [Misery significant – Not happiness but solitude]

Now see them in accordance to their Avtar.

Sun is Rama and is situated in Self-Dharma [Aries]

Moon is Krishna and is situated in Karma and sustenance [Taurus]

Mars is Narasimha and is situated in Karma and Prominence/Power [Capricorn]

Mercury is Balarama and is situated in Upachaya [Growth] and greens [Virgo]

Jupiter is Vamana and is situated in 4th house of Vidya for Moksha [Cancer]

Venus is Parashurama and is situated in 12th house [loss] of life and desires for Salvation [Pisces]

Saturn is Koorma and is placed in 7th house of Kama [Desire to give something – Samudra Manthan] and enjoyment not for self but for all [Libra]

When we will read the course in depth we will understand that nature of planets are so that they have to be exalted in these signs only.

Table of Exaltation, Rashi and Trikona

Planet  Exaltation Mool Trikona   Swa-Rashi   Secondry Rashi
Sun 0-10 Aries 0-20 Leo 20-30 Leo
Moon 0-3 Taurus 3-27 Taurus 0-30 Cancer
Mars 0-28 Capricorn 0-12 Aries 13-30 Aries 0-30 Scorpio
Mercury 0-15 Virgo 15-20 Virgo 21-30 Virgo 0-30 Gemini
Jupiter 0-5 Cancer 0-10 Sagittarius 11-30 Sagittarius 0-30 Pisces
Venus 0-27 Pisces 0-15 Libra 16-30 Libra 0-30 Taurus
Saturn 0-20 Libra 0-20 Aquarius 21-30 Aquarius 0-30 Capricorn

(c) Shubham Alock for Jyotish Prarambh Course

pin Understanding Fundamentals of Vedic Jyotish Part 1

Views: 33

How to see Extra-Marital Relationships from Natal and Navamsa chart

marriagebrokenpaper How to see Extra-Marital Relationships from Natal and Navamsa chart

In Todays, so called modern world, as an effect of Kaliyuga love and love marriages are rapidly growing. It is not the effect of kaliyuga the main effect is extra marital relationships. Love marriages (Gandarvh Vivah) was there in ancient times but there were also something called as boundary of marital life and vows. And those who were caught committing adultery were given punishment. Then in later times with change in environment and degradation in morals adultery became common in society but was restricted to trader class only (a good description of this along with an imagined life of sage Vatsyayana – author of KaamSutra can be read in Sudhir Kakkar’s book “The ascetic of desire”). Then as the effect of kaliyuga is growing now it is everywhere right from so called high societies to low societies. Demonic things like alcohol, drugs have their effect on the same and helped in increasing it. And so many other factors are also there which is not a main topic of our discussion but plays an important role in astrological analysis. Rather than explaining them all here we will see them while going with the case studies.

Before going any further let me give an advice to our new or better to say young readers. Never ignore case studies. So many times I have heard people saying this rule doesn’t work for me. If it works for someone else it is bound to work for you too. Thus while going through case studies one can get an idea of authors approach to chart reading and can get the way the rule have to be applied. Nothing is best teacher than illustration. Also while going through example charts one may get some basic things like which house author uses for 2nd marriage etc.


1. Mercury shows intelligence and which it follows is of utmost importance. Weather it follows the Guru (Jupiter) and its righteous way or it follows the adulterer (Moon) one who have 27 wives and also have eloped with Guru’s wife and made her pregnant with Budha (Mercury). And for that we have see Mercury in D9 is in trine to whom Moon or Jupiter

2. Jaimini in his Jaimini Upadesha Sutras say if 2nd house in Navamsha is owned by Venus or Mars or is having them or their aspect is there then a person can be adulterous. Jupiter will only make this more profound only Ketu the Moksha Karaka have the power to kill illusion. Use only Rashi Drishti here.

3. As Navamsha is the chart dealing with Dharma it is better companion to show the same as it will be better indication in showing degradation of one’s dharma. This is because root house of D9 is 9th house which shows ones Dharma, Guru, Higher Learning, Spirituality etc. but when it comes to a boy who is not married and indulges in this only for physical pleasures then it becomes more prominent in D1 chart as it shows physical body. Then there are also Casanova people who do all this love, illusion things for physical pleasure and for them judicious decisions have to be made.

4. Other subtle things like influence of Rahu over Venus, a bad or hampered 9th house is also important in this regard and can never be ignored.

5. Ghatak Chakra also is to be used. It has more usage but I will reveal only the part necessary to it.

Sagittarius, Aquarius
Libra, Capricorn
Virgo, Pisces

In this list what we have to do is to find in which Tithi a person is born into. As Tithi is rules by Jala tattwa that shows our emotions. And without being emotionally attached with someone extra-marital relationships usually doesn’t happen it becomes an important factor. Note down the Tithi a person is born into and then see signs that come under its scope if UL (Marriage) A7 (Physical relationship) A5 (being Arudh of 5th house it can also show love) is there making connections either one or two or all of them are there in those signs. Then it can also indicate extra-marital relationships. Their involvement with other factors like A7 with A10 and UL can show physical relationship in workplace after marriage. In this was this have to be analyzed in this remember Venus shows unmarried female whereas Moon show married female, Jupiter shows married man whereas Mars shows unmarried man.

6. As I have already said Tithi Lord have a profound impact on human relationship lord of Tithi and its placement in sign, house and with other planets can be analyzed in a birth chart to know the approach a person uses in his relationships especially love relationships.

With this much information in hand, let we go to some practical cases to know how it can be used. I will only reveal those things that I know and am sure of and will not make any castles in the air.

Example charts
1. John F. Kennedy – 29th May 1917, 14:51:00, Brookline, MA, USA

Had 1st affair with Marilyn Monroe in 1950’s

Mercury is in 5th house neither in trine to moon nor Jupiter. 2nd and 7th in D9 is neither owned by Mars or Venus nor aspected by them. Rahu is in 2nd but without their support it is not of much harm. His 9th house in D1 is well fortified with its lord and Sun (discipline) and Jupiter (High Morals) Venus is not influenced by Rahu in D9 or D1. In Ghatak rashi’s (Libra and Capricorn in this case) A5, A4, A8 is there but not UL or A7 showing that he may only be involved emotionally. (illusion of love) but due to strong influences of Jupiter on 9th house 9th lord as well as Venus it seems that this information available on Astro Databank is a rumor.

2. Paul Kenneth Bernardo – 27th August 1964, 08:31:00, 79W25/43N40

Mercury is not in trine to Jupiter neither to Moon. 7th house in D9 is rules by Mars and Rahu is there aspected by Jupiter not aspected by Ketu. Rahu and Venus are together in D1 and in opposition in D9. In D1 9th house has Jupiter but 9th lord is with Rahu and mars too much bad influxes for Venus to bear without any help of benefic. Jupiter is in 9th house but he is 7th lord not a good condition for 7th lord to be in 3rd house from its position notice 7th is house of marriage and sex and 3rd of courage and copulation. Ghatak Rashi (Taurus, Virgo, and Pisces) has UL and A5 (now we are clearer on why Jupiter here hasn’t given in high morals in matter of these things. A5 here signifies the thing that he had made illusion that he loves women and then having them caught in his trap he did 3-4 murders and 13+ Rapes. Every chart will not be that much extreme and why this one is analyzed in another article that can be found on my website. Extreme cases are hard to handle and a careful analysis of D30 and D60 needs to be done along with Somnath D3.

3. Marilyn Monroe – 1st June 1926, 09:30AM, Los Angeles, California

Mercury is not in trine to moon neither to Jupiter. 2nd and 7th house in D9 is neither owned nor aspected by Venus/Mars. 9th lord in D1 is in 8th house with Mars bad condition. In D9 Rahu and Venus are together. Ghatak Rashis are (Aries, Scorpio) that has UL, A7, A6, A2 and Venus. This is female chart Venus is not of much importance but Aries is aspected by both Jupiter and Mars. Although she was not in adultery she had so many marriages and several relationships as can be seen by conjunction of UL and A7 with both married and unmarried man Influence of both Mars and Jupiter together on combination of UL and A7. They are also in conjunction too. Here it is not case of adultery but a case of marriage based only on physical relationship and desires and thus makes D9 rules as exceptions.

4. 15 July 1982, 17:35, Karnal

Her Husband said she had extra-marital relationship and he caught her red handed on 26th January 2014.

Mercury is not in trine to Moon/Jupiter. 7th house in D9 is ruled by Mars and 2nd house is aspected by Rahu, Jupiter, Mercury, and Rahu. Ketu have to disqualify the yoga but in this case Ketu being in Virgo and dual influence of Rahu and Jupiter make Ketu weak to ward off the evil influences. But this also shows in one way that this illicit relationship off-course is not going to operate for lifetime. And with time and activation of Ketu it will come to an end and this shows the relationship as a result of dissatisfaction in marital life. However Mercury and Rahu together and Jupiter in 8th in female chart in D9 are not welcome. In D1 9th house have Gulika almost destroyed and its lord is in 7th house that Sun (Sun in 7th is never welcome) with Rahu causing grahan Dosha Venus is also there along with mercury that shows Rahu have affected her Soul (Sun) Intellect (Mercury) as well as sexuality (Venus) in female chart 4th house shows her chastity and 4th lord in 11th house (8th from 4th) is not welcome and also combined aspect of Mars and Saturn over 4th is never welcome. See all the troublesome combination of Sun+Rahu, Rahu+Venus is in Badhak house whose lord is strong being in own house showing badha is not easy to overcome. As 6th lord is also involved she can also face something like Black Magic but this is an area out of preview of this discussion. Ghatak Signs are (Libra, Capricorn) in Libra Jupiter is placed that can show affair with a married man. However as A7, UL is not involved it can’t be said with certainty.

5. 6th October 1981, 22:04:45 (I have rectified the time provided time was 22:13:50) Khetri

In D9 Mercury rule again doesn’t works. 2nd house in Navamsha is rules by Venus and aspected by Rahu, Venus, Jupiter and Ketu and as Ketu is in 6th house in Aquarius he is weak to mitigate the evil and the main problem is mars in 7th house in D9. Ghatak Rashi in this case doesn’t work. But 9th lord Saturn in 5th house with Sun and 9th house aspected by Mars and Rahu and also the same Mars and Rahu combination over UL. Aspect of Rahu over Venus in D1 and both of them in conjunction in D9 further clears the combinations and solve the arena of doubt.

All these charts are a great learning tool to understand the mental condition of someone who goes in these types of relationship. There are numerous reasons sometimes parents forcing for arranged marriage and neglecting their love and sometimes when love happens in someone’s life after marriage. But is it right to go into extra-marital relationships no I can’t answer this any men and women on this earth can. Before closing the article I will give few more points
1. In these charts especially in female charts analysis of D30 to see imbalance in tattwa, Shadripu, and other weaknesses is prominent

2. In female chart 4th house shows her chastity that should be analyzed in-depth before coining anything as extra marital relationship.

3. Some Yoga need to be understood fully like in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra sage says if ascendant lord be in ascendant person will be having more than one wife. Here one should understand sage is saying person will be potent much to satisfy more than one women but this will happen or not is an altogether different case.

4. Most important thing is timing and we have the most fantastic tool Vimshottari Dasha to do that but I am thinking to introduce something new for this purpose thus I have left this aspect in this article

5. Analysis of prashna chart also becomes necessary in those cases where someone else is reporting extra-marital relationship of someone else. We as humans don’t have intellect neither have the permission from god to say illicit or bad to any other creation of him

pin How to see Extra-Marital Relationships from Natal and Navamsa chart

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Indu Lagna: the moon lagana of Wealth and Abundance

maxresdefault Indu Lagna: the moon lagana of Wealth and Abundance

Indu Lagna is one of the special ascendants in Vedic astrology. Yes, in Vedic astrology we only not have one rising ascendant but other special ascendants too like – Bhava Lagna, Hora Lagna, Shree Lagna, Ghatika Lagna and Indu Lagna. There are so many different type of Lagna mentioned in classical books and they all have their different usage. 

Whereas rising Lagna shows one aspect of our life such as health, overall life and other things. It is the prime ascendant and almost everything in astrology depends upon this. But there are other Lagna’s too used for other purposes like Bhava Lagna for intelligence, Hora Lagna for money, Ghatika Lagna for power and Shree Lagna for blessings. In the same way we have Indu Lagna whose description can be found in classics especially in “Uttarakalamrita” before going deeper let we find the meaning of the word ‘Indu”. Indu means – moon, camphor, and Mrigashira Nakshatra (another name for same). And in the same line “Indumati” means full moon and was name of a mythical character depicted as wife of king “Aja”. 
In between them of our use is 3 words – Moon, Mrigashira Nakshatra and Full moon.

Moon – sages have advised in classics to see horoscope from rising ascendant and moon ascendant. Moon ascendant is also a factor in the very important Sudarshan Chakra. 

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There have been put a lot of emphasis of moon on classics. Moon decides so many things in Vedic astrology like – Paksha bala of planets, Auspiciousness of chart, Samagam of planets and other so many things too. Moon basically in astrology represents our mind, mood, sustenance, food, interests, and habits. Thus by being significator of mind it gets great importance as without good mind nothing good can be achieved from material to spiritual success everything needs a mind for the same. 
Moon is also a very essential factor as moon decides what we will do and that doing will decide further consequences. Sustenance moon was born while Samudra Manthan with goddess Lakshmi. Thus Lakshmi is called his younger sister and as Lakshmi represents food, sustenance, growth, money auspiciousness. Moon does show the same in horoscope. 
Thus moon is very vital in horoscope and it is prime controller of not wealth but sustenance without its help even life can’t be sustained then leave other things. Getting money is something different related to Sun and Jupiter and sustaining it is something different that comes from moon that sustains everything in horoscope right from life (weak moon can give Balarishta resulting in early death) from Image (he is karaka of Arudh) a strong moon shows a person have power of sustenance thus anything he does is sustained for a long time. Be it any work or name, fame. This is the importance of moon in chart.

Full Moon
– it is nothing but moon at its fullest power. As sages have emphasized on Paksha bala of moon. Thus with sun it is weakest and at full moon day he is most strong having full paksha bala. Full power of sustenance. Thus even moon is weak if he is full moon then he is extremely strong and even exalted moon if of Amavasya is powerless. Showing no power of sustenance. Full moon literally will mean power of moon at its peak.

Mrigashira Nakshatra
– deity of this Nakshatra is Lord Brahma showing the power of creation. This is the 5th Nakshatra in the chain showing the power of natural 5th house of creation (Brahma) power (vimshottari lordship mars) skills (Mars rules skilled workers).

Now after finding their meanings we can add all these attributes to Indu Lagna too. Thus it means Indu Lagna will show power, wealth, sustenance, creation of something new. We will find its nature and effects with two example charts.

Calculation – basically it is derived from calculating the cumulative position of the ninth house from Ascendant and the Moon.

For this reason there are some values assigned to planets and they are. Sun-30, Moon-16, Mars-6, Mercury-8, Jupiter-10, Venus-12, Saturn-1.

Rahu Ketu is not used in this calculation as they do not have the power to sustain anything like other planets and basically the moon. And also because they do not own any signs of the zodiac primarily. The rule Scorpio and Aquarius as co-lords only not as main lords.

Count 9th house from ascendant and moon and then see the planets lording those houses. Note down number assigned to that planet from the table. 

Add down both this values. (Moon is also important so is ascendant) Divide it by 12 (this is for two purposes first because it is in zodiac that is divided into 12 parts thus divide it by 12 too, remember we are counting sign thus 12 not Nakshatra if it was Nakshatra then division have to be made by 360 as there are 360 degrees in the zodiac. 
Second because if we don’t divide it by 12 then we have to go through the rashi chart more than once to place it. This division by 12) not down the remainder (that for sure will be between 0 to 11) count that number from Moon (primary sustainer) and the house reached at after counting will have Indu Lagna in it. If the remainder is zero then place it in 12th house if it is 1 then place in the same house as moon. 
This was Indu Lagna for ascendant in the same way Indu Lagna for other houses can also be found out like for Indu Lagna of 10th house see the lord of the sign falling in 6th house from ascendant and moon (9th from 10th). As it basically means sustenance it can be found out for any house. We will experiment with these things too in example charts.

Application – till now I am unable to figure out why people need this. Vedic astrology is a vast science and sages have chosen name so carefully that only thinking on them will reveal a lot of things. Let we do the same with this. Its name is Indu Lagna and we all know Lagna is seat of intelligence means the planets influence Indu Lagna ascendant will give money/Sustenance making intellect to native. 

Quadrants are houses of Vishnu showing sustenance showing things in quadrant from Indu Lagna will be sustained by it. Trines are places of Lakshmi showing things in trine to Indu Lagna will be blessed by it. 
As it also shows Money in chart money houses from it 2nd and 11th are also have to be considered. And as we know 3rd 6th 8th and 12th houses as bad in the same way these houses from Indu Lagna will be bad. 3rd will show hard struggle to get Indu, 6th will show enmity with Indu, 8th will show dead to Indu and 12th ignored by Indu. 
Thus planets in bad houses from Indu Lagna will be bad for sustenance and good houses from Indu Lagna will be good for substance and money. As the name suggests it. And as we have counted Indu for each house now their association with Karakas and house lords will also make favorable results. Like Indu Lagna of 2nd house if connected with 2nd lord or Jupiter will give wealth. But an underlying caution here too is the same rule that there are exception too as they are in every rule of Vedic astrology.

Example Charts
– now for illustration let we take 2 charts of those people who have really been blessed by Indu (wealth) and whose corporation (works) are still sustained and will be sustained for a long time.

Example chart 1 – Steve Jobs – 24th February 1955, 19:15, San Francisco, California (37N47/122W25)
Steve%2BJobs Indu Lagna: the moon lagana of Wealth and Abundance

Indu Lagna – 7th house Aquarius, Wealth Indu (Indu Lagna of 2nd house) 5th house Sagittarius, Labha Indu (Indu Lagna of 11th house) 4th house Scorpio.

He have Leo ascendant and see Indu Lagna is falling in Kendra to ascendant and 11th Indu as well as 2nd house Indu is also falling in Kendra or Trikona making person wealthy. Indu is wealth and sustenance and ascendant is you. 

So for her functioning properly she needs to be supportive of you that she will be when falling in Kendra Trikona to natal ascendant. Lord of his Indu Lagna Saturn is exalted in 3rd house of enterprise along with A7 showing his big name in business and his workaholic nature. 
Here Indu Lagna is with ascendant lord Sun and Hora Lagna that shows wealth showing enormous wealth to the native (ascendant lord represent own self) along with A3 once again enterprise it is a type of Arudh exchange showing us that his image is purely identified with his business and enterprise. 
Another co-lord of Aquarius Rahu is in 5th house showing his innovation, with 3rd and 10th lord of enterprise and profession and as Venus and 5th house are both here with Indu Lagna it justifies the beauty of his apple products. Innovation, simplicity along with beauty. Leader in market and also in field of entrepreneurship he was due to ascendant lord and sun being in Indu Lagna although they are one but see them separately and new dimensions of interpretations will open in front of you. 
Now we will refer to Indu Lagna as IL. Lord of IL2 (Indu Lagna of 2nd house) is aspecting IL2 from Rashi as well as Graha Drishti making him one of the highest gaining men. Although due to Rahu-Ketu axis in starting gains was not so easy to get. IL11 is in 4th house with its lord in 9th house; see lord of IL2in 11th house. Lord of IL11 is also aspecting own sign by Rashi as well as graha aspect and also is powerful by being in own sign. 
Further they both are not weak in Navamsha and lord of IL2 is even vargottama showing all favorable conditions set to the riches.

By the time he was 24, Job’s “Apple Corporation” was worth $10 million that after one year grown to $100 Million. 

Vimshottari Dasha – it was Ketu dasha that is in 5th from IL 7th from IL2 and 8th from IL11 but he is also co-lord of IL11. Antardasha was of Rahu and Jupiter. 
Rahu is in 11th from IL, on IL2 and 2nd from IL11 and Jupiter is in same condition as Ketu. Narayan dasha – Pisces Dasha it have Moon in it that is “Indu” himself. It is in 2nd from IL 4th from IL2 and 5th from IL11 and as it is also aspected by IL2 in this period his income gained so much from $10 Million to $100 Million.

Example chart 2 – Bill Gates – 28th October 1955, 21:10, Seattle, Washington (47N36/122W20)

Bill%2BGates Indu Lagna: the moon lagana of Wealth and Abundance

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Indu Lagna – 4th house Virgo, IL2 – 5th house Libra, IL11-3rd house Leo.

Lord of Virgo Mercury is also Lagna lord showing a blessed native himself. Lord Mercury is in the same sign Virgo with 11th lord Mars that is also 6th lord. Making the connection between 1st self, 11th gains, 4th comfort, Indu wealth and 6th employment houses. As Indu is powerful he was not employed he is an employer. 

That IL is with GL clearly showing his company’s domination in the Market/Field. This is also with AL showing blessed image in society. IL11 is with Jupiter significator of 11th house and lord of that sign Leo sun is debilitated (Jaimini says exalted and debilitated both planets gives a lot of money) further he is also getting so much neechbhanga and that planet giving him this Mars is over IL showing fortunes rising after initial setback and oppositions. 
As Sun is being debilitated being lord of IL11 when he started gaining a lot some people have filed cases against him to bring him down that he conquered successfully. In sign Libra with Saturn, it shows an involvement of judiciary system also Jupiter in IL11 shows this. And as mars is giving Neech Bhang he won finally. Mars is with Lagna lord in IL he was blessed by Hanuman in all his court battles. 
That sign Libra having GL too showing that due to these cases he emerged as even more powerful player in the market. IL2 have exalted Saturn Debilitated Sun and Own house Venus all showing his money and influence as blessings and his huge bank balance (he lives in a home of $50 Million) this way as Indu in itself is a special type of Lagna more analysis can be made out but not expending it I will leave it on readers to do the same.

His company went public in 1986; by 1991 he was worth $44 Billion. – Vimshottari dasha – this was all in Venus dasha who is in 2nd from IL and on IL2 in own house. Narayan Dasha – Virgo Dasha (1986)– here IL is placed in, Taurus Dasha (1991) 9th from IL and aspected by IL2 using Rashi drishti and also Venus is lord of this house which is over IL2 in his own house.

Sold his first program MS-DOS on 25-06-1981, first trade of Microsoft on New York stock market was on 13-03-1986 – Vimshottari dasha- Ketu/Saturn/Moon (25 June 1981) – Ketu is in 9th from IL and aspected by IL2, Saturn is exalted in 2nd from IL and over IL2 and moon is in 7th from IL aspecting it by both Rashi and Graha Drishti. 

Venus/Sun/Sun (13 March 1986) – we have seen Venus. Remember sun is lord of IL11 and is in 2nd house from IL and over IL2 debilitated having neechbhanga and also remember that Jaimini says both exalted and debilitated planets gives huge wealth. Narayan Dasha – Virgo/Taurus/Pisces (25 June 1981) Virgo is having IL, Taurus is 9th from IL and aspected by IL2 using Rashi drishti and also Venus is lord of this house which is over IL2 his own house. 
Pisces is 7th from IL having Rashi drishti on it. Pisces also have Indu pati Moon. Virgo/Sagittarius/Taurus (13 March 1986)- we have seen Virgo having IL, Taurus is 9th from IL and his lord is in his house over IL2 in 2nd from IL. Pisces is 7th house that aspects IL using rashi Drishti. It also has Hora Lagna showing wealth. 

Microsoft’s first trade March 13, 1983 – Vimshottari Dasha – Venus/Venus/Venus – he is over IL2 in 2nd from IL in own house. With 2 exalted planets. Narayan Dasha – Virgo/Pisces/Taurus – we have seen all of them before. Just the orders are puzzled dasha and antardasha are almost same showing its application and validity.

If anyone is not supported by Indu can’t he make money? He can make but sustenance will not be there. What do we mean by sustenance is that the thing will remain forever. The name of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs as we know we be immortal in history. This is what we mean by blessing and sustenance. There are rich people in every time but being exceptionally rich and powerful and making a name which will be remembered in history for a long time is what sustenance and blessing is. 

Does this only means money no sustenance and blessing can be in any form. Thus readers are advised to also use this Indu Lagna on charts of people like Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Swami Vivekananda, Ramakrishna Parahamsa to see different type of blessings and sustenance. 

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That if god willing I will also write on another aspects of Indu Lagna. And how to distinguish between when it will give wealth when spirituality and when anything else. Special ascendants are a field where there is scope for a lot of research and I hope readers will go in this uncharted part of the ocean to find gems. 

Om Tat Sat

pin Indu Lagna: the moon lagana of Wealth and Abundance

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Char Dasha part-5 (final) with Shool Dasha and case study of Nelson Mandela.

CharaDasha Char Dasha part-5 (final) with Shool Dasha and case study of Nelson Mandela.

In other 4 parts of this series of articles we have seen use of char dasha as given by sage Parashara in his Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. As given by K.N.Rao and as given by Mr. Irangnati Rangacharya. In this article in this chart I will use all 3 of the Char Dasha variation naming them Char Dasha – 1, 2 and 3 respectively. A caution that I will give here is by no means it is a decisive article. All of them are masters and I am no one to say someone right or wrong. My only attempt will be to see by which method results are more clearly visible. We will use normal rules of interpretation of Char Dasha as given by Sage Parashara and Jaimini in their immortal classics. But here one should keep in mind that different masters use different techniques to analyze the same. Parashara have only given rules no example chart for demonstration. K.N.Rao uses Karaka’s a lot. And Rangacharya Ji Uses all rules but as their demonstrations are very less. We will use normal analysis method and will try to find out which one is easy to use and snapshot to find event. We will be using 7 char karakas only. As Mr. Rao says it as their own original research and Rangacharya Ji also seems to be saying the same. But in Arudh Pada Calculation we will be taking exceptions into account with dual lordship of Scorpio and Aquarius.

Nelson Mandela – 18th July 1918, 14:54:51 (Rectified by myself) Mvezo, South Africa (31S57/28E31)

NM Char Dasha part-5 (final) with Shool Dasha and case study of Nelson Mandela.

South African president – Hora Lagna and Ghati Lagna in 3rd house shows person achieved money and power through his own efforts. Lord of that sign Aquarius is Rahu and Saturn Rahu in 12th showing his Jail travels and Saturn in 8th house showing his long life as well as his struggles. Aspect of Jupiter on ascendant made him a great man with high ideals. Rahu by his 11th aspect and Saturn by his 3rd aspect is aspecting 10th house where 5th lord Mars is placed in having Dig Bala and he is also Lagna lord of navamsha that is in 3rd house with moon and having aspect by Jupiter that is 9th house also influencing his D9 ascendant showing Jovian influence on his life, mind, intellect and himself and also making a powerful Raajyoga. 6 planets in bad houses in D1 and 3 planets in bad houses in D9 made his life full of struggle, strife and hard-work. In D9 chart Bandhan yoga on 4-10th axis by Sun and Saturn shows his imprisonment in his own homeland for his work to his own homeland. Debilitated AK in 6th house in D9 made his soul’s journey difficult. AK with Ketu shows a good person but in 6th house in D9 as well as D1 shows his hard-work, struggle and suffering and own people becoming enemies. His 9th lord is vargottama and ascendant lord is in trine to Navamsha Lagna. Shows his Raajyoga and Mars over AL shows his fighting nature that is never to accept defeat.

Been Married 3 times – Venus is afflicted in his chart being in 6th house with Ketu aspected with Rahu. In his Navamsha he is debilitated again with Ketu aspected by Rahu and Mars in 6th house 12th from 7th house and in both chart Venus Karaka of Marriage is in Maran Karak Sthan. 7th house have Jupiter it have to be good but Jupiter being ascendant lord in 7th house show more than one marriage that is further strengthened by Venus and 7th lord that is in 8th house with Sun and Saturn 2 dire malefic making it more and more hemmed aspected by Rahu and the same Mercury in navamsha is in 11th house of more than one marriage with Gulika in Aquarius whose lord Rahu is in 12th house and Saturn in 10th house hemmed in between malefic it all shows more than one marriage and misery in marital life. Sun is DK that in D1 is in 8th house with malefic Saturn and Mercury aspected by Rahu and in navamsha in 4th house Dig bal less under aspect of Rahu and Saturn Again. Depositor of 7th lord as well as DK is moon in 11th house of multiple marriages. In navamsha in 3rd house of copulation with Mars high sexual drive and in both charts aspected by Jupiter that shows that he did marriages and was not in other practices like prostitution or other bad things like the same. A7 and UL are in same house showing Love Marriage that he did (we will see it later) but in 12th from AL showing ignorance by spouse. Lord of UL and 2nd from UL is in 8th house from ascendant showing all the trouble and 2nd from UL is mars showing break in marriage. We will all these with events while using Char Dasha on the chart.

Arrested as political prisoner on august 5th 1962. And spend 27 years in Jail. Released on February 11th 1990.

Char dasha 1 – Aries/Libra/Scorpio – Aries is 5th house showing political activity for which he was arrested. From Aries there is Bandhan yoga in 6-8 house showing imprisonment and suffering. Libra is 11th house with A8 and 8th lord Moon therein. Scorpio is 12th house with Rahu this Rahu is also involved in with sign in Bandhan Yoga.

Char dasha 2 – Aries/Taurus/Pisces – Aries is same; Taurus is 6th house with AK in that showing suffering of soul along with Ketu that shows emancipation. Can also show bondage. Being 6th house it is bit natural to be prisoner. Pisces is 4th house showing Imprison in own home land.

Char Dasha 3 – Virgo/Virgo/Virgo – Virgo is 10th house with Mars that is 5th and 12th lords showing imprisonment due to political activities. There is AL showing image of the person. Maandi is also there showing prison and the same sing is also aspected by Lagna and 4th lord Jupiter. From there no Bandhan yoga exists but lord being in 8th house and from sign in 11th house of punishment it shows the event. Arudh of the same is in 6th house showing the event.

Char Dasha 1 – Sagittarius/Virgo/Gemini – Sagittarius is ascendant showing the self, Virgo 10th house showing Karma and having 12th and 5th lord shows freedom as well as back to power/work/politics. Gemini is 4th house of happiness. He was released from prison in this time, all of them are in quadrants showing his comfort and blessing of Vishnu.

Char Dasha 2 – Sagittarius/Aries/Aries – Sagittarius is the same. Aries is the 5th house of power whose lord is in 10th house again of power. Shows the blessing of Lakshmi and Vishnu together.

Char Dasha 3 – Pisces/Pisces/Taurus – Pisces is the 4th house of happiness whose lord is in 4th from 4th in 7th house and Taurus is 6th house with AK in it and Ketu showing Emancipation. This shows the event. See the same Ketu and AK giving bondage and then emancipation showing it was all suffering of the soul.

Nobel peace prize in 1993

Char Dasha 1 and 2 – Sagittarius Maha dasha the sign rises in ascendant aspected by ascendant and 5th lord showing Raajyoga as well as Honor being 5th lord too. A11 and A3 are there along with PP showing life force. Jupiter and Mars GK+PK don’t show Raajyoga but PK surely shows awards and other things.

Char Dasha 3 – Pisces Maha dasha – it is 4th house aspected by the same Jupiter Mars combination. A4 is in 7th house with A9 and Shree Lagna along with Lagna lord Jupiter showing Flow of Shree Maha Lakshmi in his life and this prize will be thing for which he would be remembered in history. All 3 char dasha is aspected by the same showing validity of all 3 of them and showing that their usage has to be done carefully. All of them work. Jupiter Lagna lord is also there that shows honor.

Nations first black president on 2nd May 1994

Char Dasha 1 – Sagittarius/Taurus/Gemini – Sagittarius is in ascendant aspected by ascendant lord as well as 5th lord and PK mars showing Raajyoga. Aspected by Shree Lagna and Arudh Lagna it shows growth of Status in society and flow of shree in life. Taurus is the 6th house showing hard-work and struggle also having AK shows the achievement of the thing for which soul was born (freedom of South Africa) it have A10 showing power and aspected by DK and AmK makes one of the most potent Jaimini Raajyogas.

Char Dasha 2 – Sagittarius/Aquarius/Libra –Aquarius is 3rd house where Ghatika Lagna and Hora Lagna is placed along with A5 of power and A6 of service being AK in 4th there from it shows gain of throne. AmK is in 9th house there from showing the event. Libra is 11th sign showing gains with Moon that is depositor of DK and BK MK making small Jaimini Raajyoga. There are 3 planets in 10th house there from showing power. Being 11th from ascendant it shows gains but not Raajyoga Activation. For Activation of Raajyoga Position of AK and AmK have to be carefully judged from all MD and AD.

Char Dasha 3 – Pisces/Gemini/Virgo – Pisces is 4th house of throne whose lord is in 7th house 4th from 4th over SL and A4 and A9 showing the event but AK in 3rd house and AmK in 8th house there from is not a good indication for Raajyoga. Gemini is where Shree Lagna along with A4 and A9 throne and luck is placed in showing the event. And Virgo is 10th house with Dikbali Mars who is 5th and 12th lord but Having AL there it shows an important event related to Image of the Native.

Served till June 1999

Char Dasha 1 – Scorpio/Gemini – Scorpio is the 12th house showing freedom with Rahu that is depositor of HL and GL. Gemini is 7th house with SL and GK showing end of Job (6th house matter) being 10th from 10th it shows something important related to job and as in politics their career never ends but just gets a new turn. From dasa Rashi 10th lord is in 9th house 12th there from showing end of profession work and a new type of Raajyoga working. That is spending life as a high politician. AmK in 12th from Dasha Sign also shows end of profession.

Char Dasha 2 – Scorpio/Virgo – Virgo is 10th house with AL and PK mars that is also 12th lord showing end of profession, some significant event related to profession. End of job and a new status in society. Lord of Virgo that is Natural 10th house is in 8th house that shows retirement. For better results concerned divisional charts should also be used, here I am leaving that but readers are advised to do the same.

Char Dasha 3 – Pisces/Aries – Pisces is the 4th house of Throne and Home land too. Being 7th and Marak from 10th shows being at home/not working. Why it is also a throne house is a politician can work from home too. For politicians the whole country is their home. Aries is 5th house 8th from 10th and its lord is in 10th house showing important event related to profession.

· Author of “long walk of freedom – 1994”, “the struggle is my life – 1986”

Char Dasha 1 and 2 – Capricorn Dasha – it is 5th from Karkamsha Lagna aspected by Venus in D1 showing literary activities.

Sagittarius dasha – 4th from Karkamsha aspected by Jupiter in D1 and by moon and Venus in D9 having Jupiter in it. Showing validity of Karkamsha in D9 and Yogas Given by sage Jaimini. 2nd 4th 5th from Karkamsha and Moon Venus and Jupiter shows Literary Activities.

Char Dasha 3 – Libra dasha – 2nd from Karkamsha aspected by Venus in D1 and having moon in it in D1. In my humble opinion Karkamsha have to be seen in both D1 and D9 difference between them I will explain in an article on the subject.

Pisces dasha – 7th from Karkamsha aspecting Karkamsha and being aspected by Venus, Moon, Jupiter in D9 and By Jupiter and PK in D1.

Qualified in Law in 1942

Char Dasha 1 and 2 – Cancer Dasha – of 8th house where 9th lord of college and 2nd lord and 7th lord is placed in whose lord is in 11th house over A2. 4th house is primary education, 9th house bachelor, 2nd house masters and 7th house doctorate/specialization. 5th from Dasha sign is Rahu in 12th house in Scorpio sign showing the nature of education to deal with criminal, underground people, court etc. PK is in 3rd from dasha sign that is 8th from 8th showing termination of education.

Char Dasha 3 – Leo Dasha – it is 9th house dasha showing higher education, whose lord is in 8th house with Mercury and Saturn who be being in cancer created a Raajyoga in itself. This also shows the nature of education along with Rahu in 12th house in 4th from dasha sign.

In 1991 elected president of “The African National Congress”

Char Dasha 1 and 2 – Sagittarius dasha from where AmK is in 11th house of gains and AK in 6th house of service. Sign is also having A11 showing gains and A3 showing hard work.

Char dasha 3 – Pisces dasha – aspected by Shree Lagna and 10th lord from dasha sign Jupiter along with PK and 5th lord showing coming into politics but AK in 3rd there from and AmK in 8th isn’t favorable that also shows no great achievement in that period. But aspected by AL it shows the event clearly along with other factors.

1957 divorced with 1st wife

Char Dasha 1, 2 and 3 – Taurus dasha – AK is placed here debilitated. Having Venus and Ketu in same sign it shows marriage. Applying the same principle pervasively we can expand it to something related to marriage. Venus being 3rd lord from UL 8th from 8th and marriage significator that is afflicted as well as debilitated in D9 and in Maran Karak Sthan Shows Divorce. Lord of UL is in MKS (Maran Karak Sthan) from UL that have considerably damaged his UL. Being 12th from 7th it also shows the event. Taurus is also in 2nd house from Navamsha Lagna being Marak for Navamsha Lagna.

Second marriage June 1958, – 2 Daughters.

Char Dasha 1 and 3 – Taurus/Gemini – Taurus as we have seen have both Venus and Ketu Jaimini says the sign having Ketu as the most benefic sign. The sign having Ketu or Venus shows marriage and as it is in the same sign it shows very much potential for marriage being in 10th from UL it shows some marriage karma in form of divorce from one wife and marriage to another. Taurus being in 2nd from Navamsha Lagna shows end of first marriage and start of second marriage. Gemini is 7th house having A9 2nd that shows 2nd marriage being 3rd from 7th. Younger sister of first wife as Indian society takes second wife of a man. It also has Shree Lagna showing coming of shree or Lakshmi in his life. Only this Lakshmi gave him bliss of progeny that Jupiter shows naturally. Shree Lagna is very vital to time Marriage.

Char dasha 2 – Taurus/Virgo – Virgo is 2nd from UL with Mars in it that is raajyogkarak from UL and also PK showing his 2 daughters only from this marriage. This sign have Venus and Ketu in Navamsha.

Separated in 1992

Char Dasha 1 and 2 – Sagittarius dasha – being 10th from 2nd UL that is 8th from 1st UL and 12th from 2nd house that is 8th from 7th house it shows separation. As it is 10th it shows distance from home 4th house opposite showing separation for some time and being in 12th from 2nd house it shows loss of pleasures of 2nd house.

Char Dasha 3 – Pisces Dasha it is 2nd UL that is afflicted by GK and maandi but also helped and supported by Shree Lagna and PK and Jupiter but despite all these. Its affliction by Rahu in D9 (The concerned divisional chart for marital life that being 12th lord of separation from 2nd UL) shows the event.

Divorced in 1996

Char Dasha 1 and 2 – Scorpio dasha – here Rahu is placed in D1 chart that is lord of 7th marak from 9th house lord of 2nd marak from 2nd house and lord of 12th expenditure from 2nd UL and as it is not aspected by SL it failed to save the marriage and the fateful event happened. See till the time dasha of the house aspected by SL was going on it was separation not divorce. The same sign in navamsha is 8th house showing bad event related to marital life. It is also aspected by Afflicted DK and 7th lord in D1. And by afflicted DK in D9 too.

Char Dasha 3 – Pisces dasha – here it happened even after being aspected by Shree Lagna. Why so is it because next time he was going to marry his “sweetheart” Shree is manifestation of Lakshmi and what she have decided for the native only she knows. Here the same interpretation from the last analysis under separation can be used. Keeping in mind that it is also 12th from Navamsha Lagna. And if we don’t take progression of UL it will be 8th there from. Readers should think on the same to get a clear picture.

Celebrated his 80th Birthday by marrying his “Sweetheart” 52 years old “Graca Machel” on July 18, 1998 (28 Year younger)

Char Dasha 1 – Scorpio/Aries/Virgo – Scorpio is 12th house Having Rahu in it “Nest Graha” is very important in love marriage. It is 9th from 2nd UL and 2nd house of sustenance from 3rd UL. Aries is 7th from 3rd UL and 2nd from 2nd UL. In navamsha Aries is ascendant. Virgo is the 10th house 2nd from Primary UL and 12th from 3rd UL. Virgo also has Venus and Ketu in Navamsha.

Char Dasha 2 – Scorpio/Taurus/Taurus – Taurus is 6th house with Ketu and Venus in it is 8th from 3rd UL and 10th from 1st UL and 11th from DK.

Char Dasha 3 – Pisces/Leo/Taurus – Pisces is aspected by SL in D1 and also it is 8th from 1st UL and 6th from 3rd UL. From Pisces there is MKS Mars in 7th house and for this reason this dasha have shown him divorces and re-marriages too. Leo is the sign having UL and A7 showing Love marriage as well as normal marriage. Taurus is having Ketu and Venus combination.

· On January 6, 2005. Mandela’s 54 Year old son died of septic shock and pneumonia associated with AIDS. He was only surviving son of South African Leader.

For death and related matters Char dasha can be used but it being an Falit dasha is not appropriate for this work thus we will use Shool dasha for this and next event.

Middle life – taking 5th house as ascendant Lagna lord in 6th house is weak. 8th lord in 6th house is powerful making Vipreet Raajyoga. And 10th lord in 4th house in cancer with friend Mercury and 5th lord Sun are powerful also for the reason that his aspects on his own 10th house and for this reason 2 factors being powerful out of 3 he had middle life 40-80 years. He was 54 years old.

Shool dasha for 5th house – Cancer/Aquarius/Taurus – cancer is having afflicted 10th lord Saturn, aspected by 11th lord Rahu that shows punishment and also death. “Tanu tanou danda harah” lord of cancer being in 7th house from 5th house made it more Marak. Aspected by Rahu it was to produce bad event. Also it is in trine to 8th house from 5th house. Lord of Aquarius Rahu is in 8th from 5th house and another lord is in 4th house there from afflicting ascendant lord Mars by his 3rd aspect. Trine from Aquarius has Rudra Yoga with Moon aspected by Venus that is essential for death in shool dasha. Taurus is 2nd house where Prani Rudra Venus is placed in and it is also in trine to Aprani Rudra Mars and is making Rudra yoga all conditions fulfilled.

Mandela died on 5th December 2013 at his home, after several moth of fighting with Pneumonia (aged 95)

Age determination – Lagna + Hora Lagna = Long Life, Lagna Lord + 8th lord = Short Life, Moon + Saturn = Short Life. As two things shows Short life but as Jupiter is in 7th house it show Kakshya Vriddhi. And as Saturn or moon is not in 1st 7th house. Lagna and Hora Lagna shall prevail. Lagna lord is in 7th house powerful. 8th lord is in 11th house powerful and 10th lord is in 8th house weak as two factors is powerful it shows middle life, but as 10th house is strong under virtue of a Dikbali planet we can take 10th house as powerful too. Making it to long life.

We will also use char dasha here to time death but readers should keep in mind that there are longevity dasha in Jaimini and that should be used for this purpose.

Char Dasha 1 – Virgo/Capricorn/Virgo – Virgo is 10th house only whose lord is weak in the pairs and also its lord is in 8th house. Saturn is aspecting Virgo that is 3rd lord. 8th form 8th and Virgo have 12th lord mars. Capricorn is 2nd house that is a marak house.

Char Dasha 2 – Cancer/Pisces/Gemini – Cancer is 8th house, Pisces is 4th house afflicted by 12th lord Mars and Maheshwar Jupiter. Gemini is 7th house Marak where Maheshwar Jupiter is placed in and Pisces is Marak from AL being in 7th there from.

Char Dasha 3 – Scorpio/Pisces/Sagittarius – Scorpio is 12th house with Rahu in it. It is also in trine to 8th house and Pisces and Sagittarius both are aspected by Maheshwar Jupiter and 12th lord Mars.

Shool dasha – Aries/Taurus/Cancer – Aries is trine to Lagna but also trine to UL and A7. Lord of Aries is in 10th house afflicting the 3rd cornerstone of 3 longevity builders. It Is in 8th from Arudh Lagna. Taurus is 6th house with AK this should not kill but that AK is malefic being debilitated in Navamsha and is with Ketu the karaka of emancipation and forming Rudra Yoga in the sign that is important for death in shool dasha. Cancer is 8th house where Aprani Rudra is placed in along with 10th lord the weakest among 3 longevity building blocks.

Conditions around death have to be seen in 3rd from AL there is Rahu in Scorpio Rahu being like Saturn shows disease surrounding death. Pneumonia is also a Rahuvian disease. It is in a fixed sign Scorpio showing death in his own home.

Om Tat Sat
Shubham Alock

pin Char Dasha part-5 (final) with Shool Dasha and case study of Nelson Mandela.

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Astrological case study of Horary Chart of Marriage analysis of one of friend

phobia Astrological case study of Horary Chart of Marriage analysis of one of friend

Just few hours ago I have got a message from my client and friend, (whose name or details I will not disclose) that he is afraid of responsibilities.

Let me reproduce his message here

“I am very reserved. I am not ready on a mental, emotional and physiological level to go out there and burn my tires. I feel v happy living at home and homely environment whereby I can rely upon my parents resources for my day to day state of affairs. Even the thought of bearing responsibilities constantly haunts me. Let me quote an example.

I hate the concept of getting married because it brings with it huge responsibilities

The problem is so grave that the even looking at kids gives me nightmares as they with them bring in huge expenditures and responsibilities.

I know such laid back being useless and dependent attitude would not work for v long and I wish to get out if this but I get very fearful getting out if my shell. Very fearful.”

It was his message that I have got on 26 April 2016, 10.49AM, at my place in New Delhi, India.

In this article we will go through his chart and this prashna chart to analyze the same and will try to find mental as well as physical and spiritual remedies for the same.

Horary Chart Analysis

RR Astrological case study of Horary Chart of Marriage analysis of one of friend

In prashna chart we can see Gemini rising with Mercury in 11th house along with Sun and Venus. Jupiter in 3rd house in Maran Karak Sthan (MKS) with Rahu showing his intelligence is not working and is overshadowed by illusion, wrong prescription. Moon is in 6th house debilitated with retrograde mars and Saturn showing inner turmoil. And afflicted mind with disturbed thinking. There is no planet in Kendra showing no support. None is in trine except Ketu who is in 9th house in philosophical sign Aquarius showing de-attachment. Day lord mars is in 6th house being afflicted by debilitated moon and retrograde Saturn showing his physical and mental prowess being weak and lack of support for the same. Hora lord Saturn in 6th house along with debilitated moon and Mars that is retrograde too so by all means it shows a problematic chart as well as things going bad but as ascendant lord is in 11th house there is still some hope. Navamsha is vargottama showing hope but 9th sign is raising that is aspected by Mars and Mercury in D9 showing the phenomena will be there till. As mars shows one day and mercury two months it will be 2×9 =18 months, 1×9=9 days. So the phenomena will be there till 18 months 9 days. For next 1.5 years the native will be feeling same and after that it will come to an end. As ascendant is only aspected by malefic conditions can be more worst as there is also no supporting factor (no one in trine) but chart is also equally strong showing there are chances for good too. This shows where intervention of an astrologer is of utmost importance. He can make him wither escapist or winner. As in navamsha chart there is Jupiter in 4th and Mercury in 7th house along with moon in 9th house it shows good indications and the person after guidance will come to normal path that will also be good for him.

Natal chart analysis

He also has Gemini ascendant. With mars in ascendant and in navamsha Saturn is in ascendant (prevalent Tamas Guna) now a day’s sattwik is the person who does more and expects less, Rajasik is the person who works and wants the same amount of money or any other thing in return and Tamsik is the person who works less and wants more. Comparing between ascendant and moon we can see his ascendant lord is more powerful as he is in 11th house with one more planet as compared to moon whose lord is alone in ascendant. In quadrant from moon there is none but in quadrant from ascendant there is mars in ascendant and sun in tenth house. Thus we will start vimshottari dasha from his ascendant star not from moon’s star.

In these types of cases we should check where the problem is, because as we all know no one can sit idle for whole of his lifetime every person have to do some work in order to earn their living, and dasha controls mind of a person. His environment. So, as dasha changes environment and thinking also changes with changing dasha. That’s why a good dasha is very important for rise in life.

Checking dasha

He is running under Saturn-Mars-Mars-Mercury-Saturn. PD, SD & PAD usually decides events whereas MD and AD is very vital in mind and environment makeup of an individual. As we can see Saturn is ruling MD who is debilitated in D9 ascendant showing Tamas Guna prevailing. In D9 it is lord of 10th and 11th house whereas in D1 it lords 8th and 9th house so from the point of D9 this dasha will also give him profession, and income (10th and 11th house) thus It shows his mind will either change or not there is no problem in that, but Saturn will make him go for profession and start earning. In D1 that same Saturn is also aspecting 10th house and 2nd house of profession and income respectively. As Saturn in Both D1 and D9 is intimately connected with 7th house or lord it will also give him marriage too. See in D1 Saturn is lord of 9th house of legal marriage in 8th house aspecting 7th lord Jupiter that is in 12th house also from planetary aspect he is aspecting UL, he is also lord of A7, in navamsha Saturn is in ascendant aspecting 7th house and 10th house (work of D9 – marriage) coming to D10 Saturn is ascendant and second house lord in 12th house with 10th lord Venus showing It will be uncomfortable for him but he will get job or start in profession in the same Saturn dasha too. Also in D10 Saturn is lord of D10 and as we have seen in D10 he is also aspecting 10th house from 3rd aspect it shows staring of career in his dasha that will last till 2022 October. coming to AD lord mars in ascendant chart he doesn’t aspect 10th house or 10th lord he is aspecting significator of profession Saturn and is lord of 6th house of job in D10 he is in 8th house with 7th lord moon aspecting 11th house of gains and fulfillment of desire as well as he is aspecting 2nd house of income showing easy money in his period but as he himself is in 8th house it shows discomfort and not so easy path. Mars in D9 is also in 8th house with 7th lord Venus and is in his own house. Showing luck is favoring but still he is afraid of these two areas (8th house shows fear).

 As we have seen Mars is giving him tamas Guna by being placed in ascendant in D1 but also making an exchange between ascendant and 11th lord giving him fulfillment of desire as well as easy money. But when Mars dasha will end in 2017 May. After that Rahu will come. Who in D1 is lord of 9th house depositor of A7 and aspecting 10th house as well as UL. In D9 he is lord of 11th house in 10th house. Aspecting 2nd house of money and 6th house of job in D9. In D10 he being lord of 2nd house is in 9th house of promotion aspecting ascendant of D10. Thus it shows before end of Rahu dasha that will be on March 2020, he will get married as well as he will be having job and working well with some promotions/increment in his job too.

Where the problem is?

top 10 unusual phobias vol 2 ideophobia Astrological case study of Horary Chart of Marriage analysis of one of friend

This chart is interesting why so because it has 2 planets at same degrees moon 5 degree Scorpio and Mercury 5 degree Aries. So here char karakas will change as per different schemes. Do in this chart we will apply 7 char karakas, 8 char karakas, mixed 7/8 char karakas and mixed 7/8 char karakas excluding Rahu and will try to see which AK shows the event more prominently. As we know AK shows soul and as jaimini says “Tanau Tanoh Dandaharah” means 6th and 6th from 6th is where Shiva gives punishment to the native. And as 6th and 8th houses shows weakness of native we will analyze 6, 8, 11 houses from all these AK to see where the problem lies. 

As per mixed 7/8 char karakas and 8 char karakas Rahu is AK whereas using 7/8 char karakas excluding Rahu and in 7 char Karakas system Venus will be AK.

Rahu is in 8th house with Saturn aspected by Mars and Jupiter thus it show better conditions, Saturn being MK here and the same sign aspected by Moon using Rashi drishti who is DK in the case shows his fear related to leaving home MK in 8th house of change, and DK in 6th house of celibacy.

Whereas Venus in 11th house with mercury who is DK as per 7 char Karakas scheme whereas as per mixed 7/8 char karaka scheme he is GK showing there is some weakness in native and his approach. By Rashi aspect the same is also aspected by Moon who is DK in 6th house celibacy his fear from marital ties.

From Rahu 6th house have mars showing some problem with usage of energy, misuse of energy. 8th lord in 3rd there from also show the same as misuse of energy and not putting it in right area. 11th there from is debilitated moon who is also DK showing his fear related to marriage and also the same experience coming to him as punishment of Shiva.

From Venus 6th lord is with Venus showing problem 8th house there from having debilitated moon showing the same fear from being married and wife and marital ties. As he is DK in 8th house of loss as well as transformation and shows the same experience as punishment of Shiva. Both lord of 11th house there from is in 10th house there from showing punishment is sure to come and it can’t be avoided.

Rahu in D9 is in 10th house good condition aspected by Graha aspect of Saturn and rashi aspect of Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Venus he is also over D6 showing manifestation of weakness of native and as it is in 10th house of D10 experience is inevitable.

Venus in D9 is in 8th house with Mars that is also 8th lord being aspected by Saturn, Ketu and Rahu.

Coming to his D60 chart there we can see Aquarius rising with Rahu in it aspected by Saturn. With Mercury and Jupiter and the Amsha falls under Soumya Amsha. The person is really decent and have good ideals and also is a student of commerce (mercury with Jupiter in ascendant) but he have Rahu in the sign aspected by Saturn as it is also sign of Rahu and Saturn tamas guns is prevalent. In D60 moon being lord of 6th house is in 8th house in MKS showing weakness of his mind from last birth and some curses over the native that if he tries can come out from it. Because Jupiter with Mercury is in ascendant showing blessings of Shri Vishnu and Sadashiva. As this D60 have malavya yoga cancelled by the presence of sun that shows if he start worshipping Lakshmi his curses from past life can go away and blessing of Sun, Jupiter and Mercury will also come to the native. D60 having both Lakshmi and Saraswati yoga shows that worshipping these deities will give a lot of relief to the native. His D60 also have so many raajyogas that can only fructify when person works for them. His moon in D10 that is in MKS is also afflicted by 4th aspect of Mars and 10th aspect of Saturn moon in 8th this much afflicted also shows some kind of phobia that he can be suffering from. As there is Saturn in 3rd from his AL in D60 it shows deep ingrained phobia/fear related to Saturn that shows work, profession, responsibilities. And thus we can see from his message that from the same thing he is afraid of (taking responsibility) but as Saturn is in Sagittarius and optimistic sign whose lord is in ascendant exchange between 1st and 11th house again. It shows once he starts doing work and being serious about his life by taking responsibilities in his hand he will gain and earn too much. As blessings of Sadashiva (Jupiter) and Shri Vishnu (Mercury) is over his ascendant that he is ignoring due to Rahu (Tamasic/demonical tendencies).

In the end

No matter how many Raajyogas are in your horoscope if you don’t take your responsibilities or if you don’t work on your own it will never fructify because it’s in your chart not in someone else’s chart. In any chart 3-6-10-11 these 4 houses out of 12 shows freewill meaning 33% freewill we all have. And using that we can decide either to cry on our fate or to struggle and win. There goes a saying “if you don’t go there how you would know what was there” after all in end our own efforts is what counts. When I was starting a new work and was afraid of at that time my maternal uncle said me “doesn’t matter what happens try once. Life is too short to regret in end for not doing something, after all it’s your own choice that in your last breath in this world what you would like to say yourself a coward or a winner. It is always better to try and fail rather than to never try at all. After all if you fail you can say that I’ve tried. And this makes difference between those who make things growing up of poverty and those who despite being born in rich families die in poverty because they spend what was gifted to them by fate and they were unable to make something out of it” as Bill gates say’s it – “if you born poor it’s not your mistake if you die poor it’s all your mistake”. And for this reason I suggest all my readers to never give up because we astrologers know how much a powerful 3rd 6th 10th and 11th house can give someone.

Om Tat Sat
Shubham Alock

pin Astrological case study of Horary Chart of Marriage analysis of one of friend

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Astrological Case study of Oprah Winfrey via Char dasha

oprah 2 Astrological Case study of Oprah Winfrey via Char dasha

In last articles of char dasha, I have used char dasha as taught by K.N.Rao in first article in the series, Char dasha of Irangnati Rangacharya on female horoscope in second article in the series and Char dasha of Irangnati Rangacharya on male horoscope in Third article in this series, now in this fourth article in this series. We will use Char Dasha as it is found in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. Some people says Jaimini was disciple of son of parashara hence their teachings are same but Parashara have wrote in Shloka format that is easy to understand as compared to the sutra style of writing opted by Jaimini. We will not go into the debate of who was ancient and who was not. Rather that that we will apply what we can find in BPHS in chart of Mrs. Oprah Winfrey and will see the results along with Vimshottari dasha. Why I am also using Vimshottari Dasha is because any event have to be seen by at least 2 dasha so that astrologer can be sure of the prediction he is making or going to make and the second things is as Char Dasha is a rashi dasha changes are not that much clearly shown in dasha periods when events happens in interval of small time so for that reason I always recommend use of Vimshottari dasha along with any dasha of your likelihood. After all Vimshottari dasha is the king above all.


Direct or Reverse
– based on the sign in 9th house we have to decide order of dasha weather zodiacal or anti-zodiacal. Is in 9th house be Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius dasha will run in direct order and if remaining signs are in 9th house from ascendant dasha will run in anti-zodiacal direction.

Dasha years – count from dasha sign to sign lord based on oddity of sign (not of 9th house but of sign) so for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius count direct from sign to lord and for remaining sign reverse from sign to lord. Then divide it by one for example if lord be in 9th house then 9 – 1 = 8 years will be dasha years. If lord is debilitated subtract one more year and if exalted add one year, if lord is in the same sign give it 12 years. (in case if Jupiter is debilitated and we are counting dasha years for Sagittarius then he will get 0 years and in second cycle that will start after completing of all signs that can very per chart the dasha of Sagittarius will have full 12 years, for dasha years of other signs subtract the year given to sign in first cycle by 12 and the remaining will be dasha years in second cycle) No dasha can exceed 12 years so Mercury is Virgo for Virgo dasha will be 12 years only.

Exception – sign Aquarius have two Lord Saturn and Rahu and Scorpio Mars and Ketu, for calculation of periods of these signs take both the lords into consideration. Using the rules given below 

1. If one of the lord is in sign take another

2. If both are somewhere else together count till that sign minus one

3. If both are at different places count till the one who is more powerful (use jaimini strength here – Explained in earlier articles in this series)

Keeping the calculations in brief now let we go to chart analysis

Oprah Winfrey | 29th January 1954 | 04:30AM | Kosciusko, Mississippi | 33N03/89W35

OW Astrological Case study of Oprah Winfrey via Char dasha

We are taking vimshottari dasha from moon, because ascendant is weak due to ascendant lord being placed in 6th house and ascendant aspected by Saturn whereas Moon is in Scorpio with sign lord mars and aspected by Jupiter. Hence is quiet much strong also Ascendant have 31 SAV points as compared to the sign moon is placed in that have 35 SAV points, so we will initiate Vimshottari Dasha from moon.

General Chart Reading –
I was about to change her D9 ascendant watching her complexion but due to Desh, Kala, Patra and aspect of Saturn on D1 ascendant haven’t changed that.

Talk Show Host, Actress, Business Executive – lord of 10th house from ascendant is mercury that is in 4th house in D9 with Jupiter in the sign of sun that in D9 is in ascendant with Venus, Mercury in D9 is aspected by Saturn. In D1 10th lord is in 2nd house with Sun (Powerful personality) Venus and Mercury himself Media and Rahu (Modern communication) in her D10 moon is in 9th house thus she is self employed. Her 10th house in D10 is aspected by Mercury the Mimic and 10th lord by Rahu modern communication. He also signifies acting as he acted like god in churning of the ocean scene. D10 ascendant having sun and Venus shows her profession and her status in that and ascendant lord of D10 in 2nd house shows her income and money through profession.

She was featured in list of billionaires in “Forbes” magazine (2003) – In her Kashinath Hora Chart. Her ascendant lord of D2 is in 8th house showing money after hard-work and struggle. But there he is also 11th from 10th house showing hard-work never goes in vein. 2nd house lord of her D1 “Karyesh” Saturn is in 3rd house in her D2 being malefic planet he is good in 3rd house in Taurus sign a friendly sign he is very good therein. That Saturn is also over her AL in D2 showing hard-work and money is related to her Status in society, 2nd lord of her D2 is in 2nd house itself, with 5th lord moon making powerful Dhan yoga, that mars is also 9th lord in D2 showing luck and fortune supporting her monetary side of life. In Her D2 she has Chandra-Mangal Yoga good for monetary benefit. Gaja Kesri yoga good name and fame due to this but in bad axis of 2nd and 8th house shows struggle but as it is in 2nd house its fructification was in earlier part of life. But due to Jupiter that is also D2 lord it was not visible till 2nd part of life. In her D2 she also has so many Raajyogas and other powerful Yogas and Vipreet yoga too showing her rise and fortunes. From her AL in D2 2nd lord is in 10th house with AL lord Venus and 4th lord Sun again showing her financial condition, in her Rashi chart 2nd lord is in 11th house and 11th lord in 2nd house aspected by ascendant lord Jupiter in her 2nd house of D1 chart there is combination between 11th 6th 5th 10th 7th 3rd lord showing her rise in financial condition after marriage, hard-work, with luck and blessings.

Raped at 9 (1963) and 5 subsequent years of sexual abuse (1963-1968)

Vimshottari Dasha – Mercury/Mercury – Mercury is her 7th and 10th lord, 7th house is seen for sexual activities along with 8th 12th and 3rd house. In her D30 mercury is 8th lord and also depositor of Moon that is 8th lord in her D1. Mercury in D30 is aspected by mars and Rahu that is also bad and as 4th house in female chart shows her virginity malefic present there in D30 is indicated at some bad events related to virginity. In her 8th house in D1 Ketu is there aspected by Saturn that is bad.

Char Dasha – Scorpio/Taurus – Scorpio is her 12th house of sex with Mars that is GK bad event (significator of 6th and 8th house) with AmK showing very bad event that was going to happen. Taurus is her 6th house with MK significator of 4th house that can also signify her virginity. That is also afflicted there due to aspect of Saturn, Rahu, Sun and Ketu and also in Dasha sign a malefic mars is present showing bad event.

Subsequent 5 years of sexual abuse (1963-1968)

Char Dasha – the whole event continued till Scorpio dasha about which we have seen clarification in last paragraph. It is also aspected by Sun, Rahu, and Ketu and has Mars in that sign too much malefic influence. Mars in Graha Chakra (GC) signifies 4th house of virginity and Moon 5th house significator in Graha Chakra, (it is evident to note here that due to this abuse she became pregnant at age 14 and the child died after 2 weeks from complications of being born 2 months premature) Mars and Moon in female horoscopy signify her menstruation cycles and pregnancy as well. See Moon is also debilitated here signifying death of the child. If we see her D7 where a female sign is rising so if we take 9th house of first child and see then we will find 9th lord Mercury is in ascendant in Capricorn with Saturn ascendant lord being in Dig bala and ascendant lord he does show children but being with Ketu (in Rahu Ketu Axis he shows death too) and as the Rahu Ketu axis is in 1-7 axis it is significant to note that astrodatabank doesn’t show information about his progeny from marriage. If you search on Google regarding this answer in the very first result will be “her interview with a report in which she said” “If I had kids, my kids would hate me,” the mogul told The Hollywood Reporter. “They would have ended up on the equivalent of the Oprah show talking about me; because something (in my life) would have had to suffer and it would’ve probably been them.” Readers can see how beautifully Vedic astrology shows this with one of the main tools of Vedic astrology known as divisional charts.

In 1968 when her child was born it was Libra MD which is 10th house in her D7 2nd marak from 9th house of first children. In D1 Libra is 11th house 7th from 5th marak. Having Saturn that is DK that shows death and in GC he is significator of 3rd house marak for 2nd house of children i.e. 9th house. The sign Libra is aspected by Jupiter that is significator of children in bad house 6th aspected By Mars debilitated Moon and Rahu. That is also MK that took the bliss of being mother from her. Her 5th lord is also afflicted by being in 12th house from ascendant and 8th house from 5th house. PK Venus in 2nd house is afflicted due to Sun and Rahu and Mercury too that is malefic due to company of Sun and Rahu that Venus is also defeated in planetary war with Sun.

Vimshottari dasha – suffering continued till half of his mercury dasha that we have already seen mercury is also depositor of her A5. Those is also further afflicted there and remember he is Badhak that is there with 6th lord, and Rahu showing too much badha in his period, showing bad events in his period, showing suffering in his period.

In 1968 it can be Sun AD or Moon AD but as we have seen moon already afflicted too much with 5th lord and 5th karak we can safely say it have to be AD of moon only to time the event.

Won 2 beauty titles, when she was in college now see Venus and Sun placed in Taurus in her D9 ascendant.

By Age 19 became a CBS news journalist

Char Dasha –
Virgo/Taurus-Aquarius – we can see Virgo is her 10th house the event is clear. Taurus and Aquarius are two contenders for Antardasha as we don’t know the exact date there is a tussle between them but as Taurus is 6th house having ascendant lord it wins for the position and we can say it should have happened that time only. But as Aquarius is her D10 ascendant it can also be there.

Vimshottari Dasha- Mercury/Rahu – Mercury is her 10th lord in D1 and aspecting 10th house in D10 and Rahu is in 2nd house inD1 with 10th lord also aspecting 10th house in D1 as well as in D10 using his 3rd aspect (I do use 3rd 5th 9th 11th aspect for Rahu and no aspect for Ketu 3rd and 11th from Rahu will be 5th and 9th of Ketu)

She left college
– in Her D24 9th lord of college education is debilitated in 3rd house bad house and 9th house is aspected by Rahu as well as Jupiter that too is debilitated both the significator of education as well as wisdom is debilitated but Jupiter being dikbali and in Kendra is powerful as compared to mercury to show that she has real wisdom and also monetary gains, after leaving college she was earning $15,000 per year.

“People are taking” T.V. Show she did in 1977

Char Dasha – Virgo/Cancer-Aries – Virgo dasha is the same 10th house in D1 chart showing profession/career/work. As Ketu in GC is significator of 2nd and 11th house money houses is in Cancer as compared to Aries that is in 8th from 10th house in D1 Cancer AD looks stronger to provide this career to her. In D10 that cancer is 6th house as compared to Aries that is 3rd house 6th from 10th he looks more favorable to give her a debut show.

Vimshottari dasha – Mercury/Saturn – mercury we have seen is 10th lord in D1 and in D10 is aspecting 10th house in D1 Saturn is depositor of 10th lord mercury and is in 11th house showing gains that she had due to change in career. In D10 Saturn is in 2nd house of wealth, aspecting 11th house of income, and id lord of D10 ascendant and is with Ketu co-lord of 10th house of D10. Readers should remember that as 2nd and 11th houses shows money so they also becomes important for profession along with 6th house of service, 7th house of business, and 10th house of profession. 

Started dating “Stedman Graham” in May 1986

Before that she had unsatisfactory love relationships of short periods. We have already seen conditions of her 5th house and 5th lord along with of Venus that shows love, physical attraction, and desire to marry. But as he was her future husband we have to see 9th house whose lord is in 2nd house 6th from 9th house means improvement needed but he is also in Raajyogas and is powerful due to being winner in planetary war. In D9 we can see he is powerful due to him being in Taurus with Venus. See her 7th house lord is mercury that is in 2nd house 8th from 7th in D1 but the same mercury in D9 is with Jupiter that shows husband in female chart in 4th house showing good relationship. 7th house doesn’t have any aspect of planet in D1 not graha aspect neither rashi aspect. Readers should remember that sages haven’t admired any planet in 7th house and its best to have empty 7th house for good marital life. As we can see A5 and A9 both are in her 7th house showing all her fortune in her 7th house. And A7 in 9th house this exchange between Arudh of 9th and 7th houses shows rise in her luck after marriage. In her D9 Rahu is in MKS in 9th house but 9th lord is in his house in 10th house. 7th house is also aspected by 9th and 10th lord Saturn again showing rise in luck as well as professional advancement after marriage. It is also aspected by Sun the 4th lord showing peace in marital life and Venus ascendant and 6th lord of D9Venus being in his own house is giving effect of ascendant not of 6th house that is he have given he should have ended it in divorce. 7th lord of D9 is in 3rd house being a malefic is good there; he is also in 9th from 7th house good. Is having Neech bhang from 2 methods shows gradual progress after marriage. What about affliction that is also there on 7th house due to that they didn’t have had fortune or fruits of marriage that is progeny. One more important that have to be noticed here is that they got engaged to be married in November 1992 but the ceremony never took place.

Char Dasha – Cancer/Scorpio – cancer is her 8th house of sex (dating!!) with Ketu that shows 11th house of friend circle and dating 7th from 5th in GC and is also co-depositor of moon that is in 12th house love is always mental so is attraction. It is aspected by Mars (DK) Moon (Mind/Romance) Jupiter (significator of husband) but moon is also GK obstacle in marriage in that dasha. Scorpio is the 12th house that we have seen in between the lines so no further clarifications are being given.

Vimshottari dasha – Venus/Venus/Sun – Venus is PK significator of 5th house that shows romance/love and also he is natural significator of these things too. Sun are lord of 5th from 5th in 2nd house and also depositor of A7 showing that husband has come to her life?

She made an international debut on “the Oprah Winfrey show” on 8th September 1986

This was the show that activated Raajyoga for her. We already have see Dhan Yogas in her chart.

Char Dasha – Cancer/Scorpio/Cancer/Aquarius/Capricorn

Cancer as we have seen has Ketu in it that signifies 2nd and 11th house in GC. Cancer is aspected by AmK profession DK money and GK that shows 6th house of profession. It have Shree Lagna in it that is position of Lakshmi in horoscope along with Ghatika Lagna that shows power to the native (the show was on her own name) cancer is also aspected by HL showing wealth and A10 showing her work/profession. Scorpio is where DK is placed in that shows business/self-employment. Scorpio is also aspected by 11th lord Venus and 2nd house of Money. Mars signifies 4th and Moon 5th house in GC making Raajyoga. Aquarius is 3rd house having aspect of 2nd lord Saturn from 11th house of income, aspect of A2, and also aspected by SL and GL. Capricorn is the 2nd house itself of money having 11th lord Venus 9th lord Sun 7th and 10th lord mercury in it showing manifestation of all these things. It is further aspected by A7 and A10 showing self-employed profession or business. And also aspected by AmK Jupiter that shows profession.

Vimshottari Dasha – Venus/Venus/Moon/Sun/Jupiter –
Venus is 11th lord in 2nd house making Dhan yoga. He is also depositor of Lagna lord Jupiter showing fortune. Moon is 4th lord in 12th house afflicted making Vipreet Raajyoga showing her rise after hardship. Also moon is lord of GL over HL making it a Raajyoga showing fructification of Power as well as wealth in his period he is also lord of SL. Sun is 9th lord of luck in 2nd house along with 11th lord and 10th lord 7th lord 6th lord making powerful Raajyoga as well as Dhan Yoga. In the end Jupiter lord of 1st and 4th house comes 1st house is very vital without it being strong a person can’t achieve anything. He is in 6th house aspecting 11th lord 2nd house and 10th house and being aspected by lord of GL, SL, and 5th lord making Raajyoga as well as Dhan yoga. This is a very powerful time as we can see that have activated Raajyoga and Dhan yoga both for her at the same time and as its result she was into Forbes list of billionaires as well as she became a powerful personality. By 1999 this activation brought her fortune of $415 Million.

Engaged to “Graham “on October/November 1992

Char Dasha – Gemini/Virgo – Gemini is her 7th house that shows marriage. Virgo is her 10th house aspected by 7th house as well as UL. The event is very much clear.

Vimshottari Dasha – Venus/Mars-Rahu – Venus in D1 is with her 7th lord and in D9 ascendant he is in his house aspecting 7th house Mars is 7th lord in D9 and in D1 is aspecting 7th house and Rahu in D1 is also with 7th lord mercury and in D9 is in 9th house the main house. Both are equally strong both can give her marriage but why they never married although being engaged.

Her UL is in Pisces 5th there from is Ketu denying children. Lord of UL is in 6th house aspected by Mars and debilitated moon along with Rahu. In D10 he is in 4th house aspected by Saturn, lord of 2nd house from UL is in 12th house in D1 and 3rd house in D9 with Ketu showing de-attachment and with debilitated moon in D1 showing no marriage. Mars that is malefic and debilitated moon that is malefic aspects 2nd from UL. Does this show no marriage (no!!) Jupiter lord of UL in quadrant to D9 ascendant shows marriage/physical relationship but 2nd from UL that shows nourishment to him this much afflicted and his lord also afflicted in D9 shows No and the middle way is the result. Natural relationship between AK Mercury and DK Mars is not that much good (as well as temporal) to give him a desire for marriage that is important when AK and DK is in 3-11 to each other. As per desire is concerned we can also see her Tithi Lord moon in 12th house a bad house where he also makes Balarishta debilitated shows disappointments and in watery sign that shows due to being hurt in the relationship she took the hard decision.

Sued by “Texas cattlemen” trial date 20 January 1998

Char Dasha – Gemini/Leo/Gemini/Leo/Libra – Gemini is 7th house of badha, Leo is 9th house aspected by Badhkesh as well as Sun, Saturn, Rahu showing problems that she faced. Leo also has Pada of A7 badha. (Was it also the reason behind her marital life problem?) Libra is the 11th house where depositor of badhkesh as well as significator of 6th house in Natural zodiac and 3rd house in GC Saturn is placed in.

Vimshottari dasha – Venus/Jupiter/Mars/Mercury/Moon- Venus is 6th lord with badhkesh, Jupiter is in 6th house, Mars is aspecting 6th house Mercury is badhkesh with 6th lord and moon in the end is aspecting 6th house being debilitated himself.

Great fame due to being on “Forbes” list of billionaires on 27 February 2003

Char Dasha – Taurus/Taurus/Gemini/Capricorn/Virgo – Taurus is 6th house where AmK is placed in that in GC signifies 1st and 10th house 1st house is for fame that she got due to money that Jupiter naturally signifies. Gemini is the 7th house of public and his lord is in 2nd house with 11th lord, Capricorn is 2nd house where all Jaimini as well as Parashara raajyogas are forming it is also aspected by HL Virgo is her 10th house and almost all application of Gemini will apply to that keeping in mind that 10th house signifies fame.

Vimshottari dasha – Venus/Mercury/Mars/Jupiter/Rahu
– Venus is lord of AL showing fame, Mercury is lord of 7th house public and 10th house name and fame. Mars is 5th and 12th lord in 12th house showing fame because he is with Moon that shows Fame because he is Karaka of AL. Jupiter is ascendant lord of self aspecting 10th house of fame and also lord of AL as well as 7th and 10th. Rahu is with lord of AL 7th and 10th house aspecting 10th house as well as ascendant lord that show the native self.

Opened school in South Africa on 2 January 2007

Char Dasha – Taurus/Aries/Leo/Cancer/Libra – Taurus is the 6th house where teacher Jupiter is placed in. Aries is 5th house of education, Leo is 9th house of fortune as well as secondary education, and Cancer is 4th house having Ketu that in GC shows 2nd and 11th house and Libra 11th house showing gains as well as having AL improvement in image and status in society.

Vimshottari dasha – Sun/Rahu/Jupiter/Saturn/Mars – Sun being 9th lord shows schools, Rahu co-lord of 3rd house shows schools too as 3rd is Upadesha showing preaching’s will be given to that place. Jupiter signifies teachers in this chart he is also lord of 4th house that shows institutions as well as home, homeland, Saturn is aspecting ascendant the self, 5th house of education, and lord of 3rd house of Upadesha and 2nd house of finance in 2nd house of gains (basically what I am indicating here is expenditure of money in making school for improvement of AL over which Saturn is that shows image and for making money 2nd and 11th combined can show investor) mars as 5th lord aspecting 3rd and 7th house finalizes the event as making of something where Upadesha 3rd house will be given for 7th house public.

In this article we can see justifying events was very easy. (It can also be my inability) to use other systems properly. But readers can see how like butter everything is justified. People say BPHS is not in complete form is adulterated in which I can only say first read and understand all what is available then search for remaining parts we are not even able to understand even 5% of BPHS. Adulteration on that I can only say our mind can be corrupted but the writing of sage can never be as pointed out in last article in the series for answering the quest the best answer is own research. That we all must do. In the next and last article with one another chart I will use all the 3 variation of Char dasha and will try to find out what is working and what is not. But we should once again remember it is their research and for our growth we have to do our.

Vedic astrology is a vast science the deeper you go the more you will be benefitted. Reading and thinking over classics is the key that can give you pearls of this science.

Om Tat Sat
Shubham Alock

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Astrological Case Study of John F. Kennedy Political success and death mystery via Chara Dasha

John F Kennedy Astrological Case Study of John F. Kennedy Political success and death mystery via Chara Dasha

In last article on char dasha series we have seen how char dasha of Irangnati Rangacharya Ji work fantastically on horoscopes, now as this have different calculations for male and female charts that have been told in the last article, in this one we will apply char dasha on a male chart and then will see timing of events as well as we will see Raajyogas from jaimini point of view. We will see Argala, we will see use of Arudh, and we will also try to find out results related with Karkamsha, here readers are informed earlier that Navamsha used is Krishna Mishra Navamsha that is also known as Nadi Navamsha, and Drekkana used is Pravrittiya-Traya Drekkana and Somnath Drekkana.

Krishna Mishra Navamsha/Nadi Navamsha – calculation is very simple, for fiery signs calculation will start zodiacally from Aries, for Watery signs anti-zodiacally from Cancer, for Airy signs Zodiacally from Libra and for earthly signs Anti-Zodiacally from Capricorn.

Pravrittiya-Traya Drekkana
– in this method of reckoning there will be 36 drekkana, for Aries it will be Aries, Taurus, Gemini for Taurus it will be Cancer, Leo, Virgo and so on, so in this method all 12 signs will repeat thrice in the counting making 12×3 = 36 Drekkana.

Somnath Drekkana – under this method counting will be zodiacally from Aries for Aries Lagna and Anti-Zodiacally from Pisces for Taurus Lagna. So for Aries ascendant it will be Aries, Taurus, Gemini for Taurus it will be Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and for Gemini it will be cancer, Leo, Virgo and for cancer it will be Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra.

Arudh – here what we will be using is when ascendant lord is in ascendant 10th house will be AL (Arudh Lagna), when ascendant lord is in 4th house then 4th house itself is AL, when ascendant lord is in 7th house then 10th house is the AL and when ascendant lord is in 10th house then 4th house is the AL. and in other houses count the distance from house to house lord and the same distance from the position of house lord will be the place where AL will fall. For example if ascendant lord be in 5th house then 9th house will be AL.

Argala – it is a vast concept but for now we will make it simple and it’s depth we will be exploring while analyzing chart, for now readers should keep in mind that 2nd 4th and 11th houses are Argala houses and 12th 10th and 3rd houses are there opposing houses respectively. This is primary Argala if there be more than 2 malefic in 3rd house then it makes territory Argala who have no opposition/obstruction. If there are benefic planets in 5th or 9th house or exalted malefic is there then it is secondary Argala, who can get obstructed by another sign. However here malefic doesn’t make Argala they just obstruct it. Argala are of so many qualities, there are 7 types of Argala that we will see interpretation, Irangnati Rangacharya Ji suggests us to apply Argala only on Yogda. That as per me is important when we are watching Raajyoga, but when we are watching support of planets then we will use Argala on Kevala, Yogda, Bhava and Karakas too.

Karkamsha – the sign occupied by AK in D9 is known as Karkamsha and the same sign in ascendant is known as Swamsha is what we will use as terminology, the position of AK in D1 we will refer as Karak Lagna.

Jaimini Raajyoga – in Jaimini there are some planets who after being fit on some criteria will become Yogda (yogda means the one who is capable of giving yoga that means results of union) this shows us Yogda can give good results when combined with another factors, be it house or another planet or another point. All the planets that fits the criteria given below are able to give Raajyoga their conjunction with another point, planet make them fructify their results.

1. The depositor of moon is called subhpati (the one who will do auspicious things for the native) if he is connected with moon as well as ascendant then he will be Yogda.

2. If a single planet make relationship ascendant in D1 and D9 or in D1 and D3 or in D9 and D3 he becomes Yogda.

3. If one single planet makes relationship with D1, D9, and D3 ascendant he is also yogda.

4. A planet that makes connection with HL (Hora Lagna) and ascendant is known as Dhan (wealth) yogda.

5. A planet that makes connection with GL (Ghatika Lagna) and ascendant is known as Raja (Power/Kingdom) yogda.

6. A planet that makes connection with all 3 of them that is ascendant HL and GL he becomes Maha (Super) yogda.

7. If that Dhan or Raja Yogda also makes connection with Moon or its depositor he becomes Kevala.

8. If that Maha Yogda also makes connection with moon or becomes its depositor it becomes Kevala Maha Yogda.

As Argala shows support/opposition Argala on these planets will also reveal so many clues about the native, which we will see in the example chart.

As an example chart we will take chart of 35th US president “John F. Kennedy” and will try to explain events of his life with Char Dasha of Irangnati Rangacharya. And Vimshottari Dasha.

John%2BF.%2BKennedy Astrological Case Study of John F. Kennedy Political success and death mystery via Chara Dasha

29th May 1917, 14:51 (Rectified by Sanjay Rath in his book “Vimshottari and Udu dasha) Brookline, MA, USA.

Let we first make Graha Chakra for the native that is under that Mercury signifies 1st and 10th house, Jupiter 2nd and 11th house, Sun 3rd house, Venus 4th house, Ketu 5th house, Saturn 6th and 12th house, Moon 7th house, Rahu 8th house and Mars 9th house.

General Chart Reading –
In his chart no planet is defeated in planetary war no one is in Mrityu Bhag and no one is combust. Mercury is AK and 5th house there from in D9 is vacant, take 5th lord that is with moon in 12th from Mercury aspected by Jupiter that makes yoga for writing a book but doesn’t make someone writer because it is not in 5th house. In D1 5th from Sagittarius (because in D9 AK mercury is in Sagittarius) is mercury with 5th lord Mars and 5th from Karak Lagna that is position of AK in D1 have moon. Thus he was author of a book.

He has Maha Yogda Mercury who is also his ascendant lord that shows power and effect of Raajyoga Is sure to come to the native. Connection between Jupiter and Venus makes Raajyoga that too in house of fortune that is 9th house. His father was a powerful rich entrepreneur who also has helped him a lot. They both are in Parijaatamsha that shows Raajyoga being powerful and able to fructify that Jupiter in 16 Vargas is in Kandukamsha and Venus in Bhedakamsha making it more powerful and strong. He also has Raajyoga from AK that signifies soul and is king of horoscope that shows power of his Raajyoga is sure to come to him. Also in his chart Rahu, Venus, Mercury, Sun becomes yogda, their use and role we will see in later part in dasha.

In his chart co-lord of 6th house that is Rahu is debilitated in 4th house and he is aspecting ascendant and ascendant lord is in 8th house with 8th lord. Moon is in 12th house where he is bad for longevity. In D9 8th and 12th lord is in Lagna, and 6th lord is in 6th house with moon this makes him struggling of disease all his life that he was even not able to be qualified to get an health insurance.

In his D1 chart 9th house have Sun that shows big degree, Jupiter that shows big institute and Venus that is also 9th lord and in His D24 his 9th lord is in his house in 2nd house from ascendant. And in his D24 4th lord is in 4th house being powerful. Jupiter is exalted who shows wisdom of a person that too in 5th house of wisdom. Thus he was a Harvard graduate.

In his D10 6th house has more planet as compared to 7th house showing he was into service (it was public service but still it was service) in His D10 chart 10th house is aspected by Debilitated Saturn, afflicted moon and Rahu shows his change in job 3 times in his life. His 10th lord of D1 chart in 8th house with 8th lord shows he was uncomfortable in his job and has changed it so many times. First he was in desk job then navy then politics; changes in job are more clearly shown in Dasha and Antardasha so we will see them there only. Natal chart will only show one main profession of Native that his charts shows well too like other charts. In his D1 chart 10th house have Ketu and 10th lord is in 8th house with Mars aspected by Saturn, in his KM-D9 10th house have Bhavottam Ketu that is aspected by sun and Saturn. 10th lord once again is in 8th house, 10th from His Saturn in D1 also have mars and mercury. In D9 his 10th house has sun, aspected by Saturn, Rahu, Jupiter, Mars and Moon, and 10th lord is in ascendant with Saturn In D10 It is again aspected by Rahu, Moon and Saturn. That shows Service; work in navy, work in army, Desk job and politics.

On his 21st birthday got trust fund of $1 Million – In his Tithi Pravesh chart of 1938, Day lord sun is in 7th house with 11th lord mercury; his 2nd lord is in 4th house. Hora lord is Mars who is in 8th house aspecting 2nd house and 11th house. With 7th and 12th lord Venus.

Char Dasha –
it was Capricorn dasha of 5th house showing monetary gifts. Lord Saturn is in 11th house in Cancer that in him is a Raajyoga and also these show gains of money, AD sign Leo is 12th house with moon, he is in 8th house speculation from Dasha sign. Lord of Leo sun is in 9th house of Luck.

Vimshottari Dasha –
as there are 3 planets in quadrant to moon as compared to 2 planets in quadrant to ascendant we will start vimshottari dasha from moon, It was Mars MD who is lord of 3rd house and 8th house of speculation in 8th house with HL shows money and ascendant lord that shows person himself. It was Jupiter AD that is lord of 4th house and 7th house of money that is in 9th house of luck, with 2rd lord of money and 9th lord of luck and 12th lord of sudden things in life. Saturn PD, Saturn is in 11th house of gains aspecting 5th house of speculation and ascendant that shows the native. And 8th house that once again shows speculation. Venus SD we already have seen the role of Venus.

Joined US Navy in 1941 – Char Dasha – It was Pisces Dasha of 7th house Pisces symbolizes 2 fishes that lives in water so he got something to do with water Navy! 10th house there from is Rahu in Sagittarius showing Government job with machines, Ships. Dasha sign lord is in 9th house of travels that he has to do due to his profession with Venus who is in his house Venus is Jala tattwa, and with sun showing government job. That is in 3rd house from Dasha sign showing he has to use his courage, valor, hands in the word indicated.

Vimshottari Dasha –
Mars dasha who is 3rd lord showing courage, valor, hard-work, Hands have to be worked out in 8th house of travels away from home with 10th lord Mercury showing profession, as he is in his house his effect is stronger and we can see he was in army signified by Mars. Co-Lord of 3rd house is Ketu that is in 10th house showing hard-work, courage, is needed in his profession also as it is in 10th house it is showing start of his profession.

Awarded Purple Heart in 1945 –
Char Dasha – Leo dasha, Leo is 12th house with moon in it showing fame it also lord GL that shows gain of power, Leo by itself is a sign signifying government and being 5th house of natural zodiac signifies Awards. His lord is in 9th house of luck with 4th and 7th lord Jupiter showing 7th coming in public and 4th heart (the name of award was heart) with Venus who is 2nd lord of money, honor and 9th lord of luck. Leo is aspected by AK and AmK who is in 9th house there from showing some important happening in the life of native that will improve his luck. Scorpio the AD sign is in 3rd house showing the award was given to him for his courage, bravery and work. Mars lord is in 8th house that is in 11th from 10th showing gains from work that in this case was in form of award he is with ascendant lord showing native and 10th lord showing work and another lord of Scorpio is in 10th house showing something related to his work happened, as AL is also in Scorpio it have shown elevation in his status and image in society in form of award.

Vimshottari Dasha – Rahu MD and Rahu AD, Rahu being co-lord of 6th house and upachaya shows growth that he had in his status and name 4th house, 6th house also signifies word and he was getting the award for his work. Rahu is also depositor of A9 luck and A10 work/profession. He is on A6 showing work and growth and A2 showing honor. In D10 the same Rahu is exalted in 6th house of work with Sun government and Mercury Depositor of Rahu in D10 is in D10 ascendant showing honor due to his profession/work.

Spinal Operation on 21st October 1954
– Char Dasha – Aries MD that is 8th house with Mars showing operation that also have Mercury the ascendant lord involving the native, Gemini AD is 10th house with Ketu in it that is same like mars and shows operations, Scorpio PD the sign is in 3rd house showing operations, as it shows hands it can also show others hands working on you. The sign is aspected by Mars (operation) Mercury (Native) Saturn being 6th lord shows disease. Sagittarius SD that is 4th house with Rahu showing disease as he is co-lord of 6th house and A6 also falls in Sagittarius. Libra PAD that is a marak house from ascendant, aspected by moon from 12th house of hospitals and also aspected by 12th lord Sun along with 2nd lord Venus, and 9th lord Venus too that shows with Jupiter that is another marak house lord of 7th house something related to health/death of the native is being done. Jupiter is also depositor of A6.

Vimshottari Dasha – Rahu MD that is co-lord of 6th house of disease and is over A6, Ketu that is co-lord of 3rd house that signifies longevity, and is in 10th house 8th from the sign under consideration. Rahu was also in PD and PAD whose role we have already seen. Venus SD Venus is 2nd lord marak house. Is in 2nd marak house from Ascendant lord and is with 12th lord Sun who will signify those who work in hospital because he is 12th lord of hospitals, he is also with Jupiter who is 7th lord another marak house, and is depositor of A6 and the deadly Rahu too.

Second Surgery in Feb 1955 – Char Dasha – Now change is in PD of Aries that we have already seen is 8th house of surgery and operations with 8th lord mars that also signifies surgical instruments. Along with ascendant lord mercury that shows the native.

Vimshottari dasha – change in Saturn PD happened at the time of this second surgery we can see that Saturn is lord of 6th house where his mool-trikona falls and is in 11th house. Aspecting ascendant the native himself, 5th house that shows health, because the natural significator of health Sun have natural lordship over 5th house and it also aspects 8th house of surgery where ascendant lord the native himself Mercury is placed in along with significator of surgery Mars.

Elected to the 80th Congress on 5th November 1946
– Char dasha – Leo MD was going on who is in 12th house with 11th lord Moon in it showing gains as it is a Royal sign it shows something to work with government, also it have GL that shows power in it. In GC (Graha Chakra) moon signifies 7th house of public and coming to public. Sign is aspected by AK and AmK that is in 9th from the sign showing coming in power and some important event happening. It is also aspected by HL showing gain of money too. Virgo AD sign is ascendant sign too that is aspected by Rahu and Ketu. Rahu shows politicians and politics. Lord of Virgo is AK that shows something important is to happen in life of the native. Leo PD whose effect we have already seen is once again being repeated. Taurus SD was going which is 9th house of luck with Sun and Venus that shows working with government or for government also Venus shows luxuries that are always related to politics. Being 9th house where 9th lord is also placed it shows luck as well as government. Aquarius PAD although the sign is in 6th house but it has A9 and A10 in it showing luck, work and government. The sign is aspected by AK showing something important have to happen AmK that shows profession and important person that he became in country and DK that shows public and public life.

Vimshottari dasha – Rahu MD that shows politicians and that is also in 4th house showing his way to parliament/white house. Jupiter AD that is depositor of Rahu and 4th lord and 7th lord of public and public life in 9th house of luck with 9th lord Venus, 9th house along with 10th also shows government because these 2 houses makes the most important Raajyoga, thus it shows his way to government. Saturn PD Saturn shows working with government that in 11th house also shows gains from the same, he is lord of 5th house that shows government and public life again. Also he is lord of 6th house showing service in this case to people of nation. See co-lord Rahu is in 4th house showing homeland. Mercury SD that is lord of ascendant signifying self and 10th house that shows profession/work/government. In 8th house with 8th lord mars who is also 3rd lord of power and authority. Ketu PAD who is co-lord of 3rd house in 10th house setting the stage.

Reelected on 2 November 1948 – Char Dasha – Leo MD whose impact we have already seen in the last event, AD was Cancer where Saturn is placed, mere placement of Saturn in cancer makes Raajyoga if it is also supported by other factors and lord of cancer moon being on GL makes the way to power, Scorpio PD the sign in itself have AL that shows image in the society, and this being aspected by AK, AmK and GK shows his image as public servant (the country is democratic) and also shows fructification of Raajyogas as AK and AmK both from the same sign aspects Scorpio. Libra SD, sign is aspected by Sun and Jupiter showing government and Venus that shows being 9th and sign lord luck to the native as well as government they are aspecting from 9th house. Gemini PAD the sign is in 10th house having co-lord of AL showing his status and image in society.

Vimshottari dasha – Rahu MD, PD and PAD his role we have already seen. Jupiter AD his role we have already seen. Mars SD Mars is AmK showing important person mars is lord of AL showing his image in 8th house with HL that shows wealth and mercury that shows native self.

I am not explaining things too much due to the fear of article being too large, but readers himself can check position of planets in GC (Graha Chakra and planets who became Yogda and their role in dasha antardasha)

Reelected on 7 November 1950 – Char Dasha – Leo MD, Libra AD, Scorpio PD, Libra SD, Pisces PAD. All things are almost same Pisces is something new, as we can see Pisces is the 7th house of public, Aspected by Rahu from Abhimukh sign showing politics and lords of Pisces is in 9th house of government with Sun the planet indicating government.

Vimshottari Dasha – Rahu MD, Saturn AD, Mars PD, Venus SD, Venus PAD. We have already seen role of these planets in events that made him elected in earlier times.

Reelected on 4 November 1958 –
Char dasha – Aries MD, sign having AK and AmK in it and being aspected by GK who signifies 6th house service of public, have come to play as HL is also there and BB is also there it have shown us that this was his life path, we will see use of BB in his death later as it is the 8th house, right now we can see that BB in 8th house with AK and AmK shows that it was destined for him to be a powerful person (President) the sign is also aspected by AL showing his image in the society, Libra AD, Pisces PD, Scorpio SD, Leo PAD. There effects we have already seen.

Vimshottari dasha
– Rahu MD, Sun AD, Saturn PD, Rahu SD, and Saturn PAD role of all these planets we have seen earlier too.

8 November 1960 elected president & inaugurated on 20 January 1961 – Char Dasha – Aries MD where AK and AmK is placed in along with BB and HL, also Mercury is Maha Yogda in the chart that is in Aries along with lord of Aries. It is aspected by Saturn who is GK and 6th lord signifying service being in a sign of Raajyoga in Cancer it have given him service of public. Sagittarius AD where Rahu is placed in who is co-lord of 6th house and also A6 is placed therein showing public service, Rahu signifies politician and in GC is significator of 8th house that shows political powers (Criminals), Rahu is also Yogda. Virgo PD the sign is in ascendant and thus becomes the most powerful and strong sign in the chart whose lord is AK as well as Maha Yogda and lord of 10th house showing government work and status. It is again in 8th house with 8th lord. Leo SD we have already seen Leo have GL signifying power in it and Moon that is lord of 11th showing fulfillment of desires, Lord is in 9th house of government and luck, with Jupiter government and Venus luxury and being lord of 9th shows luck, Capricorn PAD it is 5th house that also shows government, fame and is aspected by Moon who signifies 7th house of public on GC, Sun who signifies 6th house of service here 5th house shows public in GC, Jupiter which signifies 2nd and 11th house of wealth and fulfillment of desires in GC and Venus who is significator of 4th house in GC showing he did something for his homeland.

At time of inauguration PD was of Gemini that is in 10th house with co-lord of AL Ketu, Rise in power, name and fame in society. Aries SD and Capricorn PAD which we have already seen, the change was in Gemini PD that earlier was Sagittarius PD. This type of change in this small time frame can only happen in Char Dasha of Irangnati Rangacharya Ji. Not in other forms of char dasha because it is based on Padakram order.

Vimshottari Dasha – Rahu MD who is a political planet and in this chart being debilitated in quadrant to Lagna and being a malefic makes Raajyoga, He is also Yogda and being lord of 6th in 4th house shows service of homeland. Mars AD mars is lord of AL and 8th house and is in 8th house with ascendant lord Mercury who is also Maha Yogda and is also over HL aspecting GL being a yogda himself, in GC he signifies 9th house of luck and government. Rahu was also in PD, Mercury being lord of ascendant and 10th house of work, government, and public life and being Maha Yogda from 3 rules. Being situated with lord of AL showing status in elevation shows his role in the event being SD lord, Saturn PAD, he is lord of 6th house service and 5th house name, fame, lineage, government, and is in 11th house showing fulfillment of desires and his presence in cancer makes him eligible to make Raajyoga. He is also over SL Shree Lagna showing Shree – Lakshmi coming to him as power, Rajya Lakshmi.

At the time of inauguration Jupiter PD, Jupiter being lord of 4th house showing homeland and depositor of Rahu that shows politics, is also lord of 7th house showing opposition, public, public life. He is in 9th house of government with 9th lords and sun that shows government. Rahu SD we have already seen the role of Rahu, Sun was in PAD sun being lord of Hora Lagna and is placed in 9th house of government with Jupiter showing power in hands of the native, and with Venus who is 9th lord government as well as second lord showing money and finances as well as Venus is also depositor of A4.

On 15 May 1957 won Pulitzer Prize for his book “Why England Slept” – Char Dasha – It was Aries MD that is in 5th from AK in KM-D9. Having GL showing gain of power due to 5th house activities writing of book, Leo AD that is 9th from AK in KM-D9 being 5th from 5th it shows literary thing as well as winning prize as 9th and 5th both houses signifies honor, Pisces PD that is 4th from AK in KM-D9 and 10th from KM-D9 ascendant with Ketu in it along with AL that shows prize for his work that was related to education/mind/thinking 4th and 10th house. Capricorn SD we know 2nd house also have to be taken for education in this context this will also mean book with Jupiter there in 2nd from AK in KM-D9 shows awards, Honor. Leo PAD Leo is 9th from Karkamsha (Position of AK in KM-D9) showing honor, as well as writing skills 5th from 5th.

Vimshottari Dasha –
Rahu is in 4th house in Sagittarius showing things related to education, writing book, as it is 4th house it shows honors. It was Venus AD that is 2nd lord of education in 9th house of higher education and with Jupiter significator of writer of books and is in 9th house showing luck and getting awards for his work, Saturn PD Saturn is 5th lord aspecting 5th house, Ketu SD Ketu is co-lord of AL showing image of a person that was boosted due to award. Venus PAD whose role we have already seen.

All the houses that Parashara said for formation of Raajyoga also gives name, fame, awards, honor, and shows government, because Raajyoga means a combination that a king can have thus all houses involved in Raajyoga gives one or other qualities of kings.

Married “Jacqueline Bouvier” on 12 September 1953 – Char Dasha – Aries MD where lord of UL is placed in, Taurus AD where DK Jupiter is placed in, Aquarius PD, it is aspected by A7 and its lord is on A7 and co-lord is in 2nd to UL, in D9 it is 9th house showing Dharma Vivah. Libra SD that is aspected by DK and in D9 is 5th house of Purvapunya but the main things is it is trine to D9 ascendant showing his role in fructification of things related to D9. Pisces PAD, it is the 7th house in D1 and in D9 in this sign Ketu is placed in that can give marriage. Jaimini says the sign in which Ketu is placed in is a very benefic and that sign can raise events like marriage, joining a new job, promotion etc.

Vimshottari dasha – Now I am using normal navamsha not Krishna Mishra Navamsha because we are timing marriage using parashara principles. Rahu MD Rahu is co-lord of 7th house in D9 that is in mool-trikona house in 2nd house of family and in D1 is in 2nd from UL. Mercury AD, mercury is in trine to D9 ascendant and in D1 he is with lord of UL in 8th house of sexual life. Jupiter PD Jupiter is DK as well as he is 7th lord in D1 aspecting D1 ascendant and in D9 he is lord of 8th house in 6th house aspecting co-lord of 7th house, Venus SD Venus is significator for marriage thus he played his work in D1 he is lord of 2nd house Family, 9th house legal marriage and is in 9th house with DK and Sun who is lord of 12th house bed pleasures, in D9 he is in ascendant with 7th lord of D9. Mars PAD he is lord of UL in 8th house of sexual life with ascendant lord mercury, who is aspecting 2nd house of family 11th house the last house in 7th trine and UL from Graha aspect. In D9 he is lord of 9th house Dharma Vivah in 4th house aspecting 7th house of D9 and also aspecting 10th house of D9 showing he will be doing karma of D9 and 11th house of D9 again last house in 7th trine.

Daughter “Caroline” born on 27 November 1957
– Char Dasha – Aries MD that have lord of UL in it, UL as it signifies marriage also signifies children for this reason Jaimini in chapter 1 Pada 4 have also used UL to predict for children, it is also aspected by Saturn 5th lord. Virgo AD that is ascendant sign showing the native himself Virgo is aspected by Ketu who in GC signifies 5th house. Sagittarius PD is where Rahu is placed in and this sign once again is aspected by Ketu who signifies 5th house in GC. Cancer SD is the sign where 5th lord Saturn is placed in, Scorpio PAD is the sign where UL itself is aspected by 5th lord Saturn.

Vimshottari dasha – D7 ascendant is Leo thus counting will be zodiacal 5th house is vacant, also isn’t aspected by any planet using Graha aspect or Rashi aspect. His lord Jupiter is in female sign Scorpio in female house 4th showing birth of daughter. Rahu MD that in D7 aspect 7th lord and in D1 aspecting 5th house using his 2nd aspect. Venus AD Venus in D7 aspects 5th lord as well as natural significator of progeny Jupiter and in D1 is with PK; Mercury PD Mercury is in 8th house with lord of UL showing child birth in D7 he is aspecting ascendant as well as ascendant lord using Rashi aspect. Moon SD moon is depositor of 5th lord Saturn and in D7 and in D7 aspects D7 ascendant and 5th lord of D7 by Rashi aspect. Mercury PAD whose role we have already seen.

Son “John” born on 25 November 1960
– Char Dasha – Aries MD in the sign lord of UL Mars is placed in along with ascendant lord Mercury and aspected by Moon that signifies 7th house (second child) in GC. Sagittarius AD, where Rahu is placed in and whose lord is in 9th house with PK, Virgo PD sign which is aspected by 5th house significator in GC i.e. Ketu. Also Sagittarius is aspected by 7th house showing second child. Gemini SD where Ketu is placed in see remarks for Ketu that Jaimini have given that the sign where Ketu sits in dasha of that sign auspicious events will take place. Taurus PAD where 7th lord of second child as well as PK sun is situated.

Vimshottari dasha – Rahu MD Rahu is co-lord of 7th house second child in D7 showing second child birth also he is aspecting ascendant of D7 showing child birth last child was also in Rahu MD. Mars AD who is aspecting Co-lord of 7th house in D7, Rahu PD we have already seen the effect of Rahu. Moon SD moon is significator of 7th house in GC, Moon was also in PAD.

Son “Patrick” on 8 August 1963 – Lived only for 39 Hours – in D7 9th house 3rd progeny have Rahu in it and 9th lord Mars is in 3rd house Karko Bhava Nasay with Mercury that is 2nd Marak lord in D7 and is with Ketu another Node showing bad health of Children also it is because 2nd lord from 9th house Venus is in 9th house afflicted by Rahu.

Char Dasha – Aries MD where lord of UL is placed in, Pisces AD whose lord is in 9th house of 3rd child with BK, Cancer PD that have 5th lord Saturn, Taurus SD that is 9th house 3rd children with 9th lord Venus. Leo PAD where moon is placed in 12th house a bad house for moon that made him Balarishta Moon, being in 2nd marak from 5th house lord and in D7 being in 2nd marak from 5th house and bad 6th house from D7 ascendant Moon is Leo was the harbinger of event.

Vimshottari dasha – Jupiter MD that is in 9th house in D1 and 5th lord in D7, Jupiter AD, Rahu PD and SD, Rahu is in 9th house showing 3rd child in D7 and Venus PAD Venus being lord of 2nd house marak from 9th house 3rd children is in 9th house hemmed by malefic Rahu whom if we take as Saturn have to be debilitated made the bad factor that lead to demise of 3rd progeny after 39 hours.

Shot Dead on 22 November 1963 – 3rd from AL is to be seen for death conditions, 3rd from AL is vacant but it is a Malefic sign (Sign lorded by Malefic Saturn) showing bad death. The 3rd from AL have A8 in it that shows lethal death. It is aspected by Moon, Sun, Venus, Jupiter Venus is 2nd and 9th lord 2nd is a marak house while 9th shows related with past life, bad death are only due to bad karmas of past/present life as Indian philosophy believes in. Jupiter that is lord of 7th house Marak and depositor of Rahu that shows bad deaths, Sun who is 12th lord 3rd marak, and moon who is 11th lord 6th from 6th showing significations of 6th house death due to being hurt (by bullet) 3rd lord from AL is also in 11th house from ascendant confirming the same, 8th house from ascendant is Mars with Mercury, aspected by Rahu from 4th house showing shot by bullet. It is more so because it is happening in Aries fiery male sign, with Mars heat in it triggered by Rahu that shows smoke as well as explosive, Aries is a fiery sign showing fire and mars being significator of 3rd house shows hands of someone else (used to pull trigger) also Mercury is therein showing the intellect of the person was not working or shadowed by Rahu. In traditional D3 again in 8th house there is Mars fire in a fiery sign Sagittarius, along with mercury that being natural lord of 6th house shows hurt, being hurt be someone else we can see that Mercury is natural lord of 3rd and 6th houses and Mars is significator of these houses and they are bitter enemies that being in same house became very inimical towards each other using fivefold relationship of planets. Showing his enemy made this, and this mars and mercury combination as they both are inimical to each other shows use of hands 3rd house and hurt 6th house for bad purpose 8th house as it is evident in both D1 as well as D3. Mars is also Brahma, Rudra and Maheshwar at the same time.

Char Dasha
– Aries MD that is 8th house having Mars that is all 3 (Brahma, Rudra, Maheshwar) Pisces AD that is 7th marak house, Gemini PD where co-lord of 3rd house Ketu is situated in debility that being Moksha karak can also show death as emancipation is only available after death. Aries SD we have already seen its role as MD too, Virgo PAD Virgo is the first house that shows everything out native and his body, his birth his health and also death because it is the native himself. It is worse due to its lord being placed in 8th house with Mars and aspected by Moon that signifies 7th marak house in GC.

Vimshottari dasha – Jupiter MD that is lord of 7th house and depositor of Rahu that have a great say in the mode of death also Rahu is in marak house from AL. showing death of image that is mortal body, he is in 9th house with 12th lord Sun 3rd marak and 2nd lord Venus 1st marak, he is also DK that in jaimini signifies death, and is significator of 11th house in GC that shows bondage of soul and its being free too. AD, PD, SD and PAD were all of Saturn! Saturn is lord of 5th house where A8 death is thus he is depositor of A8. He is 3rd lord from AL showing mode/place of death he is 6th lord, Remember what parashara says that if 6th house or its lord is weak or afflicted it can also cause death, here he is afflicted by aspect of Mars and weak by being in enemy sign. Thus he can cause death. He is over A7 root of 7th house marak house. There is one saying that if under the contenders for marak planets there be Saturn then making everyone obsolete Saturn will be the one planet who will give death to the native as it happened in this case. Role of Saturn is evident and as it was intentional death due to being hurt by someone else role of 6th house is very high and both lord of 6th house have had a great say in his death timing.

Conclusion – I am not going to find his longevity as there is no formula that can be used infallibly for this purpose. However if we see at longevity we will find

Ascendant lord + 8L = long life

Ascendant lord + 8L (Vriddha Karika 8th house) = Long life

Lagna + Hora Lagna = Short life

Saturn + Moon = Medium Life

Here we can see nothing worked infallibly but if we ignore Vriddha Karika 8th house method then we will get Long Life, Short life and middle life and thus by logic we can say middle life that was true in his case but it is advised for students to not to chart in this area of longevity as it can make their life miserable.

In the end –
From this chart some inferences can be made we know life is not always in a motion it is up sometimes, sometimes down. It doesn’t moves in a direct order and for this those Dasha’s which are based on Padakram order works best. It is called Movement of Narayan because it is never direct sometimes it is direct sometimes reverse sometimes jumping to 6/8 sometimes to 5/9. And for this special reason those Falit (predictive dasha that are based on movement of Narayan works best – Char Dasha of Irangnati Rangacharya Ji or Narayan Dasha) but an astrologer should also check his own chart to see which dasha will suit and work best for him. And then use them, we know longevity runs in a normal manner infancy then childhood the adult then young then old life goes in a normal shade thus longevity dasha that runs through houses one by one are more better to show longevity but what about those who dies a sudden death like the native being discussed here, in this manner readers should think and research. Also sometimes life do move in a normal progressive manner like education then profession then marriage then children so in that cased those dasha that runs normally like char dasha of K.N.Rao can work best however it is my own opinion and any opinion should never be accepted without proper research and application, there have been so many astrologers and they have given us so many techniques but not every technique works for everyone why this is so it is not because technique is wrong no! If it is so, then how this worked for that astrologer who invented it. The problem is we never know how someone reads a chart. Which all techniques they use, how their mind works there are so many types of minds rational, logical, intuitive, so in end we all know mind can’t be imitated so for this research our own research in astrology is very important after all a shoe doesn’t fits in everyone’s.

Om Tat Sat
Shubham Alock

pin Astrological Case Study of John F. Kennedy Political success and death mystery via Chara Dasha

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Marilyn Monroe Astrological Case study of Marriage and Death mystery

ad65eb10b5bc610e7f6db304cede6106 large Marilyn Monroe Astrological Case study of Marriage and Death mystery

In jaimini astrology Char dasha is very important, the dignity that Vimshottari dasha holds in Parashara School the same dignity is given to char dasha in Jaimini school. But why it is so because in Jaimini and in Parashara in both systems there are some differentiations in dasha, it is the reason why we have so many dasha, they are divided into 2 categories first they are divided into dasha that are used to predict on a chart and then dasha that are used for longevity predictions only. Then under those dasha which can be used for predictions there are dasha that can be applied to each and every chart and there are dasha which can be applied on the case when the chart fulfils some conditions given for applicability for dasha. Why vimshottari and char dasha are main in these schools of thoughts is due to two reasons first they don’t have any rule of applicability and second they can be used for both purposes for prediction as well as for longevity prediction. Jaimini have so many dasha for prediction only, but they all show events from different point of view, rashi dasha shows events from a concrete point of view whereas Nakshatra based dasha shows our mind’s reaction based on that, so both dasha systems have their own perks, and as per my own suggestion in prediction 2 Nakshatra and 2 rashi dasha should be used based on the type of analysis that need to be done.

As we know that Char dasha is much esteemed in Jaimini School, thus it have different methods of calculation, why it is so is because Jaimini sutras are very cryptic in nature. Sage haven’t explained in the Shloka but have written the whole thing in sutra form thus it need to be decoded, and different scholars have decoded it in different ways based on their own understanding of Jaimini principles. As per char dasha is concerned I do know 4 variation of this. Proposed by different scholars and those are

1. Normal char dasha calculation given in “Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra”

2. Calculation given by Mr. K.N.Rao

3. Calculation given by Mr. Irangati Rangacharya

4. Calculation given by Mr. P.S.Shastri

In my last article on char dasha I have used the method proposed by Mr. K.N.Rao and used in a chart of mine friend. In this article I will use the system of char dasha proposed by Mr. Irangati Rangacharya that is given in his book “Jaimini Sutramritam” and “A manual of jaimini astrology”. His calculation is based on Padakram order and Prakriti chakra. So let me explain about these before going further into calculation.

There are 3 types of chakras used in Vedic astrology that is – udaya chakra, Prakriti chakra, vikriti chakra and graha chakra.

1. Udaya chakra – this is mainly used in Parashara School under this we count anticlockwise in north Indian chart and clockwise in south Indian chart. That is the normal counting method that we are aware of that says 2nd house will come after 1st house and before 3rd house and counting is direct. For example if first house is Aries then 2nd will be Taurus 3rd will be Gemini and so on.

2. Prakriti chakra – this says count direct for male sign and indirect for female sign. That says for Aries counting will be Aries-Taurus-Gemini-Cancer-Leo and for Taurus that is a female sign counting will be in reverse that will be Taurus-Aries-Pisces-Aquarius-Capricorn and so on. This is called Prakriti chakra that by translation will mean following nature (here it is nature of sign that is being decided by its being male or female)

3. Vikriti Chakra – vikriti means disturbed, deformed, opposed to nature is vikrit. Thus vikriti. And as the name hints in itself it says go opposite to Prakriti chakra that says for male sign count indirectly and for female sign count directly. That for Aries counting will be Aries-Pisces-Aquarius-Capricorn-Sagittarius and for Taurus it will be Taurus-Gemini-Cancer-Leo-Virgo

4. Graha Chakra – in this chakra houses are reckoned (jaimini says rashi and house is one there is nothing like Bhava Chalit chakra in jaimini astrology) in this chakra significator of Bhava are decided and they are very important in judging dasha. Great scholars of Jaimini astrology never analyses any dasha without making this. In this method of reckoning reckon the significator of Bhava from lord of the Lagna. In regular (Udaya chakra method) so for this 1st house will be signified by Ascendant lord and second house will be by that planet that comes next in counting directly from ascendant lord. For this purpose if in one sign there is more than one planet then the one at the lowest degree will come first. For Rahu and Ketu their degrees can be obtained by subtracting their degrees from 30 as they are always retrograde. This will decide karakas till 9th house then 10th house karaka will be the first karaka that is ascendant lord. 11th house karaka will be the 2nd karaka in order and 12th house karaka will be the 6th karaka in the order. (Illustration will be shown in later part).

Having understood this much, now let we proceed to calculation of Char Dasha. Method as proposed by Rangacharya Ji and I will show its application on chart of Marilyn Monroe. But readers should caution here that in this method calculation is different for male and female natives. So apply this dasha very carefully. Another male chart will be take in some another article on the subject.


Male Horoscope

Starting sign – first dasha will be of the sign falling in ascendant.

Dasha Sequence – this is based on “Padakram order” let me explain what this Padakram order is.

Padakram order – this is one philosophy behind this that is also used in calculation of divisional charts, but that is topic of another day. The philosophy sates that movable signs are lorded by Brahma, fixed signs are lorded by Shiva and dual signs are lorded by Vishnu. Thus the work of Brahma is to create this world thus it is zodiacal, work of Shiva is to give us Punishment and 6th house signifies “Danda” that in Sanskrit means punishment. Work of Vishnu is to give us sustenance, blessings, abundance, protection and he is who gives us blessings and it is shown by trines in any charts. So based on this all movable sign will move in direct order or indirect order based on Prakriti chakra, all fixed signs will jump on 6th sign there from based on Prakriti chakra and dual signs will jump of 5th sign there from based on Prakriti chakra. So for example of movable sign counting of Aries will be Aries-Taurus-Gemini. Counting of next movable sign Cancer that is a female sign will be Cancer-Gemini-Taurus-Aries. In fixed sign Taurus that is also a female sign the counting will be Taurus-Sagittarius (counted 6th house anti-zodiacally as it is a female sign) – Cancer-Aquarius for Leo that is a fixed and male sign count will be 6th in direct motion that will be Leo-Capricorn-Gemini-Scorpio. For Gemini that is a Dual male sign counting will be Gemini-Libra-Aquarius-cancer (as it is a male sign after completing one round in trines it have started moving in trine to next sign) for Virgo that is a female dual sign that will be Virgo-Taurus-Capricorn-Leo (as it is a female sign after completing round in that trine now it will move in trine to last sign from the starting sign) this is Padakram order one should remember this. It is very important in everything in jaimini astrology.

Sanmukha Sign – before going further let me also explain this. Jaimini says any movable sign is aspected directly by 8th sign there from any fixed sign is aspected directly by 6th sign there from and any dual sign is aspected directly by 7th sign there from this is the abhimukh sign. Then later jaimini further adds that 4th and 10th signs from Sanmukha sign also aspects the sign under consideration so that’s how Jaimini aspects are derived. There important is to note that Sanmukha sign is 8th for Movable, 6th from fixed and 7th for dual signs.

Upapada (UL) and Arudh (AL) – this is a well known concept but why I am adding it here is because Rangacharya Ji calculated it in different way. For Arudh they say for male horoscope if ascendant is an odd sign (male sign) the count Arudh of 1st house of not then count Arudh of Sanmukha sign that will be his AL. for female horoscope if rising sign is even (female sign) then count Arudh of that sign if not then count Arudh of its Sanmukha sign that will be her AL. in exception he only says when ascendant lord is in 4th house then 4th house will be the AL and if ascendant lord is In 7th house then 10th house will be the AL. at other places he doesn’t gives exception and he further adds these exceptions have to be fairly adhered in case of dual signs. For calculation of UL he says find stronger between 1st and 7th house using rules of strength in Jaimini rules will be explained under next topic. For male native see 12th house and for female see 2nd house. So first find stronger between 1st and 7th house then for male if it is an odd sign find Arudh of its 12th house if it is even sign then find 12th Arudh of its Sanmukha sign. In the case of female chart find stronger between 1st and 7th house and see if it is even sign then see Arudh of 2nd house if it is an odd sign then find 2nd house Arudh of its Sanmukha sign.

Rules of strength in Jaimini astrology –

1. More number of planets makes one sign stronger that means sign having planet is more powerful than empty sign or sign having more number of planet is more powerful than house having less number of planets

2. The house having planets in dignity is more powerful

3. The sign aspected by Mercury, Jupiter, Sign lord is more powerful

4. Dual signs are powerful than fixed signs and fixed signs are powerful than movable signs

The rules have to be applied in the manner that means apply rule two only when rule one fails to give results.

Dasha Years –

1. Count from sign lord to sign in question based on Prakriti chakra that says if lord is in male sign count zodiacally if in female sign count anti-zodiacally.

2. Take both signs into consideration

3. Don’t subtract one years

4. If lord is in the sign then it will have 12 years

5. Aquarius and Scorpio have one lord only.

Antardasha Years – this have not been given by Irangati Ji but we will take it as MD years divided by 12 because there have to be 12 AD. First AD will of the sign whose MD is running.

Female horoscope

Starting sign – first dasha will be of 4th sign based on Prakriti that for Aries will be Cancer and for Taurus will be Aquarius and so on. Order of the dasha will be “Padakram order”

Dasha years –

1. If the sign in question is male then count zodiacally and if female then count anti-zodiacally. Here, one thing should be remembered in male horoscope we will see oddity of the sign where lord is placed in whereas in female chart we will see oddity of sign whose dasha we are counting for.

2. Take both signs into consideration

3. Subtract one year. Here, we are subtracting one year in female chart whereas in male chart there was no deduction.

4. If the lord is in sign itself then years provided will be 12

5. Scorpio and Aquarius have only one lord.

6. If lord is in 7th sign then take 10 years.

Antardasha Years – this have not been given by Irangati Ji but we will take it as MD years divided by 12 because there have to be 12 AD. First AD will of the sign whose MD is running.

Example chart of “Marilyn Monroe”

MM Marilyn Monroe Astrological Case study of Marriage and Death mystery

Here as an example we are taking chart of the American Actress, Model and Singer “Marilyn Monroe” who was a sex symbol for so many American men. I am taking her chart because it is a female chart whose calculation is not easy and simple as male chart. There are so many riders in calculation. A male chart as an illustration will be taken into another example. Another reason for taking this chart is because her life was very sensational and full of ups and downs. Here I will use 2 dasha 1st char dasha of Irangati Rangacharya Ji and 2nd Vimshottari dasha to explain her life and to show that both systems are complimentary to each other and they can be used at same time for interpretation of a chart but need to not to be mixed up. Keep them separate and then we can use them in combination.

Her Details were – 1 June 1926, 09:30AM (Rectified by me as 09:29:45)
Los Angeles, California (34N03/118W15)

Coming to her D60 which parashara says to read as birth chart we can see ascendant is aspected by moon and ascendant lord by Saturn and Venus. That resembles to the type of her face thus we can infer D60 is correct too. We will be watching its use further too.

Both her mother and grandmother suffered from mental illness. Her 4th house has exalted Saturn who is further aspected by Rahu from 12th house of mental illness. 4th lord Venus is also under aspect of Saturn and 11th aspect of Rahu. Moon in under Paapkartari yoga. Mother’s mother is seen from 4th from 4th that is 7th house which have moon hemmed in between malefic and in her D12 Saturn is in 7th house aspecting 4th house and mars is in ascendant aspecting or we can say having influence on 7th house and Moon the significator is debilitated. Moon is also under 3rd aspect of Saturn and 9th aspect of Rahu. 4th lord mercury is in 8th house of depression. That is also 7th lord. In D1 also 7th lord Saturn is afflicted due to aspect of Rahu. MK sun in D1 is under 4th aspect of Mars and in D12 it is in 10th house although powerful but its depositor Jupiter is with Rahu aspected by Saturn, in D9 too 4th lord MK and Moon is under influence of Saturn.

She lived with foster parents until she was 7. Family is seen from 2nd house that in D1 is afflicted by aspect of Mars and 3rd aspect of Rahu. 2nd lord is also under influence of mars and 2nd Karak is with mars. That too is in 8th house. In D9 again 2nd lord is with mars in 6th house Sun his bitter enemy is also with him.

After her mom was hospitalized, she was placed in an orphanage and a series of foster homes, where she was sexually assaulted several times. We have already seen condition of 2nd house and lord in D1 and D9 now let we come to see her D30 to analyze sexual assault. In D1 we have seen affliction of Venus, And 8th house also of 8th lord coming to 12th house there is Rahu exalted that shows over-ambition, dark sexual fantasies, addiction, alcohol, lust, greed, etc. as 12th lord is in 12th from 12th it have made loss to 12th house significations. In women chart 4th house is seen for virginity and we have seen its condition already before. In D30 ascendant lord is in 10th house although exalted but he is with fiery, angry, dominating mars. And aspected by Rahu who shows her suffering. 6th lord of rashi chart is mars who being with Saturn are being afflicted and also afflicting him, here we see difference between affliction and strength. Amount of affliction on planet will decide its results weather it will be acting benefic or malefic and his strength shows how much power he have to do the task he signifies in the chart. Further mars are also afflicted by aspect of Rahu. This being in 4-10 axis also destroys her 4th house of virginity. See her Venus in D30 who is under influence of Rahu in 2nd house. In 3rd house of her D30 is Sun who is MK and Mercury who is PK. That shows lack of mother’s and children’s love in her life. Sun also shows powerful people, politician and there is rumor about that she had relationship with Kennedy brothers and later on they suddenly left her and also exploited her. Mercury shows friends who being debilitated there in 3rd house of friendship and sexual relationship shows her physical and love relationship with friends led her life to more disasters. In D30 weak and strong both planets are not welcome as they both show suffering. Here in her D30 Sun and Rahu are exalted and Moon and Mercury is Debilitated showing her sufferings due to over indulgence in sex, not following discipline and code of conduct, and also shows her weakness as inability to keep her mind in control and lack of judgment abilities. As Mercury shows Vishnu his debilitation in D30 was something that was indicating her to be spiritual that she never was and thus she suffered a lot. In 3rd house of D30 one debilitated planet also shows bad death that we will be analyzing in end of the article.

She had been raped when she was 11. Reason for the same we have analyzed in the last section coming to timing this happened in the year 1937 when she was 11 years old. Her mercury is also combust and is in Mrityu Bhag that also shows her inabilities to use her mind properly, unable to think and take decision. Lack of blessings of Vishnu and cloud of Maya over intellect. Moon in 1st or 7th house from Lagna Arudh Lagna shows fame that she had. As her moon is in Kendra we will start vimshottari from moon.

It was Rahu-Moon. Rahu is vargottama in D30 he is also exalted in 12th house of sex in D1 afflicting 4th house and 4th lord of virginity and Saturn is in 4th house of virginity in D1 and also afflicting 4th lord Venus. In D30 he is also aspecting 4th house and is with 4th lord. Rahu in D30 is exalted in 6th house of Shadripu that shows six weaknesses of humans. Affliction of 4th house shows her lost of chastity and that too due to 2 exalted and vargottama planets in D30 it gave her grief.

In char Dasha she was under Pisces MD. Dasha sign is aspected By Rahu and Ketu we have seen their role in chart also it is aspected by Maandi that shows poison being given (she was a young girl at that time) also it is aspected by A8 and A10 the sign contains A11. Sign lord is afflicted by one malefic in 12th from the sign and Bhaya sign that falls in 5th house is aspected by GK significator of 6th 8th and 12th house By UL, A7, A6, all these showing relationships and suffering related to relationships. (Count the position of dasha sign from ascendant that houses away from dasha sign will be Bhaya sign and Dasha sign itself is Dwar sign). Also being aspected by Venus and Moon due to their natural nature this event happed in her life.

She left school and married “Jim Dougherty” on 19 June 1942. For education see D24. In D24 4th house is education up to schooling, 9th house up to bachelor’s degree, 2nd house up to master’s degree, and 7th house specialization like doctorate. Now see where the axis is cut by Rahu and Ketu and then if the lord of that house is also weak then education will not go beyond that. Here Rahu and Ketu is in 5th house in between 5th to 9th house and lord of 5th house is in bad 8th house with mars that is also lord of 6th house and ascendant this connection have 8th lord mercury and is aspected by Venus from 2nd house and there is Rahu is in 5th house of love affairs. Shows education stopped due to Venusian activities of live with Mercury that is friend.

Vimshottari dasha – Ra-Ke-Ve-Su-Ve. Rahu is aspecting 7th lord in D1 and 7th house in D9. Rahu is also in UL (as per calculation methods provided by Irangati Rangacharya Ji from new we will call it RUL and normal UL will be called as UL) Ketu in D1 is aspected by 7th lord and in D9 it is in trine to 7th house with Marriage significator Jupiter. We know Venus shows marriage in both male and female chart and in his PAV 7th from Venus is given points by ascendant that shows AD of nodes can give marriage. Venus is in mutual aspect with 7th lord in D1 and in D9 he is in own house being strong in D9 he shows in his dasha he can give effect of D9. In D1 Venus is on UL and A7. Sun in D1 is in trine to 7th house and in D9 he is in RUL.

Char Dasha – Aq-Sc-Ge-Ar-Sc. In D1 DK is in Aquarius, Scorpio is aspected by UL and A7. Also it is 5th house 11th from 7th. Gemini has RUL in itself. Aries have UL in it and is aspected by DK. As Scorpio is also 11th house of D9 that shows fulfillment of desire and it have DK in D9 it have finished marriage.

Divorced “Jim Dougherty” on August 1946 –
in D1 7th house have moon (Adulterous yoga also it shows fame) 7th lord is in 4th house afflicted by Rahu. 7th from Venus is also afflicted due to placement of Saturn and 7th lord from Venus that is Venus is afflicted due to aspect of Saturn and Rahu. As 7th from Venus is aspected by Jupiter her desire for marriage remained, 7th from Moon is aspected by Saturn and 7th lord from moon is hemmed in between malefic. 7th lord in D9 is in 8th house under aspect of Saturn and 7th house is aspected by Rahu. As 7th house in D9 is aspected by Jupiter and Venus it also made yoga for marriage more than once (all adulterous yoga can also signify multiple marriages). DK in D1 is in 8th house with mars and is aspected by Saturn and GK. In D9 he is with Ketu showing de-attachment also by graha aspect he is under aspect of Rahu. UL have GK in it aspected by mars and 2nd from UL is aspected by Saturn also UL is with A6 showing problem 2nd lord from UL in D9 is with Rahu that also shows break in marriage. RUL have Rahu in it aspected by Ketu and 2nd from it has aspect of Mars 2nd lord from it in D9 is in 8th house aspected by Mars showing break in marriage.

Vimshottari dasha – Ra-Su. W doesn’t know dates so are not going much further. Rahu is afflicting 7th lord, 7th from Venus and Venus also Jupiter who is significator for husband in female chart and DK in D9 too he spoils 7th house Jupiter and Venus. Sun is 2nd from UL and 12th from RUL. Showing loss to RUL and is in marak place from UL. He is 8th lord from 7th house and is in 8th from 7th lord in D1 and in D9 he is in 12th from 7th house lord of 8th house in D9. That shows the event very clearly.

Char Dasha – Cp-Vi. Capricorn is in 7th house he is 8th house from RUL in D9 it is also aspected by DK and GK. Virgo is 3rd house aspected by A8 and RUL, it is 6th from UL have maandi in it; it is also 8th from DK.

Great Publicity in May 1949 – she made a Nude calendar this year and have had great publicity. Publicity is seen because her moon that is also her ascendant lord is in 7th from ascendant, and her AL is having Venus that shows Maya connection with glamour, nudity, show business, skin business, and beauty. AL and ascendant lord and Ascendant have quadrant relationship between them showing she was happy with her image. But as they say that Moon in Capricorn gives some blemishes on character it was fame due to nudity, blemish!! Her AK is aspected By AmK and DK and is with GK that shows she was famous due to her profession (AmK) partners (DK) and fights with them (GK) that AL is also with A7 and A6 showing her name was popular in society due to her A7 relationships, A6 struggles and what she faced and UL marriages.

Vimshottari Dasha – It was Rahu-Mars both are 3rd and 11th from AL where malefic are good. Rahu is in 12th house showing there have to be something related to sex symbolism and Mars is in 8th also showing the same thing also he also indicates things which have to be underground, hidden, and he is with Jupiter that being with mars and aspected by Rahu is weak that shows morals and boundaries were broken. But who made boundaries for her exalted Rahu or weak Jupiter.

Char dasha – Capricorn – Gemini. Capricorn is 7th house that shows things related to public life, aspected by PK significator of 5th house that shows photo-shooting, movie, media. It also have Moon, Blemish on character as well as it is 7th from Ascendant and 10th from AL fame was there. Gemini is 12th sign which have exalted Rahu and A8, remember earlier remarks about 8th house that all applies to A8 too, 12th house is house of sex and Gemini shows media, communication, television, and Rahu shows porn, obsession, nudity, outcaste things. Things that are considered taboo in society.

Medical Procedure, Appendix removed, 28 April 1952. Not going into diagnosis why it happened we will see the planetary permutations and combinations. Effect of Rahu over 6th house and 6th lord or 6th lord in D1, D3, D9 and also effect of Mars on 6th house or 6th lord in D1, D3, D9 operation.

Vimshottari Dasha – Ju-Sa-Sa-Ra-Ve. We will use D3 and D9 in compliment to D1 for predicting disease. Because D1 shows physical features, strength, courage, and as we know weakness is due to lack of heath, vitality and vigor it is important to be analyzed. Jupiter in D1 is 6th lord in 8th house afflicted by Rahu and mars. In D3 he is aspecting 6th house and again he is with mars in 12th house that shows hospitals. In D9 he is aspected by 6th lord and is in 11th house that is 6th from 6th. Saturn is aspecting 6th house in D1 and is aspected by 6th lord as well as Rahu from 12th house. In D3 once again Saturn aspects 6th house is again aspected by Rahu. In D9 he is in 6th house. Rahu is in 12th house of hospitals in D1 aspecting influencing 6th house as well as 6th lord, 6th lord also aspects Rahu in D3 Rahu is again in 12th house 6th from 6th lord. In D9 Rahu is in 5th house with 6th lord. In D1 Venus is on A6 Aspected by Rahu and Saturn. Significator of disease, in D3 Venus is in 8th from 6th lord and in trine to 6th house afflicted by Mars and Rahu in D9 Venus is with 6th lord and also afflicted by Rahu. Role of Rahu shows operation here.

Char Dasha – Cp-Aq-Ar-Li-Ge. Capricorn in D1 is 7th sign aspected by Gulika; in D3 it is 11th house that is 6th from 6th. In D9 it is in 1st house aspected by GK significator of diseases and conflict and 6th lord. Aquarius is 8th house in D1 where 6th lord is places and is also aspected by GK. In D3 it is 12th house of hospital aspected by GK. In D9 it is 2nd house aspected by A6. Aries in D1 have A6, GK and is aspected by 6th lord. In D3 it once again has GK in it, in D9 it is 4th house where A8 and A6 is placed in. Libra in D1 has Saturn aspected by 6th lord. In D3 it has malefic mars with A6. In D9 it is 10th house aspected by GK as well as 6th lord. Gemini in D1 have Rahu in it and is in trine to 6th lord opposite to 6th house is aspected by Maandi, in D3 4th house where Saturn is placed in aspected by 6th lord. In D9 it is 6th house itself.

Second marriage with “Joe DiMaggio” on 14 January 1954 – 2nd marriage is seen from 8th from UL and 7th house because it is end of first marriage also if it due to wishes then 11th house have to be involved, if due to duties related to married life like children then 9th house also have to be included. 8th from RUL is more power as compared to RUL because of aspect of mercury. Whereas if we see 8th from UL then we will find using jaimini strength UL is more powerful as compared to 8th from UL but in Ashtakvarga 8th from UL seems to be having more points. There are also so much adulterous Yogas in the chart that also shows second marriage is there. We will analyze them with dasha.

Vimshottari Dasha – Ju-Sa-Ra-Me-Sa Jupiter is in 2nd from 7th house a marak house, aspected by Rahu who is in 12th house of extra marital affair and he himself is in 8th house of hidden sex relationships. In D9 Jupiter is in 11th house that from Rashi and Planetary by both aspect aspects 7th house from D9 that along with involvement of Venus makes it an adulterous Yoga. Saturn is afflicted 7th lord that is in mutual aspect with 11th lord Venus and also Saturn is 11th lord from Venus that shows this marriage was due to wishes, own desires. In D9 Saturn is ascendant lord showing the event of marriage and being 2nd lord 8th from 7th house shows second marriage. Rahu is 2nd lord from 7th house in D1 that is in 12th house of sex and affairs and it also 2nd lord 8th from 7th lord from moon ascendant and from Venus ascendant is 11th lord. In Navamsha he is 2nd lord in 11th house showing love and now loves marriage. Mercury is in 11th house in D1 with 2nd lord 8th from 7th aspected by 5th lord in opposite of 5th house showing second marriage due to love. In D9 it is in 5th house with 5th lord and Rahu illusion of love that was soon to be over. Saturn we have already seen.

Char dasha – Sg-Ar-Pi-Aq-Vi. In D1 it is 7th from RUL and 9th from UL. Being 7th from RUL it better shows second marriage whereas from UL it shows protection to marriage that he hasn’t done. Aries is sign having UL and 11th from RUL aspected by DK. Pisces is 10th from RUL and 12th from UL and is having A11 is also aspected by Rahu. Aquarius is 8th house having DK is in 9th from RUL and 11th from UL. Virgo is 4th from RUL and 6th from UL. Aspected by Rahu. Here till now we can see clearly how clearly Rahu have influenced her life in terms of bad as well as good events. How Rahu have given her multiple marriages that’s why I have wrote RUL is working good in this case but before making anything as a final word we have to test it aggressively to come to an conclusion.

Divorce with “Joe DiMaggio” on 5 October 1954 – first marriage lasted 4 years this was the reason why I have said Fake Illusion of love because this second one was only for 10 months.

Vimshottari dasha – Ju-Me-Me-Ra-Su, Jupiter is involved in adulterous Yogas in D9 in D1 he is aspecting UL. As it was 2nd marriage its break will be from 8th from 2nd that was 8th from 7th, and 8th from 2nd is 9th and Jupiter is in 12th house to 9th house giving loss to significations of 9th house. He is also 9th lord afflicted in 8th house with 10th lord that is marak for 9th house and 5th lord that shows love, romance. Mercury in D9 is with Rahu and Venus that also made him involved in adulterous yoga. In D9 he is in 2nd marak from UL and 12th loss from RUL. Rahu is exalted in RUL in 12th house in D1 showing loss and is also involved in adulterous yoga in D9. Sun in D1 is in the same condition as mercury, moreover in D9 he is in 12th from 7th showing loss to significations of 7th house of D9 and is in 10th from 9th house in D9 that shows karma of end of 2nd marriage was done by him, as by taking 9th house of D9 as Lagna he will have complete Sthan bala.

Char Dasha – Sg-Le-Ta-Ge-Vi, Sagittarius is 12th house from 7th house in D1, 7th from RUL and 9th from UL. Aspected by A8 and A11 showing loss of marriage as well as re-marriage bur to desires. He is also 10th from 9th house that shows he has became the working plane for 9th house. He also has very malefic Ketu placed inside it. Leo is 2nd house which shows end of first marriage and start of second one aspected by GK showing troubles, problems and break, along with that he is also aspected by malefic Saturn. BK moon significator of 3rd house that is 2nd from 2nd. And By AL showing effect of this event on her image. Along with UL, A7 and A6 showing marriage, relationships and problems. Taurus is 2nd sign from UL and 12th from RUL showing marak and loss effects. Aspected by malefic Saturn and Moon that is BK. In the sign the depositor of Gulika and Maandi is also situated afflicting 2nd lord Sun showing break of her 2nd marriage. Gemini is 3rd from UL and the sign where RUL falls with an exalted malefic Rahu who is there with A8 loss and aspected by another Malefic Ketu and Maandi. Virgo is the 3rd house aspected by the same exalted malefic Rahu and Ketu, also aspected by A8 and is 7th marak from 9th loss of 2nd marriage and is 2nd house from 3rd house showing second marriage is also the sign where Maandi is placed in.

Third marriage with “Arthur Miller” on 29 June 1956 – 3rd marriage will be seen from 9th house of UL and 7th house in D1 and in D9. Because it is 8th from 2nd house that is 8th from 7th house or UL that shows after end of first marriage 2nd was done and after end of the second one now the native is pursuing to third marriage. 9th house is vacant whereas 8th from 9th have Saturn thus it is more powerful showing that it will also break.

Vimshottari Dasha – Ju-Me-Sa-Sa-Ju, Jupiter is 9th house lord as well as DK and in D9 it is in 11th house of fulfillment of desires. Mercury is lord of RUL that shows marriage and in D9 it is in mutual aspect with Jupiter. Saturn is in 8th from 9th house we will see its role in breaking marriage too her he is in 5th from RUL and 7th from UL showing marriage in D9 he is aspecting 7th lord and is in another sign of 9th lord in 10th house from 9th house showing he will work for that cause. Jupiter we have seen before.

Char Dasha – Sg-Ta-Pi-Ta-Cn, Sagittarius is 10th house from 9th house shows he is working for 9th house aspected by RUL and exalted Rahu from 12th house of affairs, it have Ketu a dire malefic that also shows marriage. It is also 9th from UL and 7th from RUL showing marriage. Taurus is 11th sign showing desires and their fulfillment and it have PK and MK. It is 4th from 9th house counted from RUL. Aspected by HL showing gain of money, SL once again gain of money GK is there showing rise in power and influence in society. Pisces is the 9th sign itself, aspected by RUL and exalted Rahu and Ketu that shows marriage. Taurus we have already seen coming to cancer it is ascendant sign 2nd from RUL and 4th from UL aspected by DK and GL showing gain of power.

Divorce to “Arthur Miller” on 20 January 1961 – This marriage lasted 4 years 7 months. Before proceeding further let we make “Graha Chakra” for her and let’s try to find out house signification of planets as per this and by that we will be able to get a clear view as to why any planet in Char or Vimshottari dasha have caused the event. Graha chakra is very vital and always has to be kept in mind. As per graha chakra significator of 1st house will moon, 2nd-Jupiter, 3rd Mars, 4th Venus, 5th Mercury, 6th Sun, 7th Rahu, 8th Saturn, 9th Ketu, 10th Moon, 11th Jupiter, 12th Sun. Now just see in retrospect placement of Rahu that is significator of 7th house in RUL that shows her multiple relationships and Marriages. Now see role of 6th 8th and 12th house significator in making breaking marriage and deciding its future, see in retrospect and you will find importance of Graha chakra as well as its usage and how fantastically it works.

Vimshottari Dasha – Ju-Su-Ke-Sa-Me, Jupiter is DK in 12th from 9th house of 2nd marriage, is afflicted by mars and Rahu in D1 and Rahu in D9. In Graha Chakra (GC) he is significator of 11th house that shows fulfillment of desire that can in her case be of 2nd marriage as well as he is lord of 2nd house that is 8th from 7th house, a natural question arises is always 2nd will also be significator of 11th in GC then how we will decide answer is simple that when you have decided to fulfill only your desires, keeping your other half’s wishes aside, relationship is bound to suffer here Jupiter also being GK and afflicted in 8th house and in Polygamy yoga’s in D9 was more and more lethal. Sun is lord of 6th from 9th house that shows problems in matters related to 9th house and in GC that is significator of 6th house 12th loss from 7th house in 11th house fulfillment of desires with mercury that is 12th loss and 3rd 7th marak from 9th house lord in 3rd house from 9th house that shows efforts or lack of it. Ketu in GC signifies 9th house that I for third marriage is in 10th from that that shows karma related to 9th house that I third marriage as well as his break both have to be done by him also he is in 7th from RUL and 9th from UL. In 6th house 12th from 7th and 12th from Lagna lord also is afflicted by Saturn who is also subhpati (depositor of moon) and pakesh (depositor of Ascendant lord). Saturn is significator of 8th house in GC that I 2nd marak from 7th and 12th loss from 9th house and is afflicted by Rahu and is in 7th from Venus ascendant and also in 5th from RUL and 7th from UL that shows 7th marak from UL and 5th future of RUL. Mercury is in 11th house and its role we have seen in part where we were discussing Sun now in GC he is lord of 5th house that is affairs, love relationships, future of native, also he is PK and in GC signifies 5th house his affliction by Mars in D1, Rahu in D9 and again mars in D7. In all 3 charts he is in either way connected with 5th house and in GC is 5th house significator was it the reason of her not getting progeny in her life…?? Was this also a reason for not getting bliss of being someone else progeny or it was affliction of Sun that is MK/Pik in D1, D9, D12 that have deprived her of this.

Char Dasha – Sg-Cn-Pi-Li-Ta, Sagittarius is 10th house from 9th house working for him is 7th from RUL and 9th from UL. Ha also have significator of 9th house in GC is aspected by A8, Maandi, exalted Rahu that is in 12th house of loss. Cancer is ascendant sign aspected by DK, who is also significator of 2nd and 11th house in GC; its lord is also very afflicted. Pisces is 9th house itself aspected by exalted Rahu and Ketu from 12th houses from ascendant and 7th house respectively also It is aspected by Maandi and its lord in 12th from it is also very afflicted. Libra is 5th from RUL and 7th from UL with AK life lesson in it that is also 8th house significator in GC showing her soul lesson as suffering, and other things represented by 8th house is also aspected by AmK that links this to her profession, is also aspected by afflicted DK, and Gulika. Taurus is 11th sign 2nd from UL and 12th from RUL. Having 5th and 6th house significator of GC in it showing romance, hopes, future, desires, film line, fame and break, disappointment, struggle, loss, in that. Aspected by BK and ascendant lord moon and AK and 7th lord Saturn that shows life’s lesson through matters related to 7th house that is sex, obsession, marital life, physical relationship. And 8th lord that is grief, sex, disappointment, loss, underworld, nudity, hidden and taboo things. In GC too Saturn signifies 8th house.

Bought first home in February 1962 – 4th lord is in 10th house and that is Venus aspected by Saturn that is malefic but also his friend, 4th from moon is also Venus and in D4 in 4th house is also Venus aspected by Saturn moon and in D1 aspected by Saturn Rahu that is in 3rd from AL showing death conditions and circumstances. 4th house is also aspected by Jupiter and Rahu that shows her house being lascivious, big, also an old house that she bought haven’t made. And the house in which she was found dead, naked, in her bed, with telephone in her hand. 4th lord of D4 is in 11th house showing her wish of buying a home was fulfilled but with 8th lord it also shows death in the same home. Aspected by Rahu that is 2nd lord in D4 and is in 3rd house from AL in D1. In the same 11th house in D4 is also A8!!

Vimshottari Dasha – Ju-Mo-Me, in D1 Jupiter is aspecting 4th house is in 11th house from 4th lord and is in 8th house with land/home significator mars. In D4 he is once again aspected by home significator mars who is also 4th lord and is aspecting 10th house of D4 showing he have made the work of D4 in his dasha. Moon is in 4th from 4th house and 10th from 4th lord in D1 and in D4 he is aspecting 4th house being in 10th house of D4 he again showed in his dasha he worked for D4. Mercury is in 11th house of fulfillment of desire with 2nd lord of family sun. Aspected by Mars significator if land/home. In D9 he is 10th from 4th lord and significator mars aspected by Jupiter from 2nd house showing involvement of money in it. In GC mercury is significator of 5th house, 1st house shows place where we were born in so 5th house shows where our next generation will born that is our own house. Also it is house of future and Punya.

Char Dasha – Sg-Sc, Sagittarius is 6th house having Ketu in it that signifies 9th house in GC that shows but it is also aspected by exalted Rahu who is in 12th house 3rd from AL showing death conditions, also it is aspected by A8, and MK that is significator of 4th house of home is in 6th of work from the sign, it is 3rd house of work from 4th house and 11th house from significator of land mars and is in trine to 4th lord Venus. Scorpio is 5th house we have already seen role of 5th house in land/home of native, he is further in 7th to MK significator of 4th house and is aspected by Venus lord of 4th house Moon lord of ascendant signifying native himself and A4. Sign contains A2 that shows family or home of native.

Mysterious Death at age 36 on 5 August 1962 – longevity estimation for her will say: – Lagna + Hora Lagna = Long Life, Lagna lord + 8th house lord as per Vriddha Karika Method = Middle life, Saturn + Moon = Long life, Now check Kakshya Vriddhi and Hrasha he have 2 rules applicable for Kakshya Vriddhi that is Natural benefics in 1st or 7th house or in trine to it that is Mercury in 11th house trine to 7th house but with sun spoiled, 2nd rule is exalted is AK that is Saturn is 4th house that haven’t worked as Saturn being in Hora Lagna make one rule of Kakshya Hrasha to work too and that is Saturn in Hora Lagan or his connection with lord of Hora Lagna. So normally she have to have long life that she didn’t have because ascendant is weak due to aspect of Saturn, ascendant lord is weak due to hemmed in between malefic, 8th house is weak due to placement of mars in 8th house that is further aspected by Rahu and 8th lord is also weak due to being aspected by Rahu. 10th house is weak due to aspect of Saturn and dig bala less Venus being posited therein and 10th lord is weak due to being in 8th house and aspected by Rahu who is sure to give death as he is in 3rd from AL.

Conditions around death have to be seen from 8th house, 3rd from AK and 8th house in D3. 3rd from AK is exalted Rahu in 12th house aspected by Ketu and Maandi (who shows poison) Rahu there exalted shows media intervention after death, Rahu is also significator of marak house 7th in GC. With A8 that shows death as well as mystery Rahu himself shows drugs, addiction, alcohol, secrecy, death in bondage, and further aspected by maandi which shows giving poison it makes drug overdose more clear to see. 12th house is also house of addiction, bondage, drugs. 8th from ascendant have Jupiter that is an expending planet and shows bad deeds there he is also 6th lord there shows bad death, death due to being hurt by something. He is there with Mars and in D3 Mars once again is in 8th house showing violence, blood, in D1 as well as in D3 Rahu is aspecting 8th house as well as 8th lord in D3 by 3rd aspect and in D1 by 5th aspect and in both charts aspects 8th house by 9th aspect. That shows death due to drugs that clarifies why she died of drug overdose, next day she was found naked in her bed, with telephone in her hand. Lord of 3rd house and significator of communication is in 2nd house from AL marak house and planet who becomes significator of 3rd house in GC is in 8th house in 11th bondage from AL. see the role of 8th house and lord and significator of 8th house in GC that is Saturn in D1 and D3 and you will find why this was the death conditions, Rahu signifies nudity and 12th house signifies bed pleasures, most probably bed too.

Vimshottari Dasha – Ju-Ma-Ra-Ra-Ra. See the dasha of Rahu being repeated in PD, SD, and PAD and just look back position of her Rahu in D1 and D3. And him being in 12th house from ascendant 3rd from AL. and his connection with bed 12th house taboo, and nudity that Rahu signifies. Jupiter is 9th and 6th lord in 8th house, and parashara says when 6th house or its lord is afflicted then he too can give death see here 6th house in under aspect of Saturn and Ketu is in 6th house lord of 6th house is in 8th house with Mars and aspected by Rahu. In D3 Jupiter is again with Rahu in 12th house that is 3rd marak house. Lord of ascendant in D3 that is afflicted with Rahu in 12th and in D3 he is depositor of Gulika. Mars is lord of 10th and 5th house 10th house is very vital for longevity of a person he is in 2nd marak house from Moon; Jupiter is also in the same condition. His both signs are aspected by marak house lords from ascendant. Scorpio by 2nd lord sun and Aries by 7th lord Saturn who is also marak from Moon ascendant being 2nd lord and sun in lord of 8th house from moon. Mars is Further afflicted in 8th house by aspect of Rahu in D1 as well as in D3. Mars is also marak in D3 being lord of 2nd house. Role of Rahu we have already seen Further he is co-lord of 8th house from ascendant and 2nd house from moon and is in 12th house from ascendant 3rd marak and 6th house from moon remember afflicted 6th house gives death. In D3 Rahu being lord of 12th house 3rd marak is lethal and dangerous because he is in 12th from ascendant in both D1 and D3 showing loss of body.

Char Dasha – Sc-Sc-Cn-Ar-Ta, Scorpio is 8th house from AL, aspected by BK significator of 3rd house from Ascendant that is 8th from 8th signifies longevity, and GK significator of 6th house remember what parashara have said about 6th lord. Venus is also Maheshwar that signifies death in jaimini astrology and is used in longevity dasha. It is also aspected by A7, A6 and UL, 12th house is 3rd marak, 6th house we know and as A7 is found from 7th house we should not forget 7th house is marak too. Cancer is 1st house aspected by Brahma Jupiter that shows birth as well as death and is used in longevity dasha like Sthir Dasha. it is also aspected by 2nd lord sun, and DK Jupiter that shows death because he is 7th significator in scheme of char karak that is a marak house, this sign is also aspected by Scorpio 8th from AL. Aries is where AL is placed in aspected by DK and Brahma Jupiter, and having Maheshwar Venus in it, it is also aspected by Gulika showing bad death. Taurus is 2nd marak from AL and 11th bondage from ascendant that have 2nd lord marak sun in it. Aspected by Rudra another planet used for longevity determination in Jaimini astrology, and 7th lord marak Saturn. Sun is also Prani Rudra. This sign is also aspected by HL, ascendant, moon, Saturn and 8th lord all the factors that are used for determining longevity in Jaimini astrology.

Transit – Her ascendant lord was under 3rd aspect of Rahu and Rahu the most deadly planet that gave him everything from Bhoga to death was in her ascendant. Saturn and Jupiter both were retrograde and applying rule of Bhrigu that says retrograde planet also aspects from the last sign we will see double transit on 7th marak house and ascendant that shows the native, 4th house that signifies her home, 8th house longevity and 8th from 8th that is 3rd and her ascendant lord Moon coming under double transit effect of Saturn and Jupiter and is further afflicted by 3rd aspect of Rahu. Combined influence of mars and Saturn over 6th house. By this analysis things are clearer in front of us.

Unlike other predictive sciences Vedic astrology is a vast ocean in itself. To get pearls we have dive more and more deep. This science was transmitted into oral tradition by our sages then at later times it was written in form of books by Acharyas, there have been and there are so many scholars of Vedic astrology and one such living legend is Mr. Irangati Rangacharya Ji. Whose method of char dasha calculation I have used here, I am highly indebted to him for sharing his knowledge with people like us in form of his books from where I have learnt astrology, and have come to a level where I can say that I have seen the depth of Jaimini school but due to my fear or inability I am not able to go deep inside it. Mr. Rangacharya Ji advises us to use Jaimini Navamsha and Pravritti-Traya and Somnath Drekkana in jaimini astrology that I haven’t used in this article but in my next article on char dasha where I will explain the same method in a male horoscope I will show to usage of Jaimini navamsha and Somnath drekkana, and Raajyoga in jaimini astrology.

I am highly indebted to Mr. Irangati Rangacharya Ji and Sage Jaimini for sharing this wonderful system with us.

“She was a girl who knew how to be happy even when she was sad. And that’s important – you know?” – Marilyn Monroe

Om Tat Sat
Shubham Alock

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Paul Kenneth Bernardo; A Canadian serial killer astrological and biographical case study

paul Paul Kenneth Bernardo; A Canadian serial killer astrological and biographical case study

As per our Indian philosophy, belief and tradition we believe that there were 4 Yuga’s namely satyayuga, dwaparyuga, tretayuga and then now kaliyuga, it is said that now in kaliyuga bad deeds are in vogue and bad people are everywhere. Humanity is at its lowest place and there are people roaming around the streets who by outer look are like humans but internally they are animals. Astrology is a great toll that helps us understand inner nature, personality and soul of a person maybe for that reason sage have developed it and based on this and insights provided by this we can make our lives better by understanding our karmas and past mistakes that we have made and due to them we are now suffering. But this all is for those who are awaken by inside, those who are slept inside those who doesn’t have any spark of divinity inside them for them astrology is unbelievable, it is because the knowledge of our ancient seers pervades our limited understanding and those who are slept at soul level can never understand this, for this reason sages have used spirituality along with astrology and only for this reason it is very important for an astrologer to have some spiritual ground. Because only by walking on this way, we can understand the language of our sages and can be human in its truest sense.

Today I am going to analyze chart of man who as per me doesn’t have any spark of divinity and is even more worse than animal and let we find out which astrological combinations made him like this.

His name is “Paul Kenneth Bernardo” right now he is under imprisonment. Because, he did sexual assault on 19 women. Along with that raped and tortured 3 women and assaulted them, filmed them, practised cruelty over them and killed them. His wife helped him doing all this. He was well educated then why he did this, this is what we try to find out with his horoscope.

His details are – 27th August 1964, 08:31:00, Scarborough, Canada (I have just changes little bit in latitude and longitude and have used 79W25/43N40)

His chart casted using these details is correct on the criteria of birth time rectification too.

untitled Paul Kenneth Bernardo; A Canadian serial killer astrological and biographical case study

Story Starts – a child with this much achievement can only be of parents of the same stature, it is the place where I do think that our Indian society and cultures are far better than of western world.

His father abused his own daughter sexually – his mars is highly afflicted because he is in Mrityu Bhag as well as defeated in planetary war with Venus. Mars being a planet of power, anger, vitality, virility when is weak or afflicted shows wrong use of power and authority (he becomes depositor of sun when sun becomes exalted) also weakness of Venus or Mars or their extra powerful influence on chart makes a person sexually pervert, weak, the one who can’t control his desires and fantasy (Mars is responsible for exaltation of Sun and debilitation of moon and Venus is cause of debilitation of sun and exaltation of moon they both are also each other’s enemy as their signs as always 1-7 to each other).

Any imbalance between them clearly shows lack on synchronization between sun and moon that is soul and mind, intellect and emotions, emotions and actions.

We can here notice Mars is weak due to being defeated in planetary war and being in MB (Mrityu Bhag) and Venus is extremely powerful being in Pushkar Amsha and winner in planetary war. Venus in D1 is in friend’s house who is fast friend too. (5 fold relationship of planets) and in navamsha he is in own house whereas mars in D1 is neechabhilashi (going towards its debilitation and in D1 as well as in D9 is in enemy’s sign. Further Rahu with this combination spoils this for worse.

Also here Rahu is co-lord of 6th house that shows Shadripu (6 weakness of human being and sexuality, excess of anything, anger is few of them) Venus is AK and Mars is AmK thus he have spoiled almost everything in chart. Now just change our focus to 9th house and we can see it’s all happening in 2nd from 9th house that is 8th from 7th house from 9th house (boundary of marriage for father) here from 9th house it is a conjunction of 6th 7th 12th 1st house lords. Venus and mars is in very close conjunction. 7th and 12th house of sex and 6th house of weakness and 8th house lord from 9th house that also represents sex is in 9th house from ascendant. Now see PK in the chart.

Now just come to MK that is used for predicting things related to 4th house in Jaimini astrology and BK who is representative of 3rd house Shri K.N.Rao says use MK and moon for mother and BK and sun for father and I do use MK for both of them as jaimini haven’t given separate karaka for father.

So karaka for parents is the one MK that can be used for both mother and father here no matter which method you use. Either it be of 7 char karakas of K.N.Rao, 8 char karakas of Sanjay Rath or mixed 78 char Karakas as suggested by jaimini and parashara we can see a simple thing that GK this is representative of 6th house of disease, illness, weakness, have jaimini aspect on them. So we can say 2 things from here first both his parents have had some weakness (its normal in human beings but not when it is all in bad houses) and he never liked any one of them and developed hatred for them later in his life.

Till now we have seen for father what about mother. When Paul was 16 years old he argument with his parents where his mother told him that he was illegitimate child (who was born due to her physical contact with one lover of her) after this incident he stated calling his mother with abusive words (what a bad experience on the mind of an 16 year old – this once again shows why Indian beliefs and rules have to be followed all over the world for the sake of humanity to live humanly) how to find he was in illegitimate child is out of context of this case study. When we focus on 4th house of his chart we can see the conjunction between Rahu, Mars, and Venus is being made in 7th from 4th house doesn’t it indicates the event.

Rahu from 4th house is 3rd Co-Lord of courage; Mars is 12th lord of sex and 5th lord of emotions and love affair/relationship.

Venus is 6th lord of weakness and 11th lord of social circle, multiple partners. 4th lord is in 6th house from 4th house once again showing weakness of his mother. This all is happening in 10th house that is house of work in any chart and it shows how all these events influenced his works and his doings in society. Parashara mentions that is there are malefic in 10th house it shows works of native will be bad here 10th house having 2 malefic under which Rahu is exalted and mars is a weak and afflicted malefic. And Venus an afflicted benefic shows about his karma also to notice here is Venus is 2nd lord and Rahu by his 5th aspect aspects 5th house.

If in any horoscope 10th house and 2nd house and their lords are afflicted then that person can never reach on spiritual heights. He will make bad deeds and whole of his life will be busy in making bad deeds and can never come out of those consequences of bad deeds and his life will be just doing bad deeds and suffering their reactions.

This is completely applicable in this case. So far we have seen 10th house and 2nd house and 2nd lord being afflicted now come to 10th lord. 10th lord is in 12th house that is a bad yoga with sun that is there in Maran Karak Sthan (MKS). In navamsha 10th lord is in 6th house showing bad karmas. He is further also afflicted by aspect of retrograde (powerful) malefic Saturn.

Retrograde malefic aspected by another retrograde malefic is like living hell and here in this condition mercury and Saturn both are retrograde mercury being with sun in malefic and aspected by another retrograde malefic made it so bad and afflicted that his karmas 10th house was bad and his sexual tendencies 12th house were also bad. 2 malefic in 12th house aspected by another powerful malefic Saturn from 6th house who is 5th lord of Punya and 6th lord of weakness. Thus it is affliction of 10th lord of karmas ascendant lord of self native, 12th lord of sex and 5th lord of Punya.

With 6th lord of weakness and Ripu. Thus it made him sexual sadist (Saturn is sadist in itself he by being aspected by retrograde malefic mercury bitter enemy Sun and co-lord of 6th and highly malefic Rahu whose 9th aspect that shows bad deeds of past life made the condition more worse) thus as a result Paul was a sexual sadist and pervert. His 7th lord Jupiter seems in good condition in D1 but in D9 he is debilitated in 9th house of Purva Punya. Aspected by retrograde mars (again living hell in 9th house of D9 that shows Dharma of a person). He in D9 is also aspected by malefic Sun.

the same Jupiter is also 7th lord from Venus and 7th lord from moon and 7th karak is Venus whose affliction we have already seen. Worst over all these is the fact that his DK is also Jupiter from all 3 schemes of Char Karaka. This shows that his spouse “Karla Homolka” also helped him doing all this. His wife used to find girls with him, tortured all women with him, filmed all of them while Paul raping them and was also responsible equally in the crime committed. He was a sexual pervert surrounded with another sexual pervert people that were his father, mother and wife.

In university he developed dark sexual fantasies, he enjoyed humiliating women, and public beating all the women he dated. Here we have to see Jupiter who is in 9th house of university and Venus who is karaka for love affair and girlfriends and Mercury who represents education as well as friends of opposite sex.

We have already seen their affliction in earlier parts of this write-up now coming to D24 chart in 9th house of university education we can see nodes which shows education lasted only up to this level. Nodes in 9th house is with mercury lord of 2nd house showing this education terminated after bachelors degree and 2nd lord being afflicted who shows masters degree indicates he never opted for masters degree. Saturn is retrograde in his chart and if we take rule provided by Bhrigu Rishi and if we see Saturn as in 9th house then it will be Saturn and nodes in 9th house.

That shows heavy affliction to 9th house. Also in D24 his Venus is in 12th house with sun again Sun is in MKS showing his soul has died. In his D10 there are 3 planets in 6th house and one in 7th house showing he only did job. In 6th house of D10 the most powerful planet is Venus in friends sign and 10th house is aspected by Saturn from 10th house that shows he was salesman in Amway.

His Venus is also in 10th house in D1 and is the most powerful planet in his 10th house in D1 too. In D9 also his 10th lord is in sign of Venus once again showing his career as salesman.

She came – in October 1987 he met Karla, they became sexually attracted (this is the definition of love in western world – one more reason to proud on Indian culture) she encouraged his sadistic sexual behavior. It was period of Rahu-Mercury-Sun (I am starting vimshottari dasha from ascendant because there is no planet in Kendra to moon whereas from ascendant there are 4 planets) Rahu is 6th lord in 10th house who is afflicting Venus his sexuality who is also 9th lord of dharma and mars who is 3rd lord of sexual attraction and 8th lord of sexuality and hidden desires, sadist nature.

In navamsha Rahu is in 7th house. Afflicting 7th house  here let me explain difference between 7th and 9th house 9th house is dharma and main cause for which marriage is done in Indian society that is one of the dharma the reason for which marriage was created and it comes under 16 basic rituals of Hinduism. Whereas 7th house is mainly related to sex and physical contact and partner.

That’s why D9 is seen for marriage that is Dharma Patni and D7 for children that arises out of physical relationship. This is why jaimini haven’t chosen A7 to be seen for marriage it is only seen for physical relationship. Jaimini sutras are based on south Indian script that is KaTaPaYaDi method.

Used mainly in south Indian classics. Whereas Parashara used Shloka in poetry form that is more used in north Indian classics. Jaimini says us to see marriage from UL the word he used for this in Shloka is the one who follows ascendant (different scholar translate it in different manner based on udaya chakra and Prakriti chakra, vikriti chakra, we are not going into that debate) but the main this is he said wife will be the one who follows the native in astrology terminology UL is the one who follows ascendant. Same is with parashara he uses trine system more prominently.
And using that before native that is ascendant comes 9th house of wife and after native comes 5th house of children. In the same manner in Bhava chakra that is north Indian chart and in rashi chakra that is south Indian chart. We see a pattern. In Bhava chakra it comes in trine. Where the part in quadrant houses are related to native. For example 9-1-5 shows father native son, 2-10-6 shows family responsibility work 3-7-11 shows formation of desire, coming out of desire and completion of desire. Then 12-4-8 that shows loss of things self realization transformation. Coming back to topic being discussed in nutshell 9th house is legal marriage and 7th house is mere physical contact 7th house for marriage only works when native is virgin before marriage. If not then 9th house will always be Dharma Patni.

They say marriages are made in heaven thus through 9th house as Purva Punya we get our wives.

Then in AD there is mercury that in D1 is in 12th house of sex and lord of 5th house of love and attraction in D9. PD was of sun that in D1 is in 12th house and in D3 is in 3rd house of friendship and sexual fantasies, in D1 he is 12th lord of sexual house and in D9 he is 4th lord of chastity. He in D9 is afflicted by Rahu and can’t be saved by aspect of debilitated Jupiter. In Transit Rahu was in 7th house from his ascendant and with Jupiter because he was retro also take him paced in previous house and Saturn and Jupiter both by dual transit was activating his 12th house of sex.

Also if we take Jupiter in pervious sign there was dual transit also on 3rd house of sexual attraction and fantasy. Also his 7th lord afflicted by Rahu shows things more clearly.

Crimes committed (whose criminal record can be found) –

1. 4 May 1987, Rape, 21 Yr Old women, ½ Hours attack. – Rahu and Mercury we have already seen are not giving him marriage but sexual fulfillment only. Off course in other cases we have to judge natal chart first then have to decide the result because mere watching at that dasha planet is not connected to 9th house in D9 we can’t say it is just a physical love. Whole chart have to be taken as there are so many adulterous Yogas in the chart that I will explain later we can conclude it was just physical attraction we will see involvement of dasha planets in adulterous yoga.

PD, SD, PAD was of Venus who is 9th lord of D1 dharma afflicted in 10th house with Rahu see once again Rahu. In D9 ascendant that Venus with mars and Ketu are afflicted and with moon is making adulterous yoga. Venus is prostitute and Moon is the one who have stolen the wife of Jupiter thus he highly adulterous and this yoga have been confirmed by energy turned bad Mars and evil eye Rahu.

Here I want to tell some adulterous Yoga but apply them with caution. If mercury is in trine to moon in D9 then it is an adulterous yoga whereas mercury in trine to Jupiter in D9 can nullify this.

If 2nd and 7th house of D9 is lorded or aspected by Mars and Venus by rashi aspect then it is an adulterous Yogas Jupiter’s aspect on 2nd or 7th house or mars or Venus will make the yoga worsen. Here see 7th house is lorded by Mars where Rahu is and this house is also aspected by Venus and Mars using planetary aspect that shows desire. Means it doesn’t happen at own the native desired and worked for it.

Jupiter by rashi aspect aspected this 7th house and by rashi and planetary aspect both it aspected mars and Venus mars is the main yoga forming planet here and Venus is the one who is in charge of the yoga. See in D7 Rahu is in 2nd house 8th from 7th with Gulika, Gulika shows flaws, curses, our ancient sages said if gulika be posited in ascendant there is flaw in intelligence of the native if it be with moon then flaw in mentality and if be with sun flaw in soul is there. Gulika with moon affects longevity very badly here in his chart Sun and Moon both is in MKS and Ascendant is with gulika and maandi. Thus it shows his souls level. His Lagna is 13 degree and gulika is 18 degree. See how close the conjunction is.

In D7 that same Venus is in 6th house of weakness in Scorpio with Mars and Jupiter as it is sign of mars where mars is placed in Jupiter was not able to protect and mars being the main planet in formation of Adulterous yoga worsen the situation. That day moon was in cancer 11th sign from his ascendant where A7 is. We already know 11th house is for completion of desire also sometimes it is for sex out of marriage due to own wish as it is house of wishes and A7 shows physical relationships only. Sun was in 8th house of sex 12th loss from UL.

2. 14 May 1987, Rape, 19 year old women, 1 hour assault – only PAD was changed to Rahu. We have seen how Rahu is in 10th house afflicting Venus and Mars he is also 6th lord of mistakes and in D9 he is in 7th house in D7 he is in 2nd house that day moon was transiting his 3rd house from ascendant trine to A7. Sun was in 8th house 12th from UL.

3. 17 July 1987, Attempted Rape, 15 year old girl, Paul have beaten that women – SD of Rahu and PAD of Venus was only change in the dasha scheme. Moon was in his 7th house he attempted to rape that girl and also beaten her but was unsuccessful because moon was with Rahu who is 6th lord from his ascendant thus he was fighting with the girl but as Rahu is enemy of moon he failed. Sun was in 3rd house being a malefic 3rd from UL he was good saved UL.

4. 27 September 1987, Attempted Rape, 15 year old women – Mercury SD Saturn PAD. Although Saturn is involved in adulterous yoga in D9 mercury is not supporting and as mercury is also 2nd lord from UL he will try to save UL thus he haven’t supported and event and he failed. That day moon was once again in 3rd from his ascendant but was with Saturn planet of disappointment. At 14 may Saturn was with moon and on this day too, but why he succeeded first time and not now. Answer lies in Sun now sun was in 7th from UL and 3rd from ascendant good from ascendant Sun was with Ketu and Venus 2 enemies bound to give disappointment.

One classics dictum says that in female horoscope (in modern context it is also applicable to male horoscope) is Venus in D9 is in his own sign or in sign of mars or Saturn aspected by mars or Saturn it will make women characterless. Here he is a guy but Venus is in his own sign with sun and Saturn being retrograde if we take his aspect from 7th house he will complete the yoga.

5. 6 December 1987, Rape, 15 year old girl, 1 hour assault – PD was of moon, SD Rahu, PAD Jupiter. We have seen role of Rahu, Jupiter in birth chart as well as in D9 in formation of adulterous yoga. Moon that is lord of A7 and 11th house of desires is in MKS in 8th house of sex and in D9 he is in 1st house making yoga of adulterous instincts. Moon was in his 10th house transiting over Venus, Mars and Rahu making his desires grow more and more and was in Marak house from UL and 12th house of sex from A7 sun was in 3rd house trine to A7 and 7th to UL with Saturn and mercury here Saturn was the trouble because he is in adulterous Yogas in chart.

6. 23 December 1987, Rape, 17 year old girl, Raped with knife – Jupiter was gone from PAD to SD and Rahu came to PAD giving lethal touch to the event and signifying use of knife while the criminal deeds. It is evident that in these types of events which are happening at a small interval PAD plays an important and decisive role. We have seen role of Rahu and Jupiter in adulterous yoga in the chart. Moon was in 5th house with Venus in 7th to A7 and sun was in 4th house 8th from UL and 6th from A7. With Saturn and mercury. Once again Saturn is here showing the accuracy of the dictum of parashara that he stated with respect to character in female chart. Here readers need to note that Saturn and mars effect on moon when they are in sign of these planets or in how own sign makes a person ascetic and the same with Venus makes a person adulterous here moon and Venus are together that pity is that is sign of Venus where he is powerful and moon to being exalted was able to ward off de-attaching effect of Saturn and was evolved in physical desire provided by Venus.

7. 18 April 1988, Rape, 17 year old girl, 45 minutes – Moon PAD we have seen role of moon just in last few lines, in transit moon and Venus both were on UL although benefic they make adulterous yoga on UL. Sun was in 12th from UL shows expenditure of UL and 10th from A7 showing work related to A7 that is physical relationship.

8. 25 May 1988, nearly caught the women but she escaped, he was stalking the women when at night she departed from metro to go home. PAD was of Mars although he is in those yoga’s but he is weak, he can afflict Venus and give more and power to Rahu but isn’t able to do anything at his own due to his weakness. Thus event hasn’t materialized. For the first time he was not even able to tough the girl. Moon was in ascendant 3rd from A7 being a benefic bad for A7 and trine to UL being a benefic good for UL Sun was in 10th house with UL lord Venus that saved UL. Sun and Ketu is not bad for UL. For break in marriage or for this type or person better to say for a person to go out of marital bounders UL and 2nd there from have to be seen. UL have Jupiter that seems good but that Jupiter is debilitated in D9 it terrible. 2nd from UL is Rahu and Mars who shows break in marriage. 2 malefic in 2nd from UL are 99% surety for break in marriage here also mars is weak. And Rahu is exalted showing due to extra ambition, desire, and sexuality it will break. Lord of UL is also afflicted due to being in that conjunction in 2nd from UL and 8th from UL having an exalted planet shows 8th from UL is more powerful as compared to UL that shows marriage will sure break.

9. 30 May 1988, Rape, 18 year old, 30 Minutes assault – Jupiter PAD was running and we have seen role of Jupiter in adulterous yoga’s and also we have seen how he is afflicted DK and is unable to save UL. Lord of UL is also afflicted in Rashi as well as in D9. 2nd lord from UL have to be seen in D9 for marriage and see It applying jaimini aspect how he is afflicted in 6th house of D9. Moon was in 7th from UL moon in 7th is a hint towards adulteration, also it is in trine to A7 also he is aspecting A7 not UL. Sun is in UL but not with its lord as it was in last case.

10. 4 October 1988, Attempted rape, inflicted women with wounds on thigh and buttock (12 stitches) – Jupiter PD we have seen his role, Mercury SD as he is afflicted but not in adulterous yoga he haven’t let it materialize but moon in PAD as it is in 8th house in MKS in D1 he attacked the girl and gave her deep wounds. But was unsuccessful due to Jupiter’s transit over UL. Although moon was on A7 Sun was in ascendant and lord from UL was himself debilitated weak to let UL break. But due to favorable transits of Sun and moon he made wounds.

11. 16 November 1988, Rape, 18 years old – Sun SD Venus PAD. Sun was to block the happening of the event but due to power of Venus in D1 and his involvement in adulterous yoga’s in D9 it happened. In transit sun was in 3rd house 7th from UL aspecting A7 and moon was in 5th, 9th from UL aspecting UL showed his adulterous nature and his involvement in adulterous yoga.

12. 17 November 1988, Metro Police formed a special force to capture him – moon was in 6th house with Rahu and SD and PAD was changed to Moon. Just keep role of moon in mind we will see its role later. Moon is like Indra who is adulterous but at the same time king of gods moon too is king of Nakshatra like Sun is king or zodiac signs.

13. 27 December 1988, Attempted Rape – PD and SD was of Saturn but PAD was of mercury that is weak but not in adulterous yoga thus the event haven’t fructified.

14. 20 June 1989, Attempted Rape, he had scratches on his face due to fight – Ketu MD who is in adulterous yoga in D9, Venus PD he is also in adulterous yoga in D9, Sun SD this obstructed the event because he is not in adulterous yoga in D9. Rahu SAD as sun is always powerful as compared to Rahu (unless they are together) he blocked his effect. Also sun is in own house in D1 where Rahu is exalted but also afflicted. Sun in SD blocked Rahu to fructify the event. This sun also made him being injured why we will find later. Sun and moon in transit were aspecting each other Sun was in 2nd to UL with UL lord and Moon was in 8th to UL and 6th to A7 with 6th lord Saturn thus he was beaten by neighborhood public.

15. 15 August 1989, Rape, 22 year old, 2 hour Assault – Sun PD, Moon SD, Mercury PAD. Sun and moon both are in MKS whereas Mercury is not he is making connection with them but is not engaged in adulterous yoga’s in D9 but as he is retrograde if we take his effect from last house in D9 it will be in Virgo which will make him exalted. Being in 5th house of D9 he fell prey to aspect of Jupiter and Ketu and as Ketu is in AD and Rahu is in MD who is aspecting mercury by his 3rd aspect in D9 and well as in D1 for this reason even tough mercury is not in adulterous yoga he never blocked that yoga too. In transit sun was on A7 and moon in 7th to A7 and 9th to UL and 5th from ascendant whereas Sun was in 11th from Ascendant and 3rd from UL.

16. 21 November 1989, Rape, 15 years old, 45 Minutes – PD Rahu, SD and PAD mercury we know how he falls prey to Rahu. Sun was in trine to aspecting A7 and moon was in 2nd from A7 and 12th from Asc.

17. 22 December 1989, Rape, 19 years old, 30 minutes – PD, SD, PAD was of Jupiter who is weak DK, who is unable to save UL and in adulterous yoga’s in D9. Moon was in 2nd from Asc, 4th from A7 and 6th from UL. Sun was in 4th from Asc, 6th from A7 and 8th from UL.

18. 26 May 1990, Rape, 19 years old, 1 hour assault – Mercury PD, Jupiter SD, Rahu PAD, we have seen role of these 3 planets earlier, in transit sun was on UL and moon 2nd from UL 12th from A7.

Murders – he killed 3 women after giving them drug/alcohol overdose and then raped them while his wife filmed him, then he murdered all 3 of them.

1. Tammy Lyn Homolka – she was sister of his wife, whom his wife gave drug overdose, then filmed while Paul raped her and then killed the girl. On December 23, 1990 under Rahu MD that is 6th lord of hitting someone else or being hurt by someone else. Is with deadly mars in D1 and opposite of mars in D9, Rahu in D9 is in mysterious sign Scorpio. In D9 he is aspected by Ketu and Mars that both shows murder. Rahu in D1 is with 2nd 3rd 8th 9th lord here 3rd and 8th house are for longevity 2nd is a marak house and 9th is house of Purva Punya. All was spoiled by Rahu. In D30 Rahu is in 12th house of punishment, jail, outer world, with another malefic Saturn. Venus AD we know condition of Venus in D1 in D30 he is in 8th house in own sign aspected by Rahu. Sun PD lord is in 10th house aspected by mars and retrograde mercury. Rahu is also PD lord Moon is PAD lord who is in 2nd house in Aries. Moon in Aries is also like moon in Scorpio.

2. Leslie Erin Mahaffy – on 15 June 1991,(Ra-Ve-Ma-Ve-Su) they both after doing all their bad deeds murdered the girl with saw- Mars PD in D30 mars is in 4th house dig bal less, being aspected by Sun and Rahu. With retrograde mercury is off course not a good indication as per sufferings on soul of Paul is concerned. Planets whose effect has been seen earlier are not being discussed again.

3. Kristen Dawn French – on April 30, 1992 (Ra-Ve-Ju-Ra-Ve) they killed that school girl and left him naked on the road making her bald to refrain away from identification of body. Effect of Jupiter has to be seen here Jupiter is in MKS in D30 who was to give him death like suffering.

One thing that has to b noticed is as D30 is for misfortunes strong as well as weak both type of planets are not welcome in this chart. Powerful planet shows suffering due to excess of something and weak planet shows suffering due to starvation of that thing. In his D30 we can see ascendant lord is in MKS in 3rd house that shows this person having to face great suffering. 6th lord of D1 is vargottama here showing that his mistakes and weakness will be the cause because he will not realize his mistake and weakness and will keep on doing that and will suffer. Planet in 8th house in D30 shows the cause of suffering in this world and no wonder in his chart there is Venus in 8th house in D30 in Libra.

MKS Jupiter shows how his intelligence has been died, Mars of own sign shows his anger as his weakness and due to that mars have made his power his weakness and cause of suffering. Venus of own house in 8th house shows his sexuality and his cause of destruction and Rahu and Saturn in 12th house in own sign shows his cause of suffering as sadism given by Saturn and over-ambition, indulging too much into Maya. Harming other people. Remember here that Venus is also AK in 8th house in D30 showing that his soul is here to suffer only.

For the fear of making this article too large let we conclude by analyzing his date of apprehension.

Date apprehended – 17 February 1993 – Saturn is the planet who punishes us for our bas deeds. Here in D1 we can see Saturn and moon in 6-8 from ascendant makes Bandhan yoga (that gave him imprisonment) that same Saturn in D9 in the same 6-8 axis is once again making Bandhan yoga in D1 he have created it with moon that is Malefic (Jaimini takes Aries moon as malefic) and in D9 it is in Bandhan yoga with Mercury. Who is malefic due to his association with sun in D1. See the role of Sun and moon the 2 luminaries and celestial mother and father here. In parivritti-traya D3 there is Bandhan yoga in 5th and 9th house that constitutes Mars, Venus, Moon, Ketu. See those planets who gave him enjoyment now are punishing him. In jaimini Navamsha Rahu and Sun is making Bandhan yoga in 3-11 axis once again showing all those planets those were helping him is now opposing him. In 2 charts it is in 6-8 axis showing bad deeds and punishment due to that in 3-11 showing punishment due to wrong desires and their fulfillment in 5-9 axis punishment due t misuse of given Punya. D3 is very important in jaimini astrology because it shows use of free will, Hard-work, industrialism, use of hands. It was dasha of Rahu who is making Bandhan yoga in Jaimini D9. Venus AD that is making Bandhan yoga in PT-D3, mercury PD who is making Bandhan yoga in normal D9, Jupiter SD who is debilitated in D9 in jaimini D9 as well as in normal D9 showing fall of his intellect and bad karma and now punishment arising out of that. Saturn PAD. The one who is making Bandhan yoga in D1 and D9 the law maker, the Yama between planets. Saturn represents Brahma that writes our destiny. The law maker Saturn has given him the punishment of his wrong doings.

So many points and techniques in analysis I have left for readers to explore and to find by reading between the lines. This case was a best example to show how planets works as per deed of gods, a planet is never malefic never benefic based on your karma either he blesses you or punishes you. This case is an example to all of us to stop for some time and think on what we are doing, why we are doing, are we doing right, are we doing what god wants us to do. We should think everything. Only this makes us distinct from animals that we can think on what we are doing. 

As chanakya said it “before doing anything ask yourself 3 question.
1. What I am doing
2. Why I am doing it
3. What will be its results

Om Tat Sat
Shubham Alock
pin Paul Kenneth Bernardo; A Canadian serial killer astrological and biographical case study

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