Pre Script – This article is a part of my Jyotish Prarambha Course.
When we learn basics we learn about Own sign, Mool-Trikona [Favourite sign] and Exaltation sign of planets. They are given in classics and except Rahu and Ketu, there is no confused amongst other planets regarding their own sign, exaltation, and Mool-Trikona. But classics doesn’t give us the reason behind allotment of Signs to planets. This can be only for the reason because sages thought that people already know this [They must have never taught that people outside param para will also read this science that too from books and not from Gurus]
Many people have attempted to find a logic behind this allotment. Nobody’s views can be discarded. Here in this article, I am presenting my own view on allotment of different signs to different planets for different purposes.
In Hindu mythology, Sun and Moon are considered as God’s. In Astrology we take them as Ultimate male [Sun] and Ultimate female [Moon] They rule single sign in Zodiac Sun rules Leo and Moon rule Cancer. According to their Nature of being Watery [Cancer] and Fiery [Leo] As the moon is the cause of sustenance and Karaka of Kendra [Quadrants] she chooses a Kendra sign of water – Cancer. Whereas Sun being Father [Creation chain] and being Karaka of prosperity and expansion he chooses a sign in Kona [All three fire signs are in Kona] But he chooses Leo being closest to Mother [Moon-Cancer]
There is a traditional story which goes as First Mercury comes to Moon and asks for a place to live and Moon gives him Gemini [One sign behind her to live] Whereas Sun gives him Virgo [One sign ahead him] Mercury is fastest between planets [Excluding Sun and Moon] Thus he comes first, Then comes Venus [2nd Fastest planet] she goes to Moon who gives him Taurus [Next sign to Gemini behind Moon] and Sun gives him Libra [Next sign ahead of Virgo] Then comes Mars [3rd Fastest planet – Leaving Sun] which is given Aries by Moon and Scorpio by Sun [Next signs to Taurus and Libra respectively in their direction of forward and backward motion] Then comes Jupiter [4th fastest planet in Zodiac]Then comes Jupiter [4th fastest planet in Zodiac] Moon gives him Pisces whereas Sun gives him Sagittarius] Then comes Saturn [Slowest planet] and he is given Aquarius by Moon and Capricorn by Sun.
Regarding Own signs of Rahu and Ketu, I do follow another method, Not mentioned anywhere. It will be taught in the course but being a separate topic is not being disclosed here.
See this Diagram here for better understanding.

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Trine ownership [Mool-Trikona]
Except for Moon, every planet has Mool-Trikona in his own sign.
Moon has Mool-Trikona in another sign Taurus due to Nakshatra Rohini falling in Taurus. In Taurus from 0-3 degree he is exalted and in rest of the sign, he is Mool-Trikona.
The name mool-trikona implies auspiciousness. As any planet in Kona is devoted to do good to native, bring prosperity and expansion to him. Unless they become lord of 6-8-12 and starts harming Kona they bring auspiciousness. In the same manner planets in Mool-Trikona is akin to being in 9th house as per Rashi placement [Being placed in 9th house in reality is a Bhava Placement] Why 9th house because it is termed as Tri-Trikona which means Highest Trikona or Third Trikona [First being Lagna and second being 5th house] A Planet in Mool-Trikona is hence benefic and provides one with luck and auspiciousness [Mihir writes 9th house as Shubha which means auspicious in itself]
Mool means root and Trikona means trine which i an Astrological sense means auspicious/good. Hence we must see the trine in which a planet’s Mool-Trikona falls in horoscope of the divine man [Kaal-Purusha] which always have Aries in first house.
Sun have his mool-trikona in Leo from 0 to 20 degrees, It falls in Dharma Trikona which implies Sun’s duty is to hold Dharma and his significations are Dharmic. When he signifies father it is that father who gives us our Dharma [Whose principles we follow] he may or may not be the father who gave birth to native. Rest of Leo 20 to 30 degrees is his own house. Same method have to be followed for each and every planet.
Mars have his mool-trikona in Aries from 0 to 12 degrees. It is in Dharma trikona which again implies that he works for Dharma, When he kills it is to protect someone, when he makes a step it is accordance to good and bad he is taught. All his steps are taken to save something or at-least not to harm. Rest from 12 to 30 degree Aries and 0-30 Degree of Scorpio is his own sign.
Mercury have his mool-trikona in Virgo from 15-20 degree. Rest 20-30 degree of Virgo and 0-30 degree of Gemini is his own sign and 0-15 degree of Virgo is his exaltation. It falling in 6th house of Artha implies his nature is accumulative and he is of storing character. He is karaka of business which signifies his nature well. His activities are for worldly affairs having something in mind, for growth and sustenance. This is also Upachaya [Growing house]
Jupiter have his mool-tikona in 0-10 degree of Sagittarius, 10-30 of Sagittarius and 0-30 of Pisces is his own sign. It being in Dharma trikona gives him a nature of doing righteous things. Not being mean or greedy he works only for sustenance. Whatever is necessary will be done, nothing will be done having enjoyment or fulfilment as a motive.
Venus have his mool-trikona in 0 to 15 degree of Libra. 15-30 degree of Libra and 0-30 degree of Taurus is his own sign. It being in Kaama Trikona it indicates his basic temperament is working for desires and enjoyment.
Saturn have his mool-trikona in 0-20 degree of Aquarius, 20-30 degree of Aquarius and 0-30 degree of Capricorn is his own sign. It is in Kaama Trikona which again implies his nature of work is motivated by desires and enjoyment.
Here one can notice that no planet have his Mool-Trikona in any of signs in Moksha Trikona. Mool-Trikona as said earlier shows basic temperament and constitutes nature of planet. No one have his mool-trikona in Moksha Trikona because if their motive be moksha they can’t qualify to become a Graha [Which means to grasp/hold] one motivated by Moksha will tend to leave each and everything.
Except Moon every planet have his exaltation in his own sign, He preferes the sign according to his nature and temperament.
Sun owning single sign Leo perefers it is Mool-Trikona as it is according to his nature of the Fiery element. Mars takes Aries due to it being Fiery element whereas Scorpio is a watery sign. Mercury prefers Virgo for it being an earth sign whereas he himself is of Earth element. Jupiter being of ether element is comfortable in each and every element but between his both signs he prefers fiery Sagittarius as it represent’s dharma and watery sign can’t be Mool-Trikona of a Graha [Due to the reason stated above] Venus prefers his sign Libra which is of Vayu Tattwa Venus being of Jala Tattwa must have preferred Taurus of Earth Tattwa [Being friendly] but due to it already being occupied by Moon. See order of planets Moon comes at 2nd place whereas Venus at 6th place he prefers Libra. Saturn prefers Aquarius being identical to his nature of Airy element.

Exaltation [Uccha]
To Understand this first understand Tatta [Element] and Dig-Bala [Directional Strength of planets.
Sun and Mars are of fiery element and have digbala in South direction 10th house. Venus and Moon are of earth element and have Digbala in North direction [4th house] Saturn is of Airy element and have digbala in West direction [7th house] Mercury is of Earth element and Jupiter is of ether element and they both have digbala in East direction [1st house/lagna]
See the image given below of Tattwa and Digbala and remember that Tattwa in nature of Sun’s direction from 10th house through day [Anti-clockwise of chart] is friendly, In direction of chart is neutral [Anti-Clockwise to Sun’s direction] and opposite are enemies. The exception is ether element [Jupiter] which pervades in each element.

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What do we mean by direction of Sun here is count like 10-7, 4-1 Houses, Opposite to the sun is 10-1, 4-7 Houses. Because at morning Sun is in Lagna, At noon Sun is in the 10th house at Sunset sun is in 7th house and at midnight Sun is in the 4th house always.
This makes a ring like situation. Let me explain it for better understanding.
Air and Fire are friends. Water and Earth are friends. [In direction of Sun – Starting from the 10th house] In opposite direction they are neutral. Hence, Fire and Earth is Neutral and Air and Water are Neutral. In Opposite direction, they are enemies, Hence. Air is an enemy to Earth and Fire is an enemy to water.
This is the basic behind allotment of exaltation signs of planets. Let we deal with them one by one.
Luminaries: Exalted in same Tattwa. Sun is of Agni tattwa, Other planet in same tattwa is Mars. His signs are Aries and Scorpio. Between them Aries is Male and Fire element hence Sun is exlated in Aries.
Moon is of Jala tattva, Other planet in same tattva is Venus. He owns Taurus and Libra. Taurus is of Earth element [Friendly to water] as well as female sign. Hence, Moon is exalted in Taurus.
Tara Graha: Mars is of Agni tattva and is male [He is complete male as he suffers no restriction of Sattwa being a Tamasic planet] He goes to its friendly Tattwa, Air. There he finds Aquarius [Airy] and Capricorn [Earth element] He prefers Capricorn because it is a female sign [Male planet without Sattwic nature – Want’s to procreate in female sign]
Mercury is of Prithvi tattva, He is neutral [Without gender – Female Eunuch] He goes to Watery tattva [Friendly] finds no sign suitable as Cancer is much feminine and Libra is masculine, He goes to the fiery element and finds himself incompatible in much fire. He can’t rise up to the level of Ether having his Mool-Trikona in a Upachaya house. being neutral he can be satisfied by his self and thus prefers his sign Virgo being female in nature [He himself is female eunuch] also due to same Tattwa [Both Mercury and Virgo is of Jala Tattwa]
Jupiter is of ether element. He goes to his friendly element and finds Libra and Capricorn there. being of ether element [Don’t want to harm anyone, docile] he prefers the female sign Cancer out there.
Venus is of Jala Tattwa. He goes to his friendly Tattwa [Earth] and finds Gemini there which is incompatible being a male sign [Female planets prefer female sign] Because of a specified gender he doesn’t look to incompatible tattva and goes to all pervading tattva Ether. He finds Sagittarius there which is male and fiery but rejects that and becomes exalted in Pisces which is a female sign as well as Jala Tattwa.
Saturn is neutral [Male Netutral] being without gender he doesn’t follow going to his friendly Tattwa. He goes to neutral tattva [Neutral Gender – chooses either self or neutral Tattwa] and finds only one sign remaining there Libra [Of Venus] and chooses it to be his exaltation. Rest two are already occupied by Jupiter and Venus.

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Here we see a peculiarity. Luminaries are exalted in their own tattva where male prefers male sign and female prefers female sign.
Star planets consist of two male Jupiter and Mars and one female Venus along with two neutrals Saturn and Mercury.
Both male and female prefer to go to their friendly tattva and both of them prefers female sign. Female planet prefers female sign [Same – Harmony] procreation for a female is more a burden than a boon. It will be dealt separately in Avtar Adhyaya. We will see Venus is a form of Parashurama who never had wife or children.
Eunuch planets are of two types one is completely dual [Mercury – owing both dual signs] and he remains in his own sign of his exaltation. whereas Saturn takes his step to neutral Tattva [Misery significant – Not happiness but solitude]
Now see them in accordance to their Avtar.
Sun is Rama and is situated in Self-Dharma [Aries]
Moon is Krishna and is situated in Karma and sustenance [Taurus]
Mars is Narasimha and is situated in Karma and Prominence/Power [Capricorn]
Mercury is Balarama and is situated in Upachaya [Growth] and greens [Virgo]
Jupiter is Vamana and is situated in 4th house of Vidya for Moksha [Cancer]
Venus is Parashurama and is situated in 12th house [loss] of life and desires for Salvation [Pisces]
Saturn is Koorma and is placed in 7th house of Kama [Desire to give something – Samudra Manthan] and enjoyment not for self but for all [Libra]
When we will read the course in depth we will understand that nature of planets are so that they have to be exalted in these signs only.
Table of Exaltation, Rashi and Trikona
Planet | Exaltation | Mool Trikona | Swa-Rashi | Secondry Rashi |
Sun | 0-10 Aries | 0-20 Leo | 20-30 Leo | |
Moon | 0-3 Taurus | 3-27 Taurus | 0-30 Cancer | |
Mars | 0-28 Capricorn | 0-12 Aries | 13-30 Aries | 0-30 Scorpio |
Mercury | 0-15 Virgo | 15-20 Virgo | 21-30 Virgo | 0-30 Gemini |
Jupiter | 0-5 Cancer | 0-10 Sagittarius | 11-30 Sagittarius | 0-30 Pisces |
Venus | 0-27 Pisces | 0-15 Libra | 16-30 Libra | 0-30 Taurus |
Saturn | 0-20 Libra | 0-20 Aquarius | 21-30 Aquarius | 0-30 Capricorn |
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