Transits vs Dasha, How transits and dasha impacts our day to day life ?

transit vs dasha Transits vs Dasha, How transits and dasha impacts our day to day life ?

Many people are confused about using Dasha and transits simultaneously in their chart but there is a major difference in both the system in its application. Though in traditional Parashari system Dasha has given an edge over transits system. In, Traditional system, transits are used by two reference points one by Lagna and second by Moon in addition use of Ashatak Varga points on the Lagna.

Both the references give good results but reference mapping is the lordship of the House and results depending on the functional role of the planet in the natal chart.

But in this system, I have found the timing event is not so accurate with the use of Nakashtra Dashas.

In my humble experience and opinion, Dasha only shows about the result of your total accumulated karma including both prarabdha and the sanchit karma’s which we have done in many of the past journeys.

As it is based on the placement of the planets that typically shows what sort of karma we have done in the past and we have to experience in this journey in the form of Paap and Punya’s.

Same way, when Dasha period triggers we experience the results of pasts deeds either in good or in a bad way, our mind only responds to that environment.

As the Dasha period starts from the Moon nakshatra so here role of the mind is very much important in understanding the Dasha periods results , reaction and response to the native life issues whether it is the period of Maha Dasha or antardasha.

Because the Dasha period Starts from the moon nakshatra so it has a major  impact on our mind which is a storehouse of our previous karmas.

But when it will activate any major events in our life only decided by the transits, as Transits do the job of delivery boy whose duty is to send you the parcel of results at a given time period.

So results of the events totally dependent on the transit triggering point in the natal chart that mapped over your natal placements of the planets and experiencing good and bad karma seen by the Dasha period as it is based on the planetary placements which shows our karma fruitification.

In transits system, slow-moving planets give long-lasting and consistent results for years that may feel like it is difficult to experience the results for any native.

Same is the case with the fast-moving planets like mercury, moon, and Venus which only resonates with ideas, intelligence, and communication as they move very fast in the space plane and its telegraphy energy also travel’s very fast in ether element so it is very difficult for a common man to differentiate it from others transits.

The whole natal chart is the blueprint of your prarabdha karma and transit is the delivery boy of all the events. When any event will trigger in your life only Transit will decide what is going to happen in your life and in which area it will impact.

Another interesting point in the transit system is that it resonates with your ‘kiryamani’ and ‘agami karma’, that decides what you have to do, what you are thinking and what you are acting in what conditions and further shows that what and how you have to feel the experience in your daily life.

So transit gives the unique power to humans how to think, analyze, and react on any daily life situation, it is totally dependant on the native choice. Transits are not predestined like Dasha systems, they give you choices to react on the environment created by the Dasha systems (Nakashtra Dashas).

Nakshatra (Combining many sun’s become a group of nakshatras)  is the energy and source of all the light given to the planets. Planets behave according to the nakshatra source and light energy.

Vimshotri and other nakshatras dashas only show about your mind setup and how you going to react to an environment created by the dasha pattern . I.e when you are visiting a new place either you are reacting to a new place in a friendly way or in a reactive way.

Action and reaction what Dasha period shows because they work on the moon movement over the specific nakshatra. So, you need to feel the difference be experiencing it.

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Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

Modi vs Gandhi Who will win the battle of 2019 1 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

श्री गणेशाय नम: ॐ गुरुभ्यो नम:
2019 General Elections: Jyotish Assessment

Written, Analysed and Compiled by Utpal Pathak

Note: Those who are not interested in Jyotish assessments, may straight go to end of Part-1 and Part-2 and read Conclusions. Others who wish to understand how Jyotish application is done, can read through this long and exhausting article.


(The Proposed concept of assessing STATE Assembly results)

I started applying Jyotish principles, my knowledge and experience on the politics of modern Bharat since 2012 December. Gujarat assembly elections on 2012 were the 1st stint in an application of Mundane Jyotish. Here I must state that I had predicted that result decisively in favour of BJP based only on Narendra Modi ji’s chart. No other factor was taken into account. Immediately after the success of that prediction, 1st lengthy article was written on Shri Narendra Modi (NaMo) ji and his chances for 2014 Elections which too proved successful. Since then, there were quite a few experiences of success and failures on different State Assembly elections.

In my experiences of all these State Elections, I have been half-hearted since a couple of years because Narendra Modi ji’s influence on State charts was no longer an absolute factor and this created almost crisis like a situation to assess any State Election. The reasons of being skeptical were:

1) MOST importantly, there is no way to trust birth details of important political personalities in a given state.

2) State charts are reasonably accurate and trust worthy. However, I was unsure if State chart can be taken into account when assessing State Election results. In this case, only some valuable experience could have helped me.

Thus, I was on a shaky ground understandably. This is not only my problem but the trouble for every “honest” Jyotish Sadhak. I even concluded (rightly imho) that it is inappropriate and dishonest to apply Jyotsih Shastra on our State Elections because of lack of reasonably reliable data.

However, the shocking losses of BJP in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhatisgarh gave me an extremely important clue I was looking since few years. My Jyotish-saoked mind was looking for something which can relieve me from the need of personal charts to a great extent. This was only possible if Transit influences on a given State chart works satisfactorily. This possibility was presented to my mind with BJP’s losses and Congress’s win in RS, CG & MP. Gujarat Assembly Elections of Dec 2017 and Karnataka in May 2018 also helped a great deal.

I checked State charts of all these 5 states and analyzed Transit influences on them when Election were going on and results were declared for respective states. The focus of Rahu, Shani, Guru and Lagna Lords were of primary influences. To my pleasant surprise, this analysis gave me important clues which were by sufficient by themselves to judge approximate results and did not necessitate the need of personal charts of various important personalities (such as CM, main contesting leader/s etc). To some extent, Charts of Political parties – BJP and Congress (I) helped in verifying the indications given by analysis of State charts.

After forming transit principles I arrived at after analyzing all these above mentioned state charts, I tried to apply them on Modern Bharat’s chart and checked various important General Elections of last 30 years. And I found it to be quite encouraging!
“over simplification” these Transit principles is given below.

1) If Rahu or Shani or both are passing through Lagna of a State chart, the power goes to the Political party which is detrimental for the state (her people). People ends up choosing the party or Gathbandhan which indulges in criminal ways and appeasement policies. Not to forget here that Rahu is a Karaka of Malechhas.

2) Above conditions have all the chances of coming to pass if there is no strong counter balancing from Guru and Lagna Lord.
3) If Moon of a given state chart is also badly influenced by Rahu/Shani, then it becomes almost certain that destructive party will come to power with thumping majority.

4) Also check 10th lord in Transit and influences on 8th Bhava to get the clear picture as much as possible.

Let us straight go to the practical examples and observe briefly.

A] Charts of CG, MP and Karnataka charts (All have Karka/Cancer Lagna).

1 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis
I am 1st providing the transit chart of 11.Dec.2018 (Result day) by keeping Kark Rashi in Lagna for the sake of convenience to observe the Transit w.r.t. the State charts of CG and MP.

One can superimpose the above chart of the result day with charts of CG, MP and check the transits.

1] Chhattisgarh

2 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis
On the results day i.e. 11.Dec.2018

1) Rahu was transiting from Karka Lagna. Rahu is dire enemy of LL Moon and he is the 8th co-lord of change.

2) Shani was/is passing over birth Moon placed in Dhanu. Rahu was transiting from 8th bhava of the Moon.

3) 10th Lord Mars transiting 8th Bhava of the chart

4) LL Moon was transiting 7th Bhava and affected by Nodes.

CG State chart was terribly affected by the most transit principles I stated earlier which indicate that CG Government will change (8th lord Rahu and Shani strongly affecting Lagna and Moon respectively while 10th Lord Mars relegated to 8th Bhava). Highly detrimental government that is corrupt, Deceitful, controlled by sinister elements of Malechha and communally appeasing Government would ascend to power with thumping majority. Thumping majority is indicated due to overdose of negative influences of Transit Shani, Rahu and 8th Bhava/Lord over Lagna, Moon and 10th

Result: Congress came to power with a landslide victory and ruling BJP got drubbing.

2] Madhya Pradesh

3 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis
On the results day i.e. 11.Dec.2018

1) Rahu was transiting from Karka Lagna. Rahu is dire enemy of LL Moon and he is the 8th co-lord of change.

2) 10th Lord Mars transiting 8th Bhava of the chart

3) LL Moon was transiting 7th Bhava and affected by Nodes.

The negative influences of 8th lord Rahu over Lagna bhava and 10th lord Mars in 8th Bhava aspected by 8th co-lord Shani mentioned above indicated change in Government. This ensured detrimental, Rahu-like Government coming to power.
However, unlike CG, Moon of MP’s chart was spared of negative influences. Due to that, 9th Guru passing through 5th Bhava and aspecting Lagna helped balancing the situation. This resulted in quite close contest with Congress managing to come to power with support of few MLA’s of other party.

Result:  Congress came to power by getting the support of BSP and BJP lost the power just by a whisker. Nevertheless, BJP is a very strong opposition and Congress would find it very hard to survive in future.

Karnataka State Assembly results came on 15.May.2018. The Transit chart of the day is given below keeping the Kark as Lagna (keeping in sync with Karnataka’s Kark lagna chart).

3] Karnatak

4 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

Karnataka’s case is also very interesting to understand dynamics of Transits and how to arrive at judgement. Karnatak and Madhya Pradesh’s charts are identical.

On the results day i.e. 15.May.2018

1) Rahu was transiting from Karka Lagna. Rahu is dire enemy of LL Moon and he is the 8th co-lord of change.

2) Exalted 10th lord Mars affected by Nodes (Rahu-Ketu)

In this curious and delicate case of Karnataka, there is only 1 main negative of Rahu (point no.1 given above). 10th lord Mars exalted but affected by Nodes is another negative.

Formidable countering by Guru aspecting 10th placed transit Moon and Mercury. However, due to Veto like Rahu’s influence on Karka Lagna proved detrimental for the state. Strong party just fell short of Majority mark and Rahu like parties got together and formed the weak, self-interested, minority appeasing and absolutely detrimental government.

It must be also noted that Karnataka was passing through very fag end of Shani Maha Dasha. This is called chhidra dasha phenomena in Jyotish and proves time of instabilities and chaos.

Result: Congress came to power almost directly by supporting JDS who merely got 30 odd seats. BJP could not get the power even though being the largest party because of mechanization of ”Rahuvian” parties.

As soon as Rahu goes out of Lagna of Karnataka, we should expect developments there because it is a weak Government which can’t sustain once Rahu’s Veto is gone as well as sinister Shani MD’s unsettling chhidra period is also over in September 2018.
The same could prove true for MP but these are not the scopes of this present article, so we leave it for now.

B] Now let’s take Gujarat and Rajasthan charts. (Both are of Dhanu Lagna)

The transit chart of 18.Dec.2017 (Result day) by keeping Dhanu Rashi in Lagna for the sake of convenience to observe the Transit w.r.t. the State charts of Gujarat.

Superimpose the above chart grahas over Gujarat’s state chart provided below.

1] Gujarat

7 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis
On the results day i.e. 18.Dec.2017

1) Shani was transiting from Dhanu Lagna. Rahu was transiting from 8th

2) 8th lord Moon was transiting Lagna

These 2 points are powerful negatives. However, there are over powering positives as under:

3) Birth Moon of the chart is not adversely affected by Transit Shani and Rahu

4) LL Guru in transit is powerfully placed in 11th Bhava along with 5th lord transit Mars

5) This auspicious combination of transit LL Guru and Mars is placed in 5th from birth Moon. LL Guru in transit aspects birth Moon

6) 9th Lord Sun transiting from Lagna

Results: These formidable positives saved the day for Gujarat and the sinister party could not win. Please note that Gujarat’s birth chart is extremely powerful. BJP managed to win Gujarat again because of NaMo’s almost indispensable influence and political acumen of Gujaratis. Yet, extremely adverse transits of Shani and Rahu did give a big nightmare t BJP in Gujarat.

The transit chart of 11.Dec.2018 (Result day) by keeping Dhanu Rashi in Lagna for the sake of convenience to observe the Transit w.r.t. the State charts of Rajasthan.

8 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis
2] Rajasthan

9 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

On the results day i.e. 11.Dec.2018

1) Shani was transiting from Dhanu Lagna. Rahu was transiting from 8th

2) Shani was transiting from 10th of birth moon

3) LL Guru and 9th lord Sun were transiting from 12th bhava

The negatives are too powerful in Rajasthan’s case. Unlike Gujarat, Rajasthan did not receive power of LL Guru as well as 9th lord Sun.

Results: The detrimental party came to power with comfortable majority and the much better government of BJP lost. This is where State chart is quite informative. It also shows collective political acumen of people of the states. If one compares charts of Gujarat and Rajasthan (both having Dhanu Lagna), one will realise as to why Gujarat is choosing BJP since 25 years continuously and progressing ahead, whereas why Rajasthan is changing the government every 5 years and thus allows themselves to suffer.

Note: Gujarat and Rajasthan are two quite informative cases of comparisons to understand how various transits can be assessed to arrive at difficult conclusion.

Conclusion of part-1:

The concept that is proposed here needs to be tested further in future assembly elections of various states. Serious sadhakas of Jyotish Shaastra may further take it forward by testing the transits along with Dasha of State charts. Dasha system also needs to be checked if it makes sense in State charts as it makes perfect sense in an individual’s chart.There are many unanswered questions on the dynamics of many states of Bharat such as Bengal, Kerala, Tamilnadu etc… One has to study and try to find out if interested. Oath charts of Chief Ministers are also one extremely useful tool to understand the Government and how it’ll perform.Election result assessment of State assemblies in our country is an overwhelmingly complicated matter. I am brutally honest to say here that whoever tries to consider charts of various political leaders’ and giving judgments are shooting in dark (me included). Prediction may come correct sometimes or incorrect. But then it’s all random and unreliable unless and until one can go deeper in State charts and find the light without needed personal charts.

Disclaimer: It is a different matter if one is 100% sure of Birth chart of a Politician(s). If such rare advantage is available, one can be more confident.

Suffice to say that a strong basis has been put forward in this article which could prove quite capable of giving idea beforehand about the results without requiring ever-untrustworthy data of important politicians. I am hopeful that this concept has a potential to improve consistency in predicting super complicated State results successfully. I categorically reject number of seat predictions done by Astrologers using Jyotish Shastra and also advice not to get carried away by one or two or even
three successful predictions done for State elections wherein Personal charts of many important Politicians are used randomly without detailed study of those charts. I have done that and I know it is highly unreliable. Being a highly passionate Jyotish student all my life, I have to say this.

If the concept given her works in 7 out of 10 future cases after keenly assessing the Transit w.r.t. State charts, I believe this article would have given a crucial basis for Jyotish application in State Elections.


(If present Government of BJP will be back in 2019?)

I have applied the concept of Transits discussed in the 1st part on modern Bharat’s chart and tried to test many important General elections happened since 1980.

The methodology was to check how Transits have affected various election results and if there can be found certain pattern of co-relations.

After deeply observing and co-relating Transits on the day of results viz-a-viz various General Elections, I could found certain important Transit configurations. I experimented following Elections:

1977 (23.Mar.77), 1980 (9.Jan.80), 1984 (30.Dec.84), 1989 (6.Oct.89), 1999 (6.Oct.99),
2004 (13.May.2004), 2009 (16.May.2009), 2014 (16.May.2014).

From the analysis of all the above elections, the following interesting conclusions were derived:

1) If Guru (8th lord of Modern Bharat’s chart – MB) in Transit aspects 10th Bhava and 10th Lord(s) in transit, the Government changes. I.e. the ruling Government falls.

2) If the above condition is happening AND Shani and Rahu (10th lords) in transit are strong & positively placed, then it indicates powerful (full majority) government coming at the Center.

3) If Transit Guru does not aspect 10th Bhava and he is not exalted, the incumbent Government retains the power. Here again, how strong this government possibly could be well indicated by situation of Rahu and Shani (as indicated in point no.2 above).

4) Weak Shani and Rahu in transit shows weak government at Center. It also shows sinister, corrupt, incapable, appeasing & highly communal government. Detrimental to the interest of Bharat and her people.

5) Strong Lagna Lord venus in transit (in Lagna, 4th, 9th or 10th or 11th) along with strong Rahu and Shani are likely to provide strong and stable government.

For the sake of not making this article extraordinarily long, I would not discuss Transits of various Election results days observing which the above principles are formed.

Interested Jyotishas can themselves check as the dates are provided.

Political chart of Modern Bharat

11 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

Transit chart on 6.May.2019 (w.r.t Vrishabh Lagna)

12 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis


A] Let’s us test above derived principles of Transits on the likely transit of May 2019.

Major Transits in May 2019 (Most likely month of Election results)

1) Rahu (10th co-lord) exalted in Mithun and aspects 10th own Bhava
2) Shani (10th co-lord) in 8th retrograde and aspects 10th Bhava
3) Shani and Rahu are in Mutual aspects.
4) Shani is very closely associated with Ketu
5) LL Venus exalted until 10th May. After 10th May he’ll be in 12th Bhava
6) Guru Retrograde and in Vrishchik (at the Gandanta of Vrishchik & Dhanu)
7) Sun-Mer in 12th until 18th May. After that, in Lagna
8) Mars in Lagna until 6th May and after that in 2nd
This is the most likely condition of Transit Grahas w.r.t. Modern Bharat’s chart when Election results of 2019 will be declared.
The most important thing as per our Transit principles is to check Transit Guru’s position. Guru would have just entered Scorpio in Retrograde Motion. This means that He would neither be aspecting 10th Bhava nor Shani or Rahu. Guru is also not exalted in transit.

This indicates that the present Government of NaMo-BJP-NDA is unlikely to go out of Power.

Now the next assessment is of strength of Shani and Rahu.

Rahu is exalted and aspects own 10th bhava as well as 10th co-lord Shani. Thus Rahu is very powerful. Shani is in 8th Bhava which is a weakness. However, this weakness is overcome by the nature of being Retrograde as well as getting powerful aspect from the 10th co-lord Rahu. Shani is very closely associated with ketu and this could be tricky. However, when I checked the most brutal record Majority election of 1984, I found Shani and Ketu very close to each other.

During 1989 General elections, Shani was traversing through 8th Bhava and Rahu was from 10th Bhava. Rahu was controlled by Shani by his 3rd aspect. Shani in this case resulted in the controller and Veto like. Shani wasn’t having retrograde strength required in 8th to be strong and adding to that weakness, Shani, Rahu and 10th were getting the aspect of 8th lord Guru. Dasha running was of that Venus.

Compare it with 2019 – Rahu is exalted and aspects 10th. Shani though in 8th, he is having retrograde strength and with Ketu who is always retrograde. This is very difficult to grasp. I feel that, the retrogression of Shani and Ketu in 8th would reverse the malefic effects of 8th Bhava trasit. Missing aspect of 8th lord Guru on Shani, Rahu and 10th adds to my confidence.
This indicates that the NaMo Government is likely to comeback with strong majority surpassing the present mandate.
The above assessment is quite likely if the results are declared on or before 10th of May.
B] Let’s see now what BJP’s chart suggests.

BJP’S Chart

13 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

If we superimpose the Transits of May 2019 on BJP’s chart, we find the following.

1) 5th lord Venus exalted in 10th Bhava (if results are declared on or before 10th May)
2) 10th Lord Guru in 6th aspecting 10th Bhava and exalted Venus in it.
3) 8/9th Lord Shani in 7th gaining Digbala
4) 9th Lord Rahu exalted in Lagna
BJP would be under Moon/Mars Dasha. Moon is in 6th and his lord Mars aspects Moon from 3rd bringing about Neech-Bhang Rajayoga. Moon is aspected fully by own bhava Venus from 12th.
From Moon Lagna, Mars is in 10th with 5th lord Guru, Mer and Rahu. 5th lord Guru and 10th Lord Sun are in Parivartana… These configuration in birth chart of BJP shows that it has a very powerful Moon chart. Kemdrum Yoga will not affect prospects of BJP adversely in 2019 Elections in Mars sub period.

If one checks back the History, BJP came to power 1st time in Moon sub period.
All in all, BJP’s chart supports the conclusion arrived and it does not look affected. On the contrary, it is fortified with transit and Moon MD.

Let’s check the May 2019 Transits with Congress (I) Chart.

Congress (I) Chart

14 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

1) LL Shani is in 12th in Transit with Ketu (Badhaka Lord)

2) Transit Rahu exalted in 6th.

3) 10th lord Venus exalted in 3rd

4) 12th lord Guru in 11th Bhava

Shani and Guru Transits are bad for Congress. BJP’s transit is much more powerful in comparison.

Congress (I) is in Guru/Venus period. Guru being malefic for Makar Lagna chart, this MD period is not good. However, Venus sub period could prove better in patches.

This assessment of charts of two main Rival parties at National level, BJP is at much better advantage in 2019 Elections.
C] I would like to discuss NaMo’s chart briefly.

NaMo Chart

Naren Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

He will be under Moon/Mer period. Moon is his 10th lord placed in 2nd along with 2nd lord Mars, generates Simhasan Yoga. Mercury is the 9th lord (also 12th lord) exalted in 12th with political

Sun. If we count MD to AD lord and same Bhava from AD lord, Bhoga falls in the 10th Bhava of Power.
In D10 Chart, he has 4 Grahas in 10th bhava including political grahas – Sun and Moon. 10th lord Shani and 2nd lord Venus are in exchange (Parivartana) generating powerful Simhasan Yoga. 9th/12th lord Guru is in Lagna. Guru has parivartana with LL Mars which makes him a “giver”. The Karm Yogi who is born to give, to sacrifice, to work for society, people, Nation.
Rahu is exalted in 3rd provides him with extraordinary courage and indomitable spirit in area of his work. If we notice, he became CM for the 1st time in Guru/Rahu. (we are discussing D10 chart and D10 Maha Dasha). He became PM during Shani/Surya. Shani is 10th lord in Simhasan Yoga and Sun is 5th lord in 10th.

Now in 2019, he will be running Shani/Rahu (D10 Vimshottari). This is going to be a very powerful and extremely interesting period.

Let’s come back to the Transit w.r.t. his main Rashi chart (Tula Lagna).

5th Lord Rahu would be exalted in 9th Bhava where as PYK Shani would be in 3rd. Thus 2 most auspicious Grahas for Tula Lagna i.e. Shani and Rahu would be excellent in Transit during April/May 2019.

LL Venus would be exalted or in the 7th Bhava, Both ways, it would be strong.

Shani, Rahu, Ketu and Mars are going to directly influence 3rd Bhava of Parakram, Action in NaMo’s cahrt. He is going to display unprecedented velour and genius in election warfare in next March to May.
Let’s check his Tithi Pravesh Chart of 2018/19.

TP 2018 Chart of NaMo (15.Sept.2018, 6:23:47 am, Vadnagar)

LL Sun in Lagna with Mercury. PYK Mars exalted in 6th. Mars is also Shubh Pati in this chart. 10th lord Venus in own bhava in 3rd with 5th lord Guru. No aspect of highly malefic Shani and Rahu on the 10th Bhava.
Finally, as many as 6 Grahas have attained Maha Yogada status in this TP Chart! Sun, Mars, Mercury, Guru, Venus and Ketu have attained MYD power.

This is absolutely incredible!!

[Added on 13.2.2019]

Quite a few points had been left out as the article length became too lengthy. I thought of adding this interesting point w.r.t NaMo’s chart for readers.

Take NaMo’s Rashi chart (D1) and Vimashottari Maha Dasha.

16 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis


He was parachuted into CM’s position, on 7.10.2001, when Venus (MD)/Shani (AD) Period was running. Venus is LL as well as 8th lord. Shani is Parama Yogakaraka. Also, in D10 Chart of career/work in society, Venus and Shani are in Parivartan generating Simhasan yoga. Thus this period of Venus/Shani made him CM for the 1st time.

Now the point is the way he became CM. His *gain* was *sudden* and at the cost of Keshu Bhai Patel’s *loss*. He was suddenly asked by BJP’s top leaders to go and take the charge as CM of Gujarat. This sudden gain can be attributed to 8th Bhava lordship of Venus along with Lagna Bhava. 8th Bhava can also bring about sudden windfall. LL/8th lord Venus is placed in 11th Bhava, the house of Gain along with PYK Shani. Thus it is not surprising to see NaMo’s sudden rise as CM in Venus/Shani period.

However, the Mercury AD period within Venus MD was interesting and equally important too! As soon as Mercury AD started, NaMo resigned as CM and dissolved the assembly calling early elections. He became CM again by winning the 1st ever MLA election and getting BJP to thumping victory. Venus/Mercury period was from 16.6.2002 to 15.4.2005.
Switching to present period, NaMo is again in Mercury AD since 15.4.2018 and it will remain until 18.9.2019. This means 2019 Elections will be fought in Moon MD (10th Lord) and Mercury AD period.

Let’s check the strength of Mercury in his chart:

1) Mercury is 9th /12th lord and exalted in 11th Bhava (in Bhava chalet He is shifting to 11th Bhava).
2) Mercury is 9th lord and extremely close to PYK Shani. Thus, creating a powerful Rajayoga.
3) In D10, Mercury is in 10th Bhava and carries power of exalted Rahu in the 10th Bhava.
4) Mercury is on the same degree of Sun. Sun is a Political Graha – The King!
4) Mercury is on “0” Degree of Kanya Rashi. It means He has just entered Kanya Rashi which is his rashi of exaltation. Exaltation Rashi is akin to the one’s most favorite place/house. Like a picnic spot etc… As one’s mood is supremely exalted when one enters most favorite place, here Mercury is in most exalted mood as he has just entered his sign of exaltation.
The above four points explains why Mercury is extremely powerful in NaMo’s chart and quite capable of giving him success. So this explains why in Mercury AD period in 2002 he became CM on his own strength.
Extrapolating the same influence, current Mercury AD within MD of 10th lord Moon is quite likely bestow thumping success to him in 2019 elections.

Let’s focus on D10 Vimashottari Dasha.

He became CM for the 1st and 2nd time in Guru(MD)/Rahu(AD). Guru is 9th lord placed in Lagna Bhava in D10 Chart. Rahu is exalted in 3rd Bhava as 11th Lord. 11th Bhava is of gain, fulfilment of desires.
Now again, he is running Rahu AD within Shani MD since 13.3.2017 until 19.1.2020.
Extrapolating the same influence, current Rahu AD within MD of 10th lord Shani again indicates extraordinary success to him in 2019 elections.

[Addition completed]

D] I have glanced through Amit Shah’s chart as well.

Amit Shah’s chart (Not completely sure of his Lagna)

17 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

Amit Shah is under exalted Rahu MD placed in the 10th Bhava. In Transit, Rahu is becoming exalted from 23rd March 2019. Thus in Transit, his MD lord Rahu would pass through 10th in exaltation. This Transit Rahu would be in 3rd Bhava from his birth Moon. Thus 3rd Bhava from Birth Moon would be influenced by exalted Rahu, Ketu, Shani and Mars. March to May 2019 are going to be the Parakram and Parsihram ki parakashtha for Amit Shah as well as NaMo.

It is required to note that I have not used any other political personality charts including Rahul Gandhi. The reason is obvious because I have no way to authenticate them. NaMo’s chart I have used because I have worked on it extensively and I am very confident on it. Same goes for Amit Shah. Rahul Gandhi’s chart has interested me but at this point in time I have not become confident on it. It is full of Ketu and Mars influence. His available chart is majorly influenced by Nakshatrs of Mars and Ketu (Marakas if Tula Lagna chart and date are correct).

Lagna, Sun and Moon, all 3 important Tripods as well as Guru and Ketu of his chart are in nakshatrs of Mars or Ketu. This shows his personality disorder. However, I am yet to come to conclusion. As per his given chart,from March 2019, He will start Maha Dasha of powerfully placed Rahu in Kumbha, the 5th Bhava.

So we have to further study. For now, I am not reasonably sure, although his given chart has made sense on many parameters. We’ll wait for what happens in next 1 year at least to see his profile.


Combining all these separately discussed aspect (A,B,C & D), the picture which is getting formed can be seen like this – Whatever is the assessment of Data Pundits in Media and Political parties, whatever may be the ground realities and fear of Nationalists, BJP under leadership NaMo and Shah is going to surpass expectations of everyone including BJP’s top think tank. It is likely that BJP alone may cross the 300 Marks in 2019. I am not able to give any figures but it is going to be a windfall of seats better than tally of May 2014. March 23rd to APRIL 30th is the decisive period which will miraculously shift tide overwhelmingly in favor of BJP which will help them to cross the previous bench mark. It is important to note Astrological events happening in this period:

March 23rd -Rahu comes to Mithun

March 29th – Guru enters Dhanu at an extremely slow pace.
April 10th – Guru assumes Steady motion and starts retrograde motion
All the while, Shani and Ketu are coming extremely close to each other
April 22nd – Guru enters back to Vrishchik with Retrograde motion. Shani and Ketu joins on the same degree and gets into


30th April – Shani turns steady and retrograde

Note these significant Jyotish events happening in the span of 37 days!!

The closeness of Shani, Ketu, Rahu and influence of Mars on them suggests that tis elections would be the most bitterly fought elections in the entire History of our Country since independence. The Transit Grahas in coming December 2019 (almost the whole 2019 to 21) suggests that our country is on the verge of crossing the most crucial threshold. The Mega transformation phase started from 2014 would be at its most important period. 2019 is the fulcrum year on which the fate of our country is hanging. This Election would go on realizing the 500 years long dream of Ram Mandir at Ayodhya which would be a reality starting from 2020end/2021 start.

I also see catastrophic events in the 2nd part of 2019. NaMo and other important Leaders’ lives would remain at high risk. BJP Government would go after enemies’ full throttle. Judiciary would be finally reformed for good after a bitter war with Government in the period of 2019/20. After this transformation, Bharat Varsh would be well on track of becoming top 3 Global powers in every way!

NaMo is coming back to power again with stronger mandate and the 2nd term of NaMo would be the most important one in the political history of independent Modern Bharat which will be written in Golden letters by future indigenous Right-Historians.


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The Divine Codes Volume 5 | Issue by Team Divine Codes

” The Divine Codes ” – volume 5

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Dear Readers,

We are glad to inform you that the 5th Volume of our magazine has just been released on the auspicious day of Aswin Shukla Poornima.
Articles at Glympse for volume 5th | October 2018 | The Divine Codes
• Unxplored wonders near Vaishno devi- The Editor
• Spiritual power yoga — Shri Adarsh Narayandas (Spiritual yoga guru)
• A nadi research. Predicting the year of Brahmopadesham. –Shri Ramdas Rao
• Understanding allergies, The Ayurvedic way. Dr V.D Singh M.D (Ayurveda)
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• Cancer- A vedic jyotish analysis- Shri Jatinder Sandhu
• Transformative astrology: An Introduction- Dr. Ajay Shahi
• The workflow in Vastu analysis – The Editor
• Kundali Power Rising and its benefits- Shri. Adarsha Narayandas.
• Ritucharya: an overview of seasonal regimen in ayurveda for healthy living- Dr V.D Singh M.D (Ayurveda)
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• Karkamsha – Shri Vinay Jha
• Astro-meteorology: The process of vayu-dharana or garabhdharana- Shri Rakesh Jamwal
• The rashi, bhava & graha guna. A snapshot method to understand a chart. : With examples- The Editor
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The Divine Codes 4th Digital Edition on Divine and Transcendental subjects ; Vastu, Meditation, Mundane astrology, Vedic Jyotish

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We are Extremely Glad to inform that we have released 4th issue of the Research Journal based e-Magazine – The Divine Codes.
” The Divine Codes ” – 4th Digital Edition on transcendental Subjects.

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• As Above so Below- By Sri Jayadev Challa
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Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Progenyanalysis Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Introduction :

“I take shelter of Lord Hari, who is the unborn, eternal Supreme Personality of Godhead. UponRemembering Him, a reservoir of all auspiciousness is produced, Obeisance’s unto Him who is the destroyer of all obstacles, who the knowers of Vedanta describe as the Supreme Brahman, and who others describe as the pradhana, or totality of mundane elements. Some describe Him as the supreme male person, or purusha, while others describe Him as the Supreme Lord and the cause of the creation of the universe.”

(Vishnu Purana).
Om Guruve Namah 
Om Namo Narayana
Om Kreem Kalikaye Namah

“या देवी सर्वभुतेषु छायारूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥११॥”
The goddess who is omnipresent as the personification of universal Mother.The goddess who is omnipresent as the embodiment of power.
The goddess who is omnipresent as the symbol of peace
I bow to her, I bow to her, I bow to her again & again

Note: This was an advance case study of one of the client I did in a few months back, I am just sharing here for the technical understanding of chart how we can properly use of Divisional Charts while doing case studies. I thank Mr. XXX sir for allowing me to share the article on social media. I hope you will enjoy reading this.

Case Study: Analysis and Scope of Progeny

p053dbgk Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth


Prashna Asked: When will native can enjoy the happiness of Childbirth. Why there is a delay in childbirth.

Natal Chart ( Native Details)
1 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth
Basic Details of Native :
3 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth
General Natal Chart Analysis


Based on available birth details, rising Navamsa is Scorpio having a difference of 7 minutes earlier and 3 minutes later. That further confirms that possibility of error in birth time is less based on past life events as discussed earlier with the native. As most of the physical, educational traits, skills, and qualities justifying or advocating for Scorpio lagan with Jupiter in lagan and Ketu in 9th house, that confirms native spiritual bent of mind and deep interest in Spirituality and reading scriptures.

So, available birth details need not to be corrected or tested further for the timing of events in this report.

As Native is born in Aquarius Lagan in Taurus Moon sign, in Krishna Chaturthi (Lord is mercury) is falling in 6th from the Moon sign and having 6/8 relationship with the Moon lagna, further confirms that native can face issues regarding relationships and marriage.

Though tithi lord mercury is not under any malefic influence in D9 and D60 chart but it is having Exchange with the dispositer lord Saturn having 9th aspect from the Rahu placed in 3rd house of the Navamsa can confirm that it might give Further prolonged issues in deep relationships but it might give delays in fruits (Children’s) from the marriage too.

If we see in D1 chart, Putra Karka Jupiter is placed in the 6th house from the D1 and falling in 3rd from the Moon sign, having 3/11 Relationship with the Moon it and also rules lordship of the 8th lord from the Moon lagan too, falling in 2nd from the 5th house in exaltation from lagan that further confirms challenges and Hardship regarding Progeny related matters with delay.

As Same Jupiter in D9 chart is getting 3rd Graha aspects from the Saturn and Rashi dristhi from the Rahu, Ketu, and Moon, whereas Both Rahu and Ketu aspects show challenges w.r.t to Spiritual and Progeny related matters but Aspect of Moon on Putra Karka Jupiter In Both D1 and D9 shows possibilities related to Progeny happiness.

So Aspect of Moon on Jupiter shows blessings and possibilities of children’s happiness in Moon Rashi and Graha Dasha.

But the Major problem is Jupiter being Maraka as well as malefic for Aquarian people further shows that native might face lots of struggle, hurdles, delays and wastage of efforts in getting childbirth on time.

Though Jupiter is well placed in the 6th house in exaltation and falling in 2nd (Sustainer- one who protects and feeds the previous house) from the 5th Bhava (Seen for Progeny related matters) always try to protect the Childbirth matters or its growth being a natural Shubha and Putra karka graha but being placed in a marak house and getting Virodh argala from the 4th Rahu and 3rd Saturn from the 5th house (Bhava for Putra) for children birth it might give delays in the fruits of childbirth whenever its Rashi and Graha Dasha period will be operative and functional in chart.

Though the 5th house is Getting Shubh Argala from the 6th placed Jupiter in cancer, 9th placed Venus, Mercury, Mars, and Sun in Libra and 12th placed Moon in Taurus Sign shows positive results and improvement or chances of fructification of results wrt to children’s related matters in these Rashi Dasha periods.The only Issue is Putra Karka Jupiter is getting virodh argala from the 7th placed Saturn in Leo and 8th placed Rahu in Virgo shows Delays and Hurdles in the progeny related matters.

The good thing is Moon showing positive results to the Putra Karka Jupiter and 5th Bhava from the Shubh argala and the Rashi Drishti point of view from the Taurus Sign.

So, Taurus and Libra Sign Rashi Dasha has much potential for giving childbirth, besides this Virgo Sign also has potential for childbirth but Rahu is causing virodh argala to the Putra Karka and 5th house shows It might help native in conceiving the childbirth in mother womb but pregnancy may not sustain for much longer period or it might give issues like abortion or miscarriages.

From Jamini Point of view, Jupiter is falling in 10th from both Chara Putra Karka Mercury and the Karka of Conception Venus again showing for begetting the results native might need to put lots efforts or some sort of Remedial measures in order to gain positive results for progeny happiness.

As Kendra’s bhavas are ruled by the different Elements and if it has malefic yukti like Fiery and Watery elements planets or Water and Airry it can give problem in sustaining the pregnancy for a longer period of time and sometime one may not able to conceive the pregnancy because of the Mismatch in elements or Tattvas.

Though in native case Jupiter is not aspecting the chara Putra Karka Mercury and Venus but is causing Shubh argala to the natural Putra karka Jupiter and also having relation of 4/10 with each other, whereas Venus (Jala Tattva graha), Mercury (Vayu Graha), Sun (Agni Graha) and Mars (Agni Graha) are placed in Vayu Rashi, shows the mismatch between the tattvas (Venus is Hemmed between Fire, Agni) and further confirms that major issue is in sustaining Pregnancy for longer period of time in mother womb or sometimes it also shows too much fire in the Swadishtan Chakra, causes imbalance in the Sexual energy which can lead to sperm wastage, shortage or loss of the sperm count and, in during the coitus movement, required sperms may not able to reach the destination point in the spouse uterus.

Lagna or Ascendant
4 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

For getting the childbirth, Role of Lagna (Self Desire, being the pada lord of 7th house), 9th house/9th lord (Sanchit Karma or Fruits of past, blessings of divine, being the pada lord of 5th house), 5th house/lord (Poorva Punya, Punya of past- fruits of past ), 11th house/lord (Being pada lord of 7th house, falling 5th from the 7th), 2nd House/Lord (Mainly seen for personal family, Kula growth) and 4th house/4th lord (Being motherhood, Motherly nature and nourishment, Happiness via Motherhood) from Lagan and Moon lagan are important.

In Native case, 5th from Lagna is Gemini sign and lord of the 5th house is Mercury, lord of the 9th house Libra is Venus and Lagnesh is Saturn.

That further shows Mercury, Venus and Saturn are paramount for Bringing childbirth in native life and all these planets Dasha period is majorly important for getting childbirth.Whereas lagna is empty (Getting 7th aspect from the Saturn on own sign Aquarius – Shows results or fruits but after some initial Delays, due to self or karmic reasons).

5th house is empty but 5th lord is Mercury sitting with the 9th lord Venus in the 9th house with the sun and Mars further shows Dasha period of Venus, Mercury, Sun, and Mars are also majorly important for timing of the childbirth.

Though all are not well placed from the Moon Lagna (6th from the Moon), shows initial hurdles and difficulties in bringing childbirth in the mortal world.

Only Rahu (the other lagna of Aquarius) is well placed from the Moon lagna (5th from the Moon) and the Natal chart in own mooltrikona sign (lord is Mercury).Again Shows Rahu is also one of contender for giving yoga for conception but also shows difficulty in delivering the childbirths, as it is falling in 12th from the chara Putra Karka Mercury and karka of conception, (Venus) and most important it is placed in the 3rd from the Putra Karka Jupiter while sitting in the 8th house of the hurdles, delays, transformations, and obstacles.

3rd relationships always show challenges and extra efforts one may require for sustaining the results of the house that what Both Jupiter and Rahu are showing each other in a 3/11 relation in the d1 chart.

But the basic problem in native chart is all these planets are placed in Bhadhaka sthan with Bhadkesha venus who is getting 3rd aspect from both the Saturn and Rahu, falling in 12th from the Bhadhaka adhipati, moreover Rahu and Ketu are also aspecting the 5th house from the Rashi Drishti while sitting in 8th and 2nd house, further shows native may experience lots of unknown troubles, Delays, difficulties, and hurdles in getting childbirth due to past birth karmic reasons.


“It is a clear cut Sarpa Dosha from the Past birth that native need to resolve it in this birth for getting healthy and fruitful child birth.”

For Aquarius Lagna both Mars and Jupiter are considered as malefic, whereas mars being the 3rd lord (Karka of Mathun or Sexual acts) also placed in the 9th house with 9th lord Venus, 5th and 8th lord Mercury with the 7th lord Sun and all are placed in Bhadhaka sthan, Shows issue of an overheat in the coitus movement while having sexual act or it can lead to shortage in the sperm count which can further give issues in holding the conception due to an overheat or early loss of fluid in the sexual acts or it can also show conception occurring in wrong muhurta or the timings of coitus may not be good or could be happening in wrong timing that could become another reason couple may not able to conceive the pregnancy in a correct time period.

Here Sun (The Beeja) is also debilitated but getting neech bhanga from the Venus, so it is acting as neutral but Sun and Mars being with Venus it is giving loss of Sperm in the native.

From all this, we can conclude that there will be difficulty in getting conception in time and even if conception occurs it may not be able to survive it for the longer period (not able to deliver) in the womb due to other medical reasons like Abortion, miscarriage or some sort of technical or medical difficulties , as Venus is hemmed between Malefic influence in Both D1, D9, and D7 chart.

In D1 chart, Rahu is placed in 12th from the Chara Putra Karka Mercury and Bhadkesha Venus is deeply conjugated with the mars in D1, getting 3rd aspect of Saturn too.Moreover, Saturn is also giving Permanent Rashi drishti on the Libra Sign with Moon too.Saturn shows Difficulties or delays in conception, whereas moon shows chances of procreation or when native can conceive with positive results.

Here, Native needs both Spiritual and Medical Solutions and remedies to get the bliss of progeny happiness or blessing of the childbirth via divine.

As Chara Putra Karka (Mercury) Is messed up with debilitated sun, Mars, and Saturn, moreover Rahu is placed in the 12th from it.
In D1chart, all these factors are a clear-cut indication of either denying or delays in the childbirth happiness. If we see from Putra Karka Jupiter, Saturn is placed in 2nd from it in Sthira Rashi also shows Delays and difficulties in getting the child in right time. Here, Solution lies in the Deity worshiping of the planet who is falling in Kendra to the Chara Putra karka (Mercury) and Bhadhaka/ Sthan (Venus) and native also need to perform certain rituals and acts.
Here in Native Case, Jupiter is present in an exalted state falling in 10th from the bhadhaka sthan/Bhadhaka pati (Venus) and Chara Putra Karka Mercury that shows, guru devotion or guidance or advice or Prasad from some spiritual and divine guru is required to get Beeja of Putra in the mother womb.

As bhadkesha lord, Venus is placed in the Dual sign Gemini with Mars in the D9 chart and mercury is placed in the 9th house from the Karkamsa and Bhadkesha Venus, the remedial measure is possible after visiting distant holy places i.e visiting temples, godly places, any Siddha place or via Siddha guru advice.

“ Another way is native can also do deep worshiping to Bhadhakesha lord for pacifying the badha or obtacles coming in the way of concieving and visiting to the Ishta or Deity temple would also give positive results.”

Further it also shows divine blessings of Gauri/Laxmi (worshiping of Devi form as what Venus in native case Signifies to remove the bhadha for getting childbirth), Shiva (for providing strength to Sun for establishing Beeja in the womb) and Vishnu (As Jupiter is falling in 2nd from the 5th house, to get smooth delivery, for protection of Progeny, role of Vishnu ( protector)) required and native also need to perform some spiritual rituals or Vedic anusthan’s.

Venus is retrograde first thing, 2ndly it is Bhadkesha lord, and most important it is deeply messed up in Navamsa chart by Mars (by conjugation), Ketu (Placed in 2nd from Venus) and Saturn (By 10th aspect).

The remedy for AK venus is most important unless there won’t be any chance conception can occur or stay further in the womb for a longer period. In native case, enhancing the strength of Venus is majorly important for the conception process and to increase Sperm count, especially in the male chart.

“So, Remedy lies in the deep devotion or sadhana of the Ishata Devi, Shiva and Vishnu form is essential.”

Reason being, as Sun (Creator – Shiva – Beeja) is debilitated (Dispositer lord Venus is in Bhadhaka sthan but in own sign) and Moon (Mother Gauri – Womb of mother) is exalted, dispositer lord again is Venus placed in 6th from the moon, being karka of the conception and also rules sperm in male native, falling in 4th and 9th house and having 6/8 relationship with each other, that further shows there is mismatch in the tattva and Rinna involved with respect to the procreation that is giving unknown hurdle, difficulties, and delays in conception.

In native case, Wife is capable to give childbirth but Male native can face the issue of Sperm count or issue due to Sperm count infusion or problem of sperm flow in the uterus or it can give trouble in conceiving.In Simpler words, it might give issue in the timing of conception and sometime it can further give rise to medical difficulties like Miscarriage or Abortions due to an elemental mismatch in Fire, water, and air,and in astrological terms when Karka is under the heavy influence of malefic planets either by Paap Kriti yoga, aspect or conjunction, medical issues would be common.

From Lagna chart, Mercury, Venus and Moon Dasha period are paramount in giving child birth as both Mercury (5th lord), Venus ( 9th lord) are falling in 9th from the lagna, and Moon (where Venus sign is there) falling in Kendra Bhava in 4th house and also aspecting 9th house and 5th lord Mercury by Rashi Drishti shows better possibilities for begetting child in these vimsotri dasha periods but correct timing for Dasha period of Progeny happiness would be assured if above planets are well placed from the Moon (of D1, D9, and D7), Navamsa and Saptamasa Lagna ( D7).
Moon Lagna ( D1 and D9)


5 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Now let’s study the Moon lagna, in case of Moon lagna, 5th from the Moon is most important for timing of the childbirth, Here in native case 5th sign is Virgo where Rahu is placed in its mool-trikona sign, placed in 5th from it and 9th sign is Capricorn, who is empty and its lord is placed in the 7th house falling in 4th from the Moon.

Being lord of the 5th (Virgo) and 6th (Libra) sign from the Moon Lagan , Both Mercury and Venus are placed in the 6th house ( Marak House for children’s happiness) from the Moon lagna, and as per the classical rules conjunction of the 5th and 6th lord Signs usually denies or delays the fruits of the childbirth in the chart, that further shows though both the dashas are capable from the Lagna Kundli being lord of the 5th and 9th and are closely conjugated but being placed in mark Sthan from the Moon lagna it is denying or delaying the childbirth and also giving lots of delays and hurdles in the conceiving.

This is the only reason why even having good strength from the D1 chart but due to the bad placement from the moon chart, both the planets are not helping much for the conception and childbirth events.

From The Moon, Rahu has the greater possibility as it is well placed on it and Saturn is placed in 4th from it shows Stress or delays via the relationship that may not help in begetting child happiness.Jupiter is placed in the 3rd house that shows with the much efforts one can get beget a child.

So, there are possibilities of the childbirth but it also shows lots of unknown difficulties, efforts and delays in begetting childbirth.

If we see the past Record Rahu Mahadasha period has given opportunities for two times but both the periods were not fruitful for getting childbirth, as it is not well placed from the Putra Karka Jupiter (3rd from it) , Chara Putra Karka Mercury (12th from it) and Karaka of Conception, Venus (12th from it), shows the clear reason why it has given the possibilities of conception but couples not able to fruitfy childbirth successfully.

Navamsa Analysis


4 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

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If we see the D9 chart Rahu is also well placed in the 3rd house but 12th from the Chara Putra karka Mercury and 3rd from the Sthir Putra Karka Jupiter and 8th from the Venus show events related to cheating in marriage, Miscarriage, Delays and absorption.

Now current Dasha period of Jupiter is also going on, also lord of 5th and 2nd house placed in Lagna aspecting 5th and the 9th house Ketu too, again shows Current Mahadasha period Jupiter has good potential and capability to give childbirth as it is well placed in 4th from the chara Putra Karka Mercury.

But being 8th from the Moon lagan and 6th from the Venus also shows delays, hurdles and difficulties in begetting childbirth in the Dasha period on time, but it can be minimized by putting extra efforts in spiritual and medical remedial measures and needed strong and deep devotions toward the Ishta Devata or deity to fulfill the criteria of conception and Pregnancy.

Presence of Divine wish or Understanding Fertility Factor from the chart

Arudha Pada of Lagna( A3 and A9) ( Surya Arudha S9, S3)


8 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth
7 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Based on the above-mentioned details Neither Sun, Nor Venus and Mercury which are ruled for Infertility factors are falling in 2nd, 7th, 12th and 8th from the Both A3 and A9 Arudha (Arudha of the lagnas seen for medical fertility factors). 

Whereas from both A3 and A9, A9 is much stronger compared to A3 as Jupiter is placed over A9 arudha in cancer sign, moreover, Moon is also aspecting on A9 arudha pada too, that shows Moon Dasha would be most prominent dasha period for childbirth and conceiving factor.Though Both Saturn and Rahu are placed in 2nd and 3rd from the A9 Shows delays, hurdles and medical efforts in conceiving but same Jupiter is also placed in the 9th from AL shows there will be fortune with respect to children birth in MD of Jupiter.

As per Lagna arudhas, there are strong factors available for complete fertility from the Natal chart and native having very much potential in begetting the childbirth.

Now Let’s move toward the Surya Arudha of 3rd and 9th lord from the Surya that shows divine wish of the almighty for progeny.

Here both S3 and S9 are placed in Aquarius sign and neither, Sun, Venus and Mercury are placed in the 2nd, 7th 8th and 12th from the S3 and S9 confirms Divine wish is also there for conception and childbirth and Native is fertile from the Surya Arudha too, Soul of the child can come in the mortal mortal but with some efforts.

Another good factor is all Benefic planets, Mercury, Sun and Venus are also aspecting both S3 and S9 arudhas that shows good progress and development in the pregnancy with the gradual process, but also needed much time and patience.Only native need to be very cautious for the month when coitus movement will happen, in short muhurta of the conception month matters a lot for presiding over on time pregnancy and in same case aspect of Jupiter on S3 and S9 also further confirms native will beget the child birth by the divine wish of the almighty after performing certain rituals and divine remedial measures or advices of the guru or astrologer.

The Only factor which is stopping is both Saturn and Rahu are placed in the 7th and 8th from the Adhana Lagna (S3 and S9 lagna).


Overall both the Adhna and Natal Lagna shows much potential for holding the pregnancy in couple and native is fertile as well from both the Sun and Arudha Lagna of 3rd and 9th house.Best Timing for Conception:

10 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth
11 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Based on the Chara Dasha details Current Dasha is of Leo falling in 7th from the S3 and S9 Arudha where lord of S3 and S9 is placed in the Leo sign which shows Leo dasha has much potential for the conception and pregnancy factor and Period from the Feb 2018 to 20th December 2019 has many bright chances for conception can trigger.


12 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Same factors are also confirming from the Vimsotri dasha,as period of Mercury AD going to start from Jan 2018 to April 2020, whereas Period from Jan 2019 and March 2019 Shows Child birth can happen.

Transits Factor Whereas Period from November and December 2017 month also shows strong period for conception can likely to happen, when Jupiter , Sun and Venus will be transiting over Libra Sign where Putra Karka Mercury also present there, if it is not going to happen then much possibility would be there after Feb 2018 period that conception or pregnancy can occur.Preciously May, June July 2018 to March 2019 periods shows much brighter chances for conception can occur or native can enjoy the bliss of 3rd pregnancy.

Timing Pregnancies, abortions, Miscarriages from (D1) and (D7) Saptamsa chart


13 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Past Events

Dasha analysis ( Possible Dashas for Progeny)


14 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

1) First Event – Miscarriage – 2/12/2008, Second marriage, Sept-2011 first miscarriage

Possible Reason:

In the first Case, Rahu is falling in 5th from the Moon Lagna in d1 and also lord of Lagna, placed over lagna in D7 chart in Pisces Lagna and further it is 3rd from the 5th lord Moon in d7 chart that shows Rahu MD has the capability to give childbirth but with efforts.

Transitsof2011 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth
Understanding Saptamsa chart


D7chart Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Transit of Jupiter and Saturn were in Aries and Virgo forming 6/8 Relationship in Lagna whereas Transiting Saturn ( Lagnesh ) is aspecting by 10th aspect to

5th house by both Rashi and Graha Drishti whereas Jupiter has no connection with the D1 5th house that further confirms Maturity of the child would be less.

If we see D7 chart, In 2011 Jupiter was transiting over Putra Karka Jupiter and Venus in aries ( being lord of D7 lagna) confirms that Transit of Jupiter was favorable for conception but for maturity both the transiting lord should have relationship with 1st, 5th, 9th or 11th lord in D7 chart whereas 5th lord is paramount for final delivery of childbirth.
Though Jupiter being lagnesh transiting over Aries over Jupiter and Saturn was transiting over 7th house aspected the lagna and MD lord Rahu confirms about the conception period but due to lack of relationship with 5th house/lord child birth was not able to mature.

Further D7 Lagna is Even lagna (Pisces) as it is male chart 5th house is paramount for confirmation of any childbirth but here Rising Lagna is Even so we have to see first pregnancy from the 9th house in reverse order i.e first childbirth 9th house, then 7th house and 5th house so on etc.So 1st Pregnancy should be seen from the 9th house where natal Saturn is already placed over it.In 2011, Transit of Jupiter and Saturn were well placed from the D7 Moon lagna ( 9th from the D7 moon sign) and Jupiter is transiting over the 5th lord Venus, from the moon lagna. From D7 chart, Saturn is aspecting the 9th house with the 3rd aspect graha drishti and also aspecting lagna of d7 too.

Transiting Jupiter is also Aspecting 9th house via Rashi Drishti. So, both the aspects and relationship shows possible chances of 1st pregnancy to occur.

But for Reverse Lagna in D7 chart 10th house and 10th lord is acting as Marakesha for childbirth and can abort or shows some sort of issues in possible delivery chances.

Here Jupiter is becoming the markesha for 1st pregnancy and placed with the dispositer lord mars, the owner of the 9th house with 10th lord jupiter in 2nd house of the D7 chart.

Here both the 9th and 10th lord is conjoined in 2nd house aspecting 9th house via rashi drishti, Saturn was also aspecting the 9th house from both Natal and transit chart and Most important Rahu was also aspecting the 9th house further shows some sort of incident or mistake in pregnancy, that become one of the major reason why 1st pregnancy was lost due to Miscarriage because of influence of number of Malefic planet on 9th house was more. Malefic influence on karka house usually denial the childbirth or shows miscarriage or abortion.

The timing of Conception Based on Transits on D1 and D7 chart ( July-August 2011) :

Timingofconception Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

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Based on Dasha details period from April 13th 2011 to 15th of July was main for conception as Venus and Sun were placed in 5th house over Gemini falling in 7th house from the Darapada (A7 Arudha), Saturn was aspecting the 5th house from both Rashi and Graha Drishti and Venus was also under the influence of Jupiter during timing of conception period.

Timing of Loss of pregnancy (1st Miscarriage – September 2011) based on D1 and D7 Transits

Lossofpregnancy Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

The period from 24th of September to 29th of September was main for some sort of issues at that time most of the planets were transiting over Virgo sign in D7 and D1 chart.

2) Second Event – Abortion – 26-May 2012 


D7chart 1 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

In 2nd Event, we have to see 7th lord from the Lagna and 7th house or lord from the D7 chart as rising Lagna is an Even sign in d7 where Ketu is placed, Generally Placement of Ketu in karka bhava mostly denial the child.

Here 7th house is under the influence of nodes, and Dispositer lord of 7th house Mercury is getting aspect 3rd aspect from the Saturn placed in 9th house. 8th house is acting as Marka and dispositer lord venus act as markesh for 2nd pregnancy, where Sun is placed in debilitation in 8th house in libra and Dispositer lord venus is under the influence of Mars again aspecting the 8th house from 2nd house. Mars and Markesh also placed in 8th house from the 7th house. That confirms that 2nd pregnancy was also not going to be mature fruitfully.

The timing of Conception Based on Transits on D1 and D7 chart:

2ndConception Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

During November 2011, Both Jupiter and Saturn were aspecting the Venus from 9th and 3rd aspect in D1. Saturn was placed in 9th house and Jupiter and Saturn having mutual 1/7 relationship focusing on the 11th house where Venus was placed there that further shows Chances of 2nd pregnancy. During this period Rahu- Moon and Mercury dasha period was operative from 24th of September to Dec 9th 2011, where mercury was ruling the lordship of 7th house in D7 and 5th house in D1.Further Mercury was conjoined with 5th lord moon of D7 confirms that Mercury PD can give conception.

Timing of Loss of pregnancy

2ndloss Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

In May 2012 Mercury, Jupiter, Sun and Venus were under the influence of Nodes in Taurus sign placed in 4th house from the D1 where Moon was placed there that shows event of loss of pregnancy due to abortion.

Chances of 3rd Pregnancy :

Based on the Dasha details Mercury AD period that is going to be Start after 23rd January 2018 to 29th of April 2020 shows many possibilities for the 3rd pregnancy reason being mercury is lord of 5th house from D1 and also from the Moon lagan, happen to be Putra Karka placed in 9th house with the 9th lord Venus (ruler of 3rd pregnancy, also Seen for 3rd Pregnancy).

Another Possible reason is after December 2017 transiting Saturn will be in its mature degree away from the Gandanta degree of 3’20 minute, will be aspecting the 9th house, 9th lord venus will be there with Putra Karka Mercury and later after January 2018 Chara Putra Karka dasha of Mercury will start. Transit of Jupiter will be over Putra Karka Mercury and 9th house Lord Venus. Jupiter will be forming a relationship with Venus further shows higher possibilities of conception may occur in this dasha period.


From all this, we can conclude that the transit of both Jupiter and Saturn are most important for timing childbirth, Pregnancy and Conception events and it should be linked concerned houses with Sun and Venus for Male and Moon and Mars for women in Both D1 and D7 chart. For 3rd Pregnancy, both Saturn and Jupiter are focusing on 9th house usually seen for the 3rd pregnancy. Whereas period from May, June July 2018 to March 2019 shows much brighter chances for conception can occur or native can enjoy the bliss of 3rd pregnancy.

Whereas Dasha period going to start after Jan 2019 to March 2019 shows mush possibilities of childbirth, as Moon PD period has better possibility over other dasha periods if we see both D1 and D7 chart.Though if we see the D7 chart, 3rd pregnancy will be seen from the D7 5th house (Reverse Order in Mandook Gati), where the 5th lord of the D7 chart moon is conjoined with the AD lord Mercury in 11th house aspecting the 5th house from 7th house, Except Saturn no such aspect is influencing both Moon and Mercury in d7 chart.

After Oct 2019 transiting Jupiter will be transiting over natal Saturn over the 9th house in the D7 chart will aspect the lagna (Rahu), 7th house and 5th house. Transiting Jupiter will aspect the Dasha PD lord Moon and AD Lord Mercury too via Rashi Drishti.

So, chances would be high for native would have the bliss of childbirth.

I Hope learned Readers can now better use this case study for the further timing of childbirth and medical issues related to pregnancies.

With thanks and Regards
Rakesh Jamwal
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Views: 715

Rohini Shakat Bhedan Yoga : Why Saturn Never enters into Rohini Star 4th Pada while transiting in Taurus sign ?

taurus Rohini Shakat Bhedan Yoga : Why Saturn Never enters into Rohini Star 4th Pada while transiting in Taurus sign ?

Rohini Shakat Bhedan Yoga : The historical insight of Saturn transit in Rohini Nakashtra based on Padma Purana.

In Brihat Samhita of Varahmihira author explained many of exponential principals while predicting natural catastrophes symptoms and most are readily manual for today’s researchers for highlighting cause and impact of sun-spots, planetary movement overs different Nakashtras mandalas for understanding Earthquakes, Rainfall, Drought and famines etc. As we already know why Varahmihira was one of an eminent astrologer, astronomer and Mathematician in the era of Vikrama Aditya, interpreted many of incidents for saving the kingdom from miseries. He was one of an excellent interpreter in analysing and understanding the language of nature but the irony is today’s modern discoverers completely ignoring this ancient art of nature for understanding its language.

Varahmihira in around 412 A.D quoted and opined that formation of Sun Spot usually brings Famine in the land and gives huge magnet storms in earth.this was found to be the case during the famine of 1876-77.

The great famine of 1876 (also the Southern India famine of 1876–78 or the Madras famine of 1877) was a famine in India that began in 1876 and affected south and southwestern India (Madras, Mysore, Hyderabad, and Bombay) for a period of two years. In its second year famine also spread north to some regions of the Central Provinces and the North-Western Provinces, and to a small area in Punjab. The famine ultimately covered an area of 257,000 square miles (670,000 km) and caused distress to a population totalling 58,500,000. The death toll from this famine is estimated to be in the range of 5.5 million people.

From above all conditions, we can conclude our Hindu astronomers were not wrong on interpreting nature language i.e impact of Sun Spots, Solar & lunar eclipse, planetary moments, weather uncertainness, rains, floods and sudden catastrophes.

It is well-known fact that all India observe anxiously the course of the moon with respect to the four stars of 10th constellation when the sun is in the sign of Aquarius from “10th Feb to March 10th”, with a hope of future agricultural prospects of the land , the market price of food grains is once lowered or raised according to as the moon’s course lies to the south of the course stars or more and more to the north of the southernmost star.

It was also stated in ancient treaties that if the moon should Pass to the north of all the four stars the world would be at an end.

It is very much evident in scientific language as per what our modern astronomer’s moon will never pass to the north of all the four stars but in 1876 the moon course was lay between the north-most star and the one next to it. So we can assert our ancients treaties on reading nature languages aren’t wrong.

Now coming to Saturn course, according to our ancient Hindu astronomers if Saturn should enter the constellation of Rohini (4th pada) the world would be at an end.

The story belongs from during the era of Maharaja dasratha’s , one of astronomer form his court announced to the prince the dreaded entry of Saturn into the said constellation that the prince once flew in the air and stood before Saturn in his orbit resolved to stop this course; that Saturn, pleased with the prince’s boldness, promised never more to enter the circle.

There is a complete reference in Uttrakhand section of Padma Purana where Lord Shiva is explaining to Rishi Narda about the role of Saturn for both mundane as well as for individual horoscopes during Saturn course to Taurus when it was in Kritika (10 Degree) about to enter Rohini Nakashtra.

King Dasaratha was warned that this would lead to terrible famine and also indicates a sign of war.

King dashratha reached “Shani Yuga” and he told to Saturn if he enters Rohini constellation all would be destroyed, Dashratha asked Saturn to save the world from the agony of wars and famine. Dashratha Paid Respect and praised him to ask for a boon, Saturn was very happy with Dashratha gesture, somehow Dashratha saved as seeing his boldness in front of him

Dashratha recited ” Neel Shani Stotra” to propitiate Saturn as advised of sages and praised Saturn with verses. Saturn was much impressed and told dashratha to ask for boon . Dashratha requested him never to do “ Shakat Bhedan” to which Saturn Consented.

In the Book “Shani Shaman” it was well written about Saturn and King Dashratha and descriptions of “ Rhone Shakta Bhedan Yoga (Rohini Shakat Bhedan Yoga)” Which means entry of Saturn in Rohini Nakashtra will cause Terrible Famine for 12 years”

This was the whole story behind Saturn entry in Rohini Nakashtra.

Modern Astronomical fact has shown that ordinarily, Saturn will never enter the said circle, a circumstance which shows that the story is simply intended to cover an astronomical truth. it is well known that recently Saturn approached the circle to within a degree from it but did not enter it.

It is well known that recently Saturn approached the circle to within a degree from it but did not enter it.

So, we can ascertain that our ancient Hindu astronomers are wise in interpreting, observing and tabulation of the phenomena of nature.

There are lots of effects seen for Saturn entry in Taurus in recent many years which are mentioned below :

1) when Saturn entered Taurus on 12th May 1912 and Stayed there till 1914, while it was Rohini Nakashtra from 11 August 1912 to 3 May 1914, 1st World War started on November 29, 1913, to May 1914.

2) India Rise of nationalism establishment of Hindi association for freedom of India in USA Portland in May 1913 and publication of the first issue of Ghadar November 1913.

3) Mahatma Gandhi Started Satyagraha movement in South Africa.

4) Saturn again entered in Taurus in 1942 from 4 March 1942 to April 24 1944. There was a war of India in 1942 and famine of Bengal happened.

5) Quit India movement started in 1942.

6) Saturn entered in Taurus on 29 April 1971 – 11 June in 1973 “Indo Pakistan” war Started in 1971 ( July 22 to Nov 1971), Revolt Started in East Bengal and events lead to Pakistan war.

7) Saturn entered on 6 June 2000 to 22 July 2002, on 26th January 2001 Earthquake of Gujarat Bhuj happened, it was one of worst earthquake happened in the subcontinent for half a century, approximate 2.5 million people died.

8) On 11 September 2001, there was an attack on America.

9) USA war Against Afghanistan started.

10) The attack on Indian Parliament on 13th December 2001.

11) Godhra riots of Gujarat started on 28th February 2002.

Solution : Best Remedy is to Recite and Propitiate Lord Saturn by Shani Stotra Created by King Dashratha or Read Whole Story of King Vikrama Aditya , Read About lord Saturn in Padma Puran and Read Shani Shaman Book and understand its course for different zodiacs and do remedies as mentioned in Shani Shaman, Be calm and down to earth and do your responsibilities of Real-world seriously , make your self more serious towards your moral duties, respect women.
Source and Reference :
Brihat Samhita By N.C Iyer for Knowledge and Public Sharing

pin Rohini Shakat Bhedan Yoga : Why Saturn Never enters into Rohini Star 4th Pada while transiting in Taurus sign ?

Views: 479

Power of Transits in Vimsotri Dasha : How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords

QeCG1B Power of Transits in Vimsotri Dasha : How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords

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How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords

Dr. K. Guru Rajesh

This was an article published in the JANUARY 2015 issue of the ‘Modern Astrology’. I thank Mrs. Gayatridevi Vasudev, the editor, for allowing me to share the article in social media. I hope you will enjoy reading this……..

Complete System of Prediction 

Vedic astrology is replete with many kinds of tools and techniques which aid in predicting events in the life of a native and pin-point the time of their fructification. Even a single Sloka or a small set of 3 or 4 Slokas may contain in them the germ of a complete system of prediction. While studying Phaladeepikacertain Slokas of Chapter 20 that deal with the transit effects of Vimshottari Dasa and Bhukti lords attracted my attention.

Phaladeepika Slokas, Chapter 20

sloka1 Power of Transits in Vimsotri Dasha : How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords

Whichever Bhava from the natal Ascendant the Dasa lord moves through in his transit identical with his own, exaltation or friendly sign, the concerned Bhava will be strengthened, provided the Dasa lord is strong in the natal chart.

sloka2 Power of Transits in Vimsotri Dasha : How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords
When the Dasa lord is weak in the natal chart and he transits a sign identical with his debilitation or inimical sign or when he gets eclipsed by the Sun, the effects of that house from the natal Ascendant will get spoiled.

sloka3 Power of Transits in Vimsotri Dasha : How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords
When the Dasa lord during his transit moves in his debilitation or inimical sign or gets eclipsed by the Sun, the Dasa will yield unfavorable results. Contrary to this, if the Dasa lord moves in his exaltation, own or friendly signs or becomes retrograde during his transit the Dasa will produce benefic results.
sloka4 Power of Transits in Vimsotri Dasha : How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords
During a particular Dasa, the results of the houses reckoned from the natal Moon-sign will come to pass whenever the Dasa lord transits through them.

These Slokas suggest that when a certain Vimshottari Dasa and Bhukti is running in the life of a native, then the transits of the Dasa and Bhukti lords can be utilized to confirm the event promised by them in the natal chart and also to zero-in on the time of fructification of the event. Similarly, the transits of planets on the natal positions of the Dasa and Bhukti lords also have say on the manifestation of results. As with all methods of Vedic astrology, the dicta laid down by the Rishis should be taken as a broad guideline and more precise rules with empirical analysis need to be identified. With these pointers I have analysed a number of horoscopes of people who have experienced a variety of events, both good and bad, and found that the method works amazingly.

First of all the events promised by the planets in the natal chart should be analysed minutely in order to successfully apply this method. The good or bad results which the Dasa and Bhukti lords portend from their natal positions, lordships and association should be judged properly. While doing this, both the Ascendant and the natal Moon-sign should be considered. Similarly, the lord of the Nakshatra in which a planet is placed as per Vimshottari Dasa system should also be studied as it plays a prominent role in shaping the results. Various benefic and malefic combinations enumerated in the classical texts should be applied carefully before drawing a conclusion regarding the potential events that can manifest in the life of the native during a given Dasa and Bhukti period. After that, the following rules regarding the transit of Dasa and Bhukti lords and also other planets should be applied to pin-point the event. This method is particularly helpful when at least one among the Dasa or Bhukti lords is a slow moving planet. Nevertheless, it works well for fast moving planets also.

General Principles

(a) Observe the houses transited and aspected by the Dasa and Bhukti lords both from the natal Ascendant and the natal Moon-sign. The events connected with these houses will manifest during the Dasa-Bhukti period.

(b) Observe the natal planets on whom the Dasa and Bhukti lords move or cast their aspect in transit vis-a-vis their lordships and natural Karakattwas. The events connected with these planets will manifest during the Dasa-Bhukti period.

(c) Transit Dasa or Bhukti lord moving over or aspecting a particular combination in the natal chart may manifest the results of that combination.

(d) When the Dasa or Bhukti lord moves on or aspects a house of which it has natural Karakattwa the results of that house will manifest significantly.

(e) When the Dasa and Bhukti lords move over or aspect their natal positions then the period will give the results promised by them in the natal chart.

(f) When either the Dasa or Bhukti lord is a natural benefic and indicates a happy event in transit while at the same time the other lord is a natural malefic and indicates unfavourable result in transit, then the native will experience both results during that period. For example, events like marriage followed by immediate separation, or birth and death of a child etc.

Favourable Results

Opposition and Conjunction

1) Dasa or Bhukti lord transiting the 9th house from the natal Ascendant or the Moon-sign may give happy occasions like marriage, child birth etc.

2) The Dasa and Bhukti lords coming into opposition in transit will give benefic results promised by their position in the natal chart.

3) When Dasa and Bhukti lords come together in transit in a beneficial house either from the natal Ascendant or from the natal Moon, then the native will experience the favorable results of these houses.

Transit Jupiter

4) When transit Jupiter moves on natal Dasa or Bhukti lord, the native may experience happy events. Also, Dasa or Bhukti lord transiting on natal Jupiter may indicate happy events.

5) Transit Jupiter on or aspecting both Dasa or Bhukti lords will give happy events. 6) When Jupiter is either the Dasa or Bhukti lord and transits over the other planet while the said planet aspects or moves over natal Jupiter, the native will experience happy events.

7) The Dasa or Bhukti lord in transit moving over or receiving the aspect of natal Jupiter and Venus will give benefic results pertaining to the houses owned by him in the natal chart and also the houses influenced by him in transit.

8) When the Dasa or Bhukti lord transits natal Jupiter while transit Jupiter moves over the natal position of the Dasa or Bhukti lord, the native will experience benefic results.

9) When a Dasa or Bhukti lord is a natural malefic and transits over a beneficial house from the natal Ascendant or natal Moon while simultaneously either Jupiter or Venus is transiting over the natal position of the said planet, then the native will experience happy events.

10) When both Dasa and Bhukti lords join together in transit in the natal Ascendant or natal Moon-sign while transit Jupiter aspects their natal positions, then the native will experience happy events.
11) Transit Jupiter moving over the natal position of the Dasa or Bhukti lord or aspecting them in transit bestows favourable results on the native.

I have tested these rules successfully on more than 60 horoscopes and would like to demonstrate its applicability through an example horoscope.

Male: Born May 9, 1979 at 21 h. 30m. IST at 16 N 17, 80 E 26.
chart Power of Transits in Vimsotri Dasha : How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords

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Event I: Sister’s Birth: Mars Dasa-Ketu Bhukti >> A younger sister was born on 15thNovember 1982.

11 Power of Transits in Vimsotri Dasha : How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords
Vimshottari: Mars is the Karaka for siblings and is also the 3rd lord from the Moon-sign. Mars occupies the Nakshatra of Ketu who is in the 3rd from the Ascendant. The Bhukti lord Ketu is in the 3rd from the Ascendant aspected by 3rd lord Saturn. Transits: Both Dasa lord Mars and Bhukti lord Ketu were moving together in Sagittarius, the natal Ascendant. Transit Jupiter was in Libra aspecting natal Mars and Ketu, the Dasa and Bhukti lords.

Event II: Award of Gold Medals: 
Rahu Dasa-Moon Bhukti >> The native was awarded three gold medals for outstanding performance in the Under Graduate Course and received the medals on 25th November 2001 in the University Convocation through the Governor of the state. 

Vimshottari:   Dasa lord Rahu is in the 9th with the 2nd and 3rd lord Saturn. Rahu occupies the Nakshatra of Venus, the 6th and 11th lord, who is exalted in the 4thhouse. Rahu should give the results of his dispositor Sun who is exalted in the 5thhouse joined by 10th lord Mercury and 5th lord Mars. Thus Rahu is well fortified to bestow Yoga on the native. The Bhukti lord Moon is the 8th lord (the blemish of 8thhouse lordship will not affect the Sun and Moon) placed in the 10th aspected by exalted Venus. Moon occupies the Nakshatra of the 5th lord Mars who is in the 5thwith the 9th lord Sun and 10th lord Mercury. Thus, the Moon is also qualified to bestow recognition to the native and thrust him centre stage in the academicia.

Transits:  The Dasa lord Rahu was transiting Gemini, his exaltation sign, in the 10thfrom natal Moon. Transit Jupiter also joined transit Rahu in Gemini. The Bhukti lord Moon was transiting Pisces over natal exalted Venus aspecting the natal 10thhouse where natal Moon is placed.

Event III:  Top Rank in PG studies and qualifying CSIR-JRF-NET exam: 

Jupiter Dasa- Jupiter Bhukti >> The native obtained the top rank in his batch in Post Graduate Studies and received a prize and certificate of appreciation on March 14th 2003 in the University Convocation through the Governor. He also got qualified in the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research – Junior Research Fellow cumNational Eligibility Test and joined the fellowship in April 2004. For the first time in his life the native got a regular income in the form of a stipend.
Vimshottari: The Dasa and Bhukti lord Jupiter is the Ascendant and 4th lord exalted in the 8th aspecting the 2nd and 4th houses. The 5th lord Mars aspects Jupiter from the 5th. From the Moon-sign Jupiter is the 4th lord placed in the 11th house.

Transits:  The Dasa and Bhukti lord Jupiter was moving through his natal position in his exaltation sign Cancer.

Event IV:  Joining as Executive in a prestigious PSU: 

Jupiter Dasa-Saturn Bhukti >> The native joined as an executive in a prestigious Public Sector Company in March, 2006.

Vimshottari:  The Dasa lord Jupiter is exalted and aspects the 2nd house and is in the 11th from the Moon-sign. Further, Jupiter occupies the Nakshatra of the 2nd lord Saturn who is in the 9th house. The Bhukti lord Saturn is the 2nd lord placed in the 9th in the Nakshatra of the 6th and 11th lord Venus who is exalted in the 4th and aspects the 10th.

Transits: The Dasa lord Jupiter was transiting Libra, the 11th house from the natal Ascendant and the 2nd house from the natal Moon, aspecting the 10th lord Mercury and 10th house from the natal Moon sign. Bhukti lord Saturn was moving in Cancer over natal Jupiter in the 11th from natal Moon-sign and aspecting the 10th house and 10th lord from the natal Ascendant. Transit Venus was aspecting transit Saturn from Capricorn.

Event V:  Sister’s Marriage: Jupiter Dasa-Saturn Bhukti >> 

The native’s sister got married on January 25th 2007. 

Vimshottari:  The Dasa lord Jupiter is the 2nd and 11th lord from the 3rd and occupies his exaltation sign. Jupiter is in the Nakshatra of the 3rd lord Saturn who is in the 7th from the 3rd house. From the Moon-sign, Jupiter happens to be the 2ndand 5th lord from the 3rd and occupies the 9th from the 3rd house in exaltation. The Bhukti lord Saturn is the 3rd lord from Ascendant and occupies the 7th from the 3rd. Saturn further occupies the Nakshatra of exalted Venus who is the 7th lord from the 3rd house from the Moon sign.

Transits: The Dasa lord Jupiter was transiting Scorpio, the 3rd house from natal Moon, casting his aspect on the 7th house therefrom. The Bhukti lord Saturn was transiting Cancer over natal Jupiter, the Dasa lord. Also, transit Jupiter was aspecting transit Saturn.

Event VI: Native’s Marriage: Jupiter Dasa-Mercury Bhukti >> The native got married on May 15th 2009.

Vimshottari: The Dasa lord Jupiter is the 7th lord from the Moon-sign and aspects the 7th from the Moon where Venus is placed in exaltation. The Bhukti lord Mercury is the 7th lord from the Ascendant.

Transits: Dasa lord Jupiter was transiting Aquarius aspecting Gemini, the 7thhouse from natal Ascendant. The Bhukti lord Mercury was transiting in Taurus, the 9th from the natal Moon-sign.

Event VII:  Awarded PhD degree: Jupiter Dasa-Ketu Bhukti >> The native was awarded Doctorate degree on June 9th 2010. 

Vimshottari: The Dasa lord Jupiter is endowed with the capacity to confer distinction in studies. The Bhukti lord Ketu is in the 3rd house and can confer Yoga as per the dictum Truteeye Ketu samsthanam yogadam Bhavathi dhruvam. Further, Ketu occupies the Nakshatra of Ascendant and 4th lord Jupiter who is in exaltation.

The Dasa lord Jupiter was transiting Pisces, the 4th house from the natal Ascendant, aspecting the natal 10th house. The Bhukti lord Ketu was moving in Gemini, the 10th house from natal Moon.

Event VIII:  Acquires car: Jupiter Dasa-Ketu Bhukti >> 

The native purchased his first car on September 24th 2010.

Vimshottari:  The Dasa lord Jupiter is the 4th lord from both the Ascendant and the Moon sign and occupies his exaltation sign aspecting the 4th house from the Ascendant. The Bhukti lord Ketu is in the 3rd house albeit in the Nakshatra of the 4th lord Jupiter. Further Ketu should give the results of Saturn who is placed in the 9th house.

Transits: Dasa lord Jupiter was transiting Pisces, the 4th house from the natal Ascendant. The Bhukti lord Ketu was transiting Gemini and aspecting Sagittarius, the 4th house from the natal Moon.

Event IX: Birth of Daughter: Jupiter Dasa-Ketu Bhukti >> The native was blessed with a daughter on November 3rd 20 10.

Vimshottari:  The Dasa lord Jupiter is the natural Karaka for progeny and occupies his exaltation sign aspecting the 2nd house from the Ascendant which happens to be the 5th from the Moon-sign. Further, Jupiter is in the Nakshatra of Saturn, the 5th lord from the Moon sign, and receives the aspect of Mars, the 5th lord from the Ascendant. The Bhukti lord Ketu should give the results of Saturn and Mars (Kujavad ketu). Mars is the 5th lord from the Ascendant and Saturn is the 5th lord from the Moon. Further, Ketu occupies the Nakshatra of Karaka Jupiter.

Transits:  The Dasa lord Jupiter was transiting Aquarius where natal Ketu, the Bhukti lord, is placed. Further, transit Jupiter aspects natal Saturn, the 5th lord from the natal Moon-sign. Transit Ketu was moving in Gemini aspected by transit Jupiter from Aquarius.

Event X:  Promotion in Job: 

Jupiter Dasa-Venus Bhukti >> The native got a promotion in his job with effect from January 1st 2011.

The Dasa lord Jupiter is exalted and aspects the 2nd house and is placed in the 11th house, an Upachaya, from the Moon-sign. Further, Jupiter occupies the Nakshatra of 2nd and 3rd lord Saturn (lord of an Upachaya) the 6thand 11th lord (lord of Upachayas) from the Ascendant placed in the 4th in exaltation aspecting the 10th house. Venus is the 2nd and 9th lord from Moon sign. Venus occupies the asterism of Mercury, the 10th lord from both ascendant and Moon sign.
Transits: Dasa lord Jupiter was transiting Pisces aspecting the 10th house from natal ascendant and also natal Jupiter placed in Cancer. Bhukti lord Venus was transiting Scorpio receiving the aspect of both natal and transit Jupiter. Further, transit Jupiter was moving on natal Venus in Pisces.

Event-XI:  Constructed house: 

Jupiter dasa-Venus bhukti >> The native constructed a house and performed Gruhapravesham on 9th May 2011.

Vimshottari:  Dasa lord Jupiter is the 4th lord from both ascendant and Moon and occupies his exaltation sign aspecting 4th house from ascendant. Bhukti lord Venus is the 11th lord exalted in the 4th house and receives the aspect of 4th lord Jupiter. Further, from Moon sign Venus is the 2nd and 9th lord. 

Transit: Dasa lord Jupiter just entered Aries aspecting Sagittarius, the natal ascendant and the 4th house from natal Moon sign. Bhukti lord Venus was transiting her natal position in Pisces, the 4th house from natal ascendant.

Event-XII:  Second child:  

Jupiter dasa-Moon bhukti >> 
The native’s wife delivered a baby girl on October 1st 2014.
Vimshottari: Dasa lord Jupiter is capable of bestowing progeny as explained earlier. Bhukti lord Moon is placed in the 10th house aspected by exalted Venus. Moon occupies the asterism of Mars, the 5th lord from ascendant.

Transit:  Dasa lord Jupiter is transiting Cancer over his natal position aspecting Capricorn, the 5th house from natal Moon sign. Bhukti lord was transiting Sagittarius, the native’s Ascendant sign.

Event-XIII: Promotion to the native: 

Jupiter dasa-Mars Bhukti >> The native got a second promotion with effect from January 1st 2016.

Vimshottari: The dasa lord Jupiter is capable of giving progress in career as explained above. The Bhukti lord Mars is the 5th lord from the ascendant joining the 9th lord Sun and 10th lord Mercury in the 5th house, a powerful Kenrakonadhipa Yoga. Mars is the 3rd lord (Upachaya lord) from Moon-Sign and occupies the Nakshatra of Ketu who is placed in the 3rd from the ascendant and 6th from the Moon sign (both Upachayas). 

Transit: Dasa lord Jupiter is transiting Leo, the 9th house from the ascendant aspecting Aries where the Bhukti lord Mars is placed forming the yoga with 9thand 10th lords. Bhukti lord Mars is transiting Libra, the 11th house from the ascendant (an Upachaya), also aspecting Aries.

Unfavourable Results

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The first part of this paper has dealt with the connection between the Dasa-Bhukti lords and transiting planets covering favourable results. There are other principles which can also be applied in deciphering unfavourable results to the Dasa-Bhukti lords against the transits of planets.

Mutual Relationships

1) The Dasa and Bhukti lords portending evil results in the natal chart and joining together or coming in mutual opposition in transit in malefic houses from the natal Moon or the natal Ascendant will bring about evil results.

2) When the Dasa and Bhukti of malefic planets are running and one of them transits over the other, then the bad effect suggested in the natal chart will manifest itself.

3) When both the Dasa and Bhukti lords are natural malefics and form a formidable combination in the natal chart and one of them moves on or aspects that natal combination in transit while the other moves on or aspects the natal Ascendant, Moon-sign or the 10th house from them, the native will experience very bad results and commit grave mistakes due to poor judgment.

4) The Dasa or Bhukti lord transiting his debilitation sign and suffering combustion at the same time will give very bad results.

5) If the Dasa or Bhukti lord occupies his debilitation sign in a bad house in the natal chart and transits the same sign then that period will be unfavourable.

6) When a Dasa or Bhukti lord moves over a planet debilitated in the natal chart and also joins the same planet in transit, then the period will give bad results.

7) When either the Dasa or Bhukti lords is debilitated and posited in a bad house in the natal chart and the Dasa and Bhukti lords in transit move through or aspect that house, then the native will experience bad results as indicated by that house.

8) The Dasa and Bhukti lords both moving over or aspecting natal debilitated planets will bring bad results like loss of position etc.

Inimical Signs and Planets

9) When a Dasa or Bhukti lord in transit moves in an inimical sign joined by planets inimical to him, then that period will give bad results.

10) When Jupiter is either the Dasa and Bhukti lord and joins his enemies Venus or Mercury or both in transit in an inimical or debilitation sign, then the native will experience bad results.

11) The Dasa or Bhukti lord though moving in exaltation, friendly or own sign will give unfavourable results when combust at the same time.

Malefic Planets and Positions

12) Transit of malefic planets over Dasa or Bhukti lord who is disposed badly in the natal chart will give bad results.

13) Though a planet transits his exaltation, own or friendly sign that will not preclude him from giving unfavourable results if that sign happens to be the 6th, 8th or 12th house from the natal Ascendant or natal Moon.

14) When a Dasa or Bhukti lord transits his natal position joined by transiting malefic planets, the native will experience bad results.

15) When a Dasa or Bhukti lord moves in his debilitation sign or a malefic house from the natal Ascendant or natal Moon and is simultaneously influenced by transit Saturn and Mars either by conjunction or aspect then the period indicates unfortunate events.

16) When the Dasa or Bhukti lord moves over a natal planet that owns bad houses and joins the same planet in transit also, then the native will experience bad results of the house pertaining to that natal planet.

17) When the Dasa or Bhukti lord activates a formidable natal combination in transit and simultaneously suffers combustion or affliction by transiting malefic planets, the native experiences very bad results indicated by the natal combination.
18) When Saturn is one among the Dasa and Bhukti lords and generates sadesathein
transit (moves in the 12th, 1st or 2nd from natal Moon) while the other lord simultaneously indicates bad results in transit, the native will face difficult circumstances.


19) The Dasa or Bhukti lord joining transit Rahu or Ketu will be bad. This will be more pronounced when the planet moves through his inimical or debilitation sign.

20) Rahu transiting on natal position of Dasa or Bhukti lord will be bad.

21) When transit Rahu moves over a planet whose Dasa or Bhukti is current and that planet simultaneously transits his debilitation or inimical sign or suffers combustion, bad results follow.
22) When both the Dasa and Bhukti lords move over a bad natal combination joined with transit Rahu then that period will prove to be unfavourable.

23) When Rahu or Ketu is the Dasa or Bhukti lord, the transit or aspect of the Node over natal Ascendant or natal Moon may give bad results.

24) If the Dasa or Bhukti lord transits natal Rahu while transit Rahu simultaneously transits over the natal position of the said planet, then the native will experience bad results.

The same case discussed in Part I of this paper is examined in the light of these principles for unfavourable results.

Male: Born May 9, 1979 at 21h. 30m. 1ST at 16 N 17, 80 E 26.

chart 1 Power of Transits in Vimsotri Dasha : How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords

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Event XIV:  Father’s Heart Attack and Bypass Surgery: 

Rahu Dasa-Mars Bhukti >>  The native’s father suffered a heart attack on October 2nd 2002 and had to undergo bypass surgery on November 11th 2002. The 9th house lodges Saturn in an inimical sign with Rahu while the 9th lord and Karaka Sun is exalted in the 5th with Mars and Mercury. The 9th is hemmed between benefics exalted Jupiter and Full Moon. Thus, though the 9th house is considerably afflicted, the 9th lord and Karaka Sun is fortified and the 9th house is protected by the benefic Argala.

Vimshottari: Both the Dasa and Bhukti lords are natural malefics. The Dasa lord Rahu is in the 9th with Saturn. Rahu occupies the Nakshatra of Venus who is in the 4th (8th from the 9th). The Bhukti lord Mars joins the 9th lord Sun in the 5th house along with Mercury. Mercury is a Maraka from the 9th house. Mars occupies the Nakshatra of Ketu who is in the 3rd house, the 7th from the 9th. Mars Bhukti is the last in Rahu Dasa coming under Dasa-chidram which usually gives bad results.
Transits: Dasa lord Rahu was transiting Taurus, the 9th house from the natal Moon. Bhukti lord Mars was transiting natal Saturn and Rahu in Leo, the 9th house from the natal Ascendant.

Event XV:
  Father’s Hip Fracture and Operation: Jupiter Dasa-Ketu Bhukti >> On October 24th 2010, the native’s father fell down and had a hip fracture which was operated upon on November 2nd 2010 and a joint replacement done.

Vimshottari: Dasa lord Jupiter is in the 8th house, the 12th from the 9th and happens to be the 8th lord from the 9th house. Jupiter occupies the Nakshatra of Saturn who is in the 9th along with Rahu. The Bhukti lord Ketu is in the 3rd and should give the results of Saturn who occupies the 9th house with Rahu. Both Dasa and Bhukti lords are in Shastashtaka or mutually unfavorable positions.
Transits: The Dasa lord Jupiter was transiting Pisces, the 8th house from the natal 9th house. The Bhukti lord Ketu was transiting Gemini, his debilitation sign, aspecting the natal Ascendant.

Event XVI:  Heart Problem to Mother: Jupiter Dasa-Venus Bhukti >> The native’s mother had to be hospitalized on September 28th 2011 as she was complaining of shortness of breath. It was diagnosed as heart failure because of reduced EF%.

The Dasa lord Jupiter is the 4th lord from both the Ascendant and the Moon-sign. Though in his exaltation sign, Jupiter is in the 8th house from the Ascendant in the Nakshatra of Saturn who is placed in the 6th from the 4th in Leo which rules the heart. The Bhukti lord Venus is the 6th and 11th lord from Ascendant and occupies the 4th house aspected by 8th lord and Karaka Moon. From the 4th house Venus is the 3rd and 8th lord.

Transits: The Dasa lord Jupiter was in Aries, the 8th house from the natal Moon-sign aspecting Libra, the 8th from the 4th house from the natal Ascendant. The Bhukti lord Venus was transiting his debilitation sign Virgo where the natal Moon, the Karaka, is placed. Transit Venus was with transit Saturn, the Sun, Moon and Mercury aspecting Pisces, the 4th house from the natal Ascendant.

Event XVII: Father’s Death: Jupiter Dasa-Moon Bhukti >> The native’s father died on August 24th 2015.

Vimshottari:  As explained earlier Jupiter is capable of causing harm to the native’s father. The Bhukti lord Moon is the 8th lord, 12th lord from the 9th house, and placed in the 2nd to 9th house, a Marakasthana. Further, the Moon occupies the Nakshatra of Mars who joins Pitrukaraka and 9th lord Sun and 10th lord Mercury, a Marakasthana lord from the 9th house.

Dasa lord Jupiter was transiting Leo, the 9th house from the ascendant where Saturn and Rahu are placed in the natal chart. Further, Jupiter was combust by his close proximity to transit Sun, the 9th lord and natural Karaka for father. Bhukti lord Moon was debilitated in Scorpio aspecting Taurus, the 9th house from the natal Moon-sign.

This case illustrates the principles given in Phaladeepika very well.

With Thanks and Regards,
Dr. K Guru Rajesh 

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The Divine Codes Volume 3 : Download 3rd Digital Edition on Divine and Transcendental subjects ; Vastu, Meditation, Mundane astrology, world peace group, and Vedic Jyotish

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This organization was shaped, with plain but sincere desire for everyone to live in wholeness, purity and highest level of consciousness. Our sole idea is wholesome and purest conscious living for everybody. GCTR is a body; which comprises of people who are researching in the field of divine and art forms. This includes Astrology, Palmistry, Spirituality, Travelogues, Yoga, Ayurveda, Vedic Numerology, Sthapatya, and other Art forms etc.

It is private body, but memberships are open. Anybody who has niche in such areas is most welcome in our family. There is no entry fee for the same. The only requirement is that you should have a sound knowledge of the subject.

“ THE DIVINE CODES ” magazine is a publication of our body and our members can contribute their articles and research for the same. It will be published regularly and it will remain free forever. Each article from its contributing members will also carry a photo and bio of the respective author.

The authors will also get exposure through three websites, social media, and publishing archives.We welcome you to a voyage for love and peace.

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Readers are requested to have a glance on our 3rd volume.

Check out first look of Articles Published so far

This issue carries following articles:

Articles at Glympse for volume 3 | October 2016 | The Divine Codes

• Astrology in ayurvedic classics | Page No-2 | By Guru R
• Marital disharmony – an astrological analysis | Page No- 10 | By Sumantha Ghoshal
• Punya rekha and its interpretation with vedic nadi jyotisa | Page No -15 | By Alok Jagawat
• Analysis of vitro fertilization(ivf) pregnancy in the light of astrology | Page No -21 | By Jatinder Sandhu
• The riddle of karaka bhava nashaya (a mystical astrology principle) | Page No -33 | By Shubhra Goswami
• Age 32 – bsp rules analysis | Page No- 44 | Sastry Kara
• How to prepare food in a household? the vedic paak vidhi | Page No-54 | Chiran Chidambar
• Badhak concept in new light | Page No- 61 | By Jatinder Sandhu
• Dreams and moksha | Page No -66 | By Dr Vinay Jhaa
• Prithvi tatwa: the laws of naturopathy | Page No -73 | By Alok Jagawat
• Ten easy vastu tips that can make you wealthy | Page No -76 | By Alok Jagawat
• Terror attack on uri 18 sep 2016 | Page No -78 | By Dr Vinay Jhaa
• Mushtika prasna: a troubled married life | Page No -83 | By Alok Jagawa
t• The good, the bad and the ugly: astrologers and soothsayers | By Editorial Desk
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Team Divine Codes
Alok Jagawat & Rakesh Jamwal
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Official Divine Codes Facebook Page: Divine Codes
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Vedicsiddhanta Research Journal Series : Download and read in-depth Analysis on principals of wheel of time based on Mundane and Vedic cosmological principals

Wheeloftime Vedicsiddhanta Research Journal Series : Download and read in-depth Analysis on principals of wheel of time based on Mundane and Vedic cosmological principals

After seeing great dedication of the Demon Maya
toward the Sun god, The Immortal god of Light and Energy himself said, I will
present you this deep and immemorial
knowledge on speed and motions of planetary structure closely based on
Space-Time system.
Neither anyone has any potential or tolerance to
accept my violent and aggressive bright lights nor have I much time to deliver
it but your deep devotion and dedication earned this and part of my brightness
will sure present this deep immortal knowledge on Time to you. Henceforth, the
person immerged from the Sun god said, oh! Maya, Lord of the Demon, Listen
carefully with great dedication, and This Deep knowledge on time is same as
preached to Seers by the sun god itself since the beginning of creations and
from many eras’. This Deep secret on time is still same as mentioned in Veda’s
and Scriptures only the difference is of speed and motion of the time with the
changes in era and revolution of time.
Further explaining, the person said; listen
carefully on secrets of time, what is time and how we can understand true
definition of the time in both the terms:
– Surya Siddhaant, Intro chapter, Verse 10)

and Explanation –
 As preached by the Sun god
himself, the person said; Time is based on two schemes, one is used for
creation and destruction of planetary structures for
human beings and it is endless, eternal and cyclic in nature and
other part of time is purely mathematical also cyclic in nature
and preciously exist in both material and non material

Here the Sun-God revealing secrets and understanding
on time and how it is connected with never ending cycle of cosmos. First one is
purely based on space-time formulation on cyclic nature of time that the
process of Creation and destruction of planetary structures always moves in a
continuous, it is endless and connected with never ending life cycle in cosmos.
In Modern saying, life started after 13.7 billion years ago after a huge
explosion, we called it big-bang and further planetary structures in our universe
formed and thus we are able to understand how time and evolution process
started in earth. 
For More @ Click blow mentioned download link:

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The Divine Codes Volume 2 : Download ” The Divine Codes ” – 2nd Digital Edition on Divine subjects Transcendental – Vastu, Meditation, Mundane astrology, world peace group, and Vedic Jyotish

Dear Readers,
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” The Divine Codes ” – 2nd Digital Edition on transcendental Subjects

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This organization was shaped, with plain but sincere desire for everyone to live in wholeness, purity and highest level of consciousness. Our sole idea is wholesome and purest conscious living for everybody. GCTR is a body; which comprises of people who are researching in the field of divine and art forms. This includes Astrology, Palmistry, Spirituality, Travelogues, Yoga, Ayurveda, Vedic Numerology, Sthapatya, and other Art forms etc.

It is private body, but memberships are open. Anybody who has niche in such areas is most welcome in our family. There is no entry fee for the same. The only requirement is that you should have a sound knowledge of the subject.

“ THE DIVINE CODES ” magazine is a publication of our body and our members can contribute their articles and research for the same. It will be published regularly and it will remain free forever. Each article from its contributing members will also carry a photo and bio of the respective author.

The authors will also get exposure through three websites, social media, and publishing archives.We welcome you to a voyage for love and peace.

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Check out first look of Articles Published so far

    This issue carries following articles:

    1) Dasham bhava, karmas and the boomeranging | Page 1| by Alok Jagawat

    2) saturn & rahu’s unique combination – impact on native’s health | Page 8 | bySastry Karra

    3) — எழுத்தாளர்:கின்னரன் –| Page 11 | by Mr.Karthik Ramamoorthy 
    (Article in Tamil )

    4) kaalchakra ; effects of planetary transits on lunar mansions | Page 31 | byRocky Suryavansi

    5) The biggest obstacle to world peace | Page 48 | By Jeremy Old

    6) The math of lines: jeeva rekha, the journey of a soul | Page 54 | By Alok Jagawat

    7) love marriage: an astrological upshot | Page 58 | By Søulful Subhra

    8) Navamansha strength of grahas valid? check out punya chakra! | Page 66 | By Mr.Utpal Pathak
    9) Planetary combinations for a successful astrologer | Page 69 | By Søulful Subhra

    10) Yanavichara: types of vehicles in vastu | Page 79 | By Alok Jagawat

    11) Robin williams, tony scott. suicides: an astrological case study | Page 82 | By Alok Jagawat

    12) Astro meteorology research study on monsoon 2015 | Page 86 | By Rocky Suryavansi

    13) The man who saw tomorrow | Page 104 | By Rocky Suryavansi

    * Note :This magazine is free for everybody and can also be read in following formats.

    The issue is available at the following pages. You can download the same from the available links.
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    Editor/Contributing Editor & Concept 

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