The Divine Codes Volume 3 : Download 3rd Digital Edition on Divine and Transcendental subjects ; Vastu, Meditation, Mundane astrology, world peace group, and Vedic Jyotish

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” The Divine Codes ” – 3rd Digital Edition on transcendental Subjects.

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This organization was shaped, with plain but sincere desire for everyone to live in wholeness, purity and highest level of consciousness. Our sole idea is wholesome and purest conscious living for everybody. GCTR is a body; which comprises of people who are researching in the field of divine and art forms. This includes Astrology, Palmistry, Spirituality, Travelogues, Yoga, Ayurveda, Vedic Numerology, Sthapatya, and other Art forms etc.

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Readers are requested to have a glance on our 3rd volume.

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This issue carries following articles:

Articles at Glympse for volume 3 | October 2016 | The Divine Codes

• Astrology in ayurvedic classics | Page No-2 | By Guru R
• Marital disharmony – an astrological analysis | Page No- 10 | By Sumantha Ghoshal
• Punya rekha and its interpretation with vedic nadi jyotisa | Page No -15 | By Alok Jagawat
• Analysis of vitro fertilization(ivf) pregnancy in the light of astrology | Page No -21 | By Jatinder Sandhu
• The riddle of karaka bhava nashaya (a mystical astrology principle) | Page No -33 | By Shubhra Goswami
• Age 32 – bsp rules analysis | Page No- 44 | Sastry Kara
• How to prepare food in a household? the vedic paak vidhi | Page No-54 | Chiran Chidambar
• Badhak concept in new light | Page No- 61 | By Jatinder Sandhu
• Dreams and moksha | Page No -66 | By Dr Vinay Jhaa
• Prithvi tatwa: the laws of naturopathy | Page No -73 | By Alok Jagawat
• Ten easy vastu tips that can make you wealthy | Page No -76 | By Alok Jagawat
• Terror attack on uri 18 sep 2016 | Page No -78 | By Dr Vinay Jhaa
• Mushtika prasna: a troubled married life | Page No -83 | By Alok Jagawa
t• The good, the bad and the ugly: astrologers and soothsayers | By Editorial Desk
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Secrets of Vimshottari Dasha- How to trace Major and Minute Life events in Vimsotri Dasha Period

27 Secrets of Vimshottari Dasha- How to trace Major and Minute Life events in Vimsotri Dasha Period

Tips for Tracing Major and Minor life events from Vimsotri Dasha :

Vimsottari Dasha is most known and common dasha system calculated based on Movement of the Moon on the progression of Nakshatras at the time of birth (Tithi – Longitudinal distance of Sun and Moon).This Nakshatra is one of Most important Anga in Panch-anga system for identifying well being and over health of the mind and body of the native.

Whole Dasha system progresses based on  combination of Total 9 Nakashtras  which Forms a complete 120 year of cycle of dasha as equals to life cycle in kaliyug, as suggested by sages.It is presumed as total life span of human being in kaliyug would be of around about 100 to 120 years.

There are Total 27 Nakashtras where we have divided into 3 groups ( 9*3 = 27 Nakashtras – forms 3 different Nakashtras based progressive Vimsotri Dasha system). for e.g If one is Born in Jyestha Nakashtra – Dasha of the native will starts from Mercury ( Lord of Jyestha) and it goes further up-to rest of 8 Nakashtras, like Moola ( Ketu Dasha) ,Poorva ashada ( Lord Venus) and finally it will end at Uttrabhadra Nakaashtra (Lord Saturn). Every Preceding Nakashtra has Major role in Forming Mental Setup of Native during the progressions of Vimsotri Dasha lords in VM Dasha system .Starting point of Dasha system is Ashwani (Nakashatra lord is Ketu) and end of Dasha system is Revti Nakashtra.

VMD Dasha System is a Commonly used Dasha system but Less in its accuracy and timing Events, in its application & usage, if one is not aware of Usage of Nakashtras and Degree Concepts with accurate Birth time in VMD system, than its not easy to Use it wisely with perfection, VMD perfection need case studies of lots of people and in depth knowledge of Nakashtras, Degrees, Padas and art of Birth time rectification process. So, what i believe is knowledge of Degrees and Nakashtras is must while timing events in VMD Dasha system.

If during the birth, Moon is Stronger in strength; means birth In Brighter nights(Shukala Pakasha), we considered Moon as Stronger. During Brighter Nights Moon is ahead of Sun and more powerful to receive Sun Beneficial Rays which are directly gone impact people mindset, who will take birth in earth during this period of time.

Most of Beneficial Works are done in Shukala Pakasha tithis. Even in Bhagwada Geeta it is Mentioned as – Birth in Shukala Paksha leads to Heaven and people who gone die at same tithi and same Pakasha never come back to earth in material world.

Those who are Born in Krishana Pakasha they used to come back to material world again and again until and unless karmic balance is equals to zero. So, those people who are born in Brighter Nights (Shukala Pakasha tithi ), can use VMD Dasha system blindly in Natal and Divisional Charts without any 2 views.

For its applicability, Check the Strength of VMD Dasha lords by Making Moon as Reference Point and Extracts the result of VMD Dasha lord by its Nakashtra and its Lord in Natal Chart.
Those who are Born in Darker Nights ( Krishna Pakasha), we considered Moon as weaker being in darker side of Sun, not able to receive full rays of Sun. Those people who are born in Krishna Pakasha Tithi – Either they should use Yogini Dasha System or Ancient Dasha system based on 108 years of cycle (Ashtottari Dasha system) as explained by Lord Shiva for timing events and Dasha results in Kaliyug.

Moon & Nakashtras are the base for Vimsotri Dasha System & it should be given Higher Priority over Planets placement in Natal and Divisional charts while analyzing Results for any Dasha Period ( Either it is MD , Ad or PD or Sookashmaa Dasha). VMD Gives Events based on what Mind Will Show and Experience you a Picture.In My calculation its Accuracy is 60-70%.

As our sages made the Progression of Vimsotri dasha from Movement of Moon over different nakashtra during the course of 27.5 days, this dasha period has major role in identifying and tracing life events based on certain vimsotri dasha sub dashas divisions.It is a known fact that when a soul actually take entry in Body to give life to a new soul, baby birth usually takes place and during that duration the movement of moon on certain degrees, minute and seconds has major role in identifying past birth punya karmas.

So, one should never ignore the fact that the same moon is refereed as Maa Adi-Shakti in Vedic deities whose responsibility is to balance this material universe. Its due to Adi-Shakti Power this whole world is energized with the prana shakti from animals, to humans to plants to planets. every existence in this material world has energy in it.  The same power of Praana shakt in also running in the new born baby in the form of Moon energy when it enters in a body.

moon in the sky wallpaper Secrets of Vimshottari Dasha- How to trace Major and Minute Life events in Vimsotri Dasha Period

Moon actually signifies power of adi Shakti in human body. Body without mind is called boat without any guide moving aimlessly and in direction-less motion. So due to its life forcing nature one should see every event in life based on one’s Moon Lagana. Moon is Prana Shakti (Life giving), the Nourishment power, its a karka of Motherly nature, Its a  karka of Love and majorly it rules our mind, out thoughts and energy which is hidden everywhere and ruiling us.  Its more preciously a Prana Dasha which actually explained us in vedic astrology how Life force moves in every being or or how pran Shakti energies enters in our body and nourishes the Soul, Mind and body with the every moment of moon from seconds to minutes .

Moon Nakashtra and Mind is the basic Key in understanding Vimsotri Dasha life progression and how that life force air actually drives that energy in our life seen via the Nakashtra of the moon when it travels in a month in certain degrees forming over different tithits. One should always considered strength of Nakashtra lord of Moon for native health, Mind and Physical conditions. In timing Smallest to smallest events one should see from Moon lagana. Moon gives you environment where one has to act and react based on situation given or created by the physical conditions. How we react and act, simply decides how we actually takes decision in life.This More shows our aagami Karma for future life variations. So, we should always see events of life via Moon and its Nakashtras progressions in different signs. For tracing smallest to smallest events.
For better understanding i have highlighted major points in step by step, please Use this below mentioned System for verify Major to minor events in life via  use of vimsotri Dasha.

1) Use Sun lagana for MD Lord strength, to see how soul moves in particular direction in particular MD period for finding goal of life for number of years. As Sun rules our Atma -Soul- it decides goals of our aatma. that’s why for final evaluation of Atma one need time to transform itself after major time duration’s. It takes much time to realize what is the real goal of soul you got from past.Only can be possible when a soul faces major life events or a soul realizes slowly after duration of time. Trines from Sun Shows improvements, additions of skills in atma one learn from past. MD lord placed in 6th, 8th and 12th from Sun shows major life lessons regarding that house for e.g if MD lord is placed in 12th from Sun – it shows life event is regarding realization, Moksha, Spiritual transformations  and  major spiritual lessons. If Md Lord is 6th from Sun – Soul has to learn how to  get peace after sickness, diseases, fights, hardships and transformations. MD lord 8th from Sun shows Past life events that one has to face or debit in that dasha period. MD lord placed in Trines and Kendra from Sun shows soul has to evolve both materially and spiritually.

2) Use Moon Lagana for AD lord Strength to see how Mind acts and Reacts in given Environments for facing those challenges and Psychological  events given by Rashi. As moon shows Mind and thoughts and negative and positive environment has major impact on one’s mind and body.Mind can feel comfortable if environment is soothing and peaceful. If environment is hard , mind has to suffer or find on account of the environmental challenges.  Dasha lord in 6th, 8th and 12th from Moon lagana always be a conflicting state for our mind.

3) Use Natal Lagana for PD lord Strength to see how those events effects our physical body health and its conditioning.How it actually effects deha(Body). The Short duration in Vimsotri is Pratyantar dasha period which actually signifies the life events in physical form. If Any of PD lord is placed in 6th, 8th and 12th from Lagana than health and body can suffer during the AD period.

4) Use Progression of Current Moon transits in those Nakashtras when moon moves in transit chart for Sookshama AD in PD.Sookshma means minute events those are signifies by the movement of moon over different Nakashtras and its padas. If the Sookshma dasha lord is somehow interrelated with Moon transits nakashtra, signs, degrees or padas we might see sudden events those can effects our mind during that PD period.

5) Use Moon Lagana with Transit of Praana Antardashas Lord planets under Sookshama Dasha. Praana means very vital life events which can effects our Deha and Mind. If Praana Dasha lord is badly placed or afflicted from Moon Lagana, than we might can face issues related to life events.

6) Use transit of Deha AD lord in Praana AD with reference of Moon Nakashtras for seeing any Impact on body for those 2.5 days of Moon transits on particular Nakashtras.

Majorly Key of Praana and Deha Dasha is Moon only. Never ignores the power of Moon Lagana in transit charts for Seeing Hourly and days based events under those Sookashma dasha periods.

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Career Astrology: Finding true life goals and career path in society from 10th from Sun, Moon and Lagana.

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Om Gurave Namaha

Finding true life goals never be an easy task for any being to identify it from any chart, as God has sent us in the earth with multiple roles and responsibilities to fulfill those unfinished and pending karmic duties those are carrying with us from many eras and births. A body with soul is a complete package born with eternal motives and goals to lift and heal many of unguided and pathless souls in right path. But first thing is one should need to understand those Karmic desires, realize and then finally moving on that path. Some are Karmic Goals, many of those are belong to Mundane desires and a major portion of those goals lies in understanding its duties toward Society and uplifting inner Soul for a better harmonic path. It is impossible for me to explain this huge and vast topic in few words. What I am here trying to explain is about Goals toward Society, and Karmas in society. But before that, we need to understand first how life is divided into 4 Major portions of life. Almighty has given us 4 major goals in different stages of life and when it is required we need to work on it for the betterment of society and our inner soul path too.

Every each of the stage has some priorities and responsibilities that we have to complete in any case. These 4 major goals are Following our Dharma (Truth and Responsibilities of Human being), Understanding Artha (Understanding Material and basic necessities), Kama ( Understanding Root cause of Desires) and Finally moving toward the ultimate path Moksha (The path of Jeevan Mukti from the cycle of birth). Sticking to basic principles for finding true goals in a society based on Brihat Jataka, here is a simple technique to look for a true goal in your society that shows the true desire, path and how to move on that path. I have used same principal in deciphering and Identification of career in Albert Einstein case study. Readers can read my case study on Albert Einstein that I will post in the separate link.

So here, is the principal- How to find your true goal in society.

For finding the true goal in society one must understand which part of society dominates your goal in society. it can be your material goal, it can be your body or physical goal or it can be the task given by the God to you.So the key to search from all is here.

1) 10th from Lagana (Your Body)

Check placement of any planet in10th from the Lagana first, that decides what you are actually doing in society as per the need of the body and intelligence. This planet simply shows what you actually wanted to do in society to fulfill your physical or mundane desires but if it could be your actual goal in society, there will be no guarantee to vouch for it . It could be for power, it could be for the spiritual task, it could be for upliftment of society. it could be anything. That purely dependent on your physical desires and needs based on the planet placed in 10th from Lagana, that only shows in which environment you work for or for what purpose you are doing task in society. every planet has some gunas attached with it, what you do is totally dependent on that planet guna attached with it( i.e Rajsik, tamsik or Satvik, decide by the jaati of that planet). So, that is the task of you to decipher it deeply from your chart, In which guna you are working for. It is actually signify the “Kiryaman karma” – The future karma. ” But if you are totally dependent or dominant on your 6 weaknesses you could choose this path as final goal. choice is your after-all. My role is to give you clue or hint how to see the actual goal of life in more generalize or lay man way.

2) 10th from Moon (Your Mind, Sub-conscious)

Now check 10th from Moon, that decides what is your actual need, unfinished desire to satisfy your mind and hidden agendas in desires and motives resides in subconscious side of brain. this planet simply shows what is actually the requirement to fulfil environmental needs arisen by physical challenges, and it is totally dependent on physical needs of the body. Your mind goes in that direction where your body need. for this way most of people goes in this direction either to succeed in society or to sustain themselves in society. For accomplishing this task you need to follow this planet deeper characteristics. it can give you worldly satisfaction, material sustenance but no guarantee it should justify your actual goal in society. it is purely a personal goal of your in society. it is your personal level goal to satisfy your inner material desires, or sustain yourself in society or to survive in environmental conditions you might experience in your day to day life. How long it will goes that purely dependent on , how many Dashas are beneficially placed from moon, If in any life path dasha is not supportive from moon or moon itself got afflicted by nodes or other malefic you might fall in pit. Reason being it only shows your actual material needs to survive in society.So there is no guarantee you can face those situations well those are not in your hand. Moon actually shows life force, means what is essentially a requirement for life.So, path is totally dependent on your thoughts and mind make-up.

3) 10th from Sun (Your Soul, Super conscious) 

Finally check 10th from Sun for evaluating true goal in life , for checking what is the actual goal, god assigned to you to raise the level of mankind for some higher purpose. Only you need to see who is dominating in the 10th from Sun. that planet will decide the global task god wanted you should do. Actually it is the purpose of life, god wanted you to accomplish in society for higher reasons.It is the task assigned for global cause. this planet shows what is the goal your soul always like to fulfil or seek within self. it is the actual goal of Soul to accomplish or finish the pending karma of past. It is the goal which can give you assured massive name and fame in society but only when you do it with full spiritual force. More than material goal it is actual your karmic and spiritual goal given by the god. choice is your what you actually wanted to do in society.Many of people never goes to this level or never think like this. most of the people only restrict up-to the material goals of life, to satisfy either their bodily needs or hidden mind desires. This is Super conscious goal of life and can give a complete harmonical relationship between mind, body and soul.

Key: Now key to find what actually is your global goal, see who is dominating the 10th from all three. the one who dominate from Lagana, Sun and Moon will take over your life and will move you in that path. But Here comes the U turn, those who have wisdom and higher life philosophy they always go with the 10th from Sun, it is actually the soul goal given by the sustainer itself – the Narayana- The sun god having responsibility to sustain your all three needs.

Now, request doesn’t ask me to analyze your chart. My job is to enlighten and giving clue and light to understand the need of society not to fulfill the individual needs of everyone. Rest of the job is for learned readers to testify in your charts.

Case Study based on above-mentioned rule already done in Albert Einstein case: Readers can check this below-mentioned case study to understand more.

Case 1: Albert Einstein Career rise and fall

Albert Einstein Quotes justknow Career Astrology: Finding true life goals and career path in society from 10th from Sun, Moon and Lagana.

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10th from Moon:

10320270 10203167874346673 3605869928712068397 n Career Astrology: Finding true life goals and career path in society from 10th from Sun, Moon and Lagana.

In Albert Einstein D1 chart 10th from Moon is Empty and having Leo sign, Lord of Leo Sun is in Pisces in 10th house from Lagana with 5th & 12th lord Venus, 1st & 4th lord Mercury, 8th & 9th Lord Saturn, 5th and 9th from Moon sign (Scorpio) and Ketu – Indicates an Intuitive person who can see and imagine things in reality with his power of Imagination and visualize it. A real intellectual and Creative Mind, Having real Imagination, which can imagine with his outstanding visual power, A powerhouse of creativity who can deeply imagine and understand creator equation on Cosmos and knowledge of Cosmos.Those no planet is dominating in 10th from Moon but 10th lord from Moon is placed in 5th from Moon, so it is impacting his visualization and creative skills and power.

All the planetary positions from Moon Made Albert Einstein a real Imaginary and much skilled in visualizing things.He simply wanted to know the creation of cosmos and understand God equation while making the universe.

Here 10th from Moon is Leo Sign; no planet is there, so we can’t decide 10th from Moon for a native career.

Although 10th from Moon has Jupiter and Mars aspect – Making passionate and very logical in higher learning.

10th From Sun:

10th from Sun having Sagittarius sign (sign of Knowledge,) the Lord is in 9th house from Lagana, 4th from Moon and 12th from Sun – indicates Higher Knowledge and doing research in cosmos will bring him name and fame in worldwide.

10th from Lagana:

Now Last and most important point is cluster of 4 planets are in 10th from Lagan , Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Venus in Pisces Sign clearly indicating doing something deep, mystical and completely dominating the interest of Albert Einstein, telling me something he will do something for the Society and whole public or mass will know him by his work and he will be well known to the whole world. He will do deep for the sake of Society and will be an icon for many people for his accomplishment in higher causes, Pisces is the 12th sign of Kaalpurush – the Sign of cosmos and Deep World in the modern terminology we called It Space, cosmos and universe.

Observation: From above all, it is quite clear to understand that 10th from Lagana and Moon is dominating Albert Einstein career, where 10th from Lagana is Better in understanding and shape of career for whole life path and true goals in society.

Now a further question arises is what would be exactly career type of Albert Einstein?

**Note** 4:-> Whenever you want to see what would be career interest type, we have to see the strength of 10th house and 10th Lord placement in D1, D9 and D10 and its nakshatra, nakshatra lord, and its pada.

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10th lord Jupiter is in 9th house (House of Higher Knowledge, wisdom, God Messenger, God blessing, Knowledge of Ancient scriptures etc.) in Aquarius sign (Mystical Sign of traditional knowledge i.e. Cosmos , Astronomy , Stars , space and and knowledge of Creation) , Kendra lord in tri Kona House – (Raja Yoga means work which can give native Name, fame via Higher learning ).

10th lord Jupiter is in 9th house expecting 1st & 5th house in D1 indicates owner of Supreme knowledge which we called Dhi Shakti – a form of Higher learning – in house of Higher Philosophy , Wisdom , something connected with God and creation of God which is clearly indicative of Doing something for Higher cause or Finding truth of creation , a real knowledge of Real medium – Space and time bondage and will be self-learned (aspecting 1st house) will teach whole world via his own findings and give godly knowledge to his future Followers (5th house).

Same can be confirmed in D9 and D10 Chart, Jupiter is lagan Lord of D9 in 9th house in Scorpio sign aspecting lagan having Rahu (Indication of being in Science for out of box thinking – A restless mind) in it , aspecting 5th house having Sun in it , will be a Blessed Researcher who will extract & crack down and write down all his findings of cosmos and secret world and will present to whole world.

In D10 chart Jupiter is with Saturn in Pisces Sign in 5th forming Brahma Yoga (higher knowledge of creation) house aspecting lagan (where the sun is in it in A10 Arudha) , aspecting Venus from 5th house and 7th from AL, Will be known for His Brahma Gyan theories – Theory of Relativity – E= MC2 God equation of cosmos.

10th lord Jupiter is in Aq which is a Mystic sign of traditional knowledge lorded by Saturn and Rahu, Rahu in 8th and Saturn in 10th also indicating Albert wanted to do something in the field of Science for the sake of society for presenting a truth of cosmos for the future wellbeing of mankind.

10th lord is in Dhansitha , Nakashtra lord in 8th house with Rahu – Dhansitha is a Nakashtra of Harmony, a close connection with nature and music, Albert wanted to do research on natural laws and understanding it deeply for the prospects of nature passionately , but he did a mistake (Rahu in 8th house with Mars – Nakshatra lord of 10th Lord), by suggesting research for Atomic Bomb based on his Atomic theory which he had a deep guilt in his heart & always realized till his death.

Dhanistha indicates divine power from the” eight Vasus “; its presiding deities happens to be the twenty-third birth star, to sparkle in the cosmic firmament. Guided by the planetary force of Mars, Dhanishta Nakshatra stands for Symphony, prosperity, and adaptability from nature, the eight Vasus are the solar gods of energy and light Because of the influence of ruling Nakashtra of 10th Lord Einstein was always having a deep fantasy for Light and its origination.

Native of Dhanishtra nakshatras are usually fond of Music, Symphony and Healing, reciters of rhythmical incantations and also indicates Scientist who likes to do things In fine tuning with nature and God in a perfect harmony with nature which gave him deep interest in forming its Relational Theory of Light, energy, and Mass is same but form of one another.

There is an Exchange yoga of 10th and 9th Lord – Indicates Dharma – Karma adhipati yoga, Dharma hi Karma, and Karma hi Dharma – A Sign of Saint and Satvic Soul.

10th Lord Nakshatra Lord Is in 8th house with Rahu clearly indicates native inventions or researchers may lead to something destructive for Social mass by mistake(Rahu in Capricorn in 8th house).

Rahu and Mars always indicate something explosive or something is hidden behind the truth which is under cosmos or nature i.e. a deep anger is burning inside a body and brain.

**Note** 5 :-> Beside 10th Lord and Strength of 10th house , Lagan lord placement and its nakshatra is most important and need to check in D1, D9 & D10 chart for tracking career interest and in any house indicates where you are applying the knowledge for creation purpose or destruction purpose or it simply indicates application of your intelligence.

Here lagan Lord is in 10th house in D1 and 8th house (Mercury + Saturn) in D9 with 9th lord Saturn and in 4th house in Aq Sign in D10 with Moon again confirming me a Brilliant Analyzer, Deep thinker and Keen observer and the finest researcher.

Although Lagan Lord is in debilitation in D1, having neech bhanga too , but being placed in 10 Degree it is away from its deepest debilitation degree of 20 deg , Mercury is in Uttara-Bhadra nakshatra lord of Saturn, making Mercury much stronger, closely conjugated within the orbital distance of 2 degree with 9th and 8th lord Saturn who also happens to be Nakshatra lord of Uttrabhadra indicates Albert was a lover of traditional knowledge in science i.e. he was a deep follower of Isaac Newton, Max Plank, Michael Faraday etc. and he always wanted to do work of old Knowledge’s and giving understanding the concept and giving it in new shape.

Because of this he was always in Contradiction and always faced controversies whenever he presented journals of a new model of old traditional physics laws.

Beside this combination making him very much logical, and deft at skills of calculations strong determination, wisdom, and experience.
He was always Penchant for calculation and acquiring wisdom by way of experience which was his essential aspects of his personality. Another interesting aspect of Albert was its changeability.

Owing to this changeability according to the varying needs of circumstances, it was difficult to attribute typical traits to his personality.

He was very attractive features and complexion; excel in attracting attention by virtue of his grace and mannerisms.

He was very much religious and drawn to high ethical standard and always recluse within the folds of spirituality.

Saturn completely dominated the Mercury in Albert Einstein Chart Which is giving me a clear indication of having the natural bent of mind for doing calculations, logic and much skilled in the Scientific hypothesis which is clear indication of a finest of finest Scientists.

The combination of Saturn and Mercury always indicate the finest scientist who always keeps them-self busy in doing calculations and deep observing Nature and Science.

Beside 8th and 9th Lord conjugation with Lagnesh Mercury, Sun and Venus is also there in 10th house but not having Close conjugation with Lagnesh Mercury and Saturn, which is good if we look at deeply, all the planets are free from combustion of Sun and 7th from Al – He will be known a public Icon known for his Tremendous knowledge in abstract sciences.


It is Quiet clear he was a genius Scientist and a blessing to Science and mankind for his theories and Researches.

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Alignment of Saturn and Jupiter with Nodes – Probability of era of civil war and social revolution after (April 2019-2020)

Battle of Gettysburg2C by Currier and Ives Alignment of Saturn and Jupiter with Nodes - Probability of era of civil war and social revolution after (April 2019-2020)

The probability of Era of Civil War and social revolution after (April 2019-2020)– There will be New world order after the year 2020.

Based on the below mentioned planetary alignments occurring after April 2019 world authorities may face fall in global economy and chances of probability of civil war like situation in some portion of world, it can possibly arise in Asian regions including India, Pakistan, China, Russia, some of the European-western countries may face crisis like civil war or there might be possibility of increase in the result of already ongoing social war or crisis during that tenure. Already ongoing crisis may take final u-turn as the alignment is happening on the sign of Sagittarius – represents higher wisdom, deep thoughts and deep inner inspirations etc , any inner spark in those society or people living over there can take it in a sense that can bring lightning inspiration and awakening in society regarding  bringing change against any social injustice  or ongoing social agitations or social revolutions like situations .

If we study past instances regarding these alignments in history, the closeness of Saturn with nodes and Jupiter in Sagittarius-Gemini axis or over any sign axis never be considered as an alignment for peace, it usually brings idea of revenge or agitation against authorities by mass society for the injustice they are going through from the past.

We have already seen this situation in early history much, since from the ruler-ship of Abraham Lincoln in 1862, in 1960 conflicts, Vietnam war, Algerian war, Pearl Harbour Attack, World War II to India- Pakistan and China war.

Now, Look at the chart for alignments occurring in the year 2019-2020.

Jupiter, South Node and Saturn is deeply conjugated in Sign of Sagittarius getting aspect from North Node Rahu and Mars.  This usually indicates war like situation or a spark in an already ongoing situation.

1936069 1161442503908682 2792829838507798436 n Alignment of Saturn and Jupiter with Nodes - Probability of era of civil war and social revolution after (April 2019-2020)

If we move back to History it has seen many devastating events earlier, whenever Saturn + Jupiter alignment is closely triggered in Sagittarius, Capricorn and Taurus sign, when it was Deeply influenced by Nodes (Agent of Conflicts) and Mars (Agent of war).

The year 2019-2020 will be the Key years for both Indian and American-European continents for Rise in Civil war or social injustice like situation, especially in Kashmir- Pok  Issue.

During 2019-2020 we will see Saturn close alignment with South Node and Jupiter in Sagittarius and aspect from North node and Mars, After total solar eclipse in July 2019, this can take shape into civil war like situation or increase in something serious situation.

Though I am getting better Result with Dr. Raman’s Ayanmansa for these ongoing Mundane alignments.

I will try to use both Ayanamsa (Chitra Paksha + Raman). Let see what would be calculation and what will be the result.

Here are some of the past events are based on this Juggling combination in early history are:

Event 1 – Attack on Pearl Harbour When Retro Ju & Saturn conjugated in Taurus in 7th Dec 1941.

Event 2 – China Invaded Indian Territory and attacks India in 1962 when Saturn + Ketu was in Capricorn.

Events 3 – When Saturn + Ketu was in Conjugated in 1960-1961, British and French Imperialism suffered defeats.

Event 4 –  In Africa, Rwanda and Brunudi becomes republic, Sierra Leone, and South Cameroon become independent in Year 1960-61. Syria Secedes from UAR.

Event 5In April 1962 – USA and Russia confront over Missile crisis in Cuba and both were ready to go to Nuclear war.

Event 6 1960s Civil Rights Movement for Grant of Equal rights to black Americans.

Event 71960 – Algerian War – The Algerian War, also known as the Algerian War of Independence or the Algerian Revolution (Berber: Tagrawla Tadzayrit; Arabic: الثورة الجزائرية Al-thawra Al-Jazaa’iriyya; French: Guerre d’Algérie or Révolution algérienne) was a war between France and the Algerian National Liberation Front (FLN) from 1954 to 1962, which led to Algeria gaining its independence from France. An important decolonization war, it was a complex conflict characterized by guerrilla warfare, maquis fighting, and the use of torture by both sides. The conflict was also a civil war between loyalist Algerians supporting a French Algeria and their Algerian nationalist counterparts (Source Wikipedia).

Event 8 – Guatemalan Civil War

The Guatemalan Civil War ran from 1960 to 1996. It was fought between the government of Guatemala and various leftist rebel groups supported chiefly by ethnic Maya indigenous people and Ladino peasants, who together make up the rural poor. The government forces of Guatemala have been condemned for committing genocide against the Maya population of Guatemala during the civil war and for widespread human rights violations against civilians.

Event 9 – The Congo Crisis (French: Crise congolaise) was a period of political upheaval and conflict in the Republic of the Congo (today the Democratic Republic of the Congo)[c] between 1960 and 1965. It began almost immediately after the Congo became independent from Belgium and ended, unofficially, with the entire country under the rule of Joseph-Désiré Mobutu. Constituting a series of civil wars, the Congo Crisis was also a proxy conflict in the Cold War in which the Soviet Union and United States supported opposing factions. Around 100,000 people are believed to have been killed during the crisis.

Event 10 El Cajon Boulevard riot

The El Cajon Boulevard Riot was the official name of what the San Diego Union called the Drag Strip Riot. Socialists consider the El Cajon Boulevard Riot one of the first major youth riots of the 1960s.

Event 11- The Battle of Vientiane was the decisive action of the 1960 Laotian coups. Fought between 13 and 16 December 1960, the battle ended with General Phoumi Nosavan winning control of the Kingdom of Laos with the aid of the Royal Thai Government and the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Vientiane was left devastated by the fighting, with about 600 civilian dead, about the same number of homes destroyed, and 7,000 left homeless. The losing Forces Armées Neutralistes under Captain Kong Le retreated onto the strategic Plain of Jars, to begin an uneasy coexistence with the Pathet Lao and the invading People’s Army of Vietnam.

Event 12 – Operation Jumelles (English: Operation Binoculars) was a military operation which was part of the Algerian War in the Tizi Ouzou Province, Algeria. It lasted from 22 July 1959 to March 1960. It was fought between the FLN and the French Army.

Event 12 Sharpeville massacre

The Sharpeville Massacre was an event which occurred on 21 March 1960, at the police station in the South African township of Sharpeville in Transvaal (today part of Gauteng).

After a day of demonstrations against pass laws, a crowd of about 5,000 to 7,000 black African protesters went to the police station. The South African Police opened fire on the crowd, killing 69 people. Sources disagree as to the behavior of the crowd; some state that the crowd was peaceful, while others state that the crowd had been hurling stones at the police and that the shooting started when the crowd started advancing toward the fence around the police station.

Event 13 – In October 1960, the communist high command ordered Kunming Military Region to prepare for the campaign. In early November 1960, communists and Burmese government held a joint conference on the matter of communist force fighting in Burma.

Event 14- War against the Bandits

The War Against the Bandits (Spanish: Lucha contra Bandidos) is a name given by the Cuban government to a six-year rebellion (1959–1965) in the Escambray Mountains by a group of insurgents who opposed the country’s government led by Fidel Castro. The rebellion is known abroad as the Escambray Rebellion.

The rebelling group of insurgents was a mix of former Batista soldiers, local farmers, and former allied guerrillas who had fought alongside Castro against Batista during the Cuban Revolution. The end result was the elimination of all insurgents by Cuban government forces in 1965.

Complete Research article will come soon with Vedic mundane techniques, this is just a tip of an ice berg. Till then stay connected

With thanks and Regards,
Rakesh Singh Jamwal

pin Alignment of Saturn and Jupiter with Nodes - Probability of era of civil war and social revolution after (April 2019-2020)

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Career and Karama Astrology: The Beauty of Karama and actions – The 10th house : Mostly misinterpreted as the house of career rather it is more about Karma in society..

14095735 1237419586310973 658417072835466463 n Career and Karama Astrology: The Beauty of Karama and actions - The 10th house : Mostly misinterpreted as the house of career rather it is more about Karma in society..

The Beauty of Karama – The 10th house – Mostly misinterpreted as the house of career.

10th house is the the place which decides what Karma you would like to do or add in society or what actually you want to contribute in society or how society will see you as in action or make an impression based on your impact of your Karmic actions you had given in society or still how it is influencing society.10th house is Nothing about your career, its about your Higher goals, actions, causes and karamas that reflects in society.It is a combination of every karamas both good and bad including Personal or public and mostly it changes its shape depending on the influence of other planets on 10th house via Graha or Rasi Aspect and most important depends on the dispositer lord in D1 and mainly seen via as strength of 10th House/Lord in different Divisional charts. It is more about your environment and actions you are doing in society. Career is only the 1% of his totality , from rest of karmas are those we do in society.  

Here, Beneficial placement shows more about Good karmas those can be highly appreciated by the society for its well being and growth , it could be including of any karama where people get inspired from you i.e via your Social causes those for uplifting of social masses or society, doing work for N.G.O’s or social organizations,  or might be participating in Spiritual  mass movements etc .

Malefic in this house shows more about karama those are influenced by personal benefits and motives, those are highly materially in nature i.e Name, Fame, Proud, satisfying personal Ego’s, material gains, karama for Uplifting only personal bank-balance not for the benefits of society, mankind and any social causes. Its actually shows the combined Karama one like to do or add in society including social, Personal, global or Karma in work place too. Malefic in Kendras mostly Sustains materially much rather than social growth.

It shows the interests, passion, Liking and hard core passion which one wants to show or add in public i.e For influencing political career, N.G.O , C.E.O or might be for becoming spiritual guru etc , it shows what is the actual interest governing you toward particular karma i.e Software industry, Hardware industry, Marketing, doctor, Spiritual purists etc

Its not your work place actually, its not the people whom you interact in , its the environment or society you like to work in or work for higher cause or work for those societies. its never shows one is having doctor profession, or be an astrologer or an engineer. it only shows your interest in that karama or Karma you would like to add or contribute in society which impacts your status. Its your liking toward that karma in society. Planet in 10th house only Shows which karama influenced your work or type of interest, or Profile you influenced by or Karama you would like to add in society.Motive could be either personal or private that precisely depending on the nature of the planet  that is place in 10th house- is it Satvik or Rajsik.  Rajas Guna is more about doing karamas those for Material reasons and Satva  gunas are more about spreading Knowledge and doing social welfare of the  uplifting society, usually for global cause.

For e.g, if One has Mars in 10th house – one must be very dynamic in society, aggressive, passionate and will always like to do work those are influenced by the martian energies , influenced by War, fighting or courage or those are highly action in nature or highly motivated for the protection of society etc .

Still there are micro analysis required to know each and every aspect of karama in society, i,e strength of  the 10th lord in d1, D9, D10 and D60 and checking deity nature for the 10th lord  in divisional charts for analyzing exact karama in society for same. Basic Nature of 10th lord and its associated Nakashtra one of most important aspects in understanding one’s skills and abilities in society.Same way Aspect of Planets on 10th house in D1 and D10 shows how your karamas are modifying because of the gunas of the planets. for Strength we need to see placement of 10th lord from both Sun(Atma) and Moon(Mana) in d1 and d10 chart. For getting better understanding on society perception about you we need to see placement of 10th lord from AL( Arudha Laagana – Its the lagana of people about you, what people are perceiving about you in society). Karam Arudha are another aspects where one can know more about his working environment and can see variation in his work profile during transits and dasha periods.
In D1 chart, 10th lord and its associated Nakashtras shows what is the actual work profile you would like to work for or having deep interest in it and also shows the actual working area skill sets, abilities, qualities, and your field of working profile.i.e if  we analyze the combination of 10th  lord with different planets in associated nakashtras in modern terms we will have different approach and conclusion. for e,g if  10th lord Mars is with Saturn in any house – there would be higher possibilities that native would be in engineering profile and its nakashtra will show what exactly you do in your profile. Lets say If 10th lord is Moon in Punurvasu Nakashtra – that it might shows native would be working with software products or writing in software codes or might be a publisher, spiritual teacher, involving himself in mystic work,  or might be having philosophical thoughts, or might be an  innovator,etc with added influence of Mercury, Jupiter also required on 10th and 10th lord and D10 chart too to see the deeper picture of nature of work.

10th from 10th is the place where one deals with colleges, people publically, Associate partners, businesses partners or the Place where one interact Mutually for the global causes, or for personal benefits, that’s why we deal 7th house for Mutual working, Administration tasks, Managements skills, HR etc.

Maya of the 10th house ( A10 Arudha- Karma pada, Karmarudha, Swarga pada, Swargarudha, Rajya pada) is the place where you actually work, its shows your working company or where you interact with people in work place and it is the actual work place people actually perceives you about in which company you are working for.Any Dasha lord falling in trine from a10 gives you chances or growth for promotion in company. Beneficial in 2nd and 11th from A10 gives you financial gain in company or simply hike in salary. Same-way if Beneficial planets are transiting in trine or upchaya from A10 arudha it gives gain and promotion too. Malefic in 8th and 12th from A10 gives Downfall for company or company may fall or failure of work in those dasha periods. These rules applicable for both D1 and D10 Chart.

10th from AL shows what is the karma you are doing in Society which people perceives about you or make an impression about you i.e Moon in 10th from Al – Native Might be in Social work, doing something wrt to Society or cause for them, Software industry with other combination required too, Nurse or might be Doctor too. Same-way Jupiter and Ketu in 10th from Al – One might be in spiritual pursuit or might be an astrologer or Working in a Spiritual organisation.

10th from Moon shows – your environment, your actual work interest you would to like do in society for earning bread and butter.It is the actual karama mind feel satisfied. it actually shows you how much financial status would be influenced by the karma you are doing in society, if beneficial dashas lords are falling in trine from Moon, result would be good and fruitful.

10th from Sun shows – What is the Work which can give you name and fame in society.

pin Career and Karama Astrology: The Beauty of Karama and actions - The 10th house : Mostly misinterpreted as the house of career rather it is more about Karma in society..

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Presenting one of most unanticipated book of Astrological Interpretation on Indian Freedom Movement in 1947- “Sarfarosh” – “A Naadi Exposition of the Lives of Indian Revolutionaries” in Vedicsiddhanta Bookshop -Must have book for nadi lovers

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Sarfarosh- A Naadi Exposition

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Paytm logo Presenting one of most unanticipated book of Astrological Interpretation on Indian Freedom Movement in 1947- "Sarfarosh" - "A Naadi Exposition of the Lives of Indian Revolutionaries" in Vedicsiddhanta Bookshop -Must have book for nadi Logo.svg Presenting one of most unanticipated book of Astrological Interpretation on Indian Freedom Movement in 1947- "Sarfarosh" - "A Naadi Exposition of the Lives of Indian Revolutionaries" in Vedicsiddhanta Bookshop -Must have book for nadi lovers

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infibeam logo Presenting one of most unanticipated book of Astrological Interpretation on Indian Freedom Movement in 1947- "Sarfarosh" - "A Naadi Exposition of the Lives of Indian Revolutionaries" in Vedicsiddhanta Bookshop -Must have book for nadi lovers   

logo 1 Presenting one of most unanticipated book of Astrological Interpretation on Indian Freedom Movement in 1947- "Sarfarosh" - "A Naadi Exposition of the Lives of Indian Revolutionaries" in Vedicsiddhanta Bookshop -Must have book for nadi loverssapnaonline logo Presenting one of most unanticipated book of Astrological Interpretation on Indian Freedom Movement in 1947- "Sarfarosh" - "A Naadi Exposition of the Lives of Indian Revolutionaries" in Vedicsiddhanta Bookshop -Must have book for nadi lovers

A Naadi Exposition of the Lives of Indian Revolutionaries

The life events of 108 revolutionaries belonging to the Indian Independence Struggle have been explained in a novel way using the Nandi Naadi principles discovered by the author.Besides the astrological angle, this book presents the biographical details of the revolutionaries, their poignant tales of courage and struggle against a giant colonial power and the tremendous sacrifices they made for the cause of mother India.This book is indispensable for anyone who wants to grasp the application of Nandi Naadi principles to various facets of human life including longevity, mode of death, ill-health, misfortunes, married life, progeny, career and so on.

About the Author

Rajesh Presenting one of most unanticipated book of Astrological Interpretation on Indian Freedom Movement in 1947- "Sarfarosh" - "A Naadi Exposition of the Lives of Indian Revolutionaries" in Vedicsiddhanta Bookshop -Must have book for nadi loversDr. K. Guru Rajesh has been into the field of astrology since his teens. He contributed many articles on the subject to journals and magazines. He believes in a judicial mixing of tradition and research as the way for the progress of the science. A doctorate holder in Geology by qualification, Dr. Rajesh is also an accomplished artist and trained musician in Carnatic classical music. His other interests include classical poetry in Telugu and Sanskrit.


Since long, I have been trying to write a book on the lives of the revolutionaries of the Indian independence struggle from the viewpoint of an astrologer. That has materialised now due to two reasons – the Nandi Naadi system of astrology, and the availability of the revolutionaries’ biographies on the Internet. Through the method of Nandi Naadi astrology, the analysis of a horoscope can be carried out with just the date of birth of a person, and the timing of life events can

be fixed by studying the transit of planets. 
This makes possible the analysis of horoscopes of revolutionaries wherein details of birth time are not available. This book has been written with two objectives. The lives of many Indian national leaders, who were mostly from the Indian National Congress, are available as general biographies and with astrological analyses. However, the biographies of revolutionaries and martyrs who sacrificed everything, including their lives, for the sake of the motherland are lost in oblivion.

Astrological analysis of their lives is even rarer. The first aim of this book is to impress upon today’s youngsters the selfless sacrifice, patriotism and courage of these revolutionaries and inspire them to develop the noble attributes of patriotism and self-sacrifice. The second aim of this book is to demonstrate the utility of the principles of Nandi Naadi astrology by the analysis of the horoscopes of the revolutionaries. Some of them died young, others lived up to middle age, while some others had a long lease of life. Some died in battlefields, some through weapons, some were hanged to death and some died from natural causes. Some of them lost their parents early in life.

A few were adopted. Some had siblings while some others were single children. Some of the revolutionaries married early, while others had late marriages. There were revolutionaries who married more than once. Some married widows while others had love marriages. Some revolutionaries had progeny while some died childless. Some revolutionaries faced severe physical difficulties including incarceration, deportations and debilitating illnesses, while some others were powerful rulers and held politically important positions. Some of them fought without leaving their native places while some others carried out their struggle from foreign lands.

 Teachers, homemakers, poets, writers, musicians, doctors, lawyers, soldiers, clerks, monks – they were from diverse backgrounds. Hence, I believe that the experience gained by studying the lives of these revolutionaries using the Nandi Naadi method will bestow deep insights that will be of great aid in horoscopic analysis for astrologers.

The advocates of the traditional Parasari and Jaimini methods or the followers of modern methods like K.P. may feel that the Nandi Naadi system applied in this book is too simple, unrealistic and useless. However, believe me, the logic behind this method is superlative, sublime, simple and almost infallible in the hands of an adept.

My views in support of the Nandi Naadi system should not be considered as my disregard for traditional Vedic astrology. I am a sincere student and researcher of traditional Vedic astrology. Readers of my articles on Vedic astrology published in the erstwhile The Astrological Magazine and its successor Modern Astrology are well aware of this fact. In my humble opinion, the Nandi Naadi method applied with conventional astrological analysis would greatly enhance the predictive capability of astrologers.

Keeping this in mind, a separate chapter dealing with the general rules of Nandi Naadi system is included in the beginning of this book to help even novices follow the Naadi astrological discussion given in the biographies. For readers who would like to dwell deep into the application of the Nandi Naadi method to various aspects of human life, I would suggest my other books. To the keen and discerning mind, the astrological explanation provided in this book will give lot of insights into the nuances of Nandi Naadi method.
Book Description :

This book contains the biographies and astrological explanations for the life events of 108 revolutionaries who were active from the 18th century, up to 1947 – the year that India won independence. In fact, there are thousands of revolutionaries in the illustrious history of the Indian freedom struggle. However, for many of them, even the birth date is not available. Hence, for this reason, and keeping in view the size of this work, 108 leading revolutionaries have been selected and arranged in a loose chronological order.

Care has been taken to gather relevant and correct information regarding various events and dates, but I cannot vouchsafe for their accuracy as I have collected them from various sources. While discussing every biography, a brief introduction of the revolutionary with his/her date and place of birth is provided. This is followed by the analysis of the birth chart in the light of Nandi Naadi principles regarding the potential promise in the Horoscope. Afterwards, the life profile of the revolutionary is discussed in detail from childhood to death along with the planetary transits responsible for the unfolding of these events.

All the horoscopic charts are cast for 6a.m. for the required date at Kolkata, my place of residence, while working for this book. The possible alternative position of the Moon in another sign is indicated by placing the Moon within parenthesis – “( )”. In the astrological discussion the planetary combinations are indicated by placing planets separated by hyphenation “-”, such as Sun-Jupiter-Mercury when Sun, Jupiter and Mercury are associated. Whenever reference is made to planets that are involved in mutual sign exchange, they are indicated by a slash “/”. For example, when Mars is placed in a sign of Saturn joined with Moon and involved in sign exchange with Saturn, they are referred to as Mars/Saturn-Moon.
Note from Author : Guru Rajesh 

I have to express my sincere gratitude to late Sri R.G. Rao, whose book Bhrugu Nandi Naadi forms the basis of my research in Nandi Naadi. Secondly, I am thankful to various websites, including Wikipedia, from where I have collected biographies of the revolutionaries. I am grateful to Sri Satyanarayana Naik, renowned author and one of the senior researchers on Naadi astrology in India, for taking out some valuable time from his busy schedule for writing the foreword for my humble work. I express my love and gratitude to my father Sri Krishna Murthy Rao, mother Radha, wife Prathima and daughter Srimayi for their understanding and care. They stood by me though I could not give the time they deserved as I was immersed in writing this book. If this book could awaken patriotic fervour in readers and impress upon them the utility of Nandi Naadi system, I would consider my efforts fruitful. I am enthused to share the opinions and experiences of astrologers who have applied the principles explained in this book.
With Regards,
Dr. K. Guru Rajesh

pin Presenting one of most unanticipated book of Astrological Interpretation on Indian Freedom Movement in 1947- "Sarfarosh" - "A Naadi Exposition of the Lives of Indian Revolutionaries" in Vedicsiddhanta Bookshop -Must have book for nadi lovers

Views: 12

How to see Extra-Marital Relationships from Natal and Navamsa chart

marriagebrokenpaper How to see Extra-Marital Relationships from Natal and Navamsa chart

In Todays, so called modern world, as an effect of Kaliyuga love and love marriages are rapidly growing. It is not the effect of kaliyuga the main effect is extra marital relationships. Love marriages (Gandarvh Vivah) was there in ancient times but there were also something called as boundary of marital life and vows. And those who were caught committing adultery were given punishment. Then in later times with change in environment and degradation in morals adultery became common in society but was restricted to trader class only (a good description of this along with an imagined life of sage Vatsyayana – author of KaamSutra can be read in Sudhir Kakkar’s book “The ascetic of desire”). Then as the effect of kaliyuga is growing now it is everywhere right from so called high societies to low societies. Demonic things like alcohol, drugs have their effect on the same and helped in increasing it. And so many other factors are also there which is not a main topic of our discussion but plays an important role in astrological analysis. Rather than explaining them all here we will see them while going with the case studies.

Before going any further let me give an advice to our new or better to say young readers. Never ignore case studies. So many times I have heard people saying this rule doesn’t work for me. If it works for someone else it is bound to work for you too. Thus while going through case studies one can get an idea of authors approach to chart reading and can get the way the rule have to be applied. Nothing is best teacher than illustration. Also while going through example charts one may get some basic things like which house author uses for 2nd marriage etc.


1. Mercury shows intelligence and which it follows is of utmost importance. Weather it follows the Guru (Jupiter) and its righteous way or it follows the adulterer (Moon) one who have 27 wives and also have eloped with Guru’s wife and made her pregnant with Budha (Mercury). And for that we have see Mercury in D9 is in trine to whom Moon or Jupiter

2. Jaimini in his Jaimini Upadesha Sutras say if 2nd house in Navamsha is owned by Venus or Mars or is having them or their aspect is there then a person can be adulterous. Jupiter will only make this more profound only Ketu the Moksha Karaka have the power to kill illusion. Use only Rashi Drishti here.

3. As Navamsha is the chart dealing with Dharma it is better companion to show the same as it will be better indication in showing degradation of one’s dharma. This is because root house of D9 is 9th house which shows ones Dharma, Guru, Higher Learning, Spirituality etc. but when it comes to a boy who is not married and indulges in this only for physical pleasures then it becomes more prominent in D1 chart as it shows physical body. Then there are also Casanova people who do all this love, illusion things for physical pleasure and for them judicious decisions have to be made.

4. Other subtle things like influence of Rahu over Venus, a bad or hampered 9th house is also important in this regard and can never be ignored.

5. Ghatak Chakra also is to be used. It has more usage but I will reveal only the part necessary to it.

Sagittarius, Aquarius
Libra, Capricorn
Virgo, Pisces

In this list what we have to do is to find in which Tithi a person is born into. As Tithi is rules by Jala tattwa that shows our emotions. And without being emotionally attached with someone extra-marital relationships usually doesn’t happen it becomes an important factor. Note down the Tithi a person is born into and then see signs that come under its scope if UL (Marriage) A7 (Physical relationship) A5 (being Arudh of 5th house it can also show love) is there making connections either one or two or all of them are there in those signs. Then it can also indicate extra-marital relationships. Their involvement with other factors like A7 with A10 and UL can show physical relationship in workplace after marriage. In this was this have to be analyzed in this remember Venus shows unmarried female whereas Moon show married female, Jupiter shows married man whereas Mars shows unmarried man.

6. As I have already said Tithi Lord have a profound impact on human relationship lord of Tithi and its placement in sign, house and with other planets can be analyzed in a birth chart to know the approach a person uses in his relationships especially love relationships.

With this much information in hand, let we go to some practical cases to know how it can be used. I will only reveal those things that I know and am sure of and will not make any castles in the air.

Example charts
1. John F. Kennedy – 29th May 1917, 14:51:00, Brookline, MA, USA

Had 1st affair with Marilyn Monroe in 1950’s

Mercury is in 5th house neither in trine to moon nor Jupiter. 2nd and 7th in D9 is neither owned by Mars or Venus nor aspected by them. Rahu is in 2nd but without their support it is not of much harm. His 9th house in D1 is well fortified with its lord and Sun (discipline) and Jupiter (High Morals) Venus is not influenced by Rahu in D9 or D1. In Ghatak rashi’s (Libra and Capricorn in this case) A5, A4, A8 is there but not UL or A7 showing that he may only be involved emotionally. (illusion of love) but due to strong influences of Jupiter on 9th house 9th lord as well as Venus it seems that this information available on Astro Databank is a rumor.

2. Paul Kenneth Bernardo – 27th August 1964, 08:31:00, 79W25/43N40

Mercury is not in trine to Jupiter neither to Moon. 7th house in D9 is rules by Mars and Rahu is there aspected by Jupiter not aspected by Ketu. Rahu and Venus are together in D1 and in opposition in D9. In D1 9th house has Jupiter but 9th lord is with Rahu and mars too much bad influxes for Venus to bear without any help of benefic. Jupiter is in 9th house but he is 7th lord not a good condition for 7th lord to be in 3rd house from its position notice 7th is house of marriage and sex and 3rd of courage and copulation. Ghatak Rashi (Taurus, Virgo, and Pisces) has UL and A5 (now we are clearer on why Jupiter here hasn’t given in high morals in matter of these things. A5 here signifies the thing that he had made illusion that he loves women and then having them caught in his trap he did 3-4 murders and 13+ Rapes. Every chart will not be that much extreme and why this one is analyzed in another article that can be found on my website. Extreme cases are hard to handle and a careful analysis of D30 and D60 needs to be done along with Somnath D3.

3. Marilyn Monroe – 1st June 1926, 09:30AM, Los Angeles, California

Mercury is not in trine to moon neither to Jupiter. 2nd and 7th house in D9 is neither owned nor aspected by Venus/Mars. 9th lord in D1 is in 8th house with Mars bad condition. In D9 Rahu and Venus are together. Ghatak Rashis are (Aries, Scorpio) that has UL, A7, A6, A2 and Venus. This is female chart Venus is not of much importance but Aries is aspected by both Jupiter and Mars. Although she was not in adultery she had so many marriages and several relationships as can be seen by conjunction of UL and A7 with both married and unmarried man Influence of both Mars and Jupiter together on combination of UL and A7. They are also in conjunction too. Here it is not case of adultery but a case of marriage based only on physical relationship and desires and thus makes D9 rules as exceptions.

4. 15 July 1982, 17:35, Karnal

Her Husband said she had extra-marital relationship and he caught her red handed on 26th January 2014.

Mercury is not in trine to Moon/Jupiter. 7th house in D9 is ruled by Mars and 2nd house is aspected by Rahu, Jupiter, Mercury, and Rahu. Ketu have to disqualify the yoga but in this case Ketu being in Virgo and dual influence of Rahu and Jupiter make Ketu weak to ward off the evil influences. But this also shows in one way that this illicit relationship off-course is not going to operate for lifetime. And with time and activation of Ketu it will come to an end and this shows the relationship as a result of dissatisfaction in marital life. However Mercury and Rahu together and Jupiter in 8th in female chart in D9 are not welcome. In D1 9th house have Gulika almost destroyed and its lord is in 7th house that Sun (Sun in 7th is never welcome) with Rahu causing grahan Dosha Venus is also there along with mercury that shows Rahu have affected her Soul (Sun) Intellect (Mercury) as well as sexuality (Venus) in female chart 4th house shows her chastity and 4th lord in 11th house (8th from 4th) is not welcome and also combined aspect of Mars and Saturn over 4th is never welcome. See all the troublesome combination of Sun+Rahu, Rahu+Venus is in Badhak house whose lord is strong being in own house showing badha is not easy to overcome. As 6th lord is also involved she can also face something like Black Magic but this is an area out of preview of this discussion. Ghatak Signs are (Libra, Capricorn) in Libra Jupiter is placed that can show affair with a married man. However as A7, UL is not involved it can’t be said with certainty.

5. 6th October 1981, 22:04:45 (I have rectified the time provided time was 22:13:50) Khetri

In D9 Mercury rule again doesn’t works. 2nd house in Navamsha is rules by Venus and aspected by Rahu, Venus, Jupiter and Ketu and as Ketu is in 6th house in Aquarius he is weak to mitigate the evil and the main problem is mars in 7th house in D9. Ghatak Rashi in this case doesn’t work. But 9th lord Saturn in 5th house with Sun and 9th house aspected by Mars and Rahu and also the same Mars and Rahu combination over UL. Aspect of Rahu over Venus in D1 and both of them in conjunction in D9 further clears the combinations and solve the arena of doubt.

All these charts are a great learning tool to understand the mental condition of someone who goes in these types of relationship. There are numerous reasons sometimes parents forcing for arranged marriage and neglecting their love and sometimes when love happens in someone’s life after marriage. But is it right to go into extra-marital relationships no I can’t answer this any men and women on this earth can. Before closing the article I will give few more points
1. In these charts especially in female charts analysis of D30 to see imbalance in tattwa, Shadripu, and other weaknesses is prominent

2. In female chart 4th house shows her chastity that should be analyzed in-depth before coining anything as extra marital relationship.

3. Some Yoga need to be understood fully like in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra sage says if ascendant lord be in ascendant person will be having more than one wife. Here one should understand sage is saying person will be potent much to satisfy more than one women but this will happen or not is an altogether different case.

4. Most important thing is timing and we have the most fantastic tool Vimshottari Dasha to do that but I am thinking to introduce something new for this purpose thus I have left this aspect in this article

5. Analysis of prashna chart also becomes necessary in those cases where someone else is reporting extra-marital relationship of someone else. We as humans don’t have intellect neither have the permission from god to say illicit or bad to any other creation of him

pin How to see Extra-Marital Relationships from Natal and Navamsa chart

Views: 310

Indu Lagna: the moon lagana of Wealth and Abundance

maxresdefault Indu Lagna: the moon lagana of Wealth and Abundance

Indu Lagna is one of the special ascendants in Vedic astrology. Yes, in Vedic astrology we only not have one rising ascendant but other special ascendants too like – Bhava Lagna, Hora Lagna, Shree Lagna, Ghatika Lagna and Indu Lagna. There are so many different type of Lagna mentioned in classical books and they all have their different usage. 

Whereas rising Lagna shows one aspect of our life such as health, overall life and other things. It is the prime ascendant and almost everything in astrology depends upon this. But there are other Lagna’s too used for other purposes like Bhava Lagna for intelligence, Hora Lagna for money, Ghatika Lagna for power and Shree Lagna for blessings. In the same way we have Indu Lagna whose description can be found in classics especially in “Uttarakalamrita” before going deeper let we find the meaning of the word ‘Indu”. Indu means – moon, camphor, and Mrigashira Nakshatra (another name for same). And in the same line “Indumati” means full moon and was name of a mythical character depicted as wife of king “Aja”. 
In between them of our use is 3 words – Moon, Mrigashira Nakshatra and Full moon.

Moon – sages have advised in classics to see horoscope from rising ascendant and moon ascendant. Moon ascendant is also a factor in the very important Sudarshan Chakra. 

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There have been put a lot of emphasis of moon on classics. Moon decides so many things in Vedic astrology like – Paksha bala of planets, Auspiciousness of chart, Samagam of planets and other so many things too. Moon basically in astrology represents our mind, mood, sustenance, food, interests, and habits. Thus by being significator of mind it gets great importance as without good mind nothing good can be achieved from material to spiritual success everything needs a mind for the same. 
Moon is also a very essential factor as moon decides what we will do and that doing will decide further consequences. Sustenance moon was born while Samudra Manthan with goddess Lakshmi. Thus Lakshmi is called his younger sister and as Lakshmi represents food, sustenance, growth, money auspiciousness. Moon does show the same in horoscope. 
Thus moon is very vital in horoscope and it is prime controller of not wealth but sustenance without its help even life can’t be sustained then leave other things. Getting money is something different related to Sun and Jupiter and sustaining it is something different that comes from moon that sustains everything in horoscope right from life (weak moon can give Balarishta resulting in early death) from Image (he is karaka of Arudh) a strong moon shows a person have power of sustenance thus anything he does is sustained for a long time. Be it any work or name, fame. This is the importance of moon in chart.

Full Moon
– it is nothing but moon at its fullest power. As sages have emphasized on Paksha bala of moon. Thus with sun it is weakest and at full moon day he is most strong having full paksha bala. Full power of sustenance. Thus even moon is weak if he is full moon then he is extremely strong and even exalted moon if of Amavasya is powerless. Showing no power of sustenance. Full moon literally will mean power of moon at its peak.

Mrigashira Nakshatra
– deity of this Nakshatra is Lord Brahma showing the power of creation. This is the 5th Nakshatra in the chain showing the power of natural 5th house of creation (Brahma) power (vimshottari lordship mars) skills (Mars rules skilled workers).

Now after finding their meanings we can add all these attributes to Indu Lagna too. Thus it means Indu Lagna will show power, wealth, sustenance, creation of something new. We will find its nature and effects with two example charts.

Calculation – basically it is derived from calculating the cumulative position of the ninth house from Ascendant and the Moon.

For this reason there are some values assigned to planets and they are. Sun-30, Moon-16, Mars-6, Mercury-8, Jupiter-10, Venus-12, Saturn-1.

Rahu Ketu is not used in this calculation as they do not have the power to sustain anything like other planets and basically the moon. And also because they do not own any signs of the zodiac primarily. The rule Scorpio and Aquarius as co-lords only not as main lords.

Count 9th house from ascendant and moon and then see the planets lording those houses. Note down number assigned to that planet from the table. 

Add down both this values. (Moon is also important so is ascendant) Divide it by 12 (this is for two purposes first because it is in zodiac that is divided into 12 parts thus divide it by 12 too, remember we are counting sign thus 12 not Nakshatra if it was Nakshatra then division have to be made by 360 as there are 360 degrees in the zodiac. 
Second because if we don’t divide it by 12 then we have to go through the rashi chart more than once to place it. This division by 12) not down the remainder (that for sure will be between 0 to 11) count that number from Moon (primary sustainer) and the house reached at after counting will have Indu Lagna in it. If the remainder is zero then place it in 12th house if it is 1 then place in the same house as moon. 
This was Indu Lagna for ascendant in the same way Indu Lagna for other houses can also be found out like for Indu Lagna of 10th house see the lord of the sign falling in 6th house from ascendant and moon (9th from 10th). As it basically means sustenance it can be found out for any house. We will experiment with these things too in example charts.

Application – till now I am unable to figure out why people need this. Vedic astrology is a vast science and sages have chosen name so carefully that only thinking on them will reveal a lot of things. Let we do the same with this. Its name is Indu Lagna and we all know Lagna is seat of intelligence means the planets influence Indu Lagna ascendant will give money/Sustenance making intellect to native. 

Quadrants are houses of Vishnu showing sustenance showing things in quadrant from Indu Lagna will be sustained by it. Trines are places of Lakshmi showing things in trine to Indu Lagna will be blessed by it. 
As it also shows Money in chart money houses from it 2nd and 11th are also have to be considered. And as we know 3rd 6th 8th and 12th houses as bad in the same way these houses from Indu Lagna will be bad. 3rd will show hard struggle to get Indu, 6th will show enmity with Indu, 8th will show dead to Indu and 12th ignored by Indu. 
Thus planets in bad houses from Indu Lagna will be bad for sustenance and good houses from Indu Lagna will be good for substance and money. As the name suggests it. And as we have counted Indu for each house now their association with Karakas and house lords will also make favorable results. Like Indu Lagna of 2nd house if connected with 2nd lord or Jupiter will give wealth. But an underlying caution here too is the same rule that there are exception too as they are in every rule of Vedic astrology.

Example Charts
– now for illustration let we take 2 charts of those people who have really been blessed by Indu (wealth) and whose corporation (works) are still sustained and will be sustained for a long time.

Example chart 1 – Steve Jobs – 24th February 1955, 19:15, San Francisco, California (37N47/122W25)
Steve%2BJobs Indu Lagna: the moon lagana of Wealth and Abundance

Indu Lagna – 7th house Aquarius, Wealth Indu (Indu Lagna of 2nd house) 5th house Sagittarius, Labha Indu (Indu Lagna of 11th house) 4th house Scorpio.

He have Leo ascendant and see Indu Lagna is falling in Kendra to ascendant and 11th Indu as well as 2nd house Indu is also falling in Kendra or Trikona making person wealthy. Indu is wealth and sustenance and ascendant is you. 

So for her functioning properly she needs to be supportive of you that she will be when falling in Kendra Trikona to natal ascendant. Lord of his Indu Lagna Saturn is exalted in 3rd house of enterprise along with A7 showing his big name in business and his workaholic nature. 
Here Indu Lagna is with ascendant lord Sun and Hora Lagna that shows wealth showing enormous wealth to the native (ascendant lord represent own self) along with A3 once again enterprise it is a type of Arudh exchange showing us that his image is purely identified with his business and enterprise. 
Another co-lord of Aquarius Rahu is in 5th house showing his innovation, with 3rd and 10th lord of enterprise and profession and as Venus and 5th house are both here with Indu Lagna it justifies the beauty of his apple products. Innovation, simplicity along with beauty. Leader in market and also in field of entrepreneurship he was due to ascendant lord and sun being in Indu Lagna although they are one but see them separately and new dimensions of interpretations will open in front of you. 
Now we will refer to Indu Lagna as IL. Lord of IL2 (Indu Lagna of 2nd house) is aspecting IL2 from Rashi as well as Graha Drishti making him one of the highest gaining men. Although due to Rahu-Ketu axis in starting gains was not so easy to get. IL11 is in 4th house with its lord in 9th house; see lord of IL2in 11th house. Lord of IL11 is also aspecting own sign by Rashi as well as graha aspect and also is powerful by being in own sign. 
Further they both are not weak in Navamsha and lord of IL2 is even vargottama showing all favorable conditions set to the riches.

By the time he was 24, Job’s “Apple Corporation” was worth $10 million that after one year grown to $100 Million. 

Vimshottari Dasha – it was Ketu dasha that is in 5th from IL 7th from IL2 and 8th from IL11 but he is also co-lord of IL11. Antardasha was of Rahu and Jupiter. 
Rahu is in 11th from IL, on IL2 and 2nd from IL11 and Jupiter is in same condition as Ketu. Narayan dasha – Pisces Dasha it have Moon in it that is “Indu” himself. It is in 2nd from IL 4th from IL2 and 5th from IL11 and as it is also aspected by IL2 in this period his income gained so much from $10 Million to $100 Million.

Example chart 2 – Bill Gates – 28th October 1955, 21:10, Seattle, Washington (47N36/122W20)

Bill%2BGates Indu Lagna: the moon lagana of Wealth and Abundance

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Indu Lagna – 4th house Virgo, IL2 – 5th house Libra, IL11-3rd house Leo.

Lord of Virgo Mercury is also Lagna lord showing a blessed native himself. Lord Mercury is in the same sign Virgo with 11th lord Mars that is also 6th lord. Making the connection between 1st self, 11th gains, 4th comfort, Indu wealth and 6th employment houses. As Indu is powerful he was not employed he is an employer. 

That IL is with GL clearly showing his company’s domination in the Market/Field. This is also with AL showing blessed image in society. IL11 is with Jupiter significator of 11th house and lord of that sign Leo sun is debilitated (Jaimini says exalted and debilitated both planets gives a lot of money) further he is also getting so much neechbhanga and that planet giving him this Mars is over IL showing fortunes rising after initial setback and oppositions. 
As Sun is being debilitated being lord of IL11 when he started gaining a lot some people have filed cases against him to bring him down that he conquered successfully. In sign Libra with Saturn, it shows an involvement of judiciary system also Jupiter in IL11 shows this. And as mars is giving Neech Bhang he won finally. Mars is with Lagna lord in IL he was blessed by Hanuman in all his court battles. 
That sign Libra having GL too showing that due to these cases he emerged as even more powerful player in the market. IL2 have exalted Saturn Debilitated Sun and Own house Venus all showing his money and influence as blessings and his huge bank balance (he lives in a home of $50 Million) this way as Indu in itself is a special type of Lagna more analysis can be made out but not expending it I will leave it on readers to do the same.

His company went public in 1986; by 1991 he was worth $44 Billion. – Vimshottari dasha – this was all in Venus dasha who is in 2nd from IL and on IL2 in own house. Narayan Dasha – Virgo Dasha (1986)– here IL is placed in, Taurus Dasha (1991) 9th from IL and aspected by IL2 using Rashi drishti and also Venus is lord of this house which is over IL2 in his own house.

Sold his first program MS-DOS on 25-06-1981, first trade of Microsoft on New York stock market was on 13-03-1986 – Vimshottari dasha- Ketu/Saturn/Moon (25 June 1981) – Ketu is in 9th from IL and aspected by IL2, Saturn is exalted in 2nd from IL and over IL2 and moon is in 7th from IL aspecting it by both Rashi and Graha Drishti. 

Venus/Sun/Sun (13 March 1986) – we have seen Venus. Remember sun is lord of IL11 and is in 2nd house from IL and over IL2 debilitated having neechbhanga and also remember that Jaimini says both exalted and debilitated planets gives huge wealth. Narayan Dasha – Virgo/Taurus/Pisces (25 June 1981) Virgo is having IL, Taurus is 9th from IL and aspected by IL2 using Rashi drishti and also Venus is lord of this house which is over IL2 his own house. 
Pisces is 7th from IL having Rashi drishti on it. Pisces also have Indu pati Moon. Virgo/Sagittarius/Taurus (13 March 1986)- we have seen Virgo having IL, Taurus is 9th from IL and his lord is in his house over IL2 in 2nd from IL. Pisces is 7th house that aspects IL using rashi Drishti. It also has Hora Lagna showing wealth. 

Microsoft’s first trade March 13, 1983 – Vimshottari Dasha – Venus/Venus/Venus – he is over IL2 in 2nd from IL in own house. With 2 exalted planets. Narayan Dasha – Virgo/Pisces/Taurus – we have seen all of them before. Just the orders are puzzled dasha and antardasha are almost same showing its application and validity.

If anyone is not supported by Indu can’t he make money? He can make but sustenance will not be there. What do we mean by sustenance is that the thing will remain forever. The name of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs as we know we be immortal in history. This is what we mean by blessing and sustenance. There are rich people in every time but being exceptionally rich and powerful and making a name which will be remembered in history for a long time is what sustenance and blessing is. 

Does this only means money no sustenance and blessing can be in any form. Thus readers are advised to also use this Indu Lagna on charts of people like Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Swami Vivekananda, Ramakrishna Parahamsa to see different type of blessings and sustenance. 

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That if god willing I will also write on another aspects of Indu Lagna. And how to distinguish between when it will give wealth when spirituality and when anything else. Special ascendants are a field where there is scope for a lot of research and I hope readers will go in this uncharted part of the ocean to find gems. 

Om Tat Sat

pin Indu Lagna: the moon lagana of Wealth and Abundance

Views: 459

Char Dasha part-5 (final) with Shool Dasha and case study of Nelson Mandela.

CharaDasha Char Dasha part-5 (final) with Shool Dasha and case study of Nelson Mandela.

In other 4 parts of this series of articles we have seen use of char dasha as given by sage Parashara in his Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. As given by K.N.Rao and as given by Mr. Irangnati Rangacharya. In this article in this chart I will use all 3 of the Char Dasha variation naming them Char Dasha – 1, 2 and 3 respectively. A caution that I will give here is by no means it is a decisive article. All of them are masters and I am no one to say someone right or wrong. My only attempt will be to see by which method results are more clearly visible. We will use normal rules of interpretation of Char Dasha as given by Sage Parashara and Jaimini in their immortal classics. But here one should keep in mind that different masters use different techniques to analyze the same. Parashara have only given rules no example chart for demonstration. K.N.Rao uses Karaka’s a lot. And Rangacharya Ji Uses all rules but as their demonstrations are very less. We will use normal analysis method and will try to find out which one is easy to use and snapshot to find event. We will be using 7 char karakas only. As Mr. Rao says it as their own original research and Rangacharya Ji also seems to be saying the same. But in Arudh Pada Calculation we will be taking exceptions into account with dual lordship of Scorpio and Aquarius.

Nelson Mandela – 18th July 1918, 14:54:51 (Rectified by myself) Mvezo, South Africa (31S57/28E31)

NM Char Dasha part-5 (final) with Shool Dasha and case study of Nelson Mandela.

South African president – Hora Lagna and Ghati Lagna in 3rd house shows person achieved money and power through his own efforts. Lord of that sign Aquarius is Rahu and Saturn Rahu in 12th showing his Jail travels and Saturn in 8th house showing his long life as well as his struggles. Aspect of Jupiter on ascendant made him a great man with high ideals. Rahu by his 11th aspect and Saturn by his 3rd aspect is aspecting 10th house where 5th lord Mars is placed in having Dig Bala and he is also Lagna lord of navamsha that is in 3rd house with moon and having aspect by Jupiter that is 9th house also influencing his D9 ascendant showing Jovian influence on his life, mind, intellect and himself and also making a powerful Raajyoga. 6 planets in bad houses in D1 and 3 planets in bad houses in D9 made his life full of struggle, strife and hard-work. In D9 chart Bandhan yoga on 4-10th axis by Sun and Saturn shows his imprisonment in his own homeland for his work to his own homeland. Debilitated AK in 6th house in D9 made his soul’s journey difficult. AK with Ketu shows a good person but in 6th house in D9 as well as D1 shows his hard-work, struggle and suffering and own people becoming enemies. His 9th lord is vargottama and ascendant lord is in trine to Navamsha Lagna. Shows his Raajyoga and Mars over AL shows his fighting nature that is never to accept defeat.

Been Married 3 times – Venus is afflicted in his chart being in 6th house with Ketu aspected with Rahu. In his Navamsha he is debilitated again with Ketu aspected by Rahu and Mars in 6th house 12th from 7th house and in both chart Venus Karaka of Marriage is in Maran Karak Sthan. 7th house have Jupiter it have to be good but Jupiter being ascendant lord in 7th house show more than one marriage that is further strengthened by Venus and 7th lord that is in 8th house with Sun and Saturn 2 dire malefic making it more and more hemmed aspected by Rahu and the same Mercury in navamsha is in 11th house of more than one marriage with Gulika in Aquarius whose lord Rahu is in 12th house and Saturn in 10th house hemmed in between malefic it all shows more than one marriage and misery in marital life. Sun is DK that in D1 is in 8th house with malefic Saturn and Mercury aspected by Rahu and in navamsha in 4th house Dig bal less under aspect of Rahu and Saturn Again. Depositor of 7th lord as well as DK is moon in 11th house of multiple marriages. In navamsha in 3rd house of copulation with Mars high sexual drive and in both charts aspected by Jupiter that shows that he did marriages and was not in other practices like prostitution or other bad things like the same. A7 and UL are in same house showing Love Marriage that he did (we will see it later) but in 12th from AL showing ignorance by spouse. Lord of UL and 2nd from UL is in 8th house from ascendant showing all the trouble and 2nd from UL is mars showing break in marriage. We will all these with events while using Char Dasha on the chart.

Arrested as political prisoner on august 5th 1962. And spend 27 years in Jail. Released on February 11th 1990.

Char dasha 1 – Aries/Libra/Scorpio – Aries is 5th house showing political activity for which he was arrested. From Aries there is Bandhan yoga in 6-8 house showing imprisonment and suffering. Libra is 11th house with A8 and 8th lord Moon therein. Scorpio is 12th house with Rahu this Rahu is also involved in with sign in Bandhan Yoga.

Char dasha 2 – Aries/Taurus/Pisces – Aries is same; Taurus is 6th house with AK in that showing suffering of soul along with Ketu that shows emancipation. Can also show bondage. Being 6th house it is bit natural to be prisoner. Pisces is 4th house showing Imprison in own home land.

Char Dasha 3 – Virgo/Virgo/Virgo – Virgo is 10th house with Mars that is 5th and 12th lords showing imprisonment due to political activities. There is AL showing image of the person. Maandi is also there showing prison and the same sing is also aspected by Lagna and 4th lord Jupiter. From there no Bandhan yoga exists but lord being in 8th house and from sign in 11th house of punishment it shows the event. Arudh of the same is in 6th house showing the event.

Char Dasha 1 – Sagittarius/Virgo/Gemini – Sagittarius is ascendant showing the self, Virgo 10th house showing Karma and having 12th and 5th lord shows freedom as well as back to power/work/politics. Gemini is 4th house of happiness. He was released from prison in this time, all of them are in quadrants showing his comfort and blessing of Vishnu.

Char Dasha 2 – Sagittarius/Aries/Aries – Sagittarius is the same. Aries is the 5th house of power whose lord is in 10th house again of power. Shows the blessing of Lakshmi and Vishnu together.

Char Dasha 3 – Pisces/Pisces/Taurus – Pisces is the 4th house of happiness whose lord is in 4th from 4th in 7th house and Taurus is 6th house with AK in it and Ketu showing Emancipation. This shows the event. See the same Ketu and AK giving bondage and then emancipation showing it was all suffering of the soul.

Nobel peace prize in 1993

Char Dasha 1 and 2 – Sagittarius Maha dasha the sign rises in ascendant aspected by ascendant and 5th lord showing Raajyoga as well as Honor being 5th lord too. A11 and A3 are there along with PP showing life force. Jupiter and Mars GK+PK don’t show Raajyoga but PK surely shows awards and other things.

Char Dasha 3 – Pisces Maha dasha – it is 4th house aspected by the same Jupiter Mars combination. A4 is in 7th house with A9 and Shree Lagna along with Lagna lord Jupiter showing Flow of Shree Maha Lakshmi in his life and this prize will be thing for which he would be remembered in history. All 3 char dasha is aspected by the same showing validity of all 3 of them and showing that their usage has to be done carefully. All of them work. Jupiter Lagna lord is also there that shows honor.

Nations first black president on 2nd May 1994

Char Dasha 1 – Sagittarius/Taurus/Gemini – Sagittarius is in ascendant aspected by ascendant lord as well as 5th lord and PK mars showing Raajyoga. Aspected by Shree Lagna and Arudh Lagna it shows growth of Status in society and flow of shree in life. Taurus is the 6th house showing hard-work and struggle also having AK shows the achievement of the thing for which soul was born (freedom of South Africa) it have A10 showing power and aspected by DK and AmK makes one of the most potent Jaimini Raajyogas.

Char Dasha 2 – Sagittarius/Aquarius/Libra –Aquarius is 3rd house where Ghatika Lagna and Hora Lagna is placed along with A5 of power and A6 of service being AK in 4th there from it shows gain of throne. AmK is in 9th house there from showing the event. Libra is 11th sign showing gains with Moon that is depositor of DK and BK MK making small Jaimini Raajyoga. There are 3 planets in 10th house there from showing power. Being 11th from ascendant it shows gains but not Raajyoga Activation. For Activation of Raajyoga Position of AK and AmK have to be carefully judged from all MD and AD.

Char Dasha 3 – Pisces/Gemini/Virgo – Pisces is 4th house of throne whose lord is in 7th house 4th from 4th over SL and A4 and A9 showing the event but AK in 3rd house and AmK in 8th house there from is not a good indication for Raajyoga. Gemini is where Shree Lagna along with A4 and A9 throne and luck is placed in showing the event. And Virgo is 10th house with Dikbali Mars who is 5th and 12th lord but Having AL there it shows an important event related to Image of the Native.

Served till June 1999

Char Dasha 1 – Scorpio/Gemini – Scorpio is the 12th house showing freedom with Rahu that is depositor of HL and GL. Gemini is 7th house with SL and GK showing end of Job (6th house matter) being 10th from 10th it shows something important related to job and as in politics their career never ends but just gets a new turn. From dasa Rashi 10th lord is in 9th house 12th there from showing end of profession work and a new type of Raajyoga working. That is spending life as a high politician. AmK in 12th from Dasha Sign also shows end of profession.

Char Dasha 2 – Scorpio/Virgo – Virgo is 10th house with AL and PK mars that is also 12th lord showing end of profession, some significant event related to profession. End of job and a new status in society. Lord of Virgo that is Natural 10th house is in 8th house that shows retirement. For better results concerned divisional charts should also be used, here I am leaving that but readers are advised to do the same.

Char Dasha 3 – Pisces/Aries – Pisces is the 4th house of Throne and Home land too. Being 7th and Marak from 10th shows being at home/not working. Why it is also a throne house is a politician can work from home too. For politicians the whole country is their home. Aries is 5th house 8th from 10th and its lord is in 10th house showing important event related to profession.

· Author of “long walk of freedom – 1994”, “the struggle is my life – 1986”

Char Dasha 1 and 2 – Capricorn Dasha – it is 5th from Karkamsha Lagna aspected by Venus in D1 showing literary activities.

Sagittarius dasha – 4th from Karkamsha aspected by Jupiter in D1 and by moon and Venus in D9 having Jupiter in it. Showing validity of Karkamsha in D9 and Yogas Given by sage Jaimini. 2nd 4th 5th from Karkamsha and Moon Venus and Jupiter shows Literary Activities.

Char Dasha 3 – Libra dasha – 2nd from Karkamsha aspected by Venus in D1 and having moon in it in D1. In my humble opinion Karkamsha have to be seen in both D1 and D9 difference between them I will explain in an article on the subject.

Pisces dasha – 7th from Karkamsha aspecting Karkamsha and being aspected by Venus, Moon, Jupiter in D9 and By Jupiter and PK in D1.

Qualified in Law in 1942

Char Dasha 1 and 2 – Cancer Dasha – of 8th house where 9th lord of college and 2nd lord and 7th lord is placed in whose lord is in 11th house over A2. 4th house is primary education, 9th house bachelor, 2nd house masters and 7th house doctorate/specialization. 5th from Dasha sign is Rahu in 12th house in Scorpio sign showing the nature of education to deal with criminal, underground people, court etc. PK is in 3rd from dasha sign that is 8th from 8th showing termination of education.

Char Dasha 3 – Leo Dasha – it is 9th house dasha showing higher education, whose lord is in 8th house with Mercury and Saturn who be being in cancer created a Raajyoga in itself. This also shows the nature of education along with Rahu in 12th house in 4th from dasha sign.

In 1991 elected president of “The African National Congress”

Char Dasha 1 and 2 – Sagittarius dasha from where AmK is in 11th house of gains and AK in 6th house of service. Sign is also having A11 showing gains and A3 showing hard work.

Char dasha 3 – Pisces dasha – aspected by Shree Lagna and 10th lord from dasha sign Jupiter along with PK and 5th lord showing coming into politics but AK in 3rd there from and AmK in 8th isn’t favorable that also shows no great achievement in that period. But aspected by AL it shows the event clearly along with other factors.

1957 divorced with 1st wife

Char Dasha 1, 2 and 3 – Taurus dasha – AK is placed here debilitated. Having Venus and Ketu in same sign it shows marriage. Applying the same principle pervasively we can expand it to something related to marriage. Venus being 3rd lord from UL 8th from 8th and marriage significator that is afflicted as well as debilitated in D9 and in Maran Karak Sthan Shows Divorce. Lord of UL is in MKS (Maran Karak Sthan) from UL that have considerably damaged his UL. Being 12th from 7th it also shows the event. Taurus is also in 2nd house from Navamsha Lagna being Marak for Navamsha Lagna.

Second marriage June 1958, – 2 Daughters.

Char Dasha 1 and 3 – Taurus/Gemini – Taurus as we have seen have both Venus and Ketu Jaimini says the sign having Ketu as the most benefic sign. The sign having Ketu or Venus shows marriage and as it is in the same sign it shows very much potential for marriage being in 10th from UL it shows some marriage karma in form of divorce from one wife and marriage to another. Taurus being in 2nd from Navamsha Lagna shows end of first marriage and start of second marriage. Gemini is 7th house having A9 2nd that shows 2nd marriage being 3rd from 7th. Younger sister of first wife as Indian society takes second wife of a man. It also has Shree Lagna showing coming of shree or Lakshmi in his life. Only this Lakshmi gave him bliss of progeny that Jupiter shows naturally. Shree Lagna is very vital to time Marriage.

Char dasha 2 – Taurus/Virgo – Virgo is 2nd from UL with Mars in it that is raajyogkarak from UL and also PK showing his 2 daughters only from this marriage. This sign have Venus and Ketu in Navamsha.

Separated in 1992

Char Dasha 1 and 2 – Sagittarius dasha – being 10th from 2nd UL that is 8th from 1st UL and 12th from 2nd house that is 8th from 7th house it shows separation. As it is 10th it shows distance from home 4th house opposite showing separation for some time and being in 12th from 2nd house it shows loss of pleasures of 2nd house.

Char Dasha 3 – Pisces Dasha it is 2nd UL that is afflicted by GK and maandi but also helped and supported by Shree Lagna and PK and Jupiter but despite all these. Its affliction by Rahu in D9 (The concerned divisional chart for marital life that being 12th lord of separation from 2nd UL) shows the event.

Divorced in 1996

Char Dasha 1 and 2 – Scorpio dasha – here Rahu is placed in D1 chart that is lord of 7th marak from 9th house lord of 2nd marak from 2nd house and lord of 12th expenditure from 2nd UL and as it is not aspected by SL it failed to save the marriage and the fateful event happened. See till the time dasha of the house aspected by SL was going on it was separation not divorce. The same sign in navamsha is 8th house showing bad event related to marital life. It is also aspected by Afflicted DK and 7th lord in D1. And by afflicted DK in D9 too.

Char Dasha 3 – Pisces dasha – here it happened even after being aspected by Shree Lagna. Why so is it because next time he was going to marry his “sweetheart” Shree is manifestation of Lakshmi and what she have decided for the native only she knows. Here the same interpretation from the last analysis under separation can be used. Keeping in mind that it is also 12th from Navamsha Lagna. And if we don’t take progression of UL it will be 8th there from. Readers should think on the same to get a clear picture.

Celebrated his 80th Birthday by marrying his “Sweetheart” 52 years old “Graca Machel” on July 18, 1998 (28 Year younger)

Char Dasha 1 – Scorpio/Aries/Virgo – Scorpio is 12th house Having Rahu in it “Nest Graha” is very important in love marriage. It is 9th from 2nd UL and 2nd house of sustenance from 3rd UL. Aries is 7th from 3rd UL and 2nd from 2nd UL. In navamsha Aries is ascendant. Virgo is the 10th house 2nd from Primary UL and 12th from 3rd UL. Virgo also has Venus and Ketu in Navamsha.

Char Dasha 2 – Scorpio/Taurus/Taurus – Taurus is 6th house with Ketu and Venus in it is 8th from 3rd UL and 10th from 1st UL and 11th from DK.

Char Dasha 3 – Pisces/Leo/Taurus – Pisces is aspected by SL in D1 and also it is 8th from 1st UL and 6th from 3rd UL. From Pisces there is MKS Mars in 7th house and for this reason this dasha have shown him divorces and re-marriages too. Leo is the sign having UL and A7 showing Love marriage as well as normal marriage. Taurus is having Ketu and Venus combination.

· On January 6, 2005. Mandela’s 54 Year old son died of septic shock and pneumonia associated with AIDS. He was only surviving son of South African Leader.

For death and related matters Char dasha can be used but it being an Falit dasha is not appropriate for this work thus we will use Shool dasha for this and next event.

Middle life – taking 5th house as ascendant Lagna lord in 6th house is weak. 8th lord in 6th house is powerful making Vipreet Raajyoga. And 10th lord in 4th house in cancer with friend Mercury and 5th lord Sun are powerful also for the reason that his aspects on his own 10th house and for this reason 2 factors being powerful out of 3 he had middle life 40-80 years. He was 54 years old.

Shool dasha for 5th house – Cancer/Aquarius/Taurus – cancer is having afflicted 10th lord Saturn, aspected by 11th lord Rahu that shows punishment and also death. “Tanu tanou danda harah” lord of cancer being in 7th house from 5th house made it more Marak. Aspected by Rahu it was to produce bad event. Also it is in trine to 8th house from 5th house. Lord of Aquarius Rahu is in 8th from 5th house and another lord is in 4th house there from afflicting ascendant lord Mars by his 3rd aspect. Trine from Aquarius has Rudra Yoga with Moon aspected by Venus that is essential for death in shool dasha. Taurus is 2nd house where Prani Rudra Venus is placed in and it is also in trine to Aprani Rudra Mars and is making Rudra yoga all conditions fulfilled.

Mandela died on 5th December 2013 at his home, after several moth of fighting with Pneumonia (aged 95)

Age determination – Lagna + Hora Lagna = Long Life, Lagna Lord + 8th lord = Short Life, Moon + Saturn = Short Life. As two things shows Short life but as Jupiter is in 7th house it show Kakshya Vriddhi. And as Saturn or moon is not in 1st 7th house. Lagna and Hora Lagna shall prevail. Lagna lord is in 7th house powerful. 8th lord is in 11th house powerful and 10th lord is in 8th house weak as two factors is powerful it shows middle life, but as 10th house is strong under virtue of a Dikbali planet we can take 10th house as powerful too. Making it to long life.

We will also use char dasha here to time death but readers should keep in mind that there are longevity dasha in Jaimini and that should be used for this purpose.

Char Dasha 1 – Virgo/Capricorn/Virgo – Virgo is 10th house only whose lord is weak in the pairs and also its lord is in 8th house. Saturn is aspecting Virgo that is 3rd lord. 8th form 8th and Virgo have 12th lord mars. Capricorn is 2nd house that is a marak house.

Char Dasha 2 – Cancer/Pisces/Gemini – Cancer is 8th house, Pisces is 4th house afflicted by 12th lord Mars and Maheshwar Jupiter. Gemini is 7th house Marak where Maheshwar Jupiter is placed in and Pisces is Marak from AL being in 7th there from.

Char Dasha 3 – Scorpio/Pisces/Sagittarius – Scorpio is 12th house with Rahu in it. It is also in trine to 8th house and Pisces and Sagittarius both are aspected by Maheshwar Jupiter and 12th lord Mars.

Shool dasha – Aries/Taurus/Cancer – Aries is trine to Lagna but also trine to UL and A7. Lord of Aries is in 10th house afflicting the 3rd cornerstone of 3 longevity builders. It Is in 8th from Arudh Lagna. Taurus is 6th house with AK this should not kill but that AK is malefic being debilitated in Navamsha and is with Ketu the karaka of emancipation and forming Rudra Yoga in the sign that is important for death in shool dasha. Cancer is 8th house where Aprani Rudra is placed in along with 10th lord the weakest among 3 longevity building blocks.

Conditions around death have to be seen in 3rd from AL there is Rahu in Scorpio Rahu being like Saturn shows disease surrounding death. Pneumonia is also a Rahuvian disease. It is in a fixed sign Scorpio showing death in his own home.

Om Tat Sat
Shubham Alock

pin Char Dasha part-5 (final) with Shool Dasha and case study of Nelson Mandela.

Views: 76

Detailed analysis of Timing of Marriage using Vimshottari and Narayana Dasha

timing of marriage in astrology 1 Detailed analysis of Timing of Marriage using Vimshottari and Narayana Dasha

In Indian society marriage is a highly prestigious work, our dharma includes marriage and it is considered very auspicious in our religion. There are so many reasons behind the same and also some benefits also from the same but leaving all of them aside in this small paper we will time Marriage using Vimshottari Dasha. Narayan dasha and Navamsha Narayan dasha.

This paper tends to show usage of Narayan dasha in timing marriage and will also clear some doubts on Vimshottari dasha relating to its origin from Moon/Ascendant as well as it’s usage for timing marriage.

Please go through all 5 examples very carefully as there are so many secrets of prediction laying within them that intelligent readers can grasp very easily.

Example 1 – John F. Kennedy 29th May 1917, 14:51, Brookline, MA, US

Married on – 12 September 1953

Vimshottari dasha – ascendant is aspected by Jupiter whereas Moon isn’t aspected by either Jupiter or Mercury and as moon being in 12th house Ascendant is most suitable to start Vimshottari dasha. Jupiter MD in D1 chart Jupiter is in 9th house aspecting ascendant 7th from 7th and he is also 7th lord. In Navamsha he is in 6th house aspecting 7th lord and Ascendant lord of navamsha thus Sun and Rahu. Moon AD in D1 moon is in 12th house of bed pleasures that is very vital in marital life (UL is also derived from 12th house) in D1 he is also giving Argala to 7th lord in D9 the same moon is giving Argala to D9 ascendant and in 7th from D9 ascendant lord and aspected by co-lord of 7th house of D9. Venus PD Venus in D1 is with 7th lord and giving Argala to ascendant lord and in D9 Venus is in ascendant with 7th lord and giving Argala to D9 ascendant lord. Mars SD mars in D1 are with ascendant lord and also aspecting UL from Graha Drishti. He is also lord of UL and in D9 Mars is giving Argala to ascendant as well as 7th lord (both 7th lords) and in 7th from ascendant lord of D9. Rahu PAD Rahu is giving Argala to ascendant in D1 and is aspecting D1 ascendant lord as well as lord of UL. In D9 Rahu in 2nd house is giving Argala to ascendant and also are 7th lord aspecting D9 Ascendant lord and DK Jupiter.

Narayan dasha – Libra/Virgo/Scorpio/Sagittarius/Gemini

Libra is aspected by DK Jupiter and in 12th from UL showing bed pleasures. Virgo is D1 ascendant 7th from 7th and in 11th from UL and AL. Scorpio have ownership of UL itself. Lord of Sagittarius is DK, Gemini have the most auspicious and favorable Ketu in it.

Navamsha ND – Aquarius/Pisces/Gemini/Taurus/Aries
Aquarius is 7th house. Pisces have UL and Ketu in Navamsha (Venus and Ketu are two planets capable of giving marriage in Narayan dasha or frankly saying in whole Jaimini System because Ketu is significator for UL and Venus for 7th house) Gemini is aspected by 7th lord Rahu and Ketu and UL. Taurus has ascendant lord Sun in it and Aries is aspected by A7 as well as Venus and 7th lord Saturn.

Transit – Jupiter was aspecting 2nd house from UL by Rashi and Graha Drishti and was over co-lord of UL Ketu. Saturn was aspecting 2nd from UL by Graha drishti and also was in aspect with 7th lord of natal chart in transit. Nodal axis was in 5-11 showing fulfillment of desires as Ketu was in 11th it gave marriage.

Example 2 – 8th January 1980, 11:43, Mumbai, Male

Married on – 13 December 2002

Vimshottari –in first sight moon seems powerful by association of Jupiter but being with Rahu and Mars he is considerably weak Jupiter is also retrograde along with all this moon is in last degrees of sign and also in 6th house thus we will start dasha from Ascendant.

Mercury/ Jupiter/Mars/Mercury/Rahu

Mercury is 7th lord and in D9 giving Argala to ascendant. Jupiter is aspecting mercury the 7th lord and giving Argala to ascendant in D9. Mars is aspecting UL as well as ascendant in D1 and in D9 is over ascendant to show the event and Rahu in D1 is aspecting 7th lord and by his 2nd aspect also aspecting 7th house and in Navamsha Giving Argala to 7th house and aspecting Venus as well as A7.

Narayan dasha – Sagittarius/Libra/Gemini/Aries/Virgo

Sagittarius has A7 and 7th lord in it. Libra is aspected by Ketu as well as Jupiter ascendant lord and in 2nd house from 7th house Argala sign. Gemini is 7th from A7 aspected by DK Saturn and 7th lord Mercury. Aries is aspected by UL as well as Ketu, and Virgo is 7th house itself with DK Saturn.

Navamsha ND – Sagittarius/Libra/Scorpio/Aquarius/Libra

Sagittarius is aspected by Venus, Libra is D9 ascendant having 7th lord Mars, Scorpio has Ketu in it; Aquarius has DK Saturn in it.

Transit – Jupiter was aspecting UL as well as his ascendant and Saturn was in 4th house aspecting 2nd house from his UL by Rashi aspect and was aspecting his Lagna. Double transit on Lagna 7th from 7th. Rahu Ketu was in 3-9 Axis Ketu over UL gave him marriage.

See in this chart Badhak from his Shree Lagna is in his 7th house being DK, Badhak house from his UL have Saturn DK and lord of that Badhak house is in 2nd from UL. Lord of SL is in 11th house of Hara with A8 and so many planets are in 6th house. His UL is aspected by Saturn and Mars by Graha aspect and Venus by Rashi aspect. See his 7th and 11th houses as Libra is in 8th house and Aquarius in 12th house in chart and see Venus AmK in 11th and retrograde DK Saturn in 7th house. And UL in Badhak house from AL and chart was not matched before marriage. The native was happy in his life living overseas once he married his lady love he is now in India jobless. Starving for money and career. He left studies after 8th and now his condition is very kind. But see tamas influence over his ascendant and ascendant lord and intelligent readers will get a hint what I want to say. Starving for even basic necessities from few years he wants to be millionaire.

Example 3 – 20th July 1992, 18:35, Delhi, Female

Married on – 14th November 2010

Vimshottari Dasha – her moon is in own sign with Mercury but in Maran Karak Sthan and Debilitated in navamsha whereas Ascendant is aspected by Jupiter thus we will start vimshottari dasha from ascendant.


Venus is in 7th house in her chart and giving Argala to Lagna in D9, Saturn in her birth chart is in mutual aspect with 7th lord and in navamsha giving Argala to Lagna. Mars is aspecting his 7th lord in Lagna and giving Argala to D9 ascendant. Rahu is in ascendant in D1 as well as in D9.

Narayan dasha – Cancer/Gemini/Scorpio/Libra/Gemini

Cancer has the 7th lord mercury, Gemini is the 7th house, and Scorpio is aspected by DK as well as 7th lord Mercury and UL. Libra is 11th sign aspected by A7 as well as significator of marriage for female chart Jupiter.

Navamsha ND – Sagittarius/Taurus/Gemini/Aquarius/Cancer

Sagittarius is the 7th house having Ketu in it. Taurus is aspected by DK mercury. Gemini is D9 ascendant, Aquarius lords AL and its co-lord is in D9 ascendant. Cancer is again aspected by AL and A7 in navamsha. Arudh shows our image in society and It is very important in society what does image means with respect to D9 it is marriage thus in D9 the sign having AL can also give marriage. As aspected by the same as we can see in last to Dashas of Aquarius and Cancer they both either have AL or aspected by AL and A7 and Venus.

Transit – Jupiter was in 2nd from UL aspecting 7th house by Graha Drishti, Saturn was in and from A7 and aspecting 7th house by Graha aspect thus there was a dual transit on 7th house showing marriage and as nodal axis was also in 1-7 having Ketu in 7th marriage fructified in this time frame.

She was married when she was 18, 7th house have debilitated Ketu the 12th lord and Venus significator of 7th house along with sun, Sun is 9th house lord and Venus is 11th and 7th house lord showing due to some mistakes of the girl her parents married her as soon as possible. But as being an astrologer we have some responsibilities and one of them is hiding precious information about their clients too. She had 2 male children till now see influence of male planets on her 5th and 7th house and also on 9th house next children also seems to be male but as Rahu Ketu axis is in 7th house it seems difficult now.

Example 4 – 17th November 1979, 13:28, Delhi, Male

Married on – 29th September 2009

Vimshottari Dasha – as ascendant is aspected by Jupiter and moon isn’t aspected by either Jupiter or mercury we will start dasha from ascendant.


Saturn in D1 is ascendant lord giving Argala to 7th house as well as 7th lord. In D9 Saturn is in ascendant being ascendant lord and also giving Argala to 7th lord on D9. Jupiter in D1 is in 7th house and in D9 giving Argala to 7th house and 7th lord. Sun in D1 is 7th lord and in D9 is in 7th house.

Narayan dasha – Aries/Pisces/Gemini/Libra/Pisces

Aries is aspected by A7 as well as 7th lord and its lord is in 7th house, Pisces is 11th from UL and is aspected by Ascendant lord Saturn and its lord Jupiter is in 7th house. Lord of Gemini is with Sun who is 7th lord as well as DK and Venus. Libra having Shree Lagna shows marriage and is also aspected by UL.

Navamsha ND – Gemini/Cancer/Leo/Gemini/Capricorn
Gemini is 6th house whose lord is in 9th house this shows marriage but fate of marriage will make the scenario clearer. Cancer is the 7th house. Having DK sun, Leo is the 8th house aspected by A7, UL, Venus and Ketu. Gemini is 6th house aspected by Bhrigu Bindu we will see its use later; Capricorn is the ascendant having Ketu and Venus.

Transit – Jupiter is aspecting UL from Rashi aspect and Graha aspect as well. Saturn is aspecting 2nd from UL by rashi aspect and is in 8th house and they both are making dual transit over his 7th lord sun in transit. Rahu Ketu is in 6-12 axis showing punishment is soon to come after Bhoga. Rahu in 12th and in trine to UL shows marriage.

AL and A7 are in same house and UL is in 7th from both of them the same is the condition in Navamsha. But see his 7th house Having Jupiter Rahu and Mars in D1 and Rahu and sun in D7, 7th lord in D1 as well as in D9 is in 10th house see the presence of Rahu in 7th house in both rashi and navamsha. DK sun and AK Venus is not mutual friends. In Navamsha AK in ascendant shows another path for the soul. 2nd house from his UL in D1 is Gemini that As per Jaimini is sure sign for second marriage lord of UL and 2nd there from is in 10th house from ascendant but with Gulika and Maandi and 7th lord sun is also there this case shows the havoc created by Gulika in horoscope. Being in the sign of Scorpio this is even more dangerous. Now this same is happening with A7 and 7th from UL. 2nd lord from UL in navamsha is exalted but retrograde behaving like debilitated. We will continue this case with wife of the native as next example.

Example 5 – 15th July 1982, 17:35, Karnal, Female

Married on – 29th September 2009

Moon is aspected by Jupiter and ascendant is aspected by Mercury. There are 7 planets in quadrant to ascendant whereas only one in quadrant to Moon thus we will initiate the dasha from ascendant.


Sun is in 7th house in D1 and giving Argala to ascendant in D9. Jupiter in D1 is ascendant lord in 11th house giving Argala to ascendant and aspecting 7th house as well as 7th lord. Ketu is in ascendant in D1 chart and in D9 he is giving Argala to ascendant as well as 7th house.

Narayan Dasha – Libra/Pisces/Virgo/Capricorn/Aquarius

Libra is having significator of marriage for female charts Jupiter in it, Pisces lords A7, Virgo is aspected by 7th house as well as A7, and Capricorn is 7th from UL and aspected by 12th house that is very vital in married life. Aquarius is having Shree Lagna; along with this it is also aspected by Jupiter and UL.

Navamsha ND – Libra/Gemini/Capricorn/Capricorn/Scorpio

Libra is having Venus in it. Like Venus moon is also very vital for marriage both being watery planets play a major role in the same after all marriage is unity of mind and emotions too. Venus is also DK. Gemini is aspected by UL, Capricorn is 2nd from UL aspected by 7th and 1st house of D9, Scorpio is having Ketu in own house.

Transit –
Jupiter is aspecting UL from Graha Drishti and 2nd from UL by rashi drishti, Saturn was aspecting 7th house from Rashi drishti as well as Graha Drishti, And Nodal axis was in 2-8 having Ketu over UL showing marriage time.

See DK of one is AK of another and vice-versa showing they were soul mates meaning their souls have to learn something from each other. But what happened. From UL of male ascendant of female is in 8th house and from UL of female ascendant of male is in 8th. Moon of female native is in Aries that is exaltation sign of Male’s 7th lord sun showing she brought prosperity with her. And trine from Venus and Sun (Occupants of 7th house) in navamsha is the sign Libra where Moon of male is placed in that shows perfect moon sign match in both of the charts. But what about ascendant the seat of intelligence that is a sure mismatch. See Nodal axis in 1-7 in both the charts with both having Ketu in ascendant and Rahu in 7th. And cluster of planets in 7th house in both charts. Now focus on the female chart one some points. UL is in 12th from AL in D1 charts shows rejection from spouse and due to that extra-marital relationship. Moon and Mars is together in 4th house in D9 in female chart sowing lack of happiness from marriage. Moon is in trine from Jupiter showing although she is religious and not inclined towards extra-marital relationships. Due to 6-8 between A7 and AL it shows due to lack of conjugal bliss between husband and wife she moved towards illicit relationships. Her UL is also with A6. Lord of her UL moon is in 5th house but aspected by Mars in D1 and with mars in 4th house in D9 and 2nd lord from UL sun is in 7th house where he naturally becomes debilitated and with Rahu in eclipse. That same Sun is AK showing hard lesson that have to be learnt.

When male native came to the scribe he reported wife left home at 15th April 2015

Male chart –- Saturn/Venus/Jupiter/Jupiter/Saturn

Saturn in D1 is in 8th house Marak from 7th house being lord of ascendant showing effect of 8th house will be hampered and 6th house will be boosted resulted in separation from wife and end of marital relationships. He by his cold aspect is aspecting A7 cooling down physical relationship between them and also aspected and from UL from Graha as well as Rashi drishti resulting in break in marriage. Venus being lord of UL is in 7th house of opposition from UL and is severely afflicted by Sun and Mercury and 3rd aspect of Saturn and 4th aspect of Mars. He is also Dig Bal less there showing lack of home comforts. When homemaker is not there how a man can be comfortable in home. Jupiter lord of hara from UL that is involved in Guru Chandal and Kuja Dosha in 7th house made his work in the same time and being in 4th from 4th disturbed marital bliss and home happiness. We are not going into Narayan dasha but readers are advised to check the same for better clarity on the subject to limit the size of paper I am not going into the same.

Female chart – Moon/Rahu/Jupiter/Jupiter/Mercury

Moon is lord of UL afflicted by Mars but also aspected by Jupiter but as he is with Mars in D9 too his effect was sure over him resulting in havoc. Rahu is making eclipse in 7th house and in 12th from UL. Jupiter is in 8th house in Navamsha showing break of marriage and marital bliss too as he in marak house from 7th house in D9 and bad house from D9 ascendant. Mercury the Badhak lord is in 7th house with DK and in Navamsha is debilitated showing the event.

We can see highly afflicted 7th house its lord and karaka in both the chart and also can see how a mismatch chart have made more havoc.

Male native reported he caught her wife in extra-marital relationship red handed on 26th January 2014

In female chart – Moon/Moon/Saturn/Moon/Jupiter

Readers can see the role of moon here showing her dissatisfaction have led to this in this chart moon is lord of UL and severely afflicted as we have seen it earlier. Here in her D9 moon is in trine to Jupiter and we should remember the classic story of abduction of wife of Jupiter by Moon and here in this D9 moon being lord of 3rd house copulation is in 4th house place of copulation with Mars in Leo sign showing copulation with a young men unmarried in a royal place or something like forest or cave. In modern context in camp houses or old houses can be counted in the same. Mars also being 7th lord and Moon 3rd lord in conjunction in 7th house confirms this to a great extent. In D9 moon is in 5th house of love. Saturn being lord of A7 in D9 is controller of sexual desires and in D1 he is afflicting 7th house by his 10th aspect and 7th lord and 7th karak and DK as well. DK and karak of 7th both being in 7th house with Rahu have worsen the condition to a great extent and also have made something very much like Karko Bhava Nasay. Saturn is also 8th lord from UL showing his role in break of marriage. Jupiter in D1 is in 11th house that shows physical relationship out of marriage by native’s own wish. He is lord of A7 in mutual aspect with lord of UL bringing love in marriage in a bad way due to affliction of Jupiter by Rahu and Moon by Mars. In Navamsha he is in 8th over UL although being lord of UL but being aspected by Sun depositor of this adulterous combination of Moon and Mars it have just worsen the situation.

In this way marital life and related matters can be found using Vedic astrology. All these charts have so many other scopes of justification that readers should try themselves to enhance their own knowledge. The best remedy for marital discord is to keep fast on the day rules by lord of UL. By a good match making 50% of marital disaster can be lessen down.

May god bless us all with wisdom and light

Om Tat Sat
Shubham Alock

pin Detailed analysis of Timing of Marriage using Vimshottari and Narayana Dasha

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