How to Check Transits Results from Both Natal and Divisional Chart

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Checking the transit result from Ashtakavarga System is always be a tricky part but if we able to get it,  it would be very easy to predict the results based on transits of planets in an Individual horoscope.

The first basic rule is Never judge the results of the transits of Major planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu from Moon Signs, try to see it from both the reference points.Always see the transits planets results first from Individual Lagna Kundli based on Major points.Events usually trigger when there is close relation of Both Jupiter and Saturn on Same house of same sign either from aspect or from mutual placement, In Transit Jupiter act as main triggering planet for fruitful results, past karmic Punyas, fortunate events, Auspicious (Marriage, Kids and undertaking any Good deeds) and divine events (pilgrimages, visiting shrines, Devotional travellings, Meeting to guru or teacher), Mainly signifies when you can get fruitful results and Saturn transit act as Karma indicator in Natal chart and the main triggering planets for realizing results of Past Sanchit karmas (Both Punya and Bad deeds), Transit is meant for understanding change in the current order of living, underlying weaknesses’s and action that we need to do or adopt in our life and when a person is dutiful, honest and worked on humanity ground he will get results out of his Good actions and when both the Saturn and Jupiter are in mutual relation of Trine it shows, now this is the time period of  your karma, get ready to yield fruits in the form of transit favouring to Jupiter placement and Natal chart. In Transit system this is actually called double transit theory as explained by Sh. K.N Rao in most of his write-ups and it is one of the most important criteria used widely by Kn Rao sir in predicting major results via transits. Same way for timing events in day to day life we can use transit of Sun for timing event in particular month, Moon for Day, Tithi for the day of the event in the lunar month and hora for at what hour we can experience fruits or events:

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Below is the checklist and rules one should in keep in mind while Predicting any event with Transit system:

1) Birth sign: Check the birth Sign having a link with Transiting planet in Kundli or not or Birth Sign is in the Nakshatra of Transiting planet or not, for e.g in case of Saturn transit, If the natal Moon is placed in Capricorn or Aquarius, Saturn will become the Moon’s depositor lord. If we understand deeply, Moon is an actual indicator of our inner thoughts and shows area of the comfortable state of mind etc. So, for Capricorn and Saturn Moon Sign or those having any link with Saturn transit in their Lagna chart, they must have to be discipline in thoughts processing level and should have to cultivate or adopt disciplinarian ways of Saturn till transit is operative. For those who are ignoring the way of discipline, it will affect his day to day life events when Saturn actually transits over that signs and combinations.

2) Birth Nakashtra : Check whether the moon is in Transiting Constellation or not if the natal Moon is placed in any of the nakshatras owned by transiting planet, then follow the principle given above.

3) Sign of transiting Planets in Natal chart: Check Sign of transiting planets in Natal chart, When Saturn/Jupiter transit over its own signs, or those of its natural friends, normally gives the better results as compared to its transit over the sign of its natural enemies.It usually triggers good events concerned with that house or usually brings major changes or growth in those houses in physical ground or some sort of transformations in native life also seen when connected with the transiting Jupiter and Saturn lordships in natal chart.

4) Functional Lordship of the planet: Check the functional lordship of Saturn/Jupiter (Transiting planets) or relation with functional beneficial lords in the natal chart during transit. lords of trines (trikonas) in a horoscope are always supposed to give beneficial results (i.e, lords of the 1st, 5th, and 9th house).If Both the transiting planets are functionally Beneficial in the natal chart it usually brings Good results when they are transit in trines, Upachaya sthan or if they having any relation with Trines lords.

5) Strength in shadbala and bhavabala: Check Strength of transiting planets for individual Lagna in Strengths tools, i,e 8 types of strengths – Shadbala , Bhavbala , chesta bala , Kala bala , dig-bala , drig bala and Naisargik bala , ishta and kashtha bala etc . if Saturn/Jupiter and the moon have obtained the required strength in shadbala and their required ratio of the ratio that the strength is more than 1.0 then the transit effects of Jupiter /Saturn are better as compared to those where one or both of them are weak. The lower the ratio, the worse are the results .Similarly, in Bhavabala, if the house over which Saturn is transiting has more than 7.5 rupas in bhavabala. and in ranking is placed among the first six bhava then the evil effects of Saturn transit are lessened to a large extent and vice-verse.

6) Strength from AL : Check strength of Saturn/Jupiter transit from Arudha lagna to see what it will bring to you in society, the actual results of planet usually assume from what other people perceive after transits i.e Saturn/Jupiter in 11th from AL – Wealth and Financial Gain in transit , 3rd from Al – Courage and Strength in transits. This way you can better understand Saturn/Jupiter transit for any sign from AL.

7) Strength from Divisional charts : Check transit from Different divisional charts i.e first check transiting planet from divisional chart Moon sign, 2nd see the relation with that house Karka lord i.e For D9 (Marriage and Dharma); check any relation with with D9 7th house or 7th lord and 9th house/Lord for any auspicious and fortunate event during that year. In case of D4 (Home, assets, and Peace); check any relation with  D4 Moon sign, 4th house or 4th lord or with A4 arudha. In Case of D7 (Children); check any relation with D7 7th House/lord, 5th house/lord or A7 arudha for any events related to kids. For  D24 (education) ; check any relation with D24 9th house/lord or 2nd house/lord for higher studies. In Case of D10 (work and career); Check Transiting planets relation from 10th house/Lord, AL (Status in work environment), A10 (How it gone bring change in Work profile and work environment), UL (How it impact to your Marriage via office interference), A7 (For relationship with Co-mates), Sun (For overall Status in Career and Society), Moon (For Resources flow and State of mind), Mercury (For Overall growth and variationsn on Vocations), Saturn (For Seeing how we proceed our Karma in Society) and Lagna (Shows how it affects our Intelligence, attitude, and Application of intelligence effects in society)  in D10 Divisional chart and same way we can follow for other Varga charts too.

8) Check the transits results from Lagna Chart: For actual results, Lagna chart of D1 gives the true picture of results and it should be considerd as main ground for checking any transiting planets results, not the Moon Lagna first. Moon lagana shows our Karmic ground or how it gone affect our mental setup level or state of mind. Lagna shows Environment, Physical Scenario and Events in reality and Moon lagna shows Resorces and State of mind and it should be check after the natal lagna as moon is all about to what we perceive results from the mind or from the state of mind or how it gone effect our mind make up. Means what we are feeling and how it gone impact us after we get the results either positive or negative reaction. Moon only shows what sort of feeling or reaction to mind what we are getting from the results.Moon is for reaction, Lagana is for the physical environment as described in below mentioned cases :

9) Vimsotri Dasa Lords : Slow moving Transiting planets are More effectively seen in any Horoscope, so always check whether Guru , Saturn, Ketu and Rahu Vimsotri Mahadashas , Antardashas and Pratyantar Dasha is running or not if any of them is Currently running than Major planets will give its most of the results in their transits.

I can say they can give results 99% majorly more fast and More Accurate and with maximum results. For e.g for Taurus lagna Guru act as Functionally Malefic as it is the lord 8th house and also lord of the 11th too so When it is transiting in Taurus lagna Native may fall sick and have Some health issues too and we can see this result when a native Guru Mahadasha , Antardasha or Pratyantar dasha will be running else results will be less to see but
Final verdict will be predicted on ashta-varga system.

10) Finally time the results of the transits Based on the Individual Bhina Ashta varga and Sarvashtakavarga chart for Major transit Planets for eg – for Taurus lagna Guru Mahadasha , Saturn AD is running and Guru is transiting In 3rd house in cancer , Saturn is transiting in 7th house and in BAV Chart of Guru has having 4 Beneficial points out of 8 (4 Negative point too ) , Saturn has 5 Benefic points (Indicates very good State of Saturn) which mean native will get the transit result of the Guru in 70-50 % manner or you can say 50% negative 50 % positive for Guru and 70 % Beneficial results for Saturn.

As 4 points gives neutral results not much bad or not much less and when there is Guru MD dasha active and Sat AD too than we can assume both the results at maximum level and we Can expect Something around result of 7th house – Marriage, Business, and Partnership etc , Native may marry during this time period.

We can confirm this in SAV Chart too , Guru having 27 Beneficial Points in 3rd house out of 56 which means 2 negative points are more so this transit of Guru will give its 50-50 results w.r.t to Marriage , Business dealings , higher studies , Deep occult studies and Saturn 31 Points which means – Professional Brilliance, Spiritual gain and Ring for marriage and gain in partnership too.

Example Chart 1

How to Check Transits Results from Both Natal and Divisional Chart

For eg for Taurus lagna Guru is 8th and 11th Lord which means in last Transit of Jupiter (20th june 2014) Guru transited in Taurus 3rd house in cancer sign and aspects the 7th, 9th and 11th house as Guru Mool trikona sign is in 8th house.

So, Guru will give its beneficial results to the native with respect to new initiatives in the business in new partnerships with loans or might start his married life with the partner.As it is in the 3rd house so it indicates good initiatives in the field of business, courage, communication, and initiatives etc.

It can give a huge loan to the native in business matters as guru is 8th to the 8th house means new step with respect to the Loans and partnership in business/Marriage.As it is in 3rd house so native can start his business with their siblings or cousins with the loans they get from their initiatives.

Quite possibly with maternal cousins. Also aspecting the 7th house – the house of marriage and partnership, native might get married and also get success in the Marriage/business partnership too and it will also give good interest into deep sciences in occult i.e study of the 8th house matters like the secret sciences like astrology , tantra mantra and all deep mystical knowledge’s of yoga , siddhis or mantra etc too.

The person might involve into deep research in all philosophical and advance knowledge in religion or might start his higher studies like MBA in financial studies as per the beneficial aspect of the guru on 9th house and aspecting 11th house too which means native will get good gain in all his perspective or every effort he put to achieve .

Now the picture of moon Sign came for eg If the Native Moon Sign is in Taurus than Guru will be in 3rd from it so it’s simply mean native will get huge mental courage and wisdom knowledge (as guru is in 3rd house in a sign of Cancer – So its all about mental courage and mental peace ) w.r.t to the 8th house and 11th house so native might able to handle all his tasks with its deep wisdom and mental balance got from the guru and will put his more metal initiative into getting every of all his works either marriage , business dealings , higher studies or deep studies also.

Example Chart 2

How to Check Transits Results from Both Natal and Divisional Chart

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Take another example, for Capricorn and Aquarius Lagna Saturn is lagnesh so we can Say Saturn is beneficial for Both the lagnas, For Year 2014 November , Capricorn Saturn will be in 11th house, falling in 5th from the Jupiter and having 5/9 Relationship with the Jupiter where Jupiter will be aspecting 11th house where Saturn is already, so forming double transit relation in 11th house (shows results or events related to Gain, Brother, accumulation of the Wealth) and falling in 2nd (Food, Feed and Sustain) from the Moon in 10th house which means during this transit there can be Monetary gain, increase in name and fame with respect to 11th matters  (In Friend circle, Social Media or social Communities). Sign Lord mars will indicate what native has to do in order to get gain. For eg. Saturn has 5 Points (BAV) in 11th house – it means native will Get good gain by 11th house sources and would be beneficial. More than 28 Points (SAV) indicates native will get Clear Boom in that area. If the moon is in Taurus which Means 5th house for Capricorn – Native will expect or feel comfortable gain regarding 7th house matters, may be a child will born, the couple may get Wealth gain etc.

So this way you can analyse any results via transits of planets.

I Hope now you will able to cast your transits results with more accurate and in a scientific way for any major transits of any planets.

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How Planets influences and effects human affairs

Magnetosphere rendition How Planets influences and effects human affairs

How Planets influences and affects human affairs

Magnetic field and Influence: 

Scientifically Saturn has a magnetic field (Power of Attraction and controlling any Jeeva for enforcing duties and responsibilities) about 578 times more powerful than the Earth’s, that shows the power, and force of attraction (Gravity) which is impossible to count, further shows the impact and controlling nature it possesses toward Rest of planetary structure from Mercury to Jupiter. This shows any Moving and rotating body circulation motion has a deep role in impacting any nearby celestial body within its range.


The thing is how huge celestial bodies floating in solar system effects so badly that we cannot think more than from it. Well, the answer lies in understanding the solar magnetic forces or currents they produce and how they influence, which keep on affecting any particle in contact with these huge celestial bodies.


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Understanding Scientific Hypothesis of solar magnetic currents

According to the “Swami Abhedananda” as explained in Heliocentric science, Effects of the planets upon on earth are the results of the certain vibrations, frequencies and circulatory motions of their bodies.These vibrations usually travel’s in an outer space from all the direction and strike the sun like a telegraphic signals those keep coming to the receiver end (Here sun is acting as the source of accepting and reflecting back those waves and signals) and in the same way sun strike back or reflect those telegraphic waves in all the direction to the sender ends

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Here both the Sun and rest of the planets are acting like a communication channel, whereas rest of the planets act like Transponder and the sun is acting like as the receiver who keep on responding those signals from outer space.These vibrations always coming from the other planetary ends in a regular manner in the medium of “Ether” and keep beating on the atmosphere of the sun.when they Strike to the surface of the sun they cannot penetrate through the sun, in return they reflected back and goes in every direction and strike to all other planets including earth too.


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These waves or vibrations are like magnetic current travelling everywhere in the solar surface and it has influence of each and every planet and they keep on sending this current to the sun, and sun keep on sending back these influences to other planets in all the directions and these currents keep on travelling from one planet to the other planet affecting weather surface, Mental and physical conditions of the human beings living on those planets. Larger the planet is located much powerful would be the magnetic current it has to send back to the sun and after coming back from the sun it gets magnetised by the solar atmosphere with much-telling influences on the human mind, weather, atmosphere and physical conditions of the human being.


solar wind bow shock How Planets influences and effects human affairs
These solar magnetic currents or waves of energy produce force and vitality and they are reflected upon the earth from every direction.Every planetary current has a much-telling influence on the human mind and body.Then Sun send it back to the medium of ether in the same way to the earth via its radiation, It has everything including light, Sound, different wavelength of colour, heat, Pran Shakti, Vitality, power, force and other telling influences those are gathered from the rest of the planets in certain wavelengths and they get mixed up with heat and light of the sun.

Our ancient seers and astronomers studied these patterns very well and then they understood that why human beings are more or less affected by the influence of each planet motion.


Because of the quick motion of the Mercury around the sun, it produces a much-telling influence on the human mind and brain functionality as it waves get much magnetised by the sun and in result vibration of the mercury produces quickness, Activity, changeableness, Hilarity, wittiness and brilliant intelligence.It has also been observed that these vibrations also produces different forms too, its vibrations are very quick and shorter in nature, that’s why its goes quick and back in much shorter period.

The result will be it has a much shorter influence on the human mind and body during its transitory and retrogression motion.Same way Venus has bit slower vibrations and it’s in a pleasant form.

It produces a soothing and harmonious influence on the human mind as well as on the weather too, and whenever Venus vibrations strike to anyone it produces harmonic vibrations around heart chakra those helps in a healthy relationship with any other being.Jupiter Has much longer, powerful but slower vibrations due to its slow motion and much broader surface and it produces vast and huge waves around earth helps in harmonic growth around human mind and body and when it strikes to the sun it gets harmonized by the sun and same it is reflected back to the surface of earth it has much-telling influence on the mind and it affects more on the Spiritual ground affecting human mind in a most positive way because it has much smoother and harmonic relation with the medium of the waves (The Ether – Akash Tattva).


As it is very huge in size and largest among all it has tremendous power of influence on the human mind, body and the surface of the earth weather condition. It has the quality of absorbing everything and when it strikes to human mind it gives healthy and powerful vitality force to the human body and absorbs every negativity around it.Now coming to the Saturn, it has very long, heaviest and much slower vibrations than any of the planets in the solar system and its waves and vibrations are very powerful and strong and it produces disintegrating influence on the human mind and body.Each of these different vibrations coming from different planets having different wavelength produces different effects in human system and characteristics of the human too.

Saturn being much slower in motion for longer period, its magnetic current has much influence on the inner side of the body and has more influence on the bone and flesh of the human being and its vibrations produce more a restriction on a person or its activity and have more of all kind of disintegrating effects on human body with diseases connected with it.

Source and Reference,

 Heliocentric science by 

Swami Abhedananda

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The Greatness of Saturn- Part 1 : Magnificent Aspects of the Saturn Influencing human being Astronomically and philosophically explained

GreatnessofSaturnAspects The Greatness of Saturn- Part 1 : Magnificent Aspects of the Saturn Influencing human being Astronomically and philosophically explained

| Om Guruve Namah |
Magnificent Aspects Astronomically, Astrologically and Philosophically Explained- Part 1 (Mathematical Aspect)

General Introduction:

” Om Nilanjana samabhasam, Ravi putram yamagrajam Cahaya martanda samhubhutam,  Tama namami Shanescharam”

I bow down to great Shanaishchara, one who is slow in motion ( Shaniah = slow, charah =move) (Saturn), the elder brother of Yama (the God of Death), and who is born from (who is the son of ) Martanda (the Sun) and Chhaya and who is the son of Ravi (the Sun). His complexion is blackish, like that of black eye ointment (used as an eyeliner, made out of black soot mixed with clarified butter)

In Sanskrit Saturn is called Shani or Shana-ish-chara (The slow mover – The Manda Gati  ), Shane -Shane (one who walks slowly)”.Astronomically, only Saturn has the capability to stay for a much longer period in any zodiac sign because of his slow movement in the celestial sphere. It takes him 2.5 Years, about two and a half years to cover up one zodiacal sign or so to pass through each constellation of the sidereal zodiac which covers the cycle of 30 years for completing its phase in all the zodiac signs. Only Saturn in the solar system has that much stronger and longer Ring structure with multi-layers gaseous components in it, as what ancient and modern astronomers believe, that has the ability to control motions of the rest of planetary forces after the 2nd largest planet Jupiter in the solar system, via the magnetic shield it has.

Analysis of Saturn Ring Structure Philosophically Explained
( Author View )
Saturn diagram.svg The Greatness of Saturn- Part 1 : Magnificent Aspects of the Saturn Influencing human being Astronomically and philosophically explained
Logically Saturn planetary structure has 3 outer Rings of unequal width and they revolve it in the same direction. They all revolve from left to right in the same direction as the planet revolves on its axis. Comparatively Earth and Saturn movements are very similar to each other.  The thickness of Saturn’s rings is a hundred miles and most people believe that all these rings are made of gaseous material but the latest discoveries show that rings consist of a cloud of tiny satellites revolving around the planets, that shows the force of planetary rings it has, that it can break any barrier it came across. As per the latest discoveries Neither they are made of Gas nor liquids nor solid, they are innumerable little satellites that form the ring structure of Saturn.

SaturnRings The Greatness of Saturn- Part 1 : Magnificent Aspects of the Saturn Influencing human being Astronomically and philosophically explained

The very true purpose of Ring structure on Saturn apart from the rest of planetary structure is to provide a sharp piece of knowledge on judgment, self-restrictions, Self-realisation, with deep observation power to keep on monitoring the rest of the motions of planets with sharp karmic eyes or we can say in the philosophical language it is a gifted understanding for deep analytical assessment, with a keen observation power to observe every minute to smallest karma from any deep angles via close and minute associations.

It is made for providing a balance in the motion and that balance can help in achieving any life targets and goals with perfect patience and stability after undergoing life hard lessons slowly in the journey of life, the Famous saying is without balance and focused targets or goal no one can achieve the level of perfection. Only with perfect balance, one can achieve anything with life’s gradual experiences.
The Ring structure of Saturn helps in closely monitoring the motions of others, Here motions of others imply their karmic mistakes in the journey of life and that can only be possible after observing the mistakes in their karmas via patience, observation, and deep assessment.

If you have the charismatic ring of the Saturn in your chart, it is none another a power of balance, gifted as in the form of placement of Exalted Saturn, eventually, you can conquer any fight or battle with deep wisdom, with the power of balanced life approach and perfect balanced motion. More the motion is slow with consistent speed more you can monitor your life mistakes and more you can put restrictions on yourself for better achievements in goal. The Greatest power will be you can help others via your deep wisdom attained via balanced and perfect motion by guiding them, by realizing their root mistake, by pinpointing their weaknesses.

Power of Ring in Saturn is for judgment, wisdom, deep observation power, wide Vision, the gift of monitoring karma’s, judgment of being right and wrong.

In General, in life, if we have the balance we can take better steps and decisions, clarity of thoughts will be more with clear and precise vision, One can take all pro and cons into consideration before any decisions or judgment For e.g when the ring is attached to a coin and if we try to rotate or revolve that coin with the ring attached to it, we can see that in starting the weight of the ring will try to imbalance or slow down the motion but once it achieves its perfect momentum, balance and consistent speed, slowly but gradually it will pick up the speed in perfect and consistent spin motion, in that slow and balanced motion planet will have maximum ChestaBala and speed will keep on increasing and later we can also observe that the motion will be in perfects shape and in a balanced state and when it gets to stop, the coin will be having perfect landing without any mistake. The same goes for the Saturn Ring and motion, with the power of this any native can achieve their maximum life goals but with perfection and true balance via the help of motion of Saturn that no can achieve

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*Note: Chesta Bala is a motional strength analyzed based on the relative motion of the planets especially in the case of those planets having relatively slow speed those can get maximum Chesta Bala value. Planets that are fast relatively having a low chestabala value. The reason being Slow moving planets can able to focus their energy more on any aspect because they can stay in one place for a maximum time. Therefore it is possible that a relatively fast-moving Saturn can get a low Chesta Bala value in Directional motion rather than in Retrogression motion, while relatively fast-moving Mercury can get a high Chesta Bala during retrogression motion.

Spiritually and philosophically the ring structure of the Saturn also shows about Extra two Aspects (The 3rd and 10th Aspect- Drishti) and controlling nature given to the Lord Saturn for extraordinary duties assigned to him for mankind well being or can be defined as a sharp eye given for deeply monitoring karmic actions of the humans. Its main purpose lies in extra features that are given to the Lord of karma for understanding Restrictions and duties on karmic actions based on the karma of any being. It speaks about the managed and fixed boundaries required for any disciplinary actions.

It speaks about fixed Dedication needed for fulfilling the tasks. Also, shows constant futuristic focus and decisions for those actions and working on it constantly with fixed ideas. These rings structures also show Limitations one can come across in fructifying the actions and how one can manage and work under those fixed boundaries and limitations. It also speaks about fixed boundaries one must have to work in for yielding out better results in the future without crossing it or misusing the power given by the Almighty for accomplishing any tasks. It shows majorly about the strength one has realized with great difficulties in the past’s life and most importantly it talks about a control structure on karmas of Devas, Rakshas, and Manshuyas. Even it also indicates enforced boundaries given for Honest and Balanced judgment to the Lord of the Karama for all the being for their karmic actions by the Godhead of the highest order.

The motion of Saturn as per ancient texts and Astronomy:
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According to Khandakhadyaka and Surya Siddhanta of Varahamihira, Saturn completes 146,564 revolutions on its own axis every 4,320,000 earth years, an Epicycle of Apsis as 60 degrees, and had an apogee (aphelia) of 240 degrees in 499 CE; while another manuscript of Surya Siddhanta revises the revolutions to 146,568, the apogee to 236 degrees and 37 seconds and the Epicycle to about 49 degrees.                                         (Source: Wikipedia)
Surya Siddhanta10,765 days, 18 hours, 33 minutes, 13.6 seconds
Siddhanta Shiromani

10,765 days, 19 hours, 33 minutes, 56.5 seconds

Astronomically, Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second-largest in the Solar System, after Jupiter. It is a gas (Vayu Tatva – Sharpe Intelligence) giant with an average radius (Wisdom) about nine times that of Earth. Although it has only one-eighth the average density of Earth, with its larger volume Saturn is just over 95 times (Power of control) more massive. It has a deep impact on the air system of the body and a sharp influence on all sorts of Mundane activities and desires. that’s why it affects more on the root chakra of the body.

pia19055 16 The Greatness of Saturn- Part 1 : Magnificent Aspects of the Saturn Influencing human being Astronomically and philosophically explained
Scientifically Saturn has a magnetic field (Power of Attraction and controlling any Jeeva for enforcing duties and responsibilities in terms of karma theory ) about 578 times more powerful than the Earth’s, that shows the power, and force of attraction (Gravity) which is impossible to count, further shows the impact and controlling nature it possesses toward Rest of planetary structure from Mercury to Jupiter. This shows any Moving and rotating body circulation motion has a deep role in impacting any nearby celestial body within its range.

The thing is how huge celestial bodies floating in the solar system effects so badly that we cannot think more than from it. Well, the answer lies in understanding the solar magnetic forces or currents they produce and how they influence, which keep on affecting any particle in contact with these huge celestial bodies.

According to the “Swami Abhedananda”  as explained in Heliocentric science, the Effects of the planets upon earth are the results of the certain vibrations, frequencies, and circulatory motions of their bodies. These vibrations usually travel in outer space from all the direction and strike the sun like a telegraphic signal those keep coming to the receiver end (Here sun is acting as the source of accepting and reflecting back those waves and signals) and in the same way sun strike back or reflect those telegraphic waves in all the direction to the sender ends. Here both the Sun and the rest of the planets are acting as a communication channel, whereas the rest of the planets act like Transponder and the sun is acting like the receiver who keeps on responding to those signals from outer space. These vibrations always coming from the other planetary ends in a regular manner in the medium of “Ether” and keep beating on the atmosphere of the sun. when they Strike the surface of the sun they cannot penetrate through the sun, in return, they reflected back and goes in every direction and strike all other planets including earth too.

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These waves or vibrations are like magnetic current traveling everywhere on the solar surface and it has the influence of each and every planet and they keep on sending this current to the sun, and the sun keeps on sending back these influences to other planets in all the directions and these currents keep on traveling from one planet to the other planet affecting weather surface, Mental and physical conditions of the human beings living on those planets. Larger the planet is located much powerful would be the magnetic current it has to send back to the sun and after coming back from the sun it gets magnetized by the solar atmosphere with much-telling influences on the human mind, weather, atmosphere and physical conditions of the human being.
These solar magnetic currents or waves of energy produce force and vitality and they are reflected upon the earth from every direction. Every planetary current has a much-telling influence on the human mind and body. Then Sun sends it back to the medium of ether in the same way to the earth via its radiation, It has everything including light, sound, a different wavelength of color, heat, Pran Shakti, Vitality, power, force, and other telling influences those are gathered from the rest of the planets in certain wavelengths and they get mixed up with heat and light of the sun.
Our ancient seers and astronomers studied these patterns very well and then they understood that’s why human beings are more or less affected by the influence of each planet’s motion.
Because of the quick motion of the Mercury around the sun, it produces a much-telling influence on the human mind and brain functionality as its waves get much magnetized by the sun and in result vibration of the mercury produces quickness, Activity, changeableness, Hilarity, wittiness and brilliant intelligence. and it has also been observed that these vibrations also produce different forms too, its vibrations are very quick and shorter in nature, that’s why they go quick and back in a much shorter period. The result will be it has a much shorter influence on the human mind and body during its transitory and retrogression motion. Same way Venus has a bit slower vibrations and it’s in a pleasant form.

It produces a soothing and harmonious influence on the human mind as well as on the weather too, and whenever Venus vibrations strike anyone it produces harmonic vibrations around the heart chakra that helps in a healthy relationship with any other being. Jupiter Has much longer, powerful but slower vibrations due to its slow motion and much broader surface and it produces vast and huge waves around earth helps in harmonic growth around the human mind and body and when it strikes the sun it gets harmonized by the sun and same it is reflected back to the surface of the earth it has a much-telling influence on the mind and it affects more on the Spiritual ground affecting human mind in a most positive way because it has a much smoother and harmonic relationship with the medium of the waves (The Ether – Akash Tattva).

As it is very huge in size and largest among all it has tremendous power of influence on the human mind, body, and the surface of the earth weather condition. It has the quality of absorbing everything and when it strikes the human mind it gives healthy and powerful vitality force to the human body and absorbs every negativity around it.
Now coming to Saturn, has very long, heaviest, and much slower vibrations than any of the planets in the solar system, and its waves and vibrations are very powerful and strong and it produces disintegrating influence on the human mind and body. Each of these different vibrations coming from different planets having different wavelengths produces different effects in the human system and characteristics of the human too. Saturn being much slower in motion for a longer period, its magnetic current has much influence on the inner side of the body and has more influence on the bone and flesh of the human being and its vibrations produce more a restriction on a person or its activity and have more of all kind of disintegrating effects on the human body with diseases connected with it.
3545 IMG002545 The Greatness of Saturn- Part 1 : Magnificent Aspects of the Saturn Influencing human being Astronomically and philosophically explained

Saturn has an average distance from the Sun around 885,904,700 miles (1,426,725,400 km) which is 9.53707 times that of Earth. Saturn Solar Waves take much time to reach the earth’s surface that’s the only reason it has an effect for a much longer period and same it has the Dasha period for a much longer period of 19 years that has been calculated based on the distance from earth and the sun and its average staying period in the one zodiac sign that is around 2.5 years for 1 sign and it covers 30 years of distance to make 1 cycle and approximately a human being can experience 3 cycles (90 years ) in one life period of time.

Its Perihelion (closest approach to Sun) distance is : 838,519,000 miles (1,349,467,000 km) which is 9.177 times that of Earth and its Aphelion (farthest distance from sun): 934,530,000 miles (1,503,983,000 km) which is 9.886 times that of earth. So long-distance, slow motion, huge mass & strong attraction power toward the earth makes Saturn the strongest planet in the solar system the resultant. Spiritually and in Scriptural point of view Saturn has given the wide reason why Shani dev is considered as greatest & most strongest planet. 

Because of this only reason, it has the highest impact on the human mind, body & soul with the help of its slow-motion (Mand Gati)  and its role as Karma Karka Graha in Nav Graha Cabinet.

Astronomically it has the power to attain maximum Chesta Bala in either direct or in a retrogression motion where one can realize his karmic debts and actions in a much relatable way with current life events those are strongly related with our past action and hence, one can better anticipate in his life for improvement on his karma.

In the next part, we will try to understand Saturn’s strong gravitational force with the help of ancient quotes and facts. So stay connected for the 2nd part as well and keep reading our articles and blogs.

Rocky Jamwal

Source: The Heliocentric Science by Swami Abhedananda continue The Greatness of Saturn- Part 1 : Magnificent Aspects of the Saturn Influencing human being Astronomically and philosophically explained

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Rohini Shakat Bhedan Yoga : Why Saturn Never enters into Rohini Star 4th Pada while transiting in Taurus sign ?

taurus Rohini Shakat Bhedan Yoga : Why Saturn Never enters into Rohini Star 4th Pada while transiting in Taurus sign ?

Rohini Shakat Bhedan Yoga : The historical insight of Saturn transit in Rohini Nakashtra based on Padma Purana.

In Brihat Samhita of Varahmihira author explained many of exponential principals while predicting natural catastrophes symptoms and most are readily manual for today’s researchers for highlighting cause and impact of sun-spots, planetary movement overs different Nakashtras mandalas for understanding Earthquakes, Rainfall, Drought and famines etc. As we already know why Varahmihira was one of an eminent astrologer, astronomer and Mathematician in the era of Vikrama Aditya, interpreted many of incidents for saving the kingdom from miseries. He was one of an excellent interpreter in analysing and understanding the language of nature but the irony is today’s modern discoverers completely ignoring this ancient art of nature for understanding its language.

Varahmihira in around 412 A.D quoted and opined that formation of Sun Spot usually brings Famine in the land and gives huge magnet storms in earth.this was found to be the case during the famine of 1876-77.

The great famine of 1876 (also the Southern India famine of 1876–78 or the Madras famine of 1877) was a famine in India that began in 1876 and affected south and southwestern India (Madras, Mysore, Hyderabad, and Bombay) for a period of two years. In its second year famine also spread north to some regions of the Central Provinces and the North-Western Provinces, and to a small area in Punjab. The famine ultimately covered an area of 257,000 square miles (670,000 km) and caused distress to a population totalling 58,500,000. The death toll from this famine is estimated to be in the range of 5.5 million people.

From above all conditions, we can conclude our Hindu astronomers were not wrong on interpreting nature language i.e impact of Sun Spots, Solar & lunar eclipse, planetary moments, weather uncertainness, rains, floods and sudden catastrophes.

It is well-known fact that all India observe anxiously the course of the moon with respect to the four stars of 10th constellation when the sun is in the sign of Aquarius from “10th Feb to March 10th”, with a hope of future agricultural prospects of the land , the market price of food grains is once lowered or raised according to as the moon’s course lies to the south of the course stars or more and more to the north of the southernmost star.

It was also stated in ancient treaties that if the moon should Pass to the north of all the four stars the world would be at an end.

It is very much evident in scientific language as per what our modern astronomer’s moon will never pass to the north of all the four stars but in 1876 the moon course was lay between the north-most star and the one next to it. So we can assert our ancients treaties on reading nature languages aren’t wrong.

Now coming to Saturn course, according to our ancient Hindu astronomers if Saturn should enter the constellation of Rohini (4th pada) the world would be at an end.

The story belongs from during the era of Maharaja dasratha’s , one of astronomer form his court announced to the prince the dreaded entry of Saturn into the said constellation that the prince once flew in the air and stood before Saturn in his orbit resolved to stop this course; that Saturn, pleased with the prince’s boldness, promised never more to enter the circle.

There is a complete reference in Uttrakhand section of Padma Purana where Lord Shiva is explaining to Rishi Narda about the role of Saturn for both mundane as well as for individual horoscopes during Saturn course to Taurus when it was in Kritika (10 Degree) about to enter Rohini Nakashtra.

King Dasaratha was warned that this would lead to terrible famine and also indicates a sign of war.

King dashratha reached “Shani Yuga” and he told to Saturn if he enters Rohini constellation all would be destroyed, Dashratha asked Saturn to save the world from the agony of wars and famine. Dashratha Paid Respect and praised him to ask for a boon, Saturn was very happy with Dashratha gesture, somehow Dashratha saved as seeing his boldness in front of him

Dashratha recited ” Neel Shani Stotra” to propitiate Saturn as advised of sages and praised Saturn with verses. Saturn was much impressed and told dashratha to ask for boon . Dashratha requested him never to do “ Shakat Bhedan” to which Saturn Consented.

In the Book “Shani Shaman” it was well written about Saturn and King Dashratha and descriptions of “ Rhone Shakta Bhedan Yoga (Rohini Shakat Bhedan Yoga)” Which means entry of Saturn in Rohini Nakashtra will cause Terrible Famine for 12 years”

This was the whole story behind Saturn entry in Rohini Nakashtra.

Modern Astronomical fact has shown that ordinarily, Saturn will never enter the said circle, a circumstance which shows that the story is simply intended to cover an astronomical truth. it is well known that recently Saturn approached the circle to within a degree from it but did not enter it.

It is well known that recently Saturn approached the circle to within a degree from it but did not enter it.

So, we can ascertain that our ancient Hindu astronomers are wise in interpreting, observing and tabulation of the phenomena of nature.

There are lots of effects seen for Saturn entry in Taurus in recent many years which are mentioned below :

1) when Saturn entered Taurus on 12th May 1912 and Stayed there till 1914, while it was Rohini Nakashtra from 11 August 1912 to 3 May 1914, 1st World War started on November 29, 1913, to May 1914.

2) India Rise of nationalism establishment of Hindi association for freedom of India in USA Portland in May 1913 and publication of the first issue of Ghadar November 1913.

3) Mahatma Gandhi Started Satyagraha movement in South Africa.

4) Saturn again entered in Taurus in 1942 from 4 March 1942 to April 24 1944. There was a war of India in 1942 and famine of Bengal happened.

5) Quit India movement started in 1942.

6) Saturn entered in Taurus on 29 April 1971 – 11 June in 1973 “Indo Pakistan” war Started in 1971 ( July 22 to Nov 1971), Revolt Started in East Bengal and events lead to Pakistan war.

7) Saturn entered on 6 June 2000 to 22 July 2002, on 26th January 2001 Earthquake of Gujarat Bhuj happened, it was one of worst earthquake happened in the subcontinent for half a century, approximate 2.5 million people died.

8) On 11 September 2001, there was an attack on America.

9) USA war Against Afghanistan started.

10) The attack on Indian Parliament on 13th December 2001.

11) Godhra riots of Gujarat started on 28th February 2002.

Solution : Best Remedy is to Recite and Propitiate Lord Saturn by Shani Stotra Created by King Dashratha or Read Whole Story of King Vikrama Aditya , Read About lord Saturn in Padma Puran and Read Shani Shaman Book and understand its course for different zodiacs and do remedies as mentioned in Shani Shaman, Be calm and down to earth and do your responsibilities of Real-world seriously , make your self more serious towards your moral duties, respect women.
Source and Reference :
Brihat Samhita By N.C Iyer for Knowledge and Public Sharing

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