Unveiling Ayurvedic & Astrological Wonders of Bel Patra/Bilwa Tree -Plant for Visakha Nakashtra

Bilwa tree vedicsiddhanta

Written, Research and compiled | by Rocky Jamwal | August 2023

Unveiling Ayurvedic & Astrological Wonders of Bel Patra or Bilwa Tree – Healing Plant for Visakha Nakashtra

Indulge in our detailed exploration, examining the profound spiritual and curative privileges granted by the exceptional Bel Patra tree. Dive in, enrich your knowledge to explore ayurvedic and astrological miracles of bel patra or bilwa tree. Ayurveda is an old Indian medical science, while astrology is an ancient branch of the study of the heavens and their influence on human health. Together, these two fields shed light on the incredible relationship that exists between the natural world and the health of individuals. The astrological characteristics of Visakha Nakshatra are intertwined with the healing concepts of Ayurveda, and the constellation Bel Patra acts as a bridge between these two realms.


According to an urban legend, the Bilwa Tree is said to have arisen from drops of perspiration that fell from Lord Shiva’s brow when he was participating in a celestial dance. This supernatural link with one of the Hindu trinities dramatically boosted the stature of Bel Patra, making it revered and cherished by devotees all over India.

In Vedic rites and astrology, the Bilwa tree, which is also known as Aegle marmelos, is considered to be of the utmost significance. Lord Shiva is one of the most adored gods in the religion of Hinduism, and this holy tree is seen as a representation of him. Because of their spiritual and therapeutic powers, the leaves, fruits, and roots of the tree are essential components in a variety of religious rites and practises.

It is said that Lord Shiva can be seen dwelling in the Bilwa tree, according to Hindu scriptures. It is stated that bestowing worship on this tree will result in an abundance of benefits and good fortune. The tree is revered during religious celebrations and other happy events because it is thought to bestow virtues such as cleanliness, fertile offspring, and financial success.

Astro-Ayurveda and Herbal Plants Research Series


Beal2 Unveiling Ayurvedic & Astrological Wonders of Bel Patra/Bilwa Tree -Plant for Visakha Nakashtra

The Ayurvedic/Herbal Plant Bel Patra – Plant for Visakha Nakashtra


The Bilwa tree is utilised in a number of different ways throughout Vedic rites in order to call upon the divine for blessings. Garlands made out of the tree’s leaves are presented as an act of devotion to many deities. Garlands are made from the tree’s leaves. It is believed that making a gift of bilwa leaves to Lord Shiva will make him happy and will result in the requests being granted.

The holy Bilwa Patra Pooja is another ritual that makes significant use of the Bilwa tree in many ways. Prayers are said, mantras are chanted, and an offering ritual called aarti is performed using the Bilwa leaves. It is believed that by doing this action, one can cleanse negative energies from the surrounding area and so create an atmosphere that is spiritually chared.

The Importance of Astrological Factors of Bel Patra

According to astrological tradition, the Bilwa tree is connected to the planet Jupiter and Visakha Nakashtra, which is thought to bestow enlightenment, spiritual development, and prosperity upon its owners. It is believed that inviting good energies into a space and positively influencing one’s destiny can be accomplished by cultivating a Bilwa tree either indoors or outside.

In addition, according to Vedic astrology, worshipping the Bilwa tree can minimise the bad effects and result in positive improvements in a person’s life if they are going through a tough phase while being influenced by Jupiter’s malefic effects. This can be especially beneficial if the person is experiencing the difficult phase because of Jupiter’s malefic influences.

Biological and Medicinal classification of Bael


Bilwa pata Unveiling Ayurvedic & Astrological Wonders of Bel Patra/Bilwa Tree -Plant for Visakha Nakashtra
The scientific classification of bael is as below
  • Kingdom: Plantae (Angiosperms)
  • Order: Sapindales
  • Family: Rutaceae
  • Subfamily: Aurantioideae
  • Tribe: Aurantieae
  • Genus: Aegle
  • Species: A. marmelos
  • Binomial name: Aegle marmelos

Various names of Bael

  • English name:  Wood apple
  • Arabic:  Safarjale
  • Bengali:  Belpatthar ka paid
  • Hindi:  Bael
  • Marathi:  Belaache zaad
  • Tamil:  Vilvamaran
  • Sinhala:  Beli
  • Gujarati:  Billu
  • Kannada:  Belladi hannu
  • Konkani:  Gorakamili
  • Malyalam:  Koolam
  • Marathi:  Bel
  • Odia:  Baela
  • Urdu:  Bael
  • Indonesia:  Maja
  • Thai:  Matum

Ayurvedic Properties of Bael Tree


b226mqr70k8yn5r6k Unveiling Ayurvedic & Astrological Wonders of Bel Patra/Bilwa Tree -Plant for Visakha Nakashtra


Bael, scientifically known as Aegle marmelos, is a plant of significant spiritual, religious, and medical importance, indigenous to India and Bangladesh, with subsequent distribution over Southeast Asia.

The maturation process of the fruit typically spans a duration of approximately 10 to 11 months. The wood apple possesses inherent qualities of sweetness, fragrance, and astringency. Bel, also known as Aegle marmelos, is a plant that possesses numerous advantageous properties and applications. It has been traditionally employed for the treatment of various ailments including tuberculosis, hepatitis, dysentery, constipation, peptic ulcers, piles, and a multitude of other conditions.

Furthermore, it has demonstrated utility in the treatment of worm infestations and gastrointestinal disorders. Bael or Aegle marmelos, commonly referred to as Bengal quince, golden apple, Japanese bitter orange, stone apple, among other names, is a plant species of interest. This fruit is recognised by multiple appellations, including Wood Apple, Kaitha, Maredu Pandu, Vilam Palam, Belada Hannu, Koovalam, Kothu, Koth Bel, and others. This particular plant is unique among Ayurvedic plants as all of its components, ranging from the root to the leaf, are utilised in the treatment of various ailments.

The consumption of this fruit is believed to have a harmonising effect on the Kaph and Vata doshas. Additionally, its roots have been traditionally associated with enhancing digestive processes, while its leaves are claimed to possess analgesic properties. Furthermore, the stem of this fruit is believed to have a positive impact on cardiovascular health, and the flowers of the bel plant have been traditionally used for the treatment of diarrhoea.

Read more on ayurveda ;  Ritucharya: An Overview of Seasonal Regimen in Ayurveda by Dr Vikram

Ritucharya: An Overview of Seasonal Regimen in Ayurveda by Dr Vikram

The Sacred Bilwa Tree: A Connection to Vedic Rituals and Astrology

Mystery of Past life Astrology and Karma in Astrology Part 2- Astrologically explained via past life regression

Bilwa and religious factor Unveiling Ayurvedic & Astrological Wonders of Bel Patra/Bilwa Tree -Plant for Visakha Nakashtra

In the study conducted by V. NIGAM and V. S. NAMBIAR, it is stated that Aegle marmelos, also known as Bael, is a plant that is mentioned in the ancient Sanskrit medical text, Charak Samhita. The plant in question is widely recognised as a medicinal herb within the Ayurvedic and Siddha systems of medicine, as well as in several folk medicine traditions. It is commonly employed to address a diverse range of health conditions. Aegle Marmelos, also referred to as bael, is a member of the Rutaceae family.

According to Ayurvedic principles, bael is classified as a tridosh har, meaning it is believed to possess therapeutic properties that can alleviate imbalances associated with the three doshas: bile, wind, and phlegm. Aegle marmelos, often known as Bilva, holds significant religious and cultural importance in Hinduism since it is believed to symbolise the divine presence of Lord Shiva. This sacred tree is revered for its spiritual attributes and is said to possess mystical powers.

The Bilwa tree, also known as the Bael tree, possesses considerable religious and cultural importance in Hindu mythology, primarily due to its strong association with Lord Shiva. According to prevalent belief, Bilwa leaves hold significant importance in the ritualistic worship of Lord Shiva, since they are believed to serve as a dwelling place for the deity.

The leaves of the Bilwa tree have a trifoliate morphology, which symbolically represents the three primary qualities, known as gunas, namely sattva, rajas, and tamas. The term “sattva” is used to symbolise a state of purity, while “rajas” is associated with passion, and “tamas” is indicative of ignorance. Devotees participate in the ritualistic practise of presenting these leaves as an endeavour to cleanse and enhance their cognitive, corporeal, and metaphysical capacities, so cultivating a more profound communion with the transcendent being, Lord Shiva.

In the context of the veneration of Lord Shiva, adherents engage in the act of presenting a range of offerings, encompassing floral tributes, water, and fragrant substances such as incense. Nevertheless, the act of presenting Bilwa leaves carries a distinct importance. It is widely believed that the leaves possess the ability to appease Lord Shiva and bestow his divine gifts. As per the Shiva Purana, the act of presenting a trifoliate Bilwa leaf to Lord Shiva is considered equivalent to the offering of one thousand lotus blossoms. According to belief, the act of presenting this little tribute is said to be reciprocated by Lord Shiva, who bestows rewards as an expression of his devotion and affection.

The act of venerating Lord Shiva through the utilisation of Bilwa leaves is widely regarded to confer a multitude of advantages to adherents. Several examples of these include:

The act of offering Bilwa leaves with extreme dedication is believed to possess the ability to cleanse sins and negative karma, hence bestowing spiritual purity.

The acquisition of wisdom: It is believed that the Bilwa leaves create vibrations that might improve concentration, so facilitating the acquisition of knowledge and comprehension.

Physical and psychological healing: The therapeutic attributes of Bilwa leaves are recognised for their efficacy in alleviating many diseases and enhancing mental health.

The purported ability of Bilwa leaves to ward off malevolent forces and bad influences is attributed to the believed presence of Lord Shiva within them, which is said to establish a defensive barrier against such detrimental energies and maleficent entities.

Hence, the integration of the veneration of Lord Shiva alongside the use of Bilwa leaves within an individual’s spiritual regimen can yield profound and transformative outcomes in their existence.

The Bilwa tree is of great importance in the Shiva Purana, serving as a representation of profound devotion and spiritual advancement. Devotees engage in the act of presenting Bilwa leaves to Lord Shiva as a means of purifying themselves and beseeching his divine blessings. The advantages of this revered practise transcend the world of the physical, resulting in enhanced mental, emotional, and spiritual welfare. When encountering a Bilwa tree in the future, it is advisable to pause and acknowledge its inherent sanctity and the profound wisdom it embodies.

Embrace the ethos of unwavering commitment and observe its profound impact on the trajectory of your life.

What Scriptures says about Bilwa Tree:


Bilwa tree and laxmi mata Unveiling Ayurvedic & Astrological Wonders of Bel Patra/Bilwa Tree -Plant for Visakha Nakashtra


Sri Sooktam Says ;

According to belief, the Bilva tree is said to have originated from the divine presence of Goddess Sri Maha Lakshmi. Additionally, the Sri Sooktham hymn serves as a form of praise and adoration for the revered Goddess Lakshmi.

“Aadithya varnae tapassodhi jaatho
Vanaspathi stava vrukshotha bilvaha
Tasya phalani tapasaanudantu
Mayaantha raayaashcha baahya alakshmeehi”


The translation of this stotra is given below.

“Oh Lakshmi, your complexion is like that of a morning sun; a vanaspathi (tree bearing fruits without flowering) called Bilva was brought forth as a result of your pious acts of austerity. My miseries and poverty, both internal (ignorance) and external, may be driven away by the fruits of the tree thanks to your favour. One who does austerities under a bilva tree and focuses their meditation on the deity Sri Maha Lakshmi is said to be blessed with the ability to have all of their wishes come true. This is a belief that has been passed down from generation to generation. 


What Shiv Mahapurana Says;

The Bilva tree has been revered and regarded as a sacred and auspicious entity in Hindu writings and scriptures throughout history. Its profound sanctity is explicitly highlighted in the Mahapuranas, where its importance is elucidated through diverse manifestations of mantras. The Shiva Purana provides a specific account on the advantageous employment of bilva in human society, citing its scientific and therapeutic characteristics.

The 22nd chapter of the Maha Shiva Purana recounts the significance of the trifoliate Bilva Patra as a sacred symbol of Lord Shiva. Esteemed by all deities, the significance of this entity is challenging for individuals to fully grasp. The knowledge of the sacred tree is inherently limited in scope. The placement of sacred sites on Earth is exclusively situated at the foundation of this revered tree.

Individuals who engage in the practise of meditation upon Lord Mahadeva, namely in His linga form situated at the base of the Bilva tree, are able to achieve Moksha, the ultimate liberation, and experience spiritual purification through their connection with Shiva. The aforementioned wonders pertain to the revered Bilva.

The renowned Shri Bilvashtakam, namely in verses 6 and 7, makes reference to.


Lakshmyaascha stana utpannam Mahaadeva sadaa priyam, Bilva vriksham prayachchhaami eka bilvam Shivaarpanam. [Lakshmyaascha stana utpannam Mahaadeva sadaa priyam].

Darshanam bilva vrikshasya sparshanam paapanaashanam and Aghorapaapasamhaaram eka bilvam shivarpanam are both examples of bilvam shivarpanam.



“I offer a single bilva leaf to Lord Shiva, who always holds great affection for the breasts that have emerged from the goddess Lakshmi. The act of beholding the bilva tree is believed to have the power to eliminate sins, while touching it is considered to be an act of purification. Offering a single bilva leaf to Lord Shiva is believed to be capable of absolving even the most heinous sins.”

The Bilva tree holds a special significance for Mahadeva since it is said to have originated from the divine essence of Goddess Lakshmi. I request the tree to present a bilva leaf as an offering to Lord Shiva. The act of observing the Bilva tree and making physical contact with it is believed to possess the ability to absolve individuals of their transgressions. The most severe karmic consequences can be mitigated through the act of presenting a Bilva leaf as an offering to the deity Lord Shiva.

According to popular belief, the bel tree is also considered to be the abode of Lakshmi, the deity associated with wealth. Individuals who engage in the ritualistic practise of puja, specifically directed towards the deities Shiva and Parvati, with unwavering devotion and employing the utilisation of leaves, shall be bestowed with profound spiritual abilities.

Spiritual Essence of Bilwa Tree


Spritual essence of bilwa Unveiling Ayurvedic & Astrological Wonders of Bel Patra/Bilwa Tree -Plant for Visakha Nakashtra


Offerings of leaves have been made to gods and goddesses like Shiva and Parvathi in religious ceremonies going all the way back to ancient times. The Bael tree is a sacred deciduous tree that is closely associated with a number of gods and goddesses due to its significant medicinal properties, in particular its calming effects. The aforementioned tree is extremely well-liked in Shiva and Vishnu temples, and it is frequently referred to as the temple garden plant because of its prevalence in these religious spaces.

It is possible to cultivate it in any dwelling that is used for domestic purposes. This particular plant has trifoliate leaves, which are arranged in a manner that is symbolic of the three main deities of Hinduism: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. There is a striking resemblance between the individual leaflets of the trifoliate leaves and the trisoolam, which is the legendary weapon linked with Lord Shiva. The sacred importance of the tree extends to the Jain religion as well.

Under a bael tree, Bhagwan Parasnathji, the 23rd Tirthankara, attained knowledge and became the Tirthankara. In temples dedicated to Shiva, worshippers receive leaflets as prasadam, and in temples dedicated to Vishnu, they receive tulsi. The religious significance of Bael cannot be overstated. In the context of the Hindu religion, it is common practise to make offerings to various deities during prayer rituals by presenting the leaves and fruit of a specific plant. The worship of Shiva is given a particular focus within this setting.

In addition, the leaves of this plant are utilised in the religious ceremonies of the Viva Rupra and the Parvati. There is ample evidence that the fruit is utilised in religious rites and ceremonies, as well as that it is mentioned in both the Vedas and the Mahabharata.

In the research paper that Neha Parmar, Suman Singh, and Bhupesh Patel produced, a detailed historical and ethno-medical analysis of Bilva Patra is provided. An extensive number of references from ancient writings such as the Yajurveda, Atharvaveda, Brahmanas, Kalpasutras, and Puranas are cited in the work, which is an indication of the broad acceptance and use of bilva in traditional medicinal practises.

This topic is also discussed in the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, both of which were written by Valmiki. The Taitiriya Brahamana mentions the Bilva tree as a tree linked with auspiciousness, while the Baudhayana Dhamasutra acknowledges the Bilva tree as one of the venerated trees in its historical setting. It was believed that the fruit known as bilva, which was considered to be the most sacred of all fruits at the time, held enormous religious and cultural significance in the historical context of ancient India.

It was most frequently utilised in temple settings as the major food offering that was delivered to the gods and goddesses there. The coconut has surpassed the bilva fruit as the fruit of choice for religious offerings in modern times. It is also commonly regarded as a symbol of total submission to a superior authority at this time. The symbolism of the Bilva plant is prominently featured throughout the Hindu faith.

On the crown and the trident of Shiva, the trifoliate leaves of the Bilva plant are depicted extensively in prominent positions. In addition, the three points at the end of each leaf represent the holy trinity that is comprised of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. In order to lessen the impact of the unfavourable effects, the amulets were fashioned and worn with the intention of doing so. The plant in question has been extensively acknowledged as a symbol of corpulence and fecundity due to its progressive development from the base to the uppermost branches, which is accompanied by an annual production of fruits. This has led to the plant being widely identified as a representation of corpulence and fecundity.

One of the eight leaves of bilva that are presented to Lord Shiva as an offering is believed to be the Mokshasadhanam, or the means by which one can achieve liberation, in accordance with the Lingarchanchandrika, which is a sacred text. This belief is based on the belief that one of these leaves is the Mokshasadhanam. According to Maitra, the bilva tree has a reputation for being able to encapsulate the spirit of heavenly illumination. The Shankhyana Aranyaka suggests that in order to accomplish a number of goals, one should adorn themselves with the ‘Bilva Mani’ as a type of decoration. This is done in the hopes of achieving the results they seek.

The elimination of unpleasant dreams (Dusvapnanashana), the destruction of malicious energies (Rakshoghna), the accomplishment of rejuvenation and longevity (Rasayana), the maintenance of progeny (Prajasthapana), and the protection against venomous substances (Vishaghna) are some of these benefits.

Bathing with water that has been flavoured with Bilva Patra is considered to be a traditional part of the wedding ceremony. In addition, the Upanayana Samskara recommends that its practitioners dress in bilva-danda. Bilva was used as a tool or implement by the Babylonians circa 7000 years ago. According to the findings of a study that was carried out in 1996 by Alimas and colleagues, the significance of trees extends to the Jain religion. The Jain people regard trees as sacred because of their connection to Bhagwan Parasnathji, the 23rd Tirthankara, who is believed to have attained enlightenment while sitting beneath a Bilva tree.

It is stated in the Agnipurana that the act of inhaling the oil that is extracted from this particular plant is thought to enhance the individual’s poetic powers as well as promote lifespan.

In addition, gastroenteritis can be treated by administering a decoction that is made of Bilva fruits, Mangifera indica, Dolicos lablab, Woodfordia fruiticosa, and Zingiber ofcinale, together with molasses and buttermilk. Another treatment option that is indicated is the consumption of a decoction that is comprised of bilva, aconitum heterophyllum, and holerrhena antidysenterica. This is an alternative treatment. Traditional beliefs ascribe curative qualities to bilva, specifically those that enable it to alleviate fevers, as well as the discomfort and coughing that accompany fevers.

The Shiva Mahapurana & the Story of hunter


Shiva mahapurana and hunter story Unveiling Ayurvedic & Astrological Wonders of Bel Patra/Bilwa Tree -Plant for Visakha Nakashtra


In the Shiva Purana, the story of the repercussions of venerating Lord Shiva with the bel leaf is recounted in narrative form.

On the night of Maha Shivaratri, a hunter was driven to go out and engage in hunting activities because of the urgent need to satisfy the hunger of his family. Due to the fact that this day is devoted to the worship of Lord Shiva, it carries with it a tremendous religious significance.

In the end, the hunter was unsuccessful in his attempts to find any game. The individual climbed up a tree that was located close to a body of water and assumed a stance of expectancy, with the hopes of witnessing a creature that was unaware of its surroundings that was seeking hydration. This person had no idea that the tree they had climbed was actually a bilva tree until after they had reached the top. A Shivling, an artefact that represents the god Shiva and is venerated for its role in religious worship, was found near the bottom of the tree where it had been planted.

The person consistently scattered bilva leaves into the ground over the night, and these leaves eventually settled on the Shivling. This behaviour continued until the morning. Because of the hunter’s unintentional worship of Lord Shiva, he was able to undergo a profound transformation that endowed him with the attributes of empathy and comprehension. As a result, he was released from the burden of the negative actions he had committed in the past.

The advent of the bilva tree is said to have been caused by the perspiration of Parvati, who is the consort of Shiva, according to the Nagara Khanda of the Skanda Purana.

As a result of all of the strenuous tasks that she engaged in, the goddess Parvati, who is also known as the renowned Daughter of the Mountain, became exhausted. Her forehead began to sweat, and a bead of moisture eventually fell to the ground below. The Mandara mountain, which is rather visible, is home to a tree that has achieved great growth.

Parvati suggested that the tree, which had emerged from the earth near to her, be given the name Bilva. Bilva was the name of one of the gods.

If a person approaches this tree with the utmost reverence and collects its leaves, they will surely elevate themselves to the position of supreme ruler over the surrounding territory. If a person with steadfast faith were to engage in the act of worship towards me, using the leaves as a conduit, they would be able to have any wish they had come true that they may have. If a person is able to maintain even a rudimentary level of belief in the ritual of worship while looking at the leaves of the bilva plant, then I will definitely bestow abundant blessings upon that person.

If a person makes the decision to consume the very tip of the foliage, then a great number of their indiscretions are automatically removed from their record. In the event that an individual places the tip of a leaf upon their cranium, it is believed that no type of pain delivered by Yama, the Hindu deity of death, shall cause that individual to experience misery. This is because the apex of the leaf is placed upon the individual’s head.

The leaf known as Bilva-Patrais comes from a tree in the Hindu religion that is considered to be sacred. This tree is named Bael (). Its sanctity is analogous to that of the leaves of the Tulsi plant. In point of fact, the use of Bilva-Patra by Shiva is analogous to the use of Tulsi leaves by Vishnu. In English, the word “Bael” can also be translated as “Stone Apple,” “Wood Apple,” “Golden Apple,” or “Bengal Quince.” It is most generally referred to as Bael or Bel in Hindi, and a leaf of Bael is referred to as Bel-Patta. The bird is called “Aegle Marmelos” in the scientific community.The word for this in Sanskrit is Bilva-Patra.

In Hindu Scriptures, it is said to have originated within the chest of the goddess Lakshmi. The following is made abundantly obvious by the sixth “Shloka” of the “Bilvashtakam”:


लक्ष्म्याः स्तनत उत्पन्नं महादेवस्य प्रियम्

बिल्ववृक्षं प्रयच्छामिबिल्वपत्रं शिवार्पणं 6

                            Lakshmya stanat utpannam mahadevasya ch priyam

                            bilvavriksham prayachchhami bilvapatram shivarpanam.


I make this offering of the bael tree, which is said to have grown from the centre of Goddess Lakshmi and is favoured by Mahadev. As a result, I make an offering of Bilva-Patra to the god Shiva.


A Bilva-Patra leaf is a compound leaf, which means it is composed of three individual leaflets. Shiva is quite fond of the Bilva-Patra, which has three leaves, and it is given to him as an offering. It is quite uncommon for a single leaf to produce more than three leaflets, which is one of the things that attracts the attention and interest of devotees. On the premises of the Baba Baidyanathdham Temple, where the complex is located, I have witnessed such leaves being offered for sale at a higher price. However, it is not appropriate to present Shiva with these leaves, as it is made abundantly plain in the first “Shloka” of the “Bilvashtakam” as follows:


त्रिदलं  त्रिगुणाकारं  त्रिनेत्रं  च  त्रयायुधम् 

त्रिजन्म पापसंहारम् बिल्वपत्रं शिवार्पणं ।1। 

Tridalam trigunakaram trinetram ch tryaudham
trijanma pap-sanharam bilvapatra Shivarpanam.


(As an offering, I present the three-leafed Bilva-patra, which possesses the attributes of Sat, Raj, and Tam, which symbolises the three eyes of Shiva as well as the three weapons, and which purges the sins of three previous incarnations.)


Explanation : 

This “Shloka” is also spoken when presenting Shiva with the bilva-patra sacrifice. In addition to having three leaflets, it should have the following characteristics: it should be soft, without holes, without spots (), and unbroken. It is necessary to cut away the more substantial portion of the ‘Belpatta’ twig () that is linked to the tree (called a vajra). When making an offering to Shiva or any of the other gods, the “Belpatra” should be turned over so that the smooth side is towards the “Linga” and the pointy end should be facing away from the devotee. There is a text called the “Bilvashtakam” that is eight verses long and discusses the significance of Bilva-Patra.

In order to prepare the leaves for the offering, a white sandalwood paste () is either rubbed into them or sprinkled over them. The beverage known as Bilva-Patra is presented to not only Shiva but also each and every member of the Shiva family ( ), including Nandi the Guard. Ganesh, Gouri (Shakti), and her incarnations like as Durga, Kaali, and Kartikeya are all given Bilva-Patra as an offering.

People sometimes write “” with sandalwood paste () or kunkum () on leaflets and then gift them to Shiva since Shiva is similar to a follower of Rama. Since Hanuman is an avatar of Shiva and is also known as the Rudra avatar, the ‘Bilva-Patra’ is also presented to Hanuman during his worship.

Some devotees are of the opinion that the three leaflets of the Bilva-Patra are symbolic representations of Shiva’s three eyes: the two lower leaflets are thought to stand for Shiva’s two normal eyes, while the one upper leaflet is thought to represent Shiva’s third eye, which is located on his forehead.

In Bhubaneswar, a Pundit at the Shiva temple provides holy water along with a piece of Bilva-Patra to worshippers, just as he does in every other temple in North India. This holy water is called “Charanamrit” and it contains Tulsi leaves.

The amount of bilva-patras that are presented to Shiva can range anywhere from one to more than lakhs, depending on the individual’s ability to procure them and their financial situation. During the months of “Saavan” and “Aashaadh,” I was present when some devotees presented Baba Basukinath with an offering of one lakh and twenty-five thousand ( ) Bilva-Patras.

Even though it is common practise to refrain from offering the same thing to a deity more than once, in the case of the Bilva-Patra, if someone does not have access to it and they observe some Bilva-Patras being placed over the Shiva-lingam, they are allowed to grab one, wash it and then re-offer it to Shiva. Because Shiva is so merciful to his devotees, he even acknowledges and appreciates the intangible gifts they give him. As is the case in the opening verse of “Shiva Manas Pujan Stotram,” numerous items, including Bilva-Patra, are offered in the imagination:


Ratnaih kalpitam aasanam himjalaih snanam ch divyambaram

Nana ratna vibhooshitam    mrigmadamodankitam chandanam

jatichampakvilvapatra  rachitam  pushpam  ch  dhoopam tatha

Deepam dev  dayanidhe  pashupate   hritkalpitam  grihyataam.


Meaning :  The Bilva-Patra and the fruits inspire devotees to bring this tree into their homes on the university campus. The presence of a bilva-tree on the campus contributes to the expansion of one’s money, name, and popularity. Not only this, but because the tree of Bael is a representation of Shiva himself, after people get out of bed in the morning, they look at the tree and say “namaskar” to it, as well as pronounce this “Shloka,” which is a verse from the Shiva Purana.

Darshanam Bilva Vrikshasya Sparshnam Papnashnam

Aghor    Papsanharam     Bilvapatram     Shivarpanam.

Meaning : The act of worshipping the Shiva-linga beneath a ‘Bilva Tree’ yields significant benefits. The act of irrigating a ‘Bilva-Tree’ with ordinary water or water from the Ganges river, often known as ‘Jalam’ or ‘Gangajalam’, respectively, is believed to bestow the spiritual merit equivalent to visiting all sacred pilgrimage sites, known as ‘Tirthas’. The act of applying water sourced from the vicinity of the tree’s root to the forehead results in the eradication of all “Papam”.


Astrological Importance of Bilwa Patra


beal tree Unveiling Ayurvedic & Astrological Wonders of Bel Patra/Bilwa Tree -Plant for Visakha Nakashtra


Individuals who are born under the influence of the Visakha Nakashtra and Scorpio moon sign, or those who have a birth in the Visakha Lagana nakshatras, are advised to engage in the practise of planting a Bilwa Patra tree in their personal garden and providing it with regular watering. Alternatively, individuals experiencing health concerns associated with the liver or stomach are recommended to consume Bilva juice on a daily basis. This practise is believed to counteract any adverse effects cau

The experience of meditation beneath this particular tree has the potential to evoke a profound sense of bliss among individuals born under the Visakha Nakashtra. In addition to the act of planting, it is recommended to perform Rudra abhishek, a ritualistic offering, using Bilwa Patra, fruits, milk, and the remaining Panch Amrits. The malefic effect of Jupiter can be remedied at an accelerated rate via meticulous attention and unwavering dedication.

Anyone whose Bhadhaka planet is Jupiter are advised to engage in the practise of planting or donating a Bilwa plant to anyone in need or near the Shiva Linga within a temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. This ritual is believed to effectively mitigate the adverse effects associated with the Bhadhaka planet.

In the event that Jupiter exhibits malefic influences, it may potentially manifest adverse effects on liver functionality, resulting in elevated enzyme levels, unregulated sexual appetite, complications with the gall bladder, disturbances in kidney enzyme activity, and occasionally an escalation in the incidence of infections or diabetes. Excessive heat in the stomach and liver can result in elevated levels of bilirubin, leading to the manifestation of jaundice. Additionally, this condition may contribute to bodily weakness, gastric disturbances, and the development of constipation, among other potential consequences.

The reason for this is in accordance with the framework of the five limbs. Nakshatras are recognised and observed for their influence on mental and physical well-being. Any disruption to the native’s birth nakshatras has the potential to adversely affect their mental and physical well-being. One predominant factor contributing to the susceptibility of those with illnesses in the Scorpion moon and Visakha Nakashtra’s lord via nodes to liver and reproductive organ issues is their Dasha padas.

The potential association between the Visakha Nakashtra deity and deities such as Indra, who embodies transformation and strength, and Agni, the god of fire, may contribute to the inclination of Visakha individuals towards extremity in several aspects of life, including their sexual desires, pursuit of power, and appetite for success.

An elevation in the levels of Tamsik and Rakashas Gana within this nakshatra has the potential to result in health complications stemming from excessive engagement in sexual activities, heightened hunger, increased appetite, impaired digestion, gastrointestinal problems, flatulence, and predominantly liver-related ailments.

The most effective solution for alleviating the negative effects associated with the Viskhna Nakashtra (Scorpion) moon sign entails the cultivation of a bilwa tree and the regular consumption of bilwa fruit, as well as the practise of worshipping Lord Shiva using Bilwa Patra and fruit.


bilwa tree and medical Unveiling Ayurvedic & Astrological Wonders of Bel Patra/Bilwa Tree -Plant for Visakha Nakashtra


Medically speaking, bilwa has a wide range of applications, including the following:

1) It has the ability to treat conditions such as diarrhoea, cholera, haemorrhoids, and vitiligo.

2) It can lessen the severity of ulcers in the stomach.

3) Capacity to fight microorganisms

4) It is effective in treating scurvy.

5) is capable of regulating cholesterol levels.

6) has the ability to remedy breathing issues.

7) Used to reduce inflammation.

8) It can be used as a treatment for conditions related to the heart.

9) has the ability to relieve constipation.

10) has the ability to manage diabetes.


Nutritional Value of Bael Fruit

The various nutrients in a bael fruit per 100gm.

Nutrients Amount

Carbohydrate 31.8 gm

Fat 0.3 g

Proteins 1.8 gm.


Vitamin A 55 mg.

Vitamin B Rich in Vitamin B1 and B2

Vitamin C 60 mg.

Thiamine 0.13 mg.

Riboflavin 1.19 mg.

Niacin 1.1 mg.

Carotene 55 mg.


Calcium 85 mg.

Potassium 600 mg.

Fiber 2.9 gm.

Water 61.5 g.

Energy 137 k.cal

Energy 137 k.cal

There are ten advantages to eating bael.


bilwa tree and uses Unveiling Ayurvedic & Astrological Wonders of Bel Patra/Bilwa Tree -Plant for Visakha Nakashtra

  • Treatment of TB with Bael According to Ayurveda, this herb can be used as a treatment for TB.
  • The use of bael for the treatment of gynaecological conditions The use of bael on a regular basis can help avoid gynaecological conditions.
  • Urinary disorders and Bael: The consumption of bel can assist in the resolution of issues associated with urinary disorders.
  • A Bael for the Prevention of Diabetes: Bitter and pungent, it is loaded with antioxidants and helps stimulate the pancreas to generate insulin, which in turn results in a reduction in blood sugar levels. Diabetes can be treated with the leaves of the plant.
  • Bael for Digestive Disorders: It protects the digestive system from ulceration, lowers the frequency of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and lessens intestinal spasm, making it useful for the treatment of diarrhoea, dysentery, and other infections of the elementary canal.
  • Bael has been shown to be effective in the treatment and prevention of fever when the leaf juice is combined with honey.
  • Tonics made from flowers are often recommended for people who suffer from epilepsy.
  • Nutritional Information Regarding Bael It has a high concentration of alkaloids, polysaccharides, antioxidants, beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin B, and a wide variety of other biochemical compounds. Tannins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, protein, and fibre are some of the other components that can be found in it. The following nutrients can be found in one hundred grammes of bael: Value in terms of calories (137), moisture content (61.5g), protein (1.8g), fat (.3g), minerals (1.7g), fibre (2.9g), carbohydrates (31.8mg), calcium (85mg), phosphorus (50mg), iron (.7mg), beta-carotene (55 UG), thiamine (.13mg), niacin (1.1mg), vitamin C (8 mg), and copper (.21 mg).
  • The Use of Bael for the Treatment of Pile: It is beneficial to use the extract of unripe bel fruit in the treatment of piles and haemorrhoids.
  • As a result of the calming effects that it has on the digestive system, bael lowers the amount of acidity that is produced in the stomach. This property makes bael effective for the treatment of ulcers of many types, including gastric ulcers, gastroduodenal ulcers, and others.

The applications of Bael

  1. The juice derived from this particular fruit is commonly utilised in the creation of beverages and fruit concentrates, particularly during the summer season, owing to its inherently saccharine and agreeable qualities.
  2. The fragile leaves of the Bael tree are commonly utilised in culinary applications, particularly as ingredients in salads.
  3. The process of absorption carried out by this substance contributes to the purification of the atmosphere by effectively removing hazardous gases.
  4. This substance is employed to enhance one’s appetite.
  5. The oil derived from it is utilised for the treatment of respiratory ailments.
  6. It finds application in the production of confectionery, beverages, caramel, powdered extracts, and several edible commodities.

The medicinal properties of the bael fruit

  1. The therapeutic properties of Bel are attributed to its rich composition of many biochemical compounds, including alkaloids, antioxidants, polysaccharides, and essential oils.
  2. The interior flesh of the bael fruit possesses various beneficial properties, including curative, pesticidal, nutritional, and therapeutic attributes. Consequently, it is utilised for the management and alleviation of numerous ailments and disorders.
  3. The leaves of the wood apple tree has therapeutic properties and are employed for the purpose of reducing blood cholesterol levels.
  4. The substance possesses anti-inflammatory properties. The application of its extracts to the affected area has been found to be effective in the treatment of inflammation.
  5. The roots of Bael possess antidiarrheal properties, serve as an antidote for snake venom, and have anti-inflammatory effects that aid in the process of healing.

The potential benefits of consuming Bel juice.

  1. Bel juice possesses beneficial characteristics that make it effective in alleviating constipation due to its laxative effects.
  2. Bel juice provides effective relief for conditions such as heartburn, acidity, hyperacidity, and indigestion.
  3. In the case of individuals experiencing intestinal parasites, it is recommended to consume bael juice because to its potential antidotal properties.
  4. The consumption of Aegle marmelos juice has been found to have potential benefits for cardiovascular health and cognitive function. The combination of Bel juice and ghee has been found to have potential benefits in the prevention of heart disease. Additionally, it is employed as a cardiac tonic.
  5. The consumption of raw Bel leaves has been found to be effective in addressing several gastrointestinal issues.
  6. Bael juice is a beverage that is known for its high vitamin C content and its potential efficacy in the treatment of scurvy.

It is important to use caution

Bael, a plant of Ayurvedic significance, possesses advantageous properties; nonetheless, it is not without its associated adverse consequences. Prior to consuming the fruit, it is advisable to practise prudence under the following circumstances.

  1. Abdominal issues might arise as a result of excessive ingestion of bael.
  2. Constipation may occur as a result of consuming a higher quantity of the fruit.
  3. During pregnancy, it is not recommended to consume Bel.
  4. nursing: It is advisable to refrain from engaging in nursing.
  5. Surgery: Its utilisation should be avoided in surgical procedures.
  6. Diabetes: It is important to use caution while administering medication aimed at reducing blood sugar levels, as there is a possibility of inducing hypoglycemia. Consequently, diligent monitoring of blood sugar levels is advised.
  7. Hypertension: Individuals with elevated blood pressure should refrain from consuming this particular fruit.

Conclusion : 

Overall we can say that bilwa leaves are revered for their ability to pacify deities and grant celestial gifts. It is believed that Shiva, who bestows prizes as an expression of devotion and respect, will acknowledge and appreciate this modest tribute by giving gifts.

I hope you will like this article and follow these rituals and benefits of Bael in your day-to-day life to have better spiritual and physical health. Keep reading and keep sharing.


With thanks and Regards,

Rocky Jamwal

Source and Reference:

Ayurveda Medical Dictionary by  Ranganayakulu Potturu



Skanda Puran, Chapter 250, Creation of bilwa Tree
Sacred Plants of India by By Nanditha Krishna


Historical and Ethno-Medical Review on Bilva by Neha Parmar, Suman Singh, & Bhupesh Patel

Therapeutic  potential of  Aegle marimelos  leaves as an Antioxidant and anti-diabetic agent : A review by


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Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Progenyanalysis Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Introduction :

“I take shelter of Lord Hari, who is the unborn, eternal Supreme Personality of Godhead. UponRemembering Him, a reservoir of all auspiciousness is produced, Obeisance’s unto Him who is the destroyer of all obstacles, who the knowers of Vedanta describe as the Supreme Brahman, and who others describe as the pradhana, or totality of mundane elements. Some describe Him as the supreme male person, or purusha, while others describe Him as the Supreme Lord and the cause of the creation of the universe.”

(Vishnu Purana).
Om Guruve Namah 
Om Namo Narayana
Om Kreem Kalikaye Namah

“या देवी सर्वभुतेषु छायारूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥११॥”
The goddess who is omnipresent as the personification of universal Mother.The goddess who is omnipresent as the embodiment of power.
The goddess who is omnipresent as the symbol of peace
I bow to her, I bow to her, I bow to her again & again

Note: This was an advance case study of one of the client I did in a few months back, I am just sharing here for the technical understanding of chart how we can properly use of Divisional Charts while doing case studies. I thank Mr. XXX sir for allowing me to share the article on social media. I hope you will enjoy reading this.

Case Study: Analysis and Scope of Progeny

p053dbgk Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth


Prashna Asked: When will native can enjoy the happiness of Childbirth. Why there is a delay in childbirth.

Natal Chart ( Native Details)
1 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth
Basic Details of Native :
3 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth
General Natal Chart Analysis


Based on available birth details, rising Navamsa is Scorpio having a difference of 7 minutes earlier and 3 minutes later. That further confirms that possibility of error in birth time is less based on past life events as discussed earlier with the native. As most of the physical, educational traits, skills, and qualities justifying or advocating for Scorpio lagan with Jupiter in lagan and Ketu in 9th house, that confirms native spiritual bent of mind and deep interest in Spirituality and reading scriptures.

So, available birth details need not to be corrected or tested further for the timing of events in this report.

As Native is born in Aquarius Lagan in Taurus Moon sign, in Krishna Chaturthi (Lord is mercury) is falling in 6th from the Moon sign and having 6/8 relationship with the Moon lagna, further confirms that native can face issues regarding relationships and marriage.

Though tithi lord mercury is not under any malefic influence in D9 and D60 chart but it is having Exchange with the dispositer lord Saturn having 9th aspect from the Rahu placed in 3rd house of the Navamsa can confirm that it might give Further prolonged issues in deep relationships but it might give delays in fruits (Children’s) from the marriage too.

If we see in D1 chart, Putra Karka Jupiter is placed in the 6th house from the D1 and falling in 3rd from the Moon sign, having 3/11 Relationship with the Moon it and also rules lordship of the 8th lord from the Moon lagan too, falling in 2nd from the 5th house in exaltation from lagan that further confirms challenges and Hardship regarding Progeny related matters with delay.

As Same Jupiter in D9 chart is getting 3rd Graha aspects from the Saturn and Rashi dristhi from the Rahu, Ketu, and Moon, whereas Both Rahu and Ketu aspects show challenges w.r.t to Spiritual and Progeny related matters but Aspect of Moon on Putra Karka Jupiter In Both D1 and D9 shows possibilities related to Progeny happiness.

So Aspect of Moon on Jupiter shows blessings and possibilities of children’s happiness in Moon Rashi and Graha Dasha.

But the Major problem is Jupiter being Maraka as well as malefic for Aquarian people further shows that native might face lots of struggle, hurdles, delays and wastage of efforts in getting childbirth on time.

Though Jupiter is well placed in the 6th house in exaltation and falling in 2nd (Sustainer- one who protects and feeds the previous house) from the 5th Bhava (Seen for Progeny related matters) always try to protect the Childbirth matters or its growth being a natural Shubha and Putra karka graha but being placed in a marak house and getting Virodh argala from the 4th Rahu and 3rd Saturn from the 5th house (Bhava for Putra) for children birth it might give delays in the fruits of childbirth whenever its Rashi and Graha Dasha period will be operative and functional in chart.

Though the 5th house is Getting Shubh Argala from the 6th placed Jupiter in cancer, 9th placed Venus, Mercury, Mars, and Sun in Libra and 12th placed Moon in Taurus Sign shows positive results and improvement or chances of fructification of results wrt to children’s related matters in these Rashi Dasha periods.The only Issue is Putra Karka Jupiter is getting virodh argala from the 7th placed Saturn in Leo and 8th placed Rahu in Virgo shows Delays and Hurdles in the progeny related matters.

The good thing is Moon showing positive results to the Putra Karka Jupiter and 5th Bhava from the Shubh argala and the Rashi Drishti point of view from the Taurus Sign.

So, Taurus and Libra Sign Rashi Dasha has much potential for giving childbirth, besides this Virgo Sign also has potential for childbirth but Rahu is causing virodh argala to the Putra Karka and 5th house shows It might help native in conceiving the childbirth in mother womb but pregnancy may not sustain for much longer period or it might give issues like abortion or miscarriages.

From Jamini Point of view, Jupiter is falling in 10th from both Chara Putra Karka Mercury and the Karka of Conception Venus again showing for begetting the results native might need to put lots efforts or some sort of Remedial measures in order to gain positive results for progeny happiness.

As Kendra’s bhavas are ruled by the different Elements and if it has malefic yukti like Fiery and Watery elements planets or Water and Airry it can give problem in sustaining the pregnancy for a longer period of time and sometime one may not able to conceive the pregnancy because of the Mismatch in elements or Tattvas.

Though in native case Jupiter is not aspecting the chara Putra Karka Mercury and Venus but is causing Shubh argala to the natural Putra karka Jupiter and also having relation of 4/10 with each other, whereas Venus (Jala Tattva graha), Mercury (Vayu Graha), Sun (Agni Graha) and Mars (Agni Graha) are placed in Vayu Rashi, shows the mismatch between the tattvas (Venus is Hemmed between Fire, Agni) and further confirms that major issue is in sustaining Pregnancy for longer period of time in mother womb or sometimes it also shows too much fire in the Swadishtan Chakra, causes imbalance in the Sexual energy which can lead to sperm wastage, shortage or loss of the sperm count and, in during the coitus movement, required sperms may not able to reach the destination point in the spouse uterus.

Lagna or Ascendant
4 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

For getting the childbirth, Role of Lagna (Self Desire, being the pada lord of 7th house), 9th house/9th lord (Sanchit Karma or Fruits of past, blessings of divine, being the pada lord of 5th house), 5th house/lord (Poorva Punya, Punya of past- fruits of past ), 11th house/lord (Being pada lord of 7th house, falling 5th from the 7th), 2nd House/Lord (Mainly seen for personal family, Kula growth) and 4th house/4th lord (Being motherhood, Motherly nature and nourishment, Happiness via Motherhood) from Lagan and Moon lagan are important.

In Native case, 5th from Lagna is Gemini sign and lord of the 5th house is Mercury, lord of the 9th house Libra is Venus and Lagnesh is Saturn.

That further shows Mercury, Venus and Saturn are paramount for Bringing childbirth in native life and all these planets Dasha period is majorly important for getting childbirth.Whereas lagna is empty (Getting 7th aspect from the Saturn on own sign Aquarius – Shows results or fruits but after some initial Delays, due to self or karmic reasons).

5th house is empty but 5th lord is Mercury sitting with the 9th lord Venus in the 9th house with the sun and Mars further shows Dasha period of Venus, Mercury, Sun, and Mars are also majorly important for timing of the childbirth.

Though all are not well placed from the Moon Lagna (6th from the Moon), shows initial hurdles and difficulties in bringing childbirth in the mortal world.

Only Rahu (the other lagna of Aquarius) is well placed from the Moon lagna (5th from the Moon) and the Natal chart in own mooltrikona sign (lord is Mercury).Again Shows Rahu is also one of contender for giving yoga for conception but also shows difficulty in delivering the childbirths, as it is falling in 12th from the chara Putra Karka Mercury and karka of conception, (Venus) and most important it is placed in the 3rd from the Putra Karka Jupiter while sitting in the 8th house of the hurdles, delays, transformations, and obstacles.

3rd relationships always show challenges and extra efforts one may require for sustaining the results of the house that what Both Jupiter and Rahu are showing each other in a 3/11 relation in the d1 chart.

But the basic problem in native chart is all these planets are placed in Bhadhaka sthan with Bhadkesha venus who is getting 3rd aspect from both the Saturn and Rahu, falling in 12th from the Bhadhaka adhipati, moreover Rahu and Ketu are also aspecting the 5th house from the Rashi Drishti while sitting in 8th and 2nd house, further shows native may experience lots of unknown troubles, Delays, difficulties, and hurdles in getting childbirth due to past birth karmic reasons.


“It is a clear cut Sarpa Dosha from the Past birth that native need to resolve it in this birth for getting healthy and fruitful child birth.”

For Aquarius Lagna both Mars and Jupiter are considered as malefic, whereas mars being the 3rd lord (Karka of Mathun or Sexual acts) also placed in the 9th house with 9th lord Venus, 5th and 8th lord Mercury with the 7th lord Sun and all are placed in Bhadhaka sthan, Shows issue of an overheat in the coitus movement while having sexual act or it can lead to shortage in the sperm count which can further give issues in holding the conception due to an overheat or early loss of fluid in the sexual acts or it can also show conception occurring in wrong muhurta or the timings of coitus may not be good or could be happening in wrong timing that could become another reason couple may not able to conceive the pregnancy in a correct time period.

Here Sun (The Beeja) is also debilitated but getting neech bhanga from the Venus, so it is acting as neutral but Sun and Mars being with Venus it is giving loss of Sperm in the native.

From all this, we can conclude that there will be difficulty in getting conception in time and even if conception occurs it may not be able to survive it for the longer period (not able to deliver) in the womb due to other medical reasons like Abortion, miscarriage or some sort of technical or medical difficulties , as Venus is hemmed between Malefic influence in Both D1, D9, and D7 chart.

In D1 chart, Rahu is placed in 12th from the Chara Putra Karka Mercury and Bhadkesha Venus is deeply conjugated with the mars in D1, getting 3rd aspect of Saturn too.Moreover, Saturn is also giving Permanent Rashi drishti on the Libra Sign with Moon too.Saturn shows Difficulties or delays in conception, whereas moon shows chances of procreation or when native can conceive with positive results.

Here, Native needs both Spiritual and Medical Solutions and remedies to get the bliss of progeny happiness or blessing of the childbirth via divine.

As Chara Putra Karka (Mercury) Is messed up with debilitated sun, Mars, and Saturn, moreover Rahu is placed in the 12th from it.
In D1chart, all these factors are a clear-cut indication of either denying or delays in the childbirth happiness. If we see from Putra Karka Jupiter, Saturn is placed in 2nd from it in Sthira Rashi also shows Delays and difficulties in getting the child in right time. Here, Solution lies in the Deity worshiping of the planet who is falling in Kendra to the Chara Putra karka (Mercury) and Bhadhaka/ Sthan (Venus) and native also need to perform certain rituals and acts.
Here in Native Case, Jupiter is present in an exalted state falling in 10th from the bhadhaka sthan/Bhadhaka pati (Venus) and Chara Putra Karka Mercury that shows, guru devotion or guidance or advice or Prasad from some spiritual and divine guru is required to get Beeja of Putra in the mother womb.

As bhadkesha lord, Venus is placed in the Dual sign Gemini with Mars in the D9 chart and mercury is placed in the 9th house from the Karkamsa and Bhadkesha Venus, the remedial measure is possible after visiting distant holy places i.e visiting temples, godly places, any Siddha place or via Siddha guru advice.

“ Another way is native can also do deep worshiping to Bhadhakesha lord for pacifying the badha or obtacles coming in the way of concieving and visiting to the Ishta or Deity temple would also give positive results.”

Further it also shows divine blessings of Gauri/Laxmi (worshiping of Devi form as what Venus in native case Signifies to remove the bhadha for getting childbirth), Shiva (for providing strength to Sun for establishing Beeja in the womb) and Vishnu (As Jupiter is falling in 2nd from the 5th house, to get smooth delivery, for protection of Progeny, role of Vishnu ( protector)) required and native also need to perform some spiritual rituals or Vedic anusthan’s.

Venus is retrograde first thing, 2ndly it is Bhadkesha lord, and most important it is deeply messed up in Navamsa chart by Mars (by conjugation), Ketu (Placed in 2nd from Venus) and Saturn (By 10th aspect).

The remedy for AK venus is most important unless there won’t be any chance conception can occur or stay further in the womb for a longer period. In native case, enhancing the strength of Venus is majorly important for the conception process and to increase Sperm count, especially in the male chart.

“So, Remedy lies in the deep devotion or sadhana of the Ishata Devi, Shiva and Vishnu form is essential.”

Reason being, as Sun (Creator – Shiva – Beeja) is debilitated (Dispositer lord Venus is in Bhadhaka sthan but in own sign) and Moon (Mother Gauri – Womb of mother) is exalted, dispositer lord again is Venus placed in 6th from the moon, being karka of the conception and also rules sperm in male native, falling in 4th and 9th house and having 6/8 relationship with each other, that further shows there is mismatch in the tattva and Rinna involved with respect to the procreation that is giving unknown hurdle, difficulties, and delays in conception.

In native case, Wife is capable to give childbirth but Male native can face the issue of Sperm count or issue due to Sperm count infusion or problem of sperm flow in the uterus or it can give trouble in conceiving.In Simpler words, it might give issue in the timing of conception and sometime it can further give rise to medical difficulties like Miscarriage or Abortions due to an elemental mismatch in Fire, water, and air,and in astrological terms when Karka is under the heavy influence of malefic planets either by Paap Kriti yoga, aspect or conjunction, medical issues would be common.

From Lagna chart, Mercury, Venus and Moon Dasha period are paramount in giving child birth as both Mercury (5th lord), Venus ( 9th lord) are falling in 9th from the lagna, and Moon (where Venus sign is there) falling in Kendra Bhava in 4th house and also aspecting 9th house and 5th lord Mercury by Rashi Drishti shows better possibilities for begetting child in these vimsotri dasha periods but correct timing for Dasha period of Progeny happiness would be assured if above planets are well placed from the Moon (of D1, D9, and D7), Navamsa and Saptamasa Lagna ( D7).
Moon Lagna ( D1 and D9)


5 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Now let’s study the Moon lagna, in case of Moon lagna, 5th from the Moon is most important for timing of the childbirth, Here in native case 5th sign is Virgo where Rahu is placed in its mool-trikona sign, placed in 5th from it and 9th sign is Capricorn, who is empty and its lord is placed in the 7th house falling in 4th from the Moon.

Being lord of the 5th (Virgo) and 6th (Libra) sign from the Moon Lagan , Both Mercury and Venus are placed in the 6th house ( Marak House for children’s happiness) from the Moon lagna, and as per the classical rules conjunction of the 5th and 6th lord Signs usually denies or delays the fruits of the childbirth in the chart, that further shows though both the dashas are capable from the Lagna Kundli being lord of the 5th and 9th and are closely conjugated but being placed in mark Sthan from the Moon lagna it is denying or delaying the childbirth and also giving lots of delays and hurdles in the conceiving.

This is the only reason why even having good strength from the D1 chart but due to the bad placement from the moon chart, both the planets are not helping much for the conception and childbirth events.

From The Moon, Rahu has the greater possibility as it is well placed on it and Saturn is placed in 4th from it shows Stress or delays via the relationship that may not help in begetting child happiness.Jupiter is placed in the 3rd house that shows with the much efforts one can get beget a child.

So, there are possibilities of the childbirth but it also shows lots of unknown difficulties, efforts and delays in begetting childbirth.

If we see the past Record Rahu Mahadasha period has given opportunities for two times but both the periods were not fruitful for getting childbirth, as it is not well placed from the Putra Karka Jupiter (3rd from it) , Chara Putra Karka Mercury (12th from it) and Karaka of Conception, Venus (12th from it), shows the clear reason why it has given the possibilities of conception but couples not able to fruitfy childbirth successfully.

Navamsa Analysis


4 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

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If we see the D9 chart Rahu is also well placed in the 3rd house but 12th from the Chara Putra karka Mercury and 3rd from the Sthir Putra Karka Jupiter and 8th from the Venus show events related to cheating in marriage, Miscarriage, Delays and absorption.

Now current Dasha period of Jupiter is also going on, also lord of 5th and 2nd house placed in Lagna aspecting 5th and the 9th house Ketu too, again shows Current Mahadasha period Jupiter has good potential and capability to give childbirth as it is well placed in 4th from the chara Putra Karka Mercury.

But being 8th from the Moon lagan and 6th from the Venus also shows delays, hurdles and difficulties in begetting childbirth in the Dasha period on time, but it can be minimized by putting extra efforts in spiritual and medical remedial measures and needed strong and deep devotions toward the Ishta Devata or deity to fulfill the criteria of conception and Pregnancy.

Presence of Divine wish or Understanding Fertility Factor from the chart

Arudha Pada of Lagna( A3 and A9) ( Surya Arudha S9, S3)


8 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth
7 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Based on the above-mentioned details Neither Sun, Nor Venus and Mercury which are ruled for Infertility factors are falling in 2nd, 7th, 12th and 8th from the Both A3 and A9 Arudha (Arudha of the lagnas seen for medical fertility factors). 

Whereas from both A3 and A9, A9 is much stronger compared to A3 as Jupiter is placed over A9 arudha in cancer sign, moreover, Moon is also aspecting on A9 arudha pada too, that shows Moon Dasha would be most prominent dasha period for childbirth and conceiving factor.Though Both Saturn and Rahu are placed in 2nd and 3rd from the A9 Shows delays, hurdles and medical efforts in conceiving but same Jupiter is also placed in the 9th from AL shows there will be fortune with respect to children birth in MD of Jupiter.

As per Lagna arudhas, there are strong factors available for complete fertility from the Natal chart and native having very much potential in begetting the childbirth.

Now Let’s move toward the Surya Arudha of 3rd and 9th lord from the Surya that shows divine wish of the almighty for progeny.

Here both S3 and S9 are placed in Aquarius sign and neither, Sun, Venus and Mercury are placed in the 2nd, 7th 8th and 12th from the S3 and S9 confirms Divine wish is also there for conception and childbirth and Native is fertile from the Surya Arudha too, Soul of the child can come in the mortal mortal but with some efforts.

Another good factor is all Benefic planets, Mercury, Sun and Venus are also aspecting both S3 and S9 arudhas that shows good progress and development in the pregnancy with the gradual process, but also needed much time and patience.Only native need to be very cautious for the month when coitus movement will happen, in short muhurta of the conception month matters a lot for presiding over on time pregnancy and in same case aspect of Jupiter on S3 and S9 also further confirms native will beget the child birth by the divine wish of the almighty after performing certain rituals and divine remedial measures or advices of the guru or astrologer.

The Only factor which is stopping is both Saturn and Rahu are placed in the 7th and 8th from the Adhana Lagna (S3 and S9 lagna).


Overall both the Adhna and Natal Lagna shows much potential for holding the pregnancy in couple and native is fertile as well from both the Sun and Arudha Lagna of 3rd and 9th house.Best Timing for Conception:

10 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth
11 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Based on the Chara Dasha details Current Dasha is of Leo falling in 7th from the S3 and S9 Arudha where lord of S3 and S9 is placed in the Leo sign which shows Leo dasha has much potential for the conception and pregnancy factor and Period from the Feb 2018 to 20th December 2019 has many bright chances for conception can trigger.


12 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Same factors are also confirming from the Vimsotri dasha,as period of Mercury AD going to start from Jan 2018 to April 2020, whereas Period from Jan 2019 and March 2019 Shows Child birth can happen.

Transits Factor Whereas Period from November and December 2017 month also shows strong period for conception can likely to happen, when Jupiter , Sun and Venus will be transiting over Libra Sign where Putra Karka Mercury also present there, if it is not going to happen then much possibility would be there after Feb 2018 period that conception or pregnancy can occur.Preciously May, June July 2018 to March 2019 periods shows much brighter chances for conception can occur or native can enjoy the bliss of 3rd pregnancy.

Timing Pregnancies, abortions, Miscarriages from (D1) and (D7) Saptamsa chart


13 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Past Events

Dasha analysis ( Possible Dashas for Progeny)


14 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

1) First Event – Miscarriage – 2/12/2008, Second marriage, Sept-2011 first miscarriage

Possible Reason:

In the first Case, Rahu is falling in 5th from the Moon Lagna in d1 and also lord of Lagna, placed over lagna in D7 chart in Pisces Lagna and further it is 3rd from the 5th lord Moon in d7 chart that shows Rahu MD has the capability to give childbirth but with efforts.

Transitsof2011 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth
Understanding Saptamsa chart


D7chart Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Transit of Jupiter and Saturn were in Aries and Virgo forming 6/8 Relationship in Lagna whereas Transiting Saturn ( Lagnesh ) is aspecting by 10th aspect to

5th house by both Rashi and Graha Drishti whereas Jupiter has no connection with the D1 5th house that further confirms Maturity of the child would be less.

If we see D7 chart, In 2011 Jupiter was transiting over Putra Karka Jupiter and Venus in aries ( being lord of D7 lagna) confirms that Transit of Jupiter was favorable for conception but for maturity both the transiting lord should have relationship with 1st, 5th, 9th or 11th lord in D7 chart whereas 5th lord is paramount for final delivery of childbirth.
Though Jupiter being lagnesh transiting over Aries over Jupiter and Saturn was transiting over 7th house aspected the lagna and MD lord Rahu confirms about the conception period but due to lack of relationship with 5th house/lord child birth was not able to mature.

Further D7 Lagna is Even lagna (Pisces) as it is male chart 5th house is paramount for confirmation of any childbirth but here Rising Lagna is Even so we have to see first pregnancy from the 9th house in reverse order i.e first childbirth 9th house, then 7th house and 5th house so on etc.So 1st Pregnancy should be seen from the 9th house where natal Saturn is already placed over it.In 2011, Transit of Jupiter and Saturn were well placed from the D7 Moon lagna ( 9th from the D7 moon sign) and Jupiter is transiting over the 5th lord Venus, from the moon lagna. From D7 chart, Saturn is aspecting the 9th house with the 3rd aspect graha drishti and also aspecting lagna of d7 too.

Transiting Jupiter is also Aspecting 9th house via Rashi Drishti. So, both the aspects and relationship shows possible chances of 1st pregnancy to occur.

But for Reverse Lagna in D7 chart 10th house and 10th lord is acting as Marakesha for childbirth and can abort or shows some sort of issues in possible delivery chances.

Here Jupiter is becoming the markesha for 1st pregnancy and placed with the dispositer lord mars, the owner of the 9th house with 10th lord jupiter in 2nd house of the D7 chart.

Here both the 9th and 10th lord is conjoined in 2nd house aspecting 9th house via rashi drishti, Saturn was also aspecting the 9th house from both Natal and transit chart and Most important Rahu was also aspecting the 9th house further shows some sort of incident or mistake in pregnancy, that become one of the major reason why 1st pregnancy was lost due to Miscarriage because of influence of number of Malefic planet on 9th house was more. Malefic influence on karka house usually denial the childbirth or shows miscarriage or abortion.

The timing of Conception Based on Transits on D1 and D7 chart ( July-August 2011) :

Timingofconception Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

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Based on Dasha details period from April 13th 2011 to 15th of July was main for conception as Venus and Sun were placed in 5th house over Gemini falling in 7th house from the Darapada (A7 Arudha), Saturn was aspecting the 5th house from both Rashi and Graha Drishti and Venus was also under the influence of Jupiter during timing of conception period.

Timing of Loss of pregnancy (1st Miscarriage – September 2011) based on D1 and D7 Transits

Lossofpregnancy Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

The period from 24th of September to 29th of September was main for some sort of issues at that time most of the planets were transiting over Virgo sign in D7 and D1 chart.

2) Second Event – Abortion – 26-May 2012 


D7chart 1 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

In 2nd Event, we have to see 7th lord from the Lagna and 7th house or lord from the D7 chart as rising Lagna is an Even sign in d7 where Ketu is placed, Generally Placement of Ketu in karka bhava mostly denial the child.

Here 7th house is under the influence of nodes, and Dispositer lord of 7th house Mercury is getting aspect 3rd aspect from the Saturn placed in 9th house. 8th house is acting as Marka and dispositer lord venus act as markesh for 2nd pregnancy, where Sun is placed in debilitation in 8th house in libra and Dispositer lord venus is under the influence of Mars again aspecting the 8th house from 2nd house. Mars and Markesh also placed in 8th house from the 7th house. That confirms that 2nd pregnancy was also not going to be mature fruitfully.

The timing of Conception Based on Transits on D1 and D7 chart:

2ndConception Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

During November 2011, Both Jupiter and Saturn were aspecting the Venus from 9th and 3rd aspect in D1. Saturn was placed in 9th house and Jupiter and Saturn having mutual 1/7 relationship focusing on the 11th house where Venus was placed there that further shows Chances of 2nd pregnancy. During this period Rahu- Moon and Mercury dasha period was operative from 24th of September to Dec 9th 2011, where mercury was ruling the lordship of 7th house in D7 and 5th house in D1.Further Mercury was conjoined with 5th lord moon of D7 confirms that Mercury PD can give conception.

Timing of Loss of pregnancy

2ndloss Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

In May 2012 Mercury, Jupiter, Sun and Venus were under the influence of Nodes in Taurus sign placed in 4th house from the D1 where Moon was placed there that shows event of loss of pregnancy due to abortion.

Chances of 3rd Pregnancy :

Based on the Dasha details Mercury AD period that is going to be Start after 23rd January 2018 to 29th of April 2020 shows many possibilities for the 3rd pregnancy reason being mercury is lord of 5th house from D1 and also from the Moon lagan, happen to be Putra Karka placed in 9th house with the 9th lord Venus (ruler of 3rd pregnancy, also Seen for 3rd Pregnancy).

Another Possible reason is after December 2017 transiting Saturn will be in its mature degree away from the Gandanta degree of 3’20 minute, will be aspecting the 9th house, 9th lord venus will be there with Putra Karka Mercury and later after January 2018 Chara Putra Karka dasha of Mercury will start. Transit of Jupiter will be over Putra Karka Mercury and 9th house Lord Venus. Jupiter will be forming a relationship with Venus further shows higher possibilities of conception may occur in this dasha period.


From all this, we can conclude that the transit of both Jupiter and Saturn are most important for timing childbirth, Pregnancy and Conception events and it should be linked concerned houses with Sun and Venus for Male and Moon and Mars for women in Both D1 and D7 chart. For 3rd Pregnancy, both Saturn and Jupiter are focusing on 9th house usually seen for the 3rd pregnancy. Whereas period from May, June July 2018 to March 2019 shows much brighter chances for conception can occur or native can enjoy the bliss of 3rd pregnancy.

Whereas Dasha period going to start after Jan 2019 to March 2019 shows mush possibilities of childbirth, as Moon PD period has better possibility over other dasha periods if we see both D1 and D7 chart.Though if we see the D7 chart, 3rd pregnancy will be seen from the D7 5th house (Reverse Order in Mandook Gati), where the 5th lord of the D7 chart moon is conjoined with the AD lord Mercury in 11th house aspecting the 5th house from 7th house, Except Saturn no such aspect is influencing both Moon and Mercury in d7 chart.

After Oct 2019 transiting Jupiter will be transiting over natal Saturn over the 9th house in the D7 chart will aspect the lagna (Rahu), 7th house and 5th house. Transiting Jupiter will aspect the Dasha PD lord Moon and AD Lord Mercury too via Rashi Drishti.

So, chances would be high for native would have the bliss of childbirth.

I Hope learned Readers can now better use this case study for the further timing of childbirth and medical issues related to pregnancies.

With thanks and Regards
Rakesh Jamwal
pin Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Views: 630

How to check Marriage Prospects: Tips and Techniques for beginners

MarriageandProspects How to check Marriage Prospects: Tips and Techniques for beginners

(Based on Dr. B.V Raman Sutras)

For Marriage Prospects, Native 7th house and the 7th lord Must be Strong, well placed and free from affliction. Venus is karaka for the wife and Jupiter is karaka for the Husband – they must be free from affliction in both D1 and D9 chart.

Check the Venus Ashtakavarga Chart , it should be free from the Bindus or Marks of Eunuchs, Points around 5 is Blessing and Highly favorable for Marriage prosperity, Below than 5 or average (4), and 3 and 2 points are considered as Bad for marriage Prosperity.

During Transit of Nodes, Mars, Saturn in 7th house from Ashtakavarha of Venus- Issue in Marriage will pick a spark. Same way check the 7th house from Moon for any issue or prosperity in marriage.

Any Favorable transit of Planet Like Jupiter, 7th lord or Lagana transiting in 7th house from Venus and Moon can give clue to get married in their Dasha period.

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If the 7th house from Lagana is either in Mars house or Mars Amsa (Navamsa) and if the planet owning the Amsa of the 7th house be either weak or eclipsed by Nodes, the Spouse(wife or Husband) will be notorious or vicious in youth.But if the same be placed in the Rasi or Amsa of a beneficial planet, Wife or Husband will be very kind and Strong characterized. Beneficial aspect on same also acts as Strong moral values and character.

For Timing of Marriage, Check the 7th lord from Rasi Chart is having any link with the transiting Jupiter and with the Lagna lord transit.

Transit of Jupiter and Saturn Should Form a link with the 7th house of 7th Lord of Rasi chart and in addition – Both the planet Should be well placed or Favorable from both Venus and Moon. Either they are in Trine from Venus or Moon or they are having strong link With the 7th lord from both Venus and Moon.

If lord of the 7th house is associated with Venus, its MD or AD may lead to Marriage.

MD and AD period of the Lord the 2nd bhava Lord Rasi also a major influencing factor for the marriage.

AD Lord Should have a link with Navamsa 7th house or 7th Lord and MD Lord Should have link Navamsa Lagana lord or with Lagnesh.

The Wife or Husband likely to be abandoned by her Husband or Wife if the 7th house from Lagana in case of male or first house in the case of a woman is either in Mars house or Mars amsa.

If in the Male Horoscope the 7th house from Venus has a planet aspect-ed by a Powerful Mars, we can say he will marry a Virgin Widow, in addition, he should also have his 7th house strong and free from affliction.

If in the Male Horoscope, the 5th house from Venus aspect-ed by Mars is strong and free from Affliction, we can say that the widow has given birth to children that are living.

If Venus Happens to be the lord Rasi where in Gulika is posted and occupies strong position as 10 or 4th from it, he will have desire for unnatural desire for Sexual enjoyment i.e – Homosexuality, Lesbian, gay sex etc

Venus and the 7th house Indicates first marriage, and if we are well known that First one is separated – take the Planets in 7th or planets associated with Venus. The Strongest will determine the 2nd wife.

In a female chart Take Saturn in the place of Venus as per prashana Marga. For Remarriage, usually, Happen when there are many planets in the 7th and 11th house – Mercury is Karka for Having a desire for two partners.

When Lagana will be a common sign or when the lord of the 7th and Moon occupy a common sign or Navamsa. when Sun and Mars are occupying the 7th house or both are in Navamsa of the 7th house having amsa of both.

The lords of 7 either from Lagana or Moon and Venus are Favorably and strongly posted, there will be chances of three marriages. If the lord of 7 or Venus is in exaltation and two or More planets occupy 7th house, there will be three or more marriages.

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Members are requested to check above mentioned Sutras In your charts or in the person you know them personally without any assumption

pin How to check Marriage Prospects: Tips and Techniques for beginners

Views: 49

How to Check Transits Results from Both Natal and Divisional Chart

11013165 984149728304628 6019579618447886682 n How to Check Transits Results from Both Natal and Divisional Chart


Checking the transit result from Ashtakavarga System is always be a tricky part but if we able to get it,  it would be very easy to predict the results based on transits of planets in an Individual horoscope.

The first basic rule is Never judge the results of the transits of Major planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu from Moon Signs, try to see it from both the reference points.Always see the transits planets results first from Individual Lagna Kundli based on Major points.Events usually trigger when there is close relation of Both Jupiter and Saturn on Same house of same sign either from aspect or from mutual placement, In Transit Jupiter act as main triggering planet for fruitful results, past karmic Punyas, fortunate events, Auspicious (Marriage, Kids and undertaking any Good deeds) and divine events (pilgrimages, visiting shrines, Devotional travellings, Meeting to guru or teacher), Mainly signifies when you can get fruitful results and Saturn transit act as Karma indicator in Natal chart and the main triggering planets for realizing results of Past Sanchit karmas (Both Punya and Bad deeds), Transit is meant for understanding change in the current order of living, underlying weaknesses’s and action that we need to do or adopt in our life and when a person is dutiful, honest and worked on humanity ground he will get results out of his Good actions and when both the Saturn and Jupiter are in mutual relation of Trine it shows, now this is the time period of  your karma, get ready to yield fruits in the form of transit favouring to Jupiter placement and Natal chart. In Transit system this is actually called double transit theory as explained by Sh. K.N Rao in most of his write-ups and it is one of the most important criteria used widely by Kn Rao sir in predicting major results via transits. Same way for timing events in day to day life we can use transit of Sun for timing event in particular month, Moon for Day, Tithi for the day of the event in the lunar month and hora for at what hour we can experience fruits or events:

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Below is the checklist and rules one should in keep in mind while Predicting any event with Transit system:

1) Birth sign: Check the birth Sign having a link with Transiting planet in Kundli or not or Birth Sign is in the Nakshatra of Transiting planet or not, for e.g in case of Saturn transit, If the natal Moon is placed in Capricorn or Aquarius, Saturn will become the Moon’s depositor lord. If we understand deeply, Moon is an actual indicator of our inner thoughts and shows area of the comfortable state of mind etc. So, for Capricorn and Saturn Moon Sign or those having any link with Saturn transit in their Lagna chart, they must have to be discipline in thoughts processing level and should have to cultivate or adopt disciplinarian ways of Saturn till transit is operative. For those who are ignoring the way of discipline, it will affect his day to day life events when Saturn actually transits over that signs and combinations.

2) Birth Nakashtra : Check whether the moon is in Transiting Constellation or not if the natal Moon is placed in any of the nakshatras owned by transiting planet, then follow the principle given above.

3) Sign of transiting Planets in Natal chart: Check Sign of transiting planets in Natal chart, When Saturn/Jupiter transit over its own signs, or those of its natural friends, normally gives the better results as compared to its transit over the sign of its natural enemies.It usually triggers good events concerned with that house or usually brings major changes or growth in those houses in physical ground or some sort of transformations in native life also seen when connected with the transiting Jupiter and Saturn lordships in natal chart.

4) Functional Lordship of the planet: Check the functional lordship of Saturn/Jupiter (Transiting planets) or relation with functional beneficial lords in the natal chart during transit. lords of trines (trikonas) in a horoscope are always supposed to give beneficial results (i.e, lords of the 1st, 5th, and 9th house).If Both the transiting planets are functionally Beneficial in the natal chart it usually brings Good results when they are transit in trines, Upachaya sthan or if they having any relation with Trines lords.

5) Strength in shadbala and bhavabala: Check Strength of transiting planets for individual Lagna in Strengths tools, i,e 8 types of strengths – Shadbala , Bhavbala , chesta bala , Kala bala , dig-bala , drig bala and Naisargik bala , ishta and kashtha bala etc . if Saturn/Jupiter and the moon have obtained the required strength in shadbala and their required ratio of the ratio that the strength is more than 1.0 then the transit effects of Jupiter /Saturn are better as compared to those where one or both of them are weak. The lower the ratio, the worse are the results .Similarly, in Bhavabala, if the house over which Saturn is transiting has more than 7.5 rupas in bhavabala. and in ranking is placed among the first six bhava then the evil effects of Saturn transit are lessened to a large extent and vice-verse.

6) Strength from AL : Check strength of Saturn/Jupiter transit from Arudha lagna to see what it will bring to you in society, the actual results of planet usually assume from what other people perceive after transits i.e Saturn/Jupiter in 11th from AL – Wealth and Financial Gain in transit , 3rd from Al – Courage and Strength in transits. This way you can better understand Saturn/Jupiter transit for any sign from AL.

7) Strength from Divisional charts : Check transit from Different divisional charts i.e first check transiting planet from divisional chart Moon sign, 2nd see the relation with that house Karka lord i.e For D9 (Marriage and Dharma); check any relation with with D9 7th house or 7th lord and 9th house/Lord for any auspicious and fortunate event during that year. In case of D4 (Home, assets, and Peace); check any relation with  D4 Moon sign, 4th house or 4th lord or with A4 arudha. In Case of D7 (Children); check any relation with D7 7th House/lord, 5th house/lord or A7 arudha for any events related to kids. For  D24 (education) ; check any relation with D24 9th house/lord or 2nd house/lord for higher studies. In Case of D10 (work and career); Check Transiting planets relation from 10th house/Lord, AL (Status in work environment), A10 (How it gone bring change in Work profile and work environment), UL (How it impact to your Marriage via office interference), A7 (For relationship with Co-mates), Sun (For overall Status in Career and Society), Moon (For Resources flow and State of mind), Mercury (For Overall growth and variationsn on Vocations), Saturn (For Seeing how we proceed our Karma in Society) and Lagna (Shows how it affects our Intelligence, attitude, and Application of intelligence effects in society)  in D10 Divisional chart and same way we can follow for other Varga charts too.

8) Check the transits results from Lagna Chart: For actual results, Lagna chart of D1 gives the true picture of results and it should be considerd as main ground for checking any transiting planets results, not the Moon Lagna first. Moon lagana shows our Karmic ground or how it gone affect our mental setup level or state of mind. Lagna shows Environment, Physical Scenario and Events in reality and Moon lagna shows Resorces and State of mind and it should be check after the natal lagna as moon is all about to what we perceive results from the mind or from the state of mind or how it gone effect our mind make up. Means what we are feeling and how it gone impact us after we get the results either positive or negative reaction. Moon only shows what sort of feeling or reaction to mind what we are getting from the results.Moon is for reaction, Lagana is for the physical environment as described in below mentioned cases :

9) Vimsotri Dasa Lords : Slow moving Transiting planets are More effectively seen in any Horoscope, so always check whether Guru , Saturn, Ketu and Rahu Vimsotri Mahadashas , Antardashas and Pratyantar Dasha is running or not if any of them is Currently running than Major planets will give its most of the results in their transits.

I can say they can give results 99% majorly more fast and More Accurate and with maximum results. For e.g for Taurus lagna Guru act as Functionally Malefic as it is the lord 8th house and also lord of the 11th too so When it is transiting in Taurus lagna Native may fall sick and have Some health issues too and we can see this result when a native Guru Mahadasha , Antardasha or Pratyantar dasha will be running else results will be less to see but
Final verdict will be predicted on ashta-varga system.

10) Finally time the results of the transits Based on the Individual Bhina Ashta varga and Sarvashtakavarga chart for Major transit Planets for eg – for Taurus lagna Guru Mahadasha , Saturn AD is running and Guru is transiting In 3rd house in cancer , Saturn is transiting in 7th house and in BAV Chart of Guru has having 4 Beneficial points out of 8 (4 Negative point too ) , Saturn has 5 Benefic points (Indicates very good State of Saturn) which mean native will get the transit result of the Guru in 70-50 % manner or you can say 50% negative 50 % positive for Guru and 70 % Beneficial results for Saturn.

As 4 points gives neutral results not much bad or not much less and when there is Guru MD dasha active and Sat AD too than we can assume both the results at maximum level and we Can expect Something around result of 7th house – Marriage, Business, and Partnership etc , Native may marry during this time period.

We can confirm this in SAV Chart too , Guru having 27 Beneficial Points in 3rd house out of 56 which means 2 negative points are more so this transit of Guru will give its 50-50 results w.r.t to Marriage , Business dealings , higher studies , Deep occult studies and Saturn 31 Points which means – Professional Brilliance, Spiritual gain and Ring for marriage and gain in partnership too.

Example Chart 1

How to Check Transits Results from Both Natal and Divisional Chart

For eg for Taurus lagna Guru is 8th and 11th Lord which means in last Transit of Jupiter (20th june 2014) Guru transited in Taurus 3rd house in cancer sign and aspects the 7th, 9th and 11th house as Guru Mool trikona sign is in 8th house.

So, Guru will give its beneficial results to the native with respect to new initiatives in the business in new partnerships with loans or might start his married life with the partner.As it is in the 3rd house so it indicates good initiatives in the field of business, courage, communication, and initiatives etc.

It can give a huge loan to the native in business matters as guru is 8th to the 8th house means new step with respect to the Loans and partnership in business/Marriage.As it is in 3rd house so native can start his business with their siblings or cousins with the loans they get from their initiatives.

Quite possibly with maternal cousins. Also aspecting the 7th house – the house of marriage and partnership, native might get married and also get success in the Marriage/business partnership too and it will also give good interest into deep sciences in occult i.e study of the 8th house matters like the secret sciences like astrology , tantra mantra and all deep mystical knowledge’s of yoga , siddhis or mantra etc too.

The person might involve into deep research in all philosophical and advance knowledge in religion or might start his higher studies like MBA in financial studies as per the beneficial aspect of the guru on 9th house and aspecting 11th house too which means native will get good gain in all his perspective or every effort he put to achieve .

Now the picture of moon Sign came for eg If the Native Moon Sign is in Taurus than Guru will be in 3rd from it so it’s simply mean native will get huge mental courage and wisdom knowledge (as guru is in 3rd house in a sign of Cancer – So its all about mental courage and mental peace ) w.r.t to the 8th house and 11th house so native might able to handle all his tasks with its deep wisdom and mental balance got from the guru and will put his more metal initiative into getting every of all his works either marriage , business dealings , higher studies or deep studies also.

Example Chart 2

How to Check Transits Results from Both Natal and Divisional Chart

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Take another example, for Capricorn and Aquarius Lagna Saturn is lagnesh so we can Say Saturn is beneficial for Both the lagnas, For Year 2014 November , Capricorn Saturn will be in 11th house, falling in 5th from the Jupiter and having 5/9 Relationship with the Jupiter where Jupiter will be aspecting 11th house where Saturn is already, so forming double transit relation in 11th house (shows results or events related to Gain, Brother, accumulation of the Wealth) and falling in 2nd (Food, Feed and Sustain) from the Moon in 10th house which means during this transit there can be Monetary gain, increase in name and fame with respect to 11th matters  (In Friend circle, Social Media or social Communities). Sign Lord mars will indicate what native has to do in order to get gain. For eg. Saturn has 5 Points (BAV) in 11th house – it means native will Get good gain by 11th house sources and would be beneficial. More than 28 Points (SAV) indicates native will get Clear Boom in that area. If the moon is in Taurus which Means 5th house for Capricorn – Native will expect or feel comfortable gain regarding 7th house matters, may be a child will born, the couple may get Wealth gain etc.

So this way you can analyse any results via transits of planets.

I Hope now you will able to cast your transits results with more accurate and in a scientific way for any major transits of any planets.

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Views: 103

How Planets influences and effects human affairs

Magnetosphere rendition How Planets influences and effects human affairs

How Planets influences and affects human affairs

Magnetic field and Influence: 

Scientifically Saturn has a magnetic field (Power of Attraction and controlling any Jeeva for enforcing duties and responsibilities) about 578 times more powerful than the Earth’s, that shows the power, and force of attraction (Gravity) which is impossible to count, further shows the impact and controlling nature it possesses toward Rest of planetary structure from Mercury to Jupiter. This shows any Moving and rotating body circulation motion has a deep role in impacting any nearby celestial body within its range.


The thing is how huge celestial bodies floating in solar system effects so badly that we cannot think more than from it. Well, the answer lies in understanding the solar magnetic forces or currents they produce and how they influence, which keep on affecting any particle in contact with these huge celestial bodies.


plasmaspherev5 01 3 How Planets influences and effects human affairs

Understanding Scientific Hypothesis of solar magnetic currents

According to the “Swami Abhedananda” as explained in Heliocentric science, Effects of the planets upon on earth are the results of the certain vibrations, frequencies and circulatory motions of their bodies.These vibrations usually travel’s in an outer space from all the direction and strike the sun like a telegraphic signals those keep coming to the receiver end (Here sun is acting as the source of accepting and reflecting back those waves and signals) and in the same way sun strike back or reflect those telegraphic waves in all the direction to the sender ends

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Here both the Sun and rest of the planets are acting like a communication channel, whereas rest of the planets act like Transponder and the sun is acting like as the receiver who keep on responding those signals from outer space.These vibrations always coming from the other planetary ends in a regular manner in the medium of “Ether” and keep beating on the atmosphere of the sun.when they Strike to the surface of the sun they cannot penetrate through the sun, in return they reflected back and goes in every direction and strike to all other planets including earth too.


SW Sun Magnetic field poles5 1080 How Planets influences and effects human affairs


These waves or vibrations are like magnetic current travelling everywhere in the solar surface and it has influence of each and every planet and they keep on sending this current to the sun, and sun keep on sending back these influences to other planets in all the directions and these currents keep on travelling from one planet to the other planet affecting weather surface, Mental and physical conditions of the human beings living on those planets. Larger the planet is located much powerful would be the magnetic current it has to send back to the sun and after coming back from the sun it gets magnetised by the solar atmosphere with much-telling influences on the human mind, weather, atmosphere and physical conditions of the human being.


solar wind bow shock How Planets influences and effects human affairs
These solar magnetic currents or waves of energy produce force and vitality and they are reflected upon the earth from every direction.Every planetary current has a much-telling influence on the human mind and body.Then Sun send it back to the medium of ether in the same way to the earth via its radiation, It has everything including light, Sound, different wavelength of colour, heat, Pran Shakti, Vitality, power, force and other telling influences those are gathered from the rest of the planets in certain wavelengths and they get mixed up with heat and light of the sun.

Our ancient seers and astronomers studied these patterns very well and then they understood that why human beings are more or less affected by the influence of each planet motion.


Because of the quick motion of the Mercury around the sun, it produces a much-telling influence on the human mind and brain functionality as it waves get much magnetised by the sun and in result vibration of the mercury produces quickness, Activity, changeableness, Hilarity, wittiness and brilliant intelligence.It has also been observed that these vibrations also produces different forms too, its vibrations are very quick and shorter in nature, that’s why its goes quick and back in much shorter period.

The result will be it has a much shorter influence on the human mind and body during its transitory and retrogression motion.Same way Venus has bit slower vibrations and it’s in a pleasant form.

It produces a soothing and harmonious influence on the human mind as well as on the weather too, and whenever Venus vibrations strike to anyone it produces harmonic vibrations around heart chakra those helps in a healthy relationship with any other being.Jupiter Has much longer, powerful but slower vibrations due to its slow motion and much broader surface and it produces vast and huge waves around earth helps in harmonic growth around human mind and body and when it strikes to the sun it gets harmonized by the sun and same it is reflected back to the surface of earth it has much-telling influence on the mind and it affects more on the Spiritual ground affecting human mind in a most positive way because it has much smoother and harmonic relation with the medium of the waves (The Ether – Akash Tattva).


As it is very huge in size and largest among all it has tremendous power of influence on the human mind, body and the surface of the earth weather condition. It has the quality of absorbing everything and when it strikes to human mind it gives healthy and powerful vitality force to the human body and absorbs every negativity around it.Now coming to the Saturn, it has very long, heaviest and much slower vibrations than any of the planets in the solar system and its waves and vibrations are very powerful and strong and it produces disintegrating influence on the human mind and body.Each of these different vibrations coming from different planets having different wavelength produces different effects in human system and characteristics of the human too.

Saturn being much slower in motion for longer period, its magnetic current has much influence on the inner side of the body and has more influence on the bone and flesh of the human being and its vibrations produce more a restriction on a person or its activity and have more of all kind of disintegrating effects on human body with diseases connected with it.

Source and Reference,

 Heliocentric science by 

Swami Abhedananda

pin How Planets influences and effects human affairs

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Rinanubandhan part 2: Understanding Marriage, Karmic bonds and Soulmate relations astrologically

Rinanubhandhan vedic siddhanta Rinanubandhan part 2: Understanding Marriage, Karmic bonds and Soulmate relations astrologically


The concept of karma, rooted in philosophical and spiritual institutions, is the belief that our actions, intentions, and ideas have repercussions that affect our experiences and future ones. The concept of runanubandha, a term originating from the Sanskrit language, suggests that we are connected to others due to the repercussions of our past actions. These ties have a significant impact on our current situations and relationships.

Karma is not just about punishment or reward, but rather a natural rule that operates unbiasedly. Samskaras, impressions or imprints created by our actions, intentions, and thoughts, build over time and have an impact on our future experiences. Good actions and intentions lead to positive results, while bad actions and intentions lead to negative consequences.

Rinanubandhan or Runanubandha expands on the idea of karma by implying that we are connected to others through a complex network of karmic relationships. These relationships can be either favorable or negative, depending on the nature of our past actions. Understanding and accepting these connections can provide insights into the patterns and dynamics of our interactions, enabling us to make conscious decisions and build a more satisfying and meaningful life.

In this blog post, we will be focusing on explaining the concept of rinanubhandhan or rinanubhandha based on the concepts of Nadi astrology and the Jamini system in detail based on the case studies.

Summary from previous Article 

Karmic connections play a crucial role in our lives, allowing us to accept responsibility for our actions and the results they have produced. Acknowledging these connections helps us break away from destructive behaviors and cycles, making conscious decisions that align with our goals and ideals. By cultivating good acts, intentions, and ideas, we can realize a more harmonious and meaningful life.

Understanding karmic ties and the concept of runanubandha provides insights into the interwoven nature of our lives. By understanding our karmic ties with others and the repercussions of our actions, we can make conscious decisions and build a more satisfying and meaningful life.

In the Mahabharata, Bhishma and Arjuna discuss their karmic ties, which can manifest in various forms such as revenge, love, or hatred. Runanubandham, or “karmic relationship with them,” is the format in which one must pay off their karmic obligation.

In the past, actions have resulted in everything, and actions carried out in the past can bring about positive or negative outcomes in the present. For example, making charitable contributions in the past can lead to wealth and happiness in the present. Sadhus, or saints, practice nonviolence, donate to charitable causes, respect gurus, and serve elders and visitors to enjoy their next death.

The story of Karama explains that a person’s birth is determined by their karmic actions, which accumulate over time and form the basis of their next birth. After death, the soul gathers all accumulated karamas, which are later taken by God to form a new karmic seed in the form of body. If a person has done good karmas with others, they may get a godly body in heavens, and then take birth in learned, religious, and dutiful families. If they have done bad karmas in past life, they go to the lower wombs of birds and animals, exhausting bad karmic seeds and taking birth in families with bad pending karmic deeds.

The Law of Karama and Runanubandhan, as per Bhagwat Gita, further justify the Laws of Karama and their connection with the Runanubandhan Theory. The theory suggests that karmic debts become the seed of our many births in any given life cycle. The concept of karmic action is not an inviolate engine of cosmic punishment but a neutral sequence of acts, results, and consequences.

The Padma Purana, one of the eighteen Mahapuranas, discusses the concept of runanubandha, or the cycle of indebtedness, which suggests that every human being is connected to others through a complex network of debts and responsibilities accumulated over several incarnations. These relationships can have either positive or negative consequences and impact our lives. The Padma Purana emphasizes understanding and resolving these karmic debts to achieve spiritual emancipation.

Vedic scriptures, including the Vedas, Upanishads, and Puranas, provide profound insights into the nature of existence, life purpose, and the interconnectedness of all beings. They are deeply woven into the fabric of karma and rebirth, providing a deeper understanding of the universe and the role of actions in shaping destiny.

Karmic relationships are deep-rooted, emotional-draining, and dominating relationships that are formed to repent, heal past life lessons, and ease pain. To break free from these karmic bonds, one must improve their strength, broaden their perspective, and develop their spirituality.

To understand and cure a karmic connection, one must devote significant time to self-realization or evaluation. It is essential to recognize the patterns of karmic relationships and avoid jumping into new relationships without fully understanding the relationship’s pattern. Resolving the errors made in previous relationships is crucial for healing and overcoming karmic misery.

Karmic lessons and patterns of falling in multiple relationships can be broken down through spiritual growth, leading to a one-way flow of free energy. After breaking the pattern of karmas, learning, suffering, and mending the karmic tie, genuine love soulmates can be achieved. These connections bring attention to shame, remorse, and unresolved grief from previous incarnations. Astrology can help understand the concept of “Runanubandha” or Karmic relations between two people through Jamini and Nadi systems.

Soul mates are significant relationships in our lives, such as family members, close friends, or romantic partners. They have different purposes and profound lessons associated with them. Soul mates can assist in developing deeper love and knowledge for one another, gaining insight into universal truths, or learning challenging lessons in life. Understanding other people’s souls as “mates” can lead to a complete transformation in our perspective and relationships.

The deeper meaning of “Runanubandha” is that we carry certain karmas and exhaust some, while leaving others behind for the next incarnation. Sri Sri Ravishankar’s view on the concept of Rnanubandhan suggests that we encounter various people during our life, including parents, siblings, spouses, and children. Each karmic obligation, or Rina, results in bondage or attachment with the others we interact with. According to the principles of the Bhagavad Geeta, these karmic attachments will drag us into the wheel of life until we exhaust them.

Runanubandha is the bond of karmic activities that occurred in previous births, which are the outcome of karmic debts at the base of the repeated lives we participate in within this cosmic cycle. The memory of those karmic deeds is stored in our soul, or astral body, and there is a connection between the soul and all of the memories. In this life, the person or soul to whom you have done anything in a previous life will be your debtor or creditor. If you have taken anything in the past, it will be taken away from you in whatever birth that you take.

The astral body continues to store the memories, sorrows, and joys of all of the Runanubandham relations in countless incarnations. There is no use in attempting to break free from the cycle of birthing unless all of the karma stored in the soul body is either burnt away or exhausted by the physical body. According to logic, we are recollections of the runanubandham that occurred throughout each and every incarnation, and the numerous karmas that we do in each connection are a reflection of some kind of runanubandha.

Sadguru Ji has stated that sexual relationships have the greatest impact on our lives in terms of the amount of memory or subconscious impression they leave in our minds as compared to any other kind of touch or any substance you come into contact with. In order to get a complete grasp of Runanubandhan, it is essentially the physical memory that is connected to the soul that we carry from.

Previous article can be read from below link to understand concept of the Runanubandhan theoretically :

Runanubandha part 1: Soulmates, Karmic Ties and Concept of Rinanubandhan in Vedic Astrology


Runanubandha part 1: Soulmates, Karmic Ties and Concept of Rinanubandhan in Vedic Astrology


Rinanubandhan part 2: Understanding Marriage, Karmic bonds and Soulmate relations astrologically


pixlr image generator 40a79d9f 7c1d 4da3 a0e8 3fb4a5c506e2 Rinanubandhan part 2: Understanding Marriage, Karmic bonds and Soulmate relations astrologically


As we studied in the previous post, what actually is Rinanubandhan and how is it connected with every life we are part of and how each and every relation always shows some sort of pending karmas with every relation? If we want to understand the karmic theory theory, we must study all the factors of the bond of past birth karmic actions that result from karmic debts at the root of the repeated lives we take in this cosmic cycle.

Numerous karmas that we are doing in our day-to-day lives lead us to many “Rina,” and this Rina further leads to karma again. If you have given or done something to someone in a past life, your soul (astral body) will store the memory of those karmic actions, and your soul will attach itself to all these memories. The person or soul to whom you have done something good or bad will be your debtor or creditor in this birth.

Astrological observations :  The Rinanubandhan

Rinanubhandhan vedic siddhanta 1 Rinanubandhan part 2: Understanding Marriage, Karmic bonds and Soulmate relations astrologically


Based on “Karama and Rebirth In Hindu Astrology” as Explained by K.N Rao, Natal chart and rest of Divisional charts clearly shows the Bonds and linkage of the family members we are born into (D1, D9 (Spouse),D12 (Parents, Ancestors)D3(Siblings) and D7(Children’s).

For e.g 7th house/lord of the D1 and D9 Shows connectivity of both the couple and it should be examined thoroughly to see the Karmic connection between two of them, for deep connection one should analyze or Match Up-pada Lagana of both the charts to see the soul connectivity.For Shorter, casual flicks, Living-Relations, one should analyze A7(Dara-pada) Arudha/Lord of both the couple charts and their relation or influence of planets on A7, It should show connectivity and sort of sexuality or sort of infatuation one have for other one or partners he or she meets.

Moreover Relationship of Both the Venus and Rahu over each other natal placement in two charts also shows the Stronger Attraction or connecting  point between two people i.e Rahu over Venus, or Venus over Rahu in any of the chart (either Husband or wife or Gf or Bf, or people of karmic attraction) shows one cannot resist each other attraction or it’s very hard for both couples to stay away from much longer period. Rahu aspects the Same sign where other person Venus is placed also shows the Same scenario of uncontrolled desire and passion for each other or strong karmic connection.

Placement and Transit of Mars and Venus over Other chart sign (Where their Mars or Venus placed) also shows where and one can meet each other, shows what is the point of attraction or what made them attract each other.transit of Mars over Venus shows when can one meet his love of life.

5th house/Lord of the Husband and wife shows what could be their future life wrt to children’s well-being.4th House/Lord of both the charts show how they live in next house with family members; Happily or it would be a path of cactus.Because of the Runanubandham we born in a family falls in close relations, having close friendships, love other people and shares much close bonding between them.

Below are the points explained by Rao sir based on the Padma Puran:

1) Those who have given Loans in the past life become our Relations in the present birth.

2) The Spouse, The Parents, Siblings, Relations, Servants all are born as a result of the Rinanubandhan.

3)Each one of the relations born according to the Motives of capturing karmas of the present life soon after the death. In the Present birth When he gets that motive fulfilled, after giving terrible pain, departs and leaves a karmic impression in the mind of the native.

4)He Who Lost his property through deceit in the past birth is born as the handsome and accomplished son in the present birth and after inflicting terrible pain goes away.

5) He who takes Loans from others and dies without discharging it takes his birth in that family as a father, brother, wife or friend etc. His behavior is evil. He treats everyone badly, Speaks harshly and enjoys harshly and enjoys life at the cost of others.

6) Bad Children’s behaves like an enemy, hates his parents, makes fun of them, criticizes them, after this marriage, he swindles his parents also.

7) Good children’s obeys his parents from his Childhood, after growing up he keeps remembers to look after his parents, talks sweetly to them and keep them happy always.After the death of the parents, he performs all such rituals i.e Sraddah to give them happiness even in the world to which they have departed after death.

Astrological Understanding on the concept of Rinanubandhan (The Karmic Bonds:  Marriage, Relationships, Kids etc)


Rinanubhandhan vedic siddhanta 4 Rinanubandhan part 2: Understanding Marriage, Karmic bonds and Soulmate relations astrologically


Astrologically speaking, to understand runanubandham and karmic relations between two peoplewe need to first understand the karka of the planets responsible for karmic linkage and bondages, i.e., Venus, Rahu, Saturn, and AK, and the darakarka connection between two people in the natal/navamsa chart.

Venus’s alignment in two charts with Rahu, Mars, and the Darakaraka planet/Lord reveals the traits, essence, and soul of the partner we seek from the past, or it could influence us due to soul-level connectivity.

Any planet with a lower degree in the chart, such as the Sun, Moon, Mercury, etc., can be Darakarka, and the house Darakarka resides in reflects the lessons and learning associated with it. If nodes or other separative planets negatively impact DK, it can reveal the extent of our suffering and the lessons we might learn from our partner, including financial, relationship, and sexual aspects. Any chara karka in any chart serves to filter the characteristics of the house or planet over time for a higher purpose.

The 7th house/lord planet in the Navamsa chart provides deeper insights into physical characteristics and compatibility between two individuals. For instance, a planet in the D9 7th house can establish a connection with the partner’s lagana and characteristics. When Mercury lands in the husband’s D9, 7th house, it implies that the wife possesses profound abilities, traits, and a complexion that mirrors mercurial qualities. The wife might be very skilled, communicative, and stout. Mercury may influence a woman with a wheatish, greyish, or dark complexion, or lagana.

Chara Karka Principals, DK Being a Lagnesh and 7th Lord will always be a learning lesson for the native if he fails to understand the actual meaning of DK. Usually, I have seen When DK is the 7th Lord, natives usually have distorted ideas with respect to sexuality and spirituality. Native might have difficulty understanding what an actual is; either he refrained from getting intimate with the partner or he feels that the bond of marriage is very pious and very spiritual, and in the reverse case, Native is too attached to the idea of sexuality and libido; this somehow indicates the level of lessons and sufferings via partnerships and other partners.

If DK As a native of Lagnesh, he or she may receive spiritual lessons from their partners, which aid in understanding the true significance of relationship bonds. Karka’s purpose is only to filter the native’s soul in the right direction to heal or release the pain of karmic bonds.

Whether AK is associated with malefic, the 7th Lord, or retrograde, it’s a clear indication that the intensity of relationship suffering will increase due to overindulgence in sexual relationships or a higher libido during marriage, regardless of the gender involved. Typically, these individuals believe that marriages and relationships solely serve to satisfy their sexual desires. If they couldn’t find a relationship that satisfied their senses, they continued to enter other relationships until they found satisfaction, which led to numerous disturbances in their karmic energies due to multiple sexual relationships before and after marriage.

According to my personal experience, a deeper emotional connection with someone you’ve met or interacted with doesn’t necessarily indicate that they are your soul mate; it’s merely a karmic bond. The reason you feel a strong connection with them could be because they share the same Atma Karka, meaning both the girl and the guy have the same AK in their natal charts. This clearly indicates that the guy or girl is your true soul mate; it’s merely a karmic bond, and your strong connection with them may stem from the shared Atma Karka, where both the girl and the guy have the same AK in their natal charts. This clearly signifies the connection between two souls from previous lives. If Guy AK is lord of the 5th house and Girl AK is lord of the 7th house, then the level of bond will be very strong, and if it is afflicted, it can show suffering. If there is no affliction, it can indicate a durable karmic bond, provided the debts remain unfulfilled.

When one person’s AK aligns with the UP-pada lagana, or Lord of the other, in their natal chart, it signifies a true spiritual relationship. If both of the couple’s laganas fall in each other’s UL, it clearly indicates that they are meant to be together. They will understand each other on a soul level and contribute to the karmic uplifting of their karamas.

The strength of the A7 (Dara-Pada) lord in the D1 and D9 charts indicates the possibility of multiple relationships before marriage. If the A7 (Dara-Pada) lord receives aspects from multiple planets, it indicates that natives may enter into multiple relationships, but it’s not certain that all these relationships will be sexual or karmic.

If the A7 Lord is in a relationship with the 7th House or 7th Lord, or if the 7th Lord is aspecting the 7th House or UL, then the marriage would solely be motivated by physical or sexual gratification.

If A7/Lord is having a mutual relationship with the Arudha Lagana (AL), the native will interact with a number of people of opposite sexes, but it is not sure that the interaction will be physically oriented unless and until both the lords have a link with the 7th house or lord.

If A7 and UL both are somehow interconnected in D1, it clearly shows a love marriage between two people, but the longevity of the bond will only be dependent on the strength of the 2nd Lord from UL in the D9 and D60 charts.

The presence of the 7th Lord or Venus in the 7th House also indicates a tendency to form relationships solely for the purpose of satisfying a higher libido or sexual gratification, particularly with those who fall within the close friend circle.

Connection of the 11th Lord The planet associated with the A7 indicates the type of connection that fosters intimacy, such as Venus, which symbolizes bonding with friends during parties and social events.

Same-way, if we see the root cause of any relationship, in deeper reality, any long-lasting and deeply rooted relationships or marriage relationships are the fruits or results of our good Sanchit (9th house/lord) and bad Prarabdh (6th house/lord) karmas we perform in earlier births, those we take in the cosmic cycle of birth system.

Based on these accumulated karmas, we either enjoy (Punya karama, 5th house; kids, if 5th house is well placed or somehow connected with the 9th/9th lord) these relations, or we realize or suffer (in that case, the level of karmic suffering would be seen in the D30 chart, and the lord of 6th/8th of d1 in D30 shows the deep-rooted issue and level of sufferings) on account of those relations based on good or bad deeds we had done in the past

If you have performed good Karamas in your previous birth, your marriage will be extremely fruitful. This outcome is also reflected in the D9 (Dharamsa—Fruits of Sanchit and Dharama related to marriage and relations) and D60 (Past Karmic Actions) charts. The D9 (Dharamsa—Fruits of Sanchit and Dharama related to marriage and relations) and D60 (Past Karmic Actions) charts also indicate that marriage will bear the greatest fruit.

If the relationships are fruitful, Venus (in male charts) and Jupiter, Mars, and Darakarka (in female charts) will be free from any affliction in D9 or D60 charts.

Often, if Ak has severe node affliction and is in some way associated with Venus or Darakarka, the relationship will be intense and may indicate suffering.

If you have done anything bad to any men or women in many of your past births, in the current birth chart, the 6th House and the 6th Lord in D1 will be most afflicted and somehow connected with DK, AK, UL, or the 2nd from UL, and you will always try to disturb the marriage in any way.

Whenever 6th lord makes any relationship or influences the 7th house, 7th lord, UL/lord (Up-pada Lagana) or A7/lord (Darapada) in d1 chart and other marriage supporting housings, natives either will face delays in the marriages, suffer, or if somehow native falls in relation to love or close bonding, the relationship will be like a path of cactus or the level of suffering in that relationship will be intense or severe and can be soul-revealing. In extreme situations, nodes strongly influence AK and establish connections with DK, Venus, UL, and A7.

In many of the cases I have seen, if AK is deeply afflicted or in some way connected with suffering (8th lord) houses, lords, or nodes, or has some relation to either Venus, UL, or A7 Arudha, it can also show problems after getting into a relationship. The sole purpose of all is to realize the soul, the lesson of past karmic actions, or the pending karamas and move forward after the pain and guilt to realize that you too must suffer. Karmas’ role is to always realize or teach the soul’s suffering, thereby fostering deeper spiritual growth in this current birth.

Some souls fall due to their sufferings, while others transform them into new beginnings of spiritual life.

You can verify this by examining the D9 chart and the strength of Ak. If Ak is deeply connected to malefic planets or nodes or placed weakly in trik Bhavas from Lagana of D9, it clearly means that the soul will be suffering a lot and that the person will have to go through a lot of pain because of bad deeds they committed in the past. It is also possible that the person will go back to a previous birth until he understands what lessons are all about, since Ak is weakly placed and debilitated. Debellation shows the Tamao Guna nature of the soul, which means negative karmic actions in this birth.

The native has a clear choice is clearly in the hands of the native as to what he wants to achieve from that suffering—rise from it or fall from it. This clearly suggests one has to pay back its karma in any form, either in this birth or in the next birth, if somehow one is able to carry forward it to the next with the blessings of seers and divine souls.

Sanchit karamas primarily classify good karamas, while they also classify bad karamas, but their level of outcome differs significantly. The effects of Sanchit karma can manifest at any point in your life, provided that it is supported by good dashas and transits. The result of Sanchit karma may manifest during your pre-marriage life or after your post-marriage life. It solely depends on the transits of slow-moving planets with dashas in the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses, or on nodes in those houses that have a connection to past actions.


Case Study I: Male Chart | Female Chart – Irony in Love Life and Karmic Debt


Male%2BChart Rinanubandhan part 2: Understanding Marriage, Karmic bonds and Soulmate relations astrologically


Female%2BChart Rinanubandhan part 2: Understanding Marriage, Karmic bonds and Soulmate relations astrologically


Astrological Analysis : 

The concept of Runanubandham and the karmic debit are clearly visible in both charts. Past Birth Karmic Rina starts when Native (Male Chart) Venus Vimsottari Dasa started after November 2006, and exactly during the End of Moon Pratyantar (PD) Dasha (6th Lord Moon in 10th- Karmic Actions of Past), Native met his karmic soul mate, having subha Argala of Moon on A7, falling in 2nd from A7 (Darapada- Shows Gf/Bf/Casual flicks/Deep infatuation, etc.).

Boy met Lady Love in his work environment, and soon after, Love Affair Started in the Workplace (7th Lord from Venus, Moon is in 10th house). The placement of A7 in the 9th house indicates potential locations for meeting one’s love, including religious places, holy shrines, religious institutes, and educational institutions.

Exactly Native met his lady love in an educational institution, and the bond of attachment was so strong that both people became attracted to each other.

Relation too starts in the Venus AD period in the Mercury MD period. As both planets, including the moon, are giving Subha Argala to the A7 Arudha placed in the 9th house, this shows a stronger connection between both people.

But the question here arises is: how both have strong karmic bonding? In female chart A7 too, placed in the 9th house of the higher house of an educational institution, and also be the Vimshottari Dasha lord too.

Further, Venus and Mercury are also placed in the 7th house. In female chart giving rashi Drishti to the A7 Arudha, other than Saturn also placed in Scorpio sign aspecting to sign and planet placed in A7 Arudha which is luckily to be placed in 9th house of higher education and deep wisdom, further shows stronger influence of Saturn, Venusian and Mercurian trait in partner (artist or musician, hard work, having deep interest (Saturn in Scorpio) in occult, etc.).

Moreover, Venus, Mercury, and Mars are also giving Subha Argala to the Moon, which has A7 Arudha in it. Again, shows including Mercury, Venus, and Mars dashas are also stronger contenders for starting the relationship in Vimsottari MD of the Moon in the Venus AD period.

Same thing is clearly seen in K.N. Rao Chara Dasha, where the period from 2003 April to 2013 April shows Dasha can give relations to her, whereas Scorpio Dasha (Saturn) is falling in 8th from the A7 and 2nd from the AL Arudha Shows. This dasha can give love relations that can be very fatalistic or marak in nature for the girl’s life too and can give downfall via those relations too.

Further, it can be seen from the Natal chart placement too: 5th/8th Lord Jupiter is placed in 8th house with 7th Lord Rahu and Lagnesh Sun. Relationships are fatalistic for girl life and health.

In deeper reality, A7 is also placed in Badhak Sthan too, which means the moon is acting as Bhadak too.

This actually happened. Exactly in Moon MD, Venus AD, and Mars PD, the Vimshottari period relationship started in the Chara Dasha of Taurus (Mars placed there), falling in 2nd from A7 Arudha.

Both the girl and boy share the same retrograde AK (Saturn); the 7th lord of the girl, Saturn, is also retrogradely placed in the 4th house in the sign of Scorpio, aspecting the lagna, which further shows the past birth karmic bond and pending relationship from early life with a deep and stronger desire to meet each other. This was actually the first reason both people were deeply involved in the relationship.

Irony was only that, both the Ak are saturn, showing a deep desire and lesson via relationships but also showing karmic bond from past birth and link of debt and bondage that boy and girl have to pay in any case, as Saturn is placed in the 8th house of the natal chart in the male chart and in the female chart Saturn is placed in the 4th house, falling in the 2nd (HHealth Sufferings- 6th Lord- Diseases and Sufferings due to past deeds) from the AL.

Girl Lagana is falling in the 7th house of the native, having aspects from (Graha Drishti) Mercury and Rashi Drishti of Venus and Jupiter. Boy Lagana is falling in the 7th house of the girl chart, where Mercury and Venus are there, and the same Mercury is placed in Boy Lagana, which again shows stronger infatuation, attraction, and liking towards each other. Again, it shows a karmic link between two people.

The sign of the A7 Arudha of the girl chart is falling in the boy’s 7th house from Al, and the and the A7 Arudha of the boy is falling in the girl’s AL, which again shows stronger attraction between two people other than Soul and Karmic Bonding.

The end of this karmic bond was very ironic, as a girl died at the age of 23 from a brain tumour, with some unknown psychological reasons that are clearly seen in her chart.

Irony started in the Mars MD period (Bhadkesha), as aspected by 6th Lord Saturn falling in 2nd from A7 and 8th from the AL—that shows the fateful and fatal end of the girl’s life due to immense pain, health sufferings, and sorrow (Lagnesh in 8th house with Rahu).

The same thing is seen from the boy chart too: Venus was Bhadkesha, as were A7 and UL Lord placed in the 12th house in both D1 and D9. Maturity into a serious relationship of marriage was impossible in this case, and it definitely led to a fateful end, whereas Rahu is falling in the 2nd from the UL, which clearly shows that, also, Dispositor Lord of Venus, Saturn was closely conjugated in the 8th house with Mars, which clearly shows the sorrowful end in a relationship.

In the D9 Chart of Male, Bhadkesha Lord Venus was conjugated with Rahu, which shows the cause of separation and sorrow in relationships, falling in the 9th from the Karakamsa and placed in the 12th house of the D9 chart.

I hope this way people can help and understand their Karmic bonds, and this will definitely be a reference article for their Karmic sufferings, pain, and delays and to further explore their Runanubandham relations.


With thanks and Regards,
Rocky Jamwal

Source and Reference:

Art of Living- Gyan Dhara. ( Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji)
Karama and Memory : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zO8QzMWZbN4
Jaimini Sutras by Sanjay Rath
Karma and Rebirth By Kn Rao

Dada Bhagwan : https://medium.com/@dadabhagwan/what-is-runanubandha-and-how-is-it-different-from-karma 81ca8c86b6bd#:~:text=One%20with%20whom%20we%20have,two%20beings%20for%20next%20life.

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Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 2

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Mystery of 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 2 : Understanding Spirituality and analyzing case studies

Spiritual Experience regarding 8th house: Kundalini and Chakra

In First Post we try to understand how the 8th house has a deep relation with the longevity, pain, sufferings and life transformations, now in this part, we will try to understand How deeply it is important for Raising once spiritual awakening.

Readers can check on Part 1st of 8th house deep factors from Here

During the recent past years, I have heard and seen from many of people who are scared about the dreaded fear of 8th house – as being 8th house is always about a house of death, house of past birth curses, house of sufferings, Delays, Hurdles and obstacles and Many more blah blah things without knowing its spiritual essence etc.

One should always remember the death of Soul and Body is only one aspect of the 8th house, it has many more hidden secrets that are stored in the deep mystery world.

Death is majorly seen only when the strength of Lagnesh (1st) and 8th lord is purely devoid and weakly placed in D1, D9 and d60 chart.The main planet for Seeing Death via 8th house is always a separative planet ( Nodes ).

Always remember God never punishes you without any reason, he is the one who gives us new chance and watches our every action, and those who aspire to reach new heights for the new spiritual journey out of your past karmic actions and sins, he gave them bliss of spirituality for guiding mankind in the right path. Those who are in fear or guilt of their past actions god gave them first opportunity to learn and helps to let them transform themselves into a new path of spirituality for the well being of own soul and other pathless souls.

Astrologically, let me tell you 8th house energy is not easy to understand in simple layman language, it’s being Karka house of Scorpio, Saturn (Longevity) and Ketu (Occult and higher Spirituality).One should know first what saturn (Karmic Transformations)Scorpio and Ketu   (Pending Karams, Occult and divine spirituality) represents – Initially Saturn being lord of Mooladhara chakra first gets disturbed here due to imbalanced mundane desires arise after sufferings, delays and hurdles and out of those difficulties it makes person first empty hand and when further those disappointments makes your more closer toward higher divine path it activated the Kundalini energies toward higher chakras and when all the chakras in balance state, everything including any sort of mundane desires will be comes to you without any efforts but in right time, but first preparation and learning is important Here.

Ketu being the karka of 8th it makes you ultimate divine and after learning of pending karmic duties it balances you so that you can move further without support. It’s the Universal rule, to activate your kundalni energy you need to first become balance and eligible for it and when it reaches to 12th house (Higher Sub Conscious samadhi) it makes one more toward higher almighty and its dhayan.

logically it’s not a house of death of Body and Soul, its a house of death of ego and false intelligence (represented by lagana) being falling in 8th from 1st – it ends the lagana false properties and over proud – as Rahu and Sun being stronger in lagana.

It’s more a house of spiritual transformation and sacrificing your mundane desires and gives a new understanding of spirituality being falling in 9th from 12th. It’s about the house of surrendering your false ego and destroying your falseness given by Lagana.

when you surrender all of your mundane desires and greeds it gives you new transformations that where your new experience spiritual journey starts. Mundane sufferings lead to the new journey of spirituality and transformations and end is peace and you will be a blessed one that where the roles of 9th house came ( Divine wisdom).

That’s why it is falling in 5th (Skilled require for Bhakti) from 4th – the moksha trine, where 4th is the bhakti sthan then 8th is the house of sadhna required for bhakti for divine mother – where it sits. being fallen in 12th from 9th house of Sanchit karama it represents the what is left from your past karams – the debits of past that you have to finish in this birth without any if and buts. Debits are not curses, they are left over tasks that you have to finish in any case. Its not a house of curses it only shows your debits of past wrt to your past karmas and actions you had unknowingly done by moving in Adharamic path due to negligence of intelligence and believing in false ego and proud.


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Being the Natural Zodiac house of the Scorpio and 8th house it is related to the Mooladhara chakra whose colour is yellow shows the root energy sit in the Kundalini (8th house) at the bottom of the spine goes toward upward direction to lagana where Sahasara chakra sits, hence planet placed in the 8th house shows beginning of the Kundalini energy rising toward upward direction and how it manifest via the planetary energy.

( Source and Reference: By Visti Larsen Jyotisha Fundamentals)

1)  If Moon is there in the 8th house it shows Kundalini activation through Meditation and Mantras.

2) If Ketu is there in the 8th house it shows Kundalini rises suddenly and native need to deal with the sudden burst of energy even they did not performed the spiritual practices earlier.

3) Venus shows awakening of Kundalini via  Following celibacy.

4) Saturn Shows Kundalini Awakening via following Discipline and Hatha Yoga but role of Ketu is most important to balance it.

5) Mars shows Awakening via Following Vyayam  and practicing physical exercises and preserving Virya.

6) Sun Shows Awakening via Gyana Yoga and Atamic Realization.

7) Jupiter shows via the help of one Guru or Spiritual practices did under a learned guru.

So, those having any number of malefic or beneficial planets in 8th house they need not worry, it’s not meant for you to suffer unknowingly it has some deeper meaning, it’s only a call from the higher divine to Surrender yourself toward him and move ahead in the path of spirituality, Yoga, and Divine union  that’s what it shows 11th from 10th house- new beginning (11th) of your karma (10th)
for a society that is needed in this birth.

Only Rahu in the 8th house act as Blockage for Spiritual progress via without strict discipline, it usually disperses the Kundalini energy required to maintain it via Praan Vayu and for moving through via spine, as one cannot able to sacrifice his ego or completely surrender himself toward the almighty.Without total surrender, one can not attain the Kundalini.

In simple language 8th house shows your new spiritual journey toward higher goals, those having planets in 8th house, first Surrender your ego and let move your soul toward a higher journey of hidden secrets of spirituality.


Planets in the 8th House:

Sun in the Eighth House

The focus is on hiding one’s true nature and makes the individual extremely private and secretive. These individuals are blessed with intuition, psychic abilities, deep dreams, and depth of empathy. These individuals often benefit financially from the father or the father’s side of the family. Healing energies are the blessing of this placement and this person often keeps who they are a secret. Many individuals with this placement are drawn to fields such as law enforcement, psychiatry, massage therapy, counseling, detective work and any field that deals with death, change and behind the scenes actions. People with problems and pain are drawn to these individuals for healing. These individuals have a strong, powerful, intense presence.
Moon in the Eighth House
The focus is on concealing the emotions. These individuals are emotional, passionate and sensitive. They feel other people’s pain and the suffering of others weighs on them. They have to learn to protect themselves because they are highly emphatic and absorb all of the secrets and subtle energy in the environment. These individuals often benefit financially or receive an inheritance from the mother or the mother’s side of the family. These individuals suffer through the sacrifice of themselves for others and often in their lives feel victimized emotionally by others. Issues of sexuality often bring confusion and suffering until they find the right person to share intimacy with. These individuals bond through the sexual experience and need not only physical but emotional depth in any relationship.
Mercury in the Eighth House

The focus is on a depth of thought and communication. These individuals need deep communication and intellectual intimacy in relationships. They enjoy sharing their deepest, darkest secrets with others and need others to open up to them verbally. They often keep their thoughts to themselves for fear that others will not understand them. These individuals often think about death and their own mortality and at times worry about this topic. They have a keen, insightful mind and sharp tongue.
Venus in the Eighth House

The energy is focused on keeping the love nature secret and private. These individuals often benefit through the marriage partner and tend to marry someone of a higher financial status than themselves. They are blessed by the partner’s possessions and relationship. Their love nature is deep, possessive and intense.

Mars in the Eighth House

The energy is used to express aggression, drive, and ambition. These individuals often find themselves in conflict with others and with relatives at some time in their lives. The sexual nature is strong with this placement and can become addictive if not balanced. These individuals have intense passions and dramatic shifts in emotion. They feel strongly about things and respond assertively. There is a danger of accidents and surgeries. These individuals need to exercise regularly as it will aid in balanced health. If they repress their natural energies and drives they can find themselves suffering from illnesses. It is important for them to have a healthy outlet for their intense nature.

Jupiter in the Eighth House

The energy is focused towards expansion, abundance and good luck. These individuals often inherit money, land, and goods from the dead. They often are naturally lucky and are looked after by others. They draw financial and material things into their lives easier. This is a positive position of Jupiter and I often see individuals with intuitive gifts that come naturally.

Saturn in the Eighth House
The energy is focused on learning and discipline. These individuals are learning self-control and often repress their desires. Sexual tensions are high with this position and often these individuals are afraid of intimacy. They can overcome this fear by being vulnerable and letting go of the need to control their own emotions. This placement also shows a karmic wound in areas of sexuality, intimacy, relationships, death, and inheritances. The positive manifestations of the eighth house may be blocked with this placement because Saturn is the planet of karmic learning and this process is sometimes painful. The true lesson of this placement is to let go of the past and learn to trust others and themselves.

North Node(Rahu) in the Eighth House

Individuals with North Node in this house are born to be healers.  their spiritual mission in this lifetime is to heal others and many do this through energy work such as reiki, pranic healing, yoga, massage therapy and psychotherapy. These individuals are learning to let go of the past and detach from the need for physical, material and emotional security. They must embrace change and oftentimes the universe forces them to change by taking things away from them. This can manifest as divorce, a death of a loved one, loss of job, etc. The purpose of this pain is to force these individuals to become more spiritual and to become the “wounded healer.”

South Node(Ketu) in the Eighth HouseIndividuals with South Node in this house are meant to focus on finding security and balance in their lives. They have been through drama, change, and upheaval in the past and now desire to settle down and find comfort. They are meant to stick with things to completion and not end things before it is time. They are born to accumulate possessions and to focus on practical matters this lifetime.

Case Studies:

Case study 1: Jyotish, Spirituality, and Research: Author of Jagannath Hora ( P.V.R Narasimha Rao)

AuthorofJhora Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 2

This is a strong chart of Having strong Spiritual Transformations and doing deep research after experiencing Jyotish Journey, meeting Jyotish Guru and later diving deep in exploring Jyotish scriptures. Here, Lagnesh being Beneficial is in 8th house with 8th lord Mars, 2nd lord Venus (Beneficial), 6th Lord Saturn and getting aspect from Retrograde Jupiter (Beneficial) shows long life – with blessing of spiritual bliss via Mode of Jupiter (Guru, Jyotish and spirituality etc) and also shows sharp mind, with straightforward logical approach while writing and speaking. Junction of Mercury, Mars, and Saturn shows having a greater level of patience in engineering and calculative tasks, and also furthers shows native would be an expert mathematician. All the junction falls in 3rd from Moon shows very much skilled in calculative tasks, lagnesh and 3rd lord link also shows Dhi-Manta yoga in research and showing ability and presence of the sense of logical approach in every way.

Case study 2: Spirituality and Meditation: Osho Rajneesh


Osho Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 2

This is an another example Strong chart of showing the higher order of spirituality and learning experience after deep meditation. Here lagnesh Venus (Beneficial) is in 8th house in the sign of Sagittarius, with 10th lord Saturn, 3rd Lord Moon, 5th lord Mercury and 12th lord Mars shows – highest order of transformations and deep spirituality after experiencing Deep meditation.Lagnesh is placed in 8th house of occultism with 2nd lord Mercury shows very much logical approach and highest order of intellect, making him a blissful speaker with profound logic. Junction of planets on Sagittarius signs shows deep thought on ideas of revolution of deep mystery, higher wisdom and life philosophy. Even chart also shows the presence of Dhi-Manta yoga, writing ideas based on experiencing deep emotional thoughts.


Case study 3 : Short life and life Transformations


aa Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 2

This is an example chart showing short life at the age of 23 after facing serious disorder of neural and blood clotting.Here lagnesh Sun (Head) is in 8th house with 8th lord Jupiter and North node Rahu shows Short life span due to some sort of accidents or disorder related with the head. Moreover, 6th lord Saturn also in close mutual aspect with Bhadkesha Lord Mars falling in 8th from AL too further shows a serious threat to longevity.

This is all about 8th house in astrology and how it is linked with Spiritual reality of the vedic astrology.

Mystery of 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 2 : Understanding Spirituality and analysing case studies.

  • Note: We will release  3rd version too where we will try to explain how other houses are interlinked with the mystery of the 8th house.

With thanks and Regards,
Rakesh Singh Jamwal

Source and Reference:
Brihat Parashara hora shastra by G.C Sharma
PhalaDeepika V Subramanya Shastri
Jataka Parijata by V Subramanya Shastri
Sarvartha Chintamani by J.N Bhasin
Jyotisa Fundamentals: My Masters Words by Visti Larsen
Light on Life: An Introduction to the Astrology of India by  Robert E. Svoboda

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Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1

Mysteryof8thHouse Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1

Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1: Understanding Transformation, obstacles and longevity 

What is 8th House about ?

Transformation is a process, and as life happens there are tons of ups and downs. It’s a journey of discovery – there are moments on mountaintops and moments in deep valleys of despair.

– Rick Warren

Without Understanding the essence of transformation, pain and suffering we cannot grow our-self into a deep state of  higher realisation. Now question is what actually is transformation and how it is deeply linked with the 8th house matters.Logically 8th house is a mystic house of understanding higher Spiritual transformation and realisation that comes through after realising the pain of sufferings, being one of the house of moksha trikona sthan, it gives opportunity for purification of jeeva as well as Shareer mukti to rise above at higher level, at the level of Higher knowledge (Para vidya) and wisdom. It has connection of Secretiveness and hidden agendas that one has to live with them to understand life from micro angles, gives a fire or depth for understanding deep hidden knowledge that we need to dig deeper via keep exploring it till the end of life cycle(Cosmic cycle).

It is the main house that deals with all sort of occult sciences those are practical in nature where one has to put Fire, Tapa, energy in it to understand them, its a seed house where energy start flowing or proceeding from lower  spine to the higher point, required for Tantra practises with going deep inside to know hidden essence of the world that is unknown from us- the world of spiritual reality, the world of Hidden vidyas. It give us picture of true reality of the hidden world, where spiritualism starts and leads to the end of spirit world. Those let us understand how to live in true reality and generates urges for living away from the gossips of mundane world.But that urge only comes after realising the deeper pain and reality of life via Death of ego, over Pride,  shareer and after leaving mundane desires.

In Higher Sense, It gives Death of higher ego (what is bright , acceptable and appreciable in society is in mundane world seen and perceived has higher ego ruled by Aries and Scorpio, Being the house of transformations after life hurdles and obstacles act as house of darkness and transformations where sunlight always reaches late).

Being the house of Mundane transformations, ups and downs this house is closely linked with the past birth pending karmic debts that we must have to exhaust in any case, it is mainly deals with the unfinished karmic debts those are done in unconsciously adharmic or mistaken State “Avastha” when conscious is not in awake phase in earlier births.

Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1

Deeper Astrological Definition of 8th house 

8th house is being a vast house of spirituality, Death and transformations is hard to decode in few words. It need lots of understanding in straight way language. It is something hidden that only we can experience and then we can able to know about it and what world is perceived is beyond of this knowledge, what they are seeing its only the mundane transformation but in actual reality it is a house of what is hidden in destiny that we need to explore from hidden or buried form under the ground.Being the karka house of Scorpio It has deep mystery connected with all the characteristics those have resemblance with the nature of Scorpio i.e death, transformations, Accidents, Bankruptcy, Excretory organs, External Sexual organs, Inheritance, Litigation, occult, Plots, Poison, theft, Agonies, Anger, annihilation, Assassination, breaking of friendships, cancer, crossing large bodies of water, dangerous and fruitless journeys, deep psychotherapy, deep and wild forests defeat, Disputes, enemy fort, fall from height, fear, making loans, (Dishonourable profession), a hole, cavity, imprisonment, insults, long lasting diseases, Longevity, Long or disputed properties, Mental Distress, Monetary loss, partner’s money, punishment from authorities, receiving charities, Religious property, research, robbery, scandal money, trouble to spouse, unchastity, witchcraft, black-magic and all of them leads to higher learning and sufferings but its deep essence lies in understanding the deeper transformations appears in 9th house of wisdom after deeper pain, sufferings and higher realisation.

Difference between 8th house and rest of trik bhavas is that it indicates something very long pending, either it is about diseases or it is linked debt of the past. It gives understanding of chronic nature in every sense either it is about diseases or about realising the pain, but thing is 6th gives idea of an acute diseases, 8th gives understanding of deep chronic diseases.It can gives Legal difficulties  that can destroy anyone life via long term financial crisis, humiliation, scandal or bankruptcy.

Being the house of witchcraft work and Black magic being ruled by the sign  of Scorpio (characteristics comes form the Jyestha Nakashtra reside in sign of Scorpio, linked with disturbance in Pran Vayu that flows in the human body), it has same level of influence on native mind too where moon get debilitated (in the sign of Scorpio, 8th house). Same is connected with its stingy nature that comes from the animal ruled by it, “The Scorpion” bite usually gives neurological shock that is unbearable for any being and the same way Witchcraft work in 8th first effects mind of the native in a much deeper level that is hard for anyone i.e Vashikaran that primarily purpose is to control the mind of person, loosing the strength of the mind or imbalance of the Vayu in the body.

But another side story is why we are getting suffering via Black magic and Witchcraft work in 8th house, reason is only one – the level of suffering we have given to other, same way we have to face in same intensity – somewhat a debt or curse like situation, long pending from many early births.

8th being fallen in 12th from the 9th house (Past birth – shows what is left behind that you have to face in any case or finish or exhaust it). That Pain or suffering we incur by past debts or left behind karama helps us moving into achieving greater liberation or moksha after a death like situation.

We can never experience wisdom and higher philosophy unless and until we may never go through from it. Every Death and Suffering has some higher learning, purpose and teaching of almighty that is kept hidden for society benefits (10th).

Unless and until we never realised that deeper sufferings and transformations connected with the 8th house we can never become a filtered soul who can understand the higher wisdom and philosophy of life that is seen from the 9th house. That’s the reason it is falling in 12th from 9th house, first we need to filter out our left over debts then we can become pious and pure soul who can connect with the true brahma tatva.

In Layman language, 8th house covers primarily transformations of mundane worlds, i.e obstacles seen with respect to 7th (Marriages and partnerships – being falling in 2nd house from 7th house responsible for feeding the marriage, the need or requirement for marriage – The sustain-er house, if 8th is having influence of beneficial planet,  it will sustain the partnerships and joint finances required for growing in mundane world but if malefic’s planets are present in 8th it will block or end the partnership with much suffering, realisation and pain).

It gives Direct challenges in personal and joint financial life, 8th being in 7th from 2nd house (the food of Business).

Malefic’s Being fallen in 8th (Sufferings to the body and intelligence ) from Lagana it affects the longevity of the native and legacy, being a house of 8th and 2nd from 7th, 5th from 4th – inheritance is seen from the 8th house.

Most important it is seen for long lasting chronic health issues pending due to unknown causes but in actual reality true real sense and acute health issues seen from the the 6th house.

Being fallen in 11th from 10th house it gives breaks in career and at the same time shows new beginning or new journey of the career of native as seen from the 8th house. being a house of secret unknown hidden truth it could give unknown destiny to the native and can totally changes the path of career of native.

One must be aware in the dasha of the 8th house Planet/lord Antardasha period for any sudden change in the career path.

4 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1


Spiritual and Astrological Significance of 8th House

In General, The Eighth House is known for the house of “ Deeper Life Transformations, unknown and hidden Obstacles & Longevity related issues those can falls in after Marriage and in personal life”.

8th being a house of the moksha trikona house indicates a house of higher awakening, spiritual learning and self realisation for purification of the inner self and soul. If 8th house is well disposed and beneficially placed and is strong it usually indicates healthy mind, body and soul and one can easily overcome life challenges that comes in life, and related to longevity.

If 8th house is malefically disposed or afflicted by strong malefic planets than it can shows karmic backlogs of past births with intent of having deep grudges and revengeful behavior. One must not stick to these deep hidden revengeful thoughts if the soul is wanted to transform in true reality of higher conscious. Being Karka of something hidden, deep and secretive in nature as what we learns form scorpio signs , it shows hidden activity related to 8th house , as it falls in 2nd from 7th (Marriage partnerships) it shows hidden sexual activities, depending on the nature of sign, planets and state (Beneficial and malefic) it shows the sexual orientation in marriage or in relationships. If it is beneficial native might has soft orientation wrt to Sexuality but same time it is having malefic planets native might have rough and wild sexual orientation wrt to Sexual acts.

Meanwhile these sexual deviancy also helps in rising of one’s kundalini shakti after realising the true essence of Yogi.In Sexual tantras this house has major role for understanding or transforming into yog Marg.At the same time if 7th house shows what you are seeking in close relationships between partnerships – love (Moon in 7th),  Romance or libido (Venus in 7th) , 8th house shows how you manage your sexuality and how sexually you are and what sort of sexual act you follows in bonding.Malefic can shows imbalance in sexual orientation and beneficial shows native of highest order of spiritual moral and follow the same path. People of highest order of spiritual path usually follows strong penance or Tapa Yoga by controlling their sexual energy into highest order of spirituality, that’s why it leads to Moksha and falls under Moksha trikona sthan – being falling in 5th from 4th (Skills required in Moksha or bhakti marg).

For siddha purushas this is the house of Kundali Awakening to reach into highest order of Subconscious mind and its stability and how you went through it – balance it or suffering via it which can results to psychological issues , everything depends on the strength of the 8th house and its lord in d1 and d60 chart. that’s the reason those having strong 8th house have deep hidden talents wrt to occult sciences and blessed with highest order of deep intuitions and psychic abilities.

People falls in these types of categories are well versed in seeing futures those related with deaths and mysteries, can see futuristic dreams those related with Something bad future events or related to destructive points wrt to personal relations or might be related to mundane worlds too.

In many of cases people develops deep interest in decoding deep and hidden meanings of interpreting weird and hidden dreams signals. it has been seen many people have abilities to speaks with dead souls too.

Being a house of legacy, it is also shows of corruptions, scandals and negative traits regarding unethical monetary gains via lottery and scandalous money. Being the house of deep secrets and root of Kundalini, it shows hidden mysteries and energy level of Mool dhara chakra we have in our body and any imbalance in 8th house energy can leads to imbalanced root chakra and disturbed Mental and financial life.

Longevity and 8th house ( verses from rest of the Classics and Bphs) :

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Sage Parashara in BPHS has clearly said that the Balarishta and rest of longevity matters should be seen from 8th house, as this house is primarily seen for the longevity matters. Whereas 8th lord shows the over longevity of the native.  Placement of 8th lord in Kendras or Trikonas bhavas shows Long life and in trik bhavas or with affliction from nodes shows issues of  health and long life.


SC 1 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1

Same way there has been A quote in “Sarvartha Chintamani” by “Vyankatesha Sharma Translated by J.N Bhasin” which states that :

SC 5 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1

“If  the 10th lord is placed in friendly sign, own sign, exaltation signs, it confers long life.Similarly the location of the lords of the 10th, 1st and 8th house lords in Kendra Bhavas ensures long life.”

Reason is why 1st, 8th and 10th are so much important in understanding longevity  Because 3rd from these houses shows what is necessary to perform the duties required by that house. 3rd from Lagna shows Skills required to survive, 3rd from 8th shows Karama ( good and bad karma in society – 10th house) required to ensure longevity and 3rd from 10th shows Moksha, peaceful sleep (12th)

(By Visti Larsen  Jyotisha fundamentals)


Regarding placement of 8th lord


SC 2and3 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1
8th and 1st lord
SC 4 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1
Regarding Natural Malefic in 6th, 7th and 8th House
SC 10 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1
Regarding 8th lord in 1st House 
Sc 11 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1
Quote from Jataka Parijata on 8th lord
JatakaParijata Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1

Same way Shastras has revealed about 7 types of Longevity  for any loka : 

0-8 Balarishta
9­-20 Yogarishta
21-32 Alpa
33-64 Madhya
65-120 Dirgha
121-1000 Divya
Infinity Amita

Below are the translations of 8th house as explained by Sage:

Quotes from BPHS Regarding Longevity  :
Shaloka1 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1

” O excellent of the Brahmins, listen to me speak on the effects of 8th House. If 8ths Lord is in an angle, long life is indicated.”

“Meaning : It 8th lord is well placed in trines ( 1, 5 and 9th house it indicates long life)

Regarding Short Life : 

Shaloka2 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1


” Should 8ths Lord join Lagnas Lord, or a malefic and be in 8th itself, the native will be short lived.”

Meaning : If 8th lord is connected with Lagnesh or any malefic and all are placed in 8th house then it is a yoga for short life. for e.g Leo Lagana – lagnesh sun (1st) is with Jupiter (8th) and Rahu (7th lord-Markesh) in 8th house that shows short life of the native.


Saturn and 10ths Lord about Longevity : 


3rdShaloka Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1

” Similarly consider Saturn and 10ths Lord in the matter of longevity. 10ths Lord is in 8th along with a malefic Planet and/or Lagnas Lord.

Regarding Long Life :
Shaloka4 7 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1

 ” There will be long life, if 6ths Lord is in 12th, or, if 6ths Lord is in 6th, as 12ths Lord is in 12th, or, if 6ths Lord and 12ths Lord are in Lagna and 8th. If the Lords of 5th, 8th and 1st House are in own Navāmśaas, own Rāśis, or in friendly Rāśis, the native will enjoy a long span of life. Should the Lords of Lagna, 8th and 10th House and Saturn are all disposed severally in an angle, in a trine, or in 11th House, the subject will live long. Like these, there are many other Yogas, dealing with the issue of longevity. The strength and weakness of the Planets concerned be estimated in deciding longevity.”

Regarding Short Life : 
Shaloka8 13 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1

” Ones span of life will be between 20 and 32 years, if Lagnas Lord is weak, while 8ths Lord is an angle. The native will only be short-lived, if 8ths Lord is in fall, while 8th House has a malefic in it and 1st House is bereft of strength. Death will be instant at birth, if 8th House, 8ths Lord and 12th House are all conjunct malefics. Malefics in angles and/or trines and benefics in 6th and/or 8th House, while 1st House has in it 8ths Lord in fall: this Yoga will cause immediate end. If 5th and 8th House and 8ths Lord are all conjunct malefics, the life span will be very brief. Within a month of birth, death will befall the child, if 8ths Lord is in 8th itself, while Moon is with malefics and be bereft of beneficial Aspect.”

Regarding Long Life :
LongLifeAgain Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1

 ” One will be long-lived, if Lagnas Lord is in exaltation, while Moon and Jupiter are, respectively, in 11th and 8th House. If Lagnas Lord is exceedingly strong and receives a Aspect from a benefic, which is placed in an angle, the person concerned will be wealthy, virtuous and long-lived.”

Quotes from Phala-Deepika Regarding Planets in 8th House
Regarding 6th and 8th house 
Phala Deepika Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1


Phala Deepika 2 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1


Phala Deepika 3 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1
Regarding Sun in  8th house and Death


Phala Deepika 4 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1 
Regarding Rahu in  8th house and Death
Phala Deepika 5 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1
Phala Deepika 6 Mystery of the 8th House in vedic Astrology Part 1

This is all about,

Mystery of 8th House in Astrology Part 1 : Understanding Transformation, obstacles and longevity.

For 2nd part please click on continue button

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Alignment of Saturn and Jupiter with Nodes – Probability of era of civil war and social revolution after (April 2019-2020)

Battle of Gettysburg2C by Currier and Ives Alignment of Saturn and Jupiter with Nodes - Probability of era of civil war and social revolution after (April 2019-2020)

The probability of Era of Civil War and social revolution after (April 2019-2020)– There will be New world order after the year 2020.

Based on the below mentioned planetary alignments occurring after April 2019 world authorities may face fall in global economy and chances of probability of civil war like situation in some portion of world, it can possibly arise in Asian regions including India, Pakistan, China, Russia, some of the European-western countries may face crisis like civil war or there might be possibility of increase in the result of already ongoing social war or crisis during that tenure. Already ongoing crisis may take final u-turn as the alignment is happening on the sign of Sagittarius – represents higher wisdom, deep thoughts and deep inner inspirations etc , any inner spark in those society or people living over there can take it in a sense that can bring lightning inspiration and awakening in society regarding  bringing change against any social injustice  or ongoing social agitations or social revolutions like situations .

If we study past instances regarding these alignments in history, the closeness of Saturn with nodes and Jupiter in Sagittarius-Gemini axis or over any sign axis never be considered as an alignment for peace, it usually brings idea of revenge or agitation against authorities by mass society for the injustice they are going through from the past.

We have already seen this situation in early history much, since from the ruler-ship of Abraham Lincoln in 1862, in 1960 conflicts, Vietnam war, Algerian war, Pearl Harbour Attack, World War II to India- Pakistan and China war.

Now, Look at the chart for alignments occurring in the year 2019-2020.

Jupiter, South Node and Saturn is deeply conjugated in Sign of Sagittarius getting aspect from North Node Rahu and Mars.  This usually indicates war like situation or a spark in an already ongoing situation.

1936069 1161442503908682 2792829838507798436 n Alignment of Saturn and Jupiter with Nodes - Probability of era of civil war and social revolution after (April 2019-2020)

If we move back to History it has seen many devastating events earlier, whenever Saturn + Jupiter alignment is closely triggered in Sagittarius, Capricorn and Taurus sign, when it was Deeply influenced by Nodes (Agent of Conflicts) and Mars (Agent of war).

The year 2019-2020 will be the Key years for both Indian and American-European continents for Rise in Civil war or social injustice like situation, especially in Kashmir- Pok  Issue.

During 2019-2020 we will see Saturn close alignment with South Node and Jupiter in Sagittarius and aspect from North node and Mars, After total solar eclipse in July 2019, this can take shape into civil war like situation or increase in something serious situation.

Though I am getting better Result with Dr. Raman’s Ayanmansa for these ongoing Mundane alignments.

I will try to use both Ayanamsa (Chitra Paksha + Raman). Let see what would be calculation and what will be the result.

Here are some of the past events are based on this Juggling combination in early history are:

Event 1 – Attack on Pearl Harbour When Retro Ju & Saturn conjugated in Taurus in 7th Dec 1941.

Event 2 – China Invaded Indian Territory and attacks India in 1962 when Saturn + Ketu was in Capricorn.

Events 3 – When Saturn + Ketu was in Conjugated in 1960-1961, British and French Imperialism suffered defeats.

Event 4 –  In Africa, Rwanda and Brunudi becomes republic, Sierra Leone, and South Cameroon become independent in Year 1960-61. Syria Secedes from UAR.

Event 5In April 1962 – USA and Russia confront over Missile crisis in Cuba and both were ready to go to Nuclear war.

Event 6 1960s Civil Rights Movement for Grant of Equal rights to black Americans.

Event 71960 – Algerian War – The Algerian War, also known as the Algerian War of Independence or the Algerian Revolution (Berber: Tagrawla Tadzayrit; Arabic: الثورة الجزائرية Al-thawra Al-Jazaa’iriyya; French: Guerre d’Algérie or Révolution algérienne) was a war between France and the Algerian National Liberation Front (FLN) from 1954 to 1962, which led to Algeria gaining its independence from France. An important decolonization war, it was a complex conflict characterized by guerrilla warfare, maquis fighting, and the use of torture by both sides. The conflict was also a civil war between loyalist Algerians supporting a French Algeria and their Algerian nationalist counterparts (Source Wikipedia).

Event 8 – Guatemalan Civil War

The Guatemalan Civil War ran from 1960 to 1996. It was fought between the government of Guatemala and various leftist rebel groups supported chiefly by ethnic Maya indigenous people and Ladino peasants, who together make up the rural poor. The government forces of Guatemala have been condemned for committing genocide against the Maya population of Guatemala during the civil war and for widespread human rights violations against civilians.

Event 9 – The Congo Crisis (French: Crise congolaise) was a period of political upheaval and conflict in the Republic of the Congo (today the Democratic Republic of the Congo)[c] between 1960 and 1965. It began almost immediately after the Congo became independent from Belgium and ended, unofficially, with the entire country under the rule of Joseph-Désiré Mobutu. Constituting a series of civil wars, the Congo Crisis was also a proxy conflict in the Cold War in which the Soviet Union and United States supported opposing factions. Around 100,000 people are believed to have been killed during the crisis.

Event 10 El Cajon Boulevard riot

The El Cajon Boulevard Riot was the official name of what the San Diego Union called the Drag Strip Riot. Socialists consider the El Cajon Boulevard Riot one of the first major youth riots of the 1960s.

Event 11- The Battle of Vientiane was the decisive action of the 1960 Laotian coups. Fought between 13 and 16 December 1960, the battle ended with General Phoumi Nosavan winning control of the Kingdom of Laos with the aid of the Royal Thai Government and the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Vientiane was left devastated by the fighting, with about 600 civilian dead, about the same number of homes destroyed, and 7,000 left homeless. The losing Forces Armées Neutralistes under Captain Kong Le retreated onto the strategic Plain of Jars, to begin an uneasy coexistence with the Pathet Lao and the invading People’s Army of Vietnam.

Event 12 – Operation Jumelles (English: Operation Binoculars) was a military operation which was part of the Algerian War in the Tizi Ouzou Province, Algeria. It lasted from 22 July 1959 to March 1960. It was fought between the FLN and the French Army.

Event 12 Sharpeville massacre

The Sharpeville Massacre was an event which occurred on 21 March 1960, at the police station in the South African township of Sharpeville in Transvaal (today part of Gauteng).

After a day of demonstrations against pass laws, a crowd of about 5,000 to 7,000 black African protesters went to the police station. The South African Police opened fire on the crowd, killing 69 people. Sources disagree as to the behavior of the crowd; some state that the crowd was peaceful, while others state that the crowd had been hurling stones at the police and that the shooting started when the crowd started advancing toward the fence around the police station.

Event 13 – In October 1960, the communist high command ordered Kunming Military Region to prepare for the campaign. In early November 1960, communists and Burmese government held a joint conference on the matter of communist force fighting in Burma.

Event 14- War against the Bandits

The War Against the Bandits (Spanish: Lucha contra Bandidos) is a name given by the Cuban government to a six-year rebellion (1959–1965) in the Escambray Mountains by a group of insurgents who opposed the country’s government led by Fidel Castro. The rebellion is known abroad as the Escambray Rebellion.

The rebelling group of insurgents was a mix of former Batista soldiers, local farmers, and former allied guerrillas who had fought alongside Castro against Batista during the Cuban Revolution. The end result was the elimination of all insurgents by Cuban government forces in 1965.

Complete Research article will come soon with Vedic mundane techniques, this is just a tip of an ice berg. Till then stay connected

With thanks and Regards,
Rakesh Singh Jamwal

pin Alignment of Saturn and Jupiter with Nodes - Probability of era of civil war and social revolution after (April 2019-2020)

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What are true qualities of Astrologer: Thumb Rules for Astrologers, Are you really fall in category of serious and truthful Astrologers or not ?? Moral Ethics of a true astrologer

HYM04SANTHASAYS 1981263g What are true qualities of Astrologer: Thumb Rules for Astrologers, Are you really fall in category of serious and truthful Astrologers or not ?? Moral Ethics of a true astrologer
Image Source – Satheesh
Whether you are doing free consultancy or paid consultancy keep in mind below mentioned tip of the icebergs:

1) Why Indian astrological system is called divine its simply because of its revealing abilities of karmic sufferings known through chart shows Mapping of births and Karama, either you are going through currently or you had been in past.The purpose of Astrology is for understanding Karmas and their root reasons of sufferings. That’s it! Nothing new can work or no one can change it. Karma works based on debits and credits system of every birth.

2) Planets are what ? they are simply Representatives of Kaal Chakra System of the divine plan. they are itself following the protocols of the divine system to keep monitoring Karmas of every one of us. Neither they are allowed to change it or amend it by own rules. they have been allotted roles and responsibilities. they are working relatively according to your karmic Loads and energies you send in-universe plane.Every single Planet simply represents Image of your karma either it was done in past, in present or involves in your future karma. Every moment shown in the celestial sphere is parallelly working based on a divine plane relative to your Karam’s in Mortal world. This is mortal world and everyone here is either to suffer or realize actions of pasts. that’s it. If you had done good karmas you will enjoy your sanchit by taking birth in good families else you have to realize those guilt’s, sins, debts, and prarabhdas by material sufferings.None of such Material remedies will work, Don’t fool innocent people already been in suffering rather try to show them the path of truth and divinity. That’s the only purpose of Jyotish – Correcting current mistakes, Understanding past root sufferings and moving toward eternal truth.

3) When you are trying to look people charts you are simply opening the Karmic loads of others. either it has to be paid by you or paid by the seeker himself. the choice is yours – whether you want to play with those karmas or you himself want to suffer via those. Don’t try to do an intervention in Karmas of others by befooling them via Gems, Rudraksha’s, Lal Kitab totkas and by Highly chargeable amounts in returns of fixing karmas of others.This is a total gibberish act of fooling others. The question is can you really change the system of the divine by fixing karma’s of others ?? are you allotted this role or duty by divinity himself ???. This simply shows you are an intervening system of the divine by befooling them or taking loads of Karmas of others. This isn’t the purpose of Jyotish system – Its Meant for Understanding root reason of Sufferings and realizing same and moving ahead of others toward Divinity and Path of Truth and Bhakti. The soul can only free from its karmic burdens by Almighty only via his own karma that is going to do in current life, the astrologer has no such role in it. It’s the almighty Brahman or Omnipresent God who only can neutralize your Karmic loads of pasts by your own efforts or Bhakti and Tapa.Rest of acts are foolishness.

4) Karma’s are a daily part of the routine and when you open charts of seekers you are actually opening daily karmic burdens of Life of seekers overburdened by the Karmic loads of past, present, and future. It’s better you himself knew how to neutralize those karmic burdens. Be a Pathfinder or Path shower like a teacher or Spiritual guru. The duty of a teacher is to find out mistakes of current doing, Wrong karmas of past, telling them what’s your do’s and don’t do’s that you have to follow and ultimately show them a path toward the path of divinity and truth. Rahu is Maya (Things which are beyond understanding, means those are hidden under spiritual world) and the truth is Jupiter (What is true from eternity and what is being true to your duties) – first understand it. Jyotish is not material knowledge it is based on the Eternal truth of life, understand them these stuffs to seekers. Now truth is what – its purely a divine intervention who is managing the whole Kaal chakaras system. truth is Bhakti, Spirituality and taking Naam and Bhajnam to release your soul and body from Material sufferings. Motive of true jyotish is to showing path of truth and way to release a soul from material sufferings via Meditation, yogas, Spiritual practices, Motivational and inspirational words, realizing guilt’s and mistakes and moving toward Ishata Devta who only can neutralize your material sufferings.

5) Be a teacher rather than a Predictor and Pharmacist. Doctor role is guide and tell you what is truth. Doctor never hides falseness. it helps to deal with truth of diseases and how to overcome them via little change in your life style. So try to change lifestyle of seekers by suggestions and advises like a true mentor. Pharmacist only know how to give medicine for particular diseases but he don’t know why he is giving medicine for such proper diseases. He is beyond in understanding root reasons of sufferings via diseases. So try to become like Real doctor rather than a money minded chemist and pharmacist. Try to invoke Guru(Jupiter) and Intuition(Ketu) Tatva in your trikonas bhavas than you can able to lift burdens of others else you have to suffer on account of seekers karmic loads and burdens. Law of Karmas simply says any one has to pay back either the seeker has to pay own debits and sins of past or the one who is intervening( Astrologer) has to pay back those karmic loads of seekers. the choice is your what you want to become? A Guru or Sufferer. This is the only reason why most of the astrologers are overburdened by the Karmic sufferings of others without any reason.Because of the absence of Guru Tattva in their chart. My Simple suggestion is don’t try to mess with Karma systems of kaal chakaras. those are sufferings simply because of own prarabhda of past not by something done well in past. why you are intervening others Karmas. If you want to help first be a Guru, a true doctor than open loads of others.This applies to people who are freely seeing charts in Facebook and other such social medias.

6) Never suggests useless totaks or remedies which have no connection with spiritual realities. Shortcuts never work one has to work by own.One has to do his karma by own neither the pundit can do your karma neither any astrologer can neutralize your karma by doing remedies which have no divine connection. The whole divine system is working under the protocols of Almighty, a materialistic pundit can never change it via own will and wish. Best suggestion is Simply to ask Seekers to start worshiping, or bhakti of Ishta devtas by reciting mantras of ishta or Bhajnam or naaam or keertan etc, There are many ways which only a learned spiritual Guru can tell you. Rest of the remedies are told by materialistic astrologers are simply to be-fool seekers. Understand first how can simple totkas neutralize karmas ??. One has to pay back own karama no one can do your share. This is a divine system working based on Karmic energies of every birth. Planets are simply part of this Kaal chakara system.

With Thanks and Regards,
Rakesh Jamwal
pin What are true qualities of Astrologer: Thumb Rules for Astrologers, Are you really fall in category of serious and truthful Astrologers or not ?? Moral Ethics of a true astrologer

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