Understanding Fundamentals of Vedic Jyotish Part 1

fb21104e5fd8f18be5c7767a7ffba422 Understanding Fundamentals of Vedic Jyotish Part 1

Written by Shubham Alock

Pre Script – This article is a part of my Jyotish Prarambha Course.

When we learn basics we learn about Own sign, Mool-Trikona [Favourite sign] and Exaltation sign of planets. They are given in classics and except Rahu and Ketu, there is no confused amongst other planets regarding their own sign, exaltation, and Mool-Trikona. But classics doesn’t give us the reason behind allotment of Signs to planets. This can be only for the reason because sages thought that people already know this [They must have never taught that people outside param para will also read this science that too from books and not from Gurus]

Many people have attempted to find a logic behind this allotment. Nobody’s views can be discarded. Here in this article, I am presenting my own view on allotment of different signs to different planets for different purposes.


In Hindu mythology, Sun and Moon are considered as God’s. In Astrology we take them as Ultimate male [Sun] and Ultimate female [Moon] They rule single sign in Zodiac Sun rules Leo and Moon rule Cancer. According to their Nature of being Watery [Cancer] and Fiery [Leo] As the moon is the cause of sustenance and Karaka of Kendra [Quadrants] she chooses a Kendra sign of water – Cancer. Whereas Sun being Father [Creation chain] and being Karaka of prosperity and expansion he chooses a sign in Kona [All three fire signs are in Kona] But he chooses Leo being closest to Mother [Moon-Cancer]

There is a traditional story which goes as First Mercury comes to Moon and asks for a place to live and Moon gives him Gemini [One sign behind her to live] Whereas Sun gives him Virgo [One sign ahead him] Mercury is fastest between planets [Excluding Sun and Moon] Thus he comes first, Then comes Venus [2nd Fastest planet] she goes to Moon who gives him Taurus [Next sign to Gemini behind Moon] and Sun gives him Libra [Next sign ahead of Virgo] Then comes Mars [3rd Fastest planet – Leaving Sun] which is given Aries by Moon and Scorpio by Sun [Next signs to Taurus and Libra respectively in their direction of forward and backward motion] Then comes Jupiter [4th fastest planet  in Zodiac]Then comes Jupiter [4th fastest planet  in Zodiac] Moon gives him Pisces whereas Sun gives him Sagittarius] Then comes Saturn [Slowest planet] and he is given Aquarius by Moon and Capricorn by Sun.

Regarding Own signs of Rahu and Ketu, I do follow another method, Not mentioned anywhere. It will be taught in the course but being a separate topic is not being disclosed here.
See this Diagram here for better understanding.

Rashi Ownership Understanding Fundamentals of Vedic Jyotish Part 1

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Trine ownership [Mool-Trikona]

Except for Moon, every planet has Mool-Trikona in his own sign.
Moon has Mool-Trikona in another sign Taurus due to Nakshatra Rohini falling in Taurus. In Taurus from 0-3 degree he is exalted and in rest of the sign, he is Mool-Trikona.

The name mool-trikona implies auspiciousness. As any planet in Kona is devoted to do good to native, bring prosperity and expansion to him. Unless they become lord of 6-8-12 and starts harming Kona they bring auspiciousness. In the same manner planets in Mool-Trikona is akin to being in 9th house as per Rashi placement [Being placed in 9th house in reality is a Bhava Placement] Why 9th house because it is termed as Tri-Trikona which means Highest Trikona or Third Trikona [First being Lagna and second being 5th house]  A Planet in Mool-Trikona is hence benefic and provides one with luck and auspiciousness [Mihir writes 9th house as Shubha which means auspicious in itself] 

Mool means root and Trikona means trine which i an Astrological sense means auspicious/good. Hence we must see the trine in which a planet’s Mool-Trikona falls in horoscope of the divine man [Kaal-Purusha] which always have Aries in first house.

Sun have his mool-trikona in Leo from 0 to 20 degrees, It falls in Dharma Trikona which implies Sun’s duty is to hold Dharma and his significations are Dharmic. When he signifies father it is that father who gives us our Dharma [Whose principles we follow] he may or may not be the father who gave birth to native. Rest of Leo 20 to 30 degrees is his own house. Same method have to be followed for each and every planet.

Mars have his mool-trikona in Aries from 0 to 12 degrees. It is in Dharma trikona which again implies that he works for Dharma, When he kills it is to protect someone, when he makes a step it is accordance to good and bad he is taught. All his steps are taken to save something or at-least not to harm. Rest from 12 to 30 degree Aries and 0-30 Degree of Scorpio is his own sign.

Mercury have his mool-trikona in Virgo from 15-20 degree. Rest 20-30 degree of Virgo and 0-30 degree of Gemini is his own sign and 0-15 degree of Virgo is his exaltation. It falling in 6th house of Artha implies his nature is accumulative and he is of storing character. He is karaka of business which signifies his nature well. His activities are for worldly affairs having something in mind, for growth and sustenance. This is also Upachaya [Growing house]
Jupiter have his mool-tikona in 0-10 degree of Sagittarius, 10-30 of Sagittarius and 0-30 of Pisces is his own sign. It being in Dharma trikona gives him a nature of doing righteous things. Not being mean or greedy he works only for sustenance. Whatever is necessary will be done, nothing will be done having enjoyment or fulfilment as a motive.

Venus have his mool-trikona in 0 to 15 degree of Libra. 15-30 degree of Libra and 0-30 degree of Taurus is his own sign. It being in Kaama Trikona it indicates his basic temperament is working for desires and enjoyment.

Saturn have his mool-trikona in 0-20 degree of Aquarius, 20-30 degree of Aquarius and 0-30 degree of Capricorn is his own sign. It is in Kaama Trikona which again implies his nature of work is motivated by desires and enjoyment.

Here one can notice that no planet have his Mool-Trikona in any of signs in Moksha Trikona. Mool-Trikona as said earlier shows basic temperament and constitutes nature of planet. No one have his mool-trikona in Moksha Trikona because if their motive be moksha they can’t qualify to become a Graha [Which means to grasp/hold] one motivated by Moksha will tend to leave each and everything.
Except Moon every planet have his exaltation in his own sign, He preferes the sign according to his nature and temperament. 

Sun owning single sign Leo perefers it is Mool-Trikona as it is according to his nature of the Fiery element. Mars takes Aries due to it being Fiery element whereas Scorpio is a watery sign. Mercury prefers Virgo for it being an earth sign whereas he himself is of Earth element. Jupiter being of ether element is comfortable in each and every element but between his both signs he prefers fiery Sagittarius as it represent’s dharma and watery sign can’t be Mool-Trikona of a Graha [Due to the reason stated above] Venus prefers his sign Libra which is of Vayu Tattwa Venus being of Jala Tattwa must have preferred Taurus of Earth Tattwa [Being friendly] but due to it already being occupied by Moon. See order of planets Moon comes at 2nd place whereas Venus at 6th place he prefers Libra. Saturn prefers Aquarius being identical to his nature of Airy element.

See this diagram for a better understanding of Mool-Trikona sign of planets.

Mool Trikona Understanding Fundamentals of Vedic Jyotish Part 1

Exaltation [Uccha]

To Understand this first understand Tatta [Element] and Dig-Bala [Directional Strength of planets.

Sun and Mars are of fiery element and have digbala in South direction 10th house. Venus and Moon are of earth element and have Digbala in North direction [4th house] Saturn is of Airy element and have digbala in West direction [7th house] Mercury is of Earth element and Jupiter is of ether element and they both have digbala in East direction [1st house/lagna]

See the image given below of Tattwa and Digbala and remember that Tattwa in nature of Sun’s direction from 10th house through day [Anti-clockwise of chart] is friendly, In direction of chart is neutral [Anti-Clockwise to Sun’s direction] and opposite are enemies. The exception is ether element [Jupiter] which pervades in each element.

Dig Bala Panch Tattwa Understanding Fundamentals of Vedic Jyotish Part 1

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What do we mean by direction of Sun here is count like 10-7, 4-1 Houses, Opposite to the sun is 10-1, 4-7 Houses. Because at morning Sun is in Lagna, At noon Sun is in the 10th house at Sunset sun is in 7th house and at midnight Sun is in the 4th house always.

This makes a ring like situation. Let me explain it for better understanding.

Air and Fire are friends. Water and Earth are friends. [In direction of Sun – Starting from the 10th house] In opposite direction they are neutral. Hence, Fire and Earth is Neutral and Air and Water are Neutral. In Opposite direction, they are enemies, Hence. Air is an enemy to Earth and Fire is an enemy to water.

This is the basic behind allotment of exaltation signs of planets. Let we deal with them one by one.

Luminaries: Exalted in same Tattwa. Sun is of Agni tattwa, Other planet in same tattwa is Mars. His signs are Aries and Scorpio. Between them Aries is Male and Fire element hence Sun is exlated in Aries.
Moon is of Jala tattva, Other planet in same tattva is Venus. He owns Taurus and Libra. Taurus is of Earth element [Friendly to water] as well as female sign. Hence, Moon is exalted in Taurus.

Tara Graha: Mars is of Agni tattva and is male [He is complete male as he suffers no restriction of Sattwa being a Tamasic planet] He goes to its friendly Tattwa, Air. There he finds Aquarius [Airy] and Capricorn [Earth element] He prefers Capricorn because it is a female sign [Male planet without Sattwic nature – Want’s to procreate in female sign]

Mercury is of Prithvi tattva, He is neutral [Without gender – Female Eunuch] He goes to  Watery tattva [Friendly] finds no sign suitable as Cancer is much feminine and Libra is masculine, He goes to the fiery element and finds himself incompatible in much fire. He can’t rise up to the level of Ether having his Mool-Trikona in a Upachaya house. being neutral he can be satisfied by his self and thus prefers his sign Virgo being female in nature [He himself is female eunuch] also due to same Tattwa [Both Mercury and Virgo is of Jala Tattwa]

Jupiter is of ether element. He goes to his friendly element and finds Libra and Capricorn there. being of ether element [Don’t want to harm anyone, docile] he prefers the female sign Cancer out there.
Venus is of Jala Tattwa. He goes to his friendly Tattwa [Earth] and finds Gemini there which is incompatible being a male sign [Female planets prefer female sign] Because of a specified gender he doesn’t look to incompatible tattva and goes to all pervading tattva Ether. He finds Sagittarius there which is male and fiery but rejects that and becomes exalted in Pisces which is a female sign as well as Jala Tattwa.

Saturn is neutral [Male Netutral] being without gender he doesn’t follow going to his friendly Tattwa. He goes to neutral tattva [Neutral Gender – chooses either self or neutral Tattwa] and finds only one sign remaining there Libra [Of Venus] and chooses it to be his exaltation. Rest two are already occupied by Jupiter and Venus.

See the image below to understand.
Understanding Fundamentals of Vedic Jyotish Part 1

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Here we see a peculiarity. Luminaries are exalted in their own tattva where male prefers male sign and female prefers female sign.

Star planets consist of two male Jupiter and Mars and one female Venus along with two neutrals Saturn and Mercury.

Both male and female prefer to go to their friendly tattva and both of them prefers female sign. Female planet prefers female sign [Same – Harmony] procreation for a female is more a burden than a boon. It will be dealt separately in Avtar Adhyaya. We will see Venus is a form of Parashurama who never had wife or children.
Eunuch planets are of two types one is completely dual [Mercury – owing both dual signs] and he remains in his own sign of his exaltation. whereas Saturn takes his step to neutral Tattva [Misery significant – Not happiness but solitude]

Now see them in accordance to their Avtar.

Sun is Rama and is situated in Self-Dharma [Aries]

Moon is Krishna and is situated in Karma and sustenance [Taurus]

Mars is Narasimha and is situated in Karma and Prominence/Power [Capricorn]

Mercury is Balarama and is situated in Upachaya [Growth] and greens [Virgo]

Jupiter is Vamana and is situated in 4th house of Vidya for Moksha [Cancer]

Venus is Parashurama and is situated in 12th house [loss] of life and desires for Salvation [Pisces]

Saturn is Koorma and is placed in 7th house of Kama [Desire to give something – Samudra Manthan] and enjoyment not for self but for all [Libra]

When we will read the course in depth we will understand that nature of planets are so that they have to be exalted in these signs only.

Table of Exaltation, Rashi and Trikona

Planet  Exaltation Mool Trikona   Swa-Rashi   Secondry Rashi
Sun 0-10 Aries 0-20 Leo 20-30 Leo
Moon 0-3 Taurus 3-27 Taurus 0-30 Cancer
Mars 0-28 Capricorn 0-12 Aries 13-30 Aries 0-30 Scorpio
Mercury 0-15 Virgo 15-20 Virgo 21-30 Virgo 0-30 Gemini
Jupiter 0-5 Cancer 0-10 Sagittarius 11-30 Sagittarius 0-30 Pisces
Venus 0-27 Pisces 0-15 Libra 16-30 Libra 0-30 Taurus
Saturn 0-20 Libra 0-20 Aquarius 21-30 Aquarius 0-30 Capricorn

(c) Shubham Alock for Jyotish Prarambh Course

pin Understanding Fundamentals of Vedic Jyotish Part 1

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How to check Marriage Prospects: Tips and Techniques for beginners

MarriageandProspects How to check Marriage Prospects: Tips and Techniques for beginners

(Based on Dr. B.V Raman Sutras)

For Marriage Prospects, Native 7th house and the 7th lord Must be Strong, well placed and free from affliction. Venus is karaka for the wife and Jupiter is karaka for the Husband – they must be free from affliction in both D1 and D9 chart.

Check the Venus Ashtakavarga Chart , it should be free from the Bindus or Marks of Eunuchs, Points around 5 is Blessing and Highly favorable for Marriage prosperity, Below than 5 or average (4), and 3 and 2 points are considered as Bad for marriage Prosperity.

During Transit of Nodes, Mars, Saturn in 7th house from Ashtakavarha of Venus- Issue in Marriage will pick a spark. Same way check the 7th house from Moon for any issue or prosperity in marriage.

Any Favorable transit of Planet Like Jupiter, 7th lord or Lagana transiting in 7th house from Venus and Moon can give clue to get married in their Dasha period.

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If the 7th house from Lagana is either in Mars house or Mars Amsa (Navamsa) and if the planet owning the Amsa of the 7th house be either weak or eclipsed by Nodes, the Spouse(wife or Husband) will be notorious or vicious in youth.But if the same be placed in the Rasi or Amsa of a beneficial planet, Wife or Husband will be very kind and Strong characterized. Beneficial aspect on same also acts as Strong moral values and character.

For Timing of Marriage, Check the 7th lord from Rasi Chart is having any link with the transiting Jupiter and with the Lagna lord transit.

Transit of Jupiter and Saturn Should Form a link with the 7th house of 7th Lord of Rasi chart and in addition – Both the planet Should be well placed or Favorable from both Venus and Moon. Either they are in Trine from Venus or Moon or they are having strong link With the 7th lord from both Venus and Moon.

If lord of the 7th house is associated with Venus, its MD or AD may lead to Marriage.

MD and AD period of the Lord the 2nd bhava Lord Rasi also a major influencing factor for the marriage.

AD Lord Should have a link with Navamsa 7th house or 7th Lord and MD Lord Should have link Navamsa Lagana lord or with Lagnesh.

The Wife or Husband likely to be abandoned by her Husband or Wife if the 7th house from Lagana in case of male or first house in the case of a woman is either in Mars house or Mars amsa.

If in the Male Horoscope the 7th house from Venus has a planet aspect-ed by a Powerful Mars, we can say he will marry a Virgin Widow, in addition, he should also have his 7th house strong and free from affliction.

If in the Male Horoscope, the 5th house from Venus aspect-ed by Mars is strong and free from Affliction, we can say that the widow has given birth to children that are living.

If Venus Happens to be the lord Rasi where in Gulika is posted and occupies strong position as 10 or 4th from it, he will have desire for unnatural desire for Sexual enjoyment i.e – Homosexuality, Lesbian, gay sex etc

Venus and the 7th house Indicates first marriage, and if we are well known that First one is separated – take the Planets in 7th or planets associated with Venus. The Strongest will determine the 2nd wife.

In a female chart Take Saturn in the place of Venus as per prashana Marga. For Remarriage, usually, Happen when there are many planets in the 7th and 11th house – Mercury is Karka for Having a desire for two partners.

When Lagana will be a common sign or when the lord of the 7th and Moon occupy a common sign or Navamsa. when Sun and Mars are occupying the 7th house or both are in Navamsa of the 7th house having amsa of both.

The lords of 7 either from Lagana or Moon and Venus are Favorably and strongly posted, there will be chances of three marriages. If the lord of 7 or Venus is in exaltation and two or More planets occupy 7th house, there will be three or more marriages.

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Members are requested to check above mentioned Sutras In your charts or in the person you know them personally without any assumption

pin How to check Marriage Prospects: Tips and Techniques for beginners

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How to Check Transits Results from Both Natal and Divisional Chart

11013165 984149728304628 6019579618447886682 n How to Check Transits Results from Both Natal and Divisional Chart


Checking the transit result from Ashtakavarga System is always be a tricky part but if we able to get it, ┬аit would be very easy to predict the results based on transits of planets in an Individual horoscope.

The first basic rule is Never judge the results of the transits of Major planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu from Moon Signs, try to see it from both the reference points.Always see the transits planets results first from Individual Lagna Kundli based on Major points.Events usually trigger when there is close relation of Both Jupiter and Saturn on Same house of same sign either from aspect or from mutual placement, In Transit Jupiter act as main triggering planet for fruitful results, past karmic Punyas, fortunate events, Auspicious (Marriage, Kids and undertaking any Good deeds) and divine events (pilgrimages, visiting shrines, Devotional travellings, Meeting to guru or teacher), Mainly┬аsignifies when you can get fruitful results and Saturn transit act as Karma indicator in Natal chart and the main triggering planets for realizing results of Past Sanchit karmas (Both Punya and Bad deeds), Transit is meant for understanding change in the current order of living, underlying weaknesses’s and action that we need to do or adopt in our life and when a person is dutiful, honest and worked on humanity ground he will get results out of his Good actions and when both the Saturn and Jupiter are in mutual relation of Trine it shows, now this is the time period of ┬аyour karma, get ready to yield fruits in the form of transit favouring to Jupiter placement and Natal chart. In Transit system this is actually called double transit theory as explained by Sh. K.N Rao in most of his write-ups and it is one of the most important criteria used widely by Kn Rao sir in predicting major results via transits. Same way for timing events in day to day life we can use transit of Sun for timing event in particular month, Moon for Day, Tithi for the day of the event in the lunar month and hora for at what hour we can experience fruits or events:

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Below is the checklist and rules one should in keep in mind while Predicting any event with Transit system:

1) Birth sign: Check the birth Sign having a link with Transiting planet in Kundli or not or Birth Sign is in the Nakshatra of Transiting planet or not, for e.g in case of Saturn transit, If the natal Moon is placed in Capricorn or Aquarius, Saturn will become the MoonтАЩs depositor lord. If we understand deeply, Moon is an actual indicator of our inner thoughts and shows area of the comfortable state of mind etc. So, for Capricorn and Saturn Moon Sign or those having any link with Saturn transit in their Lagna chart, they must have to be discipline in thoughts processing level and should have to cultivate or adopt disciplinarian ways of Saturn till transit is operative. For those who are ignoring the way of discipline, it will affect his day to day life events when Saturn actually transits over that signs and combinations.

2) Birth Nakashtra : Check whether the moon is in Transiting Constellation or not if the natal Moon is placed in any of the nakshatras owned by transiting planet, then follow the principle given above.

3) Sign of transiting Planets in Natal chart:┬аCheck Sign of transiting planets in Natal chart, When Saturn/Jupiter transit over its own signs, or those of its natural friends, normally gives the better results as compared to its transit over the sign of its natural enemies.It usually triggers good events concerned with that house or usually brings major changes or growth in those houses in physical ground or some sort of transformations in native life also seen when connected with the transiting Jupiter and Saturn lordships in natal chart.

4) Functional Lordship of the planet: Check the functional lordship of Saturn/Jupiter┬а(Transiting planets) or relation with functional beneficial lords in the natal chart during transit. lords of trines (trikonas) in a horoscope are always supposed to give beneficial results (i.e, lords of the 1st, 5th, and 9th house).If Both the transiting planets are functionally Beneficial in the natal chart it usually brings Good results when they are transit in trines, Upachaya sthan or if they having any relation with Trines lords.

5) Strength in shadbala and bhavabala: Check Strength of transiting planets for individual Lagna in Strengths tools, i,e 8 types of strengths – Shadbala , Bhavbala , chesta bala , Kala bala , dig-bala , drig bala and Naisargik bala , ishta and kashtha bala etc . if Saturn/Jupiter and the moon have obtained the required strength in shadbala and their required ratio of the ratio that the strength is more than 1.0 then the transit effects of Jupiter /Saturn are better as compared to those where one or both of them are weak. The lower the ratio, the worse are the results .Similarly, in Bhavabala, if the house over which Saturn is transiting has more than 7.5 rupas in bhavabala. and in ranking is placed among the first six bhava then the evil effects of Saturn transit are lessened to a large extent and vice-verse.

6) Strength from AL : Check strength of Saturn/Jupiter transit from Arudha lagna to see what it will bring to you in society, the actual results of planet usually assume from what other people perceive after transits i.e Saturn/Jupiter in 11th from AL – Wealth and Financial Gain in transit , 3rd from Al – Courage and Strength in transits. This way you can better understand Saturn/Jupiter transit for any sign from AL.

7) Strength from Divisional charts :┬аCheck transit from Different divisional charts i.e first check transiting planet from divisional chart Moon sign, 2nd see the relation with that house Karka lord i.e For D9 (Marriage and Dharma); check any relation with with D9 7th house or 7th lord and 9th house/Lord for any auspicious and fortunate event during that year. In case of D4 (Home, assets, and Peace); check any relation with ┬аD4 Moon sign, 4th house or 4th lord or with A4 arudha. In Case of D7 (Children); check any relation with D7 7th House/lord, 5th house/lord or A7 arudha for any events related to kids. For ┬аD24 (education) ; check any relation with D24 9th house/lord or 2nd house/lord for higher studies. In Case of D10 (work and career); Check Transiting planets relation from 10th house/Lord, AL (Status in work environment), A10 (How it gone bring change in Work profile and work environment), UL┬а(How it impact to your Marriage via office interference), A7 (For relationship with Co-mates), Sun (For overall Status in Career and Society), Moon (For Resources flow and State of mind), Mercury (For Overall growth and variationsn on Vocations), Saturn (For Seeing how we proceed our Karma in Society) and Lagna (Shows how it affects our Intelligence, attitude, and Application of intelligence effects in society) ┬аin D10 Divisional chart and same way we can follow for other Varga charts too.

8) Check the transits results from Lagna Chart: For actual results, Lagna chart of D1 gives the true picture of results and it should be considerd as main ground for checking any transiting planets results, not the Moon Lagna first. Moon lagana shows our Karmic ground or how it gone affect our mental setup level or state of mind. Lagna shows Environment, Physical Scenario and Events in reality and Moon lagna shows Resorces and State of mind and it should be check after the natal lagna as moon is all about to what we perceive results from the mind or from the state of mind or how it gone effect our mind make up. Means what we are feeling and how it gone impact us after we get the results either positive or negative reaction. Moon only shows what sort of feeling or reaction to mind what we are getting from the results.Moon is for reaction, Lagana is for the physical environment as described in below mentioned cases :

9) Vimsotri Dasa┬аLords :┬аSlow moving Transiting planets are More effectively seen in any Horoscope, so always check whether Guru ,┬аSaturn,┬аKetu and Rahu Vimsotri┬аMahadashas ,┬аAntardashas and Pratyantar Dasha is running or not if any of them is Currently running than Major planets will give its most of the results in their transits.

I can say they can give results 99% majorly more fast and More Accurate and with maximum┬аresults.┬аFor e.g for Taurus┬аlagna┬аGuru act as Functionally Malefic as it is the┬аlord┬а8th house and also lord of the 11th too so When it is transiting in Taurus┬аlagna┬аNative may fall sick and have Some health issues too and we can see this result when a native Guru┬аMahadasha ,┬аAntardasha or Pratyantar┬аdasha┬аwill be running else results will be less to see but
Final verdict will be predicted on┬аashta-varga┬аsystem.

10) Finally time the results of the transits Based on the Individual Bhina Ashta┬аvarga┬аand Sarvashtakavarga chart for Major transit Planets for eg – for Taurus┬аlagna┬аGuru┬аMahadasha ,┬аSaturn AD is running and Guru is transiting In 3rd house in cancer , Saturn is transiting in 7th house and in BAV Chart of Guru has┬аhaving┬а4 Beneficial points out of 8 (4 Negative┬аpoint┬аtoo ) ,┬аSaturn┬аhas 5┬аBenefic┬аpoints (Indicates very good State of Saturn) which mean native will get the transit result of the Guru in 70-50 % manner or you can say 50% negative 50 % positive for Guru and 70 % Beneficial results for Saturn.

As 4 points┬аgives┬аneutral results not much┬аbad┬аor not much less and when there is Guru MD┬аdasha┬аactive and Sat AD too than we can assume both the results at maximum level and we Can expect Something around┬аresult┬аof 7th house –┬аMarriage,┬аBusiness, and Partnership┬аetc ,┬аNative may marry during this time period.

We can confirm this in SAV Chart too , Guru having 27 Beneficial Points in 3rd house out of 56 which means 2 negative points are more so this transit of Guru will give its 50-50 results w.r.t to Marriage , Business dealings , higher studies , Deep occult studies and Saturn 31 Points which means – Professional Brilliance, Spiritual gain and Ring for marriage and gain in partnership too.

Example Chart 1

How to Check Transits Results from Both Natal and Divisional Chart

For eg for Taurus lagna Guru is 8th and 11th Lord which means in last Transit of Jupiter (20th june 2014) Guru transited in Taurus 3rd house in cancer sign and aspects the 7th, 9th and 11th house as Guru Mool trikona sign is in 8th house.

So, Guru will give its beneficial results to the native with respect to new initiatives in the business in new partnerships with loans or might start his married life with the partner.As it is in the 3rd house so it indicates good initiatives in the field of business, courage, communication, and initiatives etc.

It can give a huge loan to the native in business matters as guru is 8th to the 8th house means new step with respect to the Loans and partnership in business/Marriage.As it is in 3rd house so native can start his business with their siblings or cousins with the loans they get from their initiatives.

Quite possibly with maternal cousins. Also aspecting the 7th house тАУ the house of marriage and partnership, native might get married and also get success in the Marriage/business partnership too and it will also give good interest into deep sciences in occult i.e study of the 8th house matters like the secret sciences like astrology , tantra mantra and all deep mystical knowledgeтАЩs of yoga , siddhis or mantra etc too.

The person might involve into deep research in all philosophical and advance knowledge in religion or might start his higher studies like MBA in financial studies as per the beneficial aspect of the guru on 9th house and aspecting 11th house too which means native will get good gain in all his perspective or every effort he put to achieve .

Now the picture of moon Sign came for eg If the Native Moon Sign is in Taurus than Guru will be in 3rd from it so itтАЩs simply mean native will get huge mental courage and wisdom knowledge (as guru is in 3rd house in a sign of Cancer тАУ So its all about mental courage and mental peace ) w.r.t to the 8th house and 11th house so native might able to handle all his tasks with its deep wisdom and mental balance got from the guru and will put his more metal initiative into getting every of all his works either marriage , business dealings , higher studies or deep studies also.

Example Chart 2

How to Check Transits Results from Both Natal and Divisional Chart

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Take another example, for Capricorn and Aquarius Lagna Saturn is lagnesh so we can Say Saturn is beneficial for Both the lagnas, For Year 2014 November , Capricorn Saturn will be in 11th house, falling in 5th from the Jupiter and having 5/9 Relationship with the Jupiter where Jupiter will be aspecting 11th house where Saturn is already, so forming double transit relation in 11th house (shows results or events related to Gain, Brother, accumulation of the Wealth) and falling in 2nd (Food, Feed and Sustain) from the Moon in 10th house which means during this transit there can be Monetary gain, increase in name and fame with respect to 11th matters ┬а(In Friend circle, Social Media or social Communities). Sign Lord mars will indicate what native has to do in order to get gain. For eg. Saturn has 5 Points (BAV) in 11th house – it means native will Get good gain by 11th house sources and would be beneficial. More than 28 Points (SAV) indicates native will get Clear Boom in that area. If the moon is in Taurus which Means 5th house for Capricorn – Native will expect or feel comfortable gain regarding 7th house matters, may be a child will born, the couple may get Wealth gain etc.

So this way you can analyse any results via transits of planets.

I Hope now you will able to cast your transits results with more accurate and in a scientific way for any major transits of any planets.

pin How to Check Transits Results from Both Natal and Divisional Chart

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Sri Ganesha Ashtothram Namavali тАУ 108 Names Of Lord Ganesha for removing all sort of hurdles in life


Sri Ganesha Ashtothram Namavali тАУ 108 Names Of Lord Ganesha for removing all sort of hurdles in life


Shree Ganesh Ashtottaram is the stotram┬аof the 108 mantras/ names of lord Ganesha to invoke the divine blessing of ┬аLord Ganesha in devotee life to get freedom from all sort of worries, Sorrows, obstacles, hurdles, and delays. As the Lord Ganesha is “Pratham Poojinya” Diety among all and helps in removing all the Vighanas of life. It is said to be believed that this ashtottaram is very dearer to Lord Ganesha and by reciting this ashtotaram regularly or on special occasions like Sankashti Chaturthi, Ganesh Chaturthi, Vinayak Chaturthi, etc. Lord Ganesha will reside in your heart and provides you both spiritual as well as material prosperity and also remove all the Obstacles coming in the devotee way. Astrologically those who having ketu is well placed in the trines to the Lagna or D9 Chart those people should recite this auspicious stotra mantra. Even When Ketu is placed with Moon, also helps in removing all kind of fear, sorrow, and doubts.When there is Sarpa Yoga (Yoga of disillusioned mind, Extreme lust ) ┬аforming in the Kendraa houses chart, only Ketu can helps in breaking the Sarpa yoga that can only be done by the worshiping ┬аof Ganesha Mantras or Ganesha Yantra made in silver.

тАЬSarvaVighnaharam Devam Sarva Karyaphalapradanam
Sarvasiddhi pradhataram Vandeham Gaananayakam”


The remover of all obstacles and all problems, the one who gives the phalam (results) of all the work done, the one who gives all types of siddhi (wealth); I bow to the Lord who is the Leader of those who can not be led by anyone.


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Om Vinayakaya Namah


I bow to the Guru
Om Vighnarajaya Namah
I bow to the Lord who removes my problems and obstacles
Om Gauriputraya Namah┬а
I bow to the one who is the son of Goddess Gauri (Wife of Lord Shiva)
Om Ganesvaraya Namah┬а
I bow to the Lord of ganas (followers of Lord Shiva)


Om Skandagrajaya Namah


I bow to the elder brother of Skanda


Om Avyayaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is the world himself


Om Putaya Namah


I bow to the son of Lord Shiva


Om Dakshaya Namah


I bow to the one who is the cleverest


Om Adhyakshaya Namah


I bow to the one who is the leader of all


Om Dvijapriyaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is the beloved of bramins (saints)


Om Agnigarbhachide Namah


I bow to the Lord who is the slayer of the demon who omitted fire from his eyes
Om Indrasripradaya Namah
I bow to the Lord who is beloved of Indra who is the God of all devtas (angels)


Om Vanipradaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who gives Vaani(melodious voice)


Om Sarvasiddhipradaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who gives all kind of wealth


Om Sarvatanayaya Namah


I bow the to Lord who does the best for all


Om Sarvaripriyaya Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who is beloved of all


Om Sarvatmakaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is present in every soul


Om Srushtikatre Namah


I bow to the Lord who is omnipresent


Om Devaya Namah


I bow the Lord of the Gods


Om Anekarchitaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is formed from the piles of the funeral elements


Om Sivaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is eternal


Om Suddhaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is pure


Om Buddhipriyaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is the beloved of Buddhi


Om Santaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is like a sage


Om Brahmacharine Naamaha


I bow to the Lord who is a brahmcarin


Om Gajananaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is the leader of those whom no one can lead


Om Dvaimatreyaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who has devtas as his friends


Om Munistutyaya Namah


I bow the Lord who is an object of devotion for the greatest saints
Om Bhaktavighnavinasanaya Namah
I bow to the Lord who stops all the problems before they reach his devotees


Om Ekadantaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is one tusked


Om Chaturbahave Namah


I bow to the Lord who has four hands


Om Chaturaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is the wisest among all


Om Saktisamyutaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is the mightiest


Om Lambodaraya Namah


I bow to the Lord who has a pot like belly


Om Surpakarnaya Namah


I bow to the Lord whose ears are like winnowing fans


Om Haraye Namah


I bow to the Lord who is worshipped everywhere


Om Brahmaviduttamaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is like a vidyut (spark) to this universe


Om Kalaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is the one who controls the time


Om Grahapataye Namah


I bow to the Lord or the master of the house


Om Kamine Namah


I bow to the Lord who is a lover


Om Somasuryagnilochanaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who saw the demons with the soma ras(nectar)


Om Pasankusadharaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who holds the dangerous weapons of war i.e. Pashan and Kusha


Om Chandaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is as soothing as moon


Om Gunatitaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is the master of many gunas (virtues)


Om Niranjanaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is as pure as milk and is spotless


Om Akalmashaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is the point of fate for everypne


Om Svayamsiddhaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is himself a form of wealth and opulence


Om Siddharchitapadambujaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is the sacred among all and whose feet are as soft as ambuj (lotus)


Om Bijapuraphalasaktaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who loves fruits a lot


Om Varadaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who gives boons


Om Sasvataya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is sasvat (permanent or perpetual)


Om Krutine Namah┬а


I bow to the Lord who is pure


Om Dvijapriyaya Namah: I bow to the Lord who has two consorts




Om Vitabhayaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is loved by all


Om Gadine Namah


I bow to the Lord who is armed with a club


Om Chakrine Namah


I bow to the Lord who has chakras in his hands


Om Ikshuchapadhrite Namah


I bow to the Lord who bestows his devotees with boons


Om Sridaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is merciful


Om Ajaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who can never be defeated


Om Utpalakaraya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is emaciated


Om Sripataye Namah


I bow to the Lord who is the husband of a goddess


Om Stutiharshitaya Namah


I bow to the Lord whose stuti (hymns) people sing happily


Om Kuladribhettre Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who is the Lord of the mountains


Om Jatilaya Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who is ascetic


Om Kalikalmashanasanaya Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who killed the demons


Om Chandrachudamanaye Namah


I bow to the Lord who has a crescent moon on his head


Om Kantaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is very splendorous


Om Papaharine Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who kills our sins


Om Samahitaya Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who possesses everyone


Om Asritaya Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who is independent


Om Srikaraya Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who has radiant hands


Om Saumyaya Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who is saumya (gentle)


Om Bhaktavanchitadayakaya Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who is wanted by devotees


Om Santaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is like a saint


Om Kaivalyasukhadaya Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who just bestows his devotees with happiness


Om Sachidanandavigrahaya Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who is bliss and whose existence is real


Om Jnanine Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who is gyani (who knows everything)


Om Dayayutaya Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who is the one who is full of sympathy and blessings


Om Dantaya Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who has one tooth


Om Brahmadveshavivarjitaya Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who is exempted from the Brahmdvesh (hatred or sacred knowledge of brahmins)


Om Pramattadaityabhayadaya Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who is an object of fear for demons


Om Srikanthaya Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who has a very beautiful image


Om Vibhudesvaraya Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who is extremely talented and intelligent


Om Ramarchitaya Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord whom Lord Rama prayed to


Om Vidhaye Namah


I bow to the Lord who is destiny for everyone


Om Nagarajayajnopavitavate Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who uses nagaraj as a yagnopaveet (janeu or sacred thread that is tied from the left shoulder crossing the torso)


Om Sthulakanthaya Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who has a bulky or stout neck


Om Svayamkartre Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who does everything on his own


Om Samaghoshapriyaya Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who is the vowels in himself


Om Parasmai Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who is the words


Om Sthulatundaya Namah


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┬аI bow to the Lord who has a big and bulky proboscis


Om Agranye Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who is always at the front and is a leader


Om Dhiraya Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who is the bravest among all


Om Vagisaya Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who is the master of all languages


Om Siddhidayakaya Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who bestows his devotees with siddhi (opulence)


Om Durvabilvapriyaya Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord to whom one prays with Durva Grass (Bermuda Grass)


Om Avyaktamurtaye Namah


I bow to the Lord who is invisible


Om Adbhutamurtimate Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who has a mesmerizing and fascinating image


Om Shailendratanujotsanga Khelanotsukamanasaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is lord of the mountains and who is an object of happiness for the mankind


Om Svalavanyasudhasarajita Manmathavigrahaya Namah


┬аI bow to the Lord who has a grace of his own, who is a river of nectar and who is full of love


Om Samastajagadadharaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is the basis of the existence of this whole world


Om Mayine Namah


I bow to the Lord who himself is magical


Om Mushikavahanaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who has mouse as his vehicle


Om Hrushtaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is healthy and wealthy


Om Tushtaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who is pleased


Om Prasannatmane Namah


I bow to the Lord who gives happiness to the soul of a human being


Om Sarvassiddhipradayakaya Namah


I bow to the Lord who gives all kind of siddhi (opulence) to those who worship him.

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This ends the Ganesha Ashtothram


pin Sri Ganesha Ashtothram Namavali тАУ 108 Names Of Lord Ganesha for removing all sort of hurdles in life

Views: 90

Kaalchakra the wheel of time – How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions

The Wheel of Time changes and how Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions.┬а

(Revised Edition)

Subject Analysis

Formation of Grand Watery Trine and Panic of swine flu starts In North of India with conjunction/Course of Venus & Mars over Pisces (in Uttrabhadra Nakashtra) after Feb 15th, 2015.

Sungod Kaalchakra the wheel of time - How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions
(Chariot of the sun God, Image Source – Molee Art )

After seeing the great dedication of the Demon Maya toward the Sun god, The Immortal God of Light and Energy himself said, I will present you this deep and immemorial knowledge on speed and motions of planetary structure closely based on Space-Time system.


Sun Kaalchakra the wheel of time - How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions
Verse9 SS Kaalchakra the wheel of time - How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions
(Reference – Surya Siddhaant, Intro chapter, Verse 6)

Neither anyone has any potential or tolerance to accept my violent and aggressive bright lights nor have I much time to deliver it but your deep devotion and dedication earned this and part of my brightness will sure present this deep immortal knowledge on Time to you. Henceforth, the person immerged from the Sun god said, oh! Maya, Lord of the Demon, Listen carefully with great dedication, and This Deep knowledge of time is same as preached to Seers by the sun god itself since the beginning of creations and from many erasтАЩ. This Deep secret on time is still same as mentioned in VedaтАЩs and Scriptures only the difference is of speed and motion of the time with the changes in era and revolution of time.

Further explaining, the person said; listen carefully on secrets of time, what is time and how we can understand the true definition of the time in both the terms:


SS10 Kaalchakra the wheel of time - How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions
(Reference – Surya Siddhaant, Intro chapter, Verse 10)

Meaning and Explanation – As preached by the Sun god himself, the person said; Time is based on two schemes, one is used for creation and destruction of planetary structures for human beings and it is endless, eternal and cyclic in nature and another part of time is purely mathematical also cyclic in nature and preciously exist in both material and non material form.

Here the Sun-God revealing secrets and understanding on time and how it is connected with never ending tcycle of cosmos. First one is purely based on space-time formulation on cyclic nature of time that the process of Creation and destruction of planetary structures always moves in a continuous, it is endless and connected with never ending life cycle in cosmos. In Modern saying, life started after 13.7 billion years ago after a huge explosion, we called it big-bang and further planetary structures in our universe formed and thus we are able to understand how time and evolution process started in earth.

Hindu cosmology of Bhagwad Puraan and Visnu Puraan says bit differently, In the Beginning of the creation the universe was full of water. In that water first was emerged a huge egg which was round like a water. The egg keep on growing and it had the Supreme Lord present in it and thus this egg is called Brahamand. Inside the brahmand there were mountains, Lands, the oceans, the Seas, the Gods, and the demons in the seed form and covered it with water and rest of elements all over.

Thus it is said that the actual cause of this creation is Narayana тАУ Nara means Waters тАЬAyanaтАЭ Means – a place of rest and it is who himself materialise it, sustains it and dissolves it and manage the whole manifestation in three forms simply to keep forwarding the cyclic process of death and birth in material structure of this universe. It is said that time was never started and never ended only it was keep moving in cyclic from the beginning to complete 1 Mahayuga and when all the 4 epochтАЩs completed 1000 such cycles. The 1000 such Mahayugas called as 1 Kalpa which constitutes 1day of the lord Brahmha. Thus it is quite clear 1 such kalapa or day of Bramha is equal to 4,320,000,000 mortal human years and the whole 4 yugas composed of 12,000 Divine years which is equal to 4, 320,000 mortal Years of humans. This shows Process of creation and Destruction is a continuous process and it will keep moving in micro units of Kalapa from the beginning of this structure. Thus it is said that it is eternal, endless and cyclic in nature based on the system of Karma, rebirth, time and space formulation regarding mortal humanтАЩs years. The Creation and destruction process in cosmos is only part of divine plan for understanding Karma and rebirth process in Yugas and Kalpa System.

Sun Kaalchakra the wheel of time - How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions

(The Wheel of the Sun, Temple of Konark, Image тАУ wiki)

Second most important factor in calculation of time is its mathematical relation with movement of the sun and the moon around the earth as presume from the earth point of view. Thus the Sun is acting as a central controlling system where rest of the planets are keep moving around the sun and the earth in a fixed orbital distances. The whole planetary movement of the planets around the sun including other luminary also acting as part of calculation of the Hindu time system.

In Natal Astrological system, Time is bit more based on micro calculations and it is preciously mathematical and calculated based on shorter divisions of time units and Maximum calculated up to1 hour or 1 hora which is particularly used in electional astrology for timing appropriate time for an event. In Earlier systems, based on Surya-Siddhanta-1 hora is calculated based on 2 ghatikas and is constituent of 30 kala and 1 complete muhurata is composed of 48 minute. In Hindu siddhaant systems, calculation of time is very complex and based on millisecondтАЩs factors i.e shortest unit of time is 1 pran composed of 4 seconds approximately and total 21,600 Pran constituent a 1 Day (86,400 Seconds), whereas, 1 Truti is equal to 29.6296 microseconds and 1 Paramanu is equal to 60,750 th of a second, this shows how time is preciously calculated based on the micro movements of the Sun and the moon around the earth as seen from the day and night point of view. Rest of the planets also act as supporting factor in calculating time in a natal chart for such micro calculations for using in division of charts.

In Hindu Predictive system based on mathematical part of time, Order of results and timing of an event depends on Sequences and formation of Sub dashas periods, in a particular Dasha systems keeping transits of major planets as a Deciding factor. Transits of major slow moving planets plays an elementary and deciding role in predicting how life of native gone changes in a year. Transits of planetary movements over different nakashtras in different-different degrees plays a major role in prioritizing events.

The Order of protocols in timing systems follows in any chart is purely based on kaal-chakara concept i.e circular in manner as like time system in clocks. Dividing 360 degree movement of the sun into 12 equal parts, we have 30 degree left in each house and each 30 degrees holds 2.5 portions of nakashtras part in it and are most important and valuable in Vedic astrological system to understand time correlation with planetary system in our universe.

Same is the process for rest of the rotating planets around the sun and the Moon moves around earth. Earth moves around the sun, Mars moves around the earth and the sun, same way rest of planets follows a same systematic approach, orbiting around the sun in a fixed distance and speed in our universe which constitutes a complete system for calculating time factors in any natal or mundane chart. Reason being based on our scriptures all these Material planets are residing entities of our Devtas and their role is to monitoring all the activities of humans including 5 major elements those also follows certain devatas.

This show how deep is Hindu cosmological system in understanding its roots and how well defined is our universe and how complex is for us for understanding its relation with actual timing and events happening in our earth with rest of planets.

In our Timing system, The Protocol heads are 27/28NakashtraтАЩs and their lords are playing leading role in triggering events with rest of planets which are acting as catalytic agents. Nakashtras are considered as micro level unit in our Vedic system.

In My observations, what I believe NakashtraтАЩs governs maximum power in timing of an event in both Natal and Mundane world. Each Nakashtra has its own nature, properties, ruler-ship and placement in nakashtra Loka based on scared ancient histories.

For more understanding on how nakashtraтАЩs work individually we need to see their roots and historical description mentioned in our PuraanтАЩs and VedaтАЩs. By Default, all Nakashtras are feminine in nature which means, there is a residing power of Adi-Shakti in each nakashtra, тАЬThe Mother Nature or Prakarti or The Goddess energy тАЬin creations/destructions of all the universe physical and non-physical matters and events. Our Universe is acting as womb where everything is summarized in it; spiritually Maya is holding every physical entity in a fixed order i.e. star, planets, and galaxies etc., Ultimate creator of this whole universe is Maa Adi-Shakti (Goddess Durga or Women energy, every men is the micro unit of The Shakti). Basically feminism is present in every matter either itтАЩs a case of men, animals or plants or any herbs present in nature or in mother earth.

This is the reason why Goddess Maa Shakti has special place in brahamand and acting as main executive role play in earth and everyone should worship Maa Shakti (Energy in physics), the higher energy form, as mother of all in whole universe in order to understand creation and destruction process in cosmos. All 3 Superior entities are bound to follow order of Maa Shakti for running this Universe in a peaceful manner.

In Twin particle science whole universe is a reflection of the Shiva- Shakti energy. In quantum physics they are signified as two particles present in every being and were present before cosmos creation too. Even both the higher energies are self-responsible for creation and destruction in this universe and both constitutes root of тАЬ Kaal- Chakra тАЬSystem. All the12 planets are key player in this kaal chakara system. Every movement of the planets, the stars and the signs are playing an integral part in Space and time formulation. That signifies how important they are for understanding timing of an event in an individual life.

For better understanding on how Kaal Chakara system works we need to study some of verse mentioned in Srimad Bhagwad Puraan in canto 5, chapter number 22, The Creative Impetus where Sukadeva goswami explaining Priyavrata, Rishabha, and Bharata regarding the movements of the planets with rest of Structure of the Universe.

тАЬSa hovacaтАЭ

тАЬ yatha kulala-cakreс╣Зa bhramata saha bhramatam tad-asrayaс╣Зam pipilikadinam gatir anyaiva pradesantareс╣гv apy upalabhyamanatvad evam nakс╣гatra-rasibhir upalakс╣гitena kala-cakreс╣Зa dhruvam merum ca pradakс╣гiс╣Зena paridhavata saha paridhavamananam tad-asrayaс╣Зam suryadinam grahaс╣Зam gatir anyaiva nakс╣гatrantare rasy-antare copalabhyamanatvat.тАЭ


(Reference – Srimad Bhagwad Puraan, Canto 5, chapter 22, Sanskrit verse – 2)

ExplanationIn Chapter 22, The Movement of the Planets and their Considered Effects, King Parikс╣гit inquired from sukadeva Gosvami that, the sun-god travels around the Dhruvaloka keeping Dhruvaloka and the Mount Sumeru on his right side. How At the same time, the sun faces the signs of the zodiac could able to keep Sumeru and Dhruvaloka on his left side. How we can understand this phenomena:

After listening this, Sri Sukadeva Gosvami clearly answered: When we see a potterтАЩs wheel is moving in a fixed motion in an one direction and the small ants which are also located on that big wheel also moves with it. We can easily find that their motion is bit different from motion of the wheel because they move with the speed and direction of Wheel shows they are also relative to speed of wheel. If wheel appear slow they also appear to be slow, same is the case when it is fast they appear as fast. This unique phenomenon makes them sometimes appear on one part of the wheel and sometimes on another. Same way the signs and constellations also appears on their right side with the Sumeru and Dhruvaloka with relative motion of wheel of time. In this process the ant like sun and other planets also move with them but with different speed and motion covering shorter distance of wheel of time but seen as relative to wheel of time. However, the sun and other planets are seen in different signs and constellations at different times. This confirms that motion of the sun and other planetary structure is bit different from that of the zodiac and the wheel of time itself.

Further explaining, Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said in verse 3, 4 & 5of Srimad Bhagwad Puraan that original cause of whole cosmos and its planetary structure is the supreme lord Narayana. Lord himself descended in the form of the Sun in this cosmic structure situated in outer space between the upper and lower portions of the universe to benefit all beings living on earth; either animals, birds, humans or Planets all are dependent on the sun god for evolution process. Lord him-self divided into twelve parts like 12 spokes (12 Zodiac signs) of wheel of time transiting twelve months on the wheel of time. With every passing month the sun god himself moves through 12 different signs and known to have 12 different names according to those signs. Sum total of those 12 months is called a sam-vatsara or a solar year of 365 days. In the main course the sun god initiated 6 (2 month of each) seasonal forms from spring to winter and further promotes different seasonal qualities depending on solar movements in different zodiac signs in with due seasonal changes i.e. heat, cold, rain etc. to balance nature and all those living on earth. Thus the sun equally rotates with the moon in a month give rise to two equal fortnights of 15 days each; waxing and other of waning moon nights. That same 15 days period of dark nights in earth mainly known as Krishna paksha is one day and the same bright dayтАЩs period Shukala paksha of 15 days are considered as night for the planet Pitс╣Ыloka. Astrologically the month composed of two and one quarter constellations. When the sun passes a season of two months seasonal changes are occurred resulting many environmental changes.

This further clarifies how important is role of the SUN in wheel of time in understanding mundane activities triggering in nature due to changes in planetary motions and structures. As, the Sun is one who himself controls all the physical manifestation required in cosmos balance.

Same way moon controls all the life forces and act as nourisher in earth following a similar relative motion to the sun and helps in understanding such micro units of time. Moon situated 100,000 yojanas (astronomically around 385.000 km) above the earth moving faster than the sun covers approximately a month of distance. Divided by schema of two fifteen day periods (Paksha) covering its individual distance of two and a quarter day. The changing phases of the moon constituent two zones; Waxing and waning moon. Waxing phase is part of the moon that is of the demigods (Full Moon) and waning phase of the moon is of the forefathers (Dark Moon). The thirty Muhurata (a full day) per nakshatra with its waxing and waning constitutes the division of the days (15 days of the demi-gods) and the night (15 days of the forefathers; the pitru paksha) of the sum total of all living entities. This is the reason why it is considered as an essence of life. Thus moon with this all its sixteen aspects concerning with senses, their objects and the mind is described as the Supreme deity of the moon. The source of all food represents all the delight in life. Thus the moon is considered as refreshing, the life breath of all the gods, ancestors, human beings and all other living entities like the mammals, the birds, the reptiles and the plants. This shows why the Moon is considered as an important part of Panchanang system in Hindu Time system

Tata upariс╣гс╣нad usana dvilakс╣гa yojanata upalabhyate purataс╕е pascat sahaiva varkasya saighrya-mandya samyabhir gatibhir arkavac carati lokanam nityadanukula eva prayeс╣Зa varс╣гayams careс╣Зanumiyate sa vс╣Ыс╣гс╣нi viс╣гс╣нambha grahopasamanaс╕е.


(Reference – Srimad Bhagwad Puraan, Canto 5, chapter 22, Sanskrit verse – 12)

Same way other planetary systems does have an important role play in understanding wheel of time w.r.t to the speed and motion of the sun and the moon. It is been said in Srimad Bhagwad Puraan that , of all the planets the one considered as always exerts a favourable influence in the form of rainfall to those living on earth, by its movements neutralizes the influence of planets that obstruct rainfall. None other it is the planet Venus situated at a distance of 200,000 yojanas about the star centre or the sun (astronomically at a distance of 107 million km) Vedic name тАЬUsanaтАЭ. It is the planet thus seen and observed as going in front, behind and rotating along with the sun as fast, slow or with a moderate speed. In mundane Astrology Venus is considered as an important planet in predicting heavy downpour with the changing climates. Of all the planets it is seen as constantly good and always gives favourable conditions in causing rainfall and nullifying influence of the planets those cause an obstacle to the rainfall.

Ata urdhvam aс╣Еgarako тАЩpi yojana lakс╣гa dvitaya upalabhyamanas tribhis tribhiс╕е pakс╣гair ekaikaso rasin dvadasanubhuс╣Еkte yadi na vakreс╣Зabhivartate prayeс╣Зasubha graho gha samsaс╕е.


(Reference – Srimad Bhagwad Puraan, Canto 5, chapter 22, Sanskrit verse-14)

Based on Srimad Bhagwad puraan there is a planet Situated 1,600,000 miles above Mercury and 8,800,000 miles above earth named as the planet Mars. It has been said that if it does not travel in a retrograde motion in sky, it can cross through each sign of the zodiac in three fortnights. It has been observed as malefic in creating unfavourable conditions in respect to rainfall and other influences.

In Modern terminology revolution of planets, Time & Space are relative to each other as what theoretical physicists found during their life time researches and Hinduisms says every action in time and space are directly proportional to the karma and rebirth system for initiating process of creation and destruction in cosmos.


SunChariot VishnuKaalchakara Kaalchakra the wheel of time - How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions

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(Above Image of Vishnu Kalachakra- Eight spokes of the Kalachakra wheel Mark the Directions in time and each one is governed by a specific Aspect of Shakti. Source тАУ Free bsd)┬а

All the planets are submerged in part of kaal, means time and all are moving around The Sun – The creator himself; who is responsible for creation of the Brahmand, thatтАЩs why we called him king of Solar system. Spiritually signified by the Narayana and the energy present in the Sun is of Maa Adi Shakti, is closely holding and binding all the reaction within sun. This shows how Prakarti or Maya is harmonically attached with every activities or manifestations in brahamand.

In Mundane Astrology, Time is connected with transiting planets over different nakashtras and degrees. The day an event triggered and Life progression in earth is preciously based on movement of the moon in those stars. As moon progresses life grows in earth and follows the system of night and day with the sun. Same way in the natal chart vimsotri dashas signifies how important events are connected with the nakashtras and our mind and the body setup. This shows how our state of mind changes significantly in those 29 days in a month when moon changes significantly in transiting over different-different nakashtras with slow and fast moving planets. This also shows how an important event has deep impact on our psychological and biological system. Clearly justifies everything is relative in cosmos.

Likewise the Sun is responsible for creation, same as the moon is responsible for the life and growth process and shows how we are connected with the day and night system. This shows everything is relative to each other; both time and Space are in relation with Kaal Chakara system. Same way every planetary movements has its unique role in displaying meaningful and eventful results in human life. We have seen how wheel of time is exclusively linked with creation since the beginning of cosmic era and how different planetary alignments with sun and moon invoke dynamic results in different signs and lunar mansions.


Formation of Grand Watery Trine and Panic of swine flu starts In North of India with conjunction/Course of Venus & Mars.

It has been seen and observed during course of Venus over Uttrabhadra nakashtra in Pisces sign around 15th of February 2015 Jupiter, Mars, Saturn and Nodes (Rahu-ketu) were also transiting over watery signs and helped in formation of triangle of “Grand Watery trineтАЭ (1, 5 & 9th) in Cn, Sc and Pi signs. As soon as Venus & Mars closely conjugated over Pisces sign in тАЬUttrabhadra NakashtraтАЭ (Star resemble like Ardra and having symbol like Serpent) during their course around February month people of north, Central and west of India were greatly affected by panic and fear of swine flu.

Now letтАЩs see how we can analyse with the help of below mentioned Sanskrit verse as explained by Varahmihira in Brihat Samhita.


BrihatSamhita2021 Kaalchakra the wheel of time - How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions
(Reference: – Verse 20 & 21, Shukarchar, Brihat Samhita of Varahmihira by Panditabhushana V Subrahmanya Sastri & M Ramkrishn Bhat)

Explanation and Meaning:

Based on verse 20 &21, 6th Mandala nakashtras (Dhanistha, Satabhisha, Purva Bhadrapada, Uttra Bhadrapda, Revti and Ashvani) are fall in auspicious category and it is usually considered as good for wealth through cattle, abundance of wealth and huge crops growth but it has been seen whenever transiting Venus over this nakashtras zone is afflicted by an another malefic Planets (i.e. Mars, Saturn, mild malefic planet(Sun) or deeply conjugated with nodal Axis) people of *Sulikas,*Gandhara and *Avanti will be greatly suffers from diseases, fear and panic and those were living near Videha will be killed and those are living in*caves, *Yavanas,*Sakas and Slaves will get prosperity.

* Sulikas – Places near South east of India, currently part of Orissa

*Gandhara – People who are living in hilly areas of Kabul up to Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Takshasila-a place in western Pakistan near western Punjab; up to mountain ranges of north India, and mostly indicates places which are lying close to west and east of Indus

* Avanti – West and Central India region

*Videha – Mostly comprised of northern part of India up to eastern region of Nepal

*Caves – Early humans low in technology, people living in mountains and hills.

*YavanasтАУModern Greece

*Sakas – People who are living near South-west of India as mentioned in Agni puran.

Observation and Analysis:
Venus Course over Uttrabhadra and formation of Grand Watery Trine

With this grand watery trine formation we also had observed sudden and dramatic climatic changes over northern, central and Western India, majorly around those are living near hilly, tropical & coastal areas. As a result of dramatic climatic changes gradual rise in tropical diseases also been observed. Tropical diseases spread mainly due to atmospheric infections, insectтАЩs bites or micro-organism contact. Most of the diseases occurred due to rise in foreign Infectious agents in such environmental changes stayed long might be as influence of low temperature and presence of watery content in atmosphere due to heavy rain and cold and rest are due to communicative contact of micro -organisms which are mainly influenced by presence of dry cold in atmosphere. All this triggered due to increased biological changes in weather resulting instability in climatic condition such as sudden cold and rise in temperature at same time. With these climatic changes cyclonic activities near oceans also increased over tropical and coastal areas and in few places earth-quakes shivering also been noticed which are ruled under these grand watery trine.

Earlier in the era of Johannes Kepler it has been observed by the notable mathematician and astrologer that whenever such triangle formations seen in тАЬGreat Fiery TrinesтАЭ (i.e Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) Sign it usually invokes war like situation between neighbouring countries, busting of celestial blasts like Supernova explosion also been noticed by astronomers, and it has also been an acting agent for triggering heated issues over political crisis between different countries wherever these fiery trines influences much and also increases fear of bilious diseases which are ruled by fiery elements.

If such fiery formations have close influence of nodal axis with malefic planets those are greater in Mass and Size, it usually bring catastrophic events even planet like Jupiter is always not beneficial whenever it is transiting very closer to earth orbit and it usually brings famine or Drought in fiery signs.

If the Trine is formed over watery signs, natural tendencies of water based diseases usually get invoke and influenced much by transiting planets. If the Planets and signs involved are beneficial in nature, transit usually bring positive results and promotes peace, growth & humanity prevail over masses. If Malefic planets are involved in such kind of formations over these signs with Nodal influences we have seen rise in catastrophes of waters occur in tropical and coastal regions and to those places closer to small lakes, rivers and oceans & usually bring cyclonic activities .With increase of diseases greatly influenced by water content also noticed during this period. If such formations are deeply conjugated with nodes it can also give infectious diseases preciously based on cells multiplication. During this course of transits mass level of disturbances in oceans also been noticed whenever such transiting planets conjoined with massive size planets and can results Earthquakes and tsunamis like activities over oceans.

It has been observed whenever such formations are triggered over these Signs or Stars, people ruling under these signs or areas prosperous or they usually face greater level of Sufferings and Panic even if they are having good dashas in their horoscopes. These transiting effects are Sudden in nature and frequently seen and usually bring havoc like situation in mind & body setup for those living over these places for some period of time till close conjugation actively participate.

Based on world Koorma Chakara Jupiter was transiting over cancer Sign in ashlesha nakashtra effecting both the areas falling under same axis. Ashlesha nakashtra rules those states falling in south east directions of India and Capricorn mostly rules north of Indian and some part of Punjab region and in world it falls in north of America. In world map countries falling under cancer signs are Holland, Scotland, New Zealand, Paraguay, North and west Africa, Mauritius and those are falling under direct influence of Jupiter in Capricorn signs are Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Greece, Mexico, Part of Iran, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.
Saturn was ruling those countries and states falling under direct influence of Scorpio-Taurus axis in тАЬAnuradha NakashtraтАЭ.It includes south-west region of India i.e. Goa, Karnataka, West Maharashtra, Pune, Northern Gujarat, Indus Valley, Sindhu, Pallava, Kambhoja -currently south of Kashmir till kafirstan, Jheluma and all those placed near Indus river.

Countries those are effected by Saturn direct influence are Norway, Bavaria, Algeria, North Syria, Sweden , Brazil, Fex (Morocco), Washington, Dover, Liverpool, Baltimore, Cincinnati and Halifox & those are falling under Taurus axis influence are Ireland, Parts of Switzerland, Holland, Iran, South of Russia, Cyprus, Part of Poland, Part of Greece, Georgia.

For better understanding how above mentioned states and countries got influenced by grand watery trine we need to analyse below mentioned Verse with respect to situation we had observed soon after Venus and mars transit over uttra-bhadra nakashtra.


BS34 Kaalchakra the wheel of time - How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions


(Reference: – Verse 34, Shukarchar, Brihat Samhita of Varahmihira by Panditabhushana V Subrahmanya Sastri & M Ramkrishn Bhat)


When Venus moves over satabhisa nakashtra people involves in liquor suffers and those who are in this profession also get affected by this transit and when Venus transits over Poorvabhadra Nakashtra people of Kuru and the Panchala Suffers but it will gives abundance of rain during this period of time.

*Kuru: It includes Delhi, Harayana, uttrakhand, uttarpradesh ruling Ganges-Yamuna doab and eastern Punjab (Haryana).

*Panchala: Panchala Deshas lays down from Madhyadesa (Olden Aryavarta) to those are close to the north and west of Delhi from the foot of Himalaya to the river Chambal located in the Ganges тАУYamuna Doab from uttrakhanad to west Uttrapradesh diving ganga into Uttra and Dakshina Panchala.

Analysis & Explanation:

It has been seen during the onset of Venus in Pisces sign over Satabisha, Poorvabhadra and Revati nakashtra people living over north of India observed full of incessant winter rainfalls though it was not a usual time for the downpour during this season. During this course of Venus from February to March 2015 People living over foots of snow bound areas in north of Himalaya including Delhi, Punjab, Haryana and other such places observed *vibrant weather changes within a month with un-seasonal rainfall and delayed first breeze of snow. Due to this unusual weather changes people living over these places observed drastic increase in throat diseases as soon as Venus transits over uttrabhadra with mars and nodes.

Earlier both Mars and Venus were transiting in poorvabhadra but no such issues observed. As soon as both transited over uttrabhadra in between 17th to 19th of Feb 2015 in a deep conjugation panic of swine flu and fear with other such throat diseases started in almost most of northern India, Gujarat, New Delhi, Maharashtra and UP. Death toll via swine flu and other such throat diseases suddenly got increases and even in some cases possible reason of cold also found. This show whenever Venus closely involves with malefic planetary conjunctions (i.e. mars and nodes) panic and fear will increases in those places.

*Vibrant weather – For more info readers can go through following links; Spring Rain, Unseasonal-rain-affects & Accu weather.

Soon after Both Mars and Venus moves over Pisces grand watery trine effects start giving its results those are falling in it. Its effects also seen around central Asia, Africa, USA – Mexico, north-west Pakistan. Whenever such type of formation triggers Planets and Signs those are either ruled by it or those are in opposite signs are greatly affected by this.

Here are the Places in India deeply impacted by this Watery trine Formation: Cancer тАУ South-Eastern states of India close to coastal areas, Scorpio – Maharashtra, Goa, part of Gujarat and those are close to South-western states of India and Pisces – Hilly regions of Himalayas i.e. Part of north of India, Jammu & Kashmir, Part of Pakistan, central Asia lying close to upper Himalayan ranges. This has been true to some extent based on past events as panic of throat diseases was first seen around in central Asia regions ruled by Pisces sign with nodes. It has been observed whenever such planetary combinations influenced by nodes, It usually triggers diseases those deeply effects our protective cell micro structure and Immune system.

This clearly shows why India is being affected by this trine as Pisces and Virgo axis already been afflicted by Nodes (Virgo rules southern India and also considered as sign of India).Till this watery trine is active panic will be there in India via watery diseases i.e. Cold, Cough, throat Diseases, flu, pneumonia. These diseases usually leads to throat infection, chest infection in Respiratory system or in lungs and can give deadly lungs infections (due to presence of Nodal influence in watery trine) which are spread via from small insects, small animals, micro-organisms (Karka Ketu) having no cure if it is untraceable, like a deadly cancer (Ruled by Rahu) – whose only motive is damage and multiply infected cell structure.

Observation: Based on above mentioned quotes conditions are clearly satisfying why after 17th of Feb (when mars transited over Uttrabhadra in close conjugation with Venus influenced by Rahu – Ketu Axis) swine flu got sudden growth. Death toll and number of cases infected by swine flu in north of India got major rise and badly effected people of those were living in Gujarat, New Delhi, UP, J&K and Maharashtra, all are under ruling signs of Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio.

BS42 Kaalchakra the wheel of time - How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions
(Reference: – Shukarchar, Brihat Samhita of Varahmihira by Panditabhushana V Subrahmanya Sastri & M Ramkrishn Bhat, Verse 42)

Meaning and explanation:

It has been observed by our ancient learned scholars that whenever Jupiter is ahead of Venus white objects, abodes of Brahmans, cattle and Gods will ruin and people those are in eastern region will be afflicted with Throat Diseases but the autumnal crops will be flourish. Cloud will pour down Plenty of Hail stones.


This has been quiet true; during course of Jupiter over watery trine it was transiting advance signs than Venus over western sky region in cancer 5th from it. Saturn was transiting 9th to Venus in Scorpio in Anuradha. Nodes were influencing Virgo- Pisces, both Mars and Venus were in deep conjunction in uttrabhadra with orbital distance of 8 degree till 2nd March 2015. Retrograde Jupiter was in trine (5th sign away from Venus Sign) to Venus in Ashlesha Nakashtra. All the conditions were quiet satisfying why that till this formation was active people living over central Asia including India majorly suffered via throat diseases with panic and fear of swine flu and Most of Northern and eastern region of India badly suffered by drastic hail stones in month of march. Apart from massive hail stones in north-eastern region people living over these Signs suffered via infectious Watery diseases controlling chest and lungs areas and also seen rise in pneumonia cases.

(Reference: March 2015 North India unseasonal rain, Farmers in peril as rain and hailstorms batter crops in the North-West)


BS35 Kaalchakra the wheel of time - How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions

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(Reference: – Shukarchar, Brihat Samhita of Varahmihira by Panditabhushana V Subrahmanya Sastri & M Ramkrishn Bhat, Verse 35)┬а


It has been said whenever Venus will occupy the Star of Uttrabadrapada, Venus will destroy ” Roots and Fruits” and in the star of revati it will effects travellers and Marching troops (Army).

Note: During Venus course over uttrabhadra heavy rain triggered in most of the northern regions of India. For some part this has been considered well for crops but in rest of India heavy downpour during uttrabhada destroyed mostly fruits and newly born Crops.

Further it has been noticed, North India was fully under bad weather conditions and affected by acute cold and was continues till March month .This has been never seen in Northern region of India since many years; people severely suffered via sudden rain and hailstones, Kashmir got delayed Snowfall in month of February even the winter started in December month, Because of this delayed weather pattern Newly born crops damaged by unseasoned rain, hailstones and Snowfall. Older crops flourished well due to delayed rain and snowfall.

Conclusion: Due to delayed rain and Snowfall patterns in Northern Hilly regions of India, Throat and Watery based infectious diseases got sudden boost in February month due to temperature variation. In Jammu temperature was moving around 8 degree in Night and up to 15 to 21 degree at Day time with much presence of Moisture in environment, and in Kashmir it was around 6-7 degree in day time because of close conjunction of Venus and Mars over Uttrabhadra in Pisces Sign. Due to all this climatic factors, frequent disturbance in weather condition seen and result was heavy rainfall considered as one of main cause for swine flu seen in Most of north India, Gujarat and Maharashtra, where Moisture and Cold Condition in atmosphere was still within 32 degree.

Explanation of Sage Parashara on Venus Course:

” According to Sage Parashra Venus Being glossy and full of rays produces rain while tenanting purva and Uttraphalguni, Swati, Vishakha, the Bhadrapadas, Ardra, Bharni and Pushya. In Case he moves to north, in the middle or to the south of Rohini Nakashtra, Chitra, Vishakha and Anuradha, he will cause Health issues and Happiness Both, Crops and rainfall to the best advantage. Moderate Benefit and Minimum Advantage Respectively of the people. If he moves to the north or in the middle of Magha and Krittika, he will prove beneficial to Mankind. Similarly his movement in the middle of Asadhas, Punarvasu and Rohini will bring about encirclement of cities by enemies.тАЭ


( Brihat Samhita of Varahmihira, Chapter 9 by Ramakrishna Bhat)

Further it has been said for Venus тАЬwhen it rises or Sets on the 8th, 14th or 15th Lunar Day of the dark fortnight, the earth would look like as Though it were a vast sheet of water i.e. it will be completely submerged in floodsтАЭ but till now in life experience it has never been seen, what is written in future only wheel of time knows.

(Verse 39, Shukar Chara, Brihat Samhita by Ramakrishna Bhat)
BS23 Kaalchakra the wheel of time - How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions
(Verse 23 , shukar Char, Brihat Samhita by Ramakrishna Bhat)


UranuswithVenusandMars Kaalchakra the wheel of time - How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions
Close conjunction of venus and mars clearly seen over west direction with Uranus after sun set in North and east of india.

It has been said when Venus will be Visibly seen before the Sun Sets (Now Venus is in Pisces sign in western direction and easily seen via naked eyes before sun set and after sun set too), he will create Panic; If he will be seen throughout the day, famine and diseases will break out; and if it is seen during midday along with the moon, there will be discord between the king , His Army and masses.

Observation : Above mentioned conditions are also satisfying too, during this course Venus was easily seen over western direction via naked eyes before and after the sun sets conjugated with Mars.


BS24 Kaalchakra the wheel of time - How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions

(Verse 24, shukar Char, Brihat Samhita by Ramakrishna Bhat)

Meaning: If Venus pass Cutting the Star Krittika , the entire earth will be Submerged by rivers carrying waters that overflow the banks and conceal all elevations and depressions on the earth. This Situation of Venus course never been observed might be we may see during full and half annihilation process.

This has been observed till Grand Watery (Cn- PI – Sc ) Trine was active тАУ People living over North, Central and Western region suffered via Panic and fear of throat diseases and increase in watery & tropical Diseases and issues related to water and oceans seen much being influenced by these signs, and stars. Later when Mars and Venus Move ahead from this Watery Trine situation got under control . After March 2nd (when Venus move over to Revti Star – people of effected stars got prosperity) and when mars moved on to Revti Nakashtra on 5th of March 2015, with 6 degree of orbital distance from Venus, People started overcoming from panic and fear. After 20 to 23rd of March situation was totally different and in month of April 2015, Scenario was totally changed but mankind was affected by catastrophic earthquake effecting North-eastern Himalayan ranges.

With thanks and Regards,

Rakesh Jamwal

Source, References and Link

┬╖ [1].Time Tested Techniques on Mundane Astrology by K.N Rao, A.Radhika & M.S. Mehta, chapter 7, Koorma chakara

┬╖ [2].Planets influence on Human affairs by Dr B.V Raman

┬╖ [3].Brihat Samhita of Varahmihira by Translated by M.Ramakrishna Bhat, Shukarchar, chapter 9

┬╖ [4].Varahmihira Brihat Samhita with an English translation and notes by Panditabhushana V.Subrahmanya Sastri and Vidwan M. Ramakrishna Bhat, 1946

┬╖ [4].Srimad Bhagwad Puraan, Canto 5, Chapter 22, The Creative Impetus

┬╖ [5].Surya Siddhanta translated by Kedar Nath Sharma, chapter 1, Verse 5 to verse 15

┬╖ [6].Bhagavata Online resource тАУ http://bhagavata.org/canto5/chapter22.html

┬╖ [7].Chariot of the sun God, Image Source тАУ Moole Art, Link – http://molee.deviantart.com/art/Surya-God-of-Sun-475535142

┬╖ [8].The Wheel of the Sun, Temple of Konark, Image тАУ wiki

┬╖ [9]. Vishnu Kalachakra, link – www.freebsd.nfo.sk/hinduism/symbols.htm

┬╖ [10]. Vibrant weather, link – http://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-news/rare-march-rain-storms-to-targ-1/43009940, Early Spring Rains bring Climate Disaster for farmers in India, Link – https://sandrp.wordpress.com/2015/03/03/early-spring-rains-bring-climate-disaster-for-farmers-in-india/, Unseasonal rain affects northern India and Pakistan, Link – http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/03/unseasonal-rain-affects-northern-india-pakistan-150303110005169.html

┬╖ [11].March 2015 North India unseasonal rain, Link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_2015_North_India_unseasonal_rain, Farmers in peril as rain and hailstorms batter crops in the North-West, Link – http://www.dailymail.co.uk/indiahome/indianews/article-2997774/Farmers-peril-rain-hailstorms-batter-crops-North-West.html

┬╖ [12]. 2015 Indian swine flu outbreak, Link-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_Indian_swine_flu_outbreak, Swine flu death toll nears 600 in India, Link- http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Swine-flu-death-nears-600-in-India/articleshow/46271578.cms, Indian health officials urge calm as swine flu outbreak spreads, Link – http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2015/2/20/indian-health-officials-urge-calm-as-swine-flu-outbreak-spreads.html,Swine flu outbreak: 774 deaths, 13,000 cases set alarm bells ringing, Link – http://www.hindustantimes.com/india/swine-flu-outbreak-774-deaths-13-000-cases-set-alarm-bells-ringing/story-qKeRWZ9QocPLll3Oif09RL.html, Over 140 test positive for swine flu in Jammu and Kashmir, Link – http://www.firstpost.com/india/140-test-positive-swine-flu-jammu-kashmir-2117815.html

┬╖ [13]. Moon, Venus and Mars trio in Feb 2015, link – http://www.space.com/28410-mars-venus-and-moon-form-trio-in-february-2015-skywatching-video.html

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Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart

111 Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart

Career Analysis: Natal and Dashamsa chart (D10)
BasicInfo Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart

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D1 Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart

This was a case study of one of the client I did in a few years back, I am just sharing here for the technical understanding of chart how we can use Different Charts while doing case studies. I thank Mr XXX sir for allowing me to share the article in social media. I hope you will enjoy reading this.

Based on the above Natal chart details, native is born under the Scorpio Lagana making her very much logical, courageous, deep-rooted and having a desire for engineering and mathematical jobs. 

Lagana lord Mars is retro being placed in 7th house (House of partnership and work based on Independent Management or entrepreneurship) of administration in a sign of Venus (Taurus тАУ Sign of Wealth and money matters, finance) aspected by North Rahu (Communication) from the 3rd house in D1 chart. Generally, From the Lagna, we see how and where native used to apply his intelligence in which area or his natural inclination can be well studied from the Placement of the Lagna in D1, D9, and D10 chart.

In Current case, it is clearly indicating choice of Working would be in IT, Software, Computer sector, dealing with foreign clients having some marketing, management, and planning involved in technical products.In Her case, Day to day task would involve lots of Communication with foreign clients where she has to manage and to do administration tasks to finish those goals and role of working environment would be of the independent sort of. 
This is clearly indicating a job of an Independent Technical manager as Mars is Retrograde in motion and placed in 7th house (7th house always shows work of an administration)  aspecting both Lagna, 10th house and Saturn which is placed in 2nd house having lordship of 3rd house and at the same time it is getting 5th aspect from the Rahu placed in 3rd house, this clearly shows some sort of technical bent of mind where she need to travel or manage (Link of 6th Lord Mars with the 3rd house – travelling, Marketing, and sales of technical equipment or products is vital here)  on account of same. it’s her deep desire to working in these types of environments where she need to manage others independently, desiring for leading work profile, and to get comfortable position seeking high paid jobs profile & to do bossy types of jobs having nature of technicality and management in nature both at the same time

Mars is lord of 10th from the Moon and it is placed in 4th from it and aspecting the 10th sign from the Moon, further justifies that the native has a deep interest in administration, technical pursuits and having a strong desire for independent sort of work. 
If we check Same Mars in Navamsa chart it is weakly placed in D9 chart in Cancer sign in 10th house indicating jobs where one has to deal with software-based products or in industry of same or those IT based Management Industries as it is getting aspect from both Venus (Lord of 7th and 12th lord, Karka of Private and cooperate sector Marketing based job Profiles) and Sun (Lord of 10th, Karka of Administrative based tasks) from 4th house. 
Here Both Sun and Venus providing strength to Mars. Dispositer lord Moon is again strongly placed in sign of Sagittarius with Jupiter in the 3rd house. Again confirming work industry where one has to consult others or advise others.
The aspect of Sun and Venus providing extra strength for mars in D9 and this is the only reason why native is mostly involved in the Private sector work profiles rather than desires for having Public sector jobs and mostly she will have to do managerial and administrative jobs in earlier job profiles.

In D1 chart Mars is placed in 3rd from the AL and Both Saturn and Rahu are placed in 10th and 11th from the Al respectively and influencing Mars from Rahu 5th aspect тАУ This clearly indicates that she will have to work hard like a bull and she will need to put lots of continues efforts in increasing her Image in society in career and working environment where she will go.

Though malefic placed in upchaya houses from Al always considered as good for monetary gains but same time it also indicates one need to do lots of hard work in attaining those monetary gains as well increasing working image in social society and in career too.

As Saturn is placed in 10th from AL and getting aspect from Mars too тАУ This makes her image as very rough and tough type, very hard working, rigid in work envrionment, Hard and very determined, proactive, Bold and industrious type, sometimes it makes her very bossy and arrogant too in his work environment, which can impact her image in society further.

General Rule is, Malefic planets placed in 10th from AL makes one struggle a lot in establishing goodwill in society and one has to put lots of extra efforts. Malefic usually gives harsh path those are not easy to follow or move in whereas beneficial planets in 10th from the Al makes very shiny and good nature with easy going path, which follows the good name and fame in society.

In her society, native will be known for her very industrious nature in the working environment and this also indicates that she will always involve in industries profiles where she has to deal with managed services or sort of service industries job types or those are very technical in nature where one need to follow routines based jobs daily. This makes one very rigid and sometimes harsh too. 

It makes involves her in a regular job patterns, doing the same thing, again and again, to monitor or finish those tasks, where one need to deals with clients other than own countries or places i.e foreign clients or clients belong from different culture or creeds etc.

Here, 10th lord (Sun) is placed in 12th house (Working with other countries) with 11th lord (Mercury) and 7th lord Venus this clearly indicates she will get good prosperity in her career and working profile other than his own birthplace, mostly in states or countries those are falling in western direction from India or from own birthplace.

She will get lots of success in foreign places and chances are also that she will be moving with her partner after marriage regarding her work and profession and she might need to travel a long journey for accomplishing this. After her Married life, she will travel a lot for work purpose.

D10 Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart

If we check D10 chart same, this is is also clearly seen too, Saturn is placed in the 10th house in Sign of Leo and 10th lord Sun is placed in 3rd house with 12th and 7th lord Venus too тАУ Making her very much industrious, adventurer, traveler, courageous and hardworking type and she needs to travel a lot for work purpose for marketing or sales related work. 

Clearly indicating a job of either marketing, management or planning where one needs to communicate and travel a lot for same. Both Venus and Sun are placed in 3rd house, 6th from AL makes her working in a corporate job profile or dealing with public life.
Ashatakvarga Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart

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This also confirms from Ashtakavarga charts of D1 too where 4th and 10th house having maximum points. 4th & 10th house having 33 and 39 points respectively this makes native will have to deal publically a lot for work purpose and have to consult people with lots of involvement and  also requires traveling a lot.
Dasha Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart

If we check in D10 chart Ketu is placed in Upchaya Sthan having aspect of Both Saturn and Jupiter,  falling in10th house from the AL in a sign of Taurus which usually gives working in a big corporate industries. Dasha of Ketu will be beneficial for her being lord of D10 lagna. 
As Jupiter is placed in 2nd from the AL and falling in 11th from D10 chart, Jupiter Dasha  will act as sustainer, will be providing necessary food and resources in society. Jupiter will simply sustain her mundane needs and good image in her work environment. In Jupiter Dasha she will keep  on getting good Job profiles and good hikes.
Dashamore Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart
If we see deeply, Jupiter Dasha started in the year 2006 and exactly it is the dasha period of fruits of the Past birth karma. In all the Charts from D1, D9, D10, and D60 Jupiter having Much Strength because of that she will get good life until this dasha period is active.
In D1 it is placed in 9th house (Usually gives highly administrative jobs or jobs of consultants). In D9 it is exalted placed in own sign with Moon-forming Gaja Kesri Yoga. In D10 it is placed in 11th house in Upchaya Sthan and also 2nd from AL too. 
In D60 again it is exalted placed in the sign of cancer with Moon and Venus. From all D charts it is clearly seen She will get the huge name, fame and success in Jupiter MD period from the year 2006 to The year 2022 all because of her past birth good Sanchit karmas. 
Though she might get some bad results in some of the AD dasha periods in Jupiter MD too. PD period in Saturn, Rahu, and Venus AD period wonтАЩt be much productive in Jupiter MD period for her.
Dashamore1 Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart
Though she needs to take much care in Saturn MD period starting from the year 2022 to the year 2038, reason being firstly Saturn is Atma karaka placed in 2nd house in D1 chart getting aspect from Mars (6th lord), Rahu is placed in 2nd house from the Saturn too and most important it is placed in 10th from AL тАУ She might can take some wrong decision wrt to  her career or she might get suffering on account of his past birth Prarabha karma (Linking of 6th and 4th lord) in Saturn MD period. 
Secondly, Saturn is placed in the 2nd house in the D9 chart (Acting as Karakamsa тАУ Soul filter ) getting aspect from Rahu placed in 5th from Own, debilitated Mars is placed in 9th from the Karakamsa, only good part is Dispositor lord of 9th lord from Karakamsa  moon is placed in 2nd from the Karakamsa with Jupiter in the sign of Sagittarius – that clearly shows she will never face any sort of financial crunch even after marriage тАУ  Possibility would be that She might do some mistakes which is not considered as good w.r.t Soul uplifting. 
Most important Part is,  in D10 chart it is placed in 10th house from the AL, that itself clearly indicating struggle wrt to the establishment in the career in society.More she work hard, more she can achieve that would be the best mantra for her in Saturn Dasha period. Finally, in d60 it is debilitated getting aspect from retrograde Mars too тАУ She might need to learn some lessons and need to correct it same in Saturn MD period on account of past Praradbha karmas. 
From all these things, it is quite clear that She might face some struggle in Saturn MD period as a reason for Soul upliftment but still these results are only be expected not in whole MD period but restricted to only some of AD periods going to start in Saturn MD period. Though transits of Major slow moving planets have much to say on Saturn MD results. 

CharaDasha1 Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart
CharaDasha2 Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart
Strength Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart

If we see her Chara Dasha, Based on the Current Chara Dasha period she is having good dasha period of Virgo and Dasha lord Mercury is placed in  the 2nd from Dasha Lord with Sun and Venus till 2021. Dasha period of Leo starting in the year 2021 will say much on her Career life as Dasha lord Sun is Debilitated and weakly placed in 12th house in d1 and 3rd from Dasha Sign Leo. That period will be much struggling one and she might need efforts in that. 
Strengthfactor Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart
In Strength wise Jupiter has maximum Shadbala Strength around (518.25) with 8.64 Rupas, With maximum ishta Phala of 41.46. 
From all this, it is clearly seen that Jupiter MD will be very fruitful for overall growth and grooming of career and material life. 
In Dasha Varga Scheme (Strength in Main 10 D charts) she has good strength for Jupiter, Moon, and Mercury too.

Married Life and Timing of Marriage Events

Based on her chart Her 7th lord Venus is placed in the 12th house with 11th lord Mercury and 10th lord Sun, it is clearly an indication of Marriage by her own choice and she will leave her homeland for some work purpose, or she will be working to another land and she might meet her spouse there. 
Chances are very high that She will move outside with her life partner after getting married probably be in abroad or in those places fall in the western direction from her Birthplace. As Libra is an Airy sign she will need to travel a long-distance journey to meet her choice of husband or partner. Another important point is 7th from Venus is a sign of Aries and lord Mars is placed in 7th house (House of the partnership) of Taurus (clearly indicating the sign of love cum arrange marriage).
The only Problem is she will meet her choice of ideal partner late in life as 7th lord from Venus is retrograde in motion which usually brings trouble or delays in bringing right partner in time, would never give as much early marriage life.

Although she is having a high desire to meet her spouse, possiblly being the 7th lord from Venus, mars is placed in 7th house and she is having strong desire to appear her partner sooner in life. 
Simply she might be waiting eagerly for her ideal life partner. But due to its retrograde motion, she is getting delays in meeting him. 
This is the only reason why Matches are not coming according to her wish. 

Chances are high that She will meet her choice of spouse In Middle of her age in between 27th -28th after August Year 2016 up to the period of 2017-2018, when Jupiter will travel around libra and Scorpio.

Her UL is in 9th house with Jupiter and Ketu, indicating guy he will meet will be having spiritual nature as well religious bent of mind. Probably he will meet this guy either in her working environment or her father will help in bringing in front of her. 

Overall Father will be the root person to bringing that person in Daughter life for the final knot.
The important point here is Al and A7 is placed in 5th house, lord of Al and A7 is placed in UL in 9th house, this clearly indicates it would be a love cum arrange marriage. 

She could get Married after AD of Sun (after 30th August 2016) in Jupiter MD reason being Sun is with 7th and 12th lord Venus in 12th house in D1 chart and in D9 chart, 7th lord of D9 Mars is getting aspect from Both Venus (7th & 12th Lord) and the AD Lord Sun too.
This clearly indicates that Sun, Venus, and Mars have potential to give marriages in their AD periods. Moon AD period also have stronger chances to get Marry reason being dispositer Lord 7th lord of D9 is Moon placed in Sign of Sagittarius with Jupiter too. Moon is UL lord in D1 as well as Dispositer lord of Mars too in D9.
In General, her married Period could start after 30th of August 2016 to between 18th October 2018 where Sun AD (From 30th of August 2016 to 16th July 2017) could  be a peak period for marriage and Mars and Moon will be stronger Dasha period for getting marriage. 

So overall from age of 26th to 28 she will get married. 
Transit of Jupiter in The year 2016,2017 and 2018 in Virgo-Libra-Scorpio sign will bring her married life.Where Libra and Scorpio has much potential for getting married

UL lord is placed in the 4th house in Sign of Saturn indicating the family of spouse would be known to native family and will be a well-settled family.

Native needs to take special care of Relationship with her Mother in law as Moon is falling in 8th from the UL in D1 chart that usually gives clue mother in law might not be favor of native or she might not have smooth relationship with the mother in law.

AL/A7 and UL are falling in 5/9 Relationship to each other clearly indicating that In-laws family will be financially well settled as well as also having a Spiritually tendency too in nature.

A7 lord Jupiter and UL lord Moon both are closely conjugated in D9 chart in Sign of Sagittarius indicating it would bring Spiritual as well as Material growth for both the families as well couples too. 
|Om Tat Sat |
|| Om Namo BhagwateVasudevaya ||

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How Planets influences and effects human affairs

Magnetosphere rendition How Planets influences and effects human affairs

How Planets influences and affects human affairs

Magnetic field and Influence:┬а

Scientifically Saturn has a magnetic field (Power of Attraction and controlling any Jeeva for enforcing duties and responsibilities) about 578 times more powerful than the Earth’s, that shows the power, and force of attraction (Gravity) which is impossible to count, further shows the impact and controlling nature it possesses toward Rest of planetary structure from Mercury to Jupiter. This shows any Moving and rotating body circulation motion has a deep role in impacting any nearby celestial body within its range.


The thing is how huge celestial bodies floating in solar system effects so badly that we cannot think more than from it. Well, the answer lies in understanding the solar magnetic forces or currents they produce and how they influence, which keep on affecting any particle in contact with these huge celestial bodies.


plasmaspherev5 01 3 How Planets influences and effects human affairs

Understanding Scientific Hypothesis of solar magnetic currents

According to the “Swami Abhedananda” as explained in Heliocentric science, Effects of the planets upon on earth are the results of the certain vibrations, frequencies and circulatory motions of their bodies.These vibrations usually travel’s in an outer space from all the direction and strike the sun like a telegraphic signals those keep coming to the receiver end (Here sun is acting as the source of accepting and reflecting back those waves and signals) and in the same way sun strike back or reflect those telegraphic waves in all the direction to the sender ends

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Here both the Sun and rest of the planets are acting like a communication channel, whereas rest of the planets act like Transponder and the sun is acting like as the receiver who keep on responding those signals from outer space.These vibrations always coming from the other planetary ends in a regular manner in the medium of “Ether” and keep beating on the atmosphere of the sun.when they Strike to the surface of the sun they cannot penetrate through the sun, in return they reflected back and goes in every direction and strike to all other planets including earth too.


SW Sun Magnetic field poles5 1080 How Planets influences and effects human affairs


These waves or vibrations are like magnetic current travelling everywhere in the solar surface and it has influence of each and every planet and they keep on sending this current to the sun, and sun keep on sending back these influences to other planets in all the directions and these currents keep on travelling from one planet to the other planet affecting weather surface, Mental and physical conditions of the human beings living on those planets. Larger the planet is located much powerful would be the magnetic current it has to send back to the sun and after coming back from the sun it gets magnetised by the solar atmosphere with much-telling influences on the human mind, weather, atmosphere and physical conditions of the human being.


solar wind bow shock How Planets influences and effects human affairs
These solar magnetic currents or waves of energy produce force and vitality and they are reflected upon the earth from every direction.Every planetary current has a much-telling influence on the human mind and body.Then Sun send it back to the medium of ether in the same way to the earth via its radiation, It has everything including light, Sound, different wavelength of colour, heat, Pran Shakti, Vitality, power, force and other telling influences those are gathered from the rest of the planets in certain wavelengths and they get mixed up with heat and light of the sun.

Our ancient seers and astronomers studied these patterns very well and then they understood that why human beings are more or less affected by the influence of each planet motion.


Because of the quick motion of the Mercury around the sun, it produces a much-telling influence on the human mind and brain functionality as it waves get much magnetised by the sun and in result vibration of the mercury produces quickness, Activity, changeableness, Hilarity, wittiness and brilliant intelligence.It has also been observed that these vibrations also produces different forms too, its vibrations are very quick and shorter in nature, that’s why its goes quick and back in much shorter period.

The result will be it has a much shorter influence on the human mind and body during its transitory and retrogression motion.Same way Venus has bit slower vibrations and it’s in a pleasant form.

It produces a soothing and harmonious influence on the human mind as well as on the weather too, and whenever Venus vibrations strike to anyone it produces harmonic vibrations around heart chakra those helps in a healthy relationship with any other being.Jupiter Has much longer, powerful but slower vibrations due to its slow motion and much broader surface and it produces vast and huge waves around earth helps in harmonic growth around human mind and body and when it strikes to the sun it gets harmonized by the sun and same it is reflected back to the surface of earth it has much-telling influence on the mind and it affects more on the Spiritual ground affecting human mind in a most positive way because it has much smoother and harmonic relation with the medium of the waves (The Ether – Akash Tattva).


As it is very huge in size and largest among all it has tremendous power of influence on the human mind, body and the surface of the earth weather condition. It has the quality of absorbing everything and when it strikes to human mind it gives healthy and powerful vitality force to the human body and absorbs every negativity around it.Now coming to the Saturn, it has very long, heaviest and much slower vibrations than any of the planets in the solar system and its waves and vibrations are very powerful and strong and it produces disintegrating influence on the human mind and body.Each of these different vibrations coming from different planets having different wavelength produces different effects in human system and characteristics of the human too.

Saturn being much slower in motion for longer period, its magnetic current has much influence on the inner side of the body and has more influence on the bone and flesh of the human being and its vibrations produce more a restriction on a person or its activity and have more of all kind of disintegrating effects on human body with diseases connected with it.

Source and Reference,

┬аHeliocentric science by┬а

Swami Abhedananda

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Views: 89

Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi

slide5 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi

This was an article published in the journal the ‘Modern Astrology’. I thank Mrs Gayatridevi Vasudev, the editor, for allowing me to share the article in social media. I hope you will enjoy reading this.

Decoding Devakeralam
By Dr. K. Guru Rajesh

Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques

scripture top img 1 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi


Devakeralam or Chandra Kala Nadi authored by Achyuta and Venkatesa is a voluminous work extending to more than 9000 Slokas in two volumes and belongs to the category of Nadi literature in Vedic astrology. Though its original manuscript is with Government Oriental Manuscript Library, Chennai, which published it in 1950, the richness of its astrological knowledge was first introduced to the English readers by the late C.S. Patel. Later, the late R. Santhanam published the entire Sanskrit text with English translation. With due respect to these late scholars, I proceed to present before the esteemed readers the results of my own study of this great work.
Apparently, both Sri Patel and Sri Santhanam had assumed that Devakeralam does not deal with actual horoscopes, unlike other Nadi works, because the work uses Nadiamsas. “Nadi texts are of two kinds. One uses a certain starting point, known as particular Nadiamsa, which rises in the eastern horizon at birth e.g. Vasudha, Vaishnavi, Brahmi etc; while the other one deals with the actual horoscopes; showing all planetary positions and giving entire life histories of natives. The present chapter deals with the former one … ” says C.S. Patel in the 9th Chapter of his book Nadi Astrology. Santhanam also writes in the preface to his English translation of Devakeralam, “He (Achyuta) had also quoted Garga, Vasishta, Parasara, Yavana etc … These Nadis, unlike Saptharishi apparently contained principles usable in predictive astrology and not full-fledged horoscopes … “. Anyone going through the works of these scholars on Devakeralam can observe that this assumption was always there at the back of their mind. While Patel culled out and presented the general rules quoted in the work, the entire English translation of Santhanam is influenced by the above idea. This resulted in missing the spirit of the general rules at some places and in a mostly redundant English translation. Added to this, the poor editing of the original Sanskrit text at places made the English translation erroneous at those places.
A deep and repeated study of Devakeralam has revealed to me that the text, in fact, deals with actual horoscopes that can be constructed by the hints that are intelligently embedded within the text. The horoscope including Rasi and Navamsa positions of planets that are mentioned in the discussion and the birth star with its Pada can be known, from which the entire discussion becomes meaningful and instructive. All the general principles enumerated are demonstrated by the horoscope. Encouraged by this discovery, I started grouping the entire text in terms of different charts and started the further intensive study.
Based on Nadiamsas

There is an element in Devakeralam which is discouraging to serious astrologers. It is the fact of the text being based primarily on Nadi Amsas which are very minute 150th parts of a sign. Added to this, the text divides each Nadiamsa into two parts, Purvamsa and Uttaramsa, and further into four parts, each pertaining to the four Varnas. Given the problem of correct birth time recording and the controversies shrouding the Ayanamsa, practical minded people shun studying and applying Devakeralam. Nevertheless, I found that, besides the Nadiamsas, more than 60% of the text actually uses conventional astrological principles which can be grouped under the following heads.
Bhava and Yoga Analysis: Great insights can be obtained by studying the way Devakeralam analyses a Bhava using various parameters like Rasi, Navamsa, Arudha, Ashtakavarga etc. Different types of Yogas, both famous and not so well-known, can be learnt from the work. Cancellations of various benefic and malefic Yogas find a place here, which is rare to find in other classical texts. Predictions regarding different relatives of the native, even the distant ones like cousins, their spouses and children are also made in the work.
Use of Vargas: Devakeralam extensively uses the Navamsa position of planets in the analysis of Bhavas, Yogas and effects of Dasas. Besides Navamsa, other Vargas like Dwadasamsa, Trimsamsa and Shastyamsa have also been applied.
Use of Arudha: The text demonstrates the way to use Arudha Padas in Bhava analysis and also Dasa predictions. At several places, Arudha and Ashtakavarga are used in tandem.
Use of Ashtakavarga: Ashtakavarga usage has been demonstrated at several places to quantify the things to predict. The number of siblings of the parents, of the native etc., is predicted using prediction principles of ashtakavarga. Further, the age that may prove dangerous to the native as also the age from which the native’s life becomes productive can be known by these principles.
Use of Dasas: It uses Vimshottari Dasa mainly to predict the unfolding of the events in the native’s life. Kala Chakra Dasa also finds extensive usage in most of the horoscopes discussed. Besides this, a few horoscopes have been explained using Rasi Dasas, mostly Chara Dasa.
Use of Transits: Transits of Saturn and Jupiter find wide usage in timing of various good and bad events. The Navamsa positions of planets are extensively considered here. Transit analysis is used along with the Dasas to pinpoint the event.
Mundane and Political Predictions: Interestingly, Devakeralam demonstrates the way to predict mundane and political events from an individual’s horoscope which include death or defeat of the rulers, revolutions, famines, wars etc. Saturn’s transit in various signs has been used independently to predict troubles in various parts of southern India.
Remedies: The text is replete with remedial measures to ward off the evil results of planetary afflictions. They seem to be culled from authentic Smriti and Mantra Sastra works and are of great practical use.
Miscellaneous: The text also includes a variety of information on the usage of Rashmis; prediction of Janma Rasi and Lagna (Ascendant) of the spouse, children, employer etc; prenatal epoch and mentioning of various planetary Nadis from which additional information has been solicited.
The entire text of Devakeralam deals with actual horoscopes. I have given some of the horoscopes discussed, highlighting the conventional tools of astrology employed in their analysis.
The chart I is given under Slokas 188 to 367 in Volume 1. The birth start is Poorvashada 2nd quarter and the birth Dasa will be of Venus. The following are some of the points discussed in the text with regard to Chart 1.
1 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi
(i) The Ascendant lord Jupiter is with 8th lord Moon in the Ascendant and receives the aspect of Mars, a natural malefic. The text says that Jupiter having 5 bindus in his Ashtakavarga, joining the 8th lord and aspected by malefic Mars will cause great danger to the life of the child at the age of 5 years (Sloka 196).

(ii) The Moon placed in Sagittarius Rasi and Virgo Navamsa makes Aquarius as the Deha-Rasi and Virgo as the Jeeva-Rasi as per Kala Chakra Dasa system (Sloka 320). (Because of poor editing, the word deha is printed as dvesha whose consequence can be noted in the accompanying English translation). The presence of Rahu in Virgo (and Saturn in Aquarius) at the time of birth indicates that the native will almost die in the very first year of his birth but will recover and survive (Sloka 321).

(iii) Whenever the junction between two signs of Kala Chakra Dasa or two Dasas of Vimshottari coincide with the transit of Saturn in the Jeeva-Rasi, the native will experience a lot of trouble in his life including unfortunate events to his kin. When the Libra Chakra Dasa ends and Scorpio Chakra Dasa starts for the present native which coincides with the transit of Saturn from Virgo, the Jeeva-Rasi, into Libra, he will experience very bad times like untimely death (Apamrutyu). This happens from the 19th year to the 21st year of the native. As a remedy he should give an image of the Zodiac in donation (Slokas 322-326).

(iv) Saturn being the lord of Bhagyarudha (Arudha of 9th house) placed in own sign and obtaining Capricorn Navamsa indicates that the native’s father will be of angry disposition inwards, pleasing in appearance and a miser (Sloka 267, 268). The Sun, the lord of the 9th house, is in Taurus, the 10th from Leo. Counting 10 signs from Taurus comes to Aquarius where Saturn is his placed in own sign.
(v) Saturn placed in Aquarius obtaining Capricorn Navamsa (Makaramsayute Mande wrongly typed as Makaramsekujemande in┬а Sanskrit) and Venus placed in Pisces obtaining Aquarius Navamsa indicates obstructions in the native’s marriage. For any person born in any Nadiamsa, Saturn in the 3rd creates hurdles whenever marriage efforts are made. After failure of two or three attempts, the native will get married (Slokas 219-221). Jupiter obtaining the Navamsa of Mercury (Budhamsa wrongly typed as Brahmamsa in Sanskrit) and Venus obtaining Aquarius Navamsa indicates that the native will marry a girl in his birth place and she will be hailing from the North direction. The Ascendant lord Jupiter in Gemini, the 7th sign from the Rasi Ascendant and Karaka Venus in a fixed Navamsa indicates a wife from the birth place while Venus placed in Pisces indicates a wife from North direction.
(vi) The 8th lord Moon joining the Ascendant lord Jupiter indicates that the native will be fortunate in the Vipat Dasa (third Dasa from birth – that is Moon Dasa). The native will have Raja Yoga during this period enjoying conveyances, ornaments, prominent position in society and a lot of wealth. He will beget children in this Dasa and his own sister will also prosper (Slokas 240-241).

(vii) When Saturn in transit moves into Sagittarius and obtains Virgo Navamsa, death of the native’s mother is to be predicted. Otherwise, she may die when transiting Saturn aspects the 11th house, the 8th from the 4th house. Similarly, transit Saturn moving in Taurus and obtaining Aries Navamsa may kill the native’s father. This event may also happen when transit Saturn moves in trines to the sign occupies by the Sun in Navamsa (Slokas 300- 301). Note that Matrukaraka Moon occupies Sagittarius sign and Virgo Navamsa while Pitrukaraka Sun occupies Taurus sign and Aries Navamsa.
(viii) The native will have a lifespan that will end during the Dasa of the Ascendant lord Jupiter and Bhukti of 8th lord Moon (Sloka 258). During the Dasa of Aries of Kala Chakra Dasa which coincides with the Jupiter Vimshottari Dasa, the transit of Saturn in Aries will precipitate the death of the native in the solar months of Sagittarius or Gemini or Virgo (Slokas 362-63). Note that these three signs are influenced by the 8th lord Moon in Rasi and Navamsa.
Chart 2 comes under Slokas 548 to 637 in Volume I. The birth star of the native is Revati 3rd quarter and the birth Dasa will be of Mercury. The following are some of the points discussed in the text about the horoscope.
2 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi
(i) The Ascendant lord Saturn obtaining a movable Navamsa and joined by Mars results in some physical deformity for the native’s mother or his elder sister (Sloka 548). Note that Mars is the 4th and 11th Lord.
(ii) The 9th Lord Mercury occupying Gemini Navamsa while Rahu is in the 9th house receiving the aspect of the Moon indicates that the native’s sister will be involved with a paramour (Sloka 551). Note that 9th house is the 7th house from the 3rd house.
(iii) When the Ascendant falls in Capricorn obtaining Leo Navamsa, while Ascendant lord joins the 4th lord Mars (kujasamyute wrongly typed as guru samyute in Sanskrit), the native’s mother will be ugly in appearance and wicked in nature and she does not heed her husband (Sloka 552).

(iv) When the Arudha of the 4th house falls in Sagittarius, the 4th lord occupies Aquarius with Saturn and Jupiter occupies Sagittarius, the native’s maternal grandfather will be very fortunate. He will be blessed with many siblings and progeny and will have many conveyances. He will be famous in the court of kings (Sloka 555-556). Note that 4th lord Mars is in Aquarius, the 11th sign therefrom. Counting 11th signs from Aquarius brings us to Sagittarius, the Arudha of the 4th house, where Jupiter is in own sign. Sagittarius is the 9th house from the 4th indicating maternal grandfather.
(v) When the Arudha Lagna falls in Pisces, while the Ascendant lord Saturn joins Mars and obtains his exaltation Navamsa, the native’s mother will have 7 or 8 brothers out of whom only two will survive (Sloka 530-531).

(vi) When the Bhagya and Karma lords Mercury and Venus respectively join in the Ascendant while the Ascendant lord occupies a movable Navamsa (Libra), the native will have fortune after 20 years of age in the Vipat Dasa, that is Venus Dasa (Sloka 574).

(vii) When the 8th lord Sun is in the Ascendant joined with two benefic planets, though the native faces almost fatal condition, he will recover and survive (Sloka 575).

(viii)The Ascendant lord Saturn occupying his exaltation Navamsa and joining the 4th lord Mars will indicate that the native will be learned and humble, will be of angry disposition but regains his cool quickly (Sloka 576).

(ix) Saturn placed in the 2nd, Rahu in the 9th and 7th lord with a malefic (darese typed wrongly as charese in Sanskrit) indicate thatthe native will lose his wife to death in the Vipat Dasa (Venus Dasa) but will remarry immediately (Sloka 594). This happens when transit Saturn moves in a trine to the Navamsa Rasi occupied by the 2nd lord, the 8th lord from the 7th house (Sloka 595).

(x) When two malefic planets are in the 2nd house while Rahu occupies the 9th, the native will face dire circumstances in his old age (Sloka 608).

(xi) In Sloka 529, the author says that the 5th house is the Rajyastana – the kingdom where the native lives, while 9th house represents the king. Regarding the present horoscope, Rahu placed in the 9th house receiving the aspect of Mars indicates that the ruler of the kingdom where the native lives will be suffering from diseases and will be of a cruel temperament (Sloka 619).

(xii) Rahu in the Bhagyastana, the 9th house, obtains Taurus Navamsa ruled by Venus. Hence the native will be fortunate after his 20th year, when Venus Dasa starts as the Vipat Dasa (Sloka 621).
Chart 3 comes under the discussions under Slokas 54 to 96 of Volume I. Birth star of the native is Anuradha 4th quarter and the birth Dasa will be of Saturn. The following are some of the points discussed in the text under Chart 3.
3 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi
(i) The Sun joining Saturn in the 11th indicates that the native’s father will face dire circumstances in the Sampath Dasa (Mercury Dasa). This is because Mercury is the 8th lord from the Chandra Lagna or the Moon-sign. In malefic Bhuktis of Mercury Dasa, the native’s parents will experience evil results (Slokas 63-64).
(ii) As the Moon in the 7th is aspected by the 12th lord (Dwadasesanireekshite is typed wrongly as Dwadasesaniveekshite), the native will have two marriages (Sloka 66). The 5th lord joining Rahu and Saturn occupying the 11th house (aspecting the 5th) creates obstacles in begetting progeny. His first wife will be barren or a Kaakavandhya (giving birth to only one child) (Slokas 67-68).

(iii) Jupiter placed in the 5th house aspected by two malefic planets suggests that the native was subject to a curse of a Brahmin because of which he will not get progeny. To pacify the curse, the native should perform Setusnanam and propitiate Lord Shiva. He should observe Somavarapradoshavrata and in the evening should donate an idol of Nageswara made of gold weighing one pala or its half (Slokas 70-72).
(iv) When the Sun is in the 11th house, performing of Bhanuvrata will also ensure that the native will beget sons (Sloka 73). The 8th lord Jupiter in the 5th house and receiving the aspect of Saturn results in the loss of progeny. When the native performs the prescribed remedies, he will be blessed by Nageswara with a few children after a long period or in his old age (Slokas 74-75).

(v) The planet having lordship over the children of the native’s elder brother (native’s elder brother is ruled by the 11th house Pisces. The 5th house from Pisces is Cancer, hence Moon will be the planet referred to here) being placed in his debilitation sign receiving the aspect of Mars (Kujaveekshite wrongly typed as Subhaveekshite in Sanskrit) indicates that the children of native’s elder brother may face dangers through water (Jalagandam) (Sloka 76).

(vi) Mars placed in the 7th from the Moon being aspected by Saturn will cause danger to the native’s mother (Arishtha) (Sloka 71).
Chart 4 comes under the discussion from Sloka 97 to 187 of Volume 1. Birth star of the native is Revati 3rd quarter and the birth Dasa will be of Mercury.
4 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi

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(i) Slokas 167-168 indicate that the junction of birth Dasa of Mercury will be in the 5th year, of Ketu will be in the 12th year and the next Dasa Sandhi of Venus will be in the 32nd year. These periods prove dangerous to the native.
(ii) The Arudha of the Ascendant falling in Sagittarius, Moon in the 2nd house while the Arudha lord Jupiter is in a Kendra or Kona, indicates that the native will enjoy conveyances after his 25th year. He will enjoy prominence after his 16th year. He will have great Yoga because of his intellect after his 19th year, all in Venus Dasa (Slokas 165-166).

(iii) Jupiter placed in Scorpio and obtaining Virgo Navamsa indicates that the native will have the normal physical appearance and his words will be boisterous. The native will be righteous, will know the intentions of people and will be truthful (Sloka 101). This is attributed to Jupiter because he is the lord of Arudha Lagna which falls in Sagittarius.
(iv) Jupiter placed in a friendly sign and attaining the Navamsa of Mercury makes the native highly passionate and he will serve a ruler. He will be fond of his half-brothers (Sapatnimatrusutavatsala) (Sloka 103). The 11th house rules half-brothers. Arudhalagna falling in the 11th house indicates this result.
(v) Rahu in the Ascendant aspected by the Sun indicates that the native will have a windy temperament in his body. He will have enmity with his relatives in course of time and will incur grief because of his own mother (Sloka 104).

(vi) The Sun joined with Ketu in Leo indicates early death to native’s father (Sloka 121). His father will face dangers because of wounds and boils during the Janma Dasa, which is Mercury Dasa (Sloka 123). Mars in the 5th house and the 9th lord Venus joining malefic planets indicate death of the native’s father in a foreign place (Sloka 124). Jupiter in a trine to the 9th lord Venus indicates that the death of native’s father will happen while he is on a pilgrimage to pray the deities (Sloka 129).

(vii) The 4th and 9th lord Venus joining the Ascendant lord Saturn in the 6th house indicates that the native will obtain a good education and will head many villages. He will be capable of writing and speaking three languages and enjoy Raja Yoga. He will be devoted to both Vishnu and Shiva (Slokas 158-159). (viii) The native will marry in the own Bhukti of Vipat Dasa (Venus Dasa- Venus Bhukti) (Sloka 162). During the end of Mercury Bhukti in Venus Dasa or in the beginning of Ketu Bhukti, which coincides with the transit of Saturn over natal Moon, the native’s wife will face danger (Sloka 174). The native will marry twice. He will beget a son during his 23rd year and will suffer only loss of progeny before that. He will be blessed with sons only from his second wife, among whom two or three will have long life (Slokas 175-176). Mars in the 5th house from Ascendant, while its lord Mercury is in the 8th house, indicates that the native will have many short lived children and will beget long lived sons only after a long time. In order to pacify this Dosha he has to observe Kumara vrata and perform setusnana. After that he will be blessed with sons (Slokas 178-179).

(ix) The native will suffer sorrow due to the death of his half-brother during the Dasa of the 6th lord Moon, during his 40th year (Sloka 180). The 6th house will be the 8th house from the 11th house that rules half-brothers and hence the Dasa of 6th lord Moon will give this result.
Chart 5 comes under the discussion on Sloka 1219 to 1335 of Volume 1. The birth star of the native is Uttaraphalguni 2nd quarter and the birth Dasa will be of the Sun.
5 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi
(i) Saturn placed in the 5th from the Sun and the 8th lord Mercury occupying the 9th indicates that the native’s father was struck with grief. Father will be of angry disposition but will cool down quickly. He would be given to vices for some time and suffer boils and wounds. However, later he would repent for his bad ways and become righteous and devoted to the deities and brahmins (Slokas 1227-1229).

(ii) The 9th lord joined with or aspected by Jupiter indicates that the native’s father was wealthy and a seeker of spiritual knowledge. He will be following both Vaidika and Tantrika systems of worship. During his childhood he was given to Tamasika nature but will become Sattwika later on. He will perform charitable acts like digging of tanks, developing gardens etc. (Slokas 1234-1235).

(iii) The 9th lord with a malefic planet and 11th lord (Venus joined with Mars and Jupiter) indicates that the native’s father will have two wives (Sloka 1238). He will be blessed with huge wealth, knowledge and many sons. This fortune to the native’s father is because the Arudha of the 9th house falls in the 11th house Sagittarius (Sloka 1239).

(iv) The Moon joining two malefic planets in the 8th house devoid of benefic aspects indicates Balarishtha to the native (Sloka 1241). However, Mars, the 8th lord from Moon sign placed in own sign and exaltation Navamsa joined with two benefic planets cancels the Balarishtha (Sloka 1242). The Moon in the 8th from Ascendant and obtaining the 12th sign in Navamsa from the Rasi Ascendant (Vyayamse) indicates short life span for the native (Sloka 1243). The native born in a fixed Ascendant and Pisces Navamsa while Rahu is placed in the 8th house will suffer Ba1arishtha (Sloka 1244). During the starting of Mars Dasa the native will definitely suffer Balarishtha (Sloka 1246). Ascendant falling in a fixed sign and attaining Pisces Navamsa, while Jupiter is placed in the 10th will cancel all the Balarishthas (Sloka 1251). During the Dasas of the Sun, Moon and Rahu the native should perform remedial measures. He should perform the Japa of Mrutyunjaya Mantra and should donate clothes. The life span of this native will be medium (Slokas 1252-1253).

(v) Mars being the 3rd lord when placed in his exaltation Navamsa and joined with two benefic planets will bestow the native with 8 brothers, among whom two will become prominent and influential (Sloka 1260).

(vi) Whoever takes birth when Moon is joined with or aspected by two malefics will be of sinful nature and engaged in secretive activities (Sloka 1269).

(vii) The 9th house from Chandra Lagna (Moon-sign) when aspected by Venus will make the native wise and fortunate (Venus being the 9th lord) (Sloka 1270). Jupiter being the lord of Lagna Navamsa (Navamsa Ascendant), when joins Venus and Mars (the 9th and 10th lords) bestows the native with lot of fortune. The native will be engaged in multifarious businesses (Sloka 1271). Lakshmi, the deity of wealth, will never leave a native born with Mars in the 10th or the 7th or the 1st house, and he will be fortunate right from his birth (Sloka 1325). 9th lord Venus in the 10th house joined by the 10th lord makes the native very fortunate and wealthy (bhagyartha wrongly typed as bharyartha in Sanskrit). However, because of the association of the 11th lord Jupiter in this combination, the native will not get political power (raja Yoga). He will do business and earn lot of wealth (Slokas 1286-1287).

(viii) The Moon ruling the house of maternal uncles (6th house) when joins two malefics, the native will have many maternal uncles among whom two or three will have long life. One of the maternal uncles will die in a foreign land. Another will become the lord of thieves and follow atheistic belief system (Slokas 1293-1294). During the Sampat Dasa (Moon Dasa), the maternal uncle will be afflicted by stomach diseases (Sloka 1301).
(ix) During the junction of Sampat Tara Dasa (Moon Dasa and Mars Dasa), transit Saturn moving in retrogression or acceleration at the junction of Gemini and Cancer results in the death of the native’s king. The Chola kingdom will face a grave danger (Slokas 1308-1310).
Chart 6 comes under discussion on Sloka 778 to Sloka 846 of volume 1. Birth star of the native is Ashlesha 4th quarter and the birth Dasa will be of Mercury. The following are some of the points discussed in the text about Chart 6.
6 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi
(i) Saturn placed in Aries with Mercury indicates that the native will be devoted to Vishnu (Sloka 779). Saturn in Aries, his debilitation sign, placed in Leo Navamsa, an inimical Navamsa, makes the native hate his own religion and he will adopt another religion (Sloka 778). This result is ascribed here to Saturn because he is the lord of the Arudha of 9th house.
┬а(ii) Saturn joining Sun in Aries indicate that the native will be righteous, self-reliant, knowledgeable, Satwika natured, sometimes of cruel disposition hurting people at their vulnerable points and displaying Tamasa nature (Sloka 780).

(iii) The native will be bereft of happiness from his father.┬а This is because of the position of 9th lord Mars in the 4th house, 8th house there from the 9th, joined with Ketu and receiving the aspect of Saturn. However, Arudha of 9th house falling in the 11th house, the 3rd house from the 9th house, ensures the native will be supported by his paternal uncles (Sloka 785).

(iv) Saturn placed in debilitated sign Aries and obtaining Leo Navamsa indicates that the native will suffer poverty during his childhood and will be fortunate only after the 30th year (Sloka 786). This is attributed to Saturn as he is the lord of the Arudha of Bhagya Sthana.
(v) Saturn obtaining the navamsa of Sun (Bhanvamsaka wrongly typed as Bhoumamsaka in Sanskrit) in a sign of Mars indicates that the native will lose his younger sister and Mother. He will be brought up by his maternal grandfather where he will get the Vaishnava Deeksha of Chakrankitam. After his marriage he will return to his paternal house and follow the religion of his paternal grandfather (Slokas 788-791).

(vi) Mars placed in the 4th house joined with Ketu (Puccha Graha is wrongly typed as Uccha Graha in Sanskrit) indicates that during the Janma Dasa (Mercury Mahadasa, the 4th lord) the native will grieve the death of his maternal relations (Sloka 795).
(vii) For the present native who is born in Pisces Ascendant, Saturn joining Mercury indicates that the nativeтАЩs wife will be virtuous and wealthy (Sloka 804). This is because Mercury is the 7th lord and Saturn is the lord of the 9th house Arudha. However, there will be blemish in the wifeтАЩs family. Her brother will be sinful and will be seduced by a low-class woman. He will become penurious in course of time and will hate his own father (Sloka 805).

(viii) Venus placed in Pisces obtaining her debilitation Navamsa and Rahu placed in the 10th house indicates that a sister of the nativeтАЩs wife will be ugly, unfortunate and sinful (Sloka 806).
(ix) 8th lord placed in exaltation sign and obtaining debilitation Navamsa, and receiving the aspect of Jupiter indicates that the native will have medium life span (Slokas 839-840).
(x) Significance of this case is that the events in the nativeтАЩs life have been described by using Rasi Dasa (Chara Dasa). The Dasas start from Pisces and move in regular order. Though describing the entire text is not possible, I would explain a few points. (a) During the Ascendant Pisces Dasa, as Moon is placed in the Lagna Arudha, the nativeтАЩs mother will face difficult circumstances and he will not have any happiness from his father (Sloka 808). 8th lord Venus placed in the Ascendant Pisces while Jupiter placed in a trine there from indicates that though the native will almost die in the Ascendant Dasa he will survive (Sloka 810). His father will face penury and difficulties while his paternal uncle will get married in this Dasa (Sloka 811). This is because the Ascendant is occupied by 8th lord Venus, the 12th lord from the 9th house. The Arudha of Ascendant is falling in Cancer, the 7th house from the 11th, house that rules paternal uncle. Hence, the nativeтАЩs paternal uncle will get married in this Dasa. (b) During the Dasa of 2nd sign Aries, the 2nd lord placed in a Kendra joined with or aspected by Rahu will cause poverty (Sloka 812). 2nd lord joining with Ketu also indicates that the nativeтАЩs Upanayana (thread ceremony) will be performed in this period (Sloka 813). There will be agitation in the kingdom where the native lives because of the change of the ruler (Sloka 815). This is because 2nd lord is placed with Ketu in the 4th house, the 8th from 9th house that indicates the king. (c) During the Dasa of the 4th sign Gemini whose lord Mercury is placed in the 2nd house, the native will get married (Sloka 818). Note that Mercury is also the 7th lord. However, the 4th sign occupied by Mars and Ketu indicates that the nativeтАЩs domestic peace will be destroyed. The ruler of the kingdom where the native resides will perish (Sloka 819). (d) The nativeтАЩs mother-in-law will pass away after the nativeтАЩs marriage during the Dasa of 5th house Cancer. This is because, 5th house is the 8th from 10th house that rules over mother-in-law (Sloka 820). 5th lord placed in the 5th house, the Rajyasthana, aspected by the 10th lord Jupiter results in the native entering the service of a king during the end of the Dasa. The native will beget sons during this Dasa (Sloka 821-822). (e) Sun placed in Aries while Rahu placed in the 10th house (the Arudha of sign Leo) indicates that during the Dasa of Leo, the 6th house, the native will face the anger of ruler and suffer insults (Sloka 825-826). (f) During the dasa of 7th house Virgo, the native will enjoy fortunate times. This is because Jupiter is placed in the Arudha of the 7th house obtaining his own Navamsa (Sloka 836).
Chart 7 comes on discussion from Sloka 1821 to 1874 of volume 1. Birth star of the native is Pushyami 3rd Quarter and the birth Dasa will be of Saturn. The following are some of the points discussed in the text about the horoscope.
7 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi
(i) This native is born in Taurus Ascendant with the Lagna Arudha falling in Virgo (Sloka 1824). Saturn joining with Mars in the 5th house, the Arudha Lagna, indicates that the native will be secretly deceitful, passionate, will get angry instantly but have a pleasant disposition (Sloka 1837-1838). Because of this combination of Saturn and Mars in the 5th house, the native will suffer poverty in his childhood and will have comforts only after 5th year (Sloka 1839).

(ii) Mercury obtaining Libra Navamsa and joined with Venus indicates that the native will be devoted to Vishnu (Sloka 1836). Sun placed in the 2nd house and obtaining Pisces Navamsa indicates that the native will get the Chakrankita Deeksha of Vaishnavites during his childhood (Sloka 1840).

(iii) Sun being the 4th lord when placed in the 2nd house (Dhana Rasi wrongly typed as Dhanu Rasi in Sanskrit) and obtaining the Navamsa of Pisces while the karaka Moon associated with Venus will indicate long life to the nativeтАЩs mother (Sloka 1841). During his 2nd cycle when transit Saturn moves in Virgo, the nativeтАЩs mother will die (Sloka 1842). This will happen about 29-31 years of the native. This is because, transit Saturn aspects the 11th house from Ascendant which will be the 8th from the 4th house.
(iv) During the Sampat Tara Dasa (Mercury Mahadasa), transit of Jupiter in a sign trine to the Navamsa sign occupied by 5th lord Mercury (Libra), the native will get married (Sloka 1846). Otherwise, transit Jupiter moving in Scorpio in his 2nd cycle will see the native married (Sloka 1847).

(v) 7th lord Mars placed in a fixed Navamsa and joined with Saturn indicates only one wife (Sloka 1848). The Janma Rasi of oneтАЩs spouse will be in a trine to the Navamsa sign occupied by the 7th lord. The sign aspected by the 7th lord will be the Ascendant (birth sign?) of the spouse (Sloka 1849).

(vi) When Venus occupies the Arudha of the 7th house, the native will be fortunate after marriage. This is so especially because 9th lord Saturn joining Venus gives fortune through spouse (Sloka 1851).

(vii) Mercury being the 5th lord obtaining Libra Navamsa (Jookamse wrongly typed as Jookante in Sanskrit) and joined with Venus indicates abortions to the nativeтАЩs wife (Sloka 1855). This is because Libra is the 6th sign from the Ascendant while Venus is the 6th lord.
(viii) During the first cycle of Saturn, when transit Saturn enters Cancer after leaving Gemini, the native will lose his father (Sloka 1865). This is because Cancer is a trine to Pisces, the sign occupied by the 4th lord, the 8th lord from the 9th house.
Chart 8 comes under discussion on Sloka 4977 to Sloka 5056 of volume 2. Birth star of the native is Moola 1st quarter and the birth Dasa will be of Ketu.
8 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi
(i) Saturn placed in Scorpio indicate that the native will be corpulent and intelligent.┬а He will be somewhat stubborn and foolish, passionate, hot-tempered but cools down instantly (Sloka 4984). These results are attributed to Saturn because he is the lord of the Lagna Arudha and occupies Scorpio, a watery sign owned by Mars, receiving the aspect of Jupiter.
(ii) This native born with Amala Yoga (natural benefic Venus placed in the 10th from Ascendant/Moon) will be fond of holy people, will be truthful and will look after his kith and kin (Sloka 5010).

(iii) 5th lord Mars is placed in the 11th house joined with the 9th lord. This bestows fortune, comforts and wealth on the native (Sloka 5027).

(iv) During the Dasa of Venus who is placed in the debilitation sign and exaltation Navamsa, the native will have a highly comfortable period (Sloka 5002).

(v) 8th lord Moon placed in the Ascendant in Sagittarius and obtaining the navamsa of Aries indicates that the Mars Dasa would cause difficulties and especially during the latter half there will be grave danger (Sloka 4991). This suggests that the Dasa of a planet who hosts the 8th lord in Navamsa will be troublesome. Venus occupying the Arudha of the 2nd house bestows the native will lot of wealth and clothes in Mars Dasa (Sloka 5012). However, the native will lose his own wealth for the purpose of serving his king (Sloka 5013). This result is attributed to Mars as he is the lord of the sign and Navamsa occupied by the 2nd lord Saturn, which happens to be the 12th house Scorpio.
(vi) Rahu placed in Leo (9th house) and obtaining Sagittarius Navamsa (Ascendant sign of Rasi) indicates that the native will have very comfortable period and good Yoga starting from the Jupiter Bhukti of Rahu Dasa (Sloka 4994). The junction period between Pratyak Tara Dasa (Mars Dasa) and the own Bhukti of Sadhana Dasa (Rahu Bhukti in Rahu Dasa) will prove to be difficult and the native will be involved in confrontation with the rulers (Sloka 4996). Starting from the transit of Saturn in Virgo during his second cycle the native will have fortunate period (Sloka 4999).

(vii) When the 2nd lord Saturn is placed in Scorpio Navamsa (12th sign from Rasi Ascendant), transit of Saturn in Cancer will give severe difficulties. Similar results will be experienced when Saturn transits in other trines (Sloka 5025).

(viii) During the Bhukti of Saturn who occupies Davagni Shastyamsa, in the Dasa of Rahu, the native will lose his relatives to death. He will suffer with windy complaints and experience sorrow because of the death of a child in his house (Sloka 5030).
(ix) During the last Bhukti of Mars in Rahu Dasa, the native will have comforts because of the position of his son. Because of the blemish of Dasa sandhi, the king will die and there will be change of ruler (Sloka 5040).

(x) As the native has Saturn in the 12th house he will face sorrow in his old age because of the death of his son. This happens during the Dasa Sandhi period (junction between Rahu and Jupiter Dasa) (Sloka 5051-5052). Saturn occupies the 12th house which is the 8th house to the 5th house that rules over progeny.
(xi) Venus getting lordship over the Arudha of the 8th house (Randhresa Arudhape wrongly typed as Randhresa Arudhage in sanskrit) and placed in the 10th house bestows long life even when hundreds of Apamrutyu Yogas are present in the horoscope (Sloka 5049).

(xii) The nativeтАЩs death will take place during the Naidhana Tara Dasa (JupiterтАЩs Dasa) when Saturn transits in Pisces (Sloka 5042-5043). Transit Saturn moving over the Navamsa sign occupied by the lord of 8th house Arudha (Venus is the lord of 8th house Arudha who occupies Pisces Navamsa) the native will die (Sloka 5050-5051).

(xiii) Placement of Saturn in the 12th house in Scorpio indicates that the native will die in a pilgrimage centre on the banks of a river, on a Monday (8th lord being Moon) (Sloka 5055-5056).
Chart 9 comes on discussion from Sloka 5332 to 5599 of volume 2. Birth star of the native is Sravana 3rd quarter and the birth Dasa will be of the Moon. The following are some of the points discussed in the text about the horoscope.
9 Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi
(i) Ascendant lord placed in the 11th house, obtaining own Navamsa and aspected by Jupiter indicates nativeтАЩs birth in a royal family (Sloka 5333). Ascendant lord placed in the 11th house and 9th lord placed in the 10th house makes a person to be born in a fortunate family (Sloka 5352).

(ii) The text interestingly describes about the prenatal epoch of the native. Conception would have happened in the Ashwayuja Masa, Krishna Paksha, Chaturthi Tithi, on a Monday, in Rohini star and in Capricorn Ascendant. It is to be known that the birth Ascendant would fall in the 10th sign of the Adhana Lagna (Slokas 5334-5335).

(iii) 11th and 9th lords joined together and receiving the aspect of the 10th lord forms IndraYoga, because of which the native will be a ruler (Sloka 5353).

(iv) The native will have small-pox marks on his face as Ascendant lord Venus is joined with Rahu while Mars occupies the Ascendant. (Sloka 5357). Mars in the Ascendant, Saturn in the 8th house and Ketu in the 5th cause severe ill-health to the native in the very first year of birth and pose grave danger to the native in his 2nd year (Sloka 5358). Ayushkaraka Saturn placed in the 8th house bestows long span of life (Sloka 5360). 4th lord placed in the 8th house while Mars occupies the Ascendant will cause fear from dogs after the native completes his 8th year (Sloka 5361).

(v) Matrukaraka Moon in the 4th house while the 4th lord Saturn is placed in the 8th causes early death of the nativeтАЩs mother and he will be brought-up by a foster mother (Sloka 5362-5363). This will happen in the Janma Tara Dasa, birth year and birth month (Sloka 5426-5427). Moon placed in the 4th house obtaining the Navamsa of Gemini, receiving the aspect of Sun while the 10th from Moon is occupied by Mars gives a step-mother to the native. His father will marry for the second time after the death of the nativeтАЩs mother and the native will be happy through his step-mother (Slokas 5372-5373).

(vi) 9th lord Mercury joined with Pitrukaraka Sun and receiving the aspect of 10th lord Moon will cause RajaYoga to the nativeтАЩs father (Sloka 5365). The aspect of Saturn on them will cause the father to have enmity with many people (Sloka 5368). Moon is placed in the 8th to the 9th house (4th house) while 4th lord is placed in the 12th to 9th house. During the currency of Janma Tara Dasa (Moon Dasa) and Bhukti of 8th lord Venus, nativeтАЩs father will die when transit Saturn moves in Gemini (Slokas 5370-5371, 5429). The native will enjoy raja Yoga after the death of his father and he will attain powerful position (Sloka 5372). As 5th house is the Rajyasthana, transit of Saturn in Gemini, a trine to the 5th house, will cause great agitation and strife in the nativeтАЩs kingdom (Sloka 5431).

(vii) 7th lord Mars placed in a trine or quadrant from the 7th house while Jupiter placed in the 9th from 7th house indicates a virtuous wife. 7th lord placed in the Ascendant, Ascendant lord placed in the 11th house while the 7th house is joined or aspected by Jupiter will bestow many wives to the native (Sloka 5387-5388). 7th lord placed in the Ascendant in a Kendra to Moon and obtaining the Navamsa of a malefic planet, while the 2nd house is aspected by Saturn (Samdrushte is wrongly typed as Samyukte in Sanskrit) makes the native marry women from various castes and communities (Sloka 5392). 2nd lord placed in the Ascendant, 2nd house is aspected by Saturn and karaka Venus joining Rahu indicates Arishtha to the nativeтАЩs wife (Sloka 5393). Jupiter placed in the 9th to the 7th house while Mars occupies the 10th from Moon will result in a childhood marriage (Sloka 5394). Marriage of the native will happen during the junction between Sampat Dasa (Mars Dasa) and Vipat Dasa (Rahu Dasa), in the own Bhukti of Vipat Dasa (Rahu Bhukti of Rahu Dasa) after which the native will experience raja Yoga and becomes the ruler of a kingdom. This will happen after his 16th year (Slokas 5395-5396).

(viii) When natural benefic planets own the Navamsas occupied by the 6th, 8th and 12th lords, the nativeтАЩs enemies will run away seeing the native (Sloka 5419). 6th lord Jupiter is placed in Gemini, 8th lord Venus is placed in Taurus while 12th lord Mercury is placed in Pisces. Jupiter being the 6th lord placed in his own sign with strength and obtaining a benefic Navamsa will give a strong body devoid of any illness (Sloka 5420).

(ix) This case is a perfect example where the text describes numerous Raja Yogas in the horoscope. Yogas like Indra Yoga, Avatara Yoga, Hariharabrahma Yoga, Mahalakshmi Yoga, Kubera Yoga, Kahala Yoga, Shankha Yoga, Bheri Yoga, Matsya Yoga, Kalanidhi Yoga, Akhanda Samrajya Yoga, Chamara Yoga, Koorma Yoga and Rudrasana Yoga are explained with the planetary position in the horoscope, along with their effects. Interestingly, for some Yogas nullifying factors are also described. I would explain this with the example of Koorma Yoga. Koorma Yoga is formed when strong Jupiter is placed in the 3rd or 11th occupying his own sign while the Ascendant lord is placed in the 11th house (Sloka 5518). The Ascendant lord of a movable Ascendant placed in a fixed sign and fixed Navamsa while Venus is joined or aspected by Jupiter forms the Koorma Yoga (Sloka 5519). However, a malefic planet placed in the 6th or 8th from Jupiter while Venus joined with Rahu in the 8th house from Moon will cause cancellation of Koorma Yoga (Sloka 5522).

(x) The text describes in every detail the different results of various Dasas and Bhuktis for this horoscope combining transit of planets. Explaining those details will be out of scope here. Readers are requested to refer to the original Sanskrit text in the light of the horoscope given here.
(xi) When the Ascendant, 8th and 10th lords are placed in Kendras, Konas and 11th house, while Saturn is also strong, the native will have full span of life. 8th lord placed in the 11th house obtaining benefic or own Navamsas while Saturn occupying the 8th house will bestow 60 years of longevity. When the 8th lord joins Rahu while Mars and Saturn occupy the Ascendant and 8th house respectively, the native will have medium span of life which may end during his 54th year (Slokas 5421-5423). During the Chakra Dasa of 8th sign of Kala Chakra Dasa that coincides with the Saturn Dasa of Vimshottari, the nativeтАЩs death will take place in the Bhukti of Ascendant and 8th lord Venus during his 53rd year. Transit of Sun in the three signs starting from Leo in Dakshinayana, in the bright-half of the lunar month, on a Saturday, during day-time, the native will shed his mortal coil (Sloka 5597-5598).

What is presented here is only a glimpse of the astrological wisdom hidden in Devakeralam – only the tip of an Iceberg. A careful study of the work gives us great insights into the ways the predictive tools of Jyotisha were used by the savants of the bygone era. Many unsettled questions like – whether to consider planetary aspects and Ascendant position in Navamsa? Whether to consider the exceptional rules in counting the Arudha Pada? How to predict using transits, Vimshottari, Kala Chakra and Chara Dasas? How to use other Vargas, like Shastyamsas etc.? тАУ becomes clear. Or, at the least we will come to know the way they were used.
The Sanskrit text of Devakeralam has its own problems in its current form. Portions of some horoscopes are incomplete or mixed up, while same horoscopes have been explained at multiple places. Devakeralam requires thorough study, re-editing, re-interpretation and re-translation. The initial step would be to group the text according to different horoscopes described. Then the conventional and Nadiamsa analysis applied in the interpretation of the horoscopes are to be documented and separated into different categories based on the techniques employed. The next step includes the extraction of general rules from this study. Finally, these rules have to be applied on real-life horoscopes to check their veracity. My experience so far suggests that there is a hidden treasure trove of Jyotisha in Devakeralam, which when properly unearthed will contribute to the progress of this ancient science.

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  1. Devakeralam (Chandrakala Nadi), published by GOML, Madras
  2. Nadi Astrology, C.S. Patel, Sagar Publications
  3. Devakeralam (Chandra Kala Nadi), English translation by R.Santhanam, Books 1 & 3, Sagar Publications


pin Decoding Devakeralam Nadi -Glimpses of Jyotisha Techniques of Chandrakala Nadi

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How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse – Part 2

how to finf spouse first alphabet How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse - Part 2

How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse – Part 2


Keywords : How to Find Spouse First Alphabet :┬а Understanding spouse in astrology, physical appearance, 7th house, 7th lord and nature of spouse,Marriage and Relationships, spouse appearance in astrology, spouse astrology, Spouse First name, spouse in astrology, type of spouse in astrology, Vedic Astrology, first letter of my life partner astrology.


As a result of reading the prior piece, we are now familiar with all of the characteristics necessary for appreciating the attributes of one’s partner and are able to identify all of the individuals who are or are not suitable candidates for marriage.

Apart from Natal chart 7th house, 7th lord, its nakashtra and lord placement,┬а analysis of the “Up-Pada Lagna” and D9 is equally important to gain insight into the true character and attributes of the partner. However, Uppada Lagna is considered to be of considerable importance in Jamini astrology to true and soul nature of spouse. It is a concept that aids in determining the appropriate time to get married and offers insights into one’s experiences inside a marriage when it is used with chara dasha. It is necessary to have a more in-depth understanding of the 12th house, and then it is necessary to observe how the UL is the person who represents this. The Upapada, which can also be referred to as the Guana Pada, is that which rides the 12th house; it reveals who represents the image of the 12th house,┬а your spouse or one who live always either in a sentence or in a house.


Spouse characteristics and understanding capable spouse from Natal Chart┬а


Philosophy of Hindu Marriage How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse - Part 2


When analysing a natal chart for marriage and relationship analysis The 12th house plays a major role in understanding Up-pada lagna, as the 12th house from the ascendant, is the house where you spend all of your intellectual and emotional energy, as well as what you have given in the past and what you provide physically to others. Its the house where you give or sacrifice everything. The 12th house represents places like prisons, hospitals, monasteries, ashrams, the joys of the bed, sleeping (which can cause loss of consciousness), and the bed in which one sleeps to loose your self conscious. Giving back to the community is an expression of one’s energy, and the 12th house reveals the channels via which one channels that energy. Giving to charitable causes is an example of shubha yoga, which is practised in the 12th rung of the yoga hierarchy. Ashubha yoga refers to the practise of placing one’s vitality in unfavourable circumstances, and malefics in the 12th signify doing so. The maranakaraka sthana in the 12th house is where the Sun is placed since the 12th house is Saturn’s domain and Saturn’s domain is devoid of life and light.

twelfth house is known as the home of sacrifice or giving, and the Arudha of this house reveals to whom you are making sacrifices. Those that benefit the most from your generosity are typically your wife and children. When a person first becomes financially independent and is able to provide, marriage naturally follows. Sometimes this giving will consist of little more than monetary assistance, while other times it will take the form of in-home caregiving. One must understand the significance of the fact that if there is no giving, then there is nothing to keep a connection going. You would not want to marry the partner if they had not done anything for you in the relationship.

The 7th house is the 8th house from the 12th house, and it reveals what is bringing together two people who were previously separate. The 12th house does not represent sexual activity; rather, it represents solitude or celibacy, and the 7th house, which is the 8th house from the 12th, is what brings an end to being alone. The 12th house is associated with sanyas and celibacy; the 8th house from this terminates that, causes a person to be married, and eliminates celibacy; hence, the 7th house must be pure in order to keep sanyas, and the length of sanyas may be seen from the 7th house. As a result, the UL is not utilised in order to view the sexual partner or sexual relations; rather, the A7 is utilised.

The 12th house is the house that comes 8th after the 5th house, and it provides insight into how long your kula, lineage, or family has been around. The UL reveals the members of your kula, family, or lineage who will assist you in ensuring their lifespan. The 7th house is located three houses away from the 5th house, which indicates that it is upachaya from the 5th house and that it will cause your kula to expand. The 12th house is the sixth house from the seventh house, and as it is also upachaya for the seventh house, this indicates that there will be an increase in sexual activity.

It is associated to the pleasures of the bed since this is the area where one can be alone to cultivate the seventh house and allow it to mature into genuine closeness. On the other side, the sixth house is located directly opposite the fifth house, making it a maraka, or “death giver,” to the fifth house. This placement is unfavourable for having children or expanding one’s kula, and it suggests that one should lead a celibate lifestyle. It is essential to keep in mind that the twelfth house plays a significant role in interpersonal connections, but it does not denote sexual urges or needs.


Readers can go through part 1st to understand all the factors responsible for spouse characteristics identification by bellow link┬а :┬а




What exactly is Up-pada lagna ? How it is related to Spouse characteristics ┬а ┬а


Vedic Marriage How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse - Part 2


The term “Up-Pada lagna” is etymologically derived from the Sanskrit words “Upa,” denoting proximity or adjacency, and “Lagna,” which pertains to the ascendant or the initial house within a birth chart. The significance of Upapada Lagna in Jaimini astrology lies in its role as a crucial determinant of marriage and interpersonal connections. The aforementioned statement pertains to the representation of the Arudha Pada associated with the 12th house inside a natal chart. In Vedic astrology, the 12th house holds significance since it represents several aspects such as loss, expenses, foreign territories, and the characteristics of one’s spouse or partner. The Upapada Lagna plays a significant role in comprehending the intricacies and attributes of an individual’s matrimonial or partnership relationships.

The arrangement of celestial bodies and their interactions on the Upapada Lagna and its ruling planet can offer valuable insights into the dynamics of interpersonal connections, the attributes and traits of the marital partner, and the likelihood of entering into matrimonial or collaborative unions throughout one’s lifetime. The analysis of marital compatibility and comprehending relationship dynamics in Vedic astrology is contingent upon the consideration of a crucial aspect.

In order to determine the Upapada Lagna (UL), it is necessary to adhere to the following procedural guidelines:
Ascertain the placement of the lord of the twelfth house inside the natal chart. The planetary ruler of the 12th house in an individual’s natal chart is commonly referred to as the 12th house lord. Please determine the zodiac sign that is occupied by the ruler of the twelfth house. Please record the sign. Determine the equidistant number of signs from the location of the lord of the 12th house. The twelfth astrological sign in the zodiac is Taurus, and it is governed by the planet Venus. If the planet Venus is positioned in the astrological sign of Leo, which is four signs away from Leo, by counting four signs from Leo, we will arrive at the sign of Scorpio. According to astrological principles, Scorpio is considered to be the Upapada Lagna.

It is important to note that the Upapada Lagna holds significant importance in the natal chart and serves as a key element in Vedic astrology, especially employed for comprehending problems related to marriage and interpersonal relationships. This phenomenon has the potential to offer valuable perspectives on an individual’s partner and the intricate workings of a marital relationship. Various facets of marriage and relationships can be subjected to analysis.

The celestial body known as the “Darakaraka” is believed to symbolise the essence of an individual’s romantic partner and provides valuable understanding into their character and associated matters. The seventh house within an individual’s birth chart serves as an indicator of their interpersonal interactions and their manner of relating to the wider public sphere. This dwelling is additionally linked to Venus, the celestial body symbolising affection and romantic relationships. The romantic partner with whom one shares the deepest connection and exhibits the greatest degree of similarity.


12th house and Role in Marriage life


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In order to have a deeper comprehension of the 12th house, it is necessary to direct our attention towards the Upapada Lagna (UL), which serves as its representative. The Upapada represents the symbolic representation of the 12th house, indicating the individuals or entities to whom one tends to offer their resources or support. The twelfth house symbolises the allocation of one’s physical, intellectual, and energetic resources. The term “it” can encompass several locations such as correctional facilities, medical institutions, spiritual retreats, and instances of misfortune, as well as sources of enjoyment, periods of rest, and the sleeping surface utilised.

The presence of benefic planets inside the 12th house is indicative of a propensity to contribute towards positive endeavours, whereas the presence of malefic planets suggests a tendency to contribute towards bad endeavours. When specific dwellings are positioned as the twelfth celestial body from the centre of our solar system, it signifies an inherent deficiency in the capacity to bestow vitality.

The 12th house is commonly linked with experiences of loss and acts of giving, with its Arudha signifying the primary recipients of one’s generosity, typically one’s spouse and offspring. The institution of marriage is typically entered into by those who have reached a certain level of financial independence and are capable of providing for their partner. The act of giving include both providing money assistance and attending to domestic responsibilities. The sustainability of a connection is contingent upon the presence of reciprocity.

The 7th house, positioned as the 8th from the 12th house in astrological charts, symbolises the institution of marriage and serves to alleviate feelings of solitude. The 12th house symbolises a state of celibacy, while the 7th house signifies the transition from celibacy to marriage. The 7th house is also indicative of the period of abstaining from marriage or sexual relations. The Arudha of the 7th house, commonly referred to as A7, is employed in the examination of sexual partners and relationships, as opposed to the Upapada Lagna (UL).

The concept of the UL symbolises the perceived rise or ascent, whereas the UL signifies the perceived concealment or illusion associated with the 12th house. It demonstrates a concrete manifestation of either a bestowal or deprivation. The term “UL” refers to the individuals who will play a significant role in ensuring the long-term survival and prosperity of one’s family.

The 12th house, being the 6th house from the 7th, signifies individuals or factors that contribute to the development of sexual endeavours and foster the establishment of intimate connections. According to astrological beliefs, the individual referred to as the marriage partner is associated with this concept. Additionally, the UL, which stands for the lord of the Upapada Lagna, symbolises the family of the partner.

Marriage is commonly understood as a significant and enduring partnership that is characterised by a high level of commitment and typically extends beyond a duration of one year. The Upapada signifies the concept of marriage in its inherent state, independent of any religious or legal ceremonial definitions. Ancient scriptures make reference to diverse forms of marriage, although it is imperative to refrain from interpreting them literally within contemporary society. The utilisation of the Universal Law (UL) can aid in distinguishing between various prospective marriage partners.

The initial partner is observed from the Ascendant, whereas the subsequent partner is observed from the eighth house relative to the Ascendant (referred to as UL2), and so forth. Identifying a suitable spouse can present difficulties, particularly in contemporary society, characterised by a wide range of relationship dynamics and levels of commitment. The characterization of each spouse can be discerned through the examination of several houses within the navamsa chart.

In instances involving several marriage partners, the UL2 is observed as the sixth element from the initial UL. The 6th house exhibits the presence of supplementary companions alongside the primary significator. The eighth house is indicative of the termination of a preceding relationship. The sixth house symbolises the process of growth and signifies the broadening of generosity in terms of expenditure.

The Darapada, which is also referred to as the A7 pada, is an extremely important tool for gaining insight into the personality of one’s partner along with sexual traits of partner. In order to determine it, one must count the seventh house from the ascendant and then locate the lord of that house in the Navamsa chart. The location of Darapada in the Navamsa chart reveals information about the spouse’s physical appearance, personality traits, and overall compatibility.

Eligibility of the Spouse ( UL) and actual Meaning┬а


15359 hindu marriage the lightsmiths lead image How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse - Part 2


Whenever you are looking for deep relationship from natal chart, always check the UL (Up-pada) along with 7th house, 7th lord , Venus and Mars placement in┬а both Natal and Navamsa chart┬а which will indicate the actual nature of the eligible spouse. This should only be done for serious partnerships. Upapada, also referred to as ‘Arudha’ of the 12th bhava’ of the chart, The 12th Bhava signifies to give, to sacrifice, and to expand. This pada’s purpose is to ascertain how the native truly feels about their spouse on the inside.

The relationship between the lord of Upapada and the lord of Lagna will be the determining factor in determining whether or not the marriage or relationship will mature. If UL is well positioned in Trines or Kendra’s and also falls in trine to the lagna of the spouse, then this is the best match for marriage. If UL is not well placed in Trines or Kendra’s, then this is not the best match for marriage. If, on the other hand, the lord of the Upapada moves to the 12th house, this is interpreted as a sign that the marriage will not progress at all.

This might also be an indication that there are delays, difficulties, or unanticipated troubles developing in married life, which frequently result in the marriage being denied. Any planet that is located in UL reveals information about the soul character of the partner. For example, if the moon is located in UL, the partner is likely to be sensitive, highly kind, fair-skinned, and loving.

In the same manner, if Venus is located in UL, the nature of the partner’s romance, passion, beauty, artistic ability, and sensuality will be characterised by these qualities. If Ketu or Jupiter were situated in UL, the partner’s personality would be spiritual and fair if either planet was present there. Saturn in Ul would in some way bestow upon a married couple an Orthodox spouse who observes long-standing customs and fashions in married life. It is of the utmost importance that the sign or rasi of the Upapada be auspicious with respect to the Lagna of the native without any malefic influence. This is because the Upapada dictates the personality or attitude of the person towards the spouse, who is a lifelong partner.

The native’s moral rectitude and the manner in which they would treat their partner are both directly related to how fortunate it is for the native. If the UL Rasi were to suffer any kind of affliction, the entire picture of the traits of the spouse would shift. This would imply that the factors of compatibility (fidelity, affection, and so on), which constitute the basis for a successful spousal connection, are either doubtful or completely absent depending on the inauspiciousness or ailment of the UL sign.

Compatibility factors provide the basis for a good spousal relationship. If the 2nd Lord from the UL were to suffer an affliction, or if the 2nd Lord from the UL were to suffer an affliction in D9, there would be a disruption in married life because the 2nd Lord either maintains or dissolves the marriage connections. The malefic aspects of a situation illustrate how it can be broken, while the helpful aspects show how it can be sustained. They also demonstrate the necessity of a spouse in a married existence. Therefore, the total assessment of UL is the most crucial factor in comprehending the genuine character of a partner.

It has now been established that the Lord of Gaunapada, also known as the 12th Lord, plays a significant role in defining the nature of one’s spouse, as well as their family, siblings, pre- and post-marital troubles, the attitude of one’s spouse towards the individual, and whether or not a spouse brings joy or sadness into one’s life.

In most cases, an exalted lord of Upapada will bring a spouse from a noble family into the marriage. On the other hand, a debilitated lord of Upapada will bring a spouse from a family that is lower in status than the native’s family. A subsequent post will provide explanations of UL that are more in-depth than this one.


The 7th Lord, 7th House, and the Darapada ( A7)


ancient2 How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse - Part 2

An Examination of Sexual Relationships, casual affairs in the Natal Chart

The assessment of the 7th Lord’s placement in the natal chart provides insights about the corporeal dimensions of a relationship and its potential for success. The “A7” is associated with both commercial partnerships and intimate connections. The 7th house within the navamsa divisional chart provides insights into the partner’s aptitudes, capabilities, and overall disposition, hence assuming greater significance compared to the 7th house within the natal chart. Furthermore, it serves as an indicator of the sexual inclinations of the companion.

Whereas, , The term “Upapada” symbolises the individual who is chosen as a spouse or enters into a committed romantic partnership shows possible partner for marriage. The aforementioned statement elucidates the inherent characteristics of the familial background from which an individual originates, the manner in which interpersonal connections will be established, and the potential longevity of those relationships. Additionally, it offers valuable insights regarding the potential number of offspring resulting from said relationship in comparison to previous relationships. The Upapada can be utilised to ascertain the date of marriage and its eventual dissolution. The Upapada’s ruler, also known as the UL lord, serves as an indicator of the familial characteristics of the spouse and frequently mirrors the couple’s social standing.

Always verify the connectedness of the A7 or A7 Lord with the Arudha Lagna or AL Lord and the link with planets in the 7th House or the lord of that house when dealing with short-term relationships such as “boyfriends” or “girlfriends.” In most cases, having the 7th Lord also join A7 or A7 Lord indicates a deep infatuation with the person with whom they are having an affair. Additionally, it indicates a physical intimacy with partners if the 7th Lord also joins A7 or A7 Lord. When A7 is connected with UL it usually gives serious relationship or marriage.

General Reminder: Always consult the D1 Chart (Lagna) 7th House or 7th Lord for issues in the 1st Marriage Partnership, as well as the location and strength of the 7th Lord of the Lagna Chart (D1) in the D9 (Navamasa ChartтАФChart of Marriage) for any affliction or not. In addition, consult the D1 Chart (Lagna) 7th House or 7th Lord for issues in the 1st Marriage Partnership.

This produces separations as well as denials and blockages in marriage, and the 6th house and its lord are primarily responsible for this. Additionally, the 6th house and its lord are primarily responsible for comprehending difficulties in getting into relationships,┬а the 6th house and 6th lord are linked with the 7th lord in D9, they will always work to prevent and postpone marriage, and they have the potential to produce rifts in any existing partnerships. In a typical scenario, the positioning of the 7th Lord strengthens partnerships while the placement of the 6th Lord produces delays.

Note of General Importance: For Precise Information Regarding the Spouse Study of UL (Up-pada Needs to Be Studied in Depth), and for Short-Term Relationships, Living in Study of the (A7-Dara-pada) Need to Be Studied in Depth.

How to Find Spouse Alphabet and Name possibility┬а


Vedic names How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse - Part 2


Now that the characteristics and qualities of the spouse have been determined, it is time to use the horoscope to try to determine the name characteristics, first letter, or Swara falling in the spouse’s name. This may be done after determining the features and qualities of the spouse. Even though it is a very difficult procedure to go through, it is rather accurate and provides some insight into it as well. Deciphering it is not always difficult, but the majority of the time it requires a great deal of patience to fully grasp the notion.

Checking the Nakshatra of the 7th Lord planet, as well as its Pada and the lord of the Nakshatra Direction in D1, is necessary in order to determine the initial letter of the spouse’s name or name. This will tell you everything there is to know about that Nakashtra, and in addition to that, it will also give you the name of the spouse associated with the first letter.

This nakshatra will tell you everything you need to know about the characteristics of your future partner. After that, you should determine who the lord of the nakshatra is and where in your horoscope the lord of the nakshatra is located. Check also whether Nakshatra Lord Sign Depositor is seated in which sign or house; this will tell you the direction as well.If the lord of the Nakshatra is located in the tenth house, then further information will be provided regarding the hints of the name, the clues of the naming ritual, and the characteristics of the spouse that identify her name.

Conditions to Be Check for Spouse Alphabet and Traits┬а


Case Study┬а1 :┬аMale | Single ( Aq )┬аLagna :


Aq How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse - Part 2

1) Native 7th Lord Sun in Pisces Sign (Spiritualistic Sign): Native will get a spiritual, emotional, and thought-full spouse, but somehow to mean self-centered and egoistic as well (Sun 8th from its own sign).

2) Native 7th Lord Sun in Aquarius Sign (Water Sign): Native will get a spiritual, emotional, and thought-full spouse.

3) The seventh Lord Nakashtra is Poorva Bhadrapada, and the deity associated with it is Rudra. The fourth Pada (Moksha) Nakashtra is a cruel and mean sign that is controlled by Jupiter. Therefore, the character and attributes of the future husband will be determined only by Poorva-Bhadra. The Nakashtra is a symbol of a man with two faces. It causes burns, punishes by fire, to cause pain, to burn things to ashes, to use words that burn, to conduct that blisters, to use harsh words, to have a wicked disposition, cruelty, greediness, restlessness, a feeling of despair, and unsatisfied ambition, to burn slowly, to have a sudden excess of anger, and other things like that. When viewed from an anthropomorphic perspective, the side of Kalapurush’s body In Moksha Pada, this means that the native may obtain a spouse, which may allow them to develop their spirituality or to be involved in spiritualism; nevertheless, it also suggests that she may be of a lonely temperament.

3) Nakshatra (Indian) Because the Depositor Lord Venus is located in the 12th house, which is the House of Tapa and Moksha or Mediation, the native must be getting a spouse having Venusian qualities, having spirituality in the soul, and she may belong from another land or she may like to tapa as well. Since Jupiter is located in the 9th house, which is the House of Dharma and Luck, the significance of dharma, karma, and Bhagya will all improve. Therefore, the name carries a great deal of significance in relation to the Dharma and having an artistic disposition.

As Guru is in Rahu Nakshatras in the 3rd Pada (Kama, passionate behaviour), the spouse will be very passionate, sensual, and skilled in the art of negotiation; they will be good in all artistic pursuit matters; they must also be good in business dealings; and they will uplift the Dharma and Bhagya. The category of Swati Nakastra is represented by the letters Ro, Ru, Re, Ra, and Taa, and Guru is located in the third pada of the Rahu Nakashtra (Swati) horoscope. Therefore, Natives Must Marry Partners Whose First Names Begin with the Letter “R”.

Lord number 7 The Moon derives from Venus, and the Moon is currently stationed in the 10th house of the Nakashtra of the Lord of Jupiter. Jupiter, meanwhile, is currently located in the sign of Libra in the 9th house, where it is subject to the influence of the Libra sign, which is ruled by both Guru and Rahu in addition to Venus. In Swati nakshtra, the guru is the same as the lord of the moon nakshatra. Since the seventh, Venus also offers a clue to the letter “R” in the name.

4) The constellation of Jupiter known as Swati Lord Rahu is located in the fifth house in Guru Nakshtra (also known as Punurvase Nakshtra and Jupiter Nakshtra), and Lord Mercury, the Depositor, is located in Rahu Nakshtra in Lagna, with an aspect to the seventh house: Therefore, a local will end up with a partner who is exceptionally perceptive and knowledgeable.

Since Guru is located in Rahu Nakshatra and Rahu is located in Guru Nakshatra, around Pada 2, the Swati Nakshtras have been given the letter R as their name. Swati is ruled by a windy deity, therefore names should be inspired by wind. Additionally, since Rahu is in a dual sign, it is possible that two names will be involved.


Case Study 2: Male | Married | Capricon Lagna┬а


cap How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse - Part 21) The 7th Lord of the Native Zodiac is the Moon, and it is located in the 5th House of the Taurus Sign (Sukh, Pleasure, Wealth, and Family Growth): Natives need to have a loving wife and a caring spouse who are able to bring growth in all material concerns into their lives.

2) Since the native 7th Lord Nakashtra is in Kritika (Lord Sun, Brave and Administrative), in the 3rd Pada (Kama, Desire of all Sukh), she would bring all Sukh to the native family once she is married. The seventh deity resides in the constellation of Kritika Nakashtra, which translates to “women who can burn anything and have all of the qualities of the sun and Agni.” Agni represents Devata. Agni is the god, and the Sun is the planet that he rules over. Agni is known as the “great consumer” and “great purifier,” in addition to being the source of light, heat, and brightness. Agni is the source of both the living fire and the drive. In addition to this, it is the impetus for life. Creation would not take place in the absence of fire. Agni is the driving force behind both the beginning of existence and its continued unfolding. It eats up everything in its path.

Agni refers to both the internal fire that aids in digestion and the external fire that is used for cooking; these are just two distinct manifestations of the same fundamental concept. Agni is the Hindu god of light and brilliance, and firepower is a characteristic shared by all weapons. The Krittika group can also include additional objects that belong to the same category as long as they fall within its scope. Because it destroys all that is evil, dark, and dull in addition to everything that is low, sinful, and inauspicious in the world, fire is seen as a purifier. Only effulgence and light were left after the dross was consumed by the flames.

Fire is what gives the earth its activity and dynamic, and it is what brings the earth back to life after the cold spells that periodically put the earth in a comatose state. The Krittika group’s influence on the cause of the fire may be inferred with relative ease using this evidence. Therefore, she will serve as a beacon of hope for the indigenous people, one that can eradicate any unfavourable aspects of native way of life.

3) The Nakashta The native will meet his wife via work environment or in work environment, and she will bring all forms of social as well as career growth to the native life, including wealth (1st Pada) and Dharama (9th house) to the native as well as add luck and spirt to the native’s life. Because Lord Sun is in the 9th house in Hasta nakashtra, the Nakashtra of Skills and Hands, in Dual Sign (Virgo), and in the 1st Pada.

Pu, Sha, Na, and Thaa are the deities that reign over Hasta Nakashtra.Therefore, the native spouse will be governed by all of these letters and names because the 7th depositor is in the first pada in Hasta. This indicates that the name must have a strong influence of the letter “Na” and must be a combination of two names as what the dual sign signifies because the 7th Lord Nakashtra Lord is in dual sign. The native wife has a prominent role of Sun, Saturn, and Jupiter (mixed influence), and all attributes will be within the grasp of the sun (dharma). Saturn is the seventh planet from Venus, and it is also located in the ninth house, which is the home of Jupiter and the Sun.

Since Hasta, the lord of the Sun nakashtra, is also the lord of the 5th house, and since Moon is also the lord of the 7th house, this indicates that the native wife must be highly emotional, sympathetic, and tender. Because of this, her name must be one that has a Moon Role in real life, and the authentic Native Spouse Name begins with the letter “Na.” Her name is “Navneeta,” and it begins with the letter “Na.” A name formed by combining the following: Nav with “Neeta” equals Nav plus Neeta, which equals “Navneeta,” which implies exceedingly smooth, very soft, and similar to butter in texture.



Rocky Jamwal

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Complete Santan Gopal Stotra and┬а Mool Mantra


рее рд╕рдиреНрддрд╛рдирдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓ рдореВрд▓ рдордиреНрддреНрд░рее
реР рд╢реНрд░реАрдВ рд╣реНрд░реАрдВ рдХреНрд▓реАрдВ рдЧреНрд▓реМрдВ рджреЗрд╡рдХреАрд╕реБрдд рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрдж рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡ рдЬрдЧрддреНрдкрддреЗ ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рддреНрд╡рд╛рдорд╣рдВ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдЧрддрдГрее
рее рд╕рдиреНрддрд╛рдирдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓рд╕реНрддреЛрддреНрд░ рее
реР рдирдореЛ рднрдЧрд╡рддреЗ рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡рд╛рдп ред
рд╢реНрд░реАрд╢рдВ рдХрдорд▓рдкрддреНрд░рд╛рдХреНрд╖рдВ рджреЗрд╡рдХреАрдирдиреНрджрдирдВ рд╣рд░рд┐рдореН ред
рд╕реБрддрд╕рдВрдкреНрд░рд╛рдкреНрддрдпреЗ рдХреГрд╖реНрдгрдВ рдирдорд╛рдорд┐ рдордзреБрд╕реВрджрдирдореН реерезрее
рдирдорд╛рдореНрдпрд╣рдВ рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡рдВ рд╕реБрддрд╕рдВрдкреНрд░рд╛рдкреНрддрдпреЗ рд╣рд░рд┐рдореН ред
рдпрд╢реЛрджрд╛рдЩреНрдХрдЧрддрдВ рдмрд╛рд▓рдВ рдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓рдВ рдирдиреНрджрдирдиреНрджрдирдореНрее реирее
рдЕрд╕реНрдорд╛рдХрдВ рдкреБрддреНрд░рд▓рд╛рднрд╛рдп рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрджрдВ рдореБрдирд┐рд╡рдиреНрджрд┐рддрдореН ред
рдирдорд╛рдореНрдпрд╣рдВ рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡рдВ рджреЗрд╡рдХреАрдирдиреНрджрдирдВ рд╕рджрд╛ рее рейрее
рдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓рдВ рдбрд┐рдореНрднрдХрдВ рд╡рдиреНрджреЗ рдХрдорд▓рд╛рдкрддрд┐рдордЪреНрдпреБрддрдореН ред
рдкреБрддреНрд░рд╕рдВрдкреНрд░рд╛рдкреНрддрдпреЗ рдХреГрд╖реНрдгрдВ рдирдорд╛рдорд┐ рдпрджреБрдкреБрдЩреНрдЧрд╡рдореН рее рекрее
рдкреБрддреНрд░рдХрд╛рдореЗрд╖реНрдЯрд┐рдлрд▓рджрдВ рдХрдЮреНрдЬрд╛рдХреНрд╖рдВ рдХрдорд▓рд╛рдкрддрд┐рдореН ред
рджреЗрд╡рдХреАрдирдиреНрджрдирдВ рд╡рдиреНрджреЗ рд╕реБрддрд╕рдореНрдкреНрд░рд╛рдкреНрддрдпреЗ рдордо рее релрее
рдкрджреНрдорд╛рдкрддреЗ рдкрджреНрдордиреЗрддреНрд░реЗ рдкрджреНрдордирд╛рдн рдЬрдирд╛рд░реНрджрди ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рд╢реНрд░реАрд╢ рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡ рдЬрдЧрддреНрдкрддреЗ рее ремрее
рдпрд╢реЛрджрд╛рдЩреНрдХрдЧрддрдВ рдмрд╛рд▓рдВ рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрджрдВ рдореБрдирд┐рд╡рдиреНрджрд┐рддрдореН ред
рдЕрд╕реНрдорд╛рдХрдВ рдкреБрддреНрд░ рд▓рд╛рднрд╛рдп рдирдорд╛рдорд┐ рд╢реНрд░реАрд╢рдордЪреНрдпреБрддрдореН рее ренрее
рд╢реНрд░реАрдкрддреЗ рджреЗрд╡рджреЗрд╡реЗрд╢ рджреАрдирд╛рд░реНрддрд┐рд░реНрд╣рд░рдгрд╛рдЪреНрдпреБрдд ред
рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрдж рдореЗ рд╕реБрддрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдирдорд╛рдорд┐ рддреНрд╡рд╛рдВ рдЬрдирд╛рд░реНрджрди рее реорее
рднрдХреНрддрдХрд╛рдордж рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрдж рднрдХреНрддрдВ рд░рдХреНрд╖ рд╢реБрднрдкреНрд░рдж ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рд░реБрдХреНрдорд┐рдгреАрд╡рд▓реНрд▓рдн рдкреНрд░рднреЛ рее репрее
рд░реБрдХреНрдорд┐рдгреАрдирд╛рде рд╕рд░реНрд╡реЗрд╢ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рд╕рджрд╛ ред
рднрдХреНрддрдордиреНрджрд╛рд░ рдкрджреНрдорд╛рдХреНрд╖ рддреНрд╡рд╛рдорд╣рдВ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдЧрддрдГ рее резрежрее
рджреЗрд╡рдХреАрд╕реБрдд рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрдж рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡ рдЬрдЧрддреНрдкрддреЗ ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рддреНрд╡рд╛рдорд╣рдВ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдЧрддрдГ рее резрезрее
рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡ рдЬрдЧрджреНрд╡рдиреНрджреНрдп рд╢реНрд░реАрдкрддреЗ рдкреБрд░реБрд╖реЛрддреНрддрдо ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рддреНрд╡рд╛рдорд╣рдВ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдЧрддрдГ рее резреирее
рдХрдЮреНрдЬрд╛рдХреНрд╖ рдХрдорд▓рд╛рдирд╛рде рдкрд░рдХрд╛рд░реБрдгрд┐рдХреЛрддреНрддрдо ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рддреНрд╡рд╛рдорд╣рдВ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдЧрддрдГ рее резрейрее
рд▓рдХреНрд╖реНрдореАрдкрддреЗ рдкрджреНрдордирд╛рдн рдореБрдХреБрдиреНрдж рдореБрдирд┐рд╡рдиреНрджрд┐рдд ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рддреНрд╡рд╛рдорд╣рдВ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдЧрддрдГ рее резрекрее
рдХрд╛рд░реНрдпрдХрд╛рд░рдгрд░реВрдкрд╛рдп рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡рд╛рдп рддреЗ рд╕рджрд╛ ред
рдирдорд╛рдорд┐ рдкреБрддреНрд░рд▓рд╛рднрд╛рд░реНрде рд╕реБрдЦрджрд╛рдп рдмреБрдзрд╛рдп рддреЗ рее резрелрее
рд░рд╛рдЬреАрд╡рдиреЗрддреНрд░ рд╢реНрд░реАрд░рд╛рдо рд░рд╛рд╡рдгрд╛рд░реЗ рд╣рд░реЗ рдХрд╡реЗ ред
рддреБрднреНрдпрдВ рдирдорд╛рдорд┐ рджреЗрд╡реЗрд╢ рддрдирдпрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рд╣рд░реЗ рее резремрее
рдЕрд╕реНрдорд╛рдХрдВ рдкреБрддреНрд░рд▓рд╛рднрд╛рдп рднрдЬрд╛рдорд┐ рддреНрд╡рд╛рдВ рдЬрдЧрддреНрдкрддреЗ ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡ рд░рдорд╛рдкрддреЗ рее резренрее
рд╢реНрд░реАрдорд╛рдирд┐рдиреАрдорд╛рдирдЪреЛрд░ рдЧреЛрдкреАрд╡рд╕реНрддреНрд░рд╛рдкрд╣рд╛рд░рдХ ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡ рдЬрдЧрддреНрдкрддреЗ  рее резреорее
рдЕрд╕реНрдорд╛рдХрдВ рдкреБрддреНрд░рд╕рдВрдкреНрд░рд╛рдкреНрддрд┐рдВ рдХреБрд░реБрд╖реНрд╡ рдпрджреБрдирдиреНрджрди ред
рд░рдорд╛рдкрддреЗ рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡ рдореБрдХреБрдиреНрдж рдореБрдирд┐рд╡рдиреНрджрд┐рдд рее резрепрее
рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡ рд╕реБрддрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рддрдирдпрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдорд╛рдзрд╡ ред
рдкреБрддреНрд░рдВ рдореЗ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рд╢реНрд░реАрдХреГрд╖реНрдг рд╡рддреНрд╕рдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдорд╣рд╛рдкреНрд░рднреЛ реереирежрее
рдбрд┐рдореНрднрдХрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рд╢реНрд░реАрдХреГрд╖реНрдг рдЖрддреНрдордЬрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рд░рд╛рдШрд╡ ред
рднрдХреНрддрдордиреНрджрд╛рд░ рдореЗ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рддрдирдпрдВ рдирдиреНрджрдирдиреНрджрди рее реирезрее
рдирдиреНрджрдирдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡ рдЬрдЧрддреНрдкрддреЗ ред
рдХрдорд▓рдирд╛рде рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрдж рдореБрдХреБрдиреНрдж рдореБрдирд┐рд╡рдиреНрджрд┐рдд рее реиреирее
рдЕрдиреНрдпрдерд╛ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдирд╛рд╕реНрддрд┐ рддреНрд╡рдореЗрд╡ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдордо ред
рд╕реБрддрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рд╢реНрд░рд┐рдпрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рд╢реНрд░рд┐рдпрдВ рдкреБрддреНрд░рдВ рдкреНрд░рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рее реирейрее
рдпрд╢реЛрджрд╛рд╕реНрддрдиреНрдпрдкрд╛рдирдЬреНрдЮрдВ рдкрд┐рдмрдиреНрддрдВ рдпрджреБрдирдиреНрджрдирдВ ред
рд╡рдиреНрджреЗрд╜рд╣рдВ рдкреБрддреНрд░рд▓рд╛рднрд╛рд░реНрдердВ рдХрдкрд┐рд▓рд╛рдХреНрд╖рдВ рд╣рд░рд┐рдВ рд╕рджрд╛ рее реирекрее
рдирдиреНрджрдирдиреНрджрди рджреЗрд╡реЗрд╢ рдирдиреНрджрдирдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рдкреНрд░рднреЛ ред
рд░рдорд╛рдкрддреЗ рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡ рд╢реНрд░рд┐рдпрдВ рдкреБрддреНрд░рдВ рдЬрдЧрддреНрдкрддреЗ рее реирелрее
рдкреБрддреНрд░рдВ рд╢реНрд░рд┐рдпрдВ рд╢реНрд░рд┐рдпрдВ рдкреБрддреНрд░рдВ рдкреБрддреНрд░рдВ рдореЗ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдорд╛рдзрд╡ ред
рдЕрд╕реНрдорд╛рдХрдВ рджреАрдирд╡рд╛рдХреНрдпрд╕реНрдп рдЕрд╡рдзрд╛рд░рдп рд╢реНрд░реАрдкрддреЗ рее реиремрее
рдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓ рдбрд┐рдореНрдн рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрдж рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡ рд░рдорд╛рдкрддреЗ ред
рдЕрд╕реНрдорд╛рдХрдВ рдбрд┐рдореНрднрдХрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рд╢реНрд░рд┐рдпрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдЬрдЧрддреНрдкрддреЗ рее реиренрее
рдорджреНрд╡рд╛рдЮреНрдЫрд┐рддрдлрд▓рдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рджреЗрд╡рдХреАрдирдиреНрджрдирд╛рдЪреНрдпреБрдд ред
рдордо рдкреБрддреНрд░рд╛рд░реНрдерд┐рддрдВ рдзрдиреНрдпрдВ рдХреБрд░реБрд╖реНрд╡ рдпрджреБрдирдиреНрджрди рее реиреорее
рдпрд╛рдЪреЗрд╜рд╣рдВ рддреНрд╡рд╛рдВ рд╢реНрд░рд┐рдпрдВ рдкреБрддреНрд░рдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рдкреБрддреНрд░рд╕рдВрдкрджрдореНред
рднрдХреНрддрдЪрд┐рдиреНрддрд╛рдордгреЗ рд░рд╛рдо рдХрд▓реНрдкрд╡реГрдХреНрд╖ рдорд╣рд╛рдкреНрд░рднреЛ рее реирепрее
рдЖрддреНрдордЬрдВ рдирдиреНрджрдирдВ рдкреБрддреНрд░рдВ рдХреБрдорд╛рд░рдВ рдбрд┐рдореНрднрдХрдВ рд╕реБрддрдореН ред
рдЕрд░реНрднрдХрдВ рддрдирдпрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рд╕рджрд╛ рдореЗ рд░рдШреБрдирдиреНрджрди рее рейрежрее
рд╡рдиреНрджреЗ рд╕рдиреНрддрд╛рдирдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓рдВ рдорд╛рдзрд╡рдВ рднрдХреНрддрдХрд╛рдорджрдореН ред
рдЕрд╕реНрдорд╛рдХрдВ рдкреБрддреНрд░рд╕рдВрдкреНрд░рд╛рдкреНрддреНрдпреИ рд╕рджрд╛ рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрджрдордЪреНрдпреБрддрдореН рее рейрезрее
реРрдХрд╛рд░рдпреБрдХреНрддрдВ рдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓рдВ рд╢реНрд░реАрдпреБрдХреНрддрдВ рдпрджреБрдирдиреНрджрдирдореН ред
рдХреНрд▓реАрдВрдпреБрдХреНрддрдВ рджреЗрд╡рдХреАрдкреБрддреНрд░рдВ рдирдорд╛рдорд┐ рдпрджреБрдирд╛рдпрдХрдореН рее рейреирее
рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡ рдореБрдХреБрдиреНрджреЗрд╢ рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрдж рдорд╛рдзрд╡рд╛рдЪреНрдпреБрдд ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рд░рдорд╛рдирд╛рде рдорд╣рд╛рдкреНрд░рднреЛ рее рейрейрее
рд░рд╛рдЬреАрд╡рдиреЗрддреНрд░ рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрдж рдХрдкрд┐рд▓рд╛рдХреНрд╖ рд╣рд░реЗ рдкреНрд░рднреЛ ред
рд╕рдорд╕реНрддрдХрд╛рдореНрдпрд╡рд░рдж рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рд╕рджрд╛ рее рейрекрее
рдЕрдмреНрдЬрдкрджреНрдордирд┐рднрдВ рдкрджреНрдорд╡реГрдиреНрджрд░реВрдк рдЬрдЧрддреНрдкрддреЗ ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рд╡рд░рд╕рддреНрдкреБрддреНрд░рдВ рд░рдорд╛рдирд╛рдпрдХ рдорд╛рдзрд╡ рее рейрелрее
рдирдиреНрджрдкрд╛рд▓ рдзрд░рд╛рдкрд╛рд▓ рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрдж рдпрджреБрдирдиреНрджрди ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рд░реБрдХреНрдорд┐рдгреАрд╡рд▓реНрд▓рдн рдкреНрд░рднреЛ рее рейремрее
рджрд╛рд╕рдордиреНрджрд╛рд░ рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрдж рдореБрдХреБрдиреНрдж рдорд╛рдзрд╡рд╛рдЪреНрдпреБрдд ред
рдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓ рдкреБрдгреНрдбрд░реАрдХрд╛рдХреНрд╖ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рд╢реНрд░рд┐рдпрдореН рее рейренрее
рдпрджреБрдирд╛рдпрдХ рдкрджреНрдореЗрд╢ рдирдиреНрджрдЧреЛрдкрд╡рдзреВрд╕реБрдд ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рд╢реНрд░реАрдзрд░ рдкреНрд░рд╛рдгрдирд╛рдпрдХ рее рейреорее
рдЕрд╕реНрдорд╛рдХрдВ рд╡рд╛рдЮреНрдЫрд┐рддрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдкреБрддреНрд░рдВ рд░рдорд╛рдкрддреЗ ред
рднрдЧрд╡рдиреН рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рд╕рд░реНрд╡реЗрд╢ рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡ рдЬрдЧрддреНрдкрддреЗ рее рейрепрее
рд░рдорд╛рд╣реГрджрдпрд╕рдВрднрд╛рд░рд╕рддреНрдпрднрд╛рдорд╛рдордирдГ рдкреНрд░рд┐рдп ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рд░реБрдХреНрдорд┐рдгреАрд╡рд▓реНрд▓рдн рдкреНрд░рднреЛ рее рекрежрее
рдЪрдиреНрджреНрд░рд╕реВрд░реНрдпрд╛рдХреНрд╖ рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрдж рдкреБрдгреНрдбрд░реАрдХрд╛рдХреНрд╖ рдорд╛рдзрд╡ ред
рдЕрд╕реНрдорд╛рдХрдВ рднрд╛рдЧреНрдпрд╕рддреНрдкреБрддреНрд░рдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рджреЗрд╡ рдЬрдЧрддреНрдкрддреЗ рее рекрезрее
рдХрд╛рд░реБрдгреНрдпрд░реВрдк рдкрджреНрдорд╛рдХреНрд╖ рдкрджреНрдордирд╛рднрд╕рдорд░реНрдЪрд┐рдд ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рджреЗрд╡рдХреАрдирдиреНрджрдирдиреНрджрди рее рекреирее
рджреЗрд╡рдХреАрд╕реБрдд рд╢реНрд░реАрдирд╛рде рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡ рдЬрдЧрддреНрдкрддреЗ ред
рд╕рдорд╕реНрддрдХрд╛рдордлрд▓рдж рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рд╕рджрд╛ рее рекрейрее
рднрдХреНрддрдордиреНрджрд╛рд░ рдЧрдореНрднреАрд░ рд╢рдЩреНрдХрд░рд╛рдЪреНрдпреБрдд рдорд╛рдзрд╡ ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдЧреЛрдкрдмрд╛рд▓рд╡рддреНрд╕рд▓ рд╢реНрд░реАрдкрддреЗ рее рекрекрее
рд╢реНрд░реАрдкрддреЗ рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡реЗрд╢ рджреЗрд╡рдХреАрдкреНрд░рд┐рдпрдирдиреНрджрди ред
рднрдХреНрддрдордиреНрджрд╛рд░ рдореЗ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рддрдирдпрдВ рдЬрдЧрддрд╛рдВ рдкреНрд░рднреЛ реерекрелрее
рдЬрдЧрдиреНрдирд╛рде рд░рдорд╛рдирд╛рде рднреВрдорд┐рдирд╛рде рджрдпрд╛рдирд┐рдзреЗ ред
рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡реЗрд╢ рд╕рд░реНрд╡реЗрд╢ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдкреНрд░рднреЛ рее рекремрее
рд╢реНрд░реАрдирд╛рде рдХрдорд▓рдкрддреНрд░рд╛рдХреНрд╖ рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡ рдЬрдЧрддреНрдкрддреЗ ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рддреНрд╡рд╛рдорд╣рдВ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдЧрддрдГ рее рекренрее
рджрд╛рд╕рдордиреНрджрд╛рд░ рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрдж рднрдХреНрддрдЪрд┐рдиреНрддрд╛рдордгреЗ рдкреНрд░рднреЛ ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рддреНрд╡рд╛рдорд╣рдВ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдЧрддрдГ рее рекреорее
рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрдж рдкреБрдгреНрдбрд░реАрдХрд╛рдХреНрд╖ рд░рдорд╛рдирд╛рде рдорд╣рд╛рдкреНрд░рднреЛ ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рддреНрд╡рд╛рдорд╣рдВ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдЧрддрдГ рее рекрепрее
рд╢реНрд░реАрдирд╛рде рдХрдорд▓рдкрддреНрд░рд╛рдХреНрд╖ рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрдж рдордзреБрд╕реВрджрди ред
рдорддреНрдкреБрддреНрд░рдлрд▓рд╕рд┐рджреНрдзреНрдпрд░реНрдердВ рднрдЬрд╛рдорд┐ рддреНрд╡рд╛рдВ рдЬрдирд╛рд░реНрджрди рее релрежрее
рд╕реНрддрдиреНрдпрдВ рдкрд┐рдмрдиреНрддрдВ рдЬрдирдиреАрдореБрдЦрд╛рдВрдмреБрдЬрдВ рд╡рд┐рд▓реЛрдХреНрдп рдордиреНрджрд╕реНрдорд┐рддрдореБрдЬреНрдЬреНрд╡рд▓рд╛рдЩреНрдЧрдореН ред
рд╕реНрдкреГрд╢рдиреНрддрдордиреНрдпрд╕реНрддрдирдордЩреНрдЧреБрд▓реАрднрд┐рд░реНрд╡рдиреНрджреЗ рдпрд╢реЛрджрд╛рдЩреНрдХрдЧрддрдВ рдореБрдХреБрдиреНрджрдореН рее релрезрее
рдпрд╛рдЪреЗрд╜рд╣рдВ рдкреБрддреНрд░рд╕рдиреНрддрд╛рдирдВ рднрд╡рдиреНрддрдВ рдкрджреНрдорд▓реЛрдЪрди ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рддреНрд╡рд╛рдорд╣рдВ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдЧрддрдГ рее релреирее
рдЕрд╕реНрдорд╛рдХрдВ рдкреБрддреНрд░рд╕рдореНрдкрддреНрддреЗрд╢реНрдЪрд┐рдиреНрддрдпрд╛рдорд┐ рдЬрдЧрддреНрдкрддреЗ ред
рд╢реАрдШреНрд░рдВ рдореЗ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рджрд╛рддрд╡реНрдпрдВ рднрд╡рддрд╛ рдореБрдирд┐рд╡рдиреНрджрд┐рдд рее релрейрее
рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡ рдЬрдЧрдиреНрдирд╛рде рд╢реНрд░реАрдкрддреЗ рдкреБрд░реБрд╖реЛрддреНрддрдо ред
рдХреБрд░реБ рдорд╛рдВ рдкреБрддреНрд░рджрддреНрддрдВ рдЪ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рджреЗрд╡реЗрдиреНрджреНрд░рдкреВрдЬрд┐рдд рее релрекрее
рдХреБрд░реБ рдорд╛рдВ рдкреБрддреНрд░рджрддреНрддрдВ рдЪ рдпрд╢реЛрджрд╛рдкреНрд░рд┐рдпрдирдиреНрджрдирдореН ред
рдорд╣реНрдпрдВ рдЪ рдкреБрддреНрд░рд╕рдиреНрддрд╛рдирдВ рджрд╛рддрд╡реНрдпрдВрднрд╡рддрд╛ рд╣рд░реЗ рее релрелрее
рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡ рдЬрдЧрдиреНрдирд╛рде рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрдж рджреЗрд╡рдХреАрд╕реБрдд ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рд░рд╛рдо рдХреМрд╢рд▓реНрдпрд╛рдкреНрд░рд┐рдпрдирдиреНрджрди рее релремрее
рдкрджреНрдордкрддреНрд░рд╛рдХреНрд╖ рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрдж рд╡рд┐рд╖реНрдгреЛ рд╡рд╛рдорди рдорд╛рдзрд╡ ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рд╕реАрддрд╛рдкреНрд░рд╛рдгрдирд╛рдпрдХ рд░рд╛рдШрд╡ рее релренрее
рдХрдЮреНрдЬрд╛рдХреНрд╖ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рджреЗрд╡реЗрдиреНрджреНрд░рдордгреНрдбрд┐рдд рдореБрдирд┐рд╡рдиреНрджрд┐рдд ред
рд▓рдХреНрд╖реНрдордгрд╛рдЧреНрд░рдЬ рд╢реНрд░реАрд░рд╛рдо рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рд╕рджрд╛ рее релреорее
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рд░рд╛рдо рджрд╢рд░рдердкреНрд░рд┐рдпрдирдиреНрджрди ред
рд╕реАрддрд╛рдирд╛рдпрдХ рдХрдЮреНрдЬрд╛рдХреНрд╖ рдореБрдЪреБрдХреБрдиреНрджрд╡рд░рдкреНрд░рдж рее релрепрее
рд╡рд┐рднреАрд╖рдгрд╕реНрдп рдпрд╛ рд▓рдЩреНрдХрд╛ рдкреНрд░рджрддреНрддрд╛ рднрд╡рддрд╛ рдкреБрд░рд╛ ред
рдЕрд╕реНрдорд╛рдХрдВ рддрддреНрдкреНрд░рдХрд╛рд░реЗрдг рддрдирдпрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдорд╛рдзрд╡ рее ремрежрее
рднрд╡рджреАрдпрдкрджрд╛рдВрднреЛрдЬреЗ рдЪрд┐рдиреНрддрдпрд╛рдорд┐ рдирд┐рд░рдиреНрддрд░рдореН ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рд╕реАрддрд╛рдкреНрд░рд╛рдгрд╡рд▓реНрд▓рдн рд░рд╛рдШрд╡ рее ремрезрее
рд░рд╛рдо рдорддреНрдХрд╛рдореНрдпрд╡рд░рдж рдкреБрддреНрд░реЛрддреНрдкрддреНрддрд┐рдлрд▓рдкреНрд░рдж ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рд╢реНрд░реАрд╢ рдХрдорд▓рд╛рд╕рдирд╡рдиреНрджрд┐рдд рее ремреирее
рд░рд╛рдо рд░рд╛рдШрд╡ рд╕реАрддреЗрд╢ рд▓рдХреНрд╖реНрдордгрд╛рдиреБрдЬ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ ред
рднрд╛рдЧреНрдпрд╡рддреНрдкреБрддреНрд░рд╕рдиреНрддрд╛рдирдВ рджрд╢рд░рдердкреНрд░рд┐рдпрдирдиреНрджрди ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рд░рд╛рдо рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓ рдорд╛рдзрд╡ рее ремрекрее
рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рдорд╛рдзрд╡ рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрдж рд╡рд╛рдордирд╛рдЪреНрдпреБрдд рд╢рдЩреНрдХрд░ ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рд╢реНрд░реАрд╢ рдЧреЛрдкрдмрд╛рд▓рдХрдирд╛рдпрдХ рее ремрелрее
рдЧреЛрдкрдмрд╛рд▓ рдорд╣рд╛рдзрдиреНрдп рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрджрд╛рдЪреНрдпреБрдд рдорд╛рдзрд╡ ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡ рдЬрдЧрддреНрдкрддреЗ рее ремремрее
рджрд┐рд╢рддреБ рджрд┐рд╢рддреБ рдкреБрддреНрд░рдВ рджреЗрд╡рдХреАрдирдиреНрджрдиреЛрд╜рдпрдВ
рджрд┐рд╢рддреБ рджрд┐рд╢рддреБ рд╢реАрдШреНрд░рдВ рднрд╛рдЧреНрдпрд╡рддреНрдкреБрддреНрд░рд▓рд╛рднрдореН ред
рджрд┐рд╢рддреБ рджрд┐рд╢рддреБ рд╢реАрдШреНрд░рдВ рд╢реНрд░реАрд╢реЛ рд░рд╛рдШрд╡реЛ рд░рд╛рдордЪрдиреНрджреНрд░реЛ
рджрд┐рд╢рддреБ рджрд┐рд╢рддреБ рдкреБрддреНрд░рдВ рд╡рдВрд╢ рд╡рд┐рд╕реНрддрд╛рд░рд╣реЗрддреЛрдГ рее ремренрее
рджреАрдпрддрд╛рдВ рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡реЗрди рддрдирдпреЛрдорддреНрдкреНрд░рд┐рдпрдГ рд╕реБрддрдГ ред
рдХреБрдорд╛рд░реЛ рдирдиреНрджрдирдГ рд╕реАрддрд╛рдирд╛рдпрдХреЗрди рд╕рджрд╛ рдордо рее ремреорее
рд░рд╛рдо рд░рд╛рдШрд╡ рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрдж рджреЗрд╡рдХреАрд╕реБрдд рдорд╛рдзрд╡ ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рд╢реНрд░реАрд╢ рдЧреЛрдкрдмрд╛рд▓рдХрдирд╛рдпрдХ рее ремрепрее
рд╡рдВрд╢рд╡рд┐рд╕реНрддрд╛рд░рдХрдВ рдкреБрддреНрд░рдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рдордзреБрд╕реВрджрди ред
рд╕реБрддрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рд╕реБрддрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рддреНрд╡рд╛рдорд╣рдВ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдЧрддрдГ рее ренрежрее
рдордорд╛рднреАрд╖реНрдЯрд╕реБрддрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдХрдВрд╕рд╛рд░реЗ рдорд╛рдзрд╡рд╛рдЪреНрдпреБрдд ред
рд╕реБрддрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рд╕реБрддрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рддреНрд╡рд╛рдорд╣рдВ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдЧрддрдГ рееренрезрее
рдЪрдиреНрджреНрд░рд╛рд░реНрдХрдХрд▓реНрдкрдкрд░реНрдпрдиреНрддрдВ рддрдирдпрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдорд╛рдзрд╡ ред
рд╕реБрддрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рд╕реБрддрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рддреНрд╡рд╛рдорд╣рдВ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдЧрддрдГ рееренреирее
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рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рджреЗрд╡рдХреАрдирдиреНрджрди рдкреНрд░рднреЛ рее ренрейрее
рдирдорд╛рдорд┐ рддреНрд╡рд╛рдВ рдкрджреНрдордиреЗрддреНрд░ рд╕реБрддрд▓рд╛рднрд╛рдп рдХрд╛рдорджрдореН ред
рдореБрдХреБрдиреНрджрдВ рдкреБрдгреНрдбрд░реАрдХрд╛рдХреНрд╖рдВ рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрджрдВ рдордзреБрд╕реВрджрдирдореН рее ренрекрее
рднрдЧрд╡рдиреН рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрдж рд╕рд░реНрд╡рдХрд╛рдордлрд▓рдкреНрд░рдж ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рд╕реНрд╡рд╛рдорд┐рдВрд╕реНрддреНрд╡рд╛рдорд╣рдВ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдЧрддрдГ рее ренрелрее
рд╕реНрд╡рд╛рдорд┐рдВрд╕реНрддреНрд╡рдВ рднрдЧрд╡рдиреН рд░рд╛рдо рдХреГрд╖реНрди рдорд╛рдзрд╡ рдХрд╛рдордж ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдирд┐рддреНрдпрдВ рддреНрд╡рд╛рдорд╣рдВ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдЧрддрдГ рее ренремрее
рддрдирдпрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐рдУ рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрдж рдХрдЮреНрдЬрд╛рдХреНрд╖ рдХрдорд▓рд╛рдкрддреЗ ред
рд╕реБрддрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рд╕реБрддрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рддреНрд╡рд╛рдорд╣рдВ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдЧрддрдГ рееренренрее
рдкрджреНрдорд╛рдкрддреЗ рдкрджреНрдордиреЗрддреНрд░ рдкреНрд░рджреНрдпреБрдореНрди рдЬрдирдХ рдкреНрд░рднреЛ ред
рд╕реБрддрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рд╕реБрддрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рддреНрд╡рд╛рдорд╣рдВ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдЧрддрдГ рее ренреорее
рд╢рдЩреНрдЦрдЪрдХреНрд░рдЧрджрд╛рдЦрдбреНрдЧрд╢рд╛рд░реНрдЩреНрдЧрдкрд╛рдгреЗ рд░рдорд╛рдкрддреЗ ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рддреНрд╡рд╛рдорд╣рдВ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдЧрддрдГ рее ренрепрее
рдирд╛рд░рд╛рдпрдг рд░рдорд╛рдирд╛рде рд░рд╛рдЬреАрд╡рдкрддреНрд░рд▓реЛрдЪрди ред
рд╕реБрддрдВ рдореЗ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рджреЗрд╡реЗрд╢ рдкрджреНрдордкрджреНрдорд╛рдиреБрд╡рдиреНрджрд┐рдд рее реорежрее
рд░рд╛рдо рд░рд╛рдШрд╡ рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрдж рджреЗрд╡рдХреАрд╡рд░рдирдиреНрджрди ред
рд░реБрдХреНрдорд┐рдгреАрдирд╛рде рд╕рд░реНрд╡реЗрд╢ рдирд╛рд░рджрд╛рджрд┐рд╕реБрд░рд╛рд░реНрдЪрд┐рдд рее реорезрее
рджреЗрд╡рдХреАрд╕реБрдд рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрдж рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡ рдЬрдЧрддреНрдкрддреЗ ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рд╢реНрд░реАрд╢ рдЧреЛрдкрдмрд╛рд▓рдХрдирд╛рдпрдХ рее реореирее
рдореБрдирд┐рд╡рдиреНрджрд┐рдд рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрдж рд░реБрдХреНрдорд┐рдгреАрд╡рд▓реНрд▓рдн рдкреНрд░рднреЛ ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рддреНрд╡рд╛рдорд╣рдВ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдЧрддрдГ рее реорейрее
рдЧреЛрдкрд┐рдХрд╛рд░реНрдЬрд┐рддрдкрдЩреНрдХреЗрдЬрдорд░рдиреНрджрд╛рд╕рдХреНрддрдорд╛рдирд╕ ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рддреНрд╡рд╛рдорд╣рдВ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдЧрддрдГ рее реорекрее
рд░рдорд╛рд╣реГрджрдпрдкрдЩреНрдХреЗрдЬрд▓реЛрд▓ рдорд╛рдзрд╡ рдХрд╛рдордж ред
рдордорд╛рднреАрд╖реНрдЯрд╕реБрддрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рддреНрд╡рд╛рдорд╣рдВ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдЧрддрдГ рее реорелрее
рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡ рд░рдорд╛рдирд╛рде рджрд╛рд╕рд╛рдирд╛рдВ рдордЩреНрдЧрд▓рдкреНрд░рдж ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рддреНрд╡рд╛рдорд╣рдВ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдЧрддрдГ рее реоремрее
рдХрд▓реНрдпрд╛рдгрдкреНрд░рдж рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрдж рдореБрд░рд╛рд░реЗ рдореБрдирд┐рд╡рдиреНрджрд┐рдд ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рддреНрд╡рд╛рдорд╣рдВ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдЧрддрдГ рее реоренрее
рдкреБрддреНрд░рдкреНрд░рдж рдореБрдХреБрдиреНрджреЗрд╢ рд░реБрдХреНрдорд┐рдгреАрд╡рд▓реНрд▓рдн рдкреНрд░рднреЛ ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рддреНрд╡рд╛рдорд╣рдВ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдЧрддрдГ рее реореорее
рдкреБрдгреНрдбрд░реАрдХрд╛рдХреНрд╖ рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрдж рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡ рдЬрдЧрддреНрдкрддреЗ ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рддреНрд╡рд╛рдорд╣рдВ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдЧрддрдГ рее реорепрее
рджрдпрд╛рдирд┐рдзреЗ рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡ рдореБрдХреБрдиреНрдж рдореБрдирд┐рд╡рдиреНрджрд┐рдд ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рддреНрд╡рд╛рдорд╣рдВ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдЧрддрдГ рее репрежрее
рдкреБрддреНрд░рд╕рдореНрдкрддреНрдкреНрд░рджрд╛рддрд╛рд░рдВ рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрджрдВ рджреЗрд╡рдкреВрдЬрд┐рддрдореН ред
рд╡рдиреНрджрд╛рдорд╣реЗ рд╕рджрд╛ рдХреГрд╖реНрдгрдВ рдкреБрддреНрд░ рд▓рд╛рдн рдкреНрд░рджрд╛рдпрд┐рдирдореН рее репрезрее
рдХрд╛рд░реБрдгреНрдпрдирд┐рдзрдпреЗ рдЧреЛрдкреАрд╡рд▓реНрд▓рднрд╛рдп рдореБрд░рд╛рд░рдпреЗ ред
рдирдорд╕реНрддреЗ рдкреБрддреНрд░рд▓рд╛рднрд╛рдп рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рд╡рд┐рднреЛ рее репреирее
рдирдорд╕реНрддрд╕реНрдореИ рд░рдореЗрд╢рд╛рдп рд░реБрдорд┐рдгреАрд╡рд▓реНрд▓рднрд╛рдп рддреЗ ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рд╢реНрд░реАрд╢ рдЧреЛрдкрдмрд╛рд▓рдХрдирд╛рдпрдХ рее репрейрее
рдирдорд╕реНрддреЗ рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡рд╛рдп рдирд┐рддреНрдпрд╢реНрд░реАрдХрд╛рдореБрдХрд╛рдп рдЪ ред
рдкреБрддреНрд░рджрд╛рдп рдЪ рд╕рд░реНрдкреЗрдиреНрджреНрд░рд╢рд╛рдпрд┐рдиреЗ рд░рдЩреНрдЧрд╢рд╛рдпрд┐рдиреЗ рее репрекрее
рд░рдЩреНрдЧрд╢рд╛рдпрд┐рдиреН рд░рдорд╛рдирд╛рде рдордЩреНрдЧрд▓рдкреНрд░рдж рдорд╛рдзрд╡ ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рд╢реНрд░реАрд╢ рдЧреЛрдкрдмрд╛рд▓рдХрдирд╛рдпрдХ рее репрелрее
рджрд╛рд╕рд╕реНрдп рдореЗ рд╕реБрддрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рджреАрдирдордиреНрджрд╛рд░ рд░рд╛рдШрд╡ ред
рд╕реБрддрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рд╕реБрддрдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдкреБрддреНрд░рдВ рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рд░рдорд╛рдкрддреЗ рее репремрее
рдпрд╢реЛрджрд╛рддрдирдпрд╛рднреАрд╖реНрдЯрдкреБрддреНрд░рджрд╛рдирд░рддрдГ рд╕рджрд╛ ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рддреНрд╡рд╛рдорд╣рдВ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдЧрддрдГ реерепренрее
рдорджрд┐рд╖реНрдЯрджреЗрд╡ рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрдж рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡ рдЬрдирд╛рд░реНрджрди ред
рджреЗрд╣рд┐ рдореЗ рддрдирдпрдВ рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рддреНрд╡рд╛рдорд╣рдВ рд╢рд░рдгрдВ рдЧрддрдГ рее репреорее
рдиреАрддрд┐рдорд╛рдиреН рдзрдирд╡рд╛рдиреН рдкреБрддреНрд░реЛ рд╡рд┐рджреНрдпрд╛рд╡рд╛рдВрд╢реНрдЪ рдкреНрд░рдЬрд╛рдкрддреЗ ред
рднрдЧрд╡рдВрд╕реНрддреНрд╡рддреНрдХреГрдкрд╛рдпрд╛рд╢реНрдЪ рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡реЗрдиреНрджреНрд░рдкреВрдЬрд┐рдд рее репрепрее
рдпрдГрдкрдареЗрддреН рдкреБрддреНрд░рд╢рддрдХрдВ рд╕реЛрд╜рдкрд┐ рд╕рддреНрдкреБрддреНрд░рд╡рд╛рдиреН рднрд╡реЗрдд ред
рд╢реНрд░реАрд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡рдХрдерд┐рддрдВ рд╕реНрддреЛрддреНрд░рд░рддреНрдирдВ рд╕реБрдЦрд╛рдп рдЪ рее резрежрежрее
рдЬрдкрдХрд╛рд▓реЗ рдкрдареЗрдиреНрдирд┐рддреНрдпрдВ рдкреБрддреНрд░рд▓рд╛рднрдВ рдзрдирдВ рд╢реНрд░рд┐рдпрдореН ред
рдРрд╢реНрд╡рд░реНрдпрдВ рд░рд╛рдЬрд╕рдореНрдорд╛рдирдВ рд╕рджреНрдпреЛ рдпрд╛рддрд┐ рди рд╕рдВрд╢рдпрдГ рее резрежрезрее
Source and Reference : Anuradha anurAdha_rs@yahoo.co.in



Santan Gopal Complete Mantra

Here is the Santan Gopal Mantra with below-mentioned Stotra necessary for a devotee to recite it daily at least for 10 Jaap Mala


SantanaGopalMantra vedic astrology remedies for childlessness : santan gopal mantra, santan gopal stotra, santan gopal yantra and gopal sahastranaam benefits

Regular chanting of this Santan Gopal Mantra will dissolve all the obstacles that stand in your way of begetting a child. it so powerful that it can alleviate all your mental peace and bless you with progeny. This mantra is very┬аuseful for childless couples who are facing lots of delays and hurdles in be getting child. Even its energies are so powerful that it can prevent any chances of miscarriage or mishap during pregnancy.It helps to remove all difficulties associated with the conceiving and birth of a child and not even only it also ensures safe delivery of a child but also blesses him with good health and intelligence.


What┬аis┬аGopal Sahastranaam and its pooja for the delay in childbirth

Gopal Sahastranaam is having 1000 names of child form of Lord Krishna.The┬аGopal Sahastranaam Puja is very auspicious and removes all obstacles from the life of devotees, especially for those couples facing lots of difficulties in getting progeny in right time from many years. It blesses the devotees with a child like Gopal hence this stotra is very beneficial for the couples desiring for a child. ┬аEven this The puja not only removes the problems of childless couples it is also fruitful for all. It showers prosperity, sound health and wealth to the one who performs this Puja wholeheartedly.


Complete Gopal sahastranaam

Complete Stotra with Kar-Nayasa, Hardiya nayasa, and Dhyaana is available in Geeta Press Santan Gopal stotra and Sahastranaam.Please keep in mind there are two version One is Santaan Gopal stotra having 100 Sloka and another one is Gopal Sahastrnaam having 168 Shalokas. Below mentioned attached is Geeta- Press Santan Gopal Stotra. User can do any of one either Stotra or Sahasrnaama.

Check here or check out more from Geeta-Press Website:


Here is the Gopal Sahastranaam Stotra edited and Proof-read done by┬аsanskritdocuments.org┬аTeam. For┬аComplete Sanskrit version, and way of performing the ritual, check out at the end of the story, PDF is attached below or you can also buy from Geeta Press too.So, Here is the Gopal Sahastranaam Stotra:

рее рд╢реНрд░реАрдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓рд╕рд╣рд╕реНрд░рдирд╛рдорд╕реНрддреЛрддреНрд░рдореН рее

govardhan sri krishna vedic astrology remedies for childlessness : santan gopal mantra, santan gopal stotra, santan gopal yantra and gopal sahastranaam benefits

рдкрд╛рд░реНрд╡рддреНрдпреБрд╡рд╛рдЪ –

рдХреИрд▓рд╛рд╕рд╢рд┐рдЦрд░реЗ рд░рдореНрдпреЗ рдЧреМрд░реА рдкреГрдЪреНрдЫрддрд┐ рд╢рдЩреНрдХрд░рдореН ред
рдмреНрд░рд╣реНрдорд╛рдгреНрдбрд╛рдЦрд┐рд▓рдирд╛рдерд╕реНрддреНрд╡рдВ рд╕реГрд╖реНрдЯрд┐рд╕рдВрд╣рд╛рд░рдХрд╛рд░рдХрдГ рее резрее
рддреНрд╡рдореЗрд╡ рдкреВрдЬреНрдпрд╕реЗ рд▓реЛрдХреИрд░реНрдмреНрд░рд╣реНрдорд╡рд┐рд╖реНрдгреБрд╕реБрд░рд╛рджрд┐рднрд┐рдГ ред
рдирд┐рддреНрдпрдВ рдкрдард╕рд┐ рджреЗрд╡реЗрд╢ рдХрд╕реНрдп рд╕реНрддреЛрддреНрд░рдВ рдорд╣реЗрд╢реНрд╡рд░ рее реирее
рдЖрд╢реНрдЪрд░реНрдпрдорд┐рджрдорд╛рдЦреНрдпрд╛рдирдВ рдЬрд╛рдпрддреЗ рдордпрд┐ рд╢рдЩреНрдХрд░ ред
рддрддреНрдкреНрд░рд╛рдгреЗрд╢ рдорд╣рд╛рдкреНрд░рд╛рдЬреНрдЮ рд╕рдВрд╢рдпрдВ рдЫрд┐рдиреНрдзрд┐ рдореЗ рдкреНрд░рднреЛ рее рейрее

рд╢реНрд░реАрдорд╣рд╛рджреЗрд╡ рдЙрд╡рд╛рдЪ –

рдзрдиреНрдпрд╛рд╕рд┐ рдХреГрддрдкреБрдгреНрдпрд╛рд╕рд┐ рдкрд╛рд░реНрд╡рддрд┐ рдкреНрд░рд╛рдгрд╡рд▓реНрд▓рднреЗ ред
рд░рд╣рд╕реНрдпрд╛рддрд┐рд░рд╣рд╕реНрдпрдВ рдЪ рдпрддреНрдкреГрдЪреНрдЫрд╕рд┐ рд╡рд░рд╛рдирдиреЗ рее рекрее
рд╕реНрддреНрд░реАрд╕реНрд╡рднрд╛рд╡рд╛рдиреНрдорд╣рд╛рджреЗрд╡рд┐ рдкреБрдирд╕реНрддреНрд╡рдВ рдкрд░рд┐рдкреГрдЪреНрдЫрд╕рд┐ ред
рдЧреЛрдкрдиреАрдпрдВ рдЧреЛрдкрдиреАрдпрдВ рдЧреЛрдкрдиреАрдпрдВ рдкреНрд░рдпрддреНрдирддрдГ рее релрее
рджрддреНрддреЗ рдЪ рд╕рд┐рджреНрдзрд┐рд╣рд╛рдирд┐рдГ рд╕реНрдпрд╛рддреНрддрд╕реНрдорд╛рджреНрдпрддреНрдиреЗрди рдЧреЛрдкрдпреЗрддреН ред
рдЗрджрдВ рд░рд╣рд╕реНрдпрдВ рдкрд░рдордВ рдкреБрд░реБрд╖рд╛рд░реНрдердкреНрд░рджрд╛рдпрдХрдореН рее ремрее
рдзрдирд░рддреНрдиреМрдШрдорд╛рдгрд┐рдХреНрдпрдВ рддреБрд░рдЩреНрдЧрдВ рдЪ рдЧрдЬрд╛рджрд┐рдХрдореН ред
рджрджрд╛рддрд┐ рд╕реНрдорд░рдгрд╛рджреЗрд╡ рдорд╣рд╛рдореЛрдХреНрд╖рдкреНрд░рджрд╛рдпрдХрдореН рее ренрее
рддрддреНрддреЗрд╜рд╣рдВ рд╕рдореНрдкреНрд░рд╡рдХреНрд╖реНрдпрд╛рдорд┐ рд╢реГрдгреБрд╖реНрд╡рд╛рд╡рд╣рд┐рддрд╛ рдкреНрд░рд┐рдпреЗ ред
рдпреЛрд╜рд╕реМ рдирд┐рд░рдЮреНрдЬрдиреЛ рджреЗрд╡рдГ рдЪрд┐рддреНрд╕реНрд╡рд░реВрдкреА рдЬрдирд╛рд░реНрджрдирдГ рее реорее
рд╕рдВрд╕рд╛рд░рд╕рд╛рдЧрд░реЛрддреНрддрд╛рд░рдХрд╛рд░рдгрд╛рдп рдиреГрдгрд╛рдореН рд╕рджрд╛ ред
рд╢реНрд░реАрд░рдЩреНрдЧрд╛рджрд┐рдХрд░реВрдкреЗрдг рддреНрд░реИрд▓реЛрдХреНрдпрдВ рд╡реНрдпрд╛рдкреНрдп рддрд┐рд╖реНрдарддрд┐ рее репрее
рддрддреЛ рд▓реЛрдХрд╛ рдорд╣рд╛рдореВрдврд╛ рд╡рд┐рд╖реНрдгреБрднрдХреНрддрд┐рд╡рд┐рд╡рд░реНрдЬрд┐рддрд╛рдГ ред
рдирд┐рд╢реНрдЪрдпрдВ рдирд╛рдзрд┐рдЧрдЪреНрдЫрдиреНрддрд┐ рдкреБрдирд░реНрдирд╛рд░рд╛рдпрдгреЛ рд╣рд░рд┐рдГ рее резрежрее
рдирд┐рд░рдЮреНрдЬрдиреЛ рдирд┐рд░рд╛рдХрд╛рд░реЛ рднрдХреНрддрд╛рдирд╛рдВ рдкреНрд░реАрддрд┐рдХрд╛рдорджрдГ ред
рд╡реГрдиреНрджрд╛рд╡рдирд╡рд┐рд╣рд╛рд░рд╛рдп рдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓рдВ рд░реВрдкрдореБрджреНрд╡рд╣рдиреН рее резрезрее
рдореБрд░рд▓реАрд╡рд╛рджрдирд╛рдзрд╛рд░реА рд░рд╛рдзрд╛рдпреИ рдкреНрд░реАрддрд┐рдорд╛рд╡рд╣рдиреН ред
рдЕрдВрд╢рд╛рдВрд╢реЗрднреНрдпрдГ рд╕рдореБрдиреНрдореАрд▓реНрдп рдкреВрд░реНрдгрд░реВрдкрдХрд▓рд╛рдпреБрддрдГ рее резреирее
рд╢реНрд░реАрдХреГрд╖реНрдгрдЪрдиреНрджреНрд░реЛ рднрдЧрд╡рд╛рдиреН рдирдиреНрджрдЧреЛрдкрд╡рд░реЛрджреНрдпрддрдГ ред
рдзрд░рдгреАрд░реВрдкрд┐рдгреАрдорд╛рддреГрдпрд╢реЛрджрд╛рдирдиреНрджрджрд╛рдпрдХрдГ рее резрейрее
рджреНрд╡рд╛рднреНрдпрд╛рдВ рдкреНрд░рдпрд╛рдЪрд┐рддреЛ рдирд╛рдереЛ рджреЗрд╡рдХреНрдпрд╛рдВ рд╡рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡рддрдГ ред
рдмреНрд░рд╣реНрдордгрд╛рд╜рднреНрдпрд░реНрдерд┐рддреЛ рджреЗрд╡реЛ рджреЗрд╡реИрд░рдкрд┐ рд╕реБрд░реЗрд╢реНрд╡рд░рд┐ рее резрекрее
рдЬрд╛рддреЛрд╜рд╡рдиреНрдпрд╛рдВ рдореБрдХреБрдиреНрджреЛрд╜рдкрд┐ рдореБрд░рд▓реЛрд╡реЗрджрд░реЗрдЪрд┐рдХрд╛ ред
рддрдпрд╛ рд╕рд╛рд░реНрджреНрдзрдВ рд╡рдЪрдГ рдХреГрддреНрд╡рд╛ рддрддреЛ рдЬрд╛рддреЛ рдорд╣реАрддрд▓реЗ рее резрелрее
рд╕рдВрд╕рд╛рд░рд╕рд╛рд░рд╕рд░реНрд╡рд╕реНрд╡рдВ рд╢реНрдпрд╛рдорд▓рдВ рдорд╣рджреБрдЬреНрдЬреНрд╡рд▓рдореН ред
рдПрддрдЬреНрдЬреНрдпреЛрддрд┐рд░рд╣рдВ рд╡реЗрджреНрдпрдВ рдЪрд┐рдиреНрддрдпрд╛рдорд┐ рд╕рдирд╛рддрдирдореН рее резремрее
рдЧреМрд░рддреЗрдЬреЛ рд╡рд┐рдирд╛ рдпрд╕реНрддреБ рд╢реНрдпрд╛рдорддреЗрдЬрд╕реНрд╕рдорд░реНрдЪрдпреЗрддреН ред
рдЬрдкреЗрджреНрд╡рд╛ рдзреНрдпрд╛рдпрддреЗ рд╡рд╛рдкрд┐ рд╕ рднрд╡реЗрддреН рдкрд╛рддрдХреА рд╢рд┐рд╡реЗ рее резренрее
рд╕ рдмреНрд░рд╣реНрдорд╣рд╛ рд╕реБрд░рд╛рдкреА рдЪ рд╕реНрд╡рд░реНрдгрд╕реНрддреЗрдпреА рдЪ рдкрдЮреНрдЪрдордГ ред
рдПрддреИрд░реНрджреЛрд╖реИрд░реНрд╡рд┐рд▓рд┐рдкреНрдпреЗрдд рддреЗрдЬреЛрднреЗрджрд╛рдиреНрдорд╣реАрд╢реНрд╡рд░рд┐ рее резреорее
рддрд╕реНрдорд╛рдЬреНрдЬреНрдпреЛрддрд┐рд░рднреВрджреН рджреНрд╡реЗрдзрд╛ рд░рд╛рдзрд╛рдорд╛рдзрд╡рд░реВрдкрдХрдореН ред
рддрд╕реНрдорд╛рджрд┐рджрдВ рдорд╣рд╛рджреЗрд╡рд┐ рдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓реЗрдиреИрд╡ рднрд╛рд╖рд┐рддрдореН рее резрепрее
рджреБрд░реНрд╡рд╛рд╕рд╕реЛ рдореБрдиреЗрд░реНрдореЛрд╣реЗ рдХрд╛рд░реНрддрд┐рдХреНрдпрд╛рдВ рд░рд╛рд╕рдордгреНрдбрд▓реЗ ред
рддрддрдГ рдкреГрд╖реНрдЯрд╡рддреА рд░рд╛рдзрд╛ рд╕рдиреНрджреЗрд╣рднреЗрджрдорд╛рддреНрдордирдГ рее реирежрее
рдирд┐рд░рдЮреНрдЬрдирд╛рддреНрд╕рдореБрддреНрдкрдиреНрдирдВ рдордпрд╛рд╜рдзреАрддрдВ рдЬрдЧрдиреНрдордпрд┐ ред
рд╢реНрд░реАрдХреГрд╖реНрдгреЗрди рддрддрдГ рдкреНрд░реЛрдХреНрддрдВ рд░рд╛рдзрд╛рдпреИ рдирд╛рд░рджрд╛рдп рдЪ рее реирезрее
рддрддреЛ рдирд╛рд░рджрддрд╕реНрд╕рд░реНрд╡реЗ рд╡рд┐рд░рд▓рд╛ рд╡реИрд╖реНрдгрд╡рд╛ рдЬрдирд╛рдГ ред
рдХрд▓реМ рдЬрд╛рдирдиреНрддрд┐ рджреЗрд╡реЗрд╢рд┐ рдЧреЛрдкрдиреАрдпрдВ рдкреНрд░рдпрддреНрдирддрдГ рее реиреирее
рд╢рдард╛рдп рдХреГрдкрдгрд╛рдпрд╛рде рджрд╛рдореНрднрд┐рдХрд╛рдп рд╕реБрд░реЗрд╢реНрд╡рд░рд┐ ред
рдмреНрд░рд╣реНрдорд╣рддреНрдпрд╛рдорд╡рд╛рдкреНрдиреЛрддрд┐ рддрд╕реНрдорд╛рджреНрдпрддреНрдиреЗрди рдЧреЛрдкрдпреЗрддреН рее реирейрее

рдкрд╛рда рдХрд░рдиреЗ рдХреА рд╡рд┐рдзрд┐

реР рдЕрд╕реНрдп рд╢реНрд░реАрдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓рд╕рд╣рд╕реНрд░рдирд╛рдорд╕реНрддреЛрддреНрд░рдорд╣рд╛рдордиреНрддреНрд░рд╕реНрдп рд╢реНрд░реАрдирд╛рд░рдж рдЛрд╖рд┐рдГ ред
рдЕрдиреБрд╖реНрдЯреБрдкреН рдЫрдиреНрджрдГ ред рд╢реНрд░реАрдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓реЛ рджреЗрд╡рддрд╛ ред рдХрд╛рдореЛ рдмреАрдЬрдореН ред рдорд╛рдпрд╛ рд╢рдХреНрддрд┐рдГ ред
рдЪрдиреНрджреНрд░рдГ рдХреАрд▓рдХрдореН рд╢реНрд░реАрдХреГрд╖реНрдгрдЪрдиреНрджреНрд░ рднрдХреНрддрд┐рд░реВрдкрдлрд▓рдкреНрд░рд╛рдкреНрддрдпреЗ

рд╢реНрд░реАрдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓рд╕рд╣рд╕реНрд░рдирд╛рдорд╕реНрддреЛрддреНрд░рдЬрдкреЗ рд╡рд┐рдирд┐рдпреЛрдЧрдГ ред

рдпрд╛ рдЗрд╕рддрд░рд╣ рдХрд░реЗрдВ рдкрд╛рда

реР рдРрдВ рдХреНрд▓реАрдВ рдмреАрдЬрдореН ред рд╢реНрд░реАрдВ рд╣реНрд░реАрдВ рд╢рдХреНрддрд┐рдГ ред
рд╢реНрд░реАрд╡реГрдиреНрджрд╛рд╡рдирдирд┐рд╡рд╛рд╕рдГ рдХреАрд▓рдХрдореН ред
рд╢реНрд░реАрд░рд╛рдзрд╛рдкреНрд░рд┐рдпрдкрд░рдмреНрд░рд╣реНрдореЗрддрд┐ рдордиреНрддреНрд░рдГ ред
рдзрд░реНрдорд╛рджрд┐рдЪрддреБрд░реНрд╡рд┐рдзрдкреБрд░реБрд╖рд╛рд░реНрдерд╕рд┐рджреНрдзреНрдпрд░реНрдереЗ рдЬрдкреЗ рд╡рд┐рдирд┐рдпреЛрдЧрдГ рее

рдЕрде рдХрд░рд╛рджрд┐рдиреНрдпрд╛рд╕рдГ

реР рдХреНрд▓рд╛рдВ рдЕрдЩреНрдЧреБрд╖реНрдард╛рднреНрдпрд╛рдВ рдирдордГ ред
реР рдХреНрд▓реАрдВ рддрд░реНрдЬрдиреАрднреНрдпрд╛рдВ рдирдордГ рее
реР рдХреНрд▓реВрдВ рдордзреНрдпрдорд╛рднреНрдпрд╛рдВ рдирдордГ рее
реР рдХреНрд▓реИрдВ рдЕрдирд╛рдорд┐рдХрд╛рднреНрдпрд╛рдВ рдирдордГ рее
реР рдХреНрд▓реМрдВ рдХрдирд┐рд╖реНрдЯрд┐рдХрд╛рднреНрдпрд╛рдВ рдирдордГ рее
реР рдХреНрд▓рдГ рдХрд░рддрд▓рдХрд░рдкреГрд╖реНрдард╛рднреНрдпрд╛рдВ рдирдордГ рее

рдЕрде рд╣реГрджрдпрд╛рджрд┐рдиреНрдпрд╛рд╕рдГ

реР рдХреНрд▓рд╛рдВ рд╣реГрджрдпрд╛рдп рдирдордГ ред
реР рдХреНрд▓реАрдВ рд╢рд┐рд░рд╕реЗ рд╕реНрд╡рд╛рд╣рд╛ рее
реР рдХреНрд▓реВрдВ рд╢рд┐рдЦрд╛рдпреИ рд╡рд╖рдЯреН рее
реР рдХреНрд▓реИрдВ рдХрд╡рдЪрд╛рдп рд╣реБрдВ рее
реР рдХреНрд▓реМрдВ рдиреЗрддреНрд░рддреНрд░рдпрд╛рдп рд╡реМрд╖рдЯреН рее
реР рдХреНрд▓рдГ рдЕрд╕реНрддреНрд░рд╛рдп рдлрдЯреН рее

рдЕрде рдзреНрдпрд╛рдирдореН

рдХрд╕реНрддреВрд░реАрддрд┐рд▓рдХрдВ рд▓рд▓рд╛рдЯрдкрдЯрд▓реЗ рд╡рдХреНрд╖рдГрд╕реНрдерд▓реЗ рдХреМрд╕реНрддреБрднрдВ
рдирд╛рд╕рд╛рдЧреНрд░реЗрд╡рд░рдореМрдХреНрддрд┐рдХрдВ рдХрд░рддрд▓реЗ рд╡реЗрдгреБрдВ рдХрд░реЗ рдХрдЩреНрдХрдгрдореН рее
рд╕рд░реНрд╡рд╛рдЩреНрдЧреЗ рд╣рд░рд┐рдЪрдиреНрджрдирдВ рд╕реБрд▓рд▓рд┐рддрдВ рдХрдгреНрдареЗ рдЪ рдореБрдХреНрддрд╛рд╡рд▓рд┐рдореН
рдЧреЛрдкрд╕реНрддреНрд░реАрдкрд░рд┐рд╡реЗрд╖реНрдЯрд┐рддреЛ рд╡рд┐рдЬрдпрддреЗ рдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓рдЪреВрдбрд╝рд╛рдордгрд┐рдГ рее резрее
рдлреБрд▓реНрд▓реЗрдиреНрджреАрд╡рд░рдХрд╛рдиреНрддрд┐рдорд┐рдиреНрджреБрд╡рджрдирдВ рдмрд░реНрд╣рд╛рд╡рддрдВрд╕рдкреНрд░рд┐рдпрдВ

рд╢реНрд░реАрд╡рддреНрд╕рд╛рдЩреНрдХрдореБрджрд╛рд░рдХреМрд╕реНрддреБрднрдзрд░рдВ рдкреАрддрд╛рдореНрдмрд░рдВ рд╕реБрдиреНрджрд░рдореН рее
рдЧреЛрдкреАрдирд╛рдВ рдирдпрдиреЛрддреНрдкрд▓рд╛рд░реНрдЪрд┐рддрддрдиреБрдВ рдЧреЛрдЧреЛрдкрд╕рдЩреНрдШрд╛рд╡реГрддрдВ
рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрджрдВ рдХрд▓рд╡реЗрдгреБрд╡рд╛рджрдирдкрд░рдВ рджрд┐рд╡реНрдпрд╛рдЩреНрдЧрднреВрд╖рдВ рднрдЬреЗ рее реирее

рд╕рд╣рд╕реНрд░рдирд╛рдо рд╕реНрддреЛрддреНрд░ рдЖрд░рдореНрдн –

реР рдХреНрд▓реАрдВ рджреЗрд╡рдГ рдХрд╛рдорджреЗрд╡рдГ рдХрд╛рдордмреАрдЬрд╢рд┐рд░реЛрдордгрд┐рдГ ред
рд╢реНрд░реАрдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓реЛ рдорд╣реАрдкрд╛рд▓реЛ рд╕рд░реНрд╡рд╡реЗрджрд╛рдиреНрддрдкрд╛рд░рдЧрдГ рее резрее
рдХреГрд╖реНрдгрдГ рдХрдорд▓рдкрддреНрд░рд╛рдХреНрд╖рдГ рдкреБрдгреНрдбрд░реАрдХрдГ рд╕рдирд╛рддрдирдГ ред
рдЧреЛрдкрддрд┐рд░реНрднреВрдкрддрд┐рдГ рд╢рд╛рд╕реНрддрд╛ рдкреНрд░рд╣рд░реНрддрд╛ рд╡рд┐рд╢реНрд╡рддреЛрдореБрдЦрдГ рее реирее
рдЖрджрд┐рдХрд░реНрддрд╛ рдорд╣рд╛рдХрд░реНрддрд╛ рдорд╣рд╛рдХрд╛рд▓рдГ рдкреНрд░рддрд╛рдкрд╡рд╛рдиреН ред
рдЬрдЧрдЬреНрдЬреАрд╡реЛ рдЬрдЧрджреНрдзрд╛рддрд╛ рдЬрдЧрджреНрднрд░реНрддрд╛ рдЬрдЧрджреНрд╡рд╕реБрдГ рее рейрее
рдорддреНрд╕реНрдпреЛ рднреАрдордГ рдХреБрд╣реВрднрд░реНрддрд╛ рд╣рд░реНрддрд╛ рд╡рд╛рд░рд╛рд╣рдореВрд░реНрддрд┐рдорд╛рдиреН ред
рдирд╛рд░рд╛рдпрдгреЛ рд╣реГрд╖реАрдХреЗрд╢реЛ рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрджреЛ рдЧрд░реБрдбрдзреНрд╡рдЬрдГ рее рекрее
рдЧреЛрдХреБрд▓реЗрдиреНрджреНрд░реЛ рдорд╣реАрдЪрдиреНрджреНрд░рдГ рд╢рд░реНрд╡рд░реАрдкреНрд░рд┐рдпрдХрд╛рд░рдХрдГ ред
рдХрдорд▓рд╛рдореБрдЦрд▓реЛрд▓рд╛рдХреНрд╖рдГ рдкреБрдгреНрдбрд░реАрдХрдГ рд╢реБрднрд╛рд╡рд╣рдГ рее релрее
рджреБрд░реНрд╡рд╛рд╕рд╛рдГ рдХрдкрд┐рд▓реЛ рднреМрдордГ рд╕рд┐рдиреНрдзреБрд╕рд╛рдЧрд░рд╕рдЩреНрдЧрдордГ ред
рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрджреЛ рдЧреЛрдкрддрд┐рд░реНрдЧреЛрдкрдГ рдХрд╛рд▓рд┐рдиреНрджреАрдкреНрд░реЗрдордкреВрд░рдХрдГ рее ремрее
рдЧреЛрдкрд╕реНрд╡рд╛рдореА рдЧреЛрдХреБрд▓реЗрдиреНрджреНрд░реЛ рдЧреЛрд╡рд░реНрдзрдирд╡рд░рдкреНрд░рджрдГ ред
рдирдиреНрджрд╛рджрд┐рдЧреЛрдХреБрд▓рддреНрд░рд╛рддрд╛ рджрд╛рддрд╛ рджрд╛рд░рд┐рджреНрд░реНрдпрднрдЮреНрдЬрдирдГ рее ренрее
рд╕рд░реНрд╡рдордЩреНрдЧрд▓рджрд╛рддрд╛ рдЪ рд╕рд░реНрд╡рдХрд╛рдордкреНрд░рджрд╛рдпрдХрдГ ред
рдЖрджрд┐рдХрд░реНрддрд╛ рдорд╣реАрднрд░реНрддрд╛ рд╕рд░реНрд╡рд╕рд╛рдЧрд░рд╕рд┐рдиреНрдзреБрдЬрдГ рее реорее
рдЧрдЬрдЧрд╛рдореА рдЧрдЬреЛрджреНрдзрд╛рд░реА рдХрд╛рдореА рдХрд╛рдордХрд▓рд╛рдирд┐рдзрд┐рдГ ред
рдХрд▓рдЩреНрдХрд░рд╣рд┐рддрд╢реНрдЪрдиреНрджреНрд░реЛ рдмрд┐рдореНрдмрд╛рд╕реНрдпреЛ рдмрд┐рдореНрдмрд╕рддреНрддрдордГ рее репрее
рдорд╛рд▓рд╛рдХрд╛рд░рдГ рдХреГрдкрд╛рдХрд╛рд░рдГ рдХреЛрдХрд┐рд▓рд╕реНрд╡рд░рднреВрд╖рдгрдГ ред
рд░рд╛рдореЛ рдиреАрд▓рд╛рдореНрдмрд░реЛ рджреЗрд╡реЛ рд╣рд▓реА рджреБрд░реНрджрдордорд░реНрджрдирдГ рее резрежрее
рд╕рд╣рд╕реНрд░рд╛рдХреНрд╖рдкреБрд░реАрднреЗрддреНрддрд╛ рдорд╣рд╛рдорд╛рд░реАрд╡рд┐рдирд╛рд╢рдирдГ ред
рд╢рд┐рд╡рдГ рд╢рд┐рд╡рддрдореЛ рднреЗрддреНрддрд╛ рдмрд▓рд╛рд░рд╛рддрд┐рдкреНрд░рдкреВрдЬрдХрдГ рее резрезрее

рдХреБрдорд╛рд░реАрд╡рд░рджрд╛рдпреА рдЪ рд╡рд░реЗрдгреНрдпреЛ рдореАрдирдХреЗрддрдирдГ ред
рдирд░реЛ рдирд╛рд░рд╛рдпрдгреЛ рдзреАрд░реЛ рд░рд╛рдзрд╛рдкрддрд┐рд░реБрджрд╛рд░рдзреАрдГ рее резреирее
рд╢реНрд░реАрдкрддрд┐рдГ рд╢реНрд░реАрдирд┐рдзрд┐рдГ рд╢реНрд░реАрдорд╛рдиреН рдорд╛рдкрддрд┐рдГ рдкреНрд░рддрд┐рд░рд╛рдЬрд╣рд╛ ред
рд╡реГрдиреНрджрд╛рдкрддрд┐рдГ рдХреБрд▓рдЧреНрд░рд╛рдореА рдзрд╛рдореА рдмреНрд░рд╣реНрдо рд╕рдирд╛рддрдирдГ рее резрейрее
рд░реЗрд╡рддреАрд░рдордгреЛ рд░рд╛рдордГ рдкреНрд░рд┐рдпрд╢реНрдЪрдЮреНрдЪрд▓рд▓реЛрдЪрдирдГ ред
рд░рд╛рдорд╛рдпрдгрд╢рд░реАрд░реЛрд╜рдпрдВ рд░рд╛рдореЛ рд░рд╛рдордГ рд╢реНрд░рд┐рдпрдГрдкрддрд┐рдГ рее резрекрее
рд╢рд░реНрд╡рд░рдГ рд╢рд░реНрд╡рд░реА рд╢рд░реНрд╡рдГ рд╕рд░реНрд╡рддреНрд░ рд╢реБрднрджрд╛рдпрдХрдГ ред
рд░рд╛рдзрд╛рд░рд╛рдзрдпрд┐рддрд╛рд░рд╛рдзреА рд░рд╛рдзрд╛рдЪрд┐рддреНрддрдкреНрд░рдореЛрджрдХрдГ рее резрелрее
рд░рд╛рдзрд╛рд░рддрд┐рд╕реБрдЦреЛрдкреЗрддрдГ рд░рд╛рдзрд╛рдореЛрд╣рдирддрддреНрдкрд░рдГ ред
рд░рд╛рдзрд╛рд╡рд╢реАрдХрд░реЛ рд░рд╛рдзрд╛рд╣реГрджрдпрд╛рдореНрднреЛрдЬрд╖рдЯреНрдкрджрдГ рее резремрее
рд░рд╛рдзрд╛рд▓рд┐рдЩреНрдЧрдирд╕рдореНрдореЛрд╣рдГ рд░рд╛рдзрд╛рдирд░реНрддрдирдХреМрддреБрдХрдГ ред
рд░рд╛рдзрд╛рд╕рдЮреНрдЬрд╛рддрд╕рдореНрдкреНрд░реАрддреЛ рд░рд╛рдзрд╛рдХрд╛рдореНрдпрдлрд▓рдкреНрд░рджрдГ рее резренрее
рд╡реГрдиреНрджрд╛рдкрддрд┐рдГ рдХреЛрд╢рдирд┐рдзрд┐рдГ рдХреЛрдХрд╢реЛрдХрд╡рд┐рдирд╛рд╢рдирдГ ред
рдЪрдиреНрджреНрд░рд╛рдкрддрд┐рдГ рдЪрдиреНрджреНрд░рдкрддрд┐рдГ рдЪрдгреНрдбрдХреЛрджрдгреНрдбрднрдЮреНрдЬрдирдГ рее резреорее
рд░рд╛рдореЛ рджрд╛рд╢рд░рдереА рд░рд╛рдордГ рднреГрдЧреБрд╡рдВрд╢рд╕рдореБрджреНрднрд╡рдГ ред
рдЖрддреНрдорд╛рд░рд╛рдореЛ рдЬрд┐рддрдХреНрд░реЛрдзреЛ рдореЛрд╣реЛ рдореЛрд╣рд╛рдиреНрдзрднрдЮреНрдЬрдирдГ рее резрепрее
рд╡реГрд╖рднрд╛рдиреБрднрд╡реЛ рднрд╛рд╡рдГ рдХрд╛рд╢реНрдпрдкрд┐рдГ рдХрд░реБрдгрд╛рдирд┐рдзрд┐рдГ ред
рдХреЛрд▓рд╛рд╣рд▓реЛ рд╣рд▓реА рд╣рд╛рд▓реА рд╣реЗрд▓реА рд╣рд▓рдзрд░рдкреНрд░рд┐рдпрдГ рее реирежрее
рд░рд╛рдзрд╛рдореБрдЦрд╛рдмреНрдЬрдорд╛рд░реНрддрд╛рдгреНрдбрдГ рднрд╛рд╕реНрдХрд░реЛ рд░рд╡рд┐рдЬрд╛ рд╡рд┐рдзреБрдГ ред
рд╡рд┐рдзрд┐рд░реНрд╡рд┐рдзрд╛рддрд╛ рд╡рд░реБрдгреЛ рд╡рд╛рд░реБрдгреЛ рд╡рд╛рд░реБрдгреАрдкреНрд░рд┐рдпрдГ рее реирезрее
рд░реЛрд╣рд┐рдгреАрд╣реГрджрдпрд╛рдирдиреНрджреЛ рд╡рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡рд╛рддреНрдордЬреЛ рдмрд▓реА ред
рдиреАрд▓рд╛рдореНрдмрд░реЛ рд░реМрд╣рд┐рдгреЗрдпреЛ рдЬрд░рд╛рд╕рдиреНрдзрд╡рдзреЛрд╜рдорд▓рдГ рее реиреирее
рдирд╛рдЧреЛ рдирд╡рд╛рдореНрднреЛ рд╡рд┐рд░реБрджреЛ рд╡реАрд░рд╣рд╛ рд╡рд░рджреЛ рдмрд▓реА ред
рдЧреЛрдкрдереЛ рд╡рд┐рдЬрдпреА рд╡рд┐рджреНрд╡рд╛рдиреН рд╢рд┐рдкрд┐рд╡рд┐рд╖реНрдЯрдГ рд╕рдирд╛рддрдирдГ рее реирейрее
рдкрд░рд╢реБрд░рд╛рдорд╡рдЪреЛрдЧреНрд░рд╛рд╣реА рд╡рд░рдЧреНрд░рд╛рд╣реА рд╢реГрдЧрд╛рд▓рд╣рд╛ ред
рджрдордШреЛрд╖реЛрдкрджреЗрд╖реНрдЯрд╛ рдЪ рд░рдердЧреНрд░рд╛рд╣реА рд╕реБрджрд░реНрд╢рдирдГ рее реирекрее
рд╡реАрд░рдкрддреНрдиреАрдпрд╢рд╕реНрддреНрд░рд╛рддрд╛ рдЬрд░рд╛рд╡реНрдпрд╛рдзрд┐рд╡рд┐рдШрд╛рддрдХрдГ ред
рджреНрд╡рд╛рд░рдХрд╛рд╡рд╛рд╕рддрддреНрддреНрд╡рдЬреНрдЮрдГ рд╣реБрддрд╛рд╢рдирд╡рд░рдкреНрд░рджрдГ рее реирелрее
рдпрдореБрдирд╛рд╡реЗрдЧрд╕рдВрд╣рд╛рд░реА рдиреАрд▓рд╛рдореНрдмрд░рдзрд░рдГ рдкреНрд░рднреБрдГ ред
рд╡рд┐рднреБрдГ рд╢рд░рд╛рд╕рдиреЛ рдзрдиреНрд╡реА рдЧрдгреЗрд╢реЛ рдЧрдгрдирд╛рдпрдХрдГ рее реиремрее
рд▓рдХреНрд╖реНрдордгреЛ рд▓рдХреНрд╖рдгреЛ рд▓рдХреНрд╖реНрдпреЛ рд░рдХреНрд╖реЛрд╡рдВрд╢рд╡рд┐рдирд╛рд╢рдирдГ ред
рд╡рд╛рдордиреЛ рд╡рд╛рдордиреАрднреВрддреЛрд╜рд╡рд╛рдордиреЛ рд╡рд╛рдордирд╛рд░реБрд╣рдГ рее реиренрее
рдпрд╢реЛрджрд╛рдирдиреНрджрдирдГ рдХрд░реНрддреНрддрд╛ рдпрдорд▓рд╛рд░реНрдЬреБрдирдореБрдХреНрддрд┐рджрдГ ред
рдЙрд▓реВрдЦрд▓реА рдорд╣рд╛рдорд╛рдиреА рджрд╛рдордмрджреНрдзрд╛рд╣реНрд╡рдпреА рд╢рдореА рее реиреорее
рднрдХреНрддрд╛рдиреБрдХрд╛рд░реА рднрдЧрд╡рд╛рдиреН рдХреЗрд╢рд╡реЛ рдмрд▓рдзрд╛рд░рдХрдГ ред
рдХреЗрд╢рд┐рд╣рд╛ рдордзреБрд╣рд╛ рдореЛрд╣реА рд╡реГрд╖рд╛рд╕реБрд░рд╡рд┐рдШрд╛рддрдХрдГ рее реирепрее
рдЕрдШрд╛рд╕реБрд░рд╡рд┐рдирд╛рд╢реА рдЪ рдкреВрддрдирд╛рдореЛрдХреНрд╖рджрд╛рдпрдХрдГ ред
рдХреБрдмреНрдЬрд╛рд╡рд┐рдиреЛрджреА рднрдЧрд╡рд╛рдиреН рдХрдВрд╕рдореГрддреНрдпреБрд░реНрдорд╣рд╛рдордЦреА рее рейрежред
рдЕрд╢реНрд╡рдореЗрдзреЛ рд╡рд╛рдЬрдкреЗрдпреЛ рдЧреЛрдореЗрдзреЛ рдирд░рдореЗрдзрд╡рд╛рдиреН ред
рдХрдиреНрджрд░реНрдкрдХреЛрдЯрд┐рд▓рд╛рд╡рдгреНрдпрд╢реНрдЪрдиреНрджреНрд░рдХреЛрдЯрд┐рд╕реБрд╢реАрддрд▓рдГ рее рейрезрее
рд░рд╡рд┐рдХреЛрдЯрд┐рдкреНрд░рддреАрдХрд╛рд╢реЛ рд╡рд╛рдпреБрдХреЛрдЯрд┐рдорд╣рд╛рдмрд▓рдГ ред
рдмреНрд░рд╣реНрдорд╛ рдмреНрд░рд╣реНрдорд╛рдгреНрдбрдХрд░реНрддрд╛ рдЪ рдХрдорд▓рд╛рд╡рд╛рдЮреНрдЫрд┐рддрдкреНрд░рджрдГ рее рейреирее
рдХрдорд▓рд╛ рдХрдорд▓рд╛рдХреНрд╖рд╢реНрдЪ рдХрдорд▓рд╛рдореБрдЦрд▓реЛрд▓реБрдкрдГ ред
рдХрдорд▓рд╛рд╡реНрд░рддрдзрд╛рд░реА рдЪ рдХрдорд▓рд╛рднрдГ рдкреБрд░рдиреНрджрд░рдГ рее рейрейрее
рд╕реМрднрд╛рдЧреНрдпрд╛рдзрд┐рдХрдЪрд┐рддреНрддреЛрд╜рдпрдВ рдорд╣рд╛рдорд╛рдпреА рдорджреЛрддреНрдХрдЯрдГ ред
рддрд╛рд░рдХрд╛рд░рд┐рдГ рд╕реБрд░рддреНрд░рд╛рддрд╛ рдорд╛рд░реАрдЪрдХреНрд╖реЛрднрдХрд╛рд░рдХрдГ рее рейрекрее
рд╡рд┐рд╢реНрд╡рд╛рдорд┐рддреНрд░рдкреНрд░рд┐рдпреЛ рджрд╛рдиреНрддреЛ рд░рд╛рдореЛ рд░рд╛рдЬреАрд╡рд▓реЛрдЪрдирдГ ред
рд▓рдЩреНрдХрд╛рдзрд┐рдкрдХреБрд▓рдзреНрд╡рдВрд╕реА рд╡рд┐рднреАрд╖рдгрд╡рд░рдкреНрд░рджрдГ рее рейрелрее
рд╕реАрддрд╛рдирдиреНрджрдХрд░реЛ рд░рд╛рдореЛ рд╡реАрд░реЛ рд╡рд╛рд░рд┐рдзрд┐рдмрдиреНрдзрдирдГ ред
рдЦрд░рджреВрд╖рдгрд╕рдВрд╣рд╛рд░реА рд╕рд╛рдХреЗрддрдкреБрд░рд╡рд╛рд╕рд╡рд╛рдиреН рее рейремрее
рдЪрдиреНрджреНрд░рд╛рд╡рд▓реАрдкрддрд┐рдГ рдХреВрд▓рдГ рдХреЗрд╢рд┐рдХрдВрд╕рд╡рдзреЛрд╜рдорд▓рдГ ред
рдорд╛рдзрд╡реЛ рдордзреБрд╣рд╛ рдорд╛рдзреНрд╡реА рдорд╛рдзреНрд╡реАрдХреЛ рдорд╛рдзрд╡реЛ рд╡рд┐рдзреБрдГ рее рейренрее
рдореБрдЮреНрдЬрд╛рдЯрд╡реАрдЧрд╛рд╣рдорд╛рдирдГ рдзреЗрдиреБрдХрд╛рд░рд┐рд░реНрдзрд░рд╛рддреНрдордЬрдГ ред
рд╡рдВрд╢реАрд╡рдЯрд╡рд┐рд╣рд╛рд░реА рдЪ рдЧреЛрд╡рд░реНрдзрдирд╡рдирд╛рд╢реНрд░рдпрдГ рее рейреорее
рддрдерд╛ рддрд╛рд▓рд╡рдиреЛрджреНрджреЗрд╢реА рднрд╛рдгреНрдбреАрд░рд╡рдирд╢рдЩреНрдЦрд╣рд╛ ред
рддреГрдгрд╛рд╡рд░реНрддрдХреГрдкрд╛рдХрд╛рд░реА рд╡реГрд╖рднрд╛рдиреБрд╕реБрддрд╛рдкрддрд┐рдГ рее рейрепрее
рд░рд╛рдзрд╛рдкреНрд░рд╛рдгрд╕рдореЛ рд░рд╛рдзрд╛рд╡рджрдирд╛рдмреНрдЬрдордзреБрд╡реНрд░рддрдГ ред
рдЧреЛрдкреАрд░рдЮреНрдЬрдирджреИрд╡рдЬреНрдЮрдГ рд▓реАрд▓рд╛рдХрдорд▓рдкреВрдЬрд┐рддрдГ рее рекрежрее
рдХреНрд░реАрдбрд╛рдХрдорд▓рд╕рдиреНрджреЛрд╣рдГ рдЧреЛрдкрд┐рдХрд╛рдкреНрд░реАрддрд┐рд░рдЮреНрдЬрдирдГ ред
рд░рдЮреНрдЬрдХреЛ рд░рдЮреНрдЬрдиреЛ рд░рдЩреНрдЧреЛ рд░рдЩреНрдЧреА рд░рдЩреНрдЧрдорд╣реАрд░реБрд╣рдГ рее рекрезрее
рдХрд╛рдордГ рдХрд╛рдорд╛рд░рд┐рднрдХреНрддреЛрд╜рдпрдВ рдкреБрд░рд╛рдгрдкреБрд░реБрд╖рдГ рдХрд╡рд┐рдГ ред
рдирд╛рд░рджреЛ рджреЗрд╡рд▓реЛ рднреАрдореЛ рдмрд╛рд▓реЛ рдмрд╛рд▓рдореБрдЦрд╛рдореНрдмреБрдЬрдГ рее рекреирее
рдЕрдореНрдмреБрдЬреЛ рдмреНрд░рд╣реНрдорд╕рд╛рдХреНрд╖реА рдЪ рдпреЛрдЧреА рджрддреНрддрд╡рд░реЛ рдореБрдирд┐рдГ ред
рдЛрд╖рднрдГ рдкрд░реНрд╡рддреЛ рдЧреНрд░рд╛рдореЛ рдирджреАрдкрд╡рдирд╡рд▓реНрд▓рднрдГ рее рекрейрее
рдкрджреНрдордирд╛рднрдГ рд╕реБрд░рдЬреНрдпреЗрд╖реНрдареА рдмреНрд░рд╣реНрдорд╛ рд░реВрджреНрд░реЛрд╜рд╣рд┐рднреВрд╖рд┐рддрдГ ред
рдЧрдгрд╛рдирд╛рдВ рддреНрд░рд╛рдгрдХрд░реНрддрд╛ рдЪ рдЧрдгреЗрд╢реЛ рдЧреНрд░рд╣рд┐рд▓реЛ рдЧреНрд░рд╣реА рее рекрекрее
рдЧрдгрд╛рд╢реНрд░рдпреЛ рдЧрдгрд╛рдзреНрдпрдХреНрд╖рдГ рдХреНрд░реЛрдбреАрдХреГрддрдЬрдЧрддреНрддреНрд░рдпрдГ ред
рдпрд╛рджрд╡реЗрдиреНрджреНрд░реЛ рджреНрд╡рд╛рд░рдХреЗрдиреНрджреНрд░реЛ рдордереБрд░рд╛рд╡рд▓реНрд▓рднреЛ рдзреБрд░реА рее рекрелрее
рднреНрд░рдорд░рдГ рдХреБрдиреНрддрд▓реА рдХреБрдиреНрддреАрд╕реБрддрд░рдХреНрд╖реЛ рдорд╣рд╛рдордЦреА ред
рдпрдореБрдирд╛рд╡рд░рджрд╛рддрд╛ рдЪ рдХрд╛рд╢реНрдпрдкрд╕реНрдп рд╡рд░рдкреНрд░рджрдГ рее рекремрее
рд╢рдЩреНрдЦрдЪреВрдбрд╡рдзреЛрджреНрджрд╛рдореЛ рдЧреЛрдкреАрд░рдХреНрд╖рдгрддрддреНрдкрд░рдГ ред
рдкрд╛рдЮреНрдЪрдЬрдиреНрдпрдХрд░реЛ рд░рд╛рдореА рддреНрд░рд┐рд░рд╛рдореА рд╡рдирдЬреЛ рдЬрдпрдГ рее рекренрее
рдлрд╛рд▓реНрдЧреБрдирдГ рдлрд╛рд▓реНрдЧреБрдирд╕рдЦреЛ рд╡рд┐рд░рд╛рдзрд╡рдзрдХрд╛рд░рдХрдГ ред
рд░реБрдХреНрдорд┐рдгреАрдкреНрд░рд╛рдгрдирд╛рдерд╢реНрдЪ рд╕рддреНрдпрднрд╛рдорд╛рдкреНрд░рд┐рдпрдЩреНрдХрд░рдГ рее рекреорее
рдХрд▓реНрдкрд╡реГрдХреНрд╖реЛ рдорд╣рд╛рд╡реГрдХреНрд╖рдГ рджрд╛рдирд╡реГрдХреНрд╖реЛ рдорд╣рд╛рдлрд▓рдГ ред
рдЕрдЩреНрдХреБрд╢реЛ рднреВрд╕реБрд░реЛ рднрд╛рд╡реЛ рднреНрд░рд╛рдордХреЛ рднрд╛рдордХреЛ рд╣рд░рд┐рдГ рее рекрепрее
рд╕рд░рд▓рдГ рд╢рд╛рд╢реНрд╡рддреЛ рд╡реАрд░реЛ рдпрджреБрд╡рдВрд╢реА рд╢рд┐рд╡рд╛рддреНрдордХрдГ ред
рдкреНрд░рджреНрдпреБрдореНрдиреЛ рдмрд▓рдХрд░реНрддрд╛ рдЪ рдкреНрд░рд╣рд░реНрддрд╛ рджреИрддреНрдпрд╣рд╛ рдкреНрд░рднреБрдГ рее релрежрее
рдорд╣рд╛рдзрдиреА рдорд╣рд╛рд╡реАрд░реЛ рд╡рдирдорд╛рд▓рд╛рд╡рд┐рднреВрд╖рдгрдГ ред
рддреБрд▓рд╕реАрджрд╛рдорд╢реЛрднрд╛рдвреНрдпреЛ рдЬрд╛рд▓рдиреНрдзрд░рд╡рд┐рдирд╛рд╢рдирдГ рее релрезрее
рд╢реВрд░рдГ рд╕реВрд░реНрдпреЛ рдореГрддрдгреНрдбрд╢реНрдЪ рднрд╛рд╕реНрдХрд░реЛ рд╡рд┐рд╢реНрд╡рдкреВрдЬрд┐рддрдГ ред

рд░рд╡рд┐рд╕реНрддрдореЛрд╣рд╛ рд╡рд╣реНрдирд┐рд╢реНрдЪ рдмрд╛рдбрд╡реЛ рд╡рдбрд╡рд╛рдирд▓рдГ рее релреирее
рджреИрддреНрдпрджрд░реНрдкрд╡рд┐рдирд╛рд╢реА рдЪ рдЧрд░реБрдбреЛ рдЧрд░реБрдбрд╛рдЧреНрд░рдЬрдГ ред
рдЧреЛрдкреАрдирд╛рдереЛ рдорд╣рд╛рдирд╛рдереЛ рд╡реГрдиреНрджрд╛рдирд╛рдереЛрд╜рд╡рд┐рд░реЛрдзрдХрдГ рее релрейрее
рдкреНрд░рдкрдЮреНрдЪреА рдкрдЮреНрдЪрд░реВрдкрд╢реНрдЪ рд▓рддрд╛рдЧреБрд▓реНрдорд╢реНрдЪ рдЧреЛрдкрддрд┐рдГ ред
рдЧрдЩреНрдЧрд╛ рдЪ рдпрдореБрдирд╛рд░реВрдкреЛ рдЧреЛрджрд╛ рд╡реЗрддреНрд░рд╡рддреА рддрдерд╛ рее релрекрее
рдХрд╛рд╡реЗрд░реА рдирд░реНрдорджрд╛ рддрд╛рдкреНрддреА рдЧрдгреНрдбрдХреА рд╕рд░рдпреВрд╕реНрддрдерд╛ ред
рд░рд╛рдЬрд╕рд╕реНрддрд╛рдорд╕рд╕реНрд╕рддреНрддреНрд╡реА рд╕рд░реНрд╡рд╛рдЩреНрдЧреА рд╕рд░реНрд╡рд▓реЛрдЪрдирдГ рее релрелрее
рд╕реБрдзрд╛рдордпреЛрд╜рдореГрддрдордпреЛ рдпреЛрдЧрд┐рдиреАрд╡рд▓реНрд▓рднрдГ рд╢рд┐рд╡рдГ ред
рдмреБрджреНрдзреЛ рдмреБрджреНрдзрд┐рдорддрд╛рдВ рд╢реНрд░реЗрд╖реНрдареЛ рд╡рд┐рд╖реНрдгреБрд░реНрдЬрд┐рд╖реНрдгреБрдГ рд╢рдЪреАрдкрддрд┐рдГ рее релремрее
рд╡рдВрд╢реА рд╡рдВрд╢рдзрд░реЛ рд▓реЛрдХрдГ рд╡рд┐рд▓реЛрдХреЛ рдореЛрд╣рдирд╛рд╢рдирдГ ред
рд░рд╡рд░рд╛рд╡реЛ рд░рд╡реЛ рд░рд╛рд╡реЛ рдмрд▓реЛ рдмрд╛рд▓рдмрд▓рд╛рд╣рдХрдГ рее релренрее
рд╢рд┐рд╡реЛ рд░реВрджреНрд░реЛ рдирд▓реЛ рдиреАрд▓реЛ рд▓рд╛рдЩреНрдЧрд▓реА рд▓рд╛рдЩреНрдЧрд▓рд╛рд╢реНрд░рдпрдГ ред
рдкрд╛рд░рджрдГ рдкрд╛рд╡рдиреЛ рд╣рдВрд╕реЛ рд╣рдВрд╕рд╛рд░реВрдвреЛ рдЬрдЧрддреНрдкрддрд┐рдГ рее релреорее
рдореЛрд╣рд┐рдиреАрдореЛрд╣рдиреЛ рдорд╛рдпреА рдорд╣рд╛рдорд╛рдпреЛ рдорд╣рд╛рдордЦреА ред
рд╡реГрд╖реЛ рд╡реГрд╖рд╛рдХрдкрд┐рдГ рдХрд╛рд▓рдГ рдХрд╛рд▓реАрджрдордирдХрд╛рд░рдХрдГ рее релрепрее
рдХреБрдмреНрдЬрд╛рднрд╛рдЧреНрдпрдкреНрд░рджреЛ рд╡реАрд░рдГ рд░рдЬрдХрдХреНрд╖рдпрдХрд╛рд░рдХрдГ ред
рдХреЛрдорд▓реЛ рд╡рд╛рд░реБрдгреЛ рд░рд╛рдЬрд╛ рдЬрд▓рдЬреЛ рдЬрд▓рдзрд╛рд░рдХрдГ рее ремрежрее
рд╣рд╛рд░рдХрдГ рд╕рд░реНрд╡рдкрд╛рдкрдШреНрдирдГ рдкрд░рдореЗрд╖реНрдареА рдкрд┐рддрд╛рдорд╣рдГ ред
рдЦрдбреНрдЧрдзрд╛рд░реА рдХреГрдкрд╛рдХрд╛рд░реА рд░рд╛рдзрд╛рд░рдордгрд╕реБрдиреНрджрд░рдГ рее ремрезрее
рджреНрд╡рд╛рджрд╢рд╛рд░рдгреНрдпрд╕рдореНрднреЛрдЧреА рд╢реЗрд╖рдирд╛рдЧрдлрдгрд╛рд▓рдпрдГ ред
рдХрд╛рдордГ рд╢реНрдпрд╛рдордГ рд╕реБрдЦрд╢реНрд░реАрджрдГ рд╢реНрд░реАрдкрддрд┐рдГ рд╢реНрд░реАрдирд┐рдзрд┐рдГ рдХреГрддреА рее ремреирее
рд╣рд░рд┐рд░реНрдирд╛рд░рд╛рдпрдгреЛ рдирд╛рд░реЛ рдирд░реЛрддреНрддрдо рдЗрд╖реБрдкреНрд░рд┐рдпрдГ ред
рдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓реАрдЪрд┐рддреНрддрд╣рд░реНрддрд╛ рдЪ рдХрд░реНрддреНрддрд╛ рд╕рдВрд╕рд╛рд░рддрд╛рд░рдХрдГ рее ремрейрее
рдЖрджрд┐рджреЗрд╡реЛ рдорд╣рд╛рджреЗрд╡реЛ рдЧреМрд░реАрдЧреБрд░реБрд░рдирд╛рд╢реНрд░рдпрдГ ред
рд╕рд╛рдзреБрд░реНрдордзреБрд░реНрд╡рд┐рдзреБрд░реНрдзрд╛рддрд╛ рддреНрд░рд╛рддрд╛рд╜рдХреНрд░реВрд░рдкрд░рд╛рдпрдгрдГ рее ремрекрее
рд░реЛрд▓рдореНрдмреА рдЪ рд╣рдпрдЧреНрд░реАрд╡реЛ рд╡рд╛рдирд░рд╛рд░рд┐рд░реНрд╡рдирд╛рд╢реНрд░рдпрдГ ред
рд╡рдирдВ рд╡рдиреА рд╡рдирд╛рдзреНрдпрдХреНрд╖рдГ рдорд╣рд╛рд╡рдиреНрджреНрдпреЛ рдорд╣рд╛рдореБрдирд┐рдГ рее ремрелрее

рд╕реНрдпрд╛рдордиреНрддрдХрдордгрд┐рдкреНрд░рд╛рдЬреНрдЮреЛ рд╡рд┐рдЬреНрдЮреЛ рд╡рд┐рдШреНрдирд╡рд┐рдШрд╛рддрдХрдГ ред
рдЧреЛрд╡рд░реНрджреНрдзрдиреЛ рд╡рд░реНрджреНрдзрдиреАрдпрдГ рд╡рд░реНрджреНрдзрдиреЛ рд╡рд░реНрджреНрдзрдирдкреНрд░рд┐рдпрдГ рее ремремрее
рд╡рд░реНрджреНрдзрдиреНрдпреЛ рд╡рд░реНрджреНрдзрдиреЛ рд╡рд░реНрджреНрдзреА рд╡рд╛рд░реНрджреНрдзрд┐рд╖реНрдгреБрдГ рд╕реБрдореБрдЦрдкреНрд░рд┐рдпрдГ ред
рд╡рд░реНрджреНрдзрд┐рддреЛ рд╡реГрджреНрдзрдХреЛ рд╡реГрджреНрдзреЛ рд╡реГрдиреНрджрд╛рд░рдХрдЬрдирдкреНрд░рд┐рдпрдГ рее ремренрее
рдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓рд░рдордгреАрднрд░реНрддрд╛ рд╕рд╛рдореНрдмрдХреБрд╖реНрдард╡рд┐рдирд╛рд╢рдХрдГ ред
рд░реБрдХреНрдорд┐рдгреАрд╣рд░рдгрдГ рдкреНрд░реЗрдордкреНрд░реЗрдореА рдЪрдиреНрджреНрд░рд╛рд╡рд▓реАрдкрддрд┐рдГ рее ремреорее
рд╢реНрд░реАрдХрд░реНрддрд╛ рд╡рд┐рд╢реНрд╡рднрд░реНрддрд╛ рдЪ рдирд░реЛ рдирд╛рд░рд╛рдпрдгреЛ рдмрд▓реА ред
рдЧрдгреЛ рдЧрдгрдкрддрд┐рд╢реНрдЪреИрд╡ рджрддреНрддрд╛рддреНрд░реЗрдпреЛ рдорд╣рд╛рдореБрдирд┐рдГ рее ремрепрее
рд╡реНрдпрд╛рд╕реЛ рдирд╛рд░рд╛рдпрдгреЛ рджрд┐рд╡реНрдпреЛ рднрд╡реНрдпреЛ рднрд╛рд╡реБрдХрдзрд╛рд░рдХрдГ ред
рд╢реНрд╡рдГрд╢реНрд░реЗрдпрд╕рдВ рд╢рд┐рд╡рдВ рднрджреНрд░рдВ рднрд╛рд╡реБрдХрдВ рднрд╛рд╡рд┐рдХрдВ рд╢реБрднрдореН рее ренрежрее
рд╢реБрднрд╛рддреНрдордХрдГ рд╢реБрднрдГ рд╢рд╛рд╕реНрддрд╛ рдкреНрд░рд╢рд╛рд╕реНрддрд╛ рдореЗрдШрд╛рдирд╛рджрд╣рд╛ ред
рдмреНрд░рд╣реНрдордгреНрдпрджреЗрд╡реЛ рджреАрдирд╛рдирд╛рдореБрджреНрдзрд╛рд░рдХрд░рдгрдХреНрд╖рдордГ рее ренрезрее
рдХреГрд╖реНрдгрдГ рдХрдорд▓рдкрддреНрд░рд╛рдХреНрд╖рдГ рдХреГрд╖реНрдгрдГ рдХрдорд▓рд▓реЛрдЪрдирдГ ред
рдХреГрд╖реНрдгрдГ рдХрд╛рдореА рд╕рджрд╛ рдХреГрд╖реНрдгрдГ рд╕рдорд╕реНрддрдкреНрд░рд┐рдпрдХрд╛рд░рдХрдГ рее ренреирее
рдирдиреНрджреЛ рдирдиреНрджреА рдорд╣рд╛рдирдиреНрджреА рдорд╛рджреА рдорд╛рджрдирдХрдГ рдХрд┐рд▓реА ред
рдорд┐рд▓реА рд╣рд┐рд▓реА рдЧрд┐рд▓реА рдЧреЛрд▓реА рдЧреЛрд▓реЛ рдЧреЛрд▓рд╛рд▓рдпреЛ рдЧреБрд▓реА рее ренрейрее
рдЧреБрдЧреНрдЧреБрд▓реА рдорд╛рд░рдХреА рд╢рд╛рдЦреА рд╡рдЯрдГ рдкрд┐рдкреНрдкрд▓рдХрдГ рдХреГрддреА ред
рдореНрд▓реЗрдЪреНрдЫрд╣рд╛ рдХрд╛рд▓рд╣рд░реНрддреНрддрд╛ рдЪ рдпрд╢реЛрджрд╛рдпрд╢ рдПрд╡ рдЪ рее ренрекрее
рдЕрдЪреНрдпреБрддрдГ рдХреЗрд╢рд╡реЛ рд╡рд┐рд╖реНрдгреБрдГ рд╣рд░рд┐рдГ рд╕рддреНрдпреЛ рдЬрдирд╛рд░реНрджрдирдГ ред
рд╣рдВрд╕реЛ рдирд╛рд░рд╛рдпрдгреЛ рд▓реАрд▓реЛ рдиреАрд▓реЛ рднрдХреНрддрд┐рдкрд░рд╛рдпрдгрдГ рее ренрелрее
рдЬрд╛рдирдХреАрд╡рд▓реНрд▓рднреЛ рд░рд╛рдордГ рд╡рд┐рд░рд╛рдореЛ рд╡рд┐рдШреНрдирдирд╛рд╢рдирдГ ред
рд╕рд╣рднрд╛рдиреБрд░реНрдорд╣рд╛рднрд╛рдиреБрдГ рд╡реАрд░рдмрд╛рд╣реБрд░реНрдорд╣реЛрджрдзрд┐рдГ рее ренремрее
рд╕рдореБрджреНрд░реЛрд╜рдмреНрдзрд┐рд░рдХреВрдкрд╛рд░рдГ рдкрд╛рд░рд╛рд╡рд╛рд░рдГ рд╕рд░рд┐рддреНрдкрддрд┐рдГ ред
рдЧреЛрдХреБрд▓рд╛рдирдиреНрджрдХрд╛рд░реА рдЪ рдкреНрд░рддрд┐рдЬреНрдЮрд╛рдкрд░рд┐рдкрд╛рд▓рдХрдГ рее ренренрее
рд╕рджрд╛рд░рд╛рдордГ рдХреГрдкрд╛рд░рд╛рдордГ рдорд╣рд╛рд░рд╛рдореЛ рдзрдиреБрд░реНрдзрд░рдГ ред
рдкрд░реНрд╡рддрдГ рдкрд░реНрд╡рддрд╛рдХрд╛рд░реЛ рдЧрдпреЛ рдЧреЗрдпреЛ рджреНрд╡рд┐рдЬрдкреНрд░рд┐рдпрдГ рее ренреорее

рдХрдореНрдмрд▓рд╛рд╢реНрд╡рддрд░реЛ рд░рд╛рдореЛ рд░рд╛рдорд╛рдпрдгрдкреНрд░рд╡рд░реНрддрдХрдГ ред
рджреНрдпреМрд░реНрджрд┐рд╡реЛ рджрд┐рд╡рд╕реЛ рджрд┐рд╡реНрдпреЛ рднрд╡реНрдпреЛ рднрд╛рд╡рд┐ рднрдпрд╛рдкрд╣рдГ рее ренрепрее
рдкрд╛рд░реНрд╡рддреАрднрд╛рдЧреНрдпрд╕рд╣рд┐рддреЛ рднрд░реНрддрд╛ рд▓рдХреНрд╖реНрдореАрд╡рд┐рд▓рд╛рд╕рд╡рд╛рдиреН ред
рд╡рд┐рд▓рд╛рд╕реА рд╕рд╛рд╣рд╕реА рд╕рд░реНрд╡реА рдЧрд░реНрд╡реА рдЧрд░реНрд╡рд┐рддрд▓реЛрдЪрдирдГ рее реорежрее
рдореБрд░рд╛рд░рд┐рд░реНрд▓реЛрдХрдзрд░реНрдордЬреНрдЮрдГ рдЬреАрд╡рдиреЛ рдЬреАрд╡рдирд╛рдиреНрддрдХрдГ ред
рдпрдореЛ рдпрдорд╛рджрд┐рдпрдордиреЛ рдпрд╛рдореА рдпрд╛рдорд╡рд┐рдзрд╛рдпрдХрдГ рее реорезрее
рд╡рд╕реБрд▓реА рдкрд╛рдВрд╕реБрд▓реА рдкрд╛рдВрд╕реБрдГ рдкрд╛рдгреНрдбреБрд░рд░реНрдЬреБрдирд╡рд▓реНрд▓рднрдГ ред
рд▓рд▓рд┐рддрд╛ рдЪрдиреНрджреНрд░рд┐рдХрд╛рдорд╛рд▓реА рдорд╛рд▓реА рдорд╛рд▓рд╛рдореНрдмреБрдЬрд╛рд╢реНрд░рдпрдГ рее реореирее
рдЕрдореНрдмреБрдЬрд╛рдХреНрд╖реЛ рдорд╣рд╛рдпрдЬреНрдЮрдГ рджрдХреНрд╖рдГ рдЪрд┐рдиреНрддрд╛рдордгрд┐рдГ рдкреНрд░рднреБрдГ ред
рдордгрд┐рд░реНрджрд┐рдирдордгрд┐рд╢реНрдЪреИрд╡ рдХреЗрджрд╛рд░реЛ рдмрджрд░реАрд╢реНрд░рдпрдГ рее реорейрее
рдмрджрд░реАрд╡рдирд╕рдореНрдкреНрд░реАрддрдГ рд╡реНрдпрд╛рд╕рдГ рд╕рддреНрдпрд╡рддреАрд╕реБрддрдГ ред
рдЕрдорд░рд╛рд░рд┐рдирд┐рд╣рдиреНрддрд╛ рдЪ рд╕реБрдзрд╛рд╕рд┐рдиреНрдзреБрд╡рд┐рдзреВрджрдпрдГ рее реорекрее
рдЪрдиреНрджреНрд░реЛ рд░рд╡рд┐рдГ рд╢рд┐рд╡рдГ рд╢реВрд▓реА рдЪрдХреНрд░реА рдЪреИрд╡ рдЧрджрд╛рдзрд░рдГ ред
рд╢реНрд░реАрдХрд░реНрддрд╛ рд╢реНрд░реАрдкрддрд┐рдГ рд╢реНрд░реАрджрдГ рд╢реНрд░реАрджреЗрд╡реЛ рджреЗрд╡рдХреАрд╕реБрддрдГ рее реорелрее
рд╢реНрд░реАрдкрддрд┐рдГ рдкреБрдгреНрдбрд░реАрдХрд╛рдХреНрд╖рдГ рдкрджреНрдордирд╛рднреЛ рдЬрдЧрддреНрдкрддрд┐рдГ ред
рд╡рд╛рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡реЛрд╜рдкреНрд░рдореЗрдпрд╛рддреНрдорд╛ рдХреЗрд╢рд╡реЛ рдЧрд░реБрдбрдзреНрд╡рдЬрдГ рее реоремрее
рдирд╛рд░рд╛рдпрдгрдГ рдкрд░рдВ рдзрд╛рдо рджреЗрд╡рджреЗрд╡реЛ рдорд╣реЗрд╢реНрд╡рд░рдГ ред
рдЪрдХреНрд░рдкрд╛рдгрд┐рдГ рдХрд▓рд╛рдкреВрд░реНрдгреЛ рд╡реЗрджрд╡реЗрджреНрдпреЛ рджрдпрд╛рдирд┐рдзрд┐рдГ рее реоренрее
рднрдЧрд╡рд╛рдиреН рд╕рд░реНрд╡рднреВрддреЗрд╢реЛ рдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓рдГ рд╕рд░реНрд╡рдкрд╛рд▓рдХрдГ ред
рдЕрдирдиреНрддреЛ рдирд┐рд░реНрдЧреБрдгреЛ рдирд┐рддреНрдпреЛ рдирд┐рд░реНрд╡рд┐рдХрд▓реНрдкреЛ рдирд┐рд░рдЮреНрдЬрдирдГ рее реореорее
рдирд┐рд░рд╛рдзрд╛рд░реЛ рдирд┐рд░рд╛рдХрд╛рд░рдГ рдирд┐рд░рд╛рднрд╛рд╕реЛ рдирд┐рд░рд╛рд╢реНрд░рдпрдГ ред
рдкреБрд░реБрд╖рдГ рдкреНрд░рдгрд╡рд╛рддреАрддреЛ рдореБрдХреБрдиреНрджрдГ рдкрд░рдореЗрд╢реНрд╡рд░рдГ рее реорепрее
рдХреНрд╖рдгрд╛рд╡рдирд┐рдГ рд╕рд╛рд░реНрд╡рднреМрдореЛ рд╡реИрдХреБрдгреНрдареЛ рднрдХреНрддрд╡рддреНрд╕рд▓рдГ ред
рд╡рд┐рд╖реНрдгреБрд░реНрджрд╛рдореЛрджрд░рдГ рдХреГрд╖реНрдгреЛ рдорд╛рдзрд╡реЛ рдордереБрд░рд╛рдкрддрд┐рдГ рее репрежрее
рджреЗрд╡рдХреАрдЧрд░реНрднрд╕рдореНрднреВрддреЛ рдпрд╢реЛрджрд╛рд╡рддреНрд╕рд▓реЛ рд╣рд░рд┐рдГ ред
рд╢рд┐рд╡рдГ рд╕рдЩреНрдХрд░реНрд╖рдгрдГ рд╢рдореНрднреБрд░реНрднреВрддрдирд╛рдереЛ рджрд┐рд╡рд╕реНрдкрддрд┐рдГ рее репрезрее
рдЕрд╡реНрдпрдпрдГ рд╕рд░реНрд╡рдзрд░реНрдордЬреНрдЮрдГ рдирд┐рд░реНрдорд▓реЛ рдирд┐рд░реБрдкрджреНрд░рд╡рдГ
рдирд┐рд░реНрд╡рд╛рдгрдирд╛рдпрдХреЛ рдирд┐рддреНрдпреЛ рдиреАрд▓рдЬреАрдореВрддрд╕рдиреНрдирд┐рднрдГ рее репреирее
рдХрд▓рд╛рдХреНрд╖рдпрд╢реНрдЪ рд╕рд░реНрд╡рдЬреНрдЮрдГ рдХрдорд▓рд╛рд░реВрдкрддрддреНрдкрд░рдГ ред
рд╣реГрд╖реАрдХреЗрд╢рдГ рдкреАрддрд╡рд╛рд╕рд╛ рд╡рд╕реБрджреЗрд╡рдкреНрд░рд┐рдпрд╛рддреНрдордЬрдГ рее репрейрее
рдирдиреНрджрдЧреЛрдкрдХреБрдорд╛рд░рд╛рд░реНрдпрдГ рдирд╡рдиреАрддрд╛рд╢рдиреЛ рд╡рд┐рднреБрдГ ред
рдкреБрд░рд╛рдгрдкреБрд░реБрд╖рдГ рд╢реНрд░реЗрд╖реНрдардГ рд╢рдЩреНрдЦрдкрд╛рдгрд┐рдГ рд╕реБрд╡рд┐рдХреНрд░рдордГ рее репрекрее
рдЕрдирд┐рд░реБрджреНрдзрд╢реНрдЪрдХреНрд░рд░рдердГ рд╢рд╛рд░реНрдЩреНрдЧрдкрд╛рдгрд┐рд╢реНрдЪрддреБрд░реНрднреБрдЬрдГ ред
рдЧрджрд╛рдзрд░рдГ рд╕реБрд░рд╛рд░реНрддрд┐рдШреНрдиреЛ рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрджреЛ рдирдиреНрджрдХрд╛рдпреБрдзрдГ рее репрелрее
рд╡реГрдиреНрджрд╛рд╡рдирдЪрд░рдГ рд╢реМрд░рд┐рд░реНрд╡реЗрдгреБрд╡рд╛рджреНрдпрд╡рд┐рд╢рд╛рд░рджрдГ ред
рддреГрдгрд╛рд╡рд░реНрддрд╛рдиреНрддрдХреЛ рднреАрдорд╕рд╛рд╣рд╕реА рдмрд╣реБрд╡рд┐рдХреНрд░рдордГ рее репремрее
рд╢рдХрдЯрд╛рд╕реБрд░рд╕рдВрд╣рд╛рд░реА рдмрдХрд╛рд╕реБрд░рд╡рд┐рдирд╛рд╢рдирдГ ред
рдзреЗрдиреБрдХрд╛рд╕реБрд░рд╕рдВрд╣рд╛рд░реА рдкреВрддрдирд╛рд░рд┐рд░реНрдиреГрдХреЗрд╕рд░реА рее репренрее
рдкрд┐рддрд╛рдорд╣реЛ рдЧреБрд░реБрд╕реНрд╕рд╛рдХреНрд╖рд╛рддреН рдкреНрд░рддреНрдпрдЧрд╛рддреНрдорд╛ рд╕рджрд╛рд╢рд┐рд╡рдГ ред
рдЕрдкреНрд░рдореЗрдпрдГ рдкреНрд░рднреБрдГ рдкреНрд░рд╛рдЬреНрдЮреЛрд╜рдкреНрд░рддрд░реНрдХреНрдпрдГ рд╕реНрд╡рдкреНрдирд╡рд░реНрджреНрдзрдирдГ рее репреорее
рдзрдиреНрдпреЛ рдорд╛рдиреНрдпреЛ рднрд╡реЛ рднрд╛рд╡реЛ рдзреАрд░рдГ рд╢рд╛рдиреНрддреЛ рдЬрдЧрджреНрдЧреБрд░реБрдГ ред
рдЕрдиреНрддрд░реНрдпрд╛рдореАрд╢реНрд╡рд░реЛ рджрд┐рд╡реНрдпреЛ рджреИрд╡рдЬреНрдЮреЛ рджреЗрд╡рд╕рдВрд╕реНрддреБрддрдГ рее репрепрее
рдХреНрд╖реАрд░рд╛рдмреНрдзрд┐рд╢рдпрдиреЛ рдзрд╛рддрд╛ рд▓рдХреНрд╖реНрдореАрд╡рд╛рдВрд▓реНрд▓рдХреНрд╖реНрдордгрд╛рдЧреНрд░рдЬрдГ ред
рдзрд╛рддреНрд░реАрдкрддрд┐рд░рдореЗрдпрд╛рддреНрдорд╛ рдЪрдиреНрджреНрд░рд╢реЗрдЦрд░рдкреВрдЬрд┐рддрдГ рее резрежрежрее
рд▓реЛрдХрд╕рд╛рдХреНрд╖реА рдЬрдЧрдЪреНрдЪрдХреНрд╖реБрдГ рдкреБрдгреНрдпрдЪрд╛рд░рд┐рддреНрд░рдХреАрд░реНрддрдирдГ ред
рдХреЛрдЯрд┐рдордиреНрдордерд╕реМрдиреНрджрд░реНрдпрдГ рдЬрдЧрдиреНрдореЛрд╣рдирд╡рд┐рдЧреНрд░рд╣рдГ рее резрежрезрее
рдордиреНрджрд╕реНрдорд┐рддрд╛рдирдиреЛ рдЧреЛрдкреЛ рдЧреЛрдкрд┐рдХрд╛рдкрд░рд┐рд╡реЗрд╖реНрдЯрд┐рддрдГ ред
рдлреБрд▓реНрд▓рд╛рд░рд╡рд┐рдиреНрджрдирдпрдирдГ рдЪрд╛рдгреВрд░рд╛рдиреНрдзреНрд░рдирд┐рд╖реВрджрдирдГ рее резрежреирее
рдЗрдиреНрджреАрд╡рд░рджрд▓рд╢реНрдпрд╛рдореЛ рдмрд░реНрд╣рд┐рдмрд░реНрд╣рд╛рд╡рддрдВрд╕рдХрдГ ред
рдореБрд░рд▓реАрдирд┐рдирджрд╛рд╣реНрд▓рд╛рджрдГ рджрд┐рд╡реНрдпрдорд╛рд▓реНрдпрд╛рдореНрдмрд░рд╛рд╡реГрддрдГ рее резрежрейрее
рд╕реБрдХрдкреЛрд▓рдпреБрдЧрдГ рд╕реБрднреНрд░реВрдпреБрдЧрд▓рдГ рд╕реБрд▓рд▓рд╛рдЯрдХрдГ ред
рдХрдореНрдмреБрдЧреНрд░реАрд╡реЛ рд╡рд┐рд╢рд╛рд▓рд╛рдХреНрд╖реЛ рд▓рдХреНрд╖реНрдореАрд╡рд╛рдЮреНрдЫреБрднрд▓рдХреНрд╖рдгрдГ рее резрежрекрее
рдкреАрдирд╡рдХреНрд╖рд╛рд╢реНрдЪрддреБрд░реНрдмрд╛рд╣реБрд╢реНрдЪрддреБрд░реНрдореВрд░реНрддрд┐рд╕реНрддреНрд░рд┐рд╡рд┐рдХреНрд░рдордГ ред
рдХрд▓рдЩреНрдХрд░рд╣рд┐рддрдГ рд╢реБрджреНрдзрдГ рджреБрд╖реНрдЯрд╢рддреНрд░реБрдирд┐рдмрд░реНрд╣рдгрдГ рее резрежрелрее

рдХрд┐рд░реАрдЯрдХреБрдгреНрдбрд▓рдзрд░рдГ рдХрдЯрдХрд╛рдЩреНрдЧрджрдордгреНрдбрд┐рддрдГ ред
рдореБрджреНрд░рд┐рдХрд╛рднрд░рдгреЛрдкреЗрддрдГ рдХрдЯрд┐рд╕реВрддреНрд░рд╡рд┐рд░рд╛рдЬрд┐рддрдГ рее резрежремрее
рдордЮреНрдЬреАрд░рд░рдЮреНрдЬрд┐рддрдкрджрдГ рд╕рд░реНрд╡рд╛рднрд░рдгрднреВрд╖рд┐рддрдГ ред
рд╡рд┐рдиреНрдпрд╕реНрддрдкрд╛рджрдпреБрдЧрд▓реЛ рджрд┐рд╡реНрдпрдордЩреНрдЧрд▓рд╡рд┐рдЧреНрд░рд╣рдГ рее резрежренрее
рдЧреЛрдкрд┐рдХрд╛рдирдпрдирд╛рдирдиреНрджрдГ рдкреВрд░реНрдгрдЪрдиреНрджреНрд░рдирд┐рднрд╛рдирдирдГ ред
рд╕рдорд╕реНрддрдЬрдЧрджрд╛рдирдиреНрджрдГ рд╕реБрдиреНрджрд░реЛ рд▓реЛрдХрдирдиреНрджрдирдГ рее резрежреорее
рдпрдореБрдирд╛рддреАрд░рд╕рдЮреНрдЪрд╛рд░реА рд░рд╛рдзрд╛рдордиреНрдордерд╡реИрднрд╡рдГ ред
рдЧреЛрдкрдирд╛рд░реАрдкреНрд░рд┐рдпреЛ рджрд╛рдиреНрддреЛ рдЧреЛрдкреАрд╡рд╕реНрддреНрд░рд╛рдкрд╣рд╛рд░рдХрдГ рее резрежрепрее
рд╢реГрдЩреНрдЧрд╛рд░рдореВрд░реНрддрд┐рдГ рд╢реНрд░реАрдзрд╛рдорд╛ рддрд╛рд░рдХреЛ рдореВрд▓рдХрд╛рд░рдгрдореН ред
рд╕реГрд╖реНрдЯрд┐рд╕рдВрд░рдХреНрд╖рдгреЛрдкрд╛рдпрдГ рдХреНрд░реВрд░рд╛рд╕реБрд░рд╡рд┐рднрдЮреНрдЬрдирдГ рее резрезрежрее
рдирд░рдХрд╛рд╕реБрд░рд╕рдВрд╣рд╛рд░реА рдореБрд░рд╛рд░рд┐рд░рд░рд┐рдорд░реНрджрдирдГ ред
рдЖрджрд┐рддреЗрдпрдкреНрд░рд┐рдпреЛ рджреИрддреНрдпрднреАрдХрд░реЛ рдпрджреБрд╢реЗрдЦрд░рдГ рее резрезрезрее
рдЬрд░рд╛рд╕рдиреНрдзрдХреБрд▓рдзреНрд╡рдВрд╕реА рдХрдВрд╕рд╛рд░рд╛рддрд┐рдГ рд╕реБрд╡рд┐рдХреНрд░рдордГ ред
рдкреБрдгреНрдпрд╢реНрд▓реЛрдХрдГ рдХреАрд░реНрддрдиреАрдпрдГ рдпрд╛рджрд╡реЗрдиреНрджреНрд░реЛ рдЬрдЧрдиреНрдиреБрддрдГ рее резрезреирее
рд░реБрдХреНрдорд┐рдгреАрд░рдордгрдГ рд╕рддреНрдпрднрд╛рдорд╛рдЬрд╛рдореНрдмрд╡рддреАрдкреНрд░рд┐рдпрдГ ред
рдорд┐рддреНрд░рд╡рд┐рдиреНрджрд╛рдирд╛рдЧреНрдирдЬрд┐рддреАрд▓рдХреНрд╖реНрдордгрд╛рд╕рдореБрдкрд╛рд╕рд┐рддрдГ рее резрезрейрее
рд╕реБрдзрд╛рдХрд░рдХреБрд▓реЗ рдЬрд╛рддреЛрд╜рдирдиреНрддрдкреНрд░рдмрд▓рд╡рд┐рдХреНрд░рдордГ ред
рд╕рд░реНрд╡рд╕реМрднрд╛рдЧреНрдпрд╕рдореНрдкрдиреНрдиреЛ рджреНрд╡рд╛рд░рдХрд╛рдкрддреНрддрдиреЗ рд╕реНрдерд┐рддрдГ рее резрезрекрее
рднрджреНрд░рд╛рд╕реВрд░реНрдпрд╕реБрддрд╛рдирд╛рдереЛ рд▓реАрд▓рд╛рдорд╛рдиреБрд╖рд╡рд┐рдЧреНрд░рд╣рдГ ред
рд╕рд╣рд╕реНрд░рд╖реЛрдбрд╢рд╕реНрддреНрд░реАрд╢реЛ рднреЛрдЧрдореЛрдХреНрд╖реИрдХрджрд╛рдпрдХрдГ рее резрезрелрее
рд╡реЗрджрд╛рдиреНрддрд╡реЗрджреНрдпрдГ рд╕рдВрд╡реЗрджреНрдпреЛ рд╡реИрджреНрдпреЛ рдмреНрд░рд╣реНрдорд╛рдгреНрдбрдирд╛рдпрдХрдГ ред
рдЧреЛрд╡рд░реНрджреНрдзрдирдзрд░реЛ рдирд╛рдердГ рд╕рд░реНрд╡рдЬреАрд╡рджрдпрд╛рдкрд░рдГ рее резрезремрее
рдореВрд░реНрддрд┐рдорд╛рдиреН рд╕рд░реНрд╡рднреВрддрд╛рддреНрдорд╛ рдЖрд░реНрддрддреНрд░рд╛рдгрдкрд░рд╛рдпрдгрдГ ред
рд╕рд░реНрд╡рдЬреНрдЮрдГ рд╕рд░реНрд╡рд╕реБрд▓рднрдГ рд╕рд░реНрд╡рд╢рд╛рд╕реНрддреНрд░рд╡рд┐рд╢рд╛рд░рджрдГ рее резрезренрее
рд╖рдбреНрдЧреБрдгреИрд╢реНрд╡рд░реНрдпрд╕рдореНрдкрдиреНрдирдГ рдкреВрд░реНрдгрдХрд╛рдореЛ рдзреБрд░рдиреНрдзрд░рдГ ред
рдорд╣рд╛рдиреБрднрд╛рд╡рдГ рдХреИрд╡рд▓реНрдпрджрд╛рдпрдХреЛ рд▓реЛрдХрдирд╛рдпрдХрдГ рее резрезреорее
рдЖрджрд┐рдордзреНрдпрд╛рдиреНрддрд░рд╣рд┐рддрдГ рд╢реБрджреНрдзрд╕рд╛рддреНрддреНрд╡рд┐рдХрд╡рд┐рдЧреНрд░рд╣рдГ ред
рдЕрд╕рдорд╛рдирдГ рд╕рдорд╕реНрддрд╛рддреНрдорд╛ рд╢рд░рдгрд╛рдЧрддрд╡рддреНрд╕рд▓рдГ рее резрезрепрее
рдЙрддреНрдкрддреНрддрд┐рд╕реНрдерд┐рддрд┐рд╕рдВрд╣рд╛рд░рдХрд╛рд░рдгрдВ рд╕рд░реНрд╡рдХрд╛рд░рдгрдореН ред
рдЧрдореНрднреАрд░рдГ рд╕рд░реНрд╡рднрд╛рд╡рдЬреНрдЮрдГ рд╕рдЪреНрдЪрд┐рджрд╛рдирдиреНрджрд╡рд┐рдЧреНрд░рд╣рдГ рее резреирежрее
рд╡рд┐рд╖реНрд╡рдХреНрд╕реЗрдирдГ рд╕рддреНрдпрд╕рдиреНрдзрдГ рд╕рддреНрдпрд╡рд╛рдХреН рд╕рддреНрдпрд╡рд┐рдХреНрд░рдордГ ред
рд╕рддреНрдпрд╡реНрд░рддрдГ рд╕рддреНрдпрд░рддрдГ рд╕рд░реНрд╡рдзрд░реНрдордкрд░рд╛рдпрдгрдГ рее резреирезрее
рдЖрдкрдиреНрдирд╛рд░реНрддрд┐рдкреНрд░рд╢рдордирдГ рджреНрд░реМрдкрджреАрдорд╛рдирд░рдХреНрд╖рдХрдГ ред
рдХрдиреНрджрд░реНрдкрдЬрдирдХрдГ рдкреНрд░рд╛рдЬреНрдЮреЛ рдЬрдЧрдиреНрдирд╛рдЯрдХрд╡реИрднрд╡рдГ рее резреиреирее
рднрдХреНрддрд┐рд╡рд╢реНрдпреЛ рдЧреБрдгрд╛рддреАрддрдГ рд╕рд░реНрд╡реИрд╢реНрд╡рд░реНрдпрдкреНрд░рджрд╛рдпрдХрдГ ред
рджрдордШреЛрд╖рд╕реБрддрджреНрд╡реЗрд╖реА рдмрд╛рдгрдмрд╛рд╣реБрд╡рд┐рдЦрдгреНрдбрдирдГ рее резреирейрее
рднреАрд╖реНрдорднрдХреНрддрд┐рдкреНрд░рджреЛ рджрд┐рд╡реНрдпрдГ рдХреМрд░рд╡рд╛рдиреНрд╡рдпрдирд╛рд╢рдирдГ ред
рдХреМрдиреНрддреЗрдпрдкреНрд░рд┐рдпрдмрдиреНрдзреБрд╢реНрдЪ рдкрд╛рд░реНрдерд╕реНрдпрдиреНрджрдирд╕рд╛рд░рдерд┐рдГ рее резреирекрее
рдирд╛рд░рд╕рд┐рдВрд╣реЛ рдорд╣рд╛рд╡реАрд░рдГ рд╕реНрддрдореНрднрдЬрд╛рддреЛ рдорд╣рд╛рдмрд▓рдГ ред
рдкреНрд░рд╣реНрд▓рд╛рджрд╡рд░рджрдГ рд╕рддреНрдпреЛ рджреЗрд╡рдкреВрдЬреНрдпреЛрд╜рднрдпрдЩреНрдХрд░рдГ рее резреирелрее
рдЙрдкреЗрдиреНрджреНрд░ рдЗрдиреНрджреНрд░рд╛рд╡рд░рдЬреЛ рд╡рд╛рдордиреЛ рдмрд▓рд┐рдмрдиреНрдзрдирдГ ред
рдЧрдЬреЗрдиреНрджреНрд░рд╡рд░рджрдГ рд╕реНрд╡рд╛рдореА рд╕рд░реНрд╡рджреЗрд╡рдирдорд╕реНрдХреГрддрдГ рее резреиремрее
рд╢реЗрд╖рдкрд░реНрдпрдЩреНрдХрд╢рдпрдирдГ рд╡реИрдирддреЗрдпрд░рдереЛ рдЬрдпреА ред
рдЕрд╡реНрдпрд╛рд╣рддрдмрд▓реИрд╢реНрд╡рд░реНрдпрд╕рдореНрдкрдиреНрдирдГ рдкреВрд░реНрдгрдорд╛рдирд╕рдГ рее резреиренрее
рдпреЛрдЧреЗрд╢реНрд╡рд░реЗрд╢реНрд╡рд░рдГ рд╕рд╛рдХреНрд╖реА рдХреНрд╖реЗрддреНрд░рдЬреНрдЮреЛ рдЬреНрдЮрд╛рдирджрд╛рдпрдХрдГ ред
рдпреЛрдЧрд┐рд╣реГрддреНрдкрдЩреНрдХрдЬрд╛рд╡рд╛рд╕реЛ рдпреЛрдЧрдорд╛рдпрд╛рд╕рдордиреНрд╡рд┐рддрдГ рее резреиреорее
рдирд╛рджрдмрд┐рдиреНрджреБрдХрд▓рд╛рддреАрддрд╢реНрдЪрддреБрд░реНрд╡рд░реНрдЧрдлрд▓рдкреНрд░рджрдГ ред
рд╕реБрд╖реБрдореНрдирд╛рдорд╛рд░реНрдЧрд╕рдЮреНрдЪрд╛рд░реА рджреЗрд╣рд╕реНрдпрд╛рдиреНрддрд░рд╕рдВрд╕реНрдерд┐рддрдГ рее резреирепрее
рджреЗрд╣реЗрдиреНрджреНрд░рд┐рдпрдордирдГрдкреНрд░рд╛рдгрд╕рд╛рдХреНрд╖реА рдЪреЗрддрдГрдкреНрд░рд╕рд╛рджрдХрдГ ред
рд╕реВрдХреНрд╖реНрдордГ рд╕рд░реНрд╡рдЧрддреЛ рджреЗрд╣реА рдЬреНрдЮрд╛рдирджрд░реНрдкрдгрдЧреЛрдЪрд░рдГ рее резрейрежрее
рддрддреНрддреНрд╡рддреНрд░рдпрд╛рддреНрдордХреЛрд╜рд╡реНрдпрдХреНрддрдГ рдХреБрдгреНрдбрд▓реА рд╕рдореБрдкрд╛рд╢реНрд░рд┐рддрдГ ред
рдмреНрд░рд╣реНрдордгреНрдпрдГ рд╕рд░реНрд╡рдзрд░реНрдордЬреНрдЮрдГ рд╢рд╛рдиреНрддреЛ рджрд╛рдиреНрддреЛ рдЧрддрдХреНрд▓рдордГ рее резрейрезрее
рд╢реНрд░реАрдирд┐рд╡рд╛рд╕рдГ рд╕рджрд╛рдирдиреНрджрдГ рд╡рд┐рд╢реНрд╡рдореВрд░реНрддрд┐рд░реНрдорд╣рд╛рдкреНрд░рднреБрдГ ред
рд╕рд╣рд╕реНрд░рд╢реАрд░реНрд╖рд╛ рдкреБрд░реБрд╖рдГ рд╕рд╣рд╕реНрд░рд╛рдХреНрд╖рдГ рд╕рд╣рд╕реНрд░рдкрд╛рддреН рее резрейреирее
рд╕рдорд╕реНрддрднреБрд╡рдирд╛рдзрд╛рд░рдГ рд╕рдорд╕реНрддрдкреНрд░рд╛рдгрд░рдХреНрд╖рдХрдГ ред
рд╕рдорд╕реНрддрд╕рд░реНрд╡рднрд╛рд╡рдЬреНрдЮреЛ рдЧреЛрдкрд┐рдХрд╛рдкреНрд░рд╛рдгрд╡рд▓реНрд▓рднрдГ рее резрейрейрее
рдирд┐рддреНрдпреЛрддреНрд╕рд╡реЛ рдирд┐рддреНрдпрд╕реМрдЦреНрдпреЛ рдирд┐рддреНрдпрд╢реНрд░реАрд░реНрдирд┐рддреНрдпрдордЩреНрдЧрд▓рдГ ред
рд╡реНрдпреВрд╣рд╛рд░реНрдЪрд┐рддреЛ рдЬрдЧрдиреНрдирд╛рдердГ рд╢реНрд░реАрд╡реИрдХреБрдгреНрдардкреБрд░рд╛рдзрд┐рдкрдГ рее резрейрекрее
рдкреВрд░реНрдгрд╛рдирдиреНрджрдШрдиреАрднреВрддрдГ рдЧреЛрдкрд╡реЗрд╖рдзрд░реЛ рд╣рд░рд┐рдГ ред
рдХрд▓рд╛рдкрдХреБрд╕реБрдорд╢реНрдпрд╛рдордГ рдХреЛрдорд▓рдГ рд╢рд╛рдиреНрддрд╡рд┐рдЧреНрд░рд╣рдГ рее резрейрелрее
рдЧреЛрдкрд╛рдЩреНрдЧрдирд╛рд╡реГрддреЛрд╜рдирдиреНрддреЛ рд╡реГрдиреНрджрд╛рд╡рдирд╕рдорд╛рд╢реНрд░рдпрдГ ред
рд╡реЗрдгреБрд╡рд╛рджрд░рддрдГ рд╢реНрд░реЗрд╖реНрдареЛ рджреЗрд╡рд╛рдирд╛рдВ рд╣рд┐рддрдХрд╛рд░рдХрдГ рее резрейремрее
рдмрд╛рд▓рдХреНрд░реАрдбрд╛рд╕рдорд╛рд╕рдХреНрддреЛ рдирд╡рдиреАрддрд╕реНрдп рддрд╕реНрдХрд░рдГ ред
рдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓рдХрд╛рдорд┐рдиреАрдЬрд╛рд░рд╢реНрдЪреМрд░рдЬрд╛рд░рд╢рд┐рдЦрд╛рдордгрд┐рдГ рее резрейренрее
рдкрд░рдЮреНрдЬреНрдпреЛрддрд┐рдГ рдкрд░рд╛рдХрд╛рд╢рдГ рдкрд░рд╛рд╡рд╛рд╕рдГ рдкрд░рд┐рд╕реНрдлреБрдЯрдГ ред
рдЕрд╖реНрдЯрд╛рджрд╢рд╛рдХреНрд╖рд░реЛ рдордиреНрддреНрд░реЛ рд╡реНрдпрд╛рдкрдХреЛ рд▓реЛрдХрдкрд╛рд╡рдирдГ рее резрейреорее
рд╕рдкреНрддрдХреЛрдЯрд┐рдорд╣рд╛рдордиреНрддреНрд░рд╢реЗрдЦрд░реЛ рджреЗрд╡рд╢реЗрдЦрд░рдГ ред
рд╡рд┐рдЬреНрдЮрд╛рдирдЬреНрдЮрд╛рдирд╕рдиреНрдзрд╛рдирд╕реНрддреЗрдЬреЛрд░рд╛рд╢рд┐рд░реНрдЬрдЧрддреНрдкрддрд┐рдГ рее резрейрепрее
рднрдХреНрддрд▓реЛрдХрдкреНрд░рд╕рдиреНрдирд╛рддреНрдорд╛ рднрдХреНрддрдордиреНрджрд╛рд░рд╡рд┐рдЧреНрд░рд╣рдГ ред
рднрдХреНрддрджрд╛рд░рд┐рджреНрд░реНрдпрджрдордиреЛ рднрдХреНрддрд╛рдирд╛рдВ рдкреНрд░реАрддрд┐рджрд╛рдпрдХрдГ рее резрекрежрее
рднрдХреНрддрд╛рдзреАрдирдордирд╛рдГ рдкреВрдЬреНрдпрдГ рднрдХреНрддрд▓реЛрдХрд╢рд┐рд╡рдЩреНрдХрд░рдГ ред
рднрдХреНрддрд╛рднреАрд╖реНрдЯрдкреНрд░рджрдГ рд╕рд░реНрд╡рднрдХреНрддрд╛рдШреМрдШрдирд┐рдХреГрдиреНрддрдирдГ рее резрекрезрее
рдЕрдкрд╛рд░рдХрд░реБрдгрд╛рд╕рд┐рдиреНрдзреБрд░реНрднрдЧрд╡рд╛рдиреН рднрдХреНрддрддрддреНрдкрд░рдГ рее резрекреирее

рее рдЗрддрд┐ рдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓ рд╕рд╣рд╕реНрд░рдирд╛рдорд╕реНрддреЛрддреНрд░рдореН рд╕рдореНрдкреВрд░реНрдгрдореН рее

(рее рдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓рд╕рд╣рд╕реНрд░рдирд╛рдо рдорд╛рд╣рд╛рддреНрдореНрдпрдореН рее)

рд╕реНрдорд░рдгрд╛рддреН рдкрд╛рдкрд░рд╛рд╢реАрдирд╛рдВ рдЦрдгреНрдбрдирдВ рдореГрддреНрдпреБрдирд╛рд╢рдирдореН рее рез рее
рд╡реИрд╖реНрдгрд╡рд╛рдирд╛рдВ рдкреНрд░рд┐рдпрдХрд░рдВ рдорд╣рд╛рд░реЛрдЧрдирд┐рд╡рд╛рд░рдгрдореН ред
рдмреНрд░рд╣реНрдорд╣рддреНрдпрд╛рд╕реБрд░рд╛рдкрд╛рдирдВ рдкрд░рд╕реНрддреНрд░реАрдЧрдордирдВ рддрдерд╛ рее реи рее

рдкрд░рджреНрд░рд╡реНрдпрд╛рдкрд╣рд░рдгрдВ рдкрд░рджреНрд╡реЗрд╖рд╕рдордиреНрд╡рд┐рддрдореН ред
рдорд╛рдирд╕рдВ рд╡рд╛рдЪрд┐рдХрдВ рдХрд╛рдпрдВ рдпрддреНрдкрд╛рдкрдВ рдкрд╛рдкрд╕рдореНрднрд╡рдореН рее рей рее
рд╕рд╣рд╕реНрд░рдирд╛рдордкрдардирд╛рддреН рд╕рд░реНрд╡рдВ рдирд╢реНрдпрддрд┐ рддрддреНрдХреНрд╖рдгрд╛рддреН ред
рдорд╣рд╛рджрд╛рд░рд┐рджреНрд░реНрдпрдпреБрдХреНрддреЛ рдпреЛ рд╡реИрд╖реНрдгрд╡реЛ рд╡рд┐рд╖реНрдгреБрднрдХреНрддрд┐рдорд╛рдиреН рее рек рее
рдХрд╛рд░реНрддрд┐рдХреНрдпрд╛рдВ рд╕рдореНрдкрдареЗрджреНрд░рд╛рддреНрд░реМ рд╢рддрдорд╖реНрдЯреЛрддреНрддрд░рдВ рдХреНрд░рдорд╛рддреН ред
рдкреАрддрд╛рдореНрдмрд░рдзрд░реЛ рдзреАрдорд╛рдиреН рд╕реБрдЧрдиреНрдзреИрдГ рдкреБрд╖реНрдкрдЪрдиреНрджрдиреИрдГ рее рел рее
рдкреБрд╕реНрддрдХрдВ рдкреВрдЬрдпрд┐рддреНрд╡рд╛ рддреБ рдиреИрд╡реЗрджреНрдпрд╛рджрд┐рднрд┐рд░реЗрд╡ рдЪ ред
рд░рд╛рдзрд╛рдзреНрдпрд╛рдирд╛рдЩреНрдХрд┐рддреЛ рдзреАрд░реЛ рд╡рдирдорд╛рд▓рд╛рд╡рд┐рднреВрд╖рд┐рддрдГ рее рем рее
рд╢рддрдорд╖реНрдЯреЛрддреНрддрд░рдВ рджреЗрд╡рд┐ рдкрдареЗрдиреНрдирд╛рдорд╕рд╣рд╕реНрд░рдХрдореН ред
рдЪреИрддреНрд░рд╢реБрдХреНрд▓реЗ рдЪ рдХреГрд╖реНрдгреЗ рдЪ рдХреБрд╣реВрд╕рдЩреНрдХреНрд░рд╛рдиреНрддрд┐рд╡рд╛рд╕рд░реЗ рее рен рее
рдкрдард┐рддрд╡реНрдпрдВ рдкреНрд░рдпрддреНрдиреЗрди рддреНрд░реИрд▓реЛрдХреНрдпрдВ рдореЛрд╣рдпреЗрддреН рдХреНрд╖рдгрд╛рддреН ред
рддреБрд▓рд╕реАрдорд╛рд▓рдпрд╛ рдпреБрдХреНрддреЛ рд╡реИрд╖реНрдгрд╡реЛ рднрдХреНрддрд┐рддрддреНрдкрд░рдГ рее рео рее
рд░рд╡рд┐рд╡рд╛рд░реЗ рдЪ рд╢реБрдХреНрд░реЗ рдЪ рджреНрд╡рд╛рджрд╢реНрдпрд╛рдВ рд╢реНрд░рд╛рджреНрдзрд╡рд╛рд╕рд░реЗ ред
рдмреНрд░рд╛рд╣реНрдордгрдВ рдкреВрдЬрдпрд┐рддреНрд╡рд╛ рдЪ рднреЛрдЬрдпрд┐рддреНрд╡рд╛ рд╡рд┐рдзрд╛рдирддрдГ рее реп рее
рдкрдареЗрдиреНрдирд╛рдорд╕рд╣рд╕реНрд░рдВ рдЪ рддрддрдГ рд╕рд┐рджреНрдзрд┐рдГ рдкреНрд░рдЬрд╛рдпрддреЗ ред
рдорд╣рд╛рдирд┐рд╢рд╛рдпрд╛рдВ рд╕рддрддрдВ рд╡реИрд╖реНрдгрд╡реЛ рдпрдГ рдкрдареЗрддреН рд╕рджрд╛ рее резреж рее
рджреЗрд╢рд╛рдиреНрддрд░рдЧрддрд╛ рд▓рдХреНрд╖реНрдореАрдГ рд╕рдорд╛рдпрд╛рддрд┐ рди рд╕рдВрд╢рдпрдГ ред
рддреНрд░реИрд▓реЛрдХреНрдпреЗ рдЪ рдорд╣рд╛рджреЗрд╡рд┐ рд╕реБрдиреНрджрд░реНрдпрдГ рдХрд╛рдордореЛрд╣рд┐рддрд╛рдГ рее резрез рее
рдореБрдЧреНрдзрд╛рдГ рд╕реНрд╡рдпрдВ рд╕рдорд╛рдпрд╛рдиреНрддрд┐ рд╡реИрд╖реНрдгрд╡рдВ рдЪ рднрдЬрдиреНрддрд┐ рддрд╛рдГ ред
рд░реЛрдЧреА рд░реЛрдЧрд╛рддреН рдкреНрд░рдореБрдЪреНрдпреЗрдд рдмрджреНрдзреЛ рдореБрдЪреНрдпреЗрдд рдмрдиреНрдзрдирд╛рддреН рее резреирее
рдЧреБрд░реНрд╡рд┐рдгреА рдЬрдирдпреЗрддреНрдкреБрддреНрд░рдВ рдХрдиреНрдпрд╛ рд╡рд┐рдиреНрджрддрд┐ рд╕рддреНрдкрддрд┐рдореН ред
рд░рд╛рдЬрд╛рдиреЛ рд╡рд╢реНрдпрддрд╛рдВ рдпрд╛рдиреНрддрд┐ рдХрд┐рдВ рдкреБрдирдГ рдХреНрд╖реБрджреНрд░рдорд╛рдирд╡рд╛рдГ рее резрейрее
рд╕рд╣рд╕реНрд░рдирд╛рдорд╢реНрд░рд╡рдгрд╛рддреН рдкрдардирд╛рддреН рдкреВрдЬрдирд╛рддреН рдкреНрд░рд┐рдпреЗ ред
рдзрд╛рд░рдгрд╛рддреН рд╕рд░реНрд╡рдорд╛рдкреНрдиреЛрддрд┐ рд╡реИрд╖реНрдгрд╡реЛ рдирд╛рддреНрд░ рд╕рдВрд╢рдпрдГ рее резрекрее
рд╡рдВрд╢реАрд╡рдЯреЗ рдЪрд╛рдиреНрдпрд╡рдЯреЗ рддрдерд╛ рдкрд┐рдкреНрдкрд▓рдХреЗрд╜рде рд╡рд╛ ред
рдХрджрдореНрдмрдкрд╛рджрдкрддрд▓реЗ рдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓рдореВрд░реНрддрд┐рд╕рдВрдирд┐рдзреМ рее резрелред
рдпрдГ рдкрдареЗрджреНрд╡реИрд╖реНрдгрд╡реЛ рдирд┐рддреНрдпрдВ рд╕ рдпрд╛рддрд┐ рд╣рд░рд┐рдордиреНрджрд┐рд░рдореН ред

рдХреГрд╖реНрдгреЗрдиреЛрдХреНрддрдВ рд░рд╛рдзрд┐рдХрд╛рдпреИ рдордпрд╛ рдкреНрд░реЛрдХреНрддрдВ рддрдерд╛ рд╢рд┐рд╡реЗ рее резремрее
рдирд╛рд░рджрд╛рдп рдордпрд╛ рдкреНрд░реЛрдХреНрддрдВ рдирд╛рд░рджреЗрди рдкреНрд░рдХрд╛рд╢рд┐рддрдореН ред
рдордпрд╛ рддреБрднреНрдпрдВ рд╡рд░рд╛рд░реЛрд╣реЗ рдкреНрд░реЛрдХреНрддрдореЗрддрддреНрд╕реБрджреБрд░реНрд▓рднрдореН рее резренрее
рдЧреЛрдкрдиреАрдпрдВ рдкреНрд░рдпрддреНрдиреЗрди рди рдкреНрд░рдХрд╛рд╢реНрдпрдВ рдХрдердВрдЪрди ред
рд╢рдард╛рдп рдкрд╛рдкрд┐рдиреЗ рдЪреИрд╡ рд▓рдореНрдкрдЯрд╛рдп рд╡рд┐рд╢реЗрд╖рддрдГ рее резреорее
рди рджрд╛рддрд╡реНрдпрдВ рди рджрд╛рддрд╡реНрдпрдВ рди рджрд╛рддрд╡реНрдпрдВ рдХрджрд╛рдЪрди ред
рджреЗрдпрдВ рд╢рд┐рд╖реНрдпрд╛рдп рд╢рд╛рдиреНрддрд╛рдп рд╡рд┐рд╖реНрдгреБрднрдХреНрддрд┐рд░рддрд╛рдп рдЪ рее резрепрее
рдЧреЛрджрд╛рдирдмреНрд░рд╣реНрдордпрдЬреНрдЮрд╛рджреЗрд░реНрд╡рд╛рдЬрдкреЗрдпрд╢рддрд╕реНрдп рдЪ ред
рдЕрд╢реНрд╡рдореЗрдзрд╕рд╣рд╕реНрд░рд╕реНрдп рдлрд▓рдВ рдкрд╛рдареЗ рднрд╡реЗрддреН рдзреНрд░реБрд╡рдореН рее реирежрее
рдореЛрд╣рдирдВ рд╕реНрддрдореНрднрдирдВ рдЪреИрд╡ рдорд╛рд░рдгреЛрдЪреНрдЪрд╛рдЯрдирд╛рджрд┐рдХрдореН ред
рдпрджреНрдпрджреНрд╡рд╛рдЮреНрдЫрддрд┐ рдЪрд┐рддреНрддреЗрди рддрддреНрддрддреНрдкреНрд░рд╛рдкреНрдиреЛрддрд┐ рд╡реИрд╖реНрдгрд╡рдГ рее реирезрее
рдПрдХрд╛рджрд╢реНрдпрд╛рдВ рдирд░рдГ рд╕реНрдирд╛рддреНрд╡рд╛ рд╕реБрдЧрдиреНрдзрд┐рджреНрд░рд╡реНрдпрддреИрд▓рдХреИрдГ ред
рдЖрд╣рд╛рд░рдВ рдмреНрд░рд╛рд╣реНрдордгреЗ рджрддреНрддреНрд╡рд╛ рджрдХреНрд╖рд┐рдгрд╛рдВ рд╕реНрд╡рд░реНрдгрднреВрд╖рдгрдореН рее реиреирее
рддрдд рдЖрд░рдореНрднрдХрд░реНрддрд╛рд╕реНрдп рд╕рд░реНрд╡рдВ рдкреНрд░рд╛рдкреНрдиреЛрддрд┐ рдорд╛рдирд╡рдГ ред
рд╢рддрд╛рд╡реГрддреНрддрдВ рд╕рд╣рд╕реНрд░рдВ рдЪ рдпрдГ рдкрдареЗрджреНрд╡реИрд╖реНрдгрд╡реЛ рдЬрдирдГ рее реирейрее
рд╢реНрд░реАрд╡реГрдиреНрджрд╛рд╡рдирдЪрдиреНрджреНрд░рд╕реНрдп рдкреНрд░рд╕рд╛рджрд╛рддреНрд╕рд░реНрд╡рдорд╛рдкреНрдиреБрдпрд╛рддреН ред
рдпрджреНрдЧреГрд╣реЗ рдкреБрд╕реНрддрдХрдВ рджреЗрд╡рд┐ рдкреВрдЬрд┐рддрдВ рдЪреИрд╡ рддрд┐рд╖реНрдарддрд┐ рее реирекрее
рди рдорд╛рд░реА рди рдЪ рджреБрд░реНрднрд┐рдХреНрд╖рдВ рдиреЛрдкрд╕рд░реНрдЧрднрдпрдВ рдХреНрд╡рдЪрд┐рддреН ред
рд╕рд░реНрдкрд╛рджреНрдпрд╛ рднреВрддрдпрдХреНрд╖рд╛рджреНрдпрд╛ рдирд╢реНрдпрдиреНрддреЗ рдирд╛рддреНрд░ рд╕рдВрд╢рдпрдГ рее реирелрее
рд╢реНрд░реАрдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓реЛ рдорд╣рд╛рджреЗрд╡рд┐ рд╡рд╕реЗрддреНрддрд╕реНрдп рдЧреГрд╣реЗ рд╕рджрд╛ ред
рдЧреГрд╣реЗ рдпрддреНрд░ рд╕рд╣рд╕реНрд░рдВ рдЪ рдирд╛рдореНрдирд╛рдВ рддрд┐рд╖реНрдарддрд┐ рдкреВрдЬрд┐рддрдореН рее реиремрее

рее реР рддрддреНрд╕рджрд┐рддрд┐ рд╢реНрд░реАрд╕рдореНрдореЛрд╣рдирддрдиреНрддреНрд░реЗ рдкрд╛рд░реНрд╡рддреАрд╢реНрд╡рд░рд╕рдВрд╡рд╛рджреЗ

рдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓рд╕рд╣рд╕реНрд░рдирд╛рдорд╕реНрддреЛрддреНрд░рдВ рд╕рдореНрдкреВрд░реНрдгрдореН рее

рд╢реНрд░реАрд░рд╛рдзрд╛рд░рдордгрдГ рдХреГрд╖реНрдгрдГ рдЧреБрдгрд░рддреНрдиреИрд╕реНрд╕реБрдЧреБрдореНрдлрд┐рддрд╛рдореН ред
рд╕реНрд╡реАрдХреГрддреНрдпреЗрдорд╛рдВ рдорд┐рддрд╛рдВ рдорд╛рд▓рд╛рдВ рд╕ рдиреЛ рд╡рд┐рд╖реНрдгреБрдГ рдкреНрд░рд╕реАрджрддреБ рее

рдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓ рд╢рд╛рдкрд╡рд┐рдореЛрдЪрдирдорд╣рд╛рдордиреНрддреНрд░

рд╢реНрд░реА рдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓рд╕рд╣рд╕реНрд░рдирд╛рдо рд╢рд╛рдкрд╡рд┐рдореЛрдЪрдирдорд╣рд╛рдордиреНрддреНрд░рдореН
реР рдЕрд╕реНрдп рд╢реНрд░реАрдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓рд╕рд╣рд╕реНрд░рдирд╛рдо рд╢рд╛рдкрд╡рд┐рдореЛрдЪрдирдорд╣рд╛рдордиреНрддреНрд░рд╕реНрдп рд╡рд╛рдорджреЗрд╡рдЛрд╖рд┐рдГ ред
рд╢реНрд░реАрдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓реЛ рджреЗрд╡рддрд╛ рдкрдЩреНрдХреНрддрд┐рдГ рдЫрдиреНрджрдГ ред
рд╢реНрд░реА рд╕рджрд╛рд╢рд┐рд╡рд╡рд╛рдХреНрдп рд╢рд╛рдкрд╡рд┐рдореЛрдЪрдирд╛рд░реНрдердВ рдЬрдкреЗ рд╡рд┐рдирд┐рдпреЛрдЧрдГ ред
рдЛрд╖рдпреЗ рдирдордГ рд╢рд┐рд░рд╕рд┐ ред
рдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓ рджреЗрд╡рддрд╛рдпреИ рдирдордГ рд╣реГрджрдпреЗ ред
рдкрдЩреНрдХреНрддрд┐ рдЫрдиреНрджрд╕реЗ рдирдордГ рдореБрдЦреЗ ред
рд╕рджрд╛рд╢рд┐рд╡рд╡рд╛рдХреНрдп рд╢рд╛рдкрд╡рд┐рдореБрдХреНрддреНрдпрд░реНрдердВ рдирдордГ рд╕рд░реНрд╡рд╛рдЩреНрдЧреЗ рее

рдЕрде рдХрд░рд╛рджрд┐рдиреНрдпрд╛рд╕рдГ

реР рдРрдВ рдЕрдЩреНрдЧреБрд╖реНрдард╛рднреНрдпрд╛рдВ рдирдордГ рее
реР рдХреНрд▓реАрдВ рддрд░реНрдЬрдиреАрднреНрдпрд╛рдВ рдирдордГ рее
реР рд╣реНрд░реАрдВ рдордзреНрдпрдорд╛рднреНрдпрд╛рдВ рдирдордГ рее
реР рд╢реНрд░реАрдВ рдЕрдирд╛рдорд┐рдХрд╛рднреНрдпрд╛рдВ рдирдордГ рее
реР рд╡рд╛рдорджреЗрд╡рд╛рдп рдХрдирд┐рд╖реНрдард┐рдХрд╛рднреНрдпрд╛рдВ рдирдордГ рее
реР рдирдордГ рд╕реНрд╡рд╛рд╣рд╛ рдХрд░рддрд▓рдХрд░рдкреГрд╖реНрдард╛рднреНрдпрд╛рдВ рдирдордГ рее
рдЕрде рд╣реГрджрдпрд╛рджрд┐рдиреНрдпрд╛рд╕рдГ
реР рдРрдВ рд╣реГрджрдпрд╛рдп рдирдордГ рее
реР рдХреНрд▓реАрдВ рд╢рд┐рд░рд╕рд┐ рд╕реНрд╡рд╛рд╣рд╛ рее
реР рд╣реНрд░реАрдВ рд╢рд┐рдЦрд╛рдпреИ рд╡рд╖рдЯреН рее
реР рд╢реНрд░реАрдВ рдХрд╡рдЪрд╛рдп рд╣реБрдореН рее
реР рд╡рд╛рдорджреЗрд╡рд╛рдп рдиреЗрддреНрд░рд╕реНрддреНрд░рдпрд╛рдп рд╡реМрд╖рдЯреН рее
реР рдирдордГ рд╕реНрд╡рд╛рд╣рд╛ рдЕрд╕реНрддреНрд░рд╛рдп рдлрдЯреН рее

рдЕрде рдзреНрдпрд╛рдирдореН
реР рдзреНрдпрд╛рдпреЗрджреНрджреЗрд╡рдВ рдЧреБрдгрд╛рддреАрддрдВ рдкреАрддрдХреМрд╢реЗрдпрд╡рд╛рд╕рд╕рдореН ред

рее рд╢реНрд░реАрдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓рд╕рд╣рд╕реНрд░рдирд╛рдорд╕реНрддреЛрддреНрд░рдореН рее
рдкреНрд░рд╕рдиреНрдирдВ рдЪрд╛рд░реБрд╡рджрдирдВ рдЪ рдирд┐рд░реНрдЧреБрдгрдВ рд╢реНрд░реАрдкрддрд┐рдВ рдкреНрд░рднреБрдореН рее
рдРрдВ рдХреНрд▓реАрдВ рд╣реНрд░реАрдВ рд╢реНрд░реАрдВ рд╡рд╛рдорджреЗрд╡рд╛рдп рдирдордГ (рд╕реНрд╡рд╛рд╣рд╛ )ред

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