Jamini Astrology: What is Jamini chara dasha in vedic astrology, Prediction using chara dasha, Method of calculations, Timing events, Micro astrology using chara dasha: Complete Insight in chara dasha Explained and Demonstrated with Example charts

Understanding Jamini Astrology: What is Jamini chara dasha in vedic astrology, Prediction using chara dasha, Method of calculations, Timing events, Micro astrology using chara dasha: Complete Insight in chara dasha Explained and Demonstrated with Example charts

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CharaDasha Jamini Astrology: What is Jamini chara dasha in vedic astrology, Prediction using chara dasha, Method of calculations, Timing events, Micro astrology using chara dasha: Complete Insight in chara dasha Explained and Demonstrated with Example charts

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Char Dasha: explained using example and some basic concepts

A horoscope have so many facets as we humans have, but in astrology two things matter the most in the order that is first judging the effect of the planets and then watching what will happen, and then the next question arises when. Let we deal with both of them one by one

1.       Promises in a horoscope – not everyone is going to be billionaire not everyone is dying of poverty, people have their own standards and their own things to do.  What a person can do, what he can be, everything is in horoscope and deciding that first is the first and foremost thing. For that we use different techniques like judging natal chart, divisional charts, and so on and using these various techniques what a horoscope promises can be identified and a person can only do or become the thing his horoscope promises, this is a vast concept that I am leaving for now

2.       Timing the events – this can be done using various tools of Vedic astrology those are Dasha (there are more than 40 Dasha’s in Vedic  astrology – I know around 15 of them and use them interchangeably) Transit (there are so many methods of using transit – I personally know about 5 types and uses them) then there are also other special tools like Solar chart as known as varshapravesh that is the chart given to us by Arabians and that is casted on the date of birth when sun comes to the same point where he was in birth time and then based on that chart, result for coming one year can be found, it have one special point named Muntha. Very important in reading solar chart, it remains valid for one year only, and dasha can also be used in this to know which events will happen when, another technique is Tithi Pravesh, given to us by Sanjay Rath ji, that is based on Vedic tithi of birth, that takes sun and moon both into consideration, it doesn’t have any special planet like muntha, this is also valid for one year and can give very accurate results, but it is not our topic for today. All these tools namely Transit, Varshaphal and Tithi Pravesh is bound under Dasha, if A dasha or more specifically birth doesn’t promise an event then it will not happen no matter what happens. Dasha is also under control of birth chart, if anything is not promised in birth chart then it will never happen, it have to be kept in mind.

3.       Types of Dasha – there are 3 types of dasha those based on constellation like (vimshottari, ashtottari) those based on rashi (char,narayan,shool) those based on other things (panchswar dasha). The dashas are further divided into two more types those are Phalit dasha dealing with prediction and timing of event and second is Ayur dasha, used for prediction fatal periods or death. In other articles following this one, I will write on all of these dashas, for this I am confining myself to char dasha only. One thing that must be kept in mind is, every dasha have its own purpose and use thus no-one can be neglected, for example char dasha, and narayan dasha both are used for predicting/timing events, char dasha has its USP in getting the trademark of K.N.Rao he have worked extensively on this dasha and his research makes it infallible, whereas Narayan dasha is unique in the way as It can be counted for any divisional chart. Whereas char dasha can only be applied to birth chart, but I do also use it in other divisional too.

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4.       Methods of calculation – there are so many different methods of calculating char dasha, there is one system propounded by parashara that we find in Brihat parashara hora shastra, another version if of Irangati Rangacharya ji and another one is of K.N.Rao ji, as the system propounded by K.N.Rao ji is most pervasively used because it contains his years of research on the subject we will use his method only, in his method he doesn’t deduct or increase periods of planets in exaltation or debilitation sign. Because he says imagine case of Jupiter debilitated if we deduct one year for that then Sagittarius sign will have no years of dasha thus he doesn’t use this exception and says my method have been tested widely by me. And it gives accurate timing of events thus this should be used and we will be using that only. If time permits and my knowledge expands I will also write on other methods of using different variations of char dasha,

How char dasha is calculated I am leaving this due to 3 reasons, first because of there are now a day’s computer programs like jagganath hora which counts the dasha by one click so writing about calculation and expanding the article is something I will not do. Second this is over the internet there are so many articles dealing with the method of calculation readers can refer to those articles, and also I highly advise 2 books of K.N.rao 1. Predicting through jaimini char dasha 2. Advanced uses of char dasha to be read from which readers can get the idea on how he uses the system and how calculations have to be done. Third is I dislike teaching or writing about basics, and also I am in the favor that new immature students of astrology should not be spoon feeded thus I am leaving the part concerning with how to calculate char dasha and now I am giving few rules of analyze char dasha, and in the end we will understand the working of char dasha using one example chart and we will analyze few things in the chart using jaimini system of astrology and char dasha. For learning the basics readers can search my website www.shubhamalock.wordpress.com also there they can find a basic article on char dasha in which they can find those things that I am using here but not explaining, and in readers encounter any problem they can contact me using any medium.


1.       Treat the sign as ascendant and see the relative position of karakas (char karakas – 7 char karkas are advised, sthir karkas, naisargik karkas)
2.       see the aspects on the sign
3.       Relative position of Arudh of different houses from that sign
4.       planets placed in the sign.  
5.       Also read the Arudh of the sign/house as jaimini treats sign and house as one, also examine the Arudh of the sign and effects on it.
6.       See the position of sign lord, and analyze the chart from that aspect too.
7.       See the position of AK, AmK from the dasha sign
8.       See in which house the sign is falling
9.       Raajyogas in the sign or with respect to the sign. Simple method is conjunction or relationship between AK, AmK, PK, DK and 5th lord makes jaimini raajyoga. Also see them in navamsha and note if the number of raajyogas increased or decreased.

10.   Aspect of Jupiter, mercury, sign lord, AK, AmK is good whereas aspect of mars, Saturn, Rahu, GK can be termed as bad
11.   Malefic planets in 3rd and 6th from dasha sigh and benefics in trine and quadrants will be good, otherwise choose accordingly. For example bad planet in 2nd sign can show monetary loss in the periods and also disturbance in family, whereas good planets will show increase in money and comfort at home.
12.   See the position of AK from the sign that will show in which direction interest of soul is going through the dasha
13.   AK is significator of 1st  12th (for liberation) house, AmK of 10th house, BK of 3rd, 9th, 11th house, MK of 4th house, PK of 5th house, GK of 6th 8th 12th (for malefic) house, and DK of 2nd and 7th house.
14.   In choosing sthir karakas there are two options in between choosing karaka for father battle is between sun and Venus and for mother option is between Moon and mars. As sthir karak is used for timing death the one more afflicted will have to be chosen as sthir karak for example if Venus be with sun then he will be sthir karak for father as being with a mild malefic he is more afflicted other have normal karkatwa like Jupiter for progeny. Etc.
15.   K.N.Rao doesn’t uses argala as he says their use haven’t been discovered till now, and I am of the opinion (till now ) that argala have to be seen only on yogda planet as Mudra Krishnmurthy Shastri and Irangati Rangacharya ji says so I am not using them, people can use them as they wish.
16.   The affliction or prosperity of lord will also work like the same way as affliction or prosperity of house/sign
17.   Abhimukh rashi will have stronger say into aspect, being aspected or aspecting in both ways, abhimukh rashi will be 7th from dual signs, 8th for movable and 6th for fixed signs.
Now let we examine a chart in the light of the rules presented above. (I can also use some rules which you will notice being used but not being discussed I will discuss them in another articles)
Birth details of the native is, 14 August 1988, 07:54AM, Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh) I have rectified the birth time to be  07:53:15AM. Using paranpada and D108 method. The rules used are
1.       At birth time Pranpada have to be in trine to moon or in 1/7 axis to moon in navamsha
2.       At birth time D108 ascendant have to show the gender. Male sign for male birth and female sign for female birth.

At the given time, the moon of native is in Leo navamsha and Pranpada was in Aquarius navamsha making it perfect but D108 ascendant was Taurus not a male sign a defect here, we have moved time to be Aries ascendant in D108 and Pranpada being in  Sagittarius in D9, it can also be settled to Aries navamsha so we have seen Deity of D60 lagna that was Kaala, why we settled that will be explained in another article, that will be exclusively on rectification of birth time. Now let we analyze the chart.

I am not using char dasha in divisional that I do but not illustrating, also not going further than PD, whereas in reality I usually go till PD in it mainly focusing on MA-AD as it is just a hint of the life direction, as Rashi dasha shows life direction, for minute prediction with time frame always mix more than 2 dasha, to come at a conclusion, also no future prediction are being made. (Abbreviations are being used be careful while reading)

Event 1 – Divorce between mother and father on 27-November-1994.

Jamini Astrology: What is Jamini chara dasha in vedic astrology, Prediction using chara dasha, Method of calculations, Timing events, Micro astrology using chara dasha: Complete Insight in chara dasha Explained and Demonstrated with Example charts

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First of all let we see why divorce happened, lord of 4th and 9th is one planet mars in 12th from 9th house in a bad house in 8th house, aspected by DK Saturn who is also indicative of 7th and 2nd house and also used from timing death as he becomes marak, A6 is in 4th house (10th from 9th is karma of father that is 6th house) A9 and A4 have 6-8 relationship. Sun moon is in 2-12,Mars lord of 4th and 9th house in D9 aspected by Saturn ( use bhrigu rule that says a retrograde planet will also influence from last house then use aspect of jaimini), 9th lord of D9 is also lord of 12th house that is in 9th house, being aspected by Mars and Saturn two malefic, now see they are influencing 9th house as well as lord, this is the basic reason behind the basic rules of Karako Bhav nasay. Mercury is not karak of 9th house but think on the rule then you will get the clue. Ascendant and 8th lord Venus is in 4th house in D9. He is 8th lord in 4th. Wherever bad house lord goes he destroys the house, in D12 mars is in 6th house aspected by 2 malefic Sun and Saturn. He is a mild malefic but with Saturn he becomes more malefic, also they both have classic enmity as we all know. Jupiter-Moon 4th and 9th lord of D12 is in 2-12 relationship in D12. BK-MK is in 6-8 relationship in D9, BK shows 9th house and MK 4th house.

Now see the event – Libra MD. Lord of Libra is MK, Libra is 7th marak from 9th and 12th loss from 4th. Libra aspected by BK, GK, PK, showing no raajyoga and involved GK shows fights in his period. In life of the native. Lord of Libra is in 8th from 4th and 3rd from 9th both bad houses and remember benefic in 3rd is not so good, and any planet in 8th is we all know destroyed. Sun in Maran Karak Sthan in 10th from Libra showing the karma of the MD of the sign is influenced by SUN in MKS, dying, sun in natural significator of Father. It is 3rd from Ascendant dasha sign is In bad house from ascendant, as lord of Libra is a benefic planet, its presence in 3rd and 6th will not be desirable. Lord of Libra is in 12th from Ascendant lord.

Taurus AD – 7th from 4th and 2nd from 9th both marak house, aspected by sun that is in Maran Karak Sthan, 8th and 5th lord Jupiter is in the AD sign, 8th is 12th from 9th and 5th is 2nd from 4th again marak, that Jupiter that is in AD sign that is depositor of Saturn and Mars. Dwar rashi from Libra have Saturn in it aspected by mars and Dwar rashi from Taurus have rahu in it aspected by Sun of MKS (Maran Karak Sthan) the concept of Dwar and Bhay rashi will be explained sometimes later.
Event 2 – minor accident at age 2. Virgo Md. – aspected by Saturn and mars, Saturn is DK (marak significator of 2nd and 7th both marak houses and also signifies accidents and death and Mars in 8th is danger), it is 2nd from ascendant that is marak from ascendant and 3rd from AK that is for harm to body, longevity and also a house indicating accident, minor and major too, being 8th from 8th.
Event 3 – first job at 1 April 2012 – Indu lagna is in cancer where sun is of MKS. (MKS – Maran Karak Sthan, use of indu lagna will be dealt in another article, it is used to time first salary then automatically it will also indicate job, sun AK there in MKS shows troubled career ). Sagittarius MD – it is 6th (job house) from Indu Lagna. Natural Karm Karak Saturn is there, It is also 6th from AK, and 10th from AmK (significator of 10th house). Libra PD – it is abhimukh sign from 10th house, it have A11 showing start of gains, in Transit, AK and AmK both were aspecting Sagittarius, I have used Jaimini aspects only and in Using jaimini rules apply them only (as K.N.Rao, Irangati Rangacharya, Hart DeFouw  and almost all significant astrologers says keep these systems separate) Natural Karm Karak Saturn was in Libra in the same time in Transit, and lord of indu lagna moon was in indu lagna cancer.

Event 4 – second job. – readers can notice he have left first job very soon that was of professor due to Jupiter in 10th house, why he did this will be explained later. Till the time of second job PD was changed to Taurus that is 10th house, aspected by AK, he is having PK that will signify Raajyoga. Also this sign is aspected by AK. (AK+PK+5th lord raajyoga. In navamsha they are in same sign. Only due to this reason this job was stable for some time till January 2015, and then he left the job. And after that he haven’t been employed till now, we have talked today morning, he got jobs but he haven’t did that for more than 15 days, as a result haven’t got anything, see the effect of AK in 12th house in MKS. In navamsha in 6th house with Jupiter showing at some later time he can gain intelligence but this time as AK is in 12th house in MKS aspected by Rahu his mind is like Grahan/clouded.

Event 5 – left job. Aquarius MD – having A9 and A3 both are bad houses from 10th house A9 12th from 10th loss of Job. And 3rd 6th from 10th difficulties in Job. (it also makes some doubt on a parashara raajyoga, about which we need to have deep understanding, that secret will be revealed in another write-up) lord of sign is in 5th house that is 8th loss from 10th profession and 12th loss from 6th employment, also he is aspected by malefic, Bhaya rashi have GK, 12th lord, and ketu 3 de-attaching factors that have de-attached him from Job, 7th is 10th from 10th. And his bhaya rashi is in that much condition terrible. Also his lord is malefic that is retrograde aspected by another retrograde malefic (a malefic retrograde aspected by another malefic is like living hell. And it have made all types of problem from him, also see the hell is in 5th house 9th from 9th and now see Event one) Rahu that is in dasha rashi is aspected by Sun who is AK in MKS. Making a garahan yoga, eclipse to life, till august 2015 he was under the grahan that made his life hell. Now he is in pisces dasha that can be expected to be good, as per job is concerned as it have AmK and AK is in 5th house from there but this AmK is aspected by Saturn a retrograde malefic and AK is in MKS, the blemish will be on until he gets a guru to guide his soul, as AK is in Pisces in D9 with lord of Pisces that is Jupiter, D9 is dhrama and Jupiter is guru, and 6th house is overcoming shad ripus, sign Pisces shows blessing of goddess saraswati that can be through knowledge or from upadesh, or by reading holy books. Only Jupiter can save sun from being under grahan that is being caused by Rahu aspecting Sun in MKS. Only Jupiter have the power to save him and as sun is in 6th house in D9 that is overcoming enemies weather internal or external, we can hope for good times. The Dasha rashi Aquarius is 12th from AmK, and 6th from AK and A10, and due to these reasons even after having its co-lord in Aquarius it was not good for career. Scorpio sign was running under AD – it is 7th from 10th house that is marak house, death of Karma/Profession. It have A6, that shows noticeable event related to 6th house that was loss of job signification of 10th house from a long time (1 year till now). It is also aspected by sun that is in MKS.

K.N.Rao in his book “Predicting through Jaimini Char Dasha” In one chapter writes that position of AmK from ascendant will show how the profession life will be of the native, see AmK in 8th from D1 ascendant aspected by Saturn a malefic as well as DK cause of death. In D9 3rd from Ascendant again bad house showing rise after a lot of struggle, as it will also be aspected by malefic and DK Saturn in D9 using Bhrigu rule of aspect from last sign when a planet is retrograde. In D9 it is also aspected by GK (GK is significator of 6th house in char karak scheme but in jaimini AmK shows profession not GK, but yes A6 will still be showing profession. )

With obscene to lord Shiva I close this article.

Om Namah Shivaye

For other articles of mine go to my webpage – www.shubhamalock.wordpress.com
My page of facebook is – www.facebook.com/alockastrology
pin Jamini Astrology: What is Jamini chara dasha in vedic astrology, Prediction using chara dasha, Method of calculations, Timing events, Micro astrology using chara dasha: Complete Insight in chara dasha Explained and Demonstrated with Example charts

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Rare astronomical Alignments during two eclipses , Possibilities of earthquake triggers & cyclonic activities

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Revised and Updated on ( 17-01-2016)
eclipsemain2 Rare astronomical Alignments during two eclipses , Possibilities of earthquake triggers & cyclonic activities
(Solar Eclipse on 8th of March 2016 in Uttraphalguni Nakashtra)

Earth is bound to suffer since many ages via many catastrophes caused by the collision of either Wind, Air, fire, space or via Earth in the form of Cyclones, earthquakes or floods.We must accept that there are some unique phenomena causing such catastrophes in the earth and It is not common to say that Astronomical phenomenon has no such role in triggering sudden unusual events in earth via the collision of 5 elements. We are facing such phenomenon from many ages but still, the mystery is unknown, During pre-historic Age (Treta Yuga), it has been said by the Sage Vasistha that earthquakes are being caused by the collision of the atmospheric wind with another and falling to the earth with a booming sound.According to the sage Garga, it is due to some unseen power or simply can be said in spiritually as the Good and bad karmas of human beings resulting such massive catastrophes likeEarthquakes, cyclones, and floods in earth.

(Reference ; – Brihat Samhita by Ramkrishna bhatt)

Well we have root reason based on spiritual prospects mentioned in our ancient Scriptures.

Shaloka3 7 Rare astronomical Alignments during two eclipses , Possibilities of earthquake triggers & cyclonic activities
(Reference : –  Verse 3 to 7, Brihat Samhita of Varahmihira by Ramkrishna Bhatt)

“During the earlier days of the earth it is being shaken severely by the winger mountains which flew up and came down heavily, spoke bashfully to the creator (Brahma) in the assembly of the gods- ” My Lord, the name you have given me. Namely Acala ( Immovable), is falsified by the flying mountains , and i am unable to put up with this suffering.”. 

Hearing this words of Mother Earth who  was choked with tears and whose lower lips quivered slightly, and observing her down  cast face with tears flowing from her eyes, the creator thus :

Indra (Lord of Thunder – Indra) , Remove this humiliation of mother earth; throw your thunder-bolt and chop off the wings of the mountains.” At this, Indra said. ‘ so be it’, and Consoled her with the words ” Do not fear’ but wind, Fire, Myself and Varun will shake you in the Four parts of the day and Night put together respectively in order to Reveal the good and bad actions to the world.”

Above story has came down from the RigVedic time to the period of the Kavyas. In the Indrasukta (Rigved II 2.2) Indra is creadited to have fixed firmly the earth that was often quaking. Kalidasa too alludes in this KumaraSambhava I-20 to this story. “

This clearly sates that Ancient histories too has connection with the modern astronomical phenomenons for causing such catastrophes in earth in order to restore peace and harmony by clearing out the sins of bad ones.

But from all only the Sage Parshara able to explain Scientifically why such activities caused in earth. According to Sage parashara Earthquakes are caused by eclipses of the lumanries, unnatural phenomena occuridng in the planets and special movements of the  heavenly bodies. 

( Reference – Brihat Samhita by Ramakrishna Bhatt)

Based on above mentioned Sutras of our seers, below are my observation and analysis based on some of important natural astronomical phenomenons and assessments based on planetary, nature and Stars movements.

 Those are well analysed by our seers and written in Sanskrit Scriptures in many of our Magnum Opus shashtras preciously based on ” Impact and analysis on nature”.

Seers had done well researched work on these subjects and can be found in Book of Nature, we called them ” Samhitas” as written around millions and thousands of year ago since Treta Yuga (first compendium on study of Nature done by one of Saptarishi – Sage Vasistha).

path720 Rare astronomical Alignments during two eclipses , Possibilities of earthquake triggers & cyclonic activities

Now coming to main post, we might expect Gradual Global changes in meteorological events during end of February (approximately after 27th of Feb 2016) and Beginning of March 2016 (exactly near 7th-8th of March Around Full solar eclipse).

Reason being during this tenure once again we are expecting two Eclipses within period of 15 days.First solar eclipse will going to fall in when Moon will enter in “Satabhisha Nakashtra” around 10:30 Am (Indian time) on 8th of March 2016. During this alignment Moon will deeply conjugate with Mercury in Satabisha Nakashtra, Venus (will be in 0 Degree), Sun will conjugate with South Node(Ketu) in Poorvabhdara and North node(Rahu) will be in Uttraphalguni Nakashtra with Jupiter in leo.

Current Solar eclipse is falling in Varun (Satabhisha) and Wind circle (Uttraphalguni Nakashtra) axis zone, so we can expect mixed results around these period of time mainly deals with Airy and Watery Activities.

These are Symptoms we can experience before any activity around these 15 days:

” A Strong wind can blow throwing the dust of the earth breaking down trees and Sun will not shine brightly, We can expect huge gathering of dense,dark bluish clouds week before any seismic or cyclic activity and we can see pouring of Slender lines of water resembling Sharp sprouts. It can trigger to places those are majorly dependent on the seas and rivers (Regions of bay of Bengal, Indian ocean, Pacific ocean) and day before or after it can lead excessive rainfall too.”

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As it is falling in Both “Varuna and Wind circle “ Two months after the earthquake or cyclonic activity will be crucial for same repetition or any such events within this alignment.

Solar eclipse is falling in Wind and Varun (Air + Water –  usually creates Vacuum of Bubbles like situation ) –  Based on these below are possible chances :

8thofMarch2016 Rare astronomical Alignments during two eclipses , Possibilities of earthquake triggers & cyclonic activities

1) Cyclones Activities near Bey of Bengal ( Mainly triggering near South Eastern zone of India close upto Madhaypardesh, orissa, Hyderabad etc. & Regions those of Indonesia, Australia, South china Sea, Philippines and Malaysia, ) 

2) Other possibility would be an Earthquake like situation Near Northern & Eastern Himalayas Ranges  ruled by Aquarius sign (Covering part of Western Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan,  Uzbekistan, some Places of Afghanistan close to Tajikastan,  Higher Regions In Jammu & Kashmir close to North of Himalayan ranges, Shimla, New Delhi, West delhi, West UP, Bihar Close to central Himalayan Region and  moderate to Average tremor or shake could be feel around West of India ruled by Sign of scorpio)

3) As 4 planets are conjugating in Aquarius Sign in Satabisha Nakashtra ( Ruled by North Node- Rahu), Airy planets Mercury also conjugate with Moon During Eclipse in Airy Sign – So possible chances will be heavy cyclonic winds which can take form of storm near coastal areas.Coastal areas need  to take care from 7th of March to Next Lunar Eclipse around 22nd of March.

4) Interesting point to notice during month of March all 9 planets will be in Square relation to each other in 4,7 and 10 Relation to each other. This clearly indicates serious alignment which can lead something unusual and sudden mundane events related to effecting Land, Air and Water.

After 27th of Feb 2016 Jupiter will be in out of reach from North node grip and will be in next pada of Poorvaphalguni Nakastra and Rahu will be independent authority in Perfect Square alignment relation with Saturn in Sign of Leo in Uttraphalguni nakashtra with having 10th aspect from Saturn too, causing complete malefic aspect to sign of leo.

Later this Leo-Aquarius axis will be under close influence of two Eclipses within period of 15 days from 8th of march onward where Rahu will be independently operating with Saturn (Usually Indicates Mass Disaster like situations or sort of close seismic activity could trigger) Ruling South and East Asian countries i.e Australia, Indian Ocean, China, Japan, Area of Bey of Bengal, Sumatra Island, Indonesia, West of Africa, Some portion of Italy, Chile, Majorly in Western states in United States of America those are close to Pacific sea.

Solar Eclipse Rare astronomical Alignments during two eclipses , Possibilities of earthquake triggers & cyclonic activities
(How Solar Eclipses having impact on earth – A perfect alignment )

Moreover during this phase Saturn will be going to be closely Conjugate with Mars around end of Feb 2016 too in Scorpio sign ruled by Deep Mysteries and hidden places beneath water and oceans preciously indicates places those are deeply close to beneath massive sizes rivers or oceans i.e Beneath volcanoes, Lands near oceans etc.

During this Period Mars will aspect sign of Aquarius too having conjugation of 4 planets already, clearly telling me this time Aquarius will be next epic center for Seismic activities, so chances are high for Earthquake Near Places ruled by Aquarius sign i.e  Places those are close to Northern Hindkush Himalayas Ranges  (Covering Western Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan,
 Kyrgyzstan,  Uzbekistan, Places of Afghanistan close to Tajikastan, Jammu & Kashmir, Shimla, New Delhi , West Delhi,UP, Bihar and tremor or shake could be feel around West of India.

As Sign of Scorpio also involved in this Square relation states those are in United stated might also get Seismic activity around 6+ or 7+ Magnitude  too which can also result Warning of Tsunami like situation or Heavy cyclonic activity near places of Mexico, Brazil Costa rica, Ecuador those are close to Pacific ocean etc.

In Short India might experience One Major Earthquake of above than 6+ or 7+ Magnitude which could lash whole Himalayas Ranges in North or east of India and tremor could feel around West of India.

Following Dates would be most important, around March ” 7th-8th”, “15-16th” to 21st 2016.

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Pre activity could be sense from 7th-8th of March onward to between 8th of April. 

So, Stay alert !

Stay connected @ https://www.vedicsiddhanta.in/ , will post more articles on Mundane events soon.

With Thanks and Regards,

Rakesh Jamwal

Source and Link:

Brihat Samhita of Varahmihira by M Ramakrishna Bhatt,
Brihad Vasistha Samhita

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The Divine Codes Volume 2 : Download ” The Divine Codes ” – 2nd Digital Edition on Divine subjects Transcendental – Vastu, Meditation, Mundane astrology, world peace group, and Vedic Jyotish

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This organization was shaped, with plain but sincere desire for everyone to live in wholeness, purity and highest level of consciousness. Our sole idea is wholesome and purest conscious living for everybody. GCTR is a body; which comprises of people who are researching in the field of divine and art forms. This includes Astrology, Palmistry, Spirituality, Travelogues, Yoga, Ayurveda, Vedic Numerology, Sthapatya, and other Art forms etc.

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11088543 511937155623994 5588987580313700072 n28129 The Divine Codes Volume 2 : Download " The Divine Codes " - 2nd Digital Edition on Divine subjects Transcendental - Vastu, Meditation, Mundane astrology, world peace group, and Vedic Jyotish
Check out first look of Articles Published so far

    This issue carries following articles:

    1) Dasham bhava, karmas and the boomeranging | Page 1| by Alok Jagawat

    2) saturn & rahu’s unique combination – impact on native’s health | Page 8 | bySastry Karra

    3) — எழுத்தாளர்:கின்னரன் –| Page 11 | by Mr.Karthik Ramamoorthy 
    (Article in Tamil )

    4) kaalchakra ; effects of planetary transits on lunar mansions | Page 31 | byRocky Suryavansi

    5) The biggest obstacle to world peace | Page 48 | By Jeremy Old

    6) The math of lines: jeeva rekha, the journey of a soul | Page 54 | By Alok Jagawat

    7) love marriage: an astrological upshot | Page 58 | By Søulful Subhra

    8) Navamansha strength of grahas valid? check out punya chakra! | Page 66 | By Mr.Utpal Pathak
    9) Planetary combinations for a successful astrologer | Page 69 | By Søulful Subhra

    10) Yanavichara: types of vehicles in vastu | Page 79 | By Alok Jagawat

    11) Robin williams, tony scott. suicides: an astrological case study | Page 82 | By Alok Jagawat

    12) Astro meteorology research study on monsoon 2015 | Page 86 | By Rocky Suryavansi

    13) The man who saw tomorrow | Page 104 | By Rocky Suryavansi

    * Note :This magazine is free for everybody and can also be read in following formats.

    The issue is available at the following pages. You can download the same from the available links.
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    You’re all enveloped by the energies around you, the energies of the universe, the energies of the elements which are inside and outside. The energies travel in the form of wave just like sound wave with the collision of particles. It works at different levels through thoughts, speech, sight & touch.

    1. When you receive any good or bad intention and you walk through these thoughts, begin with the thinking process, the more you go deeper and deeper, more you transmit the the electromagnetic waves which travel in the universe to match its frequency & attract/manifest these situations/events in your life. (How the intention is created inside and how it manifests is not in the scope of this write-up). But, the important point is that we need to be aware and conscious of what thoughts we are subscribing from this unlimited expansive library.

    2. Even after the thoughts, we can actually hold the manifestation by creating a different aura by the tool blessed to us called speech through which we chant, use affirmations, recite divine words & names and by speech we give output to the created thoughts. Majority, speak what they think means they are driven by their thoughts but when you’re conscious, you’re are out of the thought zone and you pick choose which thoughts to put into manifestation. So, the underlying principle is speak with awareness & conscious. Be concious of what thoughts your are speaking. You can use positive thoughts and give them output through your speech.

    3. Energies travel outside your Auric field through your sight and touch. When you put your sight on anything it creates an intention and a thought process which further leads to creating your own reality. Similarly, when you touch someone or keep your touch with something, the energy transfers into you from that someone or something & another intention is created. The circle of thought to manifestations begin again.
    Become aware & conscious of your thoughts, speech, sight & touch!!


    Views: 2


    Its always been a great pleasure and blessing to visit your deceased person or to get connected to any old deceased person in your family or friends in the near time and space dimension on this earth plane.

    In the beginning, it feels very indifferent and the knowing comes in a very abstract manner but with the increase in the vibrational frequency through various meditative practices, the travel and linkage becomes quick and prompt.

    The travel, I’m sharing, occurred with me after the demise of my grandfather on the evening of 15th Jan 2016. 

    The energies and fragrance of my grandmother were pretty clear as I could sense the aura energy field around. 

    During the routine meditation, the travel was prompt to happen as to calm down my emotional frequencies and my senses which were longing to connect with both of my grand parents.

    The energies rose upright the spinal column & Dada ji (grand father) held me from my hand and lifted me up to an altogether new dimension filled with all bright, sparkling, vibrant pure white light and entire colour spectrum. 


    The colours were more bright & sparkling than the colours we see in our very own planet earth. The place was a lush green lawn with fruit filled trees, hills and cottony soft grass. The feel of the grass was so soft and full of warmth that I could sense deeply on the sole of my feet.

    With Love and Gratitude
    Vishal Sood

    Views: 4

    How to know a yoga is Benefic or Malefic.


    yogas3 How to know a yoga is Benefic or Malefic.

    How to know if a yoga is potent enough to take you to heights or just another planetary combination.
    There are two types of astrologers now a days one who believe that yoga’s like Raajyoga don’t work and another who believe that they still work but now their meanings have been changes as per the Country, Time, and Person rule of Vedic Astrology. I am under the latter people who believe that Raajyoga do work we only need to judge them right. Our ancient seers were geniuses and there is no doubt in it and they also have seen so many things at that timer that were yet to be discovered and as we know their intelligence in still unbeatable so I can clearly say that where they say it’s a Raajyoga then also they are not making a mistake they are just referring to a yoga which is very much potent to bestow the native, good position, wealth and status as kings had in their times, in astrology we have to dive down into meanings of words and as per watching this we will find that in earlier times who were a king, a king was someone, who have control over a army, have all type of happiness if we see that in today’s concept,  we can say that a person having Raajyoga can be entrepreneur (he will have so many person working under him) he can have lot of money and enjoyments in life so Raajyoga is something that is essential in a chart and as per I have seen at-least one Raajyoga is present in every tom dick and harry chart. As our sages said and I believe that if Raajyoga is this much auspicious and good then sure it have to be result of good deeds done in past lives, so have everyone did good deeds in past lives, yes everyone do something good but is that thing that much good that he can make a potent Raajyoga, we can see Raajyoga in almost every chart but we don’t see Raajyoga working everywhere why.
    pt ramyatna ojha How to know a yoga is Benefic or Malefic.

    Remember that this method should only be used in Raajyoga not in Dhanyoga because as we know in dhan yoga 11th house become an auspicious house but in Raajyoga assessment 11th is considered a malefic house, but in the same way as modification we can use the same chart, like while judging Dhanyoga we can take 11th house as benefic, and so on we can made improvements in this chart,

    While reading “Falit Vikas” By “Pandit Ramyatna Ojha´ I found this method and fell in love with this once again I found this in “Triphala (Jyotish) of “Pandit Gopesh Kumar Ojha” under the book “Sushlokshatak” this method was also used, in astrological treatises there are a lot of Raajyoga mentioned but which one can change the life of the native and which will be normal one (this can also be used with normal good yogas too) so many eminent Sanskrit scholars have given so many methods on how to assess result of any Raajyoga based on principles of parashara (basic astrology) but this method that was given by pandit ramyatna ojha was well supported by pandit vetal shastri too and they two are most eminent scholars of astrology so let me introduce you to the method
    These are the points given to houses, remember them for usage,
    1st house +1 point, 4th house +2 points, 7th house +3 points, 10th house +4 points, 5th house +2 points and 9th house +4 points,
    3rd house -1 point, 6th house -2 point, 11th house -3 point, 8th house -6 point, and 2nd and 12th house -0 points,
    These calculation are completely in tune with basic parashari principles as propounded by sage parashara in his BPHS (Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra) and also as elaborated in Uddadayapradeep AKA laghuparashari. Thus clearly states that
    1. Ascendant lord is always auspicious
    2. If the ascendant lord be 8th house lord then also he will be auspicious
    2nd AND 12th LORD:
    These 2 lords are neither auspicious nor inauspicious, the place where their 2nd rashi is placed will decide whether they will be benefic or malefic, also their results will get modified by those planets with whom they are in conjunction, basically they are neutral, and they both will also be “Marak” there is no doubt in this statement,
    Trine lord are always benefic (5th and 9th lord)
    But if the trine lords are 8th lord too then they will become flawed having some flaws (some maleficence will be inside the planet)
    But if the trine lord is 8th lord too and situated in 5th house then he will not be malefic.
    If the trine lord be 12th lord then it will remain benefic
    If the trine lord be 2nd lord then he will become “Marak” but still the power to give luck will be in the planet.
    If the trine lord also become lord of a quadrant house then he will become most benefic “Raajyogkarak”
    If the trine lord also be 6th lord then he will have some part of maleficence inside him but if he be placed in 5th house then he will impart only good effects.
    If natural benefic be lords of quadrants then they will not remain benefic and if natural malefic be lords of quadrants then they will not remain malefic (means they will become neutral) and their result have to be decided based on placement of their another sign, 7th lord will always be “Marak” there is no doubt in it, in order Jupiter as 7th lord will be most powerful “Marak” the comes Venus and then mercury then moon, moon will become the least deadly ”Marak” but he will still be “Marak” if any of these benefic planets be 7th lord and they are also placed in 7th house then they will become very deadly and potent ”Marak”
    8TH LORD
    8th lord is the worst malefic in the chart, but if 8th lord is also ascendant lord then he will leave his maleficence to a big extent (but as per my own thinking a little bit maleficence will be there)
    If sun and moon becomes the lord of 8th house and they are placed therein then they don’t have the bad effect of being 8th lord but if they be placed somewhere else then the bed effect of being 8th lord will be inside them, the potential to do bad as being 8th lord will be inside them both.
    3rd 6th and 11th lord are malefic.
    If 3rd 6th and 11th lord are also quadrant lord then if they are malefic then they will be malefic but if they are benefic then they will be benefic.
    Id 3rd lord be in 3rd, 6th lord be in 6th and 11th lord be in 11th then they will be benefic now matter they are neutral benefic or malefic.
    1. Imagine horoscope is of cancer ascendant and mercury, mars and Jupiter are conjunct then
    Mercury 3rd lord = -1
    Mercury 12th lord = -0
    Mars 5th lord = +2
    Mars 10th lord = +4
    Jupiter 6th lord = -2
    Jupiter 9th lord = +4
    Summing all those up we get +7 as remainder so we can say this yoga results in +7 benefic points thus this yoga is benefic and planets involved in this yoga will give good results of the yoga under their MD-AD-PD combinations.
    1. Imagine a horoscope of cancer ascendant Saturn, Venus, mars and Jupiter and conjunct then
    Saturn 7th lord = +3
    Saturn 8th lord = -6
    Venus 4th lord = +2
    Venus 11th lord = -3
    Mars 5th lord = +2
    Mars 10th lord = +4
    Jupiter 6th lord = -2
    Jupiter 9th lord = +4
    Summing all these up we get +4 benefic points thus we can say that this is a benefic combination.
    1. Imagine a horoscope of Leo Ascendant, Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct then
    Jupiter 5th lord +2
    Jupiter 8th lord -6
    Saturn 6th lord -2
    Saturn 7th lord +3
    Remaining -3 malefic results thus it is a malefic combination for the native.
    1. Imagine a horoscope of Leo ascendant and Sun, Mars and Venus are in conjunction
    Sun 1st lord +1
    Mars 4th lord +2
    Mars 9th lord +4
    Venus 3rd lord -1
    Venus 10th lord +4
    Summing all these up we get +10 benefic points thus this is a benefic yoga.
    1. Imagine it is Gemini ascendant and Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction
    Jupiter 7th lord +3
    Jupiter 10th lord +4
    Saturn 8th lord -6
    Saturn 9th lord +4
    Summing all these up we get +5 benefic points thus it is a benefic combination.
    This is a method given by “Pandit Ramyatna Ojha” in his book “Falit Vikas” this rule seems so good and it is good to and also it can be used in so many ways, like for example this can give us a clue in how to know if a yoga is malefic or benefic or how to know if a planet is benefic or malefic, like see in Virgo Saturn will be 5th and 6th lord having +2 and -2 there Saturn can be neutral in his result and there his effect have to be decided based on his house placement, rashi placement, D9 placement and nakshatra placement but in Gemini Saturn will be 8th and 9th lord and here he will get -6 and +4 thus he will contain -2 more maleficence inside him and for making him benefic more supporting factors have to be there as compared to Virgo ascendant, but as all major astrologers say (Few of them in which books I have read that they say too much mathematics is bad for predictive ability in astrology, Dr.Suresh Chandra Mishra, Shri J.N.Bhasin, Dr. B.V.Raman, Dr. Gouri Shanker Kapoor says this) so depending too much on this method is also not suggested as we know this table only shows their malefic and benefic nature as per their house lordship but in a yoga their rashi, D9, nakshatra placement and all others things also matter and we also should take them all in consideration and then we have to come to any conclusion after thinking a lot and after assessing a matter from all point of view we have to give our analysis, I have just given this method for learning and experimentation. The person who made this rule “Pandit ramyatna Ojha” was a very learned astrologer, scholar and guru of astrology and as per me his work should not have to be ignored.
    I will request all people to experiment and research over this method and then come with conclusion.
    Reference, Source and Links: 

    • Shubham Alock
    • 20-09-2015 (Sunday)
    • +91 9971655767
    pin How to know a yoga is Benefic or Malefic.

    Views: 18

    How To Judge A House(Bhav) In Vedic Astrology

    bhavas How To Judge A House(Bhav) In Vedic Astrology

    This is the most important and basic question in Vedic astrology and if you know answer to this question then you can successfully analyze a chart. Well this is not an easy thing and so many more concepts have to be taken in account too but here I will tell about the basic and most important principle on how to judge a house and find results and if you use this you can easily do reading of a chart.
    Whenever any question comes to you and just see three things the house from which the question is related, the position of the house its lord and its Significator.
    Step 1  – find the house from which the question is connected like 1st house for self related questions 2nd house for questions related to family and money, 3rd house for question related to younger siblings, hard-work, 4th house for problem related to mother, house, land, conveniences. 5th house for things related to education, progeny and so on, in this you can also see a thing can be seen by so many houses like for education 2nd house will show your primary education till up to school level,  4th house will show you mental education 5th house will show the field that you will choose as your main education also this will show about which thing you have an inner talent to do and then 9th house will show higher education also it will show the subject in which you can get masters degree or in which you will possess good level of knowledge. So for the first and basic thing is to find the houses connected to the question.
    Step 1.1 – also see the house from that house, every question have a basic house and few sub houses related to that for example 5th house is basic house for education and 4th 2nd and 9th are sub houses for education, now also see the house from that concerned house for e.g. – 5th house from 5th house i.e. 9th house will also be showing education now 5th house is basic house 9th house is secondary house and 2nd and 4th are supporting houses for education
    Step 1.2 – imagine the house from which question is concerned as first house and then analyze all other things respectively, for e.g. 10th house is for profession, 2nd from 10th 11th house will show your reward that you will get from 10th house profession and that is gain (the reward for working someone is gaining something) 3rd from 10th 12th house will show hard-ship in profession, like 12th house if for sleep and if you are working too hard and trying to get successful then its obvious that your nights will be disturbed one, 4th from 10th 1st house will show comfort from 10th house that is what is the comfort or working is the comfort for yourself why you work that is for your own self and that is 1st house you work to make yourself comfortable, 5th from 10th is family and 5th house is for good deeds saved from past lives and that is the case if you father is a big businessman and if he gives his company to you then obviously it will be a good deed saved from your past live that will make you do less hardship in matters related to 10th house, this rule can be expended too, 3rd house is 6th from 10th house 6th is work 10th is profession and work of profession is hard-work and that is what is denoted by 3rd house.
    Step 1.3 – see the condition of that house in all 10 divisional charts they are D-1, D-2, D-3, D-7, D-9, D-10, D-12, D-16, D-30, and D-60. In Vedic astrology planets also aspect using house aspect (bhav drishti) in divisional too. See which type of signs are in the concerned house in all these 10 divisional charts, weather they have good signs bad signs, signs of neutral friends or enemy’s. Also see the divisional chart related to that query. Like D-1 for everything, D2 For money, D-3 for siblings, D-7 for children, D-9 for spouse and luck (this is very important division equivalent to D-1-main chart), D-10 for profession/job/career, D-12 for Parents, D-16 for spirituality, D-30 for all evils, And D-60 for everything especially things related to past karma (this division is even more important than D-1 and D-9 Sage Parashara Gives this one the utmost importance). In the divisional see the position of ascendant lord of that division lord of the house concerned in the Natal chart and also the house related to that specific area. Like in D-10 see the position of Ascendant lord of D-10 see the position of the planet who is 10th lord in D-1 chart and also see the Houses 1st 6th 7th and 10th in D-10 as 10th shows the self 6th shows your job, 10th profession and 7th business. Also see the planets placed in 1st 6th 7th and 10th house and planets aspecting therein in that particular divisional chart.
    Step – 1.4 – see the planets placed in all those houses connected to the question in D-1 and also in that specific divisional chart and also in the main house (related to the question) in all those 10 divisional charts. And also consider aspects of planets same as their situation therein, in rashi chart use Rashi aspect, in Bhav Chalit and all those 9 divisional charts use planetary (house aspect). In placement of planets you have to see the 5 considerations of the planet if the planet is 1st exalted, 2nd mool-trikona, 3rd in own house 4th in bosom friends house and 5th having dig bala then the planet will shower good effects related to the house he owns and related to the house he is placed in.  If the planet is in 1st enemy sign, 2nd completely deprived of dig bala, 3rd being placed with or aspected by malefic 4th is combust 5th is debilitated then it will show bad effects of the house where he is placed and bad effects of the house he owns in this remember the planet who is combust will only destroy the house he is placed in and his signification but he will not destroy the house he aspects or owns. One more thing about being exalted is if planets are exalted in D-1 but debilitated in D-9 then he will do badly but if planet is debilitated in D-1 and exalted in D-9 then he will show good effects. Also if a planet is in the same sign as in D-1 and D-9 then he will show good effects. If a planet is both exalted in D-1 and D-9 then he will be extremely good but if a planet is debilitated in D-1 and D-9 then he will show 50% good effects and 50% bad effects. This is same with planetary aspect. Planets situated in 5 favorable houses will throw good effect and planet in 5 bad conditions will throw bad aspect. Also see the house ownership of planet for example if 8th lord 6th lord or 12th lord is situated in 1st house then it will destroy the house and if the are aspecting 1st house then also they will destroy the house, if in this situated you see any house except 1st house then one more question will rise, planet owning bad house from the ascendant and from that concerned house both will destroy the house but will destroy the house more severely. Let we take example of 10th house, 3rd lord is 6th from 10th and 3rd from ascendant so he will destroy 10th house, 6th house is 9th from 10th so he will not destroy 10th house, 8th house is 11th from 10th house so he will also not destroy the 10th house as much as 3rd lord will destroy he will destroy but he will partially destroy the house not completely. 12th lord is 3rd from 10th so he will also destroy the 10th house very badly. But 5th lord is 8th from 10th and 9th lord is 12th from 10th will they destroy the 10th house no. why? “Jatak Parijat” sates that ownership from ascendant is more important as compared to ownership from that concerned house expanding this rule to the rule enunciated in “Bhavartha Ratnakar”   I can say that ownership of houses from the ascendant is more important as compared to ownership of houses from that respective house but placement of planet is more important from the concerned house as compared to ascendant. But the main thing in astrology is synchronization. So that for the sake of learning you should always see both the aspects and come to a conclusion like for e.g. 9th lord is luck and if luck is supporting then the person will not do hard work so 9th lord will give the effect of 10th house but the desire of 10th house that is obtained from working on the thing will be missing. Like in the same way 5th house is stock market and children and it’s obvious that when you children will come to work then you don’t have to work that much then it will be death of your work (8th from 10th) and you will be enjoying your old age.
    Step 1.5 – now see the placement aspect and conjunction over the planets over the houses related to the question, good planets aspect and aspect of those planets who owns good houses prove beneficial but those planets that are malefic in nature and those who owns bad houses for that particular ascendant will destroy the house by their aspect and conjunction over the house and houses related to the question. Lord of 1at 5th and 9th house is always good if natural benefic be lords of 4th 7th and 10th and placed in 4th 7th   or 10th house then they will be malefic otherwise neutral, if malefic be lords of these houses then they will loose their malefic and nature and they will become benefic planets, lords of 3rd 6th 8th 11th houses are malefic, 3rd house is worst malefic 6th is more malefic as compared to 3rd 11th is even more malefic and 8th is the most malefic houses in all over the chart, 2nd and 12th lord are neutral and the planets owning these signs will effect according to the houses in which their 2nd sign is placed and if lord of 2nd or 12th be sun or moon then their placement will decide their effect as malefic or benefic. As moon is being a separate ascendant due to this reason moon don’t get bad effect of being in a bad house unless he is highly afflicted.  This is same with the sun but as being a cruel planet he can do evil at more times as compared to moon. 1st lord will never become bad if he owns 8th house too then still he will not be bad, planets will effect as per where their mool-trikona rashi is placed in, for Gemini ascendant Saturn is a benefic planet because his mool-trikona sign falls in 9th house but for Virgo Saturn will be a malefic due to the reason because his main rashi (Mool-Trikona) Sign falls in 6th house. But if Saturn is posited in 5th house then he will do good, so basically this tells us that if the planet is placed in either signs then he will do the effect of his main sign but if the planet is posited in his sign then he will do the effect of the sign in which he is placed in.
    Step 1.6 – also see the yoga’s happening in the house like if Saturn is posited in ascendant in Libra, Aquarius or Capricorn then he will make “Maha Purush Yoga” in then he will confer the good effects of the hw is placed in and of the houses he owns. There are too many yoga’s in Vedic astrology and it is very difficult to remember all of them so the basic rule is the favorable placement of a planet. If a planet is favorably placed then he will do well.
    House lord
    Step 2 – is to see the position of the house lord, if the planet is favorably disposed in main chart or in divisional then he will do good and if he is badly disposed in main chart or in divisional then he will do evil results, also you have to see aspect and conjunction over the house lord and also you have to see the position of the depositor of the house lord. The same rules that are applied in assessing the houses have also to be applied in assessing the effect of the house lord and its depositor along with this also see the Yogas happening with the planet and see his power and strength. See six fold strength of the planet and especially see his Dig Bala. If a planet is in Dig Bala then he will do well and if he is deprived of Dig Bala then he will do bad, see the aspect over house lord and conjunction of other planets with that house lord and they will show you the complete situation of house lord. Most of the rules are enunciated in the last part use the same rules to assess the power in a short see these things to see weather a planet is powerful or weak,
    1. See the sign in which he is placed in (own sign, main sign , exaltation sign, friendly sign will do good and debilitated sign, enemy sign will do bad)
    2. The house in which he is placed in (in good houses he will do good effect in bad houses he will do bad effects see the placement in house from ascendant from the house in question and also from the moon)
    3. The planets from whom he is getting aspect (aspects of benefic planets and the planets owning good houses will do bad and aspect of malefic planets or aspect of the planets who owns bad houses will do bad)
    4. The planet with whom he is conjunct ( conjunction with benefic planets or the planets owning good houses will be favorable and if either be the case then it will prove bad for the planet in question)
    5. The position of the planet in D-1, D-9 and in other divisional (position in D-1, D-9 And D-60 is most important to consider but position in other divisional will also make a great impact over the planet and also see the conjunction and aspect over the planets in divisional too)
    6. The lunar asterism in which the planet is placed in (see the nature of the lunar asterism and nature of its lord and then decide the effects of the planets)
    7. The position of the planet who becomes his lunar asterism lord and his ownership of houses and aspect and conjunction of planet over that
    8. The position of the depositor
    9. Check strength of the planet and yoga’s he is being involved in (assess strength using six fold strength)
    10. The Avastha’s of the planet
    Significator is also a planet so assess the power of the significator as same as planet, if the significator is strong then the house will flourish and if significator be weak the effect will be diminishing. House shows the possibility, house lord shows the achievement and significator shows the happiness from that thing. There are basic significator like sun for 1st house Jupiter for 2nd mars for 3rd mercury and moon for 4th Jupiter for 5th Saturn and mars for 6th Venus for 7th  Saturn for 8th Jupiter and sun for 9th Saturn mercury sun for 10th and so on now there are some houses which have more than one significator like 4th house 6th house and 10th house they show more than one thing and thus their significance can be   divided too like mercury will shows mental intelligence and moon will show emotional stability for 4th house, mars will show victory over enemy and Saturn will show job with respect to 6th house and mercury will show professional qualification, sun will show status in profession and Saturn will show work in profession in relation to 10th house also more significations can be added like for example if you are to assess about maternal uncle from 6th house then take 6th house its lord and mercury as significator because mars and Saturn don’t have to don anything with maternal uncle. If house lord and significator all are destroyed the complete results are destroyed if only significator and house is destroyed then 75% destroyed and if house and house lord is destroyed then 50% is destroyed and if house lord and significator is destroyed then 75% is destroyed. One special rule related to significator are if the house significator is in the house the he will destroy the house this is a loose rule that need some understanding. There are total 9 planets and there are 2 complete benefic planet 2 conditional benefic and 5 malefic planets if we add gulika too then it will become 6 malefic. And also only one benefic has special aspect and here all 4 malefic have special aspects. So thinking logically no house in any horoscope can be free of malefic influence and it is truth in real life too no thing is like this of which a person gets complete comfort. And that’s why if the significator is in the house and if malefic effect is there then the house will get 75% destroyed and this will be the case why they consider significator in the house as malefic.  Just imagine Jupiter is in 5th house in his mail sign being in Mool-Trikona having good aspect then why he will do evil for the 5th house…
    Vedic astrology is a vast ocean and the deeper you go into it the rarest gems you will find lying there, this is your dedication and practice that will make you and good astrologer over time. Here I have given few basic principles of Vedic astrology, hope the readers will enjoy reading this and learners will get to learn more from this, this was a small effort from my side If I have made any mistake then I am sure those who are big hearted will forgive me.
    Om Namah Shivaye
    Another Astrology Student
    Shubham Alock.

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    Introduction – By the entry of “Arabians” I will call the yavan. (As they are called in astrology) their entry into India had huge impact over Vedic astrology too and they gave us some new methods in astrology namely as solar return that we all know and use too, it is a fantastic method used in Vedic astrology now and it works so much accurately but by their entry into India something has been manipulated too, and that was divisional chart as considered in Vedic astrology, the method that we are using right now of making divisional charts are in vogue and it works perfectly but it is not what our sages have propounded, while reading “Falit Vikas” of “Pt. Ramyatna Ojha”, “Jatkadeshmarg” of “Pt. Gopesh Kumar Ojha” and “Jaimini Mukta” of “Dr. Suresh Chandra Mishra” I get to know that the method we use are not Vedic method of casting divisional chart but they are modified by others views and as we know that in ancient times books were not published they were kept in form of notes in hand written copies so when they got published so many things that was not genuine and you will get to see about these type of things in so many great classical books like “Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra” you will get to know that so many of things was not actually said by the sage but have been added, manipulated, modified later in hand written copies and then published and people are getting not the right or we can say complete data, the same with the calculations of divisional charts, they have been changed into the time of “Varahamihira” and he have changed the thing in his book “Brihatjatak” and he also took the favor of the yavan people, and because the change have been made on very ancient time thus all the rules and have been based on that and new books also gave the calculation of divisional charts in the same way as Varahamihira gave in his book. Thus the traditional method are tested and have been used in India from thousands of years and the 2 eminent authors “Dr. Suresh Chandra Mishra and Pt. Gopesh Kumar Ojha” after knowing about these ancient method still in their books on astrology (which they have written for beginner’s) have gave the traditional method not the ancient method of sages, this shows that they knew the technique but they also know that all the astrological books Viz “Brihatjatak” “Faladeepika” “Saravali” have given the rules based on the new method so it should be studied but as per my own view we should also have to know our real method given by sages due to two main reason first by knowing them we can have more scope for research in astrology as I know that using divisional in astrology is quiet a much difficult work and I am of firm opinion that if the method of sages be used then the work will be more easy and result be more accurate and secondly this will also give us some clues to interpretation of some rules in astrology that are must to be understood in order to learn astrology completely,
    Background – Our sages have taught us that in astrology there are basically 10 divisional that are mainly used in a nativity, they are D1, D2, D3, D7, D9, D10, D12, D16, D30, and D60. Under these 6 main and most essential divisions that must be considered are D1, D2, D3, D9, D12 and D30. And before giving any judgement we have to completely check the all these charts. Under all these 10 divisions, the method of casting of D2, D3 and D30 have been changed, so let me here tell you what are the method of calculating these charts in the times of sages.
    The main question that arises is that why no other planet have their sign being used in D2 and why sun and moon don’t have their sign in D30 why, because it have been changed in our Vedic culture they were there, let me start with D2 as D1 is basic chart there can be no change in making that,
    Hora – the shloka in “Vriddhakarika” of “Jaimini Stutra” states a shloka that:-
    The half part of a sign is called hora, there are 24 horas, in which the signs Aries to Pisces gets repeated Twice. Thus calculating this way in all 12 signs there become 24 horas, the cycle from Aries to Pisces get repeated 2 times and hora circle completes, based on this the hora chart becomes like.
    0 -15 degree13579111357911
    16-30 degree2468101224681012
    Dreshkan – The “Vriddhakarika” over “Jaimini Sutra” states that:-
    1/3 part of a sign is Dreshkan in this way for 12 signs there are 36 Dreshkan, they should be counted in order from Aries to Pisces 3 times, thus calculating this method the D3 table will be,
    0-10 degree147101471014710
    11-20 degree258112581125811
    21-30 degree369123691236912
    The calculation of D7, D9. D12 is as same in both the methods but for the sake of convenience let me also make their chart,
    Saptamsha – D7- chart in Odd signs they start from the same sign and in even signs they start from 7th sign therein
    Navamsha – D9- chart in Movable sign they start from the sign itself in fixed sign they start from 9th sign therein and in mutable signs they start from 5th sign therein.
    SignsAr, Le, SgTa, Vi, CpGe, Li, AqCa, Sc, Pi
    Dwadsamsha – D12- chart in all the signs the D12 chart is counted from the same sign therein.
    Trisamsha – D30- Trisamsha is 1/30th division of a sign, this is different from the tradition popular today, in ancient times it was of 1 degree each as it is with all other divisional chart, a sign of 30 degree divided by 30 thus gives 1 and one the same basis 1 degree for each D30, this is also stated in “saravali”
    These were the 6 divisions in their original form as stated by our great sages, all other divisions remain the same in their computation, and I presented the real method because I think it can be more accurate and precise in prediction if used.
    Shubham Alock
    +91 9971655767

    Views: 17

    How to do Timing of Events Using Planetary Transit’s in Vedic Astrology, Part – 1

    656348main ToV transit diag full How to do Timing of Events Using Planetary Transit's in Vedic Astrology, Part - 1


    In Vedic astrology there are several methods of timing of events, they all can be used and if used properly give good results, but you also have to know when to use which thing in which way.

    Few Methods to Time Events in Vedic Astrology are:-
    Using Dasha
    Using Transit
    Using Natural Age of Planets.
    Using Special Methods like Lomesh Anshak Paddhati, Sarvatobhadra Chakra.

    Today here we will be discussing about Transit.

    First this should must be understood that transit have their own limitations, transits works in respect to dasha and Antardasha, like for example transit of moon, sun, even of Saturn will be in same sign for more than once in lifetime for a person having medium life span of 60 years, so dasha and Antardasha should always be kept in mind, sadhesati in dasha of Marak will become more dreaded as compared to sadhesati in dasha of yogakarak.

    Secondly under transit there is doubt whether to see transit from ascendant or from moon, I will tell you to use both the technique and give conclusion after watching them both,
    Transit from ascendant will show the condition presented and from moon it will show the mental conditions of the native or the impact of the event over the mind of the native, 

    After that also check the transit of planet from their own position in birth chart, this will also give very good clues about the events likely to occur. Movement of planets with respect to their natal chart position give result relating to their karkatwa (significations),
    Also note the house where combined effect of Jupiter and Saturn falls that house will be activated for the time period and house in your horoscope where that sign falls will become active like right now check Leo in your horoscope where Jupiter is in transit and Saturn is aspecting using 10th aspect, see in which rashi Leo falls and in which house and you will see events related to that house have been happened or not. Like in next year when Jupiter will be in Virgo his 5th aspect will be on Capricorn where Saturn is already aspecting using his 3rd aspect and in this way next year Capricorn will be activated. 

    if anyone comes to you to ask question, then put transit of that time over his chart and you will be able to know the problem of the native, the house being most afflicted will be the house related to which the native will be facing problems. 

    To know if a transit will be favorable or not then see the rashi in which any planet is transiting, then see how many points that rashi gets in BAV (Bhinna Ashtak Varga) of that planet and how many points that rashi gets in SAV (Sarva Ashtak Varga) in in BAV 4 or more than 4 then good result if in SAV more than 28 then good results, if not then bad effects. 

    Also see in which Navamsha planet is transiting, like Jupiter in Leo is in Scorpio Navamsa, now in your chart see where Leo is and where Scorpio is and check the same in Navamsha chart and then go to results. 

    While judging the transits also see aspect of other planets over that planet, his conjunction with other planets in transit, also see if in natal chart the planet is transiting over other planets natal chart position , this can trigger few important events, like 5th lord transiting over natal Venus can give love relationship, or over natal mars can give attraction towards another sex or can give fights too, also see placement of planets to each other like Jupiter-Saturn in 4-10 axis in transit can give jobs to so many people but Jupiter in 6th house in transit from natal Saturn can give problem in professions too. 

    In any sign 0 to 3.45 degree is ruled by Saturn, 3.45-7.30 Jupiter, 7.30-11.15 mars, 11.15-15.00 sun, 15.00-18.45 Venus, 18.45-22.30 mercury, 22.30-16.15 moon, 26.25-30.00 ascendant, the degree division for planets are same in every sign, now just suppose Saturn is transiting in Libra and in BAV of Saturn Libra gets 5 points, so see in BAV of Saturn which planets gave him points, let us suppose that sun, mars, Jupiter, Venus and ascendant have given point in Libra in Saturn’s BAV. 
    So when Saturn will go through that portion of rashi where their degrees falls Saturn will give his effect and at other places he will be ineffective. In this case Saturn will give his effect when he will be in 3.45 degrees to 18.45 degrees and again he will give effect when he will be in 26.25 to 30.00 degree of Libra, at another degrees he will be inactive for the native. This is called kakshya, using this method timing of event using transit becomes easier. 

    If dasha or a direct planet is running (who is in direct motion in birth chart) and in transit he becomes retro then his special effects will be come to felt. And if dasha of a planet is running who is retrograde in birth chart then his effects will be come to felt very powerfully when he becomes direct in transit. 

    Also some special techniques should have to be used while timing events using transit like Sarvatobhadra chakra and vedha and all that on which I will write sometimes later.

    Written By
    Shubham Alock

    pin How to do Timing of Events Using Planetary Transit's in Vedic Astrology, Part - 1

    Views: 148

    Past Birth Astrology: How to know Pending Past Karma & Purpose of Birth in Vedic Astrology from Divisonal charts

    main qimg 8aeaff7da9cf9b857c06cba8b1ae0489 Past Birth Astrology: How to know Pending Past Karma & Purpose of Birth in Vedic Astrology from Divisonal charts


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    Here in this article today I am going to discuss few techniques from which you can know about pending karma and life mission of the native in which direction his life will flow basically for doing which type of work and for returning which type of work any native have taken birth,
    First, let me tell some basic things then I will share two techniques Pending karma finding technique given by Saptarishis Astrology. 

    Using Jagganath Dreshkan for finding main life purpose given by Shri Jagganath Center

    In a birth chart check the few things at first  See the house and Rashi placement of the sun and his conjunction and relationships with other planets that will show the thing in which soul will be comfortable and also see AK in the same manner in D1 and in D9 to find what soul desires. 

    Check the placement of Rahu and Ketu in D1 and D9 and also check their relationship with other planets as they will show karmas with respect to the sun (soul) moon (mind) and so on, also keep remember that Jupiter and Rahu both have 5th and 9th special aspects which are for past life and future life but Jupiter shows blessings and Rahu shows curse.

    Also, see all the things in D60 (only after rectifying birth chart) and also see all the things in D45and D30 too. Also, see the position of AK from Ascendant in D1 and D9 and also see the mutual relationship between AK and AmK. See the 5th house and 9th house their lords and their significations also see PK as he represents 5th house of horoscope

    Techniques II.

    Saptarishis Astrology technique given out by Sunil. 
    Under this technique see the Rashi number falling in 6th house 8th house and 12th house and then see those houses from birth ascendant and then see planets placed therein, yoga being formed therein and aspects therein and this will show which karma is pending for the native and should have to be done. These houses become karmic houses,

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    For Aries Ascendant 6th 8th and 12th house are karmic houses, planets placed their and aspect therein will become karmic planets and also lords of that house also will become karmic planets (by the way all planets are karmic). For Taurus Ascendant 7th 9th and 1st house, for Gemini Ascendant 8th 10th and 2nd house, for cancer ascendant 9th 11th and 3rd house, for Leo 10th 12th and 4th house, for Virgo 11th 1st and 5th house, for Libra 12th 2nd and 6th house, for Scorpio 1st 3rd and 7th house, for Sagittarius 2nd 4th and 8th house, for Capricorn 3rd 5th and 9th house, for Aquarius 4th 6th and 10th house and for Pisces 5th 7th and 11th house.

    See where lord of these houses are placed and which planets are placed in these house and planets placed in these houses own which house and also see which planets aspect these houses and which planets and houses are being aspected by those planets who are sitting in these houses, all this will show pending karma of the native which has to be done by the native. 

    Jagganath Dreshkan method handed down by Sanjay Rath Parampara was given by Vristi Larsen.

    Make D3 chart using Jagganath method, it is given in Jagganath hora, method of calculation is not being given to me as it will make it complex just open jhora and then open D3 chart and then under option choose Jagganath hora and now chart opens, under that chart see the 3rd house as Ascendant and if 3rd house is vacant then see where 3rd lord is placed and that house as Lagna. 

    See rashi aspect, planetary aspect see which planets are in 3rd house, or with 3rd lord, their signification, house lordship in D3 and yoga’s they are forming all would have impact over this and will show the karma for which the native have taken birth, for example 5th lord in 3rd house and 3rd lord in 5th house and Jupiter aspecting 3rd house using rashi aspect and mercury aspecting using Planetary aspect clearly shows that native is born for becoming author and write books, subject should be decided by the most powerful planet or by combining influence of all planets and houses.

    P.S.- Method of making Jagganath Drekkana:-

    Among the various dreshkan, the Parashar and Jagganath dreshkan traverse the trines to the sign. Whilst with the Parashar dreshkan the allotment is to the first, fifth and ninth houses, instead, the Jagganath dreshkan traverses the movable, fixed and dual signs respectively, always starting from a movable sign.

    With thanks and Regards,
    Shubham Alock

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