Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

left hand Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview


   By H.Ramadas Rao

ॐ श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः

With the Blessings of Acharya Madhva,my Kula Devatha ,Ishta Devatha and my Naadi Guru Shri R.G.Rao,I would like to present a new topic on Left Handers based on Naadi Astrology.

Natural zodiac 3rd house,Mithuna Rashi and its Lord Budha indicate our shoulders,arms ie.,hands.Budha also is significator or Karaka for our central nervous system in the brain.Actually all our actions are through the signals from our brain only.Human brain is a more powerful part of the body even more than that of a computer.This is God’s creation.In this brain also,all the 7 planets are allotted some particular part/parts as shown in the following ancient diagram of human brain :

brain Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

The planets are indicated in the form of some symbols whose meanings are given below.( Earth can be omitted as we stand on earth ) :

pic1 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

The symbols given above are Surya,Budha,Shukra ( Earth ),Chandra,Kuja ,Guru and Shani.Thus any planet afflicted in the brain part will give wrong signals to the particular part of the body and so we suffer from various diseases,accidents etc.Thus we can see the middle portion of the forehead,upper portion and the side part is controlled by Budha/Mercury who is the controller of our central nervous system in the brain.We can also see through the following picture how our body parts are connected through the brain :

The above picture is only a part showing how our head,face,eyes,hand and its related parts,leg and its related parts function through our brain.This is a very big study related to medical science.

Now we know that the left part of human brain controls right side of the body and vice versa.For most of the human beings left side of the brain works faster than that of right side and so all our right side organs work prominently.

Now coming to the occult or secret science,human body has seven Chakras which modern science has not established.Starting from the base of the spine,it starts with Mooladhara Chakra,Swadhistana Chakra,Manipoora Chakra,Anahata Chakra,Vishuddha Chakra,Ajna Chakra and Sahsrara Chakra.Here I am not going to give all the details about these Chakras but a small and important information is that Sahasrara Chakra is controlled by Rahu.It is situated in the top,middle portion of our head inside the brain.Now who is Rahu ? It is an imaginary planet which revolves in Apasavya mode around Surya.So if this Rahu is either connected in a birth chart to 3rd house of natural zodiac or its lord Budha/Mercury,then the person will become a left hander.Even when Rahu is placed in a Rashi and Budha crosses it and stays in the next Rashi of Rahu’s placement in a chart,such person will be a left hander which means the native will work mostly through his/her left hand like writing,cooking,cleaning utensils in the kitchen etc.but eating through right hand.

Now let me try to explain how Rahu will influence  Mithuna Rashi and its Lord Budha.For a person to be left handed,Rahu has to be either in Mithuna Rashi,Karka Rashi,Simha Rashi,Tula Rashi or Dhanu Rashi.2nd point is that if Rahu is not in any of the above Rashis,then Budha must be  with or in 3rd,5th,7th or 9th from Rahu .Now let me try to analyse this theory with various examples ..

Male Chart-1 :

male1 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this male chart,Rahu is placed in Tula Rashi and Budha is also with Rahu in Tula Rashi.Also Rahu is in trine to Mithuna Rashi.So this person is purely left hander.

Male Chart-2 :

Male2 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this chart ,Rahu is placed in Dhanu Rashi aspecting directly Mithuna Rashi in 7th house.Budha,the Lord of Mithuna Rashi is placed in Meena Rashi and both Dhanu and Meena Rashis are lorded by Guru.So there is a link between Rahu and Budha,so this male person is also a left hander.This is the chart of Sachin Tendulkar, a famous cricket player who played through his left hand only.But Budha is out of Rahu’s cusp,so this native can write through his right hand also.

Male Chart-3 :

Male3 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

This is another Male chart which belongs to movie star Amitabh Bacchan.Here Rahu is placed in Simha Rashi in Eastern directional sign and aspecting Mithuna Rashi which is a Western directional sign.Here the Lord of Mithuna Rashi,Budha is exalted in Kanya Rashi but retrograde,so he will be connected to Rahu also.As Budha is exalted and retrograde,this gentleman eventhough a left hander,he used to write through his  right hand also.

Male chart -4:

Male4 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this male chart,Rahu is placed in Meena Rashi and Budha retrograde is placed in Vrischika Rashi which is in trine from Rahu.So eventhough this gentleman is a left hander,he used to write through his right hand also.

Male Chart-5 :

male5 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this male chart,Rahu is placed in Kumbha Rashi which is in trine to Mithuna Rashi.Budha,the Lord of Mithuna Rashi is placed in Dhanu Rashi aspects its own Rashi but Budha is retrograde.So the native is a left hander and eventhough Budha is retrograde,there is Rahu in Kumbha Rashi who directly aspects Makara Rashi and directionally opposite to Dhanu Rashi also.So the native was forced to write through right hand but he could not succeed.

Male Chart-6 :

Male6 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this male chart,Rahu is placed in Vrishabh Rashi but Budha is placed in his exaltation sign of Kanya Rashi.So this native is left handed.

Male Chart-7 :

male7 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this chart,Rahu is placed in Dhanu Rashi aspecting directly Mithuna Rashi.Budha,the Lord of Mithun Rashi is in trine to Rahu.But Budha is not in his own Rashi of Mithun or in his exaltation sign but is in the Rahu-Ketu axis.So this native is a strong left hander.

Male Chart-8 :

Male8 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this male chart,Rahu is placed in Mesha Rashi and is not connected to Mithuna Rashi at all but Budha,the Lord of Mithuna Rashi is placed in Meena Rashi and is retrograde also.But the difference of longitude between Rahu and Budha is less than 30 Degrees.So this male is completely left hander.

Male Chart-9 :

Male9 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

This is the chart of Barack Obama.In this chart,Rahu is placed in Simha Rashi which is 11th from Mithuna Rashi.Budha,the lord of Mithuna Rashi is placed in Karka Rashi.Rahu is aspecting this Rashi and Budha and the longitudes between both the planets is less than 30 Degrees.So this native is a pure left hander.

Female Chart-1:

1 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this female chart,Rahu is placed in Tula Rashi which is in trine to Mithun Rashi.Budha,the Lord of Mithun Rashi is placed in Dhanu Rashi directly aspects Mithun Rashi and is in 11th from Rahu.So this female native is a left hander.But Budha is not in the cusp of Rahu,so she can write from right hand also along with other jobs.

Female Chart-2 :

2 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

This chart belongs to daughter of above female chart-1.In this chart,Rahu is placed in Mesh Rashi and will move towards Meen Rashi and Mithun Rashi is 11th from Rahu.So the effect of Rahu on this Rashi is very less due to Rahu moving in anti cloakwise direction.Budha,the Lord of Mithun Rashi is in Vrishabh Rashi which is about to move to Mithuna Rashi and is out from Rahu-Ketu axis.So when she was very young she started drawing from her left hand and because of mother’s force,she slowly started to use right hand for all her activities.

Female Chart-3 :

3 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this chart,Rahu is directly sitting in Mithun Rashi and Budha is placed out of Rahu-Ketu axis in Vrischik Rashi.So eventhough she is a left hander,she uses right hand also equally..

Female Chart-4:

4 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this female chart,Rahu is in Simha Rashi and is moving towards Mithun Rashi and he aspects directionally Mithun Rashi.Budha,the Lord of Mithun Rashi is in Vrishabh Rashi but at 0 Degrees.So Budha’s effect on its own Rashi is very less.So this female is completely left hander and takes food only from right hand.

Female Chart-5 :

5 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this chart,Rahu is placed in Tula Rashi and is in trine to Mithun Rashi.Budha is placed in Vrischik Rashi and is out of Rahu-Ketu axis.So eventhough she is a left hander,she also uses right hand for all day to day activities.

Female Chart -6:

6 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

This is slightly different female chart.Here Rahu is placed in Mesh Rashi which is

11th from Mithun Rashi.Budha is within Rahu-Ketu axis and is placed in Vrischik Rashi.Both Rahu and Budha are placed in Rashis lorded by Kuja.So both planets are linked with each other.Hence this female native is a left hander..

Female Chart-7 :

7 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this female chart,Rahu is placed in Mithun Rashi,so she is a left hander.But Budha is out of Rahu-Ketu axis and is in Vrischik Rashi.So she uses right hand for eating food.In a way,we can say that she uses both hands for her day to day work eventhough a left hander.

Female Chart-8 :

5 Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

In this female chart,Rahu is placed in Vrischik Rashi and has no connections with Mithun Rashi but Budha,its lord is placed in Tula Rashi and is retrograde.The difference in the longitudes between Rahu and Budha is less than 30 Degrees.So this female child is a left hander in day to day activities but writing and eating food from right hand.This she uses both hands.

So from above different example charts,we can make it clear that Rahu’s effect on Mithun Rashi and or Budha is more important in deciding a native left hander or using both hands.The reason for this is mainly due to Budha is the Karaka for our central nervous system in the brain,and Rahu,the planet of Apasavya movement and the Karaka for Sahasrara Chakra is controlling Mithun Rashi and or Budha,the Karaka for hands.


ना अहं कर्ता । सर्वस्य हरि कर्ता ॥

pin Decoding Left Handers, What Makes left handers – A Naadi Methodologies Perview

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Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi

By H.Ramadas Rao
ॐ श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः
f14gfptc pm modi at rashtrapati bhavan Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi
With the Blessings of Acharya Madhva,my Kula Devatha,Ishta Devatha and my Naadi Guru Shri R.G.Rao,I would like to write about Naadi Muhurta for swearing-in ceremony of Shri Narendra Modi Ji on 30th of May 2019 at 19:00 Hrs.
Before proceeding to Naadi Muhurta,I would like to write about BJP’s natal chart as per Naadi is the natal chart of BJP :
1 Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi
Now as per this chart,the strongest planet will indicate the person to rule our country.Surya is in Meena Rashi at 23 Degs.01’,Chandra is in Vrischika Rashi at 26 Degs.1’,Guru ( R ) is in Simha Rashi at 7 Degs.17’ and Shukra is in Vrishabha Rashi at 8 Degs.49’.These longitudes of the planets are very important in deciding the strongest planet.Surya in Meena Rashi is going to be exalted.Chandra has crossed its debilitation zone of 3 degs,so it will give the results of Kuja.Shukra is placed in his own house zone from 3 Degs.1’ to 30 Degs.Finally Guru ( R ) is in Simha Rashi.After looking all these, we can say that Surya,Guru ( R ) and Shukra are powerful.But out of these who will be the most powerful planet ? Now both Surya and Guru will have a powerful Parivarthana Yoga and Surya goes to its own and Moola Trikona Rashi of Simha and Guru goes to its own swakshetra.
So it is very clear that Surya becomes the most powerful planet in this horoscope.Now by position,Surya is in Meena Rashi.So any person in the party who has Surya in Meena Rashi /Dhanu Rashi as both are ruled by Guru and Surya here becomes very strong or in Kanya Rashi or trines to Meena Rashi will have the chance to become Prime Minister of this country.2nd criteria is Guru.Guru in BJP’s chart is placed in Simha Rashi in retrograde.So the ruling person should have Guru in Simha Rashi or in Kumbha Rashi or in trines to Simha Rashi.As Guru is retrograde in Simha Rashi, we should also consider it from Karka Rashi which is its exaltation Rashi.So the person who will rule our country must have Guru either in Karka Rashi or its trines.Similarly the 3rd planet indicating courage is Kuja or Mangal.He is placed in Simha Rashi but in retro state.So he also must be considered from its previous house of Karka Rashi.So omitting Karka Rashi,Kuja in Makara Rashi and trines to Karka Rashi ie.,Vrischika and Meena Rashi will be considered.As Kuja’s placement is in Simha Rashi,trines to it ie.,Dhanu and Mesha Rashi is also considered.Kumbha is omitted as it is an enemy sign for Kuja.
Now let us consider when BJP has gained power.In May 1996,it got power under the leadership of Late Shri Atal Bihari Vajapayee.But it lost the power within 16 days.Sometimes even if the chart is strong but the transits are weak,then the power will be lost.For this we have to see the chart of BJP and that of Atal Ji also.Now let us look at BJP’s transits in May,1996 especially on 16th.
Transit Guru was retrograde and was in Dhanu which is ok as per BJP’s chart where its natal Guru is in Simha Rashi.Now let us look which planets are transiting over Surya in Meena Rashi and they are Shani and Ketu and Rahu aspects from 7th house of Surya.So Surya has lost the power to rule the country.Also transit Surya is in trine to transit Rahu.So Shri Atal Ji has resigned on 1st of June,1996.
Now let us look at the horoscope of Shri Atal Bihari Vajapayee.
Atal Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi
2 Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi
In this chart,Jiva Karaka Guru is in Dhanu Rashi which is in trine to BJP’s Jiva Karaka Guru.In his chart,Surya is with Guru in Dhanu Rashi and is ruled by Guru itself.So Surya becomes stronger.Energy booster Kuja is in Meena Rashi which is in trine to Kuja ( R ) in Simha Rashi and to be considered from Karka Rashi.So in his chart,Kuja being placed in Meena Rashi whose Lord Guru himself is in his Moola Trikona Rashi of Dhanu Rashi.So Kuja also got boosted to be powerful.Now while considering transits on 16th May 1996,it was not favouring Atal Ji.Eventhough transit Guru was in Dhanu Rashi,he was retrograde.The energy booster Kuja in his chart was under severe afflictions in transit chart.Shani + Ketu was transiting over his Kuja and Rahu was aspecting the Kuja.This means he did not get sufficient support from other parties and his government fell.
Then Atal Ji’s party ie., BJP has formed government again in March 19th 1998 and he ruled for 13 months only.
Now let us look at this transit chart.
3 Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi
In this chart,transit Guru was in Kumbha Rashi with Ketu.Guru was at 16 Degs.28’ and Ketu was at 15 Degs.48’ which means both Guru and Ketu were strong.Ofcourse Ketu was retrograding or moving towards Makara Rashi with a lesser longitude than that of Guru but that was not sufficient to gain strength for Guru.Guru was under some affliction here.Transit Surya was on natal Kuja and this Surya is more powerful than his natal Surya which was in Dhanu Rashi as he is going to be exalted.Transit Shani was also over his natal Kuja but transit Shani was at 26 Degs24’ and his natal Kuja was at 10 Degs.31’ in Meena Rashi.So the affliction from Shani has reduced.So the energy got boosted here.So the government called NDA started functioning from 19th of March 1998.Here the main party supporting BJP was AIDMK with 18 seats with other parties whose numbers were less.Now as I already wrote that Guru got affliction by Ketu as both are almost in same longitude.Now Ketu was moving towards Makara Rashi and Shukra there in Makara Rashi was moving towards Kumbha Rashi.This means a lady was involved in failure of NDA Government.Ketu entered Makara Rashi on 11th Jan.1999 and and on 22/23rd of Jan.1999 both Shukra and Ketu conjuct each other.So the problems to NDA started from here and on 17th April 1999,the NDA government fell due to AIADMK removed its support to the government.Please note on that day Ketu was transiting over Atal Ji’s chart’s natal Ketu on the same longitude.
Now let us look at BJP’s chart to see this failure of NDA government.The transit of Guru in Kumbha Rashi in NDA’s 2nd rule falls in the 7th house from Jiva Karaka Guru but there is also Ketu in BJP’s chart in Kumbha Rashi.Transit Shani in Meena Rashi is over natal Surya of BJP Chart.Both are almost near to same longitude.This indicates failures in different policies.Also transit Ketu was over BJP’s natal chart Budha and both have almost same longitudes.This also indicate failures in dialogues,friendships etc.( BJP not adjusted for any compromise in alliance parties ).So these transits in BJP Party chart has resulted in failures of the government and hence it fell on 17th April 1999.
BJP and its alliances NDA again got power in elections in 1999 and Atal Ji became the PM again on 13th October 1999.
4 Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi
When we consider the chart of BJP,and the transits on 13th October 1999,transit Guru was with transit Shani and both are retrograde and in BJP’s natal chart,Jiva Karaka Guru is retrograde and is in trine to transit Guru ( R ).Transit Surya was in Kanya Rashi which is opposite to natal Surya in Meena Rashi.Transit Kuja was in Dhanu Rashi which is in trine to Kuja ( R ) in BJP Natal chart.Thus it forms a favourable Yoga for forming the government.Now let us look at Atal Ji’s natal chart.Transit Guru on 13th October 1999 was in Mesha Rashi retro with Retro Shani and is in trines to retro Guru in Atal Ji’s natal chart.Transit Surya was in Kanya Rashi whose sign dispositor Budha in Atal Ji’s chart is in Dhanu Rashi and gets support from Surya in Dhanu Rashi.Transit Kuja was in Dhanu Rashi which is in trine to his natal Kuja ( R ) in Simha Rashi.Thus all the factors were very favourable for Atal Ji to get power as PM of our country.
Now let us come to present picture of Shri Narendra Modi.Most of the famous Astrologers have given 2 dates of his birth date and month.This is the main controversy.If we take October 17th as date and month of birth,Surya will be in Tula Rashi and is in debilitated state which is not possible at all.He is a man of very high self confidence.Traditional Astrologers are of the mind of Tula Lagna or Vrischika Lagna.Lagna with Chandra makes a person handsome.Now I request the readers to decide.As per my studies above,Shri Narendra Modi’s Guru,the Jiva Karaka is in Kumbha Rashi which is retrograde and is opposite to BJP’s natal Guru ( R ) which is in Simha Rashi.BJP’s natal Surya is in Meena Rashi which is exactly opposite to Shri Narendra Modi’s natal Surya which must be in Kanya.Finally Kuja ( R ) in BJP’s chart has to be considered from its previous house ie., Karka or its trines Vrischika or Meena Rashi and in Modi Ji’s chart,Kuja/Mangal is in Vrischika Rashi.And that is why he gained again and today ie., on 30th of May,2019 he will swear-in as PM of our country.

Now let us try to analyse the swearing -in Muhurta chart by traditional and Naadi Method.

5 Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi
The time fixed is at 19:04 Hrs.on 30th May 2019.At this time,Vrischika Lagna rises with Guru ( R ) in the Lagna.2nd house has Retrograde Shani and Ketu.5th house has Chandra,Shukra is in 6th house,Surya +Budha in 7th and Kuja+Rahu in 8th house.Navamsha Lagna is of Vrischika,so Vargottama Navamsha indicating the ministry will be strong and Chandra is Vargottama but is in Rashi/Nakshatra Gandantha.Retro Shani and Ketu are aspected by Kuja + Rahu.Shukra Shataka,Kujaashtama,Nakshatra Gandantha all these are serious afflictions for the Muhurta chart.Only Guru( R ) is a benefic in the Muhurta Lagna which aspects both Surya + Budha.As per Muhurta Shastra,Guru in the Lagna removes thousands of Doshas in the Muhurta chart.But this Guru was retrograde from Dhanu Rashi and now in Vrischika Rashi.So this Guru is not that strong.They should have selected Karka Lagna which is approved by Kalaprakashika.Then Guru will be in 5th,Chandra in 9th,Shukra in a powerful Kendra and Surya + Budha will be in 11th.
Muhurta Devatha is Mitra which is positive and Nakshatra Nadika is Poorvashada and again a positive one.Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga based on Vara + Nakshatra Yoga.Kuja with Rahu in 8th from Muhurta Lagna is a severe affliction but this can be counteracted by their sign Lord Budha who is in 7th house from Lagna and aspected by Guru ( R ).
Now as per Naadi Astrology,Shani Hora is running during swearing in ceremony.After 24 Minutes ie., at 19:24 Hrs.Guru Hora will start.Shani is retrograde and swearing in during this Hora will make the government suffer due to loss of its own people.As Ketu is very near to Hora Lord Shani ( R ),troubles from other religious people will be there and no doubt there will be more terrorist activities during this 5 years tenure.But as Kuja indicating defence force is very strong as he is in the middle of the Rashi and the terrorists will be crushed to death.The reason is both Mesha and Vrischika Rashis are ruled by Kuja and both Rashis are occupied by Shukra and Guru ( R ) respectively.So it will be like Guru + Shukra, a Sanjivini Yoga is formed.Kuja’s sign Lord Budha is with Surya and is aspected by Guru directly thus strengthening defence force.And to mitigate the effects of Rahu,there will be more “ Surgeries “ during this tenure of 5 years.
Now when we see this Muhurta Chart over BJP’s natal Chart,Guru ( R ) is transiting over Chandra of BJP chart which indicates the type of rule will be changed from that of the previous one.Also Shani ( R ) has to be considered from previous Rashi of Vrischika ,so it joins with Guru ( R ) and aspects Shukra of BJP’s natal chart and this indicates a lady will be given a powerful portfolio who will tackle many difficult policies.From Modi Ji’s natal Guru ( R ) in Kumbha Rashi,transit Kuja and Rahu are in trine,there is a possibility to attack Modi Ji by terrorist group .Anyhow due to the trinal link of transit Shukra in Mesha Rashi with his natal Shukra + Shani ( this is as per my calculation ) in Simha Rashi ,by the Blessings of Shri Maha Mrityunjaya,the danger to his life will be averted.
ना अहं कर्ता । सर्वं हरि कर्ता ॥
pin Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi

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Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart

2958435 orig Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart
       By H.Ramadas Rao
ॐ श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः
With the Blessings of my Kula Guru Acharya Madhva, my Kula Devatha, My Ishta Devatha and Nadi Guru Shri R.G.Rao,I am going to write about BHAKTI YOGA as per NADI ASTROLOGY principles. To explain this I have taken the chart of Shri Prabhupada.
What is Bhakti Yoga?
There is a small chapter stresses the super-excellence of the path of loving devotion over all other types of spiritual practices.  It begins with Arjun asking Shree Krishna whom He considers more perfect in Yog—those who are devoted to the personal form of God or those who worship the formless Brahman.  Shree Krishna responds by declaring that both paths lead to God-realization.  However, He regards the devotees of His personal form as the best yogis.  He explains that meditation on the impersonal unmanifest aspect of God is full of tribulations and is exceedingly difficult for embodied beings.  But devotees of the personal form, with their consciousness, merged in Him and all their actions dedicated to Him, are swiftly delivered from the cycle of life and death.  Shree Krishna thus asks Arjun to surrender his intellect to Him, and fix his mind in exclusive loving devotion on Him alone.
Below mentioned verse explained in chapter 12 clearly explains about it
Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 12, Verse 3-4

maxresdefault 2 Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart

ये त्वक्षरमनिर्देश्यमव्यक्तं पर्युपासते |
सर्वत्रगमचिन्त्यञ्च कूटस्थमचलन्ध्रुवम् || 3||
सन्नियम्येन्द्रियग्रामं सर्वत्र समबुद्धय: |
ते प्राप्नुवन्ति मामेव सर्वभूतहिते रता: || 4||

ye tv akṣharam anirdeśhyam avyaktaṁ paryupāsate
sarvatra-gam achintyañcha kūṭa-stham achalandhruvam
sanniyamyendriya-grāmaṁ sarvatra sama-buddhayaḥ
te prāpnuvanti mām eva sarva-bhūta-hite ratāḥ


BG 12.3-4: But those who worship the formless aspect of the Absolute Truth—the imperishable, the indefinable, the unmanifest, the all-pervading, the unthinkable, the unchanging, the eternal, and the immoveable—by restraining their senses and being even-minded everywhere, such persons, engaged in the welfare of all beings, also attain Me.


Having said that worship of the personal form is the best, Shree Krishna clarifies that in no way does He reject the worship of the formless.  Those who devote themselves to the all-pervading, indefinable, unmanifest, inconceivable, immovable, eternal Brahman, also attain God.

Living beings are of an infinite variety of natures.  The Supreme Lord who has created this variety also possesses an infinite variety of aspects to His personality.  For the sake of our finite comprehension, we classify the infinite manifestations of God into categories.  Accordingly, Ved Vyas has classified God’s various manifestations into three types, Brahman, Paramātmā, andBhagavān, as mentioned in the commentary of the previous verse.  One may worship either of these categories, but one should never claim that one’s conception of God is the only correct one while those of the others are erroneous.

In verse 4.11, Shree Krishna had stated: “In whatever way people surrender unto Me, I reciprocate with them accordingly.  Everyone follows My path in all respects, O son of Pritha.”  Here, Shree Krishna confirms that the worshippers of the formless also reach Him.  Since their choice is to unite with the attributeless manifestation of the Supreme Absolute Truth, God meets them as the unmanifest, all-pervading Brahman.

Astrological Analysis 

Srila prabhupad Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart

Let me take the chart of Acharya Srila Prabhupada. He was born on September 1, 1896. In most of Nadi literature, time of birth ie., Lagna is not given. Importance is given to Jivakaraka Guru/Jupiter’s placement. There is no Dasa system, instead, we follow the progression of natal Guru/Jupiter every year to the next sign or Rashi. Here no lordships are not taken into consideration but only planetary Karakattwas are important. Planets which are in 2nd,12th,11th,5th,7th and 9th are most important. There are a lot of Karakattwas allotted to each planet. Anyhow for the reader’s information, the time of birth was 4 PM at Kolkata.
Bhakti yoga nadi astrology Srila Prabhupada Image Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart
Now in Acharya’s chart, Jivakaraka Guru was placed in Simha Rashi/Leo sign along with its Lord Surya/Sun and Ketu, the planet of renunciation/Tyagakaraka or Mokshakaraka. So this chart has Jeevatma Moksha Yoga ie., Jiva + Atma + Moksha Yoga a powerful Yoga which is in Simha Rashi which is Dharma Tattwa Rashi. Also please note that both Guru/Jupiter and Ketu are in the Nakshatra of Makha ruled by Kethu itself showing HE was born to renounce the world. Here Ketu will enter the next house of Karka Rashi which is the exaltation sign of Guru which is also a Moksha Tattwa Rashi indicating it was HIS last birth.2nd to these planets are Budha exalted  ( being born in Budha Hora )with Shukra ( Neecha Bhanga ). This clearly indicates he had Vak Siddhi Yoga.He became a big preacher and also a praiser of Lord Krishna. Now see this combination is in Karma Tattwa and in the same direction, we find exalted Chandra/Moon with Kuja/Mars. Please note that HE was born on Tuesday and the Janma Nakshatra was Mrigashira which was again ruled by Kuja/Mars. So Kuja is powerful in His chart.
Jivakaraka Guru is with Surya who is in his own house. Surya is the Karaka for father.So Acharya’s father was also a highly religious person along with His mother as Chandra, the Karaka for Mother is exalted who was a worshipper of Lord Krishna. Karma Karaka Shani is exalted in 3rd house from Jiva Karaka Guru + Surya + Ketu.12th from Shani is occupied by exalted Budha with Shukra. So His Karma is related to religious preaching, singing bhajans & spiritual activities related to Lord Krishna. Shani’s placement in Tula Rashi which is a Kaama Rashi but the planet is Karma Tattwa based, so Acharya’s main aim/desire in HIS life was Karma related to religious preaching, writings in praise of Lord Krishna. As Guru + Surya + Ketu are in Simha Rashi, HE was a Vedic scholar, also the planets 2nd to these planets ie., Budha + Shukra + Chandra + Kuja have given HIM what is called as
Bhakti Yoga.
Prabhupada discusses sense gratification morning walk Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart
Buddha in 2nd to Jiva Karaka Guru who is exalted in Kanya Rashi gave Him good education related to finance/economics etc. Also, Rahu who is in 7th to Guru indicates Foreign, so Acharya learnt the English language also and became proficient in that language.
Now 7th sign of Zodiac is Thula Rashi and is occupied by exalted Shani, so 7th house got afflicted. Also its lord Shukra/Venus is debilitated in Kanya/Virgo Rashi. So even though He is married, His married life was not smooth. Even though Shukra/Venus is debilitated, it gets Neechabhanga due to association with exalted Budha.
Jivakaraka Guru transits every Rashi for one year, so it completes 12 years when it comes to the previous house of Jivakaraka Guru/Jupiter in the chart. So when Jivakaraka Guru in his 2nd round when transiting over 9th from Shukra/Venus where Chandra and Kuja are there ie., during his 22nd year, HIS marriage took place.In Nadi literature, Surya has Karakattwa for father as well as for son also. This is mainly due to father is responsible for the issues in his family.So in Acharya’s chart, Surya is in his own place of Simha Rashi/Leo sign which is the most powerful sign along with Guru, so He had 2 male children. But now you see the longitude of Surya. He is in Simha 17 Degs.2’.He is moving to next sign within a few days where he meets Shukra/Venus. So even though He had 2 male children nobody helped Him and they were away from Him.
For renunciation, Ketu is the most important. Now see in 1922, the transits were Guru, Shani and Rahu were in Kanya and Ketu in Meena Rashi activating the natal Ketu which aspects Kataka Rashi through its previous house aspect. Shani, the Karma Karaka has decided what to do with this gentleman. He met with His spiritual Guru during this time. ( All the dates are between August and October as September 1, 1896, is His date of birth.)But He took spiritual initiation in 1933. Please check the transit of planets as on September 1, 1933.
For any spiritual initiation, Ketu’s transit is very important. Please see that during the 2nd round of Rahu-Ketu’s transit, Ketu was transiting over natal Jivakaraka Guru, Surya and especially Ketu. Karma Karaka Shani was retrograde and was in Makara Rashi. So he has to be considered from Dhanu also. Now see the planetary patterns are changed. It is like this: Shani ( R ) + Ketu acting on natal Jivakaraka Guru + Surya, the Atma Karaka and Natal Moksha Karaka Ketu. Even though He has not taken Sanyas, his spiritual activities have started from this period onwards.
Bhakti yoga Decoding Bhakti Yoga as per nadi astrology in Acharya Srila Prabhupada birth chart
So all the spiritual activities, lectures related to Lord Krishna, Bhagavatham etc.started from this period along with publications. But during 1959 ( between August and September ), He took complete Sanyas. See the planetary patterns. Transit Guru was in Vrischika Rashi, Shani ( R ) was in Dhanu and Ketu was in Meena Rashi. So these planetary positions made Him take complete Sanyas.
In 1965, September, when transit Guru was in Mithuna Rashi, Shani ( R ) was in Kumbha Rashi, Rahu was in Vrishbha Rashi and Ketu was in Vrischika Rashi ( But his progressed Guru/Jivakaraka Guru was in Vrishabha Rashi -70th year ), He travelled to the USA as per His Guru’s directives and in 1966, ISKCON – International Krishna Consciousness was started by Him.
On November 14, 1977, His Atma attained Moksha. On that day, Rahu-Kala/Mrityu was transiting over Kanya Rashi respecting its previous house where natal Guru, Surya and Ketu are there. Transit Ketu was in Meena Rashi aspecting its previous house of Kumbha Rashi which is in trine to Tula Rashi where Natal Shani is there. Thus there was the end of Karma and end of Jiva and Atma attained Moksha. Please go through His Punya chart below.
This is my 1st Nadi article written on this auspicious day of Shri Krishna Janmashtami and is completely dedicated to HIM. Without HIM,I am nothing in this Universe.
                                                                             OM TAT SAT
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A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

timing of marriage in astrology 1 A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology


Written & Researched by By H.Ramadas Rao
ॐ श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः

After prostrating to my Nadi Guru Shri R.G.Rao, Acharya Madhva, my Kula Devatha and my Ishta Devatha,I am going to delineate a new method of predicting marriage as per Nadi Astrology.

We all know that marriages are made in heaven but some marriages are auspicious or happy marriages and some have difficult marriage life. Traditional Astrology uses Lagna based predictions. Here normally we consider 7th house from Lagna, its lord,2nd house and its lord and 11th house and its lord are considered along with Karaka of marriage, Shukra/Venus. But in Nadi Astrology, Guru/Jupiter is the karaka of Jeeva and indicates male natives. In female natives, Shukra/Venus is Stree/female Karaka but Jeeva Karaka remains the same ie., Guru/Jupiter. Already there is double transit theory of Guru/Jupiter and Shani/Saturn is famous and we can agree with this Sutra as an almost accurate method to predict a marriage.

Now let us know one thing is that Astrology is basically Indian whether it is traditional or Nadi Astrology. So now let us see the term Marriage.

Inter caste love marriage problem solutions by astrology A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

What is Marriage? It is a Karmic bond between a male and a female as agreed by the parents and relatives of both parties. Then the marriage engagement will be performed where the exact date of marriage will be fixed by the family priest/Astrologer.

Now next is on the marriage day, the bridegroom will tie what is called as Mangala Sutra to Bride. Now, what is this Mangala Sutra? As per our Shastras, Mangala Sutra is a Holi thread immersed in turmeric powder solution which is tied with a piece of turmeric.So this will be tied by the bridegroom to the bride’s neck. In modern days the Mangala Sutra is made up of small black beats with golden Tali ( 2 in numbers ).

Anyhow, let us come to the point that what is Mangala Sutra. It has a holy thread and a turmeric piece.The Karaka for Holy thread is Ketu and the Karaka for turmeric is Guru/Jupiter. This is because marriage is a spiritual event where Vedic Mantras are chanted followed by Havan. In the marriage after tieing the Mangala Sutra, both the bride and bridegroom have to walk 7 steps as advised by the priest which is called as Saptapadi. Now, who is the Karaka for this event? Again, Ketu. So the marriage will take place when transit Guru, Shani and Ketu transiting or aspecting natal Guru/Shukra and in a female chart, Kuja/Mars as he is Pati Karaka. So it is very clear that marriage event will not happen without the Blessings of Ketu. Sometimes transit Ketu will be in a Rashi whose Lord is connected to Karaka of Patni or Karaka of Pati ie., Shukra or Kuja. Sometimes on the marriage engagement day, the above said planets confirm the marriage.

wedding A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

To confirm this, let me try to explain through some real example charts below :

1) Male Chart :

J A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

This is the chart of a male who got engaged on 1/1/2006.

For the marriage to take place as per Nadi Astrology, transit Shani must be linked to Patni Karaka Shukra 1st, then transit Guru must be on natal Shukra or its trines. Finally transit Ketu must have a link to natal Shukra. This male native’s marriage engagement took place on 1/1/2006 at 16-30 Hrs.

Now let us see the planetary transits on this day.

Transit chart on 1/1/2006 at 16-30 Hrs.: Chart-2

Engagement 1 A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

Here transit Shani was in Karka Rashi but retrograde, so it must be considered from Mithuna Rashi also. So this Shani from Mithuna Rashi is in trine to natal Shukra in Tula Rashi. Next transit Guru was in Tula Rashi transiting over natal Shukra. Finally, transit Ketu was in Kanya Rashi which is in Kendra to Retrograde Shani whom we are considering from Mithuna Rashi. When this is the case, both Shani and Ketu are to be considered as in conjunction as per Nandi Nadi principles. Thus all the requirements for marriage were set.

Chart-3 Female Wife of the above male chart:

Now let us look at the female chart whom she got married to the male chart 1) :

A A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

In a female chart, for the purposes of marriage, we have to consider Kuja or Mangal. So in this chart, Kuja is placed in Dhanu Rashi. Her Jiva Karaka Guru is in Vrischika Rashi. In her chart, Shani, the Karma Karaka is exalted in Tula Rashi. Marriage is also a past life Karma. Transit Guru was transiting over Tula Rashi, hence over-exalted Shani. This transit Guru was also aspecting her natal Chandra indicating after the marriage she will move to a different place. Now transit Shani as it was retrograde in Karka Rashi will be considered from Mithuna Rashi also. So this retrograde Shani from Mithuna Rashi was directly aspecting Pati Karaka Kuja in Dhanu Rashi. Transit Guru in Tula Rashi was in 11th from Pati Karaka Kuja. Finally transit Ketu was in Kanya Rashi which was in Kendra to both transit retrograde Shani and Pati Karaka Kuja in Dhanu Rashi. So all the planetary arrangements were perfect for marriage.

The planetary configurations on the marriage engagement day were indicating the marriage will take place soon. So the marriage took place on 10/5/2006.

Here is the transit chart on 10/5/2006.: Chart-4 ( Marriage Chart-1 )

Marriage chart1 A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

In the marriage chart, transit Shani was in Kendra to Patni Karaka Shukra of the male chart, Guru was retrograde and was transiting over natal Shukra and transit Ketu was in Kanya Rashi whose sign dispositor Budha is with Patni Karaka Shukra in the male chart, thus satisfying all the conditions for the marriage.

When we consider female chart 2), transit Shani was in Karka Rashi whose powerful Kendra is in Mesha Rashi and the female chart’s Pati Karaka Kuja has a trinal aspect on Mesha Rashi. transit Guru ( retrograde ) was in 11th to Pati Karaka Kuja and transit Ketu was in Kendra to Kuja, thus satisfying all the conditions of marriage.

Let me take another 2 charts.

Chart-5 ) Male :

SS Male A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

In this male chart, Jiva Karaka Guru is exalted in Karka Rashi and Patni Karaka Shukra is exalted in Meena Rashi with Budha and Kuja. This trinal linking of Shukra with Guru indicates the marriage is promised.

Now let us look at the chart of his wife :

Chart-6 )

YS Female A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

In this chart,Jiva Karaka Guru is in Kumbha Rashi and 11th from him is Pati Karaka Kuja in Dhanu Rashi ruled by Guru.So the marriage is promised to this female native.

Now let us see the planetary arrangements on the day of marriage.

Chart-7, Marriage Chart-2 :

Marriage Chart 2 A new dimension in predicting marriage through nadi Astrology

Now considering the above transit chart in the case of male chart 5), transit Shani was retrograde in Kanya Rashi aspecting his natal Patni Karaka Shukra in Meena Rashi. Transit Guru was in Kumbha Rashi whose sign Lord Shani is in Simha Rashi ( Retrograde ). So considering this from previous house Karka Rashi,it is in trine to natal Patni Karaka Shukra.Finally, transit Ketu was in Mithuna Rashi which was in Kendra to natal Patni Karaka Shukra, thus satisfying all the conditions for the marriage.

Now let us consider the same transit chart for the female chart 6). Here transit Shani ( Retrograde ) in Kanya Rashi is in Kendra to Pati Karaka Kuja who is in Dhanu Rashi. Transit Guru in Kumbha was in 3rd from Pati Karaka Kuja in Dhanu Rashi whose Lord Guru is also in Kumbha Rashi. This means Pati Karaka Kuja’s sign Lord Guru is in Kumbha Rashi in her natal Chart and transit Guru was transiting over this Guru.Finally, transit Ketu which was in Mithuna Rashi was aspecting directly Pati Karaka Kuja in her natal chart, thus confirming all the conditions for the marriage.

Thus we can analyse or predict the marriage of a male native through the Patni Karaka Shukra and in female chart through Pati Karaka Kuja and the transits of Shani, Guru and Ketu linking to the said planets or their sign dispositors.

ना अहं कर्ता । सर्वस्य हरि कर्ता ॥

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A Nadi Research to predict the year of BRAHMOPADESHAM (Upanayana), Guru Deeksha


A Nadi Research to predict the year of BRAHMOPADESHAM (Upanayana), Guru Deeksha


By Ramadas Rao


What is Brahmopadesham

Brahmopadesham A Nadi Research to predict the year of BRAHMOPADESHAM (Upanayana), Guru Deeksha

Upanayana, also called “sacred thread ceremony”, is commonly known for being a Hindu Sanskar, rite-of-passage ritual, where the concept of Brahman is introduced to a young boy. The youngster is taught during the ceremony the secret of life through Brahmopadesam (revealing the nature of Brahman, the Ultimate Reality) also called the Gayatri manthra.

The hallmark of having gone through the Upanayana ceremony is the wearing of the Yajñopavita (Sacred Thread) on the body. Yajñopavita has three threads (actually only one thread, folded three times and tied together) each consisting of three strands.

These threads represent:-

  • Goddess Gayatri (Goddess of mind)
  • Goddess Saraswati (Goddess of word)
  • Goddess Savitri (Goddess of deed)

Upanayana makes the person receiving it a Dwija, a twice-born! The initiation is done by the Upadesam of the Gayathri manthra. The manthra is a universal prayer that can be used by men of all climes and creeds, for, it calls upon the Glorious Power that pervades the Sun and the three words to arouse, awaken and strengthen the Intelligence, so that it may lead to intense Sadhana and Sadhana may lead to success.

The main ceremonies during the Brahmopadesham are

  1. Nandhi Ceremony: It is performed generally just 10 days before the Upanayana to obtain the blessings of the family ancestors. Nandi in Sanskrit means the beginning, so with Nandi begins the actual rituals for the functions.
  2. Uthakashanth: Uthakashanthi is conducted for the purification of the mind and body and the protection of the child. All names of the deities are chanted in the form of mantras and invoked in water and then poured over the child
  3. Aajyabhaagaantha homam: It is a prayer to the God of Fire, Agni for the child’s long life, intellect, courage etc.
  4. Yagnopaveethadhaaranam: This is the core of the Brahmopadesham. The boy is anointed with the sacred thread. The thread has three strands symbolising the Goddesses Gayathri, Saraswathi and Savithri, combined with a knot symbolising God Brahma.
  5. Kumaarabhojanam: The boy’s mother feeds him before Brahmacharya with five different sweets made by her.
  6. Brahmopadesham: The Gayathri mantra is chanted in the boy’s ear by his father, his first Guru.
  7. Soorya Dharshan: The boy to be taken outside and shown the soorya, the sun god. This assumption here is that he will be protected by the sun god. The palms are clasped in such a way that it makes a peep hole to the sun god.
  8. Biksha-Charanam: The Brahmachari, who is now ready to recite the scriptures, and begins to do so, is offered food and shelter by the mother, householders and other ladies.

Bhrigu and Nandi Nadi leaves are thousand, thousands of years old and we know that our complete past, present and future are written there and with the help of right-hand thumb impression only predictions were made and even now in Kumbhakonam the Nadi readers are doing this as their career. But using traditional or Jaimini methods, it is difficult to predict some important matters like the exact happening of our Shodasha Karmas especially Brahmopadesham, Marriage , childbirth etc.

But Shri R.G.Rao has gone very deep into such palm leaves, discussed with many ancient Nadi Astrologers and decoded the methods of prediction using Nadi leaves.As I am an ardent student of Shri R.G.Rao, from last many years,I was doing some researches on Nadi Astrology and suddenly by the Blessings of our Nadi Guru,my lineage Guru ( Kashyapa Maharshi ),Acharya Shri Madhva,my Kula Devatha and Ishta Devata,I have found the method to predict when Brahmopadesham will take place.I was trying to find out from Vimshottari Dasa and Antar Dasas,Jaimini Rashi Dasa and Antar Dasas was trying to find out when such event will take place.Now by the Blessings of my Gurus and Devatas,I am going to delineate this secret Nadi method.

While making Nadi predictions, as per my studies,the planets’ Karakattwas will be taken and the corresponding events will be checked from transits of low moving planets Shani,Guru,Rahu/Ketu.After the male child’s birth,within 1st round of transit of Guru from natal Guru,the event will take place.1st round means after birth,from natal Guru,till the native reaches 12 years is called Guru’s 1st round.As per shodasha Karma rules, Brahmopadesham should be conducted within 11 years of birth of the male native.

As we know Ketu is the planet of spirituality and Vedic knowledge also.In the natal chart,Guru,the Jeeva Karaka is the native.Ketu is also the Karaka of Sacred Holy Thread ( Yajnopaveet ).So Ketu’s transit over natal Guru will make the native to take Brahmopadesham.Note natal Guru’s longitude and transit Ketu’s longitude.Ketu’s longitude must be within 3-5 Degs.of natal Guru’s longitude.

2nd rule is transit Guru must be in 10th house from native’s natal Guru.The reason is that here transit Guru works like result giver ( Phala Karaka )and 10th house is Karma Sthana.So from native’s Guru’s 10th house must be occupied by transit Guru.

Example chart 1A :


This male native was born on 14/10/1979 and natal Guru is at Simha Rashi 9 Degrees 15 Minutes and the native’s Brahmopadesham was conducted on 24/2/1989 at 9-50 AM.At that time transit Ketu in Transit chart 1B was in Simha Rashi 11 Degs.13’ and transit Guru was in Vrishabha Rashi which is 10th from native’s natal Guru.


Chart1a A Nadi Research to predict the year of BRAHMOPADESHAM (Upanayana), Guru Deeksha


Chart 1b A Nadi Research to predict the year of BRAHMOPADESHAM (Upanayana), Guru Deeksha

If we look into Vimshottari Dasa,it was Budha-Shukra-Guru running.Budha is 5th and 8th house lord placed in 9th house with Shukra who is 4th and 9th house Lord.Guru is the Lord of 2nd and 11th house placed in 7th with Rahu and Shani.By this we can not make out anything clear about the native’s Brahmopadesham.Only Budha,the lord of 5th and 8th house placed in 9th house with 9th house lord Shukra tells us that there will be some auspicious event.But Nadi Astrology tells us what will be that event and when it will take correctly.

Example Chart 2A :


Chart2a A Nadi Research to predict the year of BRAHMOPADESHAM (Upanayana), Guru Deeksha


chart2b A Nadi Research to predict the year of BRAHMOPADESHAM (Upanayana), Guru Deeksha

This male native was born on 22/10/2009 and the natal Guru was in Makara Rashi at 23Degs.19’ and is with Rahu.The native’s Brahmopadesham was conducted on 4/4/2018 at 10 : 58 AM.At that time transit Ketu in chart 2B was at Makara 17 Degs.51’.Here the difference in longitude was 5 Degs.28’ only and transit Guru was in Tula Rashi which is 10th from native’s natal Guru thus satisfying the 2nd rule also.

In this chart also,if we consider Vimshottari Dasa, it was Ketu-Chandra-Guru.Ketu is in 6th house with Kuja and Guru is in 12th house with Rahu.Here we can not even guess that the Brahmopadesham will take place at the date mentioned above.But Nadi Astrology helped us to predict the exact date of Brahmopadesham.

ना अहं कर्ता सर्वस्य हरि कर्ता


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Views: 76

RAJA YOGA as per Rao’s system of nadi Astrology

Raja Yoga in nadi astrology RAJA YOGA as per Rao's system of nadi Astrology


                   By H.Ramadas Rao

ॐ श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः

With the Blessings of Acharya Madhva,My Kula Devatha ,my Ishta Deavatha and Shri R.G.Rao,I would like to write a topic on Raja Yoga as per Rao’s System of Naadi Astrology.

As per traditional Astrology,there are many planetary combinations for Raja Yoga.For that one has to see from Lagna,the different planetary combinations.But in Naadi Astrology,it is planetary combinations or 2-12 to each other or aspects,one can able to see the Raja Yoga in a birth chart.Now let us which planets are responsible for richness and all types of luxuries.

For any kind of richness,the Karaka for wealth Shukra is very important.His combination with other planets give richness Yoga.Here the 1st planet is Shani  or Saturn.If Shukra is combined with Shani or in Kendra to each other,especially if Shani,the Karma Karaka is placed in 10th from Shukra,that will be the excellent Raja Yoga with richness.2nd planet with Shukra is Kuja or Mars.Kuja is Bhumi Putra or the Karaka for lands also along with other Karakas.

So if Shukra is with Kuja or aspect each other and in 3-11 to each other,such native will have expensive landed properties.The 2rd planet is Ketu.One may be surprised to see how Ketu becomes a Karaka for richness.Ketu is an indicator of root or base.Now Shukra is also Karaka for Padma or lotus.So Shukra + Ketu indicates lotus with its root to the bottom most portion of the earth.Shukra is also an indicator of Dravya or wealth.Ketu indicates root,so this means the native will have enormous wealth which can not be counted.This  combination if Ketu is placed in Vrischika Rashi and Shukra placed in 7th ie.,in Vrishabha Rashi or is in trine to Vrischika Rashi ie., Meena Rashi.This last combination indicates a multi billionaire Yoga.

The next is richness with Raja Yoga and this is formed by the combination of Surya + Kuja + Budha + Guru which are in 11th from Karma Karaka Shani.The last combination for richness Yoga is the combination of Shukra + Rahu either in 11 to Karma Karaka Shani or in 2 /12/7th to Shani.

Now let me try to analyse some charts for learning purposes :

  • Birth chart of Shri Krishnadevaraya of Vijayanagara.His date of birth is 16/2/1471.Time of Birth is not known.Place of Birth is Hampi ( Near Bellary,Karnataka ).

When we do Nadi method of analysis,first Jeeva karaka has to be identified.He is placed in Kanya Rashi but Retrograde.Guru is with Chandra indicating his ancestors migrated to this place of Hampi.Guru + Chandra is in trine to Kuja + Budha + Shukra in Makara Rashi.Here again Shukra is in Parivarthana with Shani who is in Vrishabha Rashi.So the combination will be Kuja + Budha + Shukra + Shani.So it is very clear from this chart that he is a warrior ( Kuja exalted ),intelligent and rich also through his Karma.Now consider Guru in Simha Rashi ( as he is retrograde ) who is aspecting directly Surya.By this this native has Jeevatma Samyoga and in this particular case as

Chart1 RAJA YOGA as per Rao's system of nadi Astrology


Chart2 RAJA YOGA as per Rao's system of nadi Astrology

He is a king,this Yoga is also known as Raja Pratapa Yoga.This is mainly because Jeeva Karaka Guru is connected with exalted Kuja and also with Surya who is the sign dispositor of retrograde Guru.Next when Shukra by exchange goes to his own house of Vrishabha Rashi,so Shani goes to his own house of Makara Rashi.When Shukra comes to his own house of Vrishabha Rashi,Ketu is in 12th to him along with Surya.So it is a very clear indication that his lineage or Vamsha is very rich.Final point is that exchanged Shukra from Vrishabha Rashi is in trine to Kuja + Budha + Shani + Guru + Chandra.So it is a very clear case of Raja Yoga and multi billionaire Yoga.

  • This chart belongs to Shri Jayachamarajendra Wodeyar of Mysore.He was born in July 18,1919 at 18 : 30 Mysore.


JCWodeyar RAJA YOGA as per Rao's system of nadi Astrology

In his chart,Jeeva Karaka Guru is placed in Karka Rashi whose Lord Chandra is placed in Meena Rashi.So Guru is having an exchange with Chandra.So the combination of the planets in Karka Rashi will be Surya + Chandra + Budha + Guru + Rahu .Kuja is the sign dispositor of Budha.So Budha will give the results of Kuja also.Now next in Surya’s own house Simha Rashi,there are Shukra + Shani.This means both Shukra and Shani can give the results of Surya.So this clearly indicates he was a king and a multi billionaire.As an addition to this analysis,Surya,the sign lord of both Shukra + Shani is aspected by Rahu who is his great enemy.So eventhough he was a king,his kingship was removed.But he got all the respects of a king till his death.Also eventhough Surya is placed with Guru,due to exchange Guru goes to his own place and Chandra comes to his own house of Karka Rashi which is a Jala Tattwa Rashi.So he was not able to have any male progeny but only adopted son due to exchanged Guru is in trine to Surya with Chandra + Budha + Surya.

Here one more point is that in Surya’s own house Simha Rashi,Shukra + Shani are placed who are considered as female planets.Hence no male progeny.

So by using carefully Karakattwas of planets and their position in different Rashis,it is possible to analyse any charts correctly.



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Views: 274

Decoding the mystery of Devakeralam – Chandrakala Nadi – Chart 1

nadi jyotish Decoding the mystery of Devakeralam – Chandrakala Nadi - Chart 1
Devakeralam – Chandrakala Nadi
By Dr. K. Guru Rajesh
Dear friends,

“The Sanskrit text of Devakeralam has its own problems in its current form. Portions of some horoscopes are incomplete or mixed up, while same horoscopes have been explained at multiple places. 
Devakeralam requires thorough study, re-editing, re-interpretation and re-translation. The initial step would be to group the text according to the different horoscopes described. Then the conventional and Nadi Amsa analysis applied in the interpretation of the horoscopes are to be documented and separated into different categories based on the techniques employed. 
The next step includes the extraction of general rules from this study. Finally, these rules have to be applied on real-life horoscopes to check their veracity.”


With this statement I had concluded my article series ‘Decoding Devakeralam’.Readers can read my previous article too for more understanding on Devakeralam nadi.

Accordingly, I have taken up the job of re-editing, re-interpretation and re-translation of the text. Here I am presenting the English translation of the slokas. This is a draft translation and does not include the deductions and interpretations. As I said earlier, some charts are explained at multiple places. I have translated every sloka where the chart appears in the first instance and in the subsequent places, I have translated only the slokas which give extra information or differ from the first. It can be seen that the internal information within the slokas will help many corruptions in the Sanskrit text and sometimes better meaning emerges when the text of different places is compared.I know this is a huge project and it may take much time to finish. And perhaps, no publisher may come forward to bring out the entire re-translation. Hence, I am sharing my work as and when it progresses. This entire translation is hoped to form the basis of a book where specific astrological rules applicable for horoscopic analysis will be explained.

I believe this endeavour of mine will add value to the extant astrological literature and the learned astrological fraternity will welcome it.

This chart has been discussed from Sloka 1 to 53 in Book-1 and Slokas 1443 to 1509 in Book 2. The birth star of the native is Jyeshtha 2nd quarter.
Picture1 Decoding the mystery of Devakeralam – Chandrakala Nadi - Chart 1

1. Born in the first half of Malinyamsha while Jupiter is placed in the Kalakootaamsha, the native born in Matangayoga will be good looking with reddish complexion.2. Jupiter exalted and placed in Pisces Navamsa joins Venus forming Matanga yoga which makes the native famous, while Moon is placed in his debilitation sign occupying Capricorn Navamsa (नीचे नक्रांशगे wrongly typed as निजे ऋक्षांशके).

3. Moon having malefic planets Saturn joining Rahu in a trine makes the native’s birth in a blemished family (Malinya Kula).

4. The native will be bereft of brothers but will half half-brothers and his father will have three consorts.

5. Mother will have long life while a sister will have questionable character. Mother will be devoted to her husband but will be worried because of the family troubles (grihachchidra).

6. She will remain a widow for a long time suffering after the death of her husband.

7. One sister will have long life and remaining siblings will all die. Maternal or paternal uncle or anyone belonging to the same lineage,

8. Will join in spouse, but she will die of separation and widowhood.

9. This may happen before the marriage of the native’s father or in the childhood of the native. 4th lord being Moon occupying his debilitation sign in Capricorn navamsa,

10. And aspected by the 9th lord and attaining Durbhagavastha (Special avastha for Moon), makes the native bereft of brothers.

11. He will have one long lived sister while his mother will have a long life. When Moon has attained Durbhagavastha, his sister will be a Durbhaga (ugly or unfortunate).

12. His half-brothers will die and his father will have two wives. The native’s father will acquire lot of wealth during the native’s 3rd or 5th year.

13. He will roam in various places and countries and live by trading of goods. He will carry out business in goods like precious stones, grains, clothes and various different goods.

14. The native’s father will have a flourishing career in business and is blessed with siblings.

14. When the transit Saturn moves in a sign that is in trine to the navamsa occupied by the Sun, or Saturn moves in a trinal sign to the navamsa sign occupies by the 4th lord, father’s death will happen.15. This will happen when Saturn attains the same longitude as of Sun or 4th lord respectively. The death of father will happen in the birth dasa (Mercury Dasa, birth star is Jyeshtha 2). If this does not happen then,

16. It may happen in Mercury bhuktis of other dasas. Father will die suffering diseases.

17. During the birth dasa (Mercury dasa), the native will experience some comforts and will have his thread ceremony performed. He will get married in the 3rd dasa, Vipat dasa (Venus dasa) during the bhukti of 10th lord Saturn.
18. This will happen during the native’s 22nd or 25th year. The native’s marriage in childhood will face with obstructions.

19. A person born in Matanga yoga while Jupiter is placed in Kaala Koota amsa, will have some money obtained by the selling of a virgin, his own sister.20. The native born with Saturn in the 12th house obtaining Cancer navamsa and joined with a planet that is placed in the Libra navamsa will have money earned by his sister.

21. He will have some money earned on his own and in his childhood he will enjoy the wealth earned by his father. Otherwise he will enjoy the wealth earned by his kinsmen or his sister.

22. 600 or 300 or 400 or more than 10, the native will earn amount by doing business in trees and plants.

23. During the dasa of a planet that owns the navamsa of 10th lord the native will see destruction of his friends. His sister will face troubles and his mother will perish later.24. When Jupiter occupies Malinyamsa, the native’s mother will have mental imbalance in his old age and will die in a forest because of a wild and cruel animal.

25. As per other texts, when the 11th lord is joined with Rahu and occupies a cruel shashtyamsa, the native’s mother will have unnatural and painful death.

26. The native’s father also, during the native’s childhood, will face death because of a woman. He will die in a distant place because of Sannipatha Jwara.

27. The native will be wealthy during his middle age, but will suffer penury in his old age. He will have few comforts during his childhood.28. During the Pratyak dasa (Moon Dasa), after the completion of his 43rd year, the native will have difficult time for next 3 years. This will coincide with civil unrest in his native’s country.

29. The Mandaladhipathi will die and after the change of the ruler peace will be restored. After the 16th year of the native, there will be famine and shortage of food grains in the world.

30. When Saturn transits in the navamsa sign of Sun or in its trinal signs, the native’s king will face death in enemy lands.

31. The death of King may also happen when Saturn moves in the navamsa sign of 9th lord, or its trines or in the 7th sign.

32. When transit Saturn moves in the sign occupied by Mars in navamsa, or in its trines attaining the same longitude of Mars, there will be great famine in the country of the native.

33. During the Pratyak dasa, Moon Dasa, of the native, when transit Saturn moves in Libra, there will be a great famine and shortage of food grains that lead to deaths of many people.

34. When Saturn joins Rahu in the 12th house aspected by benefic planets, the native will suffer rekha yoga for some time and kemadruma yoga for some time.35. Saturn in the 12th, Jupiter in the 4th and Moon in the 8th will give the native Rajayoga sometimes and Kartari yoga some other times.

36. When such Moon is placed in Kartari, the native will suffer huge difficulties in the first half of Moon dasa.

37. When the native attains 46th year, he will have Surya yoga for 3 years. He will have comforts from his other wife (second wife) and will have gain of wealth.

38. (Same as 36).

39. The native will have arishtha to his wife.

40. He will marry for the 2nd time immediately after the death of his 1st wife and will enjoy comforts in the next Saturn antara. (So death of the first wife will happen in Moon-Rahu). He will have fortunate period starting with Jupiter bhukti and continuing into the Saturn bhukti.

41. The native will have marriage in Pratyak dasa (Moon dasa) and will have auspicious events happening in his house. He will gain wealth and comforts as a result of the Koorma Yoga.

42. During the Pratyak dasa, and the bhuktis of Moon or Mars, the native will have children in other islands (????).

43. Because of the Koorma Yoga, the native will have great wealth and comforts because of many endeavours in the 2nd half of the dasa.

44. When transit Saturn attains the same longitude of 11th lord or the 6th lord while moving in the sign occupied by them in navamsa or their trines, the native’s sister will die.45. This shall happen during the 51st year or 48th year of the native.

46. The native born in Koorma yoga will enjoy comforts during the dasa of the ascendant lord. He will have comforts from his 2nd wife and will enjoy the women in his old age.

47. During the currency of the dasa of Mars, the lord of Chandra lagna, and the bhukti of Jupiter, the native will have very difficult times and may have fear of untimely death.

48. He may suffer because of the death of his equivalents in the family or of his female children. If this does not happen, he may suffer because of loss of wealth at the end of the dasa.

49. For the native who was born in Aries ascendant and Cancer navamsa, the dasa of Mars will be comfortable. During the Rahu dasa also the native will have happy events like marriage of his son.

50. During the 63rd year of the native when Jupiter bhukti was current in Rahu dasa, the native will have the fear of untimely death. But he will attain peace after performing remedial measures.51. The native will die in his 77th year during the dasa of naidhanesha (8th star lord, Rahu dasa).

52. He will die in the three solar months starting with Taurus or in the solar month of Capricorn. He will die on a Monday during early morning.

53. The native having malefic planets in the 12th house will have unnatural and painful death. He will have a son in his old age. His next birth will be of abominable nature.


1448. The native will have three sisters.1451. Swabharyanugamishyati (Wife will follow him in death).

1452. His own half-sister will also follow her husband in death unable to bear the pain of separation.

1456. According to others’ opinion, father will have three wives.

1459. Father’s death may happen in the birth dasa (Mercury dasa), or otherwise in the vipat dasa (Venus dasa). 1460. Father will die in the same bhukti of Sampat dasa (Ketu-Ketu) suffering with diseases.

1463. The native will have many female children and will be longing to have sons.

1464. When the dispositor of the 7th lord occupies his debilitation sign, the native will be blessed with sons from his 2nd wife and he will lose his elder brother.

1465. When two malefic planets occupy the 12th house, the native will be fickle minded because of lack of sons. He will be bereft of comforts from his wife and will suffer because of death of brothers.

1466. His sister will suffer widowhood and the native will always be of sinful thoughts. When the 7th lord occupies Scorpio in navamsa,

1467-1468. The native will join prostitutes and will have two wives, during the pratyak dasa (Moon dasa), when transit Saturn reaches the longitude of the 5th lord while moving in a sign identical with the sign occupies by the 5th lord in navamsa, the native’s mother will meet an unnatural and painful death. Later he will be in great pain because of the death of his wife.

1469. The native may lose his wife in his 32nd or 38th or 42nd or 44th year.

1470. During the dasa of Moon who is in durbhagavastha, the native will suffer the loss of his brother and wife. There may be trouble to an infant in the house also.1471. During the currency of the kshema dasa (Sun dasa) the native will be blessed with daughters. In the pratyak dasa (Moon dasa) he will have mental affliction after the marriage of his daughter.

1472. During the dasa of debilitated planet (Moon) the native will have severe difficulties and will lose his accumulated wealth.

1473. When the 2nd lord Venus is placed in a Kendra and joined with Jupiter, the native will have a wealth of more than 300 (gold coins).1474. When the 10th lord joins Rahu, the native born in Cancer navamsa will carry out business joined with his friends.

1475. He will be endowed with quadrupeds, grains and money but will be a miser. He will not have faith in anybody because of Moon occupying his debilitation sign (Tribhagage?).

1476. He will live in another village or in a town and will be fortunate throughout his life.

1477. When Saturn joins Rahu in the 12th in the birth chart, the native will lose money in the year of his marriage. He will suffer some loss in business in the Pratyak dasa (Moon dasa).

1478. Some money will be lost because of some official works and some more will be lost because of his sister’s friend. He will have unfortunate periods in between and fewer comforts.

1482. At the least he will have more than 100 coins of wealth continuously.

1484. Mother’s death will happen because of cruel animals like tigers.

1488-1489. During the middle of pratyak dasa (Moon dasa), the native will suffer loss of wife. During the Vipat dasa (Venus dasa) there will be change of king in his native kingdom or in the country where he lives.1491. When transit Saturn moves in the sign occupied by Sun in navamsa, or in its trines attaining the same longitude of Sun, there will be great famine in the country of the native.

1493. Because of kemadruma, the native have severe mental affliction.

1494. The kartari yoga is akin to the kemadruma in its effects.

1495. During the dasa of Moon who is making these two malefic yogas, and in the antara of Jupiter, the native will lose his wife to death.

1498. In all the dasa and especially in the pratyak dasa (Moon dasa), the native will suffer sorrow (Santapam not Santanam) in the bhuktis of Moon, Mars and Jupiter.

1500. When transit Saturn attains the same longitude of 11th lord or the 6th lord while moving in the sign occupied by them in navamsa or their trines, the native’s siblings will die.

1502. For the native who is born in kurma yoga the dasa of Mars will be auspicious.

1507. Death will be during the end of naidhanesha dasa (Rahu-Mars).


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