Who is Shiva ? Understanding Importance of the Lord Shiva based on the view of Swami Sivananda

19c82421af50a261c6379ea972103835 shiva shakti lord shiva Who is Shiva ? Understanding Importance of the Lord Shiva based on the view of Swami Sivananda

This is an Article Compiled from the chapters of  ” Lord Shiva and his worship ” Book Written by Swami Sivananda

Shared for the Knowledge purpose for public benefits to get Detailed view on Lord Shiva by Swami Sivananda Philosophy. As I am deeply infatuated by the Wisdom of the Swami Sivananda on Lord shiva so i have presented his peace of work on Shiva for the people reading interest.Readers can buy the Original Book from the Amazon or flipkart.com

ShivaMantra Who is Shiva ? Understanding Importance of the Lord Shiva based on the view of Swami Sivananda

We comprehend (realise) that Celebrated Supreme Being (Purusha), and meditate upon that Great God, Mahadeva; may that Rudra impel us to do so. This is the Rudra Gayatri Mantra.

(Shiva Gayatri Mantra)
Who is Shiva? 
angry shiva Who is Shiva ? Understanding Importance of the Lord Shiva based on the view of Swami Sivananda
In Me the universe had its origin,
In Me alone the whole subsists;
In Me it is lost—Siva,
The Timeless, it is I Myself,
Sivoham! Sivoham! Sivoham!
” Salutations to Lord Siva, the vanquisher of Cupid, the bestower of eternal bliss and immortality, the protector of all beings, destroyer of sins, the Lord of the gods, who wears a tiger-skin, the best among objects of worship, through whose matted hair the Ganga flows.
 Lord Siva is the pure, changeless, attributeless, all-pervading transcendental consciousness.
He is the inactive (Nishkriya) Purusha. Prakriti is dancing on His breast and performing the creative, preservative and destructive processes.”
 (By Swami Sivananda)
shiva Who is Shiva ? Understanding Importance of the Lord Shiva based on the view of Swami Sivananda

View of the Swami Sivananda on Lord Shiva from His Book ( Lord Shiv and His worship)

shiva3 Who is Shiva ? Understanding Importance of the Lord Shiva based on the view of Swami Sivananda

By Swami Sivananda

” When there is neither light nor darkness, neither form nor energy, neither sound nor matter, when there is no manifestation of phenomenal existence, Siva alone exists in Himself.He is timeless, spaceless, birthless, deathless, decayless. He is beyond the pairs of opposites. He is the Impersonal Absolute Brahman. He is untouched by pleasure and pain, good and evil. He cannot be seen by the eyes but He can be realised within the heart through devotion and meditation.”

” Siva is also the Supreme personal God when He is identified with His power. He is then omnipotent, omniscient active God. He dances in supreme joy and creates, sustains and destroys with the rhythm of His dancing movements.
He destroys all bondage, limitation and sorrow of His devotees. He is the giver of Mukti or the final emancipation. He is the universal Self. He is the true Self of all creatures. He is the dweller in the cremation-ground, in the region of the dead, those who are dead to the world.
The Jivas and the world originate from Him, exist in Him, are sustained and rejected by Him and are ultimately merged in Him. He is the support, source and substratum of the whole world. He
is an embodiment of Truth, Beauty, Goodness and Bliss. He is Satyam, Sivam, Subham, Sundaram, Kantam.
He is the God of gods, Deva-Deva. He is the Great Deity—Mahadeva. He is the God of manes (Prajapati). He is the most awe-inspiring and terrifying deity, Rudra, with Trisul or trident in
His hand. He is the most easily pleased (Asutosha). He is accessible to all. Even the untouchable Chandalas and the illiterate rustics can approach Him.
He is the source of all knowledge and wisdom. He is an ideal Yogi and Muni. He is the ideal head of an ideal family with Uma as His devoted wife, Lord Subrahmanya, the brave general of
strength and courage, Lord Ganesa, the remover of all obstacles.

The Sadasiva

At the end of Pralaya, the Supreme Lord thinks of re-creation of the world. He is then known by the name Sadasiva. He is the root-cause of creation. From Sadasiva creation begins. In Manusmriti He is called Svayambhu. Sadasiva is unmanifested, He destroys the Tamas caused by Pralaya and shines as the self-resplendent light bringing forth the five great elements, etc., into being.

The Siva Purana says that Siva is beyond both Prakriti and Purusha. Siva is Mahesvara. He is the witness, well-wisher and nourisher of all beings.
The Gita says:

‘Upadrashtanumanta cha bharta bhokta mahesvarah’.

Mahesvara conducts the work of creation according to His will and pleasure.

The Sruti says,

‘Mayam tu prakritim viddhi mayinam tu mahesvaram’. 

Know Prakriti to be Maya and Mahesvara to be the wielder of Maya or Prakriti.

The Sakti of Siva works in two different ways. Mula Prakriti
and Daivi Prakriti. Mula Prakriti is Apara Prakriti from which the five elements and other visible objects and the Antahkarana are evolved. Para Prakriti is Chaitanya Sakti which converts the Apara
Prakriti and gives name and form to it. Apara Prakriti is Avidya and Para Prakriti is Vidya.
The controller and dispenser of these two Prakritis is Lord Siva.
Siva is distinct from Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra.

Lord Siva is the Lord of innumerable crores of Brahmandas or worlds. Isvara united with Maya gives rise to Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra out of Rajas, Sattva and Tamo Gunas respectively, under the command of Lord Siva. Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra are the trinities of the world.

There is no difference among the trinities, Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra. By the command of Mahesvara these three do the creative, preservative and destructive duties of the world. The work of all the three deities is done conjointly. They all have one view and one definite purpose in creating, preserving and destroying the visible universe of names and forms. He who regards the three deities as distinct and different, Siva Purana says, is undoubtedly a devil or evil spirit.
The Lord who is beyond the three Gunas, Mahesvara, has four aspects: Brahma, Kala, Rudra and Vishnu. Siva is the support for all the four. He is the substratum for Sakti also. Siva is distinct from the Rudra included in the trinities. Rudra is really one though according to the different functions He is considered to have eleven different forms.
Who is Shiva ? Understanding Importance of the Lord Shiva based on the view of Swami Sivananda


The first face of Siva does Krida or play, the second does penance, the third destroys or dissolves the world, the fourth protects the people and the fifth, being knowledge, fully covers the entire universe by its power.He is Isana the creator and promoter of all beings, from within.The first form of Siva is the enjoyer of Prakriti as Kshetrajna Purusha. The second is Tatpurusha resting in Sattva-guna, rooted in Bhogya-Prakriti, the Prakriti-enjoyed. The third is Ghora rooted in the eightfold Buddhi like Dharma, etc.

The fourth is Vamadeva rooted in Ahankara and the fifth is Sadyojata, the presiding deity of the mind. The eight forms of Siva are Sarva, Bhava, Rudra, Ugra, Bhima, Pasupati, Isana and Mahadeva, rooted respectively in earth, water, fire, air, ether, Kshetrajna, sun and moon.”

(Source and Reference: Lord Shiva and his worship by Swami Sivananda)
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Impact of Longest Total Lunar Eclipse Of The Century On July 27, 28 2018 in India and world

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius E28093 July 27 2018 Predictions for Each Sign Impact of Longest Total Lunar Eclipse Of The Century On July 27, 28 2018 in India and world

Longest Blood Moon in 120 Years in History

On July 27th, the shadow of the Earth will block the moon for the longest time in 120 years.

This total lunar eclipse will last 1 hour, 42 minutes, and 57 seconds. Including all phases of the eclipse from start to finish, the moon will stay in the dark for almost 4 hours.

This is a long eclipse, especially comparing to the shortest on that happened on April 4th, 2015 and lasted just 4 minutes and 48 seconds.

Eclipse Details for India

The Longest Lunar Eclipse of The Century What July 27th Means for You Impact of Longest Total Lunar Eclipse Of The Century On July 27, 28 2018 in India and world

Total Lunar Eclipse
July 27, 2018
10:44 p.m. IST
10 degrees, Capricorn
Shravana Nakshatra

This year total Lunar Eclipse will fall in Shravana nakshatra and take place between 27th July, and 28th of July, 2018 on the full moon night (on the Eve of Guru Purnima) in the month of Ashadh, Vikram Samvat 2074.  

This eclipse will happen in Capricorn sign in combined nakashtra of Uttarashadha and Shravan. This is going to be the longest lunar eclipse of the century and will be visible throughout India for full 4 hours. The Actual duration of the full eclipse is 1 hour, 43 minutes (103 Minutes).This astrological phenomenon will also take place alongside the Blood Moon, as well as the Mars opposition and moon will cut both Mars and Ketu in Capricorn sign.As per the Indian timing, the effect of this eclipse will be there from 2:54 pm till Lunar Moksha i.e. for 27 hours 49 minutes.during the eclipse, the moon will be conjunct retrograde Mars and opposite retrograde Mercury. This will also be the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century! (103 minutes).

Chandra Grahan 27th-2018  July 2018: Timing In India and Significance of The Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse Local Timings

Total Lunar Eclipse in New Delhi
Lunar Eclipse Starts – 23:54:26 on 27th, July
Lunar Eclipse Ends – 03:48:59
Local Eclipse Duration – 03 Hours 54 Mins 33 Secs
First Contact with the Penumbra – 22:44:48 on 27th, July
First Contact with the Umbra – 23:54:26 on 27th, July
Total Phase Begins – 01:00:14
Maximum of Lunar Eclipse – 01:51:43
Total Phase Ends – 02:43:11
Last Contact with the Umbra – 03:48:59
Last Contact with the Penumbra – 04:58:37
Duration of Total Phase – 01 Hour 42 Mins 56 Secs
Duration of Partial Phase – 03 Hours 54 Mins 32 Secs
Duration of Penumbral Phase – 06 Hours 13 Mins 48 SecsMagnitude of Lunar Eclipse – 1.61
Magnitude of Penumbral Lunar Eclipse – 2.68
Sutak Begins – 12:27:28 on 27th, July
Sutak Ends – 03:48:59
Sutak for Kids, Old and Sick Begins – 19:18:06 on 27th, July
Sutak for Kids, Old and Sick Ends – 03:48:59
(Source : Drikpanchang)
total lunar eclipse 1 Impact of Longest Total Lunar Eclipse Of The Century On July 27, 28 2018 in India and world
Eclipse timing for Bangalore

Stages of Lunar Eclipse  Date    Hours    Minutes   Seconds
Eclipse Sparsh                27-7      23         54            10
Eclipse Sammilan           28-7      00         59            57
Eclipse Madhya              28-7      01        51            44
Eclipse Unmilan             28-7      02        43            32
Eclipse Moksh                28-7      03        49            19

This total lunar eclipse will be visible in Asia, Europe, South America, Africa and Australia.

Due to the unconventional length of this eclipse with the added conjunction of fiery retrograde Mars in Uttrashada, in opposition with Retrograde Mercury in Ashlesha, this eclipse will be particularly significant for every being. In Vedic Astrology, Sharavana Nakshatra is symbolized by three footprints of the Lord Vishnu and is associated with the story of how Vamana, an incarnation of the Lord Vishnu, who kicked out the demons from the heaven and other two lokas (Tri-Lokas), in order to put back peace and harmony among mankind and the demigods (Devtas) in heaven by taking three strides and covering the whole universe by his foots. This Nakashtra is Associated with the goddess of the learning  Devi Sarasvati and the Lord Shiri Vishnu.

What to do in this Guru Purnima and Lunar Eclipse

Impact of Longest Total Lunar Eclipse Of The Century On July 27, 28 2018 in India and world

Reciting Krishna Ashtakam and Vishnu Sahasrnama during this whole Lunar eclipse would be very fruitful and would bring divine  energy to the devotee and will protect from every sort of mesiries.  

Divine and Individual Impact of Lunar Eclipse

In the Mundane level, 6 months after the eclipse would be very important and need to be watch for significant Geographical,  military and political events.The cosmic energy of nature which is going to be unleashed from this lunar eclipse trigger more dynamic, aggressive and volatile results oceans, or there would be chances of volcanic or earthquake-like activity could trigger around directions of the North-West countries.

This is time to make maximum use of Full moon power when it is under the eclipsed arc. Sadhakas or Sadhu’s can attain maximum siddhis and divine energy when they practise Naam Jaap, or do some divine sadhna. This year Lunar eclipse is for quiet much duration so it has a much longer impact on nature. This time it is here to bring some needed change all around the globe from the mental setup of the jeevas, to subconscious level of all being and from supra-conscious level of the Sadhaks and in the mundane world it will give long-lasting impact in the political scenario of the world.This full blood moon will be the longest total lunar eclipse of the century which happens after the Mercury turns retrograde, joining four other retrograde planets (Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu). Thus, There is a massive amount of masculine cosmic energy swirling around the environment, and the July blood moon having a close conjunction with the planet Mars, which makes this blood moon’s destructive one wrt to world affairs.

Retrograde Mars and Moon will conjugate in Uttarashada nakshatra, and later Moon will move to Sravana nakshatra and joins Ketu during an eclipse, Sun in Opposite will conjunct with Rahu in Pushya nakshatra, while Mercury get retrograde in Aslesha nakshatra in a loose conjunction.
However, During this eclipse, 6 planets i.e Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Rahu, Ketu will heavily influence both Capricorn and Cancer Moon sign and Lagna which can disturb few sleepless nights for those are born in these signs. It has seen that a Lunar eclipse occurs in earth sign i.e Capricorn usually indicates being Bhomi Tattva, indicates land-related disputes, border conflicts between countries, earthquakes, landslides, floods, tsunamis, temporary downfall in real estate business, the threat of volcanoes, terrorists.
Individuals those are born with Moon conjunct Ketu or Rahu, they need not to do any water-related journey during this month. If Natives are born with Moon in Uttarashada, Sravana, Krittika, Rohini, Uttara Phalguni or Hasta constellations, or one is going through Sun or Moon  Dasa, then expect major changes in life within next 6 months. If native those are born under Capricorn Moon sign or Ascendant or if one is going through Moon Dasa, then it is a  time to take care of health and relationships. July-August 2018 will be a testing time (psychologically) for people born in ascendants and moon signs of Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Cancer, Gemini. Expect good days for people born in ascendants and moon signs of Aries, Pisces, Leo, Scorpio.For others, effects will be neutral.
There will be chances of heavy rains, Floods, cyclones can hit coastal areas of India.

So, be ready to Buckle up for the ride of the mental and physical body, and try to learn how to use this lunar eclipse’s energy to grow into your full self with the spiritual energy of nature.

What Vedic Mundane Principals says

LunarEclipseMap Impact of Longest Total Lunar Eclipse Of The Century On July 27, 28 2018 in India and world
According to Vedic principals, on 27th July 2018, Full moon ( Blood Moon) lunar eclipse will fall in Shravan nakshatra (Divine Star of Lord Vishnu) in Capricorn when the sun will be in exactly opposite in Pushya ( Divine Start of Lord Bramha) nakshatra in cancer sign. During this lunar eclipse, Mercury will be loosely conjoined with Sun within 19 degrees of orbital difference and Moon will cut first Mars in Uttrashada Nakashtra around 9 degrees from 27th, July 10:30 pm to 28th of July 00:15:00 Hr and then later it will cut South Node Ketu around 04:00:00 Am.
According to Koorma Chakara Paddhati, this eclipse will fall in Sign of India and Mostly it will affect the North-Western States of India and will be visible across the globe. For readers Information We have listed countries those can watch this lunar eclipse.
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Tokyo, Japan
Brussels, Belgium
Lisbon, Portugal
London, England, United Kingdom
Budapest, Hungary
Cairo, Egypt
Ankara, Turkey
Jakarta, Jakarta Special Capital Region, Indonesia
Athens, Greece
Rome, Italy
Yangon, Myanmar
Madrid, Spain
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Paris, Île-de-France, rance
Moscow, Moscow, Russia
Beijing, Beijing Municipality, China
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

eclipseBernamabig Impact of Longest Total Lunar Eclipse Of The Century On July 27, 28 2018 in India and world

According to the Indian Political chart, this Eclipse will fall in 3rd-9th house axis, North-Western and South-Western states of India and across the globe need to take care. Northwestern states include ” Pakistan, Afghanistan, North of India, Kashmir, Rajasthan, Russia, Germany, Canada”. Above mentioned countries need to be very careful with any sort of political or catastrophic chaos of nature in the form of floods, Earthquake and Rainfall. This Eclipse is falling in Fire circle nakshatra and the symptom will be observed within a week.

Mars will be with Moon, Rahu and sun will be 7th from Moon and South Node will be closely conjugated with Mars in uttrashada.
Usually, it has been seen that whenever Moon and Mercury fall in opposition during eclipse we have observed a dramatic shift in weather situation i,e sudden rainfall, cyclonic activities and rainstorms etc to those countries falling under eclipsed areas. This Eclipse will be falling in the category of major eclipse but it is falling within a gap of 15 days from last the partial solar eclipse occurred on 13th of July 2018.

The mundane point of view it has greater meaning since from Vedic periods. Whenever two major eclipses have been observed or falling within the span of 15 or 30 days usually Mass tragedies, unusual and sudden mundane activities have been observed within a month, 6 months or could be either day before or after it where the eclipse will be visible.

This can be true in current Lunar eclipse, as soon after this eclipse we are going to see retrogression of  3 Major planets (Mars, Saturn, and Mercury) in the month of July-August 2018.Soon after this eclipse, We could observe dramatic shifts in weather scenario,  i,e increase in earthquake activities, Minor warning for tsunami’s, sudden tragedies because of political issues in North western states of India or lying close to India, chances of increase in Anti-national activities in border and there would be chances vehicle-based accidents.It is not a dead sure principal that events are likely to occur but we have been observing since past mundane events soon after the eclipse and retrogression phases of planets with eclipses, it usually brings sudden unnatural events. It’s simply because of change in apparent motion of the planets wrt to Earth closeness with elemental conflicts of signs and planets those are falling in square and trine relation to each other.Soon after this Eclipse Mars will be very closer to the earth in exact opp to the sun and can be visible via the naked eyes and it can be possibly for triggering some sort of fiery or Bhomi-Tattva activity ( i.e Earthquake, Volcano etc) .

In August 2018 Mars and Saturn will be in retrograde motion will be having a relation of 2/12 signs to each other and 7/8 relation with the Sun. North Node will be with the Sun and South node will be with the Mars in Earthy Signs in mutual relation with the nodes shows possibility of the earthy activity.

According to Brihat Samhita;

total lunar eclipse Impact of Longest Total Lunar Eclipse Of The Century On July 27, 28 2018 in India and world
Rahuchar1 Impact of Longest Total Lunar Eclipse Of The Century On July 27, 28 2018 in India and world
According to the Brihat Samhita, How we can observe the Lunar Eclipse. A demon Head though cut off for his having devoid nectar is still not deprived of life  and it is said that, as a result of the divine nectar and potency of the nectar that head became a planet as opinion of the many of sages what Scriptures says that his disc is similar to the sun and the moon but he is not visible in the celestial sphere or heaven except on the Parva days (New and Full moon days) on account of his darkness owing to a boon conferred by the Lord Brahma and he is visible only at the time of eclipses and not on other days.
rahu swallowing sun 1 Impact of Longest Total Lunar Eclipse Of The Century On July 27, 28 2018 in India and world

Based on the Puranic Stories, Simhika, the mother of the Rahu begged of Sage Kashyapa at an unseasonal hour for progeny.Enraged at this request he gave her a son who was dreadful like Yama.This Son came to be called Rahu, as soon as he was  born, he fought and sustained a defeat at the hands of the son of Devi Aditi. Because of this humiliation he performed severe penance for 10,000 divine years   on the summit of Himalayas. He asked God Brahma to confer on him the status of planet, immortality , victory over the devas  and power to devour the two Luminaries ( Sun and Moon).At this the lord Spoke smilingly  and said thus :

“You will find it extremely hard to digest these two, still be it so “.

So, saying the lord vanished. 
Later Rahu Rushed at them during the Amrit Manthan Process and he try to get the immortal nectar by his crookedness.Then God Vishnu hurled his discus, chopped his head off and said;

” Let  the Creators words however not go to waste. In your respective periods you may devour the two luminaries and thereby indicate good and bad things for the world ” 

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Thus it is concluded that the Lunar eclipse is occurred by the boon given by the Lord Brahma and during lunar and solar eclipse rare astronomical phenomenon occur in nature where Sun, Moon and earth has to play a major role for triggering the eclipse where the dark part is only the two coinciding point of the Moon exactly occur at 180 degrees opp to each other, that point is we called as Rahu and Ketu and in divine language he is the son of the demon Vipracit, and Simhika. 

According to Bhagwad Puraan, In the dynasty of Diti appeared the great saintly devotee Prahlada and also Bali, Prahlada’s grandson. Hiraṇyakaśipu and Hiraṇyakṣa were the first sons of Diti. Hiraṇyakaśipu and his wife, whose name was Kayadhu, had four sons-Saṁhlada, Anuhlada, Hlada and Prahlada. They also had one daughter, whose name was Siṁhika. In association with the demon Vipracit, Siṁhika bore a son named Rāhu, whose head was severed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Impact of this Lunar Eclipse in Mundane World


stufftoblowyourmind 23 2014 04 rahu by ohnios blog Impact of Longest Total Lunar Eclipse Of The Century On July 27, 28 2018 in India and world
  • According to Brihat Samhita,  When Mercury cuts the Moon and then departs therefrom, there will be trouble for the country of Magadha (Currently as Bihar). 
  • The city of Mathura(UP) and People living on the banks of the river Vena (The Venna River rises in Mahabaleshwar, and is a tributary of the Krishna River in Satara district of western Maharashtra, India. It rises near Mahableshwar, a famous hill station in the Western Ghats.).
  • In other places, there will be peace and plenty.
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According to this shaloka, During this Lunar Eclipse it will be obstructed by the planet mars and it will also obstruct the orbit of the Moon which would cause trouble for 6 month to :

  • kings (Kings here refereed to as the Political Person who rules the country, currently we can call as Prime Minister, President and Chief Minister of the state of the country, i.e Delhi) who have mobilized their army for war along with their vehicles (such as chariots, elephants and Horses ( according to the olden times, according to the modern technologies war machines includes tanks, Land Army and war machinery etc ).
  • The People of Traigartas : According to the modern times, Trigarta kingdom was an ancient kingdom lying close to the Northern India region of the Indian subcontinent with its capital at Prasthala (modern Jalandhar) and fort in Kangra; Trigarta was a kingdom mentioned in the epic Mahabharata. Mahabharata mentions two different Trigarta kingdoms,
  • One in the west close to the Sivi Kingdom ( It is also mentioned in the epic that Jayadratha was the king of Sindhu, Sauvira and Shivi kingdoms. Probably Sauvira and Shivi were two kingdom close to the Sindhu kingdom and Jayadratha conquered them, which would place Shivi somewhere in Western Rajasthan, Areas near Pakistan, Afganisthan though alternatively it could also be Sibi, Balochistan which is to the west of Sauvira and Sindhu and adjacent to both. Jayadratha was an ally of Duryodhana and husband of Duryodhana’s, sister Dussala.and the other north to the Kuru Kingdom.
  • Modern Kangra is one of the ancient town in North Trigarta, extending westward to the Punjab area. Multan (Pakistan) was the capital of Trigarta with its original name that is Mulasthan. The territory of Trigarta Kingdom is around the three rivers of Satluj, Beas, and Ravi.
  • People and Kings of the Trigarta region i.e Modern Kangra (Himachal Pradesh), Jalandhar (Punjab), Area near Pakistan i.e Multan Sibi, Baochistan, and Western Rajasthan , Malavas (Currently Punjab lying close to ravi and chenab rivers, then the Malavas migrated southwards to present-day Rajasthan, and ultimately to Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat etc) ., Kaulindas ( Those of Kulinda ; The Kingdom of Kuninda (or Kulinda in ancient literature) was an ancient Central Himalayan kingdom documented from around the 2nd century BCE to the 3rd century, located in the modern state of Uttarakhand and southern areas of Himachal in northern India.), Tribal chiefs  (people living near forests or tribes areas or leaders of those groups), The Sibis (Ancient people attested to have been living in central Punjab since remote antiquity) , Kings of Ayodhya (ancient city located near Faizabad in Uttar Pradesh, India. It is identified with the legendary city of Ayodhya, and as such, is believed to be the birthplace of Rama and setting of the epic Ramayana.The present-day city is identified as the location of Saketa)


  •  The people of Kuru country ( the modern-day states of Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Uttarakhand and the western part of Uttar Pradesh (the region of Doab, till Prayag), Kings of Virata (The city of Biratnagar (Nepal) is named after this kingdom. At present day, the ruins of this kingdom has been found at East of Biratnagar called Buddhanagar.) and Sukti (Chedi was an ancient Indian kingdom which fell roughly in the Bundelkhand division of Madhya Pradesh regions to the south of river Yamuna along the river Ken. Its capital city was called Suktimati in Sanskrit and Sotthivati-nagara in Pali.) countries and other important Ksatriya chiefs will be get impact by this Eclipse.
  • Mars is obstructing the path of the moon orbit during this Eclipse, as Mars also Presides over war and is the commander of the heavenly forces, his contacts with the moon presages harm to war Mongers countries and places.
  • So this conjunction could leads to war like situation or conflicting situation with the countries those are lying close to North western states of India (falling under Capricorn and Shravan Nakashtra)  


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This has been Concluded for the post results after lunar eclipse as in next month, around 11th, August 2018 we will be expecting another Partial Solar eclipse after 15 days of this eclipse which will be going to visible in ; Northern and eastern Europe, Northern parts of North America, and some northern and western locations in Asia, making it the most watched solar eclipse of 2018.So we can expect such results after 11th of August and can be experienced within 1 month of the period.

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According to this shaloka, 

Colour of the Eclipse has been observed and if the colour of the moon is of Ash colour, Rough, Reddish ( Bloodred), Devoid of rays and Dark appearance and looks broken or shaky, people will have danger from hunger, tumult, pestilence, disease and thieves in store (There will be hike in price hikes of Food products around North-Western States or countries) .This Lunar eclipse has been considered as the blood-moon that shows above mentioned effects could be expected in coming months after the lunar eclipse.As, Lunar Eclipse disc will appear like Reddish  people can suffer as a result of famine in some of the areas where disc will be visible prominently (Shaloka 53-59, Brihat Samhita, Rahuchar)

Shaloka382CBrihatSamhita2CRahuchar Impact of Longest Total Lunar Eclipse Of The Century On July 27, 28 2018 in India and world

According to this shaloka, As Sign Cancer is also participate in this eclipse, the People of Abheeras (Modern day Abhira territory lies within Northern areas of Gujarat and Southern Rajasthan), Sabaras ( Tribe scattered in South Kanara Districts), Pallavas (Pahlavas are referenced in various Puranic texts like Vayu Purana, Brahmanda Purana, Markendeya Purana, Matsya Purana, Vamana Purana etc. Kirfel’s list of Uttarapatha countries of the Bhuvanakosha locates the Pahlavas along with the Tusharas, Chinas, Angalaukikas, Barbaras, Kambojas, Daradas, Bahlikas and other countries of the Udichya division of ancient India.) , Those are in the profession of Wrestling or fitness etc, Mathsyas (It roughly corresponded to the former state of Jaipur in Rajasthan, and included the whole of Hindaun, Alwar with portions of Bharatpur), KurusDelhiHaryana, Punjab, Uttarakhand and the western part of Uttar Pradesh), Sakas (The Saka people were an Iranian people who spoke a language belonging to the Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages) and Panchalas (The Panchala kingdom (Mahabharata) extends from the Himalayas in the north; to the Charmanwati river; with the Kuru, Surasena and Matsya kingdoms to the west; and the Naimisha Forest to the east. ) will suffer due to destruction’s of food grains.

Shaloka422CBrihatSamhita2CRahuchar Impact of Longest Total Lunar Eclipse Of The Century On July 27, 28 2018 in India and world

According to this shaloka Eclipse is occurring in the sign Capricorn which will affect the people those are in fishing profession, or the fishes those are living in sea or rivers, Ministers and their families will suffer, men of low class ( people of those are of service class or in service industry would get affect) and also those who are skilled in charms ( occult, black magic, healing’s or doctors those are working with herbs those are working as old and inform and the person who holds the profession of weapons or who lives by weapon ( i.e Army, police and security guards) also suffers.

Shaloka60 61 Impact of Longest Total Lunar Eclipse Of The Century On July 27, 28 2018 in India and world

According to this Shaloka, 
In This Eclipse, Mercury would aspect the Eclipsed moon, so products like Ghee, Honey and oils would become Scarce and dear and kings would come to grief (Downfall of King revenue) , as Mars is also  joining the lunar eclipse he would cause outbreak of wars like situation, rish from fire and there would be trouble from robbers, means there would be chances of war like situation or probability of Military actions from the people those are in the weapon industry or working as army-men.

Shaloka64 Impact of Longest Total Lunar Eclipse Of The Century On July 27, 28 2018 in India and world

People of Avanthi ( Madhyapradesh; The historical Avanti Kingdom of ancient India is described in the Mahabharata epic. Avanti was divided into north and south by river Vetravati. Initially, Mahissati (Sanskrit; Mahishamati) was the capital of Southern Avanti, and Ujjaini (Sanskrit Ujjayini) was of northern Avanti, but at the times of Mahavira and Buddha, Ujjaini was the capital of integrated Avanti. The country of Avanti roughly corresponded to modern Malwa, Nimar and adjoining parts of the Madhya Pradesh), People living near banks of Cauvery i,e Tamilnaidu and Karnataka, and People and Kings (Ministers) those are living near banks of Narmada i,e Madhya pradesh,  will suffer from Arrogance and misery (with great physical or mental distress or discomfort due to arrogance ruling).

Shaloka65 Impact of Longest Total Lunar Eclipse Of The Century On July 27, 28 2018 in India and world

As, Mercury is conjoined in this lunar eclipse with Sun and Rahu, it will afflict the country lying between Ganges (River rises in the western Himalayas in the Indian state of Uttarakhand, and flows south and east through the Gangetic Plain of North India, Places such as Varanasi, Uttrakhand, west bengal etc) .and Jumna (People living near Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, passing by Uttarakhand and later Delhi, and meeting its tributaries on the way, including Tons, its largest tributary in Uttarakhand, Chambal) , on the banks of Saryu (Sarayu is a river that flows through the Indian states of Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh.) , those living on the east coast and on the banks of the sona (The Son parallels the Kaimur hills, flowing east-northeast through Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand and Bihar states to join the Ganges just west of Patna. Geologically, the lower valley of the Son is an extension of the Narmada Valley, and the Kaimur Range an extension of the Vindhya Range. Dehri on sone and Sonbhadra are the major cities situated on Son River.), womenfolk (Women’s living around these banks) , kings (ministers) and warriors (Army men or solders) , Princes (People having royal status) and the learned (People those are knowledgeable and intelligent ) would come to grief .

Shaloka77 Impact of Longest Total Lunar Eclipse Of The Century On July 27, 28 2018 in India and world

According to this shaloka we have seen that Soon after the eclipse there could be possibility of the dry weather with less rainfall which can result low water level in wells, tanks and rivers can also dry up and possibly it will bring hot, dry and warm weather in areas close to the Kashmir ( Jammu and Kashmir), Pakistan, Kabul, Kandhar, Afghanistan, China, Madhyapradesh). People those are in the profession of fruits, Herbs and shrubs i.e Gandhara Kingdom (Gandhāra (Sanskrit: गन्धार) was a kingdom mentioned in the Indian epics Mahabharata and Ramayana. Gandhara was lying close to the modern zone of Pakistan, afganisthan and kabul . Puskalavati, Takshasila (Taxila) and Purushapura (Peshawar) were cities in this Gandhara kingdom.), Kashmir ( Jammu and Kashmir region, upper hilly region of Kashmir) , Pulindas Kingdom, (Sanskrit: पुलिंद) were an ancient tribe of India, likely resident in the environs of the Vindhya Range of Central India, The Rock Edicts of Ashoka (269 BCE – 231 BCE) mention the Pulindas, their capital Pulinda-nagara, and their neighboring tribes, based on which their capital is sometimes located in present-day Jabalpur District of Madhya Pradesh state. According to the Basak belongs to the hill tribes of the Vindhya and Satpura ranges, more specifically the Bhils, or could be belongs to the area of Bundelkhand. Though they are clearly associated with the Vindhyan region, believed to have had multiple tribal branches that ranged up to the Himalayan region and Assam) and China Kingdom will suffer greatly due to Irregular rainfall and dry, warm weather. The temperature will be high and there will be a situation like no rainfall after the eclipse.
Observation needs to be check after Post eclipse in above mentioned Places and countries

Shaloka92 96 Impact of Longest Total Lunar Eclipse Of The Century On July 27, 28 2018 in India and world
  • If after the termination of an eclipse there should be a dust storm in the place within seven days, it will cause famine.
  •  If there would be heavy mist, there would be outbreak of diseases.
  • If there be an earthquake, there could be death of a leading king.
  • If there befall of a meteor, there could be the destruction of a minister.
  • If there appear clouds of many colors, there could be an extreme panic.
  • If there would be thunder, there would be chances of miscarriages.
  • If there be lightning, there will be trouble to kings and tusked animals.
  • If there occurs a Misty circle around the sun or the moon, there will be an outbreak of diseases.
  • If there will be false fires in the quarters, there will be a risk to the kings and danger from fire.
  • If there will be fierce dry winds there will be trouble from robbers.
  • If there will be a clap of portentous thunder or rainbow or danda, there will be danger of famine and attack by an enemy army.
  • If there will be Planetary warfare happening in the sign of Capricorn, there will be chances of war among kings and if  Ketu ( Comet) is seen, there will be chances of war-like situations.
  • If there will be normal rains without any unnatural Features within 7 days there will be prosperity and plenty of food, grains and crops and whatever evil was indicated by the eclipse, all that would be completely ward off.


Let’s see what is written in the destiny of the world. we can only pray and hope for the best of world peace and integrity. Stars works on universal principals.we are nothing against the working principals of nature and neither we can change anything in material world.its the time and nature who decides and balances it for establishing harmony in the world. Eclipses are rare astronomical events because all three; the Earth, the moon, and the sun must align. During a lunar eclipse, the sun and the moon are on the opposite sides of the Earth. With this split, there is a clear energy in the air of the future and the past—what you need to change versus what you need to let go.

Source and Reference:
Brihat Samhita by Ramakrishna Bhat

pin Impact of Longest Total Lunar Eclipse Of The Century On July 27, 28 2018 in India and world

Views: 6

Remedy for childless couples or those having difficulty in conceiving

0 lP Remedy for childless couples or those having difficulty in conceiving

Article written by Jatinder Sandhu

Remedy For childless couples

बाल गोपाल श्रीकृष्ण के बाल रूप को कहा जाता है। कृष्ण जी अपने बाल रूप में बेहद नटखट थे। हिन्दू धर्म के अनुसार कृष्ण जी के बाल गोपाल स्वरूप को सर्वाधिक पूजनीय माना जाता है। भगवान श्री कृष्ण के बाल स्वरूप की पूजा करना निसंतान दंपत्तियों के लिए बेहद शुभ माना जाता है। संतान बाल गोपाल मंत्र एक ऐसा ही मंत्र है जो निसंतान दंपत्तियों के लिए आशीर्वाद समान माना जाता है।

संतान गोपाल मंत्र का प्रयोग (Santan Gopal Mantra for Child) 
Krishna Remedy for childless couples or those having difficulty in conceiving

 ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं ग्लौं देवकीसुत गोविन्द वासुदेव जगत्पते
देहि मे तनयं कृष्ण त्वामहं शरणं गतः ।

shrim hrim klim glaum devakisuta govinda vasudeva jagatpate
dehi me tanayam krishana tvamaham saranam gatah.

मान्यता है कि इस मंत्र का प्रतिदिन 108 जाप करने से जातक को संतान प्राप्ति अवश्य होती है। साथ ही ज्योतिषी सलाह देते हैं कि मंत्र जाप के साथ-साथ अपने शयन कक्ष में श्रीकृष्ण की बाल रूप की प्रतिमा रखना चाहिए। इस प्रतिमा की श्रद्धाभाव से पूजा करते हुए उन्हें लड्डू, माखन मिसरी का भोग लगाना चाहिए।

 संतान प्राप्ति के लिए कृष्ण जी के एक अन्य मंत्र ।

 सर्वधर्मान् परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज।अहं त्वा सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुच।।

Sarvadharman parityajya mamekam Saranam vraja.
Aham tva sarvapapebhyo moksayisyami ma sucha.

Fast for childless couples and the way to do it

Shiv Chaturdashi Ka Mahatva Remedy for childless couples or those having difficulty in conceiving

शिव चतुर्दशी व्रत विधि (Shiv chaturdashi vrat vidhi in Hindi)

on the designated day go the Shiva temple without eating and drinking anything, offer coconut wrapped in mouli or roli, two whole suparis, two male gender fruits like banana or mango, do abhisheka and offer all these to shiv linga. Donate one lota vessel and white cloth to young pujari ( priest) not to an old one ( this is to be done first time only ) all the other procedure to be repeated each time. Then come home and drink cold and sweetened milk, have some fruits if required or if the medical condition is such that its required.

( fast to be done by the couple)

हिन्दू धर्म के अनुसार प्रत्येक माह की चतुर्दशी तिथि को भगवान शिव को समर्पित शिव चतुर्दशी का व्रत किया जाता है।

 भविष्यपुराण के अनुसार प्रत्येक महीने के कृष्ण पक्ष की चतुर्थी को “शिव चतुर्दशी” कहते हैं। इस दिन पूरे विधि-विधान से शिव जी की पूजा की जाती है। इस व्रत को करने से व्यक्ति काम, क्रोध, लोभ, मोह आदि के बंधन से मुक्त हो जाता है।

शिव चतुर्दशी व्रत विधि (Shiv chaturdashi vrat vidhi in Hindi)

भविष्यपुराण के अनुसार शिव चतुर्दशी व्रत में भगवान शिव के साथ माता पार्वती, गणेश जी, कार्तिकेय जी और शिवगणों की पूजा की जाती है। शिव चतुर्दशी का व्रत करने वाले जातक को त्रयोदशी के दिन मात्र एक समय भोजन करना चाहिए।

इसके उपरांत चतुर्दशी के दिन व्रत का संकल्प लेकर शिव जी की धूप, दीप पुष्प आदि से पूजा करनी चाहिए। शिवजी की पूजा में भांग, धतूरा और बेलपत्र का विशेष महत्व होता है।

 चतुर्दशी के दिन रात्रि के समय शिव मंत्रों का जाप करना चाहिए। 

Remedy for childless couples or those having difficulty in conceiving

शिवजी के कुछ विशेष मंत्र निम्न हैं:
“ऊँ नम: शिवाय” व ” शिवाय नम:”

रात को सोते समय इस मंत्र का जाप करना चाहिए:

शिव चतुर्दशी व्रत का फल (Benefits of Shiv chaturdashi vrat in Hindi)

शिव चतुर्दशी का व्रत जो भी व्यक्ति पूरे श्रद्धाभाव से करता है उसके माता- पिता के सारे पाप नष्ट हो जाते हैं।

इसके अलावा उसके स्वयं के सारे कष्ट दूर हो जाते है तथा वह जीवन के सम्पूर्ण सुखों का भोग करता है। इस व्रत की महिमा से व्यक्ति दीर्घायु, ऐश्वर्य, आरोग्य, संतान एवं विद्या आदि प्राप्त कर अंत में शिवलोक जाता है।

पौराणिक मान्यता के अनुसार चतुर्थी के दिन भोलेनाथ की शादी मां पार्वती से हुई थी, इस दिन भगवान शिव के भक्तों द्वारा उनकी बारात निकाली जाती हैं। उपवास के दौरान भक्तों को गेहूं दाल और चावल से दूर रहना चाहिए।

इस दिन कई भक्त बिना आहार ग्रहण किए व्रत करते हैं लेकिन जो लोग निराहार नहीं कर सकते हैं वो फल, चाय, कॉफी का सेवन कर सकते हैं।

Jatinder Sandhu
Medical Astrologer
pin Remedy for childless couples or those having difficulty in conceiving

Views: 5

Understanding Heart Issue fatality – Child death Heart attack/stroke and astrological connection

heart illustration Understanding Heart Issue fatality - Child death Heart attack/stroke and astrological connection

Understanding Heart Issue fatality

Article Written by Jatinder Sandhu

Heartissuefatality Understanding Heart Issue fatality - Child death Heart attack/stroke and astrological connection

The circulation of the human body is based on three zodiac signs Leo the heart and pump, Sagittarius the arterial system and Aquarius the venous system, Sign Aquarius has been named Hridya roga in Brihat jatak , roughly translated it means a heart disease.

Planet moon signified blood and heart, sun heart and circulation, as per Greek astrology Leo/Aquarius axis has been defined as Circulatory axis.

heart attack Understanding Heart Issue fatality - Child death Heart attack/stroke and astrological connection
Image result for Heart attack

In this chart moon is in 12th ,its said planets whose lords go to 6,8 or 12 suffer. So here as lord of 3rd the secondary longevity house it suffers.

Venus is the lord of ascendant and 6th under aspect from ketu . There is an exchange between 3rd and 12th kords moon and mars.

The initial two months Maha dasha of ketu – mercury is in operation ,mercury is lord of 2nd the marak here.


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64th navamsa lord Mars 22nd drekana Sun, 3rd house , mars and sun are in Sarpa drekana ( dangerous for health).

Transits and dasha on Feb 2018 the time of death Venus – Venus its lord of ascendant or self/physical body and the 6th the trigger of diseases.

Transits Saturn Sagittarius the natal 8th house ,Rahu over sun and mars in 3rd house of natal horoscope ,ketu in 9th of natal horoscope ,mars in Scorpio the 7th house over natal Saturn,Sun ,mercury and Venus in Aquarius over natal ketu.

So in the horoscope Mars in transit connects with natal ascendant/ 6th lord Venus so 7th lord the marak in transit connecting with Dasha lord made it tough for the baby. 

Coupled with circulatory axis going bad , moon in an adverse position, Saturn also connects with dasha lord the 7th aspect.

Saturn in transit connects with natal mars ( inflammation creator) Jupiter the signification of cholesterol and arterial system , Saturn signifies blockage and it is known for all kind of blockages like stones in human body , so Saturn+Jupiter +mars when they connect they represent blockage of heart or formation of clot , that may turn fatal.

BPHS says that sometimes the lord of kendras( angular houses) or trikonas (trines) can bring death in their dasha, further it also says that dasha of planet in 2,7,6,8,12 from atam karka can kill since sun is the atam karka planet in 12th from it is Venus so the dasha of Venus was fatal.

Jatinder Sandhu

pin Understanding Heart Issue fatality - Child death Heart attack/stroke and astrological connection

Views: 18

Sri Navagraha Stotra with meaning to propitiate nine planets daily

Navgrahastotra Sri Navagraha Stotra with meaning to propitiate nine planets daily

Sri Navagraha Stotra with meaning to propitiate nine planets daily

This stotra is written by Shri Ved Vyas Rishi and consists of nine hymns or mantras of nine planets. this stotra is best suggested to get freedom from all sort of troubles and difficulties and get abundant pleasures, wealth and become prosperous, sound and have good health in life. The devotee should recite this stotra daily with utter faith and devotion to get maximum benefits from stotra. As this stotra directly goes to graha devta so faith is most important as these nine planets or ‘Navagraha’ have maximum effect on mental as well as on physical aspect of human life.

The vibration of these 9 planets radaites maximum sound and light energy around us and when we sync our body vibrations according to these 9 planets we can have maximum benefits from these celestial bodies. They play an important role in all the life activities i.e physical, mental, emotional and health of life of any individual. During the birth of the body, while having unfavourable positioning of any of these planets can be the cause of major life problems i.e bad health, bad mental state and stagnation in many areas of life. These 9 planets simply act as the mirror of our own karmas which we had done in many of the past journies. What native is facing suffering its all because of the deeds of the native he has done in those lives. Although there is no such remedy for bad but Karmas we can win the heart of planetary dieties by our utter faith, devotions and good karmas.
This Navgraha Stotra Created by Rishi Ved Vyasa is very useful in warding off or to avoid the ill effects of the bad planetary position and movement( Transit) of the ‘Navagraha’ in our lives with the help of Navgraha Hymns.
Navagraha stotram is a simple Pattern or mantras of 9 Grahas and it acts as very powerful healing tools to reduce the negative effects of planetary placement in natal chart.

Benefits Of Navagraha Stotram And The Way to Practice

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The Navagraha Stotram is written by Rishi Vyasa and is considered to be as the peace mantra for the nine planets. These powerful hymns can pacify the Navagraha and protect us from any negative vibrations of the planets.

When devotee Regularly chants Navagraha Stotram it generates positive vibrations around us and directs the related planets to deliver favorable results but one should also need to do Good deeds as well as need to follow the karmic discipline wrt to the desired planet to get maximum benefits, as only good karma can pacify the bad karmic effects. These mantras or hymns helping in minimizing the harmful effects of the planets and increases positive influences on native mental setup. The devotees also get peace of mind and stay away from any evil thoughts as well. Practicing Navagraha Stotram every day can make you healthy, wealthy and prosperous.

To achieve the desired result, one should recite Navagraha Stotra in the early morning after having a bath by sitting in front of the picture or idol of the Lord Navagraha or one can also chant this Stotra in front of the 9 Navgrahas idols in temple after offering proper Poojan to the Navgrahas.

One should also try to understand the meaning of the mantra to maximize its effects.

It is recommended that the stotra should be chanted at least once in a day to please the planets.


|| नवग्रह स्तोत्र ||

अथ नवग्रह स्तोत्र

श्री गणेशाय नमः

God Sun image Sri Navagraha Stotra with meaning to propitiate nine planets daily

जपाकुसुम संकाशं काश्यपेयं महदद्युतिम् |

तमोरिंसर्वपापघ्नं प्रणतोSस्मि दिवाकरम् || १ ||

Japaa kusuma Sankaasam Kaasyapeyam Mahaath’ yuthim

Thamo’urim sarva Paapa ganam Pranathosmi Dhiwaakaram


“One who looks like the Hibiscus flower, Son of Kashyapa, full of radiance, Foe of darkness and the one who dispels all sins, I prostrate that Surya.”

1200px Chandra graha Sri Navagraha Stotra with meaning to propitiate nine planets daily

दधिशंखतुषाराभं क्षीरोदार्णव संभवम् |

नमामि शशिनं सोमं शंभोर्मुकुट भूषणम् || २ ||

Dhadhi sanka Thushaaraabham Ksheero Dhaarnava Sambhavam

Namaami sasinam Somam Sambhor makuta Bhooshanam


“The one who has the hue of curd and icebergs, one who emerges from the milky ocean, Chandra who adorns Shiva, I prostrate. that Chandra.”

1200px Angraka graha Sri Navagraha Stotra with meaning to propitiate nine planets daily

धरणीगर्भ संभूतं विद्युत्कांति समप्रभम् |

कुमारं शक्तिहस्तं तं मंगलं प्रणाम्यहम् || ३ ||

Dharanee garbha Sambhootham Vidhyuth kaanthi Samaprabham

Kumaaram Sakthi Hasthancha Mangalam Pranamaam Yaham


“The one who is the son of Bhooma Devi, One who has the lustre of lightning, One who has Shakti in his hand, and the auspicious one, I prostrate that Angaraka”

1200px Budha graha Sri Navagraha Stotra with meaning to propitiate nine planets daily

प्रियंगुकलिकाश्यामं रुपेणाप्रतिमं बुधम् |

सौम्यं सौम्यगुणोपेतं तं बुधं प्रणमाम्यहम् || ४ ||

Piryangu kali Kaasyaamam Roope’naa Prathimam Budham

Sowmyam sowmya GunopethamTham Bhudham Pranamaam Yaham


“The one who is dark like the bud of Priyangu flower, One who is unequalled in beauty and is intelligent, And the son of Chandra, One who is peaceful, I prostrate that Budha.”

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देवानांच ऋषीनांच गुरुं कांचन सन्निभम् |

बुद्धिभूतं त्रिलोकेशं तं नमामि बृहस्पतिम् || ५ ||

Dhe’vaanaancha Risheenaancha Gurum Kaanchan sannibham

Bhudhdhi bhootham Thrilokesam Thannamaami Bhruhaspathim


The one who is the Guru of the Devas and Rishis, the one who is radiant and intelligent, The Lord of all the three worlds, I prostrate that Brihaspathi.

415176f4b5a46bda78c913ea9274fb7f Sri Navagraha Stotra with meaning to propitiate nine planets daily

हिमकुंद मृणालाभं दैत्यानां परमं गुरुम् |

सर्वशास्त्र प्रवक्तारं भार्गवं प्रणमाम्यहम् || ६ ||

Hima kundha M’runaalaabam Dhaithyaanam Paramam Gurum

Sarva saasthra Pravruththaaram Bhaargavam Pranamaam Yaham


“The one who has the lustre of the dew, Lotus stem and Thumba flower, High priest of Asuras and the one who preaches the Shatras, I prostrate that ( Bhargava )Sukracharya.”

6de7799a175849112fc4d5582d2ef252 Sri Navagraha Stotra with meaning to propitiate nine planets daily

नीलांजन समाभासं रविपुत्रं यमाग्रजम् |

छायामार्तंड संभूतं तं नमामि शनैश्चरम् || ७ ||

Neelaanchana Samaabaasam Raviputhram Yamaagrajam

Chaayaa Maarthaanda Sambhootham Thannamaami Sanaicharam


“The one who is blue, one who is like charcoal, one who is the son of Surya and the brother of Yama, one who is born to Chaya and Surya, I prostrate that Saneeswara.”

1200px Rahu graha Sri Navagraha Stotra with meaning to propitiate nine planets daily

अर्धकायं महावीर्यं चंद्रादित्य विमर्दनम् |

सिंहिकागर्भसंभूतं तं राहुं प्रणमाम्यहम् || ८ ||

Ardha kaayam mahaaveeyram Chandhraadhithya vimardhanam

Simhikaagarba Sambhootham Tham Raahum Pranamaam Yaham


“The one who has half a body and is full of valour, One who opposes Chandra and Surya without fear, One who was born from Simhika’s womb, I prostrate that Rahu.”

1200px Ketu graha Sri Navagraha Stotra with meaning to propitiate nine planets daily

पलाशपुष्पसंकाशं तारकाग्रह मस्तकम् |

रौद्रंरौद्रात्मकं घोरं तं केतुं प्रणमाम्यहम् || ९ ||

Palaasa pushpa sankaasam Thaarakagraha masthakam

Rowdhram rowdhraathmakam go’ram Tham Kethum Pranamaam Yaham.


“The one who looks like Palasa flower, One who is the king of the stars and One who has a fierce form and is scary and angry, I prostrate that Ketu.”

इति श्रीव्यासमुखोग्दीतम् यः पठेत् सुसमाहितः |

दिवा वा यदि वा रात्रौ विघ्न शांतिर्भविष्यति || १० ||

Iti Vyaasa-mukhod-giitam yah: path’et-susamaahitah:

Divaa vaa yadi vaa raatrau vighna-shantir-bhavish’yati


“This stotra is composed by Shri Vyaasa Rhishi. A person who chants this stotra during the day or at night will become free from all troubles. ”

नरनारी नृपाणांच भवेत् दुःस्वप्ननाशनम् |

ऐश्वर्यमतुलं तेषां आरोग्यं पुष्टिवर्धनम् || ११ ||

Nara-naarii-nrupaan’aayn cha bhaved-duh:svapna-naashanam

Aishvaryamatulam tesh’aam aarogyam push’t’i-vardanam


“By chanting this stotra the effect of bad dreams of men, women, kings and so on will be destroyed. Everyone will have good health, wealth and energy.”

ग्रहनक्षत्रजाः पीडास्तस्कराग्निसमुभ्दवाः |

ता सर्वाःप्रशमं यान्ति व्यासोब्रुते न संशयः || १२ ||

Graha-nakshatrajaa piid’aah: taskaraagni-samudbhavaah:

Taah: sarvaah: prashamam yaanti Vyaaso bruute na sanshayah:


“A person who chants this stotra becomes free from the troubles created by planets, constellations, thieves, fire etc. Vyasa Rhishi says that there is no doubt about the result of chanting this stotra ”

|| इति श्री वेद व्यास विरचितम् आदित्यादी नवग्रह स्तोत्रं संपूर्णं ||

Iti Shri Vyaasa-virachitam Navagraha-stotram sampurnam

The Navagrahastotracomposed by Shri Vyasa Rishi is Complete here.



pin Sri Navagraha Stotra with meaning to propitiate nine planets daily

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Recite daily Shiri Dattatreya stotram in Sanskrit to destroy any Diseases, sins and enemies

Recite daily Shiri Dattatreya stotram in Sanskrit to destroy any Diseases, sins and enemies

This Stotra is taken from Narad Purana and is written by Shri Narad Rishi. Shri Datta is trimurthi of Tri devas i.e. (first) Brahma then (middle) Vishnu and then at the end Shankara. Narad says Datta is a destroyer of all diseases, sins, all our enemies. This stotra is to be recited with devotion, concentration and faith. The results will be good for life and one will become prosperous, happy, Sinless, healthy and our life become peaceful.

The story of Guru Dattatreya

GURU DATTATREYA is the son of ATRI rishi & mother anusaya. ATRI rishi was born of Lord BRAHMA. He practised severe penance and attained Brahma Jnana. He married anusaya, the daughter of Karjam Prajapati. anusaya as the name indicates, was devoid of the taint of envy. She was a PATIVRATA, an embodiment of chastity who worshipped and considered her husband as GOD.

Her fame and glory spread far and wide, all over the three worlds. Knowing her greatness Indra and other deities feared that they may lose their supremacy and that she may snatch their celestial treasures from their hand. They approached the 3 GOD’s Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh, described the greatness of Anusaya to them and entreated them to arrest the ever increasing powers and glory of Anusaya by somehow causing a blemish on her chastity.

They demanded that food be served to them immediately as they could not wait till the return of ATRI rishi.

Anusaya invited them to the dining centre and after offering the proper seats was about to serve food. At that critical juncture, the guests made an unusual request. They said, “Oh! Pious one, we desire that you should disrobe yourself and serve food without wearing any garment. Then only will we eat the food served to us . Please tell us if this is not possible, we will go elsewhere”. Anusaya thought for a while, “ If I refuse to comply with the condition laid down by these guests they may go away without eating food. Atithis(unexpected guests) cannot be turned away, they are an aspect of GOD. My mind is pure. The spiritual strength of my husband will surely save me”. She declared her willingness to serve food as desired by them and went into the kitchen.

She meditated and prayed at the holy feet of her husband. With a motherly feeling towards the guests she went naked into the dining place to start serving the food but, Lo! and behold! By that time the 3 guests were transformed into infants. She fondled the infants and at the sight of these hungry infants lactation welled up from her bosom. She happily breast fed them. When Atri rishi returned home , to his amazement, he found Anusaya fondling 3 new born babies. Anusaya rose and offered the 3 babies at the feet of her husband.

Atri rishi went into a trance and recognized the trio as Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. He reverentially greeted them with folded hands. After witnessing the devotion and purity of couple the 3 infants assumed their real forms and requested the couple to ask for a boon. Atri rishi directed Anusaya to seek a boon from the trinity. Anusaya replied that he might ask them to actually become their children. The trinity granted the boon and left for their celestial abodes in their subtle form and joined their consorts.

Vishnu took the form of Sri Datta, Brahma took the form of Chandra and Mahesh took the form of Durvasa. After some time Chandra and Durvasa sought the permission of Anusaya to leave. Durvasa expressed his desire to go on a pilgrimage and do penance. Chandra put forth his request, “ I will reside in the region of the moon. Therefore you can see me daily. Don’t grieve at our departure. Sri Datta combines in himself the divine qualities of 3 of us.

He will always be with you. Sri Datta is Lord Vishnu himself. Vishnu pervades the whole universe, so you will never experience separation from him. He will live according to your heart’s desire. so permit me to leave”. Taking the permission of their mother Chandra reached the region of the moon and Durvasa left on a long pilgrimage. Sri Datta remained in the hermitage of Anusaya.

The 3 GOD’s agreed to do it. They transformed themselves into mendicants and approached the hermitage of ATRI rishi. They begged for alms. At that time, ATRI rishi had gone to the river to offer his daily ablutions. Anusaya welcomed them with respect and offered them seats. She washed their feet and worshipped them. The guests became impatient and feigned great hunger.

( Story Souce : Internet)

Recite this stotra daily  for getting relief from diseases,  past life sins, Pitru dosha and diseases.This is a miraculous stotra for curing difficult diseases and illness. Those having weak and afflicted Jupiter can also recite this stotra daily on every Thursday after lighting deepam in front of Guru Dattreya Idol or picture and before that one can also recite Naap Jaap of a Guru Datta ” Shri Gurudev Datta”.

Lord Dattatreya Story Significance 16 Avatars of Lord Datattreya Recite daily Shiri Dattatreya stotram in Sanskrit to destroy any Diseases, sins and enemies


श्री दत्तात्रेयस्तोत्रम्

जटाधरं पाण्डुरंगं शूलहस्तं दयानिधिम्।

सर्वरोगहरं देवं दत्तात्रेयमहं भजे ॥१॥

जगदुत्पत्तिकर्त्रे च स्थितिसंहारहेतवे।

भवपाशविमुक्ताय दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥२॥

जराजन्मविनाशाय देहशुद्धिकराय च।

दिगंबर दयामूर्ते दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥३॥

कर्पूरकान्तिदेहाय ब्रह्ममूर्तिधराय च।

वेदशास्स्त्रपरिज्ञाय दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥४॥


पञ्चभूतैकदीप्ताय दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥५॥

यज्ञभोक्त्रे च यज्ञेय यज्ञरूपधराय च।

यज्ञप्रियाय सिद्धाय दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥६॥

आदौ ब्रह्मा मध्ये विष्णुरन्ते देवः सदाशिवः।

मूर्तित्रयस्वरूपाय दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥७॥

भोगालयाय भोगाय योगयोग्याय धारिणे।

जितेन्द्रिय जितज्ञाय दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥८॥

दिगंबराय दिव्याय दिव्यरूपधराय च।

सदोदितपरब्रह्म दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥९॥

जंबूद्वीप महाक्षेत्र मातापुरनिवासिने।

भजमान सतां देव दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥१०॥

भिक्षाटनं गृहे ग्रामे पात्रं हेममयं करे।

नानास्वादमयी भिक्षा दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥११॥

ब्रह्मज्ञानमयी मुद्रा वस्त्रे चाकाशभूतले।

प्रज्ञानघनबोधाय दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥१२॥

अवधूत सदानन्द परब्रह्मस्वरूपिणे ।

विदेह देहरूपाय दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥१३॥

सत्यरूप! सदाचार! सत्यधर्मपरायण!

सत्याश्रय परोक्षाय दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥१४॥

शूलहस्त! गदापाणे! वनमाला सुकन्धर!।

यज्ञसूत्रधर ब्रह्मन् दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥१५॥

क्षराक्षरस्वरूपाय परात्परतराय च।

दत्तमुक्तिपरस्तोत्र! दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥१६॥

दत्तविद्याड्यलक्ष्मीश दत्तस्वात्मस्वरूपिणे।

गुणनिर्गुणरूपाय दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥१७॥

शत्रुनाशकरं स्तोत्रं ज्ञानविज्ञानदायकम्।

आश्च सर्वपापं शमं याति दत्तात्रेय नमोस्तुते॥१८॥

इदं स्तोत्रं महद्दिव्यं दत्तप्रत्यक्षकारकम्।

दत्तात्रेयप्रसादाच्च नारदेन प्रकीर्तितम् ॥१९॥

इति श्रीनारदपुराणे नारदविरचितं

श्रीदत्तात्रेय स्तोत्रं संपुर्णमं।।

।। श्रीगुरुदेव दत्त ।।

pin Recite daily Shiri Dattatreya stotram in Sanskrit to destroy any Diseases, sins and enemies

Views: 96

Dattatreya stotram With English translation to cure any Diseases

Narad Krit Shiri Dattatreya stotram from Padma Puran with English translation

Dattatreya stotram With English translation to cure any Diseases

Dattatreya Stotra is dedicated to Hindu God Datta, a joint incarnation of Hindu deities Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Devotees worship Dathathreya as a god in the form of a combination of the great trinity consisting of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. He took this form due to Anasuya, the wife of sage Athri.
One story tells that Narada poisoned the minds of Saraswathi, Lakshmi and Parvathy and told them that Anasuya is much greater than them. Incensed by this they sent their lords to Anasuya, who went and requested her to give them alms without wearing any clothes, She made them into babies and combined them into one. This God was Dathathreya.
Another story tells of the trinity being forced to approach Anasuya to save the world from the curse of Nalayani. She did this but asked them to become her babies. These babies were Dathathreya (Vishnu), Durvasa (Shiva) and Chandra(Brahma). Once in a hurry when all these babies were crying together, she took them together and they became one.
There is a small sect of Hindus called Datha panthis in Karnalaka and Maharashtra who worship only Lord Dathathreya. He is picturised as doing meditation along with four Vedas in the form dogs following him.Praying to Dattatreya by chanting this stotra will help to destroy all the enemies, get rid of your sins and will be blessed with great knowledge.

Below is the English lyrics of Dattatreya Stotram translated by Sri PR Ramachander.

श्रीदत्तात्रेयस्तोत्रम् ( नारदपुराण

In Sanskrit 


जटाधरं पांडुरांगं शूलहस्तं कृपानिधिम् ।

सर्वरोगहरं देवं दत्तात्रेयमहं भजे ॥ १॥


English Pronunciation  

Jatadharam, pandurangam soolahastham, krupa nidhim, Sarva Roga haram devam Dathathreyam aham Bhaje.


English Translation  

I praise that Dathathreya carrying a matted tuft, white coloured, Treasure of mercy and the God who cures all diseases.

In Sanskrit 


अस्य श्रीदत्तात्रेयस्तोत्रमंत्रस्य भगवान् नारदऋषिः ।

अनुष्टुप् छन्दः ।

श्रीदत्तपरमात्मा देवता ।

श्रीदत्तप्रीत्यर्थे जपे विनियोगः

Asya Dathathreya stotra manthrasya Bhagawan Narada Rishi,


Anushtup Chanda,  

Sri Datha Paramathma Devatha,

Sri datha preethyarthe Jape viniyoga.


English Translation 

The Sage connected with the prayer of Dathathreya is God like Narada, The Meter is Anushtup, the God addressed is the divine God Dathathreya, And this chanting is being done for pleasing God Dathathreya.

Shaloka 1

जगदुत्पत्तिकर्त्रे च स्थितिसंहार हेतवे ।

भवपाशविमुक्ताय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ १॥  


Jagat uthpathi Karthre cha sthithi samhara hethave,

Bhava pasa vimukthaya, Dathathreya Namothuthe.


English Translation 

Salutations to Dathathreya, who creates the world,

And causes for its protection and destruction, who frees us from the bond of Karma.


Shaloka 2

जराजन्मविनाशाय देहशुद्धिकराय च ।

दिगम्बरदयामूर्ते दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ २॥

Jara Janma vinasaya, deha shudhi karaya cha,

Digambara dhaya moorthe, Dathathreya Namothuthe.


English Translation 

Salutations to Dathathreya, who destroys old age and births,  

Who cleans our body and is the form of mercy, who wears directions as the dress.

Shaloka 3 

कर्पूरकान्तिदेहाय ब्रह्ममूर्तिधराय च ।

वेदशास्त्रपरिज्ञाय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ ३॥

Karpoora kanthi dehaya, Brahma moorthi daraya cha,

Veda sastra parignaya, Dathathreya Namothuthe.

English Translation 

Salutations to Dathathreya, who has a body like shining camphor, Who carries the form of Brahma, who is an expert in Vedas and Sasthras.

Shaloka 4

र्हस्वदीर्घकृशस्थूल-नामगोत्र-विवर्जित ।

पंचभूतैकदीप्ताय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ ४॥

Hruswa, deergha krusa sthoola nama gothra vivarjitha,

Pancha bhoothaika deepthaya, Dathathreya Namothuthe.


English Translation 

Salutations to Dathathreya, who is free from short and long,  

Small and huge, names, clans and shines due to the five elements.

Shaloka 5 

यज्ञभोक्ते च यज्ञाय यज्ञरूपधराय च ।

यज्ञप्रियाय सिद्धाय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ ५॥

Yajna bhokthe cha yajnaya yajna roopa dharaya cha, Yajnapriyaaya sidhaaya, Dathathreya Namothuthe.

 English Translation 

Salutations to Dathathreya, who feeds on the Yajna, who is Yajna, Who takes the form of Yajna, who likes Yajna and who is a great sage.


Shaloka 6

आदौ ब्रह्मा मध्य विष्णुरंते देवः सदाशिवः ।

मूर्तित्रयस्वरूपाय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ ६॥

Aadhou Brahma, Madhya Vishnu ranthe Deva Sadashiva,

Moorthi thraya swaroopaya, Dathathreya Namothuthe.


English Translation 

Salutations to Dathathreya, who in the beginning is Brahma,  

In the middle is Vishnu and in the end is Sadashiva and has the form of the divine trinity.


Shaloka 7

भोगालयाय भोगाय योगयोग्याय धारिणे ।

जितेन्द्रियजितज्ञाय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ ७॥

Bhogalayaya, bhogaya yoga yogyaya dharine,

Jithendrya jithajnaya, Dathathreya Namothuthe.

English Translation 

Salutations to Dathathreya who is the temple of pleasure, who is pleasure who is an expert in Yoga, who has won over his senses as well as knowledge.

Shaloka 8

दिगम्बराय दिव्याय दिव्यरूपध्राय च ।

सदोदितपरब्रह्म दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ ८॥

 Digambaraya, divyaya, divya roopa pradhaya cha,

Sadodhitha para brahma, Dathathreya Namothuthe.


 English Translation  

Salutations to Dathathreya, who wears directions as cloth,

Who is divine, who can give a divine form and who is ever rising divine Brahmam.

Shaloka 9 

जम्बुद्वीपमहाक्षेत्रमातापुरनिवासिने ।

जयमानसतां देव दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ ९॥


JambudweepaMaha kshethre mathapura nivasine,   

Jaya manasatham deva, Dathathreya Namothuthe.


English Translation 

Salutations to Dathathreya, who lives in Mathapura,  

Which is in Jambu Dweepa, Victory to the God of the minds.


Shaloka 10

भिक्षाटनं गृहे ग्रामे पात्रं हेममयं करे ।

नानास्वादमयी भिक्षा दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ १०॥

Bhikshatanam gruhe grame pathram hema mayam kare,

Nanaswada mayi bhiksha, Dathathreya Namothuthe.


English Translation 

Salutations to Dathathreya, who took alms in homes of villages,  

In golden pot and got several tasteful alms.

Shaloka 11 

ब्रह्मज्ञानमयी मुद्रा वस्त्रे चाकाशभूतले ।

प्रज्ञानघनबोधाय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ ११॥


Brahma jnana mayi mudraa vasthre chaaakasa bhoothale,  

Prajnana gana bodhaya, Dathathreya Namothuthe.

 English Translation  

Salutations to Dathathreya, who shows the seal of knowledge of Brahmam, Whose clothes are the sky and earth and who teaches nothing but pure knowledge

Shaloka 12


अवधूतसदानन्दपरब्रह्मस्वरूपिणे ।

विदेहदेहरूपाय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ १२॥


Avadhootha sadananda, para brahma swaroopine,   

Videha deha roopaya, Dathathreya Namothuthe.


English Translation 


Salutations to Dathathreya, who is a mendicant, who has form,  

of divine Brahmam and has the body form of the body less

Shaloka 13


सत्यंरूपसदाचारसत्यधर्मपरायण ।

सत्याश्रयपरोक्षाय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ १३॥


Sathya roopa sadachara, sathya dharma paarayana,  

Sathyasraya parokshaaya, Dathathreya Namothuthe.


 English Translation 

 Salutations to Dathathreya, who has the form of truth, follow good behaviour, Who is the strong follower of Dharma of truth and depends on truth as a matter of fact.


 Shaloka 14

शूलहस्तगदापाणे वनमालासुकन्धर ।

यज्ञसूत्रधरब्रह्मन् दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ १४॥


Soola hastha Gada pane, vana mala sugandhara,   

Yagna suthra dhara Brahman, Dathathreya Namothuthe.


 English Translation  

Salutations to Dathathreya, who holds the spear and mace in his hand, Who smells of forest garland and is the Brahman who organizes Yajna.

Shaloka 15


क्षराक्षरस्वरूपाय परात्परतराय च ।

दत्तमुक्तिपरस्तोत्र दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ १५॥


Ksharakshara swaroopaya parathpara tharaya cha,   

DAtha mukthipara stotra, Dathathreya Namothuthe.


English Translation 

Salutations to Dathathreya, who has a form that is not stable as well as one which is stable, Who is greatly divine among divines and I pray Datha for salvation.


Shaloka 16

दत्त विद्याढ्यलक्ष्मीश दत्त स्वात्मस्वरूपिणे ।

गुणनिर्गुणरूपाय दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ १६॥

Dath vidhyadya Lakshmeesa Datha Swathma swaroopine,

Guna, nirguna roopaya, Dathathreya Namothuthe.


English Translation 

Salutations to Dathathreya, who gives knowledge, who is the consort of Lakshmi, Who is the form of his own soul, has the form with properties and without properties.


Phala Sruthi 

(Effect of Chanting)

Shaloka 17 

शत्रुनाशकरं स्तोत्रं ज्ञानविज्ञानदायकम् ।

सर्वपापं शमं याति दत्तात्रेय नमोऽस्तुते ॥ १७॥


Sathru nasa karam Stotram, Jnana Vijnana Dhayakam,   

Sarva paapam samam, Yathi, Dathathreya Namothuthe.


English Translation 


Salutations to Dathathreya, this prayer destroys enemies,

Grants wisdom of religion and science and also removes all the sins.


Shaloka 18

इदं स्तोत्रं महद्दिव्यं दत्तप्रत्यक्षकारकम् ।

दत्तात्रेयप्रसादाच्च नारदेन प्रकीर्तितम् ॥ १८॥ ॥


Idham Stotram Maha Divyam, Datha prathyaksha Karakam,   

Dathathreya prasadascha, Naradena prakeerthitham.


English Translation 


This very divine prayer brings Dathathreya before you,  

And also gets you the grace of Dathathreya and is composed by sage Narada.


इति श्रीनारदपुराणे नारदविरचितं दत्तात्रेयस्तोत्रं सुसम्पूर्णम् ॥

English Translation 


Ithi Narada Purane Narada Virachitham Dathathreya Stotram Sampoornam.

Thus ends the prayer addressed to Dathathreya written by Narada from Narada Puranam.

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