Decoding the Panchang : How To analyse your Birth chart via 5 limbs of system

monthly panchang Decoding the Panchang : How To analyse your Birth chart via 5 limbs of system

Panchang — Panchang word is combination of Panch means Five and ang means limb.

This means Panchang is form with Five limbs.

Five limbs of Panchang 
The Five limbs of Panchang are
2) Thithi
3) Nakshatra

Now we know about all limbs of Panchang one by one.

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Var —
Var is Seven.
1) Ravivar Or Sunday
2) Somvar or Monday
3) Mangalvar or Tuesday
4) Budhvar or Wednesday
5) Guruvar or Thursday
6) Shukravar or Friday
7) Shanivar or Saturday
In Our Vedic system Var or day is changed after Sunrise. For example Today 18 may  2018 is Friday or Shukravar.  In Standard calendar day is changed after midnight and 12am and new day will be Saturday.
But in Vedic system day change after Sunrise. So suppose Sunrise in today is 6 am and Tomorrow 19 may sun rise at 6 am. So Vedic var of the day will be from 6am today to next day 6am. Means Shukrawar from 6 am upto 6 am next day 19 may. Hope you understand the var concept and don’t confuse with standard day system.
Now in our Vedic system, each var is ruled by a different planet. So according to their rulership in our classical book of astrology gives hints about their best effects on Native.
Ravivar(Sunday) — This day is ruled by Sun. So people born in this day is consider blessed by Lord Sun.
People born on Sunday is honourable by others. He has brown hair, eyes and body colour. He will be proudy or having ego or Proudness.
Somvar (Monday) — This day is ruled by Moon. So they are blessed by Moon quality.
So He will be sensual or having rajsic gun or having desires (actually word used is Kaami ). He will be charming. He will be kind from the heart.
Tuesday (Mangal Var) —- This day is ruled by Mars. So native is blessed by Mars quality.
So He is cruel. He will be interested in hard or argumentive words or speech. He will be interested in brave full acts.
Wednesday (Budhvar) —- This day is ruled by Mercury. So native is blessed by qualities of Mercury.
So Native is honoured, God and Brahman. He is very Good in communication. He will be polite in behaviour.
Thursday (Guruvar) — This day is ruled by Jupiter. So Native is blessed by Jupiter quality.
So Native is doing sacrifices or Yagya(यज्ञ). He is popular among kings or blessed by kings or loved by the king. He is virtuous or having best qualities. He is famous.
Friday (Shukravar) – This day is ruled by Venus.So Native is blessed by Venus quality.
So Native will be endowed with corn, land and wealth( Dhan dhanya Sai paripurn). He is dear to all. He has very sensual.
Saturday (Shanivar) — This day is ruled by Saturn. So Native is blessed by Saturn quality.
So Native is not so much intelligent or lazy. He will be lives on other foods and money. He will be always inclined towards the argument. He will be jelious. He will be facing obstacles from his relatives. He will be skilful.
Our Vedic calendar is based on the Lunar month and Lunar Thithi. One day of the Lunar month is called one Thithi.
One Thithi is time at which Moon moves 12 degree away from the Sun.
Means Tithi or lunar day is a period in which the difference between the longitudes of Moon and Sun changes by exactly 12°.
When Sun and Moon are at same longitude or in the simple same degree that day is called Amavasya.
Now when Moon travels 12° away from Sun then a new Thithi started. It is Pratipada or 1st Tithi. When Moon’s longitude is exactly 24° greater than Sun’s longitude, then second tithi finishes and the third tithi starts. When Moon’s longitude is exactly 36° greater than Sun’s longitude, the third tithi finishes and the fourth tithi starts. And so on……
You can see that Sun-Moon longitude differential will be (12 x n)° after exactly n  tithis. Where n denote the number of Thithi.
A lunar month consists of 30 tithis. Each month is divided into two fortnights  or pakshas
During Sukla/Suddha paksha or the brighter fortnight, Moon is waxing.
When Moon and Sun are at Same degree it is Amavasya. Now Moon is the fastest moving planet so it is going forward and moved away from Sun then Shukla pakhsha is Started. And so during the period when Moon moves 0 to 12° is 1st Thithi or Shukla Pratipada.
During this paksha, Moon is ahead of Sun by an amount that is between 0º and 180º.
At exactly 180° difference between Sun and Moon it is Purnima.
After Purnima new month of Krishna paksha started.
During Krishna/Bahula paksha or the darker fortnight, Moon is waning. During this paksha, Moon is ahead of Sun by an amount that is between 180º and 360º.
Note the point
When Moon is forward 0 to 7th Bhav from Sun it is in Shukla pakhsha.
When Moon is forward 7 to 12th , 12th to 0 Bhav it is Krishna paksha.
Here we consider Sun degree as midpoint.
Look at this chart. 
screenshot 2016 08 28 11 48 10 599 Decoding the Panchang : How To analyse your Birth chart via 5 limbs of systemMethod of calculations of Thithi
We can find the tithi running on a day from the longitudes of Sun and Moon using the following procedure.
(1) Find the difference:
(Moon’s longitude – Sun’s longitude).

Note –(Add 360° if the result is negative.)

The result will be between 0° and 360° and will show how advanced  Moon is with respect to Sun.
(2) Divide this result by 12°.
Ignore the remainder and take the quotient.
(3) Add 1 to the quotient.
You get a number from 1 to 30. That will give the index of  the tithi running according to chart.
(4) Refer to Table  and find the name of the tithi. There are 15 tithis and the same tithis repeat in the brigher and darker fortnights.
For example,if we get 22 from above calculation then  it can be seen fromthe table that the 22th tithi out of the 30 tithis is in Krishna paksha and it is Saptami.
So the 22nd tithi is “Krishna Saptami”.
We write the classification of fortnight  (Shukla or Krishna) first and then write tithi name. “Shukla Saptami or Krishna Saptami”
Where Shukla stands for “Saptami” in the brighter fortnight (shukla paksha),
i.e. the 7th tithi. “Krishna Saptami” stands for “Saptami” in the darker fortnight (krishna paksha),
i.e. the 22nd tithi.
Let us say that Moon is at 24°12′ in Gemini. So it’s mean
This is (2 x 30°) + 24° 12′ = 84° 12′ Moon
from the beginning of the zodiac.
Let us say that Sun is at 17°46′ in Scorpio.
This is (7 x 30°) + 17° 46′ = 227° 46′
from the beginning of the zodiac.
Moon – Sun = 84° 12′ – 227° 46′ =  –(143° 34′).
It is negative because Sun is at a higher longitude.
We have to add 360° to it to make it positive.
It becomes 216° 26′.
So this is the advancement of Moon with respect to Sun.
Converting this to a decimal number, we get 216.43°. We have to divide it by 12°.
We find 216.43 ÷ 12 and the quotient is 18.
So 18 tithis are over.
Adding 1 to it, we get 19 and
so the 19th tithi is running. Referring to Table , we see that this is
“Chaturthi” tithi of Krishna paksha (darker fortnight). So it is “Krishna Chaturthi”.
Now we have to know Moon is transit in all 12 sign in 28days.
Sun is transit 1 degree in 1 days.
So At 30 days  Sun is transit 1 sign
So at one Amavasya  to another Amavasya Moon has traveling 12sign + 1sign which is forward by Sun.
Suppose Sun in Aries sign and this time Amavasya so
After around 1month Sun in Taurus so
This time Amavasya in Taurus sign at when Sun and Moon degree is same .
So Amavasya in Taurus sign.
That’s my mean Moon travel 12sign +1 Sign where Sun is actually placed current time.
Now we understand the concept of thithi so we know the effect of thithi.
Pratipada (1st Thithi )
Person born in Pratipada tithi will be doing great deeds or verd hard work. He has good or nobel character or Punya charitra.
Dwitiyia (2nd Thithi) 
He will has aura(tej) on face. He has wealth of cattels (in modern day vehicle), power, strength, fame, wealth or money.
Tritiya(3rd Thithi) 
He will be religious or Punyatma. He will be suffering from fears or don’t having good physical or mental strength.  But he is smart in talking.
Chaturthi (4th tithi) 
He will be faithful of masses or public. He is wandering by nature or loves traveling. He will be experts in mantra.
Pancham (5th tithi)
He is very inclination towards learning of scared knowledge, ved, vedanga, sastra etc. He is sensual. He is rest less or movable by nature. His physical body constitution is thin.
Shasti (6th thiti) 
He has very little strength. But he is just king. He is very learned. But angry in temper.
Saptami (7th Thithi) 
His way of talking is very hard or harsh. He is Lord or leader of people. He may be suffering from kapha related issues. He is power ful man.
Ashhtami (8th tithi)
He is very sensual. He is very attached or loves his wife and children. He may be suffering from kapha related problems.
Navami (9th tithi)
He will be famous. He has very charming body or Tejasvi or looking attractive.
He has bad wife and bad children. He is sensual.
Dashmi (10th Thithi) 
He is very Punyatma.  His wife and children is expert in talking. He is honorable and wealthy.
Ekadashi (11th Thithi)
He is worshiping God and Brahman. He has many servants. He has many types of wealth.
Dwadashi (12th Thithi)
He is very interesting towards doing religious deeds. He is liberal. He is wealthy and scholar.
Tryodashi (13th Thithi)
He is very greedy and very sensual. He is wealthy.
Chaturdashi (14th Thithi)
He is very firecy temper, he desires other wives and wealth.
He is man who worship anicient and God
He brings fame for his kul or vansh. He is very cheerful and happy minded.
Apart from Thithi, Pakhsha has also impact on native. So we know the effect of Pakhsha.
Effect of Paksha
Krishna Paksha or dark half of month —
When a person born in Krishna Paksha he will be making argument regarding own work. He is devoty to his own mother. He is inimical to own relatives.
Shukla Pakhsha or Bright half of month —
When a person born in Shukla pakhsha native will be endowed with enough sons, grandsons and wealth. He is inclination towards religious activities or rightness acts. He is kind and liberal.
Effect Of Lunar Month or Mass
As we know that when Sun and Moon are exactly 180° away from each other then that day is called Purnima. And after that a new month or Mass is starting.
Now we think Sun and Moon conjunction at same degree then this day is Amavasya.
A lunar month means time taken by Moon between 2conjuction.
Means One Amavasya to another Amavasya.
Look at this chart.screenshot 2016 09 01 11 24 13 082 Decoding the Panchang : How To analyse your Birth chart via 5 limbs of system
When Sun and Moon conjunction is happens in Pisces Sign and Full Moon means Sun and Moon away exactly 180° then Moon in Chitra Nakhshatra then that month will be chaitra month.
For example today is Amavasya. And Sun and Moon conjunction happen in Leo sign. Again at the day of Purnima Moon is in Purvabhadra pad so this month is Bhadrapad.
I think you understand the concept of Maas.
Adimas concept —
As you know in our Maas system we found that some years there are two same Maas.
So we know this concept.
A solar year has about 365.2425 days.
Means Time taken by Sun to transit all 12sign and come again to Aries.
For make up this .2425 days we have a keep year in each fourth year.
A lunar year only has about 355 days. So to make up this gap once in every 3 year a extra Lunar month comes.
To decide when this extra Lunar month comes we has formula in our vedic system.
When ever Sun-Moon conjunction coming twice in the same rasi.  Means 2 Amavasya in Same Sign then that month two Lunar month is coming.
For example,
Sun-Moon conjunction took place at 0°23′ in Taurus on May 15, 1999 at 5:35:32 pm (IST) and again at 28°29′ in Taurus on June 14, 1999 at 12:33:27 am (IST).
Sun-Moon conjunction in Taurus sign so according to table it is Jyesta Maas.
So there are 2 conjunction so 2 Jyesta Maas.
One is called “Nija” or Shudha Jeshtha maasa and  the  other is called “Adhika” Jyeshtha maasa.
Nija means real and adhika means
extra. An adhika maasa (extra month) comes once in every 3 years and that
synchronizes the lunar years with solar years. This calendar has been in use in India for millennia.
First part 15 day and last 15 day of this 2 month is called shudh month.
Middle part of month is extra month or adhimass.
Effect of different Mass or vedic month
Chaitra Maas ——
If the  native born in Chaitra Maas native will be knows all all sorts of arts such as singing, dancing, writing, poetry etc. He will be also studied ved, vendnga, science etc. He has frequently enjoying party or happiness in lives. He will be interested in women.
Note : According to chart this Month Sun in Pisces Sign.
If Native is born in Baishaka mass then he may be experts in all shastra means all types of knowledge. He will be independent.  He will be king or Lord of big land.
Note : This Month Sun in Arise Sign.
Jyeshtha Month
When Native is born in Jyeshtha Month then he may has long lived children. He will be endowed with long lasting wealth.
He will be experts in Mantra, rituals and poetry.
Note this month Sun in Taurus sign.
Ashada Mass
When native is born in Ashada Mass then native is very wealthy. He is very kind and liberal. He is enjoying happiness of night. He will be criticizer of other or jeliousy for others.
Tips Sun in Gemini Sign those months.
Sravan Mass
The native born in Sravan Mass will be interested in workship  of God, Brahman, earth.
Tips Those day generally Sun in Cancer sign.
Bhadrapad Mass
The native born in Bhadrapad Mass is visiting many countries. He will be interested in tantra, or knowledge of theory of machinery. He will be honored by King or country.
Tips Those day Sun in Leo sign.
Ashwani mass
The people born in Ashwani Maas he will be hates own relatives and people. He will be poor and wicked man.
Tips Those day Sun in Virgo.
Karthik mass
The people born in Kartika mass he will be very strong physical body. He will be interested in doing agriculture works. He will have broad eyes. He has very much wealth.
Tips Those day Sun in Libra Sign.
Marigshira Maas
The people born in Marigshira mass he will be devoty of God, Brahman , elders and his parents. He will be religious.
Tips Those day Sun in Scorpion Sign.
Poosh mass
The people born in Poosh mass he will be endowed with wealth, strength or power and good qualities. His nose is elevated.
Tips Those day Sun in Sagittarius Sign.
Magha Mass
The people born in Magha  he will be wicked from Mind. But he will be involved in religious activities or rightness activities.
Tips Those day Sun in Capricorn Sign.
Phalguni Mass
The people born in Phalguni Mass he will be doing daily helping deeds. He will be fond of Music.
Tips Those day Sun in Aquarius Sign.
Effect Of Vedic Rithu
In our Vedic system Rithu are Six which has unique impact on native so we know the Rithu fal.
Basant Rithu —
Chaitra and Baishaka mass. Sun may be Pisces and Aries sign.
Person born in basant Rithu he will be long lived, wealthy and loves perfume.
Grishma Rithu —
Jyesta and Ashada month. Sun may be in Taurus and Gemini.
Person born in Grishma Rithu he will be clever in expense of water and wealth. He is interested in materialistic happiness. He has lean body limb. He has good budhi or intelligence.
Barsha Rithu 
Sharavna and Bhadrapad mass. Sun may be in Cancer and Leo sign.
He loves milk, salt, bitter taste. He is sweet in communication. His budhi or mentality will be very clear.
Sarad Rithu —
Ashawin and Kartika mass. Sun may be in Virgo and Libra Sign.
He is Punyatma. He will be handsome. He is happy and sensual by nature.
Hemant Rithu —
Margshira and Poosha mass. Sun in Scorpion and Sagittarius Sign.
He is Yogi, He has Lean body limb. He will be farmer. He is interested in materialistic happiness. He is capable.
Shishir Rithu
Magha and Phalguni. Sun in Capricorn and Aquarius Sign.
He is interested in bathing. He is charitable. He  loves rightness.  He is honoured and famous.
Effect of Ayana
As we know that there is 2type of Ayana
1)Uttarayna — The period when Sun transit from Capricorn sign to Gemini Sign then this period is called Uttarayna.
Means when in any horoscope Sun is in Capricorn, Aquarius, Pieces, Aries, Taurus, and Gemini native is born under Uttarayna.
Effect of Uttarayna
The Person Born in Uttarayna, he will be interested in gaining knowledge, vidhya, yog etc. He will be lives life with Morality.
When Sun transit from Cancer sign to Sagittarius Sign then this period is called Dakshinayana. Means when in horoscope Sun in Cancer, Leo, virgo, Libra, Scorpion and Sagittarius he will be born in Dakshinayana.
Effect of Dakshinayana
Native will be expert in communication, he knows Bhed niti very well, he has good intelligence and aggressive by nature.
Effect of Kaal in Birth Panchang  
Ushakaal —
(It may be from 4am to 8am.)
He has many types of happiness.
Tips — Sun may be in 2nd house, 1st house, 12th house.
Pratushakaal —
(It may be from 8am to 12pm)
He will be interested in own rightness jobs. He is doing good deeds and will be happy.
Tips — Sun may be in 12th house, 11th house.
Madhyana : —
(It may be from 12pm to 4pm)
He has good quality just like king. He will be wealthy from others wealth.
Tips– Sun may be in 10th house and 9th house.
Sayamkaal :–
(It may be from 4pm to 8pm)
He will be fond of perfume and women. He is wicked man and having wandering habits.
Tips — Sun may be in 8th house and 7th house.
Ratri kaal :-
(It may be from 8pm to 4am)
It is same as  Sayamkaal . Means He will be fond of perfume and women. He is wicked man and having wandering habits.
Tips — Sun may be in 6th house, 5th house, 4th house, 3rd house.
3) Nakhshatra 
At the birth of time of Native Moon in which particular Nakhshatra, this Nakhshatra is called Birth Nakhshatra of native. Suppose at birth time of Native Moon is transit on Rohni Nakhshatra so birth nakhshatra of Native will be Rohni Nakhshatra and birth sign or rashi of native will be Taurus Sign.
Effect of nakhshatra 
1) Ashwani Nakshtra – Pleasing Nature, Childish behavior, Dynamic, Quicker action (Just thought and just take action according to thoughts without losing time), Researcher (This make expert in many matter), Intelligent, God fearing, Strong in decision, Morality, Harsh in speak, Music lover, Sport lover, Adventuresome,
2) Bharni Nakshtra –  Experimental (Creating, Nutrition and destroying type), Luxurious, Over attraction toward opposite sex, Sentimental regarding Loss of own, Jealous, Transformation, Multiple interest in all matter, Criticism (Because no control of express own opinion), Time waster regarding unusual matter, Power of Jude right or wrong, Morality, Good Heart.
3) Krittika Nakstra – Cutters as symbol that’s why Sharp Minded, Harsh attitudes, Panic, Frankness.

Agni Dev is deity that’s Why Aggressive, Full of energy (Energetic), Extremely Temper, Critical action for all over, Always face blaming, Irresponsible, Pure heart, Spiritual, Honest, Hard working, Negatives Criticisms (Because they have power to catching lies of others and due to frankness in nature so told harshly to others), Moody ,Good Argument, Logical.

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4)Rohni Nakshtra – Symbol is An ox cart that’s indicating Agriculture, Fertility, Laborious work, Milk products, all agriculture related work

Lord Brahma is deity that’s why  Creative work Such as creative directors ,
Due to their good looking and attractiveness Model, Fashion designer etc.
Moon as ruling lord and Venus as rashi lord that’s why Art type work, Imaginative work, Such as Advertisement , photography, Editing, writing, Marketing (due to capacity of self expressions), Singing, Dancing, Musicians, Jewellery designing etc.

5) Mrigshira Nakshtra – Symbol is dear that’s indicating Active, Searchers (Meaning always try search new thing/Matter, Knowledge seeking), Alert(Always alert regarding upcoming Dangers), Doubting Nature, Suspicious, Observer

Nature is Mridu  that’s indicating Soft speech, Good speech, Gentle man behaviours, Clean heart,
Other Behavior  are Action oriented, Brilliant minded, Sensitive, Ashant Chit (Mentally trouble or unstable mentality), Selfish, Restless, Nervous nature, Sharp, Romantic, Sexually very active.

6)Adra Nakshtra – Symbol of Adra is A tear drop and moist that indicating they are Extremely Emotional, Confuside or Flicker type person

Deity is lord Rudra that’s indicating their Spiritual nature and also indicating  Renunciation, also they may be cruel or angry type ( stage up to destroyers way).
Ruling Lord is Rahu and rashi lord is Mercury that’s indicating good communicate, Hidden thinking, Imagination capacity (due to rahu as power of see insight), Doubting nature, double thinker, Fear, Suffering, Hard worker regarding own goals ,
Apart from this they are helpful, power to attracting people due to their own act. Very aggressive Minded.

7) Punarvasu Nakshtra –  Jupiter is ruling lord and water Tatvas that’s indicating  Spiritual, Religious, Well knowledge, Lack of Materialistic approach, Good heart, Truth full, Nobility, Purity. Punarvasu name means recreation and it is Shrishti Prakrithi Nakhshatra that’s why  No negativity (my means always Happy in any difficult situation), Power of Renew any thing or any matter @ any stage, so some time also its indicating Fickle nature, Challenge Lover,

Also they are good in communication, Hidden/Inner secret Nature, Helpful to other.

8) Pushya Nakshtra  shows effect of Moon, Jupiter and Saturn that’s why they are spiritual, Religious, Hard working, Helpful, Kind, Sensitive, Sincere, Cool minded, Systematic worker, Good Advisers, Caring nature, Protection to other, Expansion, Courtesy and Poise, Passions, Arrogant, Selfish in inner heart but always shows goodness to other, Fundamentalists.
9) Ashlesha Nakshtra –  Its deity is Nag Dev that’s why its behavior contain Nag quality such as Shy, Insecure feeling, Quick reactive, Hidden nature, Show case is soft but very dangerous in inner heart, Suspicious nature, Emotional, Dishonesty; Shameless, Independence lover

Due to moon and mercury and water Nakhshatra it is indicating Confusion in emotions, Good calculations and planning power, Cool but short Temper, angry, Intelligent, Attracting capacity, Ungratefully nature Such as Paltibaaj, Ambitious, Negativity.

10) Magha Nakshtra – Symbol is royal thrones and sun is rashi lord that’s why they behave like King such as Leadership quality, Caring nature, Helpful to other, Self active, self freedom lover in all matter including work, Socially active, aggressive, Cruel but soft in inner heart, Strongly dislike quality, Jealous, Egoistic, Proudness, confidant, Quickly resolving quality in any matter, Materialistic lover, Short temper,

Ketu is Ruling lord and Pitra Devatha is its deity that’s why  they are Ancient traditional lover, Love to following old believes, Spiritual, Religious, Respect to elders, Sanskari.

11) Purbphalguni Nakshtra – Its symbol is Bed and Ruling planet is venus Means they containing full venus material such as a lot of attraction towards opposite sex, Love, Enjoyment, Cleanliness, Attractive spoken power which attracted others specially opposite Gender, polite.

Sun is Rashi Lord so they are honest, Helpful, Charitable, Open Minded, Ambitious, egoistic, Freedom lover, Fame lover, Short temper or Impulsive, Attractive.
Bhaga Devatha is its Deity so they are Fortunate, Power of Mystical Nature, Lucky For others, Apart from this they are Generally restless in nature.

12) Uttarphalguni Nakshtra – Generally same as Purbphalguni. Knowledgeable, Helpful, Kindness, Charitable but only after looking needs, Sincere, Religious, Extremely Judging quality, Truth Finder through Own Knowledge, Respectful, Peaceful, Generally in settlement type, away from quarrel, Gentle, But lose temper, Egoistic, Comfort looker, Luxurious lover, Inclination towards Materialistic Desires, Restless, Mentally Sexual, Hard worker.
13)Hasta Nakshtra –  Hasta is a Nakhshatra which have power of all three Royal planet(Sun, Moon, Mercury) so that’s why they have power to control People, Motivate people, Inspire people. Also they are Helpful, Kindness, Loyal, some time cruel regarding punish to other.

Moon ia indicating emotionalism, Mercury is indicating Charming and beauty, with the power of sun and mercury they are Brilliant, Knowledgeable, good Strength, Sharpness, Selfcontrol.
Symbol is Hand so that’s why they are hard working, Art in hand means skills handed. He may projecting the magical art of Hand.
Apart from this they are spiritual, having fierce in temper (But also power to control him self)


14) Chitra Nakshtra – Mars is ruling lord and Mercury/Venus is rashi lord and Vishwakrama is deity that’s why they have power of creating with beautifully ways and Projected with intelligent way. Brilliance, Depth knowledge, Action oriented, Quickly challenging is show in their nature. Apart from this they are Glamorous, Luxurious lover, Selfishness projected to him self (But actually there are not selfishness from inner heart), Truth talker regarding advising other. They are full with Business skills, Judicial skills. They may be some time Hot Temper, Conceited, Corrupt, Extremely Lover, Forcing to other, Pressurized to other or own self. Spirituality is other quality in their behavior.
15)Swati Nakshtra – Swati Nakshatra deity is Vayu dev(Wind lord) so according to Vayu nature they are restless, independent lover, easily communications (actually they are Good in communications skills), Uncertain nature.

Rahu is ruling lord and with power of Vayu dev they are self confidence, Extremely powerful to doing any work, Good Dreaming Capacity and Convert this dream  in actual life, Intuition ability, Shameless, Rude to Maintained him independence.
Venus is Rashi lord that’s why Soft nature, Mild, Helpful, Friendly, Lovely in nature.
Apart from this they are religious, Good learner, Knowledgeable, Passionate, and some time selfish to doing own work. Also they are pure from heart. Creative new idea is also in their abilities but this idea Generally seems foolish but they have to power to prove their foolish idea to big one.

16) Vishaka Nakshtra – Vishka deity is Indragni its represent Power / position / Authority/Fire that’s why Vishaka natives are Highly Energetic, Full of Virago, Shows their presence before seen, Vulnerability, Restless, Make simple matter to Complex, Problem Creator.

Jupiter is Ruling Lord that’s why they are Religious, Truthfulness, Good learner, New thing research / Learner( as power of fire ), Intelligent, Own Principles, Modern way of Thinking (Due to Agni nature).

Venus and Mars is rashi Lord that’s why they are Good in communication skill, Good speaking ability with full of skills, Some time over Talkative, Alcohol lover/ Addiction (This is negatives effect not in all), Quarrels makers, Jealous, Criticizing nature, Worrying about own goals, Highly determined. 
17)Anuradha Nakshtra – Anuradha is a symbol of religious and Spiritual inclinations. They used this inclinations to developed own self. Anuradha falls in water sign and its belongs to fire Tatvas that’s why they are Emotional, Short tempered, Jealous, Secretive, Exterior, Attracting towards Opposite sex, Worrying about unseen matter, Privacy lover and always want a safeguard regarding own privacy.

Rashi lord is Mars and Ruling lord is Saturn . That’s why they have clear thoughts and logic. Brave, Knowledge, Wise, destroyer of own enemy, Leadership ability, Interest in ancient Knowledge, Dissatisfactions are Generally found.

Mitra is deity of Anuradha that’s why they are good in friend making, social, Honourable, joviality, Harmony.
18) Jyestha Nakshtra –  Indra is deity of Jyestha that’s why they are Reputable, Egoistic, Fear regarding own Power shifting, Immorality in doing own work, Power to control over family and taking responsibilities of Family, Own supportive circle maker.

Ruling lord is mercury and rashi lord is Mars that’s why they have analytic ability, Creative genius, Angry /Temper, High ambitious, Hard worker, Make there thoughts in action.
Apart this they are emotional sensitive, Good Heart, Occult lover, Mystery lover, Moody, Secrecy Maker and power to Hide secrecy, Generally don’t open there feelings.

19) Moola Nakshtra – symbol of Nakhshatra is Root which is indicating nature of person my means they are root finder of any matter just like investigate at the last stage. That’s why they are researcher, Worrying regarding hidden facts.

Rashi lord is Jupiter and ruling lord is ketu that’s why they are truthful (some time extremely truthful speaker which may hurting people), Religious, Inclinations towards both world (Spiritual and Materialistic), Dual nature, Fixed commitment, Fixed Opinion, very quicker. They are clever, intelligent, Political nature, Power to Manipulated people regarding own work, ambitious, Egoistic, and hard worker. They are good in speech and soft nature that’s why they are good friend maker,and have good friend circle. They loves to enjoying Luxurious Life and Fickle in relationship.

20) Purbashada Nakshtra – Aparajita is other name of this Nakhshatra this is indicating they are Winners quality in any matter and Don’t accept defeat in any conditions. Also power to solve problem (But Generally they used this quality to interfere others matter and try to solve other problem). They are hard working regarding their goal(also passion to wait a long time regarding their goal because they don’t accept defeat).

Apah is deity of Nakhshatra that’s why they contains some watery quality Just like hiding nature, Secretive, Mysterious, emotionally aggression and disturbing behaviors.
Jupiter is rashi lord and venus is ruling lord that’s why they are helping in nature, Kindness. Power to prove own self through debating quality and attractive personality ( This also make him Famous in society).Truthfully, Hate Hypocrisy, Inflexible and Friendly nature.

21)Uttarashada Nakshtra – 10 Vishvadevas is deity of Nakhshatra so that’s why they are Truthfulness, Genius, Skillful, Forgiveness, Kind, Brightness, Power to removing all obstacles.Sun is ruling lord that’s why they are Aggressive (Some time), Administrative Capacity, Modest, Forgiveness, royalty, Leadership, Very honest. Saturn and Jupiter is rashi lord which indicating Spiritual quality, Hard worker regarding their goal or achievement, Practical nature. Apart from this they are lazy but intelligent ,Perfect in there work, total involving nature regarding any task, Power of express own feeling without choosing harsh way (my mean in sweet method). They are Consulting nature, Hate hypocrisy, Soft spoken, Pure heart, and helpful. They have many friends (due to air Nakhshatra). They enjoying return favored and likeness by other.
22)Sharavana Nakshtra – Sharavana symbol is ear which is indicating good quality of hearing and learning. It also indicating Gossip nature.They believe in hearing and this attitudes some times creating misunderstanding.

This Nakhshatra is related to goddess Saraswathi, this is indicating Knowledge in education, Experts in various art form just like music, Dance, acting and other art form. Good adviser and helping nature through own knowledge and immense wealth of knowledge.
Lord vishnu is deity of Nakhshatra that’s indicating Intelligence, Extremely religious, Responsible and sincere to their duty, Fair and intelligent dealing quality, Large hearted, Kindness, Cleverest, Peace lover and try to setup peace in surrounding.

Ruling lord is Moon that’s indicating Sweetness in talks and neatness in work, Hyper sensitive, Overly open minded, Honest, helping nature through there knowledge, Multi tasking capacity, ability to connect mass.

Saturn is rashi lord that’s why they are hard worker, Extremely conscious regarding their work, Disciplined(set principles to own life and try to following this strictly), Ancient scripture/ knowledge lover, Debate nature (Tark Bitark ), Jealous nature, selfishness and adamance regarding their knowledge.
Apart from this they are very truthful upto highest limits such way they don’t compromise in any matter regarding truthfulness.

23) Dhanishta Nakshtra – Its symbol is drum which indicating their inclinations towards music, dance, and pleasure enjoyment. Deity is Eight Vasus who is consider very auspicious. That’s why they are symphony lover, Prosperity lover and power of adaptability. Its also indicating Fame and success, richness, Charity. Ruling lord Mars is indicating braveness, Aggressiveness, Frankness, Joviality, Group centric activity and younger look. Rashi lord Saturn is indicating Hard working capacity, Fixed in nature, insightful, generosity, Disciplined working way.

Apart from this native of Dhanista is show inclinations regarding materialistic world and Luxuriousity. They are argumentative and talkative, lust for success and fame (also worrying regarding this), Liberal in nature, Extremely adjustable regarding surrounding, careless, Power to make comfort surrounding they live, Sociability and adaptability by others.

24) Shatbhisha Nakshtra – Shatbhisha belongs to Spirituality, Physical Healing, Mysticism, Maya, Secretive vision. They are argumentative, clever, harshly in speaking (Because talking truth without hesitation ) and moody. They are liking Loneliness. Work with determined way ,Disciplined way and hard up to own power. Research and region oriented nature by scientific method. Also they do this research in philosophy (My mean scientific research in philosophy). They are facing depression, Laziness and absence of social skills (due to their rudeness attitude). Strong inclinations regrading knowledge up to extreme way.

Good confidence level to doing any work. Main problem of this native is their hidden nature and Secretive activity which make them suspicious in nature also for other.


25)Purbabhadrapad Nakshtra – Peace Loving, Religious and good morality, Principled, Honest, Practically, Idealistic approach towards Life, Knowledgeable, Super naturalism and Occult lover, Protectiveness, Secretive , Contradictory behavior, Spiritual, Religious, Dramatic, Adventurous, violent. One negative behavior which generally show by this Nakhshatra is indicating by their symbol two faced man. So they are simultaneously shows two behavior one face is very polite, genteel, soft and kindly other face is very violent, dangers and destructive. And they Usually switch between them according to surrounding and demand. They are prove very harmful for other if they used their knowledge to unsocial activity(also used there Super naturalism and Occult knowledge to harming other/wrong work)
26) Uttarbhadhrapad Nakshtra – Spiritual, Religious, Deep insights ,Wise, Good speaker, Inspiring, Disciplined, Kind, Humanitarianism, Smart, Hard worker regarding gaining knowledge, Gain knowledge through experience, Carrying nature, Good problem solving capacity, Fixed determined , But behavior is indefinite (Some time cool again angry), Aggressively Emotional, Fiery Temper, Lazy, Irresponsible, Over indulgence to sexual activity, Power to annihilate there Enemy. 
27)Ravati –  Good Communicating skills, Control other by own communicating quality, Power to handle pressures of Situation, Excellent in education and Knowledge, Good fantasy and imagination quality, Religious , Ethics, Soft spoken, Good lover, Beautiful in work, Creative thinker, Full with feeling, Over sensitive, Depressive, Temper, Jealous, Lack of self confidence, Sociable, Supportive and get support from others, Lucky, Clean hearted, Good counseling ability and sincere in works, Judgmental.
Each tithi is divided into 2 karanas.
Means the time taken by Moon to travel 6°.
There are 11 karanas
(1) Bava
(2) Balava
(3) Kaulava
(4) Taitula
(5) Garija
(6) Vanija
(7) Vishti
(8) Sakuna
(9) Chatushpada
(10) Naga
(11) Kimstughna.
The first 7 karanas repeat 8 times starting from the 2 nd half of the first lunar day of a month.
The last 4 karanas come just once in a month, starting from the 2nd half of the 29th lunar day and ending at the 1st half of the first lunar day.
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Suppose we took 2sep 2016 date and Panchang from Kashi Vishwanath Panchang.
2nd Shukla Thithi is rising at 2:21pm and end tomorrow at 3:23 p.m.
So lenth of Thithi is  25 hours 2miniute.
So Karan lenth is 12hours 3ominute + 1 minute. Means 12hours 31minute.
1st Karan from  start from 2:21Pm
End at
2:21pm + 12:31
14:21 + 12:31 = 26:52
Convert in standard time so deduct 24
2:52 am next day
Means end midnight Saturday at 2:52 am.
So 2nd Karan Start from 2:52 am to 3:23 pm Saturday.
Now look the chart
Today is Shukla 2nd Tithi so
1st Karan is Balava
2nd Karan is kaulava
Effect of Birth Karan 
(1) Bava — He will be acts just like children and will be Paratapi(Valiant).
(2) Balava — He will Shows polite nature and honour by King.
(3) Kaulava —-  He will be endowed with elephant, horse, Cow etc. He will be doing handsome or charming acts.
(4) Taitula —– He will be speaking softly and communicating impressively.He is religious and Punyatma.
(5) Garija —  He will be without enemy or getting victory over enemy and Paratapi.
(6) Vanija —-  He will be skillful orator.  And intregue with mistresses indulging a guilty passion for him.
(7) Vishti —- He will be hostile to every body and doing sinful acts.
He is independent by nature. He may be honored by his own man or relatives.
(8) Sakuna —– He will know future or time. He will has steady happiness. He will be knows everything but doing Anishhta (अनिष्ट) acts
(9) Chatushpada —- He is very polite, knowledgeable, famous and wealthy.
(10) Naga. — He is Tejasvi, very rich, honorable, full with strength and talkative.
(11) Kimstughna — He will be doing acts for others.  He has fickle minded. He is found of mirth.
5) Yog in Panchang
Yog is 27 according to Given table.
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Method of calculations of yoga

1) Add the longitudes of Sun and Moon.
2) Now if greater then 360  then remove 360º from the sum
3) Divide the sum by the length of one nakshatra (13°20′ or 800′).
4)Ignore fractions and  take the integer part.
5)Add 1 to it and the result is the index of the yoga running.
6) Now Refer to and find the yoga corresponding to the index.
For Example
Date 21/7/1984
Time 8:10 am
Sun —  4°53’32”  @ Cancer
Moon — 4°15’02” @ Aries
Now we find Yoga at that time.
Sun = 90 + 4°53’32”  = 94° 53′ 32″
Moon = 4° 15′ 02″
So Sum = 98° 68′ 34″ = 99° 08′ 34″
For easy in dividing we convert degrees in Minute
Sum = 99 × 60 + 8 + 34″
= 5940 + 8 + 34″
= 5948′ + 34″
For easy dividing we convert Nakhshatra in minute.
1 Nakhshatra = 13°20′
= 13× 60 + 20 ‘
=  780 + 20 = 800
Divide 5984 by 800
5984÷800 = 7.48
Take 7
Add 1 = 8
Look table
Yog is Dhriti .
Native birth time Yoga Is Dhriti Yoga.
Effect of Different yoga in birthchart
1)Vishkambha — He will be getting victory over his enemy. He is wealthy and endowed with wealth of cattels. He gets honour.
2) Preeti —- He will be interested in others women or under control of others women.
3) Aayushmaan — He will be long lived and healthy.
4) Saubhaagya —- He has good fortune and happiness.
5) Sobhana — He will be enjoying materialistic happiness.
6) Atiganda — He will be interested in killing.
7) Sukarman — He will be wealthy and doing righteousness acts or religious actss.
8) Dhriti — He will be interested in others women and wealthy.
9) Shoola — He is very angry and doing quarrel.
10)Ganda — He will doing weaked or mean acts.
11) Vriddhi —- He is expert in speaking or communication.
12) Dhruva — He is very wealthy.
13) Vyaaghaata — He is cruel.
14) Harshana — He is wise and knowledgeable. He is famous upto far away place.
15) Vajra — He is wealthy and sensual.
16) Siddhi — He will be just like Lord for many people. Many people dependent on him.
17) Vyatipaata — He will be fraudulent by nature.
18) Variyan — He will has wicked acts and having wicked desires including sensual matters.
19) Parigha —- He is inimical but wealthy.
20) Shiva —- He is knowledgeable of all sastra. He is wealthy and peaceful by nature. He is loved by king.
21) Siddha — He is religious and Inclination towards religious acts.
22) Saadhya — He has good conduct
23) Subha — He is charming by outlook. He is wealthy. He is sensual. He may be suffering from kapha related problem.
24) Sukla — He is religious or rightness person. He has inclination towards religious acts. He is expert in communication. He is angry by temper and tickled by mentality. He is knowledgeable.
25) Brahma — He is honorable. He has secret wealth. He is liberal. He has good jujdmental ability.
26) Indra —- He is doing such type of acts which is belong to universal benific. He has such type of intelligences through which he knows all things. He is intelligent and wealthy.
27) Vaidhriti — He is creating Maya. He is criticizing others. He is powerful. He is liberal. He is wealthy.
Apart from this Panchang there may be effect of hora on the native.
Effect of Hora
For Odd Sign
1st Hora — This is owned or ruled by Sun.
The person will be Cruel, sensual, wealthy  and honorable by King.
2nd Hora — This is Ruled by Moon.
The person will be skillful in speaking, charitable, handsome and kind. But his wife will be intriguing.
For Even Sign
1st Hora — This is Ruled by Moon.
The person will be bold or fearless in speech. He is lazy. He is fond of virtuous wife or he is fond of righteousness acts and own wife.
2nd Hora — This is Ruled by Sun.
The person  will be just like minister. He will be always remember those who helped him. He is fickle minded. He is very timid.
Now we predict a horoscope from Birth Panchang.
Sex —– Male
Date — 21/07/1984
Time :—- 08:15 am
Location —- 24N26 and 85E31
Now Birth Panchang
Var :– Saturday
Tithi —- Ashram
Paksha  — Krishna
Mass —- Sarvana Maas
Rithu — Varsha
Ayana — Dakshinayana
Nakhshatra — Ashawin 2pad
Birth Rashi — Aries sign
Karan —- Baalav
Yoga — Dhriti
Kaal — Pratushakaal
Hora — Lagan is Leo sign and degree of lagan is 14°30’34”. Leo is odd sign so lagan in rising 1st half so rules by Sun. So Hora is belongs to Sun.
Now we predict from Birth Panchang.
Var is Shanivar so Native is not so much intelligent or lazy. He will be lives on other foods and money. He will be always inclined towards argument. He will be jelious. He will be facing obstacles from his relatives. He will be skillful.
Next is Thithi
So Native is born in Dakshinayana so he will be expert in communication, he knows Bhed niti very well, he has good intelligence and aggressive by nature.
Varsha Rithu so he loves milk, salt, bitter taste. He is sweet in communication. His budhi or mentality will be very clear.
Mass is Sarvana so he will be interested in workship  of God, Brahman, earth.
Paksha is Krishna paksha so he will be making argument regarding own work. He is devoty to his own mother. He is inimical to own relatives.
Tithi is Ashtami so he is very sensual. He is very attached or loves his wife and children. He may be suffering from kapha related problems.
Hora is Sun hora so he will be Cruel, sensual, wealthy  and honorable by King.
Kaal is Pratushakaal so he will be interested in own rightness jobs. He is doing good deeds and will be happy.
Nakshtra is Ashwani so native is pleasing nature. He has childish behaviour. He is dynamic and doing quicker action (Just thought and just take
action according to thoughts without losing time). He is a good researcher(this make expert in many matter). He may be Intelligent. He is fearing from God. He is strong in decision. He has good morality. He may be harsh in speak. He is music lover. He loves Sport. He may be adventurous.
Birth rashi is Aries so native is agrasive, restless, and brave. Some time he may be act like foolish. He is not concentrate towards one work in long time. He may be fickle by nature.
Karan is Baalav so he will Shows polite nature and honour by King.
Yog is Dhriti so he will be interested in others women and wealthy.
Astro Pankaj Seth 

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Career in astrology: how to find career in vedic astrology, Identify Career, Profession type and Financial Success in Work by decoding Dashamsha (D10) Chart

Case Study Subject

Career in astrology: how to find career in vedic astrology, Identify Career, Profession type and Financial Success in Work by decoding Dashamsha (D10) Chart

career astrology Career in astrology: how to find career in vedic astrology, Identify Career, Profession type and Financial Success in Work by decoding Dashamsha (D10) Chart


Chart Details (Tithi and Nakashtra Explanation)

1 1 Career in astrology: how to find career in vedic astrology, Identify Career, Profession type and Financial Success in Work by decoding Dashamsha (D10) Chart

Note: This was an advance case study of one of the clients I did in a few years back, I am just sharing here for the technical understanding of chart how we can properly use of Divisional Charts while doing case studies. I thank Mr. XXX sir for allowing me to share the article in social media. I hope you will enjoy reading this.

Thorough Holistic analysis
General Nakashtra analysis

3 1 Career in astrology: how to find career in vedic astrology, Identify Career, Profession type and Financial Success in Work by decoding Dashamsha (D10) Chart

Based on Above Birth details Native is born under slight time difference of 3 min earlier 04 Seconds in Poorva Phalguni Nakshatra in 3rd Pada. On User request, we have omitted the time of birth for privacy matters.Being Birth in Poorva-Phalguna Nakashtra symbolically indicates the symbol of the front legs of a couch or Bed.

Here the Symbol indicates a place of comfort after fulfilling worldly duties as what it signifies in the previous nakshatra where one feel lots of hardships and efforts in accomplishing work. That’s the only reason why this nakshatra has a deep relation with life and soul Comfort and native usually born under this nakshatra seek a place for rest, relaxation, and Amusement after fulfilling worldly duties to think more about others part of life if we think from the spiritual point of view.

Thus this nakshatra deals with the renewal of energy we experience in our relaxing times, because of only this reason why people born under this Lagana nakshatra are very much creative in nature and the lord of the Nakashtra Itself rules the creative energy too, for Something to create or something to regenerate it into new form and this impact native will always definitely feel in  his whole life journey being born in rulership of Creative Nakashtra Lordship.

This clearly suggesting native should always involve himself in those applications or having creative intelligence in it or always seek knowledge of creativity with the idea of something designing in nature.What Nakashtra influence us in Lagana we must adhere it according to its characteristics.

My Suggestion was native must always involve himself in works those are ruled by the Venus or having a Venusian taste (Like beautification, Designing work, Musical instruments etc. all these are ruled by Venus with the need of government people or those are in authority to make it reachable globally).

As Venus is present in Lagana itself (making native creative and involving in Self Doing works) with Mercury (giving Analyzing Qualities) and Saturn (Work done by itself like a self-service,- Service industry works) – being lord of 3rd (Lord of creative Business Ventures or those need initiatives) and fall in 11th (Gain) from own Sign – Simply every work influenced by Venusian taste will always act as beneficial to him in every business venture or efforts.

Venus Mahadasha and AD period under Mercury or Jupiter would be much Beneficial in business growth.

As native is born under the Lagana degree of 20’ Le 47, falls under the 3rd Pada (Kama Pada – Desires) of Libra in D9 chart ruled by the Lordship of Venus – “This shows that Planet of Creation -Venusian energy would be the main active energy behind native life journey’s and goals connected with it, as a life mission to make something, to create something or to build something in a beautiful manner.”

This Pada can bring out the Indulging energy as well as a Creative Venusian aspect in life in much deeper level.This makes native love to travel, to counsel others and appreciate every beautiful aspect of people around the environment.

Again suggesting me native should take a beneficial edge of Venus for enhancing professional personality for any work or business ventures. Even same can be verified from being birth in 5 degrees ahead of middle of the Lagana again shows a Birth of a mature soul who is born to Realise its action in its relaxing period of life after being in an isolated time or in place – Here Deep isolation is adding an edge in his creativity & Making a deep creative thinker or person who can take much time to see its impact connected with the results.

Moreover Lagnesh Nakashtra (Venus) lord also present in the Lagana with Mercury and Saturn-  “indicating a person born for a life journey to accomplish Creative pursuits those are involved with the Analytical energy of Mercury with sense of keen observation, those who can Manage its resources well in a long race – Simply  native would have much Managerial energy for accomplishing long term projects.”

If we same check in D9 chart, The Nakashtra lord as well as D9 Lagnesh Venus is in Sign of Sagittarius – ” Sign which gives deep Independence, Divine thinking, Deep religiously attitude to solve any problems & Philosophical view point in life for understanding complex problems– being aspected by its own Dispositer lord Jupiter (3rd LordSkills learned in journey of life), Saturn (5th Lord – Inherited traits) and Mercury (12th lord – Analytic and researcher) – This makes Native should have to be involve in those pursuits which carries Deep Creative thinking, calculative tasks, Mathematical and Analytic approach in solving complex problems and issues those require lots of patience and need to manage many complex resources’s at same time.

As this Yoga is formed in 3rd and 9th house Axis – Life goal should be involve in doing independent works which requires lots of own efforts, creativity, Deep wisdom and sense of Religious bent of mind for understanding complex problems and also Making him a Boss of his own work where one doesn’t need to depend on others, where one need to establish a channel of communication with clients to finish its beautification of works, Simply communication is essential part in native work area.

Another thing is, as it is having aspect of three planets it makes native having strong desire to see the complex problems deeply with the grace of Saturn and Mercury influence because of Laganesh Nakashtra (creative intelligence) and Its lord involvement in D1 and D9 usually have major role play in Understanding life goals and soul purpose of actions in society.

As native is born in Poorva Phalguni Nakshatra in 3rd Pada ruled by Venus itself and being fall in its own Sign of Navamasa too – Venus is Simply ruling his intelligence to give a new perception or idea of thought in his life, for how he reacts to things in life, how he approaches his problems in life and Simply how he would like to apply his  intelligence to solve those issues and its placement in Lagana and D9 simply shows how he can achieve  fruits and do accomplishment in life connected with the life problems and goals in life.

It simply indicates what he need to do In order to get the work done which soul actually feels relaxed in doing it and how comfortable it will feel in achieving its fruits. It is those works which one can easily do in society and can be recognized with a little bit of efforts and contributions.


Observation based on Panch-Anga

Moving Further based on Panch Tattvas, Native is born in the Hora of Jupiter in Morning time and Hord lord is in  placed in the 11th house, 7th from own sign aspecting it again via 7th aspect (indicating Gain from House of friends, from your social circle) with the 12th lord Moon (12th from own sign, clearly indicates native need to travels a lot in order to create Social links in society) in 11th house (House of Social Circle) in Gemini Sign (Sign of communication and Hands based works which requires lots of Skills and assessments and for that one need to communicate with public authorities).

This clearly shows any work which involves public speaking, or public communication or Consultation or motivation sort of work will definitely gonna give  massive or huge gain from social or public sector. Both the combinations clearly indicating an involvement in profession where one need to work with public authorities and social masses- Simply native need to start working on those projects where there will be an involvement of public dealings,  having linked with social communities, or organization those do consultancy works or native need to establish an organization regarding same profile- in order to get huge gains from his Social networks.

He should need to organize Public Conferences, Public camps or any sort of platform where one can deliver his viewpoint openly and able to make a huge or massive social network. So any software or project which has a deep correlation with the public platform or social delivery which involves or requires deep encouragement or spiritual motivational speech work, sure gone give massive name and fame.

Reason being Jupiter is 5th house (shows Creativity and followers) and  8th lord too (House of Research and Deep problem solving abilities and Knowledge of Jyotish and occult) placed in the 11th house, clearly indicating one need to do those works which  need revelation of Deep and Divine wisdoms those are very creative in nature, requires many social links or social communication with  friends, where one need to do lots of research work, deep assessment to accomplish tasks which can give great, Name, Fame and Success in society.

Hora is basically an Hour based System shows what sort of work one should do which can give opportunities or source of resources for earning. Based on rising hora one can able to know the planet responsible for Prosperity and growth connected with the work and wealth – Majorly Birth in Particular Hora decides how lucky you are born for Earning Name, Fame, wealth & Financial Prosperities via resources linked with the hora lord.*Important Point:

Here native is born in Jupiter Hora, also lord of 5th house Shows source of earning, income and prosperity would be related to the matters of 5th house i.e inborn talents, skills, creativity linked with the hands (3rd) and communications via bussiness, 5th lord jupiter being placed in the 11th house in sign of gemini (Shows via communications, skills and hands) aspecting the 5th house too. Moreover, Dispositer lord of 5th lord jupiter is placed in lagna in sign of leo (again shows, sign linked with the creativity and designing) with the 3rd lord (Bussines, initiatives and skills) venus and 7th lord Saturn (Service giving bussines) – ” Cearly indicating source of earning and income would be via bussiness based on hands based skills which involves lots of communication skills “.  Overall suggests  – Work of Spirituality, Creativity, Designing, Management, skills, Software’s connected with Jyothish, Vedas, and ancient Scriptures with close associates or those friends who are in this field will helps a lot to native to grow much in professional sphere.

Later based on observation, I had Simply suggested native to involve himself on those projects where he needs to communicate with social communities via his software projects or make those software applications where he needs to connect with the people for reviews and work should have a close link with jupiterian traits. More he works in this area, more he can do well in his work and he should proceed in this life path to a get greater rise in his financial prosperities, as what Jupiter as Hora (Wealth) Lord Signifies.

Moreover native Yoga (Opportunity giver) Lord Is again Venus placed in the 1st house (Being lord of 3rd house (indicates Communication with close associates) and also lord of 10th house (indicates Work connected with Creativity and designing) – again gives me clue why native need to do those works which require deep creativity, as Yoga lord is well placed in the lagana ( 1st house is mainly linked with the Name and Fame in Society) with Mercury and Saturn.

My Suggestion was native should involve himself in Software designing of subjects those are mainly linked With Spirituality, Scriptures, Jyotish and Vedas.

As both the Yoga (Venus) as well as Hora (Jupiter) Lords are well placed having 3/11 relation to each other in Natal chart (shows Gains and Ventures via Jupiter and Venus). Dashas of Venus and Jupiter will bring greater rise and prosperity.

Most important factor is, native is born in “Vamsa –Kshaya Amsa” in D60 chart, which shows knowledge connected with the higher subjects i.e Vedas or Vedanga, Upanishads, and also shows involvement in above subject lines or having knowledge in professorship or native should do the work of Linguistics, connect with Vedic People, Astrologers, and Grammarians.

Even 10th Lord of the D1, Venus is also in the Amsa of “Ati Sheetla” in D60 chart further shows people who perform yaganias or those people connected with priests ship or any religious activities or people belong from those traditions (also those Signifies Karka of Jupiter).So, Jupiterian traits are very positive in the native chart for higher works in society.
If we see thoroughly in D1 chart, 9th Lord Mars is the key Player in native chart for getting Luck and Divine blessing from Almighty – who is supposed to be placed in the 2nd house in the nakshatra lord of Sun – also Placed in the 12th house- this Clearly indicating me that native need to travel a lot or he should need to change his area of living frequently  or he should do lots of travelling or he should do travel in other than his birthplace.This will definitely bring luck and rise in his career.
In this case, Luck will rise in Abroad or in foreign countries or when he will work with people those are not belong from his own communities or his own place – There will be a Travelling regarding his Work or profession which could become a reason to Change his Birthplace or Settling in abroad. 

D1 Analysis (Rasi Chart)
3 1 Career in astrology: how to find career in vedic astrology, Identify Career, Profession type and Financial Success in Work by decoding Dashamsha (D10) Chart

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Based on D1 Chart native is born in Leo Lagana (Sign of creativity, working with senior authorities and Govt people or) In the Hora of Jupiter (Hora Lord is in 11th house too – clearly indicates Earning via 11th house matters), with 20th degree (In Between Middle degree – Makes native very much Mature, Sensible and deep thinker as well as having an Entrepreneur decision making ability but somehow being born into Leo Sign it also makes one Arrogant and proudly too).

Moreover, 10th Lord Venus (Ruling Career Profile) is in 1st house of Name, Fame and Creative sign, being placed in 4th from own sign (10th house in Fixed Sign of Leo) native might have faced initial Hardship & Struggle in the career during early childhood age up to Bachelor degree period.Native Might had faced problem in career selection during his studying period and further didn’t able to get the desired job in own birth country and because of this only reason native might had decided to leave his homeland in search of better work and career prospects in abroad.

Placement of 10th lord in first house also indicates native might do most of his work by own, independently or by sitting home or in an environment having homely work feel or culture where one need to arrange work or office setup at home or where one need to do those work which requires much learning or where one seeks peace, comforts in work profile, Simply a peaceful work profile.

As 10th lord (Venus) is in 1st house native can only succeed by self or own efforts or can say success without any body help or success by  own ventures, or via an entrepreneurship – indicating Success in business ventures as 10th lord is placed in 1st house,  conjoined with 7th lord (Saturn-Karka of Self serviced based Business – where on need to do own work without any employer or any colleagues, where one is own Boss and own Employee) and 2nd lord (Mercury – Karka of IT, Computer, Analysis, Telecommunication and Business management).

So, any business ventures where one need to lead any Project by own efforts will definitely suit native work profile and taste of work.

As Venus (10th lord is in Uttraphalguni Nakashtra in 1st Pada ( Artha Pada ) – ruling Wealth and Money matters, ruled by Sun placed in 12th house – native will definitely get Monterey success with clients those are involved in Authority, Govt projects or will be living in abroad or native might get help from those are living in abroad to attain success in business ventures.


If not, native should involve himself with people those having a link with Govt people or working with govt authorities, or those are having links with govt authorities – It will definitely give huge success in business projects and for that, native might need to conduct long travels to make his ventures successful.

My suggestion was native should go for projects those are belong from other than is his own lands – I.e Countries like Russia, China, Japan, Korea, India, North Canada, Australia etc. mainly those are fall in either Northern or eastern directions from his place of living.

In Native case, the 10th lord is well placed from the Sun too, falling in 2nd from the Sun suggesting, Creative works will be best suited for career and financial growth.In his case 10th lord from the Sun (Seen for work  which gives Name and Status in Society) is  in Sign of Aries (Sign of Higher engineering and ruled by logical part), lord mars is placed in 2nd house with the 7th lord Rahu–” This is quiet an indicative of Manufacturing and production of Any Techno oriented projects, Requires higher Mechanical modular structures, I.e Computer Chip coding oriented sort of work, very much technical and highly robotic in nature or sort of or we can say which requires very much higher level of engineering in Communication technologiesto build those gadgets having Aeronautical/mechanicalbackground in nature and this sort of project work definitely add an added or an impressive edge in native work efforts if we compare from other projects.” 

Reason Being mars is sitting in the 2nd house with Rahu (Indicative of Highly Technical chip oriented Gadgets) in the sign of Virgo (Signifies Analytical projects and assessment and technical Sign of Higher engineering) with HL (Hord Lord (Mercury – signifies sources of income via IT related work deeply linked with bussiness or self-efforts )– hora lord is placed in 1st house with Saturn and Venus – all the planets are placed in 4th (Kendra- shows Desire or resources) from the Jupiter (Shows Luck and fruits ) and Moon (Conscious mind, Sukh, or comfortably one can do) where Arudha Lagana (AL) is also there and moreover it is also  placed in 9th from the Karkamsa (usually for Natural talent or inborn skills) too in D9 chart too– Clearly indicating Work of Higher level engineering which requires lots of Brain investment in Production or manufacturing of Robotics Gadgets.

Although it is placed in Kendra from Jupiter and Arudha Lagana – This will definitely add an extra edge in his work profile but after sacrificing lots of money and losing lots of peace of mind and patience. Malefic in kendras are good for material benefits but negative for peace of mind.

So before implementing this project , Native should need to think twice or many times to make it executed but usual work of Venus will still give much monetary gain during its Dasha and Antardasha period.
If we look from the Moon (Usually Seen for Available resources, indicator of those works where one can feel comfortable and gives freedom of mind or opportunity to earn more), 10th from the Moon is Sign of Jupiter (Pisces – Indicates Highly Spiritual and Imaginative tasks) – Ketu is placed there, (Signifies working with Spritual Products or tasks where deep imagination and calculations involves or working with Techno Gadgets those requires high level of mathematics and logical approach in it), and Dipositer lord Jupiter is placed in 11th house (Signifies House of social circle – Consultancy with Social Network) with Moon and AL itself, clearly shows –Work of Jupiterian traits will definitely give much more opportunities to earn money via involvement with social circle tools or applications.
As Ketu is in placed in 10th from the Moon – Products those are linked with Jyotish, Spirituality, Motivations, encouragement and ancient scriptures of Vedas or traditional work will definitely add an edge in his business prospects and can better help in the growth of his business.
Most important factor is all the planets are placed in Lagana are falling in 3rd from (Upchaya- which requires efforts) the Moon Sign too – clearly indicating all the dashas of Saturn, Mercury and Venus will  definitely involve native in those creative works where he needs to think from Managerial point of view and need to adopt creative thinking which requires project management skills in order to finish projects those are purely linked with Skills or hands based jobs like coding, designing, planning, and layout or an encoding of works.
Comparatively Dashas of Saturn will be much struggling wrt to Venus and Mercury as seen from the Moon Lagana.As 3rd from the Moon Lagana always indicates one need to put extra efforts, initiatives or one own skill and it also indicates Jobs or tasks those are based on Creatively in nature or hands based jobs and malefic placement from the Moon Lagna in upachaya sthan always makes one more hardworking in nature and one need to put much efforts to finish tough jobs or tasks or to accomplish Projects.It always requires extra efforts to accomplish any goals or tasks.

In native case, one of an Important thing is Moon Disposition Lord Mercury is also in good strength and well placed in 3rd house from the Moon in 1st house with Saturn and Venus, Creative writing projects or Documenting’s of data sort of work will be much fruitful – i.e coding, designing or layout of projects always be beneficial to him.

In D1 chart Karka of Service and Karma Saturn is having 3/11 relationship with the Jupiter (Planet of Luck, fortunes, fruits and Divine grace and opportunity) and also placed in 3rd house to it  – Though it is not badly placed from the Jupiter but this placement usually suggests, more he will put efforts more he can get results or more he can gain via efforts or via creative or skilled based initiatives.Here native needs much efforts in order to finish any work or to get ideally good growth in his career and work front.

3/11 is a relationship of gain after putting many efforts and usually one get good results after involving in as many as new initiatives or new beginnings or ventures. More he thinks from the creativity point of view via new initiatives and ventures more the gain he can attain via divine grace.
D9 Analysis (Navamsa Chart ) for Career
4 2 Career in astrology: how to find career in vedic astrology, Identify Career, Profession type and Financial Success in Work by decoding Dashamsha (D10) Chart

If we see Natural factor of Career from D9 Chart (Navamsa  is actually representative of Dharamsa, or it indicates those Work or karma which actually soul seeks or would like to do in Society or wanted to do in society), placement of 10th lord of d1 and d9 matters most for identification of career type along with dasha lord signs.

In D9 chart 10th lord of D1, Venus is placed in  sign of Sagittarius in 3rd house (Shows self-efforts, bussiness Intitiatives, Hand based skills and communication oriented work) having aspects from Saturn (hardworking nature, shows Service oriented work), Mercury (shows intereset in creativity and Skilled oriented work) and Jupiter (Having Deep intereset in Knolwedge and wisdom, involves in Guidance and counsiling) – ” Clearly Indicates any sort of Skilled based Deep creative tasks or bussinness intitaives, having deep link with Spiritualty and guidance and Managerial work will definitely suit as per his choice of work native wanted to do in society and this will definatly help in getting gain in career growth.”

Being Birth in Libra Lagna in D9, Lagnesh in 3rd house in sign of Sagittarius, 10th lord Moon in Lagna making native very much skilled, Self dependent and creative and having an edge over business dealings or joint ventures, Venus being placed in Sagittarius sign making native much optimistic in nature and adding generosity, playfulness spontaneity and love for adventure in his life initiatives.

Part of native soul always likes to spread goodwill, tolerance, and acceptance for different kinds of people he may meet in society while dealing with people.For native, Traveling or at least moving around quite a bit in order to make connections is much important for making social connections.

That’s the only reason I had advised  native to keep on involving himself in consuling with people, more he can able to bring people together in an atmosphere of openness, friendship, and possibly more he will learn in his work ventures.He should not be irresponsible towards others or of promising anything being good at the moment which he cannot fulfill or will not follow through it.

In native case Venus is also AMK  (Amtya Karka– signifies Social Work, Bosses in Office, Career, Action) placed in 3rd house from the D9 Lagana having Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter placed in 7th house from it –Though 7th always either act as Maraka (if it is Malefic, blocks or obstructs and if it is beneficial it will act as opportunity giver) or the doorway for the future action, In  native case Mercury and Jupiter are acting as beneficial for bringing new opportunities in career growth but Saturn somehow may give trouble in achieving goals on time. This might be the reason why native was not getting good opportunities for career growth during Saturn Mahadasha period, although in Libra Navamsa Saturn is a Yogakarka planet and it is also placed in the friendly sign of Gemini in 9th house but still being placed in 7th from it acting as a blockage for new opportunities in career.
From AMK Venus,  Mercury and Moon are best placed in D9 chart, lord of 10th from AMK placed in 7th to itself, whereas Moon is 10th lord in D9 placed in Lagana falling in 11th from the AMK – Suggesting me Dashas of Mercury and Moon always be beneficial to for native career growth.
Period of Mercury from 2018 onward under Saturn Mahadasha would be much beneficial regarding work and career front and it will bring many new ventures or opportunities, Mercury will act as a doorway during 2018 onward being the disposition lord of Saturn(also MD lord).
If We Look out Karkaamsa (KAK) Position in D9 – “Representing the Soul desiring work” – 10th from KAK having Sign of Jupiter (Pisces) having Graha aspect of Saturn from 10th Sign and lord Jupiter is itself placed with Saturn and Mercury aspecting AMK Venus (having close link of AMK and KAK, Soul and work are deeply linked) – “clearly indicates Native soul desire is to work on subjects those are very knowledgeable in nature, having traditional knowledge taste with essence of divine grace of Jupiter, creative in nature, which involves lots of mangement skills, observations, analysis and mathematical and logical assessment” – So my suggestion was native should work on creative ideas of making Jyotish softwares, or working on Ancient scripture’s or Vedas or presenet those ideas in Creative form or make some sort of Scriptural softwares.
As AMK and KAK are both in Mutually involves to each other in 3rd and 9th axis, native Soul and Spirits are purely aligned with Creative works or task those having taste of deep Jupiter oriented works and it usually works of own or self-independent work, primarily native is born for doing business.

Venus Usually Signifies – “Designing and Managerial oriented tasks and Jupiter Signifies – Divine, Spiritual and vast traditionally linked Subjects i.e Scriptures or Shastras etc, Mercury Signifies– Analytic and mathematically oriented tasks and Saturn shows –traditional knowledge of old and bringing it into new shape and form.

My Suggestion was native must involve himself in something creative ventures in future to yield better results.

D10 Analysis ( Dashamsna Chart ) for career

5 1 Career in astrology: how to find career in vedic astrology, Identify Career, Profession type and Financial Success in Work by decoding Dashamsha (D10) Chart


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Dasamsa chart is the main key to understanding micro activities in societies. In Native D10 chart, Aquarius ascendant or Kumbha Lagna is rising and Lagnesh is placed in the 9th house with 5th lord Mercury in sign of libra (Showing Natural Interest in doing business and consultancy related work having link with assessment, management, Logical and mathematical related work), As it is placed in 9th house – Self work is best suggested.Usually, these type of placements always shows own independent work is best preferable in the future life.

Another thing is Being Born in Aquarius Lagana it is making native very natural from both inside and outside,  exactly what he is from the core, purely original, deep thinker and analytical and research oriented mind; shows there is no difference in between his facade and inner composition.

Being birth in Airy sign shows native must work on subjects those are related to Sharp intelligence, analytical management, logical patterns, deep observations, which involves need for resource management and gathering knowledge on subjects those are scientific in nature and part of always inspires to think more – In General, ” IT, Project Managment, Managerial tasks and Resource Management are best suggested for native”.

In his case Lagnesh (Saturn) is placed in the 9th house in D10 in exalted state, also happen to be lord of the 7th house (Independent Business or Self administration) of D1, also placed in another Airy sign with mercury – ” clearly telling me anything related to mutual Knowledge sharing and logically oriented work will definitely be gone make him successful in his ventures those are built on mutual resource sharing or combined efforts or tasks those are based mutual partnerships or common ground.”

If Native work on many resources with large-scale or masses across the globe he will definitely be going to be successful.

Only efforts required from the native side is need of increasing his social resources and connections and area of the working circle. Travelling as much as he can do and more he can make as much as social links more he will get the social name and fame in society.

Another Important point is Lagnesh Is falling in 9th (Trine) from Moon Lagana in D10 too – Dasha periods of Mercury and Saturn would be beneficial in his own ventures whereas Mercury would be most beneficial then Saturn.Though Saturn is also falling in trine to Moon too, Being a natural malefic and slow-moving planet result would be delayed during its dasha period.In Native case, Saturn won’t be too bad for own ventures but it might slow down the pace of monetary gains, being Karka of delays and Slow pace movement in transits.

Another important point is Saturn having 6/8 relation (signifies Delays and hurdles in opportunities and growth) with the Jupiter (who is also lord of the 2nd and 11th house – Signifies wealth matters + Planet of opportunities) in D10 chart, getting aspect from another lord of Aquarius – The North Node Rahu from the 5th house – Usually these type of scenarios always troubles in getting long projects or contracts, Native won’t get enough opportunties in getting long lasting beneficiary contracts In the Dasha period of Saturn, may be he might get low paid projects, Short term projects or contracts or people whom he is having contractual deals might brake their promises for long term goals and this can trouble  his bussiness ventures in long range benefits during dasha period of Saturn.

Moreover, Saturn is afflicted in 9th house by the Presence of Gulika being placed in the rear to Saturn in the sign of Libra, so unknown troubles and obstacles will be there in creating hurdles and obstacles in business growth. This might give him unwanted delays in his projects or unknown hurdles from unknown people during the dasha period of Saturn, as Saturn is placed with Gulika in Bhadhaksthana too, so cause would be unknown hurdles from unknown people (Mostly belong from other than his communities) and delays will be obvious, as the Helping Hand Mercury is placed in 24 degrees ahead of the Saturn in 9th house – So native have to wait till Mercury Dasha reach its maturity period.

Usually, I have seen Saturn in Bhagayasthaan always gives slow pace success or success in last period of the dasha.

So native need not lose his patience,  it might bring him slow results but success should be there as Saturn is exalted in 9th house, only thing is dispositer lord Venus is placed in 8th from the own sign too and having exalted Rahu too in 9th to 9th house.

Moreover, 10th lord Mars is placed In the 8th house from the 10th house with North node – delays, hurdles, and late success is for sure even if he try his best efforts. Fruits will be there but after major delays, after attaining maturity age in 9th house.

Right now Both the transits (Rahu and Jupiter in the year 2015) are placed in 7th house in d10 falling in 11th from Arudha Lagana – native might encounter deals but it might get delays till the conjunction is severely afflicted in the house of business.

Another important point is 6th lord (Karka of Service) Moon is bit under state of  an afflictions from Rahu and Mars in D10 in the sign of Gemini and Moon and Saturn are falling in 5/9 relationship too with mars and Rahu–” unwanted delays in projects or short contracts might break his rhythm in financial stability during dasha periods of Mars, Rahu, Moon and Saturn Pratyantar under Saturn MD period”.

Usually Rahu in 5th house in D10 gives Short contracts those are not beneficial in long terms gains and in native case it is with Mars and Moon too, so it might frustrate or imbalance or bring some sort of emotional turbulence wrt to career stability, as 6th lord Moon is with Mars in Gemini in Ardara nakshatra, Nakashtra lord is again placed in same house, 9th from Al too.

Interesting point to notice is that both Mars, Rahu and Moon all are placed in 9th from AL(Arudha lagana) – this combination might not able to get him full support from his higher bosses, senior authorties or people those are in position or having authority to give him projects or contracts for his future ventures –as 9th to 9th house is 5th house, seen for super bosses or higher or the persons who are in authorties, where 10th lord Mars is also placed with Rahu – ” Obstructions in future projects will be there.

Due to the placement of two malefic in 9th from AL – usually indicates Inability or non-responsive behavior from the Higher bosses or from the people who are in senior positions or in authorities in companies, might be because of negative impression or lethargic display of already running projects in past years.

My suggestion was to try to fix or complete those projects on time and do not stretch any projects too long for the much longer duration or periods.

Try to make projects of short length or hire short projects and try to make harmonic relationship with People those are in authorities or positions, As Sun is also lord of 7th house in D10 and lagnesh in d1 chart placed in 10th house from AL and in 6th house – Native need to make Harmonic relationship with people those are in authorities and need to improve his negative behaviors or attitudes toward them for better professional relationship between them or those whom he is going to make partnership or contractual deals.

So, native should have a harmonic relationship with them in order to get beneficial results from senior authorities.

From financial and materialistic point of view, Aquarius ascendant people generally observed to be satisfactory; and unless, there are significant weakness on the part of Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury, the financial aspects remain safe and secured.

In  Native D10 chart 10th lord of D1 Venus is placed in Taurus, in 4th house in D10, considered to be a very good placement, because of this native always prefer an overall sense of comfort and happiness in his career or business or want to work from his home or might having work environment like a home.

This might be the reason why he always prefer those works which can give him first peace and overall comfortable environment or be working in his home like environment but important point to notice is that it is placed in 8th from the AL and 12th from the Moon in D10, too much lethargic nature can give him loss of business  – So native Should not ignore helping hands from females members in his business ventures.Whenever there is an opportunity to take help from members of opposite sex try to mature, it will always add fruits to his business.

For Aquarius ascendant, The planets Mercury, Venus and Saturn are most auspicious and the good placement of any one of these can generate strong positive results during their Mahadasa, so native always need to work according to these karkas.

Venus becomes the Yogakaraka planet for Aquarius Ascendant people. And, it is not only capable of generating auspicious Yogas but cancelling/diluting the other inauspicious planetary influences on the horoscope. Moon, Mars and Jupiter are inauspicious planets; and, capable of damaging the positive attributes of the planets/houses under influence.

However, Jupiter, if strongly placed, is capable of giving positive results in terms of finance; while for other aspects, the role of Jupiter is not much auspicious for Aquarius Ascendant people.

Similarly, Mars (if strong and well placed) can give some positive results related to professional prospects; while for other aspects (specifically marriage and health); the role of Mars is not very supportive. The union or mutual relationship between Mars and Jupiter usually results in selfish, arrogant and a bit negative shaded personality.

As in the native case, lord of the seventh house of Lagna Chart, the Sun becomes the Marak planet; and capable of causing physical or mental sufferings, specifically when it is having relationships with Moon, Mars and/or Jupiter. The union of Mercury with Saturn generates a strong and powerful combination (Yoga), specifically when both these planets are well placed and safe from combustion.

Conclusion: From the above Divisional charts including D9 and D10 chart assessment we can clearly say native will be successful in business ventures in  IT & Project management related business but it might take time to get success or to fully flourish the IT business, soon after Mercury Dasha period under Saturn Maha-dasha period.This way we can understand that how important are the role of Divisional charts, whereas to pinpoint the micro work-related events analysis of D1 and D10 (Dasamsa) chart is most important for the understanding of hidden secrets of work and career front. In Next section, we will discuss Native Financial stability, career achievements, Name, Fame, life goals, various past events and other growth factors Via different Dashas, transits and Jyotish tools.

continue Career in astrology: how to find career in vedic astrology, Identify Career, Profession type and Financial Success in Work by decoding Dashamsha (D10) Chart



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Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Progenyanalysis Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Introduction :

“I take shelter of Lord Hari, who is the unborn, eternal Supreme Personality of Godhead. UponRemembering Him, a reservoir of all auspiciousness is produced, Obeisance’s unto Him who is the destroyer of all obstacles, who the knowers of Vedanta describe as the Supreme Brahman, and who others describe as the pradhana, or totality of mundane elements. Some describe Him as the supreme male person, or purusha, while others describe Him as the Supreme Lord and the cause of the creation of the universe.”

(Vishnu Purana).
Om Guruve Namah 
Om Namo Narayana
Om Kreem Kalikaye Namah

“या देवी सर्वभुतेषु छायारूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥११॥”
The goddess who is omnipresent as the personification of universal Mother.The goddess who is omnipresent as the embodiment of power.
The goddess who is omnipresent as the symbol of peace
I bow to her, I bow to her, I bow to her again & again

Note: This was an advance case study of one of the client I did in a few months back, I am just sharing here for the technical understanding of chart how we can properly use of Divisional Charts while doing case studies. I thank Mr. XXX sir for allowing me to share the article on social media. I hope you will enjoy reading this.

Case Study: Analysis and Scope of Progeny

p053dbgk Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth


Prashna Asked: When will native can enjoy the happiness of Childbirth. Why there is a delay in childbirth.

Natal Chart ( Native Details)
1 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth
Basic Details of Native :
3 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth
General Natal Chart Analysis


Based on available birth details, rising Navamsa is Scorpio having a difference of 7 minutes earlier and 3 minutes later. That further confirms that possibility of error in birth time is less based on past life events as discussed earlier with the native. As most of the physical, educational traits, skills, and qualities justifying or advocating for Scorpio lagan with Jupiter in lagan and Ketu in 9th house, that confirms native spiritual bent of mind and deep interest in Spirituality and reading scriptures.

So, available birth details need not to be corrected or tested further for the timing of events in this report.

As Native is born in Aquarius Lagan in Taurus Moon sign, in Krishna Chaturthi (Lord is mercury) is falling in 6th from the Moon sign and having 6/8 relationship with the Moon lagna, further confirms that native can face issues regarding relationships and marriage.

Though tithi lord mercury is not under any malefic influence in D9 and D60 chart but it is having Exchange with the dispositer lord Saturn having 9th aspect from the Rahu placed in 3rd house of the Navamsa can confirm that it might give Further prolonged issues in deep relationships but it might give delays in fruits (Children’s) from the marriage too.

If we see in D1 chart, Putra Karka Jupiter is placed in the 6th house from the D1 and falling in 3rd from the Moon sign, having 3/11 Relationship with the Moon it and also rules lordship of the 8th lord from the Moon lagan too, falling in 2nd from the 5th house in exaltation from lagan that further confirms challenges and Hardship regarding Progeny related matters with delay.

As Same Jupiter in D9 chart is getting 3rd Graha aspects from the Saturn and Rashi dristhi from the Rahu, Ketu, and Moon, whereas Both Rahu and Ketu aspects show challenges w.r.t to Spiritual and Progeny related matters but Aspect of Moon on Putra Karka Jupiter In Both D1 and D9 shows possibilities related to Progeny happiness.

So Aspect of Moon on Jupiter shows blessings and possibilities of children’s happiness in Moon Rashi and Graha Dasha.

But the Major problem is Jupiter being Maraka as well as malefic for Aquarian people further shows that native might face lots of struggle, hurdles, delays and wastage of efforts in getting childbirth on time.

Though Jupiter is well placed in the 6th house in exaltation and falling in 2nd (Sustainer- one who protects and feeds the previous house) from the 5th Bhava (Seen for Progeny related matters) always try to protect the Childbirth matters or its growth being a natural Shubha and Putra karka graha but being placed in a marak house and getting Virodh argala from the 4th Rahu and 3rd Saturn from the 5th house (Bhava for Putra) for children birth it might give delays in the fruits of childbirth whenever its Rashi and Graha Dasha period will be operative and functional in chart.

Though the 5th house is Getting Shubh Argala from the 6th placed Jupiter in cancer, 9th placed Venus, Mercury, Mars, and Sun in Libra and 12th placed Moon in Taurus Sign shows positive results and improvement or chances of fructification of results wrt to children’s related matters in these Rashi Dasha periods.The only Issue is Putra Karka Jupiter is getting virodh argala from the 7th placed Saturn in Leo and 8th placed Rahu in Virgo shows Delays and Hurdles in the progeny related matters.

The good thing is Moon showing positive results to the Putra Karka Jupiter and 5th Bhava from the Shubh argala and the Rashi Drishti point of view from the Taurus Sign.

So, Taurus and Libra Sign Rashi Dasha has much potential for giving childbirth, besides this Virgo Sign also has potential for childbirth but Rahu is causing virodh argala to the Putra Karka and 5th house shows It might help native in conceiving the childbirth in mother womb but pregnancy may not sustain for much longer period or it might give issues like abortion or miscarriages.

From Jamini Point of view, Jupiter is falling in 10th from both Chara Putra Karka Mercury and the Karka of Conception Venus again showing for begetting the results native might need to put lots efforts or some sort of Remedial measures in order to gain positive results for progeny happiness.

As Kendra’s bhavas are ruled by the different Elements and if it has malefic yukti like Fiery and Watery elements planets or Water and Airry it can give problem in sustaining the pregnancy for a longer period of time and sometime one may not able to conceive the pregnancy because of the Mismatch in elements or Tattvas.

Though in native case Jupiter is not aspecting the chara Putra Karka Mercury and Venus but is causing Shubh argala to the natural Putra karka Jupiter and also having relation of 4/10 with each other, whereas Venus (Jala Tattva graha), Mercury (Vayu Graha), Sun (Agni Graha) and Mars (Agni Graha) are placed in Vayu Rashi, shows the mismatch between the tattvas (Venus is Hemmed between Fire, Agni) and further confirms that major issue is in sustaining Pregnancy for longer period of time in mother womb or sometimes it also shows too much fire in the Swadishtan Chakra, causes imbalance in the Sexual energy which can lead to sperm wastage, shortage or loss of the sperm count and, in during the coitus movement, required sperms may not able to reach the destination point in the spouse uterus.

Lagna or Ascendant
4 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

For getting the childbirth, Role of Lagna (Self Desire, being the pada lord of 7th house), 9th house/9th lord (Sanchit Karma or Fruits of past, blessings of divine, being the pada lord of 5th house), 5th house/lord (Poorva Punya, Punya of past- fruits of past ), 11th house/lord (Being pada lord of 7th house, falling 5th from the 7th), 2nd House/Lord (Mainly seen for personal family, Kula growth) and 4th house/4th lord (Being motherhood, Motherly nature and nourishment, Happiness via Motherhood) from Lagan and Moon lagan are important.

In Native case, 5th from Lagna is Gemini sign and lord of the 5th house is Mercury, lord of the 9th house Libra is Venus and Lagnesh is Saturn.

That further shows Mercury, Venus and Saturn are paramount for Bringing childbirth in native life and all these planets Dasha period is majorly important for getting childbirth.Whereas lagna is empty (Getting 7th aspect from the Saturn on own sign Aquarius – Shows results or fruits but after some initial Delays, due to self or karmic reasons).

5th house is empty but 5th lord is Mercury sitting with the 9th lord Venus in the 9th house with the sun and Mars further shows Dasha period of Venus, Mercury, Sun, and Mars are also majorly important for timing of the childbirth.

Though all are not well placed from the Moon Lagna (6th from the Moon), shows initial hurdles and difficulties in bringing childbirth in the mortal world.

Only Rahu (the other lagna of Aquarius) is well placed from the Moon lagna (5th from the Moon) and the Natal chart in own mooltrikona sign (lord is Mercury).Again Shows Rahu is also one of contender for giving yoga for conception but also shows difficulty in delivering the childbirths, as it is falling in 12th from the chara Putra Karka Mercury and karka of conception, (Venus) and most important it is placed in the 3rd from the Putra Karka Jupiter while sitting in the 8th house of the hurdles, delays, transformations, and obstacles.

3rd relationships always show challenges and extra efforts one may require for sustaining the results of the house that what Both Jupiter and Rahu are showing each other in a 3/11 relation in the d1 chart.

But the basic problem in native chart is all these planets are placed in Bhadhaka sthan with Bhadkesha venus who is getting 3rd aspect from both the Saturn and Rahu, falling in 12th from the Bhadhaka adhipati, moreover Rahu and Ketu are also aspecting the 5th house from the Rashi Drishti while sitting in 8th and 2nd house, further shows native may experience lots of unknown troubles, Delays, difficulties, and hurdles in getting childbirth due to past birth karmic reasons.


“It is a clear cut Sarpa Dosha from the Past birth that native need to resolve it in this birth for getting healthy and fruitful child birth.”

For Aquarius Lagna both Mars and Jupiter are considered as malefic, whereas mars being the 3rd lord (Karka of Mathun or Sexual acts) also placed in the 9th house with 9th lord Venus, 5th and 8th lord Mercury with the 7th lord Sun and all are placed in Bhadhaka sthan, Shows issue of an overheat in the coitus movement while having sexual act or it can lead to shortage in the sperm count which can further give issues in holding the conception due to an overheat or early loss of fluid in the sexual acts or it can also show conception occurring in wrong muhurta or the timings of coitus may not be good or could be happening in wrong timing that could become another reason couple may not able to conceive the pregnancy in a correct time period.

Here Sun (The Beeja) is also debilitated but getting neech bhanga from the Venus, so it is acting as neutral but Sun and Mars being with Venus it is giving loss of Sperm in the native.

From all this, we can conclude that there will be difficulty in getting conception in time and even if conception occurs it may not be able to survive it for the longer period (not able to deliver) in the womb due to other medical reasons like Abortion, miscarriage or some sort of technical or medical difficulties , as Venus is hemmed between Malefic influence in Both D1, D9, and D7 chart.

In D1 chart, Rahu is placed in 12th from the Chara Putra Karka Mercury and Bhadkesha Venus is deeply conjugated with the mars in D1, getting 3rd aspect of Saturn too.Moreover, Saturn is also giving Permanent Rashi drishti on the Libra Sign with Moon too.Saturn shows Difficulties or delays in conception, whereas moon shows chances of procreation or when native can conceive with positive results.

Here, Native needs both Spiritual and Medical Solutions and remedies to get the bliss of progeny happiness or blessing of the childbirth via divine.

As Chara Putra Karka (Mercury) Is messed up with debilitated sun, Mars, and Saturn, moreover Rahu is placed in the 12th from it.
In D1chart, all these factors are a clear-cut indication of either denying or delays in the childbirth happiness. If we see from Putra Karka Jupiter, Saturn is placed in 2nd from it in Sthira Rashi also shows Delays and difficulties in getting the child in right time. Here, Solution lies in the Deity worshiping of the planet who is falling in Kendra to the Chara Putra karka (Mercury) and Bhadhaka/ Sthan (Venus) and native also need to perform certain rituals and acts.
Here in Native Case, Jupiter is present in an exalted state falling in 10th from the bhadhaka sthan/Bhadhaka pati (Venus) and Chara Putra Karka Mercury that shows, guru devotion or guidance or advice or Prasad from some spiritual and divine guru is required to get Beeja of Putra in the mother womb.

As bhadkesha lord, Venus is placed in the Dual sign Gemini with Mars in the D9 chart and mercury is placed in the 9th house from the Karkamsa and Bhadkesha Venus, the remedial measure is possible after visiting distant holy places i.e visiting temples, godly places, any Siddha place or via Siddha guru advice.

“ Another way is native can also do deep worshiping to Bhadhakesha lord for pacifying the badha or obtacles coming in the way of concieving and visiting to the Ishta or Deity temple would also give positive results.”

Further it also shows divine blessings of Gauri/Laxmi (worshiping of Devi form as what Venus in native case Signifies to remove the bhadha for getting childbirth), Shiva (for providing strength to Sun for establishing Beeja in the womb) and Vishnu (As Jupiter is falling in 2nd from the 5th house, to get smooth delivery, for protection of Progeny, role of Vishnu ( protector)) required and native also need to perform some spiritual rituals or Vedic anusthan’s.

Venus is retrograde first thing, 2ndly it is Bhadkesha lord, and most important it is deeply messed up in Navamsa chart by Mars (by conjugation), Ketu (Placed in 2nd from Venus) and Saturn (By 10th aspect).

The remedy for AK venus is most important unless there won’t be any chance conception can occur or stay further in the womb for a longer period. In native case, enhancing the strength of Venus is majorly important for the conception process and to increase Sperm count, especially in the male chart.

“So, Remedy lies in the deep devotion or sadhana of the Ishata Devi, Shiva and Vishnu form is essential.”

Reason being, as Sun (Creator – Shiva – Beeja) is debilitated (Dispositer lord Venus is in Bhadhaka sthan but in own sign) and Moon (Mother Gauri – Womb of mother) is exalted, dispositer lord again is Venus placed in 6th from the moon, being karka of the conception and also rules sperm in male native, falling in 4th and 9th house and having 6/8 relationship with each other, that further shows there is mismatch in the tattva and Rinna involved with respect to the procreation that is giving unknown hurdle, difficulties, and delays in conception.

In native case, Wife is capable to give childbirth but Male native can face the issue of Sperm count or issue due to Sperm count infusion or problem of sperm flow in the uterus or it can give trouble in conceiving.In Simpler words, it might give issue in the timing of conception and sometime it can further give rise to medical difficulties like Miscarriage or Abortions due to an elemental mismatch in Fire, water, and air,and in astrological terms when Karka is under the heavy influence of malefic planets either by Paap Kriti yoga, aspect or conjunction, medical issues would be common.

From Lagna chart, Mercury, Venus and Moon Dasha period are paramount in giving child birth as both Mercury (5th lord), Venus ( 9th lord) are falling in 9th from the lagna, and Moon (where Venus sign is there) falling in Kendra Bhava in 4th house and also aspecting 9th house and 5th lord Mercury by Rashi Drishti shows better possibilities for begetting child in these vimsotri dasha periods but correct timing for Dasha period of Progeny happiness would be assured if above planets are well placed from the Moon (of D1, D9, and D7), Navamsa and Saptamasa Lagna ( D7).
Moon Lagna ( D1 and D9)


5 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Now let’s study the Moon lagna, in case of Moon lagna, 5th from the Moon is most important for timing of the childbirth, Here in native case 5th sign is Virgo where Rahu is placed in its mool-trikona sign, placed in 5th from it and 9th sign is Capricorn, who is empty and its lord is placed in the 7th house falling in 4th from the Moon.

Being lord of the 5th (Virgo) and 6th (Libra) sign from the Moon Lagan , Both Mercury and Venus are placed in the 6th house ( Marak House for children’s happiness) from the Moon lagna, and as per the classical rules conjunction of the 5th and 6th lord Signs usually denies or delays the fruits of the childbirth in the chart, that further shows though both the dashas are capable from the Lagna Kundli being lord of the 5th and 9th and are closely conjugated but being placed in mark Sthan from the Moon lagna it is denying or delaying the childbirth and also giving lots of delays and hurdles in the conceiving.

This is the only reason why even having good strength from the D1 chart but due to the bad placement from the moon chart, both the planets are not helping much for the conception and childbirth events.

From The Moon, Rahu has the greater possibility as it is well placed on it and Saturn is placed in 4th from it shows Stress or delays via the relationship that may not help in begetting child happiness.Jupiter is placed in the 3rd house that shows with the much efforts one can get beget a child.

So, there are possibilities of the childbirth but it also shows lots of unknown difficulties, efforts and delays in begetting childbirth.

If we see the past Record Rahu Mahadasha period has given opportunities for two times but both the periods were not fruitful for getting childbirth, as it is not well placed from the Putra Karka Jupiter (3rd from it) , Chara Putra Karka Mercury (12th from it) and Karaka of Conception, Venus (12th from it), shows the clear reason why it has given the possibilities of conception but couples not able to fruitfy childbirth successfully.

Navamsa Analysis


4 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

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If we see the D9 chart Rahu is also well placed in the 3rd house but 12th from the Chara Putra karka Mercury and 3rd from the Sthir Putra Karka Jupiter and 8th from the Venus show events related to cheating in marriage, Miscarriage, Delays and absorption.

Now current Dasha period of Jupiter is also going on, also lord of 5th and 2nd house placed in Lagna aspecting 5th and the 9th house Ketu too, again shows Current Mahadasha period Jupiter has good potential and capability to give childbirth as it is well placed in 4th from the chara Putra Karka Mercury.

But being 8th from the Moon lagan and 6th from the Venus also shows delays, hurdles and difficulties in begetting childbirth in the Dasha period on time, but it can be minimized by putting extra efforts in spiritual and medical remedial measures and needed strong and deep devotions toward the Ishta Devata or deity to fulfill the criteria of conception and Pregnancy.

Presence of Divine wish or Understanding Fertility Factor from the chart

Arudha Pada of Lagna( A3 and A9) ( Surya Arudha S9, S3)


8 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth
7 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Based on the above-mentioned details Neither Sun, Nor Venus and Mercury which are ruled for Infertility factors are falling in 2nd, 7th, 12th and 8th from the Both A3 and A9 Arudha (Arudha of the lagnas seen for medical fertility factors). 

Whereas from both A3 and A9, A9 is much stronger compared to A3 as Jupiter is placed over A9 arudha in cancer sign, moreover, Moon is also aspecting on A9 arudha pada too, that shows Moon Dasha would be most prominent dasha period for childbirth and conceiving factor.Though Both Saturn and Rahu are placed in 2nd and 3rd from the A9 Shows delays, hurdles and medical efforts in conceiving but same Jupiter is also placed in the 9th from AL shows there will be fortune with respect to children birth in MD of Jupiter.

As per Lagna arudhas, there are strong factors available for complete fertility from the Natal chart and native having very much potential in begetting the childbirth.

Now Let’s move toward the Surya Arudha of 3rd and 9th lord from the Surya that shows divine wish of the almighty for progeny.

Here both S3 and S9 are placed in Aquarius sign and neither, Sun, Venus and Mercury are placed in the 2nd, 7th 8th and 12th from the S3 and S9 confirms Divine wish is also there for conception and childbirth and Native is fertile from the Surya Arudha too, Soul of the child can come in the mortal mortal but with some efforts.

Another good factor is all Benefic planets, Mercury, Sun and Venus are also aspecting both S3 and S9 arudhas that shows good progress and development in the pregnancy with the gradual process, but also needed much time and patience.Only native need to be very cautious for the month when coitus movement will happen, in short muhurta of the conception month matters a lot for presiding over on time pregnancy and in same case aspect of Jupiter on S3 and S9 also further confirms native will beget the child birth by the divine wish of the almighty after performing certain rituals and divine remedial measures or advices of the guru or astrologer.

The Only factor which is stopping is both Saturn and Rahu are placed in the 7th and 8th from the Adhana Lagna (S3 and S9 lagna).


Overall both the Adhna and Natal Lagna shows much potential for holding the pregnancy in couple and native is fertile as well from both the Sun and Arudha Lagna of 3rd and 9th house.Best Timing for Conception:

10 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth
11 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Based on the Chara Dasha details Current Dasha is of Leo falling in 7th from the S3 and S9 Arudha where lord of S3 and S9 is placed in the Leo sign which shows Leo dasha has much potential for the conception and pregnancy factor and Period from the Feb 2018 to 20th December 2019 has many bright chances for conception can trigger.


12 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Same factors are also confirming from the Vimsotri dasha,as period of Mercury AD going to start from Jan 2018 to April 2020, whereas Period from Jan 2019 and March 2019 Shows Child birth can happen.

Transits Factor Whereas Period from November and December 2017 month also shows strong period for conception can likely to happen, when Jupiter , Sun and Venus will be transiting over Libra Sign where Putra Karka Mercury also present there, if it is not going to happen then much possibility would be there after Feb 2018 period that conception or pregnancy can occur.Preciously May, June July 2018 to March 2019 periods shows much brighter chances for conception can occur or native can enjoy the bliss of 3rd pregnancy.

Timing Pregnancies, abortions, Miscarriages from (D1) and (D7) Saptamsa chart


13 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Past Events

Dasha analysis ( Possible Dashas for Progeny)


14 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

1) First Event – Miscarriage – 2/12/2008, Second marriage, Sept-2011 first miscarriage

Possible Reason:

In the first Case, Rahu is falling in 5th from the Moon Lagna in d1 and also lord of Lagna, placed over lagna in D7 chart in Pisces Lagna and further it is 3rd from the 5th lord Moon in d7 chart that shows Rahu MD has the capability to give childbirth but with efforts.

Transitsof2011 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth
Understanding Saptamsa chart


D7chart Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

Transit of Jupiter and Saturn were in Aries and Virgo forming 6/8 Relationship in Lagna whereas Transiting Saturn ( Lagnesh ) is aspecting by 10th aspect to

5th house by both Rashi and Graha Drishti whereas Jupiter has no connection with the D1 5th house that further confirms Maturity of the child would be less.

If we see D7 chart, In 2011 Jupiter was transiting over Putra Karka Jupiter and Venus in aries ( being lord of D7 lagna) confirms that Transit of Jupiter was favorable for conception but for maturity both the transiting lord should have relationship with 1st, 5th, 9th or 11th lord in D7 chart whereas 5th lord is paramount for final delivery of childbirth.
Though Jupiter being lagnesh transiting over Aries over Jupiter and Saturn was transiting over 7th house aspected the lagna and MD lord Rahu confirms about the conception period but due to lack of relationship with 5th house/lord child birth was not able to mature.

Further D7 Lagna is Even lagna (Pisces) as it is male chart 5th house is paramount for confirmation of any childbirth but here Rising Lagna is Even so we have to see first pregnancy from the 9th house in reverse order i.e first childbirth 9th house, then 7th house and 5th house so on etc.So 1st Pregnancy should be seen from the 9th house where natal Saturn is already placed over it.In 2011, Transit of Jupiter and Saturn were well placed from the D7 Moon lagna ( 9th from the D7 moon sign) and Jupiter is transiting over the 5th lord Venus, from the moon lagna. From D7 chart, Saturn is aspecting the 9th house with the 3rd aspect graha drishti and also aspecting lagna of d7 too.

Transiting Jupiter is also Aspecting 9th house via Rashi Drishti. So, both the aspects and relationship shows possible chances of 1st pregnancy to occur.

But for Reverse Lagna in D7 chart 10th house and 10th lord is acting as Marakesha for childbirth and can abort or shows some sort of issues in possible delivery chances.

Here Jupiter is becoming the markesha for 1st pregnancy and placed with the dispositer lord mars, the owner of the 9th house with 10th lord jupiter in 2nd house of the D7 chart.

Here both the 9th and 10th lord is conjoined in 2nd house aspecting 9th house via rashi drishti, Saturn was also aspecting the 9th house from both Natal and transit chart and Most important Rahu was also aspecting the 9th house further shows some sort of incident or mistake in pregnancy, that become one of the major reason why 1st pregnancy was lost due to Miscarriage because of influence of number of Malefic planet on 9th house was more. Malefic influence on karka house usually denial the childbirth or shows miscarriage or abortion.

The timing of Conception Based on Transits on D1 and D7 chart ( July-August 2011) :

Timingofconception Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

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Based on Dasha details period from April 13th 2011 to 15th of July was main for conception as Venus and Sun were placed in 5th house over Gemini falling in 7th house from the Darapada (A7 Arudha), Saturn was aspecting the 5th house from both Rashi and Graha Drishti and Venus was also under the influence of Jupiter during timing of conception period.

Timing of Loss of pregnancy (1st Miscarriage – September 2011) based on D1 and D7 Transits

Lossofpregnancy Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

The period from 24th of September to 29th of September was main for some sort of issues at that time most of the planets were transiting over Virgo sign in D7 and D1 chart.

2) Second Event – Abortion – 26-May 2012 


D7chart 1 Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

In 2nd Event, we have to see 7th lord from the Lagna and 7th house or lord from the D7 chart as rising Lagna is an Even sign in d7 where Ketu is placed, Generally Placement of Ketu in karka bhava mostly denial the child.

Here 7th house is under the influence of nodes, and Dispositer lord of 7th house Mercury is getting aspect 3rd aspect from the Saturn placed in 9th house. 8th house is acting as Marka and dispositer lord venus act as markesh for 2nd pregnancy, where Sun is placed in debilitation in 8th house in libra and Dispositer lord venus is under the influence of Mars again aspecting the 8th house from 2nd house. Mars and Markesh also placed in 8th house from the 7th house. That confirms that 2nd pregnancy was also not going to be mature fruitfully.

The timing of Conception Based on Transits on D1 and D7 chart:

2ndConception Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

During November 2011, Both Jupiter and Saturn were aspecting the Venus from 9th and 3rd aspect in D1. Saturn was placed in 9th house and Jupiter and Saturn having mutual 1/7 relationship focusing on the 11th house where Venus was placed there that further shows Chances of 2nd pregnancy. During this period Rahu- Moon and Mercury dasha period was operative from 24th of September to Dec 9th 2011, where mercury was ruling the lordship of 7th house in D7 and 5th house in D1.Further Mercury was conjoined with 5th lord moon of D7 confirms that Mercury PD can give conception.

Timing of Loss of pregnancy

2ndloss Decoding Saptamsa Chart (D7) : Understanding delayed Progeny and Timings of childbirth

In May 2012 Mercury, Jupiter, Sun and Venus were under the influence of Nodes in Taurus sign placed in 4th house from the D1 where Moon was placed there that shows event of loss of pregnancy due to abortion.

Chances of 3rd Pregnancy :

Based on the Dasha details Mercury AD period that is going to be Start after 23rd January 2018 to 29th of April 2020 shows many possibilities for the 3rd pregnancy reason being mercury is lord of 5th house from D1 and also from the Moon lagan, happen to be Putra Karka placed in 9th house with the 9th lord Venus (ruler of 3rd pregnancy, also Seen for 3rd Pregnancy).

Another Possible reason is after December 2017 transiting Saturn will be in its mature degree away from the Gandanta degree of 3’20 minute, will be aspecting the 9th house, 9th lord venus will be there with Putra Karka Mercury and later after January 2018 Chara Putra Karka dasha of Mercury will start. Transit of Jupiter will be over Putra Karka Mercury and 9th house Lord Venus. Jupiter will be forming a relationship with Venus further shows higher possibilities of conception may occur in this dasha period.


From all this, we can conclude that the transit of both Jupiter and Saturn are most important for timing childbirth, Pregnancy and Conception events and it should be linked concerned houses with Sun and Venus for Male and Moon and Mars for women in Both D1 and D7 chart. For 3rd Pregnancy, both Saturn and Jupiter are focusing on 9th house usually seen for the 3rd pregnancy. Whereas period from May, June July 2018 to March 2019 shows much brighter chances for conception can occur or native can enjoy the bliss of 3rd pregnancy.

Whereas Dasha period going to start after Jan 2019 to March 2019 shows mush possibilities of childbirth, as Moon PD period has better possibility over other dasha periods if we see both D1 and D7 chart.Though if we see the D7 chart, 3rd pregnancy will be seen from the D7 5th house (Reverse Order in Mandook Gati), where the 5th lord of the D7 chart moon is conjoined with the AD lord Mercury in 11th house aspecting the 5th house from 7th house, Except Saturn no such aspect is influencing both Moon and Mercury in d7 chart.

After Oct 2019 transiting Jupiter will be transiting over natal Saturn over the 9th house in the D7 chart will aspect the lagna (Rahu), 7th house and 5th house. Transiting Jupiter will aspect the Dasha PD lord Moon and AD Lord Mercury too via Rashi Drishti.

So, chances would be high for native would have the bliss of childbirth.

I Hope learned Readers can now better use this case study for the further timing of childbirth and medical issues related to pregnancies.

With thanks and Regards
Rakesh Jamwal
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Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology 2: Understanding Drishti Bheda: Rashi, Graha and Bhava

marte spatiu atmosfera1 Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology 2: Understanding Drishti Bheda: Rashi, Graha and Bhava

Written by Shubham Alock

Preamble – A few days back Shri Sunny Jain posted a question in a Facebook Group about aspects of the planet. Where he asked to suppose a planet is exalted. His aspect on a 7th house will be an exalted aspect, debilitated aspect or his effect will be according to beneficence or maleficence of planets.

My answer was only planets can become exalted or debilitated not their aspects. which means effects of aspects will be according to maleficence and beneficence of planets. [Will be dealt extensively of course]

There Shri Deepak Panchal Vishwakarma said to differentiate between Rashi Drishti, Graha Drishti, and Bhava Drishti.
Because it is to be taught in my Jyotish Prarambha course. I told that I will write a separate article on this.

This is that article.

Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra: There are many editions of this book, 10 I have in my library. 4 of them are original [written by authors] rest 6 just copied and paste from one book to another resulting in a new book.

4 Basic editions are by Shri Tarkachandra Shastri, Pandit Ganesh Dutt Pathak, Acharya Sitaram Jha and Pandit Devchandra Jha.
Shri Tarkachandra Shastri says he found this manuscript in the library of a king who is said to have most authentic manuscripts. That edition consists of maximum shlokas but chapters are less.

Pandit Ganesh Dutt Pathak gave no reference on how he found the book.

Acharya Sitaram Jha made a contradictory statement when in starting he said he got this manuscript from Pandit Jeevnath Jha and copied the whole manuscript by his hand and published whereas in end he writes he collected this and published after proof-reading and correcting the manuscript.

Pandit Devchandra Jha – mentions that he got this manuscript from various Pandit’s of rural area and collected all of them and after proofreading and correcting them. Published his edition.

Keep in mind this information which will be useful later. Except for Tarkachandra Shastri edition, all editions have  98-99-100 chapters. But the number of shloka’s are maximum in Tarkachandra Shatri edition.

When to refer to Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra: Many people think BPHS [Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra] to be gospel book of astrology authored by sage parashara.

But one must keep in mind that it is in form of conversation between Sage Parashara and Maitreya which means it was not written by Parashara himself. [See Jaimini Sutras is written by Jaimini Itself as it doesn’t contain narrative verses]  It was written by someone else. That too not at that time but at later times. Mostly between 1400-1500’s [I am taking about BPHS available now]

Mihira also mentions BPHS in his Brihat Jataka and mentions that it is large and extensive hence he is producing a condensed version of it. 

Then why he left many things like Graha Avasta [Many kinds are given in BPHS]. When one reads “Jataka Narayaneeyam and Yogavali Khandam” [ A superb book on Traditional Astrology and its secrets] one finds the author has mentioned parashara have dealt mainly with Raajyoga and Bhavaphala and have left Balarishta and Ayuryogas and only dealt with them in a condensed manner. 

But, now available BPHS deals extensively with them. This leads us to conclude that BPHS was never written. But was memorized in traditions [It was done with every Shastra of Hindu’s] someone may have written it before Mihira’s time which Mihira saw. but mainly it was a book which was memorized and not written.

After invasion people saw their knowledge being lost hence some of those traditions complied BPHS in written form. The real number of Shloka, Chapter, Index is not known to us. BPHS available nowadays is a result of greed of translators and their own superimposition of limited understanding of Jyotisha along with their ignorance of traditions and their orthodoxy over words of sages [will be seen in “Graha Drishti]

One will do well to go through article of “Shri Shyamsundara Dasa” “On the authenticity of the (Modern) Brhat Parashata Hora Shastra

My advice is if you are to read BPHS Read all available versions one by one. Don’t take any words as said by sage until you have read all editions and when you have read. try before you accept it as sage’s word. When you find contradiction in opinion between principles of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra and other classics of astrology stick to other classics until you are very sure of BPHS’s principles [After rigorous testing]  

For an example regarding AshtakaVaraga there are two opinions one is of Mihira and other of Parashara. [Will be covered in course] people who have been very successful in using Ashtakavarga have used and tied to Mihira’s method and not of Parashara’s. 

Rashi Drishti

Well exposed without any confusion. The word used is Rashi aspect sign in front of them and two adjacent Rashi. It have to be practised on South Indian Horoscope. Adjacent Rashi means Rashi in 4-10 to Rashi in front. Many scholars have misinterpreted that adjacent “Parshbhave” means the sign juxtapose and shloka means Rashi does not aspect sign juxtapose. But this is incorrect. Why, It will be shown in our Jaimini Article. [Here, it will make the article way too long] One can refer to my article on Sangyan Tattwa for more information.

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Movable sign  aspect the sign in 8th to them and their Parshava sign which is sign in 11th and 5th.

Fixed sign aspect the sign in 6th to them and their Parshava sign which is sign in 3rd and 9th.

Movable sign aspect the sign in 7th to them and their Parshava sign which is 4th and 10th.

In Short. Movable sign aspect all fixed sign except the one in 2nd to him, Fixed sign aspect all movable sign except the one in 12th to him, Dual sign aspects all other dual signs.

Refer the table given below.

Aspect Table

RashiFrontal SignOther Signs under Aspect
AriesScorpioAquarius and Leo
TaurusLibraCancer and Capricorn
GeminiVirgoSagittarius and Pisces
CancerAquariusScorpio and Taurus
LeoCapricornLibra and Aries
VirgoGeminiPisces and Sagittarius
LibraTaurusAquarius and Leo
ScorpioAriesCapricorn and Cancer
SagittariusPiscesGemini and Virgo
CapricornLeoTaurus and Scorpio
AquairusCancerAries and Libra
PiscesSagittariusVirgo and Gemini

Planet’s placed in the sign also aspect with Rashi Drishti.

Special with Rashi Drishti – Rashi Drishti is always full [Other’s are not – will be seen in next sections] People are confused about aspect of planet’s like Ketu or Upagraha like Mrityu or Aprakash Graha like Dhooma. Any thing in Rashi aspect with Rashi drishti. This is to say if you need to check aspect of Gulika see Rashi drishti of the Rashi where Gulika is placed and you will find aspect of Gulika

When one will read Jaimini one will find that Jaimini gave extreme importance to Rashi Drishti because even Arudha in a Bhava will aspect with Rashi Drishti only. That is to say anything in Rashi will aspect with Rashi Drishti.

It is mentioned that “Brahma” [Creator] told about Rashi Drishti, Which means any affliction arising out of Rashi Drishti shows a basic defect in creation or manifestation. Also how to approach this subject as there can be four differentiations here, aspect by malefic but who is a friend of a lord of the sign, aspect by malefic who is inimical to lord of sign.  the aspect of benefic inimical to Lord of sign, aspect of benefic friendly to lord of sign. All this will be explored in-depth in our course.

Graha Drishti

Here you will see when people superimpose their own understanding in name of editing and proof-reading what happens.

Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra clearly states that every planet have 1/4th aspect on 3-10 Houses from itself [It uses bhava which means house and not Rashi], 2/4th aspect on 5-9 houses from itself. 3/4th on 4-8 houses from itself and 4/4th aspect on 7th house from itself. Saturn, Jupiter and Mars have have special aspect as Saturn aspects 3-10 from itself by full 4/4 aspect, Mars aspect 4-8 from itself by full 4/4 and Jupiter aspects 5-9 fro itself by full 4/4 aspect.  

What the sage have intended to say was all planets except Saturn, Jupiter and Mars have a full aspect on 7th house and they Saturn, Jupiter and Mars have a special aspect on these houses as their full aspect and on 7th house, their aspect is not full, but partial.
But both authors with their claim of correcting the manuscript distorted it. But Pandit Ganesh Dutt Pathak and Pandit Tarkachandra Shastri [They never mentioned correcting the manuscripts gave original table of aspects which is as follows.

Graha Drishti

PlanetTrine [5-9]Chaturastra [4-8]Saptama [7]Upachaya [3-10]

This, as can be seen above was the real method Sage wanted to propagate which was mutilated in name of correcting manuscripts.
One can also see that secret of Nadi Astrology lies here. Suppose two planets are in trine Sun and Moon then Sun cast 2/4th aspect on Moon and Moon cast 2/4th aspect on Moon – Now is it illogical to say in sense that they are in conjunction [Half+Half=Full] Due to this reason while defining Sambandha between planets Mantreshwara in his Phladeepika added Sambandha between Planets in Mutual Kendra and Kona.

Secrets in usage: We know sam-bandha between planets are made by four methods. By being in each other’s sign, By being in mutual aspect, By being aspected by the depositor, by being in same sign [Together] But in practice, we find mutual aspect does not make a strong connection in many cases, Why? the answer to the same is only Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus have a full aspect on 7th to participate in mutual aspect sam-bandha other planets cast partial aspect on 7th house thus yoga may or may not be applicable.

What do I mean by “may and may not” will be defined here? 

Suppose few variations.

Jupiter and Mars in 1-7 Jupiter aspect Mars by 2/4th aspect and Mars by 1/4th aspect. it makes only 3/4th aspect. Unable to form Sambandha.

Jupiter and Saturn in 1-7. Jupiter aspect Saturn by 2/4th aspect and Saturn by 3/4th aspect making 5/4 which means a Sambandha.
This way one can clearly see the differences into considerations when we follow true spirit of Sage.

Difference between Graha and Bhava Drishti : Graha Drishti is basically for Sambandha between two Graha, Only when it is full it have to be taken into consideration. Bhava Drishti is sambandha between Bhava and Graha and all types of aspect can be considered here. which differentiates them on extent of their influence on Bhava.

Bhava Drishti 

Sitaram Jha and Devchandra Jha edition exposes this in a separate chapter named  “Grah Sphut Drishti Kahtanadhyaya” which can mean that this is only true aspect of planets. Whereas Devdutt Pathak and Tarkachandra Shatri edition exposes this in “Bhav Shad Bal Aadi Varnan Adhyayah” which clearly distinguishes between Graha Drishti and Bhava Drishti. Making clear that Bhava Drishti will take both full and partial aspect into consideration to judge the relationship between Bhava and Graha whereas Graha Drishti is only full between two Graha.

We need to calculate Drishti bala to know about Bhava Shadbala [Will be dealt in separate article] Two methods of calculations are given, I am giving the one given in Tarkachandra Shastri and Devdutt Pathak edition.

Calculations of Bhava Drishti: Aspecting planet is called “Drishta [A]” aspected planet/Bhava is called “Drishya [B]”
Take their longitude “Rashi-Degree-Minute” and A-B = If more than 6 then subtract from 10 Rashi and divide by 2.

If more than 5 then leave Rashi and double Degree and Minute
If more than 4 [But less than 5] then subtract it from 5 and remaining Degree and Minutes will give Drishti/Aspect
If more than 3, Subtract from 4, Divide by 2 and add 30.
If more than 2, Leave Rashi and add 15 in Degrees
If more than 1, leave Rashi and half the degrees. This gives quantum of aspects.

For Saturn, Mars and Jupiter : For Saturn add 45 more in aspect on 3rd and 10th house. For Jupiter add 30 more in aspect on 5th and 9th house. For Mars add 15 more in aspecton 4th and 8th houses.

These calculations can be tiring for beginners hence one is advised to take support of modern day software’s. One such Software is Jagannath Hora which is free to download. [Check settings before usage] In the software open any chart [It is easy to use] Select the option “View” above in File Bar and then choose “Aspect Table with Relationship” Then right click on New Window anywhere over blank space and choose “Full Aspect Value” and then change it to be 100.

Secrets in Usage: Graha Drishti does not take into consideration degrees of planets. In planet in aforesaid Bhava/Rashi [They are same] comes under their aspect irrespective of their degrees. But in Bhava Drshti Degrees of Bhava [Similar to that of Lagna] needs to be taken into consideration. This is the reason why Mantreshwar in his Phala-Deepika have said that planets in any bhava equalling the degrees of Lagna will give the full effect of that bhava and in other places promotionally. This also applies with their aspect. being placed in a bhava is inclusive of aspect on other Bhava.


September 3, 1993; 18:00:00; Moradabad – India

Case 59 Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology 2: Understanding Drishti Bheda: Rashi, Graha and Bhava

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[An operation after her birth just around 12 hours of birth near waist due to some ulcer/eruption and doctors cut the spinal veins which control veins. Now by birth she can’t be moved]

Creation Flaw: See Lagna with malefic and retrograde Saturn but in own sign [Longevity is not hampered] Rashi Drishti Venus, Indrachaap, Upaketu, and Kaal. All three of these Aprakash Graha are troublesome. It gave the problem in upbringing [health issues] abnormality is seen by Aprakash Graha. Venus being benefic and friendly makes sure that her physical growth and longevity doesn’t get hampered.

October 28, 1955; 21:10:00; Seattle-Washington-USA

BG Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology 2: Understanding Drishti Bheda: Rashi, Graha and Bhava

Horoscope of Bill Gates: See mutual aspect between Mercury and Moon 1st 2nd lords and 4th and 2nd lords which give a beautiful combination for making money and property.

If you consider mutual aspect between Mars and Moon it also becomes a combination between 6th and 2nd Lord which indicates debts. He is not in debt, he never was.

See Bhava Drishti for 11th house it is aspected by Sun [Authority leader in Computer operating systems] Mars [Engineering] Mercury [74 – more than 50 – For technology and 
computers/communication/email’s/outlook] Jupiter [Donations and Bill and Melinda Foundation] Venus [Beautiful operating system from DOS to Windows XP] Saturn [Hard work and persistence with struggles to be at top] One can see more the planets aspects 11th house better the financial condition. 

[See house lordship of these planets and match it with his Wikipedia Biography] 11th lord is apecting 11th hosue along with 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, 5th, 9th lords. [What else one wants]

This is an extensive topic, which can’t be taught in a single article. It has to be taught step by step distinguishing between Rashi and bhava, and their manifestation. Along with difference in Rashi and Graha Dasha. This article will provide an introduction to the subject. This article will be dealt extensively in “Jyotish Prarambha”

(C) Shubham Alock for Jyotish Prarambha

pin Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology 2: Understanding Drishti Bheda: Rashi, Graha and Bhava

Views: 267

Understanding Fundamentals of Vedic Jyotish Part 1

fb21104e5fd8f18be5c7767a7ffba422 Understanding Fundamentals of Vedic Jyotish Part 1

Written by Shubham Alock

Pre Script – This article is a part of my Jyotish Prarambha Course.

When we learn basics we learn about Own sign, Mool-Trikona [Favourite sign] and Exaltation sign of planets. They are given in classics and except Rahu and Ketu, there is no confused amongst other planets regarding their own sign, exaltation, and Mool-Trikona. But classics doesn’t give us the reason behind allotment of Signs to planets. This can be only for the reason because sages thought that people already know this [They must have never taught that people outside param para will also read this science that too from books and not from Gurus]

Many people have attempted to find a logic behind this allotment. Nobody’s views can be discarded. Here in this article, I am presenting my own view on allotment of different signs to different planets for different purposes.


In Hindu mythology, Sun and Moon are considered as God’s. In Astrology we take them as Ultimate male [Sun] and Ultimate female [Moon] They rule single sign in Zodiac Sun rules Leo and Moon rule Cancer. According to their Nature of being Watery [Cancer] and Fiery [Leo] As the moon is the cause of sustenance and Karaka of Kendra [Quadrants] she chooses a Kendra sign of water – Cancer. Whereas Sun being Father [Creation chain] and being Karaka of prosperity and expansion he chooses a sign in Kona [All three fire signs are in Kona] But he chooses Leo being closest to Mother [Moon-Cancer]

There is a traditional story which goes as First Mercury comes to Moon and asks for a place to live and Moon gives him Gemini [One sign behind her to live] Whereas Sun gives him Virgo [One sign ahead him] Mercury is fastest between planets [Excluding Sun and Moon] Thus he comes first, Then comes Venus [2nd Fastest planet] she goes to Moon who gives him Taurus [Next sign to Gemini behind Moon] and Sun gives him Libra [Next sign ahead of Virgo] Then comes Mars [3rd Fastest planet – Leaving Sun] which is given Aries by Moon and Scorpio by Sun [Next signs to Taurus and Libra respectively in their direction of forward and backward motion] Then comes Jupiter [4th fastest planet  in Zodiac]Then comes Jupiter [4th fastest planet  in Zodiac] Moon gives him Pisces whereas Sun gives him Sagittarius] Then comes Saturn [Slowest planet] and he is given Aquarius by Moon and Capricorn by Sun.

Regarding Own signs of Rahu and Ketu, I do follow another method, Not mentioned anywhere. It will be taught in the course but being a separate topic is not being disclosed here.
See this Diagram here for better understanding.

Rashi Ownership Understanding Fundamentals of Vedic Jyotish Part 1

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Trine ownership [Mool-Trikona]

Except for Moon, every planet has Mool-Trikona in his own sign.
Moon has Mool-Trikona in another sign Taurus due to Nakshatra Rohini falling in Taurus. In Taurus from 0-3 degree he is exalted and in rest of the sign, he is Mool-Trikona.

The name mool-trikona implies auspiciousness. As any planet in Kona is devoted to do good to native, bring prosperity and expansion to him. Unless they become lord of 6-8-12 and starts harming Kona they bring auspiciousness. In the same manner planets in Mool-Trikona is akin to being in 9th house as per Rashi placement [Being placed in 9th house in reality is a Bhava Placement] Why 9th house because it is termed as Tri-Trikona which means Highest Trikona or Third Trikona [First being Lagna and second being 5th house]  A Planet in Mool-Trikona is hence benefic and provides one with luck and auspiciousness [Mihir writes 9th house as Shubha which means auspicious in itself] 

Mool means root and Trikona means trine which i an Astrological sense means auspicious/good. Hence we must see the trine in which a planet’s Mool-Trikona falls in horoscope of the divine man [Kaal-Purusha] which always have Aries in first house.

Sun have his mool-trikona in Leo from 0 to 20 degrees, It falls in Dharma Trikona which implies Sun’s duty is to hold Dharma and his significations are Dharmic. When he signifies father it is that father who gives us our Dharma [Whose principles we follow] he may or may not be the father who gave birth to native. Rest of Leo 20 to 30 degrees is his own house. Same method have to be followed for each and every planet.

Mars have his mool-trikona in Aries from 0 to 12 degrees. It is in Dharma trikona which again implies that he works for Dharma, When he kills it is to protect someone, when he makes a step it is accordance to good and bad he is taught. All his steps are taken to save something or at-least not to harm. Rest from 12 to 30 degree Aries and 0-30 Degree of Scorpio is his own sign.

Mercury have his mool-trikona in Virgo from 15-20 degree. Rest 20-30 degree of Virgo and 0-30 degree of Gemini is his own sign and 0-15 degree of Virgo is his exaltation. It falling in 6th house of Artha implies his nature is accumulative and he is of storing character. He is karaka of business which signifies his nature well. His activities are for worldly affairs having something in mind, for growth and sustenance. This is also Upachaya [Growing house]
Jupiter have his mool-tikona in 0-10 degree of Sagittarius, 10-30 of Sagittarius and 0-30 of Pisces is his own sign. It being in Dharma trikona gives him a nature of doing righteous things. Not being mean or greedy he works only for sustenance. Whatever is necessary will be done, nothing will be done having enjoyment or fulfilment as a motive.

Venus have his mool-trikona in 0 to 15 degree of Libra. 15-30 degree of Libra and 0-30 degree of Taurus is his own sign. It being in Kaama Trikona it indicates his basic temperament is working for desires and enjoyment.

Saturn have his mool-trikona in 0-20 degree of Aquarius, 20-30 degree of Aquarius and 0-30 degree of Capricorn is his own sign. It is in Kaama Trikona which again implies his nature of work is motivated by desires and enjoyment.

Here one can notice that no planet have his Mool-Trikona in any of signs in Moksha Trikona. Mool-Trikona as said earlier shows basic temperament and constitutes nature of planet. No one have his mool-trikona in Moksha Trikona because if their motive be moksha they can’t qualify to become a Graha [Which means to grasp/hold] one motivated by Moksha will tend to leave each and everything.
Except Moon every planet have his exaltation in his own sign, He preferes the sign according to his nature and temperament. 

Sun owning single sign Leo perefers it is Mool-Trikona as it is according to his nature of the Fiery element. Mars takes Aries due to it being Fiery element whereas Scorpio is a watery sign. Mercury prefers Virgo for it being an earth sign whereas he himself is of Earth element. Jupiter being of ether element is comfortable in each and every element but between his both signs he prefers fiery Sagittarius as it represent’s dharma and watery sign can’t be Mool-Trikona of a Graha [Due to the reason stated above] Venus prefers his sign Libra which is of Vayu Tattwa Venus being of Jala Tattwa must have preferred Taurus of Earth Tattwa [Being friendly] but due to it already being occupied by Moon. See order of planets Moon comes at 2nd place whereas Venus at 6th place he prefers Libra. Saturn prefers Aquarius being identical to his nature of Airy element.

See this diagram for a better understanding of Mool-Trikona sign of planets.

Mool Trikona Understanding Fundamentals of Vedic Jyotish Part 1

Exaltation [Uccha]

To Understand this first understand Tatta [Element] and Dig-Bala [Directional Strength of planets.

Sun and Mars are of fiery element and have digbala in South direction 10th house. Venus and Moon are of earth element and have Digbala in North direction [4th house] Saturn is of Airy element and have digbala in West direction [7th house] Mercury is of Earth element and Jupiter is of ether element and they both have digbala in East direction [1st house/lagna]

See the image given below of Tattwa and Digbala and remember that Tattwa in nature of Sun’s direction from 10th house through day [Anti-clockwise of chart] is friendly, In direction of chart is neutral [Anti-Clockwise to Sun’s direction] and opposite are enemies. The exception is ether element [Jupiter] which pervades in each element.

Dig Bala Panch Tattwa Understanding Fundamentals of Vedic Jyotish Part 1

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What do we mean by direction of Sun here is count like 10-7, 4-1 Houses, Opposite to the sun is 10-1, 4-7 Houses. Because at morning Sun is in Lagna, At noon Sun is in the 10th house at Sunset sun is in 7th house and at midnight Sun is in the 4th house always.

This makes a ring like situation. Let me explain it for better understanding.

Air and Fire are friends. Water and Earth are friends. [In direction of Sun – Starting from the 10th house] In opposite direction they are neutral. Hence, Fire and Earth is Neutral and Air and Water are Neutral. In Opposite direction, they are enemies, Hence. Air is an enemy to Earth and Fire is an enemy to water.

This is the basic behind allotment of exaltation signs of planets. Let we deal with them one by one.

Luminaries: Exalted in same Tattwa. Sun is of Agni tattwa, Other planet in same tattwa is Mars. His signs are Aries and Scorpio. Between them Aries is Male and Fire element hence Sun is exlated in Aries.
Moon is of Jala tattva, Other planet in same tattva is Venus. He owns Taurus and Libra. Taurus is of Earth element [Friendly to water] as well as female sign. Hence, Moon is exalted in Taurus.

Tara Graha: Mars is of Agni tattva and is male [He is complete male as he suffers no restriction of Sattwa being a Tamasic planet] He goes to its friendly Tattwa, Air. There he finds Aquarius [Airy] and Capricorn [Earth element] He prefers Capricorn because it is a female sign [Male planet without Sattwic nature – Want’s to procreate in female sign]

Mercury is of Prithvi tattva, He is neutral [Without gender – Female Eunuch] He goes to  Watery tattva [Friendly] finds no sign suitable as Cancer is much feminine and Libra is masculine, He goes to the fiery element and finds himself incompatible in much fire. He can’t rise up to the level of Ether having his Mool-Trikona in a Upachaya house. being neutral he can be satisfied by his self and thus prefers his sign Virgo being female in nature [He himself is female eunuch] also due to same Tattwa [Both Mercury and Virgo is of Jala Tattwa]

Jupiter is of ether element. He goes to his friendly element and finds Libra and Capricorn there. being of ether element [Don’t want to harm anyone, docile] he prefers the female sign Cancer out there.
Venus is of Jala Tattwa. He goes to his friendly Tattwa [Earth] and finds Gemini there which is incompatible being a male sign [Female planets prefer female sign] Because of a specified gender he doesn’t look to incompatible tattva and goes to all pervading tattva Ether. He finds Sagittarius there which is male and fiery but rejects that and becomes exalted in Pisces which is a female sign as well as Jala Tattwa.

Saturn is neutral [Male Netutral] being without gender he doesn’t follow going to his friendly Tattwa. He goes to neutral tattva [Neutral Gender – chooses either self or neutral Tattwa] and finds only one sign remaining there Libra [Of Venus] and chooses it to be his exaltation. Rest two are already occupied by Jupiter and Venus.

See the image below to understand.
Understanding Fundamentals of Vedic Jyotish Part 1

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Here we see a peculiarity. Luminaries are exalted in their own tattva where male prefers male sign and female prefers female sign.

Star planets consist of two male Jupiter and Mars and one female Venus along with two neutrals Saturn and Mercury.

Both male and female prefer to go to their friendly tattva and both of them prefers female sign. Female planet prefers female sign [Same – Harmony] procreation for a female is more a burden than a boon. It will be dealt separately in Avtar Adhyaya. We will see Venus is a form of Parashurama who never had wife or children.
Eunuch planets are of two types one is completely dual [Mercury – owing both dual signs] and he remains in his own sign of his exaltation. whereas Saturn takes his step to neutral Tattva [Misery significant – Not happiness but solitude]

Now see them in accordance to their Avtar.

Sun is Rama and is situated in Self-Dharma [Aries]

Moon is Krishna and is situated in Karma and sustenance [Taurus]

Mars is Narasimha and is situated in Karma and Prominence/Power [Capricorn]

Mercury is Balarama and is situated in Upachaya [Growth] and greens [Virgo]

Jupiter is Vamana and is situated in 4th house of Vidya for Moksha [Cancer]

Venus is Parashurama and is situated in 12th house [loss] of life and desires for Salvation [Pisces]

Saturn is Koorma and is placed in 7th house of Kama [Desire to give something – Samudra Manthan] and enjoyment not for self but for all [Libra]

When we will read the course in depth we will understand that nature of planets are so that they have to be exalted in these signs only.

Table of Exaltation, Rashi and Trikona

Planet ExaltationMool Trikona  Swa-Rashi  Secondry Rashi
Sun0-10 Aries0-20 Leo20-30 Leo
Moon0-3 Taurus3-27 Taurus0-30 Cancer
Mars0-28 Capricorn0-12 Aries13-30 Aries0-30 Scorpio
Mercury0-15 Virgo15-20 Virgo21-30 Virgo0-30 Gemini
Jupiter0-5 Cancer0-10 Sagittarius11-30 Sagittarius0-30 Pisces
Venus0-27 Pisces0-15 Libra16-30 Libra0-30 Taurus
Saturn0-20 Libra0-20 Aquarius21-30 Aquarius0-30 Capricorn

(c) Shubham Alock for Jyotish Prarambh Course

pin Understanding Fundamentals of Vedic Jyotish Part 1

Views: 33

How to check Marriage Prospects: Tips and Techniques for beginners

MarriageandProspects How to check Marriage Prospects: Tips and Techniques for beginners

(Based on Dr. B.V Raman Sutras)

For Marriage Prospects, Native 7th house and the 7th lord Must be Strong, well placed and free from affliction. Venus is karaka for the wife and Jupiter is karaka for the Husband – they must be free from affliction in both D1 and D9 chart.

Check the Venus Ashtakavarga Chart , it should be free from the Bindus or Marks of Eunuchs, Points around 5 is Blessing and Highly favorable for Marriage prosperity, Below than 5 or average (4), and 3 and 2 points are considered as Bad for marriage Prosperity.

During Transit of Nodes, Mars, Saturn in 7th house from Ashtakavarha of Venus- Issue in Marriage will pick a spark. Same way check the 7th house from Moon for any issue or prosperity in marriage.

Any Favorable transit of Planet Like Jupiter, 7th lord or Lagana transiting in 7th house from Venus and Moon can give clue to get married in their Dasha period.

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If the 7th house from Lagana is either in Mars house or Mars Amsa (Navamsa) and if the planet owning the Amsa of the 7th house be either weak or eclipsed by Nodes, the Spouse(wife or Husband) will be notorious or vicious in youth.But if the same be placed in the Rasi or Amsa of a beneficial planet, Wife or Husband will be very kind and Strong characterized. Beneficial aspect on same also acts as Strong moral values and character.

For Timing of Marriage, Check the 7th lord from Rasi Chart is having any link with the transiting Jupiter and with the Lagna lord transit.

Transit of Jupiter and Saturn Should Form a link with the 7th house of 7th Lord of Rasi chart and in addition – Both the planet Should be well placed or Favorable from both Venus and Moon. Either they are in Trine from Venus or Moon or they are having strong link With the 7th lord from both Venus and Moon.

If lord of the 7th house is associated with Venus, its MD or AD may lead to Marriage.

MD and AD period of the Lord the 2nd bhava Lord Rasi also a major influencing factor for the marriage.

AD Lord Should have a link with Navamsa 7th house or 7th Lord and MD Lord Should have link Navamsa Lagana lord or with Lagnesh.

The Wife or Husband likely to be abandoned by her Husband or Wife if the 7th house from Lagana in case of male or first house in the case of a woman is either in Mars house or Mars amsa.

If in the Male Horoscope the 7th house from Venus has a planet aspect-ed by a Powerful Mars, we can say he will marry a Virgin Widow, in addition, he should also have his 7th house strong and free from affliction.

If in the Male Horoscope, the 5th house from Venus aspect-ed by Mars is strong and free from Affliction, we can say that the widow has given birth to children that are living.

If Venus Happens to be the lord Rasi where in Gulika is posted and occupies strong position as 10 or 4th from it, he will have desire for unnatural desire for Sexual enjoyment i.e – Homosexuality, Lesbian, gay sex etc

Venus and the 7th house Indicates first marriage, and if we are well known that First one is separated – take the Planets in 7th or planets associated with Venus. The Strongest will determine the 2nd wife.

In a female chart Take Saturn in the place of Venus as per prashana Marga. For Remarriage, usually, Happen when there are many planets in the 7th and 11th house – Mercury is Karka for Having a desire for two partners.

When Lagana will be a common sign or when the lord of the 7th and Moon occupy a common sign or Navamsa. when Sun and Mars are occupying the 7th house or both are in Navamsa of the 7th house having amsa of both.

The lords of 7 either from Lagana or Moon and Venus are Favorably and strongly posted, there will be chances of three marriages. If the lord of 7 or Venus is in exaltation and two or More planets occupy 7th house, there will be three or more marriages.

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Members are requested to check above mentioned Sutras In your charts or in the person you know them personally without any assumption

pin How to check Marriage Prospects: Tips and Techniques for beginners

Views: 50

How to Check Transits Results from Both Natal and Divisional Chart

11013165 984149728304628 6019579618447886682 n How to Check Transits Results from Both Natal and Divisional Chart


Checking the transit result from Ashtakavarga System is always be a tricky part but if we able to get it,  it would be very easy to predict the results based on transits of planets in an Individual horoscope.

The first basic rule is Never judge the results of the transits of Major planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu from Moon Signs, try to see it from both the reference points.Always see the transits planets results first from Individual Lagna Kundli based on Major points.Events usually trigger when there is close relation of Both Jupiter and Saturn on Same house of same sign either from aspect or from mutual placement, In Transit Jupiter act as main triggering planet for fruitful results, past karmic Punyas, fortunate events, Auspicious (Marriage, Kids and undertaking any Good deeds) and divine events (pilgrimages, visiting shrines, Devotional travellings, Meeting to guru or teacher), Mainly signifies when you can get fruitful results and Saturn transit act as Karma indicator in Natal chart and the main triggering planets for realizing results of Past Sanchit karmas (Both Punya and Bad deeds), Transit is meant for understanding change in the current order of living, underlying weaknesses’s and action that we need to do or adopt in our life and when a person is dutiful, honest and worked on humanity ground he will get results out of his Good actions and when both the Saturn and Jupiter are in mutual relation of Trine it shows, now this is the time period of  your karma, get ready to yield fruits in the form of transit favouring to Jupiter placement and Natal chart. In Transit system this is actually called double transit theory as explained by Sh. K.N Rao in most of his write-ups and it is one of the most important criteria used widely by Kn Rao sir in predicting major results via transits. Same way for timing events in day to day life we can use transit of Sun for timing event in particular month, Moon for Day, Tithi for the day of the event in the lunar month and hora for at what hour we can experience fruits or events:

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Below is the checklist and rules one should in keep in mind while Predicting any event with Transit system:

1) Birth sign: Check the birth Sign having a link with Transiting planet in Kundli or not or Birth Sign is in the Nakshatra of Transiting planet or not, for e.g in case of Saturn transit, If the natal Moon is placed in Capricorn or Aquarius, Saturn will become the Moon’s depositor lord. If we understand deeply, Moon is an actual indicator of our inner thoughts and shows area of the comfortable state of mind etc. So, for Capricorn and Saturn Moon Sign or those having any link with Saturn transit in their Lagna chart, they must have to be discipline in thoughts processing level and should have to cultivate or adopt disciplinarian ways of Saturn till transit is operative. For those who are ignoring the way of discipline, it will affect his day to day life events when Saturn actually transits over that signs and combinations.

2) Birth Nakashtra : Check whether the moon is in Transiting Constellation or not if the natal Moon is placed in any of the nakshatras owned by transiting planet, then follow the principle given above.

3) Sign of transiting Planets in Natal chart: Check Sign of transiting planets in Natal chart, When Saturn/Jupiter transit over its own signs, or those of its natural friends, normally gives the better results as compared to its transit over the sign of its natural enemies.It usually triggers good events concerned with that house or usually brings major changes or growth in those houses in physical ground or some sort of transformations in native life also seen when connected with the transiting Jupiter and Saturn lordships in natal chart.

4) Functional Lordship of the planet: Check the functional lordship of Saturn/Jupiter (Transiting planets) or relation with functional beneficial lords in the natal chart during transit. lords of trines (trikonas) in a horoscope are always supposed to give beneficial results (i.e, lords of the 1st, 5th, and 9th house).If Both the transiting planets are functionally Beneficial in the natal chart it usually brings Good results when they are transit in trines, Upachaya sthan or if they having any relation with Trines lords.

5) Strength in shadbala and bhavabala: Check Strength of transiting planets for individual Lagna in Strengths tools, i,e 8 types of strengths – Shadbala , Bhavbala , chesta bala , Kala bala , dig-bala , drig bala and Naisargik bala , ishta and kashtha bala etc . if Saturn/Jupiter and the moon have obtained the required strength in shadbala and their required ratio of the ratio that the strength is more than 1.0 then the transit effects of Jupiter /Saturn are better as compared to those where one or both of them are weak. The lower the ratio, the worse are the results .Similarly, in Bhavabala, if the house over which Saturn is transiting has more than 7.5 rupas in bhavabala. and in ranking is placed among the first six bhava then the evil effects of Saturn transit are lessened to a large extent and vice-verse.

6) Strength from AL : Check strength of Saturn/Jupiter transit from Arudha lagna to see what it will bring to you in society, the actual results of planet usually assume from what other people perceive after transits i.e Saturn/Jupiter in 11th from AL – Wealth and Financial Gain in transit , 3rd from Al – Courage and Strength in transits. This way you can better understand Saturn/Jupiter transit for any sign from AL.

7) Strength from Divisional charts : Check transit from Different divisional charts i.e first check transiting planet from divisional chart Moon sign, 2nd see the relation with that house Karka lord i.e For D9 (Marriage and Dharma); check any relation with with D9 7th house or 7th lord and 9th house/Lord for any auspicious and fortunate event during that year. In case of D4 (Home, assets, and Peace); check any relation with  D4 Moon sign, 4th house or 4th lord or with A4 arudha. In Case of D7 (Children); check any relation with D7 7th House/lord, 5th house/lord or A7 arudha for any events related to kids. For  D24 (education) ; check any relation with D24 9th house/lord or 2nd house/lord for higher studies. In Case of D10 (work and career); Check Transiting planets relation from 10th house/Lord, AL (Status in work environment), A10 (How it gone bring change in Work profile and work environment), UL (How it impact to your Marriage via office interference), A7 (For relationship with Co-mates), Sun (For overall Status in Career and Society), Moon (For Resources flow and State of mind), Mercury (For Overall growth and variationsn on Vocations), Saturn (For Seeing how we proceed our Karma in Society) and Lagna (Shows how it affects our Intelligence, attitude, and Application of intelligence effects in society)  in D10 Divisional chart and same way we can follow for other Varga charts too.

8) Check the transits results from Lagna Chart: For actual results, Lagna chart of D1 gives the true picture of results and it should be considerd as main ground for checking any transiting planets results, not the Moon Lagna first. Moon lagana shows our Karmic ground or how it gone affect our mental setup level or state of mind. Lagna shows Environment, Physical Scenario and Events in reality and Moon lagna shows Resorces and State of mind and it should be check after the natal lagna as moon is all about to what we perceive results from the mind or from the state of mind or how it gone effect our mind make up. Means what we are feeling and how it gone impact us after we get the results either positive or negative reaction. Moon only shows what sort of feeling or reaction to mind what we are getting from the results.Moon is for reaction, Lagana is for the physical environment as described in below mentioned cases :

9) Vimsotri Dasa Lords : Slow moving Transiting planets are More effectively seen in any Horoscope, so always check whether Guru , Saturn, Ketu and Rahu Vimsotri Mahadashas , Antardashas and Pratyantar Dasha is running or not if any of them is Currently running than Major planets will give its most of the results in their transits.

I can say they can give results 99% majorly more fast and More Accurate and with maximum results. For e.g for Taurus lagna Guru act as Functionally Malefic as it is the lord 8th house and also lord of the 11th too so When it is transiting in Taurus lagna Native may fall sick and have Some health issues too and we can see this result when a native Guru Mahadasha , Antardasha or Pratyantar dasha will be running else results will be less to see but
Final verdict will be predicted on ashta-varga system.

10) Finally time the results of the transits Based on the Individual Bhina Ashta varga and Sarvashtakavarga chart for Major transit Planets for eg – for Taurus lagna Guru Mahadasha , Saturn AD is running and Guru is transiting In 3rd house in cancer , Saturn is transiting in 7th house and in BAV Chart of Guru has having 4 Beneficial points out of 8 (4 Negative point too ) , Saturn has 5 Benefic points (Indicates very good State of Saturn) which mean native will get the transit result of the Guru in 70-50 % manner or you can say 50% negative 50 % positive for Guru and 70 % Beneficial results for Saturn.

As 4 points gives neutral results not much bad or not much less and when there is Guru MD dasha active and Sat AD too than we can assume both the results at maximum level and we Can expect Something around result of 7th house – Marriage, Business, and Partnership etc , Native may marry during this time period.

We can confirm this in SAV Chart too , Guru having 27 Beneficial Points in 3rd house out of 56 which means 2 negative points are more so this transit of Guru will give its 50-50 results w.r.t to Marriage , Business dealings , higher studies , Deep occult studies and Saturn 31 Points which means – Professional Brilliance, Spiritual gain and Ring for marriage and gain in partnership too.

Example Chart 1

How to Check Transits Results from Both Natal and Divisional Chart

For eg for Taurus lagna Guru is 8th and 11th Lord which means in last Transit of Jupiter (20th june 2014) Guru transited in Taurus 3rd house in cancer sign and aspects the 7th, 9th and 11th house as Guru Mool trikona sign is in 8th house.

So, Guru will give its beneficial results to the native with respect to new initiatives in the business in new partnerships with loans or might start his married life with the partner.As it is in the 3rd house so it indicates good initiatives in the field of business, courage, communication, and initiatives etc.

It can give a huge loan to the native in business matters as guru is 8th to the 8th house means new step with respect to the Loans and partnership in business/Marriage.As it is in 3rd house so native can start his business with their siblings or cousins with the loans they get from their initiatives.

Quite possibly with maternal cousins. Also aspecting the 7th house – the house of marriage and partnership, native might get married and also get success in the Marriage/business partnership too and it will also give good interest into deep sciences in occult i.e study of the 8th house matters like the secret sciences like astrology , tantra mantra and all deep mystical knowledge’s of yoga , siddhis or mantra etc too.

The person might involve into deep research in all philosophical and advance knowledge in religion or might start his higher studies like MBA in financial studies as per the beneficial aspect of the guru on 9th house and aspecting 11th house too which means native will get good gain in all his perspective or every effort he put to achieve .

Now the picture of moon Sign came for eg If the Native Moon Sign is in Taurus than Guru will be in 3rd from it so it’s simply mean native will get huge mental courage and wisdom knowledge (as guru is in 3rd house in a sign of Cancer – So its all about mental courage and mental peace ) w.r.t to the 8th house and 11th house so native might able to handle all his tasks with its deep wisdom and mental balance got from the guru and will put his more metal initiative into getting every of all his works either marriage , business dealings , higher studies or deep studies also.

Example Chart 2

How to Check Transits Results from Both Natal and Divisional Chart

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Take another example, for Capricorn and Aquarius Lagna Saturn is lagnesh so we can Say Saturn is beneficial for Both the lagnas, For Year 2014 November , Capricorn Saturn will be in 11th house, falling in 5th from the Jupiter and having 5/9 Relationship with the Jupiter where Jupiter will be aspecting 11th house where Saturn is already, so forming double transit relation in 11th house (shows results or events related to Gain, Brother, accumulation of the Wealth) and falling in 2nd (Food, Feed and Sustain) from the Moon in 10th house which means during this transit there can be Monetary gain, increase in name and fame with respect to 11th matters  (In Friend circle, Social Media or social Communities). Sign Lord mars will indicate what native has to do in order to get gain. For eg. Saturn has 5 Points (BAV) in 11th house – it means native will Get good gain by 11th house sources and would be beneficial. More than 28 Points (SAV) indicates native will get Clear Boom in that area. If the moon is in Taurus which Means 5th house for Capricorn – Native will expect or feel comfortable gain regarding 7th house matters, may be a child will born, the couple may get Wealth gain etc.

So this way you can analyse any results via transits of planets.

I Hope now you will able to cast your transits results with more accurate and in a scientific way for any major transits of any planets.

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Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart

111 Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart

Career Analysis: Natal and Dashamsa chart (D10)
BasicInfo Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart

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D1 Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart

This was a case study of one of the client I did in a few years back, I am just sharing here for the technical understanding of chart how we can use Different Charts while doing case studies. I thank Mr XXX sir for allowing me to share the article in social media. I hope you will enjoy reading this.

Based on the above Natal chart details, native is born under the Scorpio Lagana making her very much logical, courageous, deep-rooted and having a desire for engineering and mathematical jobs. 

Lagana lord Mars is retro being placed in 7th house (House of partnership and work based on Independent Management or entrepreneurship) of administration in a sign of Venus (Taurus – Sign of Wealth and money matters, finance) aspected by North Rahu (Communication) from the 3rd house in D1 chart. Generally, From the Lagna, we see how and where native used to apply his intelligence in which area or his natural inclination can be well studied from the Placement of the Lagna in D1, D9, and D10 chart.

In Current case, it is clearly indicating choice of Working would be in IT, Software, Computer sector, dealing with foreign clients having some marketing, management, and planning involved in technical products.In Her case, Day to day task would involve lots of Communication with foreign clients where she has to manage and to do administration tasks to finish those goals and role of working environment would be of the independent sort of. 
This is clearly indicating a job of an Independent Technical manager as Mars is Retrograde in motion and placed in 7th house (7th house always shows work of an administration)  aspecting both Lagna, 10th house and Saturn which is placed in 2nd house having lordship of 3rd house and at the same time it is getting 5th aspect from the Rahu placed in 3rd house, this clearly shows some sort of technical bent of mind where she need to travel or manage (Link of 6th Lord Mars with the 3rd house – travelling, Marketing, and sales of technical equipment or products is vital here)  on account of same. it’s her deep desire to working in these types of environments where she need to manage others independently, desiring for leading work profile, and to get comfortable position seeking high paid jobs profile & to do bossy types of jobs having nature of technicality and management in nature both at the same time

Mars is lord of 10th from the Moon and it is placed in 4th from it and aspecting the 10th sign from the Moon, further justifies that the native has a deep interest in administration, technical pursuits and having a strong desire for independent sort of work. 
If we check Same Mars in Navamsa chart it is weakly placed in D9 chart in Cancer sign in 10th house indicating jobs where one has to deal with software-based products or in industry of same or those IT based Management Industries as it is getting aspect from both Venus (Lord of 7th and 12th lord, Karka of Private and cooperate sector Marketing based job Profiles) and Sun (Lord of 10th, Karka of Administrative based tasks) from 4th house. 
Here Both Sun and Venus providing strength to Mars. Dispositer lord Moon is again strongly placed in sign of Sagittarius with Jupiter in the 3rd house. Again confirming work industry where one has to consult others or advise others.
The aspect of Sun and Venus providing extra strength for mars in D9 and this is the only reason why native is mostly involved in the Private sector work profiles rather than desires for having Public sector jobs and mostly she will have to do managerial and administrative jobs in earlier job profiles.

In D1 chart Mars is placed in 3rd from the AL and Both Saturn and Rahu are placed in 10th and 11th from the Al respectively and influencing Mars from Rahu 5th aspect – This clearly indicates that she will have to work hard like a bull and she will need to put lots of continues efforts in increasing her Image in society in career and working environment where she will go.

Though malefic placed in upchaya houses from Al always considered as good for monetary gains but same time it also indicates one need to do lots of hard work in attaining those monetary gains as well increasing working image in social society and in career too.

As Saturn is placed in 10th from AL and getting aspect from Mars too – This makes her image as very rough and tough type, very hard working, rigid in work envrionment, Hard and very determined, proactive, Bold and industrious type, sometimes it makes her very bossy and arrogant too in his work environment, which can impact her image in society further.

General Rule is, Malefic planets placed in 10th from AL makes one struggle a lot in establishing goodwill in society and one has to put lots of extra efforts. Malefic usually gives harsh path those are not easy to follow or move in whereas beneficial planets in 10th from the Al makes very shiny and good nature with easy going path, which follows the good name and fame in society.

In her society, native will be known for her very industrious nature in the working environment and this also indicates that she will always involve in industries profiles where she has to deal with managed services or sort of service industries job types or those are very technical in nature where one need to follow routines based jobs daily. This makes one very rigid and sometimes harsh too. 

It makes involves her in a regular job patterns, doing the same thing, again and again, to monitor or finish those tasks, where one need to deals with clients other than own countries or places i.e foreign clients or clients belong from different culture or creeds etc.

Here, 10th lord (Sun) is placed in 12th house (Working with other countries) with 11th lord (Mercury) and 7th lord Venus this clearly indicates she will get good prosperity in her career and working profile other than his own birthplace, mostly in states or countries those are falling in western direction from India or from own birthplace.

She will get lots of success in foreign places and chances are also that she will be moving with her partner after marriage regarding her work and profession and she might need to travel a long journey for accomplishing this. After her Married life, she will travel a lot for work purpose.

D10 Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart

If we check D10 chart same, this is is also clearly seen too, Saturn is placed in the 10th house in Sign of Leo and 10th lord Sun is placed in 3rd house with 12th and 7th lord Venus too – Making her very much industrious, adventurer, traveler, courageous and hardworking type and she needs to travel a lot for work purpose for marketing or sales related work. 

Clearly indicating a job of either marketing, management or planning where one needs to communicate and travel a lot for same. Both Venus and Sun are placed in 3rd house, 6th from AL makes her working in a corporate job profile or dealing with public life.
Ashatakvarga Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart

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This also confirms from Ashtakavarga charts of D1 too where 4th and 10th house having maximum points. 4th & 10th house having 33 and 39 points respectively this makes native will have to deal publically a lot for work purpose and have to consult people with lots of involvement and  also requires traveling a lot.
Dasha Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart

If we check in D10 chart Ketu is placed in Upchaya Sthan having aspect of Both Saturn and Jupiter,  falling in10th house from the AL in a sign of Taurus which usually gives working in a big corporate industries. Dasha of Ketu will be beneficial for her being lord of D10 lagna. 
As Jupiter is placed in 2nd from the AL and falling in 11th from D10 chart, Jupiter Dasha  will act as sustainer, will be providing necessary food and resources in society. Jupiter will simply sustain her mundane needs and good image in her work environment. In Jupiter Dasha she will keep  on getting good Job profiles and good hikes.
Dashamore Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart
If we see deeply, Jupiter Dasha started in the year 2006 and exactly it is the dasha period of fruits of the Past birth karma. In all the Charts from D1, D9, D10, and D60 Jupiter having Much Strength because of that she will get good life until this dasha period is active.
In D1 it is placed in 9th house (Usually gives highly administrative jobs or jobs of consultants). In D9 it is exalted placed in own sign with Moon-forming Gaja Kesri Yoga. In D10 it is placed in 11th house in Upchaya Sthan and also 2nd from AL too. 
In D60 again it is exalted placed in the sign of cancer with Moon and Venus. From all D charts it is clearly seen She will get the huge name, fame and success in Jupiter MD period from the year 2006 to The year 2022 all because of her past birth good Sanchit karmas. 
Though she might get some bad results in some of the AD dasha periods in Jupiter MD too. PD period in Saturn, Rahu, and Venus AD period won’t be much productive in Jupiter MD period for her.
Dashamore1 Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart
Though she needs to take much care in Saturn MD period starting from the year 2022 to the year 2038, reason being firstly Saturn is Atma karaka placed in 2nd house in D1 chart getting aspect from Mars (6th lord), Rahu is placed in 2nd house from the Saturn too and most important it is placed in 10th from AL – She might can take some wrong decision wrt to  her career or she might get suffering on account of his past birth Prarabha karma (Linking of 6th and 4th lord) in Saturn MD period. 
Secondly, Saturn is placed in the 2nd house in the D9 chart (Acting as Karakamsa – Soul filter ) getting aspect from Rahu placed in 5th from Own, debilitated Mars is placed in 9th from the Karakamsa, only good part is Dispositor lord of 9th lord from Karakamsa  moon is placed in 2nd from the Karakamsa with Jupiter in the sign of Sagittarius – that clearly shows she will never face any sort of financial crunch even after marriage –  Possibility would be that She might do some mistakes which is not considered as good w.r.t Soul uplifting. 
Most important Part is,  in D10 chart it is placed in 10th house from the AL, that itself clearly indicating struggle wrt to the establishment in the career in society.More she work hard, more she can achieve that would be the best mantra for her in Saturn Dasha period. Finally, in d60 it is debilitated getting aspect from retrograde Mars too – She might need to learn some lessons and need to correct it same in Saturn MD period on account of past Praradbha karmas. 
From all these things, it is quite clear that She might face some struggle in Saturn MD period as a reason for Soul upliftment but still these results are only be expected not in whole MD period but restricted to only some of AD periods going to start in Saturn MD period. Though transits of Major slow moving planets have much to say on Saturn MD results. 

CharaDasha1 Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart
CharaDasha2 Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart
Strength Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart

If we see her Chara Dasha, Based on the Current Chara Dasha period she is having good dasha period of Virgo and Dasha lord Mercury is placed in  the 2nd from Dasha Lord with Sun and Venus till 2021. Dasha period of Leo starting in the year 2021 will say much on her Career life as Dasha lord Sun is Debilitated and weakly placed in 12th house in d1 and 3rd from Dasha Sign Leo. That period will be much struggling one and she might need efforts in that. 
Strengthfactor Case Study : How to analyse Career and Marriage issues based on D1 and Dasamsa (D10) chart
In Strength wise Jupiter has maximum Shadbala Strength around (518.25) with 8.64 Rupas, With maximum ishta Phala of 41.46. 
From all this, it is clearly seen that Jupiter MD will be very fruitful for overall growth and grooming of career and material life. 
In Dasha Varga Scheme (Strength in Main 10 D charts) she has good strength for Jupiter, Moon, and Mercury too.

Married Life and Timing of Marriage Events

Based on her chart Her 7th lord Venus is placed in the 12th house with 11th lord Mercury and 10th lord Sun, it is clearly an indication of Marriage by her own choice and she will leave her homeland for some work purpose, or she will be working to another land and she might meet her spouse there. 
Chances are very high that She will move outside with her life partner after getting married probably be in abroad or in those places fall in the western direction from her Birthplace. As Libra is an Airy sign she will need to travel a long-distance journey to meet her choice of husband or partner. Another important point is 7th from Venus is a sign of Aries and lord Mars is placed in 7th house (House of the partnership) of Taurus (clearly indicating the sign of love cum arrange marriage).
The only Problem is she will meet her choice of ideal partner late in life as 7th lord from Venus is retrograde in motion which usually brings trouble or delays in bringing right partner in time, would never give as much early marriage life.

Although she is having a high desire to meet her spouse, possiblly being the 7th lord from Venus, mars is placed in 7th house and she is having strong desire to appear her partner sooner in life. 
Simply she might be waiting eagerly for her ideal life partner. But due to its retrograde motion, she is getting delays in meeting him. 
This is the only reason why Matches are not coming according to her wish. 

Chances are high that She will meet her choice of spouse In Middle of her age in between 27th -28th after August Year 2016 up to the period of 2017-2018, when Jupiter will travel around libra and Scorpio.

Her UL is in 9th house with Jupiter and Ketu, indicating guy he will meet will be having spiritual nature as well religious bent of mind. Probably he will meet this guy either in her working environment or her father will help in bringing in front of her. 

Overall Father will be the root person to bringing that person in Daughter life for the final knot.
The important point here is Al and A7 is placed in 5th house, lord of Al and A7 is placed in UL in 9th house, this clearly indicates it would be a love cum arrange marriage. 

She could get Married after AD of Sun (after 30th August 2016) in Jupiter MD reason being Sun is with 7th and 12th lord Venus in 12th house in D1 chart and in D9 chart, 7th lord of D9 Mars is getting aspect from Both Venus (7th & 12th Lord) and the AD Lord Sun too.
This clearly indicates that Sun, Venus, and Mars have potential to give marriages in their AD periods. Moon AD period also have stronger chances to get Marry reason being dispositer Lord 7th lord of D9 is Moon placed in Sign of Sagittarius with Jupiter too. Moon is UL lord in D1 as well as Dispositer lord of Mars too in D9.
In General, her married Period could start after 30th of August 2016 to between 18th October 2018 where Sun AD (From 30th of August 2016 to 16th July 2017) could  be a peak period for marriage and Mars and Moon will be stronger Dasha period for getting marriage. 

So overall from age of 26th to 28 she will get married. 
Transit of Jupiter in The year 2016,2017 and 2018 in Virgo-Libra-Scorpio sign will bring her married life.Where Libra and Scorpio has much potential for getting married

UL lord is placed in the 4th house in Sign of Saturn indicating the family of spouse would be known to native family and will be a well-settled family.

Native needs to take special care of Relationship with her Mother in law as Moon is falling in 8th from the UL in D1 chart that usually gives clue mother in law might not be favor of native or she might not have smooth relationship with the mother in law.

AL/A7 and UL are falling in 5/9 Relationship to each other clearly indicating that In-laws family will be financially well settled as well as also having a Spiritually tendency too in nature.

A7 lord Jupiter and UL lord Moon both are closely conjugated in D9 chart in Sign of Sagittarius indicating it would bring Spiritual as well as Material growth for both the families as well couples too. 
|Om Tat Sat |
|| Om Namo BhagwateVasudevaya ||

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How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse – Part 2

how to finf spouse first alphabet How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse - Part 2

How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse – Part 2


Keywords : How to Find Spouse First Alphabet :  Understanding spouse in astrology, physical appearance, 7th house, 7th lord and nature of spouse,Marriage and Relationships, spouse appearance in astrology, spouse astrology, Spouse First name, spouse in astrology, type of spouse in astrology, Vedic Astrology, first letter of my life partner astrology.


As a result of reading the prior piece, we are now familiar with all of the characteristics necessary for appreciating the attributes of one’s partner and are able to identify all of the individuals who are or are not suitable candidates for marriage.

Apart from Natal chart 7th house, 7th lord, its nakashtra and lord placement,  analysis of the “Up-Pada Lagna” and D9 is equally important to gain insight into the true character and attributes of the partner. However, Uppada Lagna is considered to be of considerable importance in Jamini astrology to true and soul nature of spouse. It is a concept that aids in determining the appropriate time to get married and offers insights into one’s experiences inside a marriage when it is used with chara dasha. It is necessary to have a more in-depth understanding of the 12th house, and then it is necessary to observe how the UL is the person who represents this. The Upapada, which can also be referred to as the Guana Pada, is that which rides the 12th house; it reveals who represents the image of the 12th house,  your spouse or one who live always either in a sentence or in a house.


Spouse characteristics and understanding capable spouse from Natal Chart 


Philosophy of Hindu Marriage How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse - Part 2


When analysing a natal chart for marriage and relationship analysis The 12th house plays a major role in understanding Up-pada lagna, as the 12th house from the ascendant, is the house where you spend all of your intellectual and emotional energy, as well as what you have given in the past and what you provide physically to others. Its the house where you give or sacrifice everything. The 12th house represents places like prisons, hospitals, monasteries, ashrams, the joys of the bed, sleeping (which can cause loss of consciousness), and the bed in which one sleeps to loose your self conscious. Giving back to the community is an expression of one’s energy, and the 12th house reveals the channels via which one channels that energy. Giving to charitable causes is an example of shubha yoga, which is practised in the 12th rung of the yoga hierarchy. Ashubha yoga refers to the practise of placing one’s vitality in unfavourable circumstances, and malefics in the 12th signify doing so. The maranakaraka sthana in the 12th house is where the Sun is placed since the 12th house is Saturn’s domain and Saturn’s domain is devoid of life and light.

twelfth house is known as the home of sacrifice or giving, and the Arudha of this house reveals to whom you are making sacrifices. Those that benefit the most from your generosity are typically your wife and children. When a person first becomes financially independent and is able to provide, marriage naturally follows. Sometimes this giving will consist of little more than monetary assistance, while other times it will take the form of in-home caregiving. One must understand the significance of the fact that if there is no giving, then there is nothing to keep a connection going. You would not want to marry the partner if they had not done anything for you in the relationship.

The 7th house is the 8th house from the 12th house, and it reveals what is bringing together two people who were previously separate. The 12th house does not represent sexual activity; rather, it represents solitude or celibacy, and the 7th house, which is the 8th house from the 12th, is what brings an end to being alone. The 12th house is associated with sanyas and celibacy; the 8th house from this terminates that, causes a person to be married, and eliminates celibacy; hence, the 7th house must be pure in order to keep sanyas, and the length of sanyas may be seen from the 7th house. As a result, the UL is not utilised in order to view the sexual partner or sexual relations; rather, the A7 is utilised.

The 12th house is the house that comes 8th after the 5th house, and it provides insight into how long your kula, lineage, or family has been around. The UL reveals the members of your kula, family, or lineage who will assist you in ensuring their lifespan. The 7th house is located three houses away from the 5th house, which indicates that it is upachaya from the 5th house and that it will cause your kula to expand. The 12th house is the sixth house from the seventh house, and as it is also upachaya for the seventh house, this indicates that there will be an increase in sexual activity.

It is associated to the pleasures of the bed since this is the area where one can be alone to cultivate the seventh house and allow it to mature into genuine closeness. On the other side, the sixth house is located directly opposite the fifth house, making it a maraka, or “death giver,” to the fifth house. This placement is unfavourable for having children or expanding one’s kula, and it suggests that one should lead a celibate lifestyle. It is essential to keep in mind that the twelfth house plays a significant role in interpersonal connections, but it does not denote sexual urges or needs.


Readers can go through part 1st to understand all the factors responsible for spouse characteristics identification by bellow link  :



What exactly is Up-pada lagna ? How it is related to Spouse characteristics    


Vedic Marriage How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse - Part 2


The term “Up-Pada lagna” is etymologically derived from the Sanskrit words “Upa,” denoting proximity or adjacency, and “Lagna,” which pertains to the ascendant or the initial house within a birth chart. The significance of Upapada Lagna in Jaimini astrology lies in its role as a crucial determinant of marriage and interpersonal connections. The aforementioned statement pertains to the representation of the Arudha Pada associated with the 12th house inside a natal chart. In Vedic astrology, the 12th house holds significance since it represents several aspects such as loss, expenses, foreign territories, and the characteristics of one’s spouse or partner. The Upapada Lagna plays a significant role in comprehending the intricacies and attributes of an individual’s matrimonial or partnership relationships.

The arrangement of celestial bodies and their interactions on the Upapada Lagna and its ruling planet can offer valuable insights into the dynamics of interpersonal connections, the attributes and traits of the marital partner, and the likelihood of entering into matrimonial or collaborative unions throughout one’s lifetime. The analysis of marital compatibility and comprehending relationship dynamics in Vedic astrology is contingent upon the consideration of a crucial aspect.

In order to determine the Upapada Lagna (UL), it is necessary to adhere to the following procedural guidelines:
Ascertain the placement of the lord of the twelfth house inside the natal chart. The planetary ruler of the 12th house in an individual’s natal chart is commonly referred to as the 12th house lord. Please determine the zodiac sign that is occupied by the ruler of the twelfth house. Please record the sign. Determine the equidistant number of signs from the location of the lord of the 12th house. The twelfth astrological sign in the zodiac is Taurus, and it is governed by the planet Venus. If the planet Venus is positioned in the astrological sign of Leo, which is four signs away from Leo, by counting four signs from Leo, we will arrive at the sign of Scorpio. According to astrological principles, Scorpio is considered to be the Upapada Lagna.

It is important to note that the Upapada Lagna holds significant importance in the natal chart and serves as a key element in Vedic astrology, especially employed for comprehending problems related to marriage and interpersonal relationships. This phenomenon has the potential to offer valuable perspectives on an individual’s partner and the intricate workings of a marital relationship. Various facets of marriage and relationships can be subjected to analysis.

The celestial body known as the “Darakaraka” is believed to symbolise the essence of an individual’s romantic partner and provides valuable understanding into their character and associated matters. The seventh house within an individual’s birth chart serves as an indicator of their interpersonal interactions and their manner of relating to the wider public sphere. This dwelling is additionally linked to Venus, the celestial body symbolising affection and romantic relationships. The romantic partner with whom one shares the deepest connection and exhibits the greatest degree of similarity.


12th house and Role in Marriage life


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In order to have a deeper comprehension of the 12th house, it is necessary to direct our attention towards the Upapada Lagna (UL), which serves as its representative. The Upapada represents the symbolic representation of the 12th house, indicating the individuals or entities to whom one tends to offer their resources or support. The twelfth house symbolises the allocation of one’s physical, intellectual, and energetic resources. The term “it” can encompass several locations such as correctional facilities, medical institutions, spiritual retreats, and instances of misfortune, as well as sources of enjoyment, periods of rest, and the sleeping surface utilised.

The presence of benefic planets inside the 12th house is indicative of a propensity to contribute towards positive endeavours, whereas the presence of malefic planets suggests a tendency to contribute towards bad endeavours. When specific dwellings are positioned as the twelfth celestial body from the centre of our solar system, it signifies an inherent deficiency in the capacity to bestow vitality.

The 12th house is commonly linked with experiences of loss and acts of giving, with its Arudha signifying the primary recipients of one’s generosity, typically one’s spouse and offspring. The institution of marriage is typically entered into by those who have reached a certain level of financial independence and are capable of providing for their partner. The act of giving include both providing money assistance and attending to domestic responsibilities. The sustainability of a connection is contingent upon the presence of reciprocity.

The 7th house, positioned as the 8th from the 12th house in astrological charts, symbolises the institution of marriage and serves to alleviate feelings of solitude. The 12th house symbolises a state of celibacy, while the 7th house signifies the transition from celibacy to marriage. The 7th house is also indicative of the period of abstaining from marriage or sexual relations. The Arudha of the 7th house, commonly referred to as A7, is employed in the examination of sexual partners and relationships, as opposed to the Upapada Lagna (UL).

The concept of the UL symbolises the perceived rise or ascent, whereas the UL signifies the perceived concealment or illusion associated with the 12th house. It demonstrates a concrete manifestation of either a bestowal or deprivation. The term “UL” refers to the individuals who will play a significant role in ensuring the long-term survival and prosperity of one’s family.

The 12th house, being the 6th house from the 7th, signifies individuals or factors that contribute to the development of sexual endeavours and foster the establishment of intimate connections. According to astrological beliefs, the individual referred to as the marriage partner is associated with this concept. Additionally, the UL, which stands for the lord of the Upapada Lagna, symbolises the family of the partner.

Marriage is commonly understood as a significant and enduring partnership that is characterised by a high level of commitment and typically extends beyond a duration of one year. The Upapada signifies the concept of marriage in its inherent state, independent of any religious or legal ceremonial definitions. Ancient scriptures make reference to diverse forms of marriage, although it is imperative to refrain from interpreting them literally within contemporary society. The utilisation of the Universal Law (UL) can aid in distinguishing between various prospective marriage partners.

The initial partner is observed from the Ascendant, whereas the subsequent partner is observed from the eighth house relative to the Ascendant (referred to as UL2), and so forth. Identifying a suitable spouse can present difficulties, particularly in contemporary society, characterised by a wide range of relationship dynamics and levels of commitment. The characterization of each spouse can be discerned through the examination of several houses within the navamsa chart.

In instances involving several marriage partners, the UL2 is observed as the sixth element from the initial UL. The 6th house exhibits the presence of supplementary companions alongside the primary significator. The eighth house is indicative of the termination of a preceding relationship. The sixth house symbolises the process of growth and signifies the broadening of generosity in terms of expenditure.

The Darapada, which is also referred to as the A7 pada, is an extremely important tool for gaining insight into the personality of one’s partner along with sexual traits of partner. In order to determine it, one must count the seventh house from the ascendant and then locate the lord of that house in the Navamsa chart. The location of Darapada in the Navamsa chart reveals information about the spouse’s physical appearance, personality traits, and overall compatibility.

Eligibility of the Spouse ( UL) and actual Meaning 


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Whenever you are looking for deep relationship from natal chart, always check the UL (Up-pada) along with 7th house, 7th lord , Venus and Mars placement in  both Natal and Navamsa chart  which will indicate the actual nature of the eligible spouse. This should only be done for serious partnerships. Upapada, also referred to as ‘Arudha’ of the 12th bhava’ of the chart, The 12th Bhava signifies to give, to sacrifice, and to expand. This pada’s purpose is to ascertain how the native truly feels about their spouse on the inside.

The relationship between the lord of Upapada and the lord of Lagna will be the determining factor in determining whether or not the marriage or relationship will mature. If UL is well positioned in Trines or Kendra’s and also falls in trine to the lagna of the spouse, then this is the best match for marriage. If UL is not well placed in Trines or Kendra’s, then this is not the best match for marriage. If, on the other hand, the lord of the Upapada moves to the 12th house, this is interpreted as a sign that the marriage will not progress at all.

This might also be an indication that there are delays, difficulties, or unanticipated troubles developing in married life, which frequently result in the marriage being denied. Any planet that is located in UL reveals information about the soul character of the partner. For example, if the moon is located in UL, the partner is likely to be sensitive, highly kind, fair-skinned, and loving.

In the same manner, if Venus is located in UL, the nature of the partner’s romance, passion, beauty, artistic ability, and sensuality will be characterised by these qualities. If Ketu or Jupiter were situated in UL, the partner’s personality would be spiritual and fair if either planet was present there. Saturn in Ul would in some way bestow upon a married couple an Orthodox spouse who observes long-standing customs and fashions in married life. It is of the utmost importance that the sign or rasi of the Upapada be auspicious with respect to the Lagna of the native without any malefic influence. This is because the Upapada dictates the personality or attitude of the person towards the spouse, who is a lifelong partner.

The native’s moral rectitude and the manner in which they would treat their partner are both directly related to how fortunate it is for the native. If the UL Rasi were to suffer any kind of affliction, the entire picture of the traits of the spouse would shift. This would imply that the factors of compatibility (fidelity, affection, and so on), which constitute the basis for a successful spousal connection, are either doubtful or completely absent depending on the inauspiciousness or ailment of the UL sign.

Compatibility factors provide the basis for a good spousal relationship. If the 2nd Lord from the UL were to suffer an affliction, or if the 2nd Lord from the UL were to suffer an affliction in D9, there would be a disruption in married life because the 2nd Lord either maintains or dissolves the marriage connections. The malefic aspects of a situation illustrate how it can be broken, while the helpful aspects show how it can be sustained. They also demonstrate the necessity of a spouse in a married existence. Therefore, the total assessment of UL is the most crucial factor in comprehending the genuine character of a partner.

It has now been established that the Lord of Gaunapada, also known as the 12th Lord, plays a significant role in defining the nature of one’s spouse, as well as their family, siblings, pre- and post-marital troubles, the attitude of one’s spouse towards the individual, and whether or not a spouse brings joy or sadness into one’s life.

In most cases, an exalted lord of Upapada will bring a spouse from a noble family into the marriage. On the other hand, a debilitated lord of Upapada will bring a spouse from a family that is lower in status than the native’s family. A subsequent post will provide explanations of UL that are more in-depth than this one.


The 7th Lord, 7th House, and the Darapada ( A7)


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An Examination of Sexual Relationships, casual affairs in the Natal Chart

The assessment of the 7th Lord’s placement in the natal chart provides insights about the corporeal dimensions of a relationship and its potential for success. The “A7” is associated with both commercial partnerships and intimate connections. The 7th house within the navamsa divisional chart provides insights into the partner’s aptitudes, capabilities, and overall disposition, hence assuming greater significance compared to the 7th house within the natal chart. Furthermore, it serves as an indicator of the sexual inclinations of the companion.

Whereas, , The term “Upapada” symbolises the individual who is chosen as a spouse or enters into a committed romantic partnership shows possible partner for marriage. The aforementioned statement elucidates the inherent characteristics of the familial background from which an individual originates, the manner in which interpersonal connections will be established, and the potential longevity of those relationships. Additionally, it offers valuable insights regarding the potential number of offspring resulting from said relationship in comparison to previous relationships. The Upapada can be utilised to ascertain the date of marriage and its eventual dissolution. The Upapada’s ruler, also known as the UL lord, serves as an indicator of the familial characteristics of the spouse and frequently mirrors the couple’s social standing.

Always verify the connectedness of the A7 or A7 Lord with the Arudha Lagna or AL Lord and the link with planets in the 7th House or the lord of that house when dealing with short-term relationships such as “boyfriends” or “girlfriends.” In most cases, having the 7th Lord also join A7 or A7 Lord indicates a deep infatuation with the person with whom they are having an affair. Additionally, it indicates a physical intimacy with partners if the 7th Lord also joins A7 or A7 Lord. When A7 is connected with UL it usually gives serious relationship or marriage.

General Reminder: Always consult the D1 Chart (Lagna) 7th House or 7th Lord for issues in the 1st Marriage Partnership, as well as the location and strength of the 7th Lord of the Lagna Chart (D1) in the D9 (Navamasa Chart—Chart of Marriage) for any affliction or not. In addition, consult the D1 Chart (Lagna) 7th House or 7th Lord for issues in the 1st Marriage Partnership.

This produces separations as well as denials and blockages in marriage, and the 6th house and its lord are primarily responsible for this. Additionally, the 6th house and its lord are primarily responsible for comprehending difficulties in getting into relationships,  the 6th house and 6th lord are linked with the 7th lord in D9, they will always work to prevent and postpone marriage, and they have the potential to produce rifts in any existing partnerships. In a typical scenario, the positioning of the 7th Lord strengthens partnerships while the placement of the 6th Lord produces delays.

Note of General Importance: For Precise Information Regarding the Spouse Study of UL (Up-pada Needs to Be Studied in Depth), and for Short-Term Relationships, Living in Study of the (A7-Dara-pada) Need to Be Studied in Depth.

How to Find Spouse Alphabet and Name possibility 


Vedic names How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse - Part 2


Now that the characteristics and qualities of the spouse have been determined, it is time to use the horoscope to try to determine the name characteristics, first letter, or Swara falling in the spouse’s name. This may be done after determining the features and qualities of the spouse. Even though it is a very difficult procedure to go through, it is rather accurate and provides some insight into it as well. Deciphering it is not always difficult, but the majority of the time it requires a great deal of patience to fully grasp the notion.

Checking the Nakshatra of the 7th Lord planet, as well as its Pada and the lord of the Nakshatra Direction in D1, is necessary in order to determine the initial letter of the spouse’s name or name. This will tell you everything there is to know about that Nakashtra, and in addition to that, it will also give you the name of the spouse associated with the first letter.

This nakshatra will tell you everything you need to know about the characteristics of your future partner. After that, you should determine who the lord of the nakshatra is and where in your horoscope the lord of the nakshatra is located. Check also whether Nakshatra Lord Sign Depositor is seated in which sign or house; this will tell you the direction as well.If the lord of the Nakshatra is located in the tenth house, then further information will be provided regarding the hints of the name, the clues of the naming ritual, and the characteristics of the spouse that identify her name.

Conditions to Be Check for Spouse Alphabet and Traits 


Case Study 1 : Male | Single ( Aq ) Lagna :


Aq How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse - Part 2

1) Native 7th Lord Sun in Pisces Sign (Spiritualistic Sign): Native will get a spiritual, emotional, and thought-full spouse, but somehow to mean self-centered and egoistic as well (Sun 8th from its own sign).

2) Native 7th Lord Sun in Aquarius Sign (Water Sign): Native will get a spiritual, emotional, and thought-full spouse.

3) The seventh Lord Nakashtra is Poorva Bhadrapada, and the deity associated with it is Rudra. The fourth Pada (Moksha) Nakashtra is a cruel and mean sign that is controlled by Jupiter. Therefore, the character and attributes of the future husband will be determined only by Poorva-Bhadra. The Nakashtra is a symbol of a man with two faces. It causes burns, punishes by fire, to cause pain, to burn things to ashes, to use words that burn, to conduct that blisters, to use harsh words, to have a wicked disposition, cruelty, greediness, restlessness, a feeling of despair, and unsatisfied ambition, to burn slowly, to have a sudden excess of anger, and other things like that. When viewed from an anthropomorphic perspective, the side of Kalapurush’s body In Moksha Pada, this means that the native may obtain a spouse, which may allow them to develop their spirituality or to be involved in spiritualism; nevertheless, it also suggests that she may be of a lonely temperament.

3) Nakshatra (Indian) Because the Depositor Lord Venus is located in the 12th house, which is the House of Tapa and Moksha or Mediation, the native must be getting a spouse having Venusian qualities, having spirituality in the soul, and she may belong from another land or she may like to tapa as well. Since Jupiter is located in the 9th house, which is the House of Dharma and Luck, the significance of dharma, karma, and Bhagya will all improve. Therefore, the name carries a great deal of significance in relation to the Dharma and having an artistic disposition.

As Guru is in Rahu Nakshatras in the 3rd Pada (Kama, passionate behaviour), the spouse will be very passionate, sensual, and skilled in the art of negotiation; they will be good in all artistic pursuit matters; they must also be good in business dealings; and they will uplift the Dharma and Bhagya. The category of Swati Nakastra is represented by the letters Ro, Ru, Re, Ra, and Taa, and Guru is located in the third pada of the Rahu Nakashtra (Swati) horoscope. Therefore, Natives Must Marry Partners Whose First Names Begin with the Letter “R”.

Lord number 7 The Moon derives from Venus, and the Moon is currently stationed in the 10th house of the Nakashtra of the Lord of Jupiter. Jupiter, meanwhile, is currently located in the sign of Libra in the 9th house, where it is subject to the influence of the Libra sign, which is ruled by both Guru and Rahu in addition to Venus. In Swati nakshtra, the guru is the same as the lord of the moon nakshatra. Since the seventh, Venus also offers a clue to the letter “R” in the name.

4) The constellation of Jupiter known as Swati Lord Rahu is located in the fifth house in Guru Nakshtra (also known as Punurvase Nakshtra and Jupiter Nakshtra), and Lord Mercury, the Depositor, is located in Rahu Nakshtra in Lagna, with an aspect to the seventh house: Therefore, a local will end up with a partner who is exceptionally perceptive and knowledgeable.

Since Guru is located in Rahu Nakshatra and Rahu is located in Guru Nakshatra, around Pada 2, the Swati Nakshtras have been given the letter R as their name. Swati is ruled by a windy deity, therefore names should be inspired by wind. Additionally, since Rahu is in a dual sign, it is possible that two names will be involved.


Case Study 2: Male | Married | Capricon Lagna 


cap How to Find Spouse First Alphabet in vedic astrology and characteristics of spouse - Part 21) The 7th Lord of the Native Zodiac is the Moon, and it is located in the 5th House of the Taurus Sign (Sukh, Pleasure, Wealth, and Family Growth): Natives need to have a loving wife and a caring spouse who are able to bring growth in all material concerns into their lives.

2) Since the native 7th Lord Nakashtra is in Kritika (Lord Sun, Brave and Administrative), in the 3rd Pada (Kama, Desire of all Sukh), she would bring all Sukh to the native family once she is married. The seventh deity resides in the constellation of Kritika Nakashtra, which translates to “women who can burn anything and have all of the qualities of the sun and Agni.” Agni represents Devata. Agni is the god, and the Sun is the planet that he rules over. Agni is known as the “great consumer” and “great purifier,” in addition to being the source of light, heat, and brightness. Agni is the source of both the living fire and the drive. In addition to this, it is the impetus for life. Creation would not take place in the absence of fire. Agni is the driving force behind both the beginning of existence and its continued unfolding. It eats up everything in its path.

Agni refers to both the internal fire that aids in digestion and the external fire that is used for cooking; these are just two distinct manifestations of the same fundamental concept. Agni is the Hindu god of light and brilliance, and firepower is a characteristic shared by all weapons. The Krittika group can also include additional objects that belong to the same category as long as they fall within its scope. Because it destroys all that is evil, dark, and dull in addition to everything that is low, sinful, and inauspicious in the world, fire is seen as a purifier. Only effulgence and light were left after the dross was consumed by the flames.

Fire is what gives the earth its activity and dynamic, and it is what brings the earth back to life after the cold spells that periodically put the earth in a comatose state. The Krittika group’s influence on the cause of the fire may be inferred with relative ease using this evidence. Therefore, she will serve as a beacon of hope for the indigenous people, one that can eradicate any unfavourable aspects of native way of life.

3) The Nakashta The native will meet his wife via work environment or in work environment, and she will bring all forms of social as well as career growth to the native life, including wealth (1st Pada) and Dharama (9th house) to the native as well as add luck and spirt to the native’s life. Because Lord Sun is in the 9th house in Hasta nakashtra, the Nakashtra of Skills and Hands, in Dual Sign (Virgo), and in the 1st Pada.

Pu, Sha, Na, and Thaa are the deities that reign over Hasta Nakashtra.Therefore, the native spouse will be governed by all of these letters and names because the 7th depositor is in the first pada in Hasta. This indicates that the name must have a strong influence of the letter “Na” and must be a combination of two names as what the dual sign signifies because the 7th Lord Nakashtra Lord is in dual sign. The native wife has a prominent role of Sun, Saturn, and Jupiter (mixed influence), and all attributes will be within the grasp of the sun (dharma). Saturn is the seventh planet from Venus, and it is also located in the ninth house, which is the home of Jupiter and the Sun.

Since Hasta, the lord of the Sun nakashtra, is also the lord of the 5th house, and since Moon is also the lord of the 7th house, this indicates that the native wife must be highly emotional, sympathetic, and tender. Because of this, her name must be one that has a Moon Role in real life, and the authentic Native Spouse Name begins with the letter “Na.” Her name is “Navneeta,” and it begins with the letter “Na.” A name formed by combining the following: Nav with “Neeta” equals Nav plus Neeta, which equals “Navneeta,” which implies exceedingly smooth, very soft, and similar to butter in texture.



Rocky Jamwal

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How to Find Spouse First Alphabet : spouse in astrology, physical appearance, direction of spouse, 7th house, 7th lord and nature of spouse – Part 1


how to find spouse first alphabet


Keywords : How to Find Spouse First Alphabet :  Understanding spouse in astrology, physical appearance, 7th house, 7th lord and nature of spouse,Marriage and Relationships, spouse appearance in astrology, spouse astrology, Spouse First name, spouse in astrology, type of spouse in astrology, Vedic Astrology, first letter of my life partner astrology.

Research Case Study: How to Find Spouse First Alphabet, Name Clues, Spouse Nature & Ruling Planets

(Revised and Redited Edition June 2017)

Written by Rocky Jamwal


The process of ascertaining the initial letter of one’s prospective spouse’s name within the realm of astrology might be seen as a captivating pursuit. Various aspects contribute to the investigation of this enigma, encompassing the physical attributes, the orientation of the partner, the 7th house, the 7th lord, and the characteristics of the spouse.

In the realm of physical appearance, astrology posits that specific zodiac signs may exert an influence on the characteristics exhibited by one’s prospective life mate. For instance, in the event that the 7th house or its ruling planet is linked with the zodiac sign Aries, it is plausible that one’s marital partner may possess a robust and physically fit physique. Likewise, in the event that Taurus assumes a dominant position, it is plausible that one’s companion may exhibit a captivating and aesthetically pleasing physical presence.

Astrology can also provide insights into determining the direction of one’s spouse. The 7th house in astrology symbolises the domain of marriage and alliances, and its positioning in an individual’s birth chart can offer valuable insights into the potential origin of their future spouse. For example, in the event that the 7th house is situated in the eastern direction, it signifies the potential that one’s spouse may originate from the eastern region.

Moreover, the seventh Lord holds considerable importance in the prognostication of the initial letter of one’s spouse’s name. Astrologers possess the ability to discern the initial letter of an individual’s prospective partner’s name by examining the location and attributes of the 7th lord inside their birth chart. This information has the potential to facilitate the process of narrowing down the alternatives and establishing a foundational point for initiating your search.

Ultimately, comprehending the inherent characteristics of one’s potential life partner is vital in fostering a joyful and mutually beneficial partnership. Astrology offers important insights into the personality traits and qualities of prospective life partners. Astrologers can ascertain several attributes of one’s spouse, such as affection, compassion, ambition, and intellect, by analysing the planetary influences on the 7th house and its ruling celestial body.

In summary, astrology provides a range of methodologies for determining the initial letter of one’s spouse’s name. Valuable insights into the element of one’s life pertaining to future partners can be obtained by taking into account various factors, including physical appearance, direction, the 7th house, the 7th lord, and the nature of the prospective mate. It is important to acknowledge that astrology can offer assistance; however, the responsibility of cultivating a robust and gratifying connection with one’s spouse ultimately rests with the individual.

Methods for Determining the Initial Letter of Your Spouse’s Name


Nadi astrology introduction How to Find Spouse First Alphabet : spouse in astrology, physical appearance, direction of spouse, 7th house, 7th lord and nature of spouse - Part 1


The ancient Nadi System encompasses numerous intricate methods for determining a spouse’s name or ascertaining the initial letter of their name. These methods are derived from Nadi Kadam, which consists of Sanskrit writings authored by Vedic seers. However, the process of uncovering these names necessitates extensive cognitive processes and a comprehensive understanding of translation techniques.

The leaves serve as documentation not only for Indian citizens, but also for individuals of many nations, religions, and beliefs. Furthermore, it has been indicated that approximately 40% of the global population is prone to obtaining these outcomes. It is possible that the remaining leaves may have incurred damage or been lost with the passage of time. The leaves are not just records for Indian nationals but also for people of other nationalities, religions, and creeds. It is also stated that about 40% of the people in the world are likely to get these results. The other leaves might have been damaged or may have been lost in the course of time.

Traditional Indian astrology is known as nadi astrology, and its roots may be traced back to India. It is predicated on the idea that palm leaves, also known as nadi granthas, contain written accounts of people’s lives from the past, the present, and the future. These ancient manuscripts provide in-depth information on an individual’s life, including the particulars of their birth, the history of their family, the chances for their work, their health concerns, and even the solutions to any troubles that they might have.

When compared to other schools of astrology, the Nadi school of thought takes a very different approach. It focuses on the fingerprint of an individual to determine the palm leaf that corresponds to their destiny rather than relying on the positions of celestial bodies at the time of birth. This allows it to be more accurate than other methods. The technique entails matching the thumb impression with the imprints on the palm leaves, which can be extremely complex and specialised depending on the situation.

After the right leaf has been identified, an experienced Nadi astrologer will decode the text, which is written in an old kind of Tamil script. This demands a significant amount of information as well as expertise in order to interpret the intricate language and symbols that are written on these palm leaves. The astrologer will then give their forecasts and insights about the individual’s life, offering advise and potential solutions to help the individual overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

The accuracy and specificity of Nadi astrology is one of the most amazing qualities of this branch of astrology. Because of their uncanny accuracy, the forecasts that Nadi astrologers provide frequently take people by surprise. It is widely held that the writings on the palm leaves were penned by enlightened sages who have divine knowledge and insight into the destinies of particular persons. Because of this, the information that is included inside them is regarded as being extremely dependable and trustworthy.

An in-depth examination of several facets of a person’s life, such as their schooling, marriage, financial situation, health, and spiritual development, can be obtained through the practise of Nadi astrology. It gives people a road map to follow so they can navigate through the problems of life and make decisions based on accurate information. In addition, Nadi astrology recommends various cures and rituals to ease the effects of bad influences and to amplify the effects of favourable energies.

In recent years, not only in India but also everywhere else in the world, more and more people have been interested in Nadi astrology. People from many walks of life and cultural traditions consult with Nadi astrologers in the hopes of gaining a more in-depth insight of their lives and locating answers to the challenges they face.

In conclusion, Nadi astrology is a distinct and old style of astrology that provides specific and in-depth insights into an individual’s life by using palm leaf records as the primary source of information. Because of its precision and specificity, it has become a popular approach to consulting for advice and locating answers to problems encountered in everyday life.


There are 4 kinds of Nadi:


Jeeva Nadi : operates through the utilisation of the reader’s breath as a source of electricity. When individuals are venerated, they acquire intuitive abilities that enable them to make predictions about future events. Some of the most renowned nadi texts include Kakaibujandar Nadi, Brighu Nadi, and Sukar Nadi etc.

Abhayas Nadi : In the aforementioned procedure, Nadi Jyotishi employs the technique of fingerprinting the right or left thumb impression to ascertain the horoscope of the individual in question. Subsequently, utilising the individual’s birth date and time, they proceed to make predictions regarding the horoscope.

Kirantha Nadi operates on the principles of Hora Shastra time (Hora chakra) and utilises Etchani to make predictions about an individual’s future.

The Karantha Nadi : is derived from the Adharva/Atharva (in Tamil) Veda and is rooted in the practises of mantra and tantra.

Current status of Nadi Astrology and finding Spouse traits 


Nadi Astrology in marriage How to Find Spouse First Alphabet : spouse in astrology, physical appearance, direction of spouse, 7th house, 7th lord and nature of spouse - Part 1


Currently, individuals in India who are engaged in the practise of the Nadi system have access to only the general practises associated with the first and second phases of this system. Despite its location in southern India. Although it is possible to acquire knowledge of a musical note without having prior knowledge of the Kandam system, this approach requires a significant level of expertise and comprehension of the Vedic Nakshatras and their associated musical notes, as well as the location of the chart.

In the analysis of the natal chart, it is imperative to consider the positioning of the 7th Lord, its corresponding disposition lord, Pada (divisional chart), as well as the nakshatra lord, Pada, and the placement of nakshatras. The topic of discussion pertains to the significance of rental signs and nakshatras in an academic context. The comprehensive procedure can provide a general understanding of the complete characteristics of a spouse and offer potential indications for their identity.

The text discusses several microdetails pertaining to the spouse’s name, the significance behind the spouse’s name, the content of the spouse’s letter, and the direction of the spouse’s benevolent horoscope. However, armed with this limited research data, one may potentially identify and analyse their partner’s name as well as the associated attributes of their partner.

The primary characteristic of this approach is its exclusive reliance on a nakshatra-centered naming system, wherein the identification of the spouse’s characteristics and name is derived from the moon nakshatra, the 7th lord nakshatra, and the dominant planet positioned in trines within the Natal chart.

The natal chart, specifically the placement of the planet in the trine aspect, holds significant influence over the Nakshatra and the traits of the native spouse as indicated by the elements of the Nakshatra and the planet. Furthermore, based on my observations throughout the duration of this course, it has been observed that this particular method is highly effective in situations where the natal chart of a child, along with Vedic rituals, entails a comprehensive analysis of the child’s natal chart subsequent to their birth. Additionally, the intonation of Akasharas from various Nakshatras exerts a significant impact on the natal chart, with the most potent planetary influence being observed in the trines.

The significance of a name is derived solely from the celestial impact on Rashi and the Nakshatra. When the seventh Lord, together with its disposition or Nakshatra Lord Planet, is positioned in a dual sign, it typically results in the amalgamation of two names inside a single entity. When a celestial body is positioned within a fixed astrological sign, it typically corresponds to a concise appellation derived from the elemental classification of fire, air, water, or earth. When an individual’s astrological sign is associated with a water element, it is said to provide insight into the significance of their name, which is determined by the planet associated with that particular water sign.

In the context of Sanskrit nomenclature, the designation of an oceanic entity may be attributed to a celestial body situated within the astrological sign of Cancer. Conversely, a celestial body positioned within the astrological sign of Pisces may be denoted as a river. Lastly, a celestial body located within the astrological sign of Scorpio may be designated as a little canal.

The identification of the planet’s tattva can provide a key indication for discerning the genuine significance of its name. In order to comprehend the variables influencing names, it is imperative to first direct attention towards the Sanskrit etymology underlying the name.

This is because the phonetic composition of vowels, or Aksharas, present in Nakshatras aligns with Prakriti, signifying that the significance of a name should reflect the effect of Prakrti on celestial bodies. As an illustration, with closer examination, the name “Alaknanda” can be identified as a river name originating from the region of Jambudweep. The term “Alaknanda” originates from Sanskrit and denotes a juvenile female kid aged between eight and ten years, commonly referred to as “Kanya.” References to this term may be traced back to ancient Hindu scriptures such as the Mahabharata and Vishnu Purana, where it is associated with a river originating from the Himalayas and merging with the sacred Ganga River. This observation suggests that the planets that exert influence on the trines of the natal chart ought to be positioned in the dual sign, particularly when accompanied by the effect of watery planets inside that sign.


In order to accurately forecast the meaning of a name and the Akashras associated with it, it is necessary to consider the various intricacies associated with names from both Vedic and ancient perspectives. The Nadi Scriptures contain Sanskrit names that are associated with meanings pertaining to the characteristics of nature (Prakriti). In the remaining instances, individuals who are unable to ascertain the authentic significance of a name should direct their attention towards the preeminent celestial body exerting influence over their trines. This influential factor is highly likely to impact the connotation and inherent qualities associated with the name.


The likelihood of employing this strategy in contemporary society is approximately 40-50%, owing to the fact that individuals no longer adhere to Vedic procedures as outlined in the Scriptures while naming their offspring. The situation can be characterised by a binary outcome, with equal probabilities of success and failure (50-50) or with a little higher probability of failure (40-60). While this approach may yield positive results in certain instances, it is not universally applicable. Therefore, it is necessary to explore alternative techniques for the remaining scenarios. Prior to delving into the methodology, it is imperative to ascertain the true identity of one’s spouse, determine their categorization, and establish their alignment with the aforementioned condition.

Significant Residences: It is vital to acquaint oneself with the abodes that are associated with the characteristics of one’s marital partner.

Important Houses one should know those are connected with the Nature of Spouse 


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Placement of planets in the 7th House:

The 7th House pertains to an individual’s attitude, sexuality, libido, and preferences regarding their relationships or partnerships. The success of a partnership is not solely determined by the tangible benefits it offers, but more by the attitudes and level of commitment exhibited by the individuals involved.  The aforementioned statement merely illustrates one’s professional occupation or the desired characteristics in a partner, rather than providing an accurate depiction of the actual qualities possessed by a spouse. The perception of a marital partner is observed through the astrological placement of the planet situated in the 7th House, commonly referred to as D9.

This planetary configuration provides significant insights on the characteristics and attributes of the spouse. For instance, the placement of Mars in the seventh house of the D9 chart indicates that the spouse would possess a highly energetic and vibrant personality. Additionally, physical attributes such as a round face, stout physique, and a short stature with a reddish complexion may be observed.

However, it is important to note that the overall portrayal of the spouse can be significantly influenced by factors such as the zodiac sign, planetary aspects, and the strength of the seventh lord in the D9 chart. The planetary placements in the 7th house of an individual’s birth chart provide insights on their preferences, inclinations, and desired qualities in matters related to partnerships, personal interests, and potential life partners. The descendant, being the antithesis of the ascendant, mostly pertains to one’s conscious selection of a life partner, encompassing the preferred characteristics and attributes sought in a romantic relationship.

In this context, the concept of “Beneficial” refers to factors that contribute positively to a relationship, while “Malefic” represents elements that have a detrimental effect, obstructing or acting as a hindrance to the partnership. Malefic factors can be seen as the direct antithesis of the native, therefore engaging in oppositional actions, while Beneficial factors provide support either through the spouse or the business partnership.


Planets placed in 7th House


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Ancient Nadi’s Patra


For instance, in the event that the moon is positioned in the 7th house, it signifies a desire for an emotionally responsive and nurturing partner in the context of a marital union. This individual is sought after for their ability to provide a sense of care and tenderness akin to that of a parent, thereby fostering a partnership characterised by emotional support and nourishment. In essence, the individual seeks a spouse who exhibits qualities of empathy and compassion within the realm of matrimony.

Mars: In the context of astrology, Mars is said to obstruct the formation of harmonious partnerships due to its association with individuals who possess assertive and confrontational tendencies. Consequently, these individuals tend to engage in conflicts with those they deal with, finally gravitating towards partners who exhibit boldness and courage, qualities that mirror their own disposition.

In the context of Mercury, the individual is actively searching for a mate who possesses qualities such as intelligence, expertise, youthfulness, knowledge, and effective communication skills. In the context of partnerships, effective communication plays a pivotal role in fostering mutual understanding and strengthening the link between the involved parties. The degree to which a partner is youthful and aesthetically pleasing positively correlates with their ability to attract a spouse.

In the realm of Venus, individuals exhibit an unrestrained libido and sexual energies, which contribute to their tendency to engage in various partnerships while being committed. This phenomenon is particularly observed when Venus in the 7th house is affected by malefic planets or the lunar nodes. Individuals with Venus positioned in the 7th house tend to have a heightened inclination towards aesthetics, desire, physical attractiveness, and to some extent, amorous and harmonious interpersonal connections. In the context of interpersonal relationships, individuals are advised to exercise self-regulation over their sexual impulses to mitigate potential issues both prior to and following engagement. Similarly, it is possible to examine characteristics of celestial bodies beyond Earth.


Placement of 7th Lord

The 7th Lord serves as a significant indicator of the physical attributes of one’s spouse. It encompasses various aspects related to the spouse’s physical well-being, including their overall health, body composition, facial features, outward appearance, and certain minor personality traits. Additionally, the 7th Lord provides insights into the direction of the spouse, the future prospects of the marital union, personal desires and expectations from the spouse, as well as the anticipated outcomes and implications for the future of the marital partnership.

The 7th Lord Nakshatra and its corresponding pada play a crucial role in determining the characteristics of one’s spouse, including their true nature and various intricate aspects associated with them. These indicators provide valuable insights into the attributes exhibited by the spouse.

This text provides insights into the many categories of individuals, both male and female, with whom we engage in social interactions. Additionally, it offers indications on the physical appearance and desirable attributes we seek in a potential life partner. It also touches upon the identity and behavioural characteristics of our chosen spouse, as well as the criteria for eligibility in the context of marriage.



Mars (Boyfriend/Husband and Real Man)


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The topic of discussion pertains to the characteristics and qualities exhibited by individuals of the male gender, specifically in the context of romantic relationships and the broader concept of masculinity. When examining the characteristics of romantic partners, it is customary to consider the North Indian astrology system. However, in the South Indian Nadi system, the planet Mars is specifically associated with the attributes of husbands or the men with whom individuals are interested in or seek to engage.


The rationale behind this is straightforward. Mars symbolises attributes such as power, protection, and sexuality, which are associated with both genders. Throughout the course of evolution, women have demonstrated a greater inclination towards seeking a partner who possesses qualities of strength, capable of safeguarding and providing for them, thereby instilling a sense of security. The differential gene orientation or DNA development in both genders has been a determining factor from the inception of evolutionary processes.


The underlying rationale is that women exhibited physical vulnerability at a certain period of development and consequently developed a heightened inclination towards Mars energy. This energy is perceived as a source of protection and sustenance under challenging circumstances, and is discernible through Mars’ typical attributes, namely bravery, courage, power, fighting spirit, and protective qualities. The individuals displayed a greater inclination towards guys who possessed the ability to engage in combat on their behalf, provide care, offer protection, and ensure sustenance even under adverse circumstances.

However, in contemporary times, circumstances have undergone a complete transformation. In contemporary society, there is a growing trend among women to exhibit a heightened interest in males who possess status-oriented and power-driven qualities. This inclination stems from the recognition that, in today’s context, the ability of men to provide protection and wield influence is closely associated with their social standing and capacity to fulfil various requirements. Who have the capability to furnish all the necessary amenities and conveniences essential for contemporary living in the ordinary realm?

Hence, it is imperative that the individuals seek personal or close interactions with men who are aligned with the sign of Mars and its corresponding house placement. However, individuals who identify as Maritain face a challenge with their energy, characterised by its high density and vigour, as it strives for personal development and empowerment. Individuals primarily engage in conflict for personal reasons such as bolstering their self-esteem, pursuing personal progress, realising individual aspirations, or attaining personal hopes and objectives. This inclination towards self-centered motivations is indicative of notions of masculinity and the planet Mars. Advocate for the principles that define the positive aspects of masculinity.


In more formal terms, Martians exhibit a strong inclination towards prioritising their personal growth and are unwilling to make concessions, even when faced with the need to sacrifice their aspirations for the betterment of a partnership. Consequently, they tend to terminate relationships prematurely and redirect their efforts towards pursuing their own passions and achievements, thereby emphasising their individual objectives.


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In the context of marriage, the establishment of a healthy relationship necessitates the presence of mutual understanding, guiding, and sharing between the two individuals involved. However, individuals adhering to the Maritain philosophy often struggle to achieve this level of communication owing to the presence of ego, arrogance, and inflexible attitudes. In contemporary circumstances, Mars tends to be primarily favoured by women for short-term and casual partnerships, sometimes referred to as “The Boy Friends.” However, in the long term, women desire a state of equilibrium and a harmonious married partnership, qualities that are noticeably absent among the inhabitants of Mars.

In contemporary times, there is an increased inclination among women towards establishing enduring and committed partnerships with men who demonstrate a proactive approach and with whom they envision a lifelong companionship.

Women tend to prefer boyfriends as companions for short-term adventures, but they are less inclined to pursue long-term commitments with them. Similarly, Mars, as a celestial body, does not exhibit a willingness to conform to partnership norms or prioritise mutual development. Rather, Mars emphasises individual growth above collaborative endeavours.

Typically, Maritain energy exhibits a lack of concern for others. However, in actuality, it pertains to the discourse surrounding the sexuality or sexual energy of women that individuals seek in their prospective partners. When a compatible energy level is discovered, a relationship commences or sparks, yet ultimately fails to progress.

In every connection or partnership, the sole requirement for progress is Kutumbh, a concept that encompasses an ongoing process contingent upon the passage of time and the cultivation of mutual understanding between the involved parties. The growth of a relationship between two individuals is indicative of the extent to which they engage in mutual understanding and invest in the exchange of ideas. Individuals may exert effort in order to facilitate optimal functioning within a partnership. The essential essence of Jupiter is in its association with several aspects such as thinking, personal development, familial happiness (Kutumbh sukh), and the expansion of family, children, or financial circumstances.

The Mars Sign Positions and Placements in the Natal Chart serve as significant markers for individuals’ selection of initial male partners, specifically in the context of transient relationships such as boyfriends, attractive male friends, or male colleagues within their professional environment. To gain a more comprehensive comprehension of the specific categories of men that pique their attention, it is advisable to examine the astrological sign and positioning of Mars within both the D1 and D9 charts. The following examples illustrate the concept of Mars sign placement as it pertains to astrology.


Placement of Jupiter in Natal Chart 

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The Natal chart encompasses various astrological factors, including Jupiter, which serves as an indicator of the husband’s energy within a woman’s chart. It also signifies the specific type of husband that the woman finds intriguing and with whom she can experience mutual expansion and growth. This interpretation is commonly observed in the northern region of Indian astrological analysis. However, according to Nadi texts, the role of Mars is emphasised as a representation of the husband in the southern region.


From a logical standpoint, Jupiter is associated with the expansion of various aspects, including knowledge, thoughts, riches, status, and employment opportunities. The inherent characteristic of this phenomenon is to undergo expansion. The aforementioned phenomenon facilitates growth and development across several domains, instills optimism and prospects in diverse areas, fosters intellectual enlightenment and spiritual nourishment, and contributes to the extension of familial bonds and material prosperity. Women often seek to acquire a deeper understanding or wisdom in their lives, with the aim of nurturing their inner emotions, intellect, and reflections.


However, a notable challenge arises when women get drawn to the qualities associated with Mars. Once married, their attraction shifts towards the desires associated with Jupiter, as Jupiter possesses attributes that Mars lacks the ability to fulfil. This phenomenon explains why women may have feelings of romantic attraction towards one individual, yet ultimately choose to enter into a marital union with a different male partner.


In the context of a marital relationship, it is commonly argued that women often require support and a sense of security due to their perceived emotional vulnerability. Individuals require assistance at periods of vulnerability, such as pregnancy, as well as during various aspects of their lives. However, Mars is incapable of fulfilling these needs. Mars exhibits a proclivity for engaging in conflict, embracing individualism, and pursuing recreational activities. This is the reason why they selected Jupiter as their spouse, rather than Mars.


The positioning of signs can provide insights about a woman’s selection of a spouse. Presented below are several examples of signs and their corresponding positions.

Mercury ( Friends, Cousins, Best Buddies and Close friends)


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Mercury presents itself as a potential candidate for the individual in question who garners the interest of women. However, the issue lies in Mercury’s status as a youthful prince, lacking in maturity. Consequently, he often finds himself overlooked by most women when considering potential spouses or romantic partners. This can be attributed to Mercury’s inclination towards intellectual pursuits and effective communication, rather than prioritising responsibility and sexual appeal.


In interpersonal relationships, individuals with a deep bond, referred to as “Mercury,” often exhibit a strong inclination towards developing an attraction to those of the opposite gender, denoted as “Venus.” Conversely, women tend to display a propensity for being drawn to men, symbolised by “Mars.” Meanwhile, Jupiter represents an individual who consistently prioritises their professional obligations, actively engaging in tasks that contribute to the collective advancement of others.


The phrase “Vasudev Kutumbkam” is a Sanskrit concept that is sometimes translated as “the world is one Mercury is a term used to describe those who consistently find themselves overlooked by women in the context of potential romantic partners. However, these individuals often possess strong qualities as friends, forming tight relationships with those who are in their immediate social circle.

Venus: ( Wife/Girl Friend & Spouse )

LordShukraSukraVenusVedicAstrologyHinduHinduism How to Find Spouse First Alphabet : spouse in astrology, physical appearance, direction of spouse, 7th house, 7th lord and nature of spouse - Part 1


In the context of astrology, the celestial body known as Venus is commonly associated with the representation of a female partner, such as a wife or girlfriend, within the astrological chart of a masculine individual. In the context of a woman’s birth chart, it is commonly understood that Jupiter symbolises her spouse, while Mars symbolises her romantic partner. This distinction arises from the recognition that women’s experiences and social roles sometimes diverge from those of males. Women exhibit greater emotional complexity in comparison to men.


Within societal structures, there exists a discernible distinction between the roles assigned to men and women. As a consequence of this feature, it is observed that women may develop affection for men who possess qualities such as charm, masculinity, and physical attractiveness. However, it is important to note that these attributes alone do not suffice to meet the essential needs of life. Consequently, women choose to enter into marital unions with men who are capable of providing the necessary support and security in all aspects of life. However, the perspective differs for men, as they primarily seek affection and companionship from women.


Consequently, males often perceive no distinction between a girlfriend and a wife, considering both roles as equivalent in terms of fulfilling their emotional needs. As a consequence, the celestial body Venus governs both romantic partners and spouses inside the astrological chart or personal life of a male individual. The function of a woman in a man’s life encompasses the fulfilment of his aspirations, provision of support for his personal endeavours, enhancement of his overall well-being, and assistance in meeting his various life obligations. By examining the placement of Venus in the astrological chart of a male individual, it is possible to make predictions regarding the characteristics and qualities of their spouse.


The acquisition of spouses by men is contingent upon the level of Venus’ dignity as indicated in their astrological chart. The following items can be examined below:


1) Venus in Aries: In the event that an individual possesses Venus in Aries, it is plausible that they may exhibit a propensity to draw the attention of a female counterpart who displays pronounced characteristics of self-reliance, assertiveness, fortitude, resolute ambition, physical athleticism, and a proclivity for engaging in competitive pursuits. The aforementioned individual exhibits a propensity for impulsive behaviour within the realm of romantic relationships, possesses a captivating allure, and displays a strong inclination towards individualism. The individual in question exhibits a strong inclination towards embarking on daring and exploratory endeavours, particularly in the realm of travel. Men seek a spouse who provides them with motivation and exhibits dominant characteristics in their lives.


2) Venus in Taurus: In the event that an individual possesses Venus in Taurus, it is plausible that they will exhibit an inclination towards attracting women who possess qualities of sensuality, physical attractiveness, and possess a pleasant vocal timbre. The individual in question exhibits a proclivity for opulence, obstinacy, modesty, pragmatism, and a penchant for indulging in fine cuisine. The individual seeks a female partner who exhibits loyalty within the context of a romantic relationship and provides them with a sense of financial stability. These individuals actively seek out ladies who own significant wealth.


3) Venus Placement in Gemini: In the context of astrology, when an individual possesses Venus in Gemini, it is posited that they may exhibit a propensity to draw the attention of a female counterpart who displays communicative prowess, intellectual acumen, creative inclinations, a penchant for enjoyment, and a preference for being involved in a romantic partnership. The individual in question possesses a proclivity for writing, exhibits amiable conversational skills, exudes charisma, and demonstrates expertise in manual dexterity activities such as stitching, among others. In this context, males are paired with women who exhibit high levels of intelligence and demonstrate a strong commitment to domestic responsibilities.


Conclusion : 


In conclusion, it may be inferred that This study focuses on doing research through a case study to gain a comprehensive understanding of the characteristics associated with the 7th house, the 7th lord, and the planetary influences that contribute to the formation of partnerships.


The primary objectives of this investigation include determining methods for identifying the initial alphabet of a spouse’s name, interpreting clues related to the spouse’s name, analysing the nature of the spouse, and identifying the ruling planets associated with relationships.


In the subsequent section, we shall endeavour to acquire the knowledge of determining the identity of an individual’s marital partner in 2nd part.


Stay connected for 2nd part.



Rocky Jamwal

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