How to Unlock your Pending karma’s of past life from the natal chart- Part 1

karma logo How to Unlock your Pending karma's of past life from the natal chart- Part 1

According to the Vedic astrology system, astrology closely linked with the past lives accumulated karmas which get manifested in the present life Whereas karakas of the pending karmas are Saturn, Rahu/Ketu, and Ketu is mainly seen for moksha, detachment, and rejection in this life regarding material prosperity. Rahu is mainly seen for all sort of desires that are pending from the past life and Saturn is majorly seen for all sort of karmas, either it is ongoing, collected from past or it is form of new karmas whereas nodes are seen for the dispense of dynamic karmas when their transits and Dasha’s get active.

Our Scriptures has mentioned various such doshas that are mentioned in BPHS. Though in the current article we will not discuss reasons for curses or debts. our motive is to decode the reasons for pending karmas by various techniques via natal chart. some of those doshas or curses mentioned in BPHS are as mentioned below :

1) Curses of snakes: This curse is indicated by the placement and strength of the Rahu in the natal chart. Effects of this curse give childlessness, fear from snakes and snake bites. This curse originates due to the killing of snakes in past lives. Root house for this curse is to been seen from the 5th house.

1) Curses of father: This curse is indicated by the placement and strength of the Sun in the horoscope which gets triggered in the natal chart due to wrongs done to father or due to the suffering of souls of forefathers. It gives issues of childlessness, uneasy relationships with father in the current life, untimely death of father and lack of happiness from father. To understand this curse or debt one has to see 5th, 9th and 10th house.

3) Curses of mother: This curse is indicated by the placement and strength of the Moon in the natal chart. This may happen due to ill-treatment with mother in past life. It gives issues of childlessness, problematic relationship with mother in the current life, unhappiness from mother, the untimely death of the mother. We have to see the Influences on the 4th, 5th house and moon with nodes to understand the curse.

4) Curses of brother: According to the Vedic astrology this curse has to be seen from the placement and strength or weakness of mars and Jupiter.whereas for younger brother planet Mars has to be seen and Jupiter for elder brother.Though in Nadi we see elder brother via Saturn. It gives problem in childlessness, difficult relationship with brothers, problems from brothers and lack of cordial relations with brother. To understand the curse we need to decode the placement of 3rd, 11th and 5th house along with affliction on Mars and Jupiter either via nodes or via Saturn.

5) Curses of maternal relations: For maternal relations, we need to check affliction on mercury and Saturn. It will give difficult relationship with maternal relations and we need to check affliction on 5th house and mercury, Saturn.

6) Curses of Spiritual Persons: To see curse of spiritual person we need to see affliction on Jupiter. It majorly gives problem in childlessness, problems from teachers, unhappiness, slow growth in life, stuck life, and general dissatisfaction in life, etc. We need to see the affliction on the 9th and 5th house along with Jupiter and their lordship condition.

7) Curses of the wife (or women): To see the curse or debt from females or wife one has to see the condition of the planet Venus. Any affliction on the planet venus via Nodes, Saturn or mars have majorly seen for the activation of the curse. The placement of Venus in the natal and divisional chart is important to understand the curse. It majorly gives effect problem in childlessness, difficulty in getting married, problems from wife or women, the possibility of divorce, defamation from women, etc. The most important house to be considered is the 7th house/lord.

8) Curses of Evil spirits: To see curse from the evil Spirits we need to see the planetary placement of the Rahu and Ketu in the natal chart. Generally, Role of the Nodes and Bhadhaka Graha, their lord and placement have key roles in identifying the curse from the evil spirits. It gives major problem in mental setup of the native, it gives fear from unknown and majorly fear of ghosts. we need to see the conditions of Moon, Saturn, the 5th house and the fifth lord in the natal chart along with Bhadhaka Graha and lord.

Techniques to Unlock the Pending Karma’s from the birth chart

In the next section, we will discuss the major techniques used to identify the pending karma from the natal lets decoding the secrets of past life but first, we need to understand the concept of karma, reincarnation and the cycle of karma.

shut down your karma factory part1 How to Unlock your Pending karma's of past life from the natal chart- Part 1

Lord Sri Krishna said in ‘The Bhagawad Gita’,
” vasamsi jirnani yatha vihaya navani grhnati naro ‘paranitatha sarirani vihaya jirnany anyani samyati navani dehi “
As a man, casting off worn-out garments takes new ones, so the dweller in the body, casting off worn-out bodies, enters into others that are new”. He has also said, “The misdeeds of our past lives torment us in the form of illnesses or ailments”

Explanation Given By Yogananda on the above Verse :

During our daily lives, we change our old and/or dirty clothes and put on new and/or clean clothes whenever the need arises. Similarly, the soul or atman casts off its worn-out physical body and takes residence in a newer physical body at regular intervals in time. Just like the clothes that we wear do not represent the real state of our physical body, the state of our physical body (which deteriorates over time and is hence impermanent) does not represent the truly unchangeable and permanent nature of the soul that resides within it.

The eternal does not move from place to place but the embodied soul moves from one abode to another. It takes birth each time and gathers to itself a mind, life and body formed out of the materials of nature according to its past evolution, karma, deed and its needs for the future. The psychic being is the vijnana which supports the triple manifestation of the body, life, and mind. When the gross physical body falls away, the vital and mental sheaths still remain as the vehicle of the soul. Rebirth is the law of nature. There is an objective connection between the various forms of life. “Like corn, a mortal ripens and like corn is he born again”.

(Katha Upanisad, Ch 1, verse 6)
(The Bhagvad Geeta by Swami Yogananda)

This verse refers to the doctrine of reincarnation in Hinduism. Death is described here as the simple discarding of a worn-out garment for a new one. When the body becomes diseased and old, the ever-lasting soul forsakes it for a new disguise. Death is but a change of attire in an uninterrupted continuity of immortality.

How to Clear Debts


nahled karma proweb How to Unlock your Pending karma's of past life from the natal chart- Part 1


Although there is none another such way to understand the past birth Debts or underlying karma process and what soul has gone through in last birth and what it will bring to the new birth. God way and process of management and operations are way beyond our imagination to understand how life and souls cycle is moving around Birth and death cycle.

We are biologically a very small electrically charged energies residing in a physical bodies having limitation to the material world, our reach and understanding life cycle in a simple plain language is not an easy task. Unless and until we are able to develop our Kundalini Shakti via deep Spiritual penance unless we can’t understand how the soul’s deeper roots karmic accounts are connected with life and death cycle.

Neither we are Yogic Person nor we are born as a Godly soul having extraordinary sensory abilities to experience futuristic visions or dream and able to understand for what purpose we took birth but yes there are certain methods via we can understand how our this life is connected with the past birth Karma’s, Rinas, and curses ( Unfinished Karmas).

One of the common methods is Understanding past life impressions via Regression therapy and other is having Extraordinary astrological knowledge on studying Past Birth Astrological cases via various Astrological charts and tools by a different branch of jyotish but astrologer must be well experienced in collecting and analyzing different life experiences with natal charts.

If you are seeking a detailed guidance regarding deep understanding on Life Purpose, Spiritual awakening, Spiritual Learning, Understanding past lives curses, debts and past birth karmic sufferings, then you need to understand the deeper karmic connections which are linked with debts and pending and decode it we need to understand methodologies used for decoding Past birth rina and curses for better understanding on karma and moving toward right Spiritual.

Although, Tracing Pending karma from a natal chart is always a tough job, as many people carry those karmas from immediate last birth or some of them carrying from many of past journeys. These are hard to trace combinations. Below are few observations which I have studied from many of the charts for Pending karmas and found true and working in many of the cases.

Technique 1 :

A) Check the number of Retrograde planets in the Natal chart:  Look for the presence of a number of retrograde planets in the chart. Total number of Presence of Retrograde planets in the Natal chart shows how many pending karmas one has to exhaust in this birth. More the Retrograde planets more the total pending karmas one has to finish in this life i.e if one has a presence of 3 retrograde planets, then it means one has accumulated 3 pending karmas from many of the past journies. Each of the Retrograde planet shows, karma connected with the karakas of the planets. To see what exactly the karma is pending with the native, check the placement of the Retrograde planets in the natal chart, check, in which sign planet is placed and how many planets are aspecting it. Sign shows sufferings or delays may face in this birth and aspects show via whom you may face such hurdles, difficulties, and hurdles in this life. Dispositer lord placement of the Retrograde planet in the natal chart shows what you need to do in this life in order to fix the pending karma. To see what exactly is the pending karma retrograde planet is indicating that one has to finish in this birth or giving a clue for certain area of life, check its 12th house placement from the retrograde planet, that house placement will show the area where one has to experience the pending karma that one has to finish. for e.g if one has retrograde planet placed in the 9th house then it means pending karma is either with the guru, teacher or father and one has to experience it in this life via 8th house matter which is the 12th house placement from the 9th. 8th shows sufferings, health issues, hurdles and unknown troubles in life. now let us understand more by different planetary examples how we can judge it :
1) If Mars is retrograde, and if it is connected with the Lagna or trik Bhavas ( i.e 6th, 8th or 12th house/lord) – There will be intense Pending karmas connected with Brothers, enemies, Husband ( In Nadi), fights, Legal battles, Land, Houses, War, bravery, Kings, and Kshatriya etc. To see what exactly the karma is pending with, check the placement of the Retrograde mars in which sign and how many planets are aspecting it.
2) If Saturn is Retrograde – and if it is connected with the Lagna and trik bhavas – Then there will be deep Pending Karmas connected one’s own action in the society i,e with Karam, Actions, work, Career, debts, sins, deeds, workers, social circle, Society, Land, agriculture, and Mass, etc.
3) If Jupiter is Retrograde – then one has Pending Karmas connected with the Spiritual Guru, teacher or father he has met in the past life, or it is with the Teacher, Knowledge he has learned in past, or it is connected with one’s Learning, or there might be a karma connected with the Brahmin, Gurukul and it is the karma given by the god to finish it in this life etc. if it is connected to the trik bhavas then one has to Experience it in any case via serving people. If it is connected with the Upachaya and Dharma Bhavas then one may get success via it and one will do service to the people in the right manner for uplifting own self and other also.
4) If it is Venus – then one has pending karma connected with his wife, sister, relationships and one has to give to his Wife, Spouse, Girlfriend, elder sister and one may face hardships or some karmic debt or pending karma with respect to Relationships, wealth, luxury and majorly with the wife or lover he or she may face or experience. If the conjunction is with Sun, Nodes, Mars and Saturn, AK then the Severity would be intense and it can give hard lessons in relationships or marriage. Many a case it gives hardships, struggles in Wealth, Luxury and comfort matters. Even it gives an indication with the concerned people those are connected with the karka of Venus i.e sister in law etc. Start of pending karma depends on the Lordship of the venus in Natal chart Mool trikona rashi, that house shows the event that can trigger the past karma i,e if Venus is lord of 9th house ( then event trigger after when one starts its higher learning or enter in any institution or society).The same way you can check for other planets as well

Technique 2 : 

B)  Check where the Bhrigu Bindu is placed in the natal chart, the sign, planet placed in it and its lord shows what sort of karma is pending in this birth and whom it is pending and how one can finish it. If BB is placed in the 10th house then one may have pending karma with the society or with the environment where he works or with the colleagues he works in society. whenever any major planet like Jupiter, Rahu/Ketu and Saturn transit on this point; BB, native experience major shift in his destiny in that particular year till that Transit is active  with respect to that sign and house placement during particular years and same way vimshotri and Chara dasha of the BB lord point shows major shift one can experience in one’s destiny during their. We will explain the concept of Bhrigu Bindu in detail in the next part with an example chart.

Technique 3 : 

C) Check the house Placement and sign of the 3rd house and its lord ( Karyesha) in the natal and D3 chart ( Jaganath Drekkana) it shows your karma one is born with to fulfill in this birth by doing certain actions and karmas in the society. As 3rd house is the house of actions and initiatives done by the jeeva, and it is also directly opposite to the 9th house which shows your Past birth, father and the Bhagya, it shows your Free will (Force of karma that one perform against his destiny)  and in broader sense it will show your must-have actions or karmas that you need to perform in this birth to unlock the future karma or actions one need require in this current birth.

Technique 4 : 

D) Check the 6th house, Sign, planets placed in this house and its lord in the natal chart to decode the Shadripus one has to cross in this birth in order to achieve the purpose of this life. This house, planets placed in it and its lord shows what is the pending karma of this life that must be finish in order to finish or cross this life cycle barrier and reach to next life. For e.g if one has sign libra in the 6th house and there is no planet placed in the house then we have to see where 6th house lord is placed. that placement shows what sort of blockage one is experiencing in this birth  with respect to that particular house placement. If we take current Example, venus is 6th lord and if it is placed in the 10th house in Aquarius sign then one may experience a problem in his career or profession because of his relationships with the female members in his office environment or one can face problem in his career via his wife  or one face hurdle in his career life or performing certain karma in society due to the properties of the venus i.e problems via females, wife, wealth etc.

Technique 5 : 

E) Check Placement and Sign aspect of Saturn and Rahu in the natal chart, shows what is the Major karma that needs to work on it in current life and if both the planets make a relation to each other or some Sambandha in a way by Mutual Aspects, conjunctions then one need to first finish this house karma in order to grow or progress in this life. for e.g Saturn is placed in 8th house and Rahu is placed in the 5th house , As Saturn is aspecting 5th house by 10th aspect then one needs to finish the pending karma wrt to 5th house matters i.e Bhakti, Stability of the chitta ( Mind) affairs, romance, children’s and basic education etc.

Note : These Pending karmas one has to exhaust in any case without any delay or without escaping point from it, Dashas, Ad, and Pd of all these retrograde planets play the main role in turning life into a major transformative events and one has to finish it in any case by experiencing it and all these planets play a major role in transforming inner conscious (Spiritual instinct) of the native. Either they teach a hard lesson or one totally get spiritual in these dasha periods.

Technique 6 :

Karma from D9 and Divisional charts :
There are also few other pending Karmas which are very intense and one cannot avoid it and those are presence in the form of curses and Karmic point. All these intense karmas one has to seen from the D9, D3, D30 and D60 chart. Whereas Planetry conjunction with either North node or south nodes in D9 shows the Deep and very intense karmas which were long pending from many of the birth and native is trying to avoid it or carry forwarding to many of birth from long via some divine help, guru blessings or Good Deeds.
As, Rahu-Ketu shows Sudden karmic point whereas Saturn shows karma that one has to improve it in this birth with own efforts and actions. Rahu-Ketu karmas have come in the form of mundane and physical sufferings and karma of Saturn comes in the form of Learning and lessons.
i.e If Rahu is placed with Venus in d9 chart – One had deep, Sudden and intense karma connected with either wife or girlfriend, Relationships (Extra or pre-marital physical relations) , some karma connected with lady love or with women whom he loves in past birth that can give either intense suffering or one may learn a hard lessons after marriage or it can starts when one person get involved in any relationship.
If Sun is with Rahu, then one may play a deep and intense relationship with Father or fatherly figure people, this conjunction can activate a Pitru curse in chart when Sun is involved with either 5th or 9th lord in D1 chart and it is in conjunction in d9 chart. this can activate it either after marriage or when some joins Job or he or she do bad deeds to any of fatherly figure native.
If Moon is with Rahu – then it gives deep and intense emotional sufferings via Mother, mother in law or eldest sister or via suffering intensely in an emotional bond. this could be very intense when the moon is lord of 4th house in d1 and same time if it is lord of 7th lord in d9. then it can get activate after marriage.
same we can check for Planetary conjunction with Ketu that shows Long pending karma connected with the past birth that one is avoiding from many of the birth. Ketu shows what is left behind, one’s rejections that have to experience and what is you have to finish in this birth to grow yourself spiritually. Ketu is a planet of detachment so here suffering and the lesson is connected in the form of detachment and one may face lots of detachment via karaka of the planet as native may have given sufferings or detachment to someone in that past birth in any of the form

Other Pending karmas are seen from the D3, D30 and  D60 chart that shows the karma of immediate last birth, that one has to face or experience in this birth that we will cover in the 2nd part of this article with example charts. It could be seen in these above mentioned divisional charts when karka of any of planet is connected with Mars, Saturn and nodes in D3, D30 and D60 chart, those having lordship with the 6th, 8th, 12th or Lagna in the D1 chart.D3 chart majorly shows about the Bott past and future karma native has to experience i.e what is the soul goal of the native or what one has to experience in this birth due to the good and Bad deeds done via the native. whereas D30 chart shows about the Suffering one has to experience in this birth because of his weaknesses, shadripus, sins and past debts.

I hope people would have enjoyed this article reading it and people will try to apply in their chart to understand it more deeply with the example charts. In the 2nd part, we will try to explain each and every technique with example charts of people those have experienced their destiny and past karmas astrologically.


Rakesh Jamwal

Source and Reference :
(Katha Upanisad, Ch 1, verse 6)
(The Bhagvad Geeta by Swami Yogananda)

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Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi


Decoding Past Life Reincarnation and Astrology Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

Article Written and Researched By

Sumanta Ghosal

Life Reincarnation is mainly a vedic philosophical concept that an aspect of living being starts a new life in a different physical body after each bio-logical death. It is a central point of vedic literature. Then other Indian religions such as Buddhism, Jainism and Shikh follows this concept.

But today I am going tfo discuss regarding Reincarnation and Astrology. We all know the twin beliefs of Karma and Reincarnation are among Hinduism many jewels of knowledge. Karma literally means “deed or act”, but more broadly it describes the pinciple of cause and effect. Simply stated Karma is a law of action and reaction which governs conscioussness. In metaphysics, Karma is the law that states that every mental, emotional and physical act, no matter how insignificant, is projected out into yhe physic mind substance and eventually returns to the individual with equal impact.

In ‘Bhagvad Gita’ Lord Shree Krishna says to Arjuna –

“वासाांसस जीर्ाासि यथा सवहाय
िवासि गह्णृ ासि िरोऽपरासर् ।
िथा शरीरासर् सवहाय जीर्ाा
न्यन्यासि सांयासि िवासि देही ॥” – Chapter 2, verse 22

It means during our day to day liles we change our old and dirty cloths and take a new/clean cloths whenever we need. Similarly, the Souls or Aatman costs off its worn out physical body at regular intervals of time. Soul is immortal but the physical body is mortal.

This sloka or verse refers to the doctrine of Reincarnation in Vedic philosophy. Death is described here as the simple process of a worn out garmentsfor a new one. Death is nothing but a chage attire in an uninterrupted continuity of immortality. In ‘Bhagvad Gita’, chapter number 2, verse number 23 Lord Krishna states to Arjuna-

“ििै ां सिन्दसन्ि शस्त्रासर् ििै ां दहसि पावकः ।
ि चिै ां क्लेदयन््यापो ि शोषयसि मारुिः ॥”

Lord Krishna states Aatman can not be harmed by weapons- and since it is formless and shapeless – it can not be cut into pieces by any instruments. In the same way, fire can not burn it or destroy it. Water can not wet it because water can act only elements which have physical description or dimensions. For the same reason, wind can not dry it or exert any force on it. Thus the Aatman is beyond the influence of all three primary forces which can affect entities having physical form and description.


Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

But today I am going to discuss regarding the relation between Astrology and Reincarnation. We all know Astrology is nothing but a celestial map of our previous births deeds. Our previous deeds or Karma decides our fate in this existance. By grace and blessings of my Ishtadev Lord Shiva, I am able to collect some birth datas of those people who can remember their previous births. I have collected those datas from various books and internet. I am thankful to them.Astrologically speaking a person’s natal chart does contain indicators for knowing the past and future births.

In a classic astrology book named Phaladeepika, we come to know how to predict past and future births. The author of this book is Manteswara, in the 14th chapter there comes information on astrological pointers to know previous and future births. According to Phaladeepika, the 9th house holds the key.

If 9th lord in natal chart is exalted, the previous birth was in a high society of good people. If 9th lord in natal chart is in debility or in enemy’s sign, the previous birth was in a different country. If 9th lord is in his own house or in a freind’s house, the previous birth was in the same country where the person belongs (Manteswara states Bharat Varsha/India).

In such cases, if 9th lord happens to be Jupiter, the person was born in Aryavarta (Himalayas Vindhyas area).

If 9th lord happens to be Venus or Moon, the person was born near sacred rivers such as Ganga,
Narmada, Kavery etc.

If 9th lord happens to be Mercury, the person was born near places of God like Lord Vishnu or Lord

If 9th lord happens to be Saturn, the person was born in meleccha desha- outside of India or where
Vedic culture is not prevailed.

If 9th lord happens to be Sun, the person was born in a place of forests or mountains.

If 9th lord happens to be Mars, the person was born in places where living was difficult.

To detect future birth we judge 5th lord carefully. To detect future birth same rules are applicable as
mentioned above. But here 5th lord should be judged instead of 9th lord.

Now we have to judge what kind of birth we spent during last birth and what kind of birth we will spend in future birth- whether as plant life or animal life.

According to Vedic philosophy the souls are born in four forms- as Devas, Human, Animals and Plant life.

Manteshwaraclearly states in his book Phaladeepika regarding this :

If the 9th lord is placed in Bhustadhaya rashi which is fixed sign also, the previous birth was that of same Vegetarian.

If the 9th lord is placed in Seershadhaya rashi which is movable sign also, the previous birth was that of same living being, either animal or man.

If the 9th lord is placed in exaltation sign or own house or friend’s house of the lagna lord, the previous
birth was that of a human being.

If the 9th lord is placed in neutral sign of the lagna lord, the previous birth was that of an animal.
If the 9th lord is placed in enemy sign of the lagna lord, the previous birth was that of a bird.

To detect future birth judge 5th lord in the same way as mentioned above.

These are the rules given by the famous astrologer Manteswara in his monumental book named –

We get some more clues regarding past and future births from “Brihat Jataka”- by Varahamihira.

According to Varahamihira, Jupiter,Moon and Venus, Sun and Mars, Saturn and Mercury bring people from Devloka, Pitriloka, Tiryagloka and Narakloka. respectively.

We have to judge first who is powerful among Sun and Moon is rashi chart. We have to choose the powerful one and see its position in Drekkana chart. The lord of that house signifies the key of previous birth.

In such a lord in D3 is Jupiter, it signifies that the person was in Devaloka before his birth on earth.

If such a lord is Moon or Venus then that person was in Pitriloka before his birth on earth.

If such a lord in D3 is Sun or Mars then that person was in Tiryaloka before his birth on earth.

If such a lord in D3 is Mercury or Saturn then that person was in Narakloka before his birth on earth.

To detect future birth take 8th lord and see the D3 chart where 8th lord occupies. The lord of the 3rd
house of 8th lord signifies future birth of native.

If such lord is exalted or in benefic position, then we come to this conclusion that person has enjoyed high status in that loka. If it is opposite then reversed result is indicated.

Now I am going to discuss on some case histories regarding this. I have collected these case histories from some books and internet. At the end of my article I will mention regarding this.

1. Shanti Devi and Ms Lugdi devi –

shantidevi Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

In Delhi, a little girl was born named Shanti. She was born on 11th december, 1926 at 13:48 pm. She gave an elaborate description about her past life. Common public were astonished having heard her statements. In her previous birth she was known as Ms Lugdi, died on 4th october 1925 during delivery of her third child. All of her statements were verified carefully by respected and educated persons including Mahatma Gandhi. Shanti Devi never married due to fear of pregnancy.

A) Chart of Lugdi Devi –

D.O.B- 18.01.1902, T.O.B- 10 AM, P.O.B- Mathura (U.P)

1 Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

She died in Moon dasha-Rahu antardasha.This is Lugdi Devi’s chart who died at the time of delivery. She was born as Shanti Devi in her future birth.

Now Let’s examine her chart. Her 5th lord as well as 8th lord is Mercury. We all know 5th lord is indicator of future birth. 5th house lord Mercury occupies in 12th house in Capricorn. Capricorn is Saturn’s house. Saturn here lagna lord also. 5th lord Mercury is occupied in 12th house which is friend’s house of Mercury.

It denotes that native’s future birth will be as human. As we know Manteshwara states in his book ‘Phaladeepika’ – that if 9th or 5th lord isin own house or in a friend’s house then previous and future birth forms as human being and in same country.

Here Lugdi’s 5th lord Mercuryis in 12th house that means Saturn’s house which isher lagnesh also. Saturn’s friend is Mercury. So Lugdi Devi’s future birth would be as human being in same country that is India. Lugdi Devi reincarnated as Shanti Devi in her future birth. Lugdi Devi’s 5th lord Mercury occupies in venus navamsha. Venus occupies in lagna, Venus indicates sacred river such as Ganga, Yamuna, Kaveri etc. Lugdi Devi born as Shanti Devi in her future birth in Delhi where sacred Yamuna river exists.

Now I am going to discuss on Shanti Devi’s birth chart who was Lugdi Devi in previous birth. Born in Rahu mahadasha and Mercury antardasha.

2 Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

Shanti Devi known as Lugdi Devi in her previous birth. Shanti Devi’s 9th lord is Mars, occupied in own house, aries. As per Manteshwara’s ‘Phaladeepika’- If 9th lord is in own house or in friend’s house, previous birth was as human being in same country. We know Lugdi Devi is born as Shanti Devi in Mathura. Mars is in Moon navamsa. Moon denotes sacred river such as Ganga, Yamuna etc. Mathura is near to sacred river Yamuna.

Notes: –

i) We observe that Lugdi’s ascendant was kumbha where Shanti Devi’s (incarnation of Lugdi Devi) ascendant is Meen, 2nd house of Kumbha. It means where Lugdi ended her life journey from there Shanti Devi started her journey again in a different physical body.

ii) Lugdi died in Moon dasha and Rahu antardasha. Shanti devi was born in Rahu mahadasha and Mercury antardasha.

2. Another case study of reincarnation is Rampratap Singh. Rampratap Singh was born in 10th january at 10:30 am in Delhi. He could remember his previous birth. According to him, he was born in same family where he is born in this birth. He died by an accident took place on 6th february 1983. In his previous birth he was born 30th december 1958 at 8:55 pm, Delhi. Now I am going to analyse his previous birth chart and his this existance birth chart.

Previous birth of Rampratap Singh

D.O.B- 30.12.1958, T.O.B- 08:55 PM, P.O.B- Delhi

3 Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

This is the birth chart of Rampratap Singh’s previous existence. Let us analyse this. 5th lord denotes future birth. Here 5th lord occupies in 10th house in Aries sign which is Mars own sign. According to Manteshwara, If 5th lord is in own house or in a friend’s house, future birth will be as human being in same country. In his next birth the native born in same country and same city.

Now we will discuss his present birth chart. In his previous birth he died on 6th february 1983. And the
native born as Rampratap Singh on -10th january 1984 at 10:30 am in Delhi.

4 Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

He was born in Saturn dasha aand mars antardasha.

His 9th lord Venus and 10th lord Mars interchanges house. So no malefic results will be occured. Venus is in star of Mercury. Mercury is friend of Saturn and Venus. So it indicates Rampratap Singh’s previous birth was as human being in a same country, same city. As his Lagna is in even sign and as his ascendant is in moon’s hora, Rampratap Singh is born in same family where he was born in his previous birth.

Case Study number- 3

Another rebirth case study I am going to mention here. The name of this person is Pooran Singh. He was born on 9th december 1968 at 4:10 am, Kapurthala.This person can remember his previous birth.

According to him he was born on 19th november 1929 at 6:26 pm at Moga and died on 19th may 1966 by an accident.

Pooran Singh’s previous birth chart-

5 Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

He died in 19th may 1966 in Saturn dasha and Mercury antardasha.

From 5th lord we judge future birth. 5th lord Mercury is in 6th house Libra which is Venus sign. Venus is lagnesh and 6th lord also. Mercury and Venus are mutual friends of each other. In famous astrological book ‘Phaladeepika’, Manteshwara states that if 5th lord is occupied in own house or friend house then native’s future birth will be as human being and he will born in same country and same region. Hence all the combinations are fulfilled. After death the native is born as Pooran Singh at Kapurthala. Kapurthala and Moga’s distance is not so far. Both places are under Punjab state. Now i am going to analyse his present birth chart.

Pooran Singh

D.O.B- 09.12.1968, T.O.B- 4:10 AM, P.O.B- Kapurthala

6 Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

Born in Saturn dasha and Mercury antardasha.From 9th house we denotes previous birth. 9th lord is Mercury occupies in 2nd house Scorpio with Sun and Mercury both are in Jyestha star which is Mercury Star. Mars is in Virgo which is Mercury’s house.So Mercury and Mars both interchanges each others house. Mercury’s signification is prime here. As a result we come to this conclusion that native was born in human being in his previous birth in same

Note:- In his previous birth he died in Saturn dasha and mercury antardasha. In his present birth he was born in same dasha and antardasha. Soul has just changed new mortal body. Soul’s evaluation is continuously going on.In his previous birth chart ascendant was Taurus that is Venus sign. In this present birth he is born under Libra ascendant which is Venus sign too.

In Shashta Kanda of Mahabharat, Lord Shiva explains to Goddess Parvati: –

“Tasmajjatismara loke jayante Badhshanyukta
Tesha Vivardhatam sangya swapanvat sa pranashyati
Parlokashya chesitatve moodhanam karanam tuidam “

It means when a person who dies suddenly somewhere and is born again suddenly, his old habits and samskaars may remain for some time. But as they grow up, their old memories disappear like dreams.In this way birth and death cycle is going on. It will never be ended until soul get salvation or moksha.

Thats why Adi Shankaracharya states-

“Punaropi Jananam Punaropi maranam, punoropi janani jathare shyanam
Tha samsare khalu dustare – kripayapare pahi murae.”

It means we take birth again and again and die again anad again, sleep again and again in the womb of
mother. The world is so difficult place to stay. Oh God! rescue me from all this anad give me salvation.

Sources : –

i) 765 notable horoscope by Raj Kumar,

ii) Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand,

iii) Discovering your past lives by Gloria Chadwick,

iv) Karma and rebirth in Hindu Astrology – K.N Rao,

v) Parlok and Punarjanm ank by Kalyan,

vi) Internet and Youtube.

These are the sources from where I have collected information’s to write this article.



Sumanta Ghosal

pin Reincarnation and Astrology : Decoding Past Life of Shanti Devi

Views: 943

Decoding Vedic Astrology Dasha system and how does it impacts our Karma and life-cycle

Dasha Predictions Decoding Vedic Astrology Dasha system and how does it impacts our Karma and life-cycle

Vedic Astrology Dasha Systems


What is Dasha period ?  How does it impact our Karma and life-cycle ?

Dasha is all about your total sanchit karma , the storage point of all the Karma’s that you have gathered from the total birth journeys. It has two major points one should always keep in mind; major portion of dasha period speaks about  your prarabdha karma that is we can only see from the placement of the planets in the natal chart, means your all the bad deeds from the portion of total accumulated karma’s rest of the Karma is your sanchit karma (Left behind) where it shows good part of karma that can be trigger at any moment in native life. Choices always depends on your prayers and good deeds, they are changeable in nature. That’s the reason whenever there is an adverse dasha running in your natal chart it is very hard to avoid the results of the dasha period  as they represents all the misdeeds in the form of prarabdha karma. But if your 9th house or its lord is well placed or there are placement of beneficial planets in the 9th house or lagnesh ( 1st house lord) or 9th lord is forming relationship with each other you can get relaxation in the form of remedies.For remedies to work there should be a good linkage between 9th, lagna and 12th house if 9th is not forming any relationship with the said houses it is very difficult for a native to get expected results for their respective remedies. 9th house is the house of higher god, dharma and prayers, if it is well disposed it is possibly a good reason one can expect the results of remedies soon. Majorly karmic remedies always start working in your life via the 9th house activation with the help of Guru or a good jyotishi guidance. Majorly Dasha period speaks about your temporary Karma’s that one has to face during the time period those are difficult to change and that can trigger at any moment in any fixed duration. But when that results can comes in your life is totally dependent on the transit of the major planets like Saturn, Jupiter and Rahu/ketu over your natal planets. Transits are the delivery boy and dasha period is your parcel of all the Karma’s. When that event has to come only deliver boy can decides it. Transits has major role in transforming your whole life as they indicates about the actions period of the karma or in layman language it shows the timing of the events. Transits are indicative of the new karmas that one can do during the dasha period. It gives you a chance to work on your self, improve your life and do good deeds in the form of kiryamana karma ( The new Karma). Generally we can know the kiryamana karma by the Prashna chart  or by the 6th and 10th lord in natal chart.

In Dasha Systems, Vimshottari Dasha is most famous among all. Vimshottari Dasha that operates in any native life explains about certain life events those are in sync with your age like if Saturn MD or AD dasha operates in the age of 36 native will learn, grows or matures a lot w.r.t to his life lessons, karma, Career and he will meet many people in his life which will totally changes his experiences, wisdom and thinking power. Same way if Mercury dasha operates at the 32 of age of he will experience certain learning experiences wrt to expanding his social circle, meeting and leaving new friends, enhancing new skills, learning new sets of logic’s, improving intelligence etc. Thing is Purpose of every dasha beginning is to teaches you certain life lessons and understanding your life path at those fixed age. Vimsotri dasha is all about understanding and experiencing your Prarabdha and sanchit karmas and when certain transits align or meet with these dasha periods native life get total change in his life and in this new life cycle and life experiences both the Rahu/Ketu plays very a major and important roles in either giving you or taking everything you have in their Dashas and transits over natal chart.

The Biggest truth of planetary motion is  that they have major role in impacting human life cycle and certain karmas. The greatest impact of planetary force on human being is it can effect your state of mind, decision making, circumstances, situations, appearance, aura, and most importantly all the personality traits are dependent on the transits and dashas and it has greater impact on human mind first. Vimshottari dasha is one such tool you can read and analyze it well and in my observation Vimshottari dasha is all about your traits and planetary placements from the moon in natal chart, which can read your mind setup, environment and circumstances. That’s the reason I prefer to see vimsotri dasha first-most for all the human traits those can impact your status of mind, thoughts and decision making.One should always gives much focus on all these parameters while analysing the vimsotri dasha and impact of planetary force on human mind setup but one of major loophole in vimsotri dasha is decision of karma is always pending in your hand in any of the dasha period. your Agami karma always decides your kiryamani karma,so do not ignore the importance and purpose of birth given to you over vimsotri dasha.Your birth is all about your current karma over previous prarabdha.

In This article we will try to learn about all the Major dashas system and we will explain each dashas in their consecutive parts in future articles. So first lets try to understand  different dasha systems we can use in natal chart one by one.Among all Most famous is Vimshottari Dasha respectively and rest of the dasha periods are used according to their requirements and condition’s in natal chart.

1)Vimshottari Dasha:

Most Known Dasha System based on Movement of Moon on the progression of Nakashtras at the time of birth (Tithi – Longitudinal distance of Sun and Moon).Total 9 Nakashtras Forms a complete 120 year of dasha system as equals as life cycle in kaliyug, as suggested by some of sages.It is presumed as total life span of human being in kaliyug would be of around about 100 to 120 years.

Total Nakashtras are 27 ( 9*3 = 27 Nakashtras – forms 3 different Nakashtras based progressive Vimsotri Dasha system). for e.g If one is Born in Jyestha Nakashtra – Dasha of the native will starts from Mercury ( Lord of Jyestha) and it goes further up-to rest of 8 Nakashtras, like Moola ( Ketu Dasha) ,Poorva ashada ( Lord Venus) and finally it will end at Uttrabhadra Nakaashtra (Lord Saturn). Every Preceding Nakashtra has Major role in Forming Mental Setup of Native during the progressions of Vimsotri Dasha lords in VM Dasha system .Starting point of Dasha system is Ashwani (Nakashatra lord is Ketu) and end of Dasha system is Revti Nakashtra.

VMD Dasha System is a Commonly used Dasha system but Less in its accuracy and timing Events, in its application & usage, if one is not aware of Usage of Nakashtras and Degree Concepts with accurate Birth time in VMD system, than its not easy to Use it wisely with perfection, VMD perfection need case studies of lots of people and in depth knowledge of Nakashtras, Degrees, Padas and art of Birth time rectification process. So, what i believe is knowledge of Degrees and Nakashtras is must while timing events in VMD Dasha system.

If during the birth, Moon is Stronger in strength; means birth In Brighter nights (Shukala Pakasha), we considered Moon as Stronger. During Brighter Nights Moon is ahead of Sun and more powerful to receive Sun Beneficial Rays which are directly gone impact people mindset, who will take birth in earth during this period of time.

Most of Beneficial Works are done in Shukala Pakasha tithis. Even in Bhagwada Geeta it is Mentioned as – Birth in Shukala Paksha leads to Heaven and people who gone die at same tithi and same Pakasha never come back to earth in material world.

Those who are Born in Krishana Pakasha they used to come back to material world again and again until and unless karmic balance is equals to zero. So, those people who are born in Brighter Nights (Shukala Pakasha tithi ), can use VMD Dasha system blindly in Natal and Divisional Charts without any 2 views.
For its applicability, Check the Strength of VMD Dasha lords by Making Moon as Reference Point and Extracts the result of VMD Dasha lord by its Nakashtra and its Lord in Natal Chart.
Those who are Born in Darker Nights ( Krishna Pakasha), we considered Moon as weaker being in darker side of Sun, not able to receive full rays of Sun. Those people who are born in Krishna Pakasha Tithi – Either they should use Yogini Dasha System or Ancient Dasha system based on 108 years of cycle (Ashtottari Dasha system) as explained by Lord Shiva for timing events and Dasha results in Kaliyug.
Moon & Nakashtras are the base for Vimshottari Dasha System & it should be given Higher Priority over Planets placement in Natal and Divisional charts while analyzing Results for any Dasha Period ( Either it is MD , Ad or PD or Sookashmaa Dasha). VMD Gives Events based on what Mind Will Show and Experience you a Picture.
In My calculation its Accuracy is 60-70%.

2) Yogini Dasha System:

Best Dasha System Used in Kalyug for timing Events based on 8 Yoginis and Starting from Moon Nakashtara.Goddess Parvati asked Lord Shiva, “There are innumerable dasha systems in astrology, but in the Kaliyuga, which dasha would tell us in a flash the results of a person’s Karma?.”Lord Shiva said, “It is the Yogini dasha.” And thus Lord Shiva revealed this dasha to Goddess Parvati. In the Kaliyuga, after careful examination of this dasha on a chart, the results do not go wrong. By knowing the mere name of the Yogini operating for a person, the things happening in the life of that person during the period of Yogini can be known.

According the Rudrayamal, the Yogini dasha gives excellent results in Kaliyuga:

There are eight types of Yoginis: Mangala, Pingala, Dhanya, Bhramari, Bhadrika, Ulka, Siddha and Sankata. It is believed that the planets Moon, Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Venus and Rahu have evolved respectively from the Yoginis Mangala, Pingala, etc.

The total duration of Yogini Dasha is 36 years. Shorter the Dasha system is More accurate is the result.

It is the Best Dasha System for timing events based on Nakshtras unconditionally. Yogini dasha is a nakshatrika dasha based on the nakshatra of the Moon at the time of birth.Quite Accurate in predicting events approximately about 90 to 95 % what i believe in its usage.

3) Ashtottari Dasha System:

Ashtottari dasa is also another Dasha System based on Nakshtras but it is conditional Dasha System applicable on Some of Conditions and perhaps the most popular dasa system in India after Vimsottari dasa.Based on 108 Cycle of years.It as a conditional dasa applicable only in some charts.

Maharishi Parashar explained as: O Brahmin, the sages have recommended the adoption of Ashtottari, when Rahu not being in Lagn, in any other Kendr, or Trikon to the Lord of the Lagn. From 4 Nakshatras from Ardra commences the Dasha of Surya, from 3 after that begins the Dasha of Candr, 4 after that will bring the Dasha of Mangal, 3 after that the Lord of Dasha will be Budh, 4 therefrom will have Sani, as the Dasha Lord, 3 thereafter the Lord will be Guru, Rahu will be the Lord of the Dasha 4 Nakshatras after that and then Sukr will take over the lordship of the Dasha 3 Nakshatras from the last one mentioned above.

The Lord of the Dasha at birth will be determined by counting in this order up to the Janm Nakshatr. The duration of Ashtottari Dasha for Surya, Candr, Mangal, Budh, Sani, Guru, Rahu and Sukr are 6, 15, 8, 17, 10, 19, 12 and 21 in that order. Thus in this Dasha system only 8 Grahas play the role of Dasha Lords, Ketu having been denied this privilege.

Simply Its Working is based on , If the birth (of the native) is in Krishna paksha (or the dark half of the month) or at night in sukla paksha (the bright half of the month) and that Rahu is in a quadrant (Kendra) or trine (trikona) from the lord of the lagna ( that location is also called the paka lagna).

In this system, the sum of all dasas is 108 years.

Ashtottari means “ashtottara sata”, i.e. one hundred and eight. Because poornaayush (full life) of a man is 108 years suggested by some of sages for kaliyug, some scholars have suggested that ashtottari dasa is best used as an ayur dasa, i.e. a dasa that shows longevity.

There are three different views on the applicability of Ashtottari dasa:

(1) Ashtottari dasa is applicable in all charts.

(1) Ashtottari dasa is applicable if Rahu, who is not in lagna, is in a quadrant or a trine from lagna lord.

(1) Ashtottari dasa is applicable for daytime births in Krishna paksha (darker fortnight) and night time births in Sukla paksha (brighter fortnight).

Some people use Ashtottari dasa as an ayur dasa and see longevity in it. Some other people use Ashtottari dasa as a phalita dasa. Because only chara karakas, i.e. Rahu and the seven planets, have dasas under the Ashtottari dasa scheme, it may also be suggested that it shows events related to sustenance, achievements, raja yogas and moksha (just like chara karakas do). Some people, however, prefer to see all matters in Ashtottari dasa..Accuracy is higly depends on its usage.

4) Kalachakra Dasha system:

Kalachakra Dasa is also Nakashtras Based Dasha like Vimsottari based upon the position of the Moon in Lunar mansion.Kalachakra is based upon Nakshatra Padas (instead of Nakshatras).It is a Rasi Dasa and Rasi Dasa lords are important to Predicting events not the planets.

The Dasa is extremly sensitive for birth time and Ayanamsa changes. So it is applicable only if the native’s birth time is quite accurate. A change of Ayanamsa can result in completely different results.It is Only Applicable in Navamsa.It is Quite accurate in Predicting marriage related events and accuracy is about 90% if birth time is accurate.

5) Narayana Dasha:

One of Best Dasha System in vedic Astrology based on Movement of Rasi’s. Narayana dasa is a very important rasi dasa as It is a phalita dasa that shows all general results based on Material Success, if the Lord Naryana is Promising the material success in our Chart this Dasha will show how we Growing Materially and this Dasha works with Sudasa Dasha(Laxmi Dashsa) and Runs Parallel with Narayana Dasha if Narayana is Promising than Goddess Laxmi will shower Extensively result for Success and growth.

Narayana dasa is computed differently for different divisional charts and we can use Narayana dasa of a divisional chart to predict matters related to that divisional chart.

Narayana dasa is based on the progression of lagna in one’s life. As one dasa ends and another starts, one rasi stops being the progressed lagna and another rasi becomes one’s progressed lagna. Using the progressed lagna as the reference, we find out the events that happen in that dasa. Thus we get twelve charts for each person, with each chart applicable in one dasa.Very accurate in Predicting and timing Events in Horoscope approximately 99%.

6) Chara Dasha:

This is another very Important Dasha system based on Rasi dasha.this Dasha System is made By Jamini based on 7 Chara Karkas and Predictions are Purely timed on 7 charakarkas and their meanings.Very accurate Dasha system.This Dasha System works on the basis of 7 PlanetsSun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus & Saturn and their Proceedings Degrees.

The planet with highest degree in a Natal Horoscope is known as Atmakaraka (AK – enjoys the status of Lagna); the planet with 2nd highest degree is known as Amatyakaraka (Amk – signifies 10th house/professional matter); the planet with 3rd highest degree is known as Bhratrikaraka (BK – signifies coborns/3rd house significations); the planet with 4th highest degree is known as Matrikaraka (MK – signifies/4th house significations); the planet with 5th highest degree is known as Putrakaraka (PK – offspring/5th house significations); the planet with 6th highest degree is known as Gnatikaraka (GK – enemies/obstacles/diseases/6th house significations) and the planet with 7th highest degree is known as Darakaraka (DK – significator of spouse/7th house significations).

7) Sudasa Dasa System:

Sudasa is a rasi dasa. It is also called “Sree Lagna Kendradi Rasi Dasa” or simply “Rasi Dasa”. Its computation is based on kendras etc from Sree Lagna. Sudasa is important for materialistic things like money, power and authority. It can be used to predict financial matters and matters related to status and power. If a political leader occupies a post of power, he must be enjoying a favorable dasa as per Sudasa. If a businessman sees increasing profits, he must be enjoying a favorable dasa as per Sudasa. If someone struggles with tight finances, he must be going through an unfavorable dasa as per Sudasa.If Someone Struggles with the Tight Finances, He Must be Going through an unfavourable dasa as per Sudasa Dasha.

Narayan dasa indicates how the environment is presented to you.Vimshottari or Ashtottari Dasa shows how the native responds to the influences of the environment.the final decision of the native (Vimsottari) will depend on the resources available at hand (Sudasa) so it Shows effort and environment provided by Narayana Dasha..Lakshmi is the giver of all prosperity and it shows when you get opportunity . While Narayana governs the environment and effort, Lakshmi governs the prosperity and well-being. As Rajya Lakshmi, she gives power. As Dhana Lakshmi, she gives money. As Arogya Lakshmi, she gives health. As Vidya Lakshmi, she gives learning. And so on. She is the giver of all prosperity.

Thus we can see when Lakshmi’s blessings come in a particular matter (in terms of prosperity). Remember that Narayana governs effort and Lakshmi governs prosperity! Both together define what happens to a person.This Dasha is quite Accurate wrt to Narayana Dasha and works perfectly with 99%.

8) Drig-Dasha System:

It is also a Rasi Dasa Which Means Visions and works on Aspects of Rasi dashas.It Shows How Spritual Vision Develops in a native Move ones life.It Shows Religious and Spirituals activities and the evolution of ones Soul.

9)Niryaana Shoola Dasha:

Niryaana Means Death and Shoola is a Weapon of Lord Shiva and who is the lord of Distruction and this dasha dasha system is Works as per Mahesh destruction so it is used for timing of death , Pain and Suffering one may face during the Life last Part.

|| Om Bhagwate Vasudevaya Namah: ||

With Thanks and Regards,

Rakesh Jamwal

pin Decoding Vedic Astrology Dasha system and how does it impacts our Karma and life-cycle

Views: 1089

An Astrological case study: Blessing to Science, Man of Cosmos The Albert Einstein Life biography

An Astrological case study: Blessing to Science, Man of Cosmos The Albert Einstein Life biography


Brain Behind Unfolding Secrets of Cosmos

“It is not enough that you should understand about applied science in order that your work may increase man’s blessings. Concern for the man himself and his fate must always form the chief interest of all technical endeavours; concern for the great unsolved problems of the organisation of labour and the distribution of goods in order that the creations of our mind shall be a blessing and not a curse to mankind. Never forget this in the midst of your diagrams and equations.”

Above mentioned Quotes Said by One of Famous Personality in the history of Science, None another “Albert Einstein ”

About Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was born at Ulm, in Württemberg, Germany, on March 14, 1879. Six weeks later the family moved to Munich, where he, later on, began his schooling at the Luitpold Gymnasium. Later, they moved to Italy and Albert continued his education at Aarau, Switzerland and in 1896 he entered the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich to be trained as a teacher in physics and mathematics.

Early Childhood and Family Life:

albert einstein 2 728 An Astrological case study: Blessing to Science, Man of Cosmos The Albert Einstein Life biography

As per the Date of based on Albert Einstein  life history he started his educations

“In 1901, the year he gained his diploma, he acquired Swiss citizenship and, as he was unable to find a teaching post, he accepted a position as technical assistant in the Swiss Patent Office. In 1905 he obtained his doctor’s degree. Einstein always appeared to have a clear view of the problems of physics and the determination to solve them. He had a strategy of his own and was able to visualize the main stages on the way to his goal. He regarded his major achievements as mere stepping-stones for the next advance. At the start of his scientific work, Einstein realized the inadequacies of Newtonian mechanics and his special theory of relativity stemmed from an attempt to reconcile the laws of mechanics with the laws of the electromagnetic field. He dealt with classical problems of statistical mechanics and problems in which they were merged with quantum theory: this led to an explanation of the Brownian movement of molecules. He investigated the thermal properties of light with a low radiation density and his observations laid the foundation of the photon theory of light. Most Important Factor is what made Einstein so much specialized in presenting his theories of cosmos and idea of his creations and how he got so many brilliant ideas for his vivid imaginations wrt to Cosmology. This is truly a most astonished and achievable point for me to understand his scientific life path.”

Even with so much brilliant intellect, there were so much up’s and down in his whole Career life -beginning from his childhood days to earlier career life – Einstein struggled a lot to get recognise his theories.

It took me so much time to understand the brilliance intellectual of Einstein.

There are two most important points one should keep in mind while analyzing any chart for career selection that what I had observed and felt during the course of my research. It’s not necessary for what subject we study in higher education we can get a job regarding the same profile. In my 90% of astrological experience what I have found people have studied something else and they are mostly doing the job in different profile and in the different industrial sector.

Point to ponder on it, why it is happening mostly ?

Do you know why ?

Answer is very simple –

It’s not necessary what we study based on 4th (Schooling), 9th (Bachelor or Higher Study) and 5th (technical and Creative studies) gives us the job and earning from same. All three houses have no connection with the wealth houses or upchaya houses (Growth Giving houses). for earning from the Educational sector, One should have strong connection ofupchaya (2nd, 6th, 10th and 11th) houses lords with all three education houses. Wealth belongs to 2nd and 11th Houses; their placement, Lord and Strength of Dhana Karka planets plays a major role in deciding prospects of Finance via Education sector planets. In General Jupiter and Karma, Karka Saturn has a major role in deciding our profession and career stream, that we can check in both D1, D9 and D10 Chart. Unless and until there will be a connection of 9th, 5th, 10th house or lord connectivity with 2nd and 11th lord we cannot earn from Same. Now coming to Main Post;

This Article Belongs to One of most Ingenious Scientist of the 20th Century ” ‪#‎Albert‬ Einstein.


Exceptionally Human in nature, an Ingenious Scientist who was able to decode God Cosmos Structure by his theoretical calculations and forumlated an eqation of E=MC2 for understanding Mass and Energy as one form via his Special Relative theory and further worked on visualiszing concept of theory of everything; The General Theory of Relativity. Both the Theores are considered as benchmark in decoding Higher Cosmos for understanding Structure of time and Space.

About Albert Einstein

As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality they are not certain and as far as they are certain they do not refer to reality. Albert Einstein An Astrological case study: Blessing to Science, Man of Cosmos The Albert Einstein Life biography

Albert Einstein was a German-Swiss-American scientist, a physicist who developed the theory of relativity in 1905, and the general theory in 1916 after a Much struggle and controversies were able to Prove it after the long gap of 7 years, laying the groundwork for 20th-century physicists and providing the essential structure for the cosmos.

Having IQ level of 160 at the age of 14 Taught himself integral and calculus and analytic Geometry from books, Because of Surya- Budh Yoga, Einstein revolutionized the basic Structure of Physics with Impossible and unimaginable ideas in the Era of Atomic age around the 19th century.

Now what are the rules to understand how planetary combinations have a major role on deciding profession in science stream:
Here is the basic understanding of planetary nature, Cracking Down Career Field in Science, being physicist’s,  Astronomer, Astrophysics or Being a Scientist? 


1455263121130 An Astrological case study: Blessing to Science, Man of Cosmos The Albert Einstein Life biography

Karka of Science – Sun- Denotes Knowledge of Cosmos, Creation and Deep Knowledge.
Saturn + Jupiter + Sun Mainly seen for this career, though Karka of Physics are: Sun + Mercury if they are falls in trine to Moon.

Karka of Scientists are:

1) Ketu: – A Genius Scientist, Expert in Philosophy of High Machines, Higher Mathematics, and Art of Statistical analysis, an expert in higher Calculations and mathematics.

2) Rahu: Working with Highly Technical Machines which are highly intelligent in core structure having Huge size and big in mass i.e. Atomic and Nuclear Bombs, knowledge of Gases and Representer of true Researcher and working with Secret Societies and working Underground.

3) Mercury: Art Of Analysis, Thinking in a Unique way, Knowledge of Electronics, Communication, IT Technology & Media, Journalism, Writing, Accounting and Sharp Intelligence and logical Calculations if aspect by Rahu or by Mars and or in Rahu Nakashtra it makes a brilliant Scientist.

4) Sun: Karka of the source of Knowledge, Knowledge of Cosmos & Creation, knowledge of Godly things i.e. Geeta, Vedanta, Bhagwat Puraan etc., it indicates the clue for Source of Knowledge – where knowledge originates, Lord of Strings Based Musical instruments i.e. Guitar, violin, taan Pura etc.

5) Saturn : Knowledge of traditional Studies which have deep roots from old Traditions i.e ancient scriptures, Astrology, Vedic Astronomy, Shashtras etc and when it Combine with Jupiter or Sign of Jupiter or Vice versa (Jupiter with Saturn or in Sign of Saturn) it gives Brahma Yoga or finest knowledge of Creation and passing down to others in a traditional way or working in traditional knowledge’s i.e. Study of the Cosmos, Universe, space, time-based on Vedic Cosmology etc.

6) Jupiter: Karka of Dhi and Philosophy and power of discretion through knowledge, Knowledge of God or God Blessing and knowledge of Vedas, Shasta’s, most highest knowledge, karaka of Apara Vidya, – the knowledge which never Destroyed in the Cosmic cycle of birth and death which we called Supreme or Divine knowledge – Real Karka of Scientist and Being philosopher and Preaching Higher Cause.

7) Venus: Karka of Para Vidya and Knowledge of Shastra’s and making harmonic relation with nature and the finest author who can write with beauty and complete harmony.

When we combine all, the Finest Scientist like Albert Einstein will be born who can Present Science into new Shape and New Ideas.

Now the point is how to analyze career in ” Scientific field “, it is not an easy job to crack down career in the scientific field and having brilliant thinking like Albert Einstein, only he has that unique ability and imaginative thinking out of frame from usual physicists ideology.

He was the blessed scientist able to decode the hidden meaning of God and his nature, so giving him name “Messenger of the God ” (Jupiter in 9th house) won’t be a big thing for his notifying career in science and physics, to understand and present God Cosmos and Creation in a Unique Style to mankind.

He was the only Scientist expert in theoretical physics in 19th century, believed in Approaching and Solving Cosmological Mysteries by his ingenious mathematical abilities in paper.

Now the question is What are the ways to Analyses Career?

Coming to Post how we can analyze career and professional achievements.


what emc2 means An Astrological case study: Blessing to Science, Man of Cosmos The Albert Einstein Life biography

Available detail of Albert Einstein is:

Date of Birth: 14 March 1879,
Time of Birth: Available time- 11:30 Am (Standard Time), (Fixed time, which I corrected, based on his life events was: 11:36:29 Am) Place of Birth: Ulm, Germany,
Long and Lat: 48n24, 10e00, Timezone: LMT m10e00 (is local mean time).

Albert%2BEinstien An Astrological case study: Blessing to Science, Man of Cosmos The Albert Einstein Life biography


Navamsa An Astrological case study: Blessing to Science, Man of Cosmos The Albert Einstein Life biography

Initial Factors before analysis :

While doing initial Calculation in birth chart analysis of Albert Einstein with available birth time  @11:30 am, I was not so sure about Einstein would have such an Ingenious Career in the scientific field if we take Aquarius as D9 Lagna with Venus and Mars in Lagna. With Current Lagana it be would be an impossible deal to say that he would be having an un-matchable imagination with style of visualising things in a lucid way none other can imagine.

The presence of Venus and Mars in D9 lagan only can give Passionate nature in Music, Romanticism in an unconventional style and usually gives Natural artistic skills and talents with handsome and attractive appearance those are linked with Both Mars and Venus. Though he has a very youthful appearance that matches more with Gemini traits of 4th pada or might be having an influence of Mercury over D9 Lagana.

But if we slightly move birth time to few minutes forward, to Pisces Lagna, it can give me a clue of having an Expansive and imaginative nature with an unusual out of Box Style thinking of Albert Einstein. Rahu in D9 Lagna in Pisces clearly matches over the choice of career and traits of scientific bent of mind, looking everything in different way and style, having natural tendency for observing everything in micro point of view and adept in rejecting causal way of philosophical systems and Laws of nature, that what science has propagated at that time. Only strong Rahu over Lagana has that ability and power to accept unconventional ideas those are beyond imagination for any set of mind.

Usually, Expansive and imaginative nature ruled by Guru and out of Box thinking ruled By Rahu, but If we combine both we can get a person who can think and imagine in an unusual way, or who can dig deep with an unconventional and different set of rules till that he never gets his answer.

So, I was quite assured about Rahu in Pisces Lagna in D9 would definitely give an expansive and highly visualized thinking for the scientific career.

If we take Gemini Lagan with 4th pada, we would be having an ambitious Rahu ruling the Ascendant nakshatra and Mercury will be ruling the lagna Rashi and with Guru ruling over d9, it will definitely form a hyper-expansive pair.

Being born in Gemini 4th Padas of Ardara, It will give an extravagant, expediently generous, but not normally reckless, Huge adventure, large-scale speculation, enormous having “animal fantasy” potential for gaining tremendous knowledge if Guru is well disposed in the Horoscope.

After Approaching to final conclusion, changed the birth time to 11:36:29 AM, where the birth time would be in 4th pada of Pisces Navamasa lagan, Rahu placed in Pisces sign ( the Sign of Deep Mystery, deep imagination, Study of Deep Space and Cosmos). At the Sametime D9 lagnesh lord  is also well placed in the 9th house – Signifies house of Higher Knowledge, philosophy and Deep secrets. The Sign of Scorpio – signifies mystery, transformations, Secret knowledge and Doing Mystical research in Something extraordinary in a Scientific way also aspecting the lagna (where Rahu is placed in Pisces), Sun (also placed in 5th house) from 9th house, clearly indicating a scientist was Born with extra-ordinary knowledge,thoughts and skills and would be having an expert  understanding on Vedanta and Bhagavad  gita philosophy.Further shows that Einstein would be having an utter faith on his Teachers and Guides.

That gives final surety that D9 Lagan should be Pisces rather than Aquarius.

Now, Coming to D1 Being born in Gemini Lagan in Ardra Nakshatra in the 4th Padas of Jupiter, making Albert Einstein an extremely Ingenious, Brilliant in calculus, sharp intellect, well versed in Vedas or Sciences of gods and interested in Astronomy, Cosmos and knowledge of Creation, highly Imaginative, visually ingenious being born in sign of Pisces amsa in d9.

Being born in Gemini ascendant einstein possessing an extreme human nature and having Witty and generous disposing nature, Possess a high degree of self-esteem and brimming confidence, Capable of rising in life by dint of merit alone. Exceptional oratorical and writing capacity well versed in Literature and journalism all things which involved visually or imaginative writing or theoretic writing.

That further can be verified from the placement of the lagnesh mercury being placed in “Poorna chandra” Amsa in d60. Poorna chandra signifies ” Full Moon ” and one would be deeply related to “Pustaka – working with books”.  Nature of Works would be involving those related to printing, publication, distribution, training of Books, writing Journals, or might be work in an Publicity or Advt or Librarians etc.that further shows the life direction or where one applies his intelligence or where actually life direction lies in.

Einstein was exceptionally versed in acts of differentiation and always be misunderstood as being born as an independent & indifferent thinker in Science being born in Ardra Nakshatra. But if we see another side of the frame, it indicates an extraordinary brilliance of intellect and hall of fame, exceptional in the study of literature and science & a keen intent observer of human nature and observing behaviour and act of nature, but negatively it makes always restless.

Now coming to the main theme, how we can analyze career, well for analyzing career in right approach astrologically, there are certain rules that one should have to remember before predicting career stream:

*Rule* 1 :  While analysing Career from Natal chart is ; Most important and firstmost parameter is check the Lagan Sign, its Degree, Nakashtra lord and its placement in both D1 and D9 chart. The Padas lord, Sign being rise in D9 and its placement in D9 shows the actual trait one get naturally or it can indicate natural abilites and skills one have. Ascendant Nakashtra lord Placement in D1 and D9 shows where one applies his intelligence and how that lord influences his thought process for whole life. Most Important factor from above all is see where the Lagan and Nakashtra lord is Placed in D1 and D9. that precisely indicates see what native wanted to do in his life- the ultimate goal of life, it simply indicates about the application of  an Intelligence and where one can learn and utilise his knowledge for what purpose.

Analysis Begins:

Albert Einstein was born in Gemini Lagan in 16 Degree 40 ‘ – The mid Degree ( in 2nd Drekkena) – indicative of Young, Dynamic and revolutionary thinker and must be successful in youth age after 25th to 32 (the Natural Age of Mercury and Youth).

Lagan Nakshatra Lord (Ardara) is in 8th house in Uttrashada nakshatra (Nakshatra lord in 10th house in Pisces Sign – A urge to do something for the society ,to Expose Deep Secrets of cosmos, a help and Knowledgeable Nakashtra in the field of Deep Space and Cosmos ( Pisces)) with exalted 11th lord Mars clearly indicate wanted to do something in the field of research was his ultimate destiny or you can say having gift of aggression , obsession and passion for research, also indicates earning via research and Doing Something out of box in the field of research and finding truth Under the Shell via unique Calculative and Logical style.

Mars and Rahu in 8th house indicates Something explosive in nature, because of this combination Einstein did a major mistake   (Rahu – in the field of research) in his life by presenting his idea to the United States for the research of Atomic Bomb, he got clue his research may lead to something Destructive for mankind in later stage.

“On the eve of World War II in 1939-1940 During Mars ending and Starting Rahu MD period, he endorsed a letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt alerting him to the potential development of extremely powerful bombs of a new type” and recommending that the U.S. begin similar research. This eventually led to what would become the Manhattan Project. Einstein supported defending the Allied forces, but largely denounced the idea of using the newly discovered nuclear fission as a weapon. Later, with the British philosopher Bertrand Russell, Einstein signed the Russell–Einstein Manifesto, which highlighted the danger of nuclear weapons because of his atomic theory”.

How to analyse Career: Key house for Career and Goals Accomplishments in life is the 10th house which indicates your work front, your Working environment, your role in Society and all the aspects of Work ruled by 10th house.

**Note** 2:-> Second rule to check Career of the person is to check which planet is stronger in :

1) 10th from Sun

2) 10th from Moon

3) 10th from the lagan.

4) 10th from D9 lagan in D9 – ( for advance Analysis)

5) 10th from Karkamasa in D9 – ( For Advance Analysis)

6) 10th from A10 Arudha in D10- ( for Advanced Analysis)

7) 10th from Arudha Lagna (AL) in D1 and D10 – ( for Advanced Analysis)

8) 10th from Amatya Karka in D9 – (for Advanced Analysis)

1) 10th from Lagan: Indicates what you wanted to do in life in reality, indicates what type of your current karma is you are doing in society or you wanted to do, what actually you are made of or what sort of things making you are interested in doing for the well-being of Society.

2) 10th from Moon: Indicates what are those things which you actually like to do comfortably or those things which you feel comfortable to do or it simply indicates work which sustains you or the mode of income or earning.

3) 10th from Sun: Indicates those works which bring Status and position to the native, it simply indicates Work which brings Authority and power to you.

4) 10th from Arudha lagan: What actually you are doing in society or it is the actual work you are doing in society or the work people getting perception from you. It is the actually Bread and Butter you get from Social society.

**Note** 3 :->Those planets who are stronger from 10th will indicate choice of work you will do in Society.

In Albert Einstein D1 chart 10th from Moon is Empty and having Leo sign, lord of Leo Sun is in Pisces with 5th & 12th lord Venus, 1st & 4th lord Mercury, 8th & 9th lord Saturn, 5th from Moon sign (Scorpio) and Ketu 9th from Moon Indicates an Intuitive person who can see and imagine things in reality with his power of Imagination and visualizing it. A real intellectual and Creative Mind, Having real Imagination, which can imagine with his outstanding visual power, A powerhouse of creativity who can deeply imagine and understand creator equation on Cosmos and knowledge of Cosmos.

All the planetary positions from Moon Made Albert Einstein a real Imaginary and much skilled in visualizing things.

He simply wanted to know the creation of cosmos and understand god equation while making the universe.

Here 10th from Moon is Leo Sign; no planet is there, so we can’t decide 10th from Moon for the native career.

Although 10th from Moon has Jupiter and Mars aspect – Making passionate and very logical in higher learning.

10th from Sun having Sagittarius sign ( sign of Knowledge, the lord is in 9th house 4th from Moon and 12th from Sun – indicates Higher Knowledge and doing research in cosmos will bring his name and fame in worldwide.

Now Last and most important point is cluster of 4 planets are in 10th from Lagan , Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Venus in Pisces Sign clearly indicating doing something deep, mystical and completely dominating the interest of Albert Einstein, telling me something he will do something for the Society and whole public or mass will know him by his work and he will be well known to the whole world. He will do deep for the sake of Society and will be an icon for many people for his accomplishment in higher causes, Pisces is the 12th sign of Kaalpurush – the Sign of cosmos and Deep World in modern terminology we called It Space, cosmos and universe.

Now the question is what would be career type of Albert Einstein?

**Note** 4:-> Whenever you want to see what would be career interest type , we have to see the strength of 10th house and 10th lord placement in D1, D9 and D10 and its nakshatra, nakshatra lord and its pada.

10th lord Jupiter is in 9th house ( House of Higher Knowledge, wisdom, God Messenger, God blessing, Knowledge of Ancient scriptures etc. ) in Aquarius sign ( Mystical Sign of traditional knowledge i.e. Cosmos , astronomy , Stars , space and and knowledge of Creation) , Kendra lord in trikona House – ( raj yoga means work which can give native Name, fame via Higher learning ).

10th lord Jupiter is in 9th house aspecting 1st & 5th house in D1 indicates owner of Supreme knowledge which we called Dhi Shakti – a form of Higher learning – in house of Higher philosophy , Wisdom , something connected with God and creation of God which is clearly indicative of Doing something for Higher cause or Finding truth of creation , a real knowledge of Real medium – Space and time bondage and will be self-learned (aspecting 1st house) will teach whole world via his own findings and give godly knowledge to his future Followers( 5th house).

Same can be confirmed in D9 and D10 Chart, Jupiter is lagan lord of D9 in 9th house in Scorpio sign aspecting lagan having Rahu (Indication of being in Science for out of box thinking – A restless mind) in it , aspecting 5th house having Sun in it , will be a Blessed Researcher who will extract & crack down and write down all his findings of cosmos and secret world and will present to whole world.

In D10 chart Jupiter is with Saturn in Pisces Sign in 5th forming Brahma Yoga ( higher knowledge of creation) house aspecting lagan (where sun is in it in A10 Arudha) , aspecting Venus from 5th house and 7th from AL – Will be known for His Brahma Gyan theories – Theory of Relativity – E= MC2 god equation of cosmos.

10th lord Jupiter is in Aq which is a Mystic sign of traditional knowledge lorded by Saturn and Rahu, Rahu in 8th and Saturn in 10th also indicating Albert wanted to do something in the field of Science for the sake of society for presenting a truth of cosmos for the future wellbeing of mankind.

10th lord is in Dhansitha, Nakashtra lord in 8th house with Rahu – Dhansitha is a Nakashtra of Harmony, a close connection with nature and music, Albert wanted to do research of natural laws and understanding it deeply for the prospects of nature passionately , but he did a mistake (Rahu in 8th house with Mars – Nakashtra lord of 10th lord), by suggesting research for Atomic Bomb based on his Atomic theory which he had a deep guilt in his heart & always realized till his death.

Dhanistha indicates divine power from the” eight Vasus “; its presiding deities happens to be the twenty third birth star, to sparkle in the cosmic firmament. Guided by the planetary force of Mars, Dhanishta Nakshatra stands for symphony, prosperity and adaptability from nature, the eight Vasus are the solar gods of energy and light Because of the influence of ruling Nakashtra of 10th lord Einstein was always having a deep fantasy for Light and its origination.

Native of Dhanishtra nakshatras are usually fond of Music , Symphony and Healing, reciters of rhythmical incantations and also indicates Scientist who likes to do things In fine tuning with nature and god in a perfect harmony with nature which gave him deep interest in forming its Relational theory of Light, energy and Mass is same but form of one another.

There is an Exchange yoga of 10th and 9th lord – Indicates Dharma – Karma adhipati yoga, Dharma hi Karma and Karma hi Dharma – A Sign of Saint and Satvic Soul.

10th Lord Nakashtra Lord Is in 8th house with Rahu clearly indicates native inventions or researches may lead to something destructive for Social mass by mistake(Rahu in Capricorn in 8th house).

Rahu and Mars always indicate something explosive or something is hidden behind the truth which is under cosmos or nature i.e. deep anger is burning under a body and brain.

**Note** 5 :-> Beside 10th lord and Strength of 10th house , Lagan lord placement and its nakshatra is most important and need to check in D1, D9 & D10 chart for tracking career interest and in any house indicates where you are applying the knowledge for creation purpose or destruction purpose or it simply indicates application of your intelligence.

Here lagan lord is in 10th house in D1 and 8th house (Mercury + Saturn) in D9 with 9th lord Saturn and in 4th house in Aq Sign in D10 with Moon again confirming me a Brilliant Analyzer, Deep thinker and Keen observer and the finest researcher.

Although Lagan lord is in debilitation in D1, having neech bhanga too , but being placed in 10 Degree it is away from its deepest debilitation degree of 20 deg , Mercury is in Utrabhadra nakashtra lord of Saturn, making Mercury much stronger, closely conjugated within the orbital distance of 2 degree with 9th and 8th lord Saturn who also happens to be Nakashtra lord of Uttrabhadra indicates Albert was a lover of traditional knowledge in science i.e. he was a deep follower of Isaac Newton, Max Plank, Michael Faraday etc. and he always wanted to do work of old Knowledge’s and giving understanding the concept and giving it in new shape.

Because of this he was always in Contradiction and always faced controversies whenever he presented journals of a new model of old traditional physics laws.

Beside this combination making him very much logical, and deft at skills of calculations strong determination, wisdom and experience.

He was always Penchant for calculation and acquiring wisdom by way of experience which was the essential aspects of his personality. Another interesting aspect of Albert was its changeability.

Owing to this changeability according to the varying needs of circumstances, it was difficult to attribute typical traits to his personality.

He was very attractive features and complexion; excel in attracting attention by virtue of his grace and mannerisms.

He was very much religious and drawn to a high ethical standard and always recluse within the folds of spirituality.

Saturn completely dominated the Mercury in Albert Einstein Chart Which is giving me a clear indication of having the natural bent of mind for doing calculations, logic and much skilled in Scientific hypothesis which is the clear indication of a finest of finest Scientists.

Combination of Saturn and Mercury always indicate the finest scientist who always keeps them-self busy in doing calculations and deep observing nature and Science.

Beside 8th and 9th lord conjugation with Lagnesh Mercury, Sun and Venus is also there in 10th house but not having Close conjugation with Lagnesh Mercury and Saturn, which is good if we look at deeply, all the planets are free from combustion of Sun and 7th from Al – He will be known a public Icon known for his Tremendous knowledge in abstract sciences.

**Conclusion **:-> It is Quiet clear he was a genius Scientist and a blessing to Science and mankind for his theories and Researches.
Financial and Professional Achievements :

Sun Being 3rd lord in 10th house with 5th lord Venus, and lagan lord Mercury and 9th lord Saturn also indicates Albert Einstein was very much Skilled in Music, mainly in those instruments which are having the link with strings.

Albert Einstein was a great Violinist and better than average musicians he was the lover of Symphony and Soothing music and he usually plays the Violins with Club Musicians and most of the time when he always stuck in Some puzzles or mysteries.

Because of the 3rd lord in 10th house, 6th from 3rd house, Albert Einstein had to travel Many Countries for getting Job and career prosperity, have to face many short breaks in career to achieve Professional achievements 8th lord in 10th house clearly indicating it.

Because of the 10th lord is 12th from its own place, 3rd lord in 10th He has to live for small jobs with much smaller earnings in govt offices.

He was a patent officer when he started his career and got rejected in many Institutes, universities and colleges and many Scientific Intuitions when he was trying to apply for Job of Professor or teacher.

Even he has to leave his homeland for completing his technical studies to gain More knowledge (5th and 4th lord in 10th house) to get more technical Jobs.

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This was quiet Clear why he has to do many small jobs or live for small perks via his jobs , 2nd lord Moon is in 6th house – 3rd (Less Paid – Hard efforts ; Need to put many efforts in order to get satisfied jobs ) from AL in debilitation ( in Jyestha Nakashtra , Nakashtra Lord is also in Debilitated in 10th house too, he has to do job of Clerks , patent officer and those jobs which are connected with writings – Mercury (1st lord) + Sun(3rd Lord) which are less in perks ) clearly telling me Albert Einstein has to put many Efforts in order to get success and have to stay live with jobs like Clerks and Patent Officers.

His most of His income and Success he got from Fighting’s with competent members in sciences, by defeating rivalries or by proving it right.

Moon in 6th house in debilitation clearly indicating He has to earn by winning over legal Battles and also indicates Albert Einstein had no solid financial support from family and have to fight hard to earn and live , always have to compete with rivalries in order to gain wealth and money and also in personal life wise too.

Native will usually get earning via 8th house matters – if 11th lord is in 8th house with Rahu who is also 9th house – Wealth by research, a hard Earned money.

Mars – Rahu indicating a research gain via same which will give some hypotheses for something explosive which may give the foundation for Explosive matters.

**Note** 6 :-> Its the 2nd lord and 11th lord which decides your source of earning and how much wealth you can earn and what you have to do to get money or type of work you have to do , not what you have studied from 1st , 4th , 5th and 9th house/lord , unless and until both are Connected.

Major Event: Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921-22

Nobel Prize Albert An Astrological case study: Blessing to Science, Man of Cosmos The Albert Einstein Life biography

In 1922 He got Sum of Rs 20,000 Dollar during Moon Mahadasha (2nd Lord In 6th House – Defeating Enemies and Competing all his close physicists , after Proving it true , Moon in Jyestha Nakashtra, Nakashtra Lord Mercury 7th from Al in 10th house – An Indicator of Fame , Name and Recognizance ) after Winning Nobel Price for for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect ( Effect of Dhanishtha Nakshatra) ” in Quantum physics in 1921 , even he got Rejected many time in Nobel pric e.During 1921-22 Saturn, Rahu and Jupiter all there were closely conjugated in the Virgo sign and are falling to his 4th house, 7th house from the 10th house that clearly shows about some extraordinary major breakthrough in his research career, a world wide recognition or getting name and fame via his researches. 

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On November 9, 1922, he was named the winner of the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics ” for his services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect.Albert Einstein received his Nobel Prize one year later, in 1922. During the selection process in 1921, the Nobel Committee for Physics decided that none of the year’s nominations met the criteria as outlined in the will of Alfred Nobel. According to the Nobel Foundation’s statutes, the Nobel Prize can in such a case be reserved until the following year, and this statute was then applied. Albert Einstein, therefore, received his Nobel Prize for 1921 one year later, in 1922.

His name has been synonymous with genius, and the scientific definitions of the modern age–ranging from the Bomb to space travel, electronics and quantum physics – all bear the stamp of his conceptualizations.

Using his theory of quanta (Rahu), Einstein explained the photoelectric effect (Mars in 8th house – 10th Lord Nakashtra Lord in exalted State ). He showed that when quanta of light energy strikes atoms in the metal, the quanta force the atoms to release electrons.

Einstein’s work helped justify quantum theory. The photoelectric cell resulted from Einstein’s work. This device made possible sound motion pictures, television and many other inventions.

Einstein received the 1921-22 Nobel Prize in physics for his paper on quanta.

The work of Planck and Einstein quickly established the Quantum Theory, not only in light but also in many forms of energy. Quantum physics was born.

Event 2:

In 1916 during the Beginning of Sun Mahadasha ( Indicator of Creation) and Sun antardasha He proposes general theory of relativity – still central to our understanding of the universe. Einstein changed the political balance of power in the twentieth century, through his scientific foundation in the development of atomic energy. Einstein’s theory is embodied in his famous equation E=mc². Although light photons don’t have mass, they have energy, and Einstein’s theory says that even pure energy has to behave in some ways like mass. Therefore light could be bend by the gravitation force of the sun.

Light from the background stars closely bypassing the sun on the way to the earth are being bend by the sun. The result is that the stars are seen in slightly different positions in the sky when the sun is in front of them, compared to their positions when the sun is elsewhere.

Even after Presenting General Theory in 1916 , ground work Of Theory was still missing and scientific community was not able to accept theory completely . for Proving his General theory of Relativity , Einstein has to wait for 4 Solar Eclipses from 1916 to 1919 and has to wait for The final eclipse of May 29, 1919 which confirmed Einstein’s theory that the light could be bend by the gravitational force of the sun.

An English expedition in the area of the eclipse have actually measured the deflection of starlight from the sun. The data of the expedition was presented to a special joint meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society and the Royal Society of London on November 6, 1919 , at the time it was Saturn Antardasha( Process of Working on Old trends and Traditions and giving it to new shape) was running.

The eminent Professor J.J. Thomson, discoverer of the electron and Chair of the meeting, was convinced: “This is the most important result obtained in connection with the theory of gravitation since Newton’s day.”

After long battle of 7 years via his Solar Eclipse formula He got Noble Price in 1921 and presented in 1922 during Moon Mahadasha not for his work for brilliant work on General Theory of Relativity but for the photoelectric effect which he formulated quiet earlier in research paper during 1905 in Venus Mahadasha( lord of 5th house in 10th house).

He even Donated his sum of Price to His Separated Wife as what he promised to his wife for children well being.

Einstein formulated most of His research work of Cosmos and Creation in Sun Mahadasha from 1916 to 1921.

He Presented his most of Theoretical Researches in Venus Mahadasha – dasha of 5th and 12th lord in 10th house and in AD period Rahu (9th lord in 8th – Deep Research from 1903 to 1906) , Jupiter (10th lord in 9th – Higher Knowledge and Search of Cosmos – 1906 to 1908 ), Saturn(9th lord in 10th – Revolutionizing the searches, old bottle – new Shape in 1908 to 1912) ,Mercury(1st and 4th lord in 10th – Applying , presenting , writing journals and testing process – 1912 to 1914 ) and Ketu( 6th lord in 2nd house – fighting for honor and brilliance – 1914 to 1916) .

But he got Recognition in 1922 during End of Sun Mahadasha and Venus AD and in Moon MD Starting Phase after winning many legal battles of proving his Scientific theories , 6th lord in 8th house with Rahu – always in controversies , Debilitated Moon in 6th house.

In 1905 During Venus Mahadasha ( lord of 5th and 12th house in 10th house) and Antardasha of Jupiter/Rahu( Lagna Nakashtra lord /9th lord Rahu in 8th , 9th and 10th lord Jupiter in 9th house ) Einstein contributed three papers to Annalen der Physik (Annals of Physics) based on Space and time formula , Each of them became the basis of a new branch of physics.

Einstein treated matter and energy as exchangeable. Albert Einstein became famous for the theory of relativity, which laid the basis for the release of atomic energy.

In 1905 During Mid of Venus Mahadasha , Albert Einstein formulates Special Theory of Relativity.He established law of mass- energy equivalence and in 1907 in Jupiter Antardasha, he came up with the immortal e=mc2, better known as the Special Theory of Relativity, encapsulating energy and matter as aspects of a single phenomenon.

In 1908 during Saturn Antardasha , while still at the patent office, he began work on his major achievement, the general theory of relativity, which he officially proposed in 1916 in Sun Mahadasha.

The theories were the greatest challenge to Newtonian mechanics that the modern world had ever known was a fact for Cosmos and Universe creation.

Einstein calculates how the movement of molecules in a liquid can cause the Brownian motion.

Using Max Planck’s quantum Theory he formulated the photon theory of light and explains the photoelectric effect in 1905 During Venus Mahadasha and Rahu Antardasha.

In 1916 proposes general theory of relativity-still central to our understanding of the universe. Einstein changed the political balance of power in the twentieth century, through his scientific foundation in the development of atomic energy.

Over the next decade During Moon Mahadasha Period , Einstein took visiting professorships in England and America and gave many speeches.

But his Life Become Miserable after the dasha commenced of Mars (lord of 11th and 6th lord in 8th house with Rahu , owner of two Malefic Houses with Malefic Rahu ) after 1932 , He refused to live in Hitler’s Reich, He was expelled from the Academy of Science in Germany , his citizen ship was Revoked and in 1932-33 he moved permanently to U.S.A to Princeton’s Institute for Advanced Study, where he sponsored a steady stream of refugees from Nazism. He became a U.S. citizen in 1936.

During Rahu Mahadasha Einstein went on thinking , speculating all theory in one form and looked for common solution based on all his theories , unity in all nature, Rahu Even gave him Success but in 8th house it was Destructive idea , which was the result of Manhattan project based on Atomic Theory of Einstein , but later he realized He did a major mistake in his life by formulating this theory and suggesting US to Make Atomic Bomb against Nazis.

Conclusion: So this is all about the Scientific breakthrough about his research in theoretical physics and we tried to understand his major scientific changes in his profession.
Source and Reference :
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The Essence of Prashna Techniques

The essense of Prashna Jyotish vedicsiddhanta 1 The Essence of Prashna Techniques

The essence of Prashna Techniques
copyright © 2015 Chandrashekhar Sharma

In Vedic astrology, there are many techniques of horary astrology which go under the generic name of Prashna. These range from “Daivagya Vallabha” of Varāha Mihira, to Kerala Ramal Prashna and encompasses in its fold, other systems like “Prashna Mārg” which derives some principles from Brihajjataka to varied forms of “nimitta” (incidents) and “shakuna” (omens) mentioned in Brihat Samhita, on to the Prashna Tājik system of astrology, which elaborates on the “Varshaphala” or annual horoscopy. Then there is the K.P. system of horary astrology that is also in vogue in modern times which is a combination of Sage Satyāchārya principles and Jātaka (natal), or Horā system of natal astrology with lordships of dashās (called subs) being allotted in proportion to their Vimshottari dashā periods.

An astrologer is justifiable confused as to which of this he should use should he need to answer a question when the birth details of the Jātaka are not available. He finds different people swearing by different systems as the final word in astrology and his confusion is compounded. I do not myself claim to be the final authority on Prashna, nor do I regularly predict on the basis of Prashna, though sometimes I do find it very useful, especially when the question is such that its answer using regular methods is difficult though not impossible to obtain and that too in a short time.
I am putting below the concept of Prashna astrology and shall try to spell out the logic, where I have been able to fathom the same for benefit of young astrologers who might want to delve deeper in to the science of Prashna. Let me reiterate here that I sometimes use one or the other system for Prashna and am not partial to one or other of them. I try to restrict myself to either of the Chart of the moment analyzed in a fashion similar to natal chart as indicated by Varāha Mihira, or Tājik system of a modified form and must confess that sometimes I do get mindboggling results. I also sometimes use nimitta system if some remarkable event happens at the time the question is asked.

The entire system of Prashna cannot be explained in one article, and there are many standard books available on the subject these are: “Daivagya Vallabha”, Prashna Tantra (English translation of chapter on Prashna from Tājik, by B V Raman) or “Tājik Neelkanthi”, “Prashna Mārg”, “Narapati Jay Charchā”, “Hāyana Ratna”, “Kerala Ramala Paddhati”, “Krishnamurthy Paddhati” primers, “Brihat Samhitā” and so on, which elaborate at length on the various systems and those desirous of delving deeper in the subject may like to read these and understand the subject in depth.
The basic concept behind Prashna is that formation of a Prashna (question) in the mind is akin to pregnancy, the question itself being similar to baby in womb, and asking of the question is similar to birth of the query. Therefore the chart cast at the time of asking of the question can be analyzed in a fashion similar to analysis of a natal chart to indicate the results of the question. This is generally followed in Daivagya Vallabha type of analysis of Prashna chart, where the Prashna chart (chart cast when a Prashna is asked) is analyzed in a manner similar to analysis of a natal chart.

Same principle can also be applied to the Tājik system of analysis. However some learned think that the chart be cast when the astrologer thinks about giving out the prediction for the question asked and the reason is the below shloka appearing in “Tājik Neelkanthi”:

ऋजुरयमनृजुर्वाऽयं प्रष्टव पूर्ं परीक्ष्य लग्नबलवत्।
गणकेन फलं र्वच्यं दैर्ं तच्चित्तगं स्फुरच्चत॥१॥

ṛjurayamanṛjurvā’yaṁ praṣṭā pūrvaṁ parīkṣya lagnabalāt |
gaṇakena phalaṁ vācyaṁ daivaṁ taccittagaṁ sphurati ||1||


Meaning: The astrologer should first assess if the querent is honest or deceptive from the strength of the Lagna (ascendant) because the prediction that is to be given, arises in his mind.

The argument is that since the results arise in the mind of the astrologer, only when he wants to answer the question should the chart be cast and that might be applicable in the modern times when the query could be put through e-mail or on phone. There is only one small issue here and that is how will he analyze strength of the Lagna (Ascendant), without casting a chart at the moment of hearing of the Prashna? An astrologer may choose any of the methods that he thinks is right. I have seen either of the two methods (ie Daivagya Vallabha or Tājik) give somewhat fairly accurate results, when the astrologer is truly desirous of helping the querent in distress.

There is some difference in the two methods in analysis of the Prashna chart, as Daivagya Vallabha advises to look at the nimitta and shakuna observed at the time of query, as also the first letter of the question asked by the querent, and decide whether the result of the Prashna will be auspicious or inauspicious. Tājik systems opines that one should first find out if the querent is sincere in his query or is a deceptive person who is asking the question to mock the astrologer or test his knowledge and answer the query only if the querent is sincere. Those desirous of understanding the nimitta, shakuna and assessment from 1st letter of query can read about this in depth from Brihat Samhitā, Prashna Mārg, Kerala Ramal Paddhati etc.

If we look at the Tajik system, it is advised to first verify the sincerity of the querent through analysis of the Ascendant and certain methodology is prescribed. So, how is it to be understood whether the querent is honest in query, or deceptive, from lagna?

7668 25 april 2017 prashna kundali The Essence of Prashna Techniques

If Moon occupies the lagna as Saturn occupies any of the Kendras (squares) while Mercury is combust and Moon occupying the ascendant is aspected by Mars or Mercury with even aspect (7th house aspect). Mercury is combust in proximity of Sun so both Moon and Lagna will be under aspect of malefic whether Mars or Mercury aspect the Lagna with 7th house aspect and Saturn occupying the Kendra will be Paraspara (mutual) karaka to them thus making the Lagna extremely weak and so the question might not be sincerely put, or put to test the astrologer, then it should not be answered. Again if any of the Jupiter or Mercury aspecting the 7th lord with inimical aspect (ie square) would mean the querent is not sincere. If Lagna is occupied by a malefic the query should be thought to be put to test the astrologer.

My personal opinion is that, though indicative of intent of the querent, it can also be indicative of the results obtainable by the querent depending on placement of other planets. We can see that even the indications where answers should not be given are later on contradicted by combinations that indicate results of malefics placed in the lagna. Now if due to malefic in lagna one is not to answer the query, why should later on the Tājik texts talk of results obtained by the querent when malefic is placed in lagna? I think the astrologer should answer the query to the best of ability, if he thinks that it should be answered as the prediction is said to arise in the mind of the astrologer and which he is said to give out, as indicated in the shloka from “Tājik Neelkanthi”, quoted earlier.

Let us now understand some of the principles used in both the systems of Prashna.

1) The lagna (ascendant) is assumed to be the querent or the person on whose behalf the question is being asked.
2) Rāshi rising by head in lagna are indicative of good results. Human rāshis in lagna also give good results, if aspected by benefics.
3) If the rising sign is a Chara (cardinal) sign the situation about which question is asked will change.
4) If the rising sign is a Sthira (fixed) sign, the situation queried about will not change.
5) If the sign rising is a Dwisvabhāva (dual) sign, the situation will change but with some difficulty.
6) If the Lord of the lagna and that bhāva about which the question is asked (known as Kāryesha) are aspecting own bhāvas, each other’s bhāvas or each other good result is assured.
7) If both lagna and Moon receive aspect of benefics the results are good.

Now the difference is in the matter of aspects. In the Daivagya Vallabha system, aspects are in accordance with the regular Vedic aspects and results are primarily based on the nature of the planets.

However in Tajik system of astrology, unlike Vedic astrology, there are no special aspects of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. All planets aspect the 3rd, 11th, 5th, and the 9th bhāvas from themselves. These aspects are treated as benefic aspects, while their square aspects (1st 4th, 7th, and 10th) are treated as inimical aspects. Within the benefic aspects, the 3rd and 11th are treated as indirect friendly (benefic) aspects while the 5th and 9th are direct friendly (benefic) aspects. Amongst the inimical aspects the 1st and the 7th house aspects are directly inimical and the 4th as well as 10th house aspects are indirectly inimical.

The bhāvas indicate mostly the same things in both the systems and are more or less identical with the standard Vedic astrology. In some cases they might appear different but are only extended logic of the bhāvas and nothing more. We shall see some of the bhāvas related with the questions that might be asked, to understand this.

Question 1 The Essence of Prashna Techniques

question 2 The Essence of Prashna Techniques


The analysis of the Horary chart on the basis of Daivagya Vallabha principles being similar to the natal horoscopy, we shall now try to understand how it is done in Tajik, albeit in brief.

An important factor considered in Tajik, besides the way aspects are understood, is that of orb of influence of planets and whether the aspect is applying or separating. In Tajik it is assumed that a planet can influence another planet only within certain degrees, this phenomenon is called “DeeptāMsha”, or orb of influence.

If a planet that is slow mover is in higher degrees and the one that is faster in lesser degrees, and also has an aspect on the slower planet, the results are presumed to be good if they are also within their orb of influence. Such an aspect is called “Itthshāla” or “Muthashila”, while if the position is reversed it becomes a separating aspect and is called Isārapha or Musaripha and its results are negative.

The orbs of influence (degrees from the planet on both sides that its influence is felt) are given below.

questions 3 The Essence of Prashna Techniques

I am sure everyone who is an astrologer knows the relative speeds of planets, yet for record let us understand that their speeds are in the ascending order of Moon-Mercury-Venus-Sun-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn.

Again one has to understand that even if the fast mover planet is in earlier rāshi while the slow mover planet is in next rāshi, but within the DeeptāMsha, Itthshāla is said to take place as the fast mover is going to meet the slow mover soon so applying aspect is occurring. Now if such planets are within a degree of each other, the full or Poorna (full) Itthshāla is said to occur which promises almost immediate good results of the question asked. If the situation is reverse that is the fast mover is ahead and slow mover is behind, Musaripha yoga is said to take place which indicates negative results.

An example of both the yogas is given in the charts below. First chart indicates the Itthshāla across rāshis between Moon and Mercury and also Poorna Itthshāla between Venus and Mars when in aspect and within the orb of influence:

Essence of Prashna Techniques The Essence of Prashna Techniques


Moon 26 degrees Capricorn    Mercury 2 degrees Aquarius
Venus 15 degrees Aquarius     Mars 15 degrees 12 minutes Aries

Moon at 26 degrees in Capricorn, though not aspecting Mercury in Aquarius which is slower than Moon, as Mercury is 6 degrees ahead of Moon, thus within the orb of influence of Moon, therefore there is Itthshāla between Moon and Mercury. Again Venus has 3rd house aspect on Mars and is 12 minutes behind Mars who is slower mover than Venus who is relatively faster mover thus being in both aspect and within one degree so not only is this Itthshāla but Poorna Itthshāla.

Now we shall look at Isārapha/Musaripha yogas in the next chart. Here we can see that Moon a fast moving planet is within 3 degrees of Mercury in the same bhāva but it has more degrees (29) than Mercury (26), thus Mercury will never catch up with Moon and thus this is an Isārapha/ Musaripha yoga. Similarly Mars in 15 degrees, though aspecting Venus (15 degrees 12 minutes), Mars being a slow mover, though within 12 minutes of Venus the fast mover, the aspect being separating aspect, yoga thus caused will qualify to become Isārapha/ Musaripha yoga.
Essence of Prashna Techniques

Essence of Prashna Techniques 1 The Essence of Prashna Techniques

Moon 29 degrees Capricorn     Mercury 26 degrees Capricorn
Venus 15 degrees 12 minutes    Aquarius Mars 15 degrees Libra

We must remember that though in Tajik system of astrology, there are 16 different yogas, in Prashna part of Tajik not all are used. Itthshāla/ Muthashila, Isārapha/Musaripha and Kambool (also sometimes called Kabool) yogas (formed with Moon) are the yogas that are predominantly used in Tajik system of Prashna.

Kambool yoga is formed when the Lord of the lagna and Lord of the bhāva about which query is made (called Kāryesha) are in Itthshāla yoga and Moon also is in Itthshāla with one of them. Depending on whether the planets involved in Kambool with Moon, and Moon itself, are in exaltation it is called Uttam Kambool and so on, till Moon not being strong the yoga is called ordinary Kambool. It is obvious that if Moon is in Itthshāla with both Lagnesh and Kāryesha and in strength it will be the most powerful of the Kambool yogas. Results of this yoga are good. An example of Kambool/ Kabool yoga is given below.

Here we have to understand that in Tajik, 9th bhāva is primarily related to travels, dug water wells, pilgrimages, temples and religion etc. while 10th with work of father.

In the next example, the question being about travel or pilgrimage, the planets involved will be Venus as Lagna lord and Mercury as lord of the 9th. They do have aspect between them and Mercury being in 14 degrees is behind of Venus in 18 degrees. Moon with 10 degrees is in aspect with both of them and within DeeptāMsha and therefore this comes under the definition of Kambool yoga and the query will fructify.


Essence of Prashna Techniques 3 The Essence of Prashna Techniques

Moon 10 degrees Cancer  Venus 18 degrees Cancer
Mercury 14 degrees Aries

Here what is more important is Moon having Itthshala with at least one of the planets who are having Itthshala between them to grant strength to the yoga. This also indicates the importance of Moon in Tajik system of Prashna, and Prashna system in general. As astrologers get more interested in learning about this system of astrology they will find many yogas that indicate good results if both Lagna and Moon are gaining strength, and that is natural as the query itself arises in mind and Moon is also the child (relevant in balariishta), so early resolution of query will naturally be influenced by its strength.

Next to be understood is the concept of the planets concerned not being in direct aspect but another planet having aspect with both, placed between the two, and being within DeeptāMsha of both the planets and thus being capable of transferring the influence (called Tej) of one planet to another. In such a case also, the results are realized but through agency of someone representing the planet which transfers the influence. There are two types of such yogas called Nakta and Yamayā. In the former the planet between the two is a planet that is faster than the two, while in the later it is slow mover than the two unaspecting planets. An example of Nakta yoga is given below.

Essence of Prashna Techniques 4 The Essence of Prashna Techniques

Moon 8 degrees Sagittarius   Jupiter 12 degrees Pisces
Mercury 10 degrees Leo

Here, let us assume the question is about marriage of the querist. The querist as we know is represented by Lagna and the Lagna lord Mercury a fast mover is in 10 degrees, while the would be spouse will be represented by the 7th bhāva whose lord is Jupiter, a slower moving planet in 12 degrees, so in right degrees for an Itthshāla, however there is no aspect between them. However Moon who is faster than both the planets and in lesser degrees that both of them is between the two and aspects Mercury by 9th house aspect and simultaneously Jupiter by square aspect. He is also within DeeptāMsha of both of them. Now here comes the concept of transference of power or energy/ Tej. Here Moon in 8 degrees takes the energy of Mercury (another relatively faster planet) and passes it on to Jupiter, the slowest amongst the three planets, thus giving rise to Nakta yoga. This will therefore indicate that the object of the query shall be achieved through agency of a third person. Moon being karaka for mother and a female planet, gain of spouse will be through agency of mother or some female.

Let us now understand how the Yamayā yoga operates. This yoga, as we have already learnt, has its basis on a slower moving planet than those not aspecting each other, coming between them and aspecting both being within the DeeptāMsha of both, thus being able to transfer the Tej (energy/influence) from the faster moving (amongst the two non aspecting planets) to the slower planet, thus leading to achievement of the object of query. We shall see how this occurs in the example chart below.

Essence of Prashna Techniques 5 The Essence of Prashna Techniques

Moon 6 degrees Virgo  Jupiter 10 degrees Cancer
Venus 16 degrees Aries

Here the question being of gaining kingdom or position of influence or promotion at work, the Lagna lord Venus (Lagnesh) and the 10th lord Moon (Kāryesha as the question is about recognition (Man) or Kingdom (Rajya)), both of which are represented by the 10th bhava, are the planets that should ideally be aspecting each other, for enough strength in the yoga to grant the desired object. However though Moon with 6 degrees and Venus with 16 degrees are within deeptamsha (orb of influence) they do not aspect each other. However we can see that Jupiter who is with 10 degrees and slower than both is aspecting both the planets (by 10th and 3rd aspect respectively) and being between the two can get the Tej from Moon, who is behind him and pass it on to Venus whom he aspects and who is ahead of him, thus indicating fructification of the query. We can see here that Jupiter only operates as the transfer of influence of Moon to Venus. Now as Jupiter represents a minister or secretary, the object of desire will be realized through agency of minister to king or someone who is at senior position in management (in case of promotion) can be predicted.
The crux of analysis of Tajik method of Prashna is finding out the correct Bhava which is related to the query and after analyzing the Lagna, as indicated earlier. One should come to a conclusion only after finding out if the Lagna lord and Karyesh aspect own or each others house or each other and if they are in Itthashala or Musaripha. It is a good idea to find out the strength of yoga indicated by looking at whether the Lagna is Chara, Dwisvabhava or Sthira as then something happening, happening with some trouble and thing remaining static would be indicated. Sheershodaya lagna will add to the strength. And finally look for good yogas between the Lagnesha and Karyesh (the lord of the bhava relevant to query) and their fortification or otherwise by Nakta, Yamaya or Kamboo yogas, to finally arrive at the answer to the query.

Here we should also understand that though the square aspects are generally inimial, in case of benefics the malfeasance is fairly reduced and if simultneously yoga for fructification is there and should Lagnesha and Karyesh be aspecting each other, each other’s house or own house, the result will be good, even if on a bit reduced scale.

Astrologers have a different opinion on how to determine when the results will be obtained, in case of absence of Poorna Itthshala. The general guide line is that the difference in degrees between the Lagnesha and Karyesha in Itthashala will indicate the time. Some opine that in case of Chara rashis being involved in Lagna one should say the difference of amsha indicates days, Dwivabhava rashis shall indicate weeks and Sthira rashis indicates month. Some learned are of the opinion that the navamsha past (ie each rashi consists of 9 navamsa’s) in Prashna lagna are the best indication of when the object of the query will fructify and especially in case of question from a pregnant lady that does seem logical. However, all this should be applied with a sense of proportion, based on the type of query and not by rote.

There are many yogas and types of questions that can be answered using both the Daivagya Vallabha or the Tajik approach, but the most important thing is understanding of bhavas in depth and then the desire to answer the question through Prashna that will dictate the accuracy or otherwise of the prediction. I would urge the astrologers interested in learning this branch to read as much text on the subject as possible and try to understand the underlying principles before making a firm prediction only from Prashna. I generally base my predictions on natal chart, but resort to Prashna when the urge to look at Prashna gets hold of my mind on hearing some query and even after that I analyze the natal chart to be certain that answers of both converge before venturing out with the prediction. However, there are many who predict solely on the basis of Prashna and there is nothing wrong in that approach.

I would have liked to write more on the subject but then paucity of space and time both prohibit me from doing so and I trust the readers will understand this. If one really wants to write on Prashna at great depth, that would mean writing a separate book on this and that is not the mandate of this web site which is for those who already have some basic knowledge of astrology and want to know more on less commented and elaborated upon, aspects of Vedic astrology. So I close this article on Prashna here and hope this helps astrologers who read it.


Chandrashekhar Sharma
copyright © 2015 Chandrashekhar Sharma

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Decoding Vipareeta Rāj Yoga

viparitarajayoga Decoding Vipareeta Rāj Yoga

Written, Researched & Compiled by 
Sh.Chandrashekhar Sharma
Understanding and Decoding principals of Vipareeta Rāj Yoga


The much talked about, and many a time much-misunderstood yoga in Vedic astrology is the Vipareeta Rāj Yoga. Let us first understand the meaning of Vipareeta, in the astrological context.

The word Vipareeta has many meanings in the Sanskrit language, and in astrological context, it would mean:

1) Inverse or reverse motion.
2) Being the reverse of anything, acting in a contrary manner, opposite, contrary to, in the matter of results.

Therefore any type of planetary combination that can give results that are contrary to expectation can fall under the definition of Vipareeta Yoga. Will it convert into a Vipareeta Rāj Yoga is something about which different Āchāryas (learned astrologers) have different opinions. It is only if we understand the underlying principles behind what is being stated by the sages, that we can apply the yogas to live charts and assess the probable results.


Understanding it via classical Astrology Approach: Uttrakal Amrita

In case of the first meaning, Kālidāsa the author of “Uttara Kālāmrita” says:
२ ६

vakrī svoccabalaḥ savakrasahite madhyaṁ balaṁ tuṅgabhe
vakrī nīcabalaḥ svanīcabhavane vakrībalaṁ tuṅgajam |
uccasthena yuto’rdhavīryamiti cennīce tu śunyaṁ balaṁ
mitraiḥ pāpakhagaiḥ śubhai ripukhagairyukto’pi cārdhaṁ balaṁ ||

uttara kālāmṛta |2|6||

Meaning: A retrograde planet is equal in strength to an exalted planet. The planet conjunct a retrograde planet gets medium strength. A retrograde planet if also, simultaneously, in its rāshi of exaltation loses its strength (is weak as if in debility), while if in its rāshi of debility, its strength is equal to being exalted. A planet conjunct an exalted planet gets half the strength (of exaltation) while if conjunct a planet in debility it loses all is strength (strength is zero).

Here, in the first part of the shloka, the learned Kālidāsa is using the Vipareeta principle for retrograde planets. He seems to suggest that since the retrograde planet is strong, being placed in its rāshi of exaltation, it should become stronger but the Vipareeta (opposite) results will ensue. Again, by same logic he says that a retrograde planet in its debility, where logically it should be weak, will gain strength due to Vipareeta principle.


The second meaning of Vipareeta is brought out, when the learned Kālidāsa says: ४ २२

randhreśo vyayaṣaṣṭhago ripupatau randhre vyaye vā sthite |
riḥpheśo’pi tathaiva randhraripubhe yasyāsti tasminvadet |

anyonyarkṣagatā nirīkṣaṇayutāścānyairayuktekṣitā jāto’sau nṛpati praśastavibhavo rājādhirājeśvaraḥ


Meaning: If the lord of the 8th bhāva occupies the 12th or the 6th bhāva or should the 6th lord occupy the 8th or the 12th bhāva or should the 12th bhāva lord occupies the 8th or the 6th bhāva and should these lord be connected to each other by aspect, conjunction or exchange of house but be unaspected by other planets, the Jātaka becomes a very wealthy king of kings.

Here the Vipareeta yoga principle is applied in a different manner by the learned Kālidāsa. The basis of this yoga is two basic principles of astrology:

1) Any planet placed in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th bhāva loses its strength.
2) The lords of the 6th, the 8th or the 12th bhāva harm/weaken the bhāva occupied.

Thus logically there should be an extreme loss of strength for the lords of the 6th, the 8th or the 12th bhāvas and harm to the 6th, the 8th, or the 12th bhāva when they occupy bhāva other than their own bhāva. This would mean that problems like disease, litigations, health issues or high expenditure etcetera that trouble the Jātaka should become more severe. However learned Kālidāsa opines that these results are reversed and cause the Jātaka to become a king, especially if these lords are also connected to each other, by aspect or exchange and themselves be unaspected by other planets.


View of Sage Parasara on Vipreeta Raj Yoga


A somewhat similar principle for planets in debility is enunciated by Sage Pārāshara in the 39th chapter of his astrological magnum opus “Pārāshari”, popularly known as “Brihat Pārāshara Horāshāstra”, is now being given in the shloka below:


ṣaṣṭhe’ṣṭame tṛtīye vā sva svanīcagatā grahāḥ |
lagnaṁ paśyet svabhoccastho lagnapo rājyayogadaḥ ||


Meaning: When planets in debility occupy the 6th, the 8th, the 2nd or the 3rd bhāva while the lagna lord occupies its rāshi of exaltation or own rāshi and aspects the lagna, such yoga is capable of bestowing kingdom upon the Jātaka.

Sage Pārāshara gives us a different application of the Vipareeta principle when he tells that planets in debility placed in dusthāna (negative houses) give rise to Rāj yoga, with a rider that the lord of the ascendant should simultaneously aspect the ascendant. So here two different sets of principles are being used.


First is the Vipareeta principle in operation


1) It is said that planets in debility harm the indications of the houses occupied, generally giving negative results.
2) Similar are the results when planets occupy the 6th and 8th bhāvas as the planets become weak due to their placement in these most malefic of trika bhāvas, and in turn render the bhāvas owned by the planets in those bhāvas, weak.
3) The bhāvas 3rd and 2nd, when occupied by planets in debility, should, normally, reduce valour and accumulated wealth.
However due to the Vipareeta (contrary) principle, Sage Pārāshara opines these planets shall not give negative results, but on the contrary, give good results.


The second principle used is of a bhāva lord aspecting own bhāva strengthening the bhāva:


1) Here we can observe that it is the lagna lord in strength, by virtue of occupying own or exaltation rāshi, which aspects lagna making it strong.
2) The lagna bhāva, also being representative of Ātmabala, thus fortified on getting aspected by own lord gives confidence in own capability to the Jātaka.

Thus these two principles, operating in tandem, resulting in such combination of planets and bhāvas (yoga) being capable of granting a kingdom to the Jātaka.

The sage makes the principle of very weak lords of dusthāna giving good results when occupying certain bhāvas; amply clear in the next shloka that reads:

ṣaṣṭhā’ṣṭamavyayādhīśā nīcasthā ripubhe‘stagāḥ |
svoccasvabhagalagneśo lagnaṁ paśyaṁśca rājyadaḥ ||

39|20pārāśarī ||

Meaning: If lord of the lagna in own or exaltation rāshi aspects the lagna while the lord of 6th, the 8th or the 12th bhāva are placed in their rāshi of debility or enemy, or are combust the yoga grants kingdom to the Jātaka.


Again, Sage Pārāshara tells that if the lords of 6th, the 8th or the 12th are placed in their rāshi of debility, enemy or if they are combust, they confer a kingdom on the Jātaka. Here the principle is more clear as the lords of 6th, 8th or 12th would be either placed in good bhāvas or in another trika bhāva, or be otherwise very weak. This weakness will in turn reverse the ill effects of the trika bhāva lord’s occupation of good bhāvas.

The yoga is further fortified by lagna lord himself being strong and aspecting lagna resulting in the grant of the kingdom, to the Jātaka.

dusthāneśo’pi nīcastho yadi lagnaṁ prapaśyati |
tadā’pi rājyayogaḥ syāditi jñeyaṁ dvijottama ||


Meaning: Oh great amongst Brahmins know that a planet in debility, even if it be a lord of dusthāna (3, 6, 8, 11, 12th), aspecting the ascendant results in a Rāj yoga.


We find Sage Pārāshara further elaborating the principle of a lord of dusthāna in debility, placed in an auspicious bhāva, causing contrary auspicious results instead of harming the bhāva occupied, by reiterating that even a lord of trika bhāva aspecting the Lagna, when in debility, shall grant kingdom to the Jātaka.


View of Satyacharya on Vipreet Raj Yoga


Now let us see what the venerated Satyāchārya, who is acknowledged as the final arbiter of astrological principle by even Āchārya Varāha Mihira in his “Brihat Jātaka”, tells about results given by the trika (6th, 8th and 12th) bhāvas:

॥ व्ययाष्टषष्ठभावेषु वैपरीत्यमाह सत्याचायय॥
|| vyayāṣṭaṣaṣṭhabhāveṣu vaiparītyamāha satyācārya ||

Meaning: Sage Satyāchārya told about contrary results of the 12th, 6th and 8th bhāvas, in this manner:

सौम्ााः पुष्ष्टिं पापााः ष्वपयययिं सिंष्ितााः ग्रहााः कुयुयाः।
मूत्यायष्िषु ष्िधिान्त्याष्रषु भावेषूत्क्रमात्फलिं िद्युष्रष्त॥३॥

saumyāḥ puṣṭiṁ pāpāḥ viparyayaṁ saṁśritāḥ grahāḥ kuryuḥ|

mūrtyādiṣu nidhanāntyāriṣu bhāveṣūtkramātphalaṁ dadyuriti||3||


Meaning: Benefic planets strengthen the bhāvas occupied whereas the malefic planets harm the bhāvas occupied in case of lagna and other bhāvas. However in case of planets occupying the 8th, the 12th and the 6th bhāvas contrary results are obtained.

Here Sage Satyāchārya is making the basic principle behind why planets in debility can give good results in trika bhāvas absolutely clear, by stating that malefic planets occupying the trika bhāvas shall give contrary results. This means auspicious results shall ensue.

Having so far understood the support in the astrological classics to Vipareeta principles, let us now once again try to understand the reasons for the results of these yogas. Let us also try to understand the correct interpretation of the liberally used phrase “Vipareeta Rāj Yoga”, used to describe such yogas and their variations.


Author’s View and opinion on Vipreet Raj Yoga


When the word Rāj yoga occurs in astrological texts, the tendency of astrologers is always to assume someone being extremely wealthy, as “Rājā” does mean a king. However, we must also understand that being a king is not only about wealth. Primarily it is about being accepted as being a leader by a group of people and voluntarily being given authority to adjudicate over matters of that group, including, but not only, imposing of taxes to sustain the system, administration and so on. So, in short, a Rāj yoga should be understood to be a yoga indicative of the Jātaka rising in life to a stage of financial level, or wielding power over a group of people, much above what was expected on account the financial or another status of his family, at the time of his birth.

In case of Vipareeta Rāj yoga it is observed that many a time, the Jātaka is propelled to a higher level of recognition either unexpectedly, or for some inexplicable reason. Sometimes,

the person who was in line to get that recognition does not get it due to sudden setbacks like loss of reputation, health issues, death etc., and the Jātaka gets the recognition, in his stead. It is also possible that he changes his career unexpectedly which contributes to his rise.

We must also remember that the extent of rising will also be influenced by other strengths of the chart of the Jātaka. It may not be out of place to mention here that “Chandrakalā-Nādi” aka “Deva-Keralam” tells that in Kaliyuga (present times) in a chart with 3 or 4 planets in exaltation, it is desirable if there is also a planet in debility for the full good results attributed to the exalted planets to come through. I would also like to bring it to the notice of the learned astrologers the basic principle that if a planet is in debility in navāmsha, the results of its debility only will obtain, even if it is in exaltation in the rāshi chart. Similarly, a planet in exaltation in navāmsha shall give results of exaltation even when placed in debility in the rāshi chart.

Having seen the different ways Vipareeta yoga can operate, an inquiring mind must ask if results of all of them can be similar and can all of them give extremely positive good results? In my opinion, the placement of one trika lord in another trika bhāva, while being of a milder form of beneficial yoga may not qualify as a powerful Rāj yoga by itself. The final results will have much to do with the bhāva owned by that planet and the bhāva occupied by it, as also other strength of the chart, especially the lagna. An example would be when 6th lord occupies the 8th bhāva. While this placement, of one trika lord in another trika bhāva, can give good financial prosperity to the Jātaka, it could also indicate some acute health issue becoming chronic through neglect on the part of Jātaka. In respect of planets in debility acting as exalted, if retrograde, this seems to be right on account of the planet at such time being away from Sun and the “vakra bala” (strength of retrogression) is said to be almost equal to that of a planet in exaltation.

However, I am not very convinced if an exalted planet in retrogression will give results of being in debility. I would think it will become extremely powerful and, if a malefic, cause much harm while if a benefic give good results. The exception here is Saturn, who is said to give results that are Vipareeta (reverse) to those given by malefic planets. Even here, while fortifying the bhāva occupied, Saturn is more than likely to cause severe harm to the bhāvas aspected.

So does this mean the Vipareeta principle is wrong? No, this in my opinion means one has to apply it with prudence and the most powerful Vipareeta yoga which can rightly be called a Vipareeta Rāj yoga will occur and show its results in real life, when lord of a trika sthāna (bhāva) will occupy an auspicious bhāva in debility/being rendered weak (generally by conjunction with a node) or when a debilitated/ weakened lord of an auspicious bhāva shall occupy any one of the trika sthānas. The effect would be heightened when the auspicious bhāva involved are the trines, squares and the 2nd or 3rd bhāvas and their lords.


Having thus understood the underlying principles of the Vipareeta Rāj yoga, let us see the charts of some well-known personalities in whose charts it occurs, and whose charts and lives are out there on the net for anyone to verify.


Demonstration of Vipreet Raj Yoga: Example charts


Example chart 1: William John Warner AKA Count Louis Hamon or Cheiro.


As befits our subject of astrology, let us begin with the horoscope of William John Warner AKA Count Louis Hamon or Cheiro.

He was known for his mind-boggling palmistry predictions and has also written books on palmistry, numerology and astrology. Below is the chart.

Vipareeta Raj Yoga Decoding Vipareeta Rāj Yoga


It can be seen that the lord of the 6th bhāva (a trika bhāva), in debility is placed in the 9th bhāva an auspicious bhāva which is a trine, resulting in a powerful Vipareeta Rāj yoga.

I am sure that most of the astrologers, both budding and veterans would have studied a bit of palmistry, or more when young if not for knowledge, then at least to impress their friends and would instantly connect Cheiro with palmistry.

Cheiro is said to have been born in an impoverished family in Dublin, Ireland and not have received much parental affection. There is a story that he was kidnapped by Gypsies when young, though it is possible he fled home as a stowaway on some ship as, he has himself said that he worked on a Bombay port in India where he met his Indian guru, who is said to have taught him astrology, palmistry and numerology. He claimed he had access to ancient Indian books written in gold and learnt much of the art of prediction from it.

It appears that the powerful Vipareeta Rāj yoga in his chart which rises due to the 6th lord in debility occupying the 9th bhava, and another Vipareeta Rāj yoga caused by lord of the 10th, Sun in 12th bhava in debility, made him rise from being a noniety to the most famous Palmist in the western world who had a wide following of famous European and American clients during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He read palms and told the fortunes of famous celebrities like Mark Twain, W. T. Stead, Sarah Bernhardt, Mata Hari, Oscar Wilde, Grover Cleveland, Thomas Edison, the Prince of Wales, General Kitchener, William Ewart Gladstone, and Joseph Chamberlain. Even if he never became a king he did assume the name and title Count Lois Hamon.


Example chart 2 : Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz


The next chart to draw our interest must be that of “Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz”, known to most part of the world as Fidel Castro the Prime Minister and then President (virtual) dictator of Cuba who has ruled over the country since, and is still its de-facto head.

Vipareeta Raj Yoga 2 Decoding Vipareeta Rāj Yoga


Fidel Castro was an illegitimate 3rd child of Angel Castro and his servant “Lina Ruiz”. His father married “Lina” only after birth of her 7th child, after divorcing his wife Maria. Thus it is apparent that none could have even dreamt that he would one day become the dictator of Cuba, who could not be dislodged even by the mighty U.S.A. and shall serve his country in that capacity till he decided to step down due to ill health and handed over reigns to his brother Raul Castro.

We can see, here, that the lord of the 8th bhāva Jupiter is in debility and occupies the auspicious 9th bhāva, giving rise to a powerful Vipareeta Rāj yoga which gets fortified as Jupiter aspects both the Lagna and the Lagna lord giving immense strength to the lagna of Jātaka (Castro), and granting him kingdom of Cuba. His journey to becoming the dictator of Cuba makes interesting reading, and does seem to support my theory of unexpected developments propelling the Jātaka of Vipareeta Rāj yoga, to a position of eminence.

On 3/10/1952, Batista seized power in Cuba when Castro formed an insurrection group. He led a small group in a revolution on 7/26/1953. Arrested, he was found guilty and jailed. While in prison, he read and studied history, philosophy and politics up to his release on 5/15/1955. On 7/07/1955, Castro left Cuba for Mexico City, where he met “Che Guevara”.

On 12/05/1956 they began the revolutionary invasion. After defeat, he fled on 12/31/1957. It is interesting that his Jupiter Mahādashā (period) began in 1955, when he had to flee Cuba which led to his meeting with “Che Guevara” and that he was able to overthrow Batista regime in 1959, becoming Prime minister the when his Jupiter-Saturn-Mars-Ketu-Jupiter period on 16th of February 1959

From those who were kings or were almost like kings in their own field of expertise, we shall move to the field of acting to round up charts illustrating the powerful Vipareeta yoga. This later chart will indicate the difference in strength of the Vipareeta Rāj Yoga when the lagna does not get further fortified (a bhāva gets fortified when aspected by own lord, Jupiter or Mercury).


Article Suggestion :

For understanding a deeper approach to planetary transit , click on below 

Kaalchakra the wheel of time – How Life impacts by transiting planets on lunar mansions
Example chart 3: “George Clooney”


Let us now see the chart of “George Clooney”, the heartthrob of many young girls, especially in the western part of the world and who was voted the sexiest man alive in a survey conducted by People magazine. I am including this chart for one dear student of mine who is enamoured of George Clooney and also since it does help illustrate the difference in degrees in various Vipareeta Rāj Yogas, in the intensity of their results.


Vipareeta Raj Yoga 3 Decoding Vipareeta Rāj Yoga
We observe in this chart that lord of auspicious kendra (10th bhāva) and the 3rd bhāva, is placed in its rāshi of debility in the 6th bhāva ( a trika bhāva), giving rise to a Vipareeta Rāj Yoga, though the lagna or lagna lord does not receive aspect of its lord, Jupiter or Mercury, thus denying actual kingdom. Add to this the 2nd lord placed in the 12th bhāva in debility giving further strength to Vipareeta Rāj yoga. He also has two planets in exaltation, Sun and Venus which also helps in strengthening the chart. George, though son of a TV personality, only got a chance to work in a small role in a film on horse racing that his uncle wanted to make, though the film never made it to the screen. He took off for Hollywood with only a paltry sum in pocket to stay with his aunt who gave him lodging and job as chauffer. Later he worked as construction worker and worked in some commercials. He began getting bit parts and was part of 15 failed TV pilots. It is interesting that he was voted the sexiest man alive in 1997 when he was running the Rāhu-Mars period. Later becoming extremely successful, and he went on to win an Academy award in 2006.

Conclusion : 

I trust these charts will help the learned astrologers to understand the finer difference between Vipareeta Rāj yoga and Vipareeta Yoga. Though the difference is fine we can see that the results, differ in their scale and there is certainly much importance that needs to be given when the lagna also gets strength along with a strong Vipareeta Rāj yoga. It is well to remember that the Lagna will gain strength when aspected by its lord, Jupiter or Mercury. A strong lagna lord shall also contribute to the strength of the lagna.



Chandrashekhar Sharma
copyright © 2015 Chandrashekhar Sharma

Note: This Article is Originally published at @

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The Cosmic Clock – How planets and Remedies work

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The Cosmic Clock – How planets and Remedies work

How Planets Work?

two clocks and tunnel in fibers ring time travel concept background loop The Cosmic Clock - How planets and Remedies work

Many people used to ask me how planets having huge mass and distance of millions of light years from earth impacting our life infinitely that one cannot have any choice to change his life actions or course of the journey in any way. It’s a point to think and one needs a deep understanding of Spiritual sciences for the answers to all these questions? i.e How physical bodies have a deep impact on our Karma, on our life actions and decision making ?, Does it means that planets are controlling our karma, our power of thinking or have telling influence on our brain signals that we cannot think other than what it has been decided by the invisible power already !.

Does every planet generate such powerful electromagnetic or electrical impulses that they have an ability to control our mind,  or can fix our destiny points and that there are no such other choices we have left it for changing our destiny, or it has been already decided by the almighty even before our so many journies of soul or these karmic actions points or destinies of soul  already been fixed by some invisible system even before we have taken birth on this mortal earth.

Now the question remains same, can we change our course of action or it is been fixed by some boundaries or by an invisible system?

Seeking this answer I have been researching a lot in my library of spiritual books and many a time I had tried it a lot to seek answers from ancient scriptures. Mostly I failed in my attempts and this question still remained a mystery. What I have learnt from my past learning journey is that for looking exact answer. The irony is there is no clarity

Sometimes I keep on thinking how planetary rotations happening in the celestial sphere impact our lifetime. there is an infinite number of questions daily every person try to find their answers via astrologically.  so much worse and everyone is feeling its effects individually. Why planets are behaving differently in everyone lives.

Questions seem very interesting because none of any explanation is mention in any of Astrological and Astronomical treaties, how planets are working in everyone human life individually.

mercury retrograde The Cosmic Clock - How planets and Remedies work

Well if you want to understand you need to understand How Birth and Death cycle is rotating in everyone’s life, scientifically it is not an easy task to provide any logic behind its processing. Spiritually you can explain – Your Karma CyclePlanets are bound to work relatively according to your Rebirth, Karmas and Soul action and choice cycles.

Scientifically time is working parallelly according to our current karmas, Our Current choices and those actions generate Time ripples like as of gravitational ripples created by huge mass moving body in space as we have studied in physics, same as in case of spiritual science when we make any choice or do a certain amount of some particular karmas, time used to move accordingly in that direction. It normally seems as time is uni-directional or in a one-directional scheme but actually it is working in the multidimensional framework based on our actions and choices.

More Louder the actions we perform in the mortal world, much wider will be the consequences of our karmas impact or fruits that we can See or analyze from the Navamsa Chart that an exclusively shows us fruits of all our sanchit karmas and more the soul will bound in Space-time and rebirth Cycle.

Its work like a simple phenomenon as in science, Heavier you throw a stone in silent water, much wider or deeper it will create or make ripples in silent water flow. Same as we can understand this principle in our life too, karma works like in the same process earlier we had discussed, when we throw a stone in a silent water much wider consequences and ripples it will generate and come back with same intensity, same way  karmic impacts or fruits of consequences  of actions of humans always come back with much power and heavy consequences of actions can be experienced in the near future of life as a result of our past actions, so we should always watch our current choices that can decide our future life shape and orientation.

Similarly, the planetary motion of planets in space plane is like the carbon copy of those Consequences or actions formed in water when we throw a heavy stone in deep silent water or they used to depict how time moves or flow in straight like flowing water that can never move back. It will always go in one direction but has choices to choose multiple paths in a different stream of flow same as like action of the water flow or the karmas of humans

In a more scientific way, Time is directly proportional to your actions and karma in society and Planets shows those time consequences which are made by past actions and reason for occurring in future life. (T = P= (K + A = C ) i.e where T = time, P = Planets, A =Action , C = Future and K = Karma.

Planets work on the basis of our Prana (Life) Energies.

Planets are rotating around the sun in a fixed orbital distance in every hour, minutes and Second in a constant speed; there is no variation in its speed same exactly as your wristwatch keep moving in Hours and Minutes as per earth Rotation around Sun in 360 degrees in 365 days.

Same as Planets are part of “ The Cosmic Clock “ located in our solar systems like a monitoring and administrative authority made by one who made us to monitor our cycle of Karma, rebirth and Soul Journey in every seconds and millisecond.

Planets are simply signification of Kaal Chakara system – The wheel of time. We are living in 3d Dimensional world and the Wheel of time represents the 4th Dimensional world – The Time – Kaal – The Eternal Changes Controlled by two Particles – The Shiva and Shakti – Two bodies who controls time and life cycle.

Time is relatively equal to the Planets Speed and Motion and directly proportional to the Human beings Life, Breadth, Hours, seconds and Minutes cycle. The Soul is bound to Live in a Body as per contractual documents to perform the cycle of Karma to finish pending karma based on previous births, one has to either suffer or celebrate the Karmas cycle based on The Sanchit and The Prarabhda Karma one had done in its previous births.

Sun Moon and are Two Supporting Pins moving parallel in a Cosmic clock in a geocentrically motion around the Earth. Shorter Pin Holds Fast-moving events ruled by Moon (Thoughts) and the Longer events are ruled by Sun (Aatma) and the 12 signs are the path of Both Sun and Moon where they rotate every day and night to indicate what and when an event has to trigger and how it will influences Mana, Jeeva and Aatma.

Rest of the planets are moving relative to Both the Sun and moon in the same clock and anti-clockwise direction to signify when an event has to trigger in everyone life, that’s why for any event we need to see each and every planet aspects and placements because all are working relative to each other.

Planetary alignments in a cosmic clock trigger the events and when both Sun and Moon pointing toward that particular individual sign. Time is moving in one direction and same as planets are moving too in one direction that’s why Time is relatively equal to planets Speeds, Motion and Distance.

That what Einstein was trying to explain in its equation of E= MC2, the Subtle Logic behind Cosmos creation of Ataman, Matter and Time.

Bramha, Vishnu and Mahesh are the three Tri Gunas present in each planet, soul and Body and in Nakashtras signifying Nature of planets and Aatmic Qualities.

Now you are able to understand how planets are working in our Physical and Spiritual plane, the next question is how Remedies are working??

How Remedies Works?

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Well, Remedies work based on karma i.e The sanchit and Pradbha Karma one has done. One who is having Strong Navamsa, 9th house/Lord in D1 and D9 remedies always work for them with efforts. That indicates about Credited Karma or accumulated karma, the portion of your good Karma in total. Without putting efforts or some actions in the form karma none of the remedies will work. Only Good karma in future can mitigate the impact or consequences of the past deeds to some extent. Karma generates ripples of karmic action in the time cycle of birth and death, more the past deed is heavy more it can be felt in many births of the soul that we can figure out of the Retrograde nature of the planets present in the one chart that shows the Pending karma soul is carrying from many of the past journies. If Burden of the soul is heavy it is impossible to clear the debt of past karmic actions in current birth. To get some relaxations from these karmic actions either one need to put Intense Tapasya or One need total surrender toward the ishta devta. Another way is one can take shelter of the Siddha Yogi or a Divine guru to get a way out of these heavy karmic deeds that one has done in the past journies.If we want to understand Remedies, in general, we need to first understand  consequences of the karmas.

Remedies are simply like applying for Discounts from your credited Karma, If you have Zero balance in your Sanchit Karma, won’t expect Your Application of Remedies will be approved for further processing.

If the Prarabhda is 90% and Good part of the Sanchit is 10 % – You have to face past deeds results of karma in your life as part of previous birth Bad Karma. Both the Karmas are inversely proportional to Each other and Remaining Percentage signifies, How much intense karma you have to suffer in this birth or it has to carry forward in next birth.

So before Applying for a concession from almighty Love – first look out your Praradbha Karma – your placement of the 6th house and its lord in D1,D9 and D60 shows your Deeds of the past life. In this life, 6th house shows debts, Sufferings, Diseases, enemies, weakness out of the past actions. What sort of one has done karma in the past same one has to face the one of 6 Shadripus. I.e Venus shows Extreme lust and lack of happiness from spouse and Financial stress in this life. If Sun is 6th lord one will face a lack of respect in public life and his ego always tries to dominate the native. Same way the effects of other planets can be decoded. To understand the Consequences or intensity of the 6th lord in current life one has to check 6th house or its lord strength.  If it is placed in Sthira Rashi’s, or afflicted in both D9 and D60 chart Impact of karmas will be intense in the current life, and whenever there will be transit of Saturn or nodes transiting around this sign (6th lord sign) one can experiences  Results of the past deeds during that tenure good or bad depending on the Strength of the 6th , and sometime the result will be hard to avoid and suffering will be intense. One has to face it or experience the consequences as it shows your Prarabdha karma. If the 6th lord is in Dual Sign, One can put efforts to mitigate it to some extent. If it is in Chara Rashi one can neutralize the impact of Karmas to much extent and burn it in current birth and native efforts will get its results and Impact of Dashas periods will be softer on the native. Moon Placement, Sign and the Planetary Dashas Shows Sum total of your  Sanchit karma. Dasha Period in Vedic astrology is Sum total of your Sanchit Karma and Transits are the Carrier agent and Delivery Boy of that Karma, When will the Parcel (Fruits) of Karma deliver to you, totally depends on the Transits. That time your Old karma’s (Both good and bad) of past should get triggered or get align with your Dasha Period. Delivery boy (Transits) can deliver either good fruits or bad totally depends on your total karma (Dasha and Planetary Placements).

Remedies means – Almighty is giving you a concession, Relaxation in your total karmic account for some period of time.

If you won’t do remedies in the form of Vedic Prayers, Mantras, Homam, Daanm Punyas with the selfless approach it cannot give you 100% results. For remedies to work and its effectiveness or sincerity depends on one 5th house and its lordship in D1, D9 and D60 chart.5th bhava shows how much sincere or dedicated you are in your devotion towards your ishta Devi/Devta.It’s Your bhakti and shows your total surrendered approach towards your Ishta. Beneficial planet shows strong faith on your Ishta whereas Malefic shows One has to put more efforts, need strict dedication and discipline to get devoted toward your ishta. Placement of nodes in the 5th house shows your Inconsistency or fluctuating devotion toward multiple deities and one may not be regular in his devotion or daily prayers. The strength of the 5th lord Deities and its form depends on the placement of the 5th lord in Lagna, D9 and D60 amsa’s i.e Mercury shows Durga and Vishnu both, whereas Shukar shows worshipping of Laxmi or Devi who controls the Family households i.e Kula Devi. Same way Saturn shows the form of Narayana and worshipping of Kali as well. Only Ishta has the power to mitigate your any karmas of the past if your dedication and devotion are much stronger and consistent. If 5th House lord is well placed in Lagna and Varga charts it will act as an added advantage in worshipping and bhakti toward your Diety. Influence of the Moon on  5th house is considered as the grace of God or good for Ishta Bhakti. If there is no selfless devotion or inner feelings available in daily prayers – nothing will work. Astrologically, If there is no benefice influence on the 9th house or 9th house lord is not well placed in D1, D9 and D60 1000 tries in the form of remedies to please your Ishta Dev can go in vain.

As per Karma Principal, you have given this birth to cleanse your past deeds, improve the current life for the better next life. By the Grace of almighty, you have given concession from your total Sanchit karma to improve your future life that is seen from the 5th house and its lord. More you follow it more you can better move on the right path. If Total Karmic account is zero, Debit is more than Credit may not work.

Without the Permission of Trinities – Planet won’t change its Default path and duties even if you are Billionaire or Millionaire or even if you perform 1000’s of Hawan’s or Yagyas – Nothing will work.

Almighty need your Love and Devotion, not your Money.


Rakesh Jamwal

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Views: 135

Who is going to win in 2019 General Elections on 23rd May 2019

rahul gandhi modi 750 Who is going to win in 2019 General Elections on 23rd May 2019

श्री गणेशाय नम:

ॐ गुरुभ्यो नम:

Written and Analysed by Utap Pathak

2019 General Elections: Jyotish Assessment

Secondary assessment based on Election Schedule

Note: This is the final analysis based on the Election schedule announced by ECI. The main article can be seen here in this link >


1] This short article is the final assessment based on the announced dates. Most importantly the start date i.e. 11th April 2019 and the result date i.e. 23rd May 2019.

Let’s observe the Grahas in the above chart (date 23.5.2019) w.r.t Bharat’s Vrishabh Lagna and below pointers reproduced from the Main article.

23rd May 2019 Elections Results Who is going to win in 2019 General Elections on 23rd May 2019

1) If Guru (8th lord of Modern Bharat’s chart – MB) in Transit aspects 10th Bhava and 10th Lord(s) in transit, the Government changes. I.e. the ruling Government falls.

2) If the above condition is happening AND Shani and Rahu (10th lords) in transit are strong & positively placed, then it indicates powerful (full majority) government coming at the Center.

3) If Transit Guru does not aspect 10th Bhava and he is not exalted, the incumbent Government retains the power. Here again, how strong this government possibly could be well indicated by situation of Rahu and Shani (as indicated in point no.2 above).

4) Weak Shani and Rahu in transit shows weak government at Center. It also shows sinister, corrupt, incapable, appeasing & highly communal government. Detrimental to the interest of Bharat and her people.

5) Strong Lagna Lord venus in transit (in Lagna, 4th, 9th or 10th or 11th) along with strong Rahu and Shani are likely to provide strong and stable government.

* Guru on 23.5.2019 chart neither aspects 10th Bhava nor aspects Shani & Rahu (10th Lords). Guru is also not in exaltation Rashi. Thus, it does not fulfil the conditions for the “Fall of the ruling Government” as mentioned in the point no.1 above.

* Rahu as the 10th lord is exalted in the 2nd Bhava generating the powerful Simhasan Yog. The other 10th co-lord Shani (Retrograde) is placed in the 8th Bhava in very close conjunction of Ketu. Shani aspects 10th Bhava with his 3rd aspect. Exalted Rahu also aspect 10th Bhava with his 9th drashti. Thus both the 10th lords (Rahu and Shani) aspect their own Bhava as well as mutually aspect between the two. Shani being retrograde can also provide result of being in 7th Bhava where he gets directional strength. Ketu and Mars are Marakas. However, Mars and Ketu provides a lot of fire power to Rahu and Shani. Shani provides results of being in 8th as well as 7th (partially due to Retrograde motion).

Thus, all of this assessment shows that Shani and Rahu are strong in Transit w.r.t Bharat’s chart.

*Venus is placed in 12th Bhava. I would have ideally wished Venus to be in 9th, 10th or 11th Bhava. In 11th Bhava, it would be exalted. However, Shukra remains in Kumbha (10th Bhava) and exalted in Meena (11th Bhava) during most part of Elections, but during result day, it has already moved to the 12th Bhava. For all the other Grahas, LL in transit placed in the 12th Bhava would have been bad and losses, however, Venus is the ONLY Graha which gets very strong in 12th Bhava. He enjoys 12th Bhava. Thus LL Venus in transit placed in 12th Bhava on the day of result is strong.

Mercury (5th lord0 and Sun (4th Lord) placed in Lagna in Transit, generates powerful Rajayoga.

*Moon is going to be Vargottam (in same Rashi in Main chart and Navamansh chart) throughout the day on 23rd May 2019. From 5:15 am to 11:42 am in Dhanu Vargottam and then until 18:15 in Makar Vargottama!. Moon is the 10th lord of NaMo’s chart and his vargottama strength on that day shows fortified 10th lord in transit.

Assessment of all the transit Grahas mentioned above paints a picture which says that the result will come strongly in the favor of Ruling Government!

2] I wish to point out a unique observation on Narendra Modi (NaMo)’s chart w.r.t. Guru and Rahu’s transit cycle.
When NaMo took the oath as CM of Gujarat for the 1st time on 7th October 2001, Guru and Rahu were jointly passing through Mithun Rashi which is the 9th (Bhagya) Bhava of NaMo’s Tula Lagna chart.

I am providing 7.10.2001 chart below (taking Tula Lagna)

2001 chart Who is going to win in 2019 General Elections on 23rd May 2019

As said earlier, Guru and Rahu were passing through Mithun Rashi when NaMo took oath as Gujarat’s CM for the 1st time.
Guru completes one cycle in 12 years and Rahu completes one cycle in 18 years.

When Guru competed for one cycle and came back to Mithun (in 2014), NaMo became PM for the 1st time. Now in 2019, when General Election results are going to be declared, Rahu is completing his cycle and coming back to Mithun Rashi. These three events are amazingly co-related.

What Results now Rahu should give to NaMo when he is completing one round since 2001 and coming back to Mithun?

1st let’s check the above chart of 7.10.2001 (in relation to NaMo’s Tula Lagna). Rahu is the 5th co-lord and close friend of LL Venus. Rahu gets exalted in Mithun Rashi. Thus Rahu, as the 5th co-lord exalted in 9th Bhava generates powerful Rajayoga and triggers the “Bhagyodaya”!

Now, check the 1st chart given (of 23.5.2019) w.r.t. Tula Lagna (of NaMo). Rahu’s Rajayoga mentioned above is again repeating. Not only that, but Rahu is also in Mutual aspect with another PYK Shani. Shani in the 3rd Bhava with Ketu is extremely powerfully placed (Natural Paap Grahas in Upachaya gives great results).

Mars & Rahu’s angarak yog happening in Mithun on the result day has a special significance. There is a dictum in classics. Rahu in Kendra with Trikona Lord or Rahu in Trikona with Kendra lord generates a powerful Rajayoga.

Here, Rahu is placed in Trikona (9th Bhava) with Mars who is a Kendra Lord (7th Bhava). Thus Rahu+Mars combination in Mithun is generating powerful Rajyoga in Transit w.r.t. Tula Lagna of NaMo.

Venus on that day is in Mesha and directly aspects own Bhava from 7th and this fortifies Lagna Bhava.

RAHU, MARS, SHANI AND KETU all powerful Natural malefics are directly influencing 3rd Bhava of NaMo’s chart which is providing him with unprecedented energy, bold actions and parakram (valor). NaMo is going to be in extraordinary action even by his own standards in these 2 months.

3] A small observation: In 2014, when Elections started (on 7th April 2014), Moon was in Mithun Rashi along with Guru. This time around on 11th April 2019, Moon is again in Mithun along with exalted Rahu.

Not to forget that Moon is the 10th Lord in NaMo’s chart and also the current Dasha lord. Thus, the 10th Lord of Karma is placed in Bhagya bhava at the start of the Elections indicates Auspicious results!

On the result day, Moon comes to Makar Rashi around 11:40 am. Moon will aspect own 10th Bhava for NaMO.
W.r.t. Bharat’s Vrishabh Lagn chart, Moon in Makara will be the 9th Bhava.

4] W.r.t. BJP’s chart, result day transit is as under:

9th co-lord Rahu will be exalted in Lagna with 6th/11th Lord Mars. Another co-lord of 9th i.e. Shani
Would be placed in 7th in Digbala and aspect Lagna. Shani will be with 6th lord Ketu. 10th lord Guru will be in 6th and aspect 10th bhava. LL Mercury will be 12th with Sun. Yogakaraka Venus will be in 11th bhava. Moon will be in 7th until 11:40 am and then move to 8th Bhava.

Thus, from Mithun Lagna chart of BJP, Transit shows mixed indications.

*Shani-Ketu degree-wise close conjunction in Scorpio (7th Bhava of modern Bharat’s chart) happened during 1984 Elections. Absolute sympathy wave due to the assassination of Indira Gandhi got 414 seats to Congress (I) which is still a record.
*Shani-Ketu conjunction (degree wise quite apart) happened again in Meena Rashi (11th Bhava) during 1996 Elections. No party could get a majority. Atal Bihari Vajpayee became PM of a weak government which fell in mere 13 days and political instability set in.

*We have to now see what Shani-Ketu degree-wise close conjunction, happening in Dhanu, has in store for our beloved Bharat Mata and to all of us! To me, looking in isolation, retrograde nature of Shani would provide effects as if Shani is in Scorpio. This coupled with the comprehensive assessment made in these two elaborated articles, I am confident of the windfall for one party which is headed by the current Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Conclusion: Judging all the four – 1], 2], 3] & 4] – points given in this article, I have come to the conclusion that the results on 23rd May 2019 are going to be strongly in favor of NaMo. I have to say that in this elections, NaMo’s chart is going to be much heavier in its influence than the BJP’s chart.

This assessment is not in isolation to the conclusion drawn in the main article, on the other hand, it derives its main direction from there. (link is given at the start of this article). Important point to note is that even the independent assessment in this article quite nicely corroborates with the conclusion arrived in the Main article.

NaMo is quite likely going to surpass the success of May 2014 and even cross 300 Mark comfortably on his own. Let’s see, if He can surpass Indira Gandhi’s electoral success of Jan 1980. Narendra Damodardas Modi is the chosen instrument of Jagadamba. His 2nd term as PM will completely realize this statement. May he completely realize his burning desire to take our great Bharat Varsh to the glory before he winds his mortal coil.


pin Who is going to win in 2019 General Elections on 23rd May 2019

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Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

Modi vs Gandhi Who will win the battle of 2019 1 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

श्री गणेशाय नम: ॐ गुरुभ्यो नम:
2019 General Elections: Jyotish Assessment

Written, Analysed and Compiled by Utpal Pathak

Note: Those who are not interested in Jyotish assessments, may straight go to end of Part-1 and Part-2 and read Conclusions. Others who wish to understand how Jyotish application is done, can read through this long and exhausting article.


(The Proposed concept of assessing STATE Assembly results)

I started applying Jyotish principles, my knowledge and experience on the politics of modern Bharat since 2012 December. Gujarat assembly elections on 2012 were the 1st stint in an application of Mundane Jyotish. Here I must state that I had predicted that result decisively in favour of BJP based only on Narendra Modi ji’s chart. No other factor was taken into account. Immediately after the success of that prediction, 1st lengthy article was written on Shri Narendra Modi (NaMo) ji and his chances for 2014 Elections which too proved successful. Since then, there were quite a few experiences of success and failures on different State Assembly elections.

In my experiences of all these State Elections, I have been half-hearted since a couple of years because Narendra Modi ji’s influence on State charts was no longer an absolute factor and this created almost crisis like a situation to assess any State Election. The reasons of being skeptical were:

1) MOST importantly, there is no way to trust birth details of important political personalities in a given state.

2) State charts are reasonably accurate and trust worthy. However, I was unsure if State chart can be taken into account when assessing State Election results. In this case, only some valuable experience could have helped me.

Thus, I was on a shaky ground understandably. This is not only my problem but the trouble for every “honest” Jyotish Sadhak. I even concluded (rightly imho) that it is inappropriate and dishonest to apply Jyotsih Shastra on our State Elections because of lack of reasonably reliable data.

However, the shocking losses of BJP in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhatisgarh gave me an extremely important clue I was looking since few years. My Jyotish-saoked mind was looking for something which can relieve me from the need of personal charts to a great extent. This was only possible if Transit influences on a given State chart works satisfactorily. This possibility was presented to my mind with BJP’s losses and Congress’s win in RS, CG & MP. Gujarat Assembly Elections of Dec 2017 and Karnataka in May 2018 also helped a great deal.

I checked State charts of all these 5 states and analyzed Transit influences on them when Election were going on and results were declared for respective states. The focus of Rahu, Shani, Guru and Lagna Lords were of primary influences. To my pleasant surprise, this analysis gave me important clues which were by sufficient by themselves to judge approximate results and did not necessitate the need of personal charts of various important personalities (such as CM, main contesting leader/s etc). To some extent, Charts of Political parties – BJP and Congress (I) helped in verifying the indications given by analysis of State charts.

After forming transit principles I arrived at after analyzing all these above mentioned state charts, I tried to apply them on Modern Bharat’s chart and checked various important General Elections of last 30 years. And I found it to be quite encouraging!
“over simplification” these Transit principles is given below.

1) If Rahu or Shani or both are passing through Lagna of a State chart, the power goes to the Political party which is detrimental for the state (her people). People ends up choosing the party or Gathbandhan which indulges in criminal ways and appeasement policies. Not to forget here that Rahu is a Karaka of Malechhas.

2) Above conditions have all the chances of coming to pass if there is no strong counter balancing from Guru and Lagna Lord.
3) If Moon of a given state chart is also badly influenced by Rahu/Shani, then it becomes almost certain that destructive party will come to power with thumping majority.

4) Also check 10th lord in Transit and influences on 8th Bhava to get the clear picture as much as possible.

Let us straight go to the practical examples and observe briefly.

A] Charts of CG, MP and Karnataka charts (All have Karka/Cancer Lagna).

1 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis
I am 1st providing the transit chart of 11.Dec.2018 (Result day) by keeping Kark Rashi in Lagna for the sake of convenience to observe the Transit w.r.t. the State charts of CG and MP.

One can superimpose the above chart of the result day with charts of CG, MP and check the transits.

1] Chhattisgarh

2 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis
On the results day i.e. 11.Dec.2018

1) Rahu was transiting from Karka Lagna. Rahu is dire enemy of LL Moon and he is the 8th co-lord of change.

2) Shani was/is passing over birth Moon placed in Dhanu. Rahu was transiting from 8th bhava of the Moon.

3) 10th Lord Mars transiting 8th Bhava of the chart

4) LL Moon was transiting 7th Bhava and affected by Nodes.

CG State chart was terribly affected by the most transit principles I stated earlier which indicate that CG Government will change (8th lord Rahu and Shani strongly affecting Lagna and Moon respectively while 10th Lord Mars relegated to 8th Bhava). Highly detrimental government that is corrupt, Deceitful, controlled by sinister elements of Malechha and communally appeasing Government would ascend to power with thumping majority. Thumping majority is indicated due to overdose of negative influences of Transit Shani, Rahu and 8th Bhava/Lord over Lagna, Moon and 10th

Result: Congress came to power with a landslide victory and ruling BJP got drubbing.

2] Madhya Pradesh

3 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis
On the results day i.e. 11.Dec.2018

1) Rahu was transiting from Karka Lagna. Rahu is dire enemy of LL Moon and he is the 8th co-lord of change.

2) 10th Lord Mars transiting 8th Bhava of the chart

3) LL Moon was transiting 7th Bhava and affected by Nodes.

The negative influences of 8th lord Rahu over Lagna bhava and 10th lord Mars in 8th Bhava aspected by 8th co-lord Shani mentioned above indicated change in Government. This ensured detrimental, Rahu-like Government coming to power.
However, unlike CG, Moon of MP’s chart was spared of negative influences. Due to that, 9th Guru passing through 5th Bhava and aspecting Lagna helped balancing the situation. This resulted in quite close contest with Congress managing to come to power with support of few MLA’s of other party.

Result:  Congress came to power by getting the support of BSP and BJP lost the power just by a whisker. Nevertheless, BJP is a very strong opposition and Congress would find it very hard to survive in future.

Karnataka State Assembly results came on 15.May.2018. The Transit chart of the day is given below keeping the Kark as Lagna (keeping in sync with Karnataka’s Kark lagna chart).

3] Karnatak

4 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

Karnataka’s case is also very interesting to understand dynamics of Transits and how to arrive at judgement. Karnatak and Madhya Pradesh’s charts are identical.

On the results day i.e. 15.May.2018

1) Rahu was transiting from Karka Lagna. Rahu is dire enemy of LL Moon and he is the 8th co-lord of change.

2) Exalted 10th lord Mars affected by Nodes (Rahu-Ketu)

In this curious and delicate case of Karnataka, there is only 1 main negative of Rahu (point no.1 given above). 10th lord Mars exalted but affected by Nodes is another negative.

Formidable countering by Guru aspecting 10th placed transit Moon and Mercury. However, due to Veto like Rahu’s influence on Karka Lagna proved detrimental for the state. Strong party just fell short of Majority mark and Rahu like parties got together and formed the weak, self-interested, minority appeasing and absolutely detrimental government.

It must be also noted that Karnataka was passing through very fag end of Shani Maha Dasha. This is called chhidra dasha phenomena in Jyotish and proves time of instabilities and chaos.

Result: Congress came to power almost directly by supporting JDS who merely got 30 odd seats. BJP could not get the power even though being the largest party because of mechanization of ”Rahuvian” parties.

As soon as Rahu goes out of Lagna of Karnataka, we should expect developments there because it is a weak Government which can’t sustain once Rahu’s Veto is gone as well as sinister Shani MD’s unsettling chhidra period is also over in September 2018.
The same could prove true for MP but these are not the scopes of this present article, so we leave it for now.

B] Now let’s take Gujarat and Rajasthan charts. (Both are of Dhanu Lagna)

The transit chart of 18.Dec.2017 (Result day) by keeping Dhanu Rashi in Lagna for the sake of convenience to observe the Transit w.r.t. the State charts of Gujarat.

Superimpose the above chart grahas over Gujarat’s state chart provided below.

1] Gujarat

7 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis
On the results day i.e. 18.Dec.2017

1) Shani was transiting from Dhanu Lagna. Rahu was transiting from 8th

2) 8th lord Moon was transiting Lagna

These 2 points are powerful negatives. However, there are over powering positives as under:

3) Birth Moon of the chart is not adversely affected by Transit Shani and Rahu

4) LL Guru in transit is powerfully placed in 11th Bhava along with 5th lord transit Mars

5) This auspicious combination of transit LL Guru and Mars is placed in 5th from birth Moon. LL Guru in transit aspects birth Moon

6) 9th Lord Sun transiting from Lagna

Results: These formidable positives saved the day for Gujarat and the sinister party could not win. Please note that Gujarat’s birth chart is extremely powerful. BJP managed to win Gujarat again because of NaMo’s almost indispensable influence and political acumen of Gujaratis. Yet, extremely adverse transits of Shani and Rahu did give a big nightmare t BJP in Gujarat.

The transit chart of 11.Dec.2018 (Result day) by keeping Dhanu Rashi in Lagna for the sake of convenience to observe the Transit w.r.t. the State charts of Rajasthan.

8 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis
2] Rajasthan

9 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

On the results day i.e. 11.Dec.2018

1) Shani was transiting from Dhanu Lagna. Rahu was transiting from 8th

2) Shani was transiting from 10th of birth moon

3) LL Guru and 9th lord Sun were transiting from 12th bhava

The negatives are too powerful in Rajasthan’s case. Unlike Gujarat, Rajasthan did not receive power of LL Guru as well as 9th lord Sun.

Results: The detrimental party came to power with comfortable majority and the much better government of BJP lost. This is where State chart is quite informative. It also shows collective political acumen of people of the states. If one compares charts of Gujarat and Rajasthan (both having Dhanu Lagna), one will realise as to why Gujarat is choosing BJP since 25 years continuously and progressing ahead, whereas why Rajasthan is changing the government every 5 years and thus allows themselves to suffer.

Note: Gujarat and Rajasthan are two quite informative cases of comparisons to understand how various transits can be assessed to arrive at difficult conclusion.

Conclusion of part-1:

The concept that is proposed here needs to be tested further in future assembly elections of various states. Serious sadhakas of Jyotish Shaastra may further take it forward by testing the transits along with Dasha of State charts. Dasha system also needs to be checked if it makes sense in State charts as it makes perfect sense in an individual’s chart.There are many unanswered questions on the dynamics of many states of Bharat such as Bengal, Kerala, Tamilnadu etc… One has to study and try to find out if interested. Oath charts of Chief Ministers are also one extremely useful tool to understand the Government and how it’ll perform.Election result assessment of State assemblies in our country is an overwhelmingly complicated matter. I am brutally honest to say here that whoever tries to consider charts of various political leaders’ and giving judgments are shooting in dark (me included). Prediction may come correct sometimes or incorrect. But then it’s all random and unreliable unless and until one can go deeper in State charts and find the light without needed personal charts.

Disclaimer: It is a different matter if one is 100% sure of Birth chart of a Politician(s). If such rare advantage is available, one can be more confident.

Suffice to say that a strong basis has been put forward in this article which could prove quite capable of giving idea beforehand about the results without requiring ever-untrustworthy data of important politicians. I am hopeful that this concept has a potential to improve consistency in predicting super complicated State results successfully. I categorically reject number of seat predictions done by Astrologers using Jyotish Shastra and also advice not to get carried away by one or two or even
three successful predictions done for State elections wherein Personal charts of many important Politicians are used randomly without detailed study of those charts. I have done that and I know it is highly unreliable. Being a highly passionate Jyotish student all my life, I have to say this.

If the concept given her works in 7 out of 10 future cases after keenly assessing the Transit w.r.t. State charts, I believe this article would have given a crucial basis for Jyotish application in State Elections.


(If present Government of BJP will be back in 2019?)

I have applied the concept of Transits discussed in the 1st part on modern Bharat’s chart and tried to test many important General elections happened since 1980.

The methodology was to check how Transits have affected various election results and if there can be found certain pattern of co-relations.

After deeply observing and co-relating Transits on the day of results viz-a-viz various General Elections, I could found certain important Transit configurations. I experimented following Elections:

1977 (23.Mar.77), 1980 (9.Jan.80), 1984 (30.Dec.84), 1989 (6.Oct.89), 1999 (6.Oct.99),
2004 (13.May.2004), 2009 (16.May.2009), 2014 (16.May.2014).

From the analysis of all the above elections, the following interesting conclusions were derived:

1) If Guru (8th lord of Modern Bharat’s chart – MB) in Transit aspects 10th Bhava and 10th Lord(s) in transit, the Government changes. I.e. the ruling Government falls.

2) If the above condition is happening AND Shani and Rahu (10th lords) in transit are strong & positively placed, then it indicates powerful (full majority) government coming at the Center.

3) If Transit Guru does not aspect 10th Bhava and he is not exalted, the incumbent Government retains the power. Here again, how strong this government possibly could be well indicated by situation of Rahu and Shani (as indicated in point no.2 above).

4) Weak Shani and Rahu in transit shows weak government at Center. It also shows sinister, corrupt, incapable, appeasing & highly communal government. Detrimental to the interest of Bharat and her people.

5) Strong Lagna Lord venus in transit (in Lagna, 4th, 9th or 10th or 11th) along with strong Rahu and Shani are likely to provide strong and stable government.

For the sake of not making this article extraordinarily long, I would not discuss Transits of various Election results days observing which the above principles are formed.

Interested Jyotishas can themselves check as the dates are provided.

Political chart of Modern Bharat

11 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

Transit chart on 6.May.2019 (w.r.t Vrishabh Lagna)

12 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis


A] Let’s us test above derived principles of Transits on the likely transit of May 2019.

Major Transits in May 2019 (Most likely month of Election results)

1) Rahu (10th co-lord) exalted in Mithun and aspects 10th own Bhava
2) Shani (10th co-lord) in 8th retrograde and aspects 10th Bhava
3) Shani and Rahu are in Mutual aspects.
4) Shani is very closely associated with Ketu
5) LL Venus exalted until 10th May. After 10th May he’ll be in 12th Bhava
6) Guru Retrograde and in Vrishchik (at the Gandanta of Vrishchik & Dhanu)
7) Sun-Mer in 12th until 18th May. After that, in Lagna
8) Mars in Lagna until 6th May and after that in 2nd
This is the most likely condition of Transit Grahas w.r.t. Modern Bharat’s chart when Election results of 2019 will be declared.
The most important thing as per our Transit principles is to check Transit Guru’s position. Guru would have just entered Scorpio in Retrograde Motion. This means that He would neither be aspecting 10th Bhava nor Shani or Rahu. Guru is also not exalted in transit.

This indicates that the present Government of NaMo-BJP-NDA is unlikely to go out of Power.

Now the next assessment is of strength of Shani and Rahu.

Rahu is exalted and aspects own 10th bhava as well as 10th co-lord Shani. Thus Rahu is very powerful. Shani is in 8th Bhava which is a weakness. However, this weakness is overcome by the nature of being Retrograde as well as getting powerful aspect from the 10th co-lord Rahu. Shani is very closely associated with ketu and this could be tricky. However, when I checked the most brutal record Majority election of 1984, I found Shani and Ketu very close to each other.

During 1989 General elections, Shani was traversing through 8th Bhava and Rahu was from 10th Bhava. Rahu was controlled by Shani by his 3rd aspect. Shani in this case resulted in the controller and Veto like. Shani wasn’t having retrograde strength required in 8th to be strong and adding to that weakness, Shani, Rahu and 10th were getting the aspect of 8th lord Guru. Dasha running was of that Venus.

Compare it with 2019 – Rahu is exalted and aspects 10th. Shani though in 8th, he is having retrograde strength and with Ketu who is always retrograde. This is very difficult to grasp. I feel that, the retrogression of Shani and Ketu in 8th would reverse the malefic effects of 8th Bhava trasit. Missing aspect of 8th lord Guru on Shani, Rahu and 10th adds to my confidence.
This indicates that the NaMo Government is likely to comeback with strong majority surpassing the present mandate.
The above assessment is quite likely if the results are declared on or before 10th of May.
B] Let’s see now what BJP’s chart suggests.

BJP’S Chart

13 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

If we superimpose the Transits of May 2019 on BJP’s chart, we find the following.

1) 5th lord Venus exalted in 10th Bhava (if results are declared on or before 10th May)
2) 10th Lord Guru in 6th aspecting 10th Bhava and exalted Venus in it.
3) 8/9th Lord Shani in 7th gaining Digbala
4) 9th Lord Rahu exalted in Lagna
BJP would be under Moon/Mars Dasha. Moon is in 6th and his lord Mars aspects Moon from 3rd bringing about Neech-Bhang Rajayoga. Moon is aspected fully by own bhava Venus from 12th.
From Moon Lagna, Mars is in 10th with 5th lord Guru, Mer and Rahu. 5th lord Guru and 10th Lord Sun are in Parivartana… These configuration in birth chart of BJP shows that it has a very powerful Moon chart. Kemdrum Yoga will not affect prospects of BJP adversely in 2019 Elections in Mars sub period.

If one checks back the History, BJP came to power 1st time in Moon sub period.
All in all, BJP’s chart supports the conclusion arrived and it does not look affected. On the contrary, it is fortified with transit and Moon MD.

Let’s check the May 2019 Transits with Congress (I) Chart.

Congress (I) Chart

14 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

1) LL Shani is in 12th in Transit with Ketu (Badhaka Lord)

2) Transit Rahu exalted in 6th.

3) 10th lord Venus exalted in 3rd

4) 12th lord Guru in 11th Bhava

Shani and Guru Transits are bad for Congress. BJP’s transit is much more powerful in comparison.

Congress (I) is in Guru/Venus period. Guru being malefic for Makar Lagna chart, this MD period is not good. However, Venus sub period could prove better in patches.

This assessment of charts of two main Rival parties at National level, BJP is at much better advantage in 2019 Elections.
C] I would like to discuss NaMo’s chart briefly.

NaMo Chart

Naren Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

He will be under Moon/Mer period. Moon is his 10th lord placed in 2nd along with 2nd lord Mars, generates Simhasan Yoga. Mercury is the 9th lord (also 12th lord) exalted in 12th with political

Sun. If we count MD to AD lord and same Bhava from AD lord, Bhoga falls in the 10th Bhava of Power.
In D10 Chart, he has 4 Grahas in 10th bhava including political grahas – Sun and Moon. 10th lord Shani and 2nd lord Venus are in exchange (Parivartana) generating powerful Simhasan Yoga. 9th/12th lord Guru is in Lagna. Guru has parivartana with LL Mars which makes him a “giver”. The Karm Yogi who is born to give, to sacrifice, to work for society, people, Nation.
Rahu is exalted in 3rd provides him with extraordinary courage and indomitable spirit in area of his work. If we notice, he became CM for the 1st time in Guru/Rahu. (we are discussing D10 chart and D10 Maha Dasha). He became PM during Shani/Surya. Shani is 10th lord in Simhasan Yoga and Sun is 5th lord in 10th.

Now in 2019, he will be running Shani/Rahu (D10 Vimshottari). This is going to be a very powerful and extremely interesting period.

Let’s come back to the Transit w.r.t. his main Rashi chart (Tula Lagna).

5th Lord Rahu would be exalted in 9th Bhava where as PYK Shani would be in 3rd. Thus 2 most auspicious Grahas for Tula Lagna i.e. Shani and Rahu would be excellent in Transit during April/May 2019.

LL Venus would be exalted or in the 7th Bhava, Both ways, it would be strong.

Shani, Rahu, Ketu and Mars are going to directly influence 3rd Bhava of Parakram, Action in NaMo’s cahrt. He is going to display unprecedented velour and genius in election warfare in next March to May.
Let’s check his Tithi Pravesh Chart of 2018/19.

TP 2018 Chart of NaMo (15.Sept.2018, 6:23:47 am, Vadnagar)

LL Sun in Lagna with Mercury. PYK Mars exalted in 6th. Mars is also Shubh Pati in this chart. 10th lord Venus in own bhava in 3rd with 5th lord Guru. No aspect of highly malefic Shani and Rahu on the 10th Bhava.
Finally, as many as 6 Grahas have attained Maha Yogada status in this TP Chart! Sun, Mars, Mercury, Guru, Venus and Ketu have attained MYD power.

This is absolutely incredible!!

[Added on 13.2.2019]

Quite a few points had been left out as the article length became too lengthy. I thought of adding this interesting point w.r.t NaMo’s chart for readers.

Take NaMo’s Rashi chart (D1) and Vimashottari Maha Dasha.

16 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis


He was parachuted into CM’s position, on 7.10.2001, when Venus (MD)/Shani (AD) Period was running. Venus is LL as well as 8th lord. Shani is Parama Yogakaraka. Also, in D10 Chart of career/work in society, Venus and Shani are in Parivartan generating Simhasan yoga. Thus this period of Venus/Shani made him CM for the 1st time.

Now the point is the way he became CM. His *gain* was *sudden* and at the cost of Keshu Bhai Patel’s *loss*. He was suddenly asked by BJP’s top leaders to go and take the charge as CM of Gujarat. This sudden gain can be attributed to 8th Bhava lordship of Venus along with Lagna Bhava. 8th Bhava can also bring about sudden windfall. LL/8th lord Venus is placed in 11th Bhava, the house of Gain along with PYK Shani. Thus it is not surprising to see NaMo’s sudden rise as CM in Venus/Shani period.

However, the Mercury AD period within Venus MD was interesting and equally important too! As soon as Mercury AD started, NaMo resigned as CM and dissolved the assembly calling early elections. He became CM again by winning the 1st ever MLA election and getting BJP to thumping victory. Venus/Mercury period was from 16.6.2002 to 15.4.2005.
Switching to present period, NaMo is again in Mercury AD since 15.4.2018 and it will remain until 18.9.2019. This means 2019 Elections will be fought in Moon MD (10th Lord) and Mercury AD period.

Let’s check the strength of Mercury in his chart:

1) Mercury is 9th /12th lord and exalted in 11th Bhava (in Bhava chalet He is shifting to 11th Bhava).
2) Mercury is 9th lord and extremely close to PYK Shani. Thus, creating a powerful Rajayoga.
3) In D10, Mercury is in 10th Bhava and carries power of exalted Rahu in the 10th Bhava.
4) Mercury is on the same degree of Sun. Sun is a Political Graha – The King!
4) Mercury is on “0” Degree of Kanya Rashi. It means He has just entered Kanya Rashi which is his rashi of exaltation. Exaltation Rashi is akin to the one’s most favorite place/house. Like a picnic spot etc… As one’s mood is supremely exalted when one enters most favorite place, here Mercury is in most exalted mood as he has just entered his sign of exaltation.
The above four points explains why Mercury is extremely powerful in NaMo’s chart and quite capable of giving him success. So this explains why in Mercury AD period in 2002 he became CM on his own strength.
Extrapolating the same influence, current Mercury AD within MD of 10th lord Moon is quite likely bestow thumping success to him in 2019 elections.

Let’s focus on D10 Vimashottari Dasha.

He became CM for the 1st and 2nd time in Guru(MD)/Rahu(AD). Guru is 9th lord placed in Lagna Bhava in D10 Chart. Rahu is exalted in 3rd Bhava as 11th Lord. 11th Bhava is of gain, fulfilment of desires.
Now again, he is running Rahu AD within Shani MD since 13.3.2017 until 19.1.2020.
Extrapolating the same influence, current Rahu AD within MD of 10th lord Shani again indicates extraordinary success to him in 2019 elections.

[Addition completed]

D] I have glanced through Amit Shah’s chart as well.

Amit Shah’s chart (Not completely sure of his Lagna)

17 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

Amit Shah is under exalted Rahu MD placed in the 10th Bhava. In Transit, Rahu is becoming exalted from 23rd March 2019. Thus in Transit, his MD lord Rahu would pass through 10th in exaltation. This Transit Rahu would be in 3rd Bhava from his birth Moon. Thus 3rd Bhava from Birth Moon would be influenced by exalted Rahu, Ketu, Shani and Mars. March to May 2019 are going to be the Parakram and Parsihram ki parakashtha for Amit Shah as well as NaMo.

It is required to note that I have not used any other political personality charts including Rahul Gandhi. The reason is obvious because I have no way to authenticate them. NaMo’s chart I have used because I have worked on it extensively and I am very confident on it. Same goes for Amit Shah. Rahul Gandhi’s chart has interested me but at this point in time I have not become confident on it. It is full of Ketu and Mars influence. His available chart is majorly influenced by Nakshatrs of Mars and Ketu (Marakas if Tula Lagna chart and date are correct).

Lagna, Sun and Moon, all 3 important Tripods as well as Guru and Ketu of his chart are in nakshatrs of Mars or Ketu. This shows his personality disorder. However, I am yet to come to conclusion. As per his given chart,from March 2019, He will start Maha Dasha of powerfully placed Rahu in Kumbha, the 5th Bhava.

So we have to further study. For now, I am not reasonably sure, although his given chart has made sense on many parameters. We’ll wait for what happens in next 1 year at least to see his profile.


Combining all these separately discussed aspect (A,B,C & D), the picture which is getting formed can be seen like this – Whatever is the assessment of Data Pundits in Media and Political parties, whatever may be the ground realities and fear of Nationalists, BJP under leadership NaMo and Shah is going to surpass expectations of everyone including BJP’s top think tank. It is likely that BJP alone may cross the 300 Marks in 2019. I am not able to give any figures but it is going to be a windfall of seats better than tally of May 2014. March 23rd to APRIL 30th is the decisive period which will miraculously shift tide overwhelmingly in favor of BJP which will help them to cross the previous bench mark. It is important to note Astrological events happening in this period:

March 23rd -Rahu comes to Mithun

March 29th – Guru enters Dhanu at an extremely slow pace.
April 10th – Guru assumes Steady motion and starts retrograde motion
All the while, Shani and Ketu are coming extremely close to each other
April 22nd – Guru enters back to Vrishchik with Retrograde motion. Shani and Ketu joins on the same degree and gets into


30th April – Shani turns steady and retrograde

Note these significant Jyotish events happening in the span of 37 days!!

The closeness of Shani, Ketu, Rahu and influence of Mars on them suggests that tis elections would be the most bitterly fought elections in the entire History of our Country since independence. The Transit Grahas in coming December 2019 (almost the whole 2019 to 21) suggests that our country is on the verge of crossing the most crucial threshold. The Mega transformation phase started from 2014 would be at its most important period. 2019 is the fulcrum year on which the fate of our country is hanging. This Election would go on realizing the 500 years long dream of Ram Mandir at Ayodhya which would be a reality starting from 2020end/2021 start.

I also see catastrophic events in the 2nd part of 2019. NaMo and other important Leaders’ lives would remain at high risk. BJP Government would go after enemies’ full throttle. Judiciary would be finally reformed for good after a bitter war with Government in the period of 2019/20. After this transformation, Bharat Varsh would be well on track of becoming top 3 Global powers in every way!

NaMo is coming back to power again with stronger mandate and the 2nd term of NaMo would be the most important one in the political history of independent Modern Bharat which will be written in Golden letters by future indigenous Right-Historians.


pin Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

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Interview with Prashant Trivedi on Essence of vedic life ( वैदिक विज्ञान और जीवन)

Coverofyoutubevideo final Interview with Prashant Trivedi on Essence of vedic life ( वैदिक विज्ञान और जीवन)


Understanding Vedic Science and Life with Prashant Trivedi

Today we are going to meet one of Legendary Vedic Scholar and author who has done remarkable Research work on Many of ancient Subjects, He has mastered the micros of vedic life style and his life mission is to spread the words of vedic seers to masses.He has written many of beautiful books on vedic astrology and other divine Subjects.

He is none another Prashant Trivedi. Prashant Trivedi has been known as a master of Vedic and esoteric knowledge and has authored one of Maganum opus on Nakashtra “The 27 Celestial Portals” & “The Rahu & Ketu Experience,” He is leading very simple life and deeply connected with the nature for understanding the essence of Panch tattvas. he is practising Vedic life and spreading the words to mass too.

I  loved learning more from Prashant regarding and his Books and Nakashtra book is still one of my best book.

You can reach to Prashanta Trivedi at #Prashant

Website :


Here is the video link for Same :


pin Interview with Prashant Trivedi on Essence of vedic life ( वैदिक विज्ञान और जीवन)

Views: 23