Burt Reynolds heart attack and death analysis : Medical Astrology in the light of heart attack

poster 6368c5cc541e472b87b748255872cc9d Burt Reynolds heart attack and death analysis : Medical Astrology in the light of heart attack

What is Heart Attack ? 

If you believe that you are having the symptoms of a heart attack, please call 911 immediately and seek medical attention. The heart is a muscle like any other in the body. Arteries supply it with oxygen-rich blood so that it can contract and push blood to the rest of the body. When there isn’t enough oxygen flow to a muscle, its function begins to suffer. Block the oxygen supply completely, and the muscle starts to die.

Heart muscle gets its blood supply from arteries that originate in the aorta just as it leaves the heart. The coronary arteries run along the surface of the heart and supply oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle. The right coronary artery supplies the right ventricle of the heart and the inferior (lower) portion of the left ventricle. The left anterior descending coronary artery supplies the majority of the left ventricle, while the circumflex artery supplies the back of the left ventricle. The ventricles are the lower chambers of the heart; the right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs and left pumps it to the rest of the body.

What Causes a Heart Attack ? 

Over time, plaque can build up along the course of an artery and narrow the channel through which blood flows. Plaque is made up of cholesterol buildup and eventually may calcify or harden, with calcium deposits. If the artery becomes too narrow, it cannot supply enough blood to the heart muscle when it becomes stressed. Just like arm muscles that begin to ache or hurt when heavy things are lifted, or legs that ache when you run too fast; the heart muscle will ache if it doesn’t get adequate blood supply.

This ache or pain is called angina. It is important to know that angina can manifest in many different ways and does not always need to be experienced as chest pain. If the plaque ruptures, a small blood clot can form within the blood vessel, acting like a dam and acutely blocking the blood flow beyond the clot.

When that part of the heart loses its blood supply completely, the muscle dies. This is called a heart attack, or an MI – a myocardial infarction (myo=muscle +cardial=heart; infarction=death due to lack of oxygen).

Picture of Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction) Picture of Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction)

heart attack Burt Reynolds heart attack and death analysis : Medical Astrology in the light of heart attack
Heartattk Burt Reynolds heart attack and death analysis : Medical Astrology in the light of heart attack
HeartAttk1 Burt Reynolds heart attack and death analysis : Medical Astrology in the light of heart attack
The circulatory axis in natal chart is afflicted on two points Aquarius and Sagittarius ,while the sign and house having Leo sign is under malefic influence ,lord of Leo sun is hemmed in malefic s along with 3rd and 5th lord mercury ,sun is the fourth lord ,the karak of 4th and planet moon is also under malefic influence from Saturn through the 8th aspect of mars,karak of 5th Jupiter is also under the malefic influence since the lords of 4th ,5th ,natural sign lords of kaal pursh and sign lords are all in malefic influence ,the involvement of circulatory axis again with malefic points to a cardiac problem.
He had triple bypass surgery in last week of Feb in the year 2010. Sun/Venus/Jupiter in Aquarius ,Rahu in Sagittarius ,Saturn in Virgo in 5th house of natal over moon.
Mars in cancer and mercury in Capricorn.Again the stress is on cardiac related axis and body organs.

At the time of his death Saturn is in transit on Sagittarius ,rahu in cancer and ketu in Capricorn ,sun in Aquarius ,Mercury /Venus in Pisces,Moon/Jupiter in Libra,mars in Scorpio. Dasha Mercury -Saturn .Mercury is lord of 2nd a marak.

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Ritucharya: An Overview of Seasonal Regimen in Ayurveda by Dr Vikram

Ritucharya: Ayurvedic Seasonal Regimen for Healthy Living

ritucharya2 Ritucharya: An Overview of Seasonal Regimen in Ayurveda by Dr Vikram

Written and Compiled by Dr Vikram Jasrotia (Ayr, MD)

Founder of Ayurcare


12509162 10154644563334762 6955690374327562002 n Ritucharya: An Overview of Seasonal Regimen in Ayurveda by Dr Vikram
Ayurveda is the ‘Science of life’. Its fundamental and foremost principle is to maintain the health of a healthy individual by following proper diet and lifestyle regimen rather than to treat or cure an ailment. To achieve this goal, Ayurveda explains various protocols as per the need and necessity of an individual. These protocols vary from person to person as Ayurveda doesn’t accept ‘one-size-fits-all’ as true. As per Ayurveda no two persons are exactly alike in the given time. Hence the treatment is recommended keeping a variety of aspects of ailment and ailing individual in mind.
Apart from age, sex, constitution etc of the sick, various other external factors too are taken into consideration while treating a person, which may intermingle with the wellness of that individual. For example, the environmental factors including temperature, humidity, wind, rain, clouds, the nature of the land, water of the given place etc are kept in mind while designing a treatment protocol. To be more precise, the treatment plan for an individual dwelling in the mountainous terrain of Kashmir will be different from a person residing in tropical Punjab. Likewise choice of drugs varies from season to season.
Ayurvedic principles Panchamahabhuta and Tridosha Ritucharya: An Overview of Seasonal Regimen in Ayurveda by Dr Vikram
This whole Universe is composed of five basic elements called Panchamahabhuta or Panchatatva viz., Ether (Akash), Air (Vayu), Fire (Agni), Water (Jala) and Earth (Prithvi); and man being the microcosm of this Universe, too is made up of these five basic elements. These five elements interact in specific patterns constituting Vata, Pitta & Kapha collectively called as Tridosha.
Tridosha are basic humors or bio-entity of the body. However, they can’t be seen being a non-physical entity, yet are evident through their bodily functions and typical symptoms. The balanced state of Tridoshas symbolizes health and imbalance of the same is considered as illness.

20160911 174251 1473965552164 Ritucharya: An Overview of Seasonal Regimen in Ayurveda by Dr Vikram
Ayurveda advocates that our body is affected by seasonal changes. As stated above, man is microcosm of the Universe. Vata, Pitta &Kapha govern all bodily activities of human as Air, Sun and Water do in the ecosystem of earth. As we see various changes in ecosystem such as scorching heat in summers, biting cold in winters etc, man being a part of the same ecology, his body is also influenced by such alterations in external environment. With the change in season, the change is evident in the environment we live in. If body refuses to adopt the stressors arose because of the changes in specific traits of seasons, it may lead to imbalance of Tridosha, which in turn may render the body highly susceptible to one or other kinds of disorders. To avoid this imbalance of Tridosha, Ritucharya (seasonal regimen) has been mentioned in the classics of Ayurveda.
Lifestyle diseases are a result of an inappropriate relationship of people with their environment. Ayurveda has depicted various rules and regimens regarding diet and behavior to acclimatize seasonal alterations and thus prevents the derangement of homeostasis which may cause various diseases such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cancer etc. Ritucharya is a mode of living one’s life in context of the seasons. It is an ancient Ayurvedic practice literally meaning ‘seasonal regimen’. It recommends different diets and lifestyle schedules in each season which help in retaining the health. This could range from obvious choices such as wearing warmer clothes during the winter to seasonal eating habits. The importance of Ritucharya in Ayurveda is that the principles from it can be applied daily to benefit one’s body.

9227ca9ca9bee6fe24ab3d8f909b9e76 Ritucharya: An Overview of Seasonal Regimen in Ayurveda by Dr Vikram
Ayurveda describes six seasons, each of two months duration, namely Shishira, Vasanta, Grishma, Varsha, Sharada and Hemanta in a year. A year (Samvatsara) is further divided into two semesters (Ayana), consisting of six months with three seasons each.
(1) Uttarayana or Northern Solstice – It indicates the ascent of the Sun or when the Sun appears to move northward. It comprises ofShishira, Vasanta & Grishma seasons. It is Agneya (Fire-like property) in nature.
(2) Dakshinayana or Southern Solstice – Dakshinayana indicates the descent of the sun or when the Sun appears to move southward. It comprises of Varsha, Sharad and Hemant seasons.
Uttarayana or Adana Kala or Northern Solstice 
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Uttarayana is also called Adana Kala. Adana means ‘to take away’. In Indian subcontinent this period may range from mid – January to mid – July when warmness and dryness in atmosphere increases and reaches its peak. The Sun and the wind become extremely powerful during this half of the year. The scorching heat of the Sun takes away the moisture and cooling quality of Earth leaving it dry and rough. Likewise energy and strength of the creatures also dries up leaving them debilitated. Adana Kala brings increase in the Tikta (bitter),Kashaya (astringent), and Katu (pungent) rasa (taste) respectively, in the successive ritus, which brings about dryness in the body and reduces the Bala (strength).
According to modern science this can be compared with the movement of Earth around the Sun to the position in which the rays of the Sun fall perpendicularly at 30 degree meridian of the North Pole on June 21st every year, called as summer solstice.

Dakshinayana or Visarga Kala or Southern Solstice 

Ritucharya: An Overview of Seasonal Regimen in Ayurveda by Dr Vikram
Dakshinayana, also known as Visarga Kala is for giving of strength and vigour in all living beings. During this period, Moon dominates the Sun and anabolic activity dominates over the catabolic activity in the environment. The Sun releases the strength to the people while Earth is cooled down due to the clouds, rain and cold wind. Unctuousness sets in the atmosphere and Amla (sour), Lavana (salty), and Madhura(sweet) Rasa are predominant, so the strength of person enhances during this period. This period ranges from mid – July to mid – January in the Indian subcontinent.
According to modern science, this can be compared with the movement of the earth around the sun to the position in which the rays of the sun fall over 30 degree meridian of the South Pole perpendicularly on December 21st every year, called as winter solstice.

Seasons1 Ritucharya: An Overview of Seasonal Regimen in Ayurveda by Dr Vikram


Tridoshainseasons Ritucharya: An Overview of Seasonal Regimen in Ayurveda by Dr VikramVata dosha accumulates during the dry or dehydrating heat of the summer. In rainy season, due to constant raining, the moisture and cold weather aggravates Vata. The apetite (Agni) becomes low and causes indigestion.

Pitta accumulates during the rainy season due to the acidic conditions of the atmosphere and a weakened digestion. It is aggravated during autumn when the heat returns .This occurs after the cooling spell of the rainy season.
Kapha accumulates during the cold season due to the cold and dampness caused by the winds, clouds and rain. It gets aggravated during the spring when the warm weather liquefies the accumulating Kapha.
In the beginning of Visarga Kala and ending of Adana kala, i.e., during Varsha and Grishma, strength gets weak and debility occurs. In the middle of the solstices, that is, during Sharata and Vasanta, strength remains in moderate grade and during the end of Visarga Kala and in the beginning of Adana Kala, that is, during Hemanta and Shishira, maximum strength is seen.
Season2 Ritucharya: An Overview of Seasonal Regimen in Ayurveda by Dr Vikram

The following table summarizes the tastes which are more powerful and hence can be included in the diet in each of the six seasons.

As adaptations according to the changes, is the key for survival, the knowledge of Ritucharya (regimen for various seasons) is thus important.
Note: Article is Originally Written by Dr VD Singh and Author can be reachable at Ayurcare.
With Regards,Dr V D Singh MD (Ay)
Ayurcare, Vijaypur (Jammu)
Mobile : +91- 9419180272 | +91- 9622361874
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Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018

1920x1080 px building clouds field Horizon landscape Lightning nature 572917 Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018



Subject: Astrology weather prediction 2018 and understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018


india temples Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018

Weather and Meteorology of ancient India

As per the early Ancient observations, the four days commencing from the “eighth day in the light half ( Krishna Paksha) of the month of jyestha (i.e 4 days after the mid of the month of the may and June – from 15th may to 15th June, it can be varied) fall in may and June month are Known as, “Vayu Dharan Days (Pregnancy days of Clouds) “

These are the most important days when the movements of the wind seen and observed in the jyestha month freely from ” North-west to East direction  carrying full of rich amount of moisture in it”.

In Science of Astro-meteorology, These 4 days when the wind is heavy,  Pressure is quiet low  in the environment it carries lots of  moisture in it. Around these period, Moon movement would be seen from ” Swati to visakha nakashtra” before Poornimagives a vital clue for judging the nature of health of the Pregnancy of the rain-clouds for upcoming monsoon seasons.

Here observation of the wind direction and its richness or quantity with Apah (moisture),  and movement in these particular 4 days are most important.If there is no wind in these 4 days, we can expect coming months will be much dry in nature as well as humidity will be more.

If there are enough winds in those 4 days, should be like gentle, agreeable and if the Sky Should be covered by fine, bright clouds than there will be the possibility of good rainfall in Monsoon else monsoon will be a bit delayed and level of humidity will be more.

If there is rainfall during” Swati to Vishaka Nakshatra for full 4 days ” then we can say with surety that the monsoon is near to Shower full of insistent rainfall in Shravana to Karttika Month (August to November) else there will be the possibility of drought like situation in the rainy season.
rhwallalphacoderscom lightning Lighting Storm Ocean storm over the ocean full hd wallpaper and background rhwallalphacoderscom forces of nature waves clouds rhrenaturescom forces Lighting Storm Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018
In Ancient Weather science, This gives an easiest way to time entry of monsoon via own sense of judgement and to get clear understanding on clue for rainfall during Sharavana and Karttika month. The only thing required is you need to keep  on observing the movement in the sky, the direction, and pregnancy of winds and clouds.

Astrology Meteorological year 2018 : Vayu-Dharan 2018 Process


VayuDharan%2B2018 Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018
This year Vayu Dharan process started from ” 15th of May 2018 ” onward when moon was entered in Jyestha Amavasya and sun in Taurus Sign, and those 8 light half days started from “15th of May to 22nd of May 2018″. In Those 8 days Venus was in front of Moon, Mercury is behind the sun and moon, Mars and Ketu was in trine to Sun and Moon, blocking the good Vayu Dharan process. This shows that during this Vayu Dharan process there will be intense heat and warm weather will start from 22nd of May onward when those 8 light days will end.
Vayu%2BDharan%2B2018 Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018
After those 8 light half days, 4  Major Vayu Dahran Days  started around “26th of  May to 29th of  May 2018 “ when moon was transiting from “Swati to visakha Nakshatra around poorniamsya (Full moon day)” , carrying huge Amount of moisture from the north west  coastal regions to rest of india closely in contact with Jupiter,  Mercury opposite to Moon/Jupiter and Venus was in trine to the Moon , shows that the this year Monsoon  for india will be much better then earlier years. This year South of india, North west states including maharashtra,  Karnataka, Kerala and costals regions of north west  of indian states will receive plenty of rainfall. Only Gujarat, Many of states of north of india will receive normal rainfall due to presence of two warm planets in Amrita Nadi ruling north indian states.
During those 4 days of Vayu-Dharan Process, Temperature was around 46 degree to 47 Degree, that shows Planetary alignment those were featuring around 26th to 29th of june triggers toward high temperature and maximum moisture process.
TemperatureVarations Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018
Graph Understanding Science of Astro-meteorology by Vayu-Dharan Process of monsoon 2018

From 29th of May onward, we have seen gradual decrease in temperature almost in most of the states of india.

As per Skymet Weather, both maximum and minimum temperatures seen over Delhi and adjoining regions of Noida, Faridabad, Gurugram, and Ghaziabad. In fact maximum temperatures has touched around 47°C in these 4 days.Hot weather conditions are observed due to the dry and hot northwesterly winds which are blowing over Delhi and NCR.Due to Close movements over scorpio, soothing dust storm was likely to appeared over Delhi and others north of indian states by the end of the month when Moon will further conjugated over Sagittarius and Capricorn.


Symptoms need to observe on Meteorological events from 26th of May to 3rd of june 2018


Did anyone observed good winds, cool breeze or Rainfall during this period ?  If they had missed that opportunity, here is an another opportunity to closely observe the weather in up coming days.

If Anyone hasn’t yet started observing the sky or weather scenario from 15th of May 2018 to 29th of June 2018  for vayu Dharan process, Start observing the weather when Sun will move Mrigshara nakashtra around coastal areas of india. 

Here are another time for amateurs Rainman observers or an upcoming opportunity to analyze current monsoon weather scenario for your state or place. Via this tips you can understand how monsoon will take shape in coming days.
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Below are the points required for Mundane analysis of rainfall, please note it down and carefully follows those. here are the tips shows what you have to do now:
1) See the direction of the wind first, it should be from North- east/ west to south, See the speed, See the depth, See the content of moisture in it, Show how warm or cold it is, See the level of storm factor in it.If it is stormy in nature Chances of pregnancy will be wash away by the fierce wind.If the wind is full of cold and smooth in movement, rainfall will fall soon.The direction of winds shows how it will cover the moisture in the atmosphere, usually if air is smooth moisture will always be in intact with the wind.
2) See the cloud movement from Northwest to South in the sky, Observe its motion – Moving or it is still or stays for a much longer period or not, See the color of the clouds.See how close clouds are moving toward the surface.More they are closer to the surface, better chances are for cold weather and cool breeze.During the day of rainfall, there will be slight warmness in the environment.
3) Note down the atmospheric pressure,  if it is too much humidity in the atmosphere with Warm weather or if it is the hot windy environment,  Rain will be delayed.If it is a cool breeze in air rain will follow soon.you can observe the content of water in Atmosphere. If it is high-pressure weather will be good but it will delay rainfall on coming days. If it is Low pressure after some period of rainfall will be there soon when the moon will transit to Jala Nadis with nodes or Jala Grahas around Mercury or Venus in Jala signs ( Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces)
3) If there are blackish or bluish clouds sky and are very close to the surface or place where they appear,  rainfall will come soon within 5 to 7 days soon after Surya enters in Ardara Nakashtra.Currently, Sun will be with Mercury so chances of rainfall will be more especially in Eastern and Northern India.
4) Watch carefully the wind intensity, Speed, Motion, denseness,  if it is stormy, dry and warm in nature rain will be delayed.Hot winds have the capacity to clear the low pressure in air.
5) If during Sankranti some rainfall has come, or you observed water content in the air, or Cold factor in wind its an indication rainfall will be good in upcoming monsoon season soon after Ardara parvesh of the sun.

6) Observe the birds, animals and aquatic animals movement in the sky and land both, if u see lots of birds moving in the sky, especially those came around Swati nakshatra, then chances of rain will be high in your environment and rainfall will be good.Birds Sounding in environment indicates that weather will be good.Their movement and nature show the intuition they got from nature.\


Rakesh Jamwal

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Understanding Heat Wave of 2018 in India and climate change according to Science of Mundane Astrology

RS01PHATHUheatwaves Understanding Heat Wave of 2018 in India and climate change according to Science of Mundane Astrology

Check out Heat Wave alert for upcoming months according to Science of Medini Jyotish


Summer 2018 in astrology

Heat Wave Scenario from 25th of May to 10th of June 2018


On 25th of May, 1:48:25 pm, around afternoon Sun, has transited to Rohini Nakashtra who is falling in the zone of his own Nakashtra, in Pawan Nadi, falling in the trine (5th) from two Warm Planet Mars and Ketu, Having 6/8 Relationship with Both Retrograde Saturn and Jupiter- that Shows weather challenges due to Closeness of three Major planets toward Earth ( Sun, Sat and Jup). Currently Mars is behind 109 degrees from Sun, Usually, It has been seen that whenever Mars has much distance with the sun on his back it usually gives too much heat and Dry weather, and further shows there will be the possibility of no rains till Sun conjoined with Mercury and Venus in coming days either in Jala, Neera or Amrita Nadi.

As Mars is 109 degree behind the Sun Form 25th of Mays 2018 to June 8th, 2018 11:44:14 Am, There will be sudden outbreak of Intense heat waves and weather will remain as Dry, Warm and few of states will have to face terror of Heat waves those states or places are under the direct influence of Sun, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter falling in the Direction of Central and central-East of India Espeically with the first name letter of “O”, “VA (Varanasi, Most of the places of Tamilnaidu, Maharashtra, Kerala, Andhra pradesh)”, “Ve”, “Vo” need to take special care for heat waves wind Scenario. Though Speed of wind will be medium and in controlled but in the daytime, Intensity of heat in Wind will be warm and quite dry, it will try to Suck water from the body with rapid rate, so try to hydrate your body as much as possible as sun will be very close to Earth around central India and its impact will be all over India and cities or places those around Central and Centre-east India they need special care.

The possibility will be there that, in Evening wind will be soothing and bit enjoyable in few places as well.


Capture15 Understanding Heat Wave of 2018 in India and climate change according to Science of Mundane Astrology
Image and Data Source: Skymet on 27th of May 2018


Places those are falling with the name Bhe, Bho/u (Bhopal, Bhuj, Bhongir-Telangana, Bhowali -Uttarakhand, Bhusawar- Rajasthan), Ja ( Jammu, Jaipur, Jabalpur, Jalandhar, Jaggaiahpet- Andhra Pradesh, Jagraon Punjab, Jagtial Telangana, Jalandhar Cantt, Punjab,Jammalamadugu- Andhra Pradesh, Jamui-Bihar, Jangaon-Telangana, Jaspur-Uttarakhand, Jatani- Odisha, Jhabrera, Uttarakhand, Jhargram-West Bengal, Jharsuguda-Odisha) and Je Need Speical attention for Sudden changes in weather.

Currently, they are under control of Mars and Ketu. Other than this those Places falling under North-West of India and Pakistan also need special attention for heat waves. Here weather will be very dry, Warm and intense at a time but it can be inconsistent as well. Chances of sudden rainfall and Sudden heat wave will be there.

So be alert from 25th of May to 8th of June 2018. Problem with Current Planetary alignment would be weather will be volatile and inconsistent as well, Direction of wind will change when Mercury will join Sun in Taurus in Krittika from 27th of May 2018, So it will be Very furious as well as Speedy in the daytime but in Evening it could be soothing as well.


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From 27th of May 2018 to 4th of June 2018, There will be chances of sudden change in weather around places falling under, ” Ta, Te, To,Na, Ne, Nu, Ya Ye, U, Yo, BHA, BHu, Fa, Dha, Ja, Je, Khu, Kho, Ga, Ge”.


Keep watching the speed of the wind from 27th of May to 4th of June. As Moon will be under the grip of Prachand, Pawan and Dahan, as they are known as Yamya Nadis or Dakshina Nadis

(after Sankranti Season) means the extreme heat of the summer can be possible, But the Good thing is only Mercury and Sun are currently moving around Prachand and Pawan Nadi and moon will keep moving around this so Moon will keep on bringing sudden changes in weather with soothing wind as well chances of rainfall in above-mentioned name letters – So trouble will be in the form of Winds either it will carry too much warm wind and there will be heat in
environment or it will vary in speed.


From 10th June onward there will be a sudden change in weather situation for Places those are close to rivers, Oceans, close to Line of cancer and north of India will see some relaxed weather but due to Mars and Ketu conjunction falling opp to Venus and Rahu- chances are high that Clouds could get suckup by intense heat and dry weather.


The most important part in this year weather is that this year there will be 2 Jyestha Month of both Shukla and Krishna paksha which is also not considered as good for Weather uncertainties and one should keep the focus on Pooja, Devotions and Spiritual practices only.

It is called as first and second Jyeshtha. First Jyeshtha commences from Krishna Paksha, followed by Shukla Paksha of 1st Jyeshtha, then Krishna Paksha of 2nd Jyeshtha and finally Shukla Paksha of 2nd Jyeshtha. The Krishna Paksha of 1st Jyeshtha and Shukla Paksha of 2nd Jyeshtha will be pure Jyeshtha month.

No auspicious ceremonies except meditation or spiritual activity should be performed during this Adhik Masa. i.e should perform ritualistic worship of Shri Purshottam Krishna and chant His Name daily.

One should try to remain in constant communion with God till 13th of July 2018, Unless Ashad Month will come Weather will remain twisty, windy and Stormy Same has been Cross verified in Chaitra Shukla Paksha Pratipad Hindu Year chart and Surya Sankranti of Mesh, where the 8th house was under control of Saturn.

In Chaitra Shukla Paksha Chart, the 4th house was under the control of Both Mars and Saturn that shows Weather uncertainties, chances of earthquakes, Warm weather and damage to crops by Heat and uncertain rainfall can be possible.

States those are Falling under Northwest, West, South West Need special attention this year for extreme temperature and heat waves after Entry of Sun in Ardara Nakashtra.

Heat Wave alert for upcoming months according to Science of Mundane Astrology (Medini Jyotish)

Rocky Jamwal

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Views: 13

9th House Lord placement In the Seventh House

Journey 2 9th House Lord placement In the Seventh House

Sage have suggested that 9th house lord in 7th house is prefer to give good results generally but some of modern thoughts are views are not in good opinion for its placement because they have suggested that the most auspicious Dharma lord placement is not considered to give good results while having placement in Kaam trikona house. Because it can indicate native might do religious acts only for the sake of fulfillment of his desires not for his faith and duty. In simple terms, it can be conclude as they will be doing business of religion. Native would be having more materialistic approach in comparison with religious causes. If the 9th house lord is strong and it is well placed then it may make native very attached toward religion and religious duties and it is much possible that native could have least interest in kaam related matters. If we conclude, Both the situations are not considered as good regarding fulfilling of four purusharth of man, the primary goals of human being. Apart from this basic placement,  there are some  other yoga in chart regarding the placement of  the 9th house lord in 7th house which might indicates bad fruits for native but for that there should be some involvement of other planet and bhav lord with 9th house lord. Overall in general according to the sage parasara a single  placement of the 9th house in 7th house doesn’t  considered as bad.

Introduction on 9th house lord in 7th house

Before knowing the effects of 9th house lord in 7th house we should have to know about Seventh house and Ninth House. As 9th house lord is placed  in 11th from its own house placement, so you read First house lord in 11th house.

According to Brihat Parasar Hora Shastra 

भाग्येशे दारभावस्थे दारयोगात् सुखोदयः।
गुणवान् कीर्तिमांश्चापि जायते द्विजसत्तमः।।

General Indication :
When 9th house lord goes to 7th house native’s wife will be graceful and his wife brings fortune for native. Native is full with good quality and gets good fame.


When 9th house lord in 7th house, his wife may be truthful, polite, best nature, beautiful, and charming.

Vridh Yavan Jatak 

9th house is house of the fortune and its placement in the 7th house gives very pious and fortunate wife. Native may gain his status or prosperity after marriage. Native’s wife might has good conduct and sattvic stature or should be good in religious behavior. Native’s wife may be wise and will help native for the right direction in his life path. If the 9th house lord is badly afflicted  in 7th house then native’s wife may has weak health and could be suffering from health problems.
Both the 9th and 7th house are considered as the  house of  Travel,  9th house belong to long distance travel and 7th house also gives travel very far away place from his birthplace but for some entertainment and fun around or can say for tourist purpose. So,  native may go to abroad for foreign travel after marriage. It may also indicate that native might get good fortune in foreign places, might get good success, name and fame in foreign places. It is also possible that native’s father may lives in foreign places or  keep on moving or might be living far away from the native.

7th house is the marak house and 9th house is the fortune house so it is possible that it  might improve either the fortune of the marak house, if 9th house lord is well placed in 7th house it will protect native from marak effect of 7th house. If it is not well placed in the 7th house it can strengthen the 7th house marak effect and native may suffer due to marak effect of the 7th house. It might  give bad result to native, his spouse or could be his father might suffer.9th house belongs to  the fame and 7th house belongs to the native’s status for other, So 9th house lord in 7th house may give native good name and fame. Native could be very famous among his society, town, country, world, final result would be depending on strength of the complete horoscope. It also indicates that native become famous or popular in foreign places.

7th house represent your behavior for others and 9th house lord placement in the 7th house indicates native having good dharmic conduct with others. Native will be very spiritual person, If horoscope  promises good in strength then it may cause vairagya yog.

9th house belong to father and 9th house lord placed in 7th house which is 11th from own house indicated native’s father may be wealthy. In other words native born in rich family. But it may not consider good regarding health of native’s father. Native’s father may lives in far away place from the native or there may be thoughts difference between native and his father.

9th house belong to higher study and 7th house is bhavat bhavam house for the 4th house regarding education. So, If one has 9th house lord placement in  the 7th house, it cal also indicates native may gets higher education in abroad or foreign places. It may also indicates native may go into far away place from his birthplace to get done his higher education.

7th house is also bhavat bhavam for 10th house so 9th house lord in 7th house is indicates native may be fortunate regarding his professional life. Native may gets success in all his venture. Native may be fortunate regarding partnership business.

When 7th house lord is with 9th house lord in 7th house it is considered as a Rajyog. Native may be wealthy and rich. Native might get fulfillment of all his desires. Native will be fortunate regarding materialistic happiness including in women, marriage and relationship matters too. Native’s wife may be rich and wealthy and  will be from  a well off family could have good status in society. Native might gets profits from government or higher authority and could become or attain some important position in government or authority.

Note : If you want to know about the effect of different planet in the 7th house you need to read Planet in 7th house.


Astro Pankaj seth

Article originally Posted @ http://astropankajseth.co.in

pin 9th House Lord placement In the Seventh House

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Decoding the Panchang : How To analyse your Birth chart via 5 limbs of system

monthly panchang Decoding the Panchang : How To analyse your Birth chart via 5 limbs of system

Panchang — Panchang word is combination of Panch means Five and ang means limb.

This means Panchang is form with Five limbs.

Five limbs of Panchang 
The Five limbs of Panchang are
2) Thithi
3) Nakshatra

Now we know about all limbs of Panchang one by one.

main qimg 99de2fb2081a2526c7e5d43a19155bb9 Decoding the Panchang : How To analyse your Birth chart via 5 limbs of system


Var —
Var is Seven.
1) Ravivar Or Sunday
2) Somvar or Monday
3) Mangalvar or Tuesday
4) Budhvar or Wednesday
5) Guruvar or Thursday
6) Shukravar or Friday
7) Shanivar or Saturday
In Our Vedic system Var or day is changed after Sunrise. For example Today 18 may  2018 is Friday or Shukravar.  In Standard calendar day is changed after midnight and 12am and new day will be Saturday.
But in Vedic system day change after Sunrise. So suppose Sunrise in today is 6 am and Tomorrow 19 may sun rise at 6 am. So Vedic var of the day will be from 6am today to next day 6am. Means Shukrawar from 6 am upto 6 am next day 19 may. Hope you understand the var concept and don’t confuse with standard day system.
Now in our Vedic system, each var is ruled by a different planet. So according to their rulership in our classical book of astrology gives hints about their best effects on Native.
Ravivar(Sunday) — This day is ruled by Sun. So people born in this day is consider blessed by Lord Sun.
People born on Sunday is honourable by others. He has brown hair, eyes and body colour. He will be proudy or having ego or Proudness.
Somvar (Monday) — This day is ruled by Moon. So they are blessed by Moon quality.
So He will be sensual or having rajsic gun or having desires (actually word used is Kaami ). He will be charming. He will be kind from the heart.
Tuesday (Mangal Var) —- This day is ruled by Mars. So native is blessed by Mars quality.
So He is cruel. He will be interested in hard or argumentive words or speech. He will be interested in brave full acts.
Wednesday (Budhvar) —- This day is ruled by Mercury. So native is blessed by qualities of Mercury.
So Native is honoured, God and Brahman. He is very Good in communication. He will be polite in behaviour.
Thursday (Guruvar) — This day is ruled by Jupiter. So Native is blessed by Jupiter quality.
So Native is doing sacrifices or Yagya(यज्ञ). He is popular among kings or blessed by kings or loved by the king. He is virtuous or having best qualities. He is famous.
Friday (Shukravar) – This day is ruled by Venus.So Native is blessed by Venus quality.
So Native will be endowed with corn, land and wealth( Dhan dhanya Sai paripurn). He is dear to all. He has very sensual.
Saturday (Shanivar) — This day is ruled by Saturn. So Native is blessed by Saturn quality.
So Native is not so much intelligent or lazy. He will be lives on other foods and money. He will be always inclined towards the argument. He will be jelious. He will be facing obstacles from his relatives. He will be skilful.
Our Vedic calendar is based on the Lunar month and Lunar Thithi. One day of the Lunar month is called one Thithi.
One Thithi is time at which Moon moves 12 degree away from the Sun.
Means Tithi or lunar day is a period in which the difference between the longitudes of Moon and Sun changes by exactly 12°.
When Sun and Moon are at same longitude or in the simple same degree that day is called Amavasya.
Now when Moon travels 12° away from Sun then a new Thithi started. It is Pratipada or 1st Tithi. When Moon’s longitude is exactly 24° greater than Sun’s longitude, then second tithi finishes and the third tithi starts. When Moon’s longitude is exactly 36° greater than Sun’s longitude, the third tithi finishes and the fourth tithi starts. And so on……
You can see that Sun-Moon longitude differential will be (12 x n)° after exactly n  tithis. Where n denote the number of Thithi.
A lunar month consists of 30 tithis. Each month is divided into two fortnights  or pakshas
During Sukla/Suddha paksha or the brighter fortnight, Moon is waxing.
When Moon and Sun are at Same degree it is Amavasya. Now Moon is the fastest moving planet so it is going forward and moved away from Sun then Shukla pakhsha is Started. And so during the period when Moon moves 0 to 12° is 1st Thithi or Shukla Pratipada.
During this paksha, Moon is ahead of Sun by an amount that is between 0º and 180º.
At exactly 180° difference between Sun and Moon it is Purnima.
After Purnima new month of Krishna paksha started.
During Krishna/Bahula paksha or the darker fortnight, Moon is waning. During this paksha, Moon is ahead of Sun by an amount that is between 180º and 360º.
Note the point
When Moon is forward 0 to 7th Bhav from Sun it is in Shukla pakhsha.
When Moon is forward 7 to 12th , 12th to 0 Bhav it is Krishna paksha.
Here we consider Sun degree as midpoint.
Look at this chart. 
screenshot 2016 08 28 11 48 10 599 Decoding the Panchang : How To analyse your Birth chart via 5 limbs of systemMethod of calculations of Thithi
We can find the tithi running on a day from the longitudes of Sun and Moon using the following procedure.
(1) Find the difference:
(Moon’s longitude – Sun’s longitude).

Note –(Add 360° if the result is negative.)

The result will be between 0° and 360° and will show how advanced  Moon is with respect to Sun.
(2) Divide this result by 12°.
Ignore the remainder and take the quotient.
(3) Add 1 to the quotient.
You get a number from 1 to 30. That will give the index of  the tithi running according to chart.
(4) Refer to Table  and find the name of the tithi. There are 15 tithis and the same tithis repeat in the brigher and darker fortnights.
For example,if we get 22 from above calculation then  it can be seen fromthe table that the 22th tithi out of the 30 tithis is in Krishna paksha and it is Saptami.
So the 22nd tithi is “Krishna Saptami”.
We write the classification of fortnight  (Shukla or Krishna) first and then write tithi name. “Shukla Saptami or Krishna Saptami”
Where Shukla stands for “Saptami” in the brighter fortnight (shukla paksha),
i.e. the 7th tithi. “Krishna Saptami” stands for “Saptami” in the darker fortnight (krishna paksha),
i.e. the 22nd tithi.
Let us say that Moon is at 24°12′ in Gemini. So it’s mean
This is (2 x 30°) + 24° 12′ = 84° 12′ Moon
from the beginning of the zodiac.
Let us say that Sun is at 17°46′ in Scorpio.
This is (7 x 30°) + 17° 46′ = 227° 46′
from the beginning of the zodiac.
Moon – Sun = 84° 12′ – 227° 46′ =  –(143° 34′).
It is negative because Sun is at a higher longitude.
We have to add 360° to it to make it positive.
It becomes 216° 26′.
So this is the advancement of Moon with respect to Sun.
Converting this to a decimal number, we get 216.43°. We have to divide it by 12°.
We find 216.43 ÷ 12 and the quotient is 18.
So 18 tithis are over.
Adding 1 to it, we get 19 and
so the 19th tithi is running. Referring to Table , we see that this is
“Chaturthi” tithi of Krishna paksha (darker fortnight). So it is “Krishna Chaturthi”.
Now we have to know Moon is transit in all 12 sign in 28days.
Sun is transit 1 degree in 1 days.
So At 30 days  Sun is transit 1 sign
So at one Amavasya  to another Amavasya Moon has traveling 12sign + 1sign which is forward by Sun.
Suppose Sun in Aries sign and this time Amavasya so
After around 1month Sun in Taurus so
This time Amavasya in Taurus sign at when Sun and Moon degree is same .
So Amavasya in Taurus sign.
That’s my mean Moon travel 12sign +1 Sign where Sun is actually placed current time.
Now we understand the concept of thithi so we know the effect of thithi.
Pratipada (1st Thithi )
Person born in Pratipada tithi will be doing great deeds or verd hard work. He has good or nobel character or Punya charitra.
Dwitiyia (2nd Thithi) 
He will has aura(tej) on face. He has wealth of cattels (in modern day vehicle), power, strength, fame, wealth or money.
Tritiya(3rd Thithi) 
He will be religious or Punyatma. He will be suffering from fears or don’t having good physical or mental strength.  But he is smart in talking.
Chaturthi (4th tithi) 
He will be faithful of masses or public. He is wandering by nature or loves traveling. He will be experts in mantra.
Pancham (5th tithi)
He is very inclination towards learning of scared knowledge, ved, vedanga, sastra etc. He is sensual. He is rest less or movable by nature. His physical body constitution is thin.
Shasti (6th thiti) 
He has very little strength. But he is just king. He is very learned. But angry in temper.
Saptami (7th Thithi) 
His way of talking is very hard or harsh. He is Lord or leader of people. He may be suffering from kapha related issues. He is power ful man.
Ashhtami (8th tithi)
He is very sensual. He is very attached or loves his wife and children. He may be suffering from kapha related problems.
Navami (9th tithi)
He will be famous. He has very charming body or Tejasvi or looking attractive.
He has bad wife and bad children. He is sensual.
Dashmi (10th Thithi) 
He is very Punyatma.  His wife and children is expert in talking. He is honorable and wealthy.
Ekadashi (11th Thithi)
He is worshiping God and Brahman. He has many servants. He has many types of wealth.
Dwadashi (12th Thithi)
He is very interesting towards doing religious deeds. He is liberal. He is wealthy and scholar.
Tryodashi (13th Thithi)
He is very greedy and very sensual. He is wealthy.
Chaturdashi (14th Thithi)
He is very firecy temper, he desires other wives and wealth.
He is man who worship anicient and God
He brings fame for his kul or vansh. He is very cheerful and happy minded.
Apart from Thithi, Pakhsha has also impact on native. So we know the effect of Pakhsha.
Effect of Paksha
Krishna Paksha or dark half of month —
When a person born in Krishna Paksha he will be making argument regarding own work. He is devoty to his own mother. He is inimical to own relatives.
Shukla Pakhsha or Bright half of month —
When a person born in Shukla pakhsha native will be endowed with enough sons, grandsons and wealth. He is inclination towards religious activities or rightness acts. He is kind and liberal.
Effect Of Lunar Month or Mass
As we know that when Sun and Moon are exactly 180° away from each other then that day is called Purnima. And after that a new month or Mass is starting.
Now we think Sun and Moon conjunction at same degree then this day is Amavasya.
A lunar month means time taken by Moon between 2conjuction.
Means One Amavasya to another Amavasya.
Look at this chart.screenshot 2016 09 01 11 24 13 082 Decoding the Panchang : How To analyse your Birth chart via 5 limbs of system
When Sun and Moon conjunction is happens in Pisces Sign and Full Moon means Sun and Moon away exactly 180° then Moon in Chitra Nakhshatra then that month will be chaitra month.
For example today is Amavasya. And Sun and Moon conjunction happen in Leo sign. Again at the day of Purnima Moon is in Purvabhadra pad so this month is Bhadrapad.
I think you understand the concept of Maas.
Adimas concept —
As you know in our Maas system we found that some years there are two same Maas.
So we know this concept.
A solar year has about 365.2425 days.
Means Time taken by Sun to transit all 12sign and come again to Aries.
For make up this .2425 days we have a keep year in each fourth year.
A lunar year only has about 355 days. So to make up this gap once in every 3 year a extra Lunar month comes.
To decide when this extra Lunar month comes we has formula in our vedic system.
When ever Sun-Moon conjunction coming twice in the same rasi.  Means 2 Amavasya in Same Sign then that month two Lunar month is coming.
For example,
Sun-Moon conjunction took place at 0°23′ in Taurus on May 15, 1999 at 5:35:32 pm (IST) and again at 28°29′ in Taurus on June 14, 1999 at 12:33:27 am (IST).
Sun-Moon conjunction in Taurus sign so according to table it is Jyesta Maas.
So there are 2 conjunction so 2 Jyesta Maas.
One is called “Nija” or Shudha Jeshtha maasa and  the  other is called “Adhika” Jyeshtha maasa.
Nija means real and adhika means
extra. An adhika maasa (extra month) comes once in every 3 years and that
synchronizes the lunar years with solar years. This calendar has been in use in India for millennia.
First part 15 day and last 15 day of this 2 month is called shudh month.
Middle part of month is extra month or adhimass.
Effect of different Mass or vedic month
Chaitra Maas ——
If the  native born in Chaitra Maas native will be knows all all sorts of arts such as singing, dancing, writing, poetry etc. He will be also studied ved, vendnga, science etc. He has frequently enjoying party or happiness in lives. He will be interested in women.
Note : According to chart this Month Sun in Pisces Sign.
If Native is born in Baishaka mass then he may be experts in all shastra means all types of knowledge. He will be independent.  He will be king or Lord of big land.
Note : This Month Sun in Arise Sign.
Jyeshtha Month
When Native is born in Jyeshtha Month then he may has long lived children. He will be endowed with long lasting wealth.
He will be experts in Mantra, rituals and poetry.
Note this month Sun in Taurus sign.
Ashada Mass
When native is born in Ashada Mass then native is very wealthy. He is very kind and liberal. He is enjoying happiness of night. He will be criticizer of other or jeliousy for others.
Tips Sun in Gemini Sign those months.
Sravan Mass
The native born in Sravan Mass will be interested in workship  of God, Brahman, earth.
Tips Those day generally Sun in Cancer sign.
Bhadrapad Mass
The native born in Bhadrapad Mass is visiting many countries. He will be interested in tantra, or knowledge of theory of machinery. He will be honored by King or country.
Tips Those day Sun in Leo sign.
Ashwani mass
The people born in Ashwani Maas he will be hates own relatives and people. He will be poor and wicked man.
Tips Those day Sun in Virgo.
Karthik mass
The people born in Kartika mass he will be very strong physical body. He will be interested in doing agriculture works. He will have broad eyes. He has very much wealth.
Tips Those day Sun in Libra Sign.
Marigshira Maas
The people born in Marigshira mass he will be devoty of God, Brahman , elders and his parents. He will be religious.
Tips Those day Sun in Scorpion Sign.
Poosh mass
The people born in Poosh mass he will be endowed with wealth, strength or power and good qualities. His nose is elevated.
Tips Those day Sun in Sagittarius Sign.
Magha Mass
The people born in Magha  he will be wicked from Mind. But he will be involved in religious activities or rightness activities.
Tips Those day Sun in Capricorn Sign.
Phalguni Mass
The people born in Phalguni Mass he will be doing daily helping deeds. He will be fond of Music.
Tips Those day Sun in Aquarius Sign.
Effect Of Vedic Rithu
In our Vedic system Rithu are Six which has unique impact on native so we know the Rithu fal.
Basant Rithu —
Chaitra and Baishaka mass. Sun may be Pisces and Aries sign.
Person born in basant Rithu he will be long lived, wealthy and loves perfume.
Grishma Rithu —
Jyesta and Ashada month. Sun may be in Taurus and Gemini.
Person born in Grishma Rithu he will be clever in expense of water and wealth. He is interested in materialistic happiness. He has lean body limb. He has good budhi or intelligence.
Barsha Rithu 
Sharavna and Bhadrapad mass. Sun may be in Cancer and Leo sign.
He loves milk, salt, bitter taste. He is sweet in communication. His budhi or mentality will be very clear.
Sarad Rithu —
Ashawin and Kartika mass. Sun may be in Virgo and Libra Sign.
He is Punyatma. He will be handsome. He is happy and sensual by nature.
Hemant Rithu —
Margshira and Poosha mass. Sun in Scorpion and Sagittarius Sign.
He is Yogi, He has Lean body limb. He will be farmer. He is interested in materialistic happiness. He is capable.
Shishir Rithu
Magha and Phalguni. Sun in Capricorn and Aquarius Sign.
He is interested in bathing. He is charitable. He  loves rightness.  He is honoured and famous.
Effect of Ayana
As we know that there is 2type of Ayana
1)Uttarayna — The period when Sun transit from Capricorn sign to Gemini Sign then this period is called Uttarayna.
Means when in any horoscope Sun is in Capricorn, Aquarius, Pieces, Aries, Taurus, and Gemini native is born under Uttarayna.
Effect of Uttarayna
The Person Born in Uttarayna, he will be interested in gaining knowledge, vidhya, yog etc. He will be lives life with Morality.
When Sun transit from Cancer sign to Sagittarius Sign then this period is called Dakshinayana. Means when in horoscope Sun in Cancer, Leo, virgo, Libra, Scorpion and Sagittarius he will be born in Dakshinayana.
Effect of Dakshinayana
Native will be expert in communication, he knows Bhed niti very well, he has good intelligence and aggressive by nature.
Effect of Kaal in Birth Panchang  
Ushakaal —
(It may be from 4am to 8am.)
He has many types of happiness.
Tips — Sun may be in 2nd house, 1st house, 12th house.
Pratushakaal —
(It may be from 8am to 12pm)
He will be interested in own rightness jobs. He is doing good deeds and will be happy.
Tips — Sun may be in 12th house, 11th house.
Madhyana : —
(It may be from 12pm to 4pm)
He has good quality just like king. He will be wealthy from others wealth.
Tips– Sun may be in 10th house and 9th house.
Sayamkaal :–
(It may be from 4pm to 8pm)
He will be fond of perfume and women. He is wicked man and having wandering habits.
Tips — Sun may be in 8th house and 7th house.
Ratri kaal :-
(It may be from 8pm to 4am)
It is same as  Sayamkaal . Means He will be fond of perfume and women. He is wicked man and having wandering habits.
Tips — Sun may be in 6th house, 5th house, 4th house, 3rd house.
3) Nakhshatra 
At the birth of time of Native Moon in which particular Nakhshatra, this Nakhshatra is called Birth Nakhshatra of native. Suppose at birth time of Native Moon is transit on Rohni Nakhshatra so birth nakhshatra of Native will be Rohni Nakhshatra and birth sign or rashi of native will be Taurus Sign.
Effect of nakhshatra 
1) Ashwani Nakshtra – Pleasing Nature, Childish behavior, Dynamic, Quicker action (Just thought and just take action according to thoughts without losing time), Researcher (This make expert in many matter), Intelligent, God fearing, Strong in decision, Morality, Harsh in speak, Music lover, Sport lover, Adventuresome,
2) Bharni Nakshtra –  Experimental (Creating, Nutrition and destroying type), Luxurious, Over attraction toward opposite sex, Sentimental regarding Loss of own, Jealous, Transformation, Multiple interest in all matter, Criticism (Because no control of express own opinion), Time waster regarding unusual matter, Power of Jude right or wrong, Morality, Good Heart.
3) Krittika Nakstra – Cutters as symbol that’s why Sharp Minded, Harsh attitudes, Panic, Frankness.

Agni Dev is deity that’s Why Aggressive, Full of energy (Energetic), Extremely Temper, Critical action for all over, Always face blaming, Irresponsible, Pure heart, Spiritual, Honest, Hard working, Negatives Criticisms (Because they have power to catching lies of others and due to frankness in nature so told harshly to others), Moody ,Good Argument, Logical.

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4)Rohni Nakshtra – Symbol is An ox cart that’s indicating Agriculture, Fertility, Laborious work, Milk products, all agriculture related work

Lord Brahma is deity that’s why  Creative work Such as creative directors ,
Due to their good looking and attractiveness Model, Fashion designer etc.
Moon as ruling lord and Venus as rashi lord that’s why Art type work, Imaginative work, Such as Advertisement , photography, Editing, writing, Marketing (due to capacity of self expressions), Singing, Dancing, Musicians, Jewellery designing etc.

5) Mrigshira Nakshtra – Symbol is dear that’s indicating Active, Searchers (Meaning always try search new thing/Matter, Knowledge seeking), Alert(Always alert regarding upcoming Dangers), Doubting Nature, Suspicious, Observer

Nature is Mridu  that’s indicating Soft speech, Good speech, Gentle man behaviours, Clean heart,
Other Behavior  are Action oriented, Brilliant minded, Sensitive, Ashant Chit (Mentally trouble or unstable mentality), Selfish, Restless, Nervous nature, Sharp, Romantic, Sexually very active.

6)Adra Nakshtra – Symbol of Adra is A tear drop and moist that indicating they are Extremely Emotional, Confuside or Flicker type person

Deity is lord Rudra that’s indicating their Spiritual nature and also indicating  Renunciation, also they may be cruel or angry type ( stage up to destroyers way).
Ruling Lord is Rahu and rashi lord is Mercury that’s indicating good communicate, Hidden thinking, Imagination capacity (due to rahu as power of see insight), Doubting nature, double thinker, Fear, Suffering, Hard worker regarding own goals ,
Apart from this they are helpful, power to attracting people due to their own act. Very aggressive Minded.

7) Punarvasu Nakshtra –  Jupiter is ruling lord and water Tatvas that’s indicating  Spiritual, Religious, Well knowledge, Lack of Materialistic approach, Good heart, Truth full, Nobility, Purity. Punarvasu name means recreation and it is Shrishti Prakrithi Nakhshatra that’s why  No negativity (my means always Happy in any difficult situation), Power of Renew any thing or any matter @ any stage, so some time also its indicating Fickle nature, Challenge Lover,

Also they are good in communication, Hidden/Inner secret Nature, Helpful to other.

8) Pushya Nakshtra  shows effect of Moon, Jupiter and Saturn that’s why they are spiritual, Religious, Hard working, Helpful, Kind, Sensitive, Sincere, Cool minded, Systematic worker, Good Advisers, Caring nature, Protection to other, Expansion, Courtesy and Poise, Passions, Arrogant, Selfish in inner heart but always shows goodness to other, Fundamentalists.
9) Ashlesha Nakshtra –  Its deity is Nag Dev that’s why its behavior contain Nag quality such as Shy, Insecure feeling, Quick reactive, Hidden nature, Show case is soft but very dangerous in inner heart, Suspicious nature, Emotional, Dishonesty; Shameless, Independence lover

Due to moon and mercury and water Nakhshatra it is indicating Confusion in emotions, Good calculations and planning power, Cool but short Temper, angry, Intelligent, Attracting capacity, Ungratefully nature Such as Paltibaaj, Ambitious, Negativity.

10) Magha Nakshtra – Symbol is royal thrones and sun is rashi lord that’s why they behave like King such as Leadership quality, Caring nature, Helpful to other, Self active, self freedom lover in all matter including work, Socially active, aggressive, Cruel but soft in inner heart, Strongly dislike quality, Jealous, Egoistic, Proudness, confidant, Quickly resolving quality in any matter, Materialistic lover, Short temper,

Ketu is Ruling lord and Pitra Devatha is its deity that’s why  they are Ancient traditional lover, Love to following old believes, Spiritual, Religious, Respect to elders, Sanskari.

11) Purbphalguni Nakshtra – Its symbol is Bed and Ruling planet is venus Means they containing full venus material such as a lot of attraction towards opposite sex, Love, Enjoyment, Cleanliness, Attractive spoken power which attracted others specially opposite Gender, polite.

Sun is Rashi Lord so they are honest, Helpful, Charitable, Open Minded, Ambitious, egoistic, Freedom lover, Fame lover, Short temper or Impulsive, Attractive.
Bhaga Devatha is its Deity so they are Fortunate, Power of Mystical Nature, Lucky For others, Apart from this they are Generally restless in nature.

12) Uttarphalguni Nakshtra – Generally same as Purbphalguni. Knowledgeable, Helpful, Kindness, Charitable but only after looking needs, Sincere, Religious, Extremely Judging quality, Truth Finder through Own Knowledge, Respectful, Peaceful, Generally in settlement type, away from quarrel, Gentle, But lose temper, Egoistic, Comfort looker, Luxurious lover, Inclination towards Materialistic Desires, Restless, Mentally Sexual, Hard worker.
13)Hasta Nakshtra –  Hasta is a Nakhshatra which have power of all three Royal planet(Sun, Moon, Mercury) so that’s why they have power to control People, Motivate people, Inspire people. Also they are Helpful, Kindness, Loyal, some time cruel regarding punish to other.

Moon ia indicating emotionalism, Mercury is indicating Charming and beauty, with the power of sun and mercury they are Brilliant, Knowledgeable, good Strength, Sharpness, Selfcontrol.
Symbol is Hand so that’s why they are hard working, Art in hand means skills handed. He may projecting the magical art of Hand.
Apart from this they are spiritual, having fierce in temper (But also power to control him self)


14) Chitra Nakshtra – Mars is ruling lord and Mercury/Venus is rashi lord and Vishwakrama is deity that’s why they have power of creating with beautifully ways and Projected with intelligent way. Brilliance, Depth knowledge, Action oriented, Quickly challenging is show in their nature. Apart from this they are Glamorous, Luxurious lover, Selfishness projected to him self (But actually there are not selfishness from inner heart), Truth talker regarding advising other. They are full with Business skills, Judicial skills. They may be some time Hot Temper, Conceited, Corrupt, Extremely Lover, Forcing to other, Pressurized to other or own self. Spirituality is other quality in their behavior.
15)Swati Nakshtra – Swati Nakshatra deity is Vayu dev(Wind lord) so according to Vayu nature they are restless, independent lover, easily communications (actually they are Good in communications skills), Uncertain nature.

Rahu is ruling lord and with power of Vayu dev they are self confidence, Extremely powerful to doing any work, Good Dreaming Capacity and Convert this dream  in actual life, Intuition ability, Shameless, Rude to Maintained him independence.
Venus is Rashi lord that’s why Soft nature, Mild, Helpful, Friendly, Lovely in nature.
Apart from this they are religious, Good learner, Knowledgeable, Passionate, and some time selfish to doing own work. Also they are pure from heart. Creative new idea is also in their abilities but this idea Generally seems foolish but they have to power to prove their foolish idea to big one.

16) Vishaka Nakshtra – Vishka deity is Indragni its represent Power / position / Authority/Fire that’s why Vishaka natives are Highly Energetic, Full of Virago, Shows their presence before seen, Vulnerability, Restless, Make simple matter to Complex, Problem Creator.

Jupiter is Ruling Lord that’s why they are Religious, Truthfulness, Good learner, New thing research / Learner( as power of fire ), Intelligent, Own Principles, Modern way of Thinking (Due to Agni nature).

Venus and Mars is rashi Lord that’s why they are Good in communication skill, Good speaking ability with full of skills, Some time over Talkative, Alcohol lover/ Addiction (This is negatives effect not in all), Quarrels makers, Jealous, Criticizing nature, Worrying about own goals, Highly determined. 
17)Anuradha Nakshtra – Anuradha is a symbol of religious and Spiritual inclinations. They used this inclinations to developed own self. Anuradha falls in water sign and its belongs to fire Tatvas that’s why they are Emotional, Short tempered, Jealous, Secretive, Exterior, Attracting towards Opposite sex, Worrying about unseen matter, Privacy lover and always want a safeguard regarding own privacy.

Rashi lord is Mars and Ruling lord is Saturn . That’s why they have clear thoughts and logic. Brave, Knowledge, Wise, destroyer of own enemy, Leadership ability, Interest in ancient Knowledge, Dissatisfactions are Generally found.

Mitra is deity of Anuradha that’s why they are good in friend making, social, Honourable, joviality, Harmony.
18) Jyestha Nakshtra –  Indra is deity of Jyestha that’s why they are Reputable, Egoistic, Fear regarding own Power shifting, Immorality in doing own work, Power to control over family and taking responsibilities of Family, Own supportive circle maker.

Ruling lord is mercury and rashi lord is Mars that’s why they have analytic ability, Creative genius, Angry /Temper, High ambitious, Hard worker, Make there thoughts in action.
Apart this they are emotional sensitive, Good Heart, Occult lover, Mystery lover, Moody, Secrecy Maker and power to Hide secrecy, Generally don’t open there feelings.

19) Moola Nakshtra – symbol of Nakhshatra is Root which is indicating nature of person my means they are root finder of any matter just like investigate at the last stage. That’s why they are researcher, Worrying regarding hidden facts.

Rashi lord is Jupiter and ruling lord is ketu that’s why they are truthful (some time extremely truthful speaker which may hurting people), Religious, Inclinations towards both world (Spiritual and Materialistic), Dual nature, Fixed commitment, Fixed Opinion, very quicker. They are clever, intelligent, Political nature, Power to Manipulated people regarding own work, ambitious, Egoistic, and hard worker. They are good in speech and soft nature that’s why they are good friend maker,and have good friend circle. They loves to enjoying Luxurious Life and Fickle in relationship.

20) Purbashada Nakshtra – Aparajita is other name of this Nakhshatra this is indicating they are Winners quality in any matter and Don’t accept defeat in any conditions. Also power to solve problem (But Generally they used this quality to interfere others matter and try to solve other problem). They are hard working regarding their goal(also passion to wait a long time regarding their goal because they don’t accept defeat).

Apah is deity of Nakhshatra that’s why they contains some watery quality Just like hiding nature, Secretive, Mysterious, emotionally aggression and disturbing behaviors.
Jupiter is rashi lord and venus is ruling lord that’s why they are helping in nature, Kindness. Power to prove own self through debating quality and attractive personality ( This also make him Famous in society).Truthfully, Hate Hypocrisy, Inflexible and Friendly nature.

21)Uttarashada Nakshtra – 10 Vishvadevas is deity of Nakhshatra so that’s why they are Truthfulness, Genius, Skillful, Forgiveness, Kind, Brightness, Power to removing all obstacles.Sun is ruling lord that’s why they are Aggressive (Some time), Administrative Capacity, Modest, Forgiveness, royalty, Leadership, Very honest. Saturn and Jupiter is rashi lord which indicating Spiritual quality, Hard worker regarding their goal or achievement, Practical nature. Apart from this they are lazy but intelligent ,Perfect in there work, total involving nature regarding any task, Power of express own feeling without choosing harsh way (my mean in sweet method). They are Consulting nature, Hate hypocrisy, Soft spoken, Pure heart, and helpful. They have many friends (due to air Nakhshatra). They enjoying return favored and likeness by other.
22)Sharavana Nakshtra – Sharavana symbol is ear which is indicating good quality of hearing and learning. It also indicating Gossip nature.They believe in hearing and this attitudes some times creating misunderstanding.

This Nakhshatra is related to goddess Saraswathi, this is indicating Knowledge in education, Experts in various art form just like music, Dance, acting and other art form. Good adviser and helping nature through own knowledge and immense wealth of knowledge.
Lord vishnu is deity of Nakhshatra that’s indicating Intelligence, Extremely religious, Responsible and sincere to their duty, Fair and intelligent dealing quality, Large hearted, Kindness, Cleverest, Peace lover and try to setup peace in surrounding.

Ruling lord is Moon that’s indicating Sweetness in talks and neatness in work, Hyper sensitive, Overly open minded, Honest, helping nature through there knowledge, Multi tasking capacity, ability to connect mass.

Saturn is rashi lord that’s why they are hard worker, Extremely conscious regarding their work, Disciplined(set principles to own life and try to following this strictly), Ancient scripture/ knowledge lover, Debate nature (Tark Bitark ), Jealous nature, selfishness and adamance regarding their knowledge.
Apart from this they are very truthful upto highest limits such way they don’t compromise in any matter regarding truthfulness.

23) Dhanishta Nakshtra – Its symbol is drum which indicating their inclinations towards music, dance, and pleasure enjoyment. Deity is Eight Vasus who is consider very auspicious. That’s why they are symphony lover, Prosperity lover and power of adaptability. Its also indicating Fame and success, richness, Charity. Ruling lord Mars is indicating braveness, Aggressiveness, Frankness, Joviality, Group centric activity and younger look. Rashi lord Saturn is indicating Hard working capacity, Fixed in nature, insightful, generosity, Disciplined working way.

Apart from this native of Dhanista is show inclinations regarding materialistic world and Luxuriousity. They are argumentative and talkative, lust for success and fame (also worrying regarding this), Liberal in nature, Extremely adjustable regarding surrounding, careless, Power to make comfort surrounding they live, Sociability and adaptability by others.

24) Shatbhisha Nakshtra – Shatbhisha belongs to Spirituality, Physical Healing, Mysticism, Maya, Secretive vision. They are argumentative, clever, harshly in speaking (Because talking truth without hesitation ) and moody. They are liking Loneliness. Work with determined way ,Disciplined way and hard up to own power. Research and region oriented nature by scientific method. Also they do this research in philosophy (My mean scientific research in philosophy). They are facing depression, Laziness and absence of social skills (due to their rudeness attitude). Strong inclinations regrading knowledge up to extreme way.

Good confidence level to doing any work. Main problem of this native is their hidden nature and Secretive activity which make them suspicious in nature also for other.


25)Purbabhadrapad Nakshtra – Peace Loving, Religious and good morality, Principled, Honest, Practically, Idealistic approach towards Life, Knowledgeable, Super naturalism and Occult lover, Protectiveness, Secretive , Contradictory behavior, Spiritual, Religious, Dramatic, Adventurous, violent. One negative behavior which generally show by this Nakhshatra is indicating by their symbol two faced man. So they are simultaneously shows two behavior one face is very polite, genteel, soft and kindly other face is very violent, dangers and destructive. And they Usually switch between them according to surrounding and demand. They are prove very harmful for other if they used their knowledge to unsocial activity(also used there Super naturalism and Occult knowledge to harming other/wrong work)
26) Uttarbhadhrapad Nakshtra – Spiritual, Religious, Deep insights ,Wise, Good speaker, Inspiring, Disciplined, Kind, Humanitarianism, Smart, Hard worker regarding gaining knowledge, Gain knowledge through experience, Carrying nature, Good problem solving capacity, Fixed determined , But behavior is indefinite (Some time cool again angry), Aggressively Emotional, Fiery Temper, Lazy, Irresponsible, Over indulgence to sexual activity, Power to annihilate there Enemy. 
27)Ravati –  Good Communicating skills, Control other by own communicating quality, Power to handle pressures of Situation, Excellent in education and Knowledge, Good fantasy and imagination quality, Religious , Ethics, Soft spoken, Good lover, Beautiful in work, Creative thinker, Full with feeling, Over sensitive, Depressive, Temper, Jealous, Lack of self confidence, Sociable, Supportive and get support from others, Lucky, Clean hearted, Good counseling ability and sincere in works, Judgmental.
Each tithi is divided into 2 karanas.
Means the time taken by Moon to travel 6°.
There are 11 karanas
(1) Bava
(2) Balava
(3) Kaulava
(4) Taitula
(5) Garija
(6) Vanija
(7) Vishti
(8) Sakuna
(9) Chatushpada
(10) Naga
(11) Kimstughna.
The first 7 karanas repeat 8 times starting from the 2 nd half of the first lunar day of a month.
The last 4 karanas come just once in a month, starting from the 2nd half of the 29th lunar day and ending at the 1st half of the first lunar day.
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Suppose we took 2sep 2016 date and Panchang from Kashi Vishwanath Panchang.
2nd Shukla Thithi is rising at 2:21pm and end tomorrow at 3:23 p.m.
So lenth of Thithi is  25 hours 2miniute.
So Karan lenth is 12hours 3ominute + 1 minute. Means 12hours 31minute.
1st Karan from  start from 2:21Pm
End at
2:21pm + 12:31
14:21 + 12:31 = 26:52
Convert in standard time so deduct 24
2:52 am next day
Means end midnight Saturday at 2:52 am.
So 2nd Karan Start from 2:52 am to 3:23 pm Saturday.
Now look the chart
Today is Shukla 2nd Tithi so
1st Karan is Balava
2nd Karan is kaulava
Effect of Birth Karan 
(1) Bava — He will be acts just like children and will be Paratapi(Valiant).
(2) Balava — He will Shows polite nature and honour by King.
(3) Kaulava —-  He will be endowed with elephant, horse, Cow etc. He will be doing handsome or charming acts.
(4) Taitula —– He will be speaking softly and communicating impressively.He is religious and Punyatma.
(5) Garija —  He will be without enemy or getting victory over enemy and Paratapi.
(6) Vanija —-  He will be skillful orator.  And intregue with mistresses indulging a guilty passion for him.
(7) Vishti —- He will be hostile to every body and doing sinful acts.
He is independent by nature. He may be honored by his own man or relatives.
(8) Sakuna —– He will know future or time. He will has steady happiness. He will be knows everything but doing Anishhta (अनिष्ट) acts
(9) Chatushpada —- He is very polite, knowledgeable, famous and wealthy.
(10) Naga. — He is Tejasvi, very rich, honorable, full with strength and talkative.
(11) Kimstughna — He will be doing acts for others.  He has fickle minded. He is found of mirth.
5) Yog in Panchang
Yog is 27 according to Given table.
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Method of calculations of yoga

1) Add the longitudes of Sun and Moon.
2) Now if greater then 360  then remove 360º from the sum
3) Divide the sum by the length of one nakshatra (13°20′ or 800′).
4)Ignore fractions and  take the integer part.
5)Add 1 to it and the result is the index of the yoga running.
6) Now Refer to and find the yoga corresponding to the index.
For Example
Date 21/7/1984
Time 8:10 am
Sun —  4°53’32”  @ Cancer
Moon — 4°15’02” @ Aries
Now we find Yoga at that time.
Sun = 90 + 4°53’32”  = 94° 53′ 32″
Moon = 4° 15′ 02″
So Sum = 98° 68′ 34″ = 99° 08′ 34″
For easy in dividing we convert degrees in Minute
Sum = 99 × 60 + 8 + 34″
= 5940 + 8 + 34″
= 5948′ + 34″
For easy dividing we convert Nakhshatra in minute.
1 Nakhshatra = 13°20′
= 13× 60 + 20 ‘
=  780 + 20 = 800
Divide 5984 by 800
5984÷800 = 7.48
Take 7
Add 1 = 8
Look table
Yog is Dhriti .
Native birth time Yoga Is Dhriti Yoga.
Effect of Different yoga in birthchart
1)Vishkambha — He will be getting victory over his enemy. He is wealthy and endowed with wealth of cattels. He gets honour.
2) Preeti —- He will be interested in others women or under control of others women.
3) Aayushmaan — He will be long lived and healthy.
4) Saubhaagya —- He has good fortune and happiness.
5) Sobhana — He will be enjoying materialistic happiness.
6) Atiganda — He will be interested in killing.
7) Sukarman — He will be wealthy and doing righteousness acts or religious actss.
8) Dhriti — He will be interested in others women and wealthy.
9) Shoola — He is very angry and doing quarrel.
10)Ganda — He will doing weaked or mean acts.
11) Vriddhi —- He is expert in speaking or communication.
12) Dhruva — He is very wealthy.
13) Vyaaghaata — He is cruel.
14) Harshana — He is wise and knowledgeable. He is famous upto far away place.
15) Vajra — He is wealthy and sensual.
16) Siddhi — He will be just like Lord for many people. Many people dependent on him.
17) Vyatipaata — He will be fraudulent by nature.
18) Variyan — He will has wicked acts and having wicked desires including sensual matters.
19) Parigha —- He is inimical but wealthy.
20) Shiva —- He is knowledgeable of all sastra. He is wealthy and peaceful by nature. He is loved by king.
21) Siddha — He is religious and Inclination towards religious acts.
22) Saadhya — He has good conduct
23) Subha — He is charming by outlook. He is wealthy. He is sensual. He may be suffering from kapha related problem.
24) Sukla — He is religious or rightness person. He has inclination towards religious acts. He is expert in communication. He is angry by temper and tickled by mentality. He is knowledgeable.
25) Brahma — He is honorable. He has secret wealth. He is liberal. He has good jujdmental ability.
26) Indra —- He is doing such type of acts which is belong to universal benific. He has such type of intelligences through which he knows all things. He is intelligent and wealthy.
27) Vaidhriti — He is creating Maya. He is criticizing others. He is powerful. He is liberal. He is wealthy.
Apart from this Panchang there may be effect of hora on the native.
Effect of Hora
For Odd Sign
1st Hora — This is owned or ruled by Sun.
The person will be Cruel, sensual, wealthy  and honorable by King.
2nd Hora — This is Ruled by Moon.
The person will be skillful in speaking, charitable, handsome and kind. But his wife will be intriguing.
For Even Sign
1st Hora — This is Ruled by Moon.
The person will be bold or fearless in speech. He is lazy. He is fond of virtuous wife or he is fond of righteousness acts and own wife.
2nd Hora — This is Ruled by Sun.
The person  will be just like minister. He will be always remember those who helped him. He is fickle minded. He is very timid.
Now we predict a horoscope from Birth Panchang.
Sex —– Male
Date — 21/07/1984
Time :—- 08:15 am
Location —- 24N26 and 85E31
Now Birth Panchang
Var :– Saturday
Tithi —- Ashram
Paksha  — Krishna
Mass —- Sarvana Maas
Rithu — Varsha
Ayana — Dakshinayana
Nakhshatra — Ashawin 2pad
Birth Rashi — Aries sign
Karan —- Baalav
Yoga — Dhriti
Kaal — Pratushakaal
Hora — Lagan is Leo sign and degree of lagan is 14°30’34”. Leo is odd sign so lagan in rising 1st half so rules by Sun. So Hora is belongs to Sun.
Now we predict from Birth Panchang.
Var is Shanivar so Native is not so much intelligent or lazy. He will be lives on other foods and money. He will be always inclined towards argument. He will be jelious. He will be facing obstacles from his relatives. He will be skillful.
Next is Thithi
So Native is born in Dakshinayana so he will be expert in communication, he knows Bhed niti very well, he has good intelligence and aggressive by nature.
Varsha Rithu so he loves milk, salt, bitter taste. He is sweet in communication. His budhi or mentality will be very clear.
Mass is Sarvana so he will be interested in workship  of God, Brahman, earth.
Paksha is Krishna paksha so he will be making argument regarding own work. He is devoty to his own mother. He is inimical to own relatives.
Tithi is Ashtami so he is very sensual. He is very attached or loves his wife and children. He may be suffering from kapha related problems.
Hora is Sun hora so he will be Cruel, sensual, wealthy  and honorable by King.
Kaal is Pratushakaal so he will be interested in own rightness jobs. He is doing good deeds and will be happy.
Nakshtra is Ashwani so native is pleasing nature. He has childish behaviour. He is dynamic and doing quicker action (Just thought and just take
action according to thoughts without losing time). He is a good researcher(this make expert in many matter). He may be Intelligent. He is fearing from God. He is strong in decision. He has good morality. He may be harsh in speak. He is music lover. He loves Sport. He may be adventurous.
Birth rashi is Aries so native is agrasive, restless, and brave. Some time he may be act like foolish. He is not concentrate towards one work in long time. He may be fickle by nature.
Karan is Baalav so he will Shows polite nature and honour by King.
Yog is Dhriti so he will be interested in others women and wealthy.
Astro Pankaj Seth 

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How is our life affected by planetary influences ? Let’s Explore

257988722022202 How is our life affected by planetary influences ? Let's Explore

People had been researching upon the very fact of life that how the situations in our life our created? How does our life gets affected because of the play of energies as well as under the effect of planetary influences? As one goes through any tough & challenging life situation the most common question always that arises in ones mind is- Why is this happening with me? Why am I victimized?

Now, most of the time, we put that straight on Karma or destiny and no doubt, Karma has its own role as well as destiny too plays its role. To know more about destiny, you may go the my another old blog on “Destiny versus Astrology”-

Let’s not put the blame of our troublesome life situations directly on Karma or destiny but we must understand, how is the energy of though getting converted into the actions, then behaviour, creating situations and thence, bringing results in our day to day life. Our life is a simulation of various milestones which open up in front of us in terms of various life situations. Just like, we begin a journey from one place to another and the milestones are fixed. So, we have to cross all the milestones to reach our destination. Now, you can call these milestones as the situations and the experiences which one has to undergo and one has to face, which is further based on the laws of Karma and ones fate, not destiny, as accumulated karma (sanchit/prarabdha) from past lives.Every individual is one whole microcosmic system in its totality which represents the reflection of macrocosmic system and Astrology deals with the study of every individual horoscope as one system that’s why we study all the Gruhas (Planets) together for it’s results in one’s life. Now, consider every individual as a unique set of combinations of various planetary energies which unite together to form one totally unique life story which is an infinitesimal part of the Kaal-Purusha. Since, every individual life is unique in its every essence so is the planetary combinations for every individual.The whole working mechanism and effect of planetary energies is dependent upon the Prana (Life Force Energy) of the individual. The energies of the Gruhas, they strike in to the pranic energy fields of the individuals through breath, with the mechanism of Ida & Pingla nadi and create a specific vibration which is reflected into the mind of the individual as thought. And, from here begins the seed of creation for life situations.

Moon being the significator of mind; it works as the archery through which the rest of planetary forces strike an arrow during their transit, dasha & bhukti. Now, you can test it by being a witness in any of the life situation that you are facing today. As I mentioned above about the journey & milestones, just consider that you are going through a road to reach your destination; until you stop, stay at a milestone and spend time there, it will certainly get you involved with the various happenings on that particular milestone. What- if you see the milestone (life situation) and continue to move without putting in your time & energy; it will have some impact which shall be experiential in nature but you will save yourself from bigger damage.

In one of the beautiful verse from Bhagwad Gita, Lord conveys: “manah shashthani indryani prakrutisthani karshati”; which states that it is these six- the mind and the five senses which create friction in one’s whole nature. And, that’s what is the whole endeavor of Yoga- “yogah chittvrutti nirodah”; Yoga* works upon removing the delusions of the chitta (consciousness).

*Yoga here refers to any form of yoga; Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, etc.

So, the life situations are just a part of divine play and one must experience & handle any tough situation as an opportunity to see towards the other side of the life and to explore all new horizons of this beautiful universe.

Hope this helps you explore your life situations in the light of this article.

Note: For any questions, you may reply in the comments below or reach me on my email at mahasatsanga@gmail.com.

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” BLIND CHART ANALYSIS ” Predicting past and background of unknown people by Guru Rajesh Kotekal


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With an immense sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, we are happy to share you with that, the fourth book ” Blind Chart Analysis – Predicting past and background of unknown people ”  has been published by our Guest Scholar and Author ” Guru Rajesh Kotekal “.

‘Blind chart analysis’ is a procedure in which an astrologer predicts the past events and present condition of a native only by looking into the horoscope, without having a prior knowledge about the native.

Astrologers practice this method for many reasons: for birth-time rectification, to bring faith in the client about the efficacy of astrology, to test the astrological techniques, to find out which method suits best for the given case, and to demonstrate his/her predictive abilities.

To do blind chart analysis successfully an astrologer should have very sound knowledge of the subject, vast experience, good intuition and a bit of luck also.

In the Previous Free e-book version author has explained only 10 cases briefly.

This book presents 100 cases of Blind Chart Analysis of people who have approached author for astrological consultation.

This is a book, first of its kind, where the method of Blind Chart Analysis is demonstrated by explaining the astrological reasoning and logic for the queries.

This work impresses the reader about the power and utility of Jyotisha in general and Nandi Naadi methods in particular.


Buying information : 


It’s size is 6 inch by 9 inch, nearly 450 pages and price Rs. 550 + postage charges (Total Rs.620/-). 

This is self-published the book through Print-On-Demand technology,
If you are interested to purchase the book reply back to this email or fill this form.

For copies of the books, write to: 
Kind regards,
Dr. K. Guru Rajesh
Team Vedicsiddhanta
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Decoding Cosmic Vibration of the year 2018 : Transit Analysis of February 2018

4165635 alien planet 1 Decoding Cosmic Vibration of the year 2018 : Transit Analysis of February 2018


Cosmic Vibes for the month of february 2018
By Imrana Malik

The month of February will start with the “Krishna paksha phase of Moon”, and it reactivates again the partial ” KAAL AMRITA YOG , a planetary formation when all the planets will be under the tight grip of shadow planets Rahu and Ketu.

The lunar eclipse in Ashlesha nakshatra and in the sign of Cancer on 31st January is a highly charged eclipse.

Many of you must have been feeling the dramatic shift of planetary energies a week before this highly charged full moon.This waning phase will last till partial solar eclipse when new moon will join Sun in the sign of Aquarius on 15th of February.

The period between the two eclipses is a very sensitive period.Its a period of dramatic and radical shifts in our consciousness due to sudden and unexpected events taking place around us.Take time out to get yourself indulge in spiritual and religious practices and meditation.These practices will help you align yourself with the cosmic energies well because eclipses darken our consciousness.

Don’t get panic at any unexpected issue arising out during these days.Truth will emerge on its own in the days to come.Just have faith that whatever happens happen for a good reason.Chaos will emerge into peace.Just be grounded and be positive.

Opposite to the sign of eclipse Cancer, Sun, Mercury and Venus are transiting in the sign of Capricorn and in the highly spiritual and sattvic nakshatra of Shravana.You will feel the transforming energy of this lunar eclipse in the houses owned by Cancer and Capricorn in your natal birth charts .

The planet of love, relationship and finances, Venus is sandwiched between Sun and Ketu.

Venus is like hemmed between the heat of the authoritative and egoistic Sun and fire of spiritual planet Ketu and is under combustion till 17th of Fabruary.

It is signalling a time of transformation in the areas related with Venus that are finances and relationships.

Since Sun and Venus are moving towards Ketu so time demands us to inculcate  some of the qualities of Ketu in our relationships during this time frame.Better to avoid yeilding authority in relationships otherwise you will loose your position of power.

This time demands us to change our old held approach and change our perspective a bit.

Handle issue intelligently and in a well composed down to earth manner with a humble approach.When storm comes it is advised to lower our head it saves us from severe injuries.

Shravana falls in the sign Capricorn, a natural 10th house of status,power and achievements.


Decoding Cosmic Vibration of the year 2018 : Transit Analysis of February 2018


Shravana is ruled by the planet Moon.This constellation is related with spiritual attainment and it is  connected with Budha who received spiritual enlightment here under the sacred tree “Peepal”.

The symbol of this nakshatra is “Ear”and its ruling deity is “Vishnu”.It is the birth star of “Goddess of Saraswati”(Goddess of learning).Primary motivation of this asterm is Artha(wealth) and its tattwa (element) is vayu(air).

Capricorn is all about hard work and is practical and goal oriented sign ruled by the planet Saturn.Shravana ‘s lord is Moon.Here Moon’s nourishing nature becomes practical.

Vishnu is the preserver of this world and listens to the problems of all.This is the inherent nature of this nakshatra.Planets when come into this nakshatra they absorb this energy of listening and preserving the knowladge within themselves to be used later and modify their behaviour accordingly.

So apart from spiritualistic side it has a bit materialistic side too.

Ketu is a moksha karak planet.Presence of Ketu  along with Sun,Mercury and Venus here in shravana is emphasising more on listening and less on speaking.Better to gain knowladge and pay attention to your inner voice to grow and handle issues in your life.Ketu is the co lord of the sign Scorpio where its lord Mars is transiting in the nakshatra of Anuradha , a star of success.

Scorpio is a sign of deep investigation and research about hidden realm of your life.Mars gives initiative energy on outer material plane and can work as a best spy here.The co ruler of the sign Scorpio, Ketu helps gain wisdom and helps in inner transformation.

So it’s a time of taking a fresh start in solving old issues of your life by gathering information, paying attention to minute details and listening to the outer and inner voices in order to arrive at any definite conclusions and plan your strategy accordingly.

Its a time of strategic planned action based on the all the knowladge you gather through listening to the inner as well as outer voices in the areas of relationships about the matters related with the house ruled by Scorpio in your natal chart and these issues will be addressed in the house where sign Capricorn falls in your birth chart.

Curb your egoistic and authoritative nature.It won’t help you now.

Be humble and adopt mature and practical approach.Ketu negates taking orders from anyone.Both Saturn and Moon are associated with masses so the information you gained through listening and secret investigation can be used to influence masses or people around you.

Hardwork along with aligning your energies whole heartedly with the divine energies always pays.Make the best use of this time of Mars transit in Scorpio in the star of success and its co ruler Ketu’s presence in the birth star of Goddess of learning in the sign of Capricorn.Take the initiative and see yourself  how divine plan will be manifested and awaken the spiritual warrior within you.Success follows those who sincerely surrender their own will to the will of Almighty.

And the best way of surrendering to God is to act as time demands.The planetary shifts are the signals God sends us and only understandable to the one who willfully surrender their freewill and those enlightened pure souls who are His followers.


venus transit in aquarius Decoding Cosmic Vibration of the year 2018 : Transit Analysis of February 2018

On 6th of February‘ Venus will enter in Aquarius sign, Sun on 13th and Mercury on 15th.All of these planets will be aspected by Mars from Scorpio,Jupiter from Libra and Saturn from Sagitarius.


Decoding Cosmic Vibration of the year 2018 : Transit Analysis of February 2018


The restrictive energy of Saturn,expansive energy of Jupiter and Energetic and protective energy of Planet of action Mars,all pointing towards a forward looking phase in our life with much hope and positivity in our lives in coming days.

After 19th February, Venus will be out of combustion.You will feel a bit relief in the matters of heart and finances.Plus by the end of this month Saturn too will come to close in its transit period in the dreaded nakshatra of Mula.

All you need is to keep a check on the excessive desire nature of Mars as there will be formation of ANGARAK YOG after 21st February till 25th February.

As I have mentioned some of its possible implication in my previous post of 16th of January 2018,that this combo can cause disastrous situations.So be cautious in taking any impulsive actions.

Note: Always study and compare transits with the planetary positions in your natal birth chart and your on going dashas to see how they will affect you.

The planet of karma Saturn has entered in the last pada of Mula nakshatra, in Cancer navamsha and will stay there till 2nd of March 2018.

As now we all know that Mula nakshatra falls in the dharmic sign of Sagitarius and is ruled by the planet Ketu.This star is related with deep investigation.Ketu is a moksha karak planet and here in Mula nakshatra deals with the past issues that are mostly secretive in nature or are hidden from our eyes and buried deep, so we have to go deep to find the truth.

As it is ruled by the goddess of Kali, who is often depicted as chopping off the heads of the demons, symbolising the need to open our eyes to the ignorant behavior of ours towards life in general, address our core belief systems and moral values and cut our cords with wordly desires that are destructive in nature.So it is a bringer of death and chaos.

It will bring out what we can least expect.But this nakshatra is not just associated with destruction and calamities but is a healing nakshatra too.

We can heal ourselves here.But as you know nothing comes for free.The price we pay here is usually very high.Enlightment always comes after we have gone through some sort of storms in our lives.These storms clear the way for the change to come.

So, get yourself prepared to welcome and embarace the change with the belief that it will be good for you in the long run.Though it will take time to accept the bitter truth/reality that will emerge suddenly.

Ketu can act on both lower  and higher plane depending upon the functioning of our mind.

If functioning on lower plane, can cause confusions and illusions and ultimately we become prone of committing silly mistakes about which we will regret later.But if it is working on higher plane(when we surrender everything to God,s will), it clears all the illusions from our mind and provides us with intuitive wisdom and alleviate us high on spiritual level.Rahu and Ketu are the projectors of our mind.Its up to us how we handle them.

Ketu can act like an angel and removes all the illusions if we proceed on the path of moksha, breaking all the chains that keep ourselve engaged in material desires and worldly achievements and can act like a demon if we disregard the spiritual path.It helps its devotees in need in sudden magical ways.Reversal of fortune is related with this nakshatra.

The Devta of Ketu is lord Ganesha who is remover of all the obstacles.It is a guardian of Muladhara chakra(base chakra) that resides at the base of spine.Both Ketu and Mula are connected with this chakra.It is very important to get entry past this chakra if you want to move on spiritual path.Kundalini or potential spiritual energy lies here.When kundalini energy is awakened we get access to the power of lord Ganesha.

Follow meditative techniques to activate this energy because it will help us on our spiritual journey.

Saturn entered in this nakshatra on 26th October,2017, Now it has entered in its last pada of cancer navamsha.The flow of energy has been different in each pada.Things that have been on hold will suddenly be brought to closure.With Ketu everything is sudden and since Saturn is here so enligjtment will come with a very heavy cost.Ketu and Saturn both are separative planets.Mula and Saturn both are linked with air element and Ketu is a fiery planet.

Air and fire energy in fiery sign Sagitarius the 9th house of kundali can bring about sad news of mass calamities.Fire and air is explosive. So will get the results quickly.Flow of energy has been different in each pada.But now both Saturn in Mula and Ketu in shravana have joined hands in the navamsha of Cancer.Cancer sign is ruled by Moon.

Its a very emotional and sensitive sign.Presence of Ketu and Saturn here will bring out the turbulent side of emotions.Agitated state of Mula will come out here.With Ketu everything is sudden and with Saturn mostly chaotic.Ketu Saturn will bring sudden explosive news that will be emotionally turbulent in nature and will effect our sense of security and emotional stability.We need to control our emotional reactions.Be patient let this phase pass.

Rahu is a giver and Ketu is where we get the pain.Rahu is our obsessive mentality and is placed opposite to Saturn/Ketu in navamsha.If we don’t open our eyes to the reality and follow the spiritual path no one will save us from the irreparable loss/pain caused by Rahu.

From tomorrow till 13th of february Mars will be vargottam.
Vargottam planet gain strength  because there is a good flow of energy from soul (navamsha d9) to this lifetime (lagna d1).

Mar’s energy in the 8th house of death and calamities aspected by melafic planet Rahu from Cancer can cause sudden chaos.Don’t take any hasty and impulsive action just because you heared any bad news and are feeling insecure.Avoid exercising control on others.Better to control your emotional responses.Don’t over react out of the fear of probable loss.

JO HONA HAI HO KER RAHAY GA!!.Just calm your mind and accept whatever comes out.Stop playing control control.

Sun will enter in DHANISHTHA nakshatra on 6th of February, a star of abundance,fame,wealth and worldly attainment.It combines the energies of Saturn,Mars and Sun.Sun,s placement here in Capricorn in 10th house of status and power in his friendly nakshatra will give boost to those enlightened souls who have been following Ketu,s path by being humble and modest and adapted well with the energies of shravana from the last month.They will reap the reward now provided they don’t exercise bossy behavior on others and by being egoistic.Let the time put a crown on your head for your patience and wise acts that you showed in difficult time.

Mercury is heading toward Ketu.It will bring quick shifts in our thinking with spiritual undertone for those enlightened souls who have been following wholeheartedly cosmic energies for a long time and for others confusion and loss of direction.On mundane level Saturn and Ketu combo in Cancer navamsha,vargottam Mars aspected by Rahu,and Mercury conjuction with Ketu in Shravana nakshatra,media can bring out some secret news or you can hear the news of some mass calamaties around the globe.

In short’many will fall  from grace and many will rise up.Ketu can do anything.It will be a period of endings for many and start of a new beginning for others.Everyone will reap what they sow.Justice will be done to all.

Since Cancer is a feminine sign and is psychic, intuitive, reflective, nurturing and healing in nature so Saturn in this pada can bring out the female healers out of hiding and into the light.Rahu,s placement in Cancer will expose many so called fake gurus too pretending to be spiritual healers.There will be sudden storm in calm water of Cancer.Everyone will get punished or rewarded as per one,s past karma.

Imrana Malik

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बहुमन्जिली इमारतें ऐक धोखा । बहुमन्जिली इमारतों में नहीं हो सकता वास्तु का प्रयोग

3DArt 23 बहुमन्जिली इमारतें ऐक धोखा । बहुमन्जिली इमारतों में नहीं हो सकता वास्तु का प्रयोग

क्यों न करें बहुमन्जिली इमारतों में निवेश

By Alok Jagawat
(सम्भल कर करें निवेश । बहुमन्जिली इमारतों में नहीं हो सकता वास्तु का प्रयोग )
हमारे देश में आजकल बहुमन्जिली इमारतों का चलन है । इन इमारतों में निवेश से पहले कुछ बातें जान लेना आवश्यक है । बहुमन्जिली इमारतों का गणित कुछ इस प्रकार है । (I know this because I have been dealing with builders, architects and interior designers from past many years, these are facts)
शहर के बाहरी हिस्सों में बनीं इमारतें
१. Average cost of land in outer areas.
Rs 100 Rs/sq ft to Rs 1200 /sq ft (Depending on the fact that the land acquired is a farm land. Most of the deals are shady. Sometimes land is disputed or captured as well. Land is also bought from ST/SC community at very cheap prices. There is a law which prevents it, but there is a loop hole in this law as well.
(Tradecraft includes forming a partnership firm)
2. Average cost of building is 250 Rs/sq ft to Rs 1200/sq ft. Builders do not use very good material in building. This is a very common practice. You can expect extreme changes in walls, bathrooms and fixtures from six months to one-year time. Biggest problems include falling POP roofs, water seams and clogging and paint loss.
Secondly, small time builders use pre-tailored plans in each plot which are re-used in every third project. So actually in reality it does not cost much. Big builders have hired architects and structural engineers.
So on an average a 900 sq ft flat will cost.
Cost of land: 500000.
Cost of bribery to State development authorities: 10,000 to 1,00000.
Cost of flat: 815000 becomes 870,000, If it is the ground floor. Building cost increases with height but again it is not that much.
Average selling price is near 150000 to 20,0000. This is from a single customer. On an average a five story building fetches 10 to 30 lakhs based on several variations.
Topping this, is the State development authorities, land Mafia and scores of other corrupt departments that only increase the cost of these flats.
Most of the builders are corrupt and prone to wrong doings and shady work. There are scores of pending cases against the builders which includes Unitech, Parshvanath and very big names in other cities. According to consumer disputes redressal commission, there has been a continuous increase in cases against builders from past many years. This is the proof of the debauchery and telltale claims of builders.
बहुमन्जिली इमारतों में नहीं हो सकता वास्तु का प्रयोग
वास्तु के मानद ग्रन्थों में बहुमन्जिली इमारतों का भी उल्लेख मिलता है । द्वीशाल व अन्य भवन का  उल्लेख तो कई ग्रन्थो में है परन्तु बहुमन्जिली इमारतों का उल्लेख कम ग्रन्थों है । पुरानी इमारतों में भी अधिक से अधिक दो या तीन ही मन्जिलें मिलती हैं, ज्यादा ऊचीं  इमारतों को बनाने के वास्तु ग्रन्थों में विशेष नियम  हैं ।
दो या तीन मन्जिलों वाली इमारतों में भी वास्तु के कडे नियम हैं और उन्हे कोई भी बिल्डर प्रयोग में नहीं लाता है । ज्यादातर बिल्डरों के दावे, की उन्की इमारतें वास्तु नियमों पर आधारित हैं, सत्य से परे हैं ।
अथ भूलम्बाह

गृहं व्यासेष्टहस्तान्तमेकभूमं प्रकारयेत ।

ततो दशदशर्ध्यन्तं क्रमवृध्द्या तलं न्यसेत । १४ ॥वास्तुमण्ङनम्

The height of one floor should be equal to the eighth part of the perimeter. This accounts to very good height while most the floors in flats do not carry a height above 10 to 11 ft.

The sequence includes increasing the height of the later floors with 10 hastha parts each.
Further slokas indicates that two storied structure should be built for common man, three and four for Vaishyas and six for Kshatriyas and Brahmins.
I have studied the ancient structures in Old city of Jaipur which was built by the great Sthapathi Vidhyadhar. All structures which carry two or three floors have brahmasthana and proper entrance doors to the center of the structure.
Some vastu granthas consider tall structures to be very problematic and recommend it for kings only.
Mayamattam and Varahmihira have different opinion on same subject. Mayamattam calculates height of the building in comparison to foundation stone or last brick of the wall. Varah recommends height to be equivalent to the breadth of the sala.
The last dictum is being followed in old city of Jaipur.
बहुमन्जिली इमारतों में एक और समस्या है । इस तरह की इमारतें कबूतरों, मधुमक्खीयों आदी के रहने का स्थान बन जाती हैं। ये दोनो जीव अशुभ माने जाते हैं तथा सूनेपन का कारण बनते हैं ।
So in totality the investments in such building is not very useful until and unless somebody does not have enough money to buy a plot. Builders take advantage of this problem and sell their products through dubious lucrative offers.
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