Influence of Uranus in astrology on Humans and Nature

Influence of Uranus in Astrology Influence of Uranus in astrology on Humans and Nature

According to Mahabharata

What Mahabharta Says about Uranus or Sweta (Greenish White planet)

Vishesheena hi Vaarshneya Chitraam Pidayate Grahah….[10-Udyog.143]
Swetograhastatha Chitraam Samitikryamya Tishthati….[12-Bheeshma.3]

As per the Shaloka quoted by the author of  Sanskirtimagazine  & Natya shastra on Uranus in their blog taken from Udog parva of Mahabharta ;

“Greenish-white (Sweta) planet has crossed Chitra Nakshatra and same has been mentioned by the scholar Neelakantha of 17th century in his commentaries. Sweta means greenish-white, which was later discovered to be the color of Uranus. Neelakantha also has written writes in his commentary on Mahabharat (Udyog 143) that Shveta or Mahapata (one which has greater orbit).Neelakantha calls this “Mahapata” which means having greater orbit and it indicates a planet beyond Saturn.”

(Udyog Parva, Section CXLIII)

In Mundane and other Astrological systems, Uranus is related to bringing change, revolution, individuality, and freedom. It stays in each house for a duration of 7 years. Uranus has a great ability in bringing change in any individual whenever it is conjoined or having an influence of benefic planets. It allows us to express greater individuality regarding the house where it is placed. It can bring sudden and unexpected changes. Uranus is an unpredictable planet as it brings revolution in thinking power and it defines truth and sincerity.

Uranus Own Sign is Aquarius and It gets Exalted in Scorpio and debilitated in Taurus and it gets weak in Leo sign and its major traits are bringing change, Individual independence, unique thinking and opposing odd thinkings and traditions. It brings outrages,  explosions, evolution, terrorism, Railway service, Gases, and water control systems, Airplane and space place control and technologies, scientific researches, Inventions, discoveries, It has adopted close traits and resemblance from Mars and Saturn due to that it is seen for bringing major changes in kings rulerships, kingdoms, and political situations  of any country.



Rakesh Jamwal

Source and Reference

Scientific Hindu Astrology by Prof. P. S. Sastri

pin Influence of Uranus in astrology on Humans and Nature

Views: 68

Astrological Reason behind Pakistan tragic train Accident triggered by fire on 31st October 2019

Pakistan Train Accident Astrological Reason behind Pakistan tragic train Accident triggered by fire on 31st October 2019

Astrological Reason behind Pakistan train Accident triggered by fire on 31st October 2019

On 31 October 2019, Pakistan Railways’ Tezgam passenger train caught fire while travelling from Karachi to Rawalpindi, resulting in at least 74 passenger deaths.Preliminary evidence suggested the explosion of a portable stove being used illegally by some of the passengers to cook aboard the train.

Pakistan Train Accident Astrological Reason behind Pakistan tragic train Accident triggered by fire on 31st October 2019

1) On the day of 31st October 2019, 6:18 am ( PTI), that would be 6:18 +30 minute – 6:48 am in India. If we draw the incident chart of the Place of an accident, ( Rawalpindi) Libra Lagna was rising where 3rd House was badly afflicted by the Saturn + Ketu + Rahu + Mars.

2) Basically for all sort of transportations incidents ruled by land like car, trains, trucks etc is seen via the Karka mercury, 3rd house and its lord , all Earthy Signs ( 2,6, 10) , all Earthy planets, earthy nakshatras and connection with Mars, Saturn ,Rahu , Uranus , Neptune + the political chart of the country + Surya Sankranti chart is seen for all the travel related tragic accidents happen via railway or any other vehicles used for short distance travellings within a month.

3) During the Incident time around 6:18 am Libra Lagna was rising, the (3rd) House which is important for all sort of accidents related to land travels was afflicted badly by the Nodes. Saturn was conjugated with the Ketu getting aspect from the Rahu + 4th aspect from the Mars sitting in the 12th house. Both Mars and Saturn were aspecting each other, Kendra to each other having 4/10 relation. 3rd lord Jupiter was in the ending degree (29) moving toward 3rd house in the Gandanta Zone. karka of the railway or short distance travelling Mercury was in the retrogression moving toward stationary retrograde motion. Mars was sitting in the bhu- Tattva Rashi ( Virgo) getting aspect from Airy planet Saturn.

4) As an incident caught by the Fire and Gas element used by one of the travellers, So fiery and Airy element connection should be there in the chart.3rd house was having fiery Sign Dhanu, Saturn element of Air was sitting in the fire sign with another firey element planet Ketu which is majorly seen for all sort of poisonous substances like gases or inflammable products or machine or short product getting aspect from the Rahu, airy element seen for high level of machines or having bombs like nuclear bomb. All the elements were giving a chain reaction which actually happened in the incident area. gas Stove got caught fire in the air and the whole train got reacted by the elemental chemical reactions. Moreover 3rd and 6th lord Jupiter was transiting through the gandanta degree sitting in the Scorpio sign with karkesh mercury and 8th lord Venus it was a very traumatic incident happened and many couples or married people have lost Thier life. As 6th and 8th lord was involved in it shaped like tragic incident, so death ratio was high. the whole incident was like fire expanded in the air element, having gaseous elements present above in the atmosphere and get reacted with the fire element due to which the whole train caught by fire.( gandanta – transition from Water to fire state, death-like burning after acute pain and suffering ). As both Rahu And Ketu was involved in it was like fire explosion or some sort of explosion.

5) Pluto was sitting in the fire Sign with Saturn and Ketu. Uranus was sitting in the fiery Sign Aries aspecting the fiery planet sun and it’s lord Mars was sitting in the bhu- Tatttva Rashi Virgo. All the earthy lords ( Capricorn, Venus and mercury ) was involved in the chart so it was the Incident triggered over land. As fiery planets like Ketu and Mars afflicting the Dhanu and Saturn over 3rd house, it takes the form of Fire to a vehicle made via raw iron.

Tula Surya Sankranti Astrological Reason behind Pakistan tragic train Accident triggered by fire on 31st October 2019

4) Moreover, in my earlier post of Surya Sankranti of Tula, I have clearly said this month Tula Sankranti will bring any Sort of fire incidents or bomb blast like activities within a month.

5) In the Surya Sankranti chart, Sun was transiting over the libra with mercury and Venus sign getting afflicted by the Rahu and Uranus sitting in aries clearly showing fire incident triggered in the western direction of the India and Pakistan.

kurmachakra Astrological Reason behind Pakistan tragic train Accident triggered by fire on 31st October 2019

6) If we see the Kurma chakra of tragic incident day, Dhanu rashi was rising in the 3rd house ruled by the moola, poorvashda and Uttara Shada shows northwestern zone from the India where Pakistan other border lying there.

pakistan horoscope Astrological Reason behind Pakistan tragic train Accident triggered by fire on 31st October 2019

7) In the independent chart of Pakistan, 3rd house having Mars and moon affected by transit of Rahu over it and Ketu and Saturn was Transiting over the 9th house shows land Incident which shakes the law and order of Pakistan government. 8th house was having Ju + Mercury + Venus + moon over Scorpio sign at the day of the incident shows tragic incident like deaths where many female’s members have been died by acute pain and suffering, painful death like as Scorpio was the under gandanta zone of Jupiter.

8) As aries, Sagittarius sign was afflicted by Saturn, Ketu, Rahu and Uranus incident took place like an explosion of fire. In the Surya Sankranti chart of Pakistan Aries ( Lagna) was affected by Uranus aspecting the Sun in 7th house having Venus and mercury, Dhanu was afflicted by Saturn + Ketu clearly telling within month fire incident can trigger overland travel. As Rahu was involved in the 3rd house it should trigger on high precise machine having mechanism run by electricity or gas made by iron.


Rakesh Jamwal

pin Astrological Reason behind Pakistan tragic train Accident triggered by fire on 31st October 2019

Views: 8

Impact of Mercury transit in Libra-Scorpio sign from 23rd October to December 25 2019

Mercury Transit in libra scorpio Impact of Mercury transit in Libra-Scorpio sign from 23rd October to December 25 2019

The planet Mercury has entered the Scorpio zodiac sign on October 23, 2019, ruled by the planet Mars and Mercury is likely to stay in this zodiac sign for around two months till December 25, 2019. The planet would start having a retrograde motion from October 31, 2019, till November 7, 2019, in the sign of Scorpio and it will stay with Venus and Jupiter around November 5th, 2019.

It will start moving from Scorpio to Libra sign on November 7, 2019, to November 11, 2019. It will re-enter in direct motion in Scorpio sign on November 21, 2019, till December 5, 2019.

This transit would have a  much greater impact on all zodiac signs, natal charts, Nations, mundane activities and majorly in the Stock market. Below are the Mercury transit details from October 23, 2019 t0 25th December 2019

Total Transit Duration :

October 23, 2019, to December 25, 2019.

Time:  23:12 on October 23 to 15:45 on December 25.
Retrograde motion: 21:10 on October 31 to 15:56 on November 7 in Scorpio.
Retrograde transit to Libra: 15:56 on November 7 to 00:41 on November 21 in Libra.

Direct motion to Libra : November 21 to December 4 2019
Direct motion to Scorpio: 10:35 on December 5 to 15:45 on December 25.

Impact of Mercury transit on Scorpio (October 23 to December 25, 2019)

According to astrological calculations, Mercury goes through a Retrograde phase three times per year and this time Mercury turns Retrograde on October 31, 2019, at 27 degrees until November 20, 2019, at 16 degrees. Mercury is the planet that stands for the intellect, common sense, commerce, business, trade, Stock market and majorly it affects the weather. whenever it is placed in any sign it shows us about our communication and learning habits and our modes of thinking. The house that Mercury occupies in your Natal Chart is where these characteristics will manifest the most. Mercury in Scorpio is all about deep and profound communications reason being Scorpio is a very deep, intense, instinctive and mystic sign so when Mercury is placed in the sign of Scorpio it creates extremely profound and deeply insightful thoughts and communication.

Being Scorpio is the secretive and investigative sign, this transit brings about intense research, detective and investigative tendencies.

Mercury has transited on #Scorpio on October 23, 2019, its focus will be on a depth of thought and mercury will involve in deep communication with a thoughtful approach. as Mercury will be conjugated with Jupiter in Scorpio sign till the 5th of November 2019.

Native having beneficial planets in Scorpio will involve themselves in deep, #research oriented work and will dig deeper for mystic full subjects. These individuals need to desire to have deep communication and intellectual intimacy in #relationships with Thier surroundings and #partners.

#Couple will involve themselves in deep intimacy sharings of ideas and thoughts.

They will enjoy deep communication. They will love to enjoy sharing their deepest, darkest secrets with others and need others to open up to them verbally. Here deep sharing is the mercury will be transiting in jala Rashi, so emotional communication will be a priority for natives.

Till 3’20 degree mercury will be in #Jupiter #nakashtra and the lord will be with mercury so it will be a good period for people who are doing #research, #writings, #Investigation and dark and mysterious journalism.

People may even keep their thoughts to themselves as a fear that others may not understand them fully as right now mercury will in AMSA of moon so deep emotionality be the key for this beginning phase.

Some people even might think about death and their own mortality and at times worry about this topic too but results will be depending on individual lagnas and planetary placements.

This transit will make a keen, insightful mind for deep communication with close associated people. this transit will be good for people who are in the profession of deep #writing, #researchers, crime investigations, #occultpractinors, #Astrologers, #doctors, #auditors, #healers,#Scientists, #meditators, #sadhakas and all sort of research-oriented fields will get beneficial Via this transit.

Impact of Mercury transit on Libra: November 7 to December 4, 2019 in Libra.

Mercury will move to Libra sign around 7th November 2019 in retrograde motion till 21st November. For Detailed article on the Retrograde motion of Mercury follow this link. Mercury in Retrograde Motion

During this retrogression phase in Libra, the mercury will give results of his previous sign where the sun is placed in libra so people need to put more focus and control on Thier overconfidence and egoistic behavior that might can create issues in Thier #relationships. one needs to listen to Thier inner soul and deep thinking. during this phase, one might feel a lack of confidence in expressing emotional thoughts as the whole focus of mercury retrogression on libra will be on balancing verbal communication and emotions with their loved ones. So one might take delay in taking decisions or one may feel difficulty in conveying his deep emotional thoughts and ideas to their close one. many times people will consider them wrong or may not able to understand them fully.

Lack of #communications or miscommunication between close relationships will be a key point in this coming #retrogression in libra. So watch your ?? and thoughts and express them in the right way.

The reason being Libra is a movable air sign having Venus as its lord and Venus is placed in the sign of Scorpio in Jala Rashi that shows there is deep down requirement of emotional bonding and stability during the mercury movement in libra. As Mercury will be in Retrogression motion so right communication will be the key for people who are in relationships. Though Both Venus and Mercury are friends towards each other and its an auspicious placement for Mercury as it will give the person with excellent communication skills and sophisticated disposition due to the influence of Venusian energy. As Mercury acts in a neutral earthy planet when it is placed in Libra and it gives the native knowledge of various art forms. Such a person is bent towards creative and artistic pursuits. As, Mercury rules communication, and the influence of Venus here gives eloquence and refinement to speech. Such people are soft-spoken and polite, with the power to persuade others.

But during this period Mercury will be conjoined with Sun in combustion after the 8th of November which will be the biggest reason people might having ego conflicts with their loved ones in relationships. This will cause many verbal arguments with their partners and when mars will join this placement after the 10th of November 2019 situation between the couple may Detroit. So till mercury is retrograde in Libra with Sun and Mars, there is a requirement of the right communication in relationships.  As Libra is Vayu Tattva Rashi it can give lots of heated debates and Arguments over any of silly topics and subjects. so one should be careful during this transit.

During this tenure, natives tend to spend lavishly and ere quite driven towards relationships and are fond of females. The approach will be quite balanced. Native tend to be very diplomatic in their ways and know how to capitalize on opportunities. People should be gregarious, friendly, and broadminded during this stay in libra. 

Later when the mercury will become direct in libra With Mars situations will improve, there will be improved communication but still people need to avoid heavy debates and arguments as mars will be with mercury but it will be good for making social connections and balanced relationship with surroundings.

I hope will able to utilize their communication in the right medium during this whole transit period.

For more such daily tweets and posts on jyotish and other subjects follow me on twitter :

Take a look at Rocky jamwal (@jamwal_rocky):



Rakesh Jamwal

pin Impact of Mercury transit in Libra-Scorpio sign from 23rd October to December 25 2019

Views: 14

Does Science has proof of Vedic Sciences ? Scientific vs Non-Scientific Debate

Does Science has proof of Vedic Sciences ? Scientific vs Non-Scientific Debate

There is a huge debate always going on in this scientific and non-scientific fraternity regarding our Vedic culture, rituals, and Shastras like Jyotish and other such micro spiritual sciences. The basic thing is non-believers are strongly in belief that what we see is true rest is false.

My question to them there are immense galaxies, stars, sun, and multiple universes exist in this super-spiritual world do they have seen by their own eyes or have they visited them or landed them ?? But still it is existing, do we need any proof? When things are present they are it doesn’t require any certification from any authorities.

As per Bhagavatam, there are 14 lokas of Jeevas existing, life is still there does anyone has seen? But still lokas are there and we are part of it. We live in bhuvaloka and it has existed.

Does anyone knows where comes Atma or soul goes in or out from the body ?? But still, it is the process life is following it. We take birth and then rebirth happens does anyone has seen it but still, it is happening.

So my point is the spiritual reality of this world is too huge, vast one cannot prove it by their facts, logics and scientific views. These things will exist and are existing from millions of years of the life cycle they don’t need any proof. This world of almighty is so huge and big, it is impossible for a common human being to imagine and experience it by their naked eyes and micro brain.

Life is hidden and it will remain hidden. Working in this universe is beyond human calculation and logic. So before questioning it, one should know it’s base and base should be learned from the Shastras that are visualized by the rishis and sages by Thier immense Tapasya for the human well being. The same is the case with the Jyotish majority of the scientific world claimed it as pseudoscience but in reality, it is a divine and spiritual science which needs divine vision to decode and understand it. Those who believe in their naked eyes is difficult for them to understand it’s complexity and mathematical computation. We are tiny particles in front of these Shastras knowledge.

Science has certain limitations, the more you explore, the more you practice more you can able to learn and understand it so it is in learning state but this universe is already existing before human science.

Today’s youth and non believers world behaves like a tiny microorganism that stays in a half-cut apple who believes that this is his only world as he doesn’t know what is present in below the apple and what is present in above the apple but in true reality, there are multiple apples in a apple tree where numerous microorganism lives in many apples and in many trees no one knows each other’s that they exist and there are huge forest of apple trees which again exist and no one knows to each other but certainly means human thinking is limited to its imagination and logic but this spiritual world was existing from many of millions of years. Same way karma, reincarnation, rebirth and cycle of life is working in an invisible pattern you don’t need to prove it.



Rakesh Jamwal

pin Does Science has proof of Vedic Sciences ? Scientific vs Non-Scientific Debate

Views: 11

Surya Sankranti and Effects of transit of Sun in Libra in October 2019

Surya Sankranti and Effects of transit of Sun in Libra in October 2019


What is Surya Sankranti 

Surya Sankranti means entering of Sun from one sign to the another which signifies major changes in the course of the sun in the heaven for signifying major changes occurring in nature.

According to the Hindu Muhurata System, 16 ghatis or 6 hours 24 minutes before or after the Solar Ingress (Surya Sankranti) which falls on every month in different signs should be avoided for starting any new work, as in Hindu Panchanga system it is known for surya sankramana, When Sun god travels to different zodiac signs of the Brahmanda corresponding with different regions of the earth for changing seasons or welcoming new change in nature or bringing change in weather systems and also invoking new energies linked with the signs in the form of an electromagnetic impulses which directly hits the body.

Its the phase when solar energies are immensely powerful for bringing change in nature which are not harmonical for human (Body is not capable to adapt solar energies) well being or for beginning of any new works, as per Hindu Panchanga but it is considered as good for worshiping and doing certain spiritual and religious rituals especially worshiping of different shiva forms (Rudra; as Surya is karka of Aatma and the Pratayadi Devta of the Surya is Shiva. Surya gives vitality and strength to both the Soul and body and also works for purification of both) or one can do meditate with nature to get align with electromagnetic vibrations of the solar energies which we get from both the sun and the sign ( Sign is a combination of stars- source of energies). Solar ingress in zodiac sign marks for the beginning of the change in nature and few hours before and after are immensely powerful for mantra Jaap , Worshiping and certain spiritual rites as they do the work of purification of your Atma and Jeeva shudhi.

Sankranti falls on Monday or Sunday should be chosen for Jal Abhishek for Atma, Shareera and Mana shudhi to discharge your negative electrical charge or ions from the body. This is the reason why our Maharishis were so scientific and sync with nature for the formation of any new principals of Jyotish.

Impact of  Sun Transit on Libra ( Tula Surya Sankranti ) on India and general mass.

With the ingress of Surya Sankranti on Tula Rashi, the winter season has triggered or initiated which indicates that the sun has moved toward the southern sphere of the earth which we in the Vedic period called as dakashinayan period of Surya or Sharad Sampat period. As this Surya Sankranti triggered on the conjunction of Vara of Thursday – Friday around midnight from 11 pm to 1 am in Chitra nakshatra it is called as Mandakini Sankranti , it will give medium results and there will be happiness around kingdom and people those are living in it ( people those are living in western states and the globe) . This Sankranti falls on the Chitra nakshatra so people who are living around Karnataka, Bangalore, western states of India, eastern states and those of northern states will experience rainfall and good weather. As sun has conjugated with mercury and Venus, Mars is falling in 12th from it and Jupiter is falling in 2nd it northern hemisphere and northern states of India will experience cold waves, early snowfall and rainfall and weather will be good from now onward and it will trigger early winter in northern hemisphere and there are many chances that northern states of India those are living close to hills and mountain will experience early snowfall . As this Surya Sankranti triggered in night time after the sunset it will be considered as good it will favour ruling nation and Kingdom, it will restrict all sort of anti-national activities and people those are doing activities against the nation will be punished or get sentenced. It will control all the anti-national social activities and many of those people will experience sentences soon. As this Sankranti ingressed on libra sign and rainfall, the storm has triggered in northern states there are many chances that north of India will experience excessive rainfall in the winter season, there will be chances of any incident with respect to fire, bomb blast and chances of loss on Monterey gains of people living in the north.

If we look out the panchang during Tula Sankranti balava karna was rising it indicates as slept Sankranti and it is considered as good for weather and vegetables, it will increase the production and trade of vegetables, fruits and paddy. All eatables natural products prices will get stable and will be easily available in the market.

Balava vehicle is lion, and it indicates revolt creating political leaders those who keep on opposing the ruling party policies and procedures, the direction is west and it impacts the younger teenage girls, will create hurdles in Students those are going in school and collages. As Surya transited in Dahan Nadi in Chitra nakshatra ruling lord is Mangal so the possibility of fire incident will be possible.

For general mass one should do meditation, worship lord Shiva Mrityunjaya form to get a blissful and happy life, as Surya Sankranti shows the period of transition and filtering the soul silence, meditation and worshipping is must for the whole day.

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Mercury Retrogression and Effect on Stock Market and Commodities trading ( 31st October to 21st November 2019)

Stock market and Mercury retrograde Mercury Retrogression and Effect on Stock Market and Commodities trading ( 31st October to 21st November 2019)Mercury Retrograde Mercury Retrogression and Effect on Stock Market and Commodities trading ( 31st October to 21st November 2019)

Mercury Retrogression and Effect on Stock Market and Commodities trading ( 31st October to 21st November 2019)

Introduction and General Results

Usually Mercury Retrograde happens in a year for 3 or 4 times and this year it is happening 3 times. According to past observations, one might do wrong choices during a retrogression period. Due to retrogression, it slows down the mental processing of every individual’s having weak mercury placed in the chart but if we see the Mundane trends it used to give volatile results in economical and Stock market trading trends. What basically happens in mercury retrogression is mercury reaches very closer to the earth and it generally appears like moving in the backward direction as seen from the earth’s perception and appears to transit in retrograde motion. But as seen in Hypo theoretical results it used to give fast vibrational effects on the mental processing of the people. Planets like Mercury and Moon has stronger impact on our mind during their Retrogression, Waxing and Waning cycles as they affect our neurotransmitters at greater level and one of its major effect is on variation’s in the Hormonal level of the body i.e. effect on Serotonin Mood neurotransmitters   which inversely changes one psychology and mood patterns which directly affects the one decision making and one might do wrong choices in the communication channel affecting ones vocal, Speech, thinking and selection power and result will be wrong selection of electronic devices those are malfunctional in nature and sometimes one takes decisions in hurry. The reason being during retrogression mercury Chesta Bala gets increases at a much faster level and it vibrates or accelerates with greater speed and one wants to do things at a much faster rate or sometimes one wants to utilize his brain functionality at pacer rate so that one can accomplish multitasking.

If we see the generalized traits of Mercury it represents our mental and communicative life processes and has rulership of every sort of communication i.e spoken, written, paper documentation or internet data transmission and everything is controlled by the human brain. As it deals with human intellect and communication matters and it acquires the nature of the planet and quality of planet in conjunction, aspects or having any sort of connection. It is the prime planets seen for cash flow in the market, commerce, and trade. Another Reason is mercury is the closest planet to the sun so it has maximum quality of the sun like brilliant intellect and reasoning power. It has a strong impact on the reasoning, analytical mind, and gathering and sorting of all facts and figures.

Whenever it slows down in transits, it affects the changes in the market prices which cause wild fluctuations in the stock market. Whenever Mercury transits in between the conjunction of 2 signs during retrograde motion, it will be born to give deep dire aspiration for doing your things again and again till you achieve its perfection and many a time it invokes you to  replan your all activities which one started in direct motion in some sort of confusions and doubts. Things could be anything related to either your personal or business relationship matters, planning communications for emails, documentation, calculations, tax filing, booking tickets, payments, etc. One used to get deep effects in all sorts of activities related to communications.

Retrogression makes one very intelligent at one time and also one does sometimes foolish acts. Because of this people often talk so much nonsense and they lose respect. When it is stationary motion in transit chart over natal planets people can have short term memory losses, one loses power to think and act in the right way and often one argues a lot without any logic, facts, and reasoning. Later native repents a lot, sometimes unable to remember answers during examination but recollect them later, and also shouts when cannot debate.
Speech is signified by Mercury in Vedic Astrology.

During Retrogression, one might having extraordinary Intuition and should try to do things with patience, a calm and composed way. One should try to remain flexible, avoid signing contracts, documents, Purchasing electronic devices, etc. One should do review all projects and plans but should proceed till it becomes direct for any final decision making.

Impact of Retrogression (31st October to 21st November 2019) on Stock Market


Mercury has a strong impact on the stock market, whenever it becomes retrograde market becomes either volatile or becomes bearish. A similar effect has been seen when the mercury reaches the state of combustion with the Sun. It became bullish when it is conjugate with Rahu or Rahu is in trine to the mercury. Market becomes bearish when it gets conjugate with Ketu or Ketu is in trine to the Mercury in transit chart. It has been also seen that it become volatile when mercury changes its Navamsa sign or it is with beneficial planets in Navamsa.


Current State

Mercury retrograded on 31st of October around 9:04:35 Sec over Scorpio sign, whereas it was in Stationary direct state from 2 pm Onward on same day till 9:04 pm it was in direct Stationary state. As Mercury gets retrograde on 31st of October over Visakha nakshatra and Nakashtra lord Jupiter was with Mercury, Venus and Moon and it was also in the Amsa of Leo with Mars and Venus, aspected by the amsa lord Sun over the sign of Scorpio in transit chart. It will give strong beneficial results on the stock market for the day trading. As it has been observed that whenever mercury gets retrograde with the conjunction of beneficial planets it has given good results in the stock market and trading sector. As mercury act very volatile during retrogression, sometimes gain and sometimes lost over the period. If we look at the Sensex for 31st October 2019, Sensex ends at 77 pts up at 40,129, Nifty ends at 11,881.

If we look out the Nov 1 trend of Sensex, Market ended at a flat rate and Sensex adds 36 pts, Nifty at 11,900. It was a very marginal change we have seen after the retrogression which clearly shows there will be a slowdown in the market trends as soon after it becomes retrograde.

The Market trend will change when Jupiter moves to Sagittarius sign with Ketu and Saturn and same day Mercury will moves to cancer sign in Navamsa sign that clearly indicating market will getting a drop from 5th of November onward. As Jupiter will be over the fire sign of Dhanu over Moola Nakashtra that has given negative results in the past events. We can see a drop in the prices of Gold when Jupiter will moves to Dhanu sign being aspected by the Rahu and involved with Ketu and Saturn at the same time it will have an aspect of Mars too and the sun will be debilitation which defiantly gives a drop in the prices of gold. Jupiter will be over the Navamsa of Aries so it will give bullish trends in the share market for the following commodities i.e Silver, Textile, Fabrics, Jute, Sugar, and cotton will see a strong rise in the prices as it will be aspected by Venus, Saturn, and Moon. Though aspect of Saturn on Navamsa of Jupiter will slow down the prices of commodities in steel industries.  During this time, Mercury will move to Libra sign with Sun around 9 degrees of orbital distance which will give a strong impact on the share market. From the 8th of November 2019, it will get combusted due to close proximity with Sun till the 17th of November 2019. Which will again give downfall in the market till it is in the combusted state but it will give rise in the pricing of FMCG products. In the later part of November 2019, Mercury will be conjunct with Mars in Libra which will give rise in the production and price of the cotton, Kappas, Sut, Urad, Moong, gives good growth in all food products and also give boost in the pricing of all metals, Jute, Paat, Baardana, Jaggery, Sugar, nuts,  wheat and all eatable products made by grains . As soon as it will move in the sign of Libra it will try to stabilize the prices of gold and silver products but due to weak Sun and Jupiter, it can give normal stabilization of the metal commodities.

When Mercury will be retrograde in Libra it will lead to a lack of judgment, errors and miscalculations and Mars being conjunct with it will promote rebels, perverts as celebrities, and problems in couple relationships.

Currently #Mercury is right now #retrograde in Scorpio sign in #visakha

nakshatra, there will be growth in the production of #jaggery#sugar, and #alsi,  #seasome oil Will see a drop in prices. Later when the mercury will move to #libra sign in direct state there will be rapid growth in the pricing of #gold & #silver that which will happen due to weak Jupiter and sun. Currently, mercury is in watery signs and it has been seen that in Scorpio sign it used to gives a short term of bullish trend during its stays in the first 15 degrees. So till mercury is retrograde in first 3.20″ degree over Visakha nakshatra it will give hike in price over major food commodities but as soon as it moves to Libra sign in retrogression it will give some sort of ambiguity in pricing of metal commodities and also sets bearish trends for short span of time till it is retrograde in libra which will inversely affect the trade, share, and local market because of this businessmen will have some sort of fear for market slowness and it’s bearish trend. when mercury will get direct in libra sign there will be rapid growth in the production and pricing of #grhat, #sugar, #alsi including gold, cotton jute, and sugar and also all sort of herbs will see hike in #market and when mercury moves to Scorpio over Visakha and Anuradha nakshatra within first 15 degrees it will set bearish trend in the pricing of the commodities and it will give high trends for settlement of prices for wheat, rice, barley, pulses, gold, silk, books, stationary, television, theater’s, industrial units, insurance companies, advertisement, chemical, drug manufacturers, agriculture industries, bankers speculators and share Market and later when it moves over Anuradha it will boost the prices of Rice, grams, pulses coarse grains, coconut dates, jaggery , groundnuts,. chemicals, skin and hides, coal, cottonseed, woolen article’s, corporation, labor units, leather goods, and steel industries.



Rakesh Jamwal

pin Mercury Retrogression and Effect on Stock Market and Commodities trading ( 31st October to 21st November 2019)

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The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 – How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being

natal saturn retrograde2 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being

Effects of Gravitational and Magnetic field based on Vedas and Scriptures 

Although Saturn is much larger than the Earth, its surface gravity is only a little more than the surface gravity on Earth. This is only because Saturn is made up of mostly gases part and is not solid like Earth.
Now the question is why Saturn has such massive gravity though it is made up of a gaseous structure? What contributes to all this Saturn gravity?. The element-wise core structure of Saturn is largely comprised of hydrogen and helium, which came together at the beginning of the Solar System, gathered by their mutual mass. It’s the same composition as Jupiter and the Sun have. These primordial elements were formed at the beginning of the Universe in the Big Bang if we see modern assessment but in Hindu cosmology, Saturn celestial structure and origin has a different story. This shows that the Same power which is present on Sun is also present in the rest of the planets too including Saturn. It’s the same force that keeps on pulling every planet to each other which the sun has.
What is that Power? Is it a Magnetic Shield or the magnetic force of attraction which we called gravity or something else? Let’s understand first, What is mentioned in the Scriptures about Gravity or force of attraction, that keeps on attracting every other planet in the solar system with fixed boundaries. Science has named this force of attraction -The Gravitational force of planets.

What is Gravitational Force of Planets

rig veda bhu sukta The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
“Vaishesika Sutra” discusses the role of Gravity Deeply for every object present in this solar system or in the celestial sphere that can help us in understanding how planets affect us either by aspect or by stronger magnetic attraction, everything is accountable in understanding that gravitational force:
The same thing has been explained by Bhaskaracharya on Surya Siddhanta around 400 AD;
1506042 685312908166985 130030740 n The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
“Vaishesika Sutra”  describes that in the absence of conjunction (In an action) falling results due to Gravity.
संयोगभावे गुरुत्वात्पतनम (V.S. 5.1.7)
In the absence of conjunction (Gurutvat(is a process, defines the action or an instance of two or more events or things occurring at the same point in time or space.) falling results from Gravity. This means something that makes progress, movement, or achieving something difficult or impossible is the process of Impediment responsible for Gurutvat. Thus it clearly recognizes objects fall downward due to Gravity.
Sutra 2 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
Sutra 5.1.8 States that due to the absence of a particular molecular motion there arises no upward or side-ward motion in any object causes to fall down.
Sutra 3 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
Why does an object throw in the air fall after some time? 

Then Vaishesika Sutra discusses the role of Gravity in the falling of moving objects. It gives through the analogy of the arrow. First, it gives the mechanism of arrow projection in Sutra 5.1.17

Sutra 4 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
Sutra 4 1 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
4 3 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being

नोदनाद्यभिषोः कर्म तत्कर्मकारिताच्च संस्कारादुत्तरं तथोत्तरमुत्तरं च 

The first action of the arrow is from impulse; the next is the resultant energy produced by the first action, and similarly the next to next. Then it explains why it falls in the next Sutra.


Sutra 5 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
संस्काराभावे गुरुत्वात्पतनम (V.S. 5.1.18)
In the absence of resultant/propulsive energy generated by the action, falling results from Gravity.
5 2 The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
Thus from the above Sutras, we can acknowledge that Vaisheshika Sutra clearly discusses Gravity. It uses the word “Gurutwa” which is also used in the present time to represent Gravity. Gurutwa in ancient understanding means force which arises due to mass.


B1VIctwCUAASeEz The Greatness of Saturn Part 2 - How Gravitational and Magnetic field effects human being
Further correlation on the gravitational force or guru at a has  been explained in the rig-Veda Rig Veda 1.6.5, 8.12.30

“O Indra! by putting forth your mighty rays, which possess the qualities of gravitation and attraction-illumination and motion – keep up the entire universe in order through the Power of your attraction.”

Rig Veda 1.6.5 and Rig Veda 8.12.30 Says,

“O God, You have created this Sun. You possess infinite power. You are upholding the sun and other spheres and render them steadfast by your power of attraction.”

Yajur Veda 33.43 Says, 

“The sun moves in its own orbit in space taking along with itself the mortal bodies like earth through force of attraction.”

Rig Veda 1.35.9 Says, 

“The sun moves in its own orbit but holding earth and other heavenly bodies in a manner that they do not collide with each other through force of attraction.”

Rig Veda 1.164.13 further says that,

“Sun moves in its orbit which itself is moving. Earth and other bodies move around the sun due to the force of attraction, because the sun is heavier than them”.

Atharva Veda 4.11.1 Says,

“The sun has held the earth and other planets”

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As per Rig Veda, it is been said that “There are suns in all directions, the night sky being full of them.” and same we can further confirm it from Markandeya Purana 78.8, that Blue Sky is Nothing but scattered sunlight.

From all Rig Vedic Sutras, we can confirm that Due to Sun pulling Force every planet is dire to attached and attracted toward him by a unique magnetic force, and by the same force all these planets are affecting us with some sort of Planetary attraction in the form of Cosmic rays. As we are born with the same elements the Sun and the rest of planetary structure are made of, Having on their surface, the same magnetic force keeps pulling us and influencing our mental makeup, state of mind, and power of discretion every day to day karmas. Thus Celestial bodies including Saturn do have a bigger role in our life, as Saturn mass and force are equally powerful in influencing our karmas and bodily actions.

Now! We have understood it well, what is gravity and how different planets are well connected with the sun and its gravitational force and why because of that every planet keeps affecting us. Now, The next question is what makes the Saturn Aspects are So special in influencing our karmic actions ?. As in this portion, we have studied the Saturn mathematical and astronomical aspects. In the next portion, we will try to understand how our Puranic ancient stories are well connected with the planetary aspects and structure. we will try to figure out deep answers lie in the Puranic stories that are connected with the Saturn Evolution time. For understanding Saturn aspects part in a predictive way via the natal chart, click below on continue:


With Regards,

Rocky  Jamwal
Source and Reference:
The Vaisesika sutras of Kanada Translated by Nandalal Sinha (Via

 A Study of Heliocentric Science by Swami Abhedananda 

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Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi

By H.Ramadas Rao
ॐ श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः
f14gfptc pm modi at rashtrapati bhavan Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi
With the Blessings of Acharya Madhva,my Kula Devatha,Ishta Devatha and my Naadi Guru Shri R.G.Rao,I would like to write about Naadi Muhurta for swearing-in ceremony of Shri Narendra Modi Ji on 30th of May 2019 at 19:00 Hrs.
Before proceeding to Naadi Muhurta,I would like to write about BJP’s natal chart as per Naadi is the natal chart of BJP :
1 Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi
Now as per this chart,the strongest planet will indicate the person to rule our country.Surya is in Meena Rashi at 23 Degs.01’,Chandra is in Vrischika Rashi at 26 Degs.1’,Guru ( R ) is in Simha Rashi at 7 Degs.17’ and Shukra is in Vrishabha Rashi at 8 Degs.49’.These longitudes of the planets are very important in deciding the strongest planet.Surya in Meena Rashi is going to be exalted.Chandra has crossed its debilitation zone of 3 degs,so it will give the results of Kuja.Shukra is placed in his own house zone from 3 Degs.1’ to 30 Degs.Finally Guru ( R ) is in Simha Rashi.After looking all these, we can say that Surya,Guru ( R ) and Shukra are powerful.But out of these who will be the most powerful planet ? Now both Surya and Guru will have a powerful Parivarthana Yoga and Surya goes to its own and Moola Trikona Rashi of Simha and Guru goes to its own swakshetra.
So it is very clear that Surya becomes the most powerful planet in this horoscope.Now by position,Surya is in Meena Rashi.So any person in the party who has Surya in Meena Rashi /Dhanu Rashi as both are ruled by Guru and Surya here becomes very strong or in Kanya Rashi or trines to Meena Rashi will have the chance to become Prime Minister of this country.2nd criteria is Guru.Guru in BJP’s chart is placed in Simha Rashi in retrograde.So the ruling person should have Guru in Simha Rashi or in Kumbha Rashi or in trines to Simha Rashi.As Guru is retrograde in Simha Rashi, we should also consider it from Karka Rashi which is its exaltation Rashi.So the person who will rule our country must have Guru either in Karka Rashi or its trines.Similarly the 3rd planet indicating courage is Kuja or Mangal.He is placed in Simha Rashi but in retro state.So he also must be considered from its previous house of Karka Rashi.So omitting Karka Rashi,Kuja in Makara Rashi and trines to Karka Rashi ie.,Vrischika and Meena Rashi will be considered.As Kuja’s placement is in Simha Rashi,trines to it ie.,Dhanu and Mesha Rashi is also considered.Kumbha is omitted as it is an enemy sign for Kuja.
Now let us consider when BJP has gained power.In May 1996,it got power under the leadership of Late Shri Atal Bihari Vajapayee.But it lost the power within 16 days.Sometimes even if the chart is strong but the transits are weak,then the power will be lost.For this we have to see the chart of BJP and that of Atal Ji also.Now let us look at BJP’s transits in May,1996 especially on 16th.
Transit Guru was retrograde and was in Dhanu which is ok as per BJP’s chart where its natal Guru is in Simha Rashi.Now let us look which planets are transiting over Surya in Meena Rashi and they are Shani and Ketu and Rahu aspects from 7th house of Surya.So Surya has lost the power to rule the country.Also transit Surya is in trine to transit Rahu.So Shri Atal Ji has resigned on 1st of June,1996.
Now let us look at the horoscope of Shri Atal Bihari Vajapayee.
Atal Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi
2 Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi
In this chart,Jiva Karaka Guru is in Dhanu Rashi which is in trine to BJP’s Jiva Karaka Guru.In his chart,Surya is with Guru in Dhanu Rashi and is ruled by Guru itself.So Surya becomes stronger.Energy booster Kuja is in Meena Rashi which is in trine to Kuja ( R ) in Simha Rashi and to be considered from Karka Rashi.So in his chart,Kuja being placed in Meena Rashi whose Lord Guru himself is in his Moola Trikona Rashi of Dhanu Rashi.So Kuja also got boosted to be powerful.Now while considering transits on 16th May 1996,it was not favouring Atal Ji.Eventhough transit Guru was in Dhanu Rashi,he was retrograde.The energy booster Kuja in his chart was under severe afflictions in transit chart.Shani + Ketu was transiting over his Kuja and Rahu was aspecting the Kuja.This means he did not get sufficient support from other parties and his government fell.
Then Atal Ji’s party ie., BJP has formed government again in March 19th 1998 and he ruled for 13 months only.
Now let us look at this transit chart.
3 Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi
In this chart,transit Guru was in Kumbha Rashi with Ketu.Guru was at 16 Degs.28’ and Ketu was at 15 Degs.48’ which means both Guru and Ketu were strong.Ofcourse Ketu was retrograding or moving towards Makara Rashi with a lesser longitude than that of Guru but that was not sufficient to gain strength for Guru.Guru was under some affliction here.Transit Surya was on natal Kuja and this Surya is more powerful than his natal Surya which was in Dhanu Rashi as he is going to be exalted.Transit Shani was also over his natal Kuja but transit Shani was at 26 Degs24’ and his natal Kuja was at 10 Degs.31’ in Meena Rashi.So the affliction from Shani has reduced.So the energy got boosted here.So the government called NDA started functioning from 19th of March 1998.Here the main party supporting BJP was AIDMK with 18 seats with other parties whose numbers were less.Now as I already wrote that Guru got affliction by Ketu as both are almost in same longitude.Now Ketu was moving towards Makara Rashi and Shukra there in Makara Rashi was moving towards Kumbha Rashi.This means a lady was involved in failure of NDA Government.Ketu entered Makara Rashi on 11th Jan.1999 and and on 22/23rd of Jan.1999 both Shukra and Ketu conjuct each other.So the problems to NDA started from here and on 17th April 1999,the NDA government fell due to AIADMK removed its support to the government.Please note on that day Ketu was transiting over Atal Ji’s chart’s natal Ketu on the same longitude.
Now let us look at BJP’s chart to see this failure of NDA government.The transit of Guru in Kumbha Rashi in NDA’s 2nd rule falls in the 7th house from Jiva Karaka Guru but there is also Ketu in BJP’s chart in Kumbha Rashi.Transit Shani in Meena Rashi is over natal Surya of BJP Chart.Both are almost near to same longitude.This indicates failures in different policies.Also transit Ketu was over BJP’s natal chart Budha and both have almost same longitudes.This also indicate failures in dialogues,friendships etc.( BJP not adjusted for any compromise in alliance parties ).So these transits in BJP Party chart has resulted in failures of the government and hence it fell on 17th April 1999.
BJP and its alliances NDA again got power in elections in 1999 and Atal Ji became the PM again on 13th October 1999.
4 Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi
When we consider the chart of BJP,and the transits on 13th October 1999,transit Guru was with transit Shani and both are retrograde and in BJP’s natal chart,Jiva Karaka Guru is retrograde and is in trine to transit Guru ( R ).Transit Surya was in Kanya Rashi which is opposite to natal Surya in Meena Rashi.Transit Kuja was in Dhanu Rashi which is in trine to Kuja ( R ) in BJP Natal chart.Thus it forms a favourable Yoga for forming the government.Now let us look at Atal Ji’s natal chart.Transit Guru on 13th October 1999 was in Mesha Rashi retro with Retro Shani and is in trines to retro Guru in Atal Ji’s natal chart.Transit Surya was in Kanya Rashi whose sign dispositor Budha in Atal Ji’s chart is in Dhanu Rashi and gets support from Surya in Dhanu Rashi.Transit Kuja was in Dhanu Rashi which is in trine to his natal Kuja ( R ) in Simha Rashi.Thus all the factors were very favourable for Atal Ji to get power as PM of our country.
Now let us come to present picture of Shri Narendra Modi.Most of the famous Astrologers have given 2 dates of his birth date and month.This is the main controversy.If we take October 17th as date and month of birth,Surya will be in Tula Rashi and is in debilitated state which is not possible at all.He is a man of very high self confidence.Traditional Astrologers are of the mind of Tula Lagna or Vrischika Lagna.Lagna with Chandra makes a person handsome.Now I request the readers to decide.As per my studies above,Shri Narendra Modi’s Guru,the Jiva Karaka is in Kumbha Rashi which is retrograde and is opposite to BJP’s natal Guru ( R ) which is in Simha Rashi.BJP’s natal Surya is in Meena Rashi which is exactly opposite to Shri Narendra Modi’s natal Surya which must be in Kanya.Finally Kuja ( R ) in BJP’s chart has to be considered from its previous house ie., Karka or its trines Vrischika or Meena Rashi and in Modi Ji’s chart,Kuja/Mangal is in Vrischika Rashi.And that is why he gained again and today ie., on 30th of May,2019 he will swear-in as PM of our country.

Now let us try to analyse the swearing -in Muhurta chart by traditional and Naadi Method.

5 Nadi Muhurata and swearing – in ceremony of Prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi
The time fixed is at 19:04 Hrs.on 30th May 2019.At this time,Vrischika Lagna rises with Guru ( R ) in the Lagna.2nd house has Retrograde Shani and Ketu.5th house has Chandra,Shukra is in 6th house,Surya +Budha in 7th and Kuja+Rahu in 8th house.Navamsha Lagna is of Vrischika,so Vargottama Navamsha indicating the ministry will be strong and Chandra is Vargottama but is in Rashi/Nakshatra Gandantha.Retro Shani and Ketu are aspected by Kuja + Rahu.Shukra Shataka,Kujaashtama,Nakshatra Gandantha all these are serious afflictions for the Muhurta chart.Only Guru( R ) is a benefic in the Muhurta Lagna which aspects both Surya + Budha.As per Muhurta Shastra,Guru in the Lagna removes thousands of Doshas in the Muhurta chart.But this Guru was retrograde from Dhanu Rashi and now in Vrischika Rashi.So this Guru is not that strong.They should have selected Karka Lagna which is approved by Kalaprakashika.Then Guru will be in 5th,Chandra in 9th,Shukra in a powerful Kendra and Surya + Budha will be in 11th.
Muhurta Devatha is Mitra which is positive and Nakshatra Nadika is Poorvashada and again a positive one.Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga based on Vara + Nakshatra Yoga.Kuja with Rahu in 8th from Muhurta Lagna is a severe affliction but this can be counteracted by their sign Lord Budha who is in 7th house from Lagna and aspected by Guru ( R ).
Now as per Naadi Astrology,Shani Hora is running during swearing in ceremony.After 24 Minutes ie., at 19:24 Hrs.Guru Hora will start.Shani is retrograde and swearing in during this Hora will make the government suffer due to loss of its own people.As Ketu is very near to Hora Lord Shani ( R ),troubles from other religious people will be there and no doubt there will be more terrorist activities during this 5 years tenure.But as Kuja indicating defence force is very strong as he is in the middle of the Rashi and the terrorists will be crushed to death.The reason is both Mesha and Vrischika Rashis are ruled by Kuja and both Rashis are occupied by Shukra and Guru ( R ) respectively.So it will be like Guru + Shukra, a Sanjivini Yoga is formed.Kuja’s sign Lord Budha is with Surya and is aspected by Guru directly thus strengthening defence force.And to mitigate the effects of Rahu,there will be more “ Surgeries “ during this tenure of 5 years.
Now when we see this Muhurta Chart over BJP’s natal Chart,Guru ( R ) is transiting over Chandra of BJP chart which indicates the type of rule will be changed from that of the previous one.Also Shani ( R ) has to be considered from previous Rashi of Vrischika ,so it joins with Guru ( R ) and aspects Shukra of BJP’s natal chart and this indicates a lady will be given a powerful portfolio who will tackle many difficult policies.From Modi Ji’s natal Guru ( R ) in Kumbha Rashi,transit Kuja and Rahu are in trine,there is a possibility to attack Modi Ji by terrorist group .Anyhow due to the trinal link of transit Shukra in Mesha Rashi with his natal Shukra + Shani ( this is as per my calculation ) in Simha Rashi ,by the Blessings of Shri Maha Mrityunjaya,the danger to his life will be averted.
ना अहं कर्ता । सर्वं हरि कर्ता ॥
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Who is going to win in 2019 General Elections on 23rd May 2019

rahul gandhi modi 750 Who is going to win in 2019 General Elections on 23rd May 2019

श्री गणेशाय नम:

ॐ गुरुभ्यो नम:

Written and Analysed by Utap Pathak

2019 General Elections: Jyotish Assessment

Secondary assessment based on Election Schedule

Note: This is the final analysis based on the Election schedule announced by ECI. The main article can be seen here in this link >


1] This short article is the final assessment based on the announced dates. Most importantly the start date i.e. 11th April 2019 and the result date i.e. 23rd May 2019.

Let’s observe the Grahas in the above chart (date 23.5.2019) w.r.t Bharat’s Vrishabh Lagna and below pointers reproduced from the Main article.

23rd May 2019 Elections Results Who is going to win in 2019 General Elections on 23rd May 2019

1) If Guru (8th lord of Modern Bharat’s chart – MB) in Transit aspects 10th Bhava and 10th Lord(s) in transit, the Government changes. I.e. the ruling Government falls.

2) If the above condition is happening AND Shani and Rahu (10th lords) in transit are strong & positively placed, then it indicates powerful (full majority) government coming at the Center.

3) If Transit Guru does not aspect 10th Bhava and he is not exalted, the incumbent Government retains the power. Here again, how strong this government possibly could be well indicated by situation of Rahu and Shani (as indicated in point no.2 above).

4) Weak Shani and Rahu in transit shows weak government at Center. It also shows sinister, corrupt, incapable, appeasing & highly communal government. Detrimental to the interest of Bharat and her people.

5) Strong Lagna Lord venus in transit (in Lagna, 4th, 9th or 10th or 11th) along with strong Rahu and Shani are likely to provide strong and stable government.

* Guru on 23.5.2019 chart neither aspects 10th Bhava nor aspects Shani & Rahu (10th Lords). Guru is also not in exaltation Rashi. Thus, it does not fulfil the conditions for the “Fall of the ruling Government” as mentioned in the point no.1 above.

* Rahu as the 10th lord is exalted in the 2nd Bhava generating the powerful Simhasan Yog. The other 10th co-lord Shani (Retrograde) is placed in the 8th Bhava in very close conjunction of Ketu. Shani aspects 10th Bhava with his 3rd aspect. Exalted Rahu also aspect 10th Bhava with his 9th drashti. Thus both the 10th lords (Rahu and Shani) aspect their own Bhava as well as mutually aspect between the two. Shani being retrograde can also provide result of being in 7th Bhava where he gets directional strength. Ketu and Mars are Marakas. However, Mars and Ketu provides a lot of fire power to Rahu and Shani. Shani provides results of being in 8th as well as 7th (partially due to Retrograde motion).

Thus, all of this assessment shows that Shani and Rahu are strong in Transit w.r.t Bharat’s chart.

*Venus is placed in 12th Bhava. I would have ideally wished Venus to be in 9th, 10th or 11th Bhava. In 11th Bhava, it would be exalted. However, Shukra remains in Kumbha (10th Bhava) and exalted in Meena (11th Bhava) during most part of Elections, but during result day, it has already moved to the 12th Bhava. For all the other Grahas, LL in transit placed in the 12th Bhava would have been bad and losses, however, Venus is the ONLY Graha which gets very strong in 12th Bhava. He enjoys 12th Bhava. Thus LL Venus in transit placed in 12th Bhava on the day of result is strong.

Mercury (5th lord0 and Sun (4th Lord) placed in Lagna in Transit, generates powerful Rajayoga.

*Moon is going to be Vargottam (in same Rashi in Main chart and Navamansh chart) throughout the day on 23rd May 2019. From 5:15 am to 11:42 am in Dhanu Vargottam and then until 18:15 in Makar Vargottama!. Moon is the 10th lord of NaMo’s chart and his vargottama strength on that day shows fortified 10th lord in transit.

Assessment of all the transit Grahas mentioned above paints a picture which says that the result will come strongly in the favor of Ruling Government!

2] I wish to point out a unique observation on Narendra Modi (NaMo)’s chart w.r.t. Guru and Rahu’s transit cycle.
When NaMo took the oath as CM of Gujarat for the 1st time on 7th October 2001, Guru and Rahu were jointly passing through Mithun Rashi which is the 9th (Bhagya) Bhava of NaMo’s Tula Lagna chart.

I am providing 7.10.2001 chart below (taking Tula Lagna)

2001 chart Who is going to win in 2019 General Elections on 23rd May 2019

As said earlier, Guru and Rahu were passing through Mithun Rashi when NaMo took oath as Gujarat’s CM for the 1st time.
Guru completes one cycle in 12 years and Rahu completes one cycle in 18 years.

When Guru competed for one cycle and came back to Mithun (in 2014), NaMo became PM for the 1st time. Now in 2019, when General Election results are going to be declared, Rahu is completing his cycle and coming back to Mithun Rashi. These three events are amazingly co-related.

What Results now Rahu should give to NaMo when he is completing one round since 2001 and coming back to Mithun?

1st let’s check the above chart of 7.10.2001 (in relation to NaMo’s Tula Lagna). Rahu is the 5th co-lord and close friend of LL Venus. Rahu gets exalted in Mithun Rashi. Thus Rahu, as the 5th co-lord exalted in 9th Bhava generates powerful Rajayoga and triggers the “Bhagyodaya”!

Now, check the 1st chart given (of 23.5.2019) w.r.t. Tula Lagna (of NaMo). Rahu’s Rajayoga mentioned above is again repeating. Not only that, but Rahu is also in Mutual aspect with another PYK Shani. Shani in the 3rd Bhava with Ketu is extremely powerfully placed (Natural Paap Grahas in Upachaya gives great results).

Mars & Rahu’s angarak yog happening in Mithun on the result day has a special significance. There is a dictum in classics. Rahu in Kendra with Trikona Lord or Rahu in Trikona with Kendra lord generates a powerful Rajayoga.

Here, Rahu is placed in Trikona (9th Bhava) with Mars who is a Kendra Lord (7th Bhava). Thus Rahu+Mars combination in Mithun is generating powerful Rajyoga in Transit w.r.t. Tula Lagna of NaMo.

Venus on that day is in Mesha and directly aspects own Bhava from 7th and this fortifies Lagna Bhava.

RAHU, MARS, SHANI AND KETU all powerful Natural malefics are directly influencing 3rd Bhava of NaMo’s chart which is providing him with unprecedented energy, bold actions and parakram (valor). NaMo is going to be in extraordinary action even by his own standards in these 2 months.

3] A small observation: In 2014, when Elections started (on 7th April 2014), Moon was in Mithun Rashi along with Guru. This time around on 11th April 2019, Moon is again in Mithun along with exalted Rahu.

Not to forget that Moon is the 10th Lord in NaMo’s chart and also the current Dasha lord. Thus, the 10th Lord of Karma is placed in Bhagya bhava at the start of the Elections indicates Auspicious results!

On the result day, Moon comes to Makar Rashi around 11:40 am. Moon will aspect own 10th Bhava for NaMO.
W.r.t. Bharat’s Vrishabh Lagn chart, Moon in Makara will be the 9th Bhava.

4] W.r.t. BJP’s chart, result day transit is as under:

9th co-lord Rahu will be exalted in Lagna with 6th/11th Lord Mars. Another co-lord of 9th i.e. Shani
Would be placed in 7th in Digbala and aspect Lagna. Shani will be with 6th lord Ketu. 10th lord Guru will be in 6th and aspect 10th bhava. LL Mercury will be 12th with Sun. Yogakaraka Venus will be in 11th bhava. Moon will be in 7th until 11:40 am and then move to 8th Bhava.

Thus, from Mithun Lagna chart of BJP, Transit shows mixed indications.

*Shani-Ketu degree-wise close conjunction in Scorpio (7th Bhava of modern Bharat’s chart) happened during 1984 Elections. Absolute sympathy wave due to the assassination of Indira Gandhi got 414 seats to Congress (I) which is still a record.
*Shani-Ketu conjunction (degree wise quite apart) happened again in Meena Rashi (11th Bhava) during 1996 Elections. No party could get a majority. Atal Bihari Vajpayee became PM of a weak government which fell in mere 13 days and political instability set in.

*We have to now see what Shani-Ketu degree-wise close conjunction, happening in Dhanu, has in store for our beloved Bharat Mata and to all of us! To me, looking in isolation, retrograde nature of Shani would provide effects as if Shani is in Scorpio. This coupled with the comprehensive assessment made in these two elaborated articles, I am confident of the windfall for one party which is headed by the current Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Conclusion: Judging all the four – 1], 2], 3] & 4] – points given in this article, I have come to the conclusion that the results on 23rd May 2019 are going to be strongly in favor of NaMo. I have to say that in this elections, NaMo’s chart is going to be much heavier in its influence than the BJP’s chart.

This assessment is not in isolation to the conclusion drawn in the main article, on the other hand, it derives its main direction from there. (link is given at the start of this article). Important point to note is that even the independent assessment in this article quite nicely corroborates with the conclusion arrived in the Main article.

NaMo is quite likely going to surpass the success of May 2014 and even cross 300 Mark comfortably on his own. Let’s see, if He can surpass Indira Gandhi’s electoral success of Jan 1980. Narendra Damodardas Modi is the chosen instrument of Jagadamba. His 2nd term as PM will completely realize this statement. May he completely realize his burning desire to take our great Bharat Varsh to the glory before he winds his mortal coil.


pin Who is going to win in 2019 General Elections on 23rd May 2019

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Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

Modi vs Gandhi Who will win the battle of 2019 1 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

श्री गणेशाय नम: ॐ गुरुभ्यो नम:
2019 General Elections: Jyotish Assessment

Written, Analysed and Compiled by Utpal Pathak

Note: Those who are not interested in Jyotish assessments, may straight go to end of Part-1 and Part-2 and read Conclusions. Others who wish to understand how Jyotish application is done, can read through this long and exhausting article.


(The Proposed concept of assessing STATE Assembly results)

I started applying Jyotish principles, my knowledge and experience on the politics of modern Bharat since 2012 December. Gujarat assembly elections on 2012 were the 1st stint in an application of Mundane Jyotish. Here I must state that I had predicted that result decisively in favour of BJP based only on Narendra Modi ji’s chart. No other factor was taken into account. Immediately after the success of that prediction, 1st lengthy article was written on Shri Narendra Modi (NaMo) ji and his chances for 2014 Elections which too proved successful. Since then, there were quite a few experiences of success and failures on different State Assembly elections.

In my experiences of all these State Elections, I have been half-hearted since a couple of years because Narendra Modi ji’s influence on State charts was no longer an absolute factor and this created almost crisis like a situation to assess any State Election. The reasons of being skeptical were:

1) MOST importantly, there is no way to trust birth details of important political personalities in a given state.

2) State charts are reasonably accurate and trust worthy. However, I was unsure if State chart can be taken into account when assessing State Election results. In this case, only some valuable experience could have helped me.

Thus, I was on a shaky ground understandably. This is not only my problem but the trouble for every “honest” Jyotish Sadhak. I even concluded (rightly imho) that it is inappropriate and dishonest to apply Jyotsih Shastra on our State Elections because of lack of reasonably reliable data.

However, the shocking losses of BJP in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhatisgarh gave me an extremely important clue I was looking since few years. My Jyotish-saoked mind was looking for something which can relieve me from the need of personal charts to a great extent. This was only possible if Transit influences on a given State chart works satisfactorily. This possibility was presented to my mind with BJP’s losses and Congress’s win in RS, CG & MP. Gujarat Assembly Elections of Dec 2017 and Karnataka in May 2018 also helped a great deal.

I checked State charts of all these 5 states and analyzed Transit influences on them when Election were going on and results were declared for respective states. The focus of Rahu, Shani, Guru and Lagna Lords were of primary influences. To my pleasant surprise, this analysis gave me important clues which were by sufficient by themselves to judge approximate results and did not necessitate the need of personal charts of various important personalities (such as CM, main contesting leader/s etc). To some extent, Charts of Political parties – BJP and Congress (I) helped in verifying the indications given by analysis of State charts.

After forming transit principles I arrived at after analyzing all these above mentioned state charts, I tried to apply them on Modern Bharat’s chart and checked various important General Elections of last 30 years. And I found it to be quite encouraging!
“over simplification” these Transit principles is given below.

1) If Rahu or Shani or both are passing through Lagna of a State chart, the power goes to the Political party which is detrimental for the state (her people). People ends up choosing the party or Gathbandhan which indulges in criminal ways and appeasement policies. Not to forget here that Rahu is a Karaka of Malechhas.

2) Above conditions have all the chances of coming to pass if there is no strong counter balancing from Guru and Lagna Lord.
3) If Moon of a given state chart is also badly influenced by Rahu/Shani, then it becomes almost certain that destructive party will come to power with thumping majority.

4) Also check 10th lord in Transit and influences on 8th Bhava to get the clear picture as much as possible.

Let us straight go to the practical examples and observe briefly.

A] Charts of CG, MP and Karnataka charts (All have Karka/Cancer Lagna).

1 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis
I am 1st providing the transit chart of 11.Dec.2018 (Result day) by keeping Kark Rashi in Lagna for the sake of convenience to observe the Transit w.r.t. the State charts of CG and MP.

One can superimpose the above chart of the result day with charts of CG, MP and check the transits.

1] Chhattisgarh

2 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis
On the results day i.e. 11.Dec.2018

1) Rahu was transiting from Karka Lagna. Rahu is dire enemy of LL Moon and he is the 8th co-lord of change.

2) Shani was/is passing over birth Moon placed in Dhanu. Rahu was transiting from 8th bhava of the Moon.

3) 10th Lord Mars transiting 8th Bhava of the chart

4) LL Moon was transiting 7th Bhava and affected by Nodes.

CG State chart was terribly affected by the most transit principles I stated earlier which indicate that CG Government will change (8th lord Rahu and Shani strongly affecting Lagna and Moon respectively while 10th Lord Mars relegated to 8th Bhava). Highly detrimental government that is corrupt, Deceitful, controlled by sinister elements of Malechha and communally appeasing Government would ascend to power with thumping majority. Thumping majority is indicated due to overdose of negative influences of Transit Shani, Rahu and 8th Bhava/Lord over Lagna, Moon and 10th

Result: Congress came to power with a landslide victory and ruling BJP got drubbing.

2] Madhya Pradesh

3 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis
On the results day i.e. 11.Dec.2018

1) Rahu was transiting from Karka Lagna. Rahu is dire enemy of LL Moon and he is the 8th co-lord of change.

2) 10th Lord Mars transiting 8th Bhava of the chart

3) LL Moon was transiting 7th Bhava and affected by Nodes.

The negative influences of 8th lord Rahu over Lagna bhava and 10th lord Mars in 8th Bhava aspected by 8th co-lord Shani mentioned above indicated change in Government. This ensured detrimental, Rahu-like Government coming to power.
However, unlike CG, Moon of MP’s chart was spared of negative influences. Due to that, 9th Guru passing through 5th Bhava and aspecting Lagna helped balancing the situation. This resulted in quite close contest with Congress managing to come to power with support of few MLA’s of other party.

Result:  Congress came to power by getting the support of BSP and BJP lost the power just by a whisker. Nevertheless, BJP is a very strong opposition and Congress would find it very hard to survive in future.

Karnataka State Assembly results came on 15.May.2018. The Transit chart of the day is given below keeping the Kark as Lagna (keeping in sync with Karnataka’s Kark lagna chart).

3] Karnatak

4 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

Karnataka’s case is also very interesting to understand dynamics of Transits and how to arrive at judgement. Karnatak and Madhya Pradesh’s charts are identical.

On the results day i.e. 15.May.2018

1) Rahu was transiting from Karka Lagna. Rahu is dire enemy of LL Moon and he is the 8th co-lord of change.

2) Exalted 10th lord Mars affected by Nodes (Rahu-Ketu)

In this curious and delicate case of Karnataka, there is only 1 main negative of Rahu (point no.1 given above). 10th lord Mars exalted but affected by Nodes is another negative.

Formidable countering by Guru aspecting 10th placed transit Moon and Mercury. However, due to Veto like Rahu’s influence on Karka Lagna proved detrimental for the state. Strong party just fell short of Majority mark and Rahu like parties got together and formed the weak, self-interested, minority appeasing and absolutely detrimental government.

It must be also noted that Karnataka was passing through very fag end of Shani Maha Dasha. This is called chhidra dasha phenomena in Jyotish and proves time of instabilities and chaos.

Result: Congress came to power almost directly by supporting JDS who merely got 30 odd seats. BJP could not get the power even though being the largest party because of mechanization of ”Rahuvian” parties.

As soon as Rahu goes out of Lagna of Karnataka, we should expect developments there because it is a weak Government which can’t sustain once Rahu’s Veto is gone as well as sinister Shani MD’s unsettling chhidra period is also over in September 2018.
The same could prove true for MP but these are not the scopes of this present article, so we leave it for now.

B] Now let’s take Gujarat and Rajasthan charts. (Both are of Dhanu Lagna)

The transit chart of 18.Dec.2017 (Result day) by keeping Dhanu Rashi in Lagna for the sake of convenience to observe the Transit w.r.t. the State charts of Gujarat.

Superimpose the above chart grahas over Gujarat’s state chart provided below.

1] Gujarat

7 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis
On the results day i.e. 18.Dec.2017

1) Shani was transiting from Dhanu Lagna. Rahu was transiting from 8th

2) 8th lord Moon was transiting Lagna

These 2 points are powerful negatives. However, there are over powering positives as under:

3) Birth Moon of the chart is not adversely affected by Transit Shani and Rahu

4) LL Guru in transit is powerfully placed in 11th Bhava along with 5th lord transit Mars

5) This auspicious combination of transit LL Guru and Mars is placed in 5th from birth Moon. LL Guru in transit aspects birth Moon

6) 9th Lord Sun transiting from Lagna

Results: These formidable positives saved the day for Gujarat and the sinister party could not win. Please note that Gujarat’s birth chart is extremely powerful. BJP managed to win Gujarat again because of NaMo’s almost indispensable influence and political acumen of Gujaratis. Yet, extremely adverse transits of Shani and Rahu did give a big nightmare t BJP in Gujarat.

The transit chart of 11.Dec.2018 (Result day) by keeping Dhanu Rashi in Lagna for the sake of convenience to observe the Transit w.r.t. the State charts of Rajasthan.

8 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis
2] Rajasthan

9 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

On the results day i.e. 11.Dec.2018

1) Shani was transiting from Dhanu Lagna. Rahu was transiting from 8th

2) Shani was transiting from 10th of birth moon

3) LL Guru and 9th lord Sun were transiting from 12th bhava

The negatives are too powerful in Rajasthan’s case. Unlike Gujarat, Rajasthan did not receive power of LL Guru as well as 9th lord Sun.

Results: The detrimental party came to power with comfortable majority and the much better government of BJP lost. This is where State chart is quite informative. It also shows collective political acumen of people of the states. If one compares charts of Gujarat and Rajasthan (both having Dhanu Lagna), one will realise as to why Gujarat is choosing BJP since 25 years continuously and progressing ahead, whereas why Rajasthan is changing the government every 5 years and thus allows themselves to suffer.

Note: Gujarat and Rajasthan are two quite informative cases of comparisons to understand how various transits can be assessed to arrive at difficult conclusion.

Conclusion of part-1:

The concept that is proposed here needs to be tested further in future assembly elections of various states. Serious sadhakas of Jyotish Shaastra may further take it forward by testing the transits along with Dasha of State charts. Dasha system also needs to be checked if it makes sense in State charts as it makes perfect sense in an individual’s chart.There are many unanswered questions on the dynamics of many states of Bharat such as Bengal, Kerala, Tamilnadu etc… One has to study and try to find out if interested. Oath charts of Chief Ministers are also one extremely useful tool to understand the Government and how it’ll perform.Election result assessment of State assemblies in our country is an overwhelmingly complicated matter. I am brutally honest to say here that whoever tries to consider charts of various political leaders’ and giving judgments are shooting in dark (me included). Prediction may come correct sometimes or incorrect. But then it’s all random and unreliable unless and until one can go deeper in State charts and find the light without needed personal charts.

Disclaimer: It is a different matter if one is 100% sure of Birth chart of a Politician(s). If such rare advantage is available, one can be more confident.

Suffice to say that a strong basis has been put forward in this article which could prove quite capable of giving idea beforehand about the results without requiring ever-untrustworthy data of important politicians. I am hopeful that this concept has a potential to improve consistency in predicting super complicated State results successfully. I categorically reject number of seat predictions done by Astrologers using Jyotish Shastra and also advice not to get carried away by one or two or even
three successful predictions done for State elections wherein Personal charts of many important Politicians are used randomly without detailed study of those charts. I have done that and I know it is highly unreliable. Being a highly passionate Jyotish student all my life, I have to say this.

If the concept given her works in 7 out of 10 future cases after keenly assessing the Transit w.r.t. State charts, I believe this article would have given a crucial basis for Jyotish application in State Elections.


(If present Government of BJP will be back in 2019?)

I have applied the concept of Transits discussed in the 1st part on modern Bharat’s chart and tried to test many important General elections happened since 1980.

The methodology was to check how Transits have affected various election results and if there can be found certain pattern of co-relations.

After deeply observing and co-relating Transits on the day of results viz-a-viz various General Elections, I could found certain important Transit configurations. I experimented following Elections:

1977 (23.Mar.77), 1980 (9.Jan.80), 1984 (30.Dec.84), 1989 (6.Oct.89), 1999 (6.Oct.99),
2004 (13.May.2004), 2009 (16.May.2009), 2014 (16.May.2014).

From the analysis of all the above elections, the following interesting conclusions were derived:

1) If Guru (8th lord of Modern Bharat’s chart – MB) in Transit aspects 10th Bhava and 10th Lord(s) in transit, the Government changes. I.e. the ruling Government falls.

2) If the above condition is happening AND Shani and Rahu (10th lords) in transit are strong & positively placed, then it indicates powerful (full majority) government coming at the Center.

3) If Transit Guru does not aspect 10th Bhava and he is not exalted, the incumbent Government retains the power. Here again, how strong this government possibly could be well indicated by situation of Rahu and Shani (as indicated in point no.2 above).

4) Weak Shani and Rahu in transit shows weak government at Center. It also shows sinister, corrupt, incapable, appeasing & highly communal government. Detrimental to the interest of Bharat and her people.

5) Strong Lagna Lord venus in transit (in Lagna, 4th, 9th or 10th or 11th) along with strong Rahu and Shani are likely to provide strong and stable government.

For the sake of not making this article extraordinarily long, I would not discuss Transits of various Election results days observing which the above principles are formed.

Interested Jyotishas can themselves check as the dates are provided.

Political chart of Modern Bharat

11 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

Transit chart on 6.May.2019 (w.r.t Vrishabh Lagna)

12 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis


A] Let’s us test above derived principles of Transits on the likely transit of May 2019.

Major Transits in May 2019 (Most likely month of Election results)

1) Rahu (10th co-lord) exalted in Mithun and aspects 10th own Bhava
2) Shani (10th co-lord) in 8th retrograde and aspects 10th Bhava
3) Shani and Rahu are in Mutual aspects.
4) Shani is very closely associated with Ketu
5) LL Venus exalted until 10th May. After 10th May he’ll be in 12th Bhava
6) Guru Retrograde and in Vrishchik (at the Gandanta of Vrishchik & Dhanu)
7) Sun-Mer in 12th until 18th May. After that, in Lagna
8) Mars in Lagna until 6th May and after that in 2nd
This is the most likely condition of Transit Grahas w.r.t. Modern Bharat’s chart when Election results of 2019 will be declared.
The most important thing as per our Transit principles is to check Transit Guru’s position. Guru would have just entered Scorpio in Retrograde Motion. This means that He would neither be aspecting 10th Bhava nor Shani or Rahu. Guru is also not exalted in transit.

This indicates that the present Government of NaMo-BJP-NDA is unlikely to go out of Power.

Now the next assessment is of strength of Shani and Rahu.

Rahu is exalted and aspects own 10th bhava as well as 10th co-lord Shani. Thus Rahu is very powerful. Shani is in 8th Bhava which is a weakness. However, this weakness is overcome by the nature of being Retrograde as well as getting powerful aspect from the 10th co-lord Rahu. Shani is very closely associated with ketu and this could be tricky. However, when I checked the most brutal record Majority election of 1984, I found Shani and Ketu very close to each other.

During 1989 General elections, Shani was traversing through 8th Bhava and Rahu was from 10th Bhava. Rahu was controlled by Shani by his 3rd aspect. Shani in this case resulted in the controller and Veto like. Shani wasn’t having retrograde strength required in 8th to be strong and adding to that weakness, Shani, Rahu and 10th were getting the aspect of 8th lord Guru. Dasha running was of that Venus.

Compare it with 2019 – Rahu is exalted and aspects 10th. Shani though in 8th, he is having retrograde strength and with Ketu who is always retrograde. This is very difficult to grasp. I feel that, the retrogression of Shani and Ketu in 8th would reverse the malefic effects of 8th Bhava trasit. Missing aspect of 8th lord Guru on Shani, Rahu and 10th adds to my confidence.
This indicates that the NaMo Government is likely to comeback with strong majority surpassing the present mandate.
The above assessment is quite likely if the results are declared on or before 10th of May.
B] Let’s see now what BJP’s chart suggests.

BJP’S Chart

13 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

If we superimpose the Transits of May 2019 on BJP’s chart, we find the following.

1) 5th lord Venus exalted in 10th Bhava (if results are declared on or before 10th May)
2) 10th Lord Guru in 6th aspecting 10th Bhava and exalted Venus in it.
3) 8/9th Lord Shani in 7th gaining Digbala
4) 9th Lord Rahu exalted in Lagna
BJP would be under Moon/Mars Dasha. Moon is in 6th and his lord Mars aspects Moon from 3rd bringing about Neech-Bhang Rajayoga. Moon is aspected fully by own bhava Venus from 12th.
From Moon Lagna, Mars is in 10th with 5th lord Guru, Mer and Rahu. 5th lord Guru and 10th Lord Sun are in Parivartana… These configuration in birth chart of BJP shows that it has a very powerful Moon chart. Kemdrum Yoga will not affect prospects of BJP adversely in 2019 Elections in Mars sub period.

If one checks back the History, BJP came to power 1st time in Moon sub period.
All in all, BJP’s chart supports the conclusion arrived and it does not look affected. On the contrary, it is fortified with transit and Moon MD.

Let’s check the May 2019 Transits with Congress (I) Chart.

Congress (I) Chart

14 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

1) LL Shani is in 12th in Transit with Ketu (Badhaka Lord)

2) Transit Rahu exalted in 6th.

3) 10th lord Venus exalted in 3rd

4) 12th lord Guru in 11th Bhava

Shani and Guru Transits are bad for Congress. BJP’s transit is much more powerful in comparison.

Congress (I) is in Guru/Venus period. Guru being malefic for Makar Lagna chart, this MD period is not good. However, Venus sub period could prove better in patches.

This assessment of charts of two main Rival parties at National level, BJP is at much better advantage in 2019 Elections.
C] I would like to discuss NaMo’s chart briefly.

NaMo Chart

Naren Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

He will be under Moon/Mer period. Moon is his 10th lord placed in 2nd along with 2nd lord Mars, generates Simhasan Yoga. Mercury is the 9th lord (also 12th lord) exalted in 12th with political

Sun. If we count MD to AD lord and same Bhava from AD lord, Bhoga falls in the 10th Bhava of Power.
In D10 Chart, he has 4 Grahas in 10th bhava including political grahas – Sun and Moon. 10th lord Shani and 2nd lord Venus are in exchange (Parivartana) generating powerful Simhasan Yoga. 9th/12th lord Guru is in Lagna. Guru has parivartana with LL Mars which makes him a “giver”. The Karm Yogi who is born to give, to sacrifice, to work for society, people, Nation.
Rahu is exalted in 3rd provides him with extraordinary courage and indomitable spirit in area of his work. If we notice, he became CM for the 1st time in Guru/Rahu. (we are discussing D10 chart and D10 Maha Dasha). He became PM during Shani/Surya. Shani is 10th lord in Simhasan Yoga and Sun is 5th lord in 10th.

Now in 2019, he will be running Shani/Rahu (D10 Vimshottari). This is going to be a very powerful and extremely interesting period.

Let’s come back to the Transit w.r.t. his main Rashi chart (Tula Lagna).

5th Lord Rahu would be exalted in 9th Bhava where as PYK Shani would be in 3rd. Thus 2 most auspicious Grahas for Tula Lagna i.e. Shani and Rahu would be excellent in Transit during April/May 2019.

LL Venus would be exalted or in the 7th Bhava, Both ways, it would be strong.

Shani, Rahu, Ketu and Mars are going to directly influence 3rd Bhava of Parakram, Action in NaMo’s cahrt. He is going to display unprecedented velour and genius in election warfare in next March to May.
Let’s check his Tithi Pravesh Chart of 2018/19.

TP 2018 Chart of NaMo (15.Sept.2018, 6:23:47 am, Vadnagar)

LL Sun in Lagna with Mercury. PYK Mars exalted in 6th. Mars is also Shubh Pati in this chart. 10th lord Venus in own bhava in 3rd with 5th lord Guru. No aspect of highly malefic Shani and Rahu on the 10th Bhava.
Finally, as many as 6 Grahas have attained Maha Yogada status in this TP Chart! Sun, Mars, Mercury, Guru, Venus and Ketu have attained MYD power.

This is absolutely incredible!!

[Added on 13.2.2019]

Quite a few points had been left out as the article length became too lengthy. I thought of adding this interesting point w.r.t NaMo’s chart for readers.

Take NaMo’s Rashi chart (D1) and Vimashottari Maha Dasha.

16 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis


He was parachuted into CM’s position, on 7.10.2001, when Venus (MD)/Shani (AD) Period was running. Venus is LL as well as 8th lord. Shani is Parama Yogakaraka. Also, in D10 Chart of career/work in society, Venus and Shani are in Parivartan generating Simhasan yoga. Thus this period of Venus/Shani made him CM for the 1st time.

Now the point is the way he became CM. His *gain* was *sudden* and at the cost of Keshu Bhai Patel’s *loss*. He was suddenly asked by BJP’s top leaders to go and take the charge as CM of Gujarat. This sudden gain can be attributed to 8th Bhava lordship of Venus along with Lagna Bhava. 8th Bhava can also bring about sudden windfall. LL/8th lord Venus is placed in 11th Bhava, the house of Gain along with PYK Shani. Thus it is not surprising to see NaMo’s sudden rise as CM in Venus/Shani period.

However, the Mercury AD period within Venus MD was interesting and equally important too! As soon as Mercury AD started, NaMo resigned as CM and dissolved the assembly calling early elections. He became CM again by winning the 1st ever MLA election and getting BJP to thumping victory. Venus/Mercury period was from 16.6.2002 to 15.4.2005.
Switching to present period, NaMo is again in Mercury AD since 15.4.2018 and it will remain until 18.9.2019. This means 2019 Elections will be fought in Moon MD (10th Lord) and Mercury AD period.

Let’s check the strength of Mercury in his chart:

1) Mercury is 9th /12th lord and exalted in 11th Bhava (in Bhava chalet He is shifting to 11th Bhava).
2) Mercury is 9th lord and extremely close to PYK Shani. Thus, creating a powerful Rajayoga.
3) In D10, Mercury is in 10th Bhava and carries power of exalted Rahu in the 10th Bhava.
4) Mercury is on the same degree of Sun. Sun is a Political Graha – The King!
4) Mercury is on “0” Degree of Kanya Rashi. It means He has just entered Kanya Rashi which is his rashi of exaltation. Exaltation Rashi is akin to the one’s most favorite place/house. Like a picnic spot etc… As one’s mood is supremely exalted when one enters most favorite place, here Mercury is in most exalted mood as he has just entered his sign of exaltation.
The above four points explains why Mercury is extremely powerful in NaMo’s chart and quite capable of giving him success. So this explains why in Mercury AD period in 2002 he became CM on his own strength.
Extrapolating the same influence, current Mercury AD within MD of 10th lord Moon is quite likely bestow thumping success to him in 2019 elections.

Let’s focus on D10 Vimashottari Dasha.

He became CM for the 1st and 2nd time in Guru(MD)/Rahu(AD). Guru is 9th lord placed in Lagna Bhava in D10 Chart. Rahu is exalted in 3rd Bhava as 11th Lord. 11th Bhava is of gain, fulfilment of desires.
Now again, he is running Rahu AD within Shani MD since 13.3.2017 until 19.1.2020.
Extrapolating the same influence, current Rahu AD within MD of 10th lord Shani again indicates extraordinary success to him in 2019 elections.

[Addition completed]

D] I have glanced through Amit Shah’s chart as well.

Amit Shah’s chart (Not completely sure of his Lagna)

17 Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

Amit Shah is under exalted Rahu MD placed in the 10th Bhava. In Transit, Rahu is becoming exalted from 23rd March 2019. Thus in Transit, his MD lord Rahu would pass through 10th in exaltation. This Transit Rahu would be in 3rd Bhava from his birth Moon. Thus 3rd Bhava from Birth Moon would be influenced by exalted Rahu, Ketu, Shani and Mars. March to May 2019 are going to be the Parakram and Parsihram ki parakashtha for Amit Shah as well as NaMo.

It is required to note that I have not used any other political personality charts including Rahul Gandhi. The reason is obvious because I have no way to authenticate them. NaMo’s chart I have used because I have worked on it extensively and I am very confident on it. Same goes for Amit Shah. Rahul Gandhi’s chart has interested me but at this point in time I have not become confident on it. It is full of Ketu and Mars influence. His available chart is majorly influenced by Nakshatrs of Mars and Ketu (Marakas if Tula Lagna chart and date are correct).

Lagna, Sun and Moon, all 3 important Tripods as well as Guru and Ketu of his chart are in nakshatrs of Mars or Ketu. This shows his personality disorder. However, I am yet to come to conclusion. As per his given chart,from March 2019, He will start Maha Dasha of powerfully placed Rahu in Kumbha, the 5th Bhava.

So we have to further study. For now, I am not reasonably sure, although his given chart has made sense on many parameters. We’ll wait for what happens in next 1 year at least to see his profile.


Combining all these separately discussed aspect (A,B,C & D), the picture which is getting formed can be seen like this – Whatever is the assessment of Data Pundits in Media and Political parties, whatever may be the ground realities and fear of Nationalists, BJP under leadership NaMo and Shah is going to surpass expectations of everyone including BJP’s top think tank. It is likely that BJP alone may cross the 300 Marks in 2019. I am not able to give any figures but it is going to be a windfall of seats better than tally of May 2014. March 23rd to APRIL 30th is the decisive period which will miraculously shift tide overwhelmingly in favor of BJP which will help them to cross the previous bench mark. It is important to note Astrological events happening in this period:

March 23rd -Rahu comes to Mithun

March 29th – Guru enters Dhanu at an extremely slow pace.
April 10th – Guru assumes Steady motion and starts retrograde motion
All the while, Shani and Ketu are coming extremely close to each other
April 22nd – Guru enters back to Vrishchik with Retrograde motion. Shani and Ketu joins on the same degree and gets into


30th April – Shani turns steady and retrograde

Note these significant Jyotish events happening in the span of 37 days!!

The closeness of Shani, Ketu, Rahu and influence of Mars on them suggests that tis elections would be the most bitterly fought elections in the entire History of our Country since independence. The Transit Grahas in coming December 2019 (almost the whole 2019 to 21) suggests that our country is on the verge of crossing the most crucial threshold. The Mega transformation phase started from 2014 would be at its most important period. 2019 is the fulcrum year on which the fate of our country is hanging. This Election would go on realizing the 500 years long dream of Ram Mandir at Ayodhya which would be a reality starting from 2020end/2021 start.

I also see catastrophic events in the 2nd part of 2019. NaMo and other important Leaders’ lives would remain at high risk. BJP Government would go after enemies’ full throttle. Judiciary would be finally reformed for good after a bitter war with Government in the period of 2019/20. After this transformation, Bharat Varsh would be well on track of becoming top 3 Global powers in every way!

NaMo is coming back to power again with stronger mandate and the 2nd term of NaMo would be the most important one in the political history of independent Modern Bharat which will be written in Golden letters by future indigenous Right-Historians.


pin Battle Game begins Who will be our next PM ? an Astrological Analysis

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